#Logan x Kaia
aggold15hi01 · 2 months
Logan & Kaia: Heatwaves, headache and a peaceful evening-Part 2
Author's note: Part 2 of "Logan and Kaia: heatwaves, headache and a peaceful evening"; this is where Logan had texted her about how she is feeling however she wasn't feeling okay therefore they had to go to a clinic for a medical-check up later on in the early evening and then they did ended up going to a delicious early dinner where Kaia has a bowl of Saimin Noodles (A well known delicacy in Hawaii) and Logan has a plate of a Hawaii version of fish and chips with a freshly seared ahi fillet plus truffle fries in addition to heading to Magnolia's Ice Cream & Treats for desert before they head back home to watch a good movie before calling it a day.
Also sorry about the rushed ending; my bad. 🤦‍♀️
Ahi-Yellowfin tuna in Hawaiian Language
Italic means text message conversation between Logan and Kaia. 📱 💬
Also can be found here:
⚠️ 📷 Disclaimers: I don't own either of the images & none of them are mine. Credits goes to Allisha Gray, Logan Sargeant and Pinterest for all of the respective images.
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Plus while I am sleeping, I had left a few unanswered messages from Logan as I did remembered when I turned on my phone from the bedside table; this is what does it said:
"Logan 🧸:
Hey Kaia, are you feeling okay? I hadn't heard from you at work today.
Kaia, is everything okay? What had happened?
Did you want me to confront the client who did made you or one of your co-workers feeling both truthfully and deeply uncomfortable?
Kaia, is everything okay? What had happened to you?
Are you feeling okay? 😕 🥺
You want to me check up on you?
Kaia, pls don't leave me like this. 🥺 😢
You know what, K? Since today does feels like a tough day at work as so many of the clients had either cancelled their surf lessons or postponed their surf lessons due to health concerns from the punishing heat; I'm going to check up on you, okay?
Please stay wherever you are: Kaia--I know I didn't meant to truthfully sound as controlling as I did sounded earlier so I am so sorry for that, oops.
Please forgive me for having to truthfully overstepping the boundaries between the both of us and yet having to truthfully sounded as if I am very controlling to you earlier; sorry: Kaia--I am so sorry about doing that to you, K. 🥺 🙏"
After reading the messages, I replied to Logan:
"Kaia 💅🏽:
It's okay, Logan--I am just feeling pretty tired and honestly both the heat and the headache I got from the heatwave did got the worse of me so I am very sorry for not replying to your messages but please don't truly apologize for having to send me multiple text messages because I know you are feeling truthfully worried about me based on what I am going through in my very own life; Logan.
Plus no need to truly apologize for that; Logie Bear. 🙏 🧸 
I'll be okay, Logie. I promise you. 🥺 🙏 💖"
Then I collapse again from the drainage of energy I had experienced it from earlier.
"Hey, are you feeling truthfully okay?" He ask me while sitting on the edge of the queen sized bed; at the same time he also started to stroke onto my medium length strands of braided hair which I usually worn it into a classic ponytail I usually worn it every single day but today is one of those days where I took it out of my ponytail so this is a rare glimpse of how you get to see it when you pull it down from my classic length ponytail.
"No, I don't think so as you know I had mentioned to you earlier about how does the heatwaves got the worst of me, Logan." I replied sleepily and groggily at the same time yet my voice does feels hoarse from how sore I am feeling from how I have threw up earlier at a guest en suite bathroom where it is located across from the wall where both of the bedside tables and the bed are truly located along with a vanity table plus it is at the same area where we both have placed a brand new table with a brand new Silver iMac Computer on there just across from the bed and just a few inches away from where the bathroom is located.
"Oh Kaia . . ." He whispered to me while he pats on my shoulder as I continued to shiver from the way the cold air is blowing from the AC I had turned it on earlier and now it does feels like hours ago.
"I'm so sorry, Logan--for not truthfully responding to your text messages and please forgive me for ignoring your text messages and yet not replying to any of them at all ever since I hadn't been feeling so good today from the heatwaves, Logie."
"Oh no, Kaia--I am feeling so sorry about that; sweetie." He replied while looking at me with his pair of sparkling bluish grey eyes with an accent of light green which does sparks the feeling of concern in his pair of sparkling bluish green-grey blue eyes which I usually call it the Pacific Ocean Eyes which he had despite how he is from the state of Florida however I still call them a pair of Pacific Ocean blue eyes in my own opinion ever since I came from the islands of Hawaii; especially on the island of Oahu, Hawaii.
"It's okay, Logan: I'd think I am going to recover from this terrible headache; Logan."
"Wait, are you sure you are going to recover from this terrible headache?"
"Absolutely, Logan."
"I don't know, Kaia; may be do you truly want me to call one of the local clinics to make sure they can truly accept any walk-in patients to make sure you can get a proper medical check-up on your health condition, Kaia?"
When I didn't response, he told me "Maybe it is best we can go do a medical check-up at any of the available clinics then after that; we can go out for anything you want to take for an early dinner."
"Really, Logan?"
"Absolutely, Kaia."
"Aw, thank you; Logan; that is so sweet of you."
"Can I give you a hug, K?"
I looked at him in both a mixture of confusion and nervousness about how he did wanted to hug me when I am at my worst and lowest point I ever had experienced it in my very own life so many times in so many different events I have to truthfully went through in my very own life.
But with Logan's pair of worrying yet a sparkling pair of Pacific Ocean Blue eyes now looking at me with a depth of sadness; I would say the word "yes to a signature Logie bear hug.
"Yes, please: Logie." I replied without a sign of hesitation before we both ended up hugging each other.
"Oh Kaia, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through with the sickness sweetness."
"It's okay, Logan; so . . . you told me you want to check in with any of the available clinics for a proper medical check-up?"
"Absolutely, and after that; I'll let you choose any type of early dinner you can choose whatever you want based on how the condition of your stomach is, Kaia."
"Awesome: thank you very much: Logie Bear."
"Anytime, Kaia Walker."
We both laughed and as for the rest of the day; we did manage to go for a medical attention at one of the local Straub Clinics at the area of Honolulu as the doctor we did a medical check-up with them had confirmed there is nothing too serious apart from the dehydration and the lack of sun protection in addition to exposing myself to the sun for way too long especially when we are talking about how the weather in Hawaii does truthfully get very hot at times during the certain months and after that; we did truthfully ended up going the International Market Place where I took a bowl of Saimin Noodles which are my go to comfort food and Logan goes for a plate of seared ahi which is a Hawaii's version of fish and chips plus he also shared with me the bits; pieces and the part from the freshly seared yellow fin tuna in addition to sharing the truffle fries which he told me I can give it a try one day if I am ordering the same plate of the fish and chips which Logan is currently having right now and after dinner; he told me he wanted to stop by somewhere for desert and we did ended up stopping by at a shop called Magnolia Ice and Treats for a desert before we ended resting there for a while; returning back home and watched "All summer long" on TV.
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cfakihiros · 6 years
part IV - the rescue
Click for - part I / part II / part III (courtesy of Sara !)
Includes: @wclvie​, @svmuraisword​, @telekiinisis​
trigger warnings: torture, kidnapping, violence
Aki: Aki’s lost count of how many times he’s been strapped to this table, how many times he’s been stuck here, counting down the minutes until they drag him back to his cell to heal from whatever it is they’re doing to him. He’s not even sure how long he’s been out here today - it feels like hours, and it could be hours more. The pain is excruciating, his throat is raw from screaming in pain, and he’s on the verge of blacking out again when.. they stop. The doctors looking around in panic, the guards rushing out of the lab, but he’s too lost in his own pain to consider what it could mean. Even as they abandon him on the table, Aki can feel his control and sanity slipping away, base instincts beginning to kick in instead. They leave him strapped to the table, but Aki can smell the panic, he can hear - alarms blaring outside.
Logan: at first, they are silent. logan and laura are more than capable of getting themselves through the tangle of sterile hallways that is department x. to have kaia summers along felt... well, odd. it always felt odd to logan, bringing others to the place he'd suffered, but in this moment? almost none of that touched his thoughts. now, logan lead their small group, claws out and already bloody as the alarm finally goes off, "they know," he commented, hearing a group yelling, running down a nearby hallway. they're close, he can hear the distant clinks of tools against trays and clicks of buttons on their control panels. in a fluid motion, logan says "eight incoming," and turns the corner, arms out and moving to slice before any questions can be asked or reinforcements called.
Laura: weapon x wasn't a place that laura ever wanted to visit again. it was too similar to the facility and the place that was the reason why laura was the way she was. it made her skin crawl to be in such a similar environment to the place that she was raised and trained in. but those thoughts were tossed aside. her feelings didn't matter at this time and the ONLY thing that mattered was her nephew. she should have seen this coming, they had been happy for too long and that happiness is never a permanent thing for laura or for who she considers her family. she barely thinks about the fact that there's someone she doesn't know personally working with them. ( it's not a personal thing, but laura prefers matters related to family to stick to family. but she won't complain about more help. ) laura doesn't say anything, only gives logan a quick nod. her claws were already out and already messy when she jumps over logan to get to the front and take out anyone that was coming, slicing before they could do anything. they didn't stand a chance.
Kaia: kaia summers really cared about very people in her life, pehaps that was enough to show how much she card about aki considering she hadn't just come to get him herself (a thought that had occurred to her but then was dismissed just as quickly she wasn't stupid) she had gone to logan of all people for help. something she had sworn she wasn't going to do after she left the x-men. laura meanwhile was a sort of unknown quantity, aki had told her about her but that didn't mean she exactly trusted the other to have her back. still the other two prove themselves useful soon enough. jumping on the weapon x agents to the point where she has barely any work to do. she doesn't have claws and so she doesn't have a problem holding back for a few moments. she wasn't here to tear down the place, as intoxicating as the thought was, she was just here to find aki. still on the odd chance that a person might have been able to get passed the two of them then she didn't hesitate to step in. here the three of them had to be a team and if that meant watching logan's back then so be it.
Aki: Any other time, any other situation, Aki would be able to smell them - he'd pick up the scents, he'd know exactly who was here, but right now his senses just aren't working. With the experiments and testing and pain still so present his mind is running on overdrive, more instinct than anything else. The fact that the air is thick with panic doesn't help either, just pushing him closer and closer to that feral side he works so hard to control. His claws come out unprompted - and they don't feel right, something's off, something's different about them but he can't see them with the way he's strapped down and he can't twist enough to slice through the bonds. Still though he struggles against them, trying to get free, snarling at the doctors around him - "Let me go, get me off this damn table!" He barks, just shy of yelling, but all they do is back away, staring in shock for a moment before turning to flee and leaving him trapped there alone. He doesn't know who's out there, he doesn't know what they're here for, all he knows is he needs to get out and he's going to take as many of these people down along the way after what they've done to him.
Logan: A wisp of a smirk can be seen as Laura sails over him, just before he begins slashing indiscriminately, a familiar, primal haze comes over his senses as this goes on, one he'd never truly forget. He hears the angry voice through the nearby door, yanking his claws from a man's gut, charging forward with a great yell. arms out, as he runs at people, those that jump away get slashed, those that do not get bowled over by an adamantium skeleton inside a man who feels as though he's been here too many times before. Still, that doesn't matter in his mind as he quickly closes down on the door, arms folding and slamming with his shoulder, throwing it off its hinges.
Laura: as laura was slashing at the men coming towards her, to the point of stabbing both sets of claws into a guys stomach and tossing him aside. she can hear claws coming out and then aki's VOICE. watching the door fall off its hinges, she was quick to get inside. she didn't see aki and then she heard his struggles. she runs over and breaks down the second door, seeing him right there, restrained on the tale. she never wanted this to happen. never to aki of all people. she's at his side almost immediately. " aki, it's me. it's laura. do you recognize me? " her eyes goes towards the claws that were now admantium but she's quick to bury all feelings until they're out and safe. but she's hesitant to cut what was keeping him restrained. she doesn't know what's happened to him or what they did to him or even if had some kind of trigger scent too. she hoped not. but she does it anyways. " logan and kaia are here too. they'll be over here soon. "
Kaia: Kaia hadn’t been gifted with enhanced senses. She was powerful in her own right, cold tear people apart with her mind if she so wished and yet: she needed Logan and Laura as quickly as they did. A great parental figure she was shaping up to be (sure they’d never had that conversation but they had come as close as they could to admitting it) still she rushed forward the moment she was sure the four of them would at least have a moment to breathe. Now wasn’t the time for emotions soft or angry so she does her best to get a grip of herself before she enters the room. “Hey kid,” she greets as soon as she sees him, heartbreaking because even with her around they had managed to get to him. The one person she actually tried to look after. “It’s alright aki we’re getting you out of here” she hates herself for staying so far back in the room but if she got sliced open there would be no coming back from it,
Aki: There's a brutal red haze over Aki's mind that he can't shake, and with everything he's been put through no amount of breathing exercises in the world are going to help him with that right now. He hears the screams, smells blood in the air, hears the doors crashing off their hinges, there's voices floating around him but he can barely comprehend what they're saying. There's.. some kind of familiarity in the back of his mind, some small voice screaming out to stop, to focus, he knows these people, they're his family - but the voices are lost to the feral rage taking over him. His chest is heaving as he tries to catch his breath and the second his restraints are cut he moves, claws still out and still so wrong and the figure above him has no chance. He moves fast, claws digging into her skin and cutting a clean, deep slice up her forearm as he practically leaps away from the table and moves to the other side of the room. His eyes are wild, his expression contorted in rage, and even from here, even though he can see who's in front of him he can't really see them - all he sees are enemies, more enemies who are going to hurt him, use him, turn him into something he's not, and all he knows is he needs to get out of here.
Logan: logan takes on who was left in the room as quickly as he can, but it's not long before he can hear the feral rage pouring out of Aki. with a quick look, logan's expression went from terrifying to a dawning realization. there was no reasoning, not in the time they had, "aw, hell," he curses under his breath as one hand closes around a large metal pipe. truly, if there were another way, logan would take it. he took no satisfaction in the swinging of his arm with a great deal of might. the fact of the matter was that Aki healed, there was no way around him getting out of this okay once the three of them had him in their grasp. however, there was no hope of reasoning with his feral grandson, he knew. as metal connected with adamantium skull, logan had to shove back the moment he realized the gravity of what they'd done to the boy. he could feel his rage churn and boil, but there wasn’t time for revenge now, only for getting aki home safe, which logan was determined to do as the pipe clattered to the ground and he moved to pick up his grandson.
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intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   female   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my second milestone on here , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+ female names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : aurianna, addison, alannah, allegra, alina, alma, andra, avril, abella, arizona, annalise, amelia, aspen, alejandra, ayla, ales, alessia, anessa, asia, aline, adrienne, avery, armani, adaline, arden. 
B : blaire, brooke, brooklyn, bruna, bettina, bianca, becca, bella, bonnie, brielle, blake, bodhi, beverly, bambi, bronte, billie, briar, bria, birdie, brighton. 
C : catalina, cerise, celeste, celene, carson, camila, cecilia, callista, cadence, cassie, carmen, cali, charlie, camryn, camille, clara, claudete, chantel, chachi, capri, cove, chanel. 
D : diana, devi, dylan, daphne, dani, delphine, dahlia, delia, darcy, dawn, davina, dove, daisy, delaney, dua, darya, delilah, dixie, dior, dulce, dina, dayana. 
E : ember, eloisa, eleonora, emara, elena, esme, emery, emmeline, elsa, eva, evie, emmy, estelle, esther, evelyn, erin, eliana, everly, emerson, elle, ezra, eiza, eden. 
F : florence, franny, fiorella, faith, fiona, faye, farrah, freya, fern, flor, frankie. 
G : giulia, giulianna, georgia, ginny, grecia, giselle, genevieve, gabbie, grace, genie, gaia, giada, gemma, geles, genele, gia, gwendolyn, geneva, gracen. 
H : hazel, holland, helena, harlow, haven, hera, haley, houda, heidi, hana, harley, honey, hera. 
I : isobel, ivana, irma, irina, isadora, imogen, isla, ivy, inessa, ibiza, irelynn, iliana, ilana, indya. 
J : juliet, jayden, jordyn, jelena, jodie, jennie, jade, jesy, josie, june, jada, jemmye, jacey, janelle, juniper, jayla, jaliah, jewel, jane, johanna, jolie.
K : kendall, kensington, kennedy, katya, karlie, katerina, kailani, koral, kai, kaia, karma, kinsley, kylie, karina, korinna, karla, kemi, kate, kerigan, kali, kiyomi, kouvr. 
L : lourdes, leandra, london, lucia, luisa, logan, lena, leonora, larissa, lydia, lorelai, lylah, lettie, lottie, lalisa, luna, lara, lia, lorena, livia, layla, leighton, lyra, lola, lainey, laurel, luella, lumi. 
M : maricela, mariana, maeve, mabel, mila, marbella, maia, melody, mimi, monet, malauna, mira, mallory, millie, marla, mia, marvela, marni, madelaine, maleia, magnolia, maren. 
N : nilsa, nutsa, nini, naomi, noa, nevlyn, nathaly, nicolette, nadira, nicola, nova, nany, nala, niaye, nyla, noelle, nathalie, 
O : olympia, orianthi, octavia, opal, oriana, ophelia, orion, oakley, odessa, odette, odelia. 
P : paola, paris, peyton, phebe, priyanka, paislee, paloma, pandora, parvati, piper, perla, pearl, pia, priya, pilar, paxon. 
Q : quinn, quintessa. 
R : rowan, rylie, rosalie, roslyn, raquel, rose, reign, renata, raegan, reyna, ryann, raya, rhiannon, ria, rue, rhodes.
S : serena, serafina, sawyer, sylvie, sol, samira, sloane, silver, sutton, stella, saanvi, sab, seren, seven, sophia, star, skye, sabina, saskia, summer, stormy, salena, sage, sonny, solange, sahar, sumaya, shelby. 
T : tatum, tayler, tara, torre, tia, thea, tyra, truly, thalia, taryn, tampson, tayli, talya, teala, tala. 
U : uma. 
V : valencia, violetta, venus, verity, vanessa, venecia, vinnie, vida, vivienne, valentina, velora, vera, venice.
W : willow, winona, willa, wanda, witney, westlyn, windsor, wilhelmina, wren. 
X : ximena, xiomara, xashary, xena, xyla. 
Y : yovanna, yves, yara, yvette, yasmin, yesenia, yensi.
Z : zara, zion, zoe, zahara, zharia, zella, zendaya, zakiyah. 
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hermywolf · 3 years
ranking my favorite characters about random shit part 2
ranking my favorite characters (clarke griffin, dean winchester, fox mulder, rose tyler, newt, kaz brekker, samwise gamgee, charles xavier, bill denbrough, lord asriel, steve rogers, scott mccall, anna milton and barry berkman) about random shit. this is entirely self-indulgent
PART 2 : how many allies do they have/how powerful are their allies. basically how screwed they’d be if they had to rely on their allies to survive
yeah believe it or not im putting him before charles or steve. listen, listen; dean just. does this thing. in which he’ll get pretty much anyone on his side after like two conversations. ESPECIALLY incredibly powerful supernatural creatures. i mean he’s got sam, aka the second best hunter on earth, and jack, literally GOD, on his side; then obviously the dean winchester simp squad, castiel, a seraph and commander of garrisons who can get heaven to fight for him; benny, a vampire; crowley, a powerful crossroad demon and the king of hell; amara, literally THE DARKNESS HERSELF, god’s SISTER; and then there’s just SO many others who will fight for him for diverse reasons, rowena, eileen, claire, jody, donna, kaia, mary, anna, gabriel, DEATH HIMSELF was his bitch before billie, then ketch charlie kevin, he’s just got so many allies and so many are some of the most powerful creatures in the universe. i mean, jack, amara and gabriel alone are three of the most powerful beings who have ever existed, as well as billie and the other archangels but all of them are dead, and chuck but he’s also dead and even he would be on dean’s side since dean is his favorite and if it’s an actual life-threatening situation chuck would want the show to keep going. so yeah dean winchester’s got the biggest defense squad imaginable and honestly? good for him, he deserves it
do i even have to say it? outside of his ability to. you know. literally control minds, he’s also a leader who inspires loyalty and trust, and he’s got all the x-men fighting for him, including jean and logan - and even if we’re being honest some of the brotherhood, i mean especially in the first class timeline, erik and raven would absolutely be on his side. he’s got some of the most powerful mutants of all time ready to fight for his life
I mean he’s the leader of the avengers, man. have you seen the avengers assemble scene? they were fighting against thanos there but don’t try to tell me all of them wouldn’t fight for him. he’s got the falcon, black widow and the winter soldier on his side as well as the SCARLET WITCH, CAPTAIN MARVEL, THOR, do i need to keep going. he’s got a huge reputation and everyone knows and trusts him. and as we can also see in all his movies he inspires loyalty and devotion easily so even with people he doesn’t know he can get himself a loyal army in one well-delivered speech à la captain america
while most of the people on this list (steve, scott, charles, dean, bill, newt, anna) are born leaders who inspire trust and loyalty, kaz is just. really good at blackmail and insanely smart and cruel. and he’s got an insanely scary reputation too. he’s got the crows on his side no matter what, so an amazing spy, the best sharpshooter in ketterdam, a grisha who survived parem, an ex-drüskelle, and a demolition expert; as well as now the entirety of the dregs and inej’s crew, probably. plus, he most likely has leverage on the entirety of ketterdam and more. if he got in real trouble he could probably dig out the years and years of blackmail he got stacked away and get himself allyships with anyone he wants. plus his allies are ruthless, diverse and all strategically selected
he’s got his entire pack ready to jump to help him anytime. and really when you think about it his pack is so big and diverse, there’s all kinds of creatures/skills ready to help him, plus he’s a true alpha, any werewolf would jump to his aid. I mean let’s look at his pack, stiles, allison, lydia, derek, malia, isaac, kira, hayden, mason, corey, and then of course stilinski, deaton, melissa, chris and peter, i mean even theo... he’s got a huge pack who is extremely loyal to him and they’re all kinds of creatures too, he’s fine
everyone loves rose SO much. like obviously the doctor will give his life for her without hesitation but we also got jack, mickey, jackie, and even a bunch of people she met for like a couple episodes like donna or sarah jane immediately loved her. so i think she’s ultimately got some pretty solid allies especially with her father’s wealth and torchwood’s support in the alternate reality
im putting her pretty down because on one hand he’s got very powerful/devoted allies on her side, like bellamy, lexa, roan, nyilah, finn, wells, etc (the key of getting your allies to be entirely devoted and loyal to you is to make at least half of them fall in love with you OR to top them so good they’ll literally put their lives down for you because of how good it was and clarke got that down to an art) BUT they’re also like. all dead. like almost all the people i just listed are dead so. yeah she’s kinda on her own in the end but if we look at early seasons clarke before literally all of them got murdered she had skaikru, azgeda and trikru pretty much in her pocket, so three of the biggest/most technically advanced armies on EARTH ready to fight for her.
now he doesn’t have actual allies per say but he can manage to get pretty much anyone on his side through charisma, threats and promises, so he ends up steadily getting massive support from witches, angels and many others in the books. he can pretty easily get himself a bunch of followers at his side ready to die for his cause.
now listen he does have a pretty solid bunch of allies, aka the entire fellowship, who they, themselves, have a bunch of allies, who have a bunch of allies. i mean homeboi’s got ARAGORN and LEGOLAS and GANDALF on his side all ready to jump to save the tiny hobbits anytime so he’ll be fine.
he’s immediately got the losers on his side, which is a win because they’re stubborn and annoying enough that they defeated an alien demonic clown. plus they’re quite literally assembled by a divinity to destroy a demon, so they’re the perfect team to kick ass and they’ll risk their lives for each other. plus he’s got a fanbase! people read his books and watch his movies. meaning he’s probably got a pretty big part of stan twt ready to help?? idk man i just think he’ll be fine when it comes to allies
11- NEWT
he’s got the entire glade ready to jump to his aid pretty much at any time, i mean let’s be honest if there’s one person all the gladers would agree on defending it would be.. ok it would be chuck bc he’s a CHILD but otherwise it’d be newt. plus he’s alby’s second in command and even gally likes him and respects him more than he likes and respects most people, which isnt much but hey kudos for the effort. anywho yeah the entire glade would defend him i think
she would’ve once had the entirety of heaven at her commands ready to smite anyone who comes close to her but now that she fell and rebelled they all want her dead so. i mean i wish i could say cas would help her but after he betrayed her im not so sure? and the winchesters well idk either, maybe, maybe not, depends whether or not the entire trying-to-kill-sam ordeal happened. gabriel might help her? idk where to put her because i don’t KNOW if cas, dean, gabriel or the angels would help her but if any of them did then even one of these is a pretty solid backup so. idk man
im only on season 4 but as far as i can see he’s got only scully. which is pretty solid backup, she can kick ass, but still. i guess it’s one of the downsides of everyone thinking you’re batshit insane and having the entire government out to get you because they all LOATHE YOUR GUTS SO MUCH
I mean dude. he pretty much kills all his friends. like he could ask for chris’s help but umm well he killed him, if he’s in a bad situation oh great he’s got a friend at the police except NO he murdered her. what’s that? fuches? no barry’s literally trying to murder him as of now. sally wouldn’t help him at all. cousineau just found out barry murdered his gf. at MOST he can hope that noho hank will help but i mean he’s not much help tbh i love the guy but he’s kinda useless<3
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excesshq · 4 years
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                                  #ExcessEvent003      ---   FAN-NIVAL !!       
 who  doesn’t  love  a  carnival ?   who  doesn’t  love  celebrities ?   mix  the  two  together  and  you’ve  got  something  destined  for  greatness.   presented  by  sony  records  --  the  first  annual  𝕗𝕒𝕟-𝕟𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕝 𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕥   is  underway ,  with  a  line  of  your  favorite  famous  faces  all  working  together  for  a  week  long  fund  raising  event.  100%  of  the  proceeds  from  the  carnival  will  be  doubled  by  sony  records  and  donated  to  multiple  charities  .  so  come  on  by  to  see  your  favorite  celebrities  working  the  best  carnival  attractions  in  los  angeles.  organized  &  assigned  by  eden  o’connor  &  noel  laurent  ( aka  randomly  selected  by  a  name  randomizer  ) ,  here’s  the  full  list  of  where  your  favorite  celebs  can  be  found  throughout  this  week.   they’ll  be  allowed  breaks  throughout  the  day  from  their  shifts  at  their  respective  booths  but  they’ll  finally  be  able  to  enjoy  the  park  fully  on  the  1st  as  it’ll  open  up  exclusively  for  our  hard  working  a-listers.   unless  otherwise  specified  in their  job  descriptions  all  carnival  workers  will  be  expected  to  wear  their  assigned  uniform.   trust  me,  this  is  no  where  near  as  embarrassing  as  some  of  the  other  costumes.  so  dust  off  your  bowties ! 
alright  baybees  ,  this  event  will  be  taking  place  from  the 27th  to  the  30th with  a  discord  event  on  the  1st !  the  time  for  that   will  be  decided  in  a  later  poll .   if  you  have  any  questions  let  us  know,  we’ll  be  happy  to  answer  them. everything  was  chosen  randomly and  if  y’all  want  we’ll  be  doing  more  event  like  this !  ( this could get relatively long so i recommend just doing ctrl + f and finding ur muses name. )  i  tried  to  give  each  booth  some  detail  so  y’all  feel  inspired  to  write !   like  usual  we  ask  you  pause  current  threads  on  the  27th  !   we  randomly  choose  jobs  so  now’s  a  great  time  to  interact  with  someone  you  haven’t  yet!  okay,  cool!! 
alright  here’s  the  job  descriptions /  assignments:  
 dunk tank:   two  bucks  for  a  total  of  three  chances  to  dunk  your  favorite  celebrity  into  a  vat  of  ice  cold  water?  sounds  like  fun  to  me !  they’re  allowed  to  wear  whatever  they  want :  they’ll  be  going  through  enough  pain . 
at  dunk  tank  you’ll find...  samyr, molly, milena, malachi ! 
balloon  pop:  right  next  to  the  dunk  tanks,  you’ll  find  balloon  pop!  an  easy  game  to  win  some  fun  prizes.  much  like  the  fish  game,  this  is  destine  to  attract  kids  (  so  watch  your  behavior!  ) 
at  balloon  pop  you’ll  find...  lincoln,  stevie , presley, victorio  ! 
carriage ride:  make  way  for  a  real  fun  experience !  our  celebs  will  be  dressed  up  as  fairytale  characters  as  they  direct   and  run   the  carriage  ride.  
at  the  carriage  ride  you’ll  find...  angel  as  prince  charming,  harris  as  a  pirate  , stas  as  a  mermaid  princess , isabel  as  a  fairy  !   
ring toss :  a  super  fun  game with  some  pretty  incredible  prizes !!  along  with  stuffed  animals,  brand  new  apple  devices,  and  cash --  do  well  enough  in  the  game  and  you  might  be  able  to   win  a  date  with  one  of  the  celebrities  working  the  game!  good  luck x 
 at  ring  toss  you’ll  find...  sahar,  ashley , adore,  kennedy  ! 
 lucky duck:  an  easy  going  game  (  and  maybe  the  most  boring  but  you  didn’t  hear  that  from  us  )  lucky  ducks  perfect  for  our  very  young  visitors!  hopefully  you’ll  be  able  to  keep  yourself  occupied  . 
at  lucky  duck  you’ll  find...  brodie, mel, kaia ,  axel 
face painting :  hopefully  you’ve  brushed  up  on  your  painting  skills (  or  practiced  using  the  how-to  videos  we  sent  you  last  week ! )  either  way,  you’ll  be  face  painting  this  week!  get  ready  to  go  home  covered  in  glitter.   
at   face  painting  you’ll  find...   seth, gus,  billie , gen 
fish game:  the  best  part  of  the  carnival ?  coming  home  with  a  new  pet  goldfish ,  of  course!  the  fish  game  will  be  quite  popular  so  we  hope  you’re  ready  to  stay  busy.  
at  the  fist  game  you’ll  find...  kami, rhett, amari, selina
 water squirt game :  hope  you  don’t  have  a  fear  of  clowns!  you’re  welcome  to  stop  by  the  face  painting  booth  before  your  shift  or  do  it  yourself --  but  we  wanna  see  your  best  clown  costume.  have  fun!  
at  the  water  squirt  game  you’ll  find...   maeve, logan, damian
  kissing booth:  ooooooh,  how  spicy! hope  you’ve  been  using  the  lip  scrub  we  sent  you  in  the  mail.  carnival  goers  have  the  opportunity  to  get  a  kiss  from  their  favorite  celebrity --  with  quite  the  hefty  price,  of  course .  kissing  booth  workers  will  be  dressed  up  as  love  doctors  /  nurses. 
at  the  kissing  booth  you’ll  find...  marnie, scout, scott, maxi
 hall of mirrors:  we  love  a  good  maze!  hope  you  don’t  get  lost  during  your  shift. hall  of  mirrors  will  be  another  very  popular  attraction,  so  we  hope  you  find  time  for  yourself.  
at  the  hall  of  mirrors  you’ll  find...  paris,  allie , frankie, lucinda 
  haunted house:  what’s  a  carnival  with  a  little  (  somewhat  corny  )  haunted  house!  dressed  up  as  some  really  spooky  characters,  make  sure  you  give  carnival  goers  a  really  good  scare! 
at  the  haunted  house  you’ll  find...  fenwick  as  a  werewolf , eddie  as  a  devil , astrea  as  a  vampire, dove  as  a  dead  bride
 food alley :  what’s  a  carnival  without  food?  pointless.  (  with  the  help  of  a  few  paid  employees )  you  guys  will  be  serving  up  everything  from  funnel  cake  to  fried  oreos !  mostly,  just  taking  and  handing  out  orders --  so you’ll  still  get  to  look  pretty while  you  work.   
 at  food  alley  you’ll  find ...  hallie, ty, rory, kamilia  
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My Marvel Imagines Masterlist
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Madness (Loki Laufeyson/OFC, long-fic, In-Progress)
Chapter 1 | The Warrior
The beginning of it all.
Chapter 2 | Him
Eva discovers the warmth of a mother in her Queen, and Frigga finally convinces Eva to embrace her power. With the fear that Loki could be further corrupted in the dungeons, Eva voices her concerns once more before the Allfather only to be turned away again. Sensing her distress, Frigga confides in Eva about her loophole to visiting Loki.
Chapter 3 | Little Wolf
Eva recalls one of her most beautiful memories of Loki. Heimdall urges Eva to find her way back home, but she cannot bring herself to enter the house filled with so many memories of Hjalmar. In a celebration of Hjalmar’s life, Eva drinks her sorrows away, and Thor discusses his feelings for her with his mother.
Chapter 4 | The Day Death Cried
In a horrifying dream, Eva witnesses the birth of Life’s Tree, but it is different than the tales that were told. Still intoxicated from the night of drinking, Eva decides to disobey the King to visit Loki in the dungeons. Eva sifts through the rubble of Loki’s mind to offer him a beautiful memory, but the beauty of it only destroys him more.
Chapter 5 | Thunder in the Rain
After a confrontation with Loki in the dungeons, Eva finds comfort in breaking things and draws the attention of the God of Thunder. Convinced that he played a part in Eva’s grief, Thor reveals a dark secret. While Odin reveals a new version of Asgard’s history to Thor, a new enemy arrives in Asgard, ready to claim the throne.
Chapter 6 | Collateral Damage
In the aftermath of the battle on the Rainbow Bridge with Ezra, Eva shows how merciless she can be to those who threaten her home and the ones she loves. Ezra taunts Loki with the one thing he knows could break the God of Mischief.
Chapter 7 | Betrayal
In a flashback, Eva recalls one of her most painful memories: her encounter with Loki during the Battle of New York. In a desperate attempt to save the man she loves, Eva is willing to let herself fall.
Chapter 8 | Falling
Upset that her voice is unheard and unappreciated while discussing the new threat to Asgard, Eva finds herself searching the Universe for her purpose. In a desperate attempt to save one of her dearest friends, Eva makes an unplanned trip to Midgard.
Chapter 9 | Alone Again
Eva arrives on Midgard just in time to break Tony’s fall, but here mere presence on Midgard is violating the promise she made. Upon meeting a small stranger, Eva learns the nickname the Midgardians gave to her, and she has another vision of the woman from her dreams.
Chapter 10 | Belonging Nowhere
Eva’s departure is felt throughout the whole of Asgard. When the God of Thunder discovers her absence, Heimdall shows how willing he is to live up to the promise he made. Aaldir offers fatherly advice to the worried Prince.
Chapter 11 | The Choice
Eva rediscovers a piece of herself she thought died long ago. In another vision of the past, she witnesses Aaldir making the hardest choice of his life.
Chapter 12 | The Less You Know
Harley reminds Eva of her lost companion. Tony reveals that he is aware of his connection to Eva and asks for a favor that will bring Eva back to a simpler time
Chapter 13 | Once Upon the 40′s
Eva recalls her past with Loki and runs into some very familiar faces along the way, faces she’s never been able to forget.
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Chapter 14 | Twice Upon the 40′s
Eva continues to recall her past with Loki and unveils a connection with Tony that she’s kept under wraps for the majority of his life. Tony finally discovers why she broke her promise to stay away.
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Chapter 15 | Still
Ezra takes advantage of Loki’s emotions and finds a way into his unguarded mind.
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Chapter 16 | Destiny
When the lives of Tony and Harley are in question, Eva discovers just how powerful she can become, and she is faced with a difficult decision.
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Chapter 17 | Two Sides of the Same Coin
Bits of truth unfurl when Ezra visits Eva during a vision of the past. Tony asks for help, and Eva is forced to make a difficult decision.
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Chapter 18 | Mother
 When Eva is faced with two difficult goodbye’s, she makes a choice that could be detrimental to her future.
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Chapter 19 | A Bleeding Rose
Upon returning to Asgard with Harley and Kaia, Eva is surprised to discover where loyalties lie throughout Asgard, and she finds that her plan to visit her beloved has been made easier than she thought it would be.
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Chapter 20 | With a Blade of Grass
Eva and Loki experience a night of freedom together and rediscover each other.
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Chapter 21 | Godsbane
Eva and Aaldir share a moment before she departs for Midgard once more, and Thor is finally told the story of Asgard’s greatest threat.
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Chapter 22 | If I Leave You...
The assault on the Mandarin’s compound proves to have been more than Tony and Eva were prepared to handle, and Killian finds out just how desperate Tony can become when Eva’s life is in question.
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Chapter 23 | Keep Me In Your Heart
Tony learns the true meaning of desperation.
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Chapter 24 | The Greatest Weakness
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Chapter 25 | Her
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Chapter 26 | The Greatest Failure
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Chapter 27 | The Awakening
Thor and Eva have conflicting views on how to handle the situation with Aurora, but Eva’s need to protect her daughter gets in the way of her happiness.
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Chapter 28 | The Nameless Ones
Aaldir makes a difficult decision to protect the ones he loves, and Eva shares a heart-to-heart with her enemy.
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Chapter 29 | Only Forever
After Ezra’s departure, Eva is confronted by Steve with a bouquet of flowers and a letter.
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Chapter 30 | The Storm
Eva reconciles with Thor, and Aurora seeks comfort in the storm.
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The One Good Reason (Bucky Barnes/OFC, fic, complete)
Chapter 1 | The Cold Heart of Winter
Tony searches for his daughter, Emma, when she doesn’t make it home for dinner. During his search, he stumbles upon what looked to be a struggle, and his worst fears are confirmed when he receives a call from an enemy from the past: Hydra.
Chapter 2 | The Soldier
In Tony’s ultimate time of need, Steve shows him the meaning of family. Tony receives another call, but this time, Emma is on the other end of the line, asking more of him than he is capable of. Emma finds solace in the shadows of the soldier’s heart.
Chapter 3 | Bucky
In the finale, the Avengers execute their plan to rescue Emma from the Hydra facility. Emma makes a promise to get Bucky out of the facility alive, and in an attempt to keep that promise, she discovers herself and the true meaning of sacrifice.
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Lost and Found (Tony Stark/OFC, fic, unfinished)
Chapter 1 | Mr. Trouble
Samantha Lockhart is a struggling single mother working for S.H.I.E.L.D. who was assigned to be Tony Stark’s personal assistant and undercover bodyguard. Desperately wanting to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. to protect her daughter after the events in D.C. revealed the Hydra operation living within, Samantha was all but forced into the job for Tony by a promise she had made to her late protege, Phil Coulson. With a secret family, a lost love, and more baggage than an airport, it’s only a matter of time before her world comes crumbling down around her.
Chapter 2 | My Purpose
Samantha dreams of “the last day” before it’s cut short by Vision’s call in regards to a missing Tony. Vision is the first to discover Samantha’s secret, and she discovers her least favorite part of her job. She discovers just how much she means to some people.
Chapter 3 | A Good Man
In the aftermath of Tony’s drunken disappearance, Samantha cooks him breakfast. Tony feels guilty for so many “last night’s”, and Sam loses control of the situation. Secrets are revealed and Tony realizes just how much good he had with Samantha.
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Somewhere In Between (Stephen Strange/OFC, fic, unfinished)
Chapter 1 | Control
As the son of Stephen and Felicity, Liam has witnessed plenty of death, pain, and fear in his life. Nothing could’ve prepared him, though, for losing his mother at the hands of an enemy who had his sights set on Stephen. In a desperate attempt to place blame, Liam turns his back on his father.
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Gone (Loki Laufeyson/Reader, fic, unfinished)
Chapter 1 | Unseen
The Midgardian woman who warmed Loki’s frozen heart has been a constant hum in his soul from the moment they met. He has always felt her presence within him, but nothing prepared him for the sudden shift in the universe, when the humming stopped. She was just...gone.
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Marvel Characters
Peter Parker
Of Supernovas and Stars (Peter Parker x Female!Reader)
Imagine making snow angels with Peter Parker.
Galway Girl (Galway Girl x Female!Reader)
Imagine being Tony Stark’s daughter and coming out to your best friend, Peter Parker.
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Steve Rogers
Daddy’s Girl (Steve Rogers x Female!Reader)
Imagine Steve picking you up for your first date and meeting your father, Logan.
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Tony Stark
Something More (Tony Stark x Female!Reader)
Imagine confessing to Tony Stark that you love him.
Just Relax (Tony Stark x Female!Reader)
Imagine Tony Stark helping you relax after a hard day.
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Real Person Fiction
Tom Hiddleston
These Hands (Tom Hiddleston x Female!Reader)
NSFW Imagine getting fingered by Tom Hiddleston in a car
Stargazing (Tom Hiddleston x Female!Reader)
Imagine stargazing with Tom Hiddleston.
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Chris Evans
Sweet Nothings (Chris Evans x Female!Reader)
Imagine Chris leaving sweet nothings for you around your hotel suite.
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themomsandthecity · 7 years
Every Baby Name We Could Possibly Think Of
Naming your baby is a big decision, and with endless options, it can also be a difficult one. Whether you're going the traditional route or want something more unique (if so, read this first!) it's helpful to have a little, or a lot, of inspiration. Ahead, you'll find nearly every baby name we could think of (close to 1,000!). These aren't just random names we found in a book or concocted ourselves - they're almost all monikers we've heard being used, or we actually know someone who goes by the name. If we missed any, tell us in the comments! A Aaliyah Aaron Abbie Abel Abigail Abraham Adalyn Adam Addilyn Addison Adelaide Adeline Adley Adora Agatha Aiden Alan Albert Aleph Alexander Alexis Ali Alma Alton Ama Amanda Amaryllis Amber Ameila Amélie Amy Anders Anderson Andrea Andrew Angie Angela Angelica Anika Anna Annalise Anne Annie Ansel Apple April Arata Archie Aria Ariane Ariel Arlee Arlo Arman Arthur Arun Arwen Arya Asha Asher Aspen Atticus Aton Aubrey Audrey August Augustus Aurora Ava Avery Axel Aziz B Bailey Barack Barbara Barney Barry Beatrice Beau Beckett Beckham Becky Ben Benedict Benjamin Bennett Bentley Bernadette Beth Bette Betty Beverly Bexley Bianca Bill Billie Bingham Bishop Bitsie Blake Blue Bobby Bodhi Bonnie Bowie Brady Braelynn Brandon Brayden Brecken Bree Brent Brenton Brett Brian Briana Briar Bridgette Brienne Brig Brigham Brinley Brio Britta Brock Brody Bronwyn Brooklyn Bruno Bryan Byron C Caden Caitlin Caity Cale Caleb Calla Calvin Camari Cameron Camilla Carena Carina Carl Carmel Carol Carrey Carter Cary Casey Caspian Cat Catherine Celine Chandler Chanel Channing Charise Charlene Charles Charlotte Chase Cher Cheri Cheriann Cheryl Chevy Chip Chloe Chris Chrissy Christian Christopher Claire Clara Clark Clary Claudia Clementine Clifford Clint Clinton Clyde Colin Collins Condoleezza Connor Conrad Constance Coolidge Cooper Cora Corban Courtney Cruz Related: 100 of the Most Beautiful Baby Names D Daisy Dale Dallas Damon Dane Danica Daniel Danielle Daphne Darby Darlene Darrel Daryl Dashiell Dave David Davina Davis Davon Dawn Dean Deanna Declan Dekel Delaney Delilah Delta Dennis Denzel Desmond Dev Devon Dexter Diane Dinah Dixie Dixon Dolores Dominique Donald Doris Dorothea Dorothy Dot Duke Duncan Dwight Dylan E Easton Ed Eden Edith Edmund Edward Effie Eleanor Elena Eli Eliana Elijah Elise Elizabeth Ella Elle Ellen Ellerie Ellie Elliott Ellis Elodie Eloise Elora Elroy Elsa Elsie Embry Emerson Emily Emma Emmett Eric Erica Esme Esmeralda Esther Ethan Ethel Eugene Evan Eve Evelyn Everett Evie Ewan Ezra F Farah Fay Felix Ferris Finn Fiona Fisher Fitz Fleur Flint Florence Floyd Flynn Ford Forrest Foster Fox Frances Frank Franklin Frederick G Gabe Gabriel Gaige Gail Gant Garrett Garth Gavin Gem Gemma Gene Genesis Gertrude George Gianna Gibson Gigi Gina Ginger Gladys Glenn Gloria Gordon Grace Grady Graham Grant Grayson Greer Gregory Griffin Grover Gus Gwen Gwyneth H Hadlee Hailey Hal Halle Hank Hannah Harding Harlow Harlyn Harold Harper Harriet Harrison Harry Hart Hartley Harvey Haven Hawk Hawthorne Hayden Hayes Hays Hazel Hector Heath Heather Helen Henley Henry Hillary Honor Holden Holly Holt Hope Hubert Hudson Hugo Humphrey Hunter Hurley Hutton Related: Based Off Last Year's Trends, These 30 Names Will Be Among the Most Popular of 2017 I Ian Ida Idris Ike Imanuel Imogen India Indy Ingrid Inizio Ireland Iris Irvin Isa Isaac Isabella Isabelle Isaiah Isla Israel Ivana Ivory J Jack Jackie Jackson Jacob Jacqueline Jaden Jaelyn Jagger Jake James Jameson Jamie Jane January Jason Jasper Jaun Jax Jaxon Jayce Jayden Jeannette Jed Jeff Jefferson Jenna Jess Jessica Jessie Jill Jillian Joan Joanna Joaquin Joe John Jones Jordan Joseph Josephine Josh Joshua Joslyn Joss Joy Joyce Judith Judy Jules Julia Julian Julie Juliet Julius June Juno Justin K Kai Kaia Kale Kalinda Kane Karah Katharine Kathryn Kate Kay Kaya Kaylee Keanu Keegan Keira Keith Kellan Kelly Kelsey Kendall Kennedy Kevin Khloe Kiah Kiele Kiera Kim Kima Kimberly Kingston Kinsley Kirk Kit Kitty Knox Krista Kristen Kurtis Kyle Kylie L Laith Lake Lana Landon Lane Larissa Larkin Laszlo Laura Lauren Lawrence Layla Leah Lee Leia Leighton Leilani Lena Lennon Leo Leonard Leslie Levi Lewis Leyona Lia Liam Liana Lida Lilith Lillian Lily Lincoln Lindsay Lionel Lisa Lisette Liz Logan Lois Lola London Loretta Lorraine Louella Louise Lucas Lucian Lucille Lucy Luke Luna Lux Lyle Lyndon Lynne Related: 100 Unusual Boy Names M Mabel Mabrey Mac Macallan Mackenzie Macy Madeleine Madelyn Madison Mae Maeby Maggie Mahershala Maia Makena Malcolm Maleeya Malia Mamie Mandy Marabelle Marcus Maren Margaret Margot Mari Maria Mariah Mariam Marilyn Marin Marion Marisole Marisse Marjorie Mark Marlene Marlon Marlowe Martha Martin Mary Mason Matilda Matthew Maui Mavis Maximus Maxson May Maya McKinley Megan Melissa Meredith Merritt Meryl Meyer Mia Michael Michelle Mika Mike Mila Mildred Miles Millie Milo Moana Molly Monica Monroe Montgomery Morgan Moses Muhammad Murray Myles N Nahall Nahla Nancy Nanette Naomie Nasima Natalie Nate Nathan Naveen Naya Neil Neisa Neo Neoma Newt Newton Niall Nicholas Nick Nico Nicole Nicolette Nigel Nile Nimah Nixon Noah Noel Nolan Nora Norma Norman North Nova O Obama Octavia Olly Olive Oliver Olivia Omar Opal Ophelia Ordell Oriana Orion Orlando Orson Orville Oscar Otis Otto Owen P Paige Paislee Paloma Pandora Paris Parker Patrick Patsy Paul Payton Pearl Peggy Penelope Penn Penny Perry Pete Peyton Phillip Phoebe Phoenix Phyllis Pierce Piper Polly Poppy Porter Posey Preston Primrose Priya Prudence Priscilla Q Quaid Quincy Quentin Quinn Quinten R Rachel Radley Rae Ralph Ramsey Rayna Rayne Reagan Rebecca Reese Reeve Reid Reign Remi Renly Rex Rhea Rhett Rhys Richard Rick Riley Ripley River Rivers Rob Robert Robin Rome Romy Ronald Ronin Rooney Roosevelt Rory Rosalind Rosalynn Rosamund Rose Rosemary Ross Rowan Roy Royce Ruby Rue Ruth Rutherford Ryan Ryder Related: 100 Unique Yet Beautiful Girls' Names S Sacha Sage Sahara Saint Sam Samuel Sandra Sandy Sansa Sarah Saul Savannah Sawyer Scarlett Schuyler Scout Sean Sebastian Selena Sena Seymour Shane Shannon Shea Shelly Sherlock Sherry Shiloh Shirley Sia Sidney Sienna Simon Skyler Sloan Sofia Solo Sonia Sophia Sophie Spencer Stacy Stanley Stella Stephanie Sterling Stetson Stuart Sue Sullivan Summer Suri Susan Sylvia T Tabitha Tad Tamera Tamsyn Tanner Tara Tate Taylor Teagan Teddy Terrance Thea Thelma Theordore Theresa Thomas Tim Tina Tinley Toby Todd Tom Tony Travis Travon Trent Trey Tricia Trinity Tripp Tristan Troy Truman Turner Tyler Tyson V Valentina Valentine Vance Vaughan Vaughn Vera Vern Victor Victoria Viggo Vince Vincent Viola Violet Virgil Vivian W Waldo Walker Wallis Walter Warren Watson Waverly Wells Wes Wesley Westley Whitney Will Willa William Willow Wilson Winter Wolfe Wren Wyatt X Xander Xavier Xeno Y Yanet Yani Yigal York Yuma Yvette Z Zachary Zahir Zander Zane Zaylee Zayn Zion Zoe Zola Zooey Zora Zuma Zuri Related: These Are the Most Popular Baby Names of 2016 http://bit.ly/2kR9iwY
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aggold15hi01 · 3 months
Late night writing post-Logan x Kaia headcanons-Part 1
Don't mind about this project, I wanted to do this at work but work had been making me feeling f***ed up along with the long journey from work to home and vice versa plus waking up very early in the morning at around five a.m in the morning thus this is something I wanted to do it for a very long time; everyone.
Anyway, consider this post is the first and official post of Logan x Kaia writing as we get to know them better. 😊
Also, for those of you who are wondering who is Kaia's face claim; it is the Wubble version of Allisha Gray back before she changes her hair with the pair of goggles are being converted into her pair of permanent glasses where she wore them for a very long time in her life starting from her time when she started her freshman year in the University of Hawaii at Manoa which is her own idea as she did wanted to wear a pair of glasses which Allisha Gray started wearing it from the pandemic year.
For the writing of their headcanons, it is inserted below and I will be cross posting to my personal blog.
-Kaia does truly loves giving Logan a manicure and pedicure whenever they are at home in her (Or rather: their) apartment in the island of Oahu, Hawaii.
-Kaia has a collection of nail polish, books: magazines; music CDs, *Funko Pop Figures, My Scene and Barbie Dolls plus DVDs of her favorite movies she enjoys watching them either from her home or from her nail salon since he (Logan) suggested **she gets a TV for her nail salon just in case if people wanted to watch a movie at her nail salon.
~Kaia and Logan loves acai bowl whenever they are in Hawaii and they would always go for the acai bowl from the Sunshine Shack restaurant but they also loved and enjoyed the acai bowls from Haleiwa Bowls whenever they both travelled up north to the area of Haleiwa in addition to the Nalu Cafe Acai bowl where they can simply walk across from her nail salon to the Nalu Cafe where they would always acai bowl for either breakfast or brunch if they both arrived late to the nail salon by an urgent client with an emergency appointment.
~When she first met Coco who is Logan's dog; he would always let her keep Kaia accompany as he gets concerned about how Kaia would cope with the waves of loneliness she had to truly experienced it in her very own life while having to truly live in the island of Hawaii.
~Logan also helps her with the assisting job on the meal runs followed by collecting any of the parcels she needs to collect them on extra nail equipments; nail polishes to be stocked up and also extra items to be added into a collection.
-Kaia does truthfully hated sharks but told him the reef sharks she had experienced it before whenever she either goes cage diving with sharks in Haleiwa (A very seldom activity she normally does in Haleiwa) or scuba diving out in the waters of the Pacific Ocean surrounding the islands of Hawaii didn't give her much of a scare in the comparison of the great white sharks and the more common tiger sharks which although she seen them a few time whenever she gets a full on seldom day off from doing her own business by having to go scuba diving whenever she has the proper time to do it.
-Speaking of scuba diving, one of Kaia's favorite activity is scuba diving apart from surfing; swimming plus deep sea fishing with her dad whenever he gets the time apart from gardening which she usually enjoys it with her dad; reading; watching her favorite comfort movies, doing art on sketching; coloring in the adult coloring books and doing acrylic paintings of any different art subjects she wanted to do it whenever she gets the time in addition to spending her time at a cafe and journaling on her daily life whenever she can along the way on a day when she gets the time to be away from her nail salon.
-One of her least favorite part is the financial part where she had to truly hire a proper and an equally true financial team where they can help her with the financial team as it does truly makes her feeling so overwhelmed that she felt as if she is learning the hardest part of the business side.
~Speaking of teams; she also too hired a team of nail artists whom she met them during her time in beauty school or perhaps they asked her if they are interested in checking their portfolios of their nail arts in addition to helping her out with the nail salon by adding more nail artists whom nowadays people normally would either discovered them online or perhaps from another nail salon where they would spoke to them about how the nail salons in Hawaii might need a booster from the clients too in order to do both on their part by having to contribute by giving them their support in addition to letting people know where to go to the best indie nail salons whenever anyone or anybody needs to get their manicure and pedicure treatment.
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aggold15hi01 · 2 months
Logan & Kaia: Heatwaves, headache and a peaceful evening-Part 1
Author's note: Dedicated this to any of the Logan Sargeant fans out there on Tumblr.
Plus if you decided to take a 'break'; then I understand--I'd think sometimes we all do needed a well-deserved break for good sometimes additionally I do wish you the very best of luck in general with your life and I wish you well. Sending you prayers in your very own way.
Also a change in the story is Logan is a ex professional surf whom he turns into a surf instructor at Jaime O' Brien's School of surf at the Twin Fins Hotel while Kaia is a nail salon owner of her very own nail salon: Kaia's nail salon as it is located at the streets of Waikiki which is just across the Embassy Suites Waikiki Hotel.
⚠️ Trigger Warning: Mentions of both heatstroke and headache.
Plus this version has been parted into different parts and this version will be slightly different from the original version on my personal blog.
For your information: this story has been told and written from Kaia's point of view a.k.a Kaia's P.O.V.
⚠️ Disclaimers: I don't own any of the pictures/ photos/ images and none of them are mine--credits goes to Allisha Gray and Logan Sargeant for the two images plus Pinterest for the third photo reference of the guest bedroom where she is resting at there.
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"Kaia?" He asked while I am now lying in my bed at a spare bedroom where usually I only went there if I am feeling the time to be away from Logan as either it could either be a bickering argument we do usually have or perhaps whenever I told him I do needed the space from him ever since I am still experiencing what does it feels like an abnormal headache from the intense heatwaves we have to truly experience the last couple of days in the island of Oahu, Hawaii.
"Logan?" I called to him while I am curling up into a fetal position as I shivered from how did the AC blows the cold air which makes the room feels more cold as I continue shivered under the thick cream-colored covers of my duvet.
"Kaia, are you okay?" He ask me while he knocks on the door very softly way before he can open the door by a small crack just as when he sees me lying down on the bed; curling up into a fetal position while covering myself with the thick duvet up to my neck.
"Oh hey, Logan." I whispered softly, as my body continues to shiver against the cool air which is gently blowing from the AC I had turned on hours ago in addition to how I have been feeling cold and numb from how does the bedroom feels cold while Logan looks at me with what seems to be a mixture of concern and confusion emotion on his face based on what exactly I have gone through earlier from I did have to truthfully experienced it from today alone.
It all started with earlier on how we both check the weather for Honolulu today in particular; it turns out the weather is truthfully and deeply hot not only in Honolulu but also in Waikiki as well which not only leads to how Logan had send me a text message earlier about how so many different students are either postponing the surf lessons or cancelling their surf lessons due to their health concern as they had confirmed about how another surf company which also does surf lessons had a student whom they had to be sent to the General Queen's Hospital in Honolulu additionally they told there wasn't anything too serious due to a feeling and an experience of a light headed feeling from how powerful and tough the heatwave can be to beat from the sun.
Plus speaking of heatwaves; I have to admit: I did also fell victim to the aggressive heatwave of Hawaii on today in particular especially when we are talking about how I did felt a small and a minor headache from the lunch break when I am walking towards the Nalu Cafe across from my nail salon in order to take my lunch break to be away from my nail salon; however my headache became more worse when I did return to my nail salon as the strong pungent smell from the nail polish is making my headache feeling even more agitated to the point where I had to let my co-manager Carly along with the other nail artists to let them take over my shift for the rest of the day and the evening shift as well in case if there are any walk-in clients who are arriving unexpectedly to the nail salon during the evening hours.
Meanwhile: by the time when I returned to our apartment: I ended up rushing towards a guest en suite bathroom where I usually only ended up sleeping there if we either gotten into an argument between the both of us or whenever I needed to take the proper alone time between the both of us but before you know it, sometimes one of us would come back around to the other person and vice versa plus I do have to admit, generally the relationship between me and Logan--it isn't always all that perfect but  . . . thankfully it isn't all that too violence either despite how I do truly tend to get hot-tempered by how I hated the way that Logan is treated badly and yet he had to truly experience the waves of expectations, pressures; hates; insults and the way people had cyber bullied him and making him becoming a laughing stock of the internet followed by the hear says, rumors and gossips which are made out of nothing but nonsenses; hear says; jealousy; paranoia and delusions out of nothing; not to mention it does really hurts my heart to hear what he had to truly went through in his very own life and it saddens my heart to hear what exactly he is going through in his very own life not only as an ex pro surfer but also as a human being and a person as well in general.
Plus it does saddens my heart to hear what exactly he had gone through in his very own life.
Anyway, when I did returned to the apartment where we both share the apartment together located at the outskirts of Waikiki; I not only vomited into the Japanese style toilet seats we now have it at all three of the en suite bathrooms we do have in our very own apartment in addition to how I ended up collapsing on the bed out of exhaustion and the intense pain I have to truthfully experienced it from the headache right after I did managed to dump my Typo light blue shoulder bag on a spare dining chairs in addition to turning on the AC at the guest bedroom followed by running to the en suite bathroom to unexpectedly puke out of nowhere into the Japanese toilet seat we used to have additionally I ended changing to any spare pair of clean, light weight and comfortable clothes I can wear it for home and carefully take off my pair of glasses before I fallen asleep to the drainage of energy I have to truthfully experience it in my very own life.
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aggold15hi01 · 2 months
My very first story on Logan and Kaia which is inspired by my real life event of how I had experienced a double headache all in just one day a couple of days ago.
Will be also publishing it here as well. 😊 🤙
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aggold15hi01 · 3 months
My own thoughts on Tumblr #1
⚠️ Disclaimer: I don't own the images and none of them are mine.
📷 Credits to Allisha Gray, WNBA: Twitter/ X: Logan Sargeant and Pinterest plus *IG (*Author's note: Ugh . . .) for all of the respective images.
Plus consider a set of photos below the Allisha and Logan photo are photo references to how Logan and Kaia are a couple plus Kaia's face claim is Allisha Gray (As usual obviously) and Logan is just being Logan Sargeant obviously.
Speaking of Logan, he does reminded me of a real life Anakin meets Prince Eric in real life while personality wise; he does reminded me of a prince Eric which does came to life obviously except Logan has either a dark blonde or a brownish blonde hair? I'm not too sure.
*Author plays regular version of 'Fill me in' by Cejae from YT via my brand new silver iMac in an apartment located on the outskirts of Waikiki, just near to the Diamond Head area which are just a couple miles away from the area of both Honolulu and Waikiki; located in the island of Oahu, Hawaii*
Also, can we talk about the third particular image on the first images of a couple I've always think of Logan and Kaia?
I mean it does makes me think of how both Logan and Kaia in the writing project of "Logan and Kaia"; they both once used to swim for their respective school swim team back in their school days before the changes in their very own life; from Logan having to be tutored by a private tutor where his parents had to hire him while he goes on to surf in the junior surf competitions and traveling the world yet he is forced to leave school because of the scheduling conflict with the WSL world tour and yet he had to travel with the Quiksilver surf team ever since he is young surfer 'Grom' whom he was forced to sign the contract at a very young age.
Meanwhile, Kaia had been a water woman for a very long time ever since she had been swimming, surfing and scuba diving for a very long time in her very own life.
But apart from being a local 'water woman' in Hawaii, she too is a business owner of her very own nail salon as she did went to the mainland of USA for a while to do both on getting an actual business degree and heading to beauty school to do anything with nails plus working at a nail salon at there before heading back to the island of Oahu, Hawaii to open her very own nail salon at the streets of Waikiki.
Plus in case if you are wondering: Kaia went to Moanalua school from her kindergarten days to her graduation days while Logan had to be tutored by a private tutor as the unnamed group of guys whom they asked him (Logan) to be part of the Quiksilver Team; leading to how he was forced to leave school so early to be in the groms and junior surf competitions but his parents are feeling upset, hurt; angered and heartbroken that he decided to let his parents know he is going to the surf league at a very young age but they decided to give him both his wishes and his blessings along the way while he had to face both the pressure and expectations of how he had been labelled by the public as "The next generation of Kelly Slater".
Hence the reason why he is from Florida and so does Kelly for your information.
On a personal and a serious yet an irrelevant note; I don't truly think anyone can replace a surfer like either Kelly or Carissa (On the women's side of WSL) as they both are great surfers in their very own ways and they are also both amazing who are unique in their own ways thus . . . no 'full on level of true offense' to everybody who is reading this particular on my Tumblr Blog in general.
Plus speaking of the part where he had tutored by a private tutor; his parents had no choice but hire a private tutor in order to make sure he (Again; Logan) didn't neglect his studies and having a future outside of professional surfing.
However after a painful and a humiliating surf wipe out in Tahiti he (Logan) had to truly experience; he decided to flew out to Hawaii where he not only worked at the Twin Fin Hotel at Jaime O' Brien's School of Surfing where he not only works as both a volunteer and as a surf instructor as well with the local surfers of Waikiki, along the way; he met the beautiful Kaia Walker whom she always felt as if she hadn't gotten any 'true' luck with her love life especially after her ex-high school sweetheart decided to break her heart by going with several other girls to prom--leading her to guarding her own heart in order to prevent any more heartbreaks from other guys.
Except when she met Logan at Waikiki beach; he was gathering the surfboards; she ended up helping him and all of the sudden; she felt an instant spark between him and her and Logan also felt the same way as well.
However the question is 'Can they surf together on a wave together or will they get both wiped out by the waves and the rip tides where they both have to experience heart break all over again from the very beginning?"
Anyway: I did wrote the summary but I'm not sure if it is going to happen or not but either way, maybe but who knows.
I'm sorry; I'm still reeling from the nightmare of Logan not being able to drive for the Williams team ever since it is deeply more worse than losing Allisha Gray to the Atlanta Dream.
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aggold15hi01 · 3 months
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*Plays acoustic version of 'Fill me up' by Cejae*
Just when you are doing a writing project then all of the sudden; you got a crystal clear pictures of what are the writing ideas that you do want to do.
Plus also is it just me of when I do picture of the both of them together; the Allisha Gray picture on the right does reminds me of how someone could write a *s*****y fan fiction of them but more so as when it (The s****y part) does fades to darkness before either the next chapter; scene or the next paragraph in the same chapter except with sporty inner wears. (Author's personal note: Embarrassing I know. 😬)
*Author's notes: 'S***y' as when we are talking about a word I might be scaring countless people who are reading this particular post so proceed with caution when reading this paragraph as the word is . . . (*Whispers in a low voice*) 'smutty'. 😬 😓 🤭
**Kaia's name is pronounced like 'Kay-ah' in case if anyone are wondering how her name is truly pronounced.
Anyway for summary, it might be below the 'keep reading' line for more about 'Logan x Kaia'.
⚠️ Disclaimer: I don't own either of the respective images/ pictures/ photographs/ photos and neither of the pictures/ photos/ images are mine.
📷 Credits goes to Logan Sargeant, Williams Racing F1 team, Allisha Gray; Jade Li English and IG for both of the respective images which I do consider them more so as a pair of 'true' lost media files I had found along the way.
I'm still writing on it but it won't be published because I do need to take the 'true' time to fully do the writing about them in my diary at first. (Yes, I am a person who does write in a diary additionally I do truly find them to be truthfully very soothing and relaxing in my very own opinion that is.)
Plus in the 'Logan and Kaia' writing projects; Logan Sargeant is a ex pro surfer who used to surf in the WSL before he decided to continue surfing in other ways by contributing and volunteering at Jaime O' Brien's School of surfing at the Twin Fins Waikiki Beach Hotel which is just located across from Waikiki while *Kaia is a business owner by running a nail salon of her own as a business owner and a manager plus a nail artist of her own as her nail salon is just located the opposite of the famous Waikiki Beach Walk Outdoor Shopping Shopping Center which is located next to the famous building of the *Embassy Suites Waikiki Hotel plus while he is a famous surfer known and loved by many people (Especially his fans from his fan base obviously); meanwhile Kaia is just a 'normal' girl whom she is known famously by many on either the tourists whom they had travelled to Hawaii for a well-deserved holidays either with their families, a solo trip for themselves or having to go with their respective group of friends whom they wanted to have a pleasant trip going to Hawaii as a well deserved break; this is where their paths crossed along the way at the famous strip of the Waikiki beach as he is an ex pro surfer whom he not only decided to became a surf instructor not because he didn't want to compete in the championship but more so because of the harsh expectations he had to face the pressure from other people and she is a beautiful nail salon owner whom she too struggling with the way she wanted to stay in Hawaii not only as a long-time citizen and resident of the island of Oahu; Hawaii but also she hadn't gotten the chance of falling in love with a guy after the last guy breaks her heart so intensely which made her becoming more of a woman whom she does deeply guards her own heart from experience the same experience of heartbreak she had to experienced it in her very own life.
*Which I do think many people would perhaps know where is the Embassy Suites Waikiki hotel.
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aggold15hi01 · 3 months
Writing update and inspiration-*Logan x Kaia
*Author's note: This is an unofficial title of the project however because I had fallen into the rabbit hole of Formula 1 here on Tumblr therefore I might want to put my focus on someone very different from what I used to do and yet having a very different female protagonist more so than the main protagonist I used to work for a very long time on Paula but Paula and Mano projects will all be on an indefinite hiatus until any further notice on what I am going to do with both Paula and Mano.
For Kaia's face claim; she will have the same face claim as a main female protagonist I had worked for a very long time on Paula Leah Thompson who is usually the main female protagonist and leading lady in many of my writing projects on using Allisha Gray as her face claim inspiration.
Paula and Kaia will have both the same face claim inspiration on Allisha Gray and the same baby voice as they both shared with each other however the both of them will be very different main leading female characters in their own respective projects I am perhaps working on the idea.
Also on another note; my current header for my Tumblr does reminds me of how **Kaia would do something like that in her apartment as ****she is a person whom not only she does loves teddy bears (Just like Paula) but she also does put them everywhere in her apartment in order to keep her company while having to take the time facetime Logan via **HiFaceV while she is a nail salon owner of her own nail salon where she and a group of girls owns and run the local nail salon business in the street of Waikiki.
(**Kaia is a very different to my main character Paula as Kaia is a good friend of Logan S. ever since she first met him back in Miami when her older cousin yet the one who is an influencer had brought her cousin to take on an experience outside the islands of ***Hawaii
(***Especially Oahu ever since Kaia is from the island of Oahu as she is born in Honolulu but moved to Aiea where it located West Oahu, Hawaii which is near the area of Pearl City)
(****Again, very similar to Paula; she does truly loves nothing better than cute teddy bears and stuffed animals just as with her counterpart of Paula whom Paula is from New York but moved to Honolulu; Hawaii at around the age of 8 then moved to Fremont; Seattle after graduating from Punahou school where she went there for most of her school years before returning to Hawaii for her further studies and having to ended up becoming a permanent resident and an *****kama'aina of the island of Oahu, Hawaii.)
*****Kama'aina- A person who does truly either lives in Hawaii regardless of their background or a local citizen whom used to live in the islands of Hawaii but moved to elsewhere.
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aggold15hi01 · 3 months
Apartment inspiration and visual ideas for many of the writing projects I have made:
(*Featured in both projects on '*Mano x Paula(?)' and 'Logan x Kaia' as an apartment background set-up located in an apartment where they live in Waikiki, Oahu; Hawaii)
⚠️ Disclaimer: I don't own any of the images/ pictures/ photos/ photographs and none of them are mine.
📷 Credits goes to Pinterest for all of the respective images of these lovely apartment designs.
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*Author goes to Music CD Player to put in a CD of a compilation of Christian 'RNB' music as Cejae's 'Fill me up' plays in the background from the same Music CD player I am now currently playing the music disc in the background as the first song ever to listen from a music CD I owned in my collection of the music discs I owned and collected them over the years*
All living room are posted in the day time while the bedrooms are the bedrooms all of the three respective bedrooms which does matches the matching en suite bathroom which isn't posted in this particular post unfortunately. (But you can truly imagine it though they do have clean en suite bathroom with a jacuzzi tub and a rain shower being inserted into the ceiling just above the Jacuzzi tub.)
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