#Look at my wife
wistrea · 2 days
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and when you come in quick to steal a kiss, my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear.
VISAGE : KIRA HORIKOSHI, "THE CHAOS WITCH." art commissioned from @/alpacawuvs
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yennefre · 4 months
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Idk if I can make this any clearer…
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annqer · 7 months
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deadmothsketches · 7 months
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Youkai Karamatsu 🦋
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analogboii · 1 month
hey yeah so this is actually insane and is altering my brain chemistry
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radioactivegummyworm · 3 months
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my beautiful amazing wifw whom I love very much
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m1nts · 10 months
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From number seventy threeeeeeeee
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kingdom-tears · 2 months
no idea how ive managed to churn out two drawings in one day but here. akutagawa wip that ill hopefully finish when i have the time (knowing me i will draw so much and then never again for another four months)
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rawrlands · 8 months
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Ball Jointed Doll
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doeneb · 5 months
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Just a little throwback! My first drawing of Uni verses my most recent! God that was a time-
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zeecringez · 1 year
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ifwecouldbefriends · 1 year
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mad rat having a happy ending???? Cringe alert!!!!!!!!!!
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Hello beautiful! Hello gorgeous! Hello wife!!
starjust_jhords on twt
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paru-parufait · 11 months
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Another notes app sketch 'cuz ✨artblock✨.
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scatterbrainedbot · 9 months
Rat Sons AU: Character Introductions
Hamato Tang Shen
(aka the love of my life)
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more ramblings & doodles:
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(so do yall remember how in the 03 series Tang Shen was kinda just like a passing thought with no like actual characterization besides 'is pretty' and 'dies'?? and that both the boys she grew up with fell in love with her despite being raised as siblings?
yeah we're ditching that)
meet Hamato Tang Shen, official adopted daughter of Hamato Sho (and notably his only child.) Shes an absolute mountain of a woman, buff as all get out, stubborn and quick with a comeback, and a fully trained master of ninjutsu and the mystic arts.
Despite the death of her biological father when she was five, Tang Shen's childhood was largely a happy one. Hamato Sho, being a friend of her fathers, brought her to his ancestral home in the mountains after the tragedy. Sho did his best to nurture and encourage her, in all the ways he felt his own childhood lacked— with kindness and humor, free of any burdens of destiny or namesakes.
Of course, being raised by a the snarkiest old man alive who also had a major problem with authority, Tang Shen was perhaps a bit too bullheaded a child for most of her peers growing up. She didnt mind much — the Hamato farm was home to so many loud and opinionated critters, she rarely felt lonely at all. She loved spending time with the animals, and spoke to them constantly. Especially Yoshi, the family's pet Spurred African Tortoise, who they nicknamed "Splinter" after Tang Shen made a friend at school with the same name and the confusion of it all got old. She also took to calling the tortoise Jiji, as he was even more an ancient old man than her father.
By the time Tang Shen was approaching twenty, she had settled quite happily into the life she had on the farm, content with the company of her father, their animals, and, on more days than not, Yoshi, her cute best friend (/boyfriend??).
Unfortunately, no matter how hard they tried, the Hamato family never could escape destiny for very long.
lol this is way too much for a character that is mostly ever gonna be seen in sporadic flashbacks but yall i love her sm u dont understand
did u notice its all past tense :(
[rat sons masterpost] [more Hamato family lore]
(easier to read/separated contents below the cut! (super long))
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Pronouns: she/her
color motif: forrest green
Born in China, moved to Japan ~age 5, moved to New York State ~age 28
Daughter of a badass mystic warrior (a Guardian?) who was a close friend of Sho
Taken in by Sho after her bio father was killed in some major important mystic conflict (Sho later formally adopted her)
She grew up on the Hamato's familial land on the outskirts of a small mountain village (Gifu Prefecture??) which Sho was partially using as a small dysfunctional farm, and partially letting become overrun by nature
This overrun area became a sort of training grounds for a young Tang Shen, where Sho taught her first basic self defense, then later all forms of ninjutsu and even the mystic arts.
When she was young, she enjoyed helping Sho raise their assortment of animals: chickens (her favorites), two pigs (Sho's favorites), an old steer, a horrible peacock (Sho's sworn enemy), and, of course, the Hamato's ancient pet African Spurred Tortoise, Yoshi
As a child, she befriended a boy, also named Yoshi, whom she immediately teased for having the same name as her family pet. They became inseparable.
She was rather ostracized by other children her age growing up, both because she was a foreigner, and because she was considered too outspoken/opinionated and known to stir up trouble when she felt something wasn't fair
Other young girls, in particular, would also bully her for her appearance, since she was taller, more muscular and broad-shouldered than most of her peers. (Sho never wanted to throw hands with eleven year olds before, but here we are)
Later on, she and Yoshi (the human, that is) fell in love
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When she was small, Tang Shen loved learning to care for all the different types of animals living on the farm— even ones that weren't necessarily meant to be there, like the occasional rat, trying to establish a nest in a quiet corner of the barn.
Sho would help her catch any such critters she found, and they'd journey together into the woods or up the mountain to find a good place to release them, since they couldn't be allowed to stay on the farm.
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(It was during one of these journeys that a newly-fathered Sho finally began to find his footing and connect to the young girl he took in. He had brought along some extra feed and an unneeded towel to give the rat a decent chance at settling in wherever they brought it to (and hopefully prevent it from finding its way back to the farm). But Tang Shen, five years old and only abstractly aware of why her life had recently changed so much, insisted there was a lot more the rat would need. She spoke of how lost and frightened it must be, having been just scooped up and taken to some place new so suddenly. Sho listened.)
Tang Shen developed a love of rats in part because of these little adventures she shared with her adoptive father.
As an adult, Tang Shen (having discussed it previously lol) was gifted a pet fancy rat by Yoshi.
She named the rat Miko and carried her everywhere.
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