corpsebrigadier · 1 year
Important Guide to Final Fantasy Tactics Era Ivalician Monarchs
This is actually important to exactly an audience of me, but I just want to set down this down because I long for it to escape my convoluted fanfictioning notes and live in the world. I worked so very hard on this nerdery that does not matter and I think I've figured out how this game's history works... maybe?
Denamunda (Denamda) II -> Starts the Fifty Years War by decreeing he has a claim on the Ordallian throne, ostensibly to help liberate the formerly independent territory of Zelmonia. Valowa (Varoi) VI (king of Ordallia and Denamunda's first cousin once removed... I think?) is not a fan. Fifty Years later, everyone seems to have forgotten that Ivalice was the aggressor and talks about Cid and Balbanes (Barbaneth) fighting the good fight against those dastardly Ordallian invaders.
Denamunda III -> Much like the mysterious Order of the Western Sky, he's only sort of implied to exist... maybe. Might not be real. If he was, he was possibly either not king or was king for like two hot seconds because Denamunda IV is recorded as Denamunda II's successor.
Denamunda IV -> Ivalice's Henry V. Good at war and generally considered cool. Fought off the Romandans who were actually invading (whose king is some sort of something cousin of his some amount of times removed... I think?). The time of his reign is almost sort of calculable if you play weird math games. He could not have been reigning less than seven years prior to game, given that Ruvelia (Louveria) was made queen by the act of marrying his son Omdoria (Ondoria) III. Could not have been reigning too far before game as he names Zalbag (Zalbaag) Savior of Ivalice, and Zalbag, being 28, probably wasn't saving Ivalice below a certain age (although he apparently would have had to have saved it by the age of 21 at the latest). Dies after he's done with the Romandans possibly owing to some sort of poison. Supposedly Ovelia's dad but nobody really brings it up.
Omdoria III -> Ivalice's Henry VI. Bad at war and at ruling and at not being controlled by his evil wife who is Ivalice's Margaret of Anjou. Sickly and also bad at staying alive. Has some poisonable children. Adopts the not-poisoned Ovelia before the not-poisoned Orinas (Orinus) is born and is apparently also bad at declaring who is heir apparent and who is heir presumptive. Dies such that all his shitty cousins (or second cousins idk) start the Lion War.
Ovelia/Orinas??? -> Who is the monarch: a sad teenager or a dumb little baby? Who knows? Let's have a war about it. Technically Orinas has the better claim. Even if he is a bastard (as Vormav (Folmarv) indicates), Ruvelia is still descended from Denamunda II and Orinas has some royal blood, unlike his sister/aunt who is a fake princess who is fake. However, he is also probably barely toilet trained and is too lazy to even show up in the game. Not great king material.
Delita I -> Much like nobody can sort out who is heir apparent and who is heir presumptive, Ivalice just has a loophole where you can marry the reigning monarch and become the king regnant and not the prince consort. Furthermore, even after the reigning monarch you marry dies, you get to keep the throne instead of having it revert to the dumb little baby in Romanda who should be the next claimant. Who knew?
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cyberphuck · 1 year
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[IMG ID: a final fantasy tactics speech bubble featuring Queen Louveria. Text reads: “Queen Offscreen: Happy mother’s day to me only.”]
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nevermissblog · 8 months
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Edifico Louveria... we must look at Brazil for the mixed-use builds that makes areas more walkable, and benefit common businesses by being an elevator ride away~ it's architecture
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endeavorsreward · 7 years
Excerpt (Bk. II, Location Indeterminate)
Scorpio sat there on the altar, round and red like a 'taur's eye, reflecting the candlelight. Ovelia started to lose the trail of conversation as her eyes found it again and again. Cardinal Delacroix was saying... something... about outfitting Mustadio for travel, some further show of largesse, as though he hadn't yet done enough for them. But Ovelia was tilting her head ever so slightly, seeing the reflection of her own face in the stone, pinched and inverted and swirling in the shadows.
She rubbed clammy hands across her gown, feeling the points of her nails drag and catch on seams. Agrias was not looking at her. Why wasn't Agrias looking?
'Tis your birth and faith that wrong you--
Ovelia's dreams of witches had not stopped when she aged. Even at Orbonne, whispers had seemed to carry up through the floorboards and the cracks between stones. Even in Mullonde, holiest of all places, their breath was in her ear. She had seen the waters and oils anoint young Orinus, and the whole hall had seemed to breathe with wet, pulsing sighs.
Her heart had raced, then, and she had stumbled over her words, petitioning Ser Garland of the Lionsguard to let her see Queen Louveria, her mother-cousin, whose face she was coming to forget. Some acknowledgment, some candle-flicker to let her know. Surely the baby prince was a miracle to offset her sins. She'd shut herself away to protect him, if only she could see his face the once.
'Tis your birth and faith that wrong you--
Everyone was coming to their feet. The meeting's purpose had come to an end, and she could feel only the pain in her stomach where she'd been punched. She held onto that pain, focused on it, as something real, not a whisper in the dark.
“Princess?” Agrias was helping her to her feet. “You look unwell.”
“All this talk of violence, I think.” She shook her head. “I will endure, Agrias.”
“It is all a dreadful business indeed,” offered the cardinal, whose beneficent smile didn't quite reach his eyes. He took the Zodiac stone in his hand. “We musn't forget that St. Ajora was only too willing to battle the evils of Ivalice; empathy for sin is a dangerous creation of man, as we all too easily see the sins in ourselves as a weakness of heart, rather than a poison that must be drawn.”
Ovelia winced as though she had again been struck.
'Tis your birth and faith that wrong you—not I.
She turned to her knight. “I think perhaps I need the midday meal to calm my body.” For there was a great hunger roiling within her, that she wished she could quell.
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birthdays-everyday · 5 years
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Happy birthday Louveria Atkascha! (January 20th)
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*Insert music symbol here* (via bokobreeder)
“Wait... that’s really how it ends? Ramza just... leaves?”
Gripping the controller in her hands, Milleuda turns to Lamya with a quizzical look. “I understand his disillusionment, but... what of Queen Louveria? She’s in another country with a bloodline heir, it wouldn’t be that hard for her to usurp Delita’s conquest... and wait... I didn’t even see you at all, Lamya... no, this can’t be it, there has to be more to it than this!”
“Oh, good, see, it’s fading back in, I knew there was more.”
“... motherfucker.”
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fictional-birthdays · 8 years
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Happy Birthday! (January 20th)
Byakuren (Naruto)
Louveria Atkascha (Final Fantasy Tactics) 
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[FN] Clear-Cut
The choice is never easy.
My eyes sweep across the noisy crowd and I recognize a few familiar, yet aged, faces. Some have been trying for decades at a chance. Some are only here to uphold self-made traditions, thinking that just their presence at this gathering would give them enough fortune. Most are here just this once, and will never attempt again.
The masses are mixed with those from all walks of life. Lords, barmaids, knights, farmers, and what have you are all gathered here.
My eyes pause, only for a moment, on the King and Queen of Louveria, and the King and Prince and Princess of Zalmour. All are equal during this assembly. Everyone shouts and bumps and jabs shoulder to shoulder, vying to get my attention. Class nor race nor upbringing matter here - only their offerings.
Money and material mean nothing, regardless of what some of the nobles think. Year after year they bring the most expensive possessions they can think of believing it gives them an edge. To be fair, in the past, I have granted my blessing to those with high material. But they received my gift not because of the quality of theirs, but rather for the passion, the story, behind it.
A commoner mother, who gifted me a wool quilt that was made so thick and pure by fulling it for 9 years, was the one who received my blessing at the last gathering.
My gaze sweeps across the chattering crowd again - swords, gold coins, pots, diamonds, quilts -no doubt inspired by the mother-, barrels of ale, chickens, goats, jewelry, flowers, and so much more all fill the hands of the wanting.
But my eyes meet with a most peculiar thing of red. Through the slideshow of waving arms and shifting shoulders, it's difficult to make out what it is, but I already understood the value of this mysterious object for its holder.
As I take a step towards the curious item, the crowd's shouting grows louder. Many start shuffling closer to the direction I'm walking, raising their gifts to meet my line of sight, eclipsing my goal until no red can be seen.
I raise my arms and a silence swoops through the crowd. Putting my hands down slowly, the crowd pauses, looking around confusingly, and begin lowering theirs in tandem.
A single apple, held up with dirty, trembling fingers remains unwavering through the crowd. I peek passed those in front, and they step aside just enough for me see the bearer.
A woman, so emaciated that I first thought them to be a little girl, holds the apple as high as she can. Her arm was so weak that she was using her left to support the other at the elbow. She appeared frail enough that the mere breath from the whispers surrounding us could have fell her. Her gown was so ragged that the amount of dirt and dust that canvased her body likely outweighed the fabric. It was quite clear these tattered clothes were all she owned. That, and this... apple.
Her eyes, staring at the floor in front of me, start slowly shifting side to side, as if she's only just realized the silence. She looks up, meekly, and her eyes widen as they meet with mine.
The apple was, without a doubt, stolen, presumably from one of the fruit merchant stalls in the market. But I was not here to pass judgement.
The woman was starving, and yet, she held up what was likely her only measly scrap of food in days, and perhaps for the days to come, as tribute, to me. She was carefully balancing the apple on her fingertips, barely touching the gleaming skin - safeguarding its pristine from her soiled hands.
She used her body as a pedestal for this gift, and that significance was not lost on me.
I have been presented with heaps of gold, silks and gems from lands across the seas. Princesses and princes were offered up to me for marriage. I've had family heirlooms that date back generations lay at my feet. I have been offered apples before, though they often come bundled with other luscious fruit. Priceless artifacts, jewels, and ornaments - any and all material or craft known to man have been laid before me.
But this, not once was I offered this.
I have been offered many things... but never everything.
And the choice was easy.
submitted by /u/TheKurosawa [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2ZWqfNS
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fyeahffgirls · 11 years
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by Akira-H
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corpsebrigadier · 3 years
New webshrine dropped. If you love webshrines to nearly non-existent characters and you love Ruvelia "Not Appearing in this Game" Atkascha, you just might love this site.
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corpsebrigadier · 2 years
Hi! I really enjoyed reading your ship manifestos. I just wanted you to know that I felt kinda validated by the Dyc/Rue one. I didn't really ship them but it did occur to me while playing that Dycedarg was probably the father but I've never seen someone else theorize about it.
Thanks! I'm so glad somebody else is on board with my speculations re: the possibility of Dycedad, and I'm happy you liked the manifestos. I've actually what appears to be some support for the theory/pairing on some Japanese socmed accounts/old fansites (at least... based on my vaguest understanding of Japanese + Google Translate), so it's apparently not just you and me alone in this either. :)
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corpsebrigadier · 4 years
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Ruvelia and Orinas Atkascha
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corpsebrigadier · 3 years
There are a lot of complex reasons as to why I am overinvested in the complete non-character that is Final Fantasy Tactics’s Ruvelia Atkascha. There is also an absolutely not-at-all-complex reason, which is that I saw Henry VI Part 2 when I was young, and the actress playing Margaret of Anjou was very hot.
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corpsebrigadier · 3 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Final Fantasy Tactics Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Louveria Atkascha | Queen Ruvelia/Dycedarg Beoulve Characters: Louveria Atkascha | Queen Ruvelia, Dycedarg Beoulve, Bestrald Larg, Zalbaag Beoulve, Ornius Atkascha | Orinas, Orran Durai, Arazlam Durai, Ondoria Atkascha III (Background), Druksmald Goltanna (Background), Barbaneth Beoulve (Background), Cidolfus Orlandeau (Background), Alma Beoulve (Background), Ramza Beoulve (Background), Delita Heiral (Background), Original Cat Character(s), Bishop Canne-Beurich (Background) Additional Tags: Non-Chronological, Stillbirth, Harm to Children, Child Death, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Dysfunctional Family, Adultery, Blood and Violence, Death in Childbirth, Fatherhood, Sexual Harassment, Miscarriage, Masturbation, Animal Death, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Childhood Illness, Biting Summary: An account of a plot, an affair, a disaster, a comet, and a child.
(Have that 19K of self-indulgent melodrama about my bizarre rarepair and a man talking to his cat.)
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corpsebrigadier · 4 years
I hate sometimes that tumblr is so dead and that twitter is so ill-suited to all the novella-length essays I want to write about Ruvelia Atkascha.
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corpsebrigadier · 4 years
I really don’t know how to explain to the Internet at large that if you really want to experience some of the best Final-Fantasy-Tactics-related fan content there is, it behooves you to play an Interactive Fiction game about a modern Ivalician doctoral student struggling through her dissertation on Ruvelia Atkascha while Lucavi try to contact her via unsolicited promotional emails. I am doing my best to proclaim it as such on every social media platform I can anyway... because it is true.
This is a twine game that moemachina graced both me and the earth with for the 2020 Unconventional Fanworks exchange, and it is exactly what I described above. Like all good experimental FFT Twine games, it requires no actual knowledge of FFT to play.
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