#Lol OK
gramnel · 6 days
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appelsauc · 1 month
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vaspider · 3 months
The "Take back Title IX" TERF bus got vandalized in Chapel Hill/Carrboro North Carolina, and currently the only news outlets reporting on it are transphobic ones. You're a big blogger who I trust to help get the word out to the right people
This has big self-vandalization energy. Like... I was like "ehhh maybe," and then I saw the giant penis with the exaggerated ball hairs, and I'm like... nah. This is giving "Blacks Rule."
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tapwaterx · 2 years
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okay hear me out
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yeahiwasintheshit · 1 year
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spir4nts-lun4r · 4 months
every 2 months I'm nostalgic all over again of my memories and every 4 months I cringe over my past self
I feel like a caterpillar that's continuously making a cocoon and going into it, but every time i come back out of it I'm still the same old caterpillar
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smaeemo · 2 months
“Cunty 🎀” - Jesus Christ
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hazely-sims · 2 years
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Welcome to my Lepacy! It's going to be casual, cheerful, and lots of fun I promise :)
Here we have my founder, Rose, and of course I chose this adorable one-bedroom trailer for her to live in, because the only other house available is the Monotone one which I feel very meh about. I've never used this little trailer but the adorable flamingos won me over! I bought it unfurnished but I put the flamingos back because YES.
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troonwolf · 2 years
people really need to consider the annoyed responses to ep 5 from old/book fans perspective to understand why the annoyance exists
First IWTV Adaptation: the one with Cruise and Pitt. Overall a decent movie but throughout the whole thing they’re basically screaming NO HOMO, even when you get to the bits with Armand and Louis where it’s just blatantly homo. (ALSO WHAT THEY DID TO ARMAND’S HAIR...RIP....)
Second TVC Adaptation: Queen of the Damned. Absolutely horrendous. A complete clusterfuck. GOOD SOUNDTRACK THOUGH. The most heinous crime ofc is how they NO HOMO’D every queer character from the storyline. Nicki? He’s just a random lady Lestat met once. Armand? Louis? Practically non-existent. In fact, the romance scene between Louis and Lestat is replaced with a woman.
Current TV Adaptation: OH MY GOD THEY’RE FINALLY GAY!........wait but one of them is a husbandbeater now?? Are you fucking kidding me!
We’ve been waiting for like 20 yrs for an adaptation that isn’t “no homo”, but when we finally get it, it’s not just a bit messy or toxic like the books, it outright has one of them beating and SAing the other one almost to death. (vampires drinking from other vampires is a sexual act in-universe) 
It’s weird to me how people aren’t seeing the problem here. A canon queer couple that’s existed for like 40 years finally gets to exist on screen, but the interpretation is of one of them (who is the protagonist of the whole series no less lol) just being an outright blatant violent spousal beater.
Like ofc we’re annoyed? Media has been no-homoing us for decades and when they finally decide to be outright gay with the story, it’s only to make this 40 yr old neglected pairing into something that no one in their right mind can support.
also it really feels like society, the media runners, and the fandom are saying “if we’re going to make the gay ship canon it needs to be as violently abusive as possible because gays just like that lol”
and lots of people saying “vampires just like that!! horror just like that!” but all I’m hearing is “gay men are incapable of not beating each other up.”
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luniiitunez · 2 years
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stef-gallery · 5 months
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April is always so strange lmao
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rosicheeks · 6 months
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torturedpoetdean · 1 year
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yea. right.
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yeahiwasintheshit · 10 months
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party-at-jacurutu · 7 months
in the imdb dune2 credits has "baby jessica" (lolwut?????) but no alia (where is my girl at?????)
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2headed-disaster · 2 years
After a brutal, violent game of hockey, the announcers profusely apologize to the viewers for having to hear the word “shit.”
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