defensenow · 21 days
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gunnerfc · 2 months
Rachel Daly NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Rachel will get you anything you after sex and will just lie with you while you catch your breath
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Rachel’s favorite body part is her arms, she enjoys being able to wrap her arms around your body during sex
Her favorite body part of yours is your neck, she loves leaving hickies all over your skin and marking you so no one tries to flirt with you
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Rachel loves when you get yourself off on her thigh because she loves watching you throw your head back when you cum on her thigh
D: Dirty Secret 
She’s down to record the two of you if you’re also open to the idea
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
Rachel is experienced!
F: Favorite Position 
She loves when you ride her strap
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
Rachel will defiantly crack jokes here and there but she’s normally very focused on you and making you feel pleasure
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Sex with Rachel is really intimate
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
She doesn’t have an opinion really but she loves how you always come to her when you’re feeling needy instead of trying to get yourself off
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Rachel loves praising you but she also thrives off hearing you praise her
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Anywhere works for her!
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
It doesn’t take much for you to turn her on
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
She doesn’t want to share you with anyone, only she gets to see and touch you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Giving, would spend many hours between your legs
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
It’s a mix between fast and sensual
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Loves them because she just thrives when she’s pleasuring you
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
She’s open to some things, she’s willing to try anything you bring up
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two go for a few rounds, normally on the shorter side
T: Toys 
Rachel has two different straps that she uses often but she also loves just using her mouth
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
Rachel loves to tease you! She always makes cheeky comments during sex because she knows how much her words affect you
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Rachel isn’t the loudest but she groans softly during sex
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
She loves watching you ride her strap as she holds your waist softly and will always lean up to give you kisses along your neck and chest
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s on the higher side, would drop anything she’s doing if you come to her feeling needy
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
You both stay up for a bit after sex and you usually go to sleep before her
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morti0re · 3 months
Proč je Daneš nejlepší (hlavní) záporák Stínadelské trilogie
 Řeknu to zkrátka; Mirek Daneš je nejlepší antagonista z celé Stínadelsk�� trilogie. A také vysvětlím proč. Ale nejdřív je asi nutno si trochu projít záporáky před a po něm. 
Š. Mažňák:
Na začátku téhle trilogie, máme Štěpána Mažňáka. Kluka kandidující na pozici Velkého Vonta, jak protivník Oty Losny. Co se o Mažňákovi postupně dozvídáme v průběhu příběhu, je že je velmi vychloubavý, nevadí mu se prakticky rozprodat komukoliv jen aby ho ve volbách volili a klidně se zúčastní věcí jen protože mu to poručil jeho otec/nějak se to jeho otce týká. (např. kapitola 34 - Mažňák začne honit RŠ, protože jeho otci dali prázdnou obálku bez Tleskačova deníku) Také asi věděl, co Em provedl Tleskačovi, ale to je jen pouhá spekulace. Zkrátka to je pravý opak Oty Losny. Je také tak napsaný, abychom Losnovi fandili  a jemu ne.
 Jediný problém co mám s Mažňákem, je nedostatek interakce mezi ním a RŠ. Ono technicky dává smysl, že s ním RŠ moc neinteragují, protože Záhada hlavolamu je pořád ještě mystery román. Hlavní zaměření příběhu, je záhada toho co se stalo Janu Tleskačovi a jeho hlavolamu a proč se po tolika znovu objevil. On je ale Mažňák v příběhu několikrát zmiňován, což z něj technicky dělá takovou hrozbu na obzoru. Nevím jak to popsat. Ale to že je jen zmiňován, z něj dělá oproti ostatním záporákům, takového nedopracovaného. Nenechte se mýlit, celý ten koncept o synovi člověka, který zabil prvního vlastníka hlavolamu, teď kandidující na pozici kde bude mít přístup k tomu samému hlavolamu, mi přijde neskutečně zajímavý. Je v tom taková děsivá ironie.
No ale abych to shrnul, abych se vůbec dostal k Danešovi. Mažňák je zajímavý. Má zajímavý příběh a je škoda že jsme ho v hlavní trilogii neviděli s RŠ více interagovat, myslím že by z toho bylo něco skvělého. (třeba něco na způsob Poslední tajemství Jana T. - velmi doporučuji btw) 
V. Rejholec:
Teď bych se rád přesunul trošku do budoucnosti, na konec téhle trilogie. Zde máme Vendu Rejholce. Kdybych ho měl nějak popsat, tak jedině jako zapomenutelného. Samozřejmě že má toho víc do sebe, ale já si osobně nedokážu vzpomenout na víc než dvě scénky kde byl nějak zajímavý. Jeho charakter by se dal asi popsat tak,  že je to padavka a mění strany když je to pro něj nějak přínosné, ale ani v jednom si nejsem jistý, protože je tak zapomenutelný a tohle vlastně mohly být jen neúmyslné hlavokánony . 
Když o tom víc přemýšlím, tak mi dochází že větší ,,antagonistickou” roli v této knížce bere Cizinec, protože z něj jde aspoň trošku strach, má nějakou autoritu. (Něco jako Daneš ve SsB) Rejholec je, ať se snažím jak se snažím, v mých očích jen klučina, kryjící se za autoritu, (ať je to Cizinec nebo Amazonky) co chce dostat hlavolam pro své a Cizincovy účely. (ani sám nevím proč vlastně Rejholec chtěl ježka, kdyžtak mi někdo prosím řekněte, TVV jsem četl jen jednou takže mám o příběhu menší přehled než o zbylých dvou dílech) 
Když o tom přemýšlím, Rejholec je sám osobě takový nudný antagonista, přijde mi víc jako jen takový pomocníček Cizince. Někdy mi přijde že Cizinec je právoplatný záporák TVV, (idk jestli se opakuju, pokud ano, promiňte mi to) ale zase s Rejholcem tráví RŠ víc času a Cizince potkají jen jednou, pokud mě moje paměť neklame, takže nevím.
 No, abych shrnul tuhle sekci o Rejholci. Přijde mi jako hodně nudný antagonista, s asi jen dvěmi scénami, kde mi přišel fakt zajímavý. Někdy mi přišel i celkem směšný, ale to budu spíš jen já. Mám ho rád, ale ze všech záporáků trilogie asi nejméně. 
M. Daneš:
No, dostali jsme se konečně k našemu zlatému klučinovi, Mirku Danešovi. On technicky by se Široko dal charakterizovat jako ,,hlavní” záporák SsB (aspoň teda ze začátku) ale, podle mě oba Široko a Daneš hrají podobně nebo dokonce stejně velkou roli v příběhu. 
Kdybych měl vyjádřit, proč mám Daneše tak rád, bylo by to na dlouho. Ale kdybych to měl zkrátit, bylo by to protože: 1) interaguje s RŠ, 2) nějak se kvůli němu mění příběh (kapitola 23 - kluci fakt věří že Mirek chce kandidovat ve Stínadlech a pohádají se kvůli tomu) a 3) nějak zanechá dopad na zbytek příběhu. Z toho malinkého množství scén ve kterých vystupuje, výhradně v těch kde interaguje s RŠ, z něj vyzařuje autorita. Je vidět že držením Bubliny, má RŠ zcela v malíku a může si od nich žádat cokoliv, protože ví že chtějí svého psa zpátky. Ale zároveň je vidět, že mu záleží jen na té Vontské kronice a Bublina mu je úplně jedno. Proto se o něj on, ani jeho příslušníci nestarali. Bublina byl pro něj jen nástroj k získání kroniky, nic víc.
 Obecně celá ta DušínXDaneš linka je moje nejoblíbenější z celé trilogie, protože to nutí zbytek RŠ cítit. Nevím jak to popsat, ale prostě RŠ jsou vždycky ukazováni jako ti nejlepší kamarádi, kteří se nedokážou nikdy pohádat a nikdy se nerozdělí . Protože mají být vzorem pro mládež, která ty komiksy a knížky čte. A proto, mám nejradši momenty kdy se nějak rozdělí nebo pohádají, protože je to dělá lidštější. Protože reální kamarádi se pohádají a rozdělí kvůli častokrát blbostem. Tak to prostě je. Tyhle momenty je dělají víc uvěřitelnější, že by skupinka kamarádů jako RŠ opravdu mohla existovat. Také tyhle momenty nutí tyhle postavy cítit emoce, a opět, to je jen dělá víc lidštější. Sám Daneš je tak trochu plochý, protože nic moc kromě téhle linky s Bublinou od něj nedostaneme. Ale já ho nemám rád protože by byl nějaká komplexní postava,  spíš kvůli tomu co on znamená pro zbytek RŠ. 
Co se jeho charakteru týče, moc o něm nezjistíme, ale to co si můžeme, ze scén kde se vyskytuje, odvodit je že Daneš je ambiciózní, zřejmě chce také Stínadlům vrátit zpět svou slávu a respekt jako to chce např. Dabinel. Ale jelikož jsme nikdy neslyšeli žádný jeho proslov dopodrobna, tak můžeme jen spekulovat. Také má očividně nějakou autoritu vůči ostatním Vontům, podle toho jak je popisován jeho tón hlasu (je popisován jako “velitelský”). Je také vidět že má talent na přimění lidí, aby se k němu přidali, protože je vidět že už za ten cca rok co uběhl od 1. dílu dokázal dostat na svou stranu celkem úctyhodný počet přisluhovačů (možná ne tolik, kolik měl na konci třeba Žlutý květ ale stejně). 
Mohl bych jít dál, ale to už by trochu zasahovalo do hlavokánon teritoria, takže pokud o to bude zájem, udělám příspěvek speciálně na Daneš hcs. 
To by bylo pro tuhle slohovku vše, děkuji moc že jste mě vyslechli!! 
(a ano, o gramatických chybách vím, není to moje silná stránka lol)
Michal alias morti0re <3
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containerization · 21 days
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The Key Bridge Response Unified Command uses small explosives to remove steel girders of the Francis Scott Key Bridge wreckage resting on the deck of the M/V DALI container ship on May 13, 2024.
Jasper Colt, USA TODAY
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follow-up-news · 15 days
The enormous container ship that collided with and collapsed Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge in March was removed from the site and taken to shore on Monday in a complex procedure. The Unified Command, a collection of local and federal agencies that managed the operation, said the ship became buoyant at around 6:40 a.m. ET and was slowly moved by tugboats to a local port. The Dali crashed with the bridge in the early hours on March 26, causing a catastrophic failure of the structure which led to the deaths of six construction workers and disrupted shipping across the East Coast and has remained in the Patapsco River for the last eight weeks.
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butvega · 1 year
oioi adm, td bem?? :)) espero q sim
vc poderia fzr um NSFW alphabet do yoongi pfv??
guinho miauzinho
NSFW ALPHABET — min yoongi.
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A | Aftercare (Cuidados Posteriores)
Adoram criar uma imagem dele de "O cara frio", mas ele é zero assim na cama, na minha concepção. Ele vai ser super do aftercare, vai gostar de ficar deitado com você te fazendo carinho, perguntando coisas bobas sobre a vida...
B | Body Part (Parte do corpo favorita em você)
Peitos. Não importa o tamanho, ele gosta de como é visualmente, gosta de apertar, gosta da maciez, gosta de deitar a cabecinha em cima.
C | Cum (Qualquer coisa relacionada à porra)
Só tem um jeito dos seus seios ficarem mais bonitos: sujinhos por ele. :)
D | Dirty Secret (Auto explicativo)
Ele não guarda muitos segredos não... Tudo que ele quer testar, ele tem auto confiança o suficiente pra te dizer, e por as cartas na mesa.
E | Experience (Ele sabe o que está fazendo?)
Se ele sabe? Puuuuf, sabe pra caralho! Tem experiência, e sabe usá-la ao seu favor.
F | Favourite Position (Posição favorita)
De costas para ele, e preferencialmente em pé. Gosta que você sente de frente pra ele também, acha bonito ver seus seios quicando.
G | Goofy (Ele é mais sério, ou bem humorado durante o ato?)
Relativamente sim. É um cara mais na sua, mais envergonhado, mas no momento em que ele está com você, ele fica super tranquilo, felizinho, sorridente demais.
H | Hair (Cabelo)
Gosta de você ao natural, e gosta de estar natural também. Nada muito exagerado.
I | Intimacy (O quão íntimo ele é no momento?)
Muita coisa. Gosta de colocar músicas no momento também, então fica uma vibe super gostosa.
J | Jerk Off (Masturbação)
Bem raro. Gosta de estar com você, gosta que seja você. Ele não vê muito sentido, e nem muita necessidade em ficar se masturbando.
K | Kinks (Fetiches)
Lá no fundo tem um breeding kink. Gosta da ideia de te ver grávida, de ter filhos com você. Daí vem a loucura que sometimes bate no coquinho dele; te imagina com os seios enormes, amamentando... E você adora chamar ele de gatinho. Então.... E se?
L | Location (Locais preferidos pra transar)
Gosta de um sexo mais privado. Todos os locais do apartamento privado de vocês se tornam positivos, mas fora dali ele não se sente confortável.
M | Motivation (O que o provoca, e o deixa excitado?)
Gosta quando você é mandona, bastante certa das coisas que quer. Algo sobre você ser confiante, o excita.
N | No (Algo que ele não faria durante o sexo)
Exibicionismo. Tanto por sua carreira, tanto por sua personalidade.
O | Oral (Dar, ou receber?)
Dar. Definitivamente dar. TONGUE TECNOLOGY TO NERVOSA
P | Pace (Ritmo)
Lentinho, preguiçosinho, aquela coisa quase torturante de tão gostosa.
Q | Quickie (Prefere rapidinhas, ou uma relação mais longa?)
Prefere uma relação mais longa, mas se não houver possibilidade, e ele realmente estiver com tesão, vai de rapidinha.
R | Risk (O quão experimental ele é em relação à coisas novas?)
Bastante experimental. Não se importa muito de testar coisas novas.
S | Stamina (Quanto tempo ele dura?)
Bastante tempo. Por isso gosta de tudo bem lentinho.
T | Toys (Brinquedos sexuais)
Não curte muito não, se acha o suficiente, e no fim das contas realmente é.
U | Unfair (É sempre dar e receber, ou às vezes só receber?)
Ele prefere te dar, de verdade. Não se importa muito de receber, porque sente prazer em te ver sentindo prazer.
V | Volume (O quão alto ele é durante a relação?)
Não é muito vocal. No máximo respira bem pesado.
W | Wearing (O que ele gosta que você vista?)
Nada. Gosta que você ande pelada pela casa.
X | X-Ray (Tamanho)
Não é muito grande, mas é bem grosso.
Y | Yearning (O quão alto é o desejo sexual dele por você?)
Alto. É tipo a válvula de escape pra todos os problemas do mundo.
Z | Zzz (Quão rápido ele dorme pós sexo?)
Demora a dormir. Gosta de ficar papeando com você.m
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oww666 · 2 months
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snippychicke · 9 months
For the Sake of a Smile (V.2) Chapter Fifteen)
Title: For the Sake of a Smile (Revised)
Overall Rating: Mature (18+)
Chapter Rating: M for Mature. We've begun the 18+ content
Trigger warnings: Nothing beyond the child abuse hinted in the series, though we do explore the consequences a bit more.
Main Pairing: Balam Shichiro/Reader
Summary: Hell on earth was your motto for your job. Granted, you were pretty sure earth really was hell, considering the shit you had seen in your life. And the fact your coworker was a child. 
A child named Suzuki Iruma, in fact. A kid who’s life was decidedly worse than yours, but yet he smiled despite everything. It wasn’t long after meeting him that you decided you’d do a lot for his smile. Including summoning a literal demon and signing your soul away.
But as it turns out, hell (The Netherworld, actually) was a lot better than living on earth. Demons were more humane than a lot of humans you knew.
And Iruma’s smile wasn’t the only one that would change your life.
Masterlist | Ao3| Mairimashitai! Simps Discord
The next morning you were lost in your thoughts as you walked towards Furcus's prep-room that she shared with Dali, arms laden with the books that you had convinced Sullivan --Dad-- to find (which he hadn't even hesitated over, wrapping you up in a hug as he promised to do his best). The next you were literally swept from your feet and being cradled gently but firmly to a familiar chest, shoulder-length white hair tickling your nose.
"Shichiro!" You laughed as you clutched to him, careless of the books that had been unceremoniously dumped on the ground.
"Good morning," Shichiro mumbled as he buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"Good morning," You agreed, your whole body feeling warm and your heart light. "How are you this morning?" You asked, raking your fingers through his hair, careless of the looks you were garnering from the students in the hall.
"Good, you?" He asked, pulling away enough to look you meaningfully in the eye. 
And really, compared to how you had been, you could answer him honestly. "Better. Much better." You showed him the vines that were no longer barbed or black, though still looked a darker shade of green then they had been. His expression brightened, and you were sure there was a wide smile behind his mask. You gave into impulse and leaned forward to press a kiss to his forehead, and felt as well as heard his sharp intake of air. The cold metal of his mask contrasted with the warmth of his breath as he pressed his face against your neck.
You cursed the mask's existence, part of you yearning to feel his lips ghosting across your skin instead of his breath. 
"Really, Shichiro?" Kalego sighed as he added your name with the same hint of annoyance. "It's far too early in the morning for such public displays." 
"You're just jealous," You teased, clinging to Shichiro as you looked down at the dark-haired professor. You were sure your cheeks were as flushed as Shichiro's, though that hardly stopped you from grinning impishly.
"Disturbed is more-so the correct term," Kalego shot back, clearly unamused with his eyes narrowed. "You're both making a scene in front of the students."
There was a rebellious part of you that wanted to make more of a scene; but that would mean removing Shichiro's mask, and you weren't sure he would be happy with you doing that in public. Even if it was to show how much his scar didn't bother you in the least bit as you covered it in kisses. 
"Oh, right." Shichiro mumbled, sounding rather embarrassed as he carefully set you down before picking up the books you dropped. "Sorry."
"Don't be," You answered honestly as you accepted the books back, though you weren't sure if his apology was toward you or Kalego. Either way, you gave him a smile as you brushed his hands with yours. "You just made my day a hundred percent better."
He smiled behind his mask, cheeks a deep pink as his fingers brushed yours as he allowed you to take the weight of the books. "I'll see you at lunch then?"
You nodded your head, silently hoping that this time around, things would be less… emotional and allow you to actually enjoy the fact he was as interested in you as you were in him.
"I don't want to know," Kalego once more interrupted your daydreams. Your face felt as warm as Shichiro's dark-red cheeks looked, and the relatively-smaller demon tugged at his friend. "Come along, Shichiro. I don't trust you two alone at this point."
It was no secret that the entirety of Babyls faculty and students knew about you and Shichiro courting. Looks and conspiratorial giggles followed you through the halls, and you found even more students attempting to watch you nonchalantly yet failing utterly.
Though after the revelation of Iruma's classmate Purson, you wondered how many more were watching without you noticing.
But really, you couldn't care less at the moment. Your heart as well as your mind was happily drifting on cloud-nine as you went through the day, eagerly awaiting the noon hour.
You looked up to see the half-dozen students that formed the small Library Battler; headed by Furcus and her love of knowledge, they had been a large part of helping organize the library.
Furcus had teased you were also stealing her students' affections from her. (Well, you had assumed it was one of her dry teasings.)
Yet today, instead of vibrating from excitement about some new rare book their teacher had shared with them - or fuming with righteous anger of another student disrespecting a text - the six young demons looked unsure; most of them stood behind Mneme, the fifth-year student leader of the batra.
"Who did what?" You asked with a sigh. After all, they would only pull their noses from a book if it was something important.
"We heard you've... accepted Professor Balam's offer to court." Mneme continued, clutching her book tightly. "While we are not skilled fighters like many of our peers, we wish to offer our assistance."
You blinked owlishly at them, sure you misheard or misunderstood. "Assistance...?"
"Professor Balam, while one of the more powerful of demons, and skilled with the knowledge regarding biology of both flora and fauna of the Netherworld," Alim offered as he peeked around Mneme. "He also has... questionable hobbies."
You groaned, "Devi, not that stupid rumor again. Professor Balam does not experiment and torture students. Yes, he can be a bit handsy and enthusiastic at times..." Which weren't exactly negatives in your book by any means.
"We're aware of that, Ma'am," Ji-Su interrupted as you trailed off, your mind trying vainly to clamber into a daydream of being wrapped up in Schichiro's arms, him mindlessly stroking your hair as you nestled in his lap, safe and happy. But this time, instead of platonic, you could be sure of his feelings for you. "But we mean his other hobbies."
Other...hobbies? "Huh?" You asked, mind turning to try to figure out what they were talking about that would warrant such a sneer in their voice.
"Well, the picture books," Ismene admitted with a whisper. "What kind of self-respecting demon - let alone a professor of Babyls - likes picture books?"
"His picture books? That's what's got you all up in arms?" A soft snicker escaped first, before you started laughing whole-heartedly, or maybe it was hysterically. Devi, they had issues because of that?!
"He is a teacher!" Mneme protested. "Ma'am, as powerful and intelligent as he may be, you have to admit it's disconcerting."
"I wouldn't say disconcerting," You defended with humor still coloring your tone. "I actually find it quite adorable."
"We are scholars," Wasi spoke. "Such things are beneath us! Professor Balam is one of the leading scholars when it comes to biology."
"And imaginary creatures!" You protested, for some reason feeling like you had to remind them that he was knowledgeable about both.
"Well, yes, but again that's hardly something a demon with his status should be focusing on!" Memne scoffed. "Theories that can never be proven, and books that dumb down knowledge are beneath him! Beneath Babyls!"
Ah. Now you could kinda see where they were coming from. Not that you agreed - and definitely didn't want to argue about how imaginary wasn't quite as fictional as they thought. 
Instead, you switched back to the topic of Shichiro's picture books. "But I believe it's a testament to his knowledge of subjects to be able to explain it in such simple terms. If we didn't have picture books, how hard would it be to capture the interest of small children? Also, while imaginary creatures are impossible to prove, I think it's a great mental exercise. And plus, have you ever seen his drawings? They are so cute!"
The group of young demons looked at each other, doubt and suspicion on their faces. "Perhaps she is just as mentally unstable as the professor after all," Wasi murmured non-to-quietly. 
"Hey! There is nothing wrong with enjoying picture books, let alone creating them!" You defended, your humor slowly melting away. "Creating cute pictures to entertain along with funny little stories to help explain the intricacies of complicated subjects in a way others can understand is an amazing talent. It's part of the reason that I fell in love with Shichiro! Those books helped Iruma --and myself-- so much on subjects we were struggling with!"
You realized you might have said a little too much in your passionate speech, judging by the looks the Literature Battler - as well as the other students - were giving you. How were you going to salvage this?
"Both me and Iruma... didn't have the greatest resources growing up," You explained awkwardly after a long pause. "Especially before the Chairdemon found us. So, to be honest, our knowledge of some fundamentals were... spotty at best. Professor Balam's books helped a lot to fill in the gaps, bringing both joy as well as understanding."
Silence still reigned over the library, making your pulse seem even more deafening in your ears. That dark whisper started to crawl back from the dark recess of your mind, pointing out how much you had screwed up. 
"Ma'am, did you just say you loved Professor Balam?"
Mneme's question made that whisper shut up despite the flush of your cheeks. You had said that… but it was nothing you were ashamed of, persay. You crossed your arms and jutted out your chin defiantly. "And what if I did...?"
The students looked at each other with silent nods confirming whatever they were thinking "We concede," Mneme spoke, giving a slight nod as she turned back to you. "You have always been an unorthodox teacher..."
"I'm a librarian, not a teacher."
"And as the librarian - with a love of knowledge that rivals Professor Furcus - we must admit we obviously have more to learn from you." Mneme replied. "Nor did we mean to insult your beloved."
You opened your mouth a few times to argue - or at least say something - but words escaped you until the bell screamed. "Just, uh, be more willing to think outside the box-- and apologize to Professor Balam, not me!"
The students made varying noises of agreement as they left. You wondered if admitting that you loved Shichiro was too soon, but you couldn't deny your feelings. You had been enamored by the giant demon for quite a while, and you had still had difficulty understanding why no one else had taken to him before your arrival to the Netherworld.
And he cared for you. So you were going to cling to your feelings, digging your heels in as well as your metaphorical claws. 
Shichiro was waiting for you in his prep room as the lunch bell rang, a small buffet set out on the coffee table, the smell causing your stomach to growl. 
"Hungry?" Shichiro laughed lightly at the soft noise, making you blush as you entered, touching your stomach as if to make it behave. 
"Maybe," You answered with an embarrassed chuckle, taking a seat as he closed the door. "I don't quite have Iruma's appetite, but it has been a while since breakfast." 
He sat next to you, his large body pressed against yours and his arm wrapping around your waist. As soon as you had a plate full of the offerings, you found yourself curling into his side.
It reminded you of the evening after Walter Park, the first time you saw his face without his mask. Learned how strong and powerful he was. 
Woke up to that soft smile of his. 
"I'm so relieved to see you smiling again," Shichiro admitted, casually stroking your side. It didn't tickle, but caused goosebumps to race across your body. 
"I'm sorry," You apologized, and held up a finger when he tried to argue. "Let me explain. I was talking with Iruma last night, and kind of… had a revelation. And making you guys worry while trying to pretend I was fine wasn't… the best thing to do." 
He hummed thoughtfully. "I still don't believe you need to apologize. When demons have their evil cycles, they're not held responsible. Strong emotions are impossible to control. But if there is a way for us to help you next time, I would love to learn about it." 
"Hopefully there won't be," You sighed. "I mean, I still worry that I'll mess things up, but…" A lot of it had been because you were so full of love for this giant demon, and so sure that he couldn't - or wouldn't - return your feelings.
His hot breath was suddenly ghosting across your skin as he leaned over to press a kiss on your cheek, his mask settling on the table. "I'll be here to protect you, I promise. You and Iruma. " 
Your pulse quickened, both from his words and his gentle kisses. You quickly abandoned your plate and shifted to meet his lips with your own, a new appetite growing in the pit of your stomach. Especially as Shichiro groaned lowly against your mouth as you teased his lips with your tongue, running it along his large exposed teeth before brushing his own larger tongue. A soft, almost cautious touch to assure you weren't overstepping. 
He was far less gentle as his tongue chased after yours, quickly invading your mouth as his body shifted against you. His large hands helped move you to lay back on the couch, allowing him to hover over you, one arm bracing his weight from crushing against you. 
You liked this. You really liked this. It lit a fire in your chest and loins, chasing away any self-doubt. Studying his thick hard muscles with your hands, enjoying his odd mix of rough and tender affections. His kisses were hard and desperate, as if he had been starving, yearning to taste and explore every bit of you. 
Yet his hand was soft and careful as he squeezed your breast through your shirt or studied the curve of your waist and hips. As if you were made of glass and he was afraid to break you. 
But devi, you wanted to be broken. To be laid bare and utterly fucked by him. You tried to convey that as you mimicked his kisses with your own desperation, shifting your legs open so your hips could meet his. 
He groaned as he rolled his hips against you, the prominent bulge pressing against the junction of your thighs. You didn't know which affected you more, but decided it really didn't matter. 
You just needed more. More of the noises, more of him pressing against you. More of everything that made Shichiro Shichiro. 
"Please," You whispered between kisses, breathless and needy. "Please, Shichiro. I-I need you." 
The noise he made against the sensitive flesh of your neck was a cross between a growl and a groan. His hand grasped your hip, fingers digging into your flesh as he rutted against you. "You have no idea how long I wanted you to say those words. How long I've wanted you like this. My precious sweet human." 
It probably wasn't the healthiest way to bolster your self esteem, but there was no denying how it made you feel. To feel and hear how much he wanted you, that he found you desirable in the most basic of senses made your heart soar and also stirred your own arousal even more. Your fingers pulled at his shirt, desperate to feel more of his skin. To be able to run your fingers along his abs and chest. To see if there was any difference between him and a human. Did he have hair? Feathers? Scales? 
Either way, you wanted to touch him. Discover more about the demon you loved. 
Something heavy wrapped around your wrist, making you freeze. Four sets of claws pricked your skin. And Nigyul's chirp was unmistakable in the sudden silence.
"Shichiro? Why is Nigyul holding onto my arm?" You asked after a moment, feeling the wooden dragon settle deeper, nuzzling your hand with his damp snout. 
The demon sighed as he sagged against you almost… embarrassed? "Well, you know how he feeds off my mana?" 
"Yeah?" You answered, still perplexed. What did that have to do with the dragon cuddling your hand right now? 
"Well, mana is affected by emotions and those emotions can also affect beings that feed off it." 
You hazy thoughts struggled to piece the information together and compare it to the situation. "Are you saying he's being cuddly because of your feelings for me?" 
"Well, roughly. More like he, uh, may see you as my mate?"
He pulled back enough to meet your eyes, the deep pink of his face contrasted by both his pale skin and deep black eyes. "... is he trying to mate with my hand then?" You asked, deciding not to touch the term 'mate' quite yet (especially given your current position.) You focused on Nigyul clutching to you, completely still and definitely not pressing any 'bits' against you, unlike Shichiro himself. 
Shichiro chuckled awkwardly, looking thoroughly embarrassed. "No. He just wants to be close to you… rather like myself."
Your worry faded as you touched his face with your free hand. "I like being close to you too." 
The smile that crossed his lips made your heart skip a beat. So wide and happy. You pulled him closer, your kisses soft and tender despite the way your blood was virtually boiling with lust. 
"Okay. Nigyul," You muttered after a long moment of tender kisses that were doing nothing to help your situation. "I love you but I would really like my hand back." Your arm was trying to fall asleep between the dragon clinging to it and the awkward way you had it wrapped around Shichiro's large shoulders. 
Nigyul protested with another chirp as you tried to dislodge him and only held on tighter. 
Shichiro carefully shifted, pulling away from you and sitting up. He scruffed Nigyul like one would a kitten, though grabbing his vines instead of fur. Like a kitten, the small dragon seemed to freeze and go limp, letting out a rather pitiful cry as Shichiro lifted him off your arm. 
"I know you want to be close to her," He chided softly while you begrudgingly sat up as well, shifting so you were still pressed next to Shichiro as he coddled the dragon. "But you can't cling to her like that." 
The dragon huffed but sunk into the scritches Shichiro offered in compensation. The dragon started to trill, especially as your fingers joined in on the pets. As frustrated as you were, you had to admit logically it was a good thing that the kitten-sized dragon had disrupted the moment. The clock on the wall showed the lunch hour was nearly over, and having time to unwind before returning to the library was probably a good thing. 
However, whereas your arousal was overall easy to hide, Shichiro's definitely was not. From him rutting against you, you had a good idea of his size - but seeing the actual tenting his member caused in his pants made you realize he was far bigger than your earlier assumptions.
"So… is that something in your pocket, or…"
Shichiro flushed as he shifted in his seat, as if that would hide any. "I am so sorry," He mumbled, and you grinned as you saw the tips of his ears turn bright red.
"It's nothing to apologize about." Not when you were trying your hardest to keep your mind from wading deeper into the gutter. "Though, I suppose it's going to make teaching, uh, hard."
There was another groan as he covered his face, making you laugh lightly despite his apparent discomfort.  It was just so odd to you, considering any man on earth would likely be boasting if they had anything comparable, and likely try to swindle you into helping. 
But not your sweet demon. "I can, uh, handle it," He admitted after a moment. "Before leaving. You…should probably get back to work."
Annnd your mind freed itself of its tether and jumped straight into the deepest part of the filth, happily supplying you with images of him dealing with it; legs spread wide on the couch, head tilted back as he panted for breath, hand wrapped around himself as he quickly worked...
Would… would he think of you? Call your name as…
"I can help," You blurted out, before freezing as he met your gaze. His face was a bright red, eyes wider and darker than before. You could hear him swallow thickly as his breath caught, as if struggling to process your words - or maybe struggling to accept them.
You gathered up your courage, keeping your eyes focused on him as your hand drifted downwards - trailing along his chest. You wanted to be sure you weren't crossing any boundaries; but there was no signs of that in his expression, just eyes hazed with lust as you felt him switch from being unable to breath to short shallow gasps.
Even feeling him through his pants, you could hardly believe the girth pressing against your palm. There was a kind of primal delight watching his expression shift as you rubbed your hand against him through the fabric, his eyes fluttering close and his lips parting slightly.
It gave you the courage to shift slightly, giving your hand more room to work as you asked in your best sultry voice. "Can I help you, Shichiro?"
"Please," He whined quietly, making your stomach knot even more. How in heaven and hell were you supposed to deny that? Not that you had any intention to, but fuck.
It gave you the courage to find and loosen the fastenings hidden in the folds of his pants, partially aware of Nigyul deciding he had best leave you two alone. Vines gently pulled the dragon back up into the ceiling, and truthfully, your mind was so focused on other things you didn't notice where he went after that. 
His cock met your hand, making Shichiro groan as your fingers traced along the hard shaft as you guided it free. You wanted so, so badly to take your time; both to study his member since you could feel hardened skin - reminding you of the different texture of his forearms - but also just to draw out his pleasure. There was a certain delight in watching him struggle with control as you stroked his cock with a careful touch; his eyes screwed shut, fingers digging into the couch, breath coming in harsh gasps...
The power was intoxicating as you leaned closer to him, lips marking his neck as your hand pumped along his cock.
"Is that good?"
His head nodded quickly as he swallowed thickly, a whine escaping his throat as you tightened your grip. You hummed in approval, "Good, got to make this fast though. What do you need?"
"You," He gasped out your name, "Just need you. Just like this. Please."
You smiled against his neck, peppering little kisses. You. How could that little thing make your heart race even more when you were already in this kind of position?
"Think of me then," You whispered, some part of you mortified by what you were thinking - saying. But hell, you were so far gone you didn't care. "Because I certainly am. I can just imagine what you'd feel like stretching me out, your hard cock buried deep inside me." His hip gave a harsh, barely-contained thrust as his breath became ragged, making you grin. "You're so big, Shichiro, I'm going to be so tight around you, but I want every inch of you inside me. Just the thought of you railing into me has got me all wet."
You could feel the pre-cum leaking over your fingers, making your movements easier, and allowing you to go faster over the rougher skin. Just the way he was trembling and gasping and you knew he was close, his hips rolling to every movement.
Devi, how much would he release when he came? The thought made you clench both your hand as well as your core. More than enough to probably stain his pants, but there wasn't exactly anything else to catch…
You licked your lips. He was big, but you could probably fit at least his head if not more - and it might set him over the edge.
He cried your name as you pulled away, sounding desperate as he grabbed your arm. You gave him a reassuring smile as you moved from awkwardly straddling his lap to kneeling between his legs. His eyes widened as his breath caught once more, realizing what exactly you were up to.
You were fairly sure it was the first time you heard him swear as your lips wrapped around him. You were also sure you heard the couch cushion rip again as he thrusted up into your mouth. Devi - he was huge, barely able to fit just his head in your mouth without gagging; so you continued using your hands as you sucked and swirled your tongue against his member, bobbing your head every so often to see if you could go just a little bit deeper.
He was soon chanting your name with a pleading tone, making you push even harder - forced to take him deeper as you sucked. The hand that had grabbed your arms was soon buried in your hair; though you could feel him still struggling with himself as he'd grip, release, and grip again - afraid to hurt you.
Hanging on to that edge when you just wanted to make him let go.
You grabbed his hand and encouraged him to grip tight, pulling your hair. A moan echoed from your throat as his hand soon tangled in your hair and pulled you closer - and that was all the more it took.
His hips arched off the couch as he thrusted sharply, driving deep into you. You could taste and feel him cumming inside your mouth; warm, earthy, and more than you could easily swallow no matter how hard you tried. But the small bit of cum leaking from your lips would be easier to clean than any other option.
You finally pulled away when he was spent, being careful not to make a mess as you wiped your lips and chin. Satisfied pride filled your chest as you looked up at Shichiro, who was more or less a panting mess as he slumped back into the couch; his cheeks and tips of his pointed ears flushed red, eyes closed in bliss.
You wanted to climb back in his lap; covering his face, neck, chest in little kisses, but knew that was definitely off the table. 
For now.
"You know you're already ten minutes late for class, right?" You teased instead as you climbed to your feet. He groaned as he covered his face, muttering something under his breath. You chuckled as you guided his cock back in his pants and refastened the hidden zipper and clasps before leaning to press a kiss to his cheek. "What kind of example are you setting right now, Shichiro?"
"Are you really human, or actually a succubus in disguise?" He grumbled, peeking at you between his fingers, making you laugh.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
--+--Su-Ki-Ma --+--
As it turned out, Balam's class after lunch was the Misfit Class. No one really noticed the first few minutes after the second bell when their professor didn't show, too wrapped up in discussing ideas for the music festival.
But after five minutes, they started to question his absence. After all, he wasn't one to run late - unlike a few of the other teachers. And after ten…
"You don't think something happened, do you?" Iruma posed to the rest, feeling anxiety bubble up.
"Obviously you didn't train with him," Sabnock said as he clapped a hand on his rival's shoulder. "I'm positive nothing could defeat our teacher."
"Agreed," Asmodeus stated with a frown. "So, what could be delaying him?"
Just as Asmodus finished the sentence, the door opened with a bang and Balam rushed in, looking more than a little frantic.
"Sorry for being late. I, uh, well, it, uh, doesn't exactly matter. I won't dull you with excuses. Let's see, where exactly did we leave off…"
Silence lingered as Balam ruffled through the books on his desk as the Misfit class shared confused and worried looks.
Except for Elizabetta, who tilted her head as she studied him for a moment. "Professor?" She called, raising her hand out of habit. Balam froze as he looked up at the student. She smiled sweetly as she tapped her cheek, "You have some lipstick right here."
Everyone shot the blonde demon incredulous looks; there was definitely nothing on Balam's cheek - the mask covered most of it.
But then Balam turned blood-beet red, and rubbed at his mask.
"Yes - well, um, there is a perfectly normal explanation for that." He paused as he looked at the student again, his blood-line trait ringing in his ears - barely audible over his own heartbeat. "You were lying."
Too late, however. Nearly all thirteen students of the misfit class had mischievous grins on their faces.
"You and Mom share lunches, right?" Jazz offered, crossing his arms haughtily. "Good thing she doesn't usually wear lipstick."
The flush on the professor's face only became darker making most of the class grin like the demons they were. 
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66-bl1tz-kr13g-fr1tz · 2 months
//The Wire//1530Z March 26, 2024//
Maryland: This morning at approximately 01:30 am, the M/V DALI struck a support pylon for the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing a significant portion of the bridge to collapse. A mass casualty event was declared for the estimated 7 vehicles and 20 construction workers that fell into the water with the bridge, and SAR operations are ongoing as of this report.
-----END TEARLINE-----
Analyst Comments: At this time, there is no clear cause for the collision. However, observers noted that the ship appeared to lose power or be experiencing some issue in the seconds before the impact. The DALI is a Maersk-operated cargo vessel flagged in Singapore.
As the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse occurred in one of the busiest ports on the east coast, the logistical impacts will almost certainly be significant and immediate. The bridge debris has almost completely cut off the Port of Baltimore to outside traffic for the foreseeable future. Baltimore was one of the top logistical hubs for Roll-on/Roll-off (RORO) vehicle carrying cargo ships. As no cargo vessel can reach the RORO terminal now, these vessels will be required to offload cargo at other ports on the east coast.
The unspoken elephant in the room is the question of whether or not the collision of the M/V DALI was intentional, or an accident. The immediate follow-up question is: if this was an intentional act (via a cyberattack of navigation systems, which have been increasingly vulnerable to GPS spoofing and other exploitations), was this a shadow-war retaliation for the Crocus shooting in Moscow? Or was this incident somehow linked to Chinese cyber efforts, which have crippled varying sectors of American infrastructure over the years? These questions cannot be answered at this time, nor are any substantial details expected to be made public due to the very long and in-depth maritime investigation process. However operational prudence would indicate assuming nefarious intent. As such, though the average person cannot prevent any hostile act on critical infrastructure, workers in many career fields absolutely can. Heightened situational awareness is overwhelmingly recommended for personnel working in career fields by which large industrial incidents can disrupt civilization. In a 5th Generation global war, the people that keep society functioning are often the first, and last, line of defense against major incidents like this.
For the average citizen, this is a reminder that preparing for mass casualty events at this time of exceptionally heightened international tensions would be a wise move. Bridges, tunnels, railway crossings, road junctions and interchanges, high-rise buildings that are convenient geographic landmarks, submarine cable landing points, POL storage facilities, telecom hubs, electrical substations and power generation facilities, water treatment plants…all of these facets of our society are exceptionally vulnerable to both accidents, and nefarious intent. Planning for either event is a wise move in the event that any malign actors have a “nasty surprise” in mind for the homeland.
Analyst: S2A1
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compneuropapers · 9 months
Interesting Papers for Week 35, 2023
Decoding Trans-Saccadic Prediction Error. Barne, L. C., Giordano, J., Collins, T., & Desantis, A. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(11), 1933–1939.
A cortical zoom-in operation underlies covert shifts of visual spatial attention. Bartsch, M. V., Merkel, C., Strumpf, H., Schoenfeld, M. A., Tsotsos, J. K., & Hopf, J.-M. (2023). Science Advances, 9(10).
Granger causality analysis for calcium transients in neuronal networks, challenges and improvements. Chen, X., Ginoux, F., Carbo-Tano, M., Mora, T., Walczak, A. M., & Wyart, C. (2023). eLife, 12, e81279.
Computational modeling of human multisensory spatial representation by a neural architecture. Domenici, N., Sanguineti, V., Morerio, P., Campus, C., Del Bue, A., Gori, M., & Murino, V. (2023). PLOS ONE, 18(3), e0280987.
Social signal learning of the waggle dance in honey bees. Dong, S., Lin, T., Nieh, J. C., & Tan, K. (2023). Science, 379(6636), 1015–1018.
Inferior temporal cortex leads prefrontal cortex in response to a violation of a learned sequence. Esmailpour, H., Raman, R., & Vogels, R. (2023). Cerebral Cortex, 33(6), 3124–3141.
Neural learning rules for generating flexible predictions and computing the successor representation. Fang, C., Aronov, D., Abbott, L., & Mackevicius, E. L. (2023). eLife, 12, e80680.
Dopamine error signal to actively cope with lack of expected reward. Ishino, S., Kamada, T., Sarpong, G. A., Kitano, J., Tsukasa, R., Mukohira, H., … Ogawa, M. (2023). Science Advances, 9(10).
Working memory control dynamics follow principles of spatial computing. Lundqvist, M., Brincat, S. L., Rose, J., Warden, M. R., Buschman, T. J., Miller, E. K., & Herman, P. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 1429.
Variability in training unlocks generalization in visual perceptual learning through invariant representations. Manenti, G. L., Dizaji, A. S., & Schwiedrzik, C. M. (2023). Current Biology, 33(5), 817-826.e3.
Neuronal excitability as a regulator of circuit remodeling. Mayseless, O., Shapira, G., Rachad, E. Y., Fiala, A., & Schuldiner, O. (2023). Current Biology, 33(5), 981-989.e3.
Flexible tool set transport in Goffin’s cockatoos. Osuna-Mascaró, A. J., O’Hara, M., Folkertsma, R., Tebbich, S., Beck, S. R., & Auersperg, A. M. I. (2023). Current Biology, 33(5), 849-857.e4.
Dorsomedial prefrontal hypoexcitability underlies lost empathy in frontotemporal dementia. Phillips, H. L., Dai, H., Choi, S. Y., Jansen-West, K., Zajicek, A. S., Daly, L., … Yao, W.-D. (2023). Neuron, 111(6), 797-806.e6.
Flexible reuse of cortico-hippocampal representations during encoding and recall of naturalistic events. Reagh, Z. M., & Ranganath, C. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 1279.
Temporal continuity shapes visual responses of macaque face patch neurons. Russ, B. E., Koyano, K. W., Day-Cooney, J., Perwez, N., & Leopold, D. A. (2023). Neuron, 111(6), 903-914.e3.
Dynamic attention signalling in V4: Relation to fast‐spiking/non‐fast‐spiking cell class and population coupling. Sachse, E. M., & Snyder, A. C. (2023). European Journal of Neuroscience, 57(6), 918–939.
A process model account of the role of dopamine in intertemporal choice. Soutschek, A., & Tobler, P. N. (2023). eLife, 12, e83734.
Model-Based Approach Shows ON Pathway Afferents Elicit a Transient Decrease of V1 Responses. St-Amand, D., & Baker, C. L. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(11), 1920–1932.
The connectome of an insect brain. Winding, M., Pedigo, B. D., Barnes, C. L., Patsolic, H. G., Park, Y., Kazimiers, T., … Zlatic, M. (2023). Science, 379(6636).
Spontaneous recovery of reward memory through active forgetting of extinction memory. Yang, Q., Zhou, J., Wang, L., Hu, W., Zhong, Y., & Li, Q. (2023). Current Biology, 33(5), 838-848.e3.
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chereserene · 8 months
Ewan ko ba pero nabobohan talaga ako sa iba di ko alam kung mababa lang comprehension o di lang nilang iniintindi at mahilig magpaniwala sa mga misinformation at disinformation jusko ang dali niyo mapaniwala sa mga post. Kasalanan lahat to ni v/v/m eh
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defensenow · 22 days
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motorsportverso · 1 year
IMSA Long Beach
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Na largada houve um toque entre o Cadillac V Series R #01 (Da Cadillac Ganassi Racing) bateu com o Acura ARX06 #60 (DA MEYER SHANK RACING),que também teve um toque com a BMW M LMDH V8 #25.
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A equipe da Cadillac Racing até tentou arrumar o carro pra continuar más não deu, já o da Meyer Shank voltou  para a corrida.
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Após a relargada teve uma parada muito estranha Do Cadillac V Series R #31 com troca de pilotos com apenas mais ou menos 10 minutos de corrida.
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Após a relargada a liderança na GTP e na geral estava com o Acura ARX06 #10 (WTTR-ANDRETTI), em algumas voltas depois da relargada o líder estava chegando no Cadillac V Series #31 que tinha feito uma parada nos boxes durante o sefety car.
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Olha o enrosco que aconteceu entre os GTD\GTD PRÓ, eles conseguiram sair dali então não teve bandeira amarela.
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A Disputa entre a BMW da Turner motorsport e o Astom Martin da Heart of Racing da GTD.
O momento da parata obrigatória em que as Equipes Porsche Penske Motorsports ,WTTR Andretti Acura e a BMW TEAM RLL foram as melhores.
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Isso que é bom numa categoria muito equlibrada três marcas diferentes nas três primeiras posições.
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Depois da parada a disputada dos lideres que já tinham parado, menos o Cadillac V Series R #31, era entre o Acura ARX06 #10,BMW M LMDH #25,Porsche 963 #6.
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Com 1 hora completa das 1h 40 minutos de corrida faltando 50 minutos para o final dela,o Cadillac V Series R #31 tinha se recuperado e estava na volta do líder com o Brasileiro Pipo Derani na condução.
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A disputa da 2ª posição entre o Porsche da Pfaf Motorsports e o Corvette C8.R na GTD Pró.
Após as paradas a disputada estava com todos que já tinham parado menos o Cadillac V Series R #31 na disputa, faltando meia hora de corrida ele fez a parada obrigatória e caiu para 6º posição na corrida atrás do Acura ARX 06 #60 que já tinha  recuperado pelo menos naquele momento estava na volta do líder.
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E a disputada do segundo lugar continuava entre o Corvette C8.R e o Porsche 992 GT3 R da Pfaf Motorsports.
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O momento, da disputa entre Porsche 963 # 7 VS Acura ARX06 #10 na disputa pela 2ª posição.
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E eles ficaram nessa disputa duríssima até que o Acura teve um problema e ficou lento do nada e a BMW  M LMDH #25 chegou logo atrás nele.
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Eles conseguiram chegar no Porsche  963 #7 e tiveram o disputada incrível de três carros no final da volta.
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Até que o Acura ARX06 #10 com Ricky Teylor no comando passou o Porsche #7
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Nos últimos 3 minutos de corrida o Acura #10 estava alcançando o Porsche #6 
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Nos últimos 1min15 pro final o Acura #10 Tinha passado o Porsche #6 e logo depois perdeu uma freada com isso colocando uma bandeira amarela na pista inteira e terminando como resultado na primeira vitória do Novo Porsche 963.
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1-6-Matthew Jaminet\Nick Tandy-Porsche 963 LMDH-Porsche Penske Motorsport -78 LAPS
2-25-Conner de Philippe\Nick Yellolly-BMW M LMDH-BMW M Team RLL
3-7-Felipe Nasr\Matt Campbell-Porsche 963 LMDH-Porsche Penske Motorsport
1-14-Ben  Bernicoat\jack Hawksworth-Lexus RCF GT3-Vassser Sulivan Racing- 73 LAPS
2-3-Antonio Garcia\Jordam Teylor-Corvette C8.R GTD-Corvette Racing
3-9-Klaus Bachler\Patrick Pilet-Porsche 992 GT3R-Pfaf Motorsport
1-1-Bryan Sellers\Madison Snow-BMW M4 GT3-Paul Miller Racing-73 LAPS
2-23-Roman De Angelis\Marco Soressen-Astom Martin Vantage AMR GT3-Heart Of Racing
3-12-Frank Montecalvo\Aron Telitz-Lexus RCF GT3-Vasser Sulivan Racing
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anumberofhobbies · 2 months
What caused the Power Failure : The Dali Incident
Premiered 27 minutes ago  BALTIMORE  In this episode, I do a bit of Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis to find out what could have caused the blackout onboard M/V Dali, which led to the collapse of the Key Bridge in Baltimore.
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