#Lydia martin imagines
heliads · 1 year
Lydia Martin Masterlist
Truce - Based on this request: "lydia martin x fem reader? y/n is new and ends up with the pack. she's a lot like lydia, so everyone expects them to become friends, but lydia dislikes her and feels like she's being replaced by her. enemies to lovers?" Imagine
Those Who Cannot Protect Themselves - Based on this request: “fem!reader x lydia in s2 when stiles, scott and allison already knew everything but lydia was kept in the dark. she’s reader’s lab partner. an attack happens and lydia feels powerful bc reader trusts her to protect her.” Imagine
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dobrienbabe · 5 years
Answers || Lydia Martin
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Original Post: on ssimagines
Pairing: Lydia Martin x reader
Word Count: 3402
Warnings: girl x girl?(don’t read it if you are sensitive to that), forced kiss, general assholeness, sorta unrequited love, and fluff
Request:   # 71,83 & 97 with Lydia Martin pls <3
Prompts:  71. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life”
                 83. “You did this for me?
                 97. “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
Note: This is for a female reader specifically.
This is obviously already been posted, but since I started my smaller blogs, I wanted all my work for each fandom in one place. Instead of just reblogging everything I figured that I would repost it.
It was a normal unordinary day at Beacon Hills High School. That sentence alone sounded weird to you. Normal wasn’t something that you experienced often, so you were enjoying it.
The bell rang alerting you that your final class of the week was officially over. You wasted no time to pull your bag off the ground and rush out of the classroom. You scanned the hallway for the familiar strawberry blonde hair of your best friend. Making your way to the stairs, you tried to get a better vantage point to see over all the others. 
Lydia was over by her locker. She seemed pinned to it by none other than Tommy Scott, a senior known for being a bit of a player. He was a grade A asshole, the human kind. 
You pushed through the crowd of teenagers to get to your best friend before Tommy can do anything to massively stupid. Every step you made almost felt like a step backwards as you were meet with resistance from every push. Eventually you did make it through the massive crowd of teens trying to get out the building. 
Tommy had Lydia almost trapped against her locker. He held onto the door of her locker with one hand and leaned against the wall of lockers on the other side of the girl. Lydia looked at him pained as if she was trying her best to hold her tongue. She was probably trying to hold back a quick-witted insult.
You caught her eye when you got out of the crowd of people and approached the two teens. You were able to make your way to them in a matter of seconds. Tommy was still completely unaware of your presence. He continued to talk to Lydia about some party this weekend at his place. 
“Lydia, you ready to go?” you said interrupting the Tommy. He practically screamed as he jumped at the sound of your voice. A small smile emerged from beneath the disgust on Lydia’s face which brought a small smirk to your face. Now that Tommy wasn’t blocking Lydia off you went to stand by her side as she pulled you into a hug. 
“Y/N, what a pleasure to see you,” Tommy hissed like the snake that he was. He shot daggers at you for interrupting, but that just made stand taller. Your goal for coming over was to get Lydia, but pissing off Tommy was definitely a bonus. 
“Wish I could say the same, Tommy,” you said raising your voice up an octave. You even gave   Tommy a small smirk. 
“Tommy was just telling me about a party he’s hosting tonight,” Lydia said also using a higher pitched voice. “You should tell Y/N. She loves parties. Right, Y/N?”
“Yes, of course,” you said with still high tone. “Tell me about this party, Tommy.” Tommy just pursed his lips at you. Lydia reacted by wrapping her arm around you. Tommy let out a deep frustrated sigh and brought his hand to rub his face. 
“I was just inviting Lydia here to a small party I’m hosting tonight,” Tommy said. His shoulders were slouched and his words dragged as he talked. “It starts at 9, my place. There will be a keg, but I’m trying to keep it sorta small for now.” “We will be there,” Lydia said looking to you for approval. You just gave her a sly smile in return as well as a nod. 
“Yes, we will,” you said looking back at Tommy. He pursed his lips at the two of you as head nodded.
“Okay, see you there,” he said turning and walking away. As soon as he disappeared into the thinning crowd, you turned to Lydia. You took Tommy’s place leaning against the lockers. Lydia turned to her locker to take some books out of her bag and shove them in as well as take some books out of her locker and shove them into her bag. 
“Tommy?” you said raising your eyebrows. She just rolled her eyes at you and kept moving books around. “Did he approach you or did you approach him? Do you like him now? Are you just trying to get laid? What’s going on Lydia?”
“Nothing is going on,” Lydia said. “Do you want to go to this party or do you want to dip out and stay at my place?”
The idea of staying in with Lydia was so appealing to you. You couldn’t help but want to be alone with her. She was your best friend, but she was your crush too. For that reason, you knew better than to agree to just spending time with just her. 
The last time you had one of your just you two nights, you two had gotten massively drunk and confessed to her. You were lucky that she didn’t remember anything in the morning. 
“Let’s go to the party,” you said with an encouraging smile. “If it’s a flop, we can just go back to your place.”
“Sounds good,” She said. “I’ll pick you up at 9:30?” “Perfect,” you said as you turned in the direction of your locker needing to drop some books off there. You waved to her as she headed toward the door.
You were nursing a red solo cup with bland warm beer. You weren’t actually drinking it, but rather holding to make sure no one tried to give you something else. Lydia was off talking to some of her other friends as you sat with Scott and Stiles. You were sitting to the left of Scott as Stiles sat next to him on the arm of the couch.
You felt the couch dip beside you. You turned to look to see a drunk Tommy sitting next to you.  He had this shit eating grin on his face as he starred dazed ahead. 
“Do you need something?” you asked. You were slightly amused at his demeanor. 
“Lydia is so gorgeous, ya know that?” tommy said rolling his head to look at you before rolling it back to where he was looking before. You turned to see his gaze was on a smiling Lydia on the dance floor. 
“Yeah, she is,” you said looking at her. 
“You are so lucky to have such a banging best friend, you know that right?” Tommy said beside you. He let out a bit of a laugh. You looked at him disapprovingly. 
“You’re such a pig,” you rolled your eyes at him. “You’ve been trying to get her to sleep with you for the past two months. You know that’s never gonna happen right?”
Tommy looked shocked for a moment. You let out a stifle of laughter at the expression on his face and shook your head to return to looking at Lydia. 
You caught her gaze, and she smiled and waved to you. You gave her a half smile before waving back to her. The smell of alcohol overwhelmed your senses. You turned to the source of the smell to see Tommy’s face really close to yours. 
You jerked back out of disgust and shock. Your face distorted as you scrunch your nose up and furrowed your eyebrows. He lurched forward connecting his lips with yours. Your mouth was filled with the disgusting taste of beer as Tommy’s rough lips pressed against yours.  
You yanked away from him. Tommy just leaned back laughing. 
“What the hell Tommy?” you practically screamed at him. You stood up from your spot on the couch catching the attention of the two teen boys that were sitting beside you.  They stared at you confused. 
Tommy stood up too moving towards you. He placed his lips on yours again. You stepped backwards quickly. You raised your hand to slap him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to slap him.
“What’s your deal Y/L/N?” Tommy said as he held his cheek in his hand. “Girls just fall all over themselves to get my attention. Here I am, offering myself to you, and you jump away from me? I give you an out to all the jokes that you like girls. I give you a chance to prove them wrong.”
“I didn’t really want you to kiss me now did I?” you screamed back at him. Scott and Stiles stood behind you protectively. 
“Now you have these lackeys backing you up, huh?” Tommy said coming at you.
He was really close to you now. It made you uncomfortable with him looming over you. 
“Tommy back off,” Lydia’s voice rang out from beside you. The two of you whipped around to see the strawberry blonde starring Tommy down. She had left her other friends on the dance floor probably after seeing the first kiss the he planted on your lips.
“What is to you, Lydia?” he asked looking her up and down. “You interested now or are you just here to defend your little girlfriend here? That’s what she is isn’t she or is it just a one-way street? She likes you, but you don’t like her. Am I right?”
“Leave her out of this,” Lydia demanded. She stood tall and held her head up high. Tommy approached her. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Scott and Stiles backed off slightly both being a bit afraid of Lydia. 
“What are you going to do about it?” He said. Then he turned to back to you. He approached you and ran his fingers lightly up your arm. “She is all talk and no bite, aren’t you?”
You flinched away from him. That’s was the last straw for Lydia. She placed a hand on Tommy’s chest and pushed him away from you. 
“Don’t you dare touch her. If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!” Lydia said. 
You gently took her hand in yours. She looked back at you to see the pleading look you wore on your face. She shook her head at him. 
“You’re not worth it,” she said before turning back to you. “let’s get out of here, okay?”
You just nodded as she pulled you outside to get in her car.
Neither of you spoke the way back to Lydia’s house. The drive was completely silent as you waited for her to speak first. 
When you finally pulled into her driveway, you realized that you were probably going to have to speak first. She turned off the car as you tried to gather your thoughts. The headlights turned off after a moment of the two of you just sitting there. You heard the click of Lydia’s seatbelt followed by the shuffle of Lydia turning in her seat. You leaned your head back against the headrest and turned to look at her. 
“Lydia,” you started as she spoke too.
“Listen…” She said. You both stopped and waited for the other to speak. You let out a stifle of laughter as you watched her do the same. 
“You first,” you said gesturing for her to continue. She let a deep sigh as she looked at you.
“Why did you have us go tonight Y/N?” Lydia said. A frown crept up onto her face. You weren’t sure what to say. You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. No longer wanting to face her you turned to look out the windshield. 
“Lydia, I…” you trailed off as you looked at the strawberry blonde. What were you going to say?
If you were to tell her the truth, your relationship with her as you know would be over. How could you tell her that you didn’t want to be alone with her? If you made it out to be what it was then your feelings would be revealed, but if you didn’t you would come off as not wanting to be around her. You were sure that if you were to lie to her she would sniff you out right away. 
“What Tommy said back there…” she said slowly. Her words eloquently flowed out of her mouth. “Is it true? Do you like me?”
You were in deep now. You only saw one option at this point. You were going to have to lie to your best friend which is something you’ve never done with Lydia. Sure, you avoided telling her your feelings, but you’ve never straight up lied to her before. 
“Yes, I do,” the words slipped past your lips before you could stop them. Now what were you supposed to do. 
Lydia let out a deep breath beside you. You couldn’t bear to look at her as you looked down at your fingers in your lap. The car was silent again. The only sound that could be heard was your breathing. It was eerily quiet. 
The silence was broken by the Lydia’s car door opening. You followed suit by unbuckling your seat belt and getting out of the car. The silence between you continued as you went up to her front door. 
She searched through her bag looking for her house key. You watched desperate to point out that they were still in her hand, but terrified of the reaction that you might get from her. You weren’t even sure if she wanted you to follow her this far. 
“Where are my damn keys,” Lydia mumbled as her frantic searched continued as she continued to dig around in her back not saying another word. She shoulders were pulled to her ears practically as her movements became more and more stiff. 
“Lydia,” you voice was a quiet as a mouse, but it caught her attention enough for her gaze to snap up to yours. “They’re in your hand still.”
She let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. Her shoulder visibly released the growing tension. She reached up to rub her head as she opened her eyes. She looked at you for a second as if she wanted to say something before shaking her head and looking away. 
Lydia moved to unlock the door. You were unsure of what to do as you watched her struggle to move the key into the slot to unlock the door. You placed your hand over hers and steady it helping her guide the key into the slot. 
“Lydia, do you want me to go?” you said. Your voice came out strangled and desperate. You were fighting back tears that you didn’t even realize you were holding back. 
Lydia got the door open and she glanced back at you as she stepped across the threshold of her home. The tears were budding at the corner of your eyes as she looked back at you. 
“Stay here, I’ll be right back,” She said with a confidence she hadn’t had since you were still at the party. She stood taller as she walked away leaving you standing outside the open door. 
Part of you screamed inside run away. Run home and hope that this whole night was a dream, but there was another part of you. One that said stay and trust Lydia on this one. So that’s what you did. 
You stood in the doorway looking into the house you had been so many times before. The house of your best friend. The house of the girl you loved. The girl you had just told you loved. 
Now that Lydia was gone, the tears started to flow like a small drizzle down your cheeks. You were able to keep your breathing even as you wiped the salt water off your cheeks. You watched into her house waiting for her return. The longer she was gone the more you felt like you should turn around and leave. 
Sure, enough she came back no more than ten minutes later. She said nothing as she reached you, but rather she took your hand in hers lacing her fingers with yours. Lydia pulled you into the house behind her. She closed the door once you two had gotten all the way into her house. 
The majority of the lights were off, but you could see a small glow coming from her room. That was the direction she was leading you. You followed her silently. The tears hand stopped coming, but the remnants of them were still on your cheeks. 
Reaching her bedroom door, she pushed it open revealing blankets and pillows set up on her floor almost like a nest and tons of candles were lite and placed all over to illuminate the room. 
As you looked around the room, you could only think of how beautiful it was. You didn’t really know what all of this was. 
“Lydia, what is this?” you said unsure. You turned to look at the strawberry blonde teen who was looking at you a way you’d never seen her look at you before.  
“I need you to listen and not talk for a bit,” She said taking in a deep breath as if working up the courage to speak. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life. When we were little, I didn’t really understand what my feelings for you were. When we started high school, I was with Jackson for two years thinking that I was in love with him. It wasn’t until he and I broke that I realized that there was no way that I could be in love with him because I was in love with you. I didn’t know what to do about that, so I tried to get over you by getting with other guys, but nothing worked. 
“Then one night you told me you loved me, but the next morning I was sure that you had forgotten, so I didn’t bring it up. I decided that I would just tell you how I felt instead. Then you would have to confess to me when you remembered. I’ve been trying to get you alone for the past two months, but every weekend you always opt for parties and raves and keggers. It couldn’t seem to get you to come to my house without you being completely wasted. 
“But then tonight happened. When I saw Tommy kiss you, I was so pissed off. I was ready to scream, but that would not have gone over well. You pushed him away and then you started fighting with him. I just had to step in, and everything was such a rush, I didn’t even think about was happening I just did. In the car, I was hoping you would deny Tommy’s allegations, so I could know without having to confess to you and ruin our relationship, but you didn’t. I didn’t know what to say. I was so overwhelmed with my own emotions that I just shut down, but I can’t keep quiet anymore. I love you Y/N.”
You listened to her whole rant without saying a world. You couldn’t believe what you had just heard from her. There were no words in your head just one single thought. Kiss her.
You put your hand against her cheek and leaned forward. She met you halfway pressing her lips against yours.
There were no words for what you felt. Fireworks and butterflies had nothing on Lydia’s kiss. Her lips against yours was a magic that you had only read about but never thought actually existed. It left you completely breathless as you pulled away. 
She grinned a large smile as her eyes fluttered open meeting yours. You let out a little giggle as you let a smile spread over your face. She leaned in again to press another kiss to your lips. This time when she pulled away to lead you to the nest like structure on her bed. 
The two of you laid down together just pressing sweet kiss to each other’s lips and cheeks. You laid there together just enjoying each other for what felt like forever. Before you finally sat up and looked around.
“You did all this for me?” you asked. Lydia sat up behind you and wrapped her arms around you. She placed a small kiss to the back of your neck before placing her head on your shoulder. 
“Anything for you,” Lydia said. A warm smile stretched over your face as you turned around in her arms. You placed another sweet kiss to her lips. 
You had to admit there was something to thank Tommy for tonight. You now had Lydia. That was more than anything. 
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bonniebird · 5 years
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Lydia x Reader
Requested by Anon
You smiled as Lydia followed you up to the house. It was much smaller that Lydia’s. She didn’t mind that but the mass of cars parked outside made her realise just how many people had gathered for the holidays.
You’d invited her in hopes of having her meet your family. They’d heard you were dating her but had never met. For you all you had to deal with was the usual holiday stress but Lydia had bought a new dress specially and started panicking that she was underdressed or overdressed. She wanted your family to like her and she was in full blown panic mode.
As you knocked on the door your family scrambled to greet you. You were swamped with hugs and cheering while Lydia stood awkwardly on the doorstep. You turned to introduce Lydia and she shoved the gift she’d bought into your parent’s hands. Before she could collapse into awkwardness she was pulled into a tight embracing hug.
The day was spent swapping gifts, talking and catching up while Lydia was overrun by younger relatives wanting her to play with them, hundreds of questions and the usual holiday activities.
When you finally managed to get a few moments to yourself it was late, both of you took airbeds in the living room. “Well what did you think?” You asked hopefully and Lydia laughed.
“It’s very different from my families holidays.” She explained as she played with your fingers, rolling over to look at you. “No one really talks. We eat and avoid each other, there’s really no point us being in the house together.” She admitted.
“Well tomorrow we have a lay in and then a huge brunch, then it’s outside for games until dinner then we start a huge fire and cook on it.” You said with a grin.
“I can’t wait. Thank you for inviting me.” She said happily before letting out a sleepy sigh.
Lydia opened her eyes to sunlight streaming into the room. When she groggily rolled over and smiled seeing you sleeping soundly. For a few moments she wondered how everyone back home was doing. She’d been assured that they’d be fine without you both but she couldn’t help but worry without them.
“Morning.” You yawned out and sat up. Lydia smiled as you stumbled out of the mattress.
“What do we do until your family wakes up?” Lydia asked and you looked around the room.
“If you don’t mind we could clear up in here and maybe start cooking? It’ll be awhile before anyone wakes up.” You asked and she hopped to her feet.
“More than happy to help.” She said happily.
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imagine-this-that · 5 years
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Allison: Way to go (y/n)!
Lydia: Whoo!
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Lydia- Because I Had You
Request- Hi I love your writing, they’re my favorite! Can I have a Lydia x girl reader based on the song Because I Had You by Shawn Mendes? Maybe a happy ending? But it’s completely up to you! Thank you!
A/N- Coincidentally, I have both quit my shitty job and finished school, so guess who has time to write more imagines! I know this one has been in my inbox for a while, and now that I’ve got the time, I’m working on clearing it out. Next up is a Stiles imagine!
You were scrolling through your phone, not so patiently waiting for the Starbucks line to thin out as you waited to order. You tapped your foot to the upbeat music and sent a quick text to your cousin Derek, letting him know you would be at his loft in twenty minutes.
It had been over a year since you left Beacon Hills with your other cousin Cora, and the flight from Canada, combined with the flight back, had sapped the energy right out of you. You normally wouldn’t have stopped so close to Derek’s, but you were fading fast, and Cora wasn’t there to keep you awake on the drive over.
She had opted to stay in Canada for this trip, even though you had desperately tried to convince her.
“Last time I went home, I was trapped in a vault for three months,” she had reminded you. “I’m not exactly chomping at the bit to go back.”
You eventually relented and caught the plane back home alone.
Up until Cora decided to leave Beacon Hills, you had never lived anywhere else. After Deucalion and his alphas had been defeated and the sacrifices ended, Cora told you and Derek she was planning on leaving.
It seemed like a cruel joke at first. To believe she was dead for six years and get her back, only to have her disappear again would have broken your heart. After losing Laura a year earlier, that wasn’t a blow you were prepared to take.
“I’m coming with you,” you had announced suddenly, a couple days after Cora made plans to leave.
She had quirked her eyebrows up at you from where she sat on Derek’s couch and shut her book. “You want to go to Canada? It’s so far from home.”
Cora was met with the roll of your eyes. “No shit. After everything that’s happened here, I’m open to something new.”
“You sure there’s not something you want to stay for?”
At that you had paused. You knew the something she was referring to, and it was one five-foot-three, strawberry blonde genius.
You were older than Lydia by a year, but after Scott was bitten, you became a lot more interested in the budding werewolf in the sophomore class. After Derek ordered you to keep an eye on him, you were somewhat forced to hang out with him and his friends. Luckily they turned out to be pretty cool.
You liked everyone except for Jackson, but even then, you got the feeling that he wasn’t really a part of the group. Scott was mostly focused on making sure he didn’t expose everyone’s supernatural secret. Over time, Jackson left for England, Erica and Boyd went missing, and you and Lydia became incredibly close.
When she was trying to figure out what she was in the midst of Jennifer’s sacrifices, you were by her side the whole time. You were actually the first person she called whenever she found a body. Up until that point, it was no secret that you felt something for her, but you had never said anything. She had never asked, but if she had, you would have been prepared to tell the truth.
The night Jennifer tried to strangle her, you had rushed to Lydia in the parking lot. Scott and Stiles were preoccupied with figuring out where Jennifer had taken the Sheriff, and rescue crews had swarmed the school after the music teacher had been killed. Despite the commotion, you and Lydia actually had a moment alone.
You were frazzled and worried, and you held tightly to her hand as she sat in one of the ambulances that were called. She was silent for a long time, and you didn’t blame her. Someone had just tried to kill her, and if the Sheriff hadn’t been there, she might have succeeded.
“I know you might not be ready to talk about it,” you had told her quietly. “But I’m here if you do.”
Lydia had taken a deep breath, looked over at you with wide green eyes and said “I don’t want to talk.”
Then she leaned over, cupped your cheek with her hand, and kissed you fiercely.
You had only dated for a few weeks before your cousin announced she was leaving. At that point, you were torn between leaving someone you loved or losing Cora all over again. It was the hardest decision you had ever made, and while you loved Ottawa, you couldn’t help but wonder if you had made the wrong one.
Now, standing in the line for coffee, you were startled when you heard a familiar voice behind you.
“The first thing we need to do is start on your application essay. Community college standards aren’t crazy high, but you still need to work on your writing.”
You turned around, eyes going wide while you watched those familiar red locks blow in the spring wind as she walked through the door. Lydia carried a laptop case in her hand, and she was followed by a taller brunette, carrying two backpacks. You knew one of them was Lydia’s.
“Do you think I can actually get in?” she was asking.
“With practice, absolutely,” she said, smiling up at her. “And my help, of course.”
Her eyes scanned the room, and before you could even think about turning away, they landed on you. Lydia’s face fell, and the laptop case slipped from her hands. The other girl caught it before it could hit the floor, but followed Lydia’s gaze and glowered at you suspiciously.
Lydia quickly reached for the other girl’s hand and grasped it tightly as she straightened up. She tossed her hair over her shoulder with one hand and lead the girl over to the line.
“Y/n,” she said smoothly. “How do you like Ottawa?”
“It’s great,” you told her honestly. “Peaceful.”
You wanted to say more, to maybe tell her that she would love it, and that it would be so much better if she had come with you. But Lydia had turned down the offer a year and a half ago, and it looked like she was perfectly happy where she was.
“Who are you?” the girl next to her asked abruptly.
Lydia squeezed her hand. “This is Y/n. She’s Derek’s cousin, remember?”
“Oh,” Malia said, her eyes going wide.
“And Y/n,” Lydia began. “This is Malia-”
“Peter’s daughter,” you cut her off. “You look like him.”
Malia scowled. “That’s the only thing we have in common.”
“Trust me, that’s a good thing. I guess that makes me your second cousin, and uh, you’re Lydia’s girlfriend, right?”
Malia opened her mouth, but Lydia smiled brightly. “Yes!”
Malia looked over at her and nodded, smiling wordlessly.
You couldn’t hide the way your expression darkened, but you smiled at them anyway. “That’s great. You seem really happy.”
You felt an all too familiar ache in your chest, and looked back over your shoulder at the counter. You were exhausted, but you weren’t ready to stand there talking to Lydia for more than a few minutes, not with her new girlfriend by her side.
You had spent the past year and a half trying to distract yourself with other girls, but none of those relationships had ever panned out. They could never be Lydia, and you were certain that, even after a year and a half, you weren’t able to love anyone else.
“You know what?” you suggested. “Why don’t you guys take my spot in line? I’m already late getting to Derek’s.”
Lydia frowned. “Are you sure? You look exhausted, Y/n.”
You nodded vigorously, but you knew they were unconvinced. You had never inherited the Hale poker face. “Go ahead. It looks like you guys are gonna have a long night of studying. It was nice to meet you, Malia.”
“Y/n, wait,” Lydia said, but your eyes were already watering.
You rushed out of the coffee shop, and headed straight to your car. Lydia had looked happy, but when she saw you, her entire demeanor changed. This trip was supposed to help you make the decision of whether to come back or not, but by the way Lydia had looked at you, she might not even want you in Beacon Hills. If that was true, was it even worth coming home?
“If I ask you what’s wrong, will you stop moping on my couch?”
You glanced up at Derek from where you had buried yourself in a pile of blankets. “I’m tired.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“You’re a terrible legal guardian.”
Derek huffed and sat down in the armchair next to you. “You don’t actually think that.”
“No I don’t,” you grumbled. “But I don’t want to talk about it.”
“It’s Lydia, isn’t it?”
You frowned at him. “How did you know that?”
He shrugged. “She’s the only person you’ve ever been this upset over.”
You sighed and sat up, causing the mountain of blankets to cascade onto the floor. “I saw her in the coffee shop this morning. When she saw me, she just looked...horrified.”
“Did you talk?” he asked thoughtfully.
“A little, but she was with someone else. They were holding hands and studying together and...and she looked really happy.”
“Did you-”
Before he could finish, a sharp knocking on the door echoed through the loft.
“Expecting someone?”
Derek’s brow furrowed. “No. I’d better see who it is though.”
He rose from the armchair and walked over to the door. Once he got closer, he paused and turned to you with raised eyebrows. “It’s Lydia.”
Your breath caught in your throat. “Oh god. You can’t let her in.”
He rolled his eyes. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Derek, please!”
He huffed. “Okay, go upstairs.”
You shoved the remaining blankets off of you and rushed upstairs. There, you hid just behind the door frame and listened as you heard the telltale screech of the loft door opening.
“Hey, Lydia. What’s up?”
“I’m looking for Y/n,” she told him. “She’s staying with you, right?”
“She is, but she’s out right now,” Derek lied smoothly. “Is there something you want me to tell her?”
There was pause. “I saw her this morning in Starbucks. She saw me with Malia and...I just really need to talk to her. When is she coming back?”
“Wait. Malia was the girl she saw you with?”
“Yeah. Did she say something to you?”
“I think you two need to talk,” he told her.
His voice grew too soft for you to hear, and you listened as his footsteps crossed the loft. The door screeched open once more, and you froze. Was he leaving?
After a few seconds, Lydia’s soft voice called out. “Y/n, I know you’re here.”
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself. You should have known you couldn’t trust Derek.
You popped your head out from behind the door and plastered a bright smile onto your face. “Hey! I didn’t know you were coming.”
She let out a tired sigh. That was when you really got a good look at her. Her red hair was wild and curly, spilling out of the bun piled on her head. Her eyes were rimmed with red, and her cheeks were splotchy. She looked exhausted.
“Lydia? Are you okay?”
You felt yourself drifting down the stairs toward her. “Hey, are you okay?”
She took a deep breath and ignored your question.
“Was it worth it?” she asked softly. “Leaving?”
You were speechless. On your flight home, you figured Lydia might confront you about this. You just didn’t realize it would be so soon.
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “I was sick of fighting for my life. I’ve been fighting since I was eight years old.”
“So you just ran,” she whispered bitterly.
You paused and looked down in shame. “Yeah. Yeah I did.”
“Well you got what you wanted,” she told you. “You stayed out of it. You stayed out of everything. Stiles getting possessed, the assassins, the crazy, giant werewolf that tore apart the school. You missed all of it. You didn’t even come back for Allison’s funeral.”
Shame burned through you. That was probably the thing you were most angry at yourself for. You wanted to return, but you had made the choice to leave in the first place. There was a part of you that wasn’t sure if you should intrude.
“I wanted to,” you said softly. “Lydia, I’m sorry. I didn’t know what to do.”
“You didn’t know what to do?” she demanded. “How do you think I felt?”
Her eyes were watering now, and she was trembling with anger.
“I felt her die,” she told you softly. “And after she was gone, I wanted you there so badly. But you never came back. You’re not even planning on staying, are you? You’re just going to leave again.”
“I don’t know,” you admitted. “But Lydia, you never needed me. You’re so strong. And now you have Malia.”
She blinked in confusion. “Malia?”
“She’s your girlfriend now, right?”
She scoffed. “God, no.”
“But you said-”
“I was trying to make you jealous,” she admitted to you. “And I was surprised when it worked. When you left Beacon Hills I thought you didn’t care about me anymore.”
You blanched at her. “Lydia, no. No way. I left because I needed a change, but I asked you to come with me! I wanted you to come with me...more than anything.”
“I couldn’t leave our friends,” she told you. “And I wouldn’t have left you. I was in love with you, Y/n.”
“I was in love with you too,” you informed her. “I’m still-”
You caught yourself before you could finish. “Maybe I shouldn’t have come.”
“Wait,” she said suddenly. “You’re still what?”
“It doesn’t matter. I know you’re happy-”
“You don’t know anything,” she cut you off. “Just tell me the truth, Y/n. You’re still what?”
You let out a breath. “I’m still in love with you. I tried to forget about you. But there was never anyone else, Lydia. I could never love anyone but you. I know I left you. I know you probably hate me now...but you’re right. I ran away. Derek always says that once you start running, you don’t stop. That’s why I didn’t come back. I couldn’t stop.”
“And now?” she asked, her green eyes boring into yours.
“Now it’s time to stop.”
You crossed the distance between you in one stride, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her close.
“God, I missed you,” she breathed.
She stood up on her tiptoes, and it was only then that you realized she wasn’t wearing heels. That was the first indicator that there was something different about Lydia. She had been through so much in the past year, and when you looked into her bright green eyes, you could tell that something had changed. But whatever she had been through, she was still Lydia. She was still yours.
“I couldn’t get you out of my head,” you whispered against her lips. “I’m not sure I ever will.”
She smiled. “Don’t.”
Then she kissed you, pressing her red lips against yours in a way that would definitely leave lipstick stains.
You were definitely coming home.
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please send in requests! I’m feeling extra inspired tonight and I don’t know when that’ll happen again. Imagines, head cannons, smut, fluff, angst... whatever your little hearts desire. 
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mca-attack21 · 5 years
The Tell
Another installment of the Stiles Sis Fic Series. It is based of Season 1 episode 5. It can be read as a stand alone imagine. This is my Masterlist!
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“So let me get this straight, not only did you take Stiles on a ride-along to a murder scene. But he got curly fries?” you questioned your dad at breakfast.
“Y/n now is not the time to question my parenting,” he answered.
“All I’m saying is that you owe me curly fries,” you reply shoving your books into your bag.
You wished that you could take some of the stress off of your dad’s shoulders. Being the sheriff of a town like Beacon Hills meant that he never got a break. The sad part was that he didn’t even have a clue what he was up against. Werewolves, hunters, and that may only be the start of it.
During breakfast, Stiles revealed what had gone on the previous night. Lydia and Jackson were attacked in a video store where someone was murdered. It was believed to be another mountain lion attack. Jackson was a little shaken up, but other than that he and Lydia were fine.
“Hey Dad,” you called over your shoulder.
“What now?” he asked expectantly.
“First off love you too, and second I know how you can make it up for the curly fry incident,” you answered.
“And how is that?” he questioned, finishing off his coffee.
“By letting me skip school to go make sure Lydia is okay,” you explained
“I don’t know if that is such a good idea Y/n,” he replied.
“But you see, she is my best friend. She’d be here if it were me last night instead of her. I have straight A’s and near-perfect attendance. One day won’t kill me and I’ll even send my homework with Stiles,” you pleaded.
“I don’t-” your dad started.
“Please Dad, it’s Lydia. She deserves to have someone there for her,” you tried.
“Okay, I’ll call Mrs. Martin. IF she says it’s okay I’ll drop you off on my way to work,” he conceded.
You waited patiently for your dad to get off the phone. He shot you a thumbs up and you went upstairs to give Stiles your homework.  He complained about the fact that you got to skip school, but took your homework and left. You went back downstairs and waited as your dad got ready for work. When he came back down, you tossed him his keys and followed him out to his car.
When you arrived at Lydia’s, her mom welcomed you with open arms. She explained to you that Lydia was taking some drugs to help her relax and work through whatever it was she saw last night.
You opened the door to Lydia’s room to find her sleeping. You thought it was best to let her rest so you went and took a seat in her desk chair. Suddenly, her phone started ringing. You quickly reached for it turning the volume off and hoping the noise didn’t wake her. When you looked down to see who was calling you rolled your eyes when you found that it was Stiles. You answered the call and told Stiles that Lydia was fine, just sleeping. 
When you hung up, curiosity got the best of you and you looked at the camera roll that was up on her phone. There were photos and videos from last night. You scrolled through them until you saw it....Lydia had taken a video of the Alpha. You quickly sent the video to your phone and deleted it off of hers. You tried to call Scott, but his phone was off. After a while, you had decided to walk downstairs to make yourself lunch. This was like your second home, Lydia and her mom treated you like you were part of the family.
It was Lydia’s mom who took you shopping for bras and explained the whole becoming a woman thing. She was always there for you when you needed to talk. Lydia was like your older sister (even though the two of you were the same age). She always had your back. She was the one who taught you how to do your makeup and took you on numerous shopping trips to update your wardrobe. She even tried to set you up with different boys around the school. It wasn’t like there hadn’t been offers, you were kind, smart, and attractive. You just didn’t date. Because the one boy you had eyes for always had eyes for someone else.
You made your way back upstairs to find that Lydia was awake. “Hey Lyds, how are you feeling?” you asked going to her side. 
“I feel like…” she started and had to think. “I feel like I’m made of cotton candy,” she answered. You laughed and looked at the pill bottles on her nightstand. She would be out of it for a while. “Come lay with me?” she asked. You obliged and before long both of you fell asleep.
The sound of your phone going off had woken you up. It was Scott calling you back. You glanced at the time. It was already 8 pm. You and Lydia had literally been sleeping all day. Scott asked you why you had called earlier. You told him about the video and told him you would show him tomorrow. He then went on to tell you about Allison’s birthday and the parent-teacher conferences, and the mountain lion. The two of you concluded that it was a diversion. But for what?
You then proceeded to call your Dad. The phone rang a few times before he answered. “Hey Y/n, is everything okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, it’s good. I just wanted to call and make sure that it was okay that I stayed the night at Lydia’s?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine.” 
“Okay, thanks Dad.” 
“Hey Y/n-” 
“Yeah Dad?” 
“So I talked to your teachers tonight, and-” 
“Oh no, how scared should I be?” you laughed.
“They only had good things to say about you. It was refreshing after talking to Stiles’ teachers,” he joked.
“Seriously though, I’m proud of you. Keep up the good work Kiddo. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Bye Dad, Love you.”
“Love you too.”
Two down, two to go you thought. You quickly started to text Allison. ‘Happy Birthday to one of my favorite people. Whenever you are ungrounded, we will celebrate’ you sent with the laughing emoji.
Then Stiles. ‘Hey, I found this video on Lydia’s phone. I deleted it off of there. Do whatever you want with it, but leave me out of it until tomorrow.’ you sent before sending him the video of the Alpha.
You then proceeded to shut your phone off and change into some of Lydia’s pajamas, knowing she wouldn’t mind. You then crawled back into her bed careful not to wake her. You weren’t sure what she’d be like in the morning when the drugs wore off, but you knew that no matter what you would be there for her. There was no way you were letting her face this alone.
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envision-imagines · 6 years
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The girls couldn’t stop laughing at Y/N’s ridiculous dance moves. This was their favorite song and they were the only people on the long stretch of road. It was going to be a good night. requested by anon requests are open
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heliads · 1 year
can i request a lydia martin x female reader? y/n is new in town and ends up getting along with the pack. she's a lot like lydia, genius smart, loves fashion, really girly, the major difference is that she's quiet and kinda shy, so everyone expects the two of them to become friends, but lydia really dislikes her and feels like she's being replaced by her. enemies to lovers, you know?
hope you like it and feel comfortable writing <3
reader: excuse me, i am smart, i am gay, i have the ability to make you jealous, i'm ~new in town~
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You are finding it hard to believe in the power of a fresh start. Everyone phrased it that way when it was first announced that you would be completely wrecking your old life to move to a town in the middle of Nowheresville, California, but you saw through it from the start. This would not be a wonderful chance to reinvent yourself, nor a blessed opportunity for trying again. This would be awful, and nothing about Beacon Hills could change that.
You already did your time of starting from scratch in a classroom you didn’t recognize back home. Home is not Beacon Hills, home is where you were born, where people knew you from kindergarten through your teenage years. Beacon Hills only has claim to you for the few years you have left in high school, and after that, you’re moving back to your hometown. So you’ve promised yourself, at least.
However, Beacon Hills doesn’t like it when its pawns and pieces get minds of their own. The only way people leave this town is through death, either theirs or that of someone they love. You don’t know that now, but you’ll learn it soon enough. It’s a lesson of inevitability for anyone daring enough to live in a supernatural hot spot even half the strength of this godforsaken town.
Death has not darkened your doorstep, however, and you go to your first day of school with only the apprehension of wondering if you’ll find enough friends to make this town worth your while. The students seem pretty friendly when they’re not judging you behind three ring binders or over locker doors, but what else is new? Beacon Hills High School is still a high school, and that means it can only be so great when you’re not one of its usual crew.
It’s a good thing, then, that you managed to stumble upon people who would embrace you with open arms. You met Scott McCall first when both of you were paired together for a chemistry lab, then Stiles second in a math class. After that, it was almost inevitable that you would join the rest of their group, their pack. If you can win over Scott and Stiles, you’re guaranteed to fit right in.
It’s nice being with the McCall crew. They watch each other’s backs, they stand up for themselves, anything you could want in a friend group. It takes them a while to trust you long enough to share exactly why that is, but even afterwards, it only solidifies the bond you have with the rest of them. Their world is strange and utterly confusing, but they’ve managed to navigate it together so far, and now that together includes you as well.
It would be perfect were it not for the presence of one person in that group. No one can understand why it is that you and Lydia Martin cannot get along, but the facts remain just as solid as always. Every time you and Lydia cross paths, you can’t escape without at least a few angry comments exchanged. Terse words are a must, and sarcastic retorts are a necessity. There’s no way kindness can prosper if the two of you have to work together.
It makes no sense. You and Lydia should be the closest here of anybody, with the exception of Scott and Stiles. Both of you are clever, among the smartest in your classes; both of you like being right, especially when it saves the lives of your friends. Malia and the rest have told you about a thousand times over that you guys could talk about so much if you would just talk to each other at all. 
That, however, seems to be far easier to say than to do. Lydia won’t let you get in a word unless she’s got the upper hand, and you’re no better. You’re not talking unless you’re sniping at each other, and that’s hardly talking at all. 
You’re not going to act like it totally ruins your friendship with the rest of the McCall pack, only that it’s frustrating you’ll never be able to win over the full set. You don’t need Lydia Martin to love you, though, she just has to tolerate your presence long enough to save your life if necessary, and she does that just fine. 
Too fine, actually. Scott gets it into his head that you should all split up to stake out potential hunter territory to see if they’re planning something big. Seeing as you’re still new to the whole hunter/supernatural deal, you’ll have to have someone there with you to keep you alive if your cover is blown, and of all the people to watch your back, he chooses Lydia. 
You tried to fight that choice as much as possible. If you have to be stuck in the dark of night with someone for an extended period of time, wouldn’t it be better if it was a person you could actually stand? Anyone else would be just fine by you. Even Theo Raeken, and the guy’s literally tried to kill everyone about half a dozen times. 
Scott disagrees, though, citing this as the perfect chance for you and Lydia to finally mend some bridges instead of burning them. You may think he’s insane, but Scott’s word is law, mostly because he’s the most capable of making reasonable decisions of all of you. 
This may be true, but it doesn’t mean you have to like it. You roll up to the stakeout with expectations on the ground, and when Lydia greets you with an eye roll, the bar descends even lower than expected. You’ll both be sitting in her car and waiting for something to happen, and all you can think is that three hours cannot pass quickly enough. 
Lydia chuckles derisively when you climb into her car. Evidently you’re not as good at concealing your disdain for this evening as you’d like to think. “You might want to work on your poker face, sweetheart. You’re looking a little unhappy.”
“Wonder why that is,” you say, settling into your seat with great reluctance, “it’s not like I’m stuck in a car for hours with someone who hates me. Oh wait, I am.”
Lydia frowns. “I don’t hate you.”
You scoff. “Of course you do. We pick fights every time we talk. You’re even arguing with me now about how much we dislike each other.”
Lydia goes silent for a second, then:  “I don’t want anyone to think I hate them. Unless they deserve it, of course.”
“I haven’t killed you or our friends yet,” you remark, “isn’t that enough for me to not deserve it?”
“It should be,” Lydia replies hesitantly. 
Yet it isn’t, which is what she isn’t saying. You exhale, irritated, and turn your attention back towards the house outside, you know, like you were supposed to be doing all this time. The sun sets and disappears beneath the horizon, and once the stars have bothered to take their place, Lydia speaks again. 
“It is.”
You look at her, confused. “What is?”
Lydia gestures vaguely at you. “What you said earlier. What you’ve done isn’t enough for me to hate you.”
“Then why do you?” You ask slowly. 
Lydia tosses you an affronted look. “I don’t, but you seem so determined to dislike me that you think I do anyway.”
Your hackles are rising again, and you feel yourself rushing to counter what she’d just said. “Only because you never give me a chance to do anything else!”
Lydia groans. “See, this is exactly what I mean. Neither of us can say anything without the other taking it as an insult.”
You pause for a second, and when you speak again, your words are calm and cautious. “What about a truce, then?”
Lydia nods. “I’d like a truce.”
She holds out a hand to you and you shake it with as much solemnity as you can muster. It’s awkward for a while after that, both of you apparently unable to come up with things to say that aren’t direct insults, but slowly the conversation comes and then you’re finding connections between each other you never knew existed in the first place. 
In fact, by the time your phone vibrates with the alarm you’d set to mark the end of the stakeout, you find that you’re almost disappointed to leave the car. Lydia must feel the same way, because she only lets you go with a promise to meet up later to talk. For real, this time. Truce continued without the forced proximity of a stakeout. 
You end up meeting Lydia later that week for coffee, then two days later for a study session, then again for a review of your favorite fashion house’s spring collection. The meetups seem to follow each other in waves, no one ever enough to make you tired of her company. If anything, it only makes you want it more. 
You never really considered what the others must think about the abrupt 180 in your interactions with Lydia until you’re at a pack meeting about a month later and Malia confronts you about it. 
The meeting is over, and just as you’re letting down your guard and pulling on your coat, Malia calls something out to you in typical no-nonsense Malia fashion. 
“So,” she says with unimaginable confidence, “how long have you and Lydia been dating?”
You feel every bit of air leave your lungs, and it takes a few seconds for you to recover enough to sputter out, “What?”
Malia spreads her hands. “How long have you been dating? You guys are together all the time. When did you first get together?”
Across the room, Lydia looks as if she’s just been shot. “We’re not dating, Malia.”
Malia frowns. “What do you mean? Of course you are.”
She looks as if she’d like to spend at least a few minutes more explaining all the ways you’re totally in a relationship with Lydia when Scott gently but firmly guides her by the arm out of the room. He winces over his shoulder as he goes, mouthing something like sorry about that and I’ll talk to her about it, I swear. 
You and Lydia are left staring at each other in complete shock. “Crazy mixup she had there, isn’t it?” Lydia asks faintly. “I mean, who could have even thought…”
You shrug weakly. “I mean, is it really such a leap? We go places together without anyone else all the time. We have inside jokes. You have my contact saved in your phone with a heart next to the name.”
Lydia shakes her head. “That’s just because it’s your favorite color. There was no other shape with it. You know that.”
When you stare at her for a moment longer, her eyes clear. “Oh, I see how that could look to someone who wasn’t there.”
“What if she wasn’t entirely wrong?” You ask as casually as you can, “you know, it does look like we’re dating. We might as well just go ahead and make it official.”
Lydia blinks in surprise, then: “Y/N L/N, are you asking me out?”
It takes everything in you to not turn and run. “Are you saying yes?”
Lydia laughs. “Yes, I think I am.”
You think you might owe Malia a favor after this. Intentional or not, she finally managed to get you and Lydia together. That’s at least worth saving her life a couple of times. 
teen wolf tag list: @thatfangirl42, @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @rafecameronswhore, @bellabadacadabra, @watchreadfangirlrepeat, @23victoria
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Being best friends with Lydia Martin would include:
Being one of the few people she feels truly comfortable being herself around (we’re walking s1 here).
Studying together.
You definitely swapped friendship bracelets when you were younger.
Helping each other get ready for dates.
Speaking of dates, you’ve had group dates with your date, her and Jackson a couple of times.
Shopping together.
Remembering each other’s coffee order and picking it up before school.
Having sleepovers.
Because Lydia’s pretty popular, you’re popular as well.
Hanging out at parties together.
Jumping at any chance you get to play hairdresser because Lydia’s got such pretty hair.
Both of you put a lot of effort into birthday presents. You always try to get something that Lydia will really love.
Lydia is always in charge of organising your birthday parties. And it always turns out to be spectacular.
Supporting her when her and Jackson break up.
Calling Jackson out on his crappy behaviour towards her.
She gives amazing pep talks whenever you start doubting yourself.
Both of you have killer death glares if you hear one of you get insulted.
Lydia, you and Allison are friendship goals.
When the supernatural crap starts hitting the fan, you’re right there beside Lydia, no question about it.
Helping her research what she could be.
Speaking of research, when you join forces with her and Stiles? The three of you are unstoppable.
Never fully trusting Peter and refusing to leave Lydia alone with her.
Both of you crying your eyes out when Allison dies.
If you’re ever in danger, Lydia’s the first person trying to assemble a rescue team.
Stealing a taser and using it when it came time to get Lydia out of Eichen.
You’re both hella judgmental about potential boy/girlfriends because both of you deserve the best.
Sometimes when the supernatural starts acting up, you and Lydia just look at each other in bemusement because this is not what you’d expected life to be like a few years ago.
Then you look at the pack, at all the new friends you’ve gained and you realise that maybe it’s worth it a little.
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Requested by @fiercefray
“I can’t believe we finally did it...”
“We have our own business...”
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sourwolfimagines · 6 years
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“They’re gone.... (Y/N) is gone...” 
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Lydia- I Think I Do
Request-  Lydia + number 2 of the holiday prompts would be great ^^
2. “I know I was supposed to plan the entire Christmas party, but this is A LOT harder than it looks, okay?” In which decorations are destroyed, plans go awry, and someone has to swallow their pride and ask their crush for help.
A/N- I LOVE Lydia Martin, okay? I totally changed the holiday in the prompt but oh well. Thank you for the request!! Happy early New Year guys!!
“What do you think about a dutch braid?” Lydia asked, leaning forward as she held out a thick section of your hair.
You shrugged. “Whatever you want to do.”
“This is supposed to be your makeover,” she reminded you.
You tilted your head, smiling at her in the mirror. “I think we both know it’s always been your makeover.”
Lydia’s lips curled up. “Fine, so I’m a control freak when it comes to makeup.”
“Don’t forget hair and clothes too,” you added, winking at her.
Lydia blushed, and looked back down to examine your head. “I think I’m going to try a milkmaid braid on you. And then we can curl these strands right here…”
“How did I know we would be doing this when you invited me over?”
“Because you’re the perfect model,” she said swiftly. “And you’re perfectly willing. Unlike Malia, who almost took off my fingers when I tried to paint her nails.”
You laughed softly. “Sounds like Malia.”
“And, because I already talk too much about myself,” she continued. “This way, I’m too busy to gossip, and you get to catch me up on what’s been going on with you.”
“I haven’t been that busy…”
“Y/n, everytime I texted you at school, you were always studying. We haven’t really talked in months.”
“Well, I’m just glad the semester is over,” you admitted. “I didn’t do much but study and sleep when I was at school. And when I came back, I missed almost all the action.”
Lydia scoffed. “You skipped your finals to come save us from hunters, Y/n. You were the action.”
A warm feeling spread through you, a direct result of Lydia’s admiration. “Well, calculus could never be as important as my best friend. And you’re a lot more fun.”
“Speaking of fun,” she mused. “What are you doing for New Year’s?”
“Are you throwing another party to end all parties?” you wondered, teasing her just a little.
As her best friend, you had been to a fair amount of Lydia Martin’s infamous parties, and year after year, they never failed to impress. Things changed after Allison died, and it became only you and the rest of the pack, but Lydia still went all out.
“Honestly,” she told you. “This year was hell. I’m not sure I want to celebrate it.”
Your mouth fell open. “You want a quiet night in? Lydia Martin does not do quiet nights in.”
She sighed, smiling sadly. “Maybe at one point in time. I’m just not the same girl I was in high school, Y/n. None of us are the same.”
“Maybe,” you admitted. “But you’re still my best friend, and to be honest, I think we should celebrate the fact that we’re all still alive.”
“I’m just not in the mood to plan it,” she admitted. “If I’m doing it, it has to be done right. I just don’t have the energy.”
“Lydia,” you said softly. “We’re all going separate ways. And since everyone comes back for the holidays, New Year’s is the one time when the stars align and put everyone back in the same place. You really wanna pass that up?”
She frowned. “I don’t know.”
“What if I plan it?” you asked her.
She glanced at you with skeptical green eyes. “You’ve never planned a party before.”
“And?” you demanded. “Everyone has to start somewhere. We can still have it here, but I’ll do all the prep work. You can sit back, put your pretty feet up, and let me throw the party.”
She pursed her red lips. “You’re sure you want to do this? It’s a lot harder than it looks.”
You rolled your eyes. “Are you forgetting that I’ve seen you at your worst?”
Her lips curled upward, and she placed a warm hand on you shoulder. “You have...I guess it’s up to you then.”
You smiled brightly at her, ready to prove yourself. It wasn’t that you particularly cared about partying. You would have been just as excited about a movie night with the pack, but you secretly wanted to impress Lydia.
For years, you had watched her light up rooms full of people with her charisma and careful planning. You wanted that too, even if it was for one night. Maybe if she saw that, she’d finally want you as more than a friend.
As her fingers wove through your hair, you pushed away your longing and plastered a smile on your face. You were going to throw an amazing party if it was the last thing you did.
It was a disaster.
The decorations you ordered ended up being for Halloween, due to some mix up at the shipping facility in Oregon. Little plastic champagne flutes were decorated with spiders and skeletons, despite your order for stars and glitter. Instead of silver and black banners, you now had purple and green ones, plastered with a shaky font reading “TIME TO GET SPOOKY.”
Your cookies had burned in the oven, the cake hadn’t arrived from the baker, and Malia had knocked over the enormous platter of cheese and crackers, intending to steal a snack.
“This is awful,” you groaned, as Malia munched on a cracker from the floor.
She was sitting at your kitchen table, staring at you with raised eyebrows. “I mean, the food is still good.”
“I literally charred these,” you reminded her, snatching a blackened chocolate chip cookie and waving it in her face.
She reached for it, took a crunchy bite, and looked thoughtful. “They’re not that bad.”
You sighed and ripped it from her hand, tossing it in the trash without a second glance.
“And why are you eating those?” you demanded. “They fell on the floor!”
“They still taste the same. Maybe a little bit dusty, but mostly the same.”
You opened your mouth to reply, but ended up closing it. It was better to just drop the subject.
“You know, you could always call L-”
“I am not calling Lydia!” you snapped, sinking down into the chair across from her and putting your face in your hands. “I told her I would take care of everything. I promised I would do it.”
“Look, I get you don’t want to look stupid in front of her, but I think you’re past that…”
You glared at her, but then your lip started to tremble, and you broke down into tears. “You’re right.”
Malia grimaced. Emotions were never something she had been good at dealing with, not even her own.
She reached forward to pat your back stiffly. “Um, hey. It’s not that bad. I mean, the worst she could do is be disappointed in you.”
You began to cry harder, and Malia groaned, reaching for your phone. “Y/n, just call her. She’ll probably be happy to help. You know how easily she gets bored.”
“I don’t want her to hate me.”
“I could never hate you.”
You glanced up, jumping slightly as you realized Lydia was standing in the doorway of your kitchen. Mortified, you asked “What are you doing here?”
She sighed. “I figured you might need a little help. And Malia, is right, I was bored out of my mind.”
She came over to wrap an arm around your shoulders. “Oh, Y/n, why didn’t you just call?”
“I wanted it to be perfect,” you explained, wiping tears away from your cheeks. “I wanted to do something special for you.”
“For me?” she asked.
“Well, for everyone,” you said quickly. “But especially for you. You always go all out, Lydia.”
She smiled. “Yes, and it’s exhausting...but the fact that you wanted to do this for me is amazing. And you almost pulled it off too.”
You buried your face in your hands, and she pulled you into a hug. “You were pretty damn close...which is why this party can absolutely be saved.”
You picked your head up and looked at her with puffy eyes. “It can?”
She nodded and winked at Malia, who didn’t seem to notice as she gnawed on another burned cookie. “It’s nothing a trip to the dollar store can’t fix.”
“Wow, Lydia,” Scott remarked, as he stepped into her foyer. “This place looks great.”
“Actually,” Lydia informed him, looping an arm through yours as you stood in the entryway. “Y/n planned the whole thing. I was only here for assistance.”
Scott gave an impressed nod and smiled at you.
Kira smiled as she trailed behind him, glancing up at the cheap foil banners and balloons you and Lydia had dipped in glitter glue. As it turned out, no one could really tell the difference between expensive decorations and these.
“I love it,” she told you. “It reminds me of you. Very bright.”
You flushed, and Lydia squeezed your arm excitedly.  
Stiles showed up next, rolling his eyes as he led a chattering Liam and Mason into Lydia’s
house. He had been tasked with chauffeuring them to the party.
“Holy shit,” he said, as he walked inside. “You did better than I thought you would, Y/n.”
Lydia shot him a glare, and he swallowed. “It looks very nice.”
“Looks like that’s everyone,” you remarked as you followed them to the kitchen.
The cake was sitting on the kitchen table, decorated in silver and gold icing. It turned out that the bakery had just been running late, and on your way back from the door, you, Lydia and Malia had stopped by to pick it up.
Malia had stuck her face up against the glass, eyeing all the pastries and sweets, and she ended up choosing the cookies that would replace the ones you had burned. Even though, as Malia stated, “They tasted fine.”.
Throughout the night, you laughed and drank and enjoyed the time you had together. When Liam flicked on the TV to see the ball drop, you all screamed with joy as the new year rang in.
After the excitement had died down, everyone was either asleep (Malia), drunk (Mason and Stiles), or talking quietly.
You and Lydia had made your way to the top of her stairs, and were sitting quietly with near-empty glasses of champagne in your hands.
“Did you really want to do this for me?” Lydia asked softly.
You turned to her and smiled. “Yeah. You’ve come such a long way. I kinda wanted to celebrate that.”
She smiled, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks. “So have you. You’re the bravest person I know.”
“And you’re the strongest,” you said softly.
She gently shook her head, causing her red curls to shake. “I’m not strong. I’ve spent this entire year scared out of my mind, wondering if all of us are going to stay alive or not. I was terrified something would happen when you were at school.”
You laughed softly. “Lydia, I just went away to college. I was probably safer not being in Beacon Hills.”
“I know,” she whispered. “It’s just...there were things I wanted to tell you. I was afraid I wouldn’t get to say them.”
“Then tell me,” you said with a shrug. “We’re together now, aren’t we?”
She nodded. “Y/n, you’re my best friend. You’ve always been my best friend. Out of everyone else, I was most terrified of losing you and at first I thought that was why. But that wasn’t it.”
You felt your breath catch in your throat, and you set your glass down out of fear that Lydia could see your hands shaking.
“There’s more,” she continued. “When you did this tonight, I finally realized that you might feel the same way. That you might be in love with me too. And I really hope it’s true.”
She was staring at you with those wide green eyes, so full and hopeful. You wanted to say so many things, but you couldn’t put into words the years worth of feelings you had for her.
Instead, you leaned forward, cupping her warm cheeks and kissing her. She leaned into you, eagerly kissing you back.
With her lips on yours, you remembered all the small little moments that had told you that you loved her. They flashed through your head like a film reel, and it was like you were watching your life from the outside.
You could remember spending hours in her pool during the summer, spitting water at each other and splashing. You could see the two of you watching the notebook, hugging each other and crying. Getting ready for the first day of school together. Sitting with her after Peter attacked her. Clinging to each other for support at Allison’s funeral. Doing each other’s makeup for dances, prom, and tearfully before graduation. Saying a goodbye when you left for college, knowing it could never truly be goodbye, not with Lydia.
She kissed you back fiercely, as if she knew exactly what you were thinking and was feeling it too. When she pulled away, she reached up to run her thumb across your lip.
“You ruined your lipstick,” she remarked breathlessly.
“You can fix it,” your murmured to her, reaching forward to pull her into a hug. “Lydia, I love you.”
“I love you too,” she whispered. “So much, Y/n. You have no idea.”
You pulled away to smile at her, looking into her deep green eyes.
“I think I do.”
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Lydia Martin x fem!reader. Reader has always had a thing for Lydia but she is shy and not really ‘popular’, she has te biggest crush on Lydia because of her beauty and her brains and thinks Lydia doesn’t notice her bit everytime reader isn’t looking at Lydia, Lydia is looking at the reader.
Lydia Martin x Fem!Reader
Disclaimer: I don’t own Teen Wolf
A/N: First Lydia Martin imagine, hope its good.
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AP Bio. AP Literature. AP Mythology. These were the three classes you had with THE Lydia Martin. She was beautiful with her long strawberry-blonde hair and green eyes.
In the sun her pale skin had a certain glow. Everything about her imminated beauty and popularity. Which is probably why you always stared at her during class. You wanted to ask her out on multiple occasions but not being popular and your shyness taking over, it didn’t go in your favor.
Today you had a substitute in your Mythology class so you guys were watching a movie. You had already seen this movie quite a few times so you just looked over at Lydia. Lydia as far as you knew was engrossed in her textbook and writing notes. A few seconds go by before you turn your attention to the movie again.
Lydia unbeknowst to you looks at you, once she feels your eyes leave her. You could feel someones eyes on you but you couldn’t figure out who it was. By the time your head turned to see who was looking at you Lydia’s attention was back on her notebook. It went on like this for the duration of your first class together. The second class was worse.
AP Bio was your worst class with her. She was your lab partner, and she was honestly… such a genius that you were confused. You knew she was smart but this was unexpected. Never have you ever seen someone get straight A’s in AP Bio. You two never truly made eye contact. You tried to avoid it whenever possible but that was usually extremely hard and any eye contact made led to everything to become awkward.
“So, how was your weekend Y/N,” Lydia asks setting her book down next yours. You look up from your notebook.
“It was okay I guess,” you say looking back down. “What about yours?”
“It was nice,” Lydia said. She goes to say something else but the bell rings and the teacher begins your lesson for the day.
Towards the middle of your class you begin on a lab.
“What are you doing this weekend,” Lydia asked.
“Um, probably nothing why,” you ask.
“Well me and some friends were going to bowling on Saturday and they wanted to do a teams but since we’ve added another person to our group we have an odd number,” she says looking at you. “I was wondering if you wanted to come?”
You place the glass slide down and for the first time since you two were kids you make eye contact with her.
Lydia raises an eyebrow. “Well, would you like to go bowling with us?”
You shake your head free of any past feelings you were getting from your time as kids. “Can I think about it?”
Lydia nods,” sure. So what was it?”
You look at her in confusion.
“The slide,” Lydia says.
As the day draws to a close you watch Lydia in your last class. AP Literature was by far your favorite mainly because Lydia was there and you could daydream about the book with her as the main character. You shared this class with Stiles and as much as Stiles wished he could be oblivious to the side glance the two of you kept giving each other he just wasn’t.
After class he goes over to you as you begin packing away your books. “Hey, Y/N.”
You look up and groan,” what did I do now Stiles?”
“I haven’t even said anything,” Stiles yells.
“Yes, which is why I am asking what I did to even have you come and talk to me,” you say grabbing the handle of your bag and standing.
Stiles moves a little so he isn’t in your way,” do you like Lydia?”
You look at him and then back down the hallway. “Why would I not like Lydia? Lydia is Lydia. Who doesn’t like Lydia?”
Stiles looks at you confused,” thats…that’s not what I meant. You know exactly what I meant and avoided the question.”
You smirk a little,” bingo.”
Stiles rolls his eyes,” so have you told her about this?”
“About what there’s nothing to tell,” you say.
Stiles glares at you,” you stare at her more than a lion stares at its prey.”
“What the hell kind of an analogy was that,” you ask confused.
“It was a great one,” Stiles says. As Scott comes up beside you two.
“Oh are you talking to her about the Lydia thing?” Scott says.
Liam comes up behind the three of you,” you mean the googly eyes Lydia thing?”
“Does everyone know,” you look at the three guys in annoyance.
“No,” Stiles says quietly.
You groan,” Stiles.”
“Okay most people with eyes know,” Stiles says.
Scott and Liam nod in agreement.
“But,” Liam starts,” if it makes you feel any better Lydia has a crush on you.”
Scott slaps Liam on the back of his head,” you weren’t supposed to tell her.”
You roll your eyes and open your locker, grabbing the books you need to take home.
“Well she invited her to bowling,” Liam said trying to defend his mistake. “I assumed that Lydia told her how she felt.”
Stiles looks at him,” when did she invite Y/N to bowling?”
“AP Bio,” Liam shrugs.
“Liam how do you even know this? You don’t have AP Bio,” you say confused.
“I heard it from Malia,” Liam nods over to the werecoyote girl.
“Malia doesn’t have AP Bio,” you say looking over to Malia and then back.
“Right, um, I may have ease dropped while I was in class.”
You knew that Scott and Liam were Werewolves, Malia was a Werecoyote and Lydia was a Banshee and Stiles was well, Stiles. You had found out from working with Deaton during your times at the Vet.
You have a look of disbelief on your face.
“What English is boring,” Liam says with a shrug.
“Okay so Lydia invited you to bowling, what did you say,” Scott asks.
“I asked her if I could think about it,” you say starting your journey to the parking lot.
“Why didn’t you say yes,” Stiles whisper yells.
“Your going bowling with us and that’s final,” Scott states.
Over the next few days you go through the same pattern of glancing at Lydia and vice versa. On Saturday you inform your parents of your plans and head to the bowling alley. Lydia is waiting for you there none of the boys are in sight and neither is Malia.
You greet Lydia after you get out of your car.
“The others cancelled last minute, something about pack bonding,” Lydia uses air quotes around the pack bonding.
You narrow your eyes at the sky. You look back to Lydia with a tentative smile,” so I guess this turned into a bowling date?”
Lydia smiles and nods,” it would seem that way.”
The two of you enter the building, pay for your lane and shoes and then pick out your ball. As you guys play you start to reconnect and talk about how you’ve faired the past few years in school. School wasn’t necissarily brutal but you never had the popularity or outsider factor you just sort of drifted.
“Drifted,” Lydia asks surprised. You hear a hint of confusion in her voice.
“Yeah, like I was invisible to everyone around me. I didn’t fit in with the populars and the outsiders. We didn’t even have a middle ground. It was either you fit in or you don’t,” you say.
“How come you never came to me and talked,” Lydia asked.
“What would I say? Hey Lydia I know we’re on different sides of the social ladder but I want to hang out? Not the best option,” you explain.
Lydia takes your hand in hers with a light squeeze. “I would have listened to you. I would have talked to you.”
“Sure you would have,” you say rolling a spare.
Lydia ignores your comment and changes topics for the rest of the match. Lydia ends up winning the game.
The two of you head out and Lydia sighs,” Y/N, I need to tell you something.”
You raise an eyebrow, “What are you not going to be in class next week? You can’t just leave me with a presentation!”
“What, I wasn’t,” Lydia begins before just gently grabbing your face and kissing you. “I have a crush on you. I also know you have one on me.”
The two of you spend the rest of the day together.
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officialgomezaddams · 6 years
Teen Wolf Preference; Jealousy.
Featuring, Issac, Allison, Stiles, Lydia, Liam & Malia
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ISSAC hot damn hes atTrACtiVe holy shit LAYHEY
* Insecure bby 
It’s just an assignment, it’s just an assignment, Issac thought to himself, trying to prevent his mind from thinking you just didn’t want to be with him. He knew he shouldn’t be having those thoughts but it was a fresh relationship, not even in it’s first full week. Issac had had a crush on you for the longest time, always believing you were way out of his league, and the harsh words his father had always told him never made it any better. “You alright?” Scott asked his partner, noticing the conflict Issac had in his own mind. “Yeah, sure. What do we need again?” pls protect
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*Scary squad 1/2
Allison sat high up in a tree, her bow in her hand, arrow strung and ready to be shot. She smirked slightly as she saw the famous blue jeep approach her, its loud engine roaring due to the fact Stiles removed the muffler because he thought it would be cool. Releasing the arrow, she watched the front tire pop. She finally went up to Stiles, who was standing by the tire, wondering what the hell to do. The scrawny teenager didn’t know how how to replace a tire, or at least he was too weak to actually get the tire off of the back. “What the hell was that!” He shouted at Allison once he saw her. “Flirt with Y/n, my girlfriend, again, and next time I’ll do more than just put an arrow in your tire.”
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*More bitter than angry 
Honestly you were proud that your boyfriend was probably the most chill person you knew. Prom was fun, up until Stiles stepped away to talk to Scott, leaving you alone. In the few minutes he was gone, one of the school’s basketball players had asked you to dance with him, which of course you politely rejected saying your boyfriend would be back soon. “I can’t believe he had the nerve.” Stiles told you in the middle of a slow song. “I mean, you are beautiful and all but have you seen me?” He joked making you laugh. “You are the most charming boy here.” You told him, making him do a goofy smile. “But no matter what, even though that boy does have nice butt, I would rather spend it with you, the most lovely girl in all of Beacon Hills.”
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LYDIA very beautiful sex goddess MARTIN
*Not angry, hella bitter
She wasn’t dumb by no means, her GPA shows that. It was the second time Alison just had  to work on a mission with you. Lydia rolled her eyes at how Allison begged Scott to let her go on a stake out with Y/n, Lydia’s girlfriend of several months. She wanted to throw up every time her best friend batted her eyelashes at the beautiful Alpha, the soft voice she always spoke to Y/n to. But right now that didn’t matter. Lydia’s lips were on yours, soon you ripped everything off Allison’s dads desk Lydia willingly sat not breaking the hold of your lips on hers, while you ripped her shirt off. The two of you both stopped upon hearing Allison awkwardly clear her throat. You turned around, a slight blush on your cheeks. “Oh yeah, babe I should um get going.” You told her, breathing hard. “We’ll continue later tonight don’t worry.” She spoke in that same flirty tone Allison always used, smiling pettily at the dark hared girl. 
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*Does not know how to control his emotions pls STAY AWAY squad 1/2
He had to leave class, knowing that if he heard one more sly advance your class mate made towards you, he would be charged with murder. He knew you were loyal to him, that you weren’t going to give in but the thought of those vile words coming from his mouth irked him. He tried to remember what Scott had told him about how to calm down, not wanting to shift in the middle of the school day, or in the boys bathroom. It was working, up until that bastard had to come in. “So your the one nailing Y/n,” He spoke, watching Liam grip the sink tight. “Man, if I could-” Before he could finish Liam’s fist collided with the boys face, or more so it was the ripped off faucet he tore off. “Life tip buddy,” Liam spat, watching the boy with the now bloody face scramble away from Liam while the metal piece dropped to the ground. “Don’t piss of the guy with anger issues.” 
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“YOU WHAT?” Scott yelled at the girl, outraged for almost blowing their secret. Two days ago Malia was excited to share the extended class hour with you, but that was all thrown away when someone had to start making you feel uncomfortable, whispering dirty sayings to you and crappy pick up lines. The hour and a half was ruined, and Malia, never having experienced jealous rage before beat the kid up after school. Leaving the kid in the hospital for multiple broken bones and a concussion. But it did lead to some pretty great sex for you, so you tried to not comment on your girlfriends hell bent rage during the pack meeting. “It’s not my fault-” “Malia, you put the poor bastard in the hospital, so yeah it is your fault.” “I threw the first punch from behind, the one that made him unconscious so I doubt he remembers who attacked him.”
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Not my GIF, credit goes to the owner.
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