nkp1981 · 2 years
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New character posters for the upcoming "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever", 2022
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mickimomo · 2 years
Banished from Wakanda
A continuation of my late night chaos, where M'Baku has banned Attuma and Okoye from Wakanda for a week.
Note: Okoye isn't pregnant. Yet. This is happening in the sun and the sky multiverse, lol. So she can get tipsy.
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So, Attuma and Okoye were "banished" from Wakanda for a week and expected to apologize and help the owners of the restaurant they had been intimate in.
It had all started with a petty argument when they were getting ready for dinner.
Neither of them knew why they were arguing.
Perhaps the lack of intimacy had them a little more fired up than usual.
Either way, Attuma and Okoye weren't backing down and they were both too stubborn to stay home. So, they went out and joined their friends for dinner.
It probably would have gone well if so many women hadn't been looking at Attuma. Typically the attention wouldn't bother Okoye. He was a handsome man. Of course he'd get looked at. But after arguing with him all night, she found herself mentally spiraling with a few things she was still unpacking in therapy, thanks to her ex-husband.
She was mature.
So fucking mature, most of the time.
But after downing three glasses of something that could get her blood flowing, she was definitely moving into demon time.
"Uh..." Oni looked the couple over skeptically from behind her veil. "...Something is off about you two."
Attuma only shrugged.
And that shrug made Okoye roll her eyes.
"I bet women are easier to handle than men." She smiled.
That was enough to get Attuma to down his own drink now.
Oni blinked at her sister. "Uh... I doubt that. It's more so the soul in the body that makes life easier than the body itself."
"Really?" Okoye mused. "Have you ever been with a man before?"
Oni stiffened at the question.
Namora frowned. "Her former lovers do not matter."
"Well, technically, she shouldn't have any."
"I didn't break any vows." Oni waved off Okoye's gaze.
"I didn't."
"Right. Then I don't think you can really give me any input."
"Fine." Oni raised her hands up in surrender before refocusing on her appetizer.
Namora arched a brow. "If you were not drunk and dear to my wife, I would have run my spear through you for speaking to her in such a manner."
"If Oni can kick your ass, I don't think you're capable of landing a hit."
"I have never tried to kill Oni." Namora's eyes darkened. "Would you like to test that theory?"
Okoye only shrugged before looking away from the table.
"Okay. Well..." Shuri started. "...let's just all take a breath and talk things out like adults."
Okoye snorted. "Attuma doesn't want to talk."
Attuma frowned. "I tried, but you do not listen."
Okoye scoffed. "I listened, but it sounded like you were still missing the point."
"You are always fighting with your words. They do not always mean the same thing. I do not always understand you. How would you feel if I did the same thing to you?"
"That's not even why we're arguing right now."
"We are arguing because you won't forgive me for what I said. I did not mean it!"
"So the entire argument is my fault?"
Attuma let out a groan of frustration before grabbing the bottle of liquor. "Are men easier than women?"
Namor shook his head. "No. Oni was right."
Shuri nodded in agreement with her partner before plucking the bottle from the warrior's hand. "And drinking away your anger is not going to squash your rage."
Aneka lifted an index finger. "Alcohol makes being reckless easier. You're not able to think as well."
The couple both shot her a glare, and she raised her hands in surrender.
Ayo shook her head. "Hey. If they wish to start sparring, I will not interfere."
Meanwhile, M'Baku and Ross continued to read their menus and decide what they were eating. They were not participating in martial drama.
M'Baku didn't want to get punched again and Ross never felt like it was his place to give input without being asked first. At least, not in spaces where he was the outlier.
With all the hostility in the air, he knew better than to speak.
And he was wise not to.
All it took was for their beautiful waiter to return to their table and say. "Are you ready to order?" To get the ball rolling.
Okoye stared up at her and offered a warm smile. "I am." She looked over the menu. "But I'm afraid you're not on it."
Namora choked on her drink and Aneka laughed as they all watched Attuma lift his wife up and drop her on the empty table behind them.
"Attuma no!" Namora snapped. "We are in a public establishment!"
He ignored her as he began to snarl at Okoye in xhosa while pinning her to the fabric.
"You wouldn't dare!" Okoye bared her teeth at him before she began to curse him out in xhosa.
Shuri looked up at the waitress. "Please screen off that area. The public doesn't need to see them."
The waitress nodded before running off. She was fast to get three screens and close the section off. Fortunately, Attuma had half the mind to not begin tearing off clothes until they were properly hidden.
But that grip he had on Okoye's neck had the warrior panting in ways that did not come from exhaustion.
No one in the group was particularly surprised by this, considering that Attuma had been away on a mission for almost two weeks and recently returned. But to lay Okoye out on a table in a restaurant? That was new.
Namora rubbed her temples before noticing her wife was sulking.
"My heart?" She gently touched her shoulder. "What troubles you?"
"Why don't we ever do that, Amora?"
Namora felt like the sun had bounced off her face at the question.
"In yakunaj, if you need to be pleasured, we will do it at home."
Oni huffed before bowing her head in prayer. "Why couldn't it be me, Bast?"
Namora knew she was purple now.
The next day, Okoye woke up at home, tangled up in the arms of her husband.
She couldn't recall much of the night before.
All she could recall was being dropped onto a table. Attempting to fight Attuma until he grabbed her neck and them getting nasty while he pumped two fingers in her mouth to keep her quiet.
She clutched her head and inhaled sharply as the memories came crashing down.
She was going to kill Attuma if they got punished.
And when they did get punished, she failed to carry through.
They both left for Talokan after M'Baku made his decree and settled into their second home.
Attuma spent a few hours tidying up the area and retrieving food for her, but Okoye's anger did not diminish.
If anything, it brewed and got stronger with each minute.
She was a volcano who would erupt if he was not careful.
Attuma knew she would come around eventually. He'd just have to get sunburned a little.
After two days of giving her space, he began to leave small gifts as offerings.
First, it was her favorite food.
Then, it was her favorite dessert.
He'd bring her earrings.
Extravagant gowns.
Once he noticed she was interacting with his gifts, he began to sing songs for her.
Pouring out a heartfelt apology into the first few songs before moving on to more spirit lifting songs.
Once her anger had mellowed out, she allowed them to start sparring together again.
She even allowed him to give massages that didn't result in her becoming one with the mattress ten seconds later.
By the sixth day of their punishment, Okoye was petting Pakal and acknowledging Attuma as her husband again.
She had been spoiled rotten and pampered like royalty.
Her friends had visited her a few times, too, to lift her spirits.
There was never a dull moment, and for a moment, Okoye could honestly say she didn't miss the pressure of Wakanda.
She never actually felt secure there since the late Queen Mother had denounced her as General of the Dora Milaje. And honestly, she was only trying to stick things out for Shuri.
Talokan hadn't felt like much of a home before, but this somehow felt better than her home back in Wakanda.
The people were very welcoming.
In contrast to Wakanda, nudity was not frowned upon. Which could be affirmed by their king who wore small shorts while amidst his people and not on the throne.
Their garments came in many styles.
Varying from the elaborate gowns, Namora loved to wear to the simple tube tops and short loin cloths some warrior's wore while harvesting food.
It was all a matter of what felt best and the formality of the event.
But even then.
No one would curse their king if they saw him bare.
Or anyone really.
Which I'd why Attuma was praised by some people when he explained why he was banned.
Some people, however, preferred to be private.
Like Namora. (Although we all know she gets nasty behind closed doors. 🤣)
It brought her some peace to not be looked down on in Talokan.
To be seen as a General and revered in a world she had only visited a few times made her want to never leave.
There's wasn't a stupid council or anything.
Maybe she could stay here for a little longer.
Attuma's head popped out of the water before he crawled out and dried off. "Good morning, K'iin. I brought you breakfast." He beamed as he carried a sealed container towards her.
Okoye blinked away her thoughts before looking at her husband, offering a warm smile.
"Thank you, my love."
Maybe she could get used to this.
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thegirloffans · 2 years
My WF Heavy/Lightweight HC's
Alright, I have Wakanda Forever brain rot especially with my concept of my new Found Family Hyperfixation and the Wakandans wanting to show the Talokan Trio the ways of surface dwellers.
This is my idea of them under the influence 🙂
Riri❤️: Starting off, I know in the movie Riri is 19 but come on you guys, we all had a drink or two in college bffr..., the point is to not get caught.... That being said, M'Baku, Okoye, and Nakia would most definitely be on little girl duty and watch Riri like a hawk to make sure she's not drinking behind their backs. (of course she is, and Shuri and Aneka are the ones slipping her a shot or two here and there 🤭she appreciates their bravery and sacrifice). She would get herself into trouble by masking her intoxication as best as she can, but her dead giveaway would be the goofy grin on her face and her never-ending chatter. She would just talktalktalktalktalktalktalktalkTALK and then Okoye would pull her to herself and smell the liquor on her breath, leading to her AND Shuri being cut off for the night...
Shuri🐈‍⬛: I can see her not really liking drinking because she always likes to be focused and aware. Even when she's hanging out with friends, she doesn't necessarily need a drink to have a good time but bc everyone else is having a glass or two, she doesn't see the harm in it. WRONG. Princess Shuri of Wakanda is a lightweight to the fullest. Give her a White Claw or two and she'll be out like a light. She would definitely be a flirty drunk, like we all already know she has a sense of superiority and pride, so her being under the influence would definitely bring out her cocky side, and she would shock everyone at how she equally goes after both men and women. and the kicker is that she would only do like little playful flirtatious teasing with her friends, and they all know not to take her seriously, but she seems to do it with everyone BUT Namor. He's sick about it lol it really hurts his feelings...
Okoye👩🏾‍🦲: Again, not really a drinker but due to experience and life in general, Okoye is actually quite the heavyweight. She prefers a nice sparkling wine or maybe a merlot, or red wine bc it definitely mellows her out. She can be sedated on about 3-4 glasses but when she's had a rough day, that woman can take an entire bottle to the head and still be asking for more. Now when going out, especially with Aneka, Okoye doesn't really have much of a choice but to take a few shots to get the party going (and to keep up with her energetic friend). Wine never really has the effect on her like straight liquor does, but when she's well inebriated, the woman is a TALKER. She's the kind of drunk where if you were ever wondering what she really thought about you, give her a few shots and she'll tell you. That's why she never messes with the stuff! She gets all sentimental and emotional, telling her closest friends just how much they mean to her in a way that makes her subconscious self squirm! And Bast forbid Attuma is around bc then things start to get interesting...
Nakia💚: She's actually quite in the middle! Depending on the alcohol content and ingredients is a huge factor on when the spy chooses to cut herself off. She's had tastings of different mixtures from all around the world and sometimes can be alright from a single cup or will find herself pouring up all night long. How she knows that she's proper drunk is when she starts to slur her words and stumble. It takes a while for it to travel through her body so Nakia always finds herself having her drunkenness sneak up on her. And when it hits, it HITS. She finds it hard to keep her body upright and when she tries to speak, it sounds like alphabet soup to her ears, so she mainly just stays quiet and only reacts with facial expressions or laughter. Usually, M'Baku or Okoye are the ones to carry her back home 😅
Ayo😶: Ah yes, the quiet one out of the group. Well give this lady a few drinks and watch that cold exterior melt away! Just like Nakia, she has a pretty average tolerance, only needing about a good number of drinks, whatever they may be, to get her wasted. She still remains pretty quiet when she's drunk, but everyone will start to notice that when she is, she gets really touchy. Aneka notices as soon as she feels her wife's body pressed against her backside, warm hands sliding around her stomach to hold her close. Ayo is all strict and expressionless, but when she's drunk, it seems like her entire being has been cracked open and is exposed for Aneka and Aneka only to see. She never has eyes for anyone but her beloved as she hangs herself over her lover the entire night, never taking her hands off of her.
Aneka😁: Quite the opposite of her wife in every aspect, Aneka is the Leader of The Lightweights. She's a delusional one too, because if it wasn't for her wife or Okoye, she would drink herself into a coma. She thinks she's a heavyweight but gets a heated blush across her brown skin after just 2 shots. Get her started off the Henny and this woman becomes a personified Energizer Bunny; dancing, talking, socializing with just about everyone in the club, eating everything in sight, taking more shots- she's just the grind that won't stop! She knows it's time to wind down when she feels her wife's hands on her more than usual, leaning into the woman's touch and letting her lover's presence calm her down. A few touches and kisses later and they're definitely the couple who leaves early to go fuck.✌🏾
Namora🧡: Oh man...first of all, in Talokan, Namora is considered a heavyweight. She can even outdrink Ku'Kul'Kan which is a fact that burns the older man up... but surface world liquor puts her on her ASS. The first time they went out with the Wakandans, they shared some kind of alcohol containing "sugar cane" as they called it and Namora was expecting it to taste sweet, but not only did it not, but it seemed to have no flavor at all. The next thing she knew, she was singing pop songs at the TOP of her lungs, hanging out the window of Riri's very red and loud vehicle as they sat in the parking lot together. She laughed along with the young girl and enjoyed the feeling of fuzzy emptiness in her mind. All she was focused on was having a good time and concentrating on not throwing up in her new friend's pretty car...
Namor🐉: The Feathered Serpent God of Talokan...can't hold his liquor for shit lol. Not in Talokan and definitely not on the surface. He actually doesn't even like the taste of alcohol; it burns going down and always leaves him with a nasty hangover the next day, so he usually stays away from the stuff. But of course...not being one to show weakness (and also trying to impress the Princess) he takes each shot or drink handed to him to the head. He's actually good at masking his inebriation, his only dead giveaway being the rosy red tips of his ears and wide blush across his cheeks. It's also super cute to everyone how he will just get fed up with fumbling around walking and start to hover around instead. He's also an honorary member of the Chaos Clan along with Aneka, Riri, M'Baku, and Attuma so more than likely if everyone starts drinking and hears something break, you will see those little winged feet getting tf out of there.
Attuma🦈: If anybody's the heavyweight champion of the group, it's good ol' Sharkboy himself. He's the same as Namora in Talokan, being deemed a very heavy drinker, but where they differ is that he can also hold his own against surface world concoctions. Liquor, wine, spirits, seltzers- it almost seems like you have to drown this man in a tub of alcohol before he starts feeling the effects. Literally the only person out of the group that can rival him, is M'Baku and they have many drinking contests between themselves to see who is the one and only true Heavyweight Drinking Champion of them all. They always end up tied up 🙂Now even if Attuma does find himself pretty under the influence, he is definitely a flirt just like Shuri. He's actually almost gotten close to getting the shit beat out of him because the Princess would come up to him and start playfully flirting with the man and he would simply match her energy! But one look from his God King from across the room has him deterring the Princesses' teasing (that TikTok sound: "let me stop playing around before I get my ass delt with" 💀) but that only makes her call over Okoye, the Talokanilian warrior growing rigid as his crush glides her way over to him...
M'Baku🦍: This man is definitely one to hold his liquor down, okay? He can keep going all night long (👀...) and almost seems to have no stopping point. We've all seen how this man acts on a regular day, just know that when he starts drinking, that boisterous, prideful, enthusiasm gets cranked up to 100. Just like Aneka, he is a force that can't be stopped, dancing with all the pretty ladies on the dance floor and letting them marvel and gush at his outstanding display of raw masculinity. I don't care what anybody says, I know for a fact this man is leaving the club with at least two beautiful women on each arm by the end of the night.
Ross🕶️: You know we gotta include our token white boy! This man worked for the CIA, I think by now he would work up quite a tolerance for alcohol (especially after being married to that witch...). It actually surprises the group that after watching their tiny friend down drink after drink, he's still standing! The girls would be cheering him on to keep going and take as many shots as he can and not wanting to be the one to disappoint, he keeps throwing back shots like it's nothing. Now out of everybody in their group, no one has the cutest drunk blush like Ross. He's white lol so of course his entire face all the way down to his neck is flushed. He definitely seems like a silly drunk to me, cracking jokes and telling stories to everyone and even though he tries to keep the Chaos Clan from doing any further damage, someway somehow he finds himself in the midst of their misdeeds lol.
So those are my headcannons of my WF Friend Group when they're loaded!
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wipbigbang · 5 months
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The 2024 round of WIP Big Bang is now open for sign-ups! Any fandom is welcome, as long as the fic is 500 completed so far and will be at least 7,500 words upon its finishing. Signing up is easy: just fill out the form linked below after you read the FAQ and take a look at the schedule.
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thingsasbarcodes · 6 months
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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (2022)
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Andy: Well, I kinda like my hands..
Me: Me too, sir. Me too. 🥵
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When he says, "I'm easy either way." 🥲
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🔗 The cast of "Black Panther" plays Would You Rather.
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geekverse08 · 2 years
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Individual posters of the characters of Marvel Studios' Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (1/2)
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indoraptorgirlwind · 2 years
Saw the movie yesterday so here are my thoughts:
Holy shit, almost cried in the beggining where T'challa dies and the intro homage to Chadwick.
That part where the divers submerge into the deep sea gave me thalassophobia, ngl, also reminded me of the opening scene in jwfk by no reason lmao.
Holy! Mayan soundtrack YES!
I feel like just when they think they're gonna escape- oh there it is, they're dead.
The Wakanda arrival parallels tho.
We got a new Jarvis!
Namor's wings XDDDD (Also, the elephants looked so majestic there)
Everett my beloved.
I'm glad Riri didn't feel forced as i first thought.
Namora beating Okoye's ass? How?
haha whales and killer whales go brrr.
She's Everett's ex-wife?
Riri and her pop culture references omg.
Talokan is so beautiful...
That's right Namor! End those spain colonizers!
Yucatecan legends are op! Also the village reminded me of a cacao sembrance i once visited there.
Nakia my beloved.
Shuri no! You can't kill Namor, he's hot!
Killmonger, YOU SON OF A BITCH!
She looks kind of skinny tho in the suit, but she's awesome.
water battle!
Can't they just use the sing they used at the beggining?
Funny how Okoye ended up using the suit she ashamed.
Attuma is kind of hot...
haha Namora goes brrr.
Nooo! Namora!
Did you just cut Namor's little wings?
She too? Gosh, what's between wakandians and death.
Namor said he wanted to burn the world, not himself, Shuri.
Forgive him, forgive him, forgive him.
Let's get you to water, my fishy.
All the parallels between T'challa and Shuri, i'm crying.
They had a son?!
Well, at least he didn't die in vain
T'challa jr. So cute <3 also, auntie Shurie, y'all!
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
So I Watched Wakanda Forever
I liked it, but like most MCU Phase 4 films I only 'liked' it. It was a tough spot to be in with Chadwick's death, which they did respectfully. I liked Shuri's character journey, and how the conflict was resolved, Ramonda was great too, for the little time they both had M'Baku and Everett Ross had some good scenes as well. I was however a bit confused by the ending, the film could've perhaps cut half an hour of stuff and dedicated more time to Okoye and M'Baku, CGI and choreography was lacking a bit as well and Namor - though multi-dimensional - was a bit too much like Killmonger in his motives.
But it was a solid end to phase 4. Warning of Spoilers in the tags.
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buckets-and-trees · 9 months
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I read a lot of incredible fics in 2023, but these were the ones that blew me away beyond anything:
Ted Lasso x Reader
Victory Lap by @ozarkthedog
Max Burnett x Reader x Nick Fowler
The Truth Will Set You Free and Reluctant by @navybrat817/Navy
Andy Barber & Ari Levinson & Ransom Drysdale & Nick Fowler & Steve Kemp x Female Reader
Giving Your Body and Soul to the Warlocks by @witchywithwhiskey
Nick Fowler x Reader
Home is a Heavy Heart by @sunshinebuckybarnes Partners in Crime by Navy Anew by Elsie Taking Care by @nickfowlerrr Clockwork AU by @sgt-seabass (plus many other characters) Sweet and Stained by @biteofcherry/Eva See Through You by Navy
Ari Levinson x Reader
Sweet Thrill by Navy Good With All Three by @blackleatherjacketz Down Again by Navy In a Field of Wildflowers with Ari by Eva Bartender FWB Ari series by @ghotifishreads +can we keep moving in the after hours? +domestic husband+Jukebox Jonesing+horny Monday to pining+make outs and more Yours to Have by Eva
M'Baku x Reader
From On High @boxofbonesfic
Curtis Everett x Reader
Sacred Hunt by Navy Branded by @stargazingfangirl18 Fulfilled by @stargazingfangirl18 The Fabric of Your Flesh by @ghotifishreads
Natasha Romanov x Bucky Barnes
Over and Over and Over Again by @drabbles-mc
Steve Rogers x Reader
Heat Inducing by Navy Make the Dust Fly by Eva A Deal with the Devil Comes with Wicked Strings by Molly Touch the Darkness by Eva A Shelter in the Storm by Molly Captain America's Sweetheart by @vonalyn And All Was Lost by Molly
Timeless Desires by @smutconnoisseur
Stucky x Reader
A Monster, A Captain, and A Soldier by Molly
Bucky Barnes x Reader
To the Rescue by @ghostofskywalker Shatter by Navy Hot Girl Shit by @awake-dearheart You Don't Own Me by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky Send Me an Angel by Navy Tired Eyes by @lovelybarnes Bring Your Wife to Work Day by Elsie My Queen by @adrinktostopyourthirst Single Mom Reader by @buckyalpine Two Sides of the Same Coin by Navy Alcohol You Later by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky Hellfire, Take My Soul by @rookthorne A Tide of War and Broken Dreams by @sgt-seabass Metal Arm Kink by @adrinktostopyourthirst Lachrymose by @rookthorne Soft/Emotive Sex with Bucky by @adrinktostopyourthirst Warrior/Worrier by @delaber The Pineapple Contract by @buckyismybicycle Bucky with a virgin reader by Eva You Belong to Me, I Belong to You series by Molly drabble by @vonalyn Rooted in Love by @jobean12-blog Love in Bloom by Jo That's the Way Love Goes by Jo Unbound by You by @vonalyn Codename: Lazarus series by @sagechanoafterdark Halloween is the Perfect Time for Tricks–and Treats by Molly Missing You by @nickfowlerrr
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fandom · 2 years
Fandometrics In Depth: Black Panther
This post is entirely spoiler-free for those who have yet to see Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
It’s been an eventful five years since the original Black Panther film was released and the titular character introduced into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As a fandom, we’ve experienced wins and losses. We got to witness history in the making and incredible representation. We watched as our heroes triumphed against Thanos and saved the universe time and time again. But we also lost a hero along the way. Midway through 2020, the world said a tragic goodbye to Chadwick Boseman, who brought T’Challa to life for the first time on the big screen, and whose memory and legacy will live on forever. In the series’ latest iteration, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, art mimics life as the nation of Wakanda struggles to find its place in the world following the passing of its king. This new chapter brings with it a myriad of old friends and new faces, a foe unlike any we’ve seen before, and a whole new civilization that lies deep beneath the ocean.
For this impromptu trip under the sea (see what we did there?), we analyzed engagement data—that’s searches, original posts, reblogs, and likes—around tags used in the last year, starting on November 2nd, 2021, right up until when this post was written to paint you the most detailed picture possible. Let’s break down the Black Panther fandom in depth:
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A nation united.
The cast and crew for the Black Panther films are hands-down some of the most incredible in the business, so naturally, this next ranking is filled with talent that goes above and beyond. Sure, the list is based purely off of conversation on Tumblr, but we personally believe they all deserve to be number one. Check out the full breakdown below:
Lupita Nyong'o | 36.17%
Angela Bassett | 16.61%
Chadwick Boseman | 15.02%
Danai Gurira | 7.92%
Tenoch Huerta | 7.39%
Letitia Wright | 5.98%
Winston Duke | 4.29%
Michaela Coel | 3.83%
Ryan Coogler | 1.96%
Dominique Thorne | 0.83%
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A world divided.
With every new entry into the MCU, Marvel strengthens fans’ relationships with their favorite heroes and brings to life new faces we’ve only seen on comic book pages. This time around, we’re introduced to Namor, who rules the underwater city of Talocan. Fans are so excited to see Mesoamerican culture featured so prominently in one of the most anticipated films of the year. Below are the most popular characters in Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, ranked:
Namor | 20.93%
T'Challa | 19.81%
Shuri | 19.00%
Okoye | 10.25%
Riri Williams | 9.27%
Nakia | 9.26%
Everett Ross | 4.15%
M'Baku | 3.67%
Queen Ramonda | 2.07%
Aneka | 1.60%
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Wakanda Forever.
Marvel Studios’ Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is out in theaters now—if you’ve already seen it, we’re betting you want even more, and if you haven’t, we’ve got just the content to get you hyped up. 
Marvel Studios (@marvelstudios​) to keep up with incredible fanart created by the community, Answer Times, and exclusive cast interviews.
Follow the #black panther tag for GIFs, fanart, memes, and more! Don’t forget you can filter any tag from your dashboard for a spoiler-free experience. If you need a reminder for how to do that, check out this handy Tips page.
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themculibrary · 4 days
Bucky/M'Baku Masterlist
A Contrast of Flavors (ao3) - lionessvalenti E, 691
Summary: M'Baku reminds Bucky that he's a person.
Attraction Leads to Trouble, Trouble Like You (ao3) - Marv_with_a_v E, 11k (WIP)
Summary: It's taken years, but Bucky is finally starting to feel like himself again. He finally remembers what it's like to actually enjoy himself. And the thing that gives him the most enjoyment is driving M'Baku out of his mind...
A Very Marvel Thanksgiving (ao3) - stececilia scott/sam, tony/stephen, clint/pietro, maria/natasha, bruce/thor, bucky/m'baku, everett/t'challa, carol/maria T, 38k
Summary: Scott Fury and Sam Wilson have been friends since middle school and now as adults room together. When Scott's latest relationship fails, he and Sam decide to go home early for Thanksgiving. Upon arrival they find out that his adopted father, Nick Fury, has another alpha for him to meet. Assuring his son there is no pressure to date again so soon, Scott falls for the alpha much to Scott's siblings dismay. They all love Sam. They all want Sam to be part of the clan, not Steve. They will stop at nothing to let their brother and Sam recognize that they truly belong together.
Do you Realize (ao3) - stececilia sam/scott, bucky/m’baku M, 6k
Summary: Scott returns from Wakanda with some major news that will change the dynamics of the avengers pack.
in cayenne and honey, in vinegar and lime (ao3) - alby_mangroves, Nonymos bucky/m’baku, steve/bucky, m’baku/okoye E, 27k
Summary: M’Baku fought for T’Challa. But should he keep fighting for T’Challa’s vision? The king is professing change, such deep change, while the Jabari are supposed to be the guardians of tradition.
It’s a complex problem, which demands a cool head. So M’Baku could really do without an old love coming back to haunt him, an obnoxious royal teenager, and T’Challa’s secret one-armed guest.
Just as Stubborn and Strong Willed as Ever (ao3) - Marv_with_a_v T, 3k
Summary: When M'Baku is housebound after suffering an injury, Bucky discovers something he should have known all along: the Great Gorilla of the Jabari Tribe is the world's worst patient.
More From Every Moment (ao3) - BurdenedWithPointlessPurpose E, 3k
Summary: Just like all of M’Baku’s other short trips to visit T’Challa, the Alpha stays at his new apartment the night before so they can visit with each other before he leaves once more for Jabari Land. Visiting meaning fucking each other silly every moment they can manage to satisfy them while they are apart. Bucky appreciates every single second, secretly hoping they never come to an end despite how unorthodox their “not a relationship” relationship is.
my spirit swims right to the hook (ao3) - napricot bucky/m’baku E, 20k
Summary: “What’s this one?” asked Oson, poking at one of the kimoyo beads. M’Baku frowned down at it. He didn’t think the princess had offered an explanation of this one, at least, not beyond it offering a connection to the internet. Was this one for Wakanda’s internet, or the rest of the world’s? He toggled it on, and squinted as the unnecessarily bright hologram beamed up, proclaiming it to be Hathor’s List. A little message offered an explanation: let Hathor guide your search for a partner, not your elders’ matchmaking! Find a perfect match, or a night of pleasure!
Oh, that little brat, thought M’Baku.
The Boy is Mine (ao3) - stececilia maria/natasha, bucky/m'baku, everett/t'challa E, 9k
Summary: T'Challa and Everett have been dating in secret ever since the fight for Wakanda with Killmonger. Everett Ross is now stationed in Wakanda as the US-Wakanda Ambassador/Liaison which does help keep their relationship under wraps. Unfortunately, all that will be challenged when T'Challa is invited to join a gala at the White House for all new members of UN.
The challenge? Everett watching T'Challa with Nakia as his plus one when Everett wishes it was him. With the help of Maria Hill and her girlfriend they try and get Everett through the night but of course nothing goes smoothly.
Under the Guise of Friendship (ao3) - Marv_with_a_v T, 2k
Summary: Bucky gives M'Baku a present. Just because.
What did I do? (ao3) - Magicalmanda bucky/sam, bucky/m'baku T, 1k
Summary: Bucky learns new things about the 21st century. Sam and Steve learn about the after-effects of Bucky's torture.
Set in the unshown spaces of canon from civil war to tfatws
What Happens in Wakanda Stays in Wakanda (ao3) - Marv_with_a_v M, 98k
Summary: …or: that time Bucky and M'Baku gave friends with benefits a fair shot and discovered everything they needed in each other.
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mickimomo · 1 year
A Crack Ship Snippet
M'Baku × Everett × Namor
I have no idea how I feel about this cardboard ship I built, lol. I tend to be on the ship, and sometimes, I get off. Anyways. Like always. The discord boosted my head up, and I did it. 🫶🏾 Here's a picture of all of us. 🤣 nsfw-ish fanfic
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It all started with a request to the bartender as Everett settled on the stool.
"Ah. Hey? Do you guys have any foreign liquors or-"
"Of course, the only white man in all of Wakanda would come up and ask for something foreign." The bartender scoffed.
"Well there's Bucky-"
"The White Wolf does not ask for something from abroad."
Ross opened his mouth for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations...?"
"You look like a fruity drink with an umbrella kind of guy."
"Am I right?"
"Well- not fully. I do enjoy a Jameson on the rocks from time to time-"
"Oh manly. Such a manly man with his Irish whiskey." He scoffed.
"So you do have foreign liquor-?"
"You're in Wakanda! We are an advanced nation! Of course we have foreign liquor!" The man frowned. "But why would you come to Wakanda and order something you can get anywhere in the world instead of getting something you can only get here?"
"I- uh- I didn't think-"
"Oh, calm down, colonizer. I'll make you something nice." The bartender chuckled as he stopped polishing a shot glass and set it down in front of him. "Let's get some Wakandan vodka in you while I work on that, mm?"
"Sounds like a plan." He offered a small smile.
"Good." They poured him a shot. "This stuff right here is incredible. We call it the Heart of Wakanda."
Everett eyed the clear liquor. "Why?"
"It's made with the dead leaves of the heart-shaped herb."
"Is that safe for me to drink?"
"Yes. I'm not out here handing out mugs of absinthe." He chuckled. "Drink." He gestured to the glass.
Everett eyed the glass skeptically before picking it up and downing it.
It had a bitterness that rivaled cough syrup and black licorice, causing him to choke and nearly gag as it raced down his throat.
"Are you sure that isn't absinthe!?"
"I'm sure."
"That was awful." He groaned.
The bartender chuckled. "Don't worry. The next drink will be better."
"Ugh." He groaned as he wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Do you have any citrus slices? Preferably an orange?"
He was slid a tangerine and watched the bartender start working on his drink with a sigh.
This wasn't exactly what he had asked for, but it would do.
He grabbed the fruit up and began to pick at it, eager to cleanse his palette.
That is until a large hand smacked his back before sliding around to squeeze his shoulder.
"What are you doing over here by yourself, colonizer?"
Ross sighed when he recognized the Jabari king's voice moments after being hit with a wave of his cologne. "Hiding from you."
"Hiding from me?" He chuckled before pulling away to sit beside him. "You are one of the only two white men in Wakanda right now. You cannot hide from me without leaving the nation."
"Well, I'm a wanted man, so I can't leave."
"Then you cannot hide." He grinned.
"He could always come to Talokan."
They both turned to look at Namor, who had chosen to sit on the opposite side of the dazed American.
"You would let a colonizer into Talokan?"
"He is an ally. However, I would not hesitate to kill him if he caused any issues." He offered a warm smile to the Jabari king before looking down at Everett. "But you wouldn't give me a reason to need to kill you, right?"
Everett parted his lips in shock before refocusing on his tangerine. "No!" He frowned. "I have no idea why either of you are talking to me." He huffed as he began to pick at the fruit's skin. "I'm off the clock. There's no need to be near me."
"I can go wherever I wish. This is Wakanda." M'Baku nudged him. "If I wish to annoy you while you pout over a tangerine, I will."
"I am not pouting."
"Then why are you struggling to peel it?" Namor arched a brow as his eyes began to darken. "Do you have enslaved people to peel them for you?"
"Enslaved what-? No!" Everett panicked under the god king's gaze. "I'm just used to eating chopped fruit from the store. Where employees chop up the fruit and sell it or a business sells pre-chopped fruit... or processed fruit cups...and have you ever been to a grocery store?"
Namor shook his head slowly.
"I need to show you a picture of one or a video. They're really nice. I think you'd like it and-"
"-you're rambling."
His face burned in embarrassment. "Sorry."
The king turned his head before looking to the bartender. "Give me whatever you gave him." He pointed at the empty shot glass.
"Me too." M'Baku raised a hand as the bartender abandoned the cocktail shaker he was shaking.
Everett fumbled with the tangerine as the two men were served their shots of liquor.
M'Baku took it with ease and Namor took it with a low grunt.
Both were better than his suppressed retching and cries for citrus.
It was hard not to feel insecure when sitting between them.
They were attractive.
And he was....
The two big men watched him struggle in silence until he managed to break the skin of the fruit with his short, blunt nails. He peeled off the peel with skilled fingers before inspecting the naked fruit. He pulled a wedge from the veined sphere and popped it into his mouth before glancing up at the two kings.
They were both watching him intently.
He furrowed his eyebrows after swallowing. "Oh...uh...did you guys...want a slice?" He held another wedge up and glanced between them.
Namor grabbed his wrist and pulled it close before he ate it out of his hand.
Everett could only stare as the king chewed.
"What.... why did you do that...?"
Namor looked at him. "You offered it."
"To place it in your hand."
"It is not an offense to be fed. Is it?"
"Well no... but it's awkward."
M'Baku arched a brow. "You're just sharing food."
"Maybe I'm thinking too hard about it."
"Well feed me. I can make it awkward."
"No! Feed yourself."
"Come on. Don't tell me the little mouse is scared."
"I'm not scared."
"Then feed me."
"I will if you promise not to make it weird."
"Make it weird?"
"No moaning or anything strange."
"You have to earn my moans." M'Baku chuckled. "I do not moan for free."
"Good." Everett exhaled before grabbing another wedge and holding it out to the Jabari king. "Here."
He ate it out of his hand before inspecting his empty shot glass. "Mm. This really cuts the bitterness." He murmured.
"Yeah." Everett fed himself another wedge. "I originally wanted an orange, but a tangerine works pretty well." He fed Namor another before working on pulling another wedge free. "It's better than the cuties and halos I used to grab at the store."
"What are those?" Namor arched a brow as he watched Ross feed M'Baku another wedge.
"Genetically modified fruits. They have soft skin, so that it's easier to peel."
"Oh. Is that why you struggled?" He arched a brow before grabbing his hand to inspect his nails.
"Your hands are very soft and scar-free." He furrowed his eyebrows as he trailed a thumb over his palm.
"Well, I'm not a warrior. I was a pilot before I became an agent." He shrugged. "We use guns. Not spears."
"Which is why you are weak and fragile."
"Well, if we had vibranium bullets. I think we'd give you a run for your money."
"And that is why I despise the surface world." Namor let go of his hand before asking the bartender for another shot.
"What? Because we don't use spears and fists?!"
"Because you are greedy and destructive."
"Says the man who wants to burn the surface world to ground-"
"-because you are greedy and destructive!"
"Well, riddle me this, what came first? The chicken or the egg!?" Ross frowned as he watched the bartender pour the king another shot.
"That wasn't an option!"
"But it is true."
Ross puffed his cheeks in frustration as the king downed the shot before taking his last tangerine wedge.
"You're difficult."
"And you're easy."
Ross rolled his eyes. "I don't know how you're drinking that stuff like it's water."
"I like it. It's different." He shrugged before looking at the glass. "I wonder how it's made."
"The Heart of Wakanda is made in the Temple of Bast." M'Baku offered.
"Yeah." M'Baku nodded. "It's made similarly to vodka, where you ferment a grain pulp. But, the dead leaves of the heart-shaped herb are incorporated during fermentation." He looked up to see Namor and Everett listening intently, slightly flustered by his own intellectual gushing. "My cousin oversees the process. That's why I know so much." He offered a small smile.
"Oni?" Everett tilted his head.
"Yeah." He smiled. "Production stopped after Killmonger burned all of our plants, and Oni was cast into exile. So, now that she is back and the plants are flourishing again, we have the Heart of Wakanda back."
"Literally and figuratively." Everett offered as he recalled just how important the vessel of Bast was to the people of Wakanda.
"Mhm." He nodded.
"Does each Tribe of Wakanda have their own special liquor?"
"Kind of." M'Baku smiled. "There are several liquors made here in Wakanda. We have plum wines, other fruit wines, and floral wines. Herbal vodkas." He wiggled his shot glass. "Creamy liquors, which come from the Jabari Lands. There's so much... I couldn't possibly list them all."
"Hm." Everett nodded before looking to the talokanil king. "What about Talokan?"
"We have a variety as well...some from our ancestors and newer ones we've had to cultivate in our new home." He offered a warm smile. "We have one made with fermented maize. One with kelp. And sweeter liquors made from cocoa, chilies, or fruit."
"Yes. We usually go for something thick with heat so that it keeps you warm. Talokan is cold because it is so far below." His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke of his kingdom. "But we wash it down with something sweet and creamy so that your mouth isn't burning from the chilies."
"Sounds good."
"I'll have to bring some liquor back next time. It is quite delicious."
"I'll have to bring something from the mountains as well."
Everett nodded before smiling as the bartender slid him three drinks.
"Alright." The man leaned against the counter. "I figured I'd treat you to a little drink tour, since no one's really given you a taste of Wakanda in terms of liquor." He pointed a finger at the first drink. "Here's a plum margarita. They're made with Wakandan grown plums that are gathered by the Temple of Bast. It's sweet, fruity, floral, and refreshing." He hummed before circling a finger over it. "Rimmed with salt and garnished with thyme." He moved his hovering finger over the second drink. "This drink is called the Melon Trifecta. It's named after a popular icee flavor sold here in Wakanda. It features three different melons by layering liquor-based slushies. I think you'll like it. It kinda looks like a rainbow sorbet. But three different melons." He huffed before pointing at the last drink. "This last one is called the First Sunrise of Wakanda. Basically centering around the first sunrise after Bashenga united Wakanda. It's got the Heart of Wakanda in it diluted with fruity syrups of different densities. Creating the perfect ombre." He clapped his hands together. "Enjoy."
"Thanks!" Everett smiled before looking at his drinks with glee. He grabbed the first drink, took a sip, and grinned. "Wow. That's good." He slid it to M'Baku. "Try it."
He took a sip before nodding in approval as he slid it to Namor. "I told you, the plums are phenomenal."
Namor nodded in agreement as he took a sip. "The salt keeps it from being too sweet."
"Yeah." Everett grinned before grabbing the second drink and taking a sip. "Ok. This is the best thing I've ever had in my entire life."
"We need to take you to the icee place in the market area then." M'Baku snorted.
"It doesn't taste like fake fruit or candy. It literally tastes like melons." The American gushed as he took another sip.
"Welcome to Wakanda."
Namor pulled the glass away once he managed to suck half of the drink away through a straw, ignoring the small man's pout.
The king took a sip before nodding and offering it to M'Baku.
He shook his head. "I don't really like melons. They taste like sweet cucumbers."
Everett chuckled. "They don't taste like sweet cucumbers."
"Yes, they do, and that's why I don't eat melons."
"Well, you could try it."
"And still hate it."
"It tastes good to me." He hummed as he plucked his cup from Namor's hand and took a sip.
"Well, let's see if it's better with you." M'Baku grabbed his jaw and pushed his tongue into his mouth.
His tongue was cool and tasted strongly of plums. A tangy sweetness that cut through the sweet and refreshing melon liquor that floated in his mouth.
Before he could swallow, M'Baku robbed him of his drink before breaking the kiss with a soft hum.
Namor caught the cup as he dropped it and took another sip as Ross slowly came back to his senses and smacked at the chuckling king.
"Wha- hey! You drank my drink out of my mouth- and then you kissed me!" His voice went up three octaves as he finished the sentence.
"Maybe I do like melons." He ignored him.
"What!? Wait- really?" He smiled. "See. I told you it was good."
Namor grabbed him by the jaw. "I want to try it too."
"What? No. I'm not a shot glass."
Namor sighed and put down the glass before crushing their lips together.
Ross was stunned.
How drunk were they!?
And why wasn't anyone saying anything about them making out at the bar!?
Was this the norm!?
His train of thought was broken as the king's tongue slipped into his mouth.
His face burned as he kissed back shyly.
This wasn't supposed to happen, but he didn't hate it.
The king was even allowing him to pull him closer.
His breath hitched as M'Baku pulled him back by his hair, ending their kiss with a sting that made him moan.
"Look at you." He huffed. "You can't reward him so quickly, Fish man. He must work for it."
Namor scoffed. "Fine. Let's finish these drinks then."
The Jabari king released the silver-haired man. "Alright."
Everett was so red, it wasn't even funny.
But, if they wanted to play.
He could play.
Everett gently plucked the melon trifecta cup from Namor's hand again before finishing the drink. Namor shook his head before watching him grab the third drink.
"Perhaps you should slow down." He offered.
"While sitting with you two? No thanks."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I'm tired of feeling tense." Everett groaned as he lifted the drink. "I'm trying to get as loose as fucking possible."
"If you wanted to relax, all you had to do was ask." M'Baku chuckled as he sipped on his abandoned plum margarita. "I wouldn't mind helping."
"I literally came to the bar to get away, and the two of you hunted me down anyways." He frowned. "This is as close to a getaway as I'm going to get."
Namor laughed softly. "I think I enjoy your honesty when you're drunk."
"I'm not drunk. I'm just a little buzzed."
"What's the difference?"
He twirled a finger in the air. "Shit isn't spinning yet."
Namor hid his smile behind his hand. "Yet."
"I wonder if that'll be too strong for you." M'Baku tilted his head as he examined the third drink. "Most people can't endure more than one shot worth of the Heart of Wakanda."
"Aj K'uk'ulkan did."
"I know you did not just try to compare yourself to the fish man."
"They call it liquid courage for a reason." He smiled. "I can take anything. Maybe I'm super powerful, too."
The two kings watched him take two gulps of the sunrise drink before he had to put his head down in defeat.
That drink had definitely humbled him.
He hadn't really paid it much mind before, but the room was definitely getting hotter the more he drank, and his vision was slowly becoming altered.
Was the world spinning now?
He peeked up before squeezing his eyes shut.
It was.
The room was sweltering hot, and everything kinda had a pinkish purple aura that sparkled too.
He peeked up again.
Only M'Baku and Namor sparkled.
And why were they staring at him like that?
Were they drunk or buzzed?
Or did they want another kiss?
Why did they look so handsome?
His mind was spinning and fuzzy, almost as if Cupid had stabbed him in the back when he wasn't looking.
Maybe cupid had, because why else would he want to crawl into M'Baku's lap and beg him to see if melons tasted gross if it was in his mouth again?
What other reason could have him eager to snog Namor?
"Oh fuck." He groaned as he felt pants grow tight at the idea.
He needed to calm down.
Maybe get out?
Touch some grass?
Feel the cold air outside of this crowded place.
M'Baku would probably entertain the idea for a good laugh, but Namor would definitely kill him if they went further than drunk kissing.
At the end of the day, he was just an advisor to the Wakandan council who specialized in American politics and the ploys of the outside world.
There could never be anything.
Not even an experimental fling.
His eyes stung with tears at the thought.
This was beginning to feel frustrating.
He was touch starved and in dire need of relief.
But no one would ever give it here.
Shit, he could hardly get anything back in the States since his divorce.
"Damn it." He mumbled as a few tears fell down his face.
"Are you crying?" Namor blinked at the white man.
"No." Everett hid his face as the god king tried to catch a peek.
"So you're an emotional drunk?" M'Baku chuckled.
"Then why are you crying?"
"I doon't want to taaalk abouut it." He huffed.
"That acted faster on you than I thought it would." The Jabari king rubbed his back before finishing off the margarita. "Hang in there, little mouse."
"Fuck you. I'm perfectly fine."
"Don't be rude. You are sitting amongst kings." Namor yanked his head up by his hair. "Even if you're drunk, you should act respectfully."
The sting up his hair being pulled was delightful, pulling a soft moan from his lips before he smacked away his hand.
"Don't touch me."
"You moaned." He stated as he looked him over.
"Yeah. Well. Everything looks pink and sparkly, and I'm a little buzzed." Ross huffed. "So, it didn't mean anything. Just like those tipsy ass kisses."
"I told you." M'Baku chuckled. "You're a little mouse. You can't hold liquor well."
"I caaaaannnn." He huffed as he tried to fix his hair. "Wakandan liquor is strooong, but at least I'm nooot nauseous."
"Your face is all pink." Namor pointed out. "And your words are starting to slur. I wasn't aware you had such a filthy mouth."
"It's always beeeeeen filthy. I just keeeeeep it clean around you because you're scary and yoooou can't take a fucking joke."
M'Baku laughed. "He's not wrong."
"He's not wrong until I'm dragging his drunk ass out of here and putting his mouth to use."
"I'm just a little buzzed." He groaned as the god king grabbed his jaw and looked him over. "Stop saaaaying I'm drunk."
"What's my name, little mouse?"
"Aj K'-" Everett didn't get past the first K without his tongue struggling to form the rest of the sounds to complete it.
Why was the Heart of Wakanda so strong?
And why was K'uk'ulkan touching him again?
"Stop fucking touching me, damn it."
He smacked the king's touch away with a frown before shivering under his darkening gaze.
That shiver made Namor chuckle as he got up and downed the rest of his sunrise drink before licking his lips. "Let's take you out for some fresh air."
"Noooooo. I'm fine. Seeee?"
Everett got up, and Everett fell down with a hard thud.
M'Baku couldn't refrain from laughing as he got up and scooped the drunk man off the floor. "You are not fine."
"I'm fiiiiine. Put me down, you big beefy bitch."
"Oh, that mouth of yours is more fun than I realized." M'Baku smacked his ass as he began to carry the tipsy man out of the establishment with Namor not too far behind.
"It bites too."
Namor laughed. "Good."
And Scene!
So, that's kinda what I've been imagining. But it could definitely become more explicit... if I wrote more. What are y'all thinking?!? Is this deserving of more?!? or...? 👀
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cyb3rscoups · 1 year
The Glory AU (3)
Wrote this while listening to the most high note packed bubblegum kpop thats ever existed.
Wanna be tagged? LMK in the comments <3
Other parts of 'The Glory'
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Attuma relentlessly taps his foot, creating a redundant knocking sound against the floor of M'Baku's office. He hated having to come there. The police station was too familiar to him and his early years.
Before he discovered the fight club, he took the act of punching people in the face to the streets where he was caught more than a dozen times giving his comrades black eyes and broken ribs. By the time he was 20, he was an overly familiar face to the holding cells and handcuffs. He never had any charges only thanks to Namor and the money he kept to hush people up.
But now, he only came there to prod Chief M'Baku into 'accidentally' wiping his juvenile record so he could start from scratch in a way.
"Brother is director over one of the biggest and best hospitals in the country. Your best friend is chief of police. And you...do what? What do you do, Attuma?"
"I gave you that split lip and tattered ego."
"Your mother must be so fucking proud." M'Baku swiped his tongue over the bandaged cut mindlessly before going back to his computer. "And obviously, this woman isn't an imbecile like you. All she's got is a police report from like 2009 and she's your age so...16 years old?"
"What the hell did she do at 16?" Attuma, jumped up and rounded the oak desk, leaning over M'Baku's shoulder to take a look for himself.
"Not what she did. Some one brought her to the station because of some pretty nasty bruises and shit she had but she didn't say a word when asked what happened."
Attuma's jaw ticked as he squinted at the report. "Move." He started to push M'Baku out of the chair gratingly until the man gave in from a grunt and stood over him while he took the seat.
He must've scrolled through the same information for at least five minutes before he brought a brutal fist down on the keyboard in anger. His chest heaved as his striking glare shifted to M'Baku who only rolled his eyes.
"Don't fucking go there, Attuma. It's not my fault she doesn't have a record!"
Attuma's temper was nothing new. He had a big tendency to go overboard and if things didn't go his way, he never thought with the morality in his head. For example, the only reason he knew the little information he just got about Okoye was because he stole the glass she held from the bar and had M'Baku scan it for her fingerprints.
Now that it seemed his delusional efforts were in vain, morality was out the window and run all the way down the street.
"You really gonna make me punch it out of you? So fucking childish sometimes." M'Baku grumbled and started to roll the sleeves of his shirt up to his forearms. "Bring it on, kid."
Attuma had a hint of a smirk before he swung at his friend, only being met with a blow to his stomach, making him double over and groan.
"Fuck!" He held to the desk. "Alright shit! I'm cool!"
"Good. Now get the fuck out of here."
Everett Ross. It seemed that Valentina got her highschool wish. She married well and Everett was quite high up in the social hierarchy. Now, whether he earned his spot or bought it was up for heavy debate with him. Nevertheless, Valentina made sure to marry him quickly and loudly so she could maintain her status.
They were the perfect family; Valentina, Everett, and their five year old girl, Harlow. One that Okoye hoped that they had raised well. She needed to be perfect and pliable for the cause.
She found the prestigious private school that they had enrolled Harlow in and promptly black mailed the principal into a job. Now, she was head teacher of the adorable kindergarten class.
"Good morning, kiddos." Okoye smiled as she leaned against the wood of her desk.
"Good morning, Miss Okoye." They beamed back in perfect unison, fidgeting and giggling in their seats.
"Who would like to tell me what they did this weekend?"
Instantly, the tiny hands shot up as the stories of the weekend began to crowd their brains and threatened to bleed through their eyes if they did not get a chance to speak.
"Miranda! Let's start with you." Okoye pointed to the brunette sitting a few chairs to her left and the girl squealed in excitement.
"Ooh Mommy and Daddy and me went shopping! I got a build-a-bear!" The girl gleamed with happiness as her feet swept the floor from her forceful kicking.
"That's beautiful! Dillon, how about you?"
The boy stood up sending his chair back with a squeak as he began his recall of memories. "I went fishing with my Uncle!"
"Ooh how many fish did you catch?" Okoye began to inquire.
"Two! But we let them back out when we were finished." Dillon shrugged as he dragged his seat back to his desk and plopped into it.
"That is great, Dillon. It is very important to not interrupt the environment and let nature do its job."
The kids hung to her every word with mouths agape and sparkling eyes of wonder. Suddenly, Harlow's hand went up and she waved it like a fish out of water before Okoye acknowledged it.
"Yes Harlow?"
"What did you do over the weekend, Miss Okoye?"
Okoye shrugged. "I visited some old friends from when I went to school."
It was true. The alumni awards were held just the Saturday before and Okoye had the pleasure of facing her old peers again. It was almost satisfying as they didn't even recognize their dearest Koko at first, greeting her as if they had never met before.
"Oh no. This won't do." She sucked her teeth at the trio, standing in the same spots as if they hadn't moved an inch since 2009. "You can't forget me. It won't be any fun if you don't remember me."
"Excuse me?" Valentina's tone had darkened as a tilt of her head gave away her annoyance at Okoye's arrogance.
While, the other alumni of Fredrick High had gathered by the long table of food and drinks as the interaction went on. It was almost an illusion of sorts. To the isolated group, it was like they were the only ones there but they mustn't forget, this time, there's an audience.
"Don't be coy, Val. It's me, Okoye."
Okoye could've watched the color drain from their expressions a thousand times and it never would've gotten old. "Hang on a minute. Okoye was the one that died right?" W'Kabi mumbled to Erik who rolled his eyes at the clueless man.
"No you idiot. Aneka died. Koko dropped out." Erik sneered.
"Ah!" The light bulb over the poor man's head flickered until it shone in recognition, "Now I remember. I had a lot of fun with you, Koko." He chuckled.
Valentina scoffed as she stepped to Okoye. "You've grown up." She smirked.
"You've grown old." Okoye feigned a smile. "How's your husband and kid? Bet you're the best housewife."
An audible laugh from her then and a look of pure disbelief at her words. "Bold too! You see this Erik?"
"Mhmm." Erik smiled as Valentina continued to get closer to Okoye, allowing her stiletto heels to meet her sneakers.
"You listen here, girl." She leaned into her with piercing eyes. "You were a loser then. You are a loser now."
"Who me?" Okoye doubled over in exaggerated laughter as the other looked on, half amused and quite convinced they were losing their minds. Once, her laughter died down, she sighed. "I'd watch what you say to me considering I have sweet little Harlow right under my thumb."
Again, Valentina went white as a ghost. "What about my kid?"
"The kid that I teach everyday? Tell stories to? Make sure she learns her right from her fucking left. That kid?" Her smile only grew as Valentina pigmented red with anger and fear.
"You stay away from my child, Okoye." She growled out, venom spitting from her lips
"Why? You must be scared. Hm...maybe I should enlighten her about who her mother really is. Show her the things you showed me."
"You crazy bitch!" Valentina screeched and Erik moved to hold her arms, soothing her spilling anger as he leaned into her ear
"Val...They're watching."
Surely enough, the scene had been witness by their class as they muttered their suspicions among themselves.
"Fuck who's watching." She snatched her arms from Erik's hands, glaring at him to retreat before sneering at Okoye. "I will kill you, Okoye. Just like I should've back then." She muttered.
"Yeah you should've. But you didn't, so, let me tell you what to prepare for since you let me live and sit in my pain..." Okoye raised her hands, landing them on Valentina's shoulders and swiping away the dust on her jacket before tugging at it so they were close enough for her to whisper, "Hell on earth, bitch. And trust me, I'll make sure it burns."
With a laugh, she shoved Valentina back hard enough for her to stumble and lose her footing. "I'll see you around, Val!"
@pilesofpillows @loeysaeri @hottie-hotch @xblackreader @faatxma
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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thingsasbarcodes · 11 months
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Black Panther (2018)
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