xiapet · 1 year
Just posted a review of my new lovely ring from Maamade Accessories. Please check it out on my website! https://mahouqueen.wordpress.com/2023/05/03/maamade-jewelry-review/
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dragoneyes618 · 3 months
When an air raid siren goes off in Rechovot, I’m a front-row witness to the purest ahavas chinam.
The IDF has vastly depleted the stockpiles of Hamas rockets intended for our people, and after weeks of living on high alert, we’ve been able to pick up kids, do errands, and go jogging without automatically scanning for the closest shelter. So on that chilly gray January Monday, I’m caught flat-footed.
I’ve just finished my start-of-the-week errands and am heading home with all six of my kids in my Honda Odyssey. As we pass our babysitter’s house, the familiar wail of the air raid siren begins to rise and fall.
The next few minutes are among the most terrifying of my life.
It takes 90 seconds for missiles to reach us from Gaza. When we’re in our apartment and need to run to our in-home bomb shelter, that’s usually enough time. On the street, seat-belted in a car, with one adult and six kids ages one to twelve — it’s not.
My adrenaline kicks in, and despite my terror, I calmly tell my kids, “We’re fine, it’s all fine, yes, it’s an air raid siren, but we’re going to pull over and run to Morah Rivka’s  building, she has a maamad.”
With trembling hands, I pull into a parking space, bumping the curb in the process, and open all the car doors. My resilient Israeli children spring into action. My twelve-year-old son scoops up my one-year-old daughter from her car seat, while my ten-year-old unbuckles my three-year-old.
As I run around the car to close the doors, they begin running across the street with my eight-year-old son. My baby and toddler are calm — it’s nice to be too young to understand danger — but my five-year-old daughter is sobbing with terror. I leave at least one door open (and my wallet and phone behind) and run with my kids, grabbing my five-year-old’s hand and taking my three-year-old away from my daughter who is struggling to hold a child half her height.
That’s when I hear her. From behind me, someone is running, asking if I need help. I don’t have time to process. In my still-awkward Hebrew, I tell her we’re fine, I’m taking them to someone’s apartment.
“You know where to go?”
She runs with us.
We reach the building entrance as the first missile explodes in the sky overhead. I realize that I couldn’t knock on the babysitter’s door and make her leave her safe room, so I tell my kids to go up one flight and take shelter in the stairwell. We are safe — or as safe as we could be with missiles overhead. I count my kids, sink onto the landing, and pull a few of them onto my lap.
The young woman is still with us. She’s maybe in her early twenties, olive-skinned, with a long, curly ponytail. She’s panting from the run. I’m too discombobulated to take in more details than that. After I catch my breath, though, I try to understand what had happened.
“I saw you from my window so I came down to help you,” she explains.
She heard the sirens warning of incoming rockets. She was safely inside her home, but happened to glance out the window. And saw a woman with little kids stuck outside. So she ran out of her home, out of safety, to help save strangers.
I’m still too confused and disoriented, trying to catch my breath and comfort my kids, to fully process what she has said, who she is, what she’d done.
We hunker down on the speckled tiles of the stairwell and counted down the ten minutes until the danger of shrapnel passes. I murmur to my kids and try to clean the chocolate hamantaschen crumbs off my baby’s face — we’d just stopped at the bakery.
The young woman leaves the building before I’m comfortable heading out. She wishes me well, and I reach out and touch her shoulder, thank her again. And then she’s gone.
It’s only after I finally stop shaking, when we’re home again (my wallet and phone were safe in the open-door car) and everyone is inside, that I can fully process what had just happened. That’s when my ten-year-old says, “Ma, you know, she had no shoes, she was only wearing stockings.”
I hadn’t even noticed.
What kind of person does that as an automatic response? A young woman, maybe just home from work, races out of her safe room, doesn’t pause to grab shoes, pounds down a city pavement with broken glass and rocks, to help strangers reach safety.
Hashem, I see why You love us. “Even the simplest among you have merits as numerous as a pomegranate’s seeds (Eiruvin19a).” What a gorgeous people You chose.
I keep an eye out for this young woman every time I pick up my baby from the babysitter. I want to properly thank her. I want to tell her that her ahavas chinam is what will bring this war to an end. It’s what will bring Mashiach.
I haven’t seen her yet. But every time I tell this story, her stockinged feet bring me to tears.
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kawaiibuns · 1 year
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Ring from Maamade Accessories
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avdesignstudio · 4 years
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israel-jewish-news · 7 years
Accumulated Blessings
New Post has been published on http://hamodia.com/2017/10/02/accumulated-blessings/
Accumulated Blessings
“And this is the blessing that Moshe Ish HaElokim blessed the children of Israel before his death.” (Devarim 33:1)
The words of the Torah here require comment. What does it mean to say, “before his death?” Surely, it was before his death, for how could Moshe have blessed them after his death?
Rashi says: “Just before his death; for if not now, when?”
Just as Yaakov had blessed his children just before his death, so too Moshe. That explains the conjunctive vav, “And this is the blessing” — which connects Moshe’s blessing to that of Yaakov.
For this is the most opportune time. When the tzaddik is about to depart this world, as the materiality of the body loses its grip and the partition between him and pure spirituality dissolves; there is access to a clarity of vision that could not be attained anytime before this. This is the time when his blessing for his children can have the greatest effect.
The Torah informs us that Moshe lost none of his physical strength even at the end of his 120th year. But here it reveals that in his last moments he even surpassed the spiritual heights he had reached in years past. Greater than Krias Yam Suf, greater than Maamad Har Sinai.
That is the meaning of the Midrash which says that Moshe ascended the thirteen steps of Har Nevo in one stride. He attained in one motion all the thirteen attributes of Hashem. Thus, the Torah attests at this particular juncture, and not before, that Moshe was Ish HaElokim. (Aderes Eliyahu, cited in Rav Dov Eliach, Chumash HaGra).
Moshe knew that he was soon would be niftar, and without entering the Land of Israel. He also knew that it was because of the sin of Mai Meriva, where he and Aharon were held responsible for failing to sanctify the name of Hashem, for striking the rock instead of only speaking to it to extract water. But he also knew that Klal Yisrael had brought this about, had sought to test them, to see if they really could get water from a rock. They tried Moshe’s patience, until he finally rebuked them with “Hear, you rebellious ones!…’
We might understand if Moshe had felt some resentment toward them. Any ordinary person would. Yet, he held nothing back. He blessed the nation with all his might. And when the time came, he leapt up the mountain to his death, even though he knew that he would never set foot in the land, and would be buried outside it. If that was the will of Hashem, so be it; Moshe wanted nothing else.
Thus, the previous parashah ends with “there you shall not go.” Nonetheless, “it is followed immediately by, “And this is the blessing…” The painful disappointment of not going into Eretz Yisrael did not hinder the blessing in the least (Harav Zalman Sorotzkin, zt”l, Oznaim L’Torah). In this sense, too, Moshe was Ish HaElokim.
The time was opportune from the point of view of Klal Yisrael as well.
The subsequent pessukim describe the virtues of Klal Yisrael which made them worthy of Moshe’s blessing: Hashem miSini ba…as recipients of the Torah at Sinai, that they accepted the Torah when the other nations had refused it, that they accepted it even though it be aish dos, a fiery law, one that can burn those who are not careful; the merit of the Avos (af chovev amim); their declaration of naaseh v’nishma (Torah tziva lanu Moshe); and their acceptance of Hashem as their king (vayehi b’Yeshurun melech) (Don Yitzchak Abarbanel).
The second part of Rashi’s comment — “For if not now, when?” — is also puzzling. It suggests that Moshe might have preferred to wait, but that he could not, for there would be no other time to give his blessing.
Why should he want to wait? For what would he wait?
The answer is that a blessing can only be as great as the recipient’s capacity to be blessed. And the greater the recipient, the greater the blessing can be.
Klal Yisrael at that time, as they prepared to enter the Land after forty years in the wilderness and all the miracles they had seen, were still growing spiritually. As the passuk says, “And He didn’t give you a heart to know until this day.” Their ability to know, to absorb the wisdom of the Torah and contain the blessing of Hashem was greater now than at any previous time.
Therefore, Moshe would have waited longer if he could, for a moment when the people would be even more capable of receiving blessing. For the moment of greatest potential. But time had run out. If not now, when?
And since the Torah and its blessings are eternal, these blessings pertain to every generation, including our own. Moshe Rabbeinu gives his blessing to Klal Yisrael just before his death, to that generation and all generations thereafter.
This explains why it is that we complete the year’s Torah reading at Simchas Torah, rather than the end of the year, before Rosh Hashanah. We delay the reading of Zos Habrachah, so that when we stand to receive the blessings of Moshe Rabbeinu it will be with all the accumulated merits of the Torah, teshuvah and maasim tovim of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkos. The reading is delayed to allow for the moment of greatest potential (Shem Mishmuel, Zos Habrachah).
But it cannot be delayed any longer. For if not now, when?
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avdesignstudio · 4 years
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avdesignstudio · 4 years
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avdesignstudio · 4 years
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THE X is here!
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD - Large - Marble - Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder 
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it. 
> Collection: Corian Marble 
> Color: White Cream 
> Eco-product 100% recycled 
> Size: 45 cm 
> Weight: ~600 g 
> Certificate: Green Product Certified 
> Comes with two pens and four photo holders 
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore. 
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty. 
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe 
> Our products are shipped in a protective packing 
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD - Large - White - Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it.
> Collection: White
> Color: White
> Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 45 cm
> Weight: ~600 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Comes with two pens and four photo holders
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD – Gray - Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it.
> Collection: Gray
> Color: Gray
> Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 25 cm
> Weight: ~330 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Comes with a pen and two photo holders
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
> Our products are shipped in a protective packing
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD - Large - White Cream- Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it.
> Collection: White
> Color: White Cream
> Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 45 cm
> Weight: ~600 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Comes with two pens and four photo holders
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
> Our products are shipped in a protective packing
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD – Black – Night of stars - Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and recycle it. > Collection: Black > Color: Night of Stars > Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 25 cm
> Weight: ~330 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD – White - Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it.
> Collection: White
> Color: White
> Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 25 cm
> Weight: ~330 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Comes with a pen and two photo holders
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
> Our products are shipped in a protective packing
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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Meet Our Products - MAAMAD - Light Blue - Marble - Photo and Pen Holder
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it.
> Collection: Blue
> Color: Light Blue
> Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 25 cm
> Weight: ~330 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Comes with a pen and two photo holders
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
> Our products are shipped in a protective packing
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avdesignstudio · 7 years
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MAAMAD – White Cream - Marble - Photo and Pen Holder 
MAAMAD – Desk/Shelf Card Photo and Pen Holder
> Made in a unique in-house process where we take used Corian and renew it.
> Collection: White
> Color: Cream
> Eco-product 100% recycled
> Size: 25 cm
> Weight: ~330 g
> Certificate: Green Product Certified
> Comes with a pen and two photo holders
> Handmade from Corian which is the brand name for a solid surface material created by E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company (DuPont). Its primary use is as a countertop/benchtop surface, though it has many other applications. It is composed of acrylic polymer and alumina trihydrate (ATH), a material derived from bauxite ore.
> Corian as the original solid surface material. Created to last a lifetime it is a unique blend of minerals and acrylic which creates a stone-hard surface that can be shaped to meet any design or dimension.It is also an advanced composite of natural minerals and pure acrylic polymer and is backed by DuPont™ with a 10 year Limited Installed Warranty.
> Corian has many features like: High Resilience, Temperature Resistance, Consistency, Versatility, Hygienic, Longevity, Environmentally friendly and is Safe
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