nekofra · 5 months
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azure-shuttle · 7 months
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lots of ezras and two leifs Leif's parent @lircha
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lircha · 5 months
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Time skip LL's.
Ezra belongs to @azure-shuttle !! 💙
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lumieron · 1 year
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@amodernpersephone requested: lip lxl icons
credit to use!
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ro4dlj · 7 months
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No i did not almost forget to post this per usual /j
It’s been 2 years since my ocxoc ship was created… wow, one heck of a ride isn’t it? To think they were created over some silly fruit horror game
“Rendering” style is inspired by Jes btw:3 (artist who works on pm & lgts)
Stay fresh!
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mewvietheater · 1 year
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# OH YOU WERE MY WiND UP ROMEO ♪ Social studies #O2 for @toranekooo ' s NEKODEMY ⁠୨୧ rblg ++ credit if saved or used . . . ( NO KiN / ME FOR AiZOU AND NO F/O FOR YUJiRO )
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song is 99 cent store btw :33
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5seraphim · 1 year
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Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikata gifs
requested by @amodernpersephone
no kin/me/id or f/o tags unless you're ess!
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mongpht · 2 years
Happy Birthday LIP×LIP!
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Aizo&Yujiro: today is the birthday of two from LIP×LIP! thank you to everyone who celebrated our birthday! your smiles are the cutest 💋 we want this year to be another year of giving you songs and performances that will touch the hearts of Julietta✨ let's keep having fun with us!
Aizo: staff made a cake for the two of us, and Yujiro was going to eat it without telling me, you know?
Yujiro: Aizo, i'm sorry, but you literally said the other day 'I need to lose weight'😺
Aizo: You just wanted to eat my share 😾
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leonxlykos · 1 year
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Leon x Lykos
Chapter XXVIII
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azure-shuttle · 8 months
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more stuff on the tangled the series au! the lore is giving us a headache with its angst
Leif's parent @lircha
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angielara29 · 7 months
It hurts just remembering him, how I was happy, to think how our bodies collided and burned, how those wet lips claimed to love me and yet with those same lips betray me and claim to love another. While I was on my knees and tearing myself apart saying how much I loved you and yet it doesn't matter and it burns me in the worst way and I'm not coping
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lircha · 8 months
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It was supposed to be just a joke.... But it got out of control. :')
I was like 'hehe what if Leif got a crush on Ezra' and @azure-shuttle made this face: (⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠)
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yume-fanfare · 3 months
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can we please please get tomoya in after the prologue
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ro4dlj · 7 months
That one tv girl trend in tiktok
Picture ver.
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Sighs so loud
Stay fresh
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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just a tl of lxl's tv guide interview~
Q1: First off, please introduce yourselves!
Aizo: It’s nice to meet you guys! I’m Aizo.
Yujiro: And I’m Yujiro! The two of us make up the idol unit of LIPxLIP.
Aizo: We sing with all we’ve got to bring happiness to our listeners.
Yujiro: We’ve released many MVs as well, so please check them out as well.
Aizo: We also give it our all when we’re shooting our MVs, so you’ll be able to see us being all cool in them!
Yujiro: That sure is a lot of “all”s that we’ve given, Aizo.
Aizo: That’s cuz I really give it my all in everything we do. You do the same, right?
Yujiro: Of course I do. There isn’t a single day when I’m not giving it my all.
Aizo: See? You look calm and composed most of the time, but you’re actually a pretty passionate guy, huh?
Yujiro: It’s because you’re always giving it your all that I feel like I can’t lose either.
Aizo: There it is, your tendency of hating to lose.
Yujiro: Well, we both hate to lose, don’t we?
Aizo: But, Yujiro, you’re able to do everything so easily without seeming bothered by the thought of falling behind, which never fails to surprise me every time.
Yujiro: I guess you’re the opposite of me in that regard, Aizo. You’re a straightforward open book. I think that any onlooker will be able to tell how much you love singing and how much fun you’re having at work.
Aizo: Eh? Do I really look like I’m having that much fun?
Yujiro: You’re always excited when we’re on site. But, Aizo, you’re actually surprisingly calm and even more observant of your surroundings than I am of mine. Even when I’m distressed, you’re the one who notices it faster than anyone else, Aizo…
Aizo: I’ve told you that you should ask for help when you’re troubled, but you really can’t be honest, huh? (laughs)
Yujiro: …Right now, I’m troubled by you and the way you’re smirking at me, Aizo.
Q2: What was the response to your 2nd Album “Be Grateful You Were Born!” like?
Aizo: Since this was our first album in a long time, we have received a lot of responses from our Julieta (what they call their fans) who have been anticipating its release. We’re really happy that it brought joy to them.
Yujiro: We had performed “White Day Kiss” live, so there were many Julieta who were looking forward to its album release too.
Aizo: Also, Narumi (Sena) who starred in the MV for “Julieta”, the sequel to “Romeo” from our previous album, congratulated us too. She said that she’ll recommend the album to her friends as well, which I appreciate!
Yujiro: I will be really happy if people who don’t know of us yet can get to know and support us through this album.
Aizo: We’ll continue to work hard as LIPxLIP with all we’ve got, so please root for us!
Q3: What were the challenges that you faced with this album?
Aizo: Well, it’s more like we faced so many new challenges that I don’t know where to start. (laughs)
Yujiro: In terms of the mood of the songs, I think “Meoto” with its Japanese taste and the Arabian-esque “A.B.Secret” have a very new feel to them compared to our other songs as LIPxLIP.
Aizo: We changed the way we sang to suit each and every song too, so I think we were able to show you new sides of us. For “Meoto”, I was conscious of the way I sang to fit the role I played in the setting of the song, and for “A.B.Secret”, there was that rap-like dialogue.
Yujiro: You may be surprised by the difference in intensity if you listen to “Oshi no Mahou” and “Yurushite Santa-san” after those songs. (laughs)
Aizo: With the “LOVE chu chu”s and the “Please, Santa-san”s, right? I’ll be thrilled if you can feel not just our coolness, but also our cuteness as idols! But… even though I was the one who said all that I’m starting to feel embarrassed.
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Q4: The album has songs that would be a hit at live concerts, such as “Oshi no Mahou”, with its fun call-and-response bits.
Aizo: It goes without say that I definitely want to do the call and response with our Julieta!
Yujiro: Same here. I’ll be happy if everyone memorised it and came to watch us perform when that day comes.
Aizo: It’ll be super fun, right?! I’m looking forward to hyping up the venue and making it echo with all our voices.
Yujiro: Is there anything else that you’d like to do during the performance?
Aizo: Hmm, well… Maybe we’ll make a Möbius loop together with the audience… wait, the ideas won’t stop flowing if we carry on like this. (laughs)
Yujiro: Yeah, you’re right. (laughs) Let’s leave the details of the performance as something that our audience can look forward to when the time comes.
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Q5: Tell us the secret stories behind the shootings of your MVs!
Aizo: I had a feeling when I heard Yujiro sing “Anata” in his lines in “Meoto”... But I was still surprised when I found out that Yujiro was dressed up in the role of a girl during the MV shooting. But, y’know, it suited you amazingly~. The air your makeup gave off was also different from how it’s like during our usual jacket photoshoots and live concerts, so I was a little charmed by you (laughs).
Yujiro: Thanks. Although I played the role of a woman this time, the costume I wore was a fantastical gorgeous kimono, within a unique setting, so it was easy for me to get into my role without feeling uncomfortable.
Aizo: I really didn’t feel uncomfortable at all either.
Yujiro: You looked good in your bewitching horned costume yourself, Aizo. It brought out your coolness, and you looked strong too.
Aizo: Right?! I was really pumped with all of the manly accessories like the horns, the mask, and the patterns drawn on my body.
Yujiro: Your long sharp nails suited you too. And in the MV, there’s a scene where the pair, played by me and Aizo, open their hearts to each other and hold hands while standing shoulder to shoulder. Be sure to pay attention to the contrast between our hands, okay?
Aizo: Speaking of the shooting, when I was hugging Yujiro during the filming of that shoulder to shoulder scene, I could smell a wonderful fragrance coming off of him. I was really surprised at the time, y’know? (laughs) “He smells so good!” I thought.
Yujiro: The staff had prepared some perfume for me. Although the fragrance can’t be conveyed through the screen, they had hoped to enhance the vividness of the setting for the viewers by having me wear the perfume as we filmed. I thought that it was a wonderful idea, so I had the staff apply the perfume to my costume. 
Aizo: For “A.B.Secret”, we filmed a live concert called “Arabian Nights in the Dunes”, which was yet another tough day. (laughs)
Yujiro: To be honest, we got lost on the way to the venue, so we had to cross several dunes.
Aizo: We may look all nonchalant in the MV, but we’d used quite a lot of our stamina. I’m just glad that we were able to make it to the venue in one piece…
Yujiro: But we were treated to a lot of wonderful food after our performance, so I’d say that it had been a very satisfying day.
Q6: Since this is a TV guide… What TV programmes do the two of you tend to watch?
Yujiro: I watch all kinds of shows, but I tend to watch talk shows often. I think that it’s great that I’m able to learn about current events from all over the world in the form of an entertaining programme, no less.
Aizo: You don’t just check the news or something? You sure are a diligent one, Yujiro.
Yujiro: I watch talk shows just because they’re interesting. If I just want to know the news, I wouldn’t particularly watch a talk show for it.
Aizo: I watch them every so often myself, but I only watch the segments that introduce restaurants that serve good food or amusement park events.
Yujiro: I see. You watch TV too, Aizo? I had the impression that you’d be often off running outside or something instead.
Aizo: Well, I do watch TV, y’know? I like watching programmes hosted by their namesake comedians. And I check out singing programmes without fail.
Yujiro: Yeah, I watch music programmes often too.
Aizo: It goes without say that I check out my favourite bands and artistes too, but I have to know what the current trends are on the rankings! As idols, we can’t afford to lose to others and all.
Yujiro: Though, I do occasionally get hooked on particular trends just from checking them out. (laughs)
Q7: Going off the name of your album, please express your gratitude for each other and your Julieta!
Yujiro: Do you even have anything to be grateful to me for…?
Aizo: Yeah. I’m grateful to always have you as a nice wall for a rival.
Yujiro: A nice wall? Is that supposed to be a compliment?
Aizo: Yes, it’s a compliment. For example, I do pretty well in my studies and sports at school, but when I look at you, Yujiro, I find myself thinking that I can’t be satisfied with the way things are yet. I’m able to grow steadily because I have you as my literal worthy opponent.
Yujiro: You’re really grateful to me, huh?
Aizo: Well, since we have the opportunity now, why not? How about you? You’re not gonna say that you have nothing, are you?
Yujiro: Yeah. I have something too.
Aizo: Ooh, what is it, what is it? 
Yujiro: There has been a lot of pollen in the air lately. So, when I sneezed, you immediately gave me some pocket tissue, the soft kind. You really saved me back then, so I’m grateful to you.
Aizo: Is that simple thing all you’re grateful for…?
Yujiro: Sorry, I was just kidding. (laughs) As I had touched on in an earlier question, whenever I’m depressed or distressed, you’re the first one to notice, Aizo. I tend to overthink all kinds of things, but you always make my worries disappear. So I’m always grateful to you for that, Aizo.
Aizo: Huh, so you do have a proper one after all.
Yujiro: It’s embarrassing to be this honest, so let’s keep this between us, okay?
Aizo: It’d be nice if you could be honest all the time, though.
Yujiro: More importantly, we have to honestly express our gratitude for our Julieta.
Aizo: Yeah. We’re more grateful to our Julieta than anything.
Yujiro: Thank you so much for cheering us on, Julieta.
Aizo: We were only able to release our new album thanks to your support, Julieta. We are able to continue on as LIPxLIP thanks to every one of you who listens to our songs, buys our albums, and sends us your thoughts and cheers.
Yujiro: Julieta, I’m grateful to you from the bottom of my heart. Also, I’d like to express my gratitude that you were born in this era and that you and us were able to meet like this.
Aizo: We will continue to do our very best so that we can return the love that we have received from you, Julieta, many times over.
Both: Please cheer us on!
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Q8: What was your first trip together like?
Aizo: There were some pranks, and there were times when I felt exasperated, but it was truly a ton of fun!
Yujiro: We haven’t had many opportunities to go on a trip till now, so it was a really great experience for us. 
Aizo: We got to see many places, plus thanks to the fact that we were in charge of the voiceover for the Izumo guided tour, we had a good knowledge about the places of interest and we were able to enjoy ourselves to the fullest.
Yujiro: I especially liked the footbaths. When I dipped my feet into the footbath after a tiring walk, I was truly impressed by how much it helped to relieve my fatigue.
Aizo: It’s amazing how it completely warmed your feet up, huh?
Yujiro: Yeah, its healing properties are amazing.
Aizo: No, y’see, your feet were flushed pink from the warmth of the water in the footbath after soaking in it for a while. When you took your feet out of the hot water, saying “It’s hot.”, it looked like you were wearing pink socks, which I found rather funny.
Yujiro: …If you want to bring that up, should I release that video of you scooting around on your butt to grab a towel with your legs raised up in the air because you had nowhere to put your wet feet?
Aizo: When did you even take that video…?
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5seraphim · 1 year
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24 aiyuu stamps for @amodernpersephone
no kin/id/me or f/o tags unless you're xem!
credit to use!
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