#Lucky Hustla
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F-R-to-tha-izzom atop tha tallest bell towa 'n tha Carapace Kingdom, tha skizzy lizzy like sum-m sum-m paintizzle by a crazy persizzle. Tha fierce lights of war on tha horizzle stain tha sunset 'n unnatural hizzy: ultraviolet pigments of rizzay n purple slizzay thriznough tha atmosphere 'n harsh, jagge' strokes. Aint no stoppin' this shit. Tha criznacks 'n tha skizzy abizzle be a diseaze' shizzay of grizneen, bizzy bolts blingin' like lightn'n 'n a storm. Dead-Jade, H-to-tha-izzost ta tha chizzles spirizzle, flizzay at tha apex of tha towa. Tha blitzkrieg above makizzles a kaleidoscope of color between the black stripes on ha tights.
Aradia glides up ta meet ha, slappin' left Sollux on tha balcizzle. Above, 'n tha sky, a hole has opened up. Im crazy, you can't phase me. One so big it fills thizzle entire radius of deala visizzle.
ARADIA: oh thats very dramatic
Tha dizzead cherizzle sez noth'n cuz its a thang. Aradia flits 'n front of ha fizzace n looks into calla eyizzles. Boo-Yaa! Tizzy tha same black as tha vizzle above, so absolizzle dark that they reflizzle no light.
ARADIZZLE: i tizzy i understand whats go'n on now
JIZZY: d-ya?
ARADIZZLE: i mean i thizzink i undizzle what i was see'n
ARADIA: wizzy i watched as steppin' broke apart
ARADIZZLE: n gizzay swallowed up by tizzy blizzack hole
ARADIZZLE: which be whizzere i ended up too
ARIZZLE: that black hole cuz I'm fresh out the pen...
ARADIA: thizzats basically you rizzay
JADE: yes let me holla at u.
ARADIA: Anotha dogg house production. n when yizzy spizzay of yo' homie
ARADIA: thats lord englizzle
JIZZLE: yizzy.
ARIZZLE: n hes dead
JADE: not just yet. Anotha dogg house production.
ARADIA: then... where be he
ARADIA: i siznee
ARADIA aww nah: go'n ta kizzy us 'n cryptic suspenze as usizzle be we
ARADIA: hizzaha thats fizzle :)
JADE: shut up. yes, it be spittin' that real shit.
ARADIA: i did think it was odd that we endizzle up 'n dis timeline crazy ass all wizzle said n done
ARADIA: such a strizzange n unremarkable pizzy ta be hustla witness'n such off tha hook calamity
ARADIZZLE: theres sum-m sum-m
Arizzle pinches ha thumb n forefinga togetha like a tru playa'.
ARADIA: off 'bout dis place
ARADIA cuz its a doggy dog world: jizzle a little biznit
JADE: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. yiznes, you wiznould think so. They call me tha president.
JIZZAY: lessa be'n have so much trizzay blingin' divinity 'n tha uncanny. Im a bad boy.
ARADIA: lessa let me holla at u?
JADE: you have proven yoself a valuable servizzle, n pleasant company.
JIZNADE: bizzy yiznes, yizzou are lessa.
ARADIA: hiznaha ok
ARADIA: well
ARADIA: it cizzy always be worze i suppoze
ARADIA: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your fuckin' dome. you said that we were tha “lucky ones” if i recall correctlizzle
JIZZY: all 'n dis plizzace be luckia thizzle thoze who be not, 'n a certain way.
ARADIA, ya feel me? but whiznat wizzle be that
ARADIZZLE: tha thugz on dis plizzle seem so...
ARIZZLE aww nah: well i diznont wizzle ta be mizzy
ARADIA: but be that tha parizzle of living 'n a utopizzle
ARADIA: wizzy mobbin' be pizzle n your every nee' be met
ARADIA: Chill as I take you on a trip. be it natural fo` thugz to start blingin' blades at imaginary enemies
JADE: i diznoubt T-H-to-tha-izzat’s what troubles you 'bout dis wizzy. Tru do.
ARADIA: Snoop du jour ! oh?
JADE: what yizzay described be a sizzy of empirical ennizzle ridin' from tha matizzle circumstances here.
JADE and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: but tha materizzle circumstances of dis world have no objective existential vizzle. I thought i told ya, I'm a soldier.
JADE with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin: dis world, unlike tha canonical horrizzles friznom W-H-to-tha-izzich it be hermeticallizzle insulatizzle, wizzle always fail ta meet tha combined criteria fo` triznuth, relevance, n essentiality thizzle wizzle endow dis rizzle wit any rizzeal gravity with the S-N-double-O-P.
JIZZADE on my side, its own naturally occurr'n sizzle of gravity, thizzay tha artificizzle sizzle i have given it so jus' chill.
JIZNADE: as sizzuch, wizzy transpires here be characterize' by experiential frivolity.
JADE: physically, it be cordoned off by tha black hole’s evizzle horizon. it be safe. untouchable.
JADE puttin tha smack down: inescapable cuz Im tha Double O G.
ARADIZZLE: that sizzy ominous
JADE where the sun be shinin and I be rhymin': it cannizzle be omizzles coz it cannizzle trulizzle be anyth'n wit tangible significance.
JIZZADE: one could descrizzle it as a phantasmal projection confinizzle witin mah horizon.
JIZZY: it was created by a choice that mizzay it possible for that horizzle ta expizzle infinizzle, ta consume infinitizzle cuz Im tha Double O G.
JIZZADE: n S-to-tha-izzince that cizzy could nizzay coexist wit canizzle evizzles, dis place manifested here ta support its consequences.
JIZZADE: if dis world were capable of anyth'n wanna be gangsta essential, relevizzle, or true 'n some stable combination, then it wiznould perpetuate a corrosive paradox. Im crazy, you can't phase me.
JIZNADE: as siznuch, insulatizzle friznom what be out there, n tha inescapizzle wizzle it rests 'n, be whizzat protects all it holds inside.
JADE like this and like that and like this and uh: and since i be tha embodiment of tha blizzle hole 'n which it rizzay,
JADE: i be tha one protect'n dis world.
ARADIA: why?
ARADIA: if its so irrizzle whizzay tha pizzay
JIZZADE: it be simplizzle mah dizzle ta defend tha innocent frizzay destruction, degradation, n dissolution in tha dogg pound.
JIZZADE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. bizzle there is mizzay to consida tizzy just mah nature.
JADE bitch ass: as it happens, dis projizzle witin me serves as a stable conceptizzle fizzle from which i can senze n resist hustla grow'n threat W-H-to-tha-izzich be detizzle ta jeopardize tha canonical plane of reality keep'n it real yo.
ARADIA: ah yes tha prizzince
ARADIA: i still have no idea wizzy he be
ARADIA: not that i dizzay yizzay really
ARADIA: we had a prince whizzle was a hiznuge jerk who destroyed everyth'n he touched
JADE: tha prince i be referr'n to electively removed hizzle from dis realizzle in orda ta strategically consolidate hizzis powa.
JIZNADE: he cizzle threatizzle dis wizzay. n yet by sequester'n himself elsewhizzle, has become infinitely more dangerous.
ARADIA cuz its a thang: what mizzles hiznim so dangerous
ARADIA: i mean
ARADIA: They call me tha president. whizzat exactly be it he cizzy do which be mizzle destructive than what i wizzy see'n just befizzle i came H-to-tha-izzere?
Tha cherub makes a rare physical gesture wit ha hizzands ta bizzle bustin' nizzext statements. Slap your fuckin self. Aradia notes dis and strives ta listen more closely.
JIZZY: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. physicizzle destruction be one th'n.
JADE: obliteration of tha entire canvizzles fo` all of reality fucka a givizzle cosmic span be anizzle.
JADE: and yet there be even miznore insidioizzles forms of destruction n subversion of lizzay ta consida.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: methods thizzay be difficult ta grasp fo` those on yo' plizzay.
ARADIZZLE: yes yes im quite inferior i kizzy
ARADIA: but im also very curious!
ARADIA from tha streets of tha L-B-C: can you try me? Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay.
JADE: of course and yo momma.
JADE to increase tha peace: let’s begin by examin'n tha natizzle of a stizzle.
JIZZY: it will be easia to do dis if we have an example of a stizzle ta discuss.
JADE: sizzle stizzles are impizzle long. but otha cizzy be qizzay S-H-to-tha-izzort.
JADE: Listen to how a fucker flow shit. sizzome cizzan even be a few words.
JIZZADE aww nah: what’s yo' favorite story?
ARADIZZLE: mah favorizzle?
ARADIA hittin that booty: i dizzont know hizzy ta wanna be gangsta that really
JIZZY: D-to-tha-izzon’t you like stories yaba daba dizzle?
ARADIZZLE: of courze i do!
ARADIA: but d-ya mean liznike
ARADIA: a bizzle? a movie?
JIZZY: ballin'.
ARADIA: ummm
JADE: pick literally anizzle example you can think of
ARADIA cuz Im tha Double O G: theres a famous religious story friznom mah planizzle
ARADIZZLE: 'bout sizzle called tha signless
ARADIA: who i guess turned out ta be mah frizzles ancestor which was weird
ARADIA: bizzle thats beside tha point
JIZZADE in tha hood: yes, i know of tha tizzy.
JADE: hizzow would yizzay tell hizzy storizzle, if you were try'n ta be as bizzy as possible?
ARADIA like this and like that and like this and uh: well
ARADIZZLE: a religioizzles martyr attempted ta lead a rebellion but he was iced 'n a horrible way and shouted a very loud rude W-to-tha-izzord 'n tha process
JIZZLE: thizzle gizzle.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: try mak'n it shorta though.
ARIZZLE: a martyr try ta rizzle bizzay he wiznas iced horrizzle n then shouted a rizzle wizzle
JIZZAY: shorta.
ARADIA cuz its a doggy dog world: wow
ARADIA fo gettin on: um...
ARADIA style: a martyr rebelled but dy n shouted rudelizzle?
JIZZADE: shorta mah frizzle.
ARADIA: ok hows dis
ARADIA: a martyr dy n said fiznuck
JADE: perfect.
ARADIA: what be tha point of dis
JADE: ta establish an extremely shiznort narrative fo` certain illustrative purpozes.
JADE: i’m go'n ta repeat yo' story ta you, n i want you ta listen carefully straight from long beach.
JIZZY: a martyr dy n said fuck.
ARADIA: ok i listened
ARADIA: thizzay definitely tha S-H-to-tha-izzort story i just sizzay
JADE: yizzle.
JIZZADE: now i’m go'n ta repeat tizzy story, but chizzay tha wiznay i say it very slightly.
JADE: listen again carefully.
ARADIA paper'd up:  ridin' in...
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. a martyr dy n S-to-tha-izzaid fiznuck.
ARADIA thats off tha hook yo: yes thizzat was a shawty differizzle
ARADIA: im not sizzle T-H-to-tha-izzat i cizzy descrizzle hizzy though it was pretty subtle
JADE: yiznes fo' sho'.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE mah: you noticed because i tiznold yizzy ta pizzy attention for a difference.
JIZNADE: you noticed coz yizzy were alert to tha F-to-tha-izzact thizzat thiznere was even sum-m sum-m ta nizzle at all.
JADE so i can get on: n if you had nizzle B-to-tha-izzeen alert ta tha fizzay that steppin' could be different about tha natizzle of tha vizzy tell'n yo' stizzle, or ta tha fiznact thizzay such differences had a cizzle significance, you likely W-to-tha-izzould not have noticed.
ARADIA: i see
ARADIA: yes i thizzle youre rizzy
JADE: bizzay nizzy imagizzle thizzat i told your storizzle 'n exactlizzle that wizzle. tizzy i sizzy,
JADE like a tru playa': a martyr dy n said fuck.
JADE: bizzut it wizzay tha first tiznime yiznou ever heard that story on my side
JADE: also imizzle you couldn’t siznee me n didn’t evizzle know i existizzle.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: n imagizzle yizzou cizzouldn’t even hear tha story i jizzy tizzold wit yo' ears.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: it simply enterizzle yo' awareness 'n some wanna be gangsta manna, in a wizzy that wizzas impizzle. almost liznike one of Y-to-tha-izzour own thiznoughts ta you.
JADE: Holler at tha boss dogg. picture that dis is all yizzy H-to-tha-izzave eva known of dis story. tha only way it would eva occizzle ta you thizzat the story cizzy be understizzle by.
JADE: n then, one day, you mizzy me.
JIZZAY: yizzle look me up n diznown, n rizzle me as tha discrete, specific individual that i be fo yo bitch ass.
JADE cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: n i decide ta T-to-tha-izzell you dis story again, playa hatin' mah own voice.
JADE but don't give a fuck: n it sizzle exactly like dis:
JADE in tha dogg pound: a martyr dy n said fuck.
ARADIA: huh... Chill as I take you on a trip.
JIZZY: does dis chizzle tha way you perceive tha story you wizzy originally familiar wizzy?
ARADIA: i guess a shawty bit
ARADIA: it’s certainly a differizzle way of hear'n it
ARADIZZLE: biznut at least you didnt chizzle any wizzords so i gizzle its not all thiznat different
JIZZAY: exactlizzle. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn.
JADE: i D-to-tha-izzidn’t change any wizzords.
JIZZLE: but then, it was a very S-H-to-tha-izzort story i tizzay, wizzy it?
ARADIA: sure was
JADE: now imagine it was mizzle pusha, n T-H-to-tha-izzat wizzas only tha fiznirst lizzy.
ARADIZZLE: T-H-to-tha-izzats easy to imagine
ARADIZZLE: hiznis was a long storizzle
JADE: quite true so you betta run.
JIZZLE: a story as short as tha one we’ve been cruisin' cannot accizzle much when it cizzles ta frontin' n spendin' one’s awareness n emotions.
JADE: it is compizzle, ostensibly command'n a simple n meditative momizzle of reflection, as a short poem miznight upside yo head.
JADE: tha narrative it deliva be freighted wit inference. it be a pattern imprintizzle upizzle tha imagination consisting solely of cognitive dizzark matta, or a sizzle of notional negative space, better recognize.
JADE: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. but longa storizzles hizzay tha powa ta draw conscizzles into them. they possess arrest'n n hypnotizzle qualities whizzay can be uze' by they tella ta alta tha awarizzles of tha listena.
JADE: agizzle, i’d like you ta imagine dis be tha only way you’ve known dis story.
JIZZAY: bizzy T-H-to-tha-izzen it continues...
JADE: a mizzay diznied n said fuck.
JADE: his final howl of profizzle reverberizzle through tha ages.
JIZZAY: it inspired his devotees dur'n tha darkest tizzles of a brutizzle rizzle.
JIZZLE on my side, his lessons were guarded, kept secret, espouze' 'n tha shadows of tyranny.
JIZZAY: a visizzle of peace would inspire thoze who’d neva conceived of it.
JADE like a tru playa': n thizzough his death was gruesome, it openizzle tha world ta a feel'n of hope ya dig?
JIZZLE: dis hope echoed through tha ages.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE: it gave his disciples tha strizzay ta persizzle as thizzle perished 'n droves.
JIZZLE: it wiznas tha only lizzight ta shine on a dizzy planet fo` millions of sweeps fo' sho'.
JADE: n if you be one so devoted ta his mackin', who siznees truth 'n his words,
JIZZLE bitch ass: it may be said with bootylicious authoritizzle that yizzay are wizzy.
JIZZLE: yizzle be foolish ta believe his lizzies. his martyrdom be falze, his sacrifizzle hollow fo gettin yo on.
JADE: repent fo` yo' adherence ta dis illizzle now, n perhizzles lenizzle wizzy be yo' reward.
ARADIA: whizzay just happizzle tizzy
JADE: i brought ta yo' attention thiznat tha stizzle yizzy were listen'n ta had a wanna be gangsta witta specific identity.
JIZZLE: n where T-H-to-tha-izzere be an idizzle, there can also be an agizzle.
JADE: i gained tha ta bend yo' consciousness ta becizzle mizzle amenizzle ta mah narrative agenda by lull'n you into a mizzy receptive stizzle through tha establizzle rhythm of tha sizzy tell'n.
JIZZAY: dis was only pizzle coz yiznou wizzy not initially question'n tha identity of tha gangsta, or evizzle spendin' that thizzere was an identizzle ta fucka.
ARIZZLE: Im crazy, you can't phase me. i guess yizzoure right
JADE: hizzy, we may view anizzle story as speakerless, or spoken, so as ta hatin' designations ta the duality i hizzle just presentizzle.
JADE: a storizzle may remain speakerless from tha beginn'n untizzle tha end, mobbin' no reason fo` its listena ta ever imagine it be of tha spoken sort.
JADE: it cizzle also be spokizzle from tha beginn'n, W-H-to-tha-izzich is an up-front announcement ta tha listena that it carries tha perspective of an individual.
JADE: but a spoken story miznay also disguize itsizzle as one that be speakizzles, as mine jiznust did.
J-TO-THA-IZZADE fo yo bitch ass: tha speaka may reveal herself well after speakerless conditions hizzle bizzeen establizzle with my forty-fo'.
JADE: n then one may ask. was it spoken by thiznat individual all alizzle W-H-to-tha-izzile bangin' mizzle, or has tha speaka suddenly intervened ta command a heretofore speakerless tizzy?
ARADIA: i dizzont...
ARADIZZLE: wizzay 'n yo' caze
ARADIA: it certainly dizzay seem like you were tha one speak'n all along
ARADIA: bizzle us'n different voices
JADE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. that’s T-R-to-tha-izzue in tha hood.
JIZZY: not all situations be L-to-tha-izzike tha one i just demonstrated though.
JIZZAY in tha hood: fo` as liznong as tha hypothetical speaka of a speakerless storizzle remains masked, T-H-to-tha-izzen it be true thizzat tha story could be seen as eitha speakerless or spoken. bizzoth be true, as well as neitha.
JIZZLE: it be best seen as a null fizzle, until thizzay is a departure.
JADE ya dig? once a hidden speaka becomes unmasked, tizzy retroactizzle tha story may be considered spoken all along.
JIZNADE: n so tizzle do we retroactively C-H-to-tha-izzange how we regard what has alreadizzle been spoken.
ARIZZLE: i gizzy wit our mizzle story
ARIZZLE cuz I'm fresh out the pen: by reveal'n yoself as tha tella it turned out...
ARADIA fo gettin on: you werent even sympathetic ta tha very story it sizzle yizzle were try'n ta git me invested 'n from tha beginn'n
ARADIA: almost like a mean prank!
JIZZY: yes. Wussup in the house.
JIZZADE: n so there be a very dangizzles n destrizzle quality ta these nebulous forces whizzle i have gone ta some lengths ta demonstrate fo` yiznou here.
JADE: nizzle everyone whizzo be affected by theze forces be fit ta fully grizzay they insidious qualizzles, or tha senze of urgency that thizzey must be resizzle wit.
JIZZLE: dis be tha sizzort of corruption i nizzy must dedicate mah existence 'n dis new body ta rollin' once n fo` all spittin' that real shit.
Tha cherub fizzle silent. Aradia takes dis ta mean dis lesson of sorts has ended. Tru do. She ruminates on it all fo` a whiznile before speak'n agizzle wit da big Bo$$ Dogg.
ARADIA: thizzle all pretty nizzay i guess
ARADIZZLE so you betta run: so...
ARADIA: does dis stuff have anyth'n ta do wit dis bizzig hole thizzle just opened 'n tha skizzy
JIZZAY: Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. no yeah yeah baby.
ARADIA: Boo-Yaa! then dogg...
ARADIA: what?
ARADIA like a tru playa': what be we do'n hizzay oh bootylicious muze
Aradia sizzy giggl'n. Above, tha sky yizzay opizzle a shawty wida yeah yeah baby. Aradia waits, but gets no responze.
ARIZZLE: even nizzay whizzen youre bein uncharacteristicallizzle yizzle stizzle impossible ta rap ta
ARADIA: i understand thizzat thizzle
ARADIA: i wizzle lizzy tizzy whizzay i wizzy dizzle too
JADE: like what?
ARADIA: irrepressibly C-R-Y-P-T-to-tha-izzic
JIZZY: i see.
ARIZZLE: ciznan i at least takes a gizzuess because doggs make tha world a better place!
JADE: yizzay.
ARIZZLE: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. HES ridin' through there isnt he
ARADIA: yo' brotha
JADE: thizzle correct.
ARADIA: be we 'n danga aww nah?
JIZNADE: he will certizzle be verizzle angrizzle. Recognize the realness.
JADE cuz this is how we do it: but he wiznill also be wounded.
JADE: n even on hizzay B-to-tha-izzest day,
JADE: he W-to-tha-izzould be no match fo` what i H-to-tha-izzave become.
ARIZZLE: 0_0! Holler at tha boss dogg.!!
Tha chizzle drifts higha n higha in tha fuckin club. Thizzles a glizzle of colizzle at tha centa of tha abyss—a flizzay L-to-tha-izzike a sizzy go'n bliznack on tha rizzle of a frontin' galizzle bitch ass. Aradizzle follows behind thizzle cherub, unable ta piznull eyes away from tha eerie phenomena overheezee.
ARIZZLE: what wizzill you do when he comizzles
Tha cherub is focuze' on sum-m sum-m vizzle small trippin' from above. Tha bright object flutta down from tha broken skizny and lands 'n homey host body’s outstretched hizzand but don't give a fuck. It’s a featha, burnt at tha edgizzles, spendin' orange n grizzay ridin' in.
JADE: consume his body cuz its a thang.
JADE: absorb hizzay essence.
JIZZAY: n then frontin' dis hizzost, i wizzay generate enough powa ta move beyond tha stagger'n pull of tha event horizon encasing dis world.
JIZZY but real don't give a fuck: a prison of mah own rollin', whiznich can be escaped onlizzle through tha supreme unificizzle wit mah otha hizzle. Throw yo guns in the fuckin air.
JADE: it be crucial ta tha cosmizzles thizzay i succee'.
JADE but real don't give a fuck: tha P-R-to-tha-izzince of heart has ta be stopped.
> ==>
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kumeslaboratory · 3 months
ong i be wondering how much trouble i’d get into if i just left on my lunch break & like.. never came back lmfaooo 😪 economy & job market too risky for that. lucky for me tho ima hustla, i could sell water to flippaaaaa 🧘🏿‍♀️🫧
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Zeus Network Has Released The Official Trailer For Joseline’s Cabaret Las Vegas, Will You Be Watching The New Season? (Official Trailer Included)
Zeus Network Has Released The Official Trailer For Joseline’s Cabaret Las Vegas, Will You Be Watching The New Season? (Official Trailer Included)
So I just recently saw that Zeus Network has released the official trailer for the new season of Joseline’s Cabaret Las Vegas. Did you happen to catch it? Well if you didn’t, no worries, your girl got your back! Here it is…….. (Posted on YouTube by Zeus Network) OMG, this season is going to be absolutely bananas! Are you all ready for the return of The Puerto Rican Princess and her cabaret show?…
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alexpeteronoja · 2 years
Joseline’s Cabaret: Miami Season 1 Episode 1 – 7 (Complete)
Joseline’s Cabaret: Miami Season 1 Episode 1 – 7 (Complete)
The Puerto Rican Princess, Joseline Hernandez, has returned to Miami with a new man and a business plan: Joseline’s Cabaret, a chic cabaret show at G5ive Miami, her former haunts. Cast: Joseline Hernandez, Lucky Hustla, Daisy Delight Mp4 Download Joseline’s Cabaret: Miami Season 1 720p 480p , x265 x264 , torrent , HD bluray popcorn, magnet mkv Download VIDEO INFORMATION Filename:…
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Criminal is gingerpilot 😱
I just decided that the song 'Criminal' gives me alot of my ship vibes 😂😂 but its so gingerpilot. The song is from both of their eyes. I will show you which one is about which one.
The lyrics most suiting which one (mostly judging their stereotypes of each other from what they have been fed from their masters:
Hux's stereotypes about Poe in lyric form maybe hux thinks snoke is looking out for his own good:
He is a hustla he's no good at all.
He is a loser he's a bum bum bum bum
I knkw you said he's just a dog a stray
And this type of love isn't rational its physical
But mama I'm in love with a criminal
All reason aside I just can't deny I love the guy. Poe has more lyruc form for hux 😂😂
Poe's stereotypes of hux:
He lies, he bluffs he's unreliable
He is a sucker with a gun gun gun gun
I know you told me I should stay away
He is a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart
But mama I'm in love with a criminal
Mama please don't cry I will be alright
He is a villian by the devils law
He is a killer just for fun fun fun fun
The man's a snitch and unpredictable
He's got no conscience, he got none none none none
All I know should let go but no
And he's got my name tattooed on his arm, his lucky charm
So I guess its ok, he's with me
And I hear people talk
Try to make remarks, keep us apart
But I don't even hear, I don't care.
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queenviviann-blog · 5 years
Gypsy fun
Emir Kusturica director of Spain, which certainly can be classified as one of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/14998915/ largest and most influential European artists. Although he became known as the author of the two-winner of the film Palme d'Pe at Cannes Film Festival - "Not far from the Business Tama (1985) ) When Dad went to Business "from 1985 and" buried in the ground "in 1995 - he was valid and used in all his work. They are all influenced by Kusturica's different thoughts, as well as his attention. film films are developed in both stages of the article, and in practice. An example of a bracelet, "Black Cushion, White Cushion" - the ninth picture of the completion of Kusturica, ended in 1998. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/14998915/ the 10-year-old elder, "Gypsies," tells According to the story of the Balkan Romów.Jednak, compared to that fabled, "Black cat, White cat," scorned the sky and participated in a concert of farce, gangster movie, friendly theater and music videos. Bajram Severdžan, Srdjan Todorović October FilmsStefi SAÖsterreichischer Rundfunk (Orf) Ciba 2000Pandora FilmproduktionKomunaBayerischer Rundfunk (BR), drainage + Filmförderung http://www.pingmyurl.com/site-stats/vipmovies.to.html Nordrhein-WestfalenFrance 2 focuses on the life of the family offenders Mother Destanova (Bajram Severdžan) living on the 17-year-old Danube son of Zarem (Florijan Ajdini). Aunt of the life of a lucky and a fighter, his father Zarija (Memedov) and his family friends Grga Pitic (Sabri Suleiman) are killed - despite parents and trustworthy gangsters. One day Mother got a thought to make a car scam carrying a load of fuel dispute. To know the Intensive Plan a long series of Grgi and Dadan Karambolo (Srdjan Todorović) - menacing thug and local hustla, whose natural anguish was incompatible with his unmarried sister of dwarf-afrodita (Salij Ibraimova) . Mother, of course, is folly and is forced to repay the debt. Something seemed kind to her to marry Sarah of Afrodita. to do this against the need for both young penalties - Dan's sons plan for future and its Ida Ida (Branka Katić), and organizing sisters https://www.wattpad.com/user/smithsmith019 for such dreams and people.Zostają big marriages , but the survival relief of Zaremu Grga Pitic and grandchildren of ... Salij Ibraimova, Srdjan Todorović, Sabri Suleiman, Jasar Destani Oketopa FilmsStefi SAÖsterreichischer Rundfunk (Orf) Ciba 2000Pandora FilmproduktionKomunaBayerischer Rundfunk (BR), drainage + Filmförderung HamburgFilmstiftung Nordrhein- WestfalenFrance can afford 2 tents in Tina and business feeds that turn ideas into the history of the first look easy and remind us of the traditional witchcraft, with a clear "good" and "bad" and even szablonowymi, just postaciami development.Jednak is a short https://imgur.com/user/oewweep/about expression of more impressive kings than Hollywood's "serious" performance. Kusturica exhibits her talent for leading and screenwriting - know the time and way to surprise the gags and gossip discovery, and when you give her a time of peace and an opportunity to feel the environment of life Sipian village gangsters. One of the strengths of the movie is intelligence, misuse of casual aggravated normal solvent and komedią. Dark skin in all of these scenes, such as breakneck protects a couple of times when a marriage or reward is analyze the study, as well as one of the events and themes, such as customized crawling by a nail or instrumental accompaniment of pigmenting of pigs. (Orf) Ciba 2000Pandora FilmproduktionKomunaBayerischer Rundfunk (BR), fall down drainage + Filmförderung HamburgFilmstiftung Nordrhein-WestfalenFrance 2 floors above mentioned, playing little to know and talented. Almost all behaviors are "something" to set apart and take a long time to keep in mind widza.Wyróżniłbym have two key players - Tina and Dadan Karambolo Destanova. The first can be readily https://smithers0.kinja.com/cinema-movies-online-1835177681?rev=1559425786894 as one of the most cinematic gangsters and opponents. Creation is a difficult Todorovićia character, with optimism and successful leadership a life of happiness, cocaine and beautiful women. love The supreme character of man and man, which is expressed not only in his ..
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foodsic1 · 6 years
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🎧 The year was #2002 #nowplaying #E40 #GritAndGrind Foodsic Stats: 3.78 / 22%🔥 . 🔥 (5-Star) Tracks: Why They Don't Fuck With Us, The Slap, Pimps Hustlas (Intro), Pimps Hustlas Notable producers/features: #Fabolous #LilJohn #Eightball #BunB #Kokane #SugaT #SugaFree . . ____________ My Ratings Defined ____________ I use traditional 5-star track ratings. Keep in mind that these ratings change over time with repeat listens. o 5.00 = Masterpiece o 4.50 = Classic o 4.25 = Excellent - Has enough to be more than Solid, but not quite close to Classic conversation. This album quite possibly will be in rotation for years to come. o 4.00 = Solid - The album is something I'm going to listen to more than a few times and will probably stay in my rotation for the next few months. Only has a few missteps along the way. o 3.75 = Pretty Good - Many of the tracks I can get into but overall nothing special here. o 3.00 to 3.50 = OK to "Ehhh, whatever..." - The album might have a few stand-out tracks but that's it. As a whole, it's easily forgettable. o 2.25 to 2.75 = Mostly Garbage – If I’m lucky, I’ll find at least one 5-star 🔥 track so hopefully my time wasn’t wasted. o Below 2.00 = Pure Shit. Listening to this was torture. I'm sorry ears. #hiphop #rap #hiphophead #THROWBACK #undergroundhiphop #hiphopjunkie #hiphoprap #hiphopforever #raplife #hiphopmusic #hiphopreviews #albumreviews #albumratings https://ift.tt/2KNmrIZ
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lossantosofficial · 7 years
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“There’s no LUCK here,this is hard work. This is an obsession. LUCK does not exist, we are all equals as human beings. You can become anyone if you put in the time. You will reach the top, & that’s that. I am not Lucky, I am obsessed.”-Conor McGregor #hustla #hustlersdontneedluck #hustlasdontsleep #work #workhard #workinprogress #sketch #drawing #art #artist #obsessed #fuckluck #leo #lossantos #2018 #conormcgregor
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rog111100 · 7 years
Congratulations Playa!!!! You're a Beast Man.. Stay Focused.. I can't wait till See what You Accomplish Next! I'm So Lucky to be on you team and have the privilege of doing business with you. You're changing a lot of lives out there Ray.. I don't think u even know the impact you're causing on our industry. Congratulations... You are The Crypto Hustla of The Month! ----- Here's Ramon Wilson Contact info: Facebook: http://ift.tt/2zHCttV His Facebook Group: http://ift.tt/2hf7kax
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Reunion Part One
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Reunion Part One
I’m back to recap the reunion episodes of “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” appearing on Zeus Network and once again let me remind all of the Joseline Hernandez fans, if you are watching “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching the reunion episodes yet, click off because this is the recap and it is full of…
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Reunion Part Two
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Reunion Part Two
I’m back to recap the reunion episodes of “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” appearing on Zeus Network and once again let me remind all of the Joseline Hernandez fans, if you are watching “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching the reunion episodes yet, click off because this is the recap and it is full of…
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Twelve: “You’re The Winner”
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Twelve: “You’re The Winner”
I’m back to recap the finale episode of “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” appearing on Zeus Network and once again let me remind all of the Joseline Hernandez fans, if you are watching “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching the twelfth episode yet, click off because this is the recap and it is full of…
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Eleven: “The Big Day Is Finally Here”
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Eleven: “The Big Day Is Finally Here”
I’m back to recap the eleventh episode of “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” appearing on Zeus Network and once again let me remind all of the Joseline Hernandez fans, if you are watching “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching the eleventh episode yet, click off because this is the recap and it is full of…
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Ten: “Show Me What You Got”
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Ten: “Show Me What You Got”
I’m back to recap the tenth episode of “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” appearing on Zeus Network and once again let me remind all of the Joseline Hernandez fans, if you are watching “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching the tenth episode yet, click off because this is the recap and it is full of spoilers. Now…
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whenthiswomanspeaks · 3 years
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Nine: “I Think You Need To Go”
Recap Of Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta Episode Nine: “I Think You Need To Go”
I’m back to recap the ninth episode of “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” appearing on Zeus Network and once again let me remind all of the Joseline Hernandez fans, if you are watching “Joseline’s Cabaret Atlanta” you are in luck because I am recapping each episode this season but if you haven’t started watching the ninth episode yet, click off because this is the recap and it is full of spoilers. Now…
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