#M: Linda
aypelotuda · 2 days
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barelyaveragebarley · 4 hours
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Happy Birthday to my wife, the lovely Linda McCartney (September 24, 1941 - April 17, 1998)
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fantasticsongcoffee · 2 months
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pr1ncessk1tty · 3 months
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xouru · 8 months
Please note that English is not my first language also I re-writed it from photos so there might be some errors.
1. Bryce & Hunt Waterstones
2. Ruhn Books-a-Million
3. Tharion Target
1. Bryce & Danika Indie
2. Bryce & Hunt Barnes & Noble
3. Bryce, Nesta & Azriel Walmart
4. Ember & Randall Books-a-Million
5. Ruhn & Linda Target
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like-meme · 10 months
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staff · 1 year
tumblr tuesday: hyrule compendium
The world is healing, Rauru is great, your art blocks are being cured, and no one, absolutely no one, is thinking of the Zelda x Link ship name being Linda instead of Zelink. Tears of the Kingdom is here, and mentally, we're all in Hyrule for the foreseeable future. Here's some fanart for your heart containers.
(Please, proceed with caution. There are mild spoilers for the game ahead!)
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mamawasatesttube · 3 months
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i present: a brief guide on the different supergirls of the postcrisis era!!!!
this is NOT comprehensive by any means, but is intended as a primer for anyone who's not sure what's up with all the supergirls running around before kara returns. basically - pay attention to cover dates and costume designs and you'll be fine!
(*please for the sake of my sanity as op do not leave me tags about how this is just SO confusing or w/e 😭 it's really no worse than differentiating the male robins i prommy.)
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red-pencil · 6 months
Let's not drown to death this #AniMonday
I wanted to get the body mechanics right for when Linda snatches up Louise to get her to safety. My fellow animator friend Scott and his daughter were kind enough to do some #videoref for me. Always thankful to have such talented actors to help when I need it.
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cddreamz · 2 months
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creating--memories · 6 months
Can someone please eat this poor woman’s pabellón 😭😭
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hellsite-proteins · 3 months
i dont have a post but can you do this
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heres the transcript
“Linda? What the fuck? Are you some fucking office secretary who just happens to be a middle aged white woman well into her 30s with a fucking demon of a child? Why in the ever loving shit did your parents name you Linda??? Like Linda is just Karen but somehow even more fucking stereotypical!”
peak writing
i'm not sure if this is a reference to anything or just thoughts on the name linda, but in my personal experience linda is just the boomer version of karen.
letter sequence in this ask matching protein-coding amino acids:
protein guy analysis:
this was one of the rare structures that actually started to look worse as it was forming, and left me with a vile, unapproachable mess. i genuinely do not understand what rules the software had to break to even give me a pdb file, because there are side chains seemingly overlapping with each other and with the backbone. sure, no two atoms have their nuclei in the same space, but the bonds are so mangled that this could never stably exist. and this is even after the protein apparently severed some of the peptide bonds to make everything fit. apparently the rage against linda is strong enough to make electrons stop existing. this made me so mad i completely forgot that this travesty has some real alpha helices, if only to mock me. i am so upset that i had to look at this with my own eyes
predicted protein structure:
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cartoon representation of the main chain
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all side chains shown as sticks
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close up of the center of the protein (so you can understand my pain)
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pr1ncessk1tty · 3 months
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payuappa · 1 year
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death note doodles
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midchelle · 5 months
I was looking through my drafts and found this compilation of quotes I put together of Beatle girls talking about other Beatle girls. It's probably not totally comprehensive, but I thought some people might find it interesting.
Cyn + Mo
Far from being a shy little thing, Maureen was talkative, full of laughter and great fun: we all liked her enormously and thought she was good for Ringo.
All of the Beatles’ women got on with each other, but Maureen, who was one of the most down-to-earth, honest people I ever knew, became my closest friend. After their son Zak was born in September, seven months after the wedding, she and I used to go up to Knightsbridge to shop. Anthony would drop us off and we’d do the rounds of Harrods, Harvey Nichols and the designer shops in between, then stop for lunch in a smart little bistro. We’d buy cute little outfits for our sons and we were always on the lookout for something different or special for the men. We loved to surprise them with a psychedelic shirt, a piece of ethnic jewellery, or I would buy John a new plectrum for his guitar. John always loved prezzies, as he called them. No matter how small they were, he’d be delighted and I loved looking for things to surprise him. Much as Maureen and I enjoyed our outings, she always made sure she was at home for Ringo when he came in. Such was her devotion to him that she would stay up sometimes until four in the morning to greet him with a home-cooked meal. She wanted him to feel loved and cared for and, like me, she had been brought up in a family where women did the caring and nurturing while men provided. We often went over to their house and hung out with them, it was always party time at the Starkeys’. Ringo was gregarious and fun-loving, a clown and a joker with an infectious laugh. Together, he and Maureen made an irresistible double act, both extrovert and uninhibited. Ringo had installed a replica pub in their front room, which he called the Flying Cow. It had a counter and till, tankards, mirrored walls and even a pool table. He’d nip behind the bar to serve us all drinks, while Maureen supplied us with endless plates of food. It was a cosy, comfortable house with what felt like the ultimate luxury at the time: a TV – usually switched on – in every room. They had large grounds, in which Ringo had built in a go-kart track. He and John would race the go-karts or play pool while Maureen and I chatted over a cup of tea or took Zak and Julian for a walk. Ringo’s other passion was making his own short films. He had lots of equipment and loved to experiment, so after the nanny had taken over Zak and Julian we’d watch his latest movie. One was a fifteen-minute study of Maureen’s face. Innovative, perhaps, but not the most riveting entertainment.
Cynthia Lennon, John
Cyn + Jane
Jane was different from the girls Paul had been out with previously. The daughter of a psychiatrist father and a music-teacher mother, she was highly intelligent and cultured. She had a strong inner confidence, with a maturity and grace way beyond her years.
Paul stayed for a while. He told me that John was bringing Yoko to recording sessions, which he, George and Ringo hated. Paul had broken up with Jane Asher a couple of weeks after John had left me. I was sorry because I’d really liked Jane.
Cynthia Lennon, John
Cyn + Pattie
I liked Cynthia, but of all the Beatle wives and girlfriends I found her the most difficult to make friends with. She and I came from such different backgrounds; she had no career, she was a young mother, and we had no point of reference apart from our attachment to a Beatle. She wasn’t like my friends, who enjoyed a giggle and some fun: she was rather serious, and often, I thought, behaved more like John’s mother than his wife. I tended to leave her to her own devices but invited her to join me for shopping. I think she felt a bit out of her depth in the smart, sophisticated circles in which the Beatles were now moving in London. And I don’t think it helped that John thought I looked like Brigitte Bardot, or that I got on so well with him. There was a rumor—I don’t know where it came from—that John and I had an affair, and I suppose Cynthia may have believed there was something in it. It was completely untrue: we never had an affair. I wouldn’t have dreamed of it and neither, I am sure, would John.
Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me 
Meanwhile George, who had just turned twenty-one, had met a young model called Patti Boyd and fallen in love. Pattie had been given a part in A Hard Day's Night, playing a schoolgirl, because she had appeared in a successful crisps advertisement -- she was known as the Smith's Crisps girl. She was blonde, beautiful, and a sophisticated Londoner, like Jane Asher. But, like the rest of us Beatle girls, she was friendly, too, and easy to get on with.
Patti and I were becoming close friends. I admired her gorgeous figure and perfect fashion sense, and I think she enjoyed the company of someone who’d been with the Beatles from the beginning and knew the ropes.
Cynthia Lennon, John
"George has a lot with the others that I can never know about. Nobody, not even the wives, can break through it or even comprehend it. It did used to hurt me at first, as I slowly began to learn there was a part I could never be part of. Cyn talked to me about it."
[Pattie speaking] "It's not so bad these days, but it happens. Cyn was attacked not long ago in the street. Some girl kicked her in the legs and said she had to leave John alone, or else. Isn't it amazing, after all the years that John and Cyn have been married?"
[Pattie speaking] "Some people do understand. If they've been developing a lot themselves, growing up more, they know what it's all about. Cyn was very helpful at first, telling me what to do. That was when we thought of the boutique."
Cyn now and again would like to try something new, to have a job, perhaps use her art-college training in some way. She and Pattie, George's wife, did discuss the idea once of opening a boutique together in Esher, but it never came to anything.
Hunter Davies, The Beatles
Mo + Jane
I got to know Jane as well during that trip. While Paul and Richy were off horsing around, Jane and I chatted quite a bit. She’s such an intelligent person and I thought them quite an odd couple at first. Paul is such an assertive fellow (you know) he knows what he wants and Jane is that way too. I often wondered to meself how they ever stayed together as long as they did (you know). 
Maureen interviewed by Maurice Devereux for Le Chroniqueur (July 1988)
Mo + Pattie
Again, she and I had little in common but she was jolly and friendly, more relaxed than Cynthia. We got on but I felt there was definitely a north-south divide among the wives and girlfriends. And I had the definite impression that the girls from the north felt they had a prior claim to “the boys.”
The final straw was his affair with Maureen Starr, Ringo’s wife. She was the last person I would have expected to stab me in the back, but she did.
Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me 
Pattie + Jane
Jane Asher was the girlfriend with whom I felt most at home, but because we both had heavy work commitments she was also the one I saw least. She came from a professional family, had grown up in London and, like me, had been privately educated. The family lived in Wimpole Street; her father was a psychiatrist and her mother a music teacher—her brother Peter became half of the pop duo Peter and Gordon. She was three years younger than me but we got on well and I’ve always been pleased to see her whenever we’ve met.
Pattie Boyd, Wonderful Tonight: George Harrison, Eric Clapton, and Me 
BONUS: Mo on Linda + Yoko
I always thought [Yoko] strange. I mean she would always interrupt the lads when they were working or do strange things without any reason whatsoever. I was there when John brought the bed, and said something about wanting Yoko to be there. I asked Richy about this and he just shook his head in disbelief. I often wondered how they all put up with her. Even Richy would come home and tell me all these strange stories about her. He once told me about her moaning into John’s microphone while they were recording a song and how the two of them would make-out during takes. I always avoided her in the studio for those reasons. She was just too strange for me.
Q: What was it like to sit in the studio with John, Paul and George? A: It was like watching a couple of actors rehearsing a scene in a movie (laughs). I would sit there with a cup of coffee in my hand and watch them for a while or maybe gossip with Linda [McCartney] or Mal [Evans]. When I did watch them, I always thought to meself, so this is what he’s been doing for the last six years! (laughs) I sometimes felt like a fly on the wall, but I knew that I had to be the luckiest fly in the world. Pattie [Harrison] would sometimes be there, but she would always leave early.
Maureen interviewed by Maurice Devereux for Le Chroniqueur (July 1988)
Can't really find any proper quotes from Pattie about Yoko or Linda. She mentions both in her book without much judgment and there are pictures of her with both of them throughout the years so they probably got on okay. I don't think Jane has ever been in the same room as either Linda or Yoko. Same with Cyn and Linda. Cyn's thoughts on Yoko are probably well-established at this point.
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lindal996 · 1 month
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just breathe as the way you want!
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