#this is nice but i love what Zane ended up being
velvetjune · 2 months
concept thomas zane is surreal to see
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firstfirerebel · 5 months
Sumary: Lloyd is having a sleepover at the monastery of his father. Reader is close to Lloyd but struggles with the other ninjas
Pairing: Garmadon x reader (platonic), Lloyd x reader (mentioned crush)
Warnings: feeling outcasted, mention of past toxic friends, social problems, fluff
Readers gender/pronouns aren't stated, so read it as you ❤️
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Standing in front of the monastery was harder than you first assumed. You weren't too keen on a sleepover with the ninjas. To everyone else, this would sound mad. A sleepover with THE ninjas! Others would kill to have that! It's just that you're not good in groups. You just always ended up being the outcast.
The poor friend that just swang along. Meanwhile, all the others were bffs.
Besides, you didn't even know the other ninjas. You were only close to Lloyd, and he wanted you to be there. After some of his puppy eyes, you accepted.
You were at the monastery before. You even knew Lloyds Father, but that didn't linger your fear. Maybe you could just turn around and go -
"Hey, (Y/n)! I'm glad you could make it!"Lloyd yelled of his window from his room and waved at you.
Great, no turning back now...
In Lloyds room, you unpacked your bag. The others were already there. Kai had his stuff in front of Lloyds bed. Zane was next to Lloyds bed. Jay and Cole slept across, but still near, of Kai. And Nya was next Zane.
You put your stuff in the left corner, near Lloyds bed. You unpacked your pillow and blanket on the small mattress that was prepared for you. The last detail was your favorite stuffed animal, Lloyd gifted it to you when you two were at a funfair together. (Imagine it as what you want, I personally imagined an Eeyore type of stuffed animal)
Your bag with your other stuff was at the end of your sleep area.
"Okay, then let's get downstairs!"Jay screeched like a little kid.
"F-For what?" You asked quietly, but they either didn't hear or ignored you.
As the others ran downstairs, Lloyd turned around. He noticed that you weren't coming along.
"Are you coming (Y/n)? We want to play some video games, " the blonde explained.
Forcing a smile upon your lips worked as you followed him quietly.
"Okay, guys. What shall we play?" Cole asked into the group.
"How abo-"
"Our Ninja Video Game!" Kai suggested, not noticing that he had interrupted you.
Since only four could play, the plan was to switch the consoles from time to time.
Lloyd, Kai, Jay and Zane were playing meanwhile Cole and Nya watched them.
You sat on the ground a little away from the others. You didn't get this game. But they seemed to love it. Maybe you could change the game later to something you actually liked to play.
"Oh no!" Kai whined as he got shot by the enemy.
"Yes! My turn!" Nya took the controller of her brother and started to play.
Jay got shot next so Cole got to play. As Zane was game over, you stood up to get the controller, but Jay was in your place faster.
"Ehm, isn't it my turn?" You asked, but they played that stupid game so loud they couldn't even hear you. No, all eyes were on the screen.
'Nothing will change. I'm just not cut out to be with others. I should just accept that.' With this thought, you silently left the living room and went to Lloyds room.
You saw how all the other sleeping areas were connected, except yours. It was away from the others. And that's how it was in real life. You didn't belong to them, they were a team and you? You were just someone who was friends with one of them.
As fast as you could, you packed your stuff back into your bag. Expect your stuffed animal. You needed to hug it now.
"(Y/n)? Shouldn't you be down with the others?" When you turned around, you saw Lloyds Father, Sensei Garmadon.
You kept quiet, hoping he'd go and mind his own business.
"You don't look good. Wanna have a tea?",
You didn't want to decline his nice offer, but on the other hand you wanted to get home as fast as possible.
"Come with me, you can tell me what's bothering you", with that he left Lloyds room and obviously intended you to follow him. You let out a sigh and took your plushie with you.
"So, what is it?"
"I don't know what you mean, Sensei. I'm fine", Carefully you took a small sip of your cup to see that it still was too hot to drink. Your stuffed animal was on your lap, so Garmadon didn't see it.
"If anything is fine, then why aren't you with the others?" A worried look was on his face.
"Ehm, I just don't like the game, so..." You felt how you slowly crumpled down. You already could feel the hot tears in your eyes. And Garmadon obviously knew that it was a lie.
"You know that you make my son verry happy, right? He loves to spend his afternoons with you, and when he's home, he never stops talking about you. I think you are what makes him feel normal sometimes. Lloyd would never do something to hurt you, so if this sleepover is a problem for you, I guarantee that he doesn't know it, "
"T-that's not it, Sensei. I also really like Lloyd, but bonding with others is really hard for me. I just can't do anything right! If I say my opinion, I'm rude. If I keep quiet, I'm too shy. And it goes on and on. I'm just tired of trying to win a war, I know I'll never win, " It felt good to finally say this out loud. You always had to keep it to yourself, so you wouldn't annoy somebody.
"And I don't even know the others. Lloyd is the one who made me come here in the first place. And now .... I don't know, I just want to go home, "
The elder let out a sigh and took a sip of his teacup before his attention was back on you.
"I won't force you to stay here just because you make my son happy. Making sure that you feel good is more important. If you aren't okay, you can't help anyone else. Alas, nothing will change if you keep hiding your emotions. Bottling up the bad feelings and forcing up a smile just for others will only make you sick. Both physical and emotional, "
As you slowly took a sip of the tea, you tasted a little bit of cherry and cinnamon and some herbals as well. It made you feel warm from the inside, or maybe his words caused this feeling?
"But won't that be intrusive?" You almost whispered. All your past friends said that you were a bad friend cause you wanted to get some advice, help or maybe just talk about it. On the other hand, they never bothered to tell you about their hard life and their problems...
"A true and loyal friend would never call you that. You have a special place in their heart, and friends always have their backs and can trust and rely on each other, "
So Lloyd was a true friend. He never expected you to play a role and just wanted you to be you. Sometimes, he was your reason to smile, and so were you his.
"Thanks, Sensei. This talk helped me a lot. It might take some time for me to make friends with others, but now I know what my worth is, " With that, you drank the rest of your tea, and at the same time, Lloyd came inside the room.
"I've been looking for you, (Y/n)! I'm sorry that we ignored you! It really wasn't our intention! It's just that - "
"It's okay, Lloyd. So! Wanna explain this nonsense making game to me?" You asked as you stood up and held your stuffed animal in your right hand.
"Sure!" With that, he took your left wrist and ran downstairs with you.
Garmadon just smiled at the two of you and drank another cup of his tea.
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randomlyblues · 5 months
Yandere!Zane x Librarian!Reader
TW: Kidnapping not beta read
You didn't understand how you ended up in this situation. The High Priest of O'kasis was here at your doorstep demanding information that you don't have.
"I don't take lightly to people who waste my time, so I will ask you again. Where is the information about the Divine Warriors! This can't possibly be all the information that you have!"
"Again Sir, I don't have what you seek! They have burned all the knowledge about them years ago."
You felt a pinch of fear when his eyes widened a little at the tone of your voice that was directed to him. You didn't mean to raise your voice at someone with a high status as you but he was getting on your last nerves not getting the hint that this is all that you can offer him. You have heard stories about how he uses his status of being this 'religious symbol' to cover up his cruel actions and even take part in executing people, if they deserve it or not.
Zane was quite impressed with you. He's lucky that his mask is hiding the grin that was starting to form on his face.
He originally wanted to come to the village library hoping to bump into you. The first time he took notice of you was when he had to wed a pathetic couple. They wanted him to take a days trip just to get them married at a village with the name 'Phoenix Drop', making him stop with is work. That is when he saw you in the crowd speaking with an excuse of a Lord that they call Aphmau. The conversation was lighthearted but nothing worthy for him to pay any mind until you started to mention Lady Irene and how his name was in the mix of the conversation. The way you said his name made him feel a sort of way. Zane found himself wanting to hear it again. He kept a note to himself that you may be valuable to him, drowning the weird feeling he got from his name being spoken.
Later in the evening he caught notice of your snappy attitude and how you tend to be more to yourself yet also spare a kind smile to people. Zane doesn't understand why you have caught his attention, he found himself tracking everything you did. To him you were just a normal pathetic thing with knowledge he can use, yet here he was admiring the power he can see that you hold. He just wants to break it. No not break it. Absorb it. Make it his. Make you his. He wants not only the power of your knowledge but you. So here he was, after the celebration had ended, in your little library admiring the audacity you had to talk to a high being in such a way.
" Of course, my apologies for speaking to a lady in such a rude manner," he bowed to you. You raised your eyebrow at his apologies, you didn't take him as a man that would do that.
"It's nothing," you brushed it off not noticing the way he looked at you as you begin to look for a girdle it can be easier for the man to carry them.
" I am guessing that you will be purchasing instead of returning since you have such a ways trip?"
"Can't spare to give them for free?"
"Will you have my head if I don't?" You said ,not meaning for it to sound appalled by his playful tone. Zane started to laugh at your statement causing you to tense up. Oh this beating heart of his is making you less and less annoying than other people. Oh is he going to have fun with you.
"Why would I do such a thing? That is a sin in the eyes of our dear Matron." You took notice at how his smile reached his eyes when the whole night that never seemed to be the case when other people approached him. Maybe the stories about him aren't true.
"Yeah you're right that was stupid of me to even say"
"Don't worry about it, it was a nice joke. What is your name?" It was a useless question to even ask since he already got his guards to find out for him a few minutes prior in order to find this place. You tell him your name.
" That is such a lovely name."
" Why thank you High Priest," you bow. Oh did he enjoy that. A weak thing like you bowing to him and looking at him like that. What he would do is just for you to look at him with those eyes for all eternity. Yet the way you say his status instead of his actual name caused him to make an unsatisfied face.
"Would you like to accompany me to my ship to help me?"
You took a moment to think about it. It wasn't an unusual request from people so you didn't know why you were so hesitant. It was probably just the tales about him that have stopped you or maybe the fact he has guards that could do that for him. Realizing you have taken a while to reply you tell him yes and follow.
After helping him with the books you tell him about his payment.
"Oh yes of course."
Before you knew it, you were knocked out quickly. Zane looked down at your unconscious state. Oh how pathetic and vulnerable you were, don't worry he would take care of you.
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toothlespoggers · 2 months
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I love the ninjago writers SO MUCH if anyone has like any information on the behind the scenes decisions and stuff that’s gone into the development of this season that’s changed and improved the previous issues tell me I wanna know! Argh I’m so happy, they finally gave Cole a family outside of the ninja team because let’s be real Cole was kinda sidelined for ages he needs a nice family of people who respect him and also he needs a hot purple boyfriend to look after him!
Lloyd isn’t an npc, he’s a human being with flaws?? Like actual? Logical? Flaws? He’s not just a main character anymore?? His flaws aren’t even super annoying either. And like CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW FUNNY IT IS THAT TIKTOK AND YOUTUBE CANONICALLY EXIST? THE NINJA ARE LIKE, TUMBLR SEXYMEN??? IN THE LEGO UNIVERSE?? THATS SO FUNNY, WHAT?
all the jokes feel like actual people talking, the writing feels natural for the first time in years! Zane isn’t constantly abused, he’s happy and frog man is the best character and if Lego doesn’t immediately release mini figures for frohicky and all the other minor characters that are pretty important I’m going to Sue.
also I haven’t watched the next episode but if it doesn’t explain what happened with Zane to end up with a frohicky plushie I’m going to go ballistic, alright?
Hot take but I’m glad Jay isn’t there anymore ik he’s probably going to come back but he’s honestly the worst ninja nowadays. And also, KAI CHARACTER ARC FIXED??
KAI ISNT INSUFFERABLE UNLEARNING AND RUDE ANYMORE HES AN ACTUAL GROWING CHANGING PERSON NOW, AND LIKE I USED TO HATE THE SELF INSERT NEW GUYS BUT THEYRE SO WELL WRITTEN NOW IT JUST MAKES ME LIKE EM’ and sure Aaron can get a little annoying but he’s so autistic coded like openly autistic coded he’s like “is there a social cue I’m not picking up on?” COME ON, MAN. COME ON!!
also like I said, girlie, baby, Sora, honey, you are the GOAT. WE STAN!
also if something ever happened to Zane couldnt sora just like, fix him on the spot?
my only complaint is the fact the ninja haven’t just taken off the masks before the wolf people turn all magic-y like bbg just take it off.
also that skeleton lady kinda..
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Look I’m an undertale fan I have skeleton brainrot, ok? Don’t judge me
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ironm4n · 1 year
wait I already asked for sum but I'm asking again — haha sorry
fem werewolf reader x garroth - my street location but after all the chaos so garroth is a werewolf too
nobody knows reader is a wolf as she got bullied for it when she was young, way before high school and she learned how to hide her ears and tail so she always did and eventually it became about of an afterthought at times although it was a topic she hates thinking abt
reader is Katelyn's best friend as they used to play volleyball together in pdh, garroth and everybody else obviously knows her too but Katelyn was closest with her. She always kept her friend group smaller than most and she was knows to be sweet, although she had an attitude and a sarcastic tone at times, which Katelyn loves most about her. tldr garroth and reader become close but he feels detached from everyone, as if he's keeping them at arms length, due to his trauma. Garroth has a breakdown in public when hanging w everyone (for reasons you can think of sorry Juliet 😭) and idk things happen and reader opens up to make him feel better and smooch they're baes
a/n this is such a fun request i LOVE this !! and tysm for requesting <3 i have a few other requests which I'll definitely get to eventually :)
not proof read !!! sorry, wrote this at half 2am and i really didn't wanna read it through😭
also the pic is from Pinterest:
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Garroth Ro'meave x fem!Wolf!Reader.
A social construct made up by lonely people who find sorrow in their isolation. Yet, no matter how much versatility love had in the eyes and, most importantly, hearts of people, the pain and adrenaline and even the dependancy love can cause is seen as a fundamental process of loving and being "normal". Now, I know this sounds pessimistic and something that a typical single, and way too desperate to mingle, person would say, I adore the idea of love and the feeling it gives us. Sometimes, life feels so meaningless and unnecessary, so the feeling of love and even the hurt or happiness it can often bring can make us as people feel so much less alien.
Now, the reason i'm so fixated on the topic of romance is due to the current predicament i find myself in. In high school, my friend Aphmau fell desperately in love with Aaron Lycan, it was cute. What was even cuter was the fact they stuck it out and are even currently engaged! Sure, we lost a figurative single soldier who ended up being taken but that was fine, it was fun fos us to gossip about and hope we could have what they have. Kawaii— no, Nana got into a relationship with Zane which was... unexpected to say the least, but it was nice to know Zane had opened up to someone other than Aphmau and that Nana finally had something she had always wanted. Katelyn broke up with Jeffory in high school too, she went through a tough time but i knew my best friend was going to be okay, and soon enough she was. However, what was NOT okay was that she ended up in a relationship too! I mean, of course she's an adult and i want the best for her and i truly am happy but wow, now i have the least amount of relatability, even to my best friend, all because Travis finally wooed her. I hadn't expected to be the only one on mystreet that was single.
Well, only single female, that is. There was Dante, who still had yet to manage his own love life but he recently went on a journey of self discovery and trying to be happy with who he is and not feel as though he had to change himself in order to be loved romantically. Kim and Lucinda were also single, although they never showed much interest in getting into a relationship, well not Lucinda at least. Kim seemed like she might just be too awkward to even try. But they didn't matter, i wasn't all that close with them, even though Lucinda and Kim felt closer than Dante due to the events of what had happened at the lodge... yeah, those experiences definitely brought us closer.
There was also Garroth...
Garroth Ro'meave, what a character. He's somebody that is incredibly attractive, objectively of course - i personally don't have feelings for him. He has this gorgeous head of sandy blonde hair, long enough to tie up into a tiny ponytail but still short enough to have tendrils of a mellow gold sticking out at the front. His skin was a pretty tan colour, he went outside alot and although he put on sunscreen, he never really bothered to apply more throughout the day so especially after coming back from holiday, his skin was lovely, sunkissed even. And although i could go on and on about his muscles and peculiar yet endearing fashion sense - I've yet to mention his best feature.
His eyes.
They were Sapphires, beautiful gemstones that shone with such luminosity that only the most expensive crystals could achieve. Although, the colour of his eyes moreso resembled Aquamarines, or perhaps even Blue Agates. His eyes were even more radiant when he smiled or laughed, and oh my god was his smile charming to say the least.
Everything about him was just - wow..
But again, don't get an ill idea, I simply see him as a friend. Maybe even a close friend. After the lodge, we had all gotten closer, especially as the feeling of loneliness often felt deadly at times.. Garroth and I had gotten much closer after the lodge, especially at Starlight as many tensions had eased between everyone and people had finally relaxed. Even now, we hang out much more often as we are some of the only single ones out of our close friends so we just gravitate towards eachother.
Unfortunately, I had grown a bit more distant from Katelyn, my ultimate best friend. After coming back from the lodge, we all spoke of course but there was so much.. uncertainty and lack of trust. It was as if we needed to reevaluate our friendships and see if they were genuine and not just Ein somehow hurting us again. We were broken. And of course the others that were not at the lodge didn't understand the change. Katelyn was never truly in touch with her emotions nor how to handle them, let alone other people's emotions. Of course she had realised there was a slight shift in my behaviour, especially as it wasn't just me. Everybody had noticed Aphmau's depression, and Katelyn was growing more confused. She wasn't able to speak to me as seriously as she wanted to or as deeply as she wanted to, so i managed to undermine how i was feeling each time she had asked. But, we both knew that a lack of much needed communication can cause cracks or gaps in friendships. Although it was obvious she felt guilty for not "getting through to me", I knew i was at fault.
Katelyn hasn't tried asking about the lodge or anything else about the time period of which we all came back from there since. She must realise how much of a sensitive topic it is. And, although I sometimes feel lonely knowing she's out having fun not missing me and instead replacing our hangouts with dates with Travis, I'm happy she's happy and I'm happy i have Garroth now too.
Truth be told, Garroth went through unforgettable things, specifically being turned into a werewolf via excruciating pain and suffering. He doesn't like talking about it, and while his ears and tail are always out, he doesn't like people mentioning them or bringing them to everybody's attention. He wasn't ready for the kinds of conversations he knew he was bound to have with everybody if he allowed them to talk about them or even just acknowledge them.
He just wanted to be Garroth, it seemed. And he was never not Garroth to me. I wish he realised that I of all people would understand.
I, too, am a werewolf - well, a wolf at least, but I've always hidden it. Nobody knows, I always intended to tell everybody but i was so so scared.. I was bullied relentlessly in my younger years for being a wolf.
I never had it easy, I was adopted by humans that didn't know i was a pup right away, so when my ears and tails had been shown after they had already signed the adoption papers, they kept me. They didn't know how to raise a pup so they brought me up like they would a human and unfortunately sent me to a human school.
I went to human schools up until high school, so until i was 14. Needless to say, it was the worst. I got beaten physically and verbally, jumped, stolen from and some people even tried to light my fur on fire, so i forever have had a burn scar on my left ear. Although i seemed brave and string after those experiences, i never got over them. Sure, i moved forward, but i dont think i ever truly moved on. Yes, Garroth and I have different experiences but I so desperately sympathise with him as i understand the pain these transitions can cause, and even just what being a wolf can cause. I want him to let me in, but there's no way in hell I'll force him into that. So for now, my friendship with him is enough.
I care for him deeply, and although i said i didn't have any interest in him, it was a pretty obvious lie.. I don't know if i would say i love him yet as its incredibly early to say such rash things but I definitely like him more than anybody should be able to like someone. But after what he's been through, I doubt romance is even on his mind, let alone me.
I turned on my side, staring aimlessly out of my window that resided next to my bed. The sky was an endless sea of midnight blue which was littered with glimmering stars.
I sighed.
I checked my phone around 10 minutes ago, so it was currently around 04:48 am if i had remembered correctly. It was getting harder and harder to sleep, and it didnt help that i kept thinking of Garroth.
Helping Garroth. Hanging out with Garroth. Liking Garroth. The beauty of Garroth. Just Garroth.
It was like a fever dream, only thinking of one person in millions of separate scenarios, i sound like an obsessed fan. I cringed, knowing i had to get up at about 11am tomorrow at the latest as I had to be at Aphmau's house by 12. She was having a hangout with everybody on mystreet as she felt like everybody had been so tense after recent events, she was always so sweet and looked out for everyone.
Well, I guess I need to at least try to sleep.
Yawning, my clenched my fists and rubbed my eyes with them, i looked beside me at my bedside table where my digital alarm clock was.
I was kinda proud of myself for getting up at a somewhat reasonable time and getting at least 5 hours of sleep. I had some pretty bad eyebags from having sleepless nights often, but i always hid it with makeup.
I got ready within around an hour and a half leaving around 20 minutes to walk to Aphmau and Aaron's place. I was actually really pleased, i felt nice today. I sprayed myself with my favourite perfume and left my place, grabbing my phone and keys before i left. I saw Zane ans Nana holding hands as they walked into Aphmau's house a few houses down, they were super adorable to be honest.
I walked to her house and hugged Aph as she greeted me. I sat down and glanced around the room, immediately realising i had been the last to arrive. I sat down next to Garroth which was one of the only seats not occupied by a couple. Everybody was chatting loudly in a fun light hearted manner, clearly happy to feel free of any tension towards one another. I turned to Garroth, wondering why he had kept so quiet.
Immediately, I had a good idea of why.
His normally honey toned skin looked pastey and blotchy, his eyes were red and tearful and his hair was unkempt. Had nobody else noticed the support he clearly needed??
He turned to me and attempted to give me a sweet smile and whilst he looked pretty like usual, it was disingenuine and full of melancholy.
"Yes, Y/N?"
I just looked at him, and my sympathy must have been misunderstood as pity as he suddenly stood up and spoke, "Don't do that."
"Do what?" I got up too, wanting to be on the same level as him.
"Give me that look o-of pity! Don't pity me, Y/N. I'm strong."
"I know that Garroth I just—"
"Just stop!" He exclaimed and although it wasn't loud enough for many other to hear, thank god, it had left me feeling scared for him. I just wanted him to be okay, dammit.
He left Aphmau's house, i quickly ran to the kitchen to say goodbye to Aphmau. I felt no need to expose Garroth to her so i came up with the classic "family emergency" excuse. Somehow, it worked and she allowed me to leave in my hurried state. Assuming Garroth went to his house, I ran over there as quickly as I could, which wasnt too hard considering I was a wolf, and knocked on the door. Unfortunately, it had been left open anyways so I peered in, seeing Garroth curled up on the couch, his ears drooping.
I walked in quietly and closed the door, although his long distance hearning abilities due to his new werewolf attachments heard me.
"Y/N please, i don't want your pity." I sat down on the floor just below him so i could see him face, although his eyes were looking at anything but myself, "Good thing I'm not here to give you pity, then."
His gaze softened and he spoke in a murmer, "Sorry for raising my voice." Tears were threatening to fall down his face, something he unfortunately looked like he was used to. I held his hands in mine, "Don't apologise. You're allowed to be upset, hell it would be abit odd if you weren't. No matter what ears you have, human or otherwise, or if you have a tail or not, you're always going to be my Garroth. This hasn't changed a thing."
His face tensed as tears cascaded down his cheecks, "You're too sweet to me... but no matter what you say, i know you don't understand. Not as well as you think you do. I'm never going to be the same Garroth i was because nobody will see me the same way. But i cannot handle the looks of pity i get..."
I kissed the backs of his hands, rubbing my thumbs soothingly against them, trying to add some sort of comfort that wasn't too invasive or overwhelming. The last thing i wanted was to drive him away. "Garroth, i understand more than you think i do."
He was still refusing to look at me, closing his eyes as he tried to prevent more tears from spilling. I allowed my ears and tail so show, I don't do it often so it felt foreign and hinestly, it was uncomfortable and way too vulnerable for my liking. But i knew it might help Garroth, and i was willing to take the chance.
"Look at me Garroth."
He didn't reply and instead jjst kept his eyes closed, "I said look at me." I tried to command, although it came out quietly and softly as I didn't want to add fuel to Garroth's fire.
He opened his eyes and — "what is this?"
"I.. am a werewolf. Well, a wolf. I was born one."
He was in a state of shock, "I didn't know.." I laughed uncomfortablely, "Yeah.. nobody does. I was ashamed, i got bullied by humans as a kid so much that my fear was domineering and I never really showed them. Having human parents adopt me didn't help either and they didn't understand me."
Garroth looked at me with a look that finally meant he understood, "You understand me because...you went through the lonliness and shame too." I nodded, "Garroth, I care so much about yoy to the point I can't sleep sometimes because of worry or out of happiness knowing I'll see you the next day or even just staying up thinking about how cute your stupid goofy smile is but—"
He gasped and I had thought i said too much and overstepped a boundary, "You think my smile is stupid and goofy?" He inquired dramatically and for the first time in a while, I laughed wholeheartedly, "Shut up, you know thats not what i meant!" "Well thats what you said!"
I smiled at his as our bickering dulled, "But seriously. I like you Garroth, more than a friend should, and you had me worrying so much but in reality, you're always going to be my Garroth to me, ears and a tail aren't gonna change that. Although they are devilishly cute."
He blushed and I removed my hands from his and wiped the tears off of his face. I kissed his cheek as he stuttered in response and merely kissed mine back. We didn't speak after, because words were not needed, the only thing were needed in that moment was eachother.
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weekend-whip · 11 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 6
Prompts: Dynamic Duos / Zane Recs! (I uh used up a lot of my dynamic duo recs already THUS here is a Zane-centric list. With perhaps some duos sprinkled in. But Mostly Zane.)
Zane Recs-
My Battery is Low (And It's Getting Dark): THE PEAKEST ZANE THAT EVER PEAKED!!! There's so many little pieces of this I could quote and quote and gnaw on forever (and I wILL) because mmmm. It's just so good. Zane being (mostly) alone with his thoughts prior to Vex interfering in NS11, with the most pointed Zane's perspective I have ever borne witness to *bows in respect*
upon these ashes, hope can grow: Or, five times the group ordered takeout and one time they didn't (or, Zane learns how to love his once-favorite pastime once again). It's snappy, well-placed, and oozes with Zane's character, although I'm so used to fluffy fics about Zane's cooking skills that this one hit me like a brick! But, that would make sense, given that it takes place after NS11 ;w;
Five Times Zane Was a Nurse: And the one time he wasn't! Ninjago is a really good series for 5+1 fics, lemme tell ya. And DietCokeIsLife definitely sits at the top of t hem!
Fractal: Zane reflects upon being a robot Nindroid and it is beautiful ;w;
MAKING ELECTRICITY// YOU CAN FEEL IT IN YOUR MIND: Zane gets struck by lightning and a cacophony of very vivid descriptions and punchy character moments follow after. A little bit bittersweet, but lovely and with a nice ending!
Cut the Act: A movie!verse Zane fic chronicling how this once "just a normal teen" has to explain what he really is to his friends...even if he is pretty sure they already know. ...Maybe. The ending made me grin like an idiot, though.
Backwards Compatibility: Zane and Pixal go on a date for the first time! ...despite being "together" for such a long time beforehand. They're still very sweet, though. Recc'ing this entirely for the snappy title ;P
From Sunrise: Zane, and the view of what the world looks like from his eyes compared to that of his friends (or, Zane likes waking up early and cold environments. Everyone else does not.)
Snow: POST-PILOTS ZANE with his cold snow day logic getting in the way of some realities for Cole and Jay. Extremely fluffy and full of fun and interesting dynamics and just all-around super cute~!!! (and Kai and Nya are there too <3)
doesn't have a title but Zane is curious to a fault: And that's all you need to know! But, I will tell you that the ending has such a glorious bite of bitter irony to it~
Wobble: Zane and Cole discuss some aftermaths of Cole's fault, all while guilt eats Zane alive. The uneasy TENSION in this one??? Delicious??? Also sad ;w;
more title-less goodness: Zane and Cole discuss the former's break up with Pixal, with neither mentioning the underlying implications in between. You know I love me some Zane and Cole interaction, but this one is zested with, like, dread and a really good, if not somewhat devastating, point to be made.
Crushing loneliness is what he leaves this world with: *lies down* How does spinchip always have such a way with words aaaaaaa (prose about Zane's S3 sacrifice that consumes my mind constantly)
Ship of Theseus: AUGH I ALMOST FORGOT THIS ONE, despite the fact I go back to it aaaaaaaaall the time????? Definitely counts as a Zane fic despite the fact he is "Unavailable" for most of it, but in the quest to get Zane back online from an anonymous viral attack, the group reflects on the Nindroid and the impact he's had on all of them, even outside of their own little group ;w; Also shoutout to the antagonist for this one, it's actually quite a fun little twist~
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parachutingkitten · 1 month
Not an ask per se, just a similar feeling. You’re someone whose Ninjago stuff, here and on YT, I’ve really enjoyed for at least a few years. And I’ve been similarly obsessed with the show for some time. But… it’s as you say — DR is objectively fine, objectively nice, but I don’t feel the same obsession about it and its characters, plot, etc that I used to feel all the time with Ninjago. And I *cannot* figure out why, and it’s also been driving me slightly up the wall. It’s maybe because I genuinely try to give media the best chance when I interact with it, but despite multiple DR rewatches I don’t see what everyone else sees. And the disconnect is a sad, like you mention — I joined the community here because I was so glad to have people who loved this show in the same ways I did, and now it’s like they’re all on a different wavelength and I want to be there but I’m not. It’s definitely strange for sure, made worse I think by the fact that DR isn’t like horrifically bad or anything, I just feel… okay, when watching it, and can’t even explain why.
I don’t know how much sense this makes, but I thought it might be something for you to think about if you’d like. I’ve been tossing around the idea that I don’t love DR because it is… good. It’s good, but too neat — if that makes sense? The new characters — I love them all, but their personalities and backstories and situations they’re put in all remind me of several other stories. The subplots of the episodes always have an end goal in mind, often an emotional realisation, and whilst that’s a neat way to tell stories, it doesn’t feel like, to me, the way Ninjago used to tell stories. Like, the first thing that comes to mind is Sora feeling hopeless and that episode with the djin where she realises that it’s important to hope. And maybe this isn’t a great comparison (as I’m typing it out, I realise that it isn’t the best example oof), but I immediately thought of Zane after Seabound, when he’d turned off his emotions. Sora’s bad feelings, whilst not as ‘significant’ as Zane’s in that context, began just before and were wrapped up neatly in that episode and not brought up again. Zane acts detached from the start of S16 if I remember, and it’s only near the end of the season (I think! I know that it’s a few eps at least) when he meets Sally, talks to her, learns a little about her life, and is able to come to the realisation that he shouldn’t be repressing everything. I think DR, because of the amount of characters it has, especially those that are new, and the amount of new worldbuilding, plot stuff, etc that they have to add in, it being a reboot/sequel type of thing, leaves less time for the nuance and time devoted to the character arcs in the original show. Or maybe I’m just crazy, honestly idk.
Something else that stands out to me is the fact that DR has to establish so much about these new characters and their world that they… they do something that old Ninjago didn’t do, and whilst it’s maybe objectivity a better storytelling choice, I think it’s part of the reason I’m not really feeling it. What they do is that they have the characters act kind of realistic. Arin worries about his parents, often. Sora did too. Wyldfyre and Kai definitely have a few moments where it’s implied that they’re confused about what’s up with their powers. In Ninjago up to s16, because they wrote a lot of it without intending much or anything to come after it, I feel like they thought less about this than the DR writers, who know that they’ve got a few seasons lined up, do. For example — hands of time is when we find out about Ray and Maya, but it was never often addressed by Nya and Kai. It’s brought up in s4, of course, but if they were real kids whose parents had vanished one day they’d probably bring it up more often, like Arin did. But it’s often not done in the narrative because the writers gave them other things to focus on, because they’re storytelling devices and not real kids. There was no real buildup to Nya being the water ninja, for example, but Sora’s said to be good with tech a few moments after we meet her. This ain’t a critique of either show — just a different choice I sort of picked up on, if it even makes any sense. And as crazy as it may sound, I liked that about the old Ninjago — it saw the characters more as storytelling devices, I think, than relatable to the audience (Kai was the hothead, Jay the humour, etc — ofc they were more than that, but they retained that sort of vibe from S1 a little all throughout the show I think). DR, on the other hand, seems to want their characters to be more relatable, more multifaceted, make more sense — which, when coupled with the fact that they’re new characters and that the ninjago fandom has historically thrived on gaps in the show to enjoy it (we’re a very AU, OC, heavy fandom, etc), I think DR attempting to flesh out their characters in the way that we’re often used to doing with the old characters in fic, art, etc means that I like DR a little less because there’s less to ‘work with’, and less that inspires thinking of the characters in different situations — bc whilst relating is nice, it is also enjoyable when the characters are written with some core characteristics in mind and you explore other parts of them or those characteristics in different contexts. I don’t think makes much sense, but I hope that it maybe gives you something to think about — as you can probably see, I’ve been going a little crazy over not liking it and not knowing why, so I know that the feeling isn’t great.
I'm picking up what you're putting down here. My next video has a bit about getting disillusioned with a fandom, and it sucks. It always does. It's heartbreaking when you feel like that special bond between you and your show was somehow broken. I empathies, and it's important to feel it out.
Now, I don't think ninjago was better at character arcs, i don't think having a character arc be longer is better, or even really a characteristic of classic ninjago, but I do think the DR character arcs feel very by the book. They're following the screenwriting 101 guide perfectly, but it ends up feeling a bit lacking because of it? If that makes sense? Now, ninjago was historically very bad at character arcs, but when they got it right, they always had a bit of a spin on things, and interesting visual payoff, whatever. I think the zane's emotions arc isn't particularly great (and the sally piece is sort of at the end of the first half of the season ;) I would argue sora's arc in season 1 about finding confidence is better, but that doesn't mean I find it much more enjoyable.
I will agree that that the characters in ninjago definitely feel more like characters, while the DR cast (old cast included) feel more like people. Neither are a bad thing, but I think it definitely has an effect on the tone. Characters allow for a more lighthearted goofy vibe, because the show isn't asking you to completely suspend your disbelief most of the time. DR on the other hand, does want a little more vulnerability from its audience on a regular basis.
Lastly, I do think you're onto something with DR being fully planned. The two seasons we have so far feel very indistinct. There is less of a defining singular "adventure" in each season. And again, that's not a good thing or a bad thing, but it ends up making things feel different. Ninjago is an episodic series of adventures. DR is a continual evolving set of circumstances. Those are just going to feel different.
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A request for @trans-breadbelike for Ninjago Movie Lloyd tickle headcanons! I really enjoyed writing these, Lloyd in the movie was so precious!
To begin, Lloyd has only had affection from his mom. Once The Secret Ninja Force started, he realized how much he missed out.
It took him a while to be completely comfortable with touch, even if it was positive and if he was touch-starved. It was all overwhelming. Kai had to restrain himself so much because he wanted to swarm Lloyd with many hugs.
When he adjusted, the invisible wall collapsed. Lloyd has never experienced so much care like this, he still gets teary-eyed. 
A part of that affection was tickling.
Usually, when Lloyd gets poked it’s not a good thing. (Heavily considering how much negative attention Lloyd receives, specifically thinking about Chen the Cheerleader in this case.) So the first few times he was very on-guard and gave no reaction, much to the squad's disappointment.
That changed one day when Kai and Nya started rage quitting over a board game, and Zane followed after them like the agent of chaos he is. This left Jay to run around helplessly, while Lloyd and Cole watched from the sidelines in amusement. Cole had leaned over to whisper commentary in Lloyd's ear, his breath so soft and talking so lightly it tickled Lloyd’s ear. Poor guy was so startled he squeaked and yanked himself away, covering the targeted ear. Lloyd has never seen Cole’s face make such a curiously mischievous expression before.
He has no experience in a tickle fight. He can battle shark mechs and fist-fight generals but can't hold his own in a tickle fight. He doesn’t know what to do!
I headcanon Luh-Loyd as the second most sensitive ninja, but he had no idea he was so ticklish.
So many squeaks. One of the squeakiest laughs to ever exist, and has lots of hiccups between giggles.
Lloyd's laugh begins as a loud scream and then dissolves into bubbly happy laughter.
But if he's tickled on a few specific spots, then he starts cackling very similarly to Lord Garmadon. (This is a reference to when Lloyd was a baby and copied Garmadon's laugh. The scene in the movie where Garmadon monologues a dramatic flashback of Lady Iron Dragon taking away tiny Lloyd.) Even after when he makes up with his dad, he hates it when he starts cackling like a supervillain.
At first, the team were surprised but reassured him that just because he cackles doesn't mean he's going to grow another set of arms or something.
(Ironic, as I headcanon Lloyd to have tiny horns and sharp teeth.)
Garmadon was elated to find out his son laughs like him! It became the main reason why he starts tickling Lloyd, the passive way (The only way, for that matter.) to win a fight against the green ninja.
He gets teary-eyed so quickly with tickles too, but happy tears of course!
He blushes really quickly, and can't do anything to stop himself from doing so.
The Ninja are, of course, aware that Lloyd has gotten little to no experience in the friendship department. They're nice enough to him whilst also being gremlins.
Well, sometimes Nya doesn't play nice. Nya really loves to see Lloyd smile, as he beats himself up far too much. She gets brutal with her teasing. Even if Lloyd wasn't acting out, she'd see him frown and squeeze his sides without stop.
Speaking of, anytime Lloyd starts berating himself - and the reassurance doesn't work - they resort to poking him until he either takes it back or says something nice about himself. Lloyd would rather be fired out of a volcano then do either of those things, it's THAT flustering.
He's not the best at tickle related games, but if he gets competitive then he'll risk it for the biscuit.
The tickle spots go from underarms to ears to tummy to feet to thighs. Those are all gold mines.
He melts when someone tickles his back. Even if it's a little embarrassing, he's totally content to become a puddle of soft giggles.
That's him on the receiving end, but when he's giving it? Oh, he's still precious.
He dishes out the compliments, always being sweet and making sure they're still having fun. Afterwards he gets water and asks if they need anything else to relax.
If someone starts to run away, he will chase after them but slow down to keep an even pace.
"Hey! Get back here!!"
The type to laugh along with someone's giggles.
He can and will get devious. (He is the son of Garmadon, after all.)
"I won't let you go until you promise to sit on the couch instead of the floor!"
"This spot tickles? Huh. Then I guess you better apologize quickly!"
Oh, right, he can usually say tickle. When he gets nervous and shy, he cannot.
He enjoys giving people massages. (It originates from him being protective over his team, his friends, because he refuses to loose him.) This happens when everyone gets sleepy, and with a second thought, he starts to trace people's hands and arms. He loves hearing people's sleepy hums and titters, it's adorable.
Lloyd definitely tickles people awake. He'd let them sleep in, but they'll miss out on school. (And, being around chaos has influenced him to be more silly.) This ends up being Cole, Kai, and few times Jay. Even fewer times has he gotten Nya, but he knows the ticklish consequences far too well.
He gets worried about tag-teaming people, as he doesn't like to fight his team, but he really does enjoy the banter and the bonding.
Besides, two birds with one stone! He figures he shouldn't let the opportunity go to waste.
If he's being accidentally tickled, it's extra flustering for him, because he doesn't want to draw attention to himself but goodness gracious he may just about burst.
He tries to be serious, and succeeded most of the time. He makes awkward jokes, but his smiles seem more like grimaces - like he's cringing. He can't ever seem to smile genuinely for pictures either. A few scribbles help him out no problem!
He can't hold in his laugh, not at all.
Cuddle piles are some of his favorite things, and he really likes tickle hugs too. He giggles so hard when he gets trapped in a hug, because he knows what's going to happen next.
His favorite tease to receive has to be, "Uh oh. I think I see a smile! Are you giggling, Lloyd?"
Lloyd has walked in on so many tickle fights, and he's quick to make an escape before he's dragged into it. But one time he see's Nya pinning Kai down, and she asks for help in order to destroy her annoying brother, and he decides... he may as well join if he's going to be dragged in anyways.
He has never heard of the tickle monster bit before, and thinks it's so stupid it's funny. He attaches onto it, and instead animates life into inanimate objects. Like feathers! He gives them silly names.
"Uh oh! You better tell Mrs. Fluffy to get away, she's getting really close to your stomach..."
Hypocritically, he can't handle when people pretend to turn into a tickle monster. Koko does that a lot believe or not.
Master Wu has poked him before when correcting his fighting stance, and pretends to be none the wiser.
He's a dork, I love him so much.
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elfboyeros · 4 months
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Okay, I’m not gonna take up too much time but let me explain: I had the thought that as Lloyd gets older there is a part of him that wants a normal life, and long story short I made an oc Corlette and I have fallen in love with her.
So here are the story beats: This is during Dragons Rising, Corlette used to be in a cult that used the concepts of nun and sisters, Lloyd and Corlette met when Lloyd ended up on the doorsteps of the cult when he was gravely injured, Corlette join the ninja gang after cult shenanigans, She takes care of the monastery with (or in place of) Mr. Frohicky, Corlette has confused her love to Lloyd yet hasn’t gotten a response, and idk how we got to the plot of this fic we just did, kidnapping/running-away shenanigans. Enjoy!
Whoever is above… grandpappy maybe… don’t let these kids change.
Lloyd chuckled, looking at Arin and Sora’s worried expressions from his phone screen, “Yeah, Corlette and I are fine.”
“What the hell did those guys want with Corlette anyway?” Cole asked.
The blonde leader sighed, “Aftermath of the cult, I guess, they only referred to her as sister Corlette or sister Clover.”
“Oh, I thought Clover was your nickname for her,” Kai laughed.
“Shush,” Lloyd huffed.
“Where are you two right now?” Cole asked, after elbowing Kai in the ribs, “It looks gloomy.”
“We found a city in the middle of a forest,” Lloyd began, “It’s obviously not a part of Ninjago a merged realm. It started raining hard once ever since Corlette and I got out of that stupid cave we found the closest building for shelter, which happened to be a hotel.”
“Atta boy!” Kai exclaimed before being smacked upside the head by a hard nindroid hand.
“Do you even have money for a hotel room right now?” Sora asked.
Lloyd shook his head, “No, but our tales of heroism have reached here, we have gotten the room for free…” he looked at the room through the balcony door glass, he was given a very nice and most likely very expensive, deluxe suite, “It’s a little too big for my liking and I mean we are only here to get our clothes dry.”
“I would advise against that Lloyd,” Zane remarked off-screen.
Lloyd sighed, “Zane, I’ve had enough bad news for one day, don’t give me more.”
“Apologize, but—”
“I don’t like that but.”
“There is a storm system heading start for that area,” Zane informed, “It would be best for the two of you to stay put and leave with the storm passes.”
“Send me radar and I’ll make that decision for myself!”
He could hear Zane sigh, “You are going to agree with me, especially since you jumped on that motorcycle of yours,” the nindroid scoffed, “like some kind of manic.”
The weather radar is covered in oranges, reds, and even purples where Lloyd and Corlette are located, “Well, shit,” the green ninja sighed.
“So, you agree with me,” Zane replied smugly, pocking his head in frame.
“Look on the bright side Lloyd you’ll get to spend alone time with your clover~” Kai mocked.
“Stop it,” Lloyd huffed, his cheeks heating up in the view of everyone in the hanger bay.
“Alright, everyone out!” Zane ordered.
“Stay safe, Lloyd,” Arin commented as everyone headed for the elevator.
It’s now only Zane and Lloyd, the ice ninja in full view of the camera, “You sure you can’t come and rescue us?”
“Sadly no.” Zane answered, “that would put us in more danger.”
Lloyd sighed, looking out into the large city in the middle of the forest, from the covered balcony, watching the gray clouds get even grayer as the rain continued to pour down, “I don’t want to be alone with her right now,” Lloyd confessed, “I feel horrible.”
Zane hummed. Lloyd had confided in Zane more than once about Corlette ever since she confessed, she had feelings for him.
“I mean what are we going to talk about, we’ve already had the gut-punching conversation now it’s going to be awkward,” Lloyd groaned.
“Maybe it will be good if you two are truly alone. You two will be able to properly talk. Maybe work out your feelings with her.”
Lloyd huffed, “I hope you are right. Because if you aren’t this is only going to get worse.”
“I’ll keep an eye on the weather, and keep you updated,” Zane remarked.
“Thanks, Zane,” Lloyd replied, “See ya whenever we get out of this place.”
“See you soon.”
Their call is then disconnected, and Lloyd went back inside the shower tap is no longer running unlike before when he went out on the balcony. Corlette exited the bathroom, in a dark-colored robe and her hair wrapped in a towel.
“That bathroom is the nicest bathroom I’ve ever been in,” she commented.
“I can only imagine,” Lloyd retorted watching her take her hair down from the towel wrap, her willow and dem spring hair falling her hair back and hitting her shoulders.
“Thank you for saving me… once again.”
“You say that as if I wouldn’t.”
Corlette laughed, “That’s not what I might.”
“So, what did you mean?” Lloyd asked.
She stood there her head tilted to the side with a hand full of her drying with the towel, “You came to save me.”
“I heard no difference.”
“Of course, you didn’t,” Corlette giggled, “I put some towels in the towel warmer for you, for whatever you want to do, my clothes are in the dryer, so just toss your stuff in there and hit start."
“Uh, it wouldn’t hurt to wash our clothes maybe, we’ll be here the whole night most likely,” Lloyd explained, walking toward the bathroom.
“Well, that sucks.” Corlette sighed, “At least the room is nice.”
Lloyd hummed as he entered the bathroom, getting ready to jump in the shower, ready to overthink his feelings for Corlette and every interaction they’d ever had.
“Lloyd, I love you!”
It is not that he doesn’t love her. There is a part of me that has fallen in love with her in the time that they’ve known each other, the past 6 months. Yet he couldn’t answer her,
“I don’t need a response.”
That just made it even worse, he knew he looked stupid, and he didn’t even seem himself. That night, in the training yard, staring at Corlette his red and green heterochromatic eyes big and wide looking at her shocked, because she said something that he never thought he would ever hear, and then said she didn’t need a fucking response.
It’s rough for a man who doesn’t believe he can be loved by someone so caring and thoughtful.
Damn, shits rough when your heart has been destroyed by an evil princess.
Once he’s done brooding in the shower, he wrapped himself in the same dark-colored robe Corlette that the hotel provided and started the dyer. Exiting the bathroom find Corlette lying on the L-shaped couch left of the balcony door.
Look down at her as she lay on the couch with her eyes closed as she was meditating, “You okay, clover?” He asked, knowing she wasn’t asleep by her crossing and uncrossing her ankles.
“Yeah, only have a bunch of burses and broken nails,” she answered, after opening her beautiful latte-colored eyes and holding up her right hand showing off the broken nail on her ring finger, “your hair looks nice like that.”
“What? Wet,” he scoffed as she got up and off the couch.
Corlette giggled, looking over at the large bed in the suite, “So, I guess we are sharing a bed.”
“One bed,” she remarked pointing to the bed whilst looking back at him, “but it’s large enough for us not to touch.”
Lloyd’s cheeks became flushed at her comment. But in truth, he would love nothing more than to lay with her and hold her.
“Unless you want to touch then, I can kick you in the middle of the night,” she joked making Lloyd chuckle slightly.
Corlette moved her way over to that large bed and laid down before sighing loudly, “Thankfully, we are here for free,” she mentioned, “I can’t imagine what this room would cost, especially with a bed like this.”
“A bed can’t be that comfortable,” Lloyd observed her seemingly sink into the bed mattress and pillowy cloud-like bedding.
“Come here then, savior,” Corlette replied, “You’ll be eating your words.”
Lloyd sighed. making his way over, he’s going to get himself in trouble with this whole bed-sharing situation.
“Holy shit, this bed is nice.”
Corlette giggled.
“I’m sorry,” Lloyd sighed after a few minutes of lying there in silence.
“For what?”
“Letting you get kidnapped.”
Corlette scoffed, “You did not let me get kidnapped.”
“If you weren’t with us—”
“AH-NO!” She exclaimed sitting put then looking at Lloyd, a finger in his face, “You and your little ninja family are not the reason a broken faction of a sacrificing cult kidnapped me! Remember, I was a part of the cult; you helped me out of it! AND YOU!” She poked him in the chest, “Jumped on a motorcycle to save me from being sacrificed, again. You are not a fault!”
Lloyd sighed with a slight smile on his face, at her praise, “If anything I am the one a fault, I was roaming around the crossroads without a care if I was noticed or recognized,” she added.
“Hey now! You were running our errands,” Lloyd retorted, “How about we both say we are to blame and make it even.”
Corlette giggled before grabbing a large strand of her lengthy hair, “Maybe I need to change my hair color or haircut, It’s very distinct.”
“No,” Lloyd sighed, twirling a strand of her hair before his sigh turned into a bit of a whine, “No, don’t do that, hair is perfect.”
“I shouldn’t have mentioned changing my hair color with the man who loves the color green.”
Lloyd continued to play with her hair as she sat next to him, “What would you even color your hair anyway?”
“I don’t know,” She muttered, “Brown?”
“Mhm.” Lloyd hummed, attempting to picture her with Brown hair, “I think you are more than gorgeous with your hair the way it is now. But if you had to you’d still be just as gorgeous if your hair was brown.”
Lay his life in front of the First Spinjitzu Master, his own grandfather, he’s in love with this woman!
“You are being quiet the flirt,” Corlette remarked as fingers left the tips of her hair.
“I can’t help it,” Lloyd admitted, “You’re gorgeous.”
“I bet you tell that to everyone you save,” she added, jokingly.
It made him think for a second, made him think of Harumi. Did he ever call her gorgeous? He did think at one point that the Jade Princess was beautiful, but he could never recall ever telling Harumi that she was beautiful.
“No, you are the only one,” Lloyd replied softly, “…Gorgeous.”
“You are getting into dangerous waters, Savior,” Corlette commented.
“I would say we are already in dangerous waters,” Lloyd retorted, his hand resting on the side of her forearm, “Ya’ know, since of the rain.”
After the mention of the rain, a loud clap of thunder made Corlette jump, as the few lights that were on in the room flickered, “That was loud,” she whimpered.
“Weather’s getting worse,” Lloyd muttered, his thumb stroking her forearm.
“How bad is it supposed to get?”
Lloyd reached for his phone allowing her to see the weather radar Zane sent him, “Oh no,” she muttered, “Lloyd this is terrible.”
“I know, that’s why we can’t go home,” he mentioned, as she handed him back his phone.
“I hope my phone can be fixed,” She commented,
“It may be something below Zane’s pay grade, but it can be fixed.”
Corlette sighed laying on her stomach elbows digging into the mattress as her first rest on her chest whilst continuing a soft conversation full of meaningless small talk with Lloyd, as the weather continued to roar on outside as the night grew later and the skies grew darker.
Once the power went out because of the bad weather, the two of them only got closer under the cloud-like sheets on the big hotel bed, and it wasn’t even on purpose.
In the darkness of the hotel room, the light coming from Lloyd’s glowing eyes, Corlette giggled brushing strands of his hair out of his face, as he basically laid under her. “What’s funny?” he asked.
“Your eyes,” Corlette answered, “I never realized how bright they glowed until now.”
As Lloyd continued to stare at her and think about her. Not only because she was there and they were talking to one another, he was barely paying attention to what they were talking about anymore, but thinking about how close they were, how soft she was being and speaking, how she touched him.
“Corlette…” Lloyd sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear, “You know, don’t you?”
“Know what?” She asked, enjoying his hand creasing her cheek.
“Corlette,” he groaned, “You can’t be serious.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” she replied with a wicked smirk on her face.
Lloyd huffed painfully aware of how close they both were, “Would you like me to say it again?” she asked.
Their foreheads rested comfortably against each other, “I love you, Lloyd.”
Those words made him feel like he was floating, and her closeness made him want her to be even closer. They stay their foreheads resting against for a good minute, eyes closed, basking in the comfort.
“You don’t nee-efm!”
He didn’t want to hear her say she didn’t need a response, not he couldn’t hear it again. Kissing her softly, and pulling her as close as she could be, Lloyd could run a marathon in this horrible ass weather at the rate he’s going.
“Fuck, I love you,” Lloyd exhaled, breathing against her lips.
Corlette smiled, “Thank you,” she cooed tracing the scar under his left eye.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to say it,” he breathed, kissing her knuckles on her left hand as she continued to trace the imperfection on his face.
“I only confessed to you maybe a couple of months ago, that doesn’t matter,” Corlette retorted.
“It’s hard,” the blond man lamented, “When you told me you loved me, I wanted to tell you that I adored you just the same, yet I couldn’t.”
“Lloyd, It’s alright,” the greenette breathed, “Your actions speak louder than your words.”
“I saved you!” Lloyd huffed smacking his forehead, making Corlette nod, “I saved you!”
“You got now, lover?”
“I’m an idiot,” he groaned.
“No, you’re not,” she laughed.
“I love you,” Lloyd yearned, rubbing up and down her arm.
“I love you too,” Corlette longed kissing him softly.
“You called me lover, is that something that going that’s going to stick like “savior”?”
“If you want it too.”
Lloyd held her close as they slept after kissing her a little more of course, groaning at the sound of his phone ringing only a few hours after they both fell asleep, “What,” he grumbled, answering the call.
“Good morning, Lloyd,” Zane replied.
“Zane, if you have called me this early just tell me that there is more shit weather—”
“I was calling to inform you that the weather has cleared up and it should be safe for you and Corlette to begin traveling by 10 which happens to be the check-out time for the hotel the two of you are staying in.”
Right, he and Corlette have to leave and go back to the monastery, no longer alone together, “Thanks Zane, I’ll call you when we are on the road.”
“You’re welcome,” Zane replied, before hanging up.
Corlette groaned into Lloyd's chest, “Who was that?’ she asked.
“Zane, we can leave soon,” Lloyd answered.
She went to get up and gathered what little things they had so they could leave yet she was pulled back into Lloyd’s chest, “I said soon, not now,” he complained.
“I understand that but—” Her attempt to protest is silenced by his lips.
“I should have gotten myself kidnapped a month ago if it would end like this,” Corlette joked against his lips before kissing him again.
“No, I should have told you I love you from the start,” Lloyd retorted, “More maybe we should have just been caught in the rain.”
Corlette giggled playing with his hair, “It’s going to be hard to get peace like this when we get back.”
“We could always come back here if we are able,” Lloyd remarked.
“I like that idea, just not when it’s a horrible downpour.”
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gx-gameon · 12 days
Okay but Aknamkanon being involved in Jaden’s school life sounds hilarious.
I am picturing Jaden setting up a small shrine for his grandpa and the others in the Field of Reeds in the Slifer Duel Arena/Dojo (later moving it to the lounge area Chazz builds). He talks to it when he feels like he needs to talk out a problem he feels is too awkward to ask his parents or living family members. Others start doing it too because of homesickness or not having a good relationship with their parents.
Aknamkanon wants to show support to Jaden and his friends but he isn’t in the position to give out old people candy. Instead, he sends cards.
Alexis: Check these out!
Zane: Alexis, what are those?
Alexis: They are called Dryton. It’s a Ritual based archetype that came with some good support! Jaden’s grandfather gave them to me!
Zane: Jaden’s dead grandfather gave you an entire deck of ritual monsters plus support because you talked to his memorial?
Alexis: I’m keeping them. Even if I can’t find a way to use half of them, I’m keeping them.
I do love this, I don’t think it’s cannon but I do love this.
Jaden having to explain who the shrine is to without saying. “My grandfather who is also an ancient pharaoh.”
I know I joked about him having powers but I don’t think Aknamkanon would have any big influence. But sending cards is amazing. He’s putting that spiritual court to work!! Getting them to find duel spirit archetypes and being like “so theirs a kid I think you would work really well with.”
I also love that Jaden just goes and tells his grandfather all of his problems. He probably grew up going to Solomon whenever he didn’t want to go to his dads or uncles/aunts but now being away at duel academy he doesn’t want to call Solomon and start a whole hullabaloo. So he talks to the grandfather who can’t gossip with the rest of the family.
Little monster spirits always find there way to Jaden after one of those talks. Just little cuddly guys that aren’t great in a duel but great for cuddling in the dream scape.
Jaden’s friends see Jaden talking to his grandfather and just assume they were really close and Jaden always talks about how nice it is to just get things done off his chest and talk to someone he knows is listening.
And one day Syrus is really stressed about a test and he’s pacing the room and then he spots the shrine. What harm could it do. He ends up talking to the shrine and then having a full break down about all of his fears and insecurities to Jaden’s dead grandfather. Jaden’s right it is nice to just let it all out. But he doesn’t think anyone is listening until a new Roid car appears. One with the exact ability he needs to pass his practical exam. He hadn’t told anyone about needing this except the shrine.
He tells everyone. ‘Jaden’s grandfather was listening and he sent me this card’
Slowly other members of the group start to talk to Aknamkanon. It’s starts as superstition and prayers for exams but then Chazz finally talks to him and tells him all about his brothers who are being real big jerks right now. He just lets it all out. Everything he doesn’t want to tell his friends. He wakes up the next morning to a brand new deck with a new archetype. Is this what having a grandfather is like????
Yes what you wrote about Alexis absolutely happened. ‘Look at my new cards Zane!!!’ Zane thinks they are all crazy but a chance for new cards isn’t one he’s going to pass up.
It’s tradition by the time the second year rolls around. If you just need to vent and feel like a family member cares you go to sit at Jaden’s Grandfather’s shrine.
Aknamkanon loves it. He has so many new grandchildren. Of course Jaden is the favorite. He is the unmovable first place. But his friends definitely get spiritually adopted
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florencetypemaniacs · 8 months
Heeey Florence I hope you are having a splendid weekend ♥️ I took note and my nerdy heart laughed at seeing you refer to Tai as a bit of a Tsundere. Omg i love grumpy hard to romance characters.
Call me toxic but I love a bit of jealousy. My MC is a bit of a flirt himself so it got me thinking.
How would the ROs react to someone openly flirting with MC trying to ask them on a date like Literally infront of them during the crushing stage?
Thankkkk you 😇
Oh, we all want a bit of jealousy in our lives. Who doesn't? Now, how would the ROs react to the MC who was being flirted with.....????
💛 Marcel
Oh God, my poor baby. He really wouldn't know what to do, but in the end, he would make the sacrifice of turning around while you talk to someone who seems to have your attention or what it looks like anyway. He would be your shoulder to cry on or just a best friend in general. When looking at you, he doesn't need anything else.
Marcel is mature and would rather not make a fuss, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. Oh no, he will totally be staying awake the whole night thinking of you, or maybe you will find that he made you a cup of tea the next morning. Just a little something to get you thinking of him.
🧡 Margaret
The first thought that comes to mind is nervousness. She might have a few thoughts, like:
Why did I feel like I wanted to punch that person in the face? That is not very nice.
Margaret would be upset, and she would probably go to one of her friends (Marcel, Rosemary, Owen, or even Tai) for help. When she is told that she is jealous, she will be a bubbling sunshine mess. She has feelings for you, and how could she not? You're awesome! She would burst through the café door and jump into your arms, telling you how she felt.
♥️ Owen
Snarky comments, for sure, towards whoever is flirting with you. Scoffing at their personal interests—basically anything they could make a comment about, they would. Owen is really clueless about love—well, not clueless; he just wouldn't realize that this was a crush; he would just think he felt something off about the person.
If you were to ask him about it, he would just shurg his shoulders and say, "I don't have a good feeling about them, Lass/Duck/Lad." But when he looks into your eyes, Oh Boy, does he feel the heart beating in his chest. It finally hits him like a truck going ninety miles per hour, and he might actually choke when talking to you. With a confused look on your face, he would leave the shop.
Not again. Not again. 
💙 Rosemary
Rosie wouldn't think it was a crush as well, but she was just upset that this person was taking her attention away.
Rosemary would gently touch your arm or whisper in your ear, making the person talking to you so uncomfortable. When you were to turn around, Rosemary would give the person a little death glare and pull you towards her, telling you that you looked like you were going to fall.
When the person gets their order and leaves, in no time is Rosemary crossing her legs with class, and just like that, the problem is gone. Now give her the attention she deserves.
🩵 Tai
Denial. Anger. He would keep a stern look on his face as he insulted the person; if you were to ask him about it, his line of fire would land on you. With a few insults, he would leave the shop, tears not forming until he knew he was alone.
However, he would soon realize how much of an ass he was being and apologize to you the next day, but his mask was back up. All you would get is a monotone, cold apology, but an apology nonetheless.
💚 Zane
Zane would be foaming at the mouth. Zane would be glaring at the person so hard that if looks could kill, then that person would be dead on the spot.
When you turn around to get something, Zane looks at the person and whispers.
If the person got the hint and left you alone, then Zane would leave it at that, but if not, oh, then you might see a missing poster in a few weeks. Don't cross Zane.
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robobirdie · 11 months
Samples from Jay and Nyas care book for Nindroids
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In my story Anatomy of a droid this book is just shown and talked about but I imagine it to be filled with all sorts of things making a sort of care and problem solving guide and holds examples of problems the others caused and explanations for the others about why these problems arose and how to avoid them in the future. This is some of the stuff I thought could appear in the book. It would including some stuff like this:
The Book contains sections like:
The basics for caring for them, sections for each of their systems, a section on their senses, a section on basic repairs for them, a section on reboots and recalibrations that they can do for them along with other tech works, a section listing dangers for them and things that are safe for them with explanations on why things are safe or not and a section dedicated to each of them covering unique features traits and behaviors for each (one for Zane and one for Pixal).
Basics: for everyday things like what they can and can’t have, things to watch out for, things not to do with or around them, a bit on how they think, daily care like feeding and cleaning, normal behaviors, their equivalents to being sick, etc.
Examples from basics:
Remember for their safety we can't talk much about the specifics of nindroids or care for them in public and you can only tell or get help from others if Pixal and Zane have deemed it okay to do so or trust the individual. If someone asks you about them be vague; we don't want knowledge getting to the wrong people. That can easily prove very bad. This has led to a lot of myths about them but unless the myths are harmful for them it's better the public has them than the truths. If you're going to play around and encourage some myths make sure to be nice about it don't get absurd or scary with them. Many already have fears and beliefs that nindroids inherently are very dangerous and secretly want to destroy or enslave humanity. We've never seen proof they inherently wish to do this and this belief is dangerous for Zane and Pixals safety and the overall image to nindroids. Don't do anything to further encourage or prolong the belief. Also careful what you say. We know Cole didn't mean any harm when comparing Zane to an Alsatian Shepherd but that has led to some kids gifting Zane dog biscuits; luckily the shelters always happy to take them.
If they are low on energy do not feed them batteries. We don’t know which of you did that, Zane refused to tattle, but we know it was one of you. Given past records we’re pretty sure it was you Kai. No matter who it was don’t feed droids batteries. For one that is not how batteries work, two while in them and still fairly intact the battery will shock them and thirdly as it’s digested the acids and chemicals in the batteries will disrupt their systems normal flora and chemical balance making them sick and larger batteries like D batteries can get stuck in their systems.
Remember when working with them to have your shots particularly for tetanus up to date. Tetanus is a very unpleasant condition, has no cure and will end your carrier as a ninja. Zane and Pixal can’t help it if they’re harbouring tetanus, the bacteria just has a strange love for making metal its home and with a great deal of metal to their bodies they have a high chance of harbouring the stuff. They can easily keep it off the outside of their bodies however can’t do much about the inside. Also even though synthetics coat the interior of their mouths and enamel coats their teeth covering the metal the bacteria is still present there. Normally they won’t bite but when being restrained especially if they’re having a bad dream they tend to bite in defence. Along with Tetanus they can unintentionally be harbouring and transfer other dangerous bacteria and even some viruses, fungi and parasites without realising it since they aren't affected by it so won't realise they are carrying them. Remember how Jay accidently got Serpentine-pox making his skin scaly and itchy for a week because Zane was accidently carrying the disease or how we all got ringworm because Zane had helped a cat that had it and didn’t realise at the time that even though he’s immune that he could spread it to the rest of us. They try to keep themselves from being a danger but sometimes they have no control over it or accidents can happen. Best to be safe over sorry.
There are a few viruses known to affect nindroids, before some of you freak out no you can't catch these viruses (unless you have cybernetic implants) they affect droids only. These will cause various systems to malfunction causing them to work improperly and cause pain. They can also cause balance issues and navigation issues or even mess with their senses. They keep their antivirus software up to date so it is very unlikely they should have problems with these however you never know. Despite their precautions things can happen not to mention while they can defend against technical attacks they can't do much against magical attacks which can give them these or comparable conditions. Signs they have a virus can include: random and often unexpected passing out, being tired often sleeping more, poor balance and co-ordination, poor focus, trouble thinking, digestive issues, coughing, internal pains, poor communication (speaking may sound like gibberish, be backwards or they are using some other language and might not realise it), senses might randomly shut down on them leaving them blind, unable to hear anything or even feel anything and they may even become aggressive and attack others (Jay: I consider one of these viruses Robot Rabies. It's kind of like it; they don't foam at the mouth but will drool a bit and loose co-ordination and balance while becoming uncontrollably aggressive. Luckily they can't transmit it to us however they can give it to each other so if they are showing signs like this keep them separate and don't let them connect to each other; the virus downloads to any cybernetic system it encounters on its own. You might have to lock them up till we can purge the virus from their coding; the virus prevents them from easily being put offline so that won't work to keep them in control. You have to override the virus to knock them out and none of you have the skills or knowledge for that.) Magical caused conditions are much less predictable and cause behaviors and symptoms they usually are incapable of having or do things to them that a simple virus can't. If you suspect they may have a virus we'll deal with it. The computers in the Hanger bay can easily diagnose it for you but none of you have the skills to remove it. Do not try to remove a virus yourselves; you could easily mess up and cause serious and potentially dangerous problems. Best thing you can do till we can help them is keep them calm, safe and comfortable till we can help them.
If they are as Kai described it once 'glitching' which is simply functioning problems and/or falling asleep or offline at odd times that's more likely a sign they are low on energy not a virus. Just give them something to eat and let them rest. It will take a while for them to get back to normal functioning levels after this so don't freak out and think somethings wrong because they aren't better in a few minutes. It takes them a while to recover from low energy; it's not an instant process. Just think you're not fully recovered rate after lunch or a nap either.
Magnets and Droids: the metal of Zane and Pixals body is titanium which is not magnetic so magnets won’t stick to them however they can prove dangerous to them as they disrupt their navigation sensors and balance and strong magnets can confuse their sense of direction. Remember if you’re going to play with magnets to have fun with them do it during down time and not when we could be on a mission so you can hide magnets in their PJ’s or street attire for a prank not in our uniforms. Just remember that screw up Jay did by hiding that surprisingly strong fridge magnet in Zane's hood and we lost him that mission only to find he’d wandered to the totally opposite side of town because the magnet messed with his sense of direction and he didn’t realise he was going the wrong way because of it. Also don’t feed them magnets. Even when inside them the magnets will mess up their sense of balance and navigation and make them sick. Cole we know it was an accident that you accidently mixed fridge magnets into the cake you practised baking and got Zane to try. Next time when getting something out of the fridge leave the bowl on the counter and not try to hold it, the door open and get what you need at the same time. We can’t fully blame you however as Zane holds some of the blame since he did sense something off about your cake and should have declined instead of having some; he was not wanting to be rude to you. All we’re trying to say is be more cautious and aware of what you’re doing.
Do not worry it is normal for them to sneeze. Sneezing means they have likely got something up their nose that isn’t supposed to be there. Usually it is just something like dust or smoke that they can get out on their own but on rare occasions they have ended up with a live insect up their nose. Usually they can get it out on their own if not you may have to use tweezers to help get it out. Before you complain about the task remember they’re not pleased or comfortable with it either so you’re both finding it unpleasant. If the tweezers don’t work you will have to use water to flush out the insect. Yes this isn’t pleasant for them either.
On rare occasions we have found unexpected critters sheltering in their bodies usually just under their skin or in hatches or ports in their bodies. Usually they can get them out on their own but sometimes they may need help. Remember to be careful when helping them so you don’t cause damages or pain; remember you two in particular Lloyd and Kai if you think this task and the critters you’re removing like spiders are creepy remember how unpleasant it is for them. How would you feel to have a spider un-wantedly living in you especially by your heart? On the less creepy side not all unexpected critters are unpleasant. Remember the time we kept hearing weird noises from Zane and he was acting a bit weird during a mission and we found he was carrying around a duckling in one of the storage ports in his abdomen to keep it warm while he waited to get a chance to take it to a rescue.
Do not play around with those shocking pranks with them. What feels like a minor shock to us feels like a major shock to them and causes problems for their hearts and temporary disruptions to their nervous systems. It's not just unpleasant but painful for them.
If they are having digestive problems you can give them rice or some form of flavoured milk with their medicine mixed in to help make them better. Do not mix oil in with anything you are trying to make them better not make problems worse. You can give them things with ginger to help. Their medicine is specially formulated for droids and is toxic to humans; it won’t kill you but will make you really sick. Do not drink it; this means you Cole.
If you find them passed out from the heat bring them to a safe location out of the sun preferably indoors. Putting a fan nearby blowing on them can help them cool down. Let them rest till they're cool but keep an eye on them. If they don’t seem to be cooling down or you want to help them out wrap an ice pack in a towel and place it in a compartment in their chests for about twenty minutes. That should help them cool down. You can also give them ice or other cool items like popsicles to consume to help cool their core temperatures. Make sure nothing emitting heat is near them and if you have to you can dress them in lighter less covering clothes to help them loose heat. A cool shower or placing them in a cold storage room can also be very helpful.
Let sleeping droids lie. They need their rest just like us and do not like to be disturbed. If they are sleeping they likely have a good reason for doing so therefore do not disturb them unless it is absolutely necessary. Warning if Zane is having a nightmare be careful about waking him or touching him; you could get hit or punched and Kai knows just how painful that can be and Zane didn't hit him with his full strength that time and he got a bloody nose and black eye. Sometimes placing a teddy in his arms can settle him a bit. Playing the audio we put on that special speaker which is stored in his nightstand also helps. Only try to wake him if it is absolutely necessary or he is in danger of hurting himself like falling out of bed. Pixals not as bad and doesn't suffer bad dreams as badly as Zane but she can still be just as dangerous so be very careful when dealing with her bad dreams to. The same methods for calming him down work on her too.
Droids are intolerant to citrus so be very guarded over giving them any citrus fruits, anything with extracts from citrus and any juices with citrus. If you do give them anything with citrus give them only a small amount. Anymore and they'll get sick and you'll need to give them some of their 'medicine'. Pop is also not good for them; the very high acidity to the stuff is bad for their systems disrupting the natural biota of their systems not to mention the acid used in them is citric based. We also recommend you don’t give them Coles chilli; we’ve had enough problems from that already. Also some of Wu’s special teas are a bad idea; droids react a bit differently (sometimes very differently and potentially dangerously) to the teas. Be careful if you give them any and know it may have unexpected and potentially dangerous effects for the rest of us.
Keep them indoors during thunderstorms, they can easily get struck by lightening and that will seriously stress their hearts. If they are unfortunate to get struck bring them indoors as quickly as possible to keep them from getting struck again. If struck they will get knocked offline. Just let them rest but keep a close eye on them. Hook up one of the portable system monitors for them to keep tabs on their vitals. They most likely will need a reboot after getting struck; for the reboot go to the chapter on reboots and recalibrations.
Remember their senses are stronger and more sensitive than ours meaning they are easily overstimulated. Do not play music loudly close to them, strong smells like from cologne bothers them (do not use much of it), certain fabrics and materials irritate their sense of touch; if they say something is bothering them it is so don’t joke with it. When their senses are overstimulated it causes functioning problems and slows their processors as their brains try to process the excess sensory information along with normal functioning's. Not only will this slow their brains functioning but can also cause problems for their emotional circuits making them at mild moody. Also take note if somethings bothering their senses they could be sensing something dangerous or serious for us such as toxic gasses that we are unaware of; sometimes they don’t realise or understand certain dangers as dangers for us. They just seem odd or irritating to droids.
Remember emotions are difficult for them to understand so try not to play around with them to them. Also don't assume because they are not showing anything that they are not feeling anything. They might not know or understand how to show or deal with an emotion so opt not to show anything to avoid confusions or problems. They also have a tendency to hide emotions especially if somethings wrong so watch for hints of this, they might be very small, but these can lead to bigger problems down the line. It's best if we deal with the problem as soon as we can and not let it prolong and get worse.
Sarcasm is also strange to them so be careful how you say or word things. Also be wary with idioms and common sayings, if they don’t understand them they may take it too literal. Remember Cole’s comment about being hungry enough to eat a horse and Zane made horse for dinner. That was just a weird consequence, we probably don’t want to find out how they will react to something like ‘break a leg’, ‘get something out of your system’, ‘give someone the cold shoulder’, or ‘beat around the bush’. At best they won’t understand them and just get confused at worst someone could get hurt.
If their skin is cut yes they can feel it, don’t poke at exposed wires that hurts too. They sense pain differently from us but they still feel it. If you are with one of them and us and the other isn’t around to deal with a scratch in their skin make sure nothing is exposed. If wires are sticking out carefully and gently put them back in their skin then wrap a cloth around the area like a bandage to keep debris out and from anything falling out or getting in. A small insect getting in their body could cause problems by chewing through wires or into their cooling system. Do not try to fix the damage yourself; we’re talking to you Kai. Repairing this damage requires a delicate touch not just plain welding like on a mech. We will do it or they will help each other fix it do not try to fix it yourselves. If they are cut and leaking cooling fluids, don’t worry they’ll shut that system down to stop the leak till the damage is fixed, don’t worry it is safe to touch the stuff and help them clean it up; it is not safe however to eat so wash it off your hands especially, and this is for you Cole, before eating. If you want to know more about these fluids check the section on their internal systems. They will explain the various substances in their body more thoroughly.
Do not give them bubble gum. They tend to just swallow it not realising it's not editable. This won't lead to too much problems, usually it just passes through their systems without problems, but it's not healthy for them and too much of it could build up and get stuck in their systems especially if other foreign debris it can get stuck to is in there (nindroids have a bad habit of eating things they aren’t supposed to; They get confused over what is and isn’t editable for them) which means it will have to be manually removed and we will make you do that remember this.
Yes they can get intestinal parasites but the chances of that are slim and plain de-wormers are effective at treating this. No despite what Kai thinks they can't transfer lice to you; they don't have blood which is what those bugs feed on so the bugs don't bother with them. They can't transfer fleas or ticks either again cause they have nothing for these insects. If you get them you got them from someone else not Zane or Pix. Maybe Kai be more careful where you put your hood in the future.
If for some reason they need you to help clean themselves cause they are having troubles doing it themselves you can use regular soaps and shampoos on them, they prefer using these. They both like smells reminiscent of woodlands, rain and lakes or seas. There is though a special cleaner for them. The main difference between this cleaner and normal ones is it helps better remove grease like from oils and neutralizes their cooling fluid and synth-regrow making them safer for others to touch. You use this cleaner if they have oil, their cooling fluid or synth-regrow on them. You can also use it to clean these materials off yourselves.
No noises from machines aren't some secret Robot language this is a myth so don't ask them if they can understand the noises. It's just noise to them like it is to us; we're especially addressing you here Kai.
Yes we know it scares you Kai that nindroids are highly carnivorous but this is the safest and by far most efficient diet and anatomy for nindroids and don't worry you have a greater chance of Cole eating you than Zane or Pixal; unless of course someone messes with their minds then we can't tell the chances of this happening but there is a low chance that will happen. We have a few methods in place to try and keep others from messing with their minds. We will admit though that these precautious don't always work and we have not been able to figure out a way to keep magical effects from messing with their minds. Also, Kai and Lloyd this is for you two, as far as we can tell neither of them appears to have programing that tells them to enslave or conquer humanity; at least we're pretty sure they don't. That doesn't mean something can't happen though to make them try to do this so we just have to be careful to make sure this doesn't happen.
Remember Zane and Pixal have extreme trust in us letting them put themselves in highly vulnerable positions like being put offline and for us to work on them including on all parts of their anatomy. Let’s not do anything to hurt this trust. If something happens to them we’re some of the few that can help them so we need their trust in order to keep them safe and well. Once damaged a nindroids trust can be hard to regain. Do not do anything, even as a prank, with them while they are in a vulnerable state especially don’t mess around with anything of their anatomy. Jay setting Zanes speech to pirate speak annoyed Zane and stressed his trust in Jay till Jay could prove he wasn’t going to do that, anything like that or mess with anything else of his body for a while.
Systems: an overall guide to their various internal systems. Each goes into detail about each system including how it works, what parts are involved with it, unique features to them, dangers associated with them, how to tell if the system is malfunctioning and how to fix the malfunction, how to work with these parts and repair them, etc. For their digestive system it includes a list of things that are harmful for them or that they can't have and a list of things that are good for them or safe to have. Examples:
              Nervous System: includes their senses.
Their neural systems runs off a great deal of electricity so if they get injured and wires are exposed and you touch these wires you will get shocked and it’s quite a shock. Wait for them to shut off power to the region damaged then you can work with the wires.
Yes they can feel things so if you hit them don’t wonder if they can feel it. They do feel it; their senses of course just perceive things a bit differently from ours but they still feel it.
Because it runs off electricity their nervous systems are sensitive to electricity.
Their base vision is the same as ours however they have several added spectrums they can see in that they can turn on and off when needed. This includes the ability to see in the UV spectrum and to see temperatures. These added features however have the negative effect of making their vision sensitive to bright light; this is why they are irritated by bright light such as the midday sun and when your phone or computer screen is too bright. These features do let them see better in the dark but while better than our night vision it is not as good as a cats. Don’t joke that they have the eyes of a cat you’ll just confuse them. Commenting they have the vision of a cat or any other animal can also cause them to lecture you on the differences between their vision and an animals and we know that involves a lot of big complex words most of you don’t understand well so unless you want to hear them just keep your comments to yourselves.
Like with animals their sense of smell includes an ability to detect pheromones which means yes they can smell your fear. It also means they can smell if your ill so if they tell you that you smell odd or off don't brush it off. You might want to look into why they are commenting this. Remember how they both once kept commenting Cole smelt strange but was ignoring their observations and we found out later after we all got it that he had pink eye and was trying to hide it? They could detect the changes in pheromones the disease was causing to his body. They didn't understand or know the cause of what they sensed as off they could just sense something different. Even if it really isn't a huge problem don't just brush off what they are sensing as nothing. There could be something serious to it; we're pretty sure none of us want pink eye again right?
              Respiratory System:
When submerged under water like instinct they stop their breathing to prevent getting water in their lungs. Sometimes however this behaviour may malfunction and they might accidently breathe in water. If that happens to prevent problems like mold and bad bacteria developing in their lungs you will have to drain the excess water. This is a simple procedure that shouldn’t be too hard for the likes of you to complete.
Parts for this system are pale pinkish in color and like all his synthetic organs dark strands of wiring are visible in the substance.
              Cooling System:
This system runs all through their bodies and is used to maintain a stable and equal body temperature. The system consists of various tubes that hold a thermal carrying liquid which is constantly pumped through their bodies to maintain and redistribute heat and cold. The systems center is a decent sized structure housed in an insulated casing near their hearts. The structure includes a compressor which cools the fluid.
The fluids in their cooling systems operate through heat transfer. They are not toxic or dangerous but if consumed will make you sick. Always wash your hands after dealing with it. If they lose cooling fluid from an injury it can be replenished. Let us or them do this as you have to seal the damaged tubing first before refilling it.
If they receive an injury that damages their cooling system causing it to bleed don't worry too much they will shut down the system to prevent loosing too much of the liquid however this is dangerous as it means their temperature controls are offline and they can very easily overheat. You need to repair the damage as quickly as possible so they can get the system started or take measures to help keep their body core and head cool. You can repair the damage yourselves just be careful. You will need to use Synth-repair to do it so follow the instructions found in the basic repairs section very carefully. Remember Synth-repair is dangerous for our skin so be careful.
              Digestive System:
The digestive systems of droids are very dangerous so great caution needs to be taken when working with it. We recommend none of you try any work on it and leave this kind of work for a professional. Coles the only one cautious enough to safely do such work but all of you are too grossed out by it to be safe with this kind of work.
Warning if you do something that ends up with them swallowing something they aren’t supposed to eat and it could get stuck in their systems or could hurt them like cutting up their insides we’re going to make you remove the items with your bare hands. Yes this is very dangerous and yes their digestive fluids will eat some of your skin but maybe that injury will teach you to be more careful in the future.
The fluids in their digestive systems consist of hydrochloric acid which is stronger than that of humans as well as very powerful enzymes and bacteria much like what you’d find in a bear or vulture. If you get them on your skin you have to wash them off as quickly as possible as they will easily eat away at your flesh. If they do eat away at your skin you’re going to need to use a special cleaner to stop the enzymes and bacteria from continuing to eat away at you and you will get a pretty nasty infection from it. Don't worry it's easy to treat and generally won't leave scarring. Do not worry if their systems do digest some of you it won’t turn them into man eaters nor will them biting you do that despite what the myths say.
Remember their bite strength is comparable to that of a bears and even though their teeth are like those of ours in shape due to their metal make they are sharper so can do much more damage. Luckily they usually won't bite unless they are defending themselves and they have few other options. Best not to give them a reason to bite. Instead of forcibly restraining them if somethings wrong use the app we made to in a sense sedate them to settle things.
Things that are safe for them include any form of meat including shellfish and insects, rice, apples, peaches, watermelon (make sure they don't eat the rind it isn't healthy for them), potatoes, corn but not the cob (you have to watch Zane with this he tends to eat the whole thing), breads (in moderation, too much is not healthy for them), peas, beans, peppers but not spicy ones, carrots, lettuce, dairy products, chocolates and candies (nothing though that uses citrus like orange flavoured or sour flavours nor emulates a citrus flavor), tomatoes (a little bit is fine but these are high in acidity so they cannot have too much), tea, pineapples and grapes. Things that are not safe or good for them include citrus fruits including juices made from them (you can use lemon for seasoning but do not use too much like Kais seasoning too much also one small citrus fruit won’t seriously hurt them but don’t let them have anymore for at least three to four days; droids are basically citrus intolerant), most juices (for some reason a lot of them are made with citric acid which comes from citrus for some reason when they don't need to be; we think this is done to give them more vitamin C but nindroids don't need that and citrus is harmful for them), avocados, highly acidic things like pop (they can have a small 250 ml cup once in a while not a whole bottle Cole not even when it is just 500 ml), spicy things including spices and peppers, bananas and cucumbers for some reason, nuts, most leafy plant items like spinach broccoli and kale, fermented foods or drinks and caramel (if it somehow gets past the synthetics in their mouth or throat it could clog up joints or connectors in their body leading to problems so best not to play with this stuff). 
Do not feed them cat or dog food. Just because they have a similar meat high diet pet food is not good for them or a good idea. Jay did it once as a joke but we shouldn't play around with this; they actually found the fish cat food not too bad. Along with not being healthy for them, cat food has additives meant for cats that aren’t healthy for a droids system causing imbalances, knowing how they think we don't want them growing a liking to it and end up thinking tuna cat food can be a substitute for actual tuna and use it as such. Do you want to end up eating cat food instead of regular tuna? We know Cole might not be too bothered but we doubt the rest of you will like that. We know we won't plus cat food isn't safe for humans for the same reasons it isn't safe for droids.
Most of the components of this system are a sickly green tinted dark purple color. The color helps keep the interior of the system dark for the symbiotes in it. The materials in their mouths is a normal pinkish to not appear different from a regular persons. The wiring in these parts isn't easily visible when the systems off but when it is active some circuits, largely major ones, give off a faint icy blue glow.   
A section on their skeleton and musculature.
A section on their hearts:
It may look fragile but the material is stronger than it looks. It is not invincible however. It is also capable of sensing touch so don't poke at it. Not only do they find having it touched without their consent uncomfortable but when it is touched without them preparing to have it touched as a self defense the material releases a serious electric shock in defence. This is not only painful for them but drains some energy which isn't good if they're low on energy and it temporarily stresses the material. Depending on the severity of the touch and the shock given this can be for only a few minutes to nearly over half an hour.
A section on the more tech work to them like calibrations and reboots plus various useful codes to work with them like for calming them down, sedating them, etc.
Zane and Pixal each get a section with stuff unique to them for the others to know.
He finds chores relaxing and calming. Clutter and mess bother him.
Kids make him a bit nervous as they often ask him very personal questions about his workings which he isn't comfortable talking to others about and they often make what he considers weird comments or remarks about nindroids which he often doesn't understand. Some also try to play with the panel in his arm or want to see his inner workings which he is very uncomfortable with.
Zane doesn't do well with magic. He doesn't understand it well and when it is used on him particularly if it affects his mind it greatly unsettles him.
Pixal better understands what it means to be human and understands sayings and idioms better.
She loves when given a task as she not only enjoys working with her hands but enjoys the challenge of improving on a task. You ask her to repair something and not only will she repair it but find a way to improve on it and make it better/more efficient.
Pixal is more tolerating and comfortable of magic and isn't as bothered by it but like Zane hates when it messes with her mind.
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Some side notes:
When you think of it having thought he was human for quite some time before finding out he was a droid likely would really have messed Zane up making it hard for him to tell what is and isn't natural or normal for him leading to quite a bit of confusion and strange habits and behaviors.
Kai strikes me as one of those who acts all tough but in reality can't stand the sight of blood or gore and would pass out from some of the simplest of injuries. I'm pretty sure the bandage he has on his face since season 8 he's afraid to take off nervous of what is underneath so it's now just melded into his skin for being there so long.
I take that Lloyd and Kai are probably the most uncomfortable and least skilled with working on and understanding Zane and Pixals anatomy. Coles probably no expert but is rather mature and responsible with it and will try his best.
Alsatian is an old term for the German Shepherd; I thought it more fitting as it doesn’t relate to an easily recognizable real world location.
If you wish to read the story Anatomy of a Droid and my other Ninjago works you’ll find them here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Robo_birdie/works
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marsbotz · 11 months
hello I keep seeing u talk ab loving skybound but I'm curious as to why u love it, and would LOVE to read a super in-depth explanation bc im kinda a skybound notliker and ik uve changed my mind on certain thigns ab this show b4, and I was hoping u cld do it again !!! :DDD /gen
YEAH. OKAY !!! sorry this is super long and rambly i already had to rewrite it once cus tumblr ate it lol... and also sorry its all basically abt jay (running away embarrassed)
first of all let me say i do think skybound is a BAD season. having the characters suddenly all be sexist out of nowhere to drive plot is stupidddd and so is having a retcon ending that makes it all redundant except for Jaya Canon Now. i think thats mostly what makes the fandom not like it. BUT. i think its sooo interesting for like so many reasons also
i think s8 is considered the darkest season which is fair. but skybound also has a crazyyy amount of dark and DEEPLY interesting things it touches on. the ninja disappearing one by one. jays birth father being his favourite actor. jay torture. jaya actually being interesting!! lets talk abt these.
having the ninja slowly be cut out of the season is GREAT for not only building tension but also being able to more deeply build upon jay and nyas characters (and their relationship). the 22 min format means that some characters (like wu and kai) are gone for AGES. which is sad for kai fans but greatttt for the season. it rlly makes u feel their absence, and some of their disappearances are scary!! zane trying to outsmart nadakhan but realising too late hes been tricked... AHH!!!
if you compare this to how they did it in s12 its a lot more impactful as theres more time for the characters to... be gone. and the videogame nature rlly does take away a lot of the tension IMO. if jays mothers had been in prime empire like planned.... it would have been a GREAT parallel i think but as it is its just kind of odd. thats another convo tho lol (altho there issss the mention of jay being adopted at the end. very interesting [it goes nowhere])
i literally think abt jay adoption arc every god damn day of my life. ill try to explain this without getting too deep into my personal sicko hcs lol. first you get a rlly nice callback to s1 w jay being ashamed of his parents and living in a junkyard only to realise how litte he cares once theyre threatened. thennn you have the whole situation at cliffs house. jay finds out the man who abandoned him at birth (possibly? we dont know details) is the actor for fritz donnegan. the same character who jay imitated and aspired to be like. and then he realises his father felt the same admiration towards jay!! and they both never knew!!!
i think this twist is what makes a lot of jays behaviour in s6.... not excusable... but understandable. jay is shown to be insecure and have weird fucking ways of coping with this (lying. lying lying all the time) and so it kinda feels natural that his way of coping with this information would be to 1. hide the fact he made wishes 2. try to imitate his father through his book and 3. Never Speak Of This Again.
speaking of that lets talk about jay being tortured. can we talk about that?? they FUCKED him up. but the most important part out of allll of it is a character trait i rarely see ppl attribute to jay even though its like... pretty consistent for him. is his willpower!! hes able to endure days of torture to the point where he can barely walk and talk at the end of it just to stop nadakhan from gaining more power
nadakhan also directly points out jays insecurities and how they make him lie to his friends... and jays able to show some of his smarts thru trying to get flintlocke to stage a mutiny! honestly the whole episode is so damn interesting it makes me SEETHE its not more talked abt LOL
i wont get into my insanely complex jaya opinions rn but i will say s6 has one of the most interesting depictions of the ship to me. nya being reluctant to date jay due to being seen simply as his girlfriend is soooo interesting and fits well w her arc of not wanting to give up her own deal w sam x to become a ninja. its just a shame they had to retroactively make everyone misogynistic to do so lolol... and the ending w jays wish Potentially forcing them together is soooo odd and kinda goes what the rest of the season was setting up for them. THIS IS MAINLY why i think ppl hate this season. cus it sets up SOOO much cool stuff and then drops it all last second
i think the things that could have saved skybound from being so hated would be
1. do the same plotpoints w nya but dont drag the ninja AND DARETH into it ..... make them supportive of her!
2. makes jays final wish have some FUCKING consequence! you could do a LOT with how he worded it to twist it badly (im a nadakhan return truther for life)
3. not dropping every single intersting character trait ever. and also not dropping the GOD DAMN ADOPTION ARCCCCCC and also not revealing jay to be so crushingly insecure he physically cannot stop himself from lying to ppl and putting on a happy mask and then turn him into a one note comic relief character. [becoming a soulless husk]
LOL i realise this sounds now like i hate skybound I DONT i just think its very flawed. BUT thats whyyyy i love it... because its so interesting! its flawed in a way like "there is soooo much i cld do w this" and not like "i dont care about any of this its so bad". w ninjago my fav parts have always been the weird icky edgy parts that are almost too much for what it is... which is a childrens lego show. ik they cld never have done most of the interesting stuff i imagine coming out of skybound and thats ok! bc i get to think abt it evilly.
heres some assorted things i love and think are fun in skybound
kai and zane banter at the repo yard
ronin capturing the ninja!! specifically him shutting down zane from the inside is super scary and cool
NINJA IN PRISON!!!!! i almost threw up when they went to jail in crystallised its so fuckign fun. SKYBOUND 2!!!
zane playing chess against nadakahn. another scary zane moment
jay trusting only cole w the truth abt his wishes (HELL YES BROTHER)
clanceeeeee <3 him being like one sided friends w jay and standing up to nadakhan at the end of it all... wahhh
NINJA REPLACEMENTS. so fucking funny i love jay and his assortment of old guys And Skylor
everytime i watch it i cant stop thinking of this ytp and it makes me cry. its not even that funny i just have watched it like 50 times
its dungeon media. this is smth i made up and only i know abt . dont worry abt it but its true
ok my brain is mush HOPE THIS MAKES. some sort of sense . bascially trying to condense 6 years of Thoughts into coherent analysis is impossible for me LOL
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localguy2 · 1 year
I've watched the first 7 episodes of Dragons Rising and while yes I haven't finished it I have so much to say.
First of all, the animation, holy fuck the animation looks so good, and here I thought that it couldn't get better than Crystalized's animation.
The fight scenes are once again, incredible, standard with Wildbrain's animation, the set pieces and backgrounds and just everything is so incredibe and including the Ninja powers & Spinjitzu, which may I add both look absolutely gorgeous.
Wildbrain has taken it to the next level, so amazing job to them.
Arin and Sora and Riyu.
Fuck me i love them already so much-
poor Sora got treated so badly, she reminds me of Nya when she was still figuring out her powers, she's frustrated of herself and feels responsible for the Photacs despite it not really being her fault, she was still young when she made them and the Imperium used her technology for things she resented can't wait to see where she goes next.
I don't even know what to say, he's just so damn loveable, it broke my heart to see him ask the Cloud Kingdom writers to bring his parents back, because despite being at least a bit more mature and skilled, he's still just a kid at the end of the day, and that scene with him in Imperium when he finds that group of kids like is just... Fuck man, he literally says he feels so seen, he saw people sorta like him but that was also taken away with how they immediately started talking about serving the Imperium Claws, such a good character and I'm hyped to see what they do with him.
Little dragon baby, that's all I'm gonna say, you just can't hate on him, are you seriously going to pick a fight with a little guy like that?
Okay now, old team members.
Finally, we got actual RGB siblings content, not like a few seconds worth of interaction, and hell it's really good as well.
They just take the piss at each other and mess around, I especially like the scene in the Cloud Kingdom archives, and the one on the new bounty where Sora explains how Arin told a barber to give him "The Zane", only for Kai to interject and tell Arin to get "The Kai", it's such a fun scene.
Nya is badass as always, great to see, I especially love how she's respected by the craglings to the point that their leader takes her word for a lot of stuff.
Kai has taken a more responsible role while still being himself, which I love so much because he's being serious while also being the dumbest guy alive
And Lloyd is well, Lloyd! He's just chilling and I'm happy that not all focus is on him, actually that brings me to another the point, the show doesn't really focus on 1 character all that often, it keeps changing POVs constantly and it's really nice, props to them.
Sidenote: this scene... Ugh man it hits...
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Lloyd is so surprised by this, and the kids coming along to explain it is just uhhhh I love it.
Finally, dialogue, lore and the humor.
One of my biggest gripes with Ninjago from SotFS to Crystalized is was that it was no longer a story with some elements of comedy, rather it was a comedy with a story.
It still told really good stories don't get me wrong, but the comedy just didn't land most of the time, and that sorta unintentionally affected the story as well, it felt too childish and while Ninjago is a kids show, the jokes were just too on the nose sometimes.
But, with Dragons Rising?
Haha, NOPE!
I love the comedy here, it's so goofy and fun at times but it's never on the nose, I found myself constantly smiling when they joke about something, the gags are aimed at kids and adults as well, and it shows.
This scene for example.
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This is such a ridiculous and goofy gag I can't help but smile each time I see it, and the series keeps this type of humor up the whole time, it's fantastic!
The lore.
Jesus man I love the world they've built, it's so good and you really feel the sheer diversity and verity of the Crossroads, you really get a feel for it.
It basically screaming: The Merge displaced so many many people, which is everyone is welcome here regardless of what you are, Nindriod, Frog, serpentine, Human, anything! You're accepted here.
And I think that's lovely.
And for the Dialogue, it's excellent.
It reveals what you need to know most of the time using Flashbacks, and these flashbacks are nice as well.
The dialogue isn't boring, not at all, even if it's a small comment and it feels really fitting most of the the time thankfully.
Now, the only issue I have with DR is potentially the pacing, but I literally don't have it in me to blame the predoucers.
This is the first time this team has tried writing 22 minutes long episodes, and they have done an absolutely spectacular job at that so far.
Remember, this team is used to writing 11 minute episodes only, so you could imagine how challenging it was for them to write a 22 minute episode.
And the best part is, they pulled it off almost flawlessly, they hit perfectly with the humor, world building, lore and just everything, seriously amazing job to these guys!
So overall, Dragons Rising Part 1 so far is absolutely awesome, I still haven 3 more episodes and I honestly can't wait to finish them, I'm so excited for part 2 and I hope yall are as well.
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fvkedupgirl · 1 year
jeremy: jay- doesn’t get the squip to end up w nya, but instead bc he’s sick of feeling like a loser and thinks it’s be good for both him and cole if he was “cooler” bc to him cole is the coolest guy he knows and he feels like he’s holding him back socially
michael: cole- end love interest, obv obv
christine: nya- kind of plays a similar role to chloe or brooke in the sense that jay only tries to date her bc the squip tells him it’ll make him seem cool, rather than genuine feelings; has a little gossip trio w/ morro and pixal
rich: kai- got a squip a year prior, pretty much same character/purpose as rich
jenna: morro- idk i just rlly love the idea of morro being the queen of gossip @ their school
jake: lloyd- bros the green ninja ofc he’s the most popular guy @ school in this au, but also not jock popular guy like jake, more like the popular guy who’s popular bc he’s attractive but ALSO he’s just the sweetest guy. ever. and rlly oblivious to the point where u want to hate him bc of the way the ppl who are nice to him/like him are but you can’t bc he’s so sweet
chloe: pixal- listen okay she’s just a gossip girl ik im pushing it w chloe and christine here but let me LIVE okay let me have my nya pixal + morro gossip trio
brooke: zane- zane is the innocent guy that is besties w the gossip trio bc he follows pixal like a puppy and she would protect him w her life
endgame ships: bruise, bg pixane + maybe samuraishipping
would also include focuses on the dynamics between: kai + lloyd, rgb siblings, nya pixal + morro, kai + jay, + probably more if i fleshed out the whole plot a little more
thinking abt unagami squip?? or maybe some version of superstar rockin’ jay???? probably the latter tbh
so like on the one hand we have the obvious: replace nya w cole. which. i want to do obv bc it’s perfect and i have been planning out the details of the scene where he dies in jays arms and they turn back time and then we finally get our bruise kiss since FOREVER so im not letting my baby go even if other ppl have already written the concept b4.
any ways uh if i did this im kinda thinking like. nadakhans all “i wanna marry nya” and jays like “dude wtf u can’t just. marry nya ill fite u /p coles my real bbg ofc” and nadakhan says “shit u rite. too much work. plus i got me a captive rite here like it don’t matter who i marry cuz once i got my powers i can bring back that shitty girlypop of mine n e ways. damn bluey ur so smart” and jays like “wha.” so our guy writes a fun explanation of the whole marriage thing to the rest of the squad and he’s like “YOO so im bouta get married but that would not be great for me or anyone else in the whole world so maybe we should do something abt that like just so y’all know” and coles like “bitch not my MANS” and we’ll see where it goes from there bc the timeline would be V different and things would have to get done faster meaning they’d get done differently and id have to actually rewatch the season to figure out the kinks but as i continue to write this the urge to make this a reality grows every more tempting i am foaming at the mouth rn
dumped all of this into my notes and decided to share to gauge ppls interests (pls excuse any rambling my notes are full of so much rambling it’s not even funny)
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My Top 10 Favorite Cartoons!
Number 10 Octonauts
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What attracted me to this show when I was ten was the lessons on animals since most shows for little kids are about shapes, numbers, letter, and other boring stuff. But not the Octonauts! They talk about two of my favorite things: science and animals. And sea creatures no less. When was the last time you’ve seen a show meant for young children that educated them on the ocean and everything in it? Maybe that one show on PBS with the Cat in the Hat? But I like Octonauts better. Just look at those designs. Absolutely adorable!
It’s simple, it’s cute, and it’s surprisingly interesting sometimes.
I used to be super embarrassed for watching a show meant for toddlers since I’m in my twenties, but then I found out that their are grown adults that enjoy wholesome shows too, like Paw Patrol and PJ Masks! It was a nice relief to know that I wasn’t the only one.
Number 9 Wander over Yonder
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This has got to be the sweetest show to every be put on Television. Most main characters have to be strong and cool and have an internal struggle to be impressing, but Wander doesn’t. He’s the cinnamon roll of all cinnamon rolls!
All he does is travel the universe with his bestie Sylvia (in a bubble!) and goes sightseeing. And if he happens to help people along the way, even better!
What gets me about this show is that Wonder’s optimistic and naivety doesn’t always lead to everything being hunky dory. Sometimes being nice gets him in trouble or makes even the simplest tasks harder than necessary. Heck, if Sylvia wasn’t there to have his back, his kindness would be a lot easier to take advantage of.
And I love that because it’s true that sometime being nice doesn’t feel as accomplishing as is should and can even backfire on us. But even though Wander’s experienced betrayal and hardships in his life, he still has enough hope in his heart to keep helping people.
Number 8 LEGO Ninjago
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I remember when this show came out all those years ago. Back when TV’s were these big, chunky machines and you had to prop them up on tables instead of mounting them on walls.
This show is full of so much creativity and lore. From the elemental powers, to Ninjago City’s history, to the characters, and even the ideas that were dropped, it’s no wonder why the show’s still going. It’s great watching Kai, Jay, Cole, and Zane make friends, battle enemies, learn life lessons, discover secrets about themselves, and go on the craziest adventures.
I ended up being too busy because of middle school after season 3 ended and missed out of the rest of it up until Sea Bound was announced. Thanks to the birthday specials LEGO did for Ninjago’s anniversary, I learned that the show was still running and on Netflix. So me and my sister binge watched the series from the start and we fell right back in love with it.
Number 7 Transformers Animated
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Out of all the Transformers series, this one is my personal favorite. Yes the other shows are pretty good too, but this one is different from all the other shows, comics, games, and movies. And I like different!
Optimus Prime has been depicted as a lot of things. A war hero that keeps his men’s spirits up with good humor and cheesy quips (G1). A powerful warrior who has become jaded after a millennia of war (Bay). A stoic leader and friend who won’t give up hope for a better future (Prime). But TFA Optimus isn’t any of that. If anything, he’s a little bit of everything but still his own thing.
And Optimus’s not the only one who’s different. Prowl is a nature loving ninja, Ratchet is a grouchy war veteran who cares about his team, Bulkhead is full of knowledge and creativity, and Bumblebee is the kid of the group with a lot to learn. The Decepticons are just as entertaining too with their own unique abilities and personalities.
All in all, there isn’t any other version of Transformers like this one and I wish more long time franchises would try something new from time to time.
Number 6 LEGO Monkie Kid
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Based on one of the four classic Chinese literatures, Monkie Kid is a wonderful adaptation of a four hundred year old book that’s had a crap ton of movies, shows, and even an upcoming video game inspired by it.
I’m very picky about shows and movies based on history, mythology, or folklore. I like it when it’s accurate, but understand when things have to be changed around. It’s why I’m not the biggest Disney’s Hercules fan since they got the mythology completely and utterly wrong.
But Monkie Kid is freaking amazing. The amination is so colorful and lively and exhilarating! MK, the Monkey King, and all of their friends are so much fun to watch and I love all of them. The story is wild and mystical, which is fitting since Chinese folklore makes little to no sense but is still entertaining as heck. Don’t believe me? Read the original Journey to the West novels and just try to make logical sense out of it. Like why the dragon stays a horse for 95% of the book when he can be a huge fire breathing dragon!
I used to bug my little sister to watch this show with me all the time. And her being the little sh*t that she is always said “no” just because she has this weird habit of turning me down. But I was finally able to tie her down and force her to watch the first season! And guess what? She liked it! All this talk about NoT bEiNg InTeReStEd and now she’s getting ready to go cosplay as MK for a convention!
Number 5 Gargoyles
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This has got to be Disney’s coolest show of all time. Disney usually sticks with cutey family friendly stuff like Duck Tales and Goof Troop, but they decided to take a risk and try to gain an older audience with Gargoyles. And they succeeded!
The show’s based on some of Shakespeare's books and has a good mix of fantasy and sci-fi. Especially when it takes places in 90′s New York. It also teaches a lot of mature life lessons like the importance of taking responsibility for your actions, the dangers of being stubborn and in denial, prejudice, gun safety, death, and so much more.
The characters are all lovable tropes of the 90′s, including the smart one (Lexington), the big eater (Broadway), the guy who wants to look cool but is actually a dork (Brooklyn), the dog (Bronx), the wise mentor (Hutson), the badass leader (goliath), and the girl of the group (Elisa). But their personalities and arcs are expanded on after the first few episodes. And the people they met also get a chance to shine in their own way and I appreciate that.
I’d recommend this to anyone who’s into Shakespeare or anyone who needs something to push their interest towards those kinds of stories.
Number 4 Arcane
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I’m not a gamer, so I have little to no information on League of Legends. I don’t know the characters, the landscapes, the items, the history, or the lore of this world. But you don’t need to be a LoL fan to watch Arcane.
The animation? Gorgeous. The music? Amazing. The action? Thrilling! The characters? Complex. The voice acting? Impressive. And the story in general? Captivating.
I like how this show demonstrates how everyone’s actions have consequences and that there’s more to people than meets the eyes. Humans (and whatever other creatures exist in this world) are complex being and the choices we make don’t just affect our own life, but the lives of others too. Seeing the domino effect of everyone’s actions is as entertaining as it is nerve wracking since no one knows what the end results will be until it’s too late.
Another thing I love about this show is that it’s a Netflix original so it’s translated in Spanish. I was able to watch Arcane with my parents and they loved it. It was so much fun watching their reactions to the action, the conflict, and the sisters’ relationship because the two of them are very vocal and expressive. When the season one finale ended with that jaw dropper of a cliffhanger, they were both waiting for me to put on the next episode. They were devastated when I told them that that was it and had to wait for season two.
Number 3 Final Space
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Like most animated series nowadays, Final Space is a mix of goofy, angsty, and lore heavy. But then, as the series progresses, the angst is doubled, if not tripled, and the side characters are given a chance to be fleshed out.
Everyone in the show has a story to tell. Gary, Mooncake, Avocato, Little Cato, Quinn, HUE, and everyone else have a past that ends with them being brought together to help each other reach their goals. Each with their own strength, weaknesses, and arcs to go through that make us love or hate them.
The first season is easily a fun space adventure with a few mysterious for us to look forward to and heart felt moments that have us sobbing. Then season two ups the stakes with the universe needing saving and more trauma for the characters to endure. And then there’s season three, which hits us in the feels in every episode and leaves us with an ending like no other.
If you're going to watch this show, then I’d advise you to prepare yourself emotionally.
Number 2 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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If you haven’t guessed one of my guilty pleasures from my favorite Transformers shows, I like it when the usual formula is shaken up a bit.
The TMNT franchise has had dozens of shows, movies, comics, and video games dedicated to these guys. All of them about four mutant turtles in their teens being raised as ninjas by their rat father and using their skills to fight all kinds of evil lurking in New York City.
But Rise turns the sci-fi into fantasy and use that to give us something brand new. Not just rebooted, but reimagined! Each turtle is a different species, they have their own unique powers, they have different personalities from their previous incarnations, and the adventures they go on feel a lot more fun and sometimes grander than before.
And it’s not just the TMNT part that I love. The animation is jaw dropping. The voice acting is very fitting. The humor leaves me laughing every time. The action scenes are so fast and creative. The characters are likable and memorable. And the brotherly relationship of Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey are put front and center for us to gush over.
I know some people have a thing about changes, but if you give this show a chance, I swear you’ll love it.
Number 1 Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
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I have never related to a fictional character before, much less three, yet here they are in the form of a grumpy cat with big dreams, a cybernetic badger with a big imagination, and a chaotic bat with a big heart.
And if you’ve watched even one episode of the show and know what I mean when I say that I relate to them, then yes, you should be very concern for my mental health.
This show is truly a treasure. It has everything I love in a cartoon and more. It has fluff, angst, mystery, comedy, friendship, bromance, humor, hurt/comfort, sci-fi, fantasy, anthro animals, and the classic found family trope all rolled into one! What else is there to say other than this show is nothing less than amazing. The characters are charming, the world is interesting, the adventures are entertaining, the visual humor is hilarious, and the main trio have their own tragic backstories that make them easy to sympathize with.
Funny story: me and my little sister were watching it together and she started laughing her butt off when Badgerclops was complaining to Mao Mao and Adorabat about having too many chores. I was glad she was enjoying herself until it got to the part where Badgerclops was says something along the lines of “It’s always Badgerclops, fix the arocycle. Badgerclops, go get groceries. It’s overwhelming dude!” Then my b*tch of a sister turns to me with a sh*t eating grin and goes “Rose, do the dishes. Rose, clean the bathroom,” and laughed in my face!
It’s not my fault I live with a bunch of gluttons who can’t put their dirty dishes in the kitchen or wipe the bathroom sink after they splash water everywhere!
Wait a minute, why do a lot of of my favorite shows end in tragedy?! And I don’t mean the final episode or whatever, I mean the program as a whole! Final Space was canceled after giving us a depressing season three finale, Gargoyles had a terrible season three because Disney switched their writers with people who knew nothing about the show and had to wing it, Transformers Animated was cancelled when a season four was planned, ROTTMNT was “put on hold” for years until the movie came out with hopes of bringing it back, Wander over Yonder was going to have a season three with an ever bigger baddy but was shot down, and Mao Mao was promised a season two until a certain company that will burn in hell took that away from us!
Hopefully Ninjago, Arcane, Octonauts, and Monkie Kid aren’t hit with the same bad luck.
Just how many more amazing shows were screwed over and why are they always the ones I love?!
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