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Albrecht Luitpold Ferdinand Michael, Duke of Bavaria
German vintage postcard
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Luitpold Domberger, 1969.
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lolipop1920art · 21 days
They hate this man so much
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Boy is straight up a 19 year old and has shaky hands. Also the shaking hands may be cause by ptsd since when he was 12 he say a disaster play where his father almost died by throat slit.
First image is from wfrp Altdorf and the rest are from the Empire in ruins
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schadenfreudich · 1 year
I am still thinking about the really badly made up german word that google translate created "Gegenseitigkeitsgesellschaften". Mainly because it's very obvious this wasn't made by a person who speaks german. Because what the fuck is this? Also because it translates it back to "mutual societies" which is clearly not the same as "mutuals".
Like, I'm allowed to make up german compound words because I know when they sound like actual words. I don't a machine understands german enough beyond "anything can be a compound word". Which sure, but a machine doesn't have logic.
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coffeenewstom · 8 months
Die "Heiße Liebe" von Wimmer ist wieder da!
Faschingszeit ist Krapfenzeit! Zu meiner großen Freude füllen sich in den Bäckereien die Vitrinen wieder mit allerlei saisonalem Schmalzgebäck. Die Rede ist von gute, alten Faschingskrapfen, der sowohl klassisch gepudert oder gezuckert mit Hagebutten- oder Himbeerfüllung, als auch in immer neuen Kreationen zum alsbaldigen Verzehr angeboten wird. Dass 2024 ein Krapfenjahr werden wird, hätte mir…
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travetagebuch · 2 years
Mühsam berichtet, auf seinem Schulweg als Gymnasiast des ehrwürdigen Katharineums häufig einer blonden Seminaristin den Weg gekreuzt zu haben. Die "Komtesse Reventlow", gemeint war Fanny Gräfin
DAS DREIGESTIRN DER PROVOKATION Dass die Verhältnisse zwischen den berühmten Dichtern und Schriftstellern zu ihrer Vaterstadt Lübeck alles andere als leicht und freundlich waren, ist belegt. Erich Mühsam überlieferte eine historische Unterhaltung, die dieses schwierige Verhältnis treffend auf den Punkt brachte. Mühsam berichtet, auf seinem Schulweg als Gymnasiast des ehrwürdigen Katharineums…
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Salvaged German battleship SMS Prinzregent Luitpold arrives at Rosyth, Scotland, for scrapping, 12 May 1933.
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aroacettorney · 9 months
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love how ludger could withstand mental attacks from luitpold/ruipold not because his mental defense was strong, but its because there was literally nothing luitpold could do to guilt trip or break ludger further since ludger had always believed he himself was the worst/most guilty and also already made peace with the fact that he would eventually have to pay for it with his own life after he accomplishes all his goals. if nothing else, those mental attacks only strengthened his resolve to push forward and dig his grave deeper.
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pr0pagand4-style · 3 months
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Adolf Hitler and NSDAP members in the Luitpold Hall in Nuremberg for the opening of the 1935 Parteitag
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funkyllama · 1 year
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Princess Adelheid, Margravine [Redacted]
Born Countess Adelheid Elisabet Amalia of Celle and March; 8 May 1805 - 24 September 188x, Adelheid was the youngest child of Countess Wilhelmine of Celle and Count Bernard of March. Her elder siblings were Everette I, Grand Duke of Bergstrasse and Countess Marie-Odile of March. Adelheid was born at Schloss Celle, and christened into the Catholic faith. She was raised in the French court after the premature deaths of her parents during the Napoléonic Wars, by her elder brother. In 181x, she was arranged to marry Prince Jean, Margrave [Redacted] in what was a significant military alliance between the two families. They were married in the spring of 182x. She gave birth to nine children, only three of which survived to adulthood: Princes Stefan and Luitpold, and Princess Rudolphine. Her betrothment and marriage was a significant step up in the social climbing of her brother, Everette I, who was able to massively expand the Rodchester-Bach's wealth and prominence during the reign of Emperor Napoléon I Simparte. Adelheid never remarried after the early demise of her husband, nor did she return home to Bergstrasse. Instead, she remained in the court of her son, Prince Stefan, until her death in September of 188x. Throughout her life, she remained in close companionship with her sister-in-law, Princess Antoinette. Letters from Adelheid to her personal staff reveal that she and her Chief Lady-in-Waiting, Helene von Voss, carried on a short lived affair in the 1840s. Adelheid's original diaries and personal letters were destroyed, and/or heavily edited, by her daughter posthumously. Recordings of her life rely, mainly, upon the writings and accounts of her husband, brother, and children.
@simming-in-the-rain and @empiredesimparte for mention :)
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Ludwig Luitpold Josef Maria Aloys Alfried, King Ludwig III of Bavaria and Maria Theresa Henriette Dorothea of Austria-Este, Queen consort of Bavaria
German vintage postcard, mailed in 1918
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archduchessofnowhere · 7 months
Do you know about the potential marriage between Crown Prince Rudolf and Archduchess Maria Antonietta of the Tuscan branch? Read (unsure if it's accurate) how Emperor Franz Joseph I because of her tuberculosis, but reminds of Ludwig I of Bavaria initially opposing his third son Prince Luitpold marrying Archduchess Maria Antonietta's own aunt Augusta Ferdinanda who although died young, she did also bare four children who had long lives of their own.
Hello anon! This is a subject I've tried to look into, and honestly I find it equally frustrating and fascinating.
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Many of Rudolf's biographers state that his first love was Archduchess Maria Antonietta, the only child of Ferdinando, last Grand Duke of Tuscany, by his first wife Princess Anna of Saxony. The story goes that they fell in love around 1878, and as you said, that she was considered a potential bride for the Crown Prince until her tuberculosis became evident. Some authors choose to end the story there, but others go even farther and talk of a secret marriage in 1880 - which would make Rudolf's marriage to Stephanie of Belgium in 1881 invalid. Maria Antonietta eventually died in 1883, at the age of 25.
But what these biographers sometimes don't mention is that in 1937 a man called Robert Pachmann claimed that he was Rudolf and Maria Antonietta's secret love child, born a month before the archduhcess' death, and that since his alleged parents had been legally married, he was the real head of the House of Habsburg and not Otto von Habsburg, Emperor Karl I's eldest son.
While before the invention of DNA tests it was very common that a person would randomly pop out claiming they were someone famous' lost child, what I find particularly interesting about this case is how FAR the Pachmanns went, going to trial several times, to the point that in 1965 Theodor Pachmann, Robert's son, was legally recognized as a Habsburg by a Vienese regional court, and again - even more explicitly - in 1976, when a judge ruled that he was a great-grandson of Franz Josef and Ferdinando of Tuscany. All these veredicts, however, were based solely on the testimony of Robert Pachmann's mother, who in 1925 stated that her son was actually Rudolf's and Maria Antonietta's. It was only in 2013 when two of Theodor's sons finally compared their DNA against a Habsburg: Georg Hohenberg, Archduke Franz Ferdinand's grandson. Which came out negative. Despite this, Robert Pachmann's descendants still claim to be descendants of Rudolf, mostly because they don't understand why Robert and Theodor would've spent so many years at court fighting for their case if it wasn't true [x].
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From left to right: Crown Prince Rudolf, Robert Pachmann, Theodor Pachmann and Rainer Pachmann (Theodor's son). From Alles aus Neugier: 40 Geschichten aus 40 Jahren by Georg Markus
At this point I was so down the rabbit hole that I thought, ok, there must have been some kind of rumor about Rudolf and Maria Antonietta, and Robert Pachmann built his story around that. After all, his descendants insist that there is evidence of a "love story" between them. But here is the thing: I can't find a single mention of a potential engagement or a rumored affair between Rudolf and Maria Antonietta from before Pachmann made his claim. In fact I can't even find a single mention of Rudolf and Maria Antonietta ever being in the same room together, though I assume they must have met at least once in court. Of course, just because I haven't found it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, so if any of you ever come across any sort of story (it doesn't matter if it's just rumors!) about Rudolf and Maria Antonietta from before 1937, please let me know!
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lolipop1920art · 7 months
Karl Franz's age is a mess
So in the total war book Prince of Altdorf is says Karl's 32 when he came to the throne.
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And that's the age he should be because he was saved by wood elves in 2470
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But the first enemy within campaign where he died it said he was 35
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But the enemy within happens in 2512 so I first thought it was a little recton sense he died in the edition of fantasy but is still alive now.
Then the recent edition of Enemy of shadow companion it said that Karl's 35
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And his ascension to the throne was the same time as it was in tw (also apparently that's when Felix met Gotrek too)
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The problem is with this if Karl was 35 in enemy within he was 25 when he ascended to the throne which does make sense why people saw him as to young because he is. Also it's doesn't line up with Karl being saved by wood elves as a infant in 2470. And Luitpold oh boy Luitpold if he was 16 now that's means Karl had him when he was 19 but that's incorrect because drachenfels said Luitpold is 12 during that
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and it's a 7 year gap between that. So he should actually be 19 which means Karl had Luitpold when he was 16 fucking years old.
Tldr: I Went down a rabbit about a character's age and somehow ended up with teen pregnancy and time is a made up concept in Warhammer
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schadenfreudich · 10 months
Franz: Luitpold, das künnste do net moche!
Luitpold: *Laptopgeräusche*
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coffeenewstom · 2 years
Krapfenwoche: "Heiße Liebe" von Wimmer
Mit der Bäckerei Wimmer wirft das nächste Münchner Traditionsunternehmen sein Hut – beziehungsweise Krapfen! – in den Ring. 1932 eröffneten der Firmengründer Luitpold Wimmer und seine Frau Seraphine in der Görresstraße 32 in Schwabing eine kleine Handwerksbäckerei. 1978 wurde die erste Filiale in der Leopold-, Ecke Hohenzollernstraße eröffnet, schon ein Jahr später folgte die in der Knorrstraße.…
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Draft dodger that was deported to the U.S.
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