actual-haise · 17 days
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That new Machinist skill looks familiar
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prudentfolly · 7 months
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-- go with grace.
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zetrystan · 2 years
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Can't sleep, so I sketched some skills I would want Machinists in FinalFantasyXIV to have. MORE. GUNS.
Defibrillator as a revive (that makes you lose some damage burst, but can help in a pinch if the healer died). Sniper as a cool but slow skill, to force you to take advantage of your speed (run to a safe place, shoot, then flee). Rocket launcher for EXPLOSIONS (I hate auto crossbow, it doesn't fit machinist at all).  And Flare Signal to finally give machinists a team support. Help everyone with their burst of damage! But you need to get close to everyone to give them that (so you run closer, then leave).
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thanatosaria · 3 months
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black velvet, if you please 🖤
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catnipfarm · 1 year
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machinists but hit with the animal crossing-ification beam
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pistols-and-sickles · 5 months
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Decembhyur Day 31 - Heroic
It isn't always, but sometimes being a hero can look pretty damn cool.
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magicalphi · 2 months
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Machinist is pretty fun, actually
Turns out the Weathered Gunslinger's gearset goes really well with the Alexandrian Metal Cannon if you dye it Gunmetal Black. Now it's all primarily black with red accents. Love it!
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maniamch · 7 months
Μου λείπει να νιώσω ένα έντονο συναίσθημα.
Αυτόν τον κόμπο στο στομάχι όταν κοιτάς τον άλλο να γελάει.
Αυτή την ζάλη όταν σε πλησιάζει αργά και σε φιλάει.
Τα πυροτεχνήματα όταν κάνετε σεξ.
Έναν άνθρωπο που να είναι το σπιτι σου.
Έναν άνθρωπο που νιώθεις ασφάλεια.
Έναν άνθρωπο που είναι εκεί να γεμίζει με «γκλίτερ» τις σκοτεινές σου μέρες.
Έναν άνθρωπο που αγαπάει τις πληγές σου και τις προσέχει, μέχρι να βρεις την δύναμη να τις επουλώσεις.
Έχω βαρεθεί τα χλιαρά πράγματα.
Χλιαρά αστεία.
Χλιαρό φαγητό.
Χλιαρή δουλεια.
Χλιαρές αγκαλιές.
Χλιαρό σεξ.
Χλιαρά αισθήματα.
Χλιαρά όνειρα.
Χλιαρή ζωή.
Έχω βαρεθεί να μην αισθάνομαι.
Σίγουρα, περισσότερο έχω βαρεθεί το να απογοητεύομαι.
Γιατί ο κόσμος σταμάτησε να αισθάνεται;
Γιατί σταματήσαμε να δίνουμε το είναι μας;
Γιατί σταματήσαμε να είμαστε αφοσιωμένοι;
Αφοσιωμένοι στους στόχους μας.
Αφοσιωμένοι σε αυτο που αγαπάμε.
Αφοσιωμένοι στους φίλους μας.
Αφοσιωμένοι στον άνθρωπο που μας ανεβάζει τους παλμούς.
Αφοσιωμένοι στα όνειρα μας.
Γιατί τα εφήμερα εχουν κατακλύσει το σύμπαν;
Εφήμερη δουλεια.
Εφήμερες συνήθειες.
Εφήμερες παρέες.
Εφήμερα αισθήματα.
Εφήμερα όνειρα.
Εφήμερη ζωή.
Γιατί όλα γίνανε εντελώς μια «εικόνα»;
Ένα βράδυ.
Μια ψεύτικη στιγμή.
Μια φοτοσοπαρισμενη φωτογραφία στα social.
Ένα διαβάστηκε.
Ένα like.
Ένα πήδημα σε κάποιες τουαλέτες.
Ένα sexting με δυο καλότραβηγμένες φωτογραφίες.
Σίγουρα δεν είναι η ζωή που ονειρευόμουν όταν ήμουν μικρή.
Σίγουρα στα 10 και στα 12 που έμπαινα στην εφηβεία, δεν φανταζόμουν αυτά τα ανιαρά πράγματα για τα 25 μου.
Και είμαι σίγουρη ούτε κι εσύ!
Μήπως να το αλλάξουμε;
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wine-dark-soup · 2 years
Machinist and Red mage and why it's not the same thing
Reading the title of this post, you probably thought: "well yeah, one is a bloke who uses guns and the other is a literal mage who studied the blade, of course they're different, what do you mean"
WELL, thank you for asking, imaginary reader in my head!
If you play both jobs like me you probably noticed they work on the same basis: to effectively attack your opponent, your own aether must be converted into a new energy that can be infused into your bullets/sword. I first stopped my train of thoughts here, thinking "well it's the same principle so yeah they are similar and if you like one more than the other it's just a question of aesthetic".
I was wrong, of course.
Yes, they both require you to use your own aether. Yes, they both convert it into something new. The difference resides in the duration of this aether's availability.
Machinists carry an aetherotransformer, which is a technological contraption mixing magitek and traditional craftmanship. its main use, once it has converted your aether into lightning energy, is to store it. You can keep it for as long as you want. it's available when you need it. it's even visible in gameplay: if you don't use that stored energy, the hypercharge icon will always indicate it is ready to be used, and will never vanish. if you don't summon your rook autoturret the battery gauge will remain full for as long as you want.
On the other hand, red mages don't rely on anything technological to master red magic. they are their own mana vessel. they can't store the mana they have created from their aether because they have to constantly keep the balance between white and black mana - and this balance can't last: they have to release it all when they can, in the form of powerful spells and melee attacks, because there is a limit to the amount of magic one can hold, and there is a limit to the time one can maintain that equilibrium. It's also visible in gameplay: dualcast, verstone and verfire, even when available, do not last: you have 20 seconds to cast them or you miss your chance to make a sick combo.
I'd say it's even visible in their animations: the MCH can jump everywhere and move in all directions because they don't have to focus on their inner aether balance all the time. they are free to move as they want which makes them terrible mobile foes, although they are not the most powerful; for it takes time to store enough aether in the aetherotransformer before it's ready to deliver a devastating blow. in short, the aetherotransformer does the work for them.
The RDM is mobile, compared to other magical DPS classes, don't get me wrong, but still: casting their spells forces them to stop moving, contrarily to the MCH who can shoot bullets while running. that being said, they are mobile because they have to keep channeling those spells at high speed, or that would break their mana balance. their /drawweapon animation is a solid proof of this: they have to hold their sword and their little focus crystal in a position that allows the aether to flow within them from the crystal to the tip of the rapier. So yeah, they don't have an external contraption that makes it easier for them, but since it's their pure aether they're manipulating, they can cast wayyyy more powerful spells than a MCH. and they have their FAST and powerful melee combo that is the direct result of the aether they are finally releasing.
In short, MCHs are fast because they can; RDMs are fast because they can't possibly be slow.
NOW onto the theories. What would prevent a RDM who's not very skilled in magic to attach a little contraption similar to an aetherotransformer to their focus crystal? Yes, the lore compliant answer is simple and it's that the magitek used in aetherotransformers is rare and hard to program. But imagine. On the other hand, what if a MCH who's got a hold on magical studies decided to get rid of the aetherotransformer and converted their aether themselves?
In both cases they would become more powerful than ever before. Of course it has limitations: red magic and machinistry do not have the same goals; the aether the MCH uses is not turning into magic and the aether the RDM uses is not lightning energy.
But if a MCH could become even faster and if a RDM did not have to always focus on their mana balance, oh oh. we would have killing machines on our hands.
So yeah; that is why i think they're different, very different jobs, in spite of working according to the same basis.
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notallbloodmages · 6 months
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Final Fantasy 14 Soul Stone Hat Pre-Order sale ends on Wednesday!
All of the jobs are ready to stitch! I have a limited palette of hats to work with as I wait to hear back from a different supplier (everyone seems to be allergic to purple QQ), but there are still a lot of colors to choose from!
In addition to pre-orders, some of the pictured hats are available as Imperfect Prototypes! These are hats where the placement is off or the colors aren't what I envisioned, but they're still perfectly good!
As with all of my designs, I can put them on just about anything. If you want it on something other than the available selection of beanies, send me the link and I can order it to my studio. Or you can send me items to embroider as well.
I hand-traced each soul stone, despite vectors being everywhere now. I wanted to keep the cracks and breaks intact so that it was more accurate to the stones in inventory.
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zealothia · 1 year
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Bjourn Bobo the Machinist Hrothgar [C0mmissi0n]
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pumpkinmagekupo · 2 months
Mizuki's mech glow up
The old one.
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annnnd the new one
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I found the dyable version....and that whole side part is GREEN. ;-; so staying blue it seems.
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mintffxiv · 8 months
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catnipfarm · 11 months
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i did this for father's day LOL.... robot children
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pangolinheart · 1 year
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How do we feel about mch Rhiki???
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magicalphi · 3 months
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Oh lawd who gave this Viera a flamethrower
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