intercoursefluids · 3 months
Well That Happened Chapter 18
Marinette didn’t look back when people rushed past her, didn’t pay them any mind as they took Gabriel into custody.
She tuned out his screams of protest to focus on the cheers.
It was over, Hawkmoth couldn’t hurt them anymore.
Marinette stumbled slightly, dropping her sword with a clang as her head spun.
Hands were on her immediately, holding her upright and letting her lean on them.
“We’ve got you, you’re okay.”
The voice was familiar. Marinette could tell that much past the ringing in her ears.
“Piáo Chóng! Use the Cure!”
That voice was familiar too.
They were both comforting to hear.
“I feel like shit.” Marinette told them, leaning heavily into the hands.
Marinette felt a pair of arms wrap around her, placing most of her weight on them as a second pair of hands rubbed her back.
“We’re sure you do,” A voice that Marinette dimly realized was Luka’s said. “Hold still, here comes the cure.”
Marinette groaned; the Cure felt weird. Especially if it was a bad wound.
Chat noir had once compared it to those little fish that eat dead skin at salons.
It hadn’t made her feel much better.
A whooshing filled her ears and hundreds of little ladybugs covered Marinette from head to toe, mainly focusing on her arm and chest.
“This is strange.” The one holding her up said.
Marinette looked at him, finally realizing it was Damian who was holding her up. She had accurately guessed Luka, or rather Viperion , was the one rubbing her back, but she was surprised by Damian’s presence.
The ladybug’s disappeared, everyone’s injuries were healed, and buildings were put back together. Everything was returned to how it should be.
And yet there stood Damian.
For some reason, the Cure hadn’t sent him back to Gotham like it should have.
Damian had loosened his hold on Marinette, looking around them in awe as everything had returned back to normal.
“Why are you still here?” Marinette asked, bringing his attention back to her.
“What?” He asked.
“Why are you still here?” She asked again, tapping on his arm to let him know she could stand on her own.
Damian took a step back from her, a confused expression on his face.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked confused.
Viperion stepped in, his bracelet beeping angrily at him as he spoke to them.
“The Cure should have sent you back home if the akuma brought you here. I have to go detransform, wait right here, I’ll be right back.” Viperion said before taking off.
Marinette turned, calling for him to wait but he had already disappeared around a corner.
“So…” Damian said, turning Marinette’s attention back to him. “If the akuma had brought me here I would have been sent back already?” He asked.
“Yes, which is why I don’t get why you’re still here . You should be home by now.” Marinette told him frustrated.
Damian nodded, now making the connection.
“The akuma didn’t bring me.” He said simply.
Marinette stared blankly at him.
“What do you mean the akuma didn’t bring you here?”
“The akuma didn’t bring me, my father paid John Constantine to bring us.”
“ Who ?”
“He’s a magic user.”
Marinette was still staring at Damian in confusion, wondering how he just knew a magic user when Luka ran back up to them.
He wasn’t in the mask this time.
“Okay, I’m back.” He said, jogging up to them.
Marinette ran at him, covering his face with her hands and shouting for Damian to look away.
“Are you crazy? Now he knows who you are!” She hissed at Luka.
Luka smiled, grabbing her hands and pulling them away from his face.
“It’s fine, M-M-Marinette. I already told him.”
Marinette didn’t even feel bothered by his teasing too focused on the fact that he had revealed his identity so easily.
“Why?” She asked.
Luka waved Damian closer to them, tossing his arm around his shoulders and pulling him closer.
“He was supposed to know, trust me.” He said in that cryptic way Marinette couldn’t stand.
“I hate it when you do that.” Marinette gripped, letting Luka tug her closer to himself.
“I know. Should we go to the bakery?” He asked, starting to walk in the general direction of Marinette’s home.
“Why? Do you want to get a snack?” Marinette asked, first she looked to Luka and then Damian, making sure he knew the question was for the both of them.
Damian shook his head no as Luka continued steering them to Marinette’s house.
“I figured you might want to change.” He said with a glance down at her outfit.
Confused, Marinette looked down at her outfit, wondering what could be wrong.
She was still in her pajamas.
“Why didn’t you say something-?!” She screeched, sprinting towards her house.
She did not need another ‘pajama girl’ incident.
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spooky-z · 4 years
Bombshell Dupain-Cheng
Maribat by @ozmav​
To say that they were surprised was to belittle the current situation of Ms. Bustier's class.
And Dupont.
Nobody was prepared for that slap - not literal - in the face that was Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Look, it's not that Dupain-Cheng was ugly. No! The girl was beautiful. She was in the top five of the most beautiful in Dupont of all at school, kind, sweet and boy, the girl was skilled. In other words: she was a total of '10/10 I would marry'.
So why did everyone stop in shock to see the ‘Dupont Cupcake’ standing on the sidewalk talking to two young man happily? This shouldn't be a shocking scene.
To answer this question, a visit to the past (five months ago) will be necessary.
"Good morning, Dupont students." Principal Damocles greeted everyone. The students had been gathered in the auditorium for an important announcement. "I know that many here are confused by this sudden change in routine, but I won't be long on what I have to say."
He looked to the side, probably someone backstage reporting something, and then looked back at the students.
“Well, as many or all of you know, Paris, because of the frequent attacks by Hawkmoth and consequently, his akumas, inserted a bill for all public and government buildings to be renovated in order to provide greater protection to citizens of our city." Damocles watches students and teachers nod positively. “This project has been acting steadily and cautiously for a while, there is a queue and, finally, Dupont's turn has come. What I have to say is that in a month, Dupont will be temporarily closed for renovation and classes will be online.”
The lively buzz of teenagers does not go unnoticed by teachers.
“Classes will be suspended for three months, but you will still be charged to attend classes online. Otherwise it will be the same as missing class.”
Now, because of this, many decided to travel since it was possible to attend classes with access to the internet and a computer.
And that was the case with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who was not spotted on the streets of Paris once after the last day in Dupont.
(This seemed kind of stalking, but many asked about her at the Dupain-Cheng bakery and the parents' response was that she was going to be staying with an aunt somewhere in the Pacific.)
She didn't even show up on the first day back to school, no one in her class knowing about her whereabouts.
Until that moment.
Then back to the shock; the case is, when the bell rang and everyone ran off to go home, the blessed image of Marinette Dupain-Cheng in sports attire greeted them.
It is as it was said before: it is not that the old Marinette was ugly, but that the current one was a complete bombshell.
She did not seem to notice the attention she was receiving, both from the students and from the people who passed by her and her friends(?) on the sidewalk.
Wearing a black sports bra with pink asymmetrical details, a black legging with a thick pink line on the sides and simple black running shoes.
A small bottle of water with a ladybug theme in hand completed the look.
Now, it’s not like they’ve never seen her wearing gym clothes or showing skin outside her legs and arms. No. The problem was the muscles, the tanned skin, long hair in a sloppy braid and the sudden growth spurt.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng disappeared three months ago, only to come back 6'1 with thick legs (that legging seemed to suffer), outlined belly (was that a 6 pack?!) and strong biceps.
And even though she was no longer that delicate little girl, her beauty only tripled with these changes. Dupont would not know how to deal with this new reality.
Two figures ran past the students, throwing themselves at Dupain-Cheng, who did not seem at all bothered by the impact of having to hold two people in her arms. Without letting the bottle fall to the floor.
"We missed you!" Chloe Bourgeois whimpered shrilly; her head hidden in the brunette's neck.
Marinette laughed happily, her right forearm supporting the blonde girl to remain clinging like a koala. "You saw me yesterday, Quennie!"
"But I didn't and you didn't even come to class today!" Alix Kubdel snorted; her position was Bourgeois' mirror on Dupain-Cheng’s left arm. "I had to put up with your fan club asking every minute about you."
Dupain-Cheng had to lift her chin in order to kiss the girl's cheek tenderly. "I know. I'm sorry, Al, but I had a horrible jet lag. Lu and Dames had to get me out of bed or I would sleep 24 hours.”
Alix pouted, but the flushed cheeks showed that she was not displeased.
"It is good to know that I am also important." Luka coughed and Chloe, still keeping her face on Marinette's neck, showed her middle finger. “Wow, do you see Dames?! We woke up Mari to pick them up from school and what did we receive as a thank you? Only disgust.”
Damian covered his mouth so that no one could see the smile. “That's what I say, let's kidnap Minette and flee to a lost island in the middle of the Atlantic. The perfect life."
"And we hunt you down to the end of the world." Alix warns, making Luka laugh. "You can let me down, Nette." She murmurs, adjusting her clothes when Marinette puts her back down.
Chloe with no signs of going down in the near future. "She slept." Marinette explained when she noticed Alix's eyes.
"Chloe came to class thinking that you would come, but spent the classes trying not to sleep." Alix strokes the bare skin of the blonde's leg. "You guys arrived very late and she only got a couple of hours of sleep."
Damian takes the bottle of water from Marinette's hand, giving her the opportunity to hold Chloe more comfortably.
"I told her to rest, but she is stubborn." The brunette sighed. "Even Kagami didn't come to class today." Marinette takes the lead in heading home, the other three following without hesitation.
Alix makes a sound of agreement, attention returning to the two boys. The malicious look shining.
“Hey, guys. How are you feeling now that your girlfriend is practically your height and can bench press the two of you together without sweating?” She twitches her eyebrows with a smile. “Have you been feeling too much heat? Thirst?"
Damian looks away, his expression blank. Luka, on the other hand, had two shades of red covering his neck and ears.
“Oh? I see." Alix teases. "You will have to fight Chloe for those muscles."
"Why would we have to fight your girlfriend for our girlfriend?" Damian raised an inquiring eyebrow.
"Because it's Marinette." Alix replies.
"You're right." Luka agrees as if that answers everything.
"And I'm going to pretend I'm not listening to this awkward conversation." Marinette comments.
They continue to talk and play, Marinette never once looking bothered by Chloe's dead weight as she walks. The group left Dupont without realizing the mental state they left behind.
That Marinette left behind.
Ms. Bustier's class, like the other students at Dupont, was frozen on the school stairs, unable to believe what their eyes were watching.
One person in particular felt particularly... hot.
'I didn't know that Marinette was so strong.' Adrien thought, unable to take his eyes off his friend.
He didn't even notice the appreciative sigh that escaped.
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whitetigerlily15 · 3 years
Project Postings
I have made the executive decision to just post project updates for all of my fics, since that’s pretty much the only reason I updated my tumblr in the first place. 
Sooo for anyone who is interested in reading fanfics that I’ve written check it out here: https://archiveofourown.org/users/whitetigerlily15/pseuds/whitetigerlily15
I have thus far written Miraculous Ladybug/Batman crossover, and have started in on MHA fanfiction. If you don’t like them no big. Tags show a little bit more about the fanfics I’ve written, just so people can get a clue. 
Moving on - I’ll be using this platform to scream into the void about fic ideas I have, things that are/aren’t going well in my stories, the fact that I’m a glutton for punishment and work on 20 different ideas in one go, etc, etc. Give a follow if you’re interested, or don’t I don’t care. Also I’m always down for questions so if I get enough of a following on here I might do some Q/A about my stores and such. 
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Red-Eye to Destiny: Chapter 2, The Gala
Mari and Luka texted Damian as soon as they made it back to the house just outside of town. Upon receiving the return message, they promptly fell into bed and slept soundly until late into the morning. Lazily getting dressed for the day, the pair started unpacking their clothes, setting up for laundry and airing out coats that didn’t need washing but definitely needed some care. Going into her design studio, Mari checked on her dress that she’d completed before they left for the last few concerts before their holiday break. “Luka, why does your dad want us to go to this thing again?” Mari sighed, hanging the dress up to check for any last-second alterations she might want to make.
“It’s good networking. He’s hung out with the organizers a bunch and wanted us to meet them, plus tons of people are gonna be there. He said that one of the organizers has a bunch of sons who usually cause some scene or another so it’s usually pretty funny.” Luka walked into the room and rested his chin on top of her head. “Besides, it’ll be a chance to show off your skills to some people who might want to commission something.” “I suppose.” Mari leaned back into Luka for a moment before pulling away to pull out his suit. Mari had made Luka a custom Leather Tuxedo jacket with teal trim on the cuffs and lapels, a matching teal lining and a few silver studs on the collar. His pants were simple charcoal grey with teal lining on the pockets, and subtle teal stitchwork around the cuffs and waistband. His shirt was simple black with a teal pocket square and everything. “I’m still so impressed by you, Melody.” Luka sighed, pouring love into every word through their bond. Mari just giggled in response and ran her fingers over the seams in both his suit and her dress. The dress itself was a strapless, deep burgundy dress with black cherry blossoms embroidered and beaded in a sweeping shape from the hem to the bodice of the dress where it spread out to cover most of the bust in beautiful, 3d flowers made from thread and beads. A small bit of lace rose above the bodice and, when worn, would drape itself modestly over the top of the bust making the sweetheart neckline appear more conservative than it was. The skirt itself was more or less simple, full with the aforementioned flowers down the front in a curve before meeting the black velvet hem of the skirt. Secreted around the skirts where only Mari knew the openings, were several Kwami-sized pockets. “What does everyone think?” Mari asked the room, and all of the Kwami’s looked it over, giggling with delight over the pockets and giving their approval. “We won’t be able to take everyone, but other than Tikki and Sass, who wants to come with us?” Surprising Marinette and Luka, Plagg moved forward. “I know he can’t really wield me since we don’t mesh well, but do you think you could take the ring with you? I think I’m supposed to go.” “What do you mean Plagg? You haven’t wanted to be active other than saying hello and eating some camembert since Adrien decided he needed a break away from all this?” Marinette asked, raising an eyebrow at the Kwami. “Something is different. In you two, especially scales over there.” Plaggs eyes narrowed at Luka. “I think my kitten is in this city, and you two have met him.” Luka and Marinette grinned at each other before confusion took over their faces again. “But what does that have to do with the gala?” “I can do some recon if I’m there.” “Alright then, that’s one for me.” Mari laughed and put a little clip with a black cat on the end on the edge of one of the pockets. “There are 5 in total not counting Tikki, and Luka can only carry another two besides Sass.” In the end, it was decided that Mari would have Plagg, Mullo, Trixx, Pollen and Nooroo in addition to Tikki. Luka ended up with Wayzz, Duusu and Sass of course. The others weren’t interested in going to the party and would rather hang out in the box or around the house.
Damian sighed and ducked around a column to get a moment to himself cursing the nosy people at the party in various languages. In his brief moment to himself, he began to notice that he wasn’t just feeling his own annoyance. Frowning in concentration, he turned to scan the ballroom, spotting them near the stage, talking to Jagged Stone of all people. He focused on them, and tried to be heard by just them across the ballroom. ‘I didn’t know you would be here.’ Both Parisians jolted, and looked around, spotting him in his little hiding spot. ‘Is there a reason you’re hiding instead of saying hello?’ Damian could hear the amusement in Lukas' voice. Both of his soulmates looked away and just quietly stepped away from Jagged, making it look like they were talking amongst themselves. ‘Yes, people are too nosy for their own good and they will ask more questions than I am prepared to answer.’ ‘Damian, we owe nobody an explanation for saying hello.’ Marinette chided gently. ‘Besides, Luka and I have mastered the art of getting people to leave us alone with just a look.’ ‘If you say so. Give me a moment.’ Damian straightened his jacket and made it seem like he’d been adjusting his wardrobe as he left the pillar. “There you are, I wanted to introduce you to someone.” Damian held back a grimace and turned to his Father. “Those camping trips I take once and a while? This is the man I go with.” Incidentally, the person Bruce was pointing to was Jagged himself. “Hell of a time getting away for both of us, but SO worth the quiet.” Jagged grinned and held out his hand. “By camping, Brucie means we go to my cabin in the mountains and sit around the fire pit complaining about life. Pleasure to meet you at last, I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.” “Thank you sir, it’s nice to meet you.” Damian’s smile in return was a bit forced, but thankfully Mari and Luka came to the rescue. “Someone interesting, Jagged?” Marinette asked as they walked over. ‘How much do you want us to say, Damian?’ Marinette added silently, her eyes concerned over how stiff he was and how tightly he was holding his emotions. Damian relaxed slightly, his fake smile relaxing into something a little more neutral but real. ‘I am alright. I will explain to the others later, but perhaps if we can get a quiet moment with my Father?’ Both Luka and Marinette raised an eyebrow at the fact that he’d left out that he was a Wayne before but took it in stride. With little more than a glance between them, Luka put a gentle hand on Jaggeds arm, and pulled the man away, asking him a couple questions about the tour they’d just finished. The man was bewildered, but Luka and Marinette planned things behind his back all the time when they felt it necessary, so he didn’t do more than give Damian and Marinette a questioning look as he was led away. “That was.” Damian commented out loud, shaking his head. “Surprisingly easy for you two.” Marinette laughed, “We’d been working together before we knew, so it took little time to figure it out. Now, Luka pulled Jagged away so the three of us could have a private word.” She turned to Bruce, glancing around for listening ears. “We happened to be seated on the plane next to Damian and, well.” She gestured between them. “I’m afraid you will have to elaborate, Ms. Dupain Cheng.” Bruce narrowed his eyes at the two of them, his face visibly confused. “What she is referring to, Father, is that they are apparently my bonded.” Damian explained. “Both of them.” He added after a moment’s silence. ‘You will explain the work you did together?’ He asked Marinette silently. ‘Soon enough, it’s a rather long story.’ Marinette’s face didn’t even change when she answered, and she started talking to Bruce over the end of her own sentence. “Luka and I had known each other for years before we found out our bond, and we’d always known that there was supposed to be a third for us. However, as we were in Paris, and Damian was apparently here, that obviously made it so that we didn’t meet until on the airplane here.” “And how did you figure it out? Not that I’m not happy for you three, but I know my son, and he tends to be reluctant to even speak to strangers.” Bruce was fishing, and Damian knew it. Marinette seemed to be able to tell too, as she was unphased by his question. “Easy, he was exhausted and fell asleep on the plane leaning on Luka. When Luka needed to move and was panicking because he didn’t want to wake up Damian, he was obviously exhausted and seemed comfortable where he was, Damian responded to his silent monologue about the situation and Damian responded in kind.” Marinette giggled, mentally nudging him when she made an edit to preserve his dignity. ‘Thank you for not going into detail.’ Damian rolled his eyes and smirked. “I had thought I’d talked to him out loud, and promptly fell back to sleep, when they woke me again shortly before the flight was over, and informed me that I had not -in fact- spoken out loud.” He then surprised both his father and himself by reaching over to put a hand on Marinette’s shoulder. “They were kind enough to give me time to process and after I gave them my phone number, texted me only to give me theirs and let me process on my own after that.” “To be fair, we passed out and slept till almost noon after we texted you, so it wasn’t restraint on our parts, just that we were too tired to stay up anymore. Especially since we didn’t sleep on the plane.” Marinette laughed dryly. “That’s an eight hour flight.” Bruce commented in shock. “You two were awake the whole time?” “Well yes, we hadn’t been up all that long anyway, and with Damian sleeping against Luka, he wasn’t sure if Damian would be offended if he woke up to a sleeping man holding him. Luka’s a cuddler and even if Damian started it he didn’t want to do anything that would make him uncomfortable.” Marinette shrugged. “If he was uncomfortable, why did he not simply move me to not be leaning on him anymore?” Damian asked, having realized that the only time he’d been moved was when Luka got up for the bathroom. “One, the only discomfort he had was not something that moving you would have solved, and two, we did.” She sighed, shrugging. “Every time he shifted you to be sitting upright, you just grabbed onto his arm and put your head back on his shoulder. And when he had to get up he tried a little harder and you got grumpy, but when he sat back down you were right there again. You were practically in his lap.” “And how many people saw this?” Damian asked with an internal groan. “If it gets put on the internet, I will never hear the end of it from the heathens.” “I think Luka and I were the only ones to notice, most everyone else was asleep.” Marinette reassured him. ‘I do have a couple photos and plan on one of them being your profile pic on my phone later.’ This was added as a teasing whisper in his mind and he internally groaned again. Luka broke into the conversation, ‘You have two guys inbound, tall, one of them is slender but muscled, the other slightly shorter and stocky.’ He added a look at where they were and what they looked at. “Grayson, Todd, what did you want?” Damian asked dryly as soon as they stepped close enough for him to hear their footsteps. “How did you do that, Demon Spawn?” Todd demanded as all three people turned to face the men who’d walked up. Marinette stiffened at the nickname, obviously offended at the nickname. ‘It’s alright, he says it because he cares.’ Damian reassured her, sending soothing emotions to her and Luka who’d been walking over as this was said. “I don’t feel like answering that question right now, Todd, but why did you come over here, this was a private conversation.” “Why did you and B need a private word with Jagged’s niece?” Grayson asked, frowning and looking between Bruce and Damian like he could figure out their secret. “That’s a conversation for home, Dick.” Bruce sighed. “And that’s when we decide to tell you, but it’s just something we needed to talk about before moving forward.” He glanced at Luka over Marinette’s shoulder, nodding at him to acknowledge that he’d walked back up. “Can you please not call her his niece? It’s rather awkward at this point.” Luka commented, putting his arms around Marinette’s waist. “She’s my soulmate, he’s my dad, it’s weird, you know?” That caught everyone’s attention, including Damian. “Wait, you’re Jagged’s son?” Bruce sputtered, his face astounded. “The way he talked about you, I figured you were like ten. Not an adult that was touring with him. He also didn’t introduce you as his son.” “I know, I didn’t grow up with him. My mom raised me and my sister, I didn’t really have any contact with him until I was a teenager.” Luka shrugged, “Doesn’t make it any less weird when he calls my soulmate his niece.” “Excuse you, I claimed her before you two even met.” Jagged laughed loudly, causing half the ballroom to look to see who was being so loud. “I think that gives me the right to keep calling her that.” “It’s still weird.” Luka shot back, shaking his head and leaning into Marinette’s hair. ‘This is why I pulled him away, he’s so loud about everything that the whole ballroom would know if he’d been part of it. You said you’d get made fun of if certain people found out.’ Damian smirked, looking down slightly, ‘Thank you, Luka.’ “Anyway, Luka, Marinette, these are two of my other sons, Jagged I’m sure you remember Dick and Jason?” Bruce pointed to each one in turn. “Wait, why does Damian call them by other names then?” Marinette wrinkled her nose a bit, trying to figure it out. “Damian… Has his own way of doing things. I’m surprised he doesn’t call you two by your last names.” Bruce admitted. “We never told him them.” Luka shrugged calmly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Okay, I’m confused, how do you all know Damian?” Dick asked, crossing his arms as Tim came to investigate what was going on. “For the love of… Short answer, they met on the plane here, the rest of it we will talk about at a later time and place, when Damian wants to share. That is the end of it, go back to the party.” Bruce grunted at the boys, glaring at them in annoyance while keeping the rest of his face in a neutral expression that he’d practiced for years. “Alright, alright, we’re going.” Jason threw up his hands and grumbled about people being touchy as he walked away. “The one day he’s not in a grumpy mood he has to irritate the rest of us.” Damian clicked his tongue in irritation and shook his head as Dick and Tim also drifted away with shrugs and curious looks thrown at the Parisians. “Well, why don’t you guys enjoy the party, we can talk soon. After I’ve had a chance to wrangle the whole family into not bothering the heck out of Damian over everything.” Bruce gave a small, slightly sarcastic smile and then softened. “Glad things are good though. I’m happy for you.” He patted Damian on the shoulder and walked away to join Jagged who was now talking with a few women by the refreshment table. “So… I take it he approves?” Marinette asked. “Yeah, I think he does.” Damian had the urge to hug his soulmates, but he contented himself with sending as much warmth and happiness to them through the bond as he could.
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bunathebunny · 4 years
Imagine: Lukadaminette
Ok but like Daminette alone is just slow burn but Lukadaminette is even slower burn.
Like neither Damian nor Marinette gets that bolt of lightning. Damian is a bit finicky with the way he is written but I believe he doesn’t fall in love easily and when he does, he doesn’t recognize it until one day it just strikes him out of the blue. Marinette, however, falls in love for kindness (see Adrien’s example with the umbrella) but you know, Damian isn’t the gentlest when it comes to interacting with other people.
Luka gets that bolt of lightning with Marinette and when Damian comes into the picture and he can read the room, thank you very much and just. He gets to know Damian and then just falls for him too.
Why do I think Lukadaminette is even slower burn than Daminette? Because the third person in the mix which causes Marinette and Damian to be like “Wait, do I like him or do I like her?” and the answer is “Both of them” but Marinette frets and Damian broods and Luka just waits for them.
Luka doesn’t tell people who they should love and he doesn’t influence them. I love him for that.
Also, little tidbits of Lukadaminette:
Luka is neutral when it comes to animals but Damian loves them and Marinette has a fondness for hamsters so they have three hamsters and someone went all out and built a complex tube system around their house.
All of them lead very busy lives and the housework is divided and whenever one of them is ambushed by deadlines, the other two pick up the slack.
Like their bed is really big and fluffy and on the rare chances their day-offs coincide, they just cuddle together in bed until all of them are awake and ready to leave the bed.
Damian and Marinette make time to come to Luka’s performance and if they’re busy, they would view it by stream and Damian once lets Tim do his presentation in peace and doesn’t even interrupt him every two sentences because he’s watching Luka’s performance with his earbuds.
Marinette uses Luka and Damian as models and the result is just *chef kisses*
Damian has a sketchbook that has tons of doodles and sketches about Luka and Marinette and no one is allowed to see it, except the two people featured in it
Both Marinette and Luka has uttered the “Draw me like one of your French girls” phrase more than once when Damian finds them in bed and Damian goes from being confused like “Excuse me?” to pulling out his sketchbook and pencil and be like “Sure, hold still” to blushing to his ears when they pull him into bed with them.
People think that Damian would be the one doing the date night under the candles but it’s Luka and he has a guitar to serenade his partners.
Luka and Damian are really big on the PDA thing and the press has more pics of them making out than they do with Marinette which leads to people questioning if they are a throuple like they claim to be.
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birdsbats-madness · 3 years
Sorry dude but not everyone likes lukanette but their is a lukadaminette fic but I'm into daminette more >.<
to be completely honest... i dont mind maribat shippers? I... dont really see where theyre coming from but... yea
its just annoying that most of them are from the miraculous fandom and characterise the batfamily as ‘emo goths who need someone to fix them’ 
thats not who they are in the slightest and it just annoys me when a maribat shipper complains about the batfamily being ‘to emo’ or bruce being a bad father when hes not, etc etc.. (bad writing!!)
i just ship lukanette (and adrigami) because they get shit on for no reason other then that ‘theyre in the way of the love square’ when the LS is endgame. - both ships are also a lot more healthy than LS. 
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queen-of-rants · 3 years
Like, I really need someone to buddy up with me and help me write a Lukadaminette fic. I'm not that much into the DC fandom. So help me....
Like, pleaseee. Please!!
(It's gonna go on ao3)
I got the plot planned, just the thing is that I don't wanna go ooc.
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intercoursefluids · 3 months
Well That Happened Chapter 17
Mari is still kicking ass but its in the background.
A couple punches and scratches are all that's really in this one. I decided to save the outside pov for something else lol
Also, Lukadaminette is here! (It wasn'/t supposed to be but Luka grabbed me by the shoulder and said "Put Me In Coach" So he's here now :D)
Damian stared at the strange man Marinette had called Hawkmoth, watching as people hesitated the closer he got.
He turned to Marinette, wanting to follow her lead only to be surprised at the look on her face.
There was a fire in her eyes, it burned with a rage so intense Damian was surprised the man she was glaring at hadn’t burst into flames yet.
The rest of her face gave nothing away. She looked carved from stone, unyielding in her cold expression.
She didn’t smile, didn’t frown, didn’t snarl like Damian was half expecting her to do.
It made him nervous.
Damian looked around, hoping to see someone else who noticed the expression on her face only to see everyone else staring at the same man.
Damian moved to turn back to Marinette, hoping to shake her out of her trance when she burst forward.
She rushed the man, her fist smashing into his nose before he even registered her presence.
Her sudden movement seemed to have break the seal that held everyone, gasps and shouts rose up around him.
Some people screamed to help her while others told them not to interfere.
Damian took a step forward, intent on helping her when a solid hand planted itself on his chest, halting his movements.
“Don’t,” A man in teal said. “It needs to be her. It has to end with her.”
He wasn’t looking at Damian, staring at the fight like he could see something Damian could’t.
“What are you talking about?” Damian hissed, intent on ripping his hand away.
The man turned back to him, putting his hands on his shoulders and staring him intently in the eyes.
“Listen to me, this fight is tied to her. The miraculous wrap around her the same way your battle wraps around you. Just as we cannot interfere in your fight, you can’t interfere in this one.”
Damian blinked, a chill running up his spine as he listened.
“What battle am I fighting?” He whispered.
The man stared at him, patting Damian’s shoulder before releasing him.
“I think we both know the answer to that,” He leaned closer, whispering directly in Damian’s ear. “Your mask isn’t hidden from me, Robin.”
Damian’s eyes went wide, and he had to fight not to shove the man away from him.
“Don’t worry, you didn’t give anything away. I’m a soothsayer, granted I’m on a higher level than the others because of my miraculous. I can see the mask painted across your face.” He said with a smile.
Damian opened his mouth to speak, intent on asking more questions when he was cut off.
“Don’t, this is far from the last time we’ll meet. You can question me later.” The man said, turning to focus on the fight.
For once, Damian bit his tongue. For some reason, the way he spoke reminded Damian of Alfred. They both seemed like they knew things they couldn’t possibly know.
Damian had learned better than to question Alfred. He turned his attention back to the fight instead of demanding the answers he wanted.
Marinette had Hawkmoth by the throat, her hand was almost a blur as she repeatedly punched him in the face.
Blood was speckled across her face, it coated her fist and stained the top of her dress as she wailed on the man.
The man was thrashing in her hold, trying to get away from her as she relentlessly beat him.
He shifted his grip on what looked like a cane.
Damian went to call out a warning when the man held up a hand.
“She can’t hear you.”
The cane slammed into her stomach, ripping her away from Hawkmoth and sending her flying clear into a building.
There were claw marks on Hawkmoths neck, blood starting to drip down from the wounds Marinette had left.
Damian winced, glancing between the fight and the man next to him.
“Are you sure?” He asked anxiously.
“Yes, we couldn’t help even if we tried. We would just make it harder for her, she needs to keep her focus on him and him alone.” The man said, placing his on Damian’s shoulder reassuringly.
Damian turned back to the fight, watching as Marinette got hit in the face by the cane.
He winced in sympathy; Penguin had done the same with his umbrella. Damian knew it hurt.
Marinette’s stone expression didn’t flinch, she flowed with the movement. She swung her leg around, clipping Hawkmoth in the jaw and smashing something against his head as she came back up. Damian hadn’t even seen her grab anything.
It was a good move, if she remembered how she did it he would have to ask her to show him.
“It’s Luka by the way.” The man said, he looked a mix between proud and worried as he stared at Marinette.
“What?” Damian asked, barely sparing the man a glance before he turned back to Marinette.
“My name. I know your secret identity, it only felt fair to tell you mine.” Luka said.
Damian pursed his lips, listening to the people watching cheer as Marinette threw a rock and hit the back of Hawkmoth’s knee.
“Which Miracle Warrior are you?” Damian asked, wincing as Hawkmoth started shouting profanities.
“The snake.” Luka replied.
Things started connecting for Damian. He was Viperion, and apparently, he had been the first Soothsayer. He might be similar to Duke, seeing things before they actually happen.
Damian tried to relax; he was in an unfamiliar situation, but he was with people who were familiar with it.
He didn’t like the fact that he knew Damian’s identity but at least he had offered his in return. The entire situation was awful but there was nothing he could do about it right now. It was best not to focus too much on it.
Viperion wasn’t Marinette, but he would try to follow his lead too.
Damian turned his full attention on the fight, he couldn’t help, but he could try to help her once it was over.
Marinette was on Hawkmoth like a wild animal, scratching and hitting him all over.
Hawkmoth kicked her away but it didn’t seem to faze her, she just kept coming.
Over and over again, Marinette attacked him.
It was brutal.
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intercoursefluids · 3 months
Well That Happened Chapter 19
Damian had just crossed the threshold of the bakery with Luka when his phone started to ring in his pocket.
“Ah, that’s probably your dad.” Luka told him, removing his arm from around Damian (Damian had entirely forgotten it was there-) and giving him some space to take the call.
A glance at caller ID proved Luka to be right, his father’s contact proudly on display.
Damian glanced suspiciously at Luka, slowly answering the call as Luka grinned at him.
“Damian! Where are you?” Bruce asked quickly.
Damian could hear his siblings in the background. It would seem everyone else had already found each other.
“The Dupain-Cheng Bakery.” Luka mock whispered to him when Damian looked to him for an answer.
Damian was slightly surprised by himself, there was no reason for him to have followed Luka so blindly. It was concerning.
“I’m at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, why?” Damian replied, watching as Luka walked away to greet the woman behind the counter.
“We are on our way.” Bruce said, hanging up the phone immediately after.
Damian blinked, shaking his head before putting his phone away.
He felt strange.
Mildly delirious maybe? He felt distant and present all at once. It was a strange feeling.
“Damian!” Luka called out snagging his attention.
Damian looked up, spotting Luka waving at him from a set of stairs.
“Come on, Marinette’s up here.” He said, waiting for Damian to join him before he continued up the stairs.
They ascended the stairs together, Damian blindly following Luka as he tried to decipher his inner turmoil.
Luka knocked on the ceiling, pulling Damian from his musings as he did so.
Damian looked at him, wondering when they had begun ascending a second set of stairs. He was also surprised to find Luka’s hand on his back.
He hadn’t noticed him put it there.
The ceiling opened up to reveal Marinette standing above them. She smiled when she saw them, opening the trapdoor up the rest of the way and letting them both in.
“You okay, Damian?” Marinette asked, walking further into her room and sitting on her chaise.
Damian pursed his lips, letting Luka guide him as he tried to find an accurate answer.
“I’m… not sure.” He decided on.
Marinette tilted her head, moving closer to him and gently reaching out to touch his arm.
She seemed to be looking for something in his reaction and whatever it was, she seemed to find it.
“I think I know what’s wrong. You feel kind of floaty, right?” She asked, tugging him towards a set of stairs in her room.
Damian nodded, letting her pull him along.
She had him take off his shoes before ascending the stairs.
Luka did the same, climbing the stairs before them and collapsing on the bed.
Marinette ushered Damian up in front up her, telling him to lay down and laying down beside him.
“No one has a name for it yet, but its basically Paris’s special version of shellshock.” Marinette told him, her head resting against his shoulder.
“The Cure takes the anxiety, panic, and general distress from it but our bodies and minds still need to process what we went through. It leaves you feeling kind of floaty and distant, but at the same time you’re too present. It can be pretty overwhelming. Especially if it’s your first time experiencing it.” Luka continued, he scooted closer to them, laying shoulder to shoulder with Damian as he stared up at the ceiling.
“And this helps?” Damian asked.
He could feel it helping some, it was grounding, calming,
But it wasn’t quite enough.
“Yeah, it works best for us at least. Physical contact and pressure help a lot for us.” Luka told him.
“We would normally be a lot closer than this, but we don’t want to make you uncomfortable. Not everyone likes physical contact.” Marinette said, rolling onto her side to look at him.
Damian hummed, pressing his lips together as he thought about it.
He was very picky when it came to physical contact. Everyone who knew him knew that.
He had already been in physical contact with Marinette several times, including now. It didn’t feel bad when he was touching her, it felt more like touching Jon or Dick than it did touching a stranger.
And Luka, well, Luka had been in almost constant physical contact with him since they first met. He didn’t feel bad either.
Honestly, Damian noticed more when Luka wasn’t touching him than when he was. It was strange.
“Yeah, Luka’s just like that. I just try not to think about it.” Marinette said.
Damian turned to look at her, concerned that he may have been speaking out loud.
“Oh, you didn’t say anything.” She reassured him. “I just recognized the look on your face. Everyone has that look when thinking about Luka.”
Damian decided not to dwell on that.
“I think, I’ll be fine with more contact.” Damian said hesitantly, not sure what exactly it would entail but not against finding out.
Luka was the first to move, propping himself up against some pillows before opening his arms up wide.
“Come here.” He said encouragingly.
Marinette nudged him, grabbing a blanket as she scooted them over to Luka.
She had him lay down first, directly on top of Luka before she laid down on top of Damian.
She covered them with a blanket before settling in, wrapping her arms around Damian’s middle as Luka encircled them both.
It was strange. Not bad, but strange.
He was surrounded by pressure on all sides and very warm.
He imagined that a heated, weighted blanket might have the same effect.
It was kind of nice he decided, letting himself relax against them.
It was strange, Damian thought. To blink and suddenly hear birds chirping outside.
When he had closed his eyes, the sun had just begun to set. Now it was shining brilliantly from Marinette’s skylight directly into his face.
Marinette groaned, pulling the blanket up to cover her face as the sun tried to blind her as well.
“What time is it?” Luka asked from behind Damian, his voice gruff with sleep.
Damian fumbled around in his pockets, trying to find his phone as he shielded his eyes with one hand.
“Its 8.” He responded, squinting at his screen.
“In the morning?” Came Marinette’s muffled question.
“It’s too early.” Marinette groaned loudly.
“Really?” Damian asked with a yawn. “I’m usually up by 5.”
“Around 7 for me.” Luka chimed in, his forehead resting against Damian’s shoulder.
“That sounds awful. Why do you do that to yourselves?” Marinette gripped from under her blanket fortress.
Damian sighed, rubbing his eyes and trying to sit up.
“Noooooo.” Marinette complained, refusing to get up.
Luka chuckled, releasing Damian and peering down at Marinette from over his shoulder.
“Let him get up, Mari.” He told her, reaching around to softly poke her.
Marinette reached out, grabbing his hand and not budging an inch past that.
“Just go back to sleep.” She tried to convince them.
Honestly, Damian was tempted by the offer. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept that well and would not mind doing it again.
He needed to call his father though.
He was honestly surprised his family hadn’t blown up his phone with messages and calls last night,
“I need to call my father.” He told her.
Marinette huffed a sigh, lazily sitting up to glare at him sleepily before rolling off of him and curling up in a ball around a pillow.
“Morning people.” She huffed like a curse.
Damian climbed off of Luka carefully, taking a mental inventory as he did so.
He was sore, probably from staying in one position or too long. His arms were covered in red marks, and he felt sweaty.
Damian stretched, looking over at Luka as he did.
“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.” He said, taking in the red marks covering his arms, the small part of his chest Damian could see, part of his neck, and one of his cheeks.
Basically everywhere Damian and Marinette were laying on him.
“i’m fine, my legs are tingling but that’s normal. Did you sleep well?” He asked.
Damian nodded, running a hand through his hair as he unlocked his phone.
His throat was sore too, he needed some water.
The trapdoor to Marinette’s room opened, an older woman walking through and smiling at Damian and Luka as they turned to look at her.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” She said, glancing at the blanket mound that was Marinette. “Most of you are awake.” She corrected.
“Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs, oh, and Damian.” She said, singling him out. “Your dad with be here to get you at noon.” She said, before turning and walking back down the stairs.
Damian stared after her, wondering how she knew his name when movement from behind him drew his attention.
Luka had leaned over and was gently shaking Marinette’s shoulder in an attempt to wake her up.
“Come on, breakfast is already downstairs.” He told her, trying to coax her from her cocoon.
“Leave me aloneeee.” She whined.
Noon came a lot sooner than Damian had thought it would and soon his family was waiting for him downstairs with John Constantine, ready to send them back to Gotham.
Marinette’s parents had been surprisingly nice that whole morning.
Apparently, Mrs. Cheng had seen the look on Damian’s face and figured they were going to nap upstairs.
When Damian’s family came looking for him, she had explained on his behalf and said he was more than welcome to spend the night.
Damian had been both grateful and mildly embarrassed by the situation but had ultimately decided not to dwell on it for too long.
“It was lovely meeting you, Damian.” Mrs. Cheng said, giving him a hug goodbye.
“Make sure you come back to Paris sometime.” Mr. Dupain said, patting Damian on the back.
“I’ll try.” Damian replied, stepping away to stand with Marinette and Luka as his father started talking with Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng.
“Well, you helped me with my problem here in Paris. Maybe I’ll come help you out in Gotham.” Marinette told him, nudging him in the side.
Damian smirked, glancing down at her.
“Maybe, Gotham is an entirely different breed of crazy though. You sure you’d be able to handle it?” He asked.
Luka laughed, leaning against a wall while he watched them.
Marinette glared at him in response.
“Don’t do that, it’s just as bad when Alix does it and I don’t want you to start.” She said.
Luka’s grin grew in response.
“i didn’t say anything-”
“But you know something-” Marinette cut him off.
“Damian! You ready to go?” Dick called out, standing in front of the portal Constantine had summoned.
Luka stood up, planting his hand on Damian’s shoulder with a wink and a cryptic “We’ll see you soon.” before he walked away.
Marinette quickly said her goodbyes, telling Damian she hoped to see him soon before chasing after Luka to scold him for being a cryptid and not tell her what he knew.
Damian shook his head, walking over to join his family at the portal.
“So.” Dick started, slinging his arm around Damian’s shoulder. “A two for one deal?”
Damian’s following protest was cut off as they stepped through the portal.
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intercoursefluids · 3 months
Well That Happened Chapter 16
This entire chapter is very gory and bloody and violent so if you aren't okay with that don't read it. I'll post the gist of what happened here so you don't need to.
SPOILERS: Marinette attacks Hawkmoth like a rabid animal, he fights back, she beats him (I would go into detail but again, very gory) she takes the miraculous from him and says all the shit he has done to the people of Paris before telling him that she won't give him the mercy of death and leaving him to the people of Paris
Marinette’s blood roared in her ears, her heart pounding against her ribcage as her vision narrowed in on him.
He was the cause of all her problems, the cause of an entire city’s suffering.
She could hear people crying begging for someone to save them, children screaming in fear from the monsters that chased them down the streets and stole their families from them.
She could see the blood coating the streets, the buildings crumbling as people tried in vain to brace for cover.
She saw people getting crushed beneath buildings, saw people drown, burn, suffocate, turn into mindless monsters.
She saw it every time she closed her eyes.
Could hear it in the silence.
Could feel it in the calm of her room.
She lived it over and over again in the few precious moments in peace.
She had seen it all, had heard the cries and groans of Paris, had felt their tears and desperation as they tried to survive.
She had born witness to it all.
And there he stood.
The bastard who had caused it all.
The monster who had killed her, over and over again. In more ways than should be possible.
He had the audacity to place himself before her.
He held the misguided belief that he would leave her presence still standing.
Rage boiled her blood, flooding her veins and filling her lungs.
Marinette watched the blood splatter across his face as her fist connected with his nose.
She grabbed him by the throat, letting her heartbeat set her fist’s rhythm.
Something smashed her in the gut, ripping her away from him and slamming her back into a building.
She was back up before the movement could even register.
Marinette sprinted towards him, blinding rage dulling everything around her as she closed in on her target.
He swung his cane, catching her across the cheek and making her stumble.
She followed the motion, swinging her leg around to kick him in the stomach as she grabbed half a broken brick.
Marinette smashed the brick against his head as she came back around, could feel it crumble against her hand as blood started to trickle down his temple.
He kicked her away, turning to run as she fell.
Marinette didn’t let him, lobbing a rock at the back of his knee as she scrambled to stand.
It hurt, everything hurt but she didn’t care.
He needed to be punished.
She needed to be the one to punish him.
Paris was her city. These were her people he was hurting.
This was personal.
Hawkmoth scrambled away, trying to run with a limp as Marinette closed in on him.
He looked like he was screaming, Marinette couldn’t hear what he was saying.
She rushed him, drawing her nails down his face and leaving behind angry red marks.
He kicked her back but she didn’t fall this time, she stumbled and lunged again.
He grabbed his cane, ripping off the sheath to reveal the sword hidden inside.
Hawkmoth swung his sword towards her blindly, slashing at her in an attempt to keep her at bay.
It slashed her arm, cutting deep enough to make blood run down her arm but it still wasn’t enough.
She was going to get her revenge, one way or another.
He could not escape her.
Marinette dodged another swing, taking a step back to move out of the way.
She wasn’t sure what she stepped on but it buckled under her weight.
Marinette stumbled, she was quick to correct herself but Hawkmoth seized the opportunity.
He swung his sword down, slashing her across the chest and planting his foot in her chest.
He booted her away, sending her flying back against something hard.
Marinette gasped on impact, stars filling her eyes as her head rocked back against the stone.
The roaring in her ears was replaced with a shrill ringing as she tried to regain her bearings.
Marinette moved to stand, bracing herself from the pain as she tried to move.
He kicked her again, shoving her back against the bolder she had hit while grinning manically.
Marinette snarled, trying to hit him again but he kicked her arm away.
Pain shot up her arm from the kick and between the fracture and the deep gash, she was pretty sure that arm was useless now.
Marinette hissed in pain, trying to get away from him.
The momentum she had been fighting with was gone, the adrenalin starting to wear off and be replaced with pain.
She wasn’t in fighting shape and they both knew it.
Something glared, reflecting in the sun and blinding her for a moment.
Marinette glanced over, trying to see what it was just in time for Hawkmoth to plunge his sword into her chest.
Marinette gasped, staring at the shining metal protruding from her chest as Hawkmoth stood over her.
He was grinning like a mad man.
His stupid bald cap had been ripped apart by Marinette, his hair protruding around his head in jagged spikes from where she had pulled on it. There were bald spots from where she had ripped it out.
He was covered in blood, his nose at an odd angle and a few of his teeth seemed to be broken.
He looked like shit.
“You stupid little freak!”
Marinette blinked, zeroing in on him.
“Why won’t you just die already!” He screamed.
His chest was heaving, bloody spittle flying from his lips as he screeched.
Marinette blinked, staring blankly at Hawkmoth before rolling her head to the side.
Marinette looked around her, struggling to breathe with the sword sticking out of her chest and the grown man hysterically screaming in her face.
There was a sword, barely sticking out of the bolder above her.
Marinette grinned, her bloody teeth on full display.
Hawkmoth didn’t like that. He grabbed her face, forcing her to look at him while he screamed at her.
Marinette couldn’t hear him, she didn’t care to.
Her momentum was gone. Her adrenalin had faded.
Her rage remained.
Marinette bit Hawkmoth, sinking her teeth into his hand and refusing to let go.
Hawkmoth screeched, yanking his hand back and ripping a chunk of flesh away with the action.
Marinette reached her hand up, feeling for the sword in the stone as she spit out his skin.
She never broke eye contact with him, slowly pulling his sword out of her chest as she forced herself up.
Blood dribbled from her mouth as she stumbled to her feet.
Marinette stared Hawkmoth in the eyes as she pulled the sword out of the stone, the metal scraping harshly as it jerked free.
Hawkmoth flinched, taking a step back as Marinette threw his sword at his feet.
It clattered to the ground loudly, her blood glistening in the sun as it dripped off the metal and onto the ground.
“Pick it up.” She said coldly.
Hawkmoth looked at her, then his sword.
There was a slight tremor in his hands as he stared at her.
The manic look his eyes had held before had been replaced, fear now coated his eyes with a shiny gloss.
Marinette took a stumbling step towards him, a snarling grin covering her face.
“Pick it up.” She said again.
Hawkmoth shook his head, stumbling back as he clutched his bloody hand to his chest.
Marinette swayed slightly, eyes locked on Hawkmoth as he refused the mercy she offered him.
“M’kay.” She said cheerily.
Marinette swayed precariously, falling forward before she caught herself.
She used the move to burst into a sprint, gripping her new weapon with her only good hand and bloodlust written on her face.
Marinette swung her sword in an arc, aim directly for his throat.
Hawkmoth stumbled back, tripping over the rubble and scrambling backwards as Marinette swung at him.
She slashed her sword through the air over and over again, each time just barely missing him.
Letting him think he was dodging her attacks as she corralled him into a corner.
It was only when his back hit the wall that he realized what she was doing.
Marinette smiled sweetly, standing over him as he shook in fear below her.
Marinette reared back, pointing her sword down and stabbing him in the leg.
Hawkmoth screamed, his hands moving to hold the injured leg.
“Does it hurt?” Marinette ask innocently, putting more of her weight on the sword.
Hawkmoth blubbered, tears rolling off his mask as Marinette roughly jerked her weapon from his leg.
Hawkmoth’s hands covered the area, trying to cover the bleeding wound with shaking hands.
Marinette tutted, squatting down in front of him with a concerned look on her face.
“It’s not that bad, is it?” Marinette said curiously.
Marinette stabbed her sword back into his other leg.
“I mean, it can’t be that bad. You did this to so many other people, it’s almost like this hurts.” She said, slowly twisting the sword back and forth.
“You’re fucking crazy-!” Hawkmoth screech, gasping as Marinette twisted the sword.
Marinette laughed, slowly dragging her sword out of his leg.
Marinette tossed her sword aside, gripping Hawkmoth’s face and forcing him to look her in the eyes as she spoke.
“What was it you said earlier?” She asked, tilting her head. “Something about you being a god?”
Marinette’s smile dropped as she stared at him, the humor bleeding out of her voice.
“You’re no god. You’re just a man playing make believe.” She said, roughly pushing his face to the side.
Marinette reached down towards his throat , she watching him flinch as her fingers brush against his neck.
Watched as his eyes turned wide as the magic hiding his identity faded away.
Marinette stood up, clutching both miraculous in her hand as she stared at the bastard who had stolen her life from her.
“Gabriel Agreste. You have committed atrocious crimes against the people of Paris. You slaughtered millions, several times over. You have separated families, ruined lives, stolen childhoods. You have subjected the people of this city to suffering that will not end with you.”
“You have drowned us. Burned us alive. We have been impaled, crushed, buried alive and turned against each other by your mind control. You have turned innocent people into puppets for your selfish purpose against their will and so much more.”
“Even after you are gone, the memories will haunt us. The phantom scars will coat our bodies and nightmares will haunt our dreams. There is no atonement for you. You tested my patience, tried my good will and crushed my heart. You will see no mercy from me.”
“I stand before you as your judge, as your jury, but not your executioner. You will not meet the grace of death by my hand.”
Marinette stood, glaring Gabriel down as he trembled before her.
She could almost laugh.
A man this weak had thought to call himself a god.
What a joke.
Marinette pinned the miraculous to her dress, grabbing the handle of her sword and dragging it behind her as she walked away.
He couldn’t run, even if he tried to.
Marinette had made sure of it.
He was surrounded, unable to stand let alone walk.
And she had the miraculous, he couldn’t hurt anyone anymore.
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spooky-z · 4 years
Bombshell AU
The Bombshell Dupain-Cheng plot that shouldn't exist. But I have no chill, so...
Long post!
Marinette appears totally different in Paris, after 3 months gone and everyone is shocked.
We have seen all of this in the one-shot/prequel (HERE), so we’re understood so far.
But what happens to make this drastic change in Marinette's look?
Well, let's go back to when Fu makes Mari a guardian for good and loses the memories of the miraculous, in addition to finally meeting his love.
And here the canon dies. RIP
(Going to the current plot.)
Mari is losing her shit, having lost the only adult person who supported her in heroin life and who helped (poorly) in the most complicated situations.
So here it is: Marinette Dupain-Cheng, 13, collège student, part-time heroine, aspiring designer, class representative and now guardian of very powerful magical jewels.
AH! And a nanny. We can't forget that!
The poor girl doesn't have a minute's peace in this house.
She won't even talk about ugh, Lila, because at that moment the Italian was just a fly on the pile of garbage she had to deal with.
So, she turns to the only possible person in this situation, even though she is afraid of previous behavior.
Chat Noir. Yeee
And she's like, "chat, we need to talk." And he: “omg she will confess”
In the end Ladybug tears up Chat Noir and manages to make the hero understand her side, promising to help.
Marinette spends a few months testing the cat, to see if he slips, but to her relief (because she loved that kitty, even if she didn't say it) he remains steadfast.
They reveal the identities and awkward moment omg
Adrien may have screamed a little like a fan with his idol
Mari may have passed out.
(not that any of them will confess that)
They have a heart for a heart.
Mari no longer in love with Adrien and Adrien trying to overcome Ladybug at that point.
When hawkbeetch decides to attack harder, the two agree that they needed help permanently.
Alya was cut off as soon as the idea was put on the table.
The first ones chosen are Alix, Luka and Kagami
Over time Max and Kim also came back
There was uncertainty in choosing who had been chosen before, but magic was able to supply the uncertainties, since when transformed they were no longer the unmasked heroes
The situation with Lila and because of Alya, Nino is also cut.
So, Chloe makes a 160, apologizes to Marinette looking really sorry and wanting to change
Félix also returns to study at Dupont, after Adrien complains to him about Gabriel forcing Lila into the teenager
With that, the team closes on 9 permanent heroes, but that not all of them always appeared in the fights.
They manage to deal with akumas-hawkdude for a while, but when mayura appears more and more in fights things get worse
It was Max's idea to contact JL for help and so they get batfamily's attention
Batman sends Robin and Red Robin to help closely, while the rest were helping from Gotham
There were some disagreements between Ladybug and Robin, since the vigilante was very... annoying. Not to say worse, she had no patience to put up with the boy's arrogant ass.
As for Red Robin, everyone loved him.
(Max may have had some personal discoveries after meeting the guy)
Time passed, Robin became Reynard
And even with the help of the batboys, finding out who the mothman was became increasingly frustrating.
Everyone came to the conclusion that the magic was much greater in camouflage than they thought before
In that they reach half of the Lycée without any advantage over the villain
Alix and Chloe dating since 14
Marinette and Luka started dating when the girl turned 15, Damian joining the relationship a few months later after pining (of the three)
Félix and Kagami only started to see themselves as something more than friends after they turned 16
Kim and Max being the youngest to start dating, at 13
Adrien only met Jon after identities were shared between the team, he was 16 years old
The identities being shared were entirely accidental. All of them having used their powers and without time to hide from each other, the transformations fell
Finding out who the batfamily was, was easy after that.
Things continued at an impasse until Marinette found Diana Prince on one of the galas in Gotham.
And worlds were opened for the little guardian.
"Oh." The woman murmured; her eyes fixed on Marinette.
Bruce had introduced them both after Diana showed curiosity about the two people with Damian.
Marinette released the woman's hand as if she had been shocked. Panic running through her veins. Damian and Luka stood up alert.
"What- No. My name is Marinette." She replied nervously.
Diana noticed the girl's behavior, as well as that of the other two boys, and relaxed her posture in a more friendly one.
“My apologies, Marinette. I didn't mean to scare you like that.” The woman took the girl's hand again in hers. A kind smile on her face. "I could feel the power in you since my mother was the former bearer of the goddess Tikki."
The three teenagers gasped in surprise.
"Rreally?" Marinette sighed; her eyes wide.
Diana laughed softly, finding the girl cute. "Yes." But the smile gave way to a confused expression. "But you shouldn't be surprised, since you're the guardian."
"Ah..." Marinette was suddenly shy. The eyes across the room, except for the woman. “I didn't get to finish my training. Master F- the former guardian was obliged to pass on his duty before training me.”
Diana's face contorted in regret before her eyes lit up with an idea. A wonderful one.
"Marinette, I believe I have the perfect solution for this."
And the girl felt her heart race with hope.
With that, Diana offered training to her and the other miraculous heroines in Themyscira and Mari accepted after talking to her friends.
Arthur Curry, at Diana's request, also appeared offering training for the boys and a plan was formed.
They just needed a little more luck... or money.
Bruce, managed to put Dupont as a priority on the Parisian government's reform list
And with more help, Zatanna agreed to stay in Paris to stop Hawkmoth from attacking.
I'm not going to explain this part much here because I'm writing a fanfiction about it. So let's go to some headcanons about this plot.
In this AU I will be working with the hypothesis that the miraculous have limitations, because the heroes have not yet matured. Whether in age or mentality. They are still "children".
That wielding jewelry has side effects like: slow aging. Too slow. Which ends up affecting teenagers, since most were children/pre-teens when they became heroes.
Kwamis are, in fact, the first gods in the world. They are the origin of the universe.
Each miraculous has a true owner in each generation.
Jewelry, kwami and suits can change forms according to the holder. For example: if Plagg wants to, he can take the form of a normal black cat.
In the case of jewelry, I had this idea because of the monkey's miraculous. It is impossible to use without drawing attention, so here the jewels can change shape at any time. If the holder wants to.
As soon as a true holder wields the jewel, when they are in their majority, the miraculous mark is "tattooed" on the person's skin. (Between the shoulder blades, being more specific). I did a shitty editing on my cell phone. HERE.
If a person who is not a rightful holder should use the miraculous, magic corrupts the person as a form of protection.
Alya, Nathalie, Gabriel and Emilie are examples of this.
There is only one exception to this rule: if the Guardian allows use.
Speaking of Guardian, here, they (Mari) have powers over the box and jewelry.
Tag? let me know in this post.
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spooky-z · 4 years
[1/3]Bombshell Dupain-Cheng: YSSMIAC
Masterlist  Maribat by @ozmav​
Bombshell: The AU // 0, 1, 2, 3
Ships: Lukadaminette, Jondrien, Chlolix, Feligami, Kimax
Warnings: Language
Chapter title: you should see me in a crown
You should see me in a crown Your silence is my favorite sound Watch me make 'em bow One by, one by one 
Here's: Marinette and Kagami didn't expect the transformation to be so outrageously obvious.
Of course, Diana had warned the teenagers that it could happen, but- again, they didn't think it would be so drastic. The growing pains had been, well, a pain. A brutal one.
If Marinette was being bitter, she would blame Tikki for this happening to her and her miraculous partners, but she knew for a fact that it was not the fault of the kwamis for this lack of information.
It was the first time since the world was created, that the miraculous were given to literal children. So, for that reason the side effects were something unknown. But they believed that they had already discovered all the effects after five years wielding the jewelry.
Diana was able to destroy any idea they had about it, since none of them noticed the biggest and most obvious side effect of the miraculous:
They were trapped in underdeveloped bodies for seventeen/eighteen-year-olds teenagers. And that wasn't just because their genetics made them look more youthful, no. The active use of Ladybug’s cure was slowing the aging journey of the other heroes, as they were the hardest hit by healing magic.
So, when Diana - Wonder Woman - invited the miraculous female team to Themyscira to correct this problem with the Amazons, Marinette, Kagami, Chloe and Alix did not hesitate to accept.
The men's team had already been invited by Arthur Curry - Aquaman - because men were not allowed on Themyscira, but also because training with Arthur would be more ideal for them than that of the Amazons.
Zatanna encouraging and assuring the heroes that she would maintain a blocking spell throughout Paris to prevent Hawkmoth from acting.
They left their homes with an excuse to travel the world. Adrien was a little more difficult to get out of Gabriel's claws, but in the end, with Bruce Wayne's call, Adrien was able to leave Paris alone with friends. They were ready.
That's when Marinette suffered.
Starting with all the miraculous having to be resigned in order for the effect of magic to expunge faster, the box being kept safe in Themyscira. And then with the infernal training that the Amazons put them through.
Before, Marinette and Kagami prided themselves on being the most agile and sharp in the fights against akumas, but being in Themyscira showed that they did not even reach the feet of the youngest warriors in the island.
So, it was already clear that if Kagami and Marinette were having problems, Chloe and Alix felt death touching their souls with affection.
(The boys also suffered in those months in Atlantis. Arthur was not at all merciful in teaching them.)
Anyway, when the two and a half month mark reached, the physical changes were simply too glaring to go through a simple growth spurt.
Marinette never envied Chloe and Alix so much for not being predisposed to be tall naturally.
Of all four, Marinette grew the most in height without the influence of the miraculous. She may or may not have cried when she reached 5'11” with Kagami and Hippolyta said she would still grow a few inches.
She didn't care much for stretch marks on her joints, but she complained about the growing pains. Kagami was not very vocal, but the grimaces of pain she let out did not let anyone be fooled.
But even with the pain, the teachings and the struggles, Marinette was happy that they were finally having the right mentoring to guide them. Fu had left very early, much of his knowledge was not passed on.
After almost struggling to free Marinette from Chloe, they left the blonde sleeping on the brunette's bed while she showered.
Alix ate a croissant, Damian and Luka talked about strategies against Hawkmoth and Plume.
"I already talked to Zatanna and she will release the blocking barrier in three days, just so Hawkmoth doesn't suspect anything." Damian looked at Alix, attracting the young woman's attention. "It would be very suspicious if the barrier was broken just on the same day that Dupont's classes returned."
Alix nodded in agreement. "Did she say anything about tracking the miraculous?"
Luka sighed despondently. "No. She will probably only make it when they are active, meaning- “
"We will have to wait for Plume and Hawkmoth to attack again to get any leads."
Marinette came into the room, fully dressed - a black skater dress with the pattern of delicate cherry blossoms, reaching a few inches above the knee, v-neck and short sleeves; white liner socks - and dry hair stuck in a messy bun, leaving the bangs framing the pretty face.
Luka and Damian swallowed at the glorious sight. She managed to be strong and cute at the same time. And it destroyed them so good.
"He should attack as soon as he feels the barrier is gone." Alix replied and it took both of them out of inappropriate thoughts. Marinette's knowing look showed that she knew exactly where the boyfriends' minds ran.
"And that is why we will be making a war council in half an hour." She reached for the pair of white sneakers on the shoe rack and tucked them in her feet, the laces already tied. “Everyone has already been warned. I will be delivering the miraculous and we will make plans on how to take down Hawkmoth for good.”
"... But first we have to wake Chloe." Luka points. "Who's going to be the unlucky one?"
After managing to wake Chloe without resulting in a murder, they were quick to leave Marinette's home for Fu's massage parlor, the current headquarters of the miraculous team and where Zatanna had lived for three months when they were away.
"We are here, losers!" Alix announced pompously.
Upon arriving, they found Adrien talking to Jon in a corner; Max, Tim and Barbara on the computer browsing documents that appeared to be important; Félix and Kagami sat at the big table - which Adrien insisted on calling the round table and Marinette found it unnecessary - analyzing a detailed hologram of the streets of Paris.
No sign of Kim or Zatanna yet.
The entry of the five drew everyone's attention; Tim and Felix's eyes doubled in size as they focused on Marinette.
"What the hell, Mari?!" Tim choked on his words.
"This is what I call transformation." Barbara commented amusedly.
“Everyone has undergone drastic changes, Drake. I'm sure you didn't react that way when you saw the others.” Marinette replied.
"Of course not! Nobody came here looking like an Amazon.”
Kagami coughed against the fist, eyebrow raised.
"Okay, I take back what I said." Tim raises his hands in surrender. "But you have to agree with me, Marinette is the most surprising change here."
Adrien nodded frantically in agreement. “When you showed up at school earlier, everyone was shocked. I hardly recognized you.”
Max and Felix scoffed. "Yes, we noticed the warm looks you were shooting at Mari." Max pointed out causing Adrien to choke in embarrassment.
“Oh, is that so? Interesting." Damian murmured, a frankly murderous look on his face. He had already taken the seat next to Felix.
"What? No! You got it wrong.” Adrien stammered, his cheeks red.
“Okay, Adrien. I'm not jealous." Luka said. The malicious curve in the corner of his mouth making it clear that the musician was loving seeing the model turn into a hot mess in front of everyone.
"Luka!" Adrien groaned painfully and turned to Jon. “You know it's not true, right? Everyone knows that I only have eyes for you.” He pouted.
The brunette put his arm around the blonde's waist, bringing him a little closer. “Of course, I know dear. I totally trust my charm.” He winked seductively; Adrien's blush only growing in intensity.
The two of them seeming to forget that their friends were there.
"Ugh, nobody deserves to watch these two making out with their eyes." Chloe moaned on the chair, still drowsy and irritated at being woken up.
"Think on the bright side!" Marinette said happily.
"What would it be...?"
"At least this time they are dressed and aware that there are other people in the room." Kim replied upon entering.
"... I think we better split them up before they really forget we're here." Kagami pointed a finger at the two boys who had started a kiss in a way that, in her opinion, should be inappropriate for people under fifty.
"Does anyone have a spray bottle?" Damian asked.
And Marinette stopped to analyze the physical changes in her team.
So, the fact was: yes, Marinette was the person with the greatest physical change among the miraculous group. Because in addition to the height, she got muscles (which she didn't have before). It wasn't something like a body builder would be, but it also made it clear that she had a pretty intense exercise routine.
Kagami had also grown a lot, losing to Mari by just a few inches. Even before wielding the dragon's miraculous, she had already developed some muscle due to the intense fencing routine; so, the only things that had changed was the increase in body mass around the shoulders, biceps and calves.
Alix didn't grow much, just two inches from what she was before, and the muscles in her body hadn't been developed as visibly as the two asian girls. She had a better definition, elasticity and mobility had improved dramatically.
Chloe was the only one of the four parisian heroines who had no visible change. She remained thin and flexible, with no pronounced hard muscles. Diana had said that the blonde's body was the type that hid her power. The deceptive, fragile type, but who was agile and fatal. Which suited Chloe.
Of the boys, the shock had been Damian. Damian, who, like Marinette, was one of the smallest on the team - followed by Alix and Max - reached his desired height of 6’3”; surpassing both Bruce and Jason, the tallest in the Wayne family.
But that didn't surprise Marinette or Tim, since Damian's parents were both quite tall. They hoped that eventually Damian would start to grow like a weed.
Anyway. While Damian did not grow muscle mass like a brick house like Jason, his shoulders grew broad and powerful, biceps pronounced, muscles lean and defined. He achieved a perfect match between raw power and agility.
Luka surprisingly hasn't changed much. He put a few inches more - taller than Marinette by just an inch, but smaller than Damian by four - but his muscles didn't grow. They just became more defined. And Marinette understood that.
Among all of them, Luka, Alix and Max were the ones who least physically attacked akumas; sometimes they even stayed out of the fight, as their powers were only for a very critical situation.
Adrien somehow still had room to grow. You see, it wasn't like he was short before; for a twelve-year-old boy - before wielding the ring - he was already quite tall, so even with the magic interfering, he still had a decent height for a teenager.
Then discover that there was still room for him to reach Damian? That was surprising.
Unlike Luka, Adrien gained muscle mass. The blonde, over the years, showed that there was no mercy when it came to eating. He never refused food, always chewing what he could as if there was no tomorrow, since at home, his diet was strict. But even with that, he never gained weight.
Always the same skinny boy as always. So skinny that Sabine had made it her life's mission to fatten the Agreste boy. (Which did not work, but it did not diminish the determination of the Chinese woman.)
Then, without the interference of magic, Adrien grew up.
The boy who was once skin and bone, now looked like the blonde version with green eyes of Kim. He didn't get uncomfortably muscular, but the muscle tone he got was insane. Even wearing a hoodie that was supposed to be 2x bigger than its ideal size, it was possible to see that some corners of the seams were stretched on the shoulders and chest.
Gabriel probably burst a vein when he saw his son's transformation. The more youthful Adrien looked, the better it was for him to sell the image of "teenage prince".
Kim was the least surprised, as he was already big even for a teenager. In addition to his shoulders - which became broader - he grew a few inches, bumping head-on with Marinette and Luka. The chest remained strong and his body seemed to have no problem staying flexible.
Félix followed the same path as Luka - which Marinette secretly thanked, since finding a bodybuilder Félix would be beyond strange -, remaining tall and elegant. Lean, well-defined muscles. He remembered Chloe's changes. Silent, but fatal.
He was also in the race for whoever got higher with Adrien and Damian.
Max, on the other hand, must not have grown more than five inches. His muscle tone did not grow at an alarming rate either, remaining mostly thin, but looking agile. Like a person who runs five miles every morning without losing his breath or sweating.
Which was good, since Max was never a fitness person and everyone knew it. If he appeared like a damn monster truck out of nowhere - like Marinette, Kagami and Adrien - it would make people ask even more and they didn't want to attract more attention than they were already getting.
All of this, of course, without pointing out the other obvious changes that puberty brought.
The lack of baby fat, sharp jaws, developed curves, deep voices... Marinette managed to get used to her new height, but was not finding peace of mind with the new weight of her chest.
She clapped her hands to get everyone's attention and smiled.
"Let's start?"
And everyone, including the two lovebirds, sat around the table.
They would only leave with a solid plan against Hawkmoth.
"Wow, did you see how some of Ms. Bustier's and Ms. Mendeleiev's students looked different?" Lila heard extra #1 gossip with extra #2.
"I saw it, girl!" Extra #2 responded. "Everyone is saying that they joined a gang."
"Oho, do you believe that?!"
"Well, won't you say that you didn't find Agreste's new appearance strange?"
Lila jumped when she heard the name of one of her enemies. She moved closer to the two girls to hear the conversation better.
It could be something she could use against the ice king.
“Did you see Dupain-Cheng?! That was insane!”
The Italian bristled when she heard Maribrat's name. Still confused about what the two girls were talking about.
She had decided not to go on the first day of school to make a flashy comeback, so what had happened, she didn't know.
"And Adrien?!"
"I know!"
And that was it! Lila needed to know in detail what was going on.
"Excuse me, girls..." She sweetened her voice as much as she could. The two girls looked at her confused. "I wanted to first apologize for listening to your conversation and also to ask what you were talking about..." The ‘poor woman’ expression stuck to her face.
The two girls were even more confused. "Didn't you come yesterday?"
"No. My flight from Achu took longer than expected and I just arrived today.”
"Ah..." Extra #2 waved. “Is that- Ah! In fact, just look back and you will understand!” She said hastily.
Extra #1 looked over Lila's shoulder with a haunted expression. Waving violently.
And when Lila turned... What the fuck was that.
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Red-Eye to Destiny: Chapter 3, Meeting the Family
Damian frowned nervously as he drove to pick up Marinette and Luka. There had been so many questions from his siblings when he’d told them he would be picking up two dinner guests. 
“Wait, Demon Spawn has friends and he actually WANTS them to come to dinner?” Todd had laughed. “Alfred, I changed my mind, I’m staying for dinner after all!” He called as he walked back to the den for a drink. “I’ve gotta see this!”
“Jason, behave.” Bruce sighed, looking towards the ceiling in frustration. “Damian, are you sure you don’t want to wait until it’s a little quieter around here? We don’t want them to be uncomfortable.”
“I do not believe that will be necessary, Father, they can more than handle it.” Damian had reassured Bruce, but as he drove away, the worry started. They were civilians, and his family wasn’t always good at hiding that they definitely WEREN’T civilians.
Arriving at the address they’d given him, Damian got out of the car to knock. “Dami!” Marinette exclaimed excitedly, opening the door before he’d gotten further than the porch steps. “Come in a minute, we’re almost ready.”
“Hello Marinette.” Damian had gone stiff with nerves and his mind was reeling.
“Damian? Are you alright?” Luka asked from where he was lacing his boots up. “I can feel how tense you are from here.”
“I would like to give you a small warning about my family.” Damian forced himself to say. “All of them are going to be there and they are an odd bunch. I don’t want you to be alarmed if they say something strange.”
“Damian, we’re from Paris, we can handle strange.” Marinette laughed, putting a hand on his arm and squeezing gently. “I can promise that there is nothing, short of them being cannibals or something, that would scare us off. Even if they did, we’d just take you with us.”
“You keep saying that… That you have seen strange things because you are from Paris, but what do you mean by that?” Damian asked, using the question to ground himself in the present.
“You didn’t hear? I thought the Mayor made a public announcement after everything was over?” Marinette frowned before shrugging. “We had our own supervillain for… What, four years?”
“Nearly five before they finally caught him.” Luka corrected, standing and moving to Damian’s other side. “His name was Hawkmoth, Ladybug and her team didn’t announce who he was, just that they’d captured him and his accomplice and that they would be facing consequences fitting to their crimes.”
“At the same press conference that they announced that, Chat Noir -Ladybug’s partner- announced that he would be retiring from being a hero, but that he’d return if asked by Ladybug.” Marinette added carefully.
Damian could feel that they were keeping their emotions carefully modulated, but he couldn’t figure out why. “What did this Hawkmoth do?”
“He would use the power of an ancient magic artifact to take advantage of people when they were feeling negative emotions. He would promise they could get what they desired; the person who rejected them, revenge for some slight, the position they felt was rightfully theirs, that sort of thing. But they were just more of his victims who he used to make more victims.” Marinette sighed. “The only reason that we all survived was because Ladybug was able to reverse any damage done during Akuma attacks.”
Damian looked between his two soulmates, considering the sad but proud look Luka was giving Marinette and the pained look and emotions he saw and felt from Marinette. The same kind of pain when he wasn’t able to save someone. “You two were heroes, weren’t you?” He asked quietly, grabbing each of their hands.
Both were shocked and they exchanged a look before Marinette sighed, “I guess we wouldn’t have been able to hide it from you for long.”
“You know what? I think you will handle my family just fine.” Damian chuckled slightly. “And I cannot wait to see their faces. I won’t tell them, but they might figure it out if you tell them about Paris.”
“Well, shall we make a game of it?” Marinette was full of mischief at this point. “Or perhaps… A bet?”
Marinette felt a poke in her pocket, and put a hand there, feeling another on her finger. “Just a minute, I’ll be right back.” She smiled at the boys as she walked towards the bathroom. “What’s up, Plagg?”
“That’s my kitten!” He said excitedly, “I wanna tell him!”
Marinette had never seen him so excited, how could she say no? “Alright, let me break the first part of things, I’ll call you to come out, okay?” Plagg grinned and darted back into her skirt pocket, where she could feel him vibrating with pent-up energy.
Amused beyond belief, she focused her thoughts to just Luka, ‘We’re introducing the Kwami’s.’ At his confirmation, she left the bathroom and wandered over to her boys. “Why don’t we sit down for a couple minutes, we can blame it on traffic or something.” She pointed to the couch, sitting in an armchair.
“What do you mean?” Damian frowned, his confusion obvious to them despite his carefully neutral expression.
“It’s about what you figured out. Us being heroes in Paris.” Luka smiled gently, taking Damian’s hand and pulling him towards the couch. “You weren’t 100% right, but you weren’t wrong either.”
“While Chat did retire, we didn’t entirely.” Marinette began. “That magical artifact that we told you Hawkmoth used? Well, we had them too, just with different powers.”
Luka held out his wrist and pointed to his bracelet. “We still use them on occasion, mostly so we don’t get rusty.”
“So… You guys still run around in costume?” Damian wasn’t sure how to react without giving away his family’s secret.
“Yes. Chat returned his miraculous to me when he retired. I could technically call him back and ask him to take up either the same mantel or a different one, we have a number of them, not just the three. We have the one Hawkmoth used, and his accomplice Mayura. But that’s not even the whole story.” Marinette chuckled. “You see, each one is a Miraculous, that’s the name for them, and each one comes with something else. Tikki, Sass, come out please.”
“These are our Kwami’s.” Luka held his hand out and Sass landed on it, “This is Sass, he’s with the Snake Miraculous. I get the power of Second Chance and can turn back time as many times as I need to within a span of five minutes from the time I set it.”
“And this is Tikki, she is with the Ladybug Miraculous. I can summon an item to help me in battle and return it to fix the damage done in battle if the battle was against another Miraculous. I don’t know if the magic works outside of that, I haven’t tried.”
“Why tell me this now? Why so soon after we met?” Damian stood, walking to the window to look out. His mind was buzzing with information and the knowledge that they somehow trusted him completely already.
“Damian, you’re our soulmate, you were never going to be kept in the dark for long. Besides, there’s someone who wants to meet you.” Marinette said gently, her mind sending soothing thoughts. “Plagg, be gentle, don’t freak him out more than he already is.”
Another Kwami comes out from behind Marinette, floating over to him and settling on the window sill. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”
Damian can feel the utter shock of his soulmates, but can’t for the life of him look away from the little black cat in front of him. “Hello.”
“The thing is, some people are more suited to certain Miraculi than others. I’m a nearly-perfect Creation soul with just enough of other things that I can wield other Miraculi with ease, and that was before I ever touched a Miraculous. Luka has the Snake because he’s most suited to its power, and no matter how much I platonically love Chat, and appreciate him for being a good partner, he just wasn’t that well suited to the cat, but we had to have both for us to balance each other.” She explained coming up behind Damian and taking his hand. “Plagg sensed you after we got home, he could tell we’d met you. He said you’re the one most suited to his Miraculous.”
In Marinette’s other hand was a silver ring. “You don’t have to answer right now, but we wanted you to know.” Luka went to the other side of Damian, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“Yes. I’m not as unfamiliar with this sort of thing as you think.” Damian took a deep breath, “But that isn’t my story to tell. Thank you for trusting me, both of you. Why don’t you guys hold onto Plagg for now, let me get to know both of you and him for a while before we make any decisions?”
“I can live with that, but only if you promise to visit me!” Plagg announced, flying up to be on-level with Damian’s face, prompting a small smile from him.
“Of course.”
The drive to the Manor was quiet, but peaceful. Plagg was back in Marinette’s pocket, as well as Tikki and Sass in their respective hiding places. ‘Why did you discovering that we used to be and kinda still are heroes mean we can handle your family?’ Marinette asked silently, not wanting to disturb the quiet in the car.
‘I’m sure you’ve dealt with your fair share of chaos, and while they’re rowdy and will absolutely be in our business, at least you know they won’t be as bad as some of the villains you’ve dealt with.’ Damian was amused, and his fondness for his family despite his protests shone through the bond.
‘Well, we’ll just have to see who we break first.’ Luka smirked, his rarely seen mischievous side showing a little bit.
‘Break? Are you planning to try and traumatize my family?’ Damian sounded more amused than concerned.
‘If you feel that it takes superheroes to handle them, then we should make sure they can handle us too.’ Marinette giggled quietly, showing Damian that she planned to surprise them.
“This will be fun.” Damian finally said out loud. “I’ll give each of you points based on their reactions.”
“Will we be telling them or let them figure it out?” Luka asked as they drove through the gates of Wayne Manor.
“Let’s see how smart they are.” Damian smirked, taking it slow up the long driveway. “But let’s not sabotage each other like I’ve seen the two of you do.”
Both Parisians blushed and grinned. ‘Where’s the fun in not teasing each other?’ They asked simultaneously.
‘I am so screwed.’ Damian sighed and shook his head, using a phrase he heard from his brothers a number of times. ‘Just, let’s keep the game up as long as possible? We want to see how long it takes them to figure everything out, not give it away because we are being competitive.’
They agree silently and when Damian parks, Luka gets Marinette’s door for her before they walk in. Everyone was there, and the moment they walked in Bruce greeted them with a wave and brief smile on his way to the den. “So, you’ve already met Father, Todd is by the mini bar, Grayson is bouncing over like the nitwit he is.” Damian paused as Marinette giggled a bit at his description. “Cain is on that armchair there, Brown and Drake are on the sofa, and I don’t see Gordon here, but she might be busy.”
“Given what happened at the Gala, I’m going to assume those are your last names?” Marinette asked dryly. When half the room gave a sigh she giggled a bit more and nodded. “Good thing we never told him ours then.”
They went around the room giving first names and Dick stood a little closer than he needed to while looking at them very intently. “Where do I know you two from?”
“Well, we work with Jagged. Luka is in the band with him and I do design for both of them. We’ve been on tour for months, so it’ll be nice to put down some roots here in Gotham again.” Marinette explained.
“Wait. YOU’RE his designer?” Tim sputtered, sitting ramrod straight. “You’re the designer that Jagged works with exclusively, that’s also done work for Clara Nightingale and publicly schooled Gabriel Agrest right before he left the business?”
Marinette and Luka both stiffened when Gabriel’s name was said, and Damian could feel the carefully covered anger before they both smothered it. “Yeah, that’s me.” Marinette’s answer was stiff and brisk, causing everyone in the room to look at her strangely. “Sorry, there’s a reason I was as harsh as I was on Gabriel. I went to school with his son and I cannot say I liked the way Gabriel behaved. He is a rather cold man and I was glad to see Adrien gain a bit more freedom when his father stepped down.”
‘That’s not the full story, but I’ll ask later.’ Damian pointed out silently, feeling them acknowledge the request.
“Dinner is ready.” Alfred called, waiting for them to all go into the formal dining room. Damian ended up at the rear of everyone as he let his soulmates go ahead of him, and was stopped for a moment at the door. “I approve, very much.” Alfred whispered, a small smile gracing his lips.
Damian returned the small smile before schooling his expression and walking to his place on the left side of Luka. ‘Pennyworth already figured it out, but I believe he knew from our meeting at the airport.’
‘Well, he’s more observant than the rest of them then.’ Marinette internally rolled her eyes at the way the others were bickering now that they were all sitting at the table.
“How are you two getting along in Gotham? It can be a little unnerving for new people.” Dick asked, leaning his forearms on the edge of the table. “Are you staying safe?”
“We keep our heads in an emergency.” Marinette nodded, “And we’ve been staying in Gotham off and on for a year or two now, we’re just away pretty frequently because Jagged has been on tour so much lately. Besides, we lived in Paris the whole, what four? Five? Or so years that Hawkmoth was active, so… Yeah, we can handle ourselves.”
“Remember, Mari, we had heroes with magic to fix everything up after the fights, they don’t have that here.” Luka reminded her gently.
“Well yes, but I didn’t have very many times where I got incapacitated in an attack, and I know you had less than most people.” Marinette pointed out, her accent getting heavier.
“Perhaps this is not the time to discuss such things without explaining what you mean?” Damian dryly commented, sweeping a hand out to show the confused faces around the table. “I know we talked about this in the car, but the others here were not part of that conversation.”
“Right… Merde, I don’t know how you guys never heard about Hawkmoth.” Marinette sighed and shook her head.
“Who is this person? A villain?” Tim asked, his voice an intriguing combination of tired and curious.
“Well yes, he wielded a magical artifact called a Miraculous and used it to turn normal people into villains to do his bidding. He chose people who were experiencing a negative emotion, and used his power to corrupt them into villains he could control to get what he wanted.” Marinette explained.
“What did he want?” Jason asked, frowning and crossing his arms.
“Well, the Akuma Victims kept yelling about the Miraculi that Ladybug and Chat Noir used to stop him, so I’m assuming that’s what he was after. There was a lot of collateral damage pretty frequently.” Luka shuddered, Syren flashing through his mind. His family had been spared since they had just unmoored the boat, but seeing all those bodies of people who didn’t get to high ground in time.
That image floated into Mari’s and Damian’s minds, Mari had to blink back tears, recognizing some of the bodies from Luka’s memory. Damian stiffened, and looked at them in concern.
“Collateral damage?” Dick asked quietly, “What sort of collateral damage?”
“Every kind you can think of, really.” Marinette sighed, focusing on warm and  happy thoughts to cheer up her boys. “Deaths, injuries, destruction of property. It was pretty brutal.” She nudged the boys mentally to make sure they were okay. “Thankfully, Ladybug was able to reverse all the damage caused by Akuma battles. Her Cure reversed everything to how it was right before the attack. People, buildings, everything.”
“How did nobody know about this? How did the League not interfere?” Bruce asked, his spine straight and shoulders tense.
“I don’t know, it always seemed like anytime anyone not from Paris left Paris, they would forget about it. The news media within Paris covered it, but it’s almost like nobody paid it any mind from outside of Paris.” Marinette shrugged. “And Ladybug fixed everything, so people would probably think it was a hoax unless they were caught up in an attack and saw it first hand.”
“And now? What happened to all that?” Steph prompted, leaning forward to see them.
“Ladybug and her team defeated Hawkmoth about two and a half years ago. They didn’t reveal who he was, but they said that they were having him punished appropriately and that he would never be a problem again.” Luka informed the room. “And then they said that Chat was retiring unless Ladybug needs him to return, the other heroes were either going back to civilian life or would be on standby, and Ladybug said she’d be around but keeping to herself for the most part.”
They spent the next hour or so eating dinner and sharing stories from different villain fights, both in Gotham and Paris. Damian’s sense of horror grew as he realized how much responsibility was on Marinette’s shoulders the whole time. He did the math and realized that she was 14 when she received her Miraculous, and from what they’d implied earlier, their mentor hadn’t been around much.
‘Damian, breathe, it’s been over for a couple years now, we’re both fine and well-adjusted. You don’t have to panic.’ Luka’s gentle voice whispered in his mind, and he felt like he was being cradled in warmth for a brief moment as Marinette shared a memory of a warm, secure hug to try and calm him.
‘I’m alright now, thank you.’ He responded quietly, still processing but from the perspective of the fact that it was long since over before he even met them.
Just then, Marinette’s phone began to ring. “Oh! I wasn’t expecting…” She trailed off when she saw the caller ID. “I’ll be right back.” She stood and walked towards the den where they’d been before dinner, using the bond as she went to tell the boys, ‘It’s Adrien.’
‘Tell him hello from me, I hope everything’s okay.’ Luka responded, frowning in concern.
“Does she get phone calls like that a lot? Where she storms out to take it?” Jason asked lazily, leaning back in his chair and tipping it onto the back legs.
“The only person she leaves the room like that for is Adrien.” Luka sighed. “We both worry about him given his Father’s behavior when we were younger, and given that it’s… Nearly 9pm where he is and he gets up super early, it’s rather odd that he would call without texting first.” Luka checked the time on his phone and sighed. “Adrien is sort of like a little brother to us both, despite being the same age as Mari and only a little younger than me. We worry about him and check in frequently, but it’s usually at scheduled times or with a text beforehand.”
Both Luka and Damian felt a shock of excitement flash through their bond with Marinette. Exchanging a look with Damian, Luka stood carefully. “I’m going to check on her.”
In the den, Luka found Marinette rapidly gushing in French over the phone at Adrien, who he could hear laughing and trying to calm her down. “Mari? What has you in such high spirits, Melody?” He asked, grinning as he couldn’t contain the happiness that Mari was putting out.
“Adrien said that he and his mom are in Metropolis and he found his soulmate!” She giggled, “He forgot to text ahead because he’s just so excited and wants to meet up sometime soon!”
“Alright, congratulations, Adrien, I’d be happy for us to all meet up, but Melody, we left an entire room full of people we were talking with in suspense.” Luka chuckled and spoke just loud enough for Adrien to hear him.
“Sorry for the interruption! I’ll text you guys with the details!” Adrien laughed and hung up without saying goodbye.
“Come on, Melody, let’s get back to dinner.”
Damian felt his phone buzz incessantly, but refused to check it, instead finishing dinner with his soulmates and family, waiting for them to figure out the truth. ‘How long will we leave them in suspense before telling the truth?’ He asked as they moved back to the den for coffee.
‘We could just sit on either side of you and see if that’s a big enough hint?’ Mari had gotten a bit exasperated with how oblivious the family was. ‘Honestly, they aren’t very observant, are they?’
‘About each other within the family? Not at all. With people outside of this house? Ridiculously so. Which is what makes this so interesting.’ Damian smirked a bit and crossed his arms, sitting on one of the sofas instead of his usual armchair.
Marinette and Luka sat on either side of him perfectly in sync, as though they’d practiced it. There were a few moments of silence before Jason started laughing, “I knew it!!!” He doubled over laughing, not even hearing the confusion and queries of his family.
The trio watched him wheeze in amusement, ‘I didn’t expect him to be the first to say something.’ Damian mused, raising an eyebrow.
“Jay, what are you raving about now?!” Tim sighed, slumping back into Damian’s usual armchair before stiffening and sitting up straight. “Wait, since when do YOU sit on the couch?! With people you just met?!”
The rest of the family started to mutter to themselves and Cass began to chuckle, catching the rest of them off guard. “Called it.” Was all she said, looking pointedly at Alfred.
“Yes, Miss Cassandra, you did. Master Jason, please get off the floor, we have chairs.” Alfred set down the kettle of coffee and the cups on a table and began to serve it up. “Miss Cassandra spoke to me this morning that this was a possibility, and I honestly didn’t have the heart to tell her I already knew.”
Marinette began to giggle, “I guess you’re the observant one in the family.”
Cass nodded and gave Marinette a thumbs up, mouthing, -I approve-.
More giggles from Marinette, this time with a few chuckles from Luka before the room exploded with everyone asking what was going on and why half the room knew while the rest didn’t until they all looked down to see that Damian was holding hands with both Parisians.
“Seems it was fate that I had to catch a last-minute flight.” Damian said matter-of-factly. “They are my soulmates.”
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ashbrea381writings · 3 years
Red-Eye to Destiny
Luka wiped the sweat from his face as he walked off stage, laughing with Jagged from the pent-up energy that concerts always gave both of them. Spotting Marinette, he made a beeline for his soulmate, pressing his forehead to hers, sharing his love and happiness with her as he took a few deep breaths to center himself after the adrenalin rush of being on stage. Feeling the love she returned he hummed, a mischievous grin taking over his face as he pictured a slightly more compromising position for later that night. Instead of blushing and getting flustered like he’d expected, Mari responded with a more graphic image of a similar, if reversed nature.
“Melody!” Luka gasped, pulling away and blushing furiously as he glanced around to check if anyone was looking. Jagged, of course, had been on his way over and caught Luka’s gasp, grinning.
“Serves you right.” Marinette giggled. “Besides, you should know by now that despite my previous bashfulness before our bond developed, I’m no shrieking violet.”
Jagged started laughing as he heard Mari’s answer. “That’s my rock-and-roll Niece! You tell him!”
“You do realize how strange it is to hear you calling my soulmate your Niece, right?” Luka asked dryly, slowly recovering from his blush. “I know I didn’t grow up with you, but still.”
“Don’t be a baby, Rockstar.” Mari gasped, finally getting over her fit of giggles. “We have a plane to catch anyway, let’s get going.”
Damian was dead on his feet, he’d just finished a mission that had unfortunately resulted in the Batplane crashing and this Business class seat was the last one available for his trip back to Gotham. It was also a red-eye and that meant that by the time he finally boarded the plane, he was half asleep and almost as soon as they took off, he was just out like a light, not doing more than glance at the tall young man in the middle seat.
“Mari.” Luka whispered, his voice strained. “I have to pee.” The handsome young man on his other side had fallen asleep immediately after takeoff, and shortly thereafter, had ended up leaning against Luka’s shoulder.
Mari giggled quietly, “Then wake him up and go?” She could feel how flustered Luka was, but figured it shouldn’t be too hard.
Luka sighed and gently began to push the young man upright in his seat, only to have him turn and latch onto his arm in his sleep. Gently trying to disengage his arm, Luka started rambling in his head, ‘I don’t want to wake you up. You sat next to me on the airplane and fell asleep on my shoulder and I don’t want to move you because you look comfortable and you’re hot, but I really need to get up.’
Mari had to stifle more giggles, hearing this internal monologue until they both heard a rather shocking response.
‘Then shut up and let me sleep.’ It was little more than a grumble, but it was clearly not said out loud and it was accompanied by the young man who had been clinging to Luka’s arm pulling away and crossing his arms, a frown marring his sleeping face.
Mari and Luka shared a shocked look, surprise and excitement flashing through their bond and causing the frown to ease into a small, satisfied smirk as the slight bond he now had with Luka also registered the excitement and happiness the two had at finding their third.
“Go, go to the bathroom and we can talk about it when you get back. With the excitement, he might start waking on his own.” Mari insisted, trying not to be too excited since he’d really seemed tired.
Damian woke to quiet whispers and strange, swirling emotions that weren’t his. A warm hand shook his shoulder lightly, causing the emotions to intensify. “The plane will be landing shortly.” A light, male voice told him. The slight accent was difficult to place in his still-exhausted state. “You might want to wake up enough to get your things together.”
“All I have is my pack in the overhead bin, and stop touching me.” Damian grunted, rubbing his face. “But thank you for waking me.” He added gently when he felt a slight faltering in how positive the emotions coming from the person beside him. That the feelings of happiness and excitement were coming from this man beside him was something he was certain of, given the change in how much nervousness became clear when he was so rude.
“I… uhh…” There was a giggle from further past the man, and a giddiness bloomed alongside an increase in nervousness. “Mari! Don’t laugh.” The man groaned, and Damian felt movement in the next seat over.
A glance showed a man who seemed to be rather tall, despite how he was slumped into his seat with his hands over his face, ears bright crimson. Past him was a young woman with blue-black hair, her light blue eyes sparkling with mirth as she laughed. “You weren’t so reluctant to be touched when you were asleep.” She commented, prompting another groan from the man between them.
“I beg your pardon?” He asked, stiffening a bit as he watched the girl scroll through her phone. He looked more closely at the man next to him, noting his dyed-blue hair that was showing dark roots that looked somewhere between charcoal black and a different shade of blue-black like the girl.
“Take a look.” She held out her phone, scrolling through a few photos of himself clinging to the man next to him in his sleep.
“My apologies, I must have been very deeply asleep. I did not mean to make you uncomfortable.” Damian found it was his turn to blush as he saw that he had evidently spent most of the flight not only asleep on his neighbor’s shoulder, but clutching the other man’s arm.
“Umm. It wasn’t… The only time I got too uncomfortable was when I had to get up to go to the bathroom an hour after you fell asleep. Other than that, I didn’t mind that much.” The man muttered from behind his hands, his blush growing even deeper.
“Luka, breathe please.” The girl instructed dryly. “I’m Marinette, the tomato is Luka, it’s nice to meet you.” She introduced them cheerfully. “He’s usually a wreck with guys more than girls, you’ll get used to it.”
“Mari!” Luka gasped, removing his hands, his cerulean eyes wide and staring at Marinette, who giggled further. “Don’t make assumptions.”
“I seem to be missing something.” Damian frowned, trying to push back the swirling emotions that were emanating from the two. “What do you mean I’ll get used to it?” He checked his watch and saw that they were still about 45 minutes left of the flight. “I am glad you were not too uncomfortable, but why are you so excited?” He directed the question at Marinette, who tilted her head in return.
“Did you not notice? When Luka got up earlier?” Her voice was amused, but her eyes were not laughing at him, simply observing.
“I was not fully awake, but I believe he was saying something about not wanting to move me, but needing to get up.” Damian’s frown deepened as he struggled to remember his half-asleep response. “I am sorry again, I was rather rude to you, wasn’t I?” He remembered telling the person disturbing him to shut up and crossing his arms, but that was about it.
“You were a little, but I was waking you up.” Luka chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. “You also didn’t speak out loud.” At this, Damian narrowed his eyes at the two of them.
“Of course I spoke out loud, how else would you know I had been rude about you waking me?”
‘The same way you hear me now.’ Luka’s voice sounded, not in his ears, but in his head as the man didn’t move his mouth when speaking. ‘And we both heard it.’
“We knew there was going to be a third, we got… Little flashes now and then. I might ask about those later. But it was still rather surprising to find you on a plane of all places.” Marinetts smiled gently, all traces of humor replaced with warmth and general happiness.
“Is that why…” Damian trailed off, trying to focus on the strange emotions that were still swirling around in his head to make sense of them. “I don’t understand.”
“Maybe we can start with your name?” Marinette asked gently, and some of the swirling emotions became dampened, more subtle and easier to sort through.
“Damian.” He answered, shaking his head slightly. “You did something just now. It changed. What was that?”
“I chose to send less through the bond.” Marinette responded with a shrug, “We’re from Paris, we got very used to suppressing emotions, even if it isn’t healthy.”
When this was said, the rest of the swirling emotions that had been distracting Damian settled down, and Luka took a deep breath. “Sorry, we haven’t had to do that in a while.” The slightest whisper of embarrassment came through the bond before that too was suppressed, although the blush on Luka’s cheeks showed it was probably from him.
“So I am feeling emotions from the two of you?” Damian asked quietly, clarifying what they seemed to be implying.
“Yes, that’s how a soulmate bond works.” Marinette sounded confused, though the emotions through bond didn’t reflect it very much.
“I have not been told much about them.” Damian didn’t finish the sentence, but thought. ‘Grandfather would not approve, he must not find out.’
“Damian, we can hear it when you think so loudly.” Luka gently informed him. “Until you are able to get a little bit of practice with the bond we’ll hear something like that. If it’s a conscious thought that you would hear as words in your own head? We’ll hear it too if we’re close enough.” He was obviously concerned over what specifically had been thought about, but the look on his face said he wasn’t going to pry.
“I was not aware. Most of my family think rather poorly of the idea of soulmates. They often shun those who do fine theirs. While I no longer live with them, however, they do interrupt my life now and then to be bothersome.” He explained carefully. “My Grandfather is the ‘Head’ of the family.” Damian gave a wry smile and shook his head. “I can explain further once we get to know each other better, I suppose.” He realized as he said this that he actually did want to spend time with them. It must be a side-effect of the bond.
“I’m sorry your family makes it hard.” Marinette was eyeing him in a way that said she was going to bring it up again later. “But it sounds like you’re in a better position now.” Her change in mood and suddenly sunny smile threw him off slightly.
“Yes, I’ve been living with my father for almost 9 years now. While he and the others are nosey about any signs of a soulmate bond, they do so because they want to find out who I might end up with.” He wrinkled his nose, both annoyed and quietly warmed by the fact that they cared. “Perhaps we can exchange phone numbers? I know you said you were from Paris, so I am not sure how long you will be in Gotham.”
“We grew up in Paris, but we aren’t as… Settled now, we travel a lot and we’re taking a bit of a rest in Gotham.” Luka seemed circumspect, and Damian studied them closely. There was something they were hiding, but from the admittedly muted emotions he was feeling, it wasn’t likely to be something sinister. “Gotham has been an on and off home base for us, since my father has a home there and we’re usually traveling with him.” Luka added. “He was planning on spending some time in Paris though, and we wanted to just crash in our own bed instead of at the Grand Paris Hotel where he usually stays when in Paris.”
“I’ve stayed at the Grand Paris, it’s rather nice.” Damian raised an eyebrow. He focused, this time intentionally sharing his thoughts. ‘I know I do not know much about this, but I would like to try.’
There was a jolt of excitement from both sides of the bond and it gave Damian a warm feeling in his chest. They just quietly sat like that for the last little bit of the flight, collecting their respective carry-ons as they stood. “We have a couple bags at the baggage claim if you want to walk with us?” Marinette asked as they departed the plane.
As Damian had predicted, Luka was tall and slender with a quiet grace he hadn’t expected given his ‘rocker’ look. Marinette was short and petite, but she moved with confidence and from the flash of her abs he’d gotten when she reached for her bag, more muscular than her clothing had shown. This was further proven to be true of both his soulmates as they hefted ridiculously large suitcases off the belt and didn’t think to put them down and use the wheels until they shared a look and a glance in his direction.
He simply let them feel how pleasantly surprised he was, and kept walking towards the exit. “If you want, I can input my number into one of your phones and you can each text me later to give me your phone numbers.”
“That works for me.” Luka pulled his phone out and handed it to Damian, smiling quietly. Both of the Parisians seemed to be humming with happiness to Damian.
With Damian’s number swiftly entered into Lukas phone, they promised to text him when they got home. As they were discussing possible plans to meet up, Alfred pulled up to the sidewalk at the airport entrance. “Hello Pennyworth, these are Marinette and Luka, we met on the plane.” Damian informed him, stepping forward and placing his pack in the backseat before turning back to them. “We will have to speak later to finish coordinating, I had planned to be here yesterday, but my original flight was no longer available.”
Marinette and Luka were obviously curious at the way he had worded himself, but didn’t ask out loud or silently. “We’ll text you when we get home, I think Dad had someone park in the short-term parking for us, so when we’re home and possibly after a nap we’ll text you.” Luka’s eyes held a bit of a joke about Damian’s nap on the plane.
“Then we will speak soon.” Damian fought back a blush at Luka’s tease and turned to get in.
“Good to meet you.” Alfred said with a small bow, closing Damian’s door behind him and going around to the driver’s side. “Is it safe to assume that I will be seeing more of the two of you?”
“Probably.” Marinette answered with a giggle.
“Then you may call me Alfred, I hope to get to know you soon.” Alfred’s expression didn’t change, but his voice was warm and sounded just slightly amused.
The Parisians felt rather than heard Damian’s groan at Alfred’s tone and they both smirked, letting him know silently that he had nothing to be embarrassed about. “Likewise.” Marinette answered with a grin.
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spooky-z · 4 years
[1/13] K-12
First let's go to the important topics in this story:
I have already given a very general idea about the story here. Things that I will not (probably) go deeper into the story, but that if you didn't know, you would be confused. So read this post before starting the story.
I plan to update every Friday. It can be the day before (Thursday) or the day after (Saturday), in case something happens.
Warnings (for the whole story): Plenty of salt for Lila, Alya and Bustier, but this is nothing new.
Chapter 1:
Wheels on the bus
I know the driver sees it I know he's peeking in the rearview mirror He says nothing Trying to ignore it, it's fucking boring I'm quietly observing I'm saying nothing
And there was Marinette again, being scolded for something that was not her responsibility. Being used as a scapegoat for everyone and anyone who acted wrongly.
“-And you know it's not Lila's fault. The poor girl has a serious illness and you, more than anyone, should understand her situation before antagonizing her.” Bustier sighs as if the bullshit she was spitting on the teenager was the bloody holy grail. “You have to be an example-“
And that was where Marinette let her mind run wild. Her face was blank while all she could think about was how tired she was.
Caline Bustier was no longer Marinette's dream teacher. There was a time, between her seven and eight years, when she really wished she could stay with the teacher until she graduated and had to go to college, but that was over now. Nowadays, the teenager wanted to keep as much distance as possible from the teacher.
Marinette was emotionally exhausted. Worn to the edges with scorn, and the way of acting as if it were not relevant.
There were times when she thought of simply throwing her backpack over her shoulder, leaving the classroom without caring about the world and never coming back. And that required a lot of her to keep quiet, without moving a muscle, not wanting to cause a scene.
But even though she knew her parents would support her, she remained strong.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was neither weak nor a dropout. She was a fighter, a very, very experienced fighter.
"-So, I want you to go in there and apologize to Lila and the rest of the class." Caline smiled sweetly and Marinette raised an eyebrow in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Bustier, but it won't happen." The girl responded with the best disregard tone she could do.
Ms. Bustier quickly dropped the smile and an outraged expression took over.
"What do you mean ‘it will not happen'?" Marinette was grateful for the hours she had spent with Damian training her poker face, because if it weren't for that, she would have burst into laughter at that point.
The teacher seemed about to burst a vein. Her face was growing redder and her eyes were twitching.
“Exactly what I said. This will not happen." The brunette crossed her arms.
“But you are the representative! The example!" Ms. Bustier countered.
"Do you want me to apologize just because I'm the class representative?"
"Yes-NO-I mean-"
"OK then." Marinette replied, her posture becoming more casual and relaxed.
Caline was surprised by the sudden change in behavior, but smiled nonetheless.
"So, are you going to apologize?"
"No. I am leaving the position of representative.”
The teacher felt as if her soul had left her body.
“W-what? Leaving?” She mumbled weakly.
"Yea. If in order to be a class representative I have to become the carpet where everyone cleans their dirty feet, then I prefer to leave.” Marinette waves dismissively. "And that's a good thing, since I don't speak to half the class anymore and that makes my job more difficult."
Ms. Bustier looked more and more lost.
She had called Marinette to talk privately and as she had done several times before, she tried to convince the girl to be more understanding with her classmates.
It was not the first time the two had this exact conversation, but in all previous times, Marinette had been easily convinced to retreat. The girl had a heart of gold and that was why Caline often chose her to show the class what good behavior was like.
But this time obviously, she was not listening to the voice of reason and Caline was concerned about her student.
Since Marinette joined in a particularly unusual friendship with Chloe, the girl who before was sweet and assertive, was now armed with sharp words and sharp looks.
“B-But you fought so hard to get this place! You can't go out like that!” Caline insisted, feeling desperate.
Marinette raised an eyebrow in challenge.
“I'm out, Ms. Bustier. You can choose someone else to serve as a punching bag for bullies because I, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, am sick of it.”
And with that the girl left, leaving Caline Bustier stunned behind.
The teacher didn’t know what else to think, but she felt that moments of tension would come from her class in the near future.
And she was not at all prepared to deal with it.
"... and then I told her that was enough for me!" Marinette finished speaking and brought her fork to her mouth to enjoy the cheese tortellini that Luka had prepared.
"You did well, Mari." Alix said with her mouth full and the cheeks puffed up with food and not at all concerned with how disgusting it was. “Bustier has always been a facilitator!”
Chloe, who was just finishing eating, wrinkled her nose in disgust both for Alix's lack of decency and the fact that Ms. Bustier was a terrible teacher.
“Swallow before speaking Kubdel. It's disgusting to have to see this chewed baby food, ugh! " She pretended to shiver and Alix opened her mouth even more in retaliation. "OK! Enough- Anyway. Late, but you finally faced her, Dupain-Cheng. I'm proud."
Marinette looked at the blonde in surprise. She was not so vocal about their friendship in front of others, still trying to maintain the snobbish pose.
"Awn, our Chloe's heart just grew an inch!" Adrien, who was sitting on Chloe's right side, reached out and squeezed the girl's cheeks. "Look at this character development."
"I never thought I would live to see that day." Max adjusted his glasses.
"This year has been the year of revelations." Kim twitched his eyebrows, bringing the glass of water to his mouth.
Chloe slapped Adrien's hands away, her face red in embarrassment.
“S-stop it! We're talking about Mari kicking Bustier's ass, not me!”
Kagami smiled fondly at the girl.
Since they had found this safe haven in the form of friends and partners, Kagami, Adrien and Chloe were increasingly comfortable opening up to be themselves, without fear.
"But we can also talk about how cute you look when you show support for our friends, じ ょ お う (jo-ō)." She teased.
Luka clapped his hands. “Even Kagami joined. Now you're going to have to put up with it, Chlo.” He laughed at the blonde's displeased expression.
“Do I have to get involved in this? Because I prefer to continue eating these tortellini which is, I must say, delicious.” Damian pointed his fork at Luka. "If you don't pursue the rockstar career, you might as well open your own restaurant."
Everyone saw how the always composed, Luka Couffaine, tried to hide the blush on his face with his hands, but the red ears denounced him.
They laughed as Marinette kissed behind the boy's left ear and Damian placed his hand on his right hand on the table.
They all sat at the Wayne's extensive dining table, with Titus lying next to the living room door and Alfred the cat using the dog as a bed.
They had all gathered for lunch at the house - almost a damn castle, because the rich like to spend unnecessary money - that the Wayne's had in Paris.
When Damian had told them, three months ago, that he would be coming to live in Paris for a few years, Marinette and Luka were excited about it. They would be able to see their boyfriend often, as he would be a short distance away and would not have to juggle because of the time zone.
Marinette honestly thought that Bruce would rent an apartment to Damian - Jason and Cassandra, who also decided to leave Gotham for a while - since it wasn't something definitive, just a few - three - years... Needless to say, she was more than surprised when Damian took the group of friends to the most famous mansion in Paris.
The Chateau Louis XIV. The most expensive house in all of Paris and perhaps even in the world.
A huge place just for three people, two pets and a butler.
Damn the bourgeois. She didn't understand these rich guys.
The rest of the lunch was spent in a light and playful mood, making Marinette finally relax and recharge.
After all, she still had a second round about to happen when she returned for the rest of the day's classes.
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spooky-z · 4 years
Yo, about the longfic.
Hi, guys! I came to make a quick post about the longfic that I mentioned in a previous post.
Many of you came to my inbox asking what this longfic would be, if it would be childhood friends or pack au and I have to say: no, it is not.
About the childhood fanfic: I still have a huge block, since all the ideas I had, I ended up losing when my notebook disappeared (I think I may have dropped it on the bus)
The pack au, I STILL have no intention of making a big fanfic about. I've been having ideas for one shots (I even have one already written and revised that I'll post on Friday), but nothing I can take and say: well this is going to be a plot for something bigger. Sorry!
That said, let's go to the question itself: what is this longfic about then?
Well, as I said earlier, it's an au totally separate. It's something I'm... Experiencing. So, I'll give you information about this fanfic.
The name of the story will be K-12
It will have 13 chapters (there may be +2 with the prologue and the epilogue, I haven't decided yet.)
And if you're a fan of Melanie Martinez, yes, that's exactly what you're thinking. The story will be based on the songs on the album.
It will not be a songfic! I just based the chapters on parts of the songs and will use the song titles.
K-12 will focus on Marinette's personal life, but we will have a little bit of miraculous.
As I want to make a mess with ships, I will be making a not too big change:
- Luka, Marinette and Damian are in a polyamorous relationship. Which means, yes, Damian dates Luka too.
- Adrien is demisexual and is developing feelings for Jon.
- Kagami and Chloe will be our proud lesbians bC YEah CHLOGAMI 4EVA
- Max and Alix are ace and together.
- Kim is the bisexual who is still in the closet and is dating Ondine.
Hawkmoth was already defeated before the first chapter of the story, as the miraculous team received help from batfamily to track down the villain. In other words: Gabtrash is in prison and Natalie too.
Emilie is alive and kicking since ladybug was *SURPRISE* able to reverse the damage in the peacock's miraculous.
Now Adrien lives in the mansion with Emilie, Amelie and Felix, finally having a family.
Damian, Jason and Cassandra have been living in Paris for a while, going to gotham when necessary in the fight against crime.
We will have hypertension with Lila, Alya, Bustier and Damocles.
Nino is shaken, not knowing what to do.
Marinette is badass
The permanent miraculous team:
Marinette - Ladybug (ladybug)
Adrien - Chat Noir (cat)
Luka - Viperion (snake)
Chloe - Queen Bee (bee)
Max - Pegase (horse)
Kim - Roi Singe (monkey)
Alix - Bunnyx (rabbit)
Kagami - Ryuko (dragon)
Damian - Taurus (ox)
Nino - Carapace (turtle)
Jason - Vulpes (fox)
Cassandra - Panthera (tiger)
Heroes are still active because there are still villains around the world and Paris is not exempt about that.
Mestre Fu is still the guardian and is guiding Mari to be next.
Well, I believe that answers most of the questions asked!
[EDIT]  I forgot some other information about K-12.
About their appearance (w/ links):
- Marinette's hair is much bigger than in the canon. Reaching the middle of the back and she uses the ribbons on a feather braid. (she keeps loose) 
- Adrien have Chat Noir's hair, as now he doesn't have to show a perfect image outside the photoshots (bc Gabriel bitc is ded)
- Kagami continues with the same style, but has an undercut now.
- Luka's hair is purple and he has a sidecut.
- Max has cornrows braids.
- Kim is the same as always, only slightly bigger than in the canon.
- Chloe has changed the most, hair and clothes. She looks like the prototype.
- Alix has Alix's adult hair style, just the color that changes. Is pastel pink.
About the ages:
Marinette, Kim, Alix, Chloe, Max, Adrien - 15/16 (some have already had birthdays and others have not)
Kagami, Luka, Damian - 17
Cassandra - 14
Jason - 22
Other info:
Luka and Damian are on a gap year before entering college.
Kagami continues to attend school for rich kids.
Bug out!
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