#Louise-Adéone Drölling
thepaintedroom · 4 months
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Louise-Adéone Drölling (French, 1797-1834) • Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower • 1820-22 • University of Missouri, St. Louis
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empirearchives · 1 year
Women artists in Napoleonic France
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(Young women copying: ‘Love begging Venus to forgive Psyche’ which was displayed at the 1808 Salon. Sketch by Georges Rouget)
Quotes from an article about women’s participation in the art world during the Napoleonic era.
Heather Belnap Jensen, “The Journal des Dames et des Modes: Fashioning Women in the Arts, c. 1800-1815,” Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide 5, no. 1 (Spring 2006) (source)
“More and more women artists began exhibiting their work in public venues and receiving recognition for their contributions at this time. While only three women artists had participated in the 1789 biennial Salon, fifty participated in the Salon of 1806–an increase in women’s participation of over 1600 percent in seventeen years.”
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(Woman artist giving a drawing lesson — Self-portrait, 1810, by Louise-Adéone Drölling)
“We see a move away from the emphasis on the public sphere to the private space as motifs, intimating a valorization of a woman’s world. While history painting, which played such a crucial role in Revolutionary visual culture, remained the privileged genre at the turn of the century, the rise in portraiture, landscape, and genre painting in Napoleonic France indicates this shift in values.”
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(Young Woman Drawing—Portrait of Charlotte du Val d'Ognes, 1801, by Marie-Denise Villers)
“Women’s journals, which often published art-related materials, have been largely overlooked in discussions of developments in late eighteenth-and early nineteenth-century French visual culture. This is surprising, given that bibliographies on art criticism of this period frequently cite items from these publications.”
One of the most influential women’s journal of the period was Journal des Dames et des Modes. It was created by Jean-Baptiste Sellèque and Pierre de La Mésangère in 1797 and continued until 1839.
“La Mésangère’s key collaborator during the Napoleonic period was a woman, Albertine Clément, née Hémery, a well-known figure in both journalistic and cultural circles in post-Revolutionary France, and that several women were regular contributors to this journal during this era.”
Annemarie Kleinert did a study on the journal:
“She determined that the journal targeted bourgeois women between the ages of 18 and 40 years old who could afford the annual subscription rate of 10 livres, and that the majority of subscribers during the period from 1800 to 1815 were from the provinces.”
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(Portrait of a Young Woman Drawing Herself, early 1800s, by Louis-Léopold Boilly)
Interest from women in creating their own designs:
“Fashion plates that accompanied each issue of this journal gave visual testimony to this heightened interest in women’s artistic engagement. Indeed, women in fashion plates were sometimes presented in the act of sketching and drawing, as shown in a plate that appeared as an insert in an 1802 issue of the Journal des Dames et des Modes.”
The act of women creating art was compared to motherhood. In that way, women were encouraged to make art, but in terms which enforced traditional and patriarchal ideas:
“Furthermore, the vocabulary used by the author stresses the ways in which artistic creativity mirrors childbirth and elicits feelings of exaltation over one’s art that are similar to those evoked by motherhood when he writes that ‘she smiles at the objects which are born of her colors’ and calls the site of her production a ‘creative space.’”
There were opportunities for women to paint nude subjects for classical style art:
“Recent scholarship suggests that there were opportunities for such study in the Napoleonic era. By 1800, female students could attend anatomy classes given by the surgeon Sue and also by the École du Modèle Vivant at Versailles, and artist Adele Romilly reported that David, Régnault, and Guérin all provided mixed studios that offered courses on life drawing from the nude.”
One of the claims made against the women’s journals is that they were sexist. The author points out that it’s more complicated and not entirely true. The journals included laudatory reviews of paintings by female artists at the salons, biographies of women artists, such as Angelica Kauffmann, and published excerpts of pamphlets written by women, such as Angélique Mongez.
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(Portrait of an Artist Drawing after the Antique, c. 1800s, Jean François Sablet)
However, the author also says there was a lot of anxiety about the increase in female participation in the art world, both as creators and as spectators. There were articles describing women at museums in derogatory terms. One in particular described a young girl being overcome by emotion at the sight of the statue of Apollo Belvedere and creating such a large scene that she had to be dragged away in tears.
These articles imply that women spectators had become dominant enough that it could inspire critics.
Women had become so important in the art world that a really unique phenomenon happened:
“Roger Bellet has demonstrated that there are known instances in late eighteenth-and early nineteenth-century France when men published under a female pseudonym.”
Many of the top artists who were admired in the era were women such as Élisabeth Louise Vigée-Lebrun, Marguerite Gérard, Constance Mayer, Adèle Romany, Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, Pauline Auzou, Jeanne-Elisabeth Chaudet, Marie-Guillemine Benoist, Constance Marie Charpentier and many others.
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nordleuchten · 1 year
La Fayette's eye colour
A while ago I stumbled over this post where different passages from secondary sources were compiled in order to determine La Fayette’s physical appearance. These different books quote him as having blue, brown or green eyes of varying shades. Since three different eye colours is a bit much for one person and since I rather confidentially answered a question about La Fayette’s eye colour in the past, I thought it worthwhile to revisit the topic.
I had based my original answer on the existing portraits painted of La Fayette. In portraits taken from life (or portraits that were direct copies of portraits taken from life) we see him with distinctively brown eyes.
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I hope we all can see why I thought brown eyes were the forgone answer to the question. But it appears that I was wrong. This time I also turned to the memoirs of Jules Germain Cloquet, La Fayette’s close friend and family physician. He wrote:
His head was large; his face oval and regular; his forehead lofty and open; his eyes, which were full of goodness and meaning, were large and prominent, of a greyish blue, and surmounted with light and well-arched, but not bushy eyebrows.
Jules Germain Cloquet, Recollections of the Private Life of General Lafayette, Baldwin and Cradock, London, 1835, p. 8.
We see that Cloquet was certain that La Fayette’s eyes were not brown but blue. But there is more. Here is the excerpt of a passport given to La Fayette on April 20, 1822:
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Daniels, M. F. (1972). The Lafayette Collection at Cornell. The Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, 29(2), 95–137. http://www.jstor.org/stable/29781504 (05/02/2023).
I think there is rather little evidence to back the claim that La Fayette had green eyes. While I feel more inclined to believe the written sources, I am also confused as to why so many artists, over the span of roughly fifty years, painted La Fayette with brown eyes. I do know that the lighting and the angle can have a huge impact at the colour you perceive … but still?
Unknown title [La Fayette as a teenager], by unknown artist, 1773 or earlier
Unknown title [Portrait of La Fayette on the occasion of his wedding], by unknown artist, 1773/1774
Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette, en uniforme de l'armée continentale by Charles Wilson Peale, 1779
Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Motier, Marquis De Lafayette by Charles Wilson Peale, 1779/1780
Washington, Lafayette & Tilghman at Yorktown by Charles Wilson Peale, 1784
Marquis de Lafayette by Ary Scheffer, 1822
Portrait of Lafayette by Ary Scheffer, 1823
Marquis de Lafayette by Samuel Finley Breese Morse, 1825
Portrait of Marquis de Lafayette by Samuel Finley Breese Morse, 1826
Portrait of Lafayette as an old man by Louise-Adéone Drölling, 1830
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the-paintrist · 4 months
List of women paintrist
This is a project in progress.
Mary Beale (1633-1699), UK
Pauline Auzou (1775–1835), France
Anna Barbara Bansi (1777-1863), France
Constance Mayer (1777-1821), France
Louise-Adéone Drölling (1797-1836), France
Sarah Henrietta Purser (1848-1943), Ireland
Ellen Favorin (1853-1919), Finland
Anna Maria Gardell-Ericson(1853-1939), Sweden
Anna Bilińska(1854-1893), Poland
Louise Catherine Breslau (1856–1927), Germany
Jenny Zillhardt(1857-1939), France
Marie Bashkirtseff (1858-1884), Russia
Emmeline Deane (1858–1944), UK
Rosa Mayreder (1858–1938), Austria
Maria Gażycz (1860-1935), Poland
Jacqueline Marval (1866-1932), France
Georgette Agutte (1867-1922), France
Lillian Mathilde Genth (1876–1953), USA
Beryl Fowler (1881-1963), UK
Cecil Jay (1883–1954), UK/USA
Elizabeth Keith (1887-1956), UK
Annie Ovenden (1945-present), UK
April Gornik (1953, present), USA
This is a list in progress
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alsa49 · 1 year
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Attribuito a Louise-Adéone Drölling  (1797–1834) - Lezione di disegno - Galleria d'Arte dell'Australia Meridionale, Adelaide
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 5.29
Armed Forces Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Army Day (Argentina)
Asexuality Day
Cultural Workers and Folk Artists Day (День Києва Київ; Ukraine)
Day of Internal Affairs Officers (Turkmenistan)
Dunkirk Evacuation Remembrance Days [thru 6.4]
End of the Middle Ages Day
Fall of Constantinople Day
Feronia Asteroid Day
Ganatantra Diwas (Nepal)
Hope Day
International Addison’s Day
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers (UN)
International Mount Everest Day
International Pashto Language Day
Kiev Day (Ukraine)
Learn About Composting Day
Luilak (Lazy Bones Day; Belgium)
Mount Everest Day (Nepal)
National Alligator Day
National Dog Friendly Day
National Edison Day
National Elderly Day (Indonesia)
National 529 College Savings Plan Day
National Flip Flop Day
National Foot Fetish Day
National Heat Awareness Day
National Hydroxyapatite Day
National Paperclip Day
National Rugelach Day
National Sail Day
National White Wreath Day (Australia)
Oak Apple Day (UK) [a.k.a. ... 
Bobby Ack Day
Castleton Garland Day (Castleton)
Garland King Day 
Nettle Day
Royal Oak Day
Shick-Shack Day
Shik-Shak Day
Shitsack Day
Yak Bob Day
Paper Clip Day
Pink Flamingo Day
Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day
Reconciliation Day (ACT, Australia)
Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility & Inclusion (Canada)
Restoration Day (UK)
Rite of Spring Day
Scythe Day (French Republic)
Tony Stark Day
Veteran of Overseas Military Service Day (Poland)
Veterans Day (Sweden)
World Digestive Health Day
World Tiger Nut Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coq au Vin Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
International Rooster with Wine Day
National Biscuit Day (UK)
Squoosh an Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitutional Referendum Day (Vanuatu)
Democracy Day (Nigeria)
Republic Day (Nepal)
Rhode Island Statehood Day (#13; 1790)
Schalamzaar Empire (Declared; 2004) [unrecognized]
Wisconsin Statehood Day (#30; 1848)
5th & Last Wednesday in May
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Senior Health & Fitness Day [Last Wednesday]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
World Challenge Day [Last Wednesday]
World MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Day [Last Wednesday]
World Otter Day [Last Wednesday]
Festivals Beginning May 29, 2024
Bookfest Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania) [thru 6.2]
Corn Dry Milling Conference (Peoria, Illinois) [thru 5.30]
Dublin Tech Summit (Dublin, Ireland) [thru 5.30]
Primavera Sound (Barcelona, Spain) [thru 6.2]
Wellfleet Restaurant Week (Wellfleet, Massachusetts) [thru 6.4]
Feast Days
Aaron McGruder (Artology)
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Ambarvailia (Old Roman No Work Day, Purification Festival to Ceres)
Arbor Day (Aston-on Club, Shropshire Celtic Book of Days)
Ascension of Baha'u'llah (Baha’i)
Bona of Pisa (Christian; Saint)
Clark Voorhees (Artology)
Conon and his son (Christian; Martyrs, of Iconia, Asia)
Consensual Bum Biting Day (Pastafarian)
Cyril of Caesarea (Christian; Saint)
Erwin (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Mars (Ancient Rome)
Hypomone (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Johnny the Wolf (Muppetism)
Lars Bo (Artology)
Louise-Adéone Drölling (Artology)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi (Christian; Virgin)
Mary, Mother of the Church (Christian; Saint)
Maximus of Trier (a.k.a. Maximus, Bishop of Tiers; Christian; Saint)
Oak Apple Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Pillow Fight Day (Pastafarian)
Pope Alexander of Alexandria (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Siinnius, Martyrius, and Alexander (Christian; Martyrs, in Trent)
Spike Jones Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sprouting Corn Day (Pagan)
Theodosia of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Theodosius (Positivist; Saint)
Ursula Ledóchowska (Christian; Saint)
William, Stephen, Raymund and their Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 149 [35 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [28 of 57]
A Battle for a Bottle (Phantasies Cartoon; 1942)
Bluebeard’s Brother (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Bold King Cole (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
The Busy Bee (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Dial M for Murder (Film; 1954)
Dick Whittington’s Cat (ComiColor Cartoon; 1936)
Feel This Book, by Janeane Garofalo and Ben Stiller (Humor Book; 1999)
The Gods Themselves Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1972)
Half-Baked Alaska (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1965)
The Hound and the Rabbit (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Hud (Film; 1963)
The Internship (Film; 2013)
I Yam Love Sick (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Justice League: Starcrossed (WB Animated Film; 2004)
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini (Novel; 2003)
The Last Days of Disco (Film; 1998)
Little Bits, recorded by Jimmy Bertrand’s Washboard Wizards (Song; 1926)
Little School Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, by Paul McCartney (Song; 1972)
The New Centurions, by Joseph Wambaugh (Novel; 1971)
No Time For Sergeants (Film; 1958)
Partly Cloudy (Pixar Cartoon 2009)
Pink on the Cob (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1969)
Private Dancer, by Tina Turner (Album; 1984)
A Raisin in the Sun (Film; 1961)
The Rite of Spring, by Igor Stravinsky (Ballet & Orchestral Work; 1913)
San Andreas (Film; 2015)
Sister Act (Film; 1992)
Smile Pretty, Say Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Space Force (TV Series; 2020)
St. Moritz Blitz (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1961)
The Stork’s Mistake (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Tears on My Pillow, recorded by Little Anthony & the Imperials (Song; 1958)
This Is A Book, by Demetri Martin (Humor Book; 2011)
Two Dots (Phone App Game; 2014)
Up (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
White Christmas, recorded by Bing Crosby (Song; 1942)
The Witch in the Wood, by T.H. White (Novel; 1939) [Once and Future King #2]
Yankee Doodle Dandy (Film; 1942)
Today’s Name Days
Erwin, Irmtraud, Maximin (Austria)
Doroteia (Bulgaria)
Euzebije, Polion, Većeslav (Croatia)
Maxmilián (Czech Republic)
Maciminus (Denmark)
Laido, Leido, Leidur, Luulik (Estonia)
Oiva, Oivi, Oliver, Olivia (Finland)
Aymar, Aymard, Géraldine, Maximin (France)
Erwin, Irmtraud, Maximin (Germany)
Ipomoni, Olivianos, Theodosia (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Ademaro, Massimo, Massimino (Italy)
Daris, Maksine, Maksis, Raivis, Raivo (Latvia)
Algedas, Erdvilė, Magdalena, Magdė (Lithuania)
Magnar, Magnhild (Norway)
Bogusława, Maksymilian, Maria Magdalena, Teodor, Teodozja (Poland)
Teodosia (România)
Vilma (Slovakia)
Maximino (Spain)
Jeanette, Yvonne (Sweden)
Theodora (Ukraine)
Duana, Duane, Duanna, Dwayne, Fitz, Fitzgerald (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2024; 216 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 22 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 21 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 21 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 30 Magenta; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 May 2024
Moon: 61%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 9 St. Paul (6th Month) [Theodosius]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 72 of 92)
Week: Last Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 5.29
Armed Forces Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Army Day (Argentina)
Asexuality Day
Cultural Workers and Folk Artists Day (День Києва Київ; Ukraine)
Day of Internal Affairs Officers (Turkmenistan)
Dunkirk Evacuation Remembrance Days [thru 6.4]
End of the Middle Ages Day
Fall of Constantinople Day
Feronia Asteroid Day
Ganatantra Diwas (Nepal)
Hope Day
International Addison’s Day
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers (UN)
International Mount Everest Day
International Pashto Language Day
Kiev Day (Ukraine)
Learn About Composting Day
Luilak (Lazy Bones Day; Belgium)
Mount Everest Day (Nepal)
National Alligator Day
National Dog Friendly Day
National Edison Day
National Elderly Day (Indonesia)
National 529 College Savings Plan Day
National Flip Flop Day
National Foot Fetish Day
National Heat Awareness Day
National Hydroxyapatite Day
National Paperclip Day
National Rugelach Day
National Sail Day
National White Wreath Day (Australia)
Oak Apple Day (UK) [a.k.a. ... 
Bobby Ack Day
Castleton Garland Day (Castleton)
Garland King Day 
Nettle Day
Royal Oak Day
Shick-Shack Day
Shik-Shak Day
Shitsack Day
Yak Bob Day
Paper Clip Day
Pink Flamingo Day
Put a Pillow on Your Fridge Day
Reconciliation Day (ACT, Australia)
Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility & Inclusion (Canada)
Restoration Day (UK)
Rite of Spring Day
Scythe Day (French Republic)
Tony Stark Day
Veteran of Overseas Military Service Day (Poland)
Veterans Day (Sweden)
World Digestive Health Day
World Tiger Nut Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Coq au Vin Day
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
International Rooster with Wine Day
National Biscuit Day (UK)
Squoosh an Ice Cream Sandwich Day
Independence & Related Days
Constitutional Referendum Day (Vanuatu)
Democracy Day (Nigeria)
Republic Day (Nepal)
Rhode Island Statehood Day (#13; 1790)
Schalamzaar Empire (Declared; 2004) [unrecognized]
Wisconsin Statehood Day (#30; 1848)
5th & Last Wednesday in May
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
National Senior Health & Fitness Day [Last Wednesday]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
World Challenge Day [Last Wednesday]
World MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Day [Last Wednesday]
World Otter Day [Last Wednesday]
Festivals Beginning May 29, 2024
Bookfest Bucharest (Bucharest, Romania) [thru 6.2]
Corn Dry Milling Conference (Peoria, Illinois) [thru 5.30]
Dublin Tech Summit (Dublin, Ireland) [thru 5.30]
Primavera Sound (Barcelona, Spain) [thru 6.2]
Wellfleet Restaurant Week (Wellfleet, Massachusetts) [thru 6.4]
Feast Days
Aaron McGruder (Artology)
Alexander of Alexandria (Christian; Saint)
Ambarvailia (Old Roman No Work Day, Purification Festival to Ceres)
Arbor Day (Aston-on Club, Shropshire Celtic Book of Days)
Ascension of Baha'u'llah (Baha’i)
Bona of Pisa (Christian; Saint)
Clark Voorhees (Artology)
Conon and his son (Christian; Martyrs, of Iconia, Asia)
Consensual Bum Biting Day (Pastafarian)
Cyril of Caesarea (Christian; Saint)
Erwin (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Mars (Ancient Rome)
Hypomone (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Johnny the Wolf (Muppetism)
Lars Bo (Artology)
Louise-Adéone Drölling (Artology)
Madeleine Sophie Barat (Christian; Saint)
Mary Magdalen dei Pazzi (Christian; Virgin)
Mary, Mother of the Church (Christian; Saint)
Maximus of Trier (a.k.a. Maximus, Bishop of Tiers; Christian; Saint)
Oak Apple Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Pillow Fight Day (Pastafarian)
Pope Alexander of Alexandria (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Siinnius, Martyrius, and Alexander (Christian; Martyrs, in Trent)
Spike Jones Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Sprouting Corn Day (Pagan)
Theodosia of Constantinople (Eastern Orthodox Church)
Theodosius (Positivist; Saint)
Ursula Ledóchowska (Christian; Saint)
William, Stephen, Raymund and their Companions (Christian; Martyrs)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Prime Number Day: 149 [35 of 72]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [28 of 57]
A Battle for a Bottle (Phantasies Cartoon; 1942)
Bluebeard’s Brother (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1932)
Bold King Cole (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1936)
The Busy Bee (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Dial M for Murder (Film; 1954)
Dick Whittington’s Cat (ComiColor Cartoon; 1936)
Feel This Book, by Janeane Garofalo and Ben Stiller (Humor Book; 1999)
The Gods Themselves Isaac Asimov (Novel; 1972)
Half-Baked Alaska (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1965)
The Hound and the Rabbit (Happy Harmonies Cartoon; 1937)
Hud (Film; 1963)
The Internship (Film; 2013)
I Yam Love Sick (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
Justice League: Starcrossed (WB Animated Film; 2004)
The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini (Novel; 2003)
The Last Days of Disco (Film; 1998)
Little Bits, recorded by Jimmy Bertrand’s Washboard Wizards (Song; 1926)
Little School Mouse (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1954)
Mary Had a Little Lamb, by Paul McCartney (Song; 1972)
The New Centurions, by Joseph Wambaugh (Novel; 1971)
No Time For Sergeants (Film; 1958)
Partly Cloudy (Pixar Cartoon 2009)
Pink on the Cob (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1969)
Private Dancer, by Tina Turner (Album; 1984)
A Raisin in the Sun (Film; 1961)
The Rite of Spring, by Igor Stravinsky (Ballet & Orchestral Work; 1913)
San Andreas (Film; 2015)
Sister Act (Film; 1992)
Smile Pretty, Say Pink (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1966)
Space Force (TV Series; 2020)
St. Moritz Blitz (Chilly Willy Cartoon; 1961)
The Stork’s Mistake (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1942)
Tears on My Pillow, recorded by Little Anthony & the Imperials (Song; 1958)
This Is A Book, by Demetri Martin (Humor Book; 2011)
Two Dots (Phone App Game; 2014)
Up (Animated Disney Film; 2009)
White Christmas, recorded by Bing Crosby (Song; 1942)
The Witch in the Wood, by T.H. White (Novel; 1939) [Once and Future King #2]
Yankee Doodle Dandy (Film; 1942)
Today’s Name Days
Erwin, Irmtraud, Maximin (Austria)
Doroteia (Bulgaria)
Euzebije, Polion, Većeslav (Croatia)
Maxmilián (Czech Republic)
Maciminus (Denmark)
Laido, Leido, Leidur, Luulik (Estonia)
Oiva, Oivi, Oliver, Olivia (Finland)
Aymar, Aymard, Géraldine, Maximin (France)
Erwin, Irmtraud, Maximin (Germany)
Ipomoni, Olivianos, Theodosia (Greece)
Magdolna (Hungary)
Ademaro, Massimo, Massimino (Italy)
Daris, Maksine, Maksis, Raivis, Raivo (Latvia)
Algedas, Erdvilė, Magdalena, Magdė (Lithuania)
Magnar, Magnhild (Norway)
Bogusława, Maksymilian, Maria Magdalena, Teodor, Teodozja (Poland)
Teodosia (România)
Vilma (Slovakia)
Maximino (Spain)
Jeanette, Yvonne (Sweden)
Theodora (Ukraine)
Duana, Duane, Duanna, Dwayne, Fitz, Fitzgerald (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 150 of 2024; 216 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 22 (Gui-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 21 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 21 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 30 Magenta; Lastday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 May 2024
Moon: 61%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 9 St. Paul (6th Month) [Theodosius]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 72 of 92)
Week: Last Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 9 of 31)
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random-brushstrokes · 3 years
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Louise-Adéone Drölling - Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower (c. 1820-22)
669 notes · View notes
vizuart · 4 years
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Louise Adéone Drölling - Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower - c 1820-22 - Saint Louis Art Museum [3644x4568]
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simena · 3 years
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Louise-Adéone Drölling (detail)
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slam-modern · 3 years
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Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower, Louise-Adéone Drölling, c.1820–22, Saint Louis Art Museum: Modern and Contemporary Art
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hayaomiyazaki · 6 years
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Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower, 1820–1822 Louise-Adéone Drölling
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nordleuchten · 3 years
La Fayette's Doppelgänger
I found this most amusing little anecdote the other day in History of the City of New York: Its Origin, Rise, and Progress-Vol. 3 by Mrs. Martha Johanna Lamb and Mrs. Burton Harrison. This particular passage is about Revolutionary War veteran General Philip van Cortlandt.
His [Cortlandt’s] personal resemblance to Lafayette, with whom he was on terms of intimacy, and whom he accompanied through the United States on his memorable tour in 1824, was remarked by all who knew him, and on on occasion was turned to decided advantage. At a large reception Lafayette, wearied with handshaking, suddenly disappeared, leaving Van Cortlandt as his substitute to receive the greeting of the multitude, who, not discovering the change, went away satisfied with having, as supposed, grasped the hand of the French nobleman and patriot. Van Cortlandt’s portrait, copied from a rare little miniature painted about the close of the Revolution, revels to the curious reader traces of that extraordinary likeness to Lafayette which mislead the enthusiastic crowd.
I was a bit sceptic at first because Auguste Levasseur does not once mention van Cortlandt in his recordings. I also had a look at said miniature and honestly was not impressed by the likeness - but then I found a portrait from van Cortlandt from 1810!
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Left, General Philip van Cortlandt, painted around 1810 by Ezra Ames. Right, La Fayette, painted 1830 by Louise-Adéone Drölling.
I do not know about you, but I am convinced now! :-)
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the-paintrist · 3 years
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Louise-Adéone Drolling - Portrait of a child in a room - 
Louise-Adéone Drölling, also known as Madame Joubert (29 May 1797 – before 30 April 1836) was a French painter and draughtswoman. Both her father, Martin Drolling, and her older brother, Michel Martin Drolling, were celebrated artists in their day.
Louise-Adéone Drölling was born 29 May 1797. At about age 10, she modeled for her father for the small Portrait of the Artist's Daughter (Musée Magnin, Dijon), and later, at about age 15, for the life-sized Portrait of Adéone (Musée des Beaux-Arts, Strasbourg). Around this time, she was encouraged by her father to begin a career in painting.
In 1819, Louise-Adéone married the architect Jean-Nicolas Pagnierre. She became a widow in 1822 and remarried four years later, in 1826. With her second husband, chief tax officer (octroi) of the city of Paris, Nicholas Roch Joubert (son of politician and former bishop Pierre-Mathieu Joubert ), she had two daughters, Adéone Louise Sophie, and Angélique Marie.
In 1827 and 1831 Louise-Adéone's paintings were exhibited in the Salon des Amis des Arts. For one of her works, Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower, she received a gold medal and the work was displayed at the Gallery of La Duchesse de Berry. Her date of death was for a long time uncertain and thought to be either 1831 (the year of her last recorded artistic activity), or 1834; but as it turned out, the list of her belongings after her death (inventaire après décès) was made on 30 April 1836, meaning that she had died shortly before that date.
Drölling was not a prolific artist, as she admitted herself in a letter from 1828; the inventory after her death mentions only a dozen of works. Having been taught by her father (who had also been the teacher of her brother), she practiced a highly skillful but very traditional art; thus, some of her paintings and drawings have been attributed to either of both men, and vice versa. In addition to the two portraits he painted of her, Martin Drolling used Louise-Adéone's recognizable, brown-haired and blue-eyed features in several of his later paintings. Conversely, no self-portrait of Drölling has as yet been identified.
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appohslibrary · 4 years
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Daily #Art (5/27/20) - Interior with a Young Woman Tracing a Flower, Louise Adéone Drölling #selfportrait (collection of @STLArtMuseum) Daily Artwork -- "Interior with a Young Woman Tracing a Flower, Louise Adéone Drölling, c1820-22" Use the images posted in this feature for writing prompts, warm-up activities, drawing templates or as part of an 
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puredamien · 4 years
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Louise Adéone Drölling - Interior with Young Woman Tracing a Flower - c 1820-22 - Saint Louis Art Museum [3644x4568]
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