#Looooots of triggers here unfortunately
Snake of Golden Wings
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This is a story of how a mother molded a man. 
Please be advised of the following tags: tw death, tw mental abuse, tw abuse, tw child abuse. Readmore for content and length.
Within Rusephine’s domain, good fortune had always been categorized by the colors white and gold. When the queen had produced a pearly egg, the kingdom had rejoiced, thinking her to have consummated a relationship with a new found king after three hundred years of rule. Whispers of a visitor from the Reptile Kingdom joining Rusephine had come to fruition when Gyasa, prince of the Snakes, had been discovered leaving behind the woman and egg he had helped borne into this world to return to his jungle.
There was no celebration when there was no King to accompany their Matriarch. No merriment when the egg shifted towards a gold, then twisted to a green sheen across its shell. Only fear erupted, when the crown prince emerged from the cracks in his birth casing. Golden hair dribbling down his face, and green eyes pupiless stared up at his mother, who glowered at the hatching of her only child.
Ensuring he imprinted upon her, Rusephine made eye contact merely once in the birthing room to bestow the hatchling a name: Osiris, the ancient human god of death. Then, with a purposed step, turned away from her newborn son, never to meet his gaze again for the next few years.
As a young child, he only aimed to impress his mother, to get her to look upon him with a smile without any success. Whether he made small drawings, or behaved well, nothing but a scowl was given before his mother would retire into her locked room, incapable of penetration by any aside whom Rusephine allowed.
His tiny wings began to flourish, the golden color predicted by his egg’s hue giving them a glittering color as he tried to flap and use them, honing his skills for flight. His body grew lanky, his tail stretching to accommodate his form, but the reptilian aspects taking form. Points along his canines, the skin that sloshed off of him in baths, his pointed ears coated with soft scaling.
Of course, there were those eyes that even the servants within the palace would not look directly upon.
Once Osiris managed to hover for more than a few seconds, he requested an audience with his mother. A proud child of five, able to hover longer than any else who had wings double his age, displayed the ability before his mother in the royal throne room. As she stared upon her creation, Rusephine’s face was cemented into a frown before she extended her hand, her feathers shooting out and surrounding his wings.
“No monster like you should be flying without permission.” Her voice echoed in the hall, striking his chest hard. Pain began to surge through his wings, his mother’s feathers crackling with a hellish static. A cry resounded in his head, only to realize it was his own screech as the power from the General took to his wings. Suspending them in time, they no longer grew, stumped, and the pain was blinding as he fell to his knees.
Nothing hurt more than the pain of being considered a monster.
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Months began to pass and with the inability to fly, Osiris had become trapped within the palace. Creeping about and exploring new ways to make his home more interesting, Osiris stumbled upon guests that had been invited to their home. They were humanoid, one of them very pregnant. They had come to check up on his mother. A meeting of the Generals, as it would be later told to him by his room’s guard.
Crawling out of the vent in his room and to peer upon the meeting, eight adults surrounded a table, the boy finding it fascinating. All different people with so many names, Osiris had only ever seen bird-like Enterrans before. One was a large Taurian of sorts, one aquatic, one that seemed like a lion, one armored and bug like, a blond like him, who had fearsome green eyes. Then, there were the two humanoids.
The brunette, who began to speak, sounded kind. “Rusephine, Osiris seems to be growing very well. You should send him to Shindou sometime.” A gentle pat to her swollen stomach. “Koyakumo will need someone to look after her.”
“He is not some caretaker for your spawn, human.” Rusephine spoke flatly, riling the male humanoid before letting out a sigh. “I will consider visiting your little village when he is older. He needs to be taught his duties first.”
A huff came from the blond man, who crossed his arms and frowned at the Bird Queen. “He ought to learn it from his father. After all, my cousin may have his own quirks, but you did allow him into your chambers without any consult.”
A fist slammed down on the table, eclipsing the small gasp from the rafters, feathers bristled, but the woman was smiling. “Ryuma, you know I dislike mention of him at these meetings. Shall we move on from talking of our progeny, when you have none after your failure to make the human your bride?”
The silence that fell upon them was ignored as Osiris began to shift quietly away. He had a father. A father! He wanted to know more and plotted to greet the guests as soon as they left.
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Crawling back to his room and bursting out of the room he had been sequestered in, the boy rushed down the hall, encountering the group as they began to exit. The female human had spotted him, and tugged on the male’s arm at her side, beckoning him to look. The violet haired man turned, the small child coming only to his knee.
“May I…May I visit you?” He blurted out. “You and your egg?” He pointed towards the brunette’s stomach causing laughter to ring from the woman as she nodded.
Smiling down upon the boy, she leaned down, gently patting his head. “Come any time you like, Osiris.”
A gasp emitted from his tiny frame. “You…know my name?” The two nodded, before Ryuma began to encroach.
“I’m sure Rusephine calls him something quite different.” As the woman’s hand began to move away from his golden locks, the man’s fingers extended down, giving him a small tap along the head. “I’m sure the boy hasn’t heard his name in years.”
“Don’t scold me, huma—Yakumo.” A glance towards the male beside the woman made Ryuma reconsider his words. “Just because Mushra has bested me before does not make me wrong.” A turn and wave to them before he walked beyond the large doors, leaving behind the couple that had stopped. Both of them offered a smile to him before waving and giving pursuit to the other general.
Osiris stood in awe for a moment. A smile, a kindness. His name. It was all so new, his clawed fingers coming to touch the top of his head where he had been patted and given affection. Yet, it still felt empty; he only yearned it from his mother.
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Sneaking out into the world had become common place for him when his mother’s attention was distracted by the Generals—people she had come to learn and understand their roles in the world as he grew—and met with the people in the city. Most were afraid of his appearance, but appreciated the help he could muster to them, from carrying groceries, to helping people with household chores.
Finally, cultivating enough bravery from those he helped, Osiris mustered enough strength to approach his mother once more. To ask to fly to this place that had been established: A city called Shindou.
“Alone? Little monster, are you mad?” Rusephine scoffed before looking away. “Guards—“
“Mother, if I am to be a good heir, don’t I need to see the world?” That was what he had deemed his role as a prince was, to become the successor to her throne. To make her proud. With how suddenly the Queen was upon him, her fingers digging into his face to the point he feared he might bleed and the rage swirling in her eyes, Osiris realized in an instant he had been far too mistaken.
“You are not my heir. I will rule for all time, do you understand?” A hastened nod that made her grip tighten painfully was made from his frame. “Good. Now, we can put this to rest—“
“If I see this place, I can become of better use to you!” Osiris sputtered out, his mother releasing his face and staring upon her son as he began to explain. “I…I can fly there and we can use this.” Plucking one of his small feathers, he knelt down and offered the golden gift to her. “My power can communicate with you. I can tell you if they are plotting anything. So that way, no one can challenge your authority!”
Silence fell between them, only the sound of the guard’s armor shifting nervously as Rusephine inspected the feather. Finally, her hand came down, placing firm upon his crown. “What a good little thing you are, thinking of your mother.” Slipping her hand away, Osiris was able to peer up, seeing his mother, wings expanded, and a smile stretched across her features. Truly, she was angelic and the boy felt weak before her.
“Let’s restore those wings of yours, my little monster.”
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Shindou was a wondrous place to Osiris. All sorts of people were bustling around and finding the two who led the city—Mushra and Yakumo—hadn’t been easy. Practically lost, it was a small voice that had found the boy. “Hello!” Sounding akin to a chirp, confusion filling the prince as he glanced about, only for the voice to beckon once more. “Down!” It offered out.
The boy dipped his head, finding a violet haired child bowing to him before lifting up and smiling broadly. “Birdy!” She giggled out, he furrowing his brows in confusion until the girl pointed at his wings. “Mama said to find birdy!”
Once he arrived at the home of the Generals, Osiris had learned that was not what Yakumo had told the child, Koyakumo. Instead, she had told her to find someone with wings, but the three year old barely knew what that meant, so her father had clarified it was like a bird.
Osiris already felt tired and he had just arrived. Feeling as if this might have been a mistake, he turned, but his shirt was tugged on by the child, beckoning him to look back at her. When he did, he expected her to cower, just as all other children did. But instead she stared in awe at him, her mouth forming a circle in surprise. “Birdy has pretty eyes!” She cheered out, boy’s cheeks turning a bright red with a sputter.
It was a first, and the woman, Yakumo, swooped in to garner her child. “Forgive her, she speaks her mind ever since she learned to talk. Reminds me of someone I know.” A playful gaze was thrown to Mushra who chuckled. “Make yourself at home, Osiris.”
Home. That was what Shindou became for the boy.
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Especially when it was where his father could meet him without the hounding from his mother.
Osiris had not held up his end of the bargain, instead giving his mother some information, but not all of it. Some that had been withheld was that of meeting with Gyasa within Shindou’s walls. It had been his mother that banished the prince from seeing his egg, and truthfully, the man seemed grateful. As Osiris grew towards a man, the more and more he realized the Snake Enterran would never have offered more than simply conflict within his life.
But the rebellion felt nice. The doors began to open to Osiris and upon his sixteenth year, he was openly helping the city, quelling their fears of him and instead his connections began to rise, not only of the other nobles, but of the common people. However, no matter what, any say of his succession was squashed, his mother always on the tip of his silver tongue.
She only left his mouth when his chambers were filled, those wishing to taste royalty, and deprived as he was, Osiris welcomed them, even without any enjoyment of his own. They smiled at him and relished his presence.
Even if they avoided his eyes.
The playboy was settled in his life, at least, until a visit when he was seventeen, and Gyasa had brought with him an attendant that wanted to meet his lord’s son. Older than him, the man was a reptile Enterran, a long green tail and scaling around his eyes and shoulders. His golden eyes were enticing, and despite being within the center of Rusephine’s domain, Osiris welcomed his father and his guest, Dipil, into the palace for the former to have conference with his mother.
The latter? Within days has Osiris wooed and welcoming him into lover’s embraces, all other expelled from his chambers in favor of his lover.
For the first time in years, things had seemed to be going well for the man, he was in love. He finally felt like the walls of the palace were a safety, not a prison. He could relish his company and fall asleep in his arms. A blissful dream.
But nothing more than that.
On the eve that Gyasa was to depart, a small glimmer of steel reflected the moonlight that filtered into the prince’s chambers. Dipil awoke the naïve man with blade to his throat, threatening to end his existence. He was a danger to those in the reptile kingdom. A posed false king among those in the actual ranks who worshiped his father. “Who could ever really love a monster like you?” A hissed out insult that snapped the last thread of hope in his heart.
“I do.”
The woman’s voice radiated, the reptile hissing as he was lifted up from atop his former lover’s frame, instantly his limps being split by razor sharp feathers. Blood rained from above, splattering the prince with crimson, which cleared only when tears rushed down his cheeks, leaving pale streaks in their wake. His mother stood at the door, holding the feather he had given her years before. “I never trusted this man. Finish this, Osiris.”
A command from his Queen, his mother, Osiris could not refuse. His body moved on its own, green stare unable to break away from Dipil. A trembling hand reached for his longer feathers, intending to turn them to steel, as the barely living man whispered from above. “…I’m sorry. I love you.”
Before Osiris could strike, the man disintegrated into a card, which felt helplessly through the air and landed upon the floor. The prince crumpled to the ground, weakened, and Rusephine rushed in, wrapping her arms and wings around him, pulling his feeble frame close to her chest.
“It’s alright now.” Tears were renewed along his face, confusion lighting his features as his mother hugged him. “This is why you should listen. Why you should never leave. People will want to kill you, no matter how much good you do in this world. Do you understand why?”
Shaking his head, Osiris couldn’t comprehend. He had done everything, given everything, done everything to know what love was. Rusephine smiled, leaning close to his ear with a small whisper.
“Because you’re a monster that only I can love.” Her smile turned wicked as the light began to dim from Osiris’ eyes. “Do as I say, stay here with me, and we can rule this world, together. Have whatever toys you want, but in the end?” Pulling her face back and placing her hand on his bloodstained cheek, the boy unable to divert his gaze from the woman’s. “I shall give you whatever you wish, as long as you obey me. None else shall suffer this fate.” Her wing brushed against the fallen card, scratching into it. “As long as you be a good little monster and offer me all of your power whenever I call upon it.” Her smile turned tender, a gentle stroke of her thumb against his cheek. “Do you understand, Osiris?”
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420pogpills · 3 years
I mean do we rlly believe dream when he says george is more toxic off of streams??? When literally everyone else says george is lovely to be around. I’m sure george curses and is “toxic” as in play toxic. The problem with dream is imo on stream is he takes things too way too far. When dream gets toxic, he’s genuinely being toxic not in a playful way but in a way that makes me have to turn off the stream because it’s borderline triggering.
This really isn’t even about george. It just rlly sucks for me personally because dream makes me uncomfortable when he gets that angry. And I think it’s dangerous that there are a lot of young fans that think it’s okay for him to get like that and borderline idealizing it.
I don’t want to make it sound like I’m accusing dream of anything because I’m not. I think he’s young and has poor emotional regulation. Obviously, I don’t know that, but I’ve dealt with it. I know what it looks like. I just think it’s irresponsible for him to act like that on stream.
i’m sorry if i word myself badly here, and i just want to make sure i say this is all my own opinions, my perceptions etc, and i also don’t want you anon to feel like i mean any offence or am trying to argue with you because i promise i’m not! just trying to articulate my thoughts :)
i do believe dream when he says george is more toxic off stream, because that doesn’t mean george is a bad person or not a lovely person to be around! i think when they say toxic, they just mean that they can be more full on, swear more, antagonise more, instigate more. when we’ve had some uncomfortable stream moments between george and sapnap for example, and afterwards usually sapnap says something like ‘oh we’re like that off stream all the time, even worse’. so it’s not that dream is saying george is a bad person off stream, but he’s saying that he’s a lot more unhinged and isn’t afraid to say ‘fuck’ 7 times in one sentence and do things like mess around during filming sessions so much that sometimes they have to cut it short because it gets too frustrating 
i understand if you get uncomfortable when dream is in one of his antagonising moods, but i’m not sure if saying he has poor emotional regulation is entirely fair, when neither of us know him personally. like i don’t blame you for saying that because sometimes it seems like it but yeah it just doesn’t feel fair to say it like that in my personal opinion. i’m also not sure if his anger or frustration on stream could ever be called ‘dangerous’ for young fans to idolise. he gets snappy, he gets annoying, he gets moody - but i would never call any of those things dangerous. honestly i’ve always just described it as annoying. who isn’t annoying when they get moody? :’) 
since you mentioned how you don’t like the thought of young fans idolising his toxic behaviour, i imagine you might be referring to compilations fans sometimes make of him swearing or shouting? which yeah fair enough, young girls shouldn’t be finding that attractive or idolising it or anything, sometimes it is a little uncomfortable to see it, but dream can’t always be responsible for the behaviour of others. so if he gets frustrated and shouts sometimes, it’s not his fault if some young girls take those clips and talk about how hot it is. 
he’s also pretty vocal about having adhd, and adhd has a looooot to do with emotions and anger and frustration. it can happen before you even realise it. i know i personally snap all the time, when it’s completely uncalled for, and i absolutely despise myself for it because if i had taken 2 seconds more to think about it, i would not have done so. but unfortunately that’s just how my brain is wired and i have to fight against it as much as i can. 
i obviously don’t know how severe dream’s adhd is, how he deals with it and what it affects the most, but that’s why i try to keep that in mind whenever i feel like he’s being unfair or moody, i try not to judge him for it. his friends clearly don’t, they continue to love and support him despite moments where we as viewers feel like we would've gotten really upset. so i like to just voice my frustration and then not overthink it, because we’ve all got things we’re going through. doesn’t mean it’s right to take it out on others, but when the person on the receiving end isn’t taking it to heart, i am not going to either because it’s not really my business to get upset on their behalf if that makes sense :)
so yeah. dream is young, he’s not perfect, he’s got a lot he’s dealing with, a lot we do and don’t know about. if his actions ever upset you, then yeah walk away from the stream, take care of yourself and your mental health! you should only watch streams if you enjoy them :) i myself have turned off streams before where the vibes just got really meh, and there’s nothing wrong with that. there’s also nothing wrong with choosing to support one person and not the other, so yeah i’m not like trying to say you should love and support dream if him and his content doesn’t make you happy. but i guess just try and give him the benefit of the doubt :) i do believe he’s got a very good heart! and i don’t think his friends would stick around if he didn’t ❤️
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justsomevimagines · 4 years
Chapt1 - Somebody help me become a human again - SilverV
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TW : none i guess ? except explicit words
So hey guys, this is a lil fic about SilverV (and V here loves to fight with a katana - like mine does tbh). My V is a cisfem but I didn’t specified any gender on this part, so I guess everyone can read this one ? Also, that’s a short one, but don’t worry, I’ll write more next time. And I have a loooOOt of plans for this one. (Drama and all hehe)
Hope you like it anyway ♡
Things has been tough lately.
You clearly didn't see coming the new path your life has taken. Everything went so fast. You lost a lot, and worse was yet to come. You can't deny it was a choc, when Vik told you that you only had just a couple of weeks left. You don't feel ready to go. Deep inside, death scared you. A lot. Guess only God knows what's afterlife, and you don't feel able to find out. Not now. You don't feel like you've lived enough. Many experiences attend you, and you want to be there when they'll open their arms to you. Unfortunately that's none of your choice. Human is born to die, and it is inevitable. If only that could be true. « I know what you think. I should be offended. » The voice in your head breathe. You almost feel like you're losing it. He shouldn't be here. Neither alive nor dead. He should have stayed a figure of the past, the legend that the world murmurs at every ear. But no. You look up at him, nonchalant. « Please, be. » You're condemned to wander in your inner prison. Every moment of every minute you felt your bonds tighten, his mind brushing against yours. His conscience felt it too. You didn't start off the right way. If you woke up in a dump, he woke up in a body that wasn't his, that he could not truly control. Frustration, incomprehension, and then anger ; you felt it in your guts and in your bones, coming from your being but also from his. You guys wanted to kill the both of you, to kill you. How many times has he been able to tell you that it would be easier for him and for you to pull the trigger on your own temple ?
We always say that the first impression is the right one. You've never been the type of person to trust this kind of ridiculous slogans. For you, every relationship and every person are different. On the otherhand, you were tied to a ghost, a hologram that your brain imposed on you. You even swore that he wasn't real. But the words that come out of his mouth always hit you right in the heart. You didn't even know why. The sensations you felt, your sensations and his, didn't seemed to be imaginary. Actually, they seemed more intense than anything you could ever feel. You felt his hate and his rage. He felt your sorrows and your despair. You could understand each other, but it was too hard to admit anything. Your tone is cold when you answer to him. And he exploits that gift he has to attract your fury, to play with your nerves, ready to burst. « Come on V, stop being so mad at me. » He retorts in an almost sweet voice, but you know he's just trying to add fuel to the fire. And it’s working. You were not in the mood. « You're playing with my mind. » You say. « I have every reason to be pissed. » You breathe loudly while grabbing the katana that you have placed against the wall. « Think this is easy for me ? » He's just behind you, staring through his glasses. His face seem serious. « I don't care. » You are stubborn. Too preoccupied hating him to the point of physical pain to admit that he doesn't leave you indifferent. You feel your heart sinking as your thoughts go to Jackie. You chase those flashes immediately, prefering to avoid them for the moment. « I feel what you feel. » He glitch and this time, he's at your side, still staring. « I feel you. » Of course. You don't say anything, ignoring him. « This is annoying. » He adds. You sigh. « Yeah ? Well sorry for being human. At least, I'm alive. » He raises his eyebrows, almost triggered. « Not for long tho. » You break, tears in the corner of your eyes. « I'm trying everything I can, okay ?! I fucking want you out of my mind, of my life ! » You throw your fist in the mirror in front of you, which breaks. « I can't undo what happened, even if I wish it with all my heart ! At least, YOU're supposed to be already dead, but I'm not. Not yet. Not now. » His glance change. Dark. For a second, you really think that he is going to kill you, to kill both of you. Your chest hurts, and you don't even know if that's because of what you feel right now or because of what he feels. Your emotions intertwine, it's almost like he could read at the bottom of your eyes that you plead him to leave you alone. Was he that hard to live with ? He stays silent, still processing what you just said. Your grip on your katana tightened, and you storm off the bathroom. Suddenly, you stop in the middle of the living room, almost regretting what you just said to him. « Listen. » You start, but when you turn to face him, he was gone. You still feel the pain in your chest, even more intensed. But you're alone now, definitely alone. « Johnny ? » You try once. But nothing. You let out a long sigh. « Fuck. »
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selftormented-blog · 6 years
ok since i’m lazy and don’t wanna do a stats page/bio, here’s a blurb abt nate 
trigger warning for mentioned death 
he was married young, at 19, had a daughter, named katherine, at the age of 21 with the woman he married (who divorced him three years later, opting out of custody) and the little girl was kidnapped six years later and was unfortunately murdered by her captors. ): he's completely driven by that. and he's never really come to terms with any of what has happened. he is riddled with guilt which is why he does what he does. he doesn’t want anyone to ever have to go through what katherine had to. overall, he's a very big grumpy grump who doesn't like to be bothered and he lives in manhattan but travels if he has to. he's been at this for about six years, making him 33 or so and has a looooot of kills under his belt, thus far.
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taexual · 7 years
GOT7 / Their S/O waking up from a coma with no memory
Request: Hello can you plz do bts and got7 reaction to their s/o in coma because of accident after arguing with them and finally wake up after 2 months and lost memory... if you could 😂😂😂 thx
Thank you for requesting this! Hope you enjoy!
TRIGGER WARNING! accidents resulting in hospital stay. Also, a looooot of angst.
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He knew you were really careless when you were emotional, so he made sure to never leave you alone after the two of you got into a fight. However, this time, his principles took the best of him and he didn’t check up on you until the next morning.
When he had finally called your number, your crying mother answered. Somehow, she managed to explain that you’ve gotten a severe concussion, resulting in a coma. Mark was already on his way to the car as soon as he heard that you’ve been injured.
The fear of losing you was so strong that Mark was afraid to leave your side and stayed in your hospital room all of the time. The nurses jokingly offered to place a bed for him in the room.
However, sometimes he had to leave – to go to the bathroom, or to get some food from the cafeteria. And exactly a month after your accident, he was coming back to your room with a tray of food, when he heard your mother’s voice. He thought she was telling you how much she needed you to wake up, so he didn’t want to bother her, and stopped in the hallway, outside of the door.
“Mark is going to be on cloud nine when he comes back!” he heard your mother say through the door.
He frowned in confusion.
“W-who?” a quiet voice responded, but Mark heard it as clear as day.
Dropping the tray to the floor in shock, he burst into the room to see your eyes opened and your mother crying tears of joy.
“Y/n!” he shouted, not even realizing what you’ve said before.
“I told you he’d be happy!” your mother said with a wide smile.
“M-mum,” you started cautiously, while Mark grabbed your hand to kiss it. “I don’t know h-him.”
Both, he and your mother froze, finally understanding. You didn’t remember him.
Mark removed himself from you, looking at you with a pained expression. This hurt him even more than the news of your accident.
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Both of you were very temperamental when it came to fighting. Which is why your arguments often escalated. However, the two of you had a rule never to go to sleep without making up first.
Seeing that it was already 11pm and you still haven’t returned home, he didn’t want to break the rule before going to sleep, so he dialed your phone number.
The horror he felt when your hysterical best friend picked up your phone, yelling about how you caused a car accident and were now in a coma, could not be described in words.
His entire world seemed to have stopped in that moment. It took him a few more minutes to break off from the trance, but by then he was already in the car, on his way to the hospital, cursing himself every few seconds.
Your best friend and he got into another fight in the waiting room of the hospital, with him blaming her for not calling him as soon as she found out about you, and her blaming him for the fact that you got into the accident in the first place.
Eventually, the doctor managed to settle the argument down and allowed both of them to see you.
Both of them spent the night by your bedside. Eventually, after you still haven’t woken up three days later, Jaebum told your best friend to go home.
And then he proceeded to apologize to you every day for the next few weeks, even though he knew you probably couldn’t hear him.
And then you woke up. He was asleep with his head on your bed, your hand in his, so he didn’t realize.
“Uhh,” you groaned, not sure if you wanted to wake him up, but waking him up anyway.
He was disoriented as he jumped up from the chair he was sitting on.
“Y/n!” he exclaimed. “You woke up? W-when?!”
“I’m sorry,” you said under your breath. “Y-you kept apologizing b-but I don’t know why… I don’t even know y-you.”
Jaebum thought he was still sleeping and this was just one of those anxiety-induced dreams. But it wasn’t. You were there, looking at him with confused, helpless eyes, while he watched you - the love of his life - not recognize who he was anymore.
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Neither one of you liked it when you fought. Jackson, especially. He didn’t even want to let you storm out of your shared apartment, grabbing your hand and begging you to talk it out. However, you told him you needed space, and he let you go, not wanting to piss you off even more.
He had a bad feeling about this. At first, he thought it was just the anxiety caused by the fight you two just had, but then he received the call. As he listened to your mother’s panicked voice, he was already running down the stairs to get to his car and drive to the hospital.
After narrowly avoiding a speeding ticket, he finally got to the hospital to find your devastated family standing around your unconscious body in the hospital bed. After short explanations from each family member, Jackson found out that you were so upset you didn’t look where you were going and ended up walking down the road right in front of a car. The driver braked but it was too late, resulting in serious injuries that left you alive but caused you a coma.
Blaming himself for not holding onto you after the fight tighter, Jackson spent the entire time by your bedside.
You finally woke up three weeks later and Jackson was there next to you, having rehearsed the words he’d say to you a million times in his head.
“Baby,” he whispered, not being able to stop the smile from spreading on his face when he finally saw the color of your eyes again. “Can you hear me?”
“I can…” you started but then your voice cracked.
“Don’t talk, just listen,” Jackson said. “Y/n, I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s completely my fault—”
“Wh-what happened?” you interrupted him. “Why am I in the hospital?”
“Oh. Right. There’s been an accident. We got into a fight and you—”
“We?” you asked, raising your hand from the bed slightly to gesture at the two of you. “Are you sure? B-because I don’t remember y-you.”
Suddenly, Jackson forgot every word to the speech he’s been rehearsing in his head all of those nights that he stayed by your bed, praying you’d wake up. This was not the response he imagined to get from you.
Shocked and hurt, he got up from the seat next to you.
“I’ll… I’ll call the doctor, okay?” he asked, suddenly looking for an excuse to be alone with his thoughts for a moment so he could control the tears that threatened to come.
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It seemed as though this argument you two have been having has been going on for days. Eventually, the two of you stopped talking to each other altogether. Jinyoung heard you close the door of your apartment but he didn’t ask where you were going, even though he was worried about you getting lost in the blizzard that was in full force outside.
When it was already dark outside and you still haven’t returned, he got concerned. When he got ready to call you, he realized that his phone has been dead for God knows how long, so he plugged it in to charge it and soon noticed five missed calls from your number.
Feeling his heartbeat speed up, he quickly called you back.
He wasn’t expecting to hear your best friend’s voice, telling him that she was on her way to meet you for drinks, but you never showed up. Apparently, due to the blizzard, you hadn’t realized you were walking on ice, therefore you slipped, fell, and hit your head on the pavement, resulting in a skull fracture, and consequently, a coma.
Panicking, Jinyoung found a taxi to take him to the hospital, afraid to drive in this condition and in this weather.
Feeling guilty for not being there to stop you from going out in this weather, he tried to make it up to you by not leaving your side. Even your parents told him to go home but he refused and kept repeating that it was his fault you were here in the first place.
When you finally woke up from the coma two weeks later, he thought he was going to explode from happiness.
“I knew you wouldn’t leave me,” he said, feeling so overwhelmed with relief that he was about to cry.
“Where am I?” you whispered after a while. And just as Jinyoung was about to answer, you continued. “Can you call my family?”
“Your family is on their way,” Jinyoung said, giving you an encouraging smile. “I’m here with you. I’m not leaving.”
“Okay,” you said, happy that you’re not alone.
At first, you didn’t dare to ask the question that kept nagging you since you saw him in your hospital room, but you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I’m sorry,” you said, interrupting Jinyoung who was retelling you everything that you’ve missed in those two weeks that you’ve been unconscious. “But… how do we know each other?”
Jinyoung immediately stopped talking, looking at you in horror.
“You don’t remember?” he asked, shocked. “I’m your boyfriend. We’ve been together for two years.”
You were really surprised to hear this. “I’m sorry. This feels like the first time I’m seeing you.”
Jinyoung stared at you in confusion and disbelief. How was it possible that the past two years of your life were completely wiped away from your memory? He had hoped the doctors would fix this because he was not going to let you go again.
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The two of you were in a car, on your way home from a restaurant. You were still arguing about something really irrelevant. However, you were both too into it to stop.
Unfortunately, arguments and slippery roads rarely went well together. Before Youngjae realized what happened, he had lost control of the car, not stopping before entering the main road, and driving into it right in front of a passing car.
The other vehicle hit your car from the passenger side, resulting in your hospitalization, while Youngjae barely suffered any injuries.
Even though the doctors wanted to stitch up his eyebrow that had split open during the crash, he refused to leave you alone, even if he knew the best doctors in the city were taking care of you. And yet, they still couldn’t do much. Waking up from a coma was up to you and you only.
The guilt Youngjae felt was indescribable. He held your hand, whispering how sorry he was every day, hoping you’ll hear him and forgive him soon.
A month later, when every single injury Youngjae suffered that night had already healed, you moved. It started out as slow movements of your fingers, but within a few hours you had opened your eyes, and a few more hours later, you could already talk.
“God, I’m so glad that you woke up,” Youngjae whispered as he clutched your hand to his heart, squeezing his eyes shut to keep the tears in. “All of this was my fault. I still can’t believe I wasn’t watching the road. I’m so sorry. I can’t even explain how sorry I am.”
“I don’t remember anything,” was the first thing you said.
Youngjae’s eyes popped open. “W-What?”
“I’m sorry,” you added. “But I have no idea who you are or what you’re talking about.”
Youngjae was having a hard time understanding this. Here he was, praying for your recovery every night, and that came true. Except now you had no idea who he was.
The guilt he felt before intensified when he started to think that he caused you to forget who he was by not looking after you enough. By not putting an end to your fight that night. By not controlling the car properly.
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You were always ignorant of your surroundings whenever you were upset or stressed. And after getting into a fight with BamBam, you were both. This has been your third fight this week, so naturally, you were starting to fear that he would break up with you.
The thoughts about having to break up with him were what preoccupied your brain when you started to cross the street without looking both ways. You thought you heard a car signal you but it was too late.
When BamBam found out you got into a car accident that caused you a coma, he wanted to scream. He controlled himself, however, but only because there were lots of people around. When he was left alone, he let himself express his grief in every way he knew how.
In the end, he decided he had to pull himself together and patiently wait until you woke up so he could tell you how sorry for everything he was and how he was never ever going to leave you.
After the longest two weeks of his life, you finally opened your eyes.
“Oh my God, Y/n,” BamBam gasped. “You’re awake! Finally! I’ve been worried sick. I’m so glad you opened your eyes.
“I…” you tried to talk but your throat was to try.
“I’ll call a nurse so she can bring you water because I’m not leaving your side,” he told you as he pressed the emergency button next to your bed. “Y/n… I’m so sorry you’re here. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I swear to you, I would never break up with you.”
“Break up?” you groaned quietly. “We’re… together?”
BamBam felt cold all of a sudden.
“Y-you don’t remember?” he asked slowly.
You tried to shake your head but couldn’t. “No.”
He shook his head in disbelief. There was no way he spent all of this time worrying about you only to hear that you don’t remember who he was anymore. He knew you two deserved a happy ending after all that happened. Why the hell were you not getting one, then?
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With the tears blurring your vision, you ran out of your apartment, leaving Yugyeom – who was still yelling – alone inside. All you could think about was how much you hated fighting. You didn’t even realize that you couldn’t see where you were going, and the stairs in the hallway of your building started sooner than you expected.
You lost your balance immediately and was forced to fall down the entire set of stairs. There were a few seconds when you haven’t lost your consciousness yet, and already in those seconds, you were too confused to understand what had just happened. And then you passed out.
And much to Yugyeom’s – who, unlike Jackson, didn’t manage to avoid a speeding ticket on his way to the hospital – sadness, you didn’t wake up from the coma caused by the heavy concussion, for a whole month.
He spent this entire time with you, not doing much else, other than staring at the wall of your hospital room, fearing that he’ll go insane if you don’t wake up soon.
Suddenly, an entire month after the accident, you woke up, startling him but also inflicting indescribable joy upon him.
“Y/n, thank God!” he shouted once he saw that you had opened your eyes.
“What..?” was all that you managed to ask.
“I’ll explain everything that happened,” Yugyeom said. “But first tell me does anything hurt? Should I call the doctor? The nurse? Anyone?”
“M-my family?” you tried. “Where are they?”
Yugyeom was a little sad to hear this but he understood. “They’ll be here. I’ll call them right now if you want me to.”
You nodded as much as the cast on your neck allowed you to. Yugyeom got his phone out and started to dial.
“H-how do you have their phone n-numbers?” you asked, suddenly realizing.
Yugyeom frowned in confusion. “Well, you gave them to me.”
“I did?”
Realization dawned on him. “You don’t remember.”
You stared at him not knowing what to say. You had no clue that you’ve forgotten something.
“Do you know who I am?” Yugyeom asked but his hands started to shake even before you answered.
“N-no,” you answered a little awkwardly.
Yugyeom’s entire world collapsed around him. As he watched your clueless eyes stare at him, he started to think he had truly gone insane in those days when he was waiting for you to wake up because there was no way that this was the reality.
credits go to the original owners of the gifs!
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