#Pandora’s Call Au
multiversal-madness · 2 months
Professor Layton Au - Pandora's Call
((I have made an intro post for this au before but it's been a while and things have changed so here we go))
The Pandora's Call Au follows the idea of pairing the games (+ the movie and crossover) and merging them together, combining the stories and mysteries while changing some other story details to fill the gaps left behind.
The namesake of this Au (and the first combination to be created), Pandora's Call is the combination of Pandora's Box and Spectre's Call.
It follows the Professor and his new assistant Emmy as they investigate the Elysian box. They follow its trail to the ghost town Folsense where they must uncover the secrets behind the spectres — two large and formless entities that fight in the streets — the Spirit — a figure commanding the animals of the town into harassing visitors — and the Golden Kingdom — a castle rumoured to be buried beneath Folsense originating from the Azran.
The Black Ravens are instead the Raven's Guild located in Dropstone and while they do participate in the market, they're more so 'adventurers' that oversee most of the travel to the ghost town.
Arianna isn't sick, Tony doesn't dress up as Seamus and Evan Barde doesn't die, they live in Dropstone together peacefully.
Instead of the manatee like creature she is in canon, Loosha is instead a Quetzalcoatlus that flew out of the Golden Kingdom when she was small enough for Luke to hold.
And Luke Triton is instead Lord Luke Herzen, the grandson of Duke Anton Herzen, raised by his grandfather in Folsense with his only contact with the world outside Folsense being when he uses the animals of Folsense to scare away outsiders.
The other game pairings in this Au are as follows:
Eternal Diva + Curious Village — Eternal Village
St Mystere exists on the island of Ambrosia, the looming tower is mixed with Descole's castle and the Whistler and Reinhold families are combined. Flora and Melina are sisters and Melina's consciousness is put into a robot after she dies.
Miracle Mask + PLvsAA — Mysterious Mask
Labyrinthia is its own world accessible through the Akbadain ruins which is where Randall ended up when he fell, the magic is real (but bound to that one area) and the one behind the Masked Gentleman is the Storyteller (Descole isn't in this one due to Dahlia related injuries).
Lost Future + Azran Legacy — Lost Legacy
Mostly follows the plot of Azran Legacy, but Bill Hawks has disappeared in a time machine related incident and someone claiming to be Luke from the future joins them on their journey. Targent makes it to each location first so they have to use a rudimentary time machine that can only go back a few days to let them collect the eggs first. Also Clive is Luke's half brother, though he has to wear a purple wig to cover his blonde hair.
I do have some extra details for what happens outside the main 'games' as well, though this post is getting long so I'll put them under the cut for anyone who's interested (sorry it's also pretty long):
Clark and Brenda have been dead for around 10 years by the time Pandora's Call starts (though Brenda isn't quite gone), though Clark's death was confirmed while Brenda went missing on her own accord and was presumed dead
Losing Clark and then Brenda in short succession then only a few years later losing Claire left Hershel in a very bad place, he withdrew more so than before and became more reckless in the cases he'd pursue
After being beaten up by the government, Lucille and Roland were worried about him only having them and his mentor Dr Schrader to support him so Lucille called the Ledore household and asked if they would be willing to check in on Hershel, which they agreed and Henry went to go check on him
It was rocky at first, but Henry reaching out really helped Hershel and the two became friends again, Angela joining them too, though with Monte d'Or they couldn't be there all the time
During Hershel's 'reckless era' Henry would often be the one to come over and make sure he's eating enough and looking after his injuries (both from the government incident and injuries he gets while being reckless)
He has two major injuries around this time, one from before the Government beat down and one that ended his 'reckless era' and made him realise he couldn't keep doing this
The first happened the day Claire died. A young boy ran into the burning building next door to the lab to look for his parents and Hershel ran after him, burning his hands in the process of saving the kid
The second was when he was in a particularly bad place mentally, when he decided to look into the case of Claire's death a second time. He got further with his investigation, but then he was jumped and beat up worse than the first time, severely damaging one of his legs in the process and needing it to be amputated from the knee down (When it heals enough he gets a prosthetic, but he also carries a foldable cane and crutches in case he needs them)
On a brighter note, his reckless era did bring about one good change and that was running into his old 'friend' Paul who had also gotten involved in some shady dealings. After escaping the people Hershel was investigating/Paul was getting even with, they ended up reconnecting (things were a bit more complicated than that but this post is already too long-)
This Au's Hershel is a lot tidier than his canon counterpart, he also tends to collect odd souvenirs from his travels (traits he's picked up from Clark and Brenda, *gestures to 'guy who's nothing but the people he's lost' post*)
He's also a bit quicker to go against law enforcement when they're interfering with his investigations (nothing extreme of course, but he's definitely hidden evidence he hasn't had a chance to observe properly before an inspector could take it away)
And that's all I'll share for now. I have a lot planned for this Au and eventually I want to write a few fics for it too (a multichapter fic for each 'game' and a few oneshots too, though it is a very ambitious project) so we'll see what happens.
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tiya-minuscule · 1 month
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Another commission for @multiversal-madness and her Au Pandora's Call !
It's a much more nostalgic and sad atmosphere than the other one...
It's also the first time I ever drew Henry and I forgot how much I love his design (and deserved so much more than the canon, don't get me started)
If you want to commission me you can find all the info here
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insomniacirl · 2 months
Writing a fic called 'Night Call', based on the single from this album but also what if this is the first fic I ever publish (if it gets written lmao)???
James and Sirius are (illegal) street racers. What could possibly go wrong when the younger Black brother steps into a six month trip of the California nightlife? When the smoke clears, who'll be there to head home with their winnings?
Or the better question is: just how fast can they drive before they get caught?
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divkazkdovikde · 5 months
i can’t believe i haven’t posted about this yet but guys! alert alert alert alert!!!!!!
fic rec fic rec fic rec
my lovely lady is writing a fic. and it’s an amazing little thing and you guys should absolutely read it
it’s called pas de deux and it’s by the amazing @babydipper
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also did i mention this fic is for me? i will never shut up about that actually. like i don’t even know how did that happen? i was probably feeling bad or i was sick or i had too much stuff to uni? some or all of that dunno, last few weeks were crazy. anyway she told me about the idea and i loved it and she was like you know what, here’s the doc, (yes i have the doc, i can leave comments on it, now how cool is that?!), btw i’m writing it for you.
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so it’s her little christmas miracle, and it’s also mine little christmas miracle. honestly, love that for us
so yeah, you guys simply have to read it. like there’s no way around it, it’s a necessity. it��s really good. i had so much fun reading the first chapter. and i might be biased but i’m sure y’all would like this too, so give it a go!
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swag696942069 · 7 months
What if I said I was writing a fic where the skittles are a band and Regulus wrote driver's license about James? What if I said I didnt know rather to make the Marauders be Chase Atlantic or The Neighborhood? What if I said I'm already getting burnt out from writing this for the past three hours and I just started? What if I said I was sleep deprived?
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ehehehe ok so hear me out.... Penpals AU featuring Concerned Parental Figure™ Clive and Luke "I'm 11 and have watched my friend die in front of my eyes" Triton ( drawn in-game on the memo-pad for extra ✨flair✨)
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Luke writing a letter: Dear Clive, Idk who you are but here's something cool!
Clive reacting to the letter: ?? Why did I get this
((pictured: recap of curious village events and diabolical box feat. Luke screaming in the background))
Luke writing: But it's fine since he (Anton) ended up turning into a Grandpa
((pictured: Anton and Katia hugging with caption "FAM HUG!" above))
So it all ended up alright in the end!
The best, your friend Luke.
Clive reacting to the letter: Jesus, kid.... Be careful
At least he's ok..
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pyrriax · 11 months
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knupfy · 3 months
Black Brothers microfic - fame au
wordcount: 1604
“Put her on speaker!” Mary exclaims, moving around Lily and forming a circle around her. Maybe they all are just a bit too interested. Lily calling Pandora is not a big thing, both girls have been talking for a while now. Sirius is interested because of who Pandora is- Leo's manager. A new artist on the rise who is already competing with their band- the Marauders. And Sirius wants to find out everything about him- even if it means listening to a conversation between the two girls.
“Okay, okay, but don’t be weird or you're fired.” She threatens as their manager, which means nothing to Sirius, who knows she is joking, or at least hopes so.
“Lily?” A soft voice comes from the voice and said redhead jumps in her place. 
“Ah, Pandora, hey. Hi.” Lily stammers and immediately buries her face in the crook of her elbow. Sirius sneaks a glance at James and they both are suddenly stifling a laugh. 
“Hey.” The voice on the other line- Pandora apparently, sounds a bit breathless herself. “Did you call me because of the Grammys ?”
“Yeah, I wanted to congratulate you, Leo as well. I was just watching the nominations with my band.”
A bit of shuffling and a quiet giggle is heard on the other line. “Thank you, Lily it means a lot.” Pandora says, and a slight murmur is also heard on the other end of the line, “Ah, but you never mentioned what band you manage.”
Lily realises a slight squeak, “Righ I forgot” A beat of silence passes on both ends of the call, ”I manage the Marauders.”
It's silent for a longer time, and Sirius raises an eyebrow at Lily, who looks more and more anxious the longer time passes until there is a sudden, wheezing laughter on the other end of the line. “Oh my god!” Whoever is laughing says, because that is not Pandora, the voice is male and slightly more breathless with every laugh. “This is golden!”
They all share a confused glance with each other not quite getting what is going on on the other end of the phone call. “Shut the fuck up, Barty.” A third, slightly muffled voice sounds on the line as the wheezing laughter continues. 
“Okay, quiet both of you.” Pandora finally calls out, and there is a slight shuffling and a muted ‘oof’ from the other end of the line. “Sorry about that Lily, some people here are… enthusiastic about the Marauders.” 
“Oh yeah?” This time Sirius is the one who calls out, ignoring the glare that Lily sends his way. “Is that why Leo ignored me on Twitter?” The wheezing laughter from before is back tenfold, and now even James is chuckling along.
“Someone please end my suffering.” The third voice, presumably Leo, mutters genuinely sounding so done with everything. 
“No way, Tinkerbell.” A fourth voice joins the other end of the call, and there is a bit more shuffling and a squawk from Pandora until the voice continues. “Hey Sirius Black, right?”
Sirius shuffles forward, leaning closer to the receiver, much to Lily’s displeasure. “The one and only. And you are?”
“Oh, I’m Evan, Dora’s brother and a really big fan of your group. Oh! Congratulations on three nominations by the way!”
“Oh, thank you!” James also leans forward, grabbing the phone from Lily’s hand, ignoring her angry muttering. “I’m James Potter! But most know me by Prongs!”
A punched-out breath is heard on the other line, followed by a giggle. “Ohhh, James Potter, Hi!” The voice that was just wheezing with laughter a minute ago is suddenly on the receiver. “I’m Barty, it is an absolute pleasure to speak with you.”
James blinks at the phone, honestly startled. “Oh, thank you.” He says with a slight smile on his face.
“Say, James,” The voice- that Sirius now knows is Barty, continues on the phone. “Is your Saturday night busy, because if not-”
“Nope.” The third voice on the phone interrupts before Barty is even finished. “Don’t even think about it.” There is even more shuffling at which Sirius can’t help but laugh. “Hi, hello.” The same voice continues. “Miss Evans, I owe you my apologies for the way these two idiots couldn’t keep it and their pants and stayed quiet.”
Lily startles a little by being called on directly. “Ah no don’t worry, i also apologise for mine.” She trails off unsure of who even is the third voice, 
“Leo.” Comes the short reply, by Leo apparently, and Sirius’s eyebrows rise with a slow grin as he once again steals the phone from Lily. 
“Hey, Leo!” He calls directly to the receiver. “You still haven’t answered my previous question.”
“And that is relevant, how?” Despite never talking to the guy before, Sirius can hear the eyebrow rise in his voice.
“Because I am gonna take it personally and address it on the Grammys.” Sirius says with a satisfied smirk, relishing in the way Lily pinches the bridge of her nose and deeply sighs at his antics.
“Good, then do it I’m not showing up anyways.”
“What?” This time, it’s surprisingly Remus who chokes the question out. “You got nominated three times on your first year in the field, and you are not showing up?”
“Aw, Remus are you gonna miss me there? Don't worry I'm gonna send Barty to hold your hand through it.” There is a quiet murmuring on the other side and a long sigh after that. But Sirius is still puzzled by why Leo isn’t going to show up. 
“You really aren't showing up.” He eventually says, firmly holding onto James’ hand and glaring at the screen as if it has wronged him in some way. 
“Yes, Sirius.” comes the reply, somehow scratching an itch in the darkest part of Sirius’ brain. “I know you are going to want a fight with me if I show up.”
“Scared you will lose?” Sirius says, confident in himself in a way that he hasn’t been in years, ignoring the way everyone is gaping at him. He can’t even explain to himself why he said that, so there is no way he is acknowledging them. 
There is a laugh on the other end of the phone, this time from Leo, and despite all the laughing that is happening on the other line, this is the first time that Sirius has heard him laugh. “I will have you know, I’ve won four street fights.” Based on the choked noises on the other end of the line, Leo’s little group of friends did not know that.
 “Oh yeah?” Sirius challenges. “Out of how many?”
There is a chucked-out exhale from Leo. “Listen-”
“No, no c’mon tell me.” Sirius grins at the phone, having taken it in his hand. 
“Out of… maybe ten?” Comes the unsure voice from the other line. 
“Ten!” Sirius wheezes out, having the time of his life talking to a man he has never even met before. “Oh, I’m totally going to win this one.”
“Nuh-uh” Leo says, like a child, and for some reason, Sirius can clearly visualize the pout that forms on his face. And he can’t help but laugh at that. “Shut the fuck up, Sirius.”
“Sorry, sorry, didn’t mean to laugh at you.”
There is a long sigh on the other end of the phone. ”Oh, but you are not sorry at all are you?”
Sirius’s grin widens at that. “Totally not.”
He can envision the way Leo is probably rolling his eyes at him. “You are insufferable.”
“It is my forte,” Sirius says with a quiet chuckle.
“Okay, you two break it up.” Lily suddenly says, taking the phone from his hands. 
There is a beat of silence on the other line.“Yeah, okay, I’m passing it to Pandora.”
“Wait!” Sirius scrambles next to Lily once again. “I just wanted to say bye to you. Tinkerbell, was it?”
There is a groan on the line. "I don't know if I want to kill myself or Evan more." After that, there is shuffling on the other line and a cut-out scream, Sirius just laughs lauder at that.
Lily rolls her eyes and puts her phone on her ear again. "Hi again, Pandora."
“Oh, hey Lily.” Pandora’s voice filters out again, and Sirius forces himself to back away and fall back on the couch. He eventually catches James’s gaze, who is looking at him questioningly. So he averts his eyes only to find that the rest of the group is looking at him with questions in their eyes.
“What?” Sirius huffs out, lifting himself on his arms so he can properly sit on the couch. “Nothing mate,” Peter says slowly, testing the waters a bit. “You just kinda, seemed familiar with that Leo guy.”
Sirius lets the words wash over him, pondering over them a little. But his brain still refuses to give him answers so he just huffs again. “Believe me Wormy when I say that this is the first time I have ever spoken to that guy.”
“No we believe you mate, don’t worry,” James says, glancing at Lily, who has finally put the phone off speaker and is presumably talking to Pandora in the kitchen.
“Okay, no more talking about other nominees.” Mary suddenly says, standing up from the couch. “How about we celebrate our nominations tonight?”
“Why, Macdonald, this is the best thing you have said all night.” Sirius matches her grin and heads straight to the alcohol cabinet in their apartment. Mary is right, this night is about them and Sirius plans to drink like they have already won.
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I found my tablet guys
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Midnight: alright I get it, you’re all..without fathers-
Aizawa: I’m not. I fuckin love my dad.
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queerregulusablack · 2 years
“You’re coming with us tonight though, Star. No answers to the contrary will be allowed; we’ll drag you out if we must.” She picked up a pen from the counter for the purposes of pointing at her Star with it threateningly; and he pulled a face at her, before glancing down at Pandora.
The girl in question smiled up at him wickedly.
“We could get you laid,” she goaded, and it took James a moment to realise she’d spoken Korean, and that he should probably pretend he couldn’t understand; but then ‘Star’ scrunched his nose in distaste.
“At one of the bars Barty frequents? So I can test just how immune vampirism makes me to venereal diseases?” 
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multiversal-madness · 2 months
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I wanted to do a comparison between the canon Luke and Flora and the Pandora’s Call/Eternal Village Luke and Flora (as well as work on PC Flora’s design) so here are some sketches I did that I think turned out really good.
I might clean them up at some point or I might add canon Clive and Lost Legacy Clive maybe but we’ll see.
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tiya-minuscule · 1 month
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A super commission for @multiversal-madness and her super AU : Pandora's Call
In this illustration, you can see Anton (mon très cher Vladimir in VF) with Luke who is actually his grandson !
I absolutly love drawing Anton, so I was quite excited about this one, and also giving him the opportunity to be a good dad (ouch my heart)!
I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I did !
And if you want more info about my commission, everything is RIGHT HERE
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mushroompollution · 13 days
I really wanted to make Elliot and Leo both ladies in this au instead and backed out at the last second 😔
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oflightsbeam · 9 months
tags drop!
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roomy-ghosted · 1 year
and what if i decided to plan a borderlands au for just roll with it hm? what then?
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