#Live Stream on YouTube
ibelieveinheadcanon · 3 months
How did I just find out about this yesterday???
This is absolutely hilarious!
Even New Zealand managed to make better advertisements than Max
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
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Second round of sketch commission! for DI_Doughnut on twitter, holliehives on twitter, @seafoam-and-snowdrifts, JazzHands, @glasswingowl, and BowTie_Leader on twitter.
As mentioned during stream I will be finishing up the ones in queue over the next weeks. Thank you, once again, to everyone who donated an e-sim during this drive! I hope we keep this up in whichever way we can.
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kurdtkobainsgf · 4 months
Johnnie in this stream <3
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petphantoms · 3 months
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STAMP BOY!!!!!!!
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velvetjune · 2 months
concept thomas zane is surreal to see
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starlet-sky · 11 days
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Live right now on YouTube making stuff. Say hi
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notthecity · 9 months
me, getting into lovejoy: ok I never liked the dsmp but this wilbur guy's band seems cool, he's such a perfect tumblr indie frontman, let's see what he does for on his online carree—
wilbur soot on twitch dot com: *beatboxing* hey you wanna see some fucking MEMES?! *default fortnite dance* *minecraft parkour* *shockingly good acting when he needs to* fuck uhhhh shitpenis :] also I am a cultist and a chef and I robbed a fucking bank but it's okay because I'm sowwwy OwO
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Felt the need to share the most beautiful screenshot from drawfee
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gotstabbedbyapen · 4 months
One of the best things about the Circe saga is that when Jay streamed the listening party he was so excited that he forgot to unmute his mic 🤣🤣🤣
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homestarrunner · 21 days
Dangeresque: Roomisode X stream tomorrow at 4:30pm PST!
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Join Mod What's Her Face aka @missjukebox8bit tomorrow as she does a blind playthrough of the new update for Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate, a whole new Roomisode X starring Dangeresque... Too?
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ultrakdramamama · 22 days
240525 샤이니 콘서트 앵앵콜(+줄리엣, 와쏘씨)
240525 SHINee Concert Encore (+Juliet, WSS)
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northwest-cryptid · 1 month
So I have had this debate with a few of my streamers friends for a while now and I'm genuinely curious as to what the stance here is; so I'd like to ask you a question and I really want you to take a moment to think about it and answer honestly. Remember it's all anonymous numbers so it's not like I or anyone else can judge you for what you pick, the data being collected here is actually really helpful for understanding the situation better.
See the argument/debate in question is whether or not people are "just being stingy" when it comes to stream donations. I've often stated that I believe it's more along the lines of people not having the funds, rather than not wishing to support people. Others have told me it has more to do with the fact streaming isn't seen as something that requires funding. Some have even said that people just refuse to donate to small streamers out of being stingy with their money because "it doesn't get them anything." So I'm genuinely curious here;
Please understand if you pick the bottom most option I'm still looking for a yes or a no.
And now for all the annoying tags I hate putting on things but I am genuinely curious and as it might help me better understand donation culture I really do need to know (I'm physically disabled to the point I can hardly move around or even drive and I can't get on disability because I literally can't afford the court case so I live and die by streaming and I hardly ever get donations unless I beg for them which feels shitty for a lot of reasons so I'm trying to better understand.)
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unbfacts · 10 months
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bumblekastclips · 2 months
KYLE CROUSE: Alright, so… let’s go ahead and get started, ‘cause we have a lot already. And, uh, Vixrs, you are the first one— congratulations. So, this question is from Vixrs. "Shadow died in SA2 and came back in Heroes. Jesus died on the cross and came back 3 days later. Cast for Bible storybook game? Remember if VeggieTales can do it, Sonic can, too." [cackling laughter begins after reading ‘Jesus died on the cross’]
IAN FLYNN: [audible laughter] KYLE: Well, I mean, it would be… [laughing] I mean, there is an audience for it. IAN: [as Shadow] “This is what you wanted, isn’t it, Maria? My body to be this bread?” KYLE: [laughs] Oh no… IAN: Mm… no, I— I do not think we will ever go there, because that means according to all the parallels, Yahweh is Black Doom, and I… KYLE: [wheezing laughter] IAN: …No, absolutely not. I mean, I can absolutely hear him say, [Black Doom voice] “You shall have no other gods before me,” but that’s gonna piss off a lot of people. Having the clearly demonic-coded alien being, hmm, the ultimate of all fathers, so no. No, no, no, absolutely not. Please don’t… KYLE: [still laughing, cannot hold it together] IAN: …No. [laughing] KYLE: Yahweh? No way! [still laughing] Oh, man. That’s the funniest answer you could’ve ever imagined.
—— TRANSCRIBER’S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It’s just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don’t like an answer, you don’t have to take it as Word of God [pun not intended] or anything like that. It’s all just for fun!
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hearty-an0n · 18 days
final game of the season has been archived and linked on the doc! this little passion project of mine has been so fun to do. it really sparked an interest of archiving in me. hope to continue next season!!!
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