reneesbooks · 4 months
find the word tag
@kaylinalexanderbooks tagged me to find star, moon, sun, and space. from salt and brine
It's Reijka. It has to be. He never saw her, never met the girl that lit up Meja's face every time she spoke of her, but he would stake his life that the child in front of him is Meja's daughter. Her brightest star. She's the spitting image of her mother.
“I'm going to check the traps,” Meja says, keeping her eyes on her hands. Stian just grunts, still focused on the fish on the table. She slips out the back door and inhales deeply, letting the spring air clean her lungs. It will be summer in half a silver moon, and Stian will be on longer trips for the migratory season. She loves the summer. Kamon is already in the cove when she arrives, leaning against the rock wall and staring out at the sea. His face breaks into a smile when he sees her and he pushes himself away from the wall. “I brought you something.”
Kamon moves to stay in his path when Stian tries to step around him. Stian's scowl intensifies and he pulls the spear out of its harness, leveling the point at Kamon. The crowd parts around them, murmuring nervously. Kamon grabs the rigging knife out of its sheath on his belt, the familiar curved blade flashing in the sunlight.
“I'm sure Jungso won't mind an extra set of hands around the galley if you really want,” Kamon says, frowning a little. “But you don't have to. You're a guest here; nobody expects you to work.” She smiles, looking down at her hands. “I don't...I would feel useless if I did nothing. Your captain is already making space for me here; it would be ungrateful of me to not help out in return.”
gently tagging @serenanymph @zmwrites and @k--havok to find shrug, nod, shake, and smile.
salt and brine taglist(ask to be added <3): @oh-no-another-idea @k--havok
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: August 1, 1999
Every endless night has a dawning day
Every darkest sky has a shining ray
And it shines on you baby can't you see
You're the only one who can shine for me
It's a private emotion that fills you tonight
And a silence falls between us
As the shadows steal the light
And wherever you may find it
Wherever it may lead
Let your private emotion come to me
Come to me
When your soul is tired
And your heart is weak
Do you think of love
As a one way street
Well it runs both ways,
Open up your eyes
Can't you see me here,
How can you deny
It's a private emotion that fills you tonight
Every endless night has a dawning day
Every darkest sky has a shining ray
It takes a lot to laugh as your tears go by
But you can find me here
Till your tears run dry
It's a private emotion that fills you tonight
Eric Bazilian / Eric M. Bazilian / Rob Hyman / Robert Andrew Hyman
"Private Emotion" from The Hooters (1993) was covered by Puerto Rican singer Ricky Martin, featuring a guest appearance from Swedish singer Meja for Martin's fifth studio album and English-language debut, 'Ricky Martin' (1999). The song was released by Columbia Records as the fourth single from the album on February 8, 2000. A world music and pop power ballad, its production was handled by Desmond Child. The song received widely positive reviews from music critics, who complimented the singers' vocals. The cover version was commercially successful, reaching number one in Czech Republic and Mexico, as well as the top 10 in Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and several other countries. It was also certified gold in Sweden. To promote the song, Martin and Meja performed it at the 2000 ECHO Awards. The accompanying music video was directed by Francis Lawrence and features Aurélie Claudel. It shows Martin and a woman being frozen in a frozen hotel room that slowly starts to unfreeze, with water spraying backwards. Then the room goes on fire, while Martin and the woman fall in love ending up in the flames.
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birilio · 11 months
Tudu tudu jongens
beetje depressed vandaag. Ik erger me dan aan liedjes die ik bij wijze van spreken gisteren nog wel aardig vond.
enkele voorbeelden:
Why can’t this be love Van Halen:
Het gitaarstukje met zang erdoorheen: tudu tudu…Erger me hier dood aan…
Meja: All about the Money
Dum dum dududu dum…Walgelijk.
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gaymer-hag-stan · 2 years
21 of June was the official first day of summer which means it's time to cry about not being able to go to the beach (for now) because I'm still serving in the damn army.
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Nevertheless, to celebrate I collected all DOAXBV and X2 songs that I could find on Spotify
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hazirafurniture · 1 year
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Kitchen Set Desain Modern minimalis Minimalisme bukanlah kurangnya sesuatu, tetapi jumlah yang sempurna, dalam hal dapur. Gunakan bahan yang sama dengan countertop untuk backsplash. Ini dapat menciptakan efek yang indah dan estetika yang sederhana dan menenangkan. Jika Anda sedang mencari cara untuk memodernisasi dapur Anda, lemari dapur minimalis adalah pilihan yang tepat. Mereka menawarkan keindahan sudut yang ramping dan desain utilitarian yang cerdas. Lemari minimalis sangat cocok dengan berbagai skema desain interior dan perabot berkat kesederhanaannya. Penyimpanan yang cukup dan garis yang bersih adalah beberapa keuntungan memilih lemari dapur minimalis. Untuk melengkapi tampilan, hiasi dengan skema warna modern. #backdrops #backdroptvminimalis #kitchen #kitchendesign #kitchensetminimalis #kitchensetmedan #kitchensetmodern #lemari #lemaribuku #lemaribaju #lemaridapurminimalis #wardrobe #tempahperabotmedan #tempahan #tempa #tempattidur #tempattidurtingkat #tempattiduranakminimalis #tempahanmedan #meja #mejakantor #mejaresepsionis #partisiruangantamu #partisikantor #costumfurnituredesign (di Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrFfq-WhexM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mzadturk · 1 year
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‏‎مزاد ترك أول تطبيق عربي في تركيا يدعم شراء الأثاث التركي وتوصيله وتسليمه لباب بيتك لأربع دول خليجية دولة قطر . دولة الكويت . المملكة العربية السعودية . دولة الأمارات العربية المتحدة https://mzadturk.com/ https://apps.apple.com/app/mzad-turk/id6444586857 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mzadturk.app #decor #jakarta #designer #diy #interior #homedecoration #sofa #table #furnituredesign #chair #mobilya #designinterior #furniturejepara #furniturejakarta #furnituremurah #furnituremakeover #meja #furnitureindonesia #furnitureminimalis‎‏ (في ‏‎Türkiye‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnq1HgcNxst/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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z-raven · 3 months
The Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball song
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dekoruma · 3 months
10 Contoh Ide Dekorasi Balkon di Musim Panas
Dekoruma.net ~ Musim panas sudah mulai nampak nih teman-teman, kalau dirumah punya balkon dan bingung mau di dekorasi seperti apa?! nah saya disini akan memberikan ide untuk men-dekorasi balkon agar tampil keren dan bergaya di musim panas. Ada 2 jenis barang yang harus disiapkan, pertama adalah beberapa perabot yang ber-warna warni dan kedua adalah beberapa pot tanaman hijau dengan…
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Meja Customer Service memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan di berbagai jenis bisnis dan industri. Dalam desain interior modern, desain meja customer service minimalis telah menjadi tren yang populer. Jika Anda berada di Surabaya dan mencari opsi yang terjangkau, custom meja customer service minimalis bisa menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk Anda. Mari kita bahas lebih dalam tentang custom meja customer service minimalis murah di Surabaya dan manfaatnya.
Salah satu keuntungan utama dari custom meja customer service minimalis adalah kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi Anda. Anda dapat bekerja sama dengan tim desain profesional untuk membuat meja customer service yang sesuai dengan ruangan dan gaya bisnis Anda. Dengan kata lain, Anda bisa mendapatkan meja yang unik dan sesuai dengan ketersediaan ruang di tempat Anda beroperasi.
Tips memilih bahan meja customer service
Selain itu, custom meja customer service minimalis memberikan keleluasaan dalam memilih material yang digunakan. Meskipun murah, Anda masih dapat menggunakan bahan berkualitas dan tahan lama. Misalnya, Anda dapat memilih bahan seperti kayu laminasi atau MDF untuk meja dengan finishing cat yang tahan lama. Selain itu, Anda dapat menggunakan kaca atau akrilik untuk memberikan tampilan yang lebih modern dan elegan pada meja customer service.
Meja customer service ekonomi dan berkualitas
Dalam desain minimalis, gaya simpel dan bersih sangat dihargai. Custom meja customer service minimalis menonjolkan garis-garis lurus dan bentuk sederhana. Bentuk meja yang minimalis memastikan efisiensi penggunaan ruang dan memberikan kesan yang terorganisir dan profesional. Desain sederhana ini juga memudahkan pelanggan untuk berinteraksi dengan staf customer service dan menikmati pengalaman yang lancar.
Selain itu, custom meja customer service minimalis murah di Surabaya juga menjadi pilihan yang ekonomis. Dengan menyesuaikan desain dan material, Anda dapat mengontrol biaya produksi sesuai dengan anggaran yang dimiliki. Bekerja sama dengan vendor lokal juga dapat membantu mengurangi biaya pengiriman dan instalasi. Dengan koneksi yang baik dengan vendor lokal, Anda juga dapat memperoleh harga yang lebih terjangkau untuk material dan komponen meja.
Ketika Anda memilih untuk memiliki custom meja customer service minimalis murah di Surabaya, Anda tidak hanya mendapatkan meja yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda, tetapi juga mendukung industri lokal. Dengan bekerja sama dengan vendor lokal, Anda membantu memajukan perekonomian lokal dan menciptakan peluang kerja bagi masyarakat setempat.
Jadi, jika Anda mencari solusi meja customer service yang hemat biaya namun tidak ingin mengorbankan gaya dan kualitas, pertimbangkan untuk memiliki custom meja customer service minimalis murah di Surabaya. Kombinasi gaya minimalis, efisiensi ruang, dan penyesuaian desain membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang cerdas untuk meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan.
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anitatyasbas · 7 months
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MEJA MOTIF MARMER MEWAH BERKWALITAS PRODUK MARMER TULUNGAGUNG Cekk yuk kerajinan batu alam paling lengkap, hanya di Bintang Antik Sejahtera !!! 👇👇👇 www.marmertulungagung.id Pastikan pilihan anda hanya diwebsite kami , temukan puluhan model pilihan yg terisitimewa UNTUK INFORMASI DAN PEMESANAN SILAHKAN HUBUNGI : Bintang Antik Sejahtera Anita Tyas HP/WA : 085785587255 - 082183999640 https://wa.me/6285785587255 https://wa.me/6285785587255 https://wa.me/6285785587255 Bintang Antik Sejahtera Layanan Marmer Online Terdepan Terlengkap Terpercaya
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reneesbooks · 4 months
find the word tag
salt and brine is on an enforced break right now for editing/unblocking purposes but i can still Think about them. tagged by my lovely @oh-no-another-idea to find change, grace, escape, and mine <3. we got kamon pov exclusively today
Kamon pulls the Hass woman's shawl around his shoulders, hunkering down against another gust of cold air. He can't stop thinking of her expression when he offered to take her with him, the way shock had faded into fear, how she'd closed her eyes and stepped away. He wonders if he had asked again, if he went back—would she change her mind?
Reijka has spotted the beach. She tugs on Kamon's sleeve and points with wide eyes. He crouches next to her and shakes his head. “You won't like it,” he says. “It's very cold.” She tilts her head to the side, unbothered, and he glances up at Meja and the merchant, engrossed in their negotiations. He stands and catches Meja's attention. “Reijka wants to see the Freezing Beach. We won't be gone long.”
She nods and turns back to the merchant, her jaw set in a stubborn way. Kamon offers his hand to Reijka and she takes it, skipping gracelessly alongside him. They make their way down the gently sloping hill, stopping where the grass fades into the strange white sand. Reijka looks up at him questioningly. He crouches down. “Touch it, see?” He puts his hand on the sand and has to pull back immediately, the cold so intense that it burns. “Too cold.”
Reijka slowly sets her hand atop the sand. She cries out, pulling her hand back, and he reaches out to steady her. “It's okay. It won't hurt you. It just doesn't feel good.”
She looks from her hand to the sand, then up at him with wide eyes. He smiles at her, a lump in his throat. He can't imagine how Stian could have wasted so much time hoping for another child while ignoring the beautiful one he already had.
Reijka is sitting on the bed, speaking quietly to her hands while Eima gurgles happily in her cradle. Kamon pauses in the doorway. “Reijka? Who are you talking to?”
Reijka looks up, beaming. “What I was trying to show you earlier!” She holds out a disgruntled-looking frog, clutched tightly in her hands. “He tried to escape but I caught him again.”
Kamon blinks, registering the creature slowly. Meja runs a hand over Reijka's hair, saying something encouraging that Kamon doesn't manage to translate.
“Oh,” he finally says. “That's nice, darling.”
“Do you know what he is?” Reijka turns the frog over in her hands, examining it curiously. “I've never seen one before and neither has Mommy.”
“Oh.” Kamon shouldn't be so speechless about a frog. He thinks he might be in shock. His back hurts. “It's called a frog. They eat bugs.”
“I like bugs!” Reijka says, delighted.
“Of course you do,” Kamon says faintly.
“Right on time, Kamon,” the captain's voice calls out, and the crew backs away to let her pass. She grins at him and gestures with her pipe. “What the hell happened to you, then?”
“Which version of events would you prefer?” he replies. “Leshen doesn't believe mine.”
“Oh?” the captain chuckles.
“He met a beautiful Hass woman who hid him in her cellar and nursed him tenderly back to health under the nose of her scary husband,” Leshen says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
The crew roars with laughter and the captain takes a long puff on her pipe, grinning around it. “What really happened, Kamon?”
He shrugs. “That about sums it up.”
tagging @k--havok @writinglyra @akindofmagictoo and anyone else who would like to join in to find expression, fade, creature, and laughter <3
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charvellalim · 9 months
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Kesal Karena Tidak Pernah Menang di Web Manapun Mari di Coba Main di MEJAQQ Nyata Menangnya
Bonus Game : ? Rollingan 0,5% ? Referal 20% ? 100% Real Player Vs Player
More INFO : WA : +85515620767
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angu1973 · 11 months
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pengrajin rotan, pengrajin rotan terdekat, pengrajin anyaman rotan, pengrajin keranjang rotan, pusat pengrajin rotan, harga rotan anyaman, harga anyaman rotan per meter, harga anyaman rotan, harga rotan untuk kerajinan, harga kerajinan rotan, kerajinan dari rotan, produk kerajinan rotan, produk kerajinan dari rotan, kerajinan tangan dari rotan, kerajinan anyaman rotan, kerajinan keranjang rotan, kerajinan rotan unik, kerajinan tangan rotan, rotan kerajinan, kerajinan piring dari rotan, 10 kerajinan dari rotan, manfaat kerajinan rotan, toko kerajinan rotan terdekat, rotan untuk kerajinan, 5 kerajinan dari rotan, kerajinan anyaman dari rotan, kerajinan rotan terdekat, sentra kerajinan rotan, 3 kerajinan dari rotan, kerajinan rotan di solo, kerajinan keranjang dari rotan, kerajinan dari anyaman rotan, jual kerajinan rotan, toko kerajinan rotan, aneka kerajinan rotan, kerajinan rotan solo, produk kerajinan tas rotan, kerajinan alam dari rotan, kerajinan rotan balubuk, kerajinan rotan mudah, tempat kerajinan rotan, grosir kerajinan rotan, produsen kerajinan rotan, aneka kerajinan dari rotan, kerajinan rotan anyaman, anyaman dari rotan, rotan anyaman, anyaman rotan lembaran, anyaman rotan adalah, rotan untuk anyaman, anyaman rotan bulat
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nawasenaid · 1 year
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Top Table Kayu Sungkai Tersedia ukuran : 60x60 / D60 70x70 / D70 80x80 / D80 120x60/70/80 D120 Custom size welcome Coating: PolyUrethane warna natural sungkai, semigloss *Original Picture IDR : 60x60 : 475.000 70x70 : 648.000 other custom size #toptable #topmeja #mejamakanminimalis #mejacafe #furniturekayu #furnitureindonesia #pabrikfurniture #tectonanawasena #tectona #2023 #meja (di Lang Lang Singosari) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnlIzDXvf9S/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mzadturk · 1 year
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‏‎مزاد ترك أول تطبيق عربي في تركيا يدعم شراء الأثاث التركي وتوصيله وتسليمه لباب بيتك لأربع دول خليجية دولة قطر . دولة الكويت . المملكة العربية السعودية . دولة الأمارات العربية المتحدة https://mzadturk.com/ https://apps.apple.com/app/mzad-turk/id6444586857 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mzadturk.app #decor #jakarta #designer #diy #interior #homedecoration #sofa #table #furnituredesign #chair #mobilya #designinterior #furniturejepara #furniturejakarta #furnituremurah #furnituremakeover #meja #furnitureindonesia #furnitureminimalis‎‏ (في ‏‎Istanbul, Turkey‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoCn3PdNNDw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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