#Lu boys
ordonscafe · 22 hours
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Group selfie!
Twilight, Warrior and Wild wanted to take a little group selfie before their shift started at the café! Although Twilight is mostly not interested in their horsing around.
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kikker-oma · 1 year
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Poor Four, he really has no idea what's happening to him 🥺
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trippygalaxy · 6 months
My Opinion on the LU Boys DND Classes
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as a DM of 3 years and a enjoyer of dnd for MUCH LONGER, i have so sososos many thoughts on what classes the boys would be. This will also include subclasses CAUSE ITS MY POST AND IMMA DO WHAT I WANT! /LH SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!!
Time -> Fighter, Eldritch Knight
Twilight -> Barbarian, Path of the Ancestral Guardian
Warriors -> Fighter, Battle Master
Sky -> Paladin, Oath of Devotion
Wild -> Ranger, Gloomstalker
Legend -> Wizard, Bladesinging
Hyrule -> Warlock, The Celestial
Four -> Fighter, Echo Knight
Wind -> Rogue, Swashbuckler
Taglist cause I know somepeople were interested! @catreginae @next-hero-in-line @unexpectedstormy @nancyheart11 @majorproblems77 @ladye-zelda @ajscico @mishwanders @violetregrets1837 @1dragon-mustard1
Under the cut will be explanations as to why i picked these classes! (as well as the official descriptions of the subclasses for context)
Time, The Eldritch Knight
Subclass Description; They focus their study on two of the eight schools of magic: abjuration and evocation. Abjuration spells grant an Eldritch Knight additional protection in battle, and evocation spells deal damage to many foes at once, extending the fighter's reach in combat. These knights learn a comparatively small number of spells, committing them to memory instead of keeping them in a spellbook.
Fighter is a go to for all the boys, but I think Time is a perfect fit for the class as he is shown time and time again to be a frontline fighter. He's quick to draw his sword and quicker to swing it.
Though Time is not a heavy magic user in the LU comics, he is known to have quite a few spells/magical abilities in his games and comics! Many of these abilities are defensive or to deal with large 'groups' of enemies at once, which is what Abjuration and Evocation spells are used for -respectively. The Class is still heavily rooted in melee rather than magic -like Time- but the magic they do use is to add a extra kick to their punch.
There are also abilities that make the Eldritch knight much harder (if not impossible) to disarm!
In higher levels, the subclasses allows the user to be more effective and quick with their spell casting who their actions are free for melee attacks, which would be a perfect fit for the quick and preciseness Time uses in battle.
Twilight, The Barbarian of Ancestral Guardians
Subclass description; Some barbarians hail from cultures that revere their ancestors. These tribes teach that the warriors of the past linger in the world as mighty spirits, who can guide and protect the living. When a barbarian who follows this path rages, the barbarian contacts the spirit world and calls on these guardian spirits for aid.
Barbarian is a common pick for Twilight as it is the most strength based class and while I agree with it always never quite sat right with me due to the violence the class is stereotyped to lean towards.
The subclass itself was picked because I connected it with not only the Hero's Shade but also the light spirits that Twilight encounters on his journey. Its very much a spirit heavy class that deals with a lot of themes regarding 'guardian' like figures which fit perfectly for the 'guardian' spirits Twilight runs into -and is trained by- during his adventure. I also choose this one because of how defensive it is, especially when it comes to protecting others!
Twilight is a protector, in the LU comics, in his games, in his manga, he is shown time and time again to protect others so to have a subclass to reflect his protective nature is a perfect match for his character!
Warriors, the Battle Master
Subclass Description; Those who emulate the archetypal Battle Master employ martial techniques passed down through generations. To a Battle Master, combat is an academic field, sometimes including subjects beyond battle such as weaponsmithing and calligraphy. Not every fighter absorbs the lessons of history, theory, and artistry that are reflected in the Battle Master archetype, but those who do are well-rounded fighters of great skill and knowledge.
Another fighter! Like I said for Time, this class is very much a 'go-to' class for any and all of the LU boys! But warriors fits so well for this class, a undeterred and seemingly never ending energy in a fight, Fighter fits perfectly!
I think that we all can agree that Warriors is one of the top 3 swordsmen in the group, his way with his sword is unlike the others as he holds an elegance and swiftness that can be rivalled by very few. The Battle Master subclass is built upon the idea of 'Yeah, you can try to hit me but get ready for your shit to get rocked.' It is about countering, using the enemies weaknesses to your gain and getting your hits in whenever you can.
A Captain in a war would be a battle master without a doubt!
Sky, Paladin of Devotion
Subclass description; --They hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct, and some, for better or worse, hold the rest of the world to the same standards. Many who swear this oath are devoted to gods of law and good and use their gods' tenets as the measure of their devotion. They hold angels – the perfect servants of good – as their ideals, and incorporate images of angelic wings into their helmets or coats of arms.
Is...Is this a surprise to anyone? A little cliche yes, but how can you blame me when it suits him so well!
First, Divine smite? PERFECT for the Skyward Strike, without a doubt and I don't think theres anything that could fit it so well! A mighty strike blessed with divine power and -depending on what spell/ability- can shed a great amount of light and cause lightning/thunder to burst from the strike! There is also abilities with the subclass that makes your weapon a beacon of light for a short period of time
Sky is devoted to many things. But its obvious hes devoted to his Zelda -the reincarnation of Hyila, a goddess- so much so that before he knew of her divine spirit he was willing to head into a world unknown just to look for her. He is so devoted to her and Skyloft that he fought a GOD to keep everyone he loved safe and sound.
Wild, The Gloom Stalker
Subclass description; Gloom stalkers are at home in the darkest places: deep under the earth, in gloomy alleyways, in primeval forests, and wherever else the light dims. Most folk enter such places with trepidation, but a gloom stalker ventures boldly into the darkness, seeking to ambush threats before they can reach the broader world.--
Since TOTK I feel like this would be fitting for the hero to be proficient in fighting in the darken places of the world. The name of the subclass is also suits him considering a huge part of the game -The Gloom- is apart of this class in a way.
Ranger is a great class for Wild, it is the definition of a hunter, an explorer, one that finds there own path in the wildness. Wild, though seen to get lost in the comics, has a great understanding of his Hyrule and its geographic locations and terrain, both surface and depths. He is also a great archer, and a even better hunter!
The hero is a survivor of the wilds, and Rangers are the best suited to do such a thing
Legend, The BladeSinger
Subclass Description: Bladesingers master a tradition of wizardry that incorporates swordplay and dance. In combat, a bladesinger uses a series of intricate, elegant maneuvers that fend off harm and allow the bladesinger to channel magic into devastating attacks and a cunning defense.
Legend is one of the more magically inclined Heros, and though thats mostly through his artifacts and magic items that doesn’t take away the fact that the hero has a broad knowledge when it came to magic.
I picked bladesinging specifically because while it’s main focus is magic it still uses the sword and it’s connection to ones-self. Legend is still a fighter at heart so i don’t think he would toss away those skills in this situation. He is shown in a few panels to have some sort of connection/bond to the mastersword and likely his own weapon, so it was important for me to somehow intertwine his two biggest skills together.
And a bit selfishly, i think he would look very very cool dancing around with his sword-
Hyrule, The Holy Warlock
Subclass description: Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes. You have bound yourself to an ancient empyrean, solar, ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes of everlasting bliss.
I know most people would make Hyrule either a wizard or nature based magic user but in all fairness, I dont think Hyrule is one to learn magic by the traditional means (reading/studying it). This isn’t to say the kid isn’t capable of doing so, but with the whole “hero of Hyila,” you’d think there would be a bit more a divine connection there.
Warlocks make deals, pacts, with some sort of higher being for their magic intentionally or not and Hyila ,a holy celestial, being fits perfectly to be his patron. The magic granted to a celestial warlock is based on a clerics abilities, healing, protecting from the undead and fiends, lighting a path etc. Warlocks also are also a little more focused on melee/combat and if picking the right pact boon, can have a special relationship/connect to their sword!
Four, The Echo Knight
Subclass description: Echo knights harness fading shades of unrealized timelines, pulling a shadowy duplicate of themself called an "echo" to fight by their side. The echoes are somewhat fragile, but the echo knight can summon another at any time.
Okayokayokay— HEAR ME OUT ON THIS ONE!!!
One of the echo knight’s main abilities is being able to make shadowy versions of themselves to fight alongside them in a battle. These shadows or ‘echoes’ are an extension of the person’s form/soul and are able to communicate and aid the original knight. They are able to project their consciousness into these shadows to get the information they have seen/witness and collects it all once they all fuse back together.
Wind, The Swashbuckler
Subclass Description: You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of fighting looks almost like a performance. Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype. A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight with two weapons while safely darting away from an opponent.
….i feel like this is pretty straightforward as to why i picked this for Wind.
Wind, shown to be quite a sneaky Link in his games, is probably the most rogue like in the Chain. He’s a strong kid, but he specializes in quick strikes and keeping his opponents on their toes and unexpecting. He is also, very clearly, a pirate! So it isn’t surprising for the hero to have one of (if not the only) pirate theme-d subclass! The class is very agile, but the subclass specifically is focused on disarming, ‘backstabbing’ and overall being sneaky in plain sight!
And thought i do think this is a great fit for the hero, i could also see him as a Storm sorcerer, which was my second pick!
UHHHH! YEAH THATS IS! if you're reading this, thank you so much for listening to me ramble and if you have any ideas/thoughts of your own i would LOVE to hear them!!!
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chaosfantasmic · 7 months
So lu got updated
(art creds to @linkeduniverse btw)
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ther0b1nverse · 7 months
LU Boys, but just random stuff my friends and family have said
Wild: I am extremely interesting to talk to! .....okay not really.
Wind: Tortol, ..Turtuul, Turtole.
Wind: T U R T L E
Time: There we go, good job
Twilight: My dad is really weird.
Four: If you are 99% sure that it's gonna kill you, do it. If you are 100% sure, dont. Or do, you dont know if you will die or not.. I think.
Malon: I am on the mooooon!~ TAKE ME ALIENS...
*Malon on the ground again*: ..They didn't want me.
Hyrule: We're gonna have that "Chocolate oui oui" thing
Wild: ...chocolate croissant?
Warriors: I think I have dyslexia for stair lights
Hyrule: Bread oui oui thing
Wild: Baguette, Roolie.
Time: I couldn't find anny good skulls.
Twilight: Reality: The Chinese soulmate string theory but it’s Wild and the floor
Wild: Fuck you.
Legend: Good cumback... COME BACK NOT CUM-BACK!
Wind: >:)
Wild: Go and take a raw potato.
Warriors: 🤨
Wind: funker. Motherfunker
Legend: I can sence that Time is a grumpy old man
Sky: A pray bottle? Isn't that what you use on your cat when it barks?
Warriors: Legend. You're actring really homosexual right now
Wild: I'm gonna do a terrorism on you
Wind: Where is the... sucking pipe...
Legend: She's more traumatised than me... Oh! A BigMack!
Time: I've thrown a lot of windows out of my house
Wind: Didn't you teach us to not eat with food in our mouth? ...... Wait..
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legendofmorons · 8 months
Percy jackson au ages and relationships
Long post below the cut, I might make a second part if needed
Ages (alphabetical)
Artemis- 24
Aurora- 15
Dawn- 16
Dot- 15
Dusk- 27
Fable- 21
Fierce- 57
First- 73
Flora- 19
Four- 16
Hilda- 22
Hyrule- 15
Legend- 23
Lullaby- 46
Malon- 46
Ravio- 22
Sky- 24
Sunny- 23
Tetra- 14
Time- 47
Twilight- 25
Warriors - 23
Wild- 19
Wind- 13
Time and Malon: Married, highschool sweethearts
Twilight: Time and Malon's son
Fierce is Time's mentor and emotional big brother.
First is Fierce's adoptive father, particularly fond of Time's family
Flora and Wild are childhood friends, their fathers were both very influential
Legend and Fable are cousins
Aurora and Dawn are adopted siblings
Trouble Troupe, an affection nickname for the friend group of Tetra, Wind, Hyrule, Dawn, Aurora, Dot, and Four
Sky and Sun are engaged
Twilight and Sky are good friends and served the legion together
Legend and Ravio meet later but become fast friends
Lullaby is actually pretty close to Time, and if fond of Malon and Twilight
Twilight is Wild's mentor, and emotional big brother.
Malon and Time have all but adopted Wild and his sisters
Sun and Flora like to talk about different music ideas and plants
Artemis, Hilda, and Warriors are all friends, and head counselors of their cabins. These three aren't as obvious as the Trouble Troupe but they also like to cause a little chaos. (Ravio calls them Trouble Troupe 2.0)
Ravio is on good terms with most of the people at camp, but not to outgoing.
Dot and Four are close friends who LOVE to build things! The explosion rate is down to 40% (Flora eventually joins them, and the explosion rate fluctuates if Wild is there)
Legend is a snippy jerk but he's genuinely close with both Fable and Wild.
Legend and Flora both have hoarding tendencies and probably compare magic items
Fable and Wild have a pact to keep Legend and Flora from drowning in their collections
Time and Malon keep almost adopting Twilight's friends.
Tetra and Wind LOVE hanging out with Legend, they all adore shiny things and snark
Wild and Legend quickly let Wind into their little sort brothers dynamic. Start calling him pipsqueak
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shade-pup-cub · 8 months
Attempting to do a thigh tattoo design (for me) and this is what I have so far. Will be adding the Triforce and the upside down shadow Triforce, where my favorite enemies will be. Full color, but for now I just have the reds and blues…
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No I didn’t draw this… I’m not that good. All credit goes to Jojo!!
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pallweople · 1 year
Assigning LU boys to the Pall Weople
Imma format this a little differently just do I'm not....typing everyone's name a dozen time :DD VIBES ALONE!
@justanotherhighlycaffeinatednerd , @xjgbhk -> Time
@arsonisticscholar , @frostedshadow -> Warriors
@cal-the-duende , @linksarehere , @misc-me0707 -> Twilight
@circusislife , @nancyheart11 , @ladye-zelda , @hero-dualies-pog -> Sky
@link-or-sherlock , @is-apotato , -> Legend
@skyward-shade , @astral-catastrophe -> Four
@6leafclover , @mossy-chai , -> Wild
@miadancer24 , @mushr0oms-and-m0ss , @somebody-random-lol -> Hyrule
@hyperfixatezz , @justsomeghostt , -> Wind
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baileyboo2016 · 1 year
i wanna make a cooking meme with the LU links like this
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but idk where to put anyone except that Hyrule absolutely goes in “Banned from Kitchen” 😭😂
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mercurymoths · 11 days
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*cartoon saloon-ifys your linked universe*
More fun messing around with the chain in the cartoon saloon style!
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ordonscafe · 2 months
What are everyone's roles in the cafe? I assume Malon and Wild do most of the cooking?
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Ordon café Roles!
Hello! You are right, Malon and Wild do most of the cooking in the kitchen. While Malon is a chef and baker, Wild is the head chef that leads others in the kitchen. Also here is everyone's roles in the café!
Malon is a Chef and one of the Bakers, she chefs along with Legend and Wild. While baking with time. She enjoys making sweets and Wind loves to taste test them.
Legend is one of the Chefs! He likes to stay in the kitchen and cook with Wild. He is a great cook but doesn't compare to Wild's skills.
Time is the Baker, he enjoys making sweets as much as Malon does. Although he'd rather make sweets than cook anything. He also makes sure everyone is in place at the café.
Wind is the Pet caretaker, he takes care of the animals that are in Ordon's café! Only cats and dogs are in the café, he's usually in the petting area taking care of them.
Twilight, Sky, and Warriors are the Baristas. They make the drinks and give them to the customers. They all enjoy their jobs and love talking a lot while working though. Time catches them a lot, maybe too much...
Swords and Hyrule are the Waiters, sometimes Warriors is a Waiter. Warriors helps them by being a Waiter when it gets busy or in need of help! He enjoys the extra challenge. He also just needs to be busy all the time or talking to someone.
Hana the Manager, she is a calico talking cat that owns the café! She loves to watch over them as they work, it's fun to spend time with them while the café is working its magic. She wishes to also be working with them!
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mirensiart · 19 days
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now that I’ve successfully infiltrated the lu fandom I can share my dumb shitposts
I’m sorry, it will happen again
based on this meme:
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
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(Featuring my wife,malon <3)
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chaosfantasmic · 11 months
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ther0b1nverse · 8 months
I did @xxbuttercup 's "challenge" and drew my favourite LU boy (Four) in my clothes :D
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I'm not the best at drawing but I'm really proud of this one!
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