#Los Tres Geckos
katefullersgecko · 8 months
Kate Fuller, a little lady, has two murderous bank robbers who happens to be brothers wrapped around her finger and I think that’s beautiful.
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gellavonhamster · 3 months
ao3: eng / rus
“You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Kate repeats, shifting a gaze of such delight from one brother to another as if they just told her the best joke in the world.
“Do I have to show you my goddamn birth certificate?” Richie rolls his eyes indignantly, but it’s hard to tell how genuine that indignation is. “No one ever believes…”
“Take it as a compliment,” Seth suggests as he opens a bottle of beer and hands it to Kate. The bottle is cold as hell, and Seth’s fingers feel extra warm in comparison when Kate brushes against them with her own. “Maybe people are dying to learn your skincare routine, but they’re too shy to ask.”
“Oh, I’m sticking to the Dracula: Dead and Loving It technique, not everyone can afford that…”
“Like you used to look oh-so-mature before, Big Brother.”
“It’s not about Richie looking younger,” says Kate, warming her bottle between her knees. Richie is already chugging his beer with all the carelessness of someone who doesn’t have to worry about catching a cold or any other diseases of the mortals. Seth is chugging his with all the indifference of someone who doesn’t give a shit if he catches a cold or not. “It’s about you looking older.”
“She’s right, Seth,” Richie observes merrily and reaches out to ruffle his brother’s hair. Seth pushes his hand away without looking. “Hey, you’re already going grey a little bit.”
“And whose fucking fault is it that I’m already going grey, Richard?”
“I think that’s genetics.”
“I think no one’s hit you with a bottle opener for quite a while,” Seth waves that very opener eloquently, but he doesn’t try to stop Richie from touching his hair anymore, which the latter proceeds to do. Kate cannot help smiling when she looks at them, but a mild sort of sadness scratches at her heart at the same time. She misses Scott. She misses the times when she wasn’t scared to touch people first, remembering the way her touch – no, not hers, but still that of her hands, that of her body – used to suck out their strength, will, and soul. Never mind, she tells herself, and finally dares to take a sip of that icy beer, never mind. At least now she has her gloves.
At most now, she has her hope.
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iammyownsaviour · 1 year
being a gecko is not that bad
read on AO3
200 wc, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Kate Fuller/Richard Gecko/Seth Gecko, Polyamorous Relationship, Post-Finale, for @polyamships, part 11 of Multiamory March 2023
Summary: Kate never imagined one day she would end up doing bad things with bad boys. But she did once thought she'd pretty much like doing really bad things with Richie and Seth Gecko.
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boujeebunny8 · 20 days
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Rico and Gecko
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3nding · 11 months
A Roma, gira che ti rigira, quartiere che vai usanza che ritrovi, i tipi di bar che puoi incontrare sono fondamentalmente quattro, vediamone due:
Il Bar dei Cinesi: Senza nome, situato in zone semi periferiche, è il simbolo di quartieri come Tor Pignattara, Quadraro, Tuscolano. Tendenzialmente non è davvero gestito da cinesi, o comunque non sempre. I gestori possono essere bengalesi, pakistani, moldavi, rumeni: per il circondario cresciuto a pane e critica neocoloniale il solo fatto di non avere un italiano al bancone lo renderà comunque automaticamente “er bar dei cinesi”. Il caffè è sempre bruciato, il Book of Ra ha i tasti consumati, le sambuche cominciano ad essere servite intorno alle 9:20 del mattino e il parco avventori è costituito da un melting pot di 40-50enni che farebbero la felicità di Daniel Pennac. Ai tavoli del Bar dei Cinesi, in un qualunque martedì mattina, è infatti possibile ascoltare insulti a cristo e catcallate potenti in almeno 12 lingue differenti.
Il Bar Italiano Anonimo: Si chiama Gecko Bar, Bar 2000, Bar Incontro, Bar Sport o una combinazione dei precedenti. A volte spiazza il pubblico con un misterioso nome tipo “l’Elefante”. Si trova ovunque, dalle piazze di Roma centro fino ai vicoli di Ostia. Interni bianchi, neon, televisore acceso fisso sulle tv delle radio che mandano in diretta i deejay che parlano (format misterioso). Serve il peggior caffè che l’essere umano abbia mai concepito, ma lo propone in versioni dal prezzo ingiustificatamente maggiorato tipo “nocciolino”, “crema pistacchiella”, “coattello”. Chi ci lavora non è MAI chi lo gestisce, e i banconisti hanno un turnover rate più asfissiante di quello che si trova in consulenza. Non ha clientela fissa ma è amatissimo dalle forze dell’ordine, che incoraggiano la popolazione locale all’uso di mezzi di circolazione alternativi all’auto bloccando con la volante l'intera carreggiata
Il Bar col Cognome Plurale: Appannaggio e quasi essenza spirituale, a volte proprio zeitgeist, dei primi municipi (in ognuno ce n’è uno, secondo gli avventori sempre il migliore bar di Roma), questo tipo di esercizio gioca sull’inconscio, sul non detto ma sull’evocato. Per esempio: da quanto è aperto? Nessuno lo sa, tutti lo ricordano presente nelle loro vite da sempre. Ti ci portava nonno a prendere il cucciolone, ma a sua volta tua madre ti racconta che ce la portava sua nonna a prendere il mottarello e così via in una catena infinita di avi sempre più remoti e gelati sempre più sconosciuti (il tuo trisavolo ci portava la tua bisnonna a prendere una Gran Coppa Mazzini al Maraschino). Al bancone hanno livrea e cappellino e sono sempre nervosissimi, come fossero nel pieno di un servizio da Marchesi. Dietro alla cassa spicca una pagina di quotidiano incorniciata su cui un cronista locale, in cambio dello stralcio di un conto lunghissimo mai saldato, ha decantato a tre colonne storicità e clientela vip del locale (è il preferito di Lino Banfi). La qualità è effettivamente alta, ma non tanto da giustificare prezzi, file per lo scontrino (in cui ci si trova a sgomitare con le creature più grottescamente stronze che l’urbe abbia mai partorito) e l’insistente namedropping che ne fanno i romani nei loro discorsi per ostentare uno stile di vita da generone orbitante in area vip. Non battono uno scontrino dall’83. Il Bar dei Vecchi: Ha direttamente il nome proprio, tutt’uno tra esercizio e proprietario, tra macchina e uomo: Bar Nello, Bar Franca, Bar da Pino, Al Bar da Vittorio e così via. Sempre più raro, lo trovi in luoghi assurdi, a volte incassato ai bordi di una consolare tra sprawl urbanistici fuori controllo come la casa del vecchio di Up!, ultimo baluardo di un’epoca in cui ci si rifugiava al bar per leggere i giornali sul pozzetto dei gelati, per telefonare coi gettoni o per sfuggire alle responsabilità domestico-familiari. Al bancone c’è un anziano segnatissimo, coi baffi se maschio o coi capelli corti e la parannanza se femmina, con le rughe che me c’è voluta na vita pe fammele veni’ come la Magnani e allenatissimo a dirti, col tono più cinico del mondo, che l’articolo che hai richiesto è terminato. “Un magnum grazie” “n c’avemo”, “una coca grazie” “n c’avemo”, “un tramezzino” “n c’avemo”. In pratica al Bar dei Vecchi puoi prendere tre cose: caffè&cornetto, freddolone alla menta e rigorosamente UN articolo assurdo e casuale che varia da bar a bar. Solero shots rimasto in frigo dal 2003, wackos al formaggio e cipolla, Kinder merendero, coppa malù. Sul cartello di lamiera dei gelati algida c’è una croce lapidaria su ogni prezzo, e ad ogni ora di ogni giorno, non importa quando entrerai, mattina pomeriggio o sera troverai sempre la nipotina del titolare a un tavolo in fondo che fa i compiti sotto a uno specchio promozionale coca-cola del 67. - via fb
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 1 year
This is probably useless to anyone but I felt like in the mood to write down character flaws. Im still amazed how they tried to make everyone three dimensional.
Elena: Impulsivity, grudge holding, stubbornness, competitiveness  
Esteban: Cowardness, bitterness, arrogance, self pity, selfishness 
Isabel: Stubbornness, narrow mindedness (more like in how he’s hard for her to do things in a different way like in A Gecko’s Tale.)
Naomi: Prejudice, impulsivity 
Gabe: Cockiness, narrow mindedness, overprotectiveness, competitiveness  
Mateo: Cockiness, narrow mindedness 
Luisa: Competitiveness, grudge holding   
Francisco: Self pity (this was really hard, Francisco is a sweetheart but I guess he had a little self pity in The Return of Los Tres when Elena was treating him as just as an Abuelo)
Victor: Greed, bitterness, grudge holding 
Carla: Envy, greed  
Ash: Selfishness, greed, power hungry 
Alonso: Arrogance, laziness 
Valentina: Arrogance, competitiveness 
Rebecca: Narrow mindedness, stubbornness 
Chloe: Selfishness, obliviousness 
Marisa: Impulsivity
Armando: Self pity 
Cristobal: Greed, selfishness 
Doña Paloma: Greed, envy, bitterness, arrogance 
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fortysevenswrites · 1 year
8 Shows To Get To Know Me
tagged by @ladytharen
in no particular order
1. From Dusk Til Dawn: The Series (Los Tres Geckos my beloved) 2. Madam Secretary 3. Specifically Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery/Star Trek Strange New Worlds (it’s the same captain so it counts) 4. Fringe 5. Power Rangers in Space 6. Chicago Fire 7. NCIS: Los Angeles 8. Sense8
Tagging: @myletternevercame, @tuntematonkorppi, @the-restless-brook, @heidiamalia, @ninzied, @152glasslippers, @chronic-ghost and anyone else who wants to partake. Consider yourselves tagged!
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El 14 de agosto se homenajea a un tipo de reptil muy conocido en todo el mundo, que posee más de 3.000 especies. Se celebra el Día Mundial del Lagarto.
La principal finalidad de esta efeméride es la de dar a conocer la importancia de las especies de lagarto, así como las amenazas que afronta, tales como el tráfico de fauna.
¿Qué sabes sobre los Lagartos?
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Los lagartos o lacertilios (reino Animalia orden Squamata) son reptiles pertenecientes al grupo parafilético de escamosos (iguanas, varanos, coritofánidos, camaleones, lagartijas, geckos, entre otros).
Tienen el cuerpo y la cola alargada, su piel es escamosa y sus párpados son móviles. Su dieta alimenticia es a base de insectos, plantas y huevos de pequeños animales. Su tamaño varía en cada especie: entre los cinco centímetros hasta los tres metros.
El mecanismo de reproducción varía en cada especie, siendo la mayoría de ellos ovíparos. Unas 50 especies presentan reproducción asexual.
Son reptiles muy hábiles y trepadores, debido a que poseen una especie de almohadillas adhesivas o setas en los dedos de las patas. En la punta de estas almohadillas tienen unas estructuras denominadas espátulas. A pesar de ello no pueden adherirse a ciertas superficies, como el vidrio.
Poseen un agudo sentido de la vista, que les permite localizar a sus presas y les permite comunicarse entre ellas, desarrollando la visión a color.
¿Sabías Qué?
Te invitamos a conocer algunos datos curiosos e interesantes acerca de los lagartos:
Existen unas 3.000 especies de lagartos alrededor del mundo, a excepción de las regiones polares (Antártida).
Pueden oler gracias al órgano de Jacobson. Es un órgano que permite captar las moléculas en el aire y enviar la información al cerebro.
Respiran de manera unidireccional.
Algunas especies de lagartos pueden cambiar de color.
Más de 200 especies de lagarto no poseen patas, conocidas como serpientes de cristal o luciones.
Existen solo dos especies venenosas: el monstruo de gila y el lagarto moteado mexicano, también conocido como lagarto escorpión. Se ubican en México, sur de Estados Unidos y otros países de Centroamérica.
Poseen la capacidad de regenerar su cola.
El Dragón de Komodo es la especie de lagarto más peligrosa del mundo. Se ubica en la Isla de Komodo, en Indonesia.
Uno de los mecanismos de defensa que utilizan para huir de sus depredadores es mediante el desprendimiento de su cola, la cual se sigue moviendo una vez separada de su cuerpo.
¿Cómo podemos celebrar este día mundial?
En la celebración de esta efeméride, varios zoológicos alrededor del mundo ofrecen al público asistente exhibiciones y muestras de especies de lagartos vivos. Igualmente se llevan a cabo charlas y talleres educativos, acerca de estos reptiles.
Comparte fotos, videos e información interesante sobre el Día Mundial del Lagarto, en las redes sociales. Utiliza el hashtag #WorldLizardDay #lagartos #DíaMundialDelLagarto
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thyla · 2 years
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how it started vs how it’s going...
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justjstuff · 3 years
Ramblings for a SK fic I wanna write
. Amaru isn’t all bad, she’s evil and conniving but she’s also smart and resourceful. Kate learns with her.. She hates how much she enjoys the power, her previously innocent confidence sharpened into something meaner and that allowed her to be better.
. Kate cries for the girl she was but what keeps her up at night is the fact that she doesn’t want to go back to that.
. It takes a bit of time for Seth and Richie to get used to it. Seth wants to give her life back, but doesn’t quite understand how she could want this life with them.
. Richie understands the freedom that comes with being burned alive and reborn from your own ashes.
. Amaru taught her body how to fight, how to entice and command—and Kate was already bossy before, a natural leader when needed, a great liar always—she taught Kate how to take what she was owed. 
. Kate has nightmares most of the nights except they’re not dark images her mind came up with, they’re real memories of what she had done when Amaru was in charge of her body.
. She had been tired. Kate had been tired and Amaru loved to play games. It had started with simple things, let me have this night to do what I want without you fighting me every step of the way and I’ll never bring up the memory of you shooting Seth full of poison again.
. Amaru was many things, but she wasn’t a liar and she always kept her promises. Kate couldn’t help but learn how to play the game. Watch your cues and adapt, Seth had taught her once in their car just before a heist and Kate had always been a stellar student.
. The thing with a mental bond like the one they had is that it’s never just one way. Whatever Amaru had managed to glimpse from Kate’s mind, Kate could see right back in hers. 
. In six months, Kate has lived millennia. She had watched the dawn of day and the dusk falling all around her and even when Amaru was gone, a part of it remained, it had already shaped her body and mind into something else.
. Her muscles were strong from months of training, the register her voice fell in no longer the sweet tilt her Daddy and Momma had always preferred. It was now lower, huskier, like she wasn’t used to talking anymore. In a way, that was true. Kate had screamed during those six months and nothing much else.  
. There was still light inside of her, she knew. It wasn’t the purity that Professor Tanner had been obsessed with, no. It was something sharper, more potent in a way. It was like a beam of light sharpened by the Sun God himself; Kate could say that with certainty because she had him in the palm of her hands once, at her mercy. Kate was strong.
. Time spent with Richie was calm and she could truly be herself. The words of anger and hurt she had spoken to him as she bled out at his feet were long forgotten, influenced at that time by the dark, heavy magic of the sacred ground she had died on. That anger and resentfulness was gone, she never really blamed the brothers even when she probably should have, but there was still a restless energy that demanded she take back what was taken from her that he could understand. 
. Time spent with Seth was… unsettlingly hard. It had never been quite like this between the two of them, even back then on the dirt roads of small Mexican towns. Back then they had clashed and fought but found that they fit in a way that was both unexpected and comforting (maybe too comforting and that had made them both push back and build already crumbling walls between them).
. Now… Seth was afraid. He was afraid to have to lose her again, to see her walk away from them when she got tired like his mother had done. He was afraid to fall back into their same routine because he had gotten comfortable with it once only to lose it, lose her and experience had only made him wary.
. That grated heavily on Kate’s already irritable personality, only this time Seth took a step back every time the tension between them became too much. It took three weeks of constantly being circling around each other for Kate to find just which buttons to push to get him to come back to himself.
. Their fight could be heard all the way up in Jacknife Jed’s bar. It was massive and explosive like their usual fights during their four months alone, only this time it felt cathartic and didn’t leave either of them regretting their words.
. This fight ended with a kiss, because of course it did, it was always leading towards that between the two of them, and Seth looked for a second like he would step back and give her an out. Kate’s eyes told him clearly and without room for interpretation that she would fucking kick his ass if he backed out at that moment.
Post S3, Seth/Kate, The Tres Geckos and how they left Matanzas. I haven’t finished rewatching the series (I watched it as it was releasing lol) and there’s probably a lot wrong here but I just wanted to put it out there bc these two won’t leave me alone and I’m so interested in how Amaru affected Kate and how the Gecko Brothers dealt with it all.
I have so many headcanons for it it’s insane. Someone help.
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gellavonhamster · 9 months
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corporate needs you to find the difference between this picture and this picture, or: I love happy endings
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hessafeelsfordayss · 4 years
Clearly, both Gecko brothers are in love with Kate. Clearly, Kate is in love with both Seth and Richie. Please stop excluding and invalidating one of the brother's just in favor of your ship.
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No use praying, you’ll find no god here.
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lottiesprophecy · 5 years
Madison’s Livestream
Madison just did a livestream on instagram and she explained the white dress and gloves that she wore in the s3 finale!! She chose the white dress because she thought it was aesthetically pleasing and that it matched with Richie and Seth’s black suits.
As for the gloves, Madison said it was her idea that Kate is still too afraid to touch anyone so she decided to wear gloves.
We asked her what she thinks Kate is up to and Madison said, “After being possessed she would be down for anything.”
She said there is still no word on a s4 and she really doesn’t know if it will continue. She is hoping for a continuation though, maybe a mini series. Madison said that she still talks to Brandon everyday.
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ambrosiaswhispers · 6 years
Pictures and “Tattoos”
So this can be read with any of the ships here. I left it vague on purpose. 
Edit: It could be seen as RichieKate if you choose to read it that way. There is an affectionate moment at the end that I guess would make it seem that way, but it could also be read as gratefulness for a kind word. 
I saw this beautiful idea on Twitter about Richie taking pictures of Kate while they are waiting for Seth. This is short, but I really liked it. Slight language warning but nothing else.
She examined herself with the front-facing camera of her phone tilting her head this way and that, not missing the flash behind her or the bespectacled man holding a camera. He was reclined against the brick wall just enough in the shadow of the buildings to keep out of the direct sunlight.
She smiled into the phone again, knowing with his vision he would see it. “I think it might be a touch too much. Too punk maybe?”
“The wig is a little much.” Two more flashes accompany his calm observation.
She let out a laugh and spun around, keeping her ass on the trunk of the car, and setting down her phone. “The multi-shaded purple wig makes it too much? Not the black barely-here shorts, the purple fishnets, the shirt that states ‘fuck the patriarchy,’ the crazy jewelry, the magnetic nose ring, the six-inch spike boots, or all the fake tattoos you drew on me, but the wig makes it too much?”
“Look up and tilt your chin to the left.” Click. Click. Flash.  Flash. Click. Click. Click. “I think the tattoos turned out nicely. I like the cross with the gun and the snake on your thigh.”
Kate bent her knees out slightly so he could take a better picture of the aforementioned artwork. “I like that one too. Might have to get that one for real.”
“Seth’ll freak.”
“When does he not?” She glanced over her shoulder at the bank. “He’s taking forever. You think he’s alright?”
“He’s fine. Smile.” Kate flipped him off and he chuckled, tapping the button a few times before setting the camera aside so he could light two cigarettes and hand one to Kate. “That was even better. And don’t worry. Seth’s fine. He always takes his time on a first pass when he cases. He knows what he’s doing.”
“So, why am I in the crazy get-up?” Kate took a drag from the Apple-Red, before flicking off the ash.
Richie sighed and refocused the lens of his camera. “You don’t know how to stand out and be forgotten.”
“Seth might have gone in there dressed normally, but something in his behavior is going be so distracting that they won’t ever remember seeing him. We’ll get you there, but for now – costumes are a must.”
“Do you miss it?” Kate reclined back, exposing her midriff to the burning sun. “The sun I mean.”
“I can see it just fine.”
Click. Click. Flash.  Flash. Click. Click. Click.
“No, I meant…”
“I know what you meant.”  Click. Flash. Flash. Flash. Click. Click. “You are plenty of sunshine in my life, Katie.” His smile was genuine and she beamed back at him. Click. “And that was a perfect shot. Magnificent contrast of your costume and who you really are.”
Kate slid down from the trunk of the car, pacing up to the taller Gecko brother and pushing herself up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “Thank you Richie.”
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This was fun. Feel free to read it in the ship of your choice! Love to my Loves!!
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joey-prue · 6 years
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Fandom Meme → From Dusk Till Dawn
↳ OT3:  A strange fixation
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