funkypuzzles · 1 year
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finished replaying spectre's call!!!! here r some Scribbles
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puzzlesauria · 1 year
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Do you ever just walk right into a glass door
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matchamabs · 2 months
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for one of the suggestions of drawing a black raven beach episode style thing. i bet the lake at barde manor is a huge summer spot hehe also for comedy, the initial sketch cos it makes me giggle lmao
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astrofiish · 10 months
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So uh. this is what happened in Last Specter, right?
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call-me-rucy · 4 months
I shall not disclose now my take on this question but let it be know I have argued ardently about this.
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justkillingthyme · 2 months
Happy Luke Lunes!
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bask in our beautiful creation @paul-layton
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kirbro · 1 year
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wanted to do that color wheel challenge but with professor layton
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angelbellelc2 · 1 year
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This is a cute little reference to Loosha from Last Specter/Spectre's call. Katrielle having a small plushie of Loosha is a nice nod to her even though it's a small acknowledgement. I wonder who made this little plushie of Loosha in the first place.
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multiversal-madness · 6 months
Professor Layton Au - Pandora's Call
((I have made an intro post for this au before but it's been a while and things have changed so here we go))
The Pandora's Call Au follows the idea of pairing the games (+ the movie and crossover) and merging them together, combining the stories and mysteries while changing some other story details to fill the gaps left behind.
The namesake of this Au (and the first combination to be created), Pandora's Call is the combination of Pandora's Box and Spectre's Call.
It follows the Professor and his new assistant Emmy as they investigate the Elysian box. They follow its trail to the ghost town Folsense where they must uncover the secrets behind the spectres — two large and formless entities that fight in the streets — the Spirit — a figure commanding the animals of the town into harassing visitors — and the Golden Kingdom — a castle rumoured to be buried beneath Folsense originating from the Azran.
The Black Ravens are instead the Raven's Guild located in Dropstone and while they do participate in the market, they're more so 'adventurers' that oversee most of the travel to the ghost town.
Arianna isn't sick, Tony doesn't dress up as Seamus and Evan Barde doesn't die, they live in Dropstone together peacefully.
Instead of the manatee like creature she is in canon, Loosha is instead a Quetzalcoatlus that flew out of the Golden Kingdom when she was small enough for Luke to hold.
And Luke Triton is instead Lord Luke Herzen, the grandson of Duke Anton Herzen, raised by his grandfather in Folsense with his only contact with the world outside Folsense being when he uses the animals of Folsense to scare away outsiders.
The other game pairings in this Au are as follows:
Eternal Diva + Curious Village — Eternal Village
St Mystere exists on the island of Ambrosia, the looming tower is mixed with Descole's castle and the Whistler and Reinhold families are combined. Flora and Melina are sisters and Melina's consciousness is put into a robot after she dies.
Miracle Mask + PLvsAA — Mysterious Mask
Labyrinthia is its own world accessible through the Akbadain ruins which is where Randall ended up when he fell, the magic is real (but bound to that one area) and the one behind the Masked Gentleman is the Storyteller (Descole isn't in this one due to Dahlia related injuries).
Lost Future + Azran Legacy — Lost Legacy
Mostly follows the plot of Azran Legacy, but Bill Hawks has disappeared in a time machine related incident and someone claiming to be Luke from the future joins them on their journey. Targent makes it to each location first so they have to use a rudimentary time machine that can only go back a few days to let them collect the eggs first. Also Clive is Luke's half brother, though he has to wear a purple wig to cover his blonde hair.
I do have some extra details for what happens outside the main 'games' as well, though this post is getting long so I'll put them under the cut for anyone who's interested (sorry it's also pretty long):
Clark and Brenda have been dead for around 10 years by the time Pandora's Call starts (though Brenda isn't quite gone), though Clark's death was confirmed while Brenda went missing on her own accord and was presumed dead
Losing Clark and then Brenda in short succession then only a few years later losing Claire left Hershel in a very bad place, he withdrew more so than before and became more reckless in the cases he'd pursue
After being beaten up by the government, Lucille and Roland were worried about him only having them and his mentor Dr Schrader to support him so Lucille called the Ledore household and asked if they would be willing to check in on Hershel, which they agreed and Henry went to go check on him
It was rocky at first, but Henry reaching out really helped Hershel and the two became friends again, Angela joining them too, though with Monte d'Or they couldn't be there all the time
During Hershel's 'reckless era' Henry would often be the one to come over and make sure he's eating enough and looking after his injuries (both from the government incident and injuries he gets while being reckless)
He has two major injuries around this time, one from before the Government beat down and one that ended his 'reckless era' and made him realise he couldn't keep doing this
The first happened the day Claire died. A young boy ran into the burning building next door to the lab to look for his parents and Hershel ran after him, burning his hands in the process of saving the kid
The second was when he was in a particularly bad place mentally, when he decided to look into the case of Claire's death a second time. He got further with his investigation, but then he was jumped and beat up worse than the first time, severely damaging one of his legs in the process and needing it to be amputated from the knee down (When it heals enough he gets a prosthetic, but he also carries a foldable cane and crutches in case he needs them)
On a brighter note, his reckless era did bring about one good change and that was running into his old 'friend' Paul who had also gotten involved in some shady dealings. After escaping the people Hershel was investigating/Paul was getting even with, they ended up reconnecting (things were a bit more complicated than that but this post is already too long-)
This Au's Hershel is a lot tidier than his canon counterpart, he also tends to collect odd souvenirs from his travels (traits he's picked up from Clark and Brenda, *gestures to 'guy who's nothing but the people he's lost' post*)
He's also a bit quicker to go against law enforcement when they're interfering with his investigations (nothing extreme of course, but he's definitely hidden evidence he hasn't had a chance to observe properly before an inspector could take it away)
And that's all I'll share for now. I have a lot planned for this Au and eventually I want to write a few fics for it too (a multichapter fic for each 'game' and a few oneshots too, though it is a very ambitious project) so we'll see what happens.
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teenytinyapprentice · 2 years
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Black Raven week: Day 6 - The Spectre
scene redraw of some of the ravens getting to meet half of Misthallery’s Spectre... I really love this little scene, the kids turn to Crow so quickly, looking to him for direction. Spoke volumes of their respect for him, and that Crow isn’t the leader for nothing. Clearly he’s earned the ravens trust. (I’ve never drawn Loosha before!! gfkgjdf what a funny looking creature)
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curiiousviillage · 1 year
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wham blam more layton school scribbles + franziska mad rat and heart
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puzzlesauria · 8 months
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 8 months
Sixth and final part of my favorite LS/SC moments o/
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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Wisely wise words of wisdom
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Luke, I hope you're taking notes on this
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When you have to tell someone that their joke is not funny
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Interesting choice of words
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HIM My man ❤❤❤
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The first thing Descole does after being revealed is just insulting Jakes. This is why I love this guy.
Okay now Descole, you're feeling frustrated because you spent about a year digging around the entire town, and battling a giant sea creature, and acting as a butler, and scheming and blackmailing and all that, and now thanks to Layton all those time and efforts were for nothing. Anger is a perfectly valid sentiment of course, but let's not do anything rash, okay? Take deep breaths, reflect on your emotions, take a walk in the woods perhaps and--
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Hahaha he still believes these two are gonna be reasonable :')
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They're talking...
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I smell something illegal, but at this point it's not like I care
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There's no way the people who made this scene thought Descole was straight. If you believe otherwise you're just lying to yourself.
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I'd like to see that
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Yes, all the people who called you a witch and said mean things about you were actually just worried! Nobody was worried about Tony though, he's not cute enough
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Er... Emmy? Are you really willing to risk Arianna's life for fame? Wait no not for fame, for immediate fame???
Well I hope you have a very good reason for not wanting to keep this discovery a secret for a couple months :/
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Clark I'm sorry I think I accidentally adopted your son
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Don't worry sir, you'll see stranger things
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Maggie HOW DARE YOU Arigatōgozaimashita, Otaki-san
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Layton is regretting his life choices
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This is not gonna end well
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I'm not crying you're crying 😥
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On your left, ladies and gentlemen, an extremely rare photo of Loosha, the last specimen of a now extinct aquatic specie.
And on your right, a photo of something even more rare: an official acknowledgment of Flora's existence! Many believe this specie to be extinct for good, while others still hope it will reappear someday. Only the future will tell!
And that's the end of my playthrough, hope you had a good time! If you wanna see me comment on the other games, let me know o/
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alovelylonelygoodra · 10 months
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Layton npc appreciation week 2023
Day 7: free day
Here’s Loosha from specter’s call!🦭 💕
Sorry I skipped two days, I didn’t want to give up on the week fully so I decided to end it on a simple yet cute doodle. Thanks for hosting this week again! Hopefully I’ll be more into it next time ^-^
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flowertab · 11 months
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The Melody on the Water~
Happy PL4 Day! 😁 Last Specter was one of my very first Layton games, and is still one of my favorites to revisit. Misthallery has a beautiful atmosphere, and I love watching the friendship and trust grow between Layton, Luke, and Emmy. <3 I’m so glad we got this peek into the puzzle family’s past!
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