drogba-prospect · 6 hours
FC San Pédro - Wikipedia
Port-Tuxôn, Bas-Sassandra, Côte d'Ivoire Chargé d'affaires Representation for Ballon d'Or and World Cup Sleeve with Front Office Retirement
In diplomacy, a chargé d'affaires is a diplomat responsible for fulfilling the functions of an ambassador (or other head of diplomatic mission) in the absence or unavailability of the latter as well as between the departure of a holder and the arrival of his successor. When two countries do not maintain official diplomatic relations, in the event of their breakdown or lack of recognition, each of them may designate a chargé d'affaires who sits in the representation of a third country to carry out this function. (Blue Economy, Metallurgy Purchasing Matrix Rural Area, Waterfront Sports Real Estate, Intrinsic Value, County Line Trafficking, Primate City, and Knockout Stage)
Opportunity Cost Lipstick Effect (Supply Side Economics, Rural Area Economics, and Raw Materials-Holding Company)
YAHWISM Plantation Religions
Leo-Aquarius Planetary Intelligence
Flows/Possession Total Football
Seigneurial System
Trade School Athletics
Church Enterprise (School, Tournaments, Grocery Stores, Real Estate and Trade School)
Sports Stadium Gentrification
Jersey Sales
Gambler’s Diplomacy (Trixies Analytics Playing Style)
Hedonistic Era (Chase of Intrinsic Value)
Retirement and What Is the Front Office in the Sports Industry? The front offices employ many sports industry professionals from the owners of the teams and general managers to ticket sales offices, public relations, sales, and marketing.
Group for World Cup Friendly: Copa America Argentina & Canada; Euros Germany and Italy; Afcon Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire Transfermarket/Knockout Stage Intrinsic Value Jump: Men's and U20 Gold AFCON, Best Young Player at AFCON, and Kimberley Process Rural Area Economics, FIFA FC Streaming; Having a certain National Team Transfermarket leads to Tournament Pleasure, Sportsbook Pleasure, FIFA Ranking Pleasure
To increase Intrinsic Value of Blue Economy and County Line Trafficking let's put all franchises by Waterfront or Business Sectors in Côte d'Ivoire Ligue 1
Computer Aided Scouting Method
Picker -- emphasizes a player's one weakness to the neglect of all strengths
Projector -- envisions what a player will be able to do in two or three years.
The key to identifying a prospect was to focus on the player's body control and footwork
Computer-aided scouting began as a means for scouts and managers to log mass amounts of player and team information compiled from box scores, stat-sheets and personalized specific information pertaining to players and teams. This information was interpreted through mathematical formulas created from research studies of each sport. Once this information was tabulated, team personnel begin to implement these results into the game. After early positive results, many professional teams adopted mathematical tools for player and game management.
Physique Endurance Cycling (MAS) and Isometric Plyometric Jump Rope (VO2 max) with Landmine Complex; Lion Heart DNA (Muscle Fibers and Walking Mechanics)
18U Stylistic Biomechanics with Skill Drills and Scrimmage. 12U fundamentals and practice.
Côte d'Ivoire 3-5-2 or 3-7-0 Vertical
Back 3, 5; (False 10 and Inverted Winger Striker) Triangle Midfield, and 2; False 9 Center Forward
Sideline to Sideline Vertical Formation: 3 Triangle Midfield, 7 Box Formation
Sprint dribbling: Invisible 4, Crescent Moon Pull Back, and Dorsiflexion
Genome Editing: TYRP1, ACTN3, FBN1 gene, ACE Gene, XYY Prenatal Hormones with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's, Expansive Mood with Disinhibition Impulsive Borderline
A notable connection exists between VO2max and MAS, encapsulated by the “Léger formula”: VO2max = MAS x Cr, where Cr represents the energy cost or running economy, measured in mL/kg/km. This energy cost differs among runners, with a commonly accepted average value being 210 mL/kg/km. This leads to the equation VO2max = 3.5 x MAS. A lower running economy (energy cost) implies that a runner expends less energy and is more efficient. Elite Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, for example, often exhibit a running economy around 180 mL/kg/km (equivalent to a coefficient of 3). In this context, VO2max can be seen as the runner’s ‘engine’. In contrast, MAS reflects the engine’s efficiency, influenced by factors like posture, relaxation, stride quality, and muscle quality. The formula VO2max = 3.5 x MAS is, however, a theoretical estimate.
Hamstring Activation Cycling
Intramuscular EMG was used to verify muscle activation during cycling. The activation pattern of deep muscles (Vint and BFS) could, therefore, be described and compared to that of the more superficial muscles. The complex coordination of quadriceps and hamstring muscles during cycling was described in detail.
Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) is simply the lowest running speed at which maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) occurs, and is typically referred to as the velocity at VO2 max (vVO2 max). MAS was developed for the purpose of increasing the specificity of training and to enable coaches to monitor training loads more accurately.
Lengthy Landmine Complex
Although typically used for simple core and functional-type movements, the landmine is actually an amazingly versatile tool that can be used as a primary exercise for many muscle groups:
Side Facing Clean to Single Arm Press
Front Squat To Press
Single Arm Drop Lunge Squat
Squeeze Press
Lateral Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive
Sumo 1/2 Rep Squat Jumps
Single Arm Fall Out Push Ups
Sit Up To Press
1-2 minute rest between rounds if you perform multiple rounds
Circuit training has been shown to have greater effects on the magnitude and duration of EPOC than traditional forms of strength training.[8] All told, you can burn hundreds and hundreds of calories in a properly-executed circuit training workout.
The multi-stage fitness test (MSFT), also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER test (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run), or the 20m shuttle run test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).
Bariatric surgery (or metabolic surgery or weight loss surgery) is a medical term for surgical procedures used to manage obesity and obesity-related conditions.[1][2] Long term weight loss with bariatric surgery may be achieved through alteration of gut hormones, physical reduction of stomach size, reduction of nutrient absorption, or a combination of these.[2][3] Standard of care procedures include Roux en-Y bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, from which weight loss is largely achieved by altering gut hormone levels responsible for hunger and satiety, leading to a new hormonal weight set point.[3] Bariatric surgery of various types may influence hedonic hunger[31][32][33] particularly if accompanied by counseling interventions that reduce automatic hedonic impulses.[34] These surgeries may work in part by modifying the production of gastrointestinal hormones, particularly by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY (PYY);[31][35] reduction of ghrelin has been inconsistent.[31]
Counter Pressing Progressive HULU False 9
Skills: Attack, Power*, Movement*, Skill*, Mental*, Defence*
A false 9, similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre-forward, who drops deep into midfield. The purpose of this is that it creates a problem for opposing centre-backs who can either follow the false 9, leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit, or leaving the false 9 to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.
Deep Completions: Deep Completions represent successful passes made within 20 meters of the opposition goal. It indicates a player’s ability to execute accurate and incisive passes in dangerous areas.
12. Carry%: Carry% signifies the percentage of a player’s carries (running with the ball) that were successful. It measures their effectiveness in maintaining ball control and progressing play through dribbling.
13. Deep Progressions: Deep Progressions encompass passes and dribbles/carries into the opposition’s final third. It quantifies a player’s ability to advance the ball effectively into areas close to the opponent’s goal.
14. xGBuildup: xGBuildup is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession leading up to the shot. It focuses on evaluating the possession work and build-up play prior to the end of the attacking sequence.
15. xGChain: xGChain is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession. It captures the contributions of players throughout the possession, considering their involvement in generating goal-scoring opportunities.
16. OBV Metrics: In addition to the aforementioned features, it’s worth exploring the concept of On-Ball Value (OBV) metrics. OBV is a comprehensive framework developed by StatsBomb that evaluates a player’s contributions and effectiveness in possession. It takes into account various factors such as passes, dribbles, shots, and more to provide a holistic assessment of a player’s on-ball performance.
Link-Up Play; You must play with your back to the goal, hold the ball under pressure, and lay it off to advancing teammates. For this, you'll need ball control, strength, and the ability to shield the ball from defenders. Moreover, effective link-up play helps create fluid attacking movement. For hold-up play (plural hold-up plays) (soccer, idiomatic) A play where an attacker retains possession of the ball, while the teammates can move up the field. Push-and-run, also known as a wall pass, a one-two or a give-and-go, is a tactic and skill often used in association football. It involves quickly laying the ball off to a teammate and running past the marking tackler to collect the return pass. It proved an effective way to move the ball at pace, with players' positions and responsibility being fluid.[1] All the definitions agree on just one thing: a progressive action advances the ball somehow. At The Athletic, we count a completed pass as “progressive” if it’s at least 10 metres (11 yards) long and moves the ball at least 25 per cent of the remaining distance to goal.
Current measures:
Expected assists: If we have an expected likelihood for each shot resulting in a goal, we can look back at the pass prior to that shot to see which players played the passes that could have resulted in goals. This is more informative than just looking at assists, but has the limitation of being heavily dependent on the shot-takers being able to get their shot away following the high value pass, and only considers the pass immediately preceding the shot. Any passes that contribute significantly to the buildup prior to that are neglected.
xG chain: This is a logical extension of the expected assist approach. To overcome the limitation of only considering the pass prior to a shot, we can propagate the goalscoring likelihood for each shot back through all the passes in the sequence leading up to it. That way, players frequently involved in plays that result in high quality chances are still rewarded for their contributions. This approach has some benefits, but still assumes the presence of a shot-taker who is able to capitalise on the good buildup to take a high-quality shot. Moreover, this approach can conflate the contribution from teammates. For example, a player that reliably plays easy passes to a key playmaker will generally be highly rewarded by this approach, even if most of the buildup value comes from the playmaker.
Progressive passes: A less shot-centric approach to valuing buildup is to consider the number of passes that bring the ball closer to the opposition goal. These types of approaches typically define some threshold for progression, either number of yards forward or how much closer the ball gets to goal, as a % of starting distance. This allows the separation of players whose passes are mostly safe and cautious from players whose passes disproportionately drive the ball forward towards the opposition goal. This has been used successfully in the past to identify players who progress the ball well, but is still a relatively coarse approach. Fifty yard progressive passes are treated similarly to 15 yard progressive passes, and a 15 yard pass down the wing is treated the same as a 15 yard forward pass into the penalty box.
Packing: None of the other approaches above consider the location of off-ball players. One approach that does take this into consideration is Packing.
Counter-pressing in football is the act of actively pursuing the ball in a coordinated manner with the aim of regaining possession quickly after ball-loss. The upper bound of time the ball must be won back within varies from coach to coach, and thus in execution by different teams. Two player contesting for the ball side by side. they can bump shoulders and run that shoulder into the opponent in an attempt to move the opponent off the ball. it becomes illegal when the arm is raised to push the opponent away or more force than is necessary is used with the shoulder. (Thigh Tug Counter Pressing)
Aggressive Actions: Aggressive actions encompass tackles, pressure events, and fouls recorded within 2 seconds of an opposition player receiving the ball. It assesses a player’s defensive intensity and ability to disrupt the opponent’s play.
9. Counterpressures: Counterpressures indicate the number of pressures exerted by a player within 5 seconds of a turnover. It demonstrates a player’s commitment to regaining possession quickly after losing it.
Signature Move
Sole Forward Roll Placement for Hold Up Play
2 v 2 Off-Ball Shoulder Barging Two Touch and One Touch Finishing: Lofted feed in order to strike on Chest Cradled Half Volley Lofted feeds in order to head to goal.
Spacing, Possession, Pass Completion, and Counter Pressing with Pursuit and Ambush Predation One Team Box Touches and Capture the Flag with Analytics-Geometry Total Football Trixie Bet on CNS Drugs (Xanax and Modafinil); 1-1-2-1 Diamond Rover Futsal Pivot Formation
Define a run in one of two ways: (i) as a set of consecutive goals scored by one team, without the other team scoring a goal; (ii) as a set of consecutive scoring events by one team, each event being either a goal or one or more Set Piece. Play aggressive and with counter pressing and run it up on the score board in the first half and after halftime play defense. You get a break at half and it's easier to win when someone plays defense and looks for opportunities instead of Attacking.
Set Piece Stylistic Biomechanics: Shooting Knee at Wall for Curve and Placement Knee for Corner. Follow through with Shot with proper Body Alignment
Knee to Feet or Shoulder to Feet Cradling for Touch/Entertainment
Posterior Chain Super Compensation and Speed-Endurance (Elastic-Connective Tissue) Force-Velocity Curve; Crescent Moon Horizontal Plane Vertical Force Sprinting Mechanics.
Placement Mechanics: Ankle-Heel Linedrive and Arch-Knuckle Raised Curve; Placement Foot and Reverse Rotation with Shoulder for power and Accuracy; Arch of Feet at Target for Follow Through Accuracy; Plant Foot-Eyes on Ball for Football Contact Point then Eyes on Corner.
Agility Ladder Eyes Pocket: Eyes Between Defenders Feet and Ball, Numbered Footwork V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step), All moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle
Sprint Size Up: A series of feint Karaoké dribble moves with Eye Tricks (Fake Pass) but Sprint Position Finish
Triangle Philosophy: All Dribbling Moves should form a Triangle or an Incomplete Triangle while using V-Step (Shifting Defenders with Momentum) et L-Step (Explosive First Step).
Thé Crescent: In Close Dribbling; Crescent Footwork with L Shapes
On the Run Dribbling Moves: Letters and Shapes; Still Play 1 on 1: Numbered Footwork
À ma sauce Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Gambling Games: 5 Roll (Captain, Ship, Crew); Live-Pool Betting Monopoly
Stylistic Biomechanics: Dribbling Foot To Ball Contact (Balls of Feet and Arch of Feet); Knee for Direction; Foot Drags; & Hip Angle, Crescent Moon Running Mechanics, and Laces Kick.
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Futsal Courts: Drills Side/Box Play with 1 Net; Design Vaporwave Action Painting Angels; Knee for Direction and Sole Drags for Dribbling Touch and Crescent Moon Sprint Mechanics
Diamond Football (15 mins)
Set Up
-Lay out two overlapping sets of 4 flat markers in the positions shown above.
-Ask the players to stand on a flat marker for their teams colour (Red on Red, Yellow on Yellow).
-Whenever the ball goes out for a kick in or for the defenders ball, the players must stand on their markers before play begins.
-As soon as the ball has been played in, players are free to move.
-Reset everytime the ball goes out.
Coaching Points, Progressions Ect.
-Ask players to shout out what each position on the park is to devlop understanding of their roles.
-If you decide to go to a normal game , leave the markers out for a visual aid for the players.
-If more than 8 players, Add in Goalkeepers who would then play the ball out to the DF,LM,RM.
-Rotate Positions, Ask Players to stand on a marker they haven't been on before
W; I; M; V; Box Keeping Formation with 3 Centre-Backs (Ball player and Ball Carrier); +/- System are Shoulder Barge, <70th Minute Tactical Foul, Aerial Duel, Pressing Triggers, Counter Pressing, Clearance, Interceptions, Attacking Third Pass Accuracy, Back Spin Skip Long Ball Accuracy, Overlapping Runs, Defensive Third High Press Key Dribbles, Layoffs, Corners
+/- System Dictates Wins Above Replacement
Example: Aerial Duel +2, Yellow Card -2 Clearance is .5 for a +/- Possession Total of .5;
A stat that measures a player's impact on the game by calculating the change in the score (plus or minus) while each player is on the court. Plus/Minus is useful in showing how players that may not put up big individual numbers still have a positive impact on the game.
WAR stands for “wins above replacement” and it attempts to measure a player's overall value to a team by positing how many wins he is worth when compared to a replacement-level player. It is a complex system which is calculated differently for each defensive position.
On occasion, the false-10 can also function in a different manner alongside a false-9, usually in a 4–6–0 formation. Midfield collective of False 9, False 10, Box to Box, Holding, Half Winger, Attacking, Defensive.
The Art Of Possession Football
In Football Manager there is a possession that is meaningful and a possession that is meaningless. I see a lot of tactics and posts on a daily basis that falls into the latter. Achieving a high possession percentage is relatively easy but creating something that is still potent and uses that possession in dangerous areas is a lot harder. For any kind of possession strategy then something based on these Team Instructions would be a good starting point for such a system;
Lower Tempo – This encourages players to look for support and not rush with their play. Players will be looking up and accessing their options more.
Roam From Position – Encourage players to make themselves available, keeping support options available. It’s probably one (if not) the most important aspect of ball retention.
Dribble Less – You don’t want many players dribbling with the ball because you want players in support and the idea is to retain possession. Dribbling can see passing options reduced.
Pass it Shorter – It’s all about keeping it simple with the ball. The longer the pass the more likely it can be under/over hit, mistimed or even intercepted by the opposition.
Retain Possession – Again it reduces passing length making it even shorter and cutting the risk of through balls out.
Work Ball Into Box – You don’t want players shooting from distances and wasting chances. Not only that but it would give the opposition the ball, which kinda goes against possession right?
Play Out of Defence – Building attacks from the back is basic possession football.
Distribute Short – If you don’t then you will often find your keeper booting the ball long and wasting possession. Your keepers’ distribution will likely have the single biggest impact on your overall possession. So make sure he isn’t wasting it.
Yaya Touré
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tamanna31 · 7 days
Interactive Kiosk Market - Structure, Size, Trends, Analysis and Outlook 2022-2030
Interactive Kiosk Industry Overview
The global interactive kiosk market size was valued at USD 28.45 billion in 2021 and is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.1% from 2022 to 2030. 
Due to the high development in payment and security technologies, the market has witnessed rapid growth over the past few years. Many of the self-service kiosk manufacturers will continue to extract these technologies’ maximum potential and are expected to include them as an indispensable component of their product offering. Interactive kiosks help prevent long queues at public places, such as inquiry counters at railway stations, banks, and malls and check-in counters at airports. At places, such as hospitals and government offices, they help reduce the paperwork associated with visitor data collection and enhance visitors’ experiences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Interactive Kiosk Market
An increase in product adoption in the BFSI and retail segments is expected to be a major growth driver for the market. Some of the major manufacturers are already working on developing and integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based technology in interactive kiosks. For instance, ViaTouch Media has introduced AI-based kiosks, which enable shoppers to examine the products before making a purchase. As products are removed from the retailer’s shelf, a video screen above displays product information to the customer. The growing problems due to the outbreak of COVID-19 have increased the adoption of self-checkout kiosks to avoid human interaction. As self-checkout kiosks ensure social distancing in stores, they pave the way for a little human interaction.
Looking forward to driving the adoption of and advantages offered by interactive kiosks to customers, the vendors operating in the market have launched various advanced solutions and technologies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has doubled the R&D spending and innovation by the vendors. For instance, kiosk systems with temperature sensors, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)-dispensing kiosks, smart kiosks that collect swab samples for COVID-19 tests, and mobile testing kiosks are some of the latest solutions launched by the vendors operating in the market. The vendors are expected to continue focusing on product innovation and development to gain a significant share in the years to come.
Interactive Kiosk Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global interactive kiosk market report on the basis of component, type, end use, and region:
Component Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Others (iOS, Others)
Integration & Deployment
Managed Services
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Automated Teller Machines (ATMs)
Retail Self-Checkout Kiosks
Self-Service Kiosks
Vending Kiosks
End Use Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Food & Beverage
Travel & Tourism
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa (MEA)
Browse through Grand View Research's Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports.
The global hybrid printing technologies market size was estimated at USD 4.59 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.3% from 2024 to 2030.
The global 4D printing market size was estimated at USD 156.8 million in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 35.8% from 2024 to 2030. 
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
The market is characterized by the presence of a few players accounting for significant industry share. New product launches and technology partnerships are some of the major strategies adopted by key companies to strengthen their market position. Key industry players are also heavily investing in research & development projects and focusing on establishing production infrastructure to develop and offer differentiated and cost-effective self-service solutions. The Meridian, Advanced Kiosk, and Kiosk Information System have a strong market presence due to the availability of a strong R&D department and production facilities. The companies mainly focus on product innovation and effective distribution through a strong network of partners in multiple countries, such as the U.S., Germany, India, and Brazil. Some of the key players in the global interactive kiosk market include:
NCR Corp.
Diebold Nixdorf AG
ZEBRA Technologies Corp.
Advanced Kiosks
Embross Group
Order a free sample PDF of the Interactive Kiosk Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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Student Spotlight: Mary Conte
1. Tell us a bit about yourself and what made you interested in studying at CSU Long Beach.
I was born in New York and moved to California because of my work. Actually–I moved to California twice because of my work, come to think of it. One time I was working at a music company in New York (which is also Capitol Records) and my boss wanted me to help work on a new computer system which would extract the most important information from contracts in a computer system to help pay royalties to the recording artists. This record company at the time had labels not only in New York City, but also in Toronto, Canada and also in Nashville and also Los Angeles as well as the UK.
Another place I worked at was as a legal consultant for Price Waterhouse Coopers. They also had many projects with various companies e.g. Universal Studios, SONY, and startups about how to make sure the various divisions could communicate. They needed to know how to distribute their products, and whether they could develop new ones.
I know this sounds simple but actually the sales people really need to know if they can sell a movie in Italy or Germany for example, and then the people who actually do the work of sending the 'elements' need to know the particularities of what each country requires. Also someone may be able to create a feature film from a script but NOT be able to create a TV show. Also music has its own dimension of complexity.
Regarding CSULB, two things happened. One: someone in one of my classes said that his wife was attending Cal State Long Beach, and they had an excellent Italian department and also an Italian club. Another: I met a gentleman over 40 who was taking classes in the theater department. He was a part-time actor but wanted to expand and enrich his skills, so he was attending Cal State Long Beach. One day I looked up the web site and left a message for Professor Vettore, Chair of the Graziadio Center, because I felt I could not find any way to deepen my Italian skills as an adult and I wanted to be able to speak Italian fluently. And he actually emailed me back and we spoke about what I was looking for and what might be required. I also learned that I might be eligible for Italian citizenship, so my paperwork is at the Italian Consulate. It's kind of a contest will they respond faster than I obtain a MA in Italian. We will see.
2.  In addition to Italian, you’ve also studied French. Can you tell us more about this and what led to your eventual switch to Italian?
I'm fortunate to have traveled a little and have met people of different cultures and have been a person studying in France or Italy and not knowing all the customs and that helps me have patience with others that don't necessarily know how we do things. We in the US, We in California, and We at this particular company. So I may be dealing with the artists, but also their managers, and their other musicians which are many times from all over the place. And there are so many layers with visas and embassies and money. All over the place in the US and all over the place in the world.
What I have found is any opportunity to speak someone else's language or to be curious about someone else's culture is always appreciated. I got an MA in French right out of college because I had participated in a cultural exchange program after high school, because I met a French exchange student in one of my French classes who was living with a family of one of the teachers) and was fortunate to have had 3 years when I lived in France.
But my family is Italian, all the grandparents. Sicily & Calabria and Ancona & not far from Naples (Castellammare di Stabia) just one-two train stops from Pompeii! They are always kind of overwhelming. My parents are first generation and they both went to college and we all (me and my three brothers went to college). Because that was a way to get ahead.
And I met someone at a conference who was organizing a trip to Italy, and I hadn't been there since college, and my spouse had never been there. So, we decided to sign up at the Italian Cultural center in Los Angeles, and take a class, because I would feel ashamed to not be able to say something to people because I was too lazy to learn some of the basics. And although we signed up for Italian, they put us in a class of 'Italian for Tourists". Well that was a disappointment. But as I wanted to learn more Italian I found that there were many classes that were like this for adults. Mostly geared to tourism only.
3. Do you have any recommendations for anyone interested in an MA in Italian Studies? 
Although at the time I wasn't excited about the pre-requisites I had to take, it was great to be able to meet undergraduates and graduate students, and to lay that foundation of grammar and literature. One of the things to definitely participate in is the program we have with Roma Tre students. And definitely take a translation class. Also, so far I've met two presidents of the Italian Club, and they work really hard to have interesting cultural programs.
4. Outside of school, you work as a lawyer. What do you enjoy about your job? Do your language skills tie into your career in any way?
Right now I work for an agency which signs artists from the US and all over the world and helps them tour. Our niche is folk or roots music. For example tonight at Cal State LA we have an artist Sonya Jobarteh (considered Africa's first female griot kora virtuoso) playing with Taj Mahal. I think we may have someone coming soon to the Carpenter Center. We did have an American artist (New York based Irish-American fiddler) play with the Long Beach Symphony orchestra.
5. Do you have a favorite city you’ve visited in Italy? If so, which one?
How do you pick a favorite city in Italy? I loved Torino because there aren't so many tourists, and at the big outdoor market I can also speak French! We got to rent bikes and ride in Abruzzo along the Trabocchi coast. I forgot about this but I think when I was single I went to Italy and got to do a tour with Davis Phinney and Connie Carpenter and Andy Hampstead and his wife. Andy Hampstead is the only American to ever win the Giro d'Italia. Yes I do own one of the best production bicycles ever made, it's Italian, a Calnago C-40. But that's another story…
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Mary and il cane Marcus Aurelius
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certainrebelarbiter · 11 months
Unmanned Ground Vehicles Market Analysis 2030
The global unmanned ground vehicles market size was valued at USD 2.66 billion in 2022. The market is anticipated to expand from USD 3.07 billion in 2023 to USD 5.26 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 8.0% over the study period. The surge is on account of the growing product adoption in carrying supplies, assisting in explosive deactivation, and in the defense sector.
Fortune Business Insights™ provides this information in its research report, titled “Unmanned Ground Vehicles Market, 2023-2030”.
List of Key Players Mentioned in the Report:
BAE Systems (U.K.)
Aselsan A.S. (Turkey)
Lockheed Martin Corporation (U.S.)
General Dynamics Corporation (U.S.)
L3 Harris Technology, Inc (U.S.)
Oshkosh Defense LLC (An Oshkosh Corporation Company) (U.S.)
Rheinmetall AG (Germany)
Teledyne FLIR LLC. (U.S.)
QinetiQ (U.K.)
Northrop Grumman Corporation (U.S.)
Browse Detailed Summary of Research Report:
Russia-Ukraine War Impact:
Market Growth Propelled by Soaring Investments in Strengthening Armed Forces
The Russia-Ukraine war led various countries to strengthen their defense forces. Several countries in Europe enhanced their defense expenditure. The war also recorded an upsurge in the deliveries of next-generation remote control UGVs to Ukraine from NATO countries. These factors are expected to augur well for the market, propelling industry expansion over the forthcoming years.
EOD UGVs Segment to Register Notable Upsurge Considering Rising Product Deployment
Based on type, the market is categorized into combat UGV, combat support UGV, reconnaissance UGV, ISR UGV, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) UGV. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) UGV segment is estimated to register a dominating share, exhibiting substantial expansion over the study period. The surge is impelled by the increasing explosive disposal demand across various regions.
Tracked UGVs Segment to Record Considerable Expansion Owing to Growing Number of Procurement Contracts
By mobility, the market for unmanned ground vehicles is fragmented into wheeled, legged, tracked, and hybrid. The tracked segment is poised to register appreciable expansion over the study period. The upsurge is credited to the soaring defense expenditure and procurement of next-generation tracked UGVs.
Small (10-200 lbs) Segment to Depict Substantial Surge Driven by Soaring Product Demand
On the basis of size, the market is subdivided into small (10-200 lbs), medium (200 - 500 lbs), large (500 - 1000 lbs), very large (1000- 2000 lbs), and extremely large (>2000 lbs). The small (10-200 lbs) segment is estimated to register considerable expansion over the projected period. The surge is driven by the escalating demand for small and lightweight robots for commercial and military applications.
Based on geography, the market for unmanned ground vehicles is segmented into Europe, Asia Pacific, North America, and the rest of the world.
Report Coverage:
The report gives an analysis of the vital trends driving the global business scenario over the forecast period. It further provides an insight into the major drivers augmenting the market share over the coming years. In addition, the report gives an overview of the key strategies adopted by leading companies for establishing a strong market footing. 
Drivers and Restraints:
Soaring Autonomous Systems Demand for Commercial and Defense Applications
One of the major factors boosting the unmanned ground vehicles market growth is the soaring product demand from the commercial and defense sectors. Autonomous vehicles are deployed in the agriculture sector for irrigation management, mechanical weeding, soil sampling, precision spraying, and crop harvesting.
However, reliability and bandwidth related issues and reduction in the defense budgets of some countries could hamper market growth to a considerable extent.
Regional Insights:
North America to Ace the Market Impelled by Rising Military Spending
North America accounted for a dominating share in the market. The region has recorded the highest defense budget, owing to which the North America unmanned ground vehicles market share is expected to exhibit lucrative expansion over the projected period.
The Asia Pacific market is poised to grow at a commendable rate over the study period. The upsurge is due to an escalation in the defense budgets of China and India.
Competitive Landscape:
Major Market Players Formulate New Strategies to Gain Strong Footing
Eminent market participants are devising new strategies for establishing a strong foothold in the industry. Some of the adopted initiatives comprise merger agreements, collaborations, and the formation of alliances. Besides, companies are also keen to invest in research and development activities for securing a competitive edge in the market.
Key Industry Development:
January 2022 – QinetiQ signed a five-year sales agreement with Velodyne Lidar, Inc. for its sensors. QinetiQ selected Velodyne’s sensors to provide perception and mapping capabilities across its Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) portfolio. QinetiQ will use Velodyne Lidar’s next-generation sensors as part of its open architecture approach to unmanned systems.
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360marketnews · 1 year
Anesthetics Market Leading Vendors, And Forecast Assessment To 2030
The Anesthetics market is estimated to Experience Rapid Expansion Opportunities by 2030
This report gives a comprehensive analysis of the global Anesthetics Market, including country and regional market sizes, market growth estimates, CAGR estimates, key drivers, and revenue analysis of the players. The report also addresses the main risks and challenges likely to occur during the projected period. The market for Anesthetics is segmented by type and application. This research will be a valuable tool for market players, stakeholders, and other market participants in order to gain an upper hand.
The Anesthetics market report analyses the global market size, regional and country-level market size, segmentation market growth, market share, competitive landscape, sales analysis, the impact of domestic and global market players, value chain optimization, trade regulations, recent developments, opportunities analysis, strategic market growth analysis, product launches, area marketplace expanding, and technological innovations in detail.
Click Here to download a sample of the Anesthetics Market: https://market.biz/report/global-anesthetics-market-qy/489854/#requestforsample
Market Analysis and Insights
This report contains detailed information on the market segments, prices, and trends of the major players in the world over the forecast period. This report provides valuable information about market dynamics, market barriers, market opportunities, key drivers, and market restraints as well as development goals, market trends, and market segments.
The Anesthetics Market Research Report was created after careful consideration of key and beneficial facts. The data analysis covered both the top players and newcomers. This report analyses the market's most important companies as well as new entrants. This report includes a SWOT analysis and shares estimations. It also contains information about contact information.
Top Market Segments for Anesthetics
Market Research Report on Gobal Anesthetics - Key Players
Baxter Hospira Abbott Laboratories AstraZeneca Hoffmann-La Roche Braun Melsungen AbbVie Boehringer Ingelheim International Eisai Fresenius Piramal Critical Care Septodont Zhuhai YiPin Pharmaceutical Group
Anesthetics Market, By Monitoring Type
Local Anesthetics Regional Anesthetics General Anesthetics
Anesthetics Market, By Application
Hospital Clinic Other
Anesthetics Market Segment By Region
North America (Mexico, US, Canada )
Europe (Italy and Russia, France, Germany. United Kingdom, Turkey, etc.
Asia-Pacific (India, Japan, Korea and China, Australia, and Southeast Asia (Philippines and Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand)
South America
The Middle East and Africa (North Africa, GCC Countries)
Scope of this Report:
A thorough investigation takes into account many factors including industry definitions, product applications, and product categories. The overall statistics of the Anesthetics Market include a proactive analysis of investment viability and substantial returns on investments, supply chain management, import and export status, consumption volume, and end-use. All the aspects that can help business owners decide the next stage in growth can be explained using self-explanatory tools like tables, charts, or graphic images.
For More Information on this Anesthetics market report, Request Inquiry At: https://market.biz/report/global-anesthetics-market-qy/489854/#inquiry
The Anesthetics report's objectives are
1) To forecast the size of the global market for the Anesthetics Industry.
2) Researching global major players, SWOT analysis, and market values.
3) To identify, describe, project, as well as project the market according to type, end-use, and geography.
4) To identify market growth-promoting or inhibiting trends
The Anesthetics market report highlighted points below
1) A thorough evaluation of all known and potential risks in the Anesthetics market.
2) Keyword market developments and important occasions
3) A detailed study of business methods to develop market-driving elements.
4) Final study on market report improvement in the future.
This Report Answers some of the Key Questions
1) What is the size and composition of the Anesthetics market, at the country level as well as the regional level?
2) What are the main drivers and limitations of the Anesthetics market, and how can they impact the market?
3) Who are the global key manufacturers of the Anesthetics industry?
4) What are the market threats and opportunities for global Anesthetics Industry vendors?
Contact Us:
420 Lexington Avenue Suite 300
New York City, NY 10170 USA
USA/Canada Tel No:+1(857)4450045, +91 9130855334
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theresearchblog · 2 years
Chemical Manufacturing Software Market Will Hit Big Revenues In Future | Datacor Chempax, IQMS ERP Software, Royal 4 Enterprise, Odoo
Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on "Global Chemical Manufacturing Software Market Insights, to 2027" with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Chemical Manufacturing Software market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Fishbowl Manufacturing (United States), Deskera ERP (India), IQMS ERP Software (United States), Sage 100cloud (United States), Vicinity Manufacturing (United States), Intellect eQMS (United States), QuickBooks Enterprise (United States), BatchMaster ERP (United States), Odoo (Belgium), Datacor Chempax (United States), Sage Business Cloud Enterprise Management (United Kingdom), Royal 4 Enterprise (United States), Columbus Manufacturing (United States), Prodsmart (United States), Aquilon ERP (United States)
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/111104-global-chemical-manufacturing-software-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Scope of the Report of Chemical Manufacturing Software As digitization disrupts the chemical sector at a rapid pace, chemical production software is changing. Chemical manufacturing software is being used by a number of companies to improve their manufacturing operations and profits. Chemical Manufacturing Software is also in demand among end-users as a result of the rising demand for chemicals due to long-term demographics, government requirements, economic cycles, and novel uses. The chemical industry's constant developments force firms to adjust to changing circumstances.
May 6, 2020: Zycus, a global leader in A.I. driven Source-to-Pay suite, is pleased to announce the signing of a 3-year contract with the leader in Industrial Chemical Manufacturing in the United States.
The Global Chemical Manufacturing Software Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Product Data Management (PDM), Product Life Cycle Management (PLM), Computer Aided Design (CAD) Software, Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) Software, Computer-aided engineering (CAE), Others), Application (Large Enterprises, SMEs), End User Industry (Consumer Products, Polymers and Plastics, Specialty Chemicals, Others), Component (Software, Services (Professional Services and Managed Service)), Deployment Model (On-premise Solutions, Cloud-based Solutions)
Market Opportunities: • Rapid digitization in industries • Growing demand from developing countries
Market Drivers: • Increase in demand for streamlining business operations efficiency and transparency across various business hubs • Rising need for enterprise resource planning solutions and services from small and medium business
Market Trend: • Adoption of cloud-based infrastructure solutions and mobile applications
What can be explored with the Chemical Manufacturing Software Market Study? • Gain Market Understanding • Identify Growth Opportunities • Analyze and Measure the Global Chemical Manufacturing Software Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals • Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Chemical Manufacturing Software • Understand the Competitive Scenarios - Track Right Markets - Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Chemical Manufacturing Software Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/111104-global-chemical-manufacturing-software-market#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Chemical Manufacturing Software Market: Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Chemical Manufacturing Software market Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary - the basic information of the Chemical Manufacturing Software Market. Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Chemical Manufacturing Software Chapter 4: Presenting the Chemical Manufacturing Software Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis. Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021 Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Chemical Manufacturing Software market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027) Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
finally, Chemical Manufacturing Software Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=111104#utm_source=OpenPRVinay
Contact Us: Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA - 08837 Phone: +1 (551) 333 1547
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themarketinsights · 2 years
Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market is Booming Worldwide | Computools, Aspect Software, Accenture, Coastal Cloud
Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on “Global Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market Insights, to 2027” with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the study, you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market-associated stakeholders. The growth of the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Major players profiled in the study are:
Cognizant (United States), IBM (United States), Infinity Software Development, Inc. (United States), Aspect Software (United States), Computools (Ukraine), Sirius Computer Solutions, Inc. (United States), Atos SE (France), Accenture plc (Ireland), Coastal Cloud (United States), DXC Technology Company (United States), Code Zero Consulting (United States), Capgemini SE (France)
Get Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/159728-global-management-consulting-services-in-digital-transformation-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Scope of the Report of Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation
Management consulting services in digital transformation helps in assisting the business in transforming digitally for increased efficiency, accessibility, and effectiveness. It provides services to cloud consultants, IT strategy consultants, mobility consultants, etc in enhancing the management services. The management consulting services can be provided online and offline mostly in large, small-medium size enterprises and digital advancements.
The Global Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Online Service, Offline Service), Application (Large Enterprises, Small-medium Enterprises), Consulting (Strategy Consulting, Marketing Consulting, Operation Consulting, Financial Consulting, Others), Digital Transformation (Business Model, Business Process, Domain, Others)
Market Opportunities:
Growing Demand for the Digital Transformation in Various Type of Businesses across the World will boost the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market
Market Drivers:
Demand for the Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Information Technology Business
Increasing Number of Consultancy Companies Around the World
Market Trend:
Increasing Consumption of Online Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation
What can be explored with the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market Study?
Gain Market Understanding
Identify Growth Opportunities
Analyze and Measure the Global Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market by Identifying Investment across various Industry Verticals
Understand the Trends that will drive Future Changes in Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation
Understand the Competitive Scenarios
Track Right Markets
Identify the Right Verticals
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
Have Any Questions Regarding Global Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/159728-global-management-consulting-services-in-digital-transformation-market#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market.
Chapter 3: Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation
Chapter 4: Presenting the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2016-2021
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2022-2027)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Management Consulting Services in Digital Transformation Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies.
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/buy-now?format=1&report=159728#utm_source=DigitalJournalVinay
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)
AMA Research & Media LLP
Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ
New Jersey USA – 08837
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postersdecinema · 2 years
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DK, S, F, D, CH, 1991
Lars Von Trier
Quando as guerras acabam
Lars Von Trier não é um realizador fácil mas eu diria que em Europa conseguiu cruzar com invulgar sucesso as suas originais capacidades de comunicação cinematográfica com a empatia do público.
Visualmente brilhante (sobretudo para a época) o filme conta também com uma história acessível passível contudo de múltiplas leituras, o que o torna atraente quer para o público generalista quer para a critica.
Na época em que foi filmado (1991) a Europa passava por mudanças cruciais, o fim da URSS, a fragmentação da Europa de leste, os enormes fluxos migratórios oriundos dos países ex-comunistas, e parece-me evidente que Von Trier quis criar um paralelismo entre o fim da segunda guerra mundial e a desnazificação da Alemanha com o fim da Guerra Fria e a descomunização da Europa de Leste, alertando para os erros do passado e para as consequências de uma intrusão interesseira dos norte americanos, tudo servido sob a forma de um thriller esteticamente evoluído.
Não posso deixar de realçar a cena em que o próprio realizador interpreta o papel de um judeu forçado pelas autoridades norte-americanas a limpar a reputação de um plutocrata nazi que servia os interesses dos novos ocupantes.
A visão é perspicaz e o filme resulta nas suas múltiplas leituras, quer para quem se contentar com a trama de suspense, quer para quem quiser lê-lo nas entrelinhas, amplamente glosadas pelo autor.
Um dos filmes mais plenamente conseguidos na carreira do realizador dinamarquês.
When wars end
Lars Von Trier is not an easy director, but I would say that in Europe he managed to cross with unusual success his original cinematographic communication skills with the empathy of the public.
Visually brilliant (especially for the time) the film also has an accessible story that can, however, be read in multiple ways, which makes it attractive to both general audiences and critics alike.
At the time it was filmed (1991) Europe was going through crucial changes, the end of the USSR, the fragmentation of Eastern Europe, the enormous migratory flows from ex-communist countries, and it seems clear to me that Von Trier wanted to create a parallelism between the end of the Second World War and the denazification of Germany with the end of the Cold War and the decommunization of Eastern Europe, warning of the mistakes of the past and the consequences of a self-serving intrusion by the North Americans, all served in the form of an aesthetically evolved thriller.
I cannot fail to highlight the scene in which the director himself plays the role of a Jew forced by the US authorities to clean up the reputation of a Nazi plutocrat who served the interests of the new occupants.
The vision is perspicacious and the film results in its multiple readings, either for those who are content with the suspenseful plot, or for those who want to read between the lines, widely glossed by the author.
One of the most fully achieved films in the career of the Danish director.
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survivallomo · 2 years
Uni heidelberg programme maxqda
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VLU patients experience a severe reduction in quality of life, primarily due to pain, disability, and high recurrence rates and wound care is associated with a high nursing and medical expenditure. With an estimated mean prevalence of up to 0.64, approximately up to 1.8 million people in Germany are affected. Due to rising age and comorbidity a steadily growing prevalence can be expected. In developed countries, venous leg ulcers (VLUs) have a prevalence of 1–2% of the population and account for approximately 70% of chronic leg ulcerations. The conception of the planned intervention appears to be adequate and a structured guideline-based case management might be a promising approach for optimization of VLU treatment. Conclusionsįindings in this study emphasize a need for educational interventions addressing VLU care providers as well as patients, particularly with regards to compression therapy. Concerns were identified regarding integration of software-supported case management into daily practice routines and regarding potential limitations in decision-making autonomy when using standard operating procedures. Stronger involvement of non-physician assistants was seen as opportunity to optimize VLU care. Standardized operating procedures and educational components including e-learning were considered supportive. All care providers were aware of compression therapy, yet not all of them considered it essential for VLU care. In general, workload was shared by GPs (diagnostics, counselling) and MAs (wound care). ResultsĬurrent VLU outpatient care was described as frequently tailored to individual wounds and gradient. Analysis was inductive initially and finalized in a deductive-inductive approach based on domains of the Theoretical Domains Framework to support structuring of relevant implementation determinants. Data were collected through semi-structured guide-based telephone interviews ( n = 29) and a survey questionnaire ( n = 28). MethodsĪ mixed-methods study explored views of GPs, MAs, and patients regarding current VLU outpatient care and the planned intervention components to identify potential implementation determinants. Prior to implementing and testing the intervention components in general practices, in-depth exploration of current outpatient treatment of VLU patients and relevant implementation determinants was pursued. The project "Ulcus Cruris Care" aims to improve primary care for patients with venous leg ulcer (VLU) in General Practitioner (GP) practices using a complex intervention comprised of educational components, standardized treatment recommendations, computer-assisted documentation, and case management by non-physician medical assistants (MAs).
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pstweb · 4 years
MA in General Management Germany | MA Masters Management in Germany
Study MA in General Management Germany, MA Masters Management in Germany, International Management and Leadership at steinbeisindia.com now! One of the oldest and largest private universities in Germany. Cafeteria CUBE. Practical orientation. Great perspectives. Five-week-blocks. Independent studies.
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Masters in Management MA Masters Management in Germany is a higher degree course designed to teach students the skills necessary to manage a business. It is a very popular course as every company requires managerial staff, irrespective of the sector they conduct business in. Even though Masters in Management is a well-reputed course, the appreciation of it will increase ten-fold if pursued from a prestigious university in a well-developed country.
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drogba-prospect · 8 hours
Chargé d'affaires Representation for Ballon d'Or and World Cup Sleeve with Front Office Retirement
In diplomacy, a chargé d'affaires is a diplomat responsible for fulfilling the functions of an ambassador (or other head of diplomatic mission) in the absence or unavailability of the latter as well as between the departure of a holder and the arrival of his successor. When two countries do not maintain official diplomatic relations, in the event of their breakdown or lack of recognition, each of them may designate a chargé d'affaires who sits in the representation of a third country to carry out this function.
Opportunity Cost Lipstick Effect (Supply Side Economics, Rural Area Economics, and Raw Materials-Holding Company)
YAHWISM Plantation Religions
Leo-Aquarius Planetary Intelligence
Flows/Possession Total Football
Seigneurial System
Trade School Athletics
Church Enterprise (School, Tournaments, Grocery Stores, Real Estate and Trade School)
Sports Stadium Gentrification
Jersey Sales
Gambler’s Diplomacy (Trixies Analytics Playing Style)
Hedonistic Era (Chase of Intrinsic Value)
Retirement and What Is the Front Office in the Sports Industry? The front offices employ many sports industry professionals from the owners of the teams and general managers to ticket sales offices, public relations, sales, and marketing.
Group for World Cup Friendly: Copa America Argentina & Canada; Euros Germany and Italy; Afcon Nigeria Côte d'Ivoire
Côte d'Ivoire Transfermarket Intrinsic Value Jump: Men's and U20 Gold AFCON, Best Young Player at AFCON, and Kimberley Process Rural Area Economics, FIFA FC Streaming; Having a certain National Team Transfermarket leads to Tournament Pleasure, Sportsbook Pleasure, FIFA Ranking Pleasure
Computer Aided Scouting Method
Picker -- emphasizes a player's one weakness to the neglect of all strengths
Projector -- envisions what a player will be able to do in two or three years.
The key to identifying a prospect was to focus on the player's body control and footwork
Computer-aided scouting began as a means for scouts and managers to log mass amounts of player and team information compiled from box scores, stat-sheets and personalized specific information pertaining to players and teams. This information was interpreted through mathematical formulas created from research studies of each sport. Once this information was tabulated, team personnel begin to implement these results into the game. After early positive results, many professional teams adopted mathematical tools for player and game management.
Physique Endurance Cycling (MAS) and Isometric Plyometric Jump Rope (VO2 max) with Landmine Complex; Lion Heart DNA (Muscle Fibers and Walking Mechanics)
18U Stylistic Biomechanics with Skill Drills and Scrimmage. 12U fundamentals and practice.
Côte d'Ivoire 3-5-2
Back 3, 5; (False 10 and Inverted Winger Striker) Triangle Midfield, and 2; False 9 Top of Box Striker
Sprint dribbling: Invisible 4, Crescent Moon Pull Back, and Dorsiflexion
Genome Editing: TYRP1, ACTN3, FBN1 gene, ACE Gene, XYY Prenatal Hormones with Fetus Alcohol Consumption for Sensory Overload Asperger's, Expansive Mood with Disinhibition Impulsive Borderline
A notable connection exists between VO2max and MAS, encapsulated by the “Léger formula”: VO2max = MAS x Cr, where Cr represents the energy cost or running economy, measured in mL/kg/km. This energy cost differs among runners, with a commonly accepted average value being 210 mL/kg/km. This leads to the equation VO2max = 3.5 x MAS. A lower running economy (energy cost) implies that a runner expends less energy and is more efficient. Elite Kenyan and Ethiopian runners, for example, often exhibit a running economy around 180 mL/kg/km (equivalent to a coefficient of 3). In this context, VO2max can be seen as the runner’s ‘engine’. In contrast, MAS reflects the engine’s efficiency, influenced by factors like posture, relaxation, stride quality, and muscle quality. The formula VO2max = 3.5 x MAS is, however, a theoretical estimate.
Hamstring Activation Cycling
Intramuscular EMG was used to verify muscle activation during cycling. The activation pattern of deep muscles (Vint and BFS) could, therefore, be described and compared to that of the more superficial muscles. The complex coordination of quadriceps and hamstring muscles during cycling was described in detail.
Maximal aerobic speed (MAS) is simply the lowest running speed at which maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) occurs, and is typically referred to as the velocity at VO2 max (vVO2 max). MAS was developed for the purpose of increasing the specificity of training and to enable coaches to monitor training loads more accurately.
Lengthy Landmine Complex
Although typically used for simple core and functional-type movements, the landmine is actually an amazingly versatile tool that can be used as a primary exercise for many muscle groups:
Side Facing Clean to Single Arm Press
Front Squat To Press
Single Arm Drop Lunge Squat
Squeeze Press
Lateral Squat Jumps
Reverse Lunge to Knee Drive
Sumo 1/2 Rep Squat Jumps
Single Arm Fall Out Push Ups
Sit Up To Press
1-2 minute rest between rounds if you perform multiple rounds
Circuit training has been shown to have greater effects on the magnitude and duration of EPOC than traditional forms of strength training.[8] All told, you can burn hundreds and hundreds of calories in a properly-executed circuit training workout.
The multi-stage fitness test (MSFT), also known as the beep test, bleep test, PACER test (progressive aerobic cardiovascular endurance run), or the 20m shuttle run test, is a running test used to estimate an athlete's aerobic capacity (VO2 max).
Bariatric surgery (or metabolic surgery or weight loss surgery) is a medical term for surgical procedures used to manage obesity and obesity-related conditions.[1][2] Long term weight loss with bariatric surgery may be achieved through alteration of gut hormones, physical reduction of stomach size, reduction of nutrient absorption, or a combination of these.[2][3] Standard of care procedures include Roux en-Y bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch, from which weight loss is largely achieved by altering gut hormone levels responsible for hunger and satiety, leading to a new hormonal weight set point.[3] Bariatric surgery of various types may influence hedonic hunger[31][32][33] particularly if accompanied by counseling interventions that reduce automatic hedonic impulses.[34] These surgeries may work in part by modifying the production of gastrointestinal hormones, particularly by increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 and peptide YY (PYY);[31][35] reduction of ghrelin has been inconsistent.[31]
Counter Pressing Progressive HULU False 9
Skills: Attack, Power*, Movement*, Skill*, Mental*, Defence*
A false 9, similar to a more advanced attacking midfielder/playmaker role, is an unconventional lone striker or centre-forward, who drops deep into midfield. The purpose of this is that it creates a problem for opposing centre-backs who can either follow the false 9, leaving space behind them for onrushing midfielders, forwards or wingers to exploit, or leaving the false 9 to have time and space to dribble or pick out a pass.
Deep Completions: Deep Completions represent successful passes made within 20 meters of the opposition goal. It indicates a player’s ability to execute accurate and incisive passes in dangerous areas.
12. Carry%: Carry% signifies the percentage of a player’s carries (running with the ball) that were successful. It measures their effectiveness in maintaining ball control and progressing play through dribbling.
13. Deep Progressions: Deep Progressions encompass passes and dribbles/carries into the opposition’s final third. It quantifies a player’s ability to advance the ball effectively into areas close to the opponent’s goal.
14. xGBuildup: xGBuildup is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession leading up to the shot. It focuses on evaluating the possession work and build-up play prior to the end of the attacking sequence.
15. xGChain: xGChain is a model that attributes the expected goals (xG) value of the final shot to all players involved in the entire possession. It captures the contributions of players throughout the possession, considering their involvement in generating goal-scoring opportunities.
16. OBV Metrics: In addition to the aforementioned features, it’s worth exploring the concept of On-Ball Value (OBV) metrics. OBV is a comprehensive framework developed by StatsBomb that evaluates a player’s contributions and effectiveness in possession. It takes into account various factors such as passes, dribbles, shots, and more to provide a holistic assessment of a player’s on-ball performance.
Link-Up Play; You must play with your back to the goal, hold the ball under pressure, and lay it off to advancing teammates. For this, you'll need ball control, strength, and the ability to shield the ball from defenders. Moreover, effective link-up play helps create fluid attacking movement. For hold-up play (plural hold-up plays) (soccer, idiomatic) A play where an attacker retains possession of the ball, while the teammates can move up the field. Push-and-run, also known as a wall pass, a one-two or a give-and-go, is a tactic and skill often used in association football. It involves quickly laying the ball off to a teammate and running past the marking tackler to collect the return pass. It proved an effective way to move the ball at pace, with players' positions and responsibility being fluid.[1] All the definitions agree on just one thing: a progressive action advances the ball somehow. At The Athletic, we count a completed pass as “progressive” if it’s at least 10 metres (11 yards) long and moves the ball at least 25 per cent of the remaining distance to goal.
Current measures:
Expected assists: If we have an expected likelihood for each shot resulting in a goal, we can look back at the pass prior to that shot to see which players played the passes that could have resulted in goals. This is more informative than just looking at assists, but has the limitation of being heavily dependent on the shot-takers being able to get their shot away following the high value pass, and only considers the pass immediately preceding the shot. Any passes that contribute significantly to the buildup prior to that are neglected.
xG chain: This is a logical extension of the expected assist approach. To overcome the limitation of only considering the pass prior to a shot, we can propagate the goalscoring likelihood for each shot back through all the passes in the sequence leading up to it. That way, players frequently involved in plays that result in high quality chances are still rewarded for their contributions. This approach has some benefits, but still assumes the presence of a shot-taker who is able to capitalise on the good buildup to take a high-quality shot. Moreover, this approach can conflate the contribution from teammates. For example, a player that reliably plays easy passes to a key playmaker will generally be highly rewarded by this approach, even if most of the buildup value comes from the playmaker.
Progressive passes: A less shot-centric approach to valuing buildup is to consider the number of passes that bring the ball closer to the opposition goal. These types of approaches typically define some threshold for progression, either number of yards forward or how much closer the ball gets to goal, as a % of starting distance. This allows the separation of players whose passes are mostly safe and cautious from players whose passes disproportionately drive the ball forward towards the opposition goal. This has been used successfully in the past to identify players who progress the ball well, but is still a relatively coarse approach. Fifty yard progressive passes are treated similarly to 15 yard progressive passes, and a 15 yard pass down the wing is treated the same as a 15 yard forward pass into the penalty box.
Packing: None of the other approaches above consider the location of off-ball players. One approach that does take this into consideration is Packing.
Counter-pressing in football is the act of actively pursuing the ball in a coordinated manner with the aim of regaining possession quickly after ball-loss. The upper bound of time the ball must be won back within varies from coach to coach, and thus in execution by different teams. Two player contesting for the ball side by side. they can bump shoulders and run that shoulder into the opponent in an attempt to move the opponent off the ball. it becomes illegal when the arm is raised to push the opponent away or more force than is necessary is used with the shoulder. (Thigh Tug Counter Pressing)
Aggressive Actions: Aggressive actions encompass tackles, pressure events, and fouls recorded within 2 seconds of an opposition player receiving the ball. It assesses a player’s defensive intensity and ability to disrupt the opponent’s play.
9. Counterpressures: Counterpressures indicate the number of pressures exerted by a player within 5 seconds of a turnover. It demonstrates a player’s commitment to regaining possession quickly after losing it.
Signature Move
Sole Forward Roll Placement for Hold Up Play
Front Office with 16 Year Playing Career.
Francesco Totti
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shieldretired · 3 years
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@zimwy​ in response to the mistletoe
                    THE THING MOST PEOPLE DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT STEVE was that he freaking loved Christmas. It wasn’t so much the religious part – although since he was raised catholic, that was important too, with Jesus’ birthday and all that – but his ma making the holiday so very special for him. They didn’t always celebrate on the 25th because there were sick people during Christmas, too, and his mother couldn’t say no to these shifts, but it never mattered. She couldn’t afford a tree; they simply put fir branches into a big bucket and put that on their little, rickety table. Steve was responsible for decorations, of course. He cut stars and angels out of old newspapers and threaded popcorn on a string, and together they lit the candles. If his ma could afford it, they would have a special dinner: buttered squash or sweet potato casserole, sometimes even giblet gravy and plum pudding. No matter how much they struggled, though, she always made at least one batch of caramel sticks for him, and Steve didn’t need any presents if he got those. 
                    He’d tried to make some himself, later, even googled some recipes, but it never tasted right, even if he managed not to burn the sugar (which was easier said than done). And anyway, the magic of Christmas lost some of said magic for him because without his mother, it wasn’t the same. And the whole buy a lot of gifts, hurry, hurry mentality of modern times killed the mood as well. Honestly, the only good thing was Bucky, though Steve was always happy to have his friend around, with or without Christmas (but on Christmas especially, since it helped to keep out the loneliness). 
                    They were meeting at a nice restaurant for lunch – no diner food, but something fancier like roasted turkey and cranberry sauce and fruitcake (or, he guessed, spaghetti if they were in the mood), and Steve got there early because he was actually pretty hungry already. Their booked table was free, but Steve decided to wait near the entrance for Bucky (there was a nice blast of hot air coming from the radiator there), where he got nearly run into by his friend. Lost in thought was a euphemistic excuse, but Steve understood, so he simply made a low ah sound and then brushed some snowflakes off Bucky’s coat (was it starting to snow outside? That would be amazing). 
                    Then, of course, Bucky started to act all strange. “What? What is it?” Steve asked. He followed his friend’s gaze and couldn’t do anything but blink dumbly at the mistletoe above their heads for a second or two. This explained the weird looks he’d gotten from other patrons entering the restaurant; they’d probably thought he was some creep who wanted free kisses, right? Speaking of kisses… Steve’s mouth felt dry all of a sudden, and his heart seemed to skip a beat before it redoubled its pace somewhere in the general area of his throat. “Um, we don’t, you know –– have to.” Even though Steve would like to, he thought. Kisses were nice. Not that he got them regularly. “I mean, I don’t know if there’s, like, supernatural punishment if we don’t do it. Like… with broken mirrors, you know? 7 years of bad luck or something like that.” Which reminded him of how people in France and Germany believed that you'll suffer through seven years of 'bad sex' if you broke eye contact during a toast and okay, alright, that wasn’t relevant right now.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
So, any thoughts on The Green Lama (who unexpectedly became one of my faves), the Pulp Hero who is also a Superhero?
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Much like other pulp heroes of the time, The Green Lama had multiple secret identities and a massive supporting cast aiding him in his quest for justice. Unlike his contemporaries, The Green Lama eschewed guns in favor of radioactive salts, magic, and sleight of hand. He rarely, if ever, killed his enemies. His tales also had an advanced sense of continuity, with characters growing and changing over time, plot points introduced in one story paying off several tales later. The Green Lama is a character of contradictions, driven forward by a faith he is forced to betray. It makes him flawed and imperfect, and in that way, one of the most human of all pulp heroes - The Green Lama: Scions
While not the "only" example of a pulp hero who is a superhero, The Green Lama is arguably the one who leans the most into the superhero aspect out of all the classic 30s pulp heroes that usually get brought up. I would argue that The Green Lama is the most direct answer to the question "what happens when you combine The Shadow and Superman together", considering he was modeled extensively after both in his forays into pulp, radio and comic books, and has also grown into his own character.
He's got the unique skills bordering on superpowers (that eventually became outright superpowers). He's got pretty much The Spectre's costume, except of course he came first. He's an urban costumed crimefighter wh deals with gangsters and criminal masterminds, and yet has an extremely strong stance against killing and carrying guns under any circumstance, even saying they would make him no better than the criminals he fights, which makes him by default the pulp hero that Batman would get along best with. The comics took it way further even turning the “Om Ma-ne Pad-me Hum” chant into a Shazam! transformation cry (Shazam came first, although the two debuted in the same year).
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He's got a suitably punchy and dramatic origin: guy spends 10 years in Tibet and returns to America intend on spreading Buddhism's pacifist doutrine, only to witness the murder of children at the hands of mobsters the literal second he steps off the boat, and after spending restless days in the police station to see if they would find the culprit, he sees the killer walk out of the commissioner's office free, which convinces him he needs to take up crimefighting because the police are useless, and he outright calls the police "incompetent" in a letter to the papers that he uses to introduce himself to the world, which is not something you find often in 30s/40s fiction even if's an implicit part of the pulp hero/superhero fantasy.
He had a stronger sense of continuity than most pulp heroes were usually afforded. He has a lot of the pulp hero stock and trade like the assistants and the pseudo-science and the odd radio gadgets and of course the Orientalism that we'll get into, but remixed in a pretty cool way that allows him to stand out from his inspiration. He's got incredibly weird aspects to him like the fact that he gets enhanced abilities from crystallized salt or even becoming radioactive (which could be interesting to explore considering "radiation" became the go-to origin for superpowers in the 60s). He's got an allright supporting cast and Magga, while ultimately a deus ex machina, is a very interesting addition to it and I wish her mystery was played up more often in subsequent stories past the original run. There's a lot about The Green Lama that really works, he was incredibly successful at the time and he's managed to thrive over the years lot more than most of his contemporaries
Despite all the powers he wielded he felt impotent, nothing more than a rich boy playing the games of gods. He had chosen the path of the Bodhisattva, sacrificing himself for the good of all sentient beings, but even so the weight of responsibility, the lives of so many in his hands, threatened to crush him. It was tempting to turn away, to deny his calling, but the life of a Bodhisattva demanded more; and it was only recently that he had begun to realize how much it truly required.
The main problem with The Green Lama, and by problem I mean "the character works fine for his time but this is seriously holding him back from becoming sustainable again", is the fact that he's a white rich man who fights crime by going as hard into Orientalism tropes as possible, which is inescapably baked into the premise.
Now, I will argue that The Green Lama was, for his time, a progressive character. The Buddhist aspects of his character weren't just backstory fodder or an excuse for his superpowers as they were to pretty much every other character at the time, Jethro was a practicing Buddhist, who fought crime informed by his beliefs, trying to respect them (and not exactly succeeding) and offering a wholly positive perspective of Buddhism. Nowadays, it creates a problem, but at the time, it made the character stand out from every other hero who had "traveled to Tibet" checked out, because Tibet and Buddhism were heavily incorporated into the character. The Lama may have been born merely out of a desire to cash in on The Shadow's newfound radio popularity, but Crossen took it much more seriously than his contemporaries and made it an effort to instill admiration in his readers towards what he was referencing, which he was pulling from books about the subject and the Pali language. Is research the bare minimum? Yes. But it’s a bare minimum that even today’s writers don’t do even having an infinitely bigger wealth of information at their disposal. 
To further cement my point: There's a particular Green Lama comic story called The Four Freedoms, which is about the Lama receiving a letter from a fan in the army who's worried about a racist private who keeps insulting the black privates while crowing about racial superiority, and so the Lama kidnaps the private and takes him on a tour through Germany so he can witness firsthand how his talk aligns with Nazi ideology, even specifically referring to Jim Crow's laws, criticizing how easily Americans fall for racial war rhetoric, and pointing out the idea of racism as a tool of tyrants to divide and conquer. It's not my place to champion this as some great representation and that's not what I'm doing, but if this all seems passe or simplistic or even problematic to you, trust me, this was still the era of Slap-A-Jap Superman, stories like this were absolutely not the norm at the time, even in other stories where superheroes dealt with racial discrimination.
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He even caps off the story by stating that punching or ending Hitler is not the solution (although he lets Jones take a couple of swings) because Hitler is just one part of a much bigger problem that needs to be fought on all of it's forms. It's all very much afterschool special/anti-racism PSA, sure, but it's easier to mock those in our time. You find me a Golden Age superhero comic that shits on Jim Crow specifically while the hero tells the reader that Hitler is not the ultimate evil but merely "a cog in the wheel", part of a problem that's deeply entrenched in America's own shores (really, do, I'm genuinely curious if more of them did anything like this).
Does any part of what I said negates the fact that, at the end of the day, he's still a white man using Orientalism mysticism to fight crime? No, it doesn't. And if Iron Fist can't get away with it, if Dr Strange only just barely does, the Green Lama sure as hell can't. And you cannot downplay those aspects either lest you end up with a completely different character. It's a bit of a conundrum that makes the character tricky to approach from a revival perspective.
I completely agree with what you said here, Green Lama would benefit from a Legacy Hero approach very strongly. And Green Lama: Scions opens up an interesting possibility of Jethro Dumont not being quite what he seems, backed up by the fact that he wore disguise make-up in the original stories:
They had a lot of names for him in the papers—the Verdant Avenger, the Mysterious Man of Strength—but Reynolds had always been partial to “Buddhist Bastard.” No one had ever seen his face or, at the very least, the same face. Seemed like everyone had a different story. The Green Lama was white, he was black, he was asian, he was old, and he was young. You could fill a room of witnesses and no two would describe the same person.
Really I think if you just got rid of that one thing that holds the Lama back the most from catching on in modern times, I think he's the kind of character that lends itself a lot to long-term sustainability. He's already fairly popular as is, definitely an indispensable inclusion of any shared pulp hero or Golden Age superhero universe and definitely one of my favorites among the 30s American pulp heroes. And there’s ways to make the concept more interesting and workable.
Maybe The Green Lama is just a title that's been going on for generations, with Jethro being one of many to fill in. Maybe Magga used to be it, maybe the tulku that instructed Jethro did, maybe there's a new character with it. Maybe Jethro is just an identity used by an Asian-American adventurer to operate safely in the US, or maybe Jethro has a sort of Lamont Cranston arrangement going on. Maybe he's part of the reason why Tibet was the superpower capital of the world in the 30s or 40s, or part of the reason why radiation started granting so many heroes superpowers in the 60s.
The character's skillset has been fairly "anything goes" ever since his author made him a flying superman for the comics, and really he already started out being able to deliver electric shocks through his fingers by guzzling radioactive salts. He's a very weird character, and I will always argue that weird is what works best for the pulp heroes.
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Breach Masterlist
Warnings: non/dubcon sex (series), general angst
This is dark!Winter Soldier/Bucky and explicit. 18+ only.
Note: I was planning a Loki fic for Valentines but that didn’t turn out just yet so I wrote some Breach. Like hullo? Um, yeah, hope you guys enjoy. This series is very special to me and I hope you all enjoy. We’re closer to our end and I am so excited for it.
I won’t demand but do ask for feedback; likes, reblogs, replies, comments, asks, especially on this series, but again, enjoy in your own way! <3 Love you!
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Four years later, somewhere in South America
You giggled as the small feet stomped down beside yours, a paper bag hugged against your chest as you tried to keep the contents inside. Luka’s laughter joined yours as you chased him down the dusty walk to your small house. 
“Wait up,” You called after him. 
He didn’t stop until he reached your front door; splintered wood with faded blue paint. You were out of breath as you caught up and he smiled up at you. 
“You said it was a race!” He said. “I won.”
“Yes, you did,” You said begrudgingly. “So as the winner, you can open the door for your poor old ma.”
You handed him your key and he fumbled to get it in the slot as you waited. He twisted the knob with both hands and opened the door for you. He held it open as you stepped past him. You set your bag down on the table just inside and helped him secure the latch. 
“We better get started on supper,” You chimed. “Your father will be--”
Your voice died as movement drew your eye to the sofa just inside the living room. You neared the doorway and glanced inside as your hand settled on Luka’s shoulder. James leaned against the couch, arms crossed, as he greeted you with his usual straight-lipped expression. The child wriggled free of your grip and ran to hug his father. You frowned.
“What did I tell you about leaving the house?” He ruffled the child’s hair but didn’t pay him much attention.
“You were late,” You accused. “And I didn’t have any bacon for the feijoadas.”
“So we eat late,” He countered. “I don’t want you taking Luka to the market anymore.”
“But… he never goes anywhere. That’s the only--”
“I mean it,” He interrupted. “We… might be leaving here soon.”
“Again?” You asked. 
You didn’t relish another relocation. In your years since your escape, you’d lost count of the small villages; the never-ending journey from hiding spot to hiding spot. The unrelenting paranoia that followed you wherever you went.
“There’s a man at work. New hire,” He explained. He paused and looked down at Luka as he beat at his leg and chanted “dad” at him. He lifted him easily with one arm as he pushed himself away from the sofa. “He follows me. Watches me. He won’t be alone.”
“You think he’s... “
“Even if he’s not, we should start packing.” He said. Luka pulled at his beard and got a grunt out of him. He shook his head as he looked to his son who chuckled at his discomfort. “What do you want, you little punk?”
Luka laughed again as his father cracked half a smile. He may have been cold to you but never with the child. 
“I pet a donkey today.” Luka announced.
“I told you not to,” You intoned. “He must’ve liked your smell.”
“Oh yeah,” James tilted his head.
“Mama said he reminded her of you.” Luka grinned.
“Myshka,” You remonstrated as you turned back to your groceries. “It was a joke.”
James grumbled as you lifted the bag and shook his head at Luka. “A donkey is strong. Resilient.” He carried the child into the living room and sat with him on the couch. “I suppose your mother and I are a pair of donkeys.”
You took the paper bag and retreated to the kitchen. You listened to the low timbre of James’ voice as it was balanced by the higher pitch of Luka’s sing song tone. You started to unpack your goods and pulled out the large beaten pot from beneath the counter.
Despite your itinerant existence, you had a routine and your little family felt like a home. While the man might have been reticent, he kept you safe and treated Luka well. He had helped you learn Spanish, then Portugese, though your English was still lacking. And while he never complained, he rarely said anything more than he felt necessary. 
He was fonder of the child than you, as it should be. It didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. That you didn’t feel displaced beside him. A burden forced upon him by Hydra. Those days followed you; at night mostly. You woke from the dreams, more memories, in a sweat. He did too. You never spoke of it.
The hairs on your neck stood. The front room had gone silent. In the small house, you could hear almost anything. You set aside your spoon and wiped your hands as you neared the wide doorway. Luka was gone, his toys in the middle of the carpet. You stepped through and a shadow appeared beside you.
You turned and shoved away the man’s arm. You jabbed your heel up into his throat and reeled back to aim for his nose. James caught your hand just before you met his face and held you back as he coughed and gripped his neck. It was half a laugh, half a gurgle. 
Luka jumped out from the hallway. “She got you, dad!”
“She did,” James rasped out as he kept hold of your wrist.
“What are you two doing?” You pulled away from him and touched your chest. “You scared me to death!”
“Making sure you’re sharp,” James cleared his throat and continued to rub it. “Stronger than you look.”
“I do as you show me to,” You said as you cradled your hand still in shock. “That was very… mean. I…” You looked at Luka and felt a sob rising. No. You didn’t cry. Not since… “I am too busy for your games.”
You turned and stormed back into the kitchen. You went to the pot and added the beans to the mix. You stirred it as you heard James’ low voice from the next room. You sniffed and fought back the tears as your heart continued to pump loudly in your head. 
To think that Luka could be gone or hurt, even. And James. He might be little more than the stranger you’d met years ago but he was still integral to your fractured world. The last string keeping you together.
“It’s good. The fear,” He said from behind you. You dropped the spoon on the stove and turned to him with your hands on yours hips. “Use it. When you are scared, you use it to hurt your enemy. Make them more afraid than you are.”
“I know. You have said,” You spoke in Russian. You were angry. You couldn’t manage to seethe in Spanish. “That was not right, James.”
He frowned and his blue eyes strayed guiltily. “I had to make sure. You won’t know when they’re coming--”
“Do you think I am stupid?” You hissed. “Hmm? You taught me to fight, I remember. I practice. I play it through in my head every night. I only wish…” You voice crackled and you turned back to your stew. “I only wish I had known how to sooner… long ago…”
“Before…” He began softly. The air grew stifling as silence rose between you. “Me?”
“James,” You breathed and turned to him again. “I did not say…”
“You don’t have to,” He shook his head. “I remember too. I wish the same.” He looked down and his cheek twitched as he clenched his jaw. “I wish you had known… more that I had.”
“I…” You didn’t know what to say. “It was long ago.”
“Yeah,” He nodded and avoided your gaze. “But that doesn’t mean it’s over.”
You swallowed as he turned his back to you. You wanted to call him back, to talk, but you couldn’t think of how to. So you watched him drag his feet to the living room. He pushed his shoulders back as he stood at the doorway and watched Luka play. He broke the threshold and approached his son with a booming voice and your son’s giggles chased away the echoes of your fear. 
They were still there. Still yours.
Luka’s soft snores always calmed you. He slept on the mattress next to you. His warmth was stolid in the thick air. The shutters were closed as they always were. A single broken slat let in the night, though it was not much cooler than the day. 
A whole hour and you weren’t tired. You all slept in that small room. You and Luka took the mattress and James dozed in front of the door on the hard wooden floor. He refused to share the bed.
He had yet to retire for the night. You could hear the buzz of the radio as he sat in the living room. He listened every night; flicking between stations. He was later tonight. You could hear him pacing.
You carefully sat up and moved Luka’s small arm back beside him, careful not to crush it as you shimmied off the bed. He slept like a stone. You stood and kissed his temple in the dark. You looked at him one last time before you neared the door. You listened through the wood. The chair groaned as James sat again.
You turned the knob and pulled it open. You stood in the frame and peered out at him. He looked over at you and his blue eyes flashed. He spun the knob until the radio blipped off. He took a breath. He wore only his dusty jeans and a faded tank top. His metal arm shone stark beside his flesh and his fingers rubbed together nervously. 
“He sleeping?” He asked.
“You couldn’t wake him if you tried,” You stepped out nervously as he waved you over. “You should sleep too.”
“We need to go,” He said tersely.
“You said next week,” You passed him and sat on the corner of the couch, close to him. “It is not enough time.”
“But it’s the time,” He insisted. “It’s over. The wall is coming down. Germany is open, it won’t be long before the curtain falls.”
“Down?” You blinked. “It does not mean…”
“It means this world is changing. It will make us harder to find.” He explained. “It will also allow Hydra a broader reach.”
You nodded and leaned your elbows on your knees as you thought. “Tomorrow?”
“Now, if I could,” He said. “But…” He sighed and tapped his toe on the floor. “Not again. I have a plan.”
You were silent. You knew whatever plan he had, he wouldn’t tell you. He never did. Never told you where you were or where you were going. Just showed you how to hold your fist or hushed you. You hoped he was being honest. That this would be the last time.
You stared at him. He pretended not to notice as he ran his fingers over his thigh and lost himself in his own thoughts. You felt a pang and sat forward as a sudden wave of panic took you. You reached to him without thinking and grabbed his metal arm. He flinched and stared at your hand.
“You leaving us?” You asked.
“N-no?” He appeared genuinely shocked by the suggestion. “No. Never. Not Luka. Not…” He blinked and shied away. “You. I promised to protect you.”
You nodded and rescinded your hand. You let out a breath and sat back. 
“Good, good.” You said to yourself. “We would miss you very much. We would be lost without you.”
“Luka would be okay with you,” James assured.
“Not Luka, us,” You said. “I said we.”
He pressed his lips together and turned his face from you. He was hiding. When he looked back at you, his usual stoic expression hardened his features. You hated that. Hated how he guarded himself so closely. He was like that donkey; stubborn as hell.
“If we are to leave,” You stood slowly. “Then we should sleep. You hear? We? You need to sleep.”
“Alright,” He nodded. “I’ll be in soon.”
“I said sleep,” You repeated. 
His lips parted but he seemed to think better of his response. There was a glimmer in his blue eyes as he looked up at you. He shrugged and pushed himself to his feet. 
“You’re right.” He relented. “And stubborn, hell!”
“Hell, indeed,” You assured him and crossed your arms. “Don’t wake Luka.”
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
friends in various places
AYDTD ‘verse
Summary: Ash and Roger's son had landed the part of Tom Zutaut in the up and coming film The Dirt, where some old family friends are having their lives dissected on screen. Only problem is, the rest of his fellow cast members don't actually know who in the hell he is. Of course, when his sister arrives, it can only mean bad things.
A/N: literally no-one asked for this but i’m cleaning out my drafts. or attempting to.
Tommy greets Barney like an old friend, wrapping him up in a hug, talking about the last time he saw him, he was knee high to a grasshopper. Barney, who does his best to appear smaller than he is, slouching a little as he stands, making him appear to be just a bit shorter than the six-foot-two drummer, gives a slight smile.
“All the guys on ma’s side of the family are giants, apparently, I just grew into it.” He grins a little, and Tommy’s smiling, his eyes lighting up a little at the mention of Barney’s mother, and says Barney sounds so much like her. The tall ginger’s smile is wry as he raises his eyebrows skeptically. “’difference is you can understand me if I mumble.” Barney sounds the way a gently foggy Scottish moor looks; when not acting he speaks with a accented yet calming monotone drawl, which a lot of people don’t realise since he’s so quiet, so a lot of the cast and crew first heard him speak at the read-through, and thought he was American. 
The others who catch a glimpse of this interaction, Colson and Iwan and Douglas, all take a moment; they’ve known Barney because he always seemed to be around, on set, mentioned in passing; it seemed like everyone in the industry, whether they’re in the film or not, had heard of Barney Clarke, but they were never sure why, and they thought it would be confined to film.
Vince, on one of the rare occasions he makes it to set, asks about Barney’s sister. Later, Barney will explain to the other cast members that his sister is a mechanic, and that she sometimes worked in a pit crew for celebrity motor racing events. No-one thinks to question further, they accept it, they think she got the job on Barney’s recommendation; they don’t realise just who he is, just who’s around him. For now, Barney just shrugs a little, says that last he heard she was in Germany ‘for some car thing’.
He gets along with the rest of the cast well enough, he and Daniel taking quite a shine to each other as the others were a little more out there in the day-to-day; Colson because he’s always somehow full of energy, Douglas because he was in character, though Iwan was a bit of a dark horse, who enjoyed being loud as anyone else whilst not in character. 
Barney’s level and calm, and credits boxing as his outlet. For the longest time, it seemed as though nothing got under his skin, that he was just this chill, vaguely Scottish giant. If anyone was looking for a calm moment, with him they’d get it. Much to everyone’s surprise, especially Colson, he hung out a lot in the makeup tent, offering to help while the team of makeup artists covered Colson’s various tattoos. And maybe, yeah, there was a little bit of resentment building - of course, aside from being humble, well connected, and reasonably talented, he also had to be the kindest fucking Samaritan in the world - but then he sees Barney wrap his arms around Mickey, the assistant to the key makeup artist, press a kiss to their cheek before heading to his own trailer. It’s such a soft, intimate gesture. How had he not noticed the wedding band on Mickey’s finger before now? Barney’s willingness to hang around and help the makeup team, of whom his spouse is a part of, makes a lot more sense. 
And yet, it manages to just add to the confusing puzzle of ‘who actually is Barney Clarke?’.
A Running List of Facts The Main Cast of The Dirt Knows About Barney Clarke (a list compiled by Colson, with notes from Iwan, Douglas, and Daniel)
He’s Married - to Mickey Sun, makeup artist and social media personality
He’s Scottish (?) - observation based on his accent
Literally Everyone Seems To Be ‘A Friend Of The Family’ 
He’s Been Acting Since He Was 14 - based on his IMDB page
That’s it. That’s the list.
There was a fifth item, that he was the chillest dude in the world, but that’s scrubbed quickly when they come to film the party and scenes around Razzle’s death.
“What in the fuck are you doing here?” His natural accent comes in thicker, surprising the rest of them, when they get to set and see a beautiful, red car sitting on the curb outside the mansion they’re filming in, and a little blonde sitting on the hood of the car with a smile sharp as knives.
“I’ve got a car for you to crash,” and the woman sitting on the car sounds like him, accent, similar cadence even, and she hops off, stands with her hip cocked and arms crossed, looking over the rest of the cast, “actually, I had the shell of the model they needed rusting in my backyard, so I promised to paint it up right and fix it to the body of a far more expendable car, ‘s long as I got a trip to the states out of it.”
Barney looks like he’s quickly forming a headache.
The woman, tiny and pretty and wearing grease-stained jeans, introduces herself as Astrid, and when asked how she knows Barney, she raises her eyebrows with disbelief. Barney pinches the bridge of his nose.
“He’s my baby brother,” she says, grinning. 
They look almost nothing alike. With almost a foot of height difference between them, it’s jarring to think that Astrid’s the older one, but seeing them interact over the two weeks they’re together on set, it begins to make it’s own kind of sense. Astrid is the complete opposite to Barney in almost every way, apart from the fact that, like her brother, she was seemingly unflappable. She’s a smooth-talking, outrageous flirt who oozes casual confidence, and it seems the only thing she liked more than whiskey, neat, was driving fast.
“Hey, a friend of mine owes me a favour down at EXR,” Astrid’s grown very fond of Colson, and when the first week’s up, and they have a day off, she can’t help but want to share her favourite LA experience with him, “wanna go drive supercars?”
“Fucking absolutely.”
They drive a few hours into the desert until they get to the track, and the owner of the course, of EXR, Exotic Racing, greets Astrid with a kiss on both cheeks, and calls her Trid.
“Oh dude, oh fuck, you’re- fuckin’ MGK, shit Trid, you could have warned me,” the owner flusters for a moment, and Astrid gives a half-smile.
“Come on, Luca, it’s not a big deal,” Astrid tries to calm him down, and Luca sighs, before handing her a set of keys. Astrid and Colson head for the pits where a lineup of shiny cars are waiting, and Colson’s still reeling a little. The whole track is clear, closed so they’re the only ones around. 
“What did you have to do to get this whole place to yourself?” He asks, and Astrid tosses him the keys, climbing into the passenger seat of a sleek, black Ferrari.
“I work pit for free a few times a year.” Is all she tells him.
Colson isn’t a slow driver, not by a long shot, and Astrid seems content with him by the wheel, speeding down the straight with his foot on the floor, cutting corners close, and Astrid plugs in her phone to the aux cord and plays rock and roll so loud he can hear it hammer in his heart.
When they’ve done a few laps, Colson offers her a turn behind the wheel, and there’s a fire in her eyes that’s both terrifying and awe inspiring. They start of slow enough, two thirds of the speed he’d been going, but after a lap, she speeds up, her grip going white-knuckled on the wheel as she takes hairpin turns going 60mph, drifting around corners with such ease and efficiency without losing momentum, almost getting air off of the hill that leads into the final straight of the track. She drives like she doesn’t fear death.
This is the day Colson learns that Barney’s oldest sister is a professional stunt driver, as well as being a mechanic and general nuisance. 
And she’s fucking awesome.
“She’s magic,” Luca tells Colson as they watch Astrid do a few laps on her own. She’s even faster now, without a passenger to worry about, making it look easy as she goes around fast enough to stir a breeze each time she goes past.
“She drives like a maniac,” Colson laughs, and Luca hums with agreement, chuckling. When she stops beside them, the tires squeal against the tarmac, and her smile is breathless when she steps from the car, offering the keys enticingly, asking Colson if he wants another go around. He accepts, hopping into the drivers seat as Astrid heads to the bathroom.
When they get back on set the following day, Barney looks like he’s bitten a lemon the moment he sees Colson step out of Astrid’s fancy, iridescent teal car. 
“You’re doing it again,” Barney warned her, and Astrid gives him a blithe smile.
“No idea what you’re on about -”
“Leave Daniel out of it,” he’s quietly almost begging her now, and Astrid’s smile turns sharp, “Astrid you are the devil,” he tells her, feelingly, as he watches her wave to Daniel, who was mooning over the car with the rest of the cast. They both see him mouth ‘she’s cool as hell’ and Barney knows he’s already lost.
Colson catches on first, the way Astrid seems to get under her brother’s skin without even trying, around the time she’s grabbing lunch with Daniel and Iwan a few afternoons later. 
“Astrid,” Barney starts after a long moment taken to order his thoughts, “has chosen to model her life after Horace fucking Slughorn,” he seethes, and Colson’s confused for a moment before it clicks.
“From Harry Potter? The dude from the sixth one, right?”
“Right,” Barney sighs, and Colson quietly marvels at the fact that it’s the most he’s ever heard the ginger speak, “she collects the people I work with that she likes; it’s easy because she’s...” and he sighs like he’s terribly put upon, “actually really cool. Much cooler than I am, unfortunately.”
“She steals your friends?” Colson’s not quite sure if he should laugh, it all sounds a little childish, but Barney seems deeply troubled by it.
“No...” Barney muses after a moment of deliberation, “not exactly,” he amends, “she is the most supportive person I know, and I really do love her dearly, that’s not the issue, it’s that... well, she’s better at keeping in contact with people, despite only being on the peripheries of the industry.”
“Does it really bother you?”
“Yes!” Barney, surprisingly, explodes at the question, eyes going wide, throwing his hands into the air; it’s the most agitated and animated Colson’s ever seen him, “she’s so insufferably smug.” 
“You know you’re like... fuckin’ cool as shit, dude, right?” Colson admits with a half laugh, and Barney’s expression softens to something grateful, “I watched you in theaters dude, fucking big screen, man, X-Men’s not something to sneeze at.” He assured him, clapping a hand on Barney’s shoulder, who perked up considerably. 
It’s more of an insight into Barney’s character than anyone else had gotten during the entirety of filming, though Colson thought it would be best to keep this particular set of revelations to himself; Barney’s familial insecurities weren’t anyone else’s business. Much to his surprise, however, the following day, while covering his tattoos, Mickey brings it up.
“Barn really appreciates what you said to him,” they tell him, dabbing foundation on his chest, and Colson blinks a few times before he remembers.
“Oh, no big deal; you guys are married, right? Mickey Sun?”
“Michelangelo Sun-Taylor,” Mickey says, pausing and giving a sharp smile, to which Colson nods, and tries not to look as winded by the name as he feels. Sun-Taylor. Huh. How does that fit into the equation that is Barney Clarke? But he’s not given enough time to ponder that before Mickey’s working again. 
“I hear you’re being headhunted by Astrid,” they add, and Colson can’t help his slight smile and nod. Mickey makes a noise of understanding, “of course you are; she’s a fan of pretty blonde boys.” 
“She’d be the most envied woman in Hollywood if anyone knew her name,” they added, and Colson frowns a little at that, a little confused.
“Is it a status thing?” Is she using me? Is what he wants to ask, which Mickey seems to get easily, shaking their head.
“She genuinely cares for her friends; she’s a shit-stirrer, but she’s seen every movie Barney’s been in more than ten times, and she’s always willing to lend a hand - if you need a mechanic, call her, seriously; the thing is that she attracts pretty blonde boys who like cars and hot girls, and by the time they realise, she’s already solidified herself as a good friend.”
“Well, it’s not my place, but she’ll tell you when she’s ready.” Mickey tells him earnestly, “lift your arm, please?”
Colson finds himself spending more time with Barney, dwelling. Barney won’t tell him either, insists it’s only Astrid’s place, which Colson respects, but he won’t bug her about it; he’s happy enough speculating.
“She has a kid?”
“Nope, that’s my other sister -”
“Other?” A tantalizing piece of new information about this man who’s slowly becoming less of an enigma.
“Cait, you’d love her, she can get wild -”
“More wild than Trid?”
“Not anymore,” Barney pauses, giving a half smile, looking over at where Colson is watching Astrid and Tommy argue animatedly about something, “Trid?” Colson shrugs, “she’ll tell you soon.”
“Can we meet your other sister?”
“If you want to,” Barney shrugs, offhandedly, “I think she’s in New York now with her partner, but I’m sure she’d be happy to fly in.”
“Is Trid married?” Colson asks, squinting, and Barney laughs in his face.
She tells him by the end of the day, mostly because his curiosity got the better of him.
“I’m gay; it’s not a secret,” she seems confused, and Colson frowns, though it does make a lot of sense, “I dated Cara Delevingne, does no-one remember that?”
“Fuck, man, I knew I knew you from somewhere,” Colson nods sagely, and Astrid snorts a laugh.
“It’s noble of Barn and Micks to not out me, but like, I’m kissing girls on tabloid covers, it’s not news,” she paused, shrugging, “I dunno, guys seem to be distracted by the, ah,” she gestures awkwardly to herself, and then to her car, “to see the kind of obvious signs.”
“You hitting on Leven wasn’t a bit?” Colson said with a half smile, and Astrid grinning.
“If you caught that, I’m not sure how it took you so long.”
“Cards on the table,” Colson raised his hands in mock surrender, “I was kind of distracted by the -” and he gestured to both her and the car, mirroring her from just moments ago, getting her to laugh. The tension broke, and they went to get dinner. Knowing what he knows now, it’s easy to be friends with Astrid; she ends up being a good wingman, apart from that time she accidentally went home with the girl Colson had been chatting up, and she’s got expensive taste in booze, which he appreciates. 
And he realises too late that he has no idea what to expect of their other sibling.
Cait is both the middle child, and seems like a strange middle-ground between her two siblings, at 5′7 and with the air of someone much wiser than her years. The moment she spots Astrid and Barney on set with the rest of the cast, eating lunch, she calls out.
“Ay-oh!” It’s a strangely familiar, and without missing a beat, both Barney and Astrid call back in the exact same manner, beaming, much to the bemusement of the rest of the cast. After a round of hugs, greetings, and introductions, and the strange realization that the siblings, despite not looking too much alike, all sound eerily similar, Cait sits herself with them all.
“Ben sends you and Joe his love,” Astrid adds, and Cait grins, thanking her for the message. Barney glowers into his pizza, “cheer up Barn, he sends you his love as well,” she pauses, grin all teeth, “Lucas does too.”
“He was my damn co-star, Astrid,” Barney huffs, “we still talk.”
“I know, I’m just teasing,” she offers, and Barney rolls his eyes.
“The collection of hot blonde dudes?” Colson asks bluntly, to which Douglas snorted water out through his nose, and Astrid turned scarlet.
“I do not-”
“Trid,” Cait said, giving her an exasperated look.
“I know you from somewhere,” Douglas mused, finally getting a good look at Cait, who just smiled blithely back.
“Ben Hardy and Lucas Till,” Barney fills in for the rest, who just seem to grow more confused, “so yes, part of Astrid’s harem of pretty boys.”
“They’re my friends, it’s not a damn harem - you’re an asshole, Barn,” Astrid glowered.
“I learned from the best,” Barney countered with smugly, and Astrid rolled her eyes. 
“Is that little Caity?” Came a call, and Cait stood abruptly to greet Tommy Lee with a bear hug. “You’re gotten so big, fuck, kiddo, I can’t believe you’re running Queen’s socials; you’ve been killing it from what I’ve seen.”
“Okay, seriously, who in the fuck are you people?” Daniel finally snapped, and Tommy blinked at him a few times, stepping back from Cait, casting a confused look between the three siblings.
“Did you not tell them?” Cait asked, eyes wide, and Barney scowled, though Astrid answered.
“Of course he didn’t,” she rolled her eyes, before turning on Douglas and Iwan, “you two ‘ve probably worked with our mum before; Rocket Taylor.”
Like a switch had been flipped, both Iwan and Douglas’s expression lit up, and behind them, Tommy turned a little pink around the ears. A chorus of ‘no way, holy shit’ rang out, and Cait nodded, while Barney hung his head. After a beat, however, Tommy stepped forward.
“You kids always downplay your dad like he’s not the drummer for Queen,” he adds, and the whole table explodes with shouting at that, highlights of which include Astrid’s ‘he’s a dork, Thomas!’ Cait’s ‘I was getting to that in a moment!’ and Barney’s ‘I’m excommunicating myself’ amid the cast’s sudden delight.
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How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
Tumblr as a community has evolved, for better and for worse, due to the management changes and core features the website has experienced over the span of the past decade. From its foundations, Tumblr has catered to those who are “increasingly moored from the cultural mainstream” (Neagle, 2017, pp.11). As a combined result of both platform mechanics and the platform’s “alternative” audience, Tumblr users have garnered infamy for their attachments to “fandoms”  as well as their homogenous “extrême-gauche” political views. 
In 2007, Tumblr was founded by David Karp with the intention of it being a “tumblelogging/microblogging” platform as no others shone at this time (Rioja, 2020). Originally, this attracted artists, writers and various bloggers into the community of Tumblr. Due to its niche, non-commercialised, and NSFW-friendly nature, Tumblr also garnered a lot of attention from “alternative” users, or users that did not quite fit in with the mainstream community of platforms such as Twitter or Facebook and desired a more “liberating” platform. As Tumblr began to integrate “popular tags” and “recommended blogs to follow” on their interface, subcultures began to sprout, alongside passionate users with various interests to share in those communities. This is how subculture and “fandom” behaviour thrived on Tumblr more so than other social media platforms. Fans of certain books, video games, anime, LGBTQ+ people, etc. have all flourished from these features. 
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How Tumblr typically looked around its peak popularity (around 2012-2013.) Source: https://bookendeavors.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/getting-tumblr-a-beginners-guide/
Political opinion and intrinsic values are extremely homogenous within Tumblr, which is the result of a couple of the website’s characteristics:
The marginalised youth  are the most vocal and common user on the website (Cho, 2015a; Renninger, 2015; Thelandersson, 2013; Warfield, 2016), whom of which will support their fellow “mutuals”; and
The plethora of features Tumblr has that encourages anonymity meant that users could,without consequence, attack or threaten vocal users with conflicting opinions to theirs.
With anonymous “asks” integrated as a feature, fandom personas (i.e. character roleplay tumblr accounts are a popular subseries of blog-genre) were gratified (Renninger, 2015), and the reblog feature was limitless in content’s spread, Tumblr granted its users a double edged sword: though it was ultimately freeing to sever a user’s ties from a professional or physical appearance, it could also prove to have vicious and hostile potential (example here and here). Those who held conflicting opinions to a sub-community’s norms would be either shunned or inclined to remain silent. These factors moulded Tumblr to have its infamous “panopticon” culture, where a Tumblr user grows accustomed to policing themselves in fear of an offended observer publicly shaming them. (Neagle, 2017, pp.12) (McMullan, 2015). 
Tumblr’s website is largely at war with its own community as the platform fades into obscurity. As website ownership flung from independence to a multitude of corporations, Tumblr saw the need to adapt to a more advertiser-friendly landscape. Because of Tumblr’s frequented polarising and NSFW content, the website created a distaste for brands to advertise and thus the website favoured the profit potential of Tumblr having more of a “family-friendly” attitude, choosing money over their loyal customer base by censoring NSFW content entirely. This action, in accordance with various unpolished features over the years, resulted in the general Tumblr community to detest the platform (seen here and here) and its ownership as no recent update is seen to favour the user, only the investors. A renaissance of inside-joke memes regarding the website’s fallacy erupted (examples here, here and here) as the community withered.
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Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/af9rwu/oc_a_year_of_tumblr_activity_before_and_after_the/
Once independent and NSFW-friendly, Tumblr had matured from their fundamental nature in the hopes of granting advertiser favour. Though as website traffic dimished (NSFW being a key contributor to Tumblr’s popularity), so too did the attraction of the website as a profitable digital billboard (Fiegerman, 2017). As Tumblr becomes less and less popular, many of its users migrate to more cooperative platforms (e.g. writers to Twitter, aesthetic blogs to Instagram).Those that remain cling solely to the unique community Tumblr fostered rather than the potential the website has for self-expression.
Cho, A. (2015). Queer reverb: Tumblr, affect, time. In K. Hillis, S. Paasonen, & M. Petit (Eds.), Networked affect (p. 57). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Fiegerman, Seth (2016). "Yahoo 'screws it up,' writes down $482 million of Tumblr". CNNMoney. 
Keller, J. (2019), “Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms, Social Media + Society Volume: 5 issue: 3.
Liao, Shannon (2019). "After the porn ban, Tumblr users have ditched the platform as promised". The Verge. 
Nagle, A (2017), Kill All Normies : Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And The Alt-Right, John Hunt Publishing, Ropley.
Renninger, B. (2015). “Where I can be myself. . . what I can speak my mind”: Networked counterpublics in a polymedia environment. New Media & Society, 17, 1513–1529. 
Thelandersson, F. (2013). Tumblr feminism: Third-wave subjectivities in practice (Unpublished MA dissertation). New York University, New York.
Warfield, K. (2016). Reblogging someone’s selfies is seen as a really nice thing to do: Spatiality and emplacement within non-dominant platform vernacular on Tumblr. Paper presented at the Association of Internet Researchers Conference, Berlin, Germany.
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