pallweople · 1 year
Assigning LU boys to the Pall Weople
Imma format this a little differently just do I'm not....typing everyone's name a dozen time :DD VIBES ALONE!
@justanotherhighlycaffeinatednerd , @xjgbhk -> Time
@arsonisticscholar , @frostedshadow -> Warriors
@cal-the-duende , @linksarehere , @misc-me0707 -> Twilight
@circusislife , @nancyheart11 , @ladye-zelda , @hero-dualies-pog -> Sky
@link-or-sherlock , @is-apotato , -> Legend
@skyward-shade , @astral-catastrophe -> Four
@6leafclover , @mossy-chai , -> Wild
@miadancer24 , @mushr0oms-and-m0ss , @somebody-random-lol -> Hyrule
@hyperfixatezz , @justsomeghostt , -> Wind
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autistickaitovocaloid · 7 months
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Birthday boy at the bottom of an ancient ocean
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okay so, having now seen furiosa: a mad max saga opening night and having Ruminated on my thoughts, I am going to give my two-pence on the movie even though nobody asked or wanted it - you're getting it anyway!
but before going into the full thing, I actually re-watched fury road today, bc I just wanted to contrast it now that we know furiosa's full story that lead her to her trek in fury road, and I just had mad max on the brain (and also I love that movie).
spoilers under the cut below!!
first, I already knew before seeing the prequel, that that scene in fury road where furiosa breaks down after learning about what happened to 'the green place,' was going to now hit 2x as hard once we learn what really happened the moment she was ripped away, and...yeah, it's super painful to watch. it was already a very emotional scene, but now having known how much pain and struggle it costed her, how many times furiosa desperately made her bet to get back home and fell short - you can really feel her grief
funnily enough though, I was shocked to find myself tearing up not during that scene, but when furiosa was reunited with the last of the many mothers. having just watched her ripped away so unfairly as a defenseless child, her whole world destroyed and clinging onto this dream of one day, getting to embrace her family - you can't help it!! I started tearing up when the other woman rushed to furiosa, embracing her with the gentle touch of their foreheads, 'this is our furiosa' 😭 like..she did it!! she made it home!!! - also, I learned in the credits - that woman was actually the same little girl, valkyrie, in furiosa who was her friend!!! that girl saw her friend get snatched and pulled away from their home, and then finally, both grown, they reuinite! I just thought that was sweet
what max says to her about hope in the scene after they find the mothers, 'if you can't fix what's broken..you'll go insane.' - my mind immediately jumped to dementus. we get this glimpse that he once had a wife and child(ren) he loved, that were either taken from him or killed, and he tells furiosa in their stand-off more or less how that destroyed him mentally, further plunging him into this hateful madman who acts so cruelly to others. he couldn't 'fix' it by getting them back ('I want them back!!' 'I can't!!'), the one thing he loved that kept him sane, and so he lost his humanity.
I saw a post of someone saying how ricktus's death (immortan joe's son) is 10x more satisfying after having seen what he (nearly) did to child furiosa...abso-fucking-lutely (though, I think with that in mind, furiosa should've gotten a part in it..)
also, max & and furiosa's dynamic after knowing about her & jack...the parallels! the parallels!! their gradual bond of trust, how fluidly they work together to kill/fight the enemies of the citadel akin to her and jack vs. dementus and gang, etc.
this saga, of course, is about hope and redemption, alluded to in both fury road and the prequel. in fury road, max says (I think in his opening monologue) how he was once strived to be a 'righteous warrior', who could do good and help others. later, when one of the wives finds the warboy nux, he's distraught bc he thinks his chances for greatness are gone, but then she tells him that maybe, he's destined for something greater - and that would be, of course, later sacrificing himself to save her and the rest by crashing the rig into the war party. in furiosa, jack says how his parents were valiant warriors, and how he hopes one day, he could be the same - also, later, fulfilling that by sacrificing himself so that furiosa might escape dementus and the destroyed gastown. it's just such an amazing string of parallels - all three men, looking to do something great, and then, through furiosa, they're given that chance and achieve something good even amongst the destruction!! but it's only bc of furiosa, this harbinger of hope, that they do so - she's the tie between them all, the embodiment of that goodness!!! it's! just! so! good!!!
honestly there's probably way more parallels out there I'm sure ppl will bring up, but those were the things that struck me. now, onto my actual thoughts on the prequel.
--I'll start by saying I was unbelievably excited to see this movie. I'm annoyed though, bc despite knowing about it and wanting to see it once it was released, I literally only learned it was coming out a week before the release date. straight up, the press for it was so poor, not once did I hear about it before the trailer randomly crossed my feed one day - and considering how popular fury road is, I find that bizarre (but, I'll bet you a good couple bucks, that the press/hype was deliberately poor bc of the movie company execs, due to this being a female lead film 😠) - but it did mean I didn't have to wait too long, and that I did watch the trailer about 13 times on my own accord until then..
--having read the reviews, I do agree, it is a bit slower then fury road - but, that's really only bc it's a character story instead. fury road takes places in the current time of the film and the actions that follow, whereas the prequel is specifically about furiosa, so it's honed less to the action and more about a certain character, in my opinion. but it's just as good for a character story! it does an excellent job of unfolding furiosa's journey, and really, if you're gunna compare everything in the franchise to fury road, it's never gunna live up. that said, there's still excellent action and real nail-biting moments.
--I will say though, that I found it almost...darker, then fury road? fury road is definitely intense and there's of course violence, but it never openly tips into anything past pg-13; the darkness that is there, is more or less touched upon by the narrative (like, we can get a sense of what must've happened to the wives (ie assault) and why they escaped once we see how immortan joe regards them as property, the suffering furiosa must've went through by the pure vitriol look she gives him when their cars are side-by-side and later, 'remember me?' before killing him (my favourite scene)). but it's never explicit - furiosa is. from the torture of her mother, to that scene right after the max cameo when he drops furiosa off at the citedel's underground where I literally had to cover my eyes and ask my friend to say when it was done..there's an overtone of darkness that gives to the tragedy of furiosa, this child molded from pain (not to mention, again, that scene of ricktus and her as a child which to me, was the most nerve-wracking moment). fury road gives you a glimpse, but furiosa doesn't hold back.
--chris hemsworth, meanwhile, made an excellent villain. not just as an actor, but dementus as a character was fantastic. he's got lots of great lines and brings in a lot of humor - he's both deranged and erratic, while also clever and simultaneously childish, and mostly, cruel. he's wonderfully dynamic. bringing in a backstory of losing his wife/child was a great added piece to his story (I love a good backstory), and the way he takes the loss of his kid and tried to mold it around furiosa, tries to fill that empty piece inside, was a great choice in terms of their dynamic. it made him more then just a mad-man who stole a child for yuks - he had a deeper desire to tote furiosa around, almost as a security blanket in the same way the teddy bear also acts as one. his final monologue was great - the ramblings of a hateful man, but it was, in the end, what got furiosa to see past vengeance, and become better - to choose hope, and not destruction.
--anya taylor-joy did a great job I thought - while I wish furiosa had more lines, she made up for it in just the facial expressions and how full they were, really giving us a glimpse of what furiosa was feeling. even still, it would've been nice to have known what was going on in her head, or even hear her talk about her past - the green place, and then dementus, are the pure driving force of her character, yet she doesn't ever mention or grapple with her grief around these things, simply stays silent (except for the final confrontation with dementus). I would've loved maybe, if she had confided in jack, or maybe even one of the wives, to give more depth to her feelings.
--I also wish furiosa could've bonded with someone else besides jack, or at least before him. it would've been nice for to have had at least one ally, or, I dunno, a friend? like that war boy who had dwarfism - she seemed almost sad, when realizing after the battle that he was dead. instead, she's alone, but a fellow misfit friend could've been nice.
--speaking of jack, loved him! thought he was great! it's unfortunate his part was so short, would've loved delve into his background (also, I'm as gay as they come, but he's like..an objectively Good Looking Man, so well done all around).
--I was really nervous, for how they were gunna do the romance. I was against it initially, bc the great thing about fury road, was that romance was not at all forced into the narrative - you can read that between max & furiosa if you want, but for one of the very, very few times when a woman and man team up, romance wasn't forcefully wedged in, and instead they could be respected allies. so I was skeptical - and then I totally fell for them. they were so sweet! the two actors had great chemistry - their bond was just so soft. the way, after they crash and are caught by dementus, furiosa, who can barely stand, gently leans herself into jack's shoulder, sweetly muttering to each other as he leans his forehead back against hers, like 😩😩 it was so lovely, and so tragic. you could really feel the respect and care they had for each other; it was so organic, bc jack genuinely wanted to help furiosa. he respected her and asked nothing of her - he was a purely good man, and through that, furiosa was able to open up to him and trust him. it's the great curse of the mad max universe though - no romance can escape it's claws, same with how nux and one of the wives were torn apart. in my heart of hearts though, there lives a little AU fic where dementus doesn't catch them, and they make their way back to the green place and live happily ever after with a kid perhaps, and maybe, furiosa and him go back to later rescue the wives (they say, like they're not thinking of already writing that very fic...).
--one more thing about furiosa I wanted to mention, if I can call back to earlier saying how she becomes a beacon of hope for the various men that enter her life (and the women too, when you think of the wives..) - that, despite all this horror handed to her, at the very end of the rope, she gives into her hero's heart. time over, we see, even as the destruction of the wasteland chips away at her, furiosa can never quite betray her heart. she runs back to her mother even after being pushed to leave, she goes back for jack despite having the perfect escape to finally make it back home, and in the end, takes all her hurt and anger wrapped up in dementus, and turns it and him into something that can bring good into the world. it's about choosing good, above all!! a hero's heart, even in the darkest of worlds!!!
--the trailer really emphases the green place, but we only see it for like...a couple minutes? I was looking forward to more lore about it, maybe seeing some of it's inhabitants like the mothers. but furiosa is taken immediately and then her mother starts her hunt after her, and that's it. kinda a bummer.
--there's a couple inconsistencies here and there - like, when furiosa is first brought to where the wives are kept, there's gotta be about 20 women in there, roughly. but then, as she becomes a young adult, we see at the very end her approach the 5 wives from fury road (I was expecting a call-back, so loved that) and it looks like there's only them there - what happened to the rest of the women??? did they all die in childbirth?? also, when furiosa runs away and hides herself as a warboy/mechanic, how did no one know she was gone?? it seems odd, since immortan joe specifically picked her out and probably has a mental line-up of all his 'treasures', you'd think he'd notice. or how, later on, the new 'imperior' with jack looks oddly similar to that young girl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
--also, I wanna know how furiosa got away with being the only female imperior - you'd think immortan joe might snag her away instead to be a wife bc she's young and viable, or that she'd be either dismissed or preyed upon by his sons/the other men. maybe because she was partnered with jack it was easier, but that was kinda confusing.
--final thing, bc this post is already too long - my last gripe is mainly about furiosa's dynamic with immortan joe. in furiosa, her revenge is purely motivated towards dementus, but then, switching to fury road, she now holds contempt and anger towards the warlord. part of what I wanted to see in the film, was her past with immortan joe; we didn't know initially how furiosa got to the citadel, but my interpretation, was always that possibly (because she was branded with the logo on her neck) she was brought on as a wife, inevitably abused by him, and then something happened where she was no longer useful as a wife (maybe an accident that cost her her arm) but was still useful as a tool. but, immortan joe isn't really looked at in the prequel; he's here and there, but doesn't show any particular cruelty or act towards furiosa that I was expecting. that vitriol she shows in fury road, and of course, 'remember me?', makes you think there was something there to fuel furiosa's revenge. instead, nothing really occurs between them - of course, furiosa is brought on to breed him children and then is expected to do his every bidding in getting supplies, so, I think we're supposte to assume that she has seen how cruel he is up close, and so acts against him. still, I was expecting something deeper there.
all in all, I loved it and had a great time. fury road will always be one of my favourites, but this is a great addition. fury road is great on all fronts; a fascinating world, great characters, amazing action, a well-made and clearly cared for story, but the thing I love most - is that it's about hope. it's about choosing, every day, despite the horrors around you, to get up and hope for something better. to do something better, even at your own cost. it's about hope and what we mean to each other when we extend it. and I just love that so much
go see furiosa! support it! it's a great time!
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diredeliverance · 6 months
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Periodically think about these descriptions of Bane from 3e Faiths and Pantheons that feel distinctly like elements of Gortash's look in the game. I have to imagine that this is intentional, but it does make it stand out that Bane's avatar is a young man. It feels like an aspect of self-styling that's endured from a much younger age and is reaching its limit, becoming more and more worn out... there's something a little pathetic about that feeling of clinging, isn't there? Evoking the image of this boy-god at such an age? I said the mid life crisis thing last week as a joke, but ahaha, perhaps it's really not. The gap between an aging human with limited time and pristine, unchanging divinity... I find it interesting. Obviously you have two older men in the canon Chosen, but Ketheric unquestionably wears his age with the dignity of a proud patriarch. He dresses as himself, not in the image of a youthful avatar. Perhaps I simply like the contrast evoked by reading this as a form of insecurity or a symbol of power once-potent wearing ever thinner as it reaches its limits.
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pelcrow · 9 months
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a bunch of my ocs!!
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>block 'gif' and 'gifset' tags
>go to dash
>see gifset
>tumblr slows to an almost unusable speed
>attempt to make a post about it
>wait two minutes for tumblr to let me type
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mimocrocodilelol · 1 year
Very lazy mutant mayhem Donnie sketch
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I think I figured out the issue with tumblr eating my posts, but let's find out.
Take it away Mr. Gold
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That's generous.
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And the way hes sitting on that chair?
And the amount of force hed have to use to keep moe pinned down just like that?
Man is strong.
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He's chaotic feral smile is so telling.
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His interrupting is a rumple style feral giggle and it was horrifying.
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He's had it, he's at the edge.
Okay so this scene? What he's yelling at moe? Dude you're yelling at YOURSELF!
"What are you talkin about my fault?" Rumple deep down knows. He knows he fucked up.
"You shut her out"
Moe has no fucking context to this non therapeutic beatdown.
Mr. Gold is yelling at rumple now, and since I'm sure masochism wasn't a big thing to air in 2011 that's what we're going with.
This physically hurts me to hear, and I'm sure it physically hurts him to say.
Maybe he ended up seeing a therapist after a millenia?
Maybe not.
Moe still has no idea what the fuck Mr. Gold is beating him for some unknown child.
I love the fucking parallel of Gold beating Moe vs. Rumple beating the curio cabinet.
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He's still hurting so much he starts to hurl the tea set.
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But then he gets to that fucking chipped cup.
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He can't do it.
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GUYS. i need help naming one of my percy jackson ocs axsjsshsh
shes a transfem daughter of athena whos just kinda. this weird little girl with a fucked up sleep schedule who will come up to you and infodump about whatever currently has her attention then walk away. i adore her and she needs a good name.
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todayisafridaynight · 8 months
IW fr just felt like yokoyama's cope for killing Aoki off and then regretting it
im not saying yoko shouldve ryuji'd aoki but im just saying maybe the aoki-lives truthers were onto something if not copium but serving a warning for what was to come
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thevilepeaks · 21 days
blowing a kiss to everyone that tags all of their posts you make digging through archives looking for certain things so much easier <3
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jamiethebee · 2 months
MHA Manga spoilers for 423? Or 424 or something (near the end of the manga spoilers)
When Shigaraki says that maybe he was always that crying brat.
It doesn't... To me, it doesn't sound like he's agreeing with Midoriya. Like, we just had AFO's admission that he orchestrated the entirety of Shigaraki's life - that Shigaraki made no impact, had no control over any aspect of it. (Ya know, just like a young child has no real power or authority.)
It doesn't sound like he's agreeing that he's, at his core, been sad and hoping for saving - especially not after talking about the League. To me, that part sounds like he's moved on from his past (not necessarily "over it" just that it's no longer his sole driving force), he's found purpose and a drive. But he can't help but admit that maybe, despite all his feelings, he really couldn't do anything to affect change.
Especially since Midoriya never seems to see Shigaraki for what he currently is and what he's currently feeling. Shigaraki going "oh well maybe you were right" doesn't sit right... Unless he's not agreeing with Midoriya. Unless once again, the eyes through which we see (Izuku's) aren't really grasping who his "villain counterpart" is. (That's been reserved for our secondary narrator, Spinner and the League.)
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kades-rp-lore-hell · 2 months
the squad
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+ N again but with pants ⬇️
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dyed-indigo · 1 year
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redrew this meme with my sona because. yeah
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jynjackets · 2 years
unpopular Andor opinion?: aside from being sidelined and tortured, I got mental illness from the first live action Latina woman being overtly sexualized in the second episode. I almost had a heart attack.
I get it yadda yadda this is a different series with a darker tone and sexier vibes whatever. But with his sister having possibly worked at a brothel and watching Bix basically be as close to stripping in a Disney Star Wars series when she visits her boyfriend was where I said “literally no women wrote this.”
It’s personally really sad for me for these reasons:
1: it touches on stereotypes of Latines viewed as “exotic” or as objects. A woman can be gorgeous and sexy but also be of VALUE but because her story doesn’t go much further than being tortured it’s really fucking sad that THAT was a necessary 5 minute scene from night to morning. And with the shittiest guy ever lol? Also, it feels like some cheap male fantasy that someone inserted themselves as cassian and was like “haha my hot ex gf fucks this really shitty guy but he told the police on me because he’s jealous and she cares about me more.” We already understand that cassian is a victim of cultural discrimination but to have him on the run be motivated by a jealous boyfriend is kinda weird. There were so many ways it could’ve gone. I also feel this puts less value on her character because her story is heavily determined and driven by the men around her.
2: This is such a contrast to Jyn. Felicity herself was like ‘over my dead body will Jyn be sexualized in any fucking way.’ (Paraphrase lol). And I was SO excited for new women in Andor to be along that same vein like in Rogue One. Where you feel the stakes for these characters because of their stories. It is very refreshing to see female characters be done tastefully. Where they are complicated and grey. This is only one reason why Jyn is one of my top faves (if not top fave of all time). So when I’m hyped for a mechanic/business owner to join the Rogue One universe and you’re telling me she’s Latina(!) and then show me what happens her, I had to MOURN. FOR DAYS. I’m still mourning obviously. I wanted Bix to be the gorgeous woman she is and still do her own shit and have her own priorities. I wanted her to be kind but not at the expense of her own freedom?
They could’ve shown Bix escaping on her own then meeting Cassian under the hotel where he was on his way. She could’ve been written to engineer the helmet when her hands were free to stop the device without the imperials finding out. Her going back for him teaches cassian to go back for people too. Literally the smallest fucking inkling of anything would have helped but she is really reduced to forwarding the plot. She literally gets brainwashed like wth.
This was probably the biggest issue I had with the show. Like it’s still a masterpiece and all but I was so invested in the people and it was just so disappointing. It feels like what I have to feel with Bix almost how I feel with Rey, that whatever happens in the media isn’t real to me whatsoever.
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alexis-royce · 1 year
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Mimesis licking her fucking lips at this, I was worried that her villain speech in the next update was going too far, but as usual real life is more fucked up than anything you try to write
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