cy-lindric · 1 year
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What do I care about latin speeches and the jeering of my scoundrel ? I love Lorenzo, I do, and par la mort de Dieu ! He shall remain here.
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eternal--returned · 3 months
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Alphonse Mucha ֍ Lorenzaccio (1896)
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adelinette · 13 days
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faggotfungus · 8 months
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Piece in five acts and an epilogue by Alfred De Musset. Adapted by M. Armand D’Artois. Featuring Sarah Bernhardt. | Lithograph by Alphonse Mucha (1896)
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drinkthemlock · 5 months
hamlet and lorenzaccio are breeches roles. in my heart
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wolfsnape · 2 years
Moi : en vrai j'avais aucune raison de penser que j'étais pas hétéro au lycée
Also moi : *en vient presque à me battre physiquement avec la prof de français qui refusait de voir la dimension homosexuelle de la relation entre Lorenzo et Alexandre dans Lorenzaccio*
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parlerenfleurs · 1 year
I'm very fond of Lorenzaccio, and I'm realizing Fei Du is a Lorenzaccio if Lorenzaccio had been able to remain fundamentally untainted by his own acting.
While Lorenzaccio had to actually have a corrupt behaviour, down to actually hurting people, Fei Du's pretense hasn't needed to become reality, not yet, and now he's revealed all this to Luo Wenzhou, it won't ever need to.
(What his father forced him to do doesn't count - I'd even argue that if someone is still so good after that then there is nothing that could change their heart)
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posflote · 4 months
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back from the dead to offer a humble collage based on lorenzaccio of musset
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rown-cheese · 4 months
LECTURES DE 2024 : Lorenzaccio - Alfred de Musset
Lecture terminée le 24 mai 2024 (54/60)
Bonjour (à nouveau) ! Cette fois-ci, la lecture que je vous présente est une pièce de théâtre, Lorenzaccio, écrite par Alfred de Musset. C'était une lecture que j'aurais dû faire y'a 5-6 ans et au final, ça s'est pas fait... jusqu'ici !
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Résumé : Personne ne respecte Lorenzo, à Florence, au point de lui attribuer des surnoms tous plus insultants les uns que les autres, mais cela n'a aucune importance. Lorenzo, lui, aime sa ville, et compte bien la débarrasser du duc qui règne en tyran.
CW/TW: putophobie, pédophilie, meurtres, sexisme...
(N'ayant lu l'œuvre que de loin, je n'ai pas mémorisé les CW/TW correctement, pardon pour cela)
Alors ! J'aurai dû lire Lorenzaccio en 2018, pour mon entrée en Hypokhâgne. Je ne l'ai pas fait (j'étais en train de me noyer sous tout ce qu'il se passait déjà en cours), et ce petite livre est resté dans mes affaires sans que je n'y touche. Mais c'est aujourd'hui chose faite ! Et je le regrette amèrement... J'étais content de me plonger dessus, je rigolais tout seul de la ressemblance des noms entre Lorenzo et Lorenza (personnage de RPZ excellent), mais ça s'arrête là. Page 1 de ma lecture, le duc et Lorenzo parlent d'une gamine de 15 ans avec laquelle le premier veut coucher justement parce qu'elle est jeune et "innocente", etc... Et là, j'ai laissé tomber l'idée de me concentrer sur ma lecture. J'aurais voulu abandonner, mais je me suis dit que je devais être un peu plus courageux et continuer, au cas où ce serait critiqué plus tard, ce qui n'a servi à rien car je n'ai rien retenu après cette première page, donc je ne peux pas le vérifier. Je n'ai pas non plus apprécier les notes de fins de pages qui sont soit trop détachées de l'histoire pour être intéressantes, soit ultra insultantes à expliquer des choses ultra simples comme "carnet" ou "furieux". Certaines avaient de l'intérêt mais elles étaient minoritaires.
Enfin bref, je ne peux pas en parler en toute connaissance de cause, désolé pour ça, mais je ne vous la conseille pas non plus (je ne le pourrais pas...).
En espérant que ma prochaine lecture soit meilleure !
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lorenzobonade-blog · 7 months
Un día de febrero... (no actúes más, eres viejo e inútil)
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catastrophicarts · 20 days
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art nouveau marcassin
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cy-lindric · 1 year
I cannot get over how gorgeous he is oh my god. Your ART!!
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Thank you so much, I poured together every type of gender envy I had into him to bring him to life. My blorbo portrait of Dorian Gray... my Frankenstein's monster of Wanting to be a Renaissance Twink
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eternal--returned · 3 months
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Alphonse Mucha ֍ Head of Sarah Bernhardt: Study for Lorenzaccio (1896)
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subzeroparade · 1 year
Hello!! Ci tenevo a dirti che il tuo Laurence mi fa urlare in otto lingue diverse e ne conosco solo 2 ½ più un paio morte, quindi kudos <\3 Also adoro come shadei!!!
Looool grazie! non preoccuparti, anche a me mi fa urlare 😂 soprattutto quando lo sto disegnando.
(grazie anche per il mio primo ask in italiano - già mi devo scusare perché da quando sono in Francia non parlo quasi mai più l’italiano :\)
comunque eccolo, urliamo insieme -
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while i should be doing 832910 other things right now, my queer little heart has been doing flips over the update and I'd explode if I didn't let it out. i think. anyways, here's a doodle of loreznaccio in his full genderqueer glory that I've been meaning to do for a while now, so might as well? get the sketch out? I want to try to pull some elements form arte noveau...
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distopea · 1 year
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Gabriele's tattoo represents different aspects of his story and his personality.
The central piece of the tattoo is the reproduction of the famous sculpture in front of the Vatican, The Archangel Michael by Peter Anton von Verschaffelt.
For Gabriele he's both Michael and the Demon defeated. Michael is the virtuous hero capable of defending those who need. He's brave and dedicated, and would sacrifice himself for the sake of God and the peace of the nation. The Demon, on his side, is what he's hiding to the rest of the world and himself; his true identity, morphed and changed through the violence of his actions and his true desires. The tattoo shows Gabriel's inner fight, his will to protect and yet his profound twisted nature pushing him to become a demon.
Unlike the rest of the member of the mafia family he had infiltrated would do, He didn't quote the bible in any part of his back as he didn't wish to have an actual relation with God or the family itself, but with himself, while being accepted as one of them. He picked one sentence from the famous play Lorenzaccio by Alfred de Musset. The character of Lorenzaccio echoes with Gabriele's feelings. Misjudged for his depravity, he was casted away and blamed for all the sorrow of the Medici family, becoming both the antagonist and hero of this play.
“You’re like a lighthouse shining beside the sea of humanity, motionless: all you can see is your own reflection in the water. You’re alone, so you think it’s a vast, magnificent panorama. You haven’t sounded the depths. You simply believe in the beauty of God’s creation. But I have spent all this time in the water, diving deep into the howling ocean of life, deeper than anyone. While you were admiring the surface, I saw the shipwrecks, the drowned bodies, the monsters of the deep.”
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