#Low cost taxi service
cabinooty-24 · 1 year
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Low-cost Taxi Service In Ooty- Cabinooty 
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cabinooty98 · 2 years
Low Cost Taxi Service in Ooty - Cabinooty
Cabinooty offers a range of clean, well-kept vehicles at extremely affordable prices. We provides the low-cost taxi service in Ooty. Our taxis are trustworthy, cosy, and safe. You can count on us to transport you in comfort and safety. We are prepared to provide you with the greatest drivers and most luxurious vehicles. Contact us to have our travel specialists create a package that is customized to your needs and price range.
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cabinooty12 · 2 years
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Low Cost Taxi Service in Ooty - Cabinooty
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Poor people pay higher time tax
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Doubtless you’ve heard that “we all get the same 24 hours in the day.” Of course it’s not true: rich people and poor people experience very different demands on their time. The richer you are, the more your time is your own — not only are many systems arranged with your convenience in mind, but you also command the social power to do something about systems that abuse your time.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
For example: if you live in most American cities, public transit is slow, infrequent and overcrowded. Without a car, you lose hours every day to a commute spent standing on a lurching bus. And while a private car can substantially shorted that commute, people who can afford taxis or Ubers get even more time every day.
There’s a thick anthropological literature on the ways that cash-poverty translates into #TimePoverty. In David Graeber’s must-read essay “The Utopia of Rules,” he nails the way that capitalist societies generate Soviet-style bureaucracies, especially for poor people. Means-testing for benefits means that poor people spend endless hours filling in forms, waiting on hold, and lining up to see caseworkers to prove that they are among the “deserving poor” — not “mooches” who are defrauding the system:
The social privilege gradient is also a time gradient: if you can afford a plane ticket, you can travel quickly across the country rather than losing days to the Greyhound or a road-trip. But if you’re even richer, you can pay for TSA Precheck and cut your airport security time from an hour to minutes. Go further up the privilege gradient and you’ll acquire airline status, shaving another hour off the check-in process.
This qualitative account of time poverty is well-developed, but it’s lacked a good, detailed quantitative counterpart, and our society often discounts qualitative work as mere anecdote and insists on having every story converted to numbers before it is taken seriously.
In “Examining inequality in the time cost of waiting,” published this month in Nature Human Behavior, public affairs researchers Steve Holt (SUNY) and Katie Vinopal (Ohio State) analyze data from the American Time Use Survey (AUTS) to produce a detailed, vibrant quantitative backstop to the qualitative narrative about time poverty:
(The paper is paywalled, but the authors made a mostly final preprint available)
The AUTS “collects retrospective time diary data from a nationally representative subsample drawn from respondents to the Census Bureau’s Community Population Survey (CPS) each year.” These time-diary entries are sliced up in 15-minute chunks.
Here’s what they found: first, there are categories of basic services where high-income people avoid waiting altogether, and where low-income people experience substantial waits. A person from a low-income household “an hour more waiting for the same set of services than people from high-income household.” That’s 73 hours/year.
Some of that gap (5%) is attributable to proximity. Richer people don’t have to go as far to access the same services as poorer people. Travel itself accounts for 2% more — poorer people wait longer for buses and have otherwise worse travel options.
A larger determinant of the gap (25%) is working flexibility. Poor people work jobs where they have less freedom to take time off to receive services, so they are forced to take appointments during peak hours.
Specific categories show more stark difference. If a poor person and a wealthy person go to the doctor’s on the same day, the poor person waits 46.28m to receive care, while the wealthy person waits 28.75m. The underlying dynamic here isn’t hard to understand. Medical practices that serve rich people have more staff.
The same dynamic plays out in grocery stores: poor people wait an average of 24m waiting every time they go shopping. For rich people, it’s 15m. Poor people don’t just wait in longer lines — they also have to wait for understaffed stores to unlock the cases that basic necessities are locked behind (poor people also travel longer to get to the grocery store — and they travel by slower means).
A member of a poor household with a chronic condition that requires two clinic visits per month loses an additional five hours/year to waiting rooms when compared to a wealthy person. As the authors point out, this also translates to delayed care, missed appointments, and exacerbated health conditions. Time poverty leads to health poverty.
All of this is worse for people of color: “Low-income White and Black Americans are both more likely to wait when seeking services than their wealthier same-race peer” but “wealthier White people face an average wait time of 28 minutes while wealthier Black people face a 54 minute average wait time…wealthier Black people do not receive the same time-saving attention from service providers that wealthier non-Black people receive” (there’s a smaller gap for Latino people, and no observed gap for Asian Americans.)
The gender gap is more complicated: “Low-income women are 3 percentage points more likely than low-income men and high-income women are 6 percentage points more likely than high-income men to use common services” — it gets even worse for low-income mothers, who take on the time-burdens associated with their kids’ need to access services.
Surprisingly, men actually end up waiting longer than women to access services: “low-income men spend about 6 more minutes than low-income women waiting for service…high-income men spend about 12 more minutes waiting for services than high-income women.”
Given the important role that scheduling flexibility plays in the time gap, the authors propose that interventions like subsidized day-care and afterschool programming could help parents access services at off-peak hours. They also echo Graeber’s call for reduced paperwork burdens for receiving benefits and accessing public services.
They recommend changes to labor law to protect the right of low-waged workers to receive services during off-peak hours, in the manner of their high-earning peers (they reference research that shows that this also improves worker productivity and is thus a benefit to employers as well as workers).
Finally, they come to the obvious point: making people less cash-poor will alleviate their time-poverty. Higher minimum wages, larger earned income tax credits, investments in low-income neighborhoods and better public transit will all give poor people more time and more money with which to command better services.
This week (Feb 13–17), I’ll be in Australia, touring my book Chokepoint Capitalism with my co-author, Rebecca Giblin. We’re doing a remote event for NZ on Feb 13. Next are Melbourne (Feb 14), Sydney (Feb 15) and Canberra (Feb 16/17). More tickets just released for Sydney!
[Image ID: A waiting room, draped with cobwebs. A skeleton sits in one of the chairs. A digital display board reads 'Now serving 53332.' An ogrish, top-hatted figure standing at a podium, yanking a dollar-sign shaped lever looms into the frame from the right. He holds a clock aloft disdainfully, pinched between the thumb and fingers of one white-gloved hand.]
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sreegs · 2 years
Read and comprehend the topic of this post above the "read more" link before attempting to respond. This is your only warning. Violators will be mocked and blocked.
This post is going to cover tipping people in restaurants/eateries and private transportation. Tipping can also apply to many, many other service industries including but not limited to: movers, handypeople, mechanics, etc. Since this is meant to be brief and focused on info relevant to visitors and tourists, I won't discuss that here.
You're tipping 20% minimum on your food and public/private taxi rides (including lyft, uber, etc). Include this in your budget calculations for engaging with these services.
I was going to jokingly just end the post here but let me explain. Minimum wage laws in the US allow employers to pay their employees UNDER FEDERAL MINIMUM WAGE if they're in an industry that receives tips on the regular. Taxi drivers are self-employed and have to pay for the costs of the lease on their vehicle, gas, and give a cut to their garage or ride service provider.
Therefore, capitalists have shifted the cost of paying a living wage to these people on to the consumer rather than the employer. No amount of arguments against tipping culture is going to magically fix this overnight. That's the long game and we're trying to abolish this shit. Therefore, you are tipping 20% minimum. Today.
Even if you did not like the food.
Even if the food was cold.
Even if the server didn't seem cheery and smiley.
Even if the taxi wasn't as fast as you wanted it.
Even if the taxi smelled a little funny or the driver didn't talk the amount you like.
If you did not suffer immediate physical harm or harassment or discrimination at the hands of the service person who provided you the service, full tip. Five stars if you have to rate them in an app. Perfect marks.
Does the above statement seem strange to you? It shouldn't, because remember: capitalists have forced you to cover the full cost of the service. THIS IS NOT THE FAULT OF THE SERVICE WORKER.
Cash is King
Tip in cash if you have it. Credit card companies can't take a chunk out of cash tips. And if someone who works a low-paying job can grab a bit of cash under the table, away from the eyes of the IRS, then they will do more economic good with that money than the tax cut that goes to pay for bombing other countries.
How do I figure out a 20% tip?
Easy. Look at the total (THE TOTAL, WITH TAX YOU FUCKING CHEAPSKATE). Double it, then divide by 10 (move the decimal place one over to the left). Round up the remainder to the nearest dollar. That's going to be at least 20%.
What about counter workers?
There is some confusion on how to tip people who work at a counter in cafes and fast food establishments. Because they are not considered tipped employees and they get minimum wage.
The rule is, if during your transaction the POS (point of sale) register asks you to add a tip, you add a 20% tip. If you see a tip jar, you tip. If neither of these things happen, you don't tip
What about food delivery?
20% minimum tip. You called/ordered via an app, and magically food showed up. In any weather. 20% tip.
Bonus Holiday section:
Let's say you're visiting America during the peak American holidays when it's either a common "dining out" holiday or a holiday where you usually spend time at home with family. This includes, in chronological order:
Valentines Day, Fourth of July Weekend (the whole weekend), Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve and Day.
You tip even more on those days. 30% minimum. I've tipped 100% on meals and rides on Christmas and Thanksgiving. Because those people are taking the time out of spending the day with friends and family, what everyone else is doing, to make sure they have enough money to pay bills and survive in America. And no you fucking bigot, you don't get to eye up the server and figure out if they celebrate Christmas or not.
I can't afford a 20% tip. How do I pay for this?
You can't afford the full service or experience. You don't buy it. Next question.
Where I come from, we don't tip that much/not at all. Why do I have to do this?
You're in America now. You have to do this. Please, feel free to engage the worker in a spirited debate about tipping culture if you feel like you need more info. I'm sure you'll learn something new.
I have a tipping system. You see, first I start at 10% and for every...
Your system is bad and you're a cheapskate. 20% minimum.
Hey wait a minute, I'm an American and I have strict rules about who I tip and how much. And 20% is too high! What are you talking about?
Every decent human being quietly judges you for being an asshole. You are disliked by the people around you who tip like normal people. You are not going to become rich some day because you saved $5 on a tip. Own up and tip.
I ate at an expensive restaurant. Surely I don't have to tip 20% on a bill like this, do I?
Yes you do.
Holy shit. I'm going to follow this guide but wow. Do you Americans really live like this?
Oh buddy wait till you encounter states that don't list the tax on the price tag.
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 40 - Southwest Airlines
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One of my most requested posts, it's time to cover a carrier anyone who's flown in the US is probably very familiar with. After all, Southwest has for decades been the largest low-cost carrier in the world by both revenue and fleet size (though IndiGo is coming for that title).
Southwest's history is longer and more substantial than many may think, a central figure in the genesis of what we now know as the low-cost carrier. But one thing I think a lot of people know is their livery.
A common theme on this blog is trends in airline liveries - in particular, the modern trend towards the minimalist, sterile, underdesigned, and above all generic. As an anecdotal example, someone who lives near Boston's Logan Airport, the 16th-busiest airport in the US and 30th-busiest in the world, served by every major US airline and every major international carrier from countries within 787 range, were they to watch the takeoffs and landings, would be treated to the following...menagerie.
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Can you believe these planes fly for different and indeed unrelated airlines?
Safe to say from 5,000 feet below it's a challenge to tell these planes apart. Even taxiing past them you'd need to pay attention. If I forced someone to squint I'm not sure they could identify them properly. How about Southwest?
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Southwest Airlines was founded in an era that borders on incomprehensible to those of my age bracket. The United States is a nation united in grumbling about Spirit Airlines, and most of Europe is constantly cursing Ryanair under their breath, but it wasn't always like that. The fact of a united enemy at all is new in the US. Back before the 1978 Deregulation Act, it was so prohibitively expensive to operate interstate flights that most airlines just didn't. Interstate flights were left to giant full-service airlines like Delta and Eastern, while international flights were the domain of an even more elite few - Pan Am, TWA, Braniff, and National (no, not that National, the other one) while the scrappier little companies flew short hops for commuters.
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One airline which emerged in this pre-deregulation era was Pacific Southwest Airlines, commonly abbreviated to PSA, an initially tiny airline operating in California. You may recognize them from my icon! PSA is one of the single most important airlines in history because it all but invented the idea of the low-cost carrier. Beyond that, they were a Fun Airline. And while they were flying their grinningbirds all over California something else brewed in the background.
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image: SouthwestArchive I have never before in my life seen such a profound pairing of undereye bags with the slicked-back hair and piercing blue eyes of a YA dystopia novel film adaptation villain, darting around to lock onto any sources of potential wealth ripe for acquisition.
In 1971 Southwest Airlines began operating flights. The company was actually incorporated in 1967 (as Air Southwest), the brainchild of then-lawyer Herb Kelleher (and two other people who nobody ever talks about because they're boring). They saw what PSA was doing and saw potential for the massive profits that could be gained from avoiding fees from operating interstate and charging drastically lower fees than the larger carriers. Unfortunately for them the larger carriers also realized this, and they were trapped for three years in lawsuit purgatory, with Braniff, Continental, and Trans-Texas Airways taking the case all the way to the Supreme Court, who apparently declined to review it, recognizing that 'they have come up with an idea that will make them make more money and us make less money' is not a particularly powerful legal argument.
And with that little hurdle over Southwest was open for business! Though they weren't quite starting out as a single rented DC-3 Kelleher very closely modeled the airline after PSA, who seemed to be okay enough with it if them helping to train mechanics at the nascent airline was any indication. After all, at this point they were both intrastate airlines fundamentally unable to compete with each other - Southwest was staying put in Texas with no reason to think this would change anytime soon. They brought a bit of PSA to the state, like the low fares and the stewardesses in hot pants and go-go boots.
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So what was their answer to the grinningbird?
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The rare and deeply cursed Southwest 727.
The mustard rocket. It was called "desert gold" but I think we all know that this is mustard. At this point in history brightly colored airplanes weren't even unusual either, so it would have just been regular ugly instead of ostentatious. (I mean...I like this shade of mustard yellow, honest, but I recognize that most people think this is hideous.)
Southwest kept on Southwesting from there. These days, they're massive, and the most common response on my questionnaire for best airline experiences. No comment, as I've never flown with them. Highlights of their journey there include getting a federal amendment passed because they didn't want to relocate their hub from Love Field to Dallas-Fort Worth, getting sued for only hiring female flight attendants, having the first Black chief pilot of any major airline in the US, technically legal tax evasion measures, having to invent elaborate work-arounds for the restrictions placed on them which could have been avoided by just relocating to Fort Worth, absorbing a bunch of other airlines, being the launch customer for both the -300 and MAX 8 models of the Boeing 737, and making approximately a zillion dollars. In 1990 they absorbed Morris Air, a vacation charter airline which developed innovative cost-cutting measures like e-ticketing, including high-up positions on the Southwest corporate ladder for the founders...
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image: conde nast traveller Strange millionaires lurking in woods distributing model airplanes is no basis for an airline industry! ...scratch that, it does appear to be working.
...oh, for heaven's sake, there he is again. Yes, David Neeleman's cost-cutting acumen was indeed put to use at Southwest, meaning that between this and founding jetBlue he basically created low-cost carriers. I reluctantly tip my hat to the man. I would not be able to afford airline tickets without him. But he's just everywhere.
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Here is my handwritten faMintly tree. Southwest is jetBlue's cousin once removed, do with that what you will. Anyway, let's hope I never have to add to this. (Not least because I already binned the piece of paper I wrote this out on.)
The turn of the century brought new things for Southwest! In 2000 they had their first major accident (a nonfatal runway overrun resulting in loss of the aircraft). Unrelatedly, in 2001 they released a new color scheme for their fleet, now several hundred strong and entirely composed of assorted models of Boeing 737.
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The era of Canyon Blue had begun.
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I mean, it's a statement. At this point a plane painted to look like a poisonous frog was in fact a pretty major statement. They were setting out to be an eyesore and I'm sure people were upset about this one, but to the modern eye it looks muted and unfinished. Still bluer than anything David Neeleman had made at that point, but not quite what we know today.
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Okay. Yes. There we go.
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This livery is meant to be the heart from their logo, the same one worn where the plane's heart might be if planes had hearts instead of air-conditioning systems, the colors unwrapped and deconstructed. And boy, is it almost violently colorful! It goes so far that it takes a minute to notice only three colors, plus white, are used in the entire livery. It's almost eyestraining, and I did have to turn the contrast down on my monitor while writing this because I'm fairly photosensitive. It's...less painful when pixels aren't involved.
So this is definitely one-of-a-kind. Well, it was. jetBlue has made choices recently. But this livery is definitely not one that gets lost in the crowd.
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There's very little white or even silver on this airframe, in sharp contrast with...basically every airline. The rest of the livery is vivid and searing yellow and red, unusual shades in airlines, which tend to stick to slightly more muted schemes. And if you couldn't tell who they were by that, the big white billboard wordmark would let you know real quick. I think the white is a bit less legible than I'd like, but I'm not sure how to improve that without making it genuinely eyestrainy. At least it's large and visible, which is crucial for a low-cost carrier, instead of subtle and out of the way on the tail. That might work for an airline with a prestigious air, but that's not Southwest. Southwest is blue and yellow and red.
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The main differences between the modern livery and Canyon Blue are in the placement of the logo and the colors used. Each shade is brightened significantly, which is why the once-garish Canyon Blue now looks pretty dusty in comparison. They entirely removed the blue from the tail, making it the airframe feel a little less like it's blue with accents and a little more like it's a circus tent. I do wish the yellow and red covered a bit more of the belly, but still...wow.
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Some uses of Southwest Sans demonstrated.
The success of this design isn't by accident. Apparently, Southwest consulted no fewer than five design firms, and the font used for the livery and all their material (which I think looks totally fine) was actually commissioned from iconic foundry Monotype. A lot of airline liveries are designed in-house, and that can turn out fine, but Southwest clearly pulled out all the stops and it shows.
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Southwest is a low-cost carrier, and this does affect the standards by which I judge their livery. They aren't here to be guided by legacy or decorum the way a flag carrier is - they're here to sell you a cheap ticket on an airline with funny cabin announcements. Circus tent with big lettering in a sea of Eurowhite? Nice, clean execution - I'd call that a job well done.
Grade: B
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2boldlyqueer · 1 year
help a disabled queer fix their car this pride month (please!!)
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Me (left) and my cute cat Cosmo (right) for attention
I am trying to raise $1500 to fix the transmission on my car, as it's currently undriveable. I have been out of work since early February due to a drunk driver rear-ending me while he was going 60mph. My family is helping me as much as they can, but it's going to take months to scrape this kind of money together without help, and until then I'm totally dependent on others being available when I have doctor's appointments. I haven't been able to go to physical therapy as often as I'm supposed to because of it, and I'm in a lot more pain because of it. 
Paypal https://paypal.me/tastreg
CashApp https://cash.app/$tastreg
Venmo https://account.venmo.com/u/TonyGo12 
GoFundMe https://gofund.me/df8d4896
(If I happen to get incredibly lucky and get more than my goal, that money will go towards getting a new pair of glasses, since mine have been broken and held together by glue for two years now! TT-TT)
If you can’t give, please consider reblogging this post.
Thank you for reading!I hope you have a lovely day <3
More detail below the cut if you want it:
The Car
The transmission on my car is failing, and I can't drive it without fear that it'll give out any moment. There have already been a few scary moments where I thought I was going to be stuck in the middle of the road. I was able to get to the mechanic and get a quote, I need $1500 to fix the issue. (And that was before a second issue popped up on the way home, so it’s possible it’ll be more.)
Where I live, it's impossible to get anywhere without a car, so I'm really stuck and relying on the kindness of others to get me to my doctor's appointments, since I also can't afford taxis, plus Uber/Lyft don't service around here. This has already caused issues, as I've had to cut back on my physical therapy appointments due to not being able to get to them, and I've been doing a lot worse since then.
My Health & Monetary Situation
I've been unable to work since early February, as I've been recovering from a major accident, where I was rear-ended by a drunk driver. The car I had then was completely totalled; thankfully his insurance paid out just enough to get another cheap, used car. I've been dealing with major pain and health issues since. Pain and spasms in my hips and legs make it difficult to stand, sit, or walk for any amount of time. Multiple vertebrae throughout my spine are out of place, which cause a ton of constant pain and unpredictably variable numbness that makes my arms and hands useless when it happens. 
My work prior to the accident involves a lot of lifting and carrying, as well as repairs that require full control of my hands, so I haven't been able to return to it. I've actually picked up a new job remotely tutoring due to monetary needs, but it doesn't offer much in the way of hours and is difficult with the on-and-off brain fog and fatigue I've been experiencing since the accident. I'm in the process of being assessed for post-concussive syndrome because of that and new difficulties with language & numbers (which are driving me up the wall, I love writing and now I have to really work at it. This thing took me multiple days to write out when normally it would've taken me about half an hour.)
My credit cards are all maxed out from my last health crisis in 2021 and my credit score is too low to get another credit card right now. I'm just barely scraping by on lost wages from insurance and help from my family. Unfortunately, they can't support me any more than they already are, as we’re all straddling the poverty line and live in areas with high costs of living. I do have a civil suit pending against the man who hit me, but I don't expect that to resolve for at least a few months.
Thank you so much if you took the time to read all that. I really hope you consider donating -- even a dollar will help! Whether you donate or not, please consider sharing, it would really help me out. I hope you have a wonderful day! <3 To reward you for reading all that, have another cat pic :3
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seva-tourism · 1 month
Best Tourist Cab for Outstation Pune | 8390001090
Book Tourist Cab for Outstation Pune at Seva Tourism. We Provide a Safe and reliable Pune to Mumbai taxi service. We offer the best deal on one way or Round trip from Pune to Mumbai . Seva Tourism is one of the leading and modern taxi services providers which offer quality and low-cost services for Pune to Mumbai Airport Taxi, Pune to Mumbai private transfers.
Seva Tourism provides an online Pune to Mumbai Airport taxi service which includes the free home pick from anywhere in Pune including city / Pune Airport and drops off at Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. Along with this, We also provide Best Cab Services For Outstation service at the best price.
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tunbridge-wells-taxi · 6 months
Taxi Tunbridge Wells UK.
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Welcome to Tunbridge Wells Taxi service. The premier taxi service in the Tunbridge Wells area. We are a locally operated company and take pride in providing safe, reliable and affordable taxis and mini-cab services in and near Tunbridge Wells. Our fleet of modern vehicles is equipped with state-of-the-art technology to ensure that you reach your destination on time, every time. Our drivers are fully licensed and trained professionals who are committed to providing excellent customer service.
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cabinooty-24 · 2 years
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Low Cost Taxi Service In Ooty  - Cabinooty   
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Ukraine will arm its Bayraktar TB2 with air-to-air missiles to face Russian kamikaze drones
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 11/01/2022 - 14:00 in Military, UAV - UAV, War Zones
The Bayraktar TB2 combat drones in service with the Ukrainian armed forces will be equipped with air-to-air missiles to be able to shoot down Russian Kamikaze UAVs.
“Soon our Bayraktar TB2 and Akincis will have air-to-air missiles; not only to engage drones, but other enemy aircraft... we are conducting our tests,” said Baykar CEO Haluk Bayraktar, according to the German newspaper Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) during the SAHA Expo defense fair in Istanbul.
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Missile Sungur.
A contract was signed between Roketsan and drone manufacturer Baykar for the integration of the Sungur air defense missile to combat UAVs.
Murat Ikinci, Roketsan's general manager, said at the fair that Sungur is effective in knocking down mobile targets, such as helicopters and drones.
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The integration of these missiles into the Bayraktar TB2 and Akinci combat drones can lead to the creation of a low-cost air patrol concept to eliminate threats such as attack helicopters and enemy drones, including kamikaze drones, instead of using high-cost air-to-air missiles.
Russia has used Iranian kamikaz drones “Shahed-136” to destroy Ukrainian targets. The kamikazes are slow, noisy and implanted at low altitudes, making them "easible target".
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The Turkish manufacturer Baykar is also establishing a drone manufacturing facility in Ukraine. This unit will be responsible for the manufacture of the jet drone "Kizilelma" (Red Apple) that will be launched soon, Bayraktar told the dpa news agency.
Tags: Military AviationBaykarBayraktar TB2DronesUCAVWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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diwakasafaritours · 2 years
The process of planning a Kenya Safari depends on some factors. They include the number of days, types of accommodations, destinations, safari activities, etc. Yet, it’s still possible to plan a Kenya Budget Safari in this wonderful country.
Below, we’ll closely look at how you can plan a perfect Kenya Safari Tour on a reasonable budget.
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The low season in Kenya is from April to May. And, the shoulder season is in November, December, and March. During these months, international flights and accommodations will cost significantly less.
Traveling in the low (green) season has another advantage – the landscapes are vibrant and the game-viewing is great. Because animals move towards the watering holes that are now filled.
There are many campsites located outside the national parks of Kenya. Their costs start from $10 onwards (per person, per night). Below are a couple of budget campsites for visitors on a Kenya Safari:
Crocodile Camp – It’s located next to the town of Talek. And is the top-rated camp in the Maasai Mara and a great budget choice. The service is also exceptional and the camp is great in terms of comfort. Crocodile Camp provides great quality – at an affordable price!
Greenwood Safari Camp – This camp is also situated nearby Talek. Though already pitched tents are available, you can also set up your tent. You’ll get to enjoy the day relaxing in a hammock or swimming in the pool.
Our Insights – Most of the budget camps are booked quickly. So, make sure to book in advance. Furthermore, if you have your equipment for camping, you can pitch a tent as well.
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You can save money right from the moment you land in Kenya. Below is a rundown of budget choices along the way to your camp:
3.1. Choose A Bus To Narok
For a Budget Kenya Safari, you should pick local transportation. Matatus (minibuses) are popular in Kenya. For this, you’ll have to go to Narok. It’s a town situated 150 km from Nairobi. The usual cost for a matatu is $4.
The bus station is located in the Central Business District Area. The first bus departs at about 7-8 am. The coordinates are – 1.283412, 36.830169.
3.2. Book A Shared Taxi From Narok To The Campsite
There’s a public shared matatu that goes straight to the villages just outside the national parks. The time is till 1.30 pm. And the matatu is named C12. The costs are around $5 (per person).
3.3. Book A Safari After Arriving At The Camp
After arriving at the camp, go to the reception area and make arrangements for a safari the next day. For people on a budget, they can choose a Kenya Group Safari and share the cost between people.
Before you go on a Safari in Kenya, you should know about the entrance fees of the national parks. Don’t worry, because the fees are very reasonable and won’t affect the overall budget too much.
National Park
Costs for Adults (per person, approx.)
Costs for Children (under the age of 15)
Nairobi National Park
Maasai Mara National Reserve
Amboseli National Park
Lake Nakuru National Park
Tsavo East and West National Parks
Hell’s Gate National Park
Notes – The method of payment is by Visa, MasterCard, or MPesa. And cash is not accepted. Children under the age of 5 are not charged any entrance fee.
The cost of a Kenya Budget Safari starts from $200 and can go upwards of $2000. For your convenience, below are some itineraries that will help you figure out the costs in more detail
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tauruscarservice · 2 years
Travel to Any Part of New Jersey with Affordable Newark Airport Car Services
New Jersey is a beautiful place for a gateway for families or working professionals because of the lovely and distinctive attractions. It has everything to satiate your aesthetic and adventurous needs, from thrilling activities like zip lining, golfing, and sailing to world-class museums. However, if you are planning to visit Newark, you may require a dependable and spotless airport car service to ensure you complete all your scheduled tasks.
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We know that traveling by public transit might be difficult due to the inconvenience it can cause. This is probably the most important factor in which Taurus offers top-notch Newark airport car services. Hiring a cab or limo service can be pleasant; you can sit back and take in the city's stunning view from the back seat. Here are some of the benefits of hiring an airport limousine service.
More Convenient
The cost and comfort of using an airport cab service are superior than using your travel arrangements. But these cab services are beneficial if you are traveling to a place for the first time. However, traveling by public transportation, such as taking the bus or a cab, can be inconvenient. Make sure you're not overcharged or driven to the wrong path.
All these inconveniences can be removed when you use a limo service instead. You will receive door-to-door service with a designated chauffeur at an affordable range of taxi services. Additionally, you won't have to stress about your pick-up and drop-off.
Arriving late at the airport can be a terrifying scenario. You can avoid all the difficulties and the traffic during rush hour by calling a limo service. Also, you can take quick naps, discuss your future trip plans, or work on your appointments in the convenience of your car. Relying on top-tier limo services can offer you peace of mind and allows you to enjoy your day easily and joyfully. 
Authentic & Reliable Services
In New Jersey, limo services are the most dependable and trustworthy airport car services. Top-tier limousine services value the time of their customers with their 5-star services. The limo car service providers organize numerous services. At the airport gate, your designated drivers will meet you and assist you with all your luggage. The reliable nature of trained and experienced limo drivers will put your mind at ease and make your travel hassle-free.
Highly Secured Rides
We prioritize our clients' safety, ensuring they are secure and enjoy the best driving experience possible. Our professionally trained drivers can manage your luggage and provide a relaxing experience while traveling. They are the most excellent option if you need pick-up and drop-off services from the airport.
Offer Round-the-Clock Service
Newark airport car service offers cabs that are well maintained, well sanitized, and the best to travel for commuters. Therefore, if you want a last-minute ride, Taurus Car Services are exactly what you're looking for. The services are well known as the epitome of low-cost & top-notch personalized service.
Taurus car services will surely be your assistance if you are already in Newark and intend to stay for a few more days. They are one of the most reputable Taxis and limos in Somerset county, NJ. Their car services offer New Jersey the most affordable, convenient, and hassle-free vehicle services.
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How to Choose the Right Online Taxi Service for Your Needs in Melbourne
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Navigating the vibrant streets of Melbourne can be a delightful experience, but finding a reliable online taxi service in Melbourne can sometimes feel overwhelming. Whether you’re a busy local or a curious traveler, knowing how to choose the right service can make all the difference in your journey.
Understand Your Transportation Needs
Before you dive into the sea of options available, take a moment to reflect on your transportation needs. Are you commuting to work, catching a flight, or planning a fun night out with friends? Your specific requirements will shape your choice. For example, if you’re heading to a crucial business meeting, you might want a service that offers premium vehicles and punctuality. On the other hand, if you’re going out for a night of fun, you might prioritize affordability and availability.
Research the Options Available
Melbourne is filled with various online taxi services, each offering its unique flavors. Start by compiling a list of potential providers. You can find great options by:
Checking Online Reviews: Websites like Google and Yelp are treasure troves of customer feedback. Look for reviews that mention ride quality, driver professionalism, and overall satisfaction.
Asking Around: Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth! Friends, family, and colleagues can provide personal recommendations that can help narrow down your choices.
Evaluate Pricing and Transparency
Let’s be honest—pricing is often a crucial factor when choosing an online taxi service in Melbourne. While some companies might lure you in with attractive low rates, hidden fees can catch you off guard. To avoid surprises, look for services that clearly outline their pricing structure.
Eastern Cabs Australia prides itself on offering competitive and transparent pricing without any sneaky hidden costs. Knowing what you’ll pay upfront can help you avoid any last-minute surprises when it’s time to settle the fare.
Check for Licensing and Insurance
Safety should always be a top priority when selecting an online taxi service in Melbourne. Ensure that the company is fully licensed and adheres to local regulations. Licensed taxi services undergo regular safety inspections and driver background checks, which gives you peace of mind during your ride.
Also, don’t forget to ask about the company’s insurance coverage. A reputable service will have comprehensive insurance to protect both passengers and drivers in case of accidents.
Consider Vehicle Options and Comfort
Different online taxi services in Melbourne offer various types of vehicles to meet diverse needs. Think about what you’re looking for:
Standard Sedans: Great for solo travelers or small groups.
Luxury Vehicles: Perfect for special occasions or business trips.
Vans or SUVs: Ideal for larger groups or families with lots of luggage.
Take a moment to check if the service provides information about their vehicle fleet. Eastern Cabs Australia offers a wide variety of vehicles, so you can easily find one that fits your comfort and capacity requirements.
Assess Driver Professionalism and Experience
Let’s face it—your experience can hinge on your driver. A knowledgeable and courteous driver can make your ride pleasant, while a less experienced one might lead to frustration. When choosing an online taxi service in Melbourne, look for providers that prioritize driver training and customer service. Experienced drivers not only know the city’s routes but are also adept at handling various passenger needs.
When you book with Eastern Cabs Australia, you’re assured of a team of highly trained drivers who are familiar with Melbourne’s ins and outs. Their experience translates to a smoother, safer ride for you.
Look for Additional Services and Features
Many online taxi services in Melbourne offer nifty features that can enhance your riding experience. Some options to look for include:
Ride Tracking: Keep tabs on your taxi in real-time through a user-friendly app.
In-App Payments: Enjoy the convenience of cashless payments through credit cards or mobile wallets.
Loyalty Programs: Look for rewards for frequent users, like discounts or free rides.
Eastern Cabs Australia provides a top-notch app that allows you to book rides, track your driver, and make hassle-free payments—all designed to make your experience as smooth as possible.
Customer Support
Good customer support can be a game-changer when you’re in need. Reliable online taxi services in Melbourne should offer prompt assistance in case of any issues or inquiries. Check for services that provide:
24/7 Support: Customer service representatives should be available to assist you any time of day or night.
Multiple Contact Options: You should be able to reach support through various channels, like phone, email, or in-app messaging.
At Eastern Cabs Australia, we take pride in our excellent customer support, ensuring you have help available whenever you need it.
Safety Measures and Hygiene Practices
In today’s world, safety and hygiene have become paramount. When selecting an online taxi service in Melbourne, look for providers that implement strict health protocols, especially in light of recent global health challenges. This could include regular vehicle sanitization, health checks for drivers, and mask-wearing policies.
Eastern Cabs Australia is committed to the highest safety and hygiene standards, giving you the confidence to travel safely and comfortably.
Read the Fine Print
Before you make your final choice, take a moment to read the fine print. Pay attention to cancellation policies, terms of service, and any liabilities. This simple step can save you from potential misunderstandings down the line.
Choosing the right online taxi service in Melbourne doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By considering your needs, doing your research, and looking into factors like pricing, safety, and customer support, you can find a service that suits you perfectly. Eastern Cabs Australia ticks all these boxes and goes the extra mile with its dedication to quality service and customer satisfaction. So next time you need a ride in Melbourne, keep these tips in mind and think of Eastern Cabs for a reliable and enjoyable experience. Safe travels!
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uaegraphics · 14 hours
Best Rental Car in Dubai
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Dubai is the place for luxurious lifestyles, skyscrapers, and adventures in the desert. It is at its best with the flexibility of a rental car. When you are in Dubai, being a tourist seeking an experience of opulence or even just a business traveler in a hurry, making sure you opt for the best rental car in Dubai that meets your requirements is important. This guide shall take you through the top options for a rental car in Dubai, including luxury, economy, and SUV options that suit every traveler's preference.
Why Rent a Car in Dubai?
The infrastructure of the city is vehicle-friendly. It consists of well-paved roads with a mushrooming number of parking facilities along with easy connectivity. Of course, public transport is available; however, travel by renting a car provides the following:
Ease of movement: you can move at your own desired speed and to any place you desire.
Comfort: especially in a very hot place like Dubai, you get a break from the scorching sun while traveling in your car.
Accessibility: Several of the top destinations for tourism are reachable by using rental car, for example the deserts or out-skirts of a city.
Cost-effective: Depending on what you have chosen as your car, it can be cost-friendly compared to hailing a taxi or ride-hailing services.
Types of Rental Cars Available in Dubai
For those who aspire for the high life, there's no better place to find a rental for luxury cars than in Dubai. Here are some of the most sought-after luxury categories for your rental:
Luxury Cars
Live the best of pleasantries by renting a luxury car. Some of the more sought after models are;
Ferrari 488 GTB
Lamborghini Huracán
Rolls Royce Ghost: These cars are perfect to make a statement or even some fun on the long highways of Dubai
Economy Cars
If you want value and effectiveness, economy cars fit the bill. Some of the more sought after models are;
Toyota Yaris
Nissan Micra
Hyundai Accent: These cars are best for daily use. They have amazing mileage and low quotations.
A person who needs to move with his families or groups, or wants to go for desert adventure will surely look for an SUV. Some of the reliable SUV models which are available for rent in Dubai, have been described below:
Toyota Land Cruiser
Jeep Wrangler
Nissan Patrol: These cars provide enough space and comfort to drive through the road trip or desert safaris.
What to Look for When Selecting a Dubai Car Rental?
The kind of car you get to rent hence will be determined by your budget. Dubai, therefore, shall be able to give you an affordable luxurious car hire; hence ensure you settle for a car rental that fits into your budget without any compromise on comfort.
Car insurance is a must in Dubai. Be sure your rental package has full insurance, or simply pay extra to be fully covered.
Fuel Efficiency
The fuel prices in Dubai are pretty cheap; however, if you plan on traveling for a long period, get some more fuel efficiency and opt for economy cars and hybrids.
Rental Period
It should be selected to match the stay period. Some might need a few days, while others may need an entire week to make full use of it. Most car rental schemes usually offer a discount to customers booking for an extended period.
Additional Services and Frills
Any new car rentals provide additional services such as GPS, baby car seats, and Wi-Fi; you should always double check with your rental service if the extras are available for your rented car.
Dubai Car Rentals Requirements
Valid Driver's License
For most tourists, an IDP may be an accompaniment required along with your license from your home country. The national licenses of citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council are accepted.
Age Limit
Most of the car hire companies in Dubai have minimum ages for renting out their cars. The minimum age limit is 21 years. Luxury car hire may require more than 21.
Deposit and Credit Card
Most of the car hire companies demand a deposit that they keep on credit card in case of damage or fines.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is the cost to hire a car in Dubai?
The rental cost will vary from AED 50 to AED 2,000 depending on the car type. Economy cars can charge lesser amounts than luxury rentals to which more price is attached.
Q. Do I need a credit card to rent a car in Dubai?
Most of them still insist on a credit card. Some companies accept debit cards, and some even cash deposits. Always confirm this with the company.
Q. Is it safe to drive in Dubai?
Yes, the roads are kept neat and clear notice boards are there all along. You need to be careful about the speed breakers and local etiquette while driving. Overstay fines are really monitored.
Q. Do I need to possess an international driving license to hire a car in Dubai?
Generally for tourists an international driver's license is required. But for GCC locals, a national driver's license can be used
Q. Does toll operate on roads to Dubai?
Yes, it has toll gates that are so many in Dubai, and they term them as Salik. Every time you cross, you pay which will be even automatically collected on your rental vehicle.
The best option to roam around the city is to rent a car, as you could spend leisurely time, be it in an SUV in the desert, luxury in a supercar, or just cruising around in a low-priced economy car. For your ideal budget and travel plans, you are going to need a particular type of vehicle for your stay, making the perfect choice when a car rental happens to be subject to your preference. Compare the prices, read reviews, and get to know all the terms and conditions before booking to make it less troublesome for your stay.
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ajepicbusrentals · 1 day
Affordable Rent a Car in Dubai | Low Prices with Aj EPIC
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1. Why Choose a Low-Priced Car Rental in Dubai?
Renting a car at a low price in Dubai comes with numerous benefits:
Cost-Effective Travel: Save money while enjoying the freedom of mobility, especially if you’re planning to explore multiple attractions.
Flexibility: Enjoy the convenience of traveling whenever and wherever you want without the need to rely on taxi services or public transport schedules.
Comfort: Experience the comfort of driving your own vehicle, ensuring a pleasant journey through the city.
2. Aj EPIC’s Affordable Fleet
At Aj EPIC, we offer a wide range of vehicles at competitive prices:
Economy Cars
Examples: Toyota Yaris, Hyundai Accent.
Features: Perfect for budget-conscious travelers looking for reliable and fuel-efficient options.
Compact Cars
Examples: Nissan Micra, Kia Rio.
Features: Easy to maneuver in the bustling city and great for solo travelers or couples.
Examples: Mitsubishi Outlander, Nissan X-Trail.
Features: Spacious and comfortable, ideal for families or groups traveling together.
3. Exploring Dubai on a Budget
With a low-priced rental car from Aj EPIC, you can explore numerous attractions without breaking the bank:
Burj Khalifa: Marvel at the world’s tallest building and enjoy breathtaking views from the observation deck.
Dubai Mall: Shop at one of the largest malls in the world, featuring over 1,200 retail stores.
Palm Jumeirah: Drive along this iconic island and visit luxury resorts and beaches.
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4. How to Rent a Car from Aj EPIC
Renting a car at an affordable price from Aj EPIC is simple:
1. Visit Our Website
Browse our range of affordable vehicles available for rent in Dubai.
2. Select Your Car
Choose the car that best fits your needs and budget, ensuring you get the best deal possible.
3. Fill Out the Booking Form
Complete the booking form with your rental dates, pick-up location, and any specific requests.
4. Confirmation
After submitting your request, you will receive a confirmation email with all the details.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Request *Submit
5. Why Choose Aj EPIC for Low-Priced Car Rentals?
Opting for Aj EPIC means:
Competitive Rates: We pride ourselves on offering some of the lowest rental prices in Dubai without hidden fees.
Quality Assurance: Our vehicles are regularly maintained and serviced to ensure your safety and comfort.
Customer Support: Our team is dedicated to providing excellent service, assisting you throughout the rental process.
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For those seeking affordable rent a car options in Dubai, Aj EPIC is your best choice. With our low prices and excellent customer service, you can explore the wonders of Dubai without worrying about your budget. Book your rental car today and enjoy the freedom of driving in this vibrant city!
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