natsvdova-old · 1 year
asking my favorite question from that list: where is your favorite place to escape to?
send me asks!
20. where is your favourite place to escape to?
the fields! i grew up in the countryside, and i love being able to just go outside. every time i feel like i need to escape, i go and walk through all the fields or just sit in a field in the middle of nowhere. there’s something so calming about being completely alone, surrounded by nature, with no civilisation in sight.
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wntrsnat · 8 months
B/N/C Writing Challenge (2023a)
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A while back, I promised to host a writing challenge for those who ship Bucky Barnes and Natasha Romanoff. I abandoned the idea after a few little attempts and came back to it only today.
I reworked the original concept to center around three characters, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton, to accommodate a variety of shippers.
Rules and prompts are under the cut!
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! Participation Rules
Follow me.
Reblog this post.
Send me an ask with the desired prompt's number. Prompt can be exchanged for another later. A second prompt can be claimed after completing the first (must be not be anonymous!) (prompts are below).
Tag me in your entry.
Tag your entry with #BNC2023
! Work Rules
Any ship combination (including poly ship) of those characters is allowed: Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, reader.
At least one main character should be Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff or Clint Barton.
Any universe is allowed (MCU, 616, au, etc)
NSFW is allowed but must be marked.
Any possible triggers must be listed.
Any work with over 500+ words must use "see more" tag.
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! Dialogue Prompts (Angst)
“How long have you been sleeping with him/her?” Claimed by @medeafive
“Oh. So, you’re back together…”
“Call me after you do some self-reflection.”
“You treat me like a rag doll you're sick of toying with.”
“You must be out of your mind.”
“I opened up to you, and you burned me.”
“He/she makes me feel safe. You don’t”
“We’re nothing but a ticking bomb.”
“We can’t resolve this one.”
“I gave you everything. And this is how you repay me?”
“You can’t keep humiliating me!”
“Shut up. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up!” Claimed by @milii-moi
“You aren’t seeing it, are you? We’re cracking. Our relationship is cracking.”
“You’ve broken my heart one too many times.” Claimed by @medeafive
“You’re the last person I’d ever be with.”
“Give me one more chance. One more. Please.”
“She/he prefers you. Not me”
“I might be a selfish asshole, but I’m not a cheater.”
“You vanished. You always vanish! What was I supposed to think?”
“You might as well twist a knife into my heart. It’ll be less painful.”
...More prompts will be added when needed.
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Deadline: November 21, 2023, 11:59PM PST.
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triptychgrip · 22 days
Over the past few days, I got sucked into the most incredible Emma/Clueless AU Yuri!!! on Ice fic, and had to make a post; RUN to check out matched by ao3 user bigspoonnoya (52K, friends to lovers story, main pairing is Viktor/Yuuri, but Otabek/Yuri are a side pairing)
It is so, so good, and made me laugh out loud multiple times!! I've copy/pasted an excerpt below from Chapter 4 (also, I searched for 'bigspoonnoya' and couldn't find them, but if you know this author to be on Tumblr, please let me know so I can tag them!):
Viktor rubbed his temples. He kept talking because he couldn’t remember how to stop himself. 
“I’ve been a bad friend lately, and it’s made me realize, I can’t remember when I was ever a good friend before—but you’re still here. Yuuri Katsuki is still here.” Yuuri was sitting up slowly, but Viktor couldn’t look him in the eye. “I’m grateful. Frankly, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“I think you’re a good man.” He felt Yuuri grip his shoulder, and had to look up. His face was blotchy and his eyes red, but god, if he didn’t have a kind expression—then Viktor didn’t know what a kind expression was. “But you have to stop matching people up.”
“I know! I know, I’m done, it’s over!”
“Promise me—”
“I’m terrible at it!”
“You are, you’re really awful.”
Laughing under his breath, Viktor ran a hand through his hair. Yuuri’s eyes were fixed on the ceiling.
“Viktor, can I ask you something?”
Please don’t, said a small, fearful voice in the back of his head. I couldn’t bear it. “Of course, Yuuri.”
“What does miliy moi mean?”
Oh. That. He had to laugh, though there was nothing funny about it. “It means... darling or dear. My darling.”
“Ah. Okay.”
They were silent for a moment, not looking at each other. It ate away at Viktor—he got to his feet, and helped Yuuri get to his.
“Let’s go downstairs… if the limo isn’t here yet, we’ll take the Underground.”
Yuuri’s face was suddenly serious. “Viktor, you’d take the Underground? Have you ever done that before?” 
Viktor shook his head. He hadn’t, but millions of Londoners did everyday, so it couldn’t be difficult, could it? 
“Do you even know how much it costs to ride the Underground?”
“Um… ten pounds?”
Yuuri shoved Viktor away from him and made for the exit himself. “You’re right, you don’t deserve to be friends with me.”
“Yuuri, no!”
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scinglives · 3 months
open starter: natasha for buckys as it's his birthday
"Come on, milii moi. I wasn't going to let your birthday slide." Natasha said with a smile, she knew he didn't want any big plans, but she had to do something for him. Just as he did for her birthdays. "Chocolate cake, and a day in Coney Island. No, I won't put 107 candles on the cake, we don't want to burn the apartment down."
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medeafive · 1 year
Tagged by @missmorwen - Jesus, that was hard! What a crazy list.
Post 10 characters for 10 fandoms
(in no particular order:)
Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
Thorin Oakenshield (Hobbit)
Tokyo (Casa de Papel)
Rosa Díaz (Brooklyn 99)
Aramis (The Three Musketeers (BBC))
Freddie (Return to Seoul)
Kaladin (The Way of Kings)
Kelsier (Stormlight Archives)
Konstantin Levin (Anna Karenina)
River Song (Doctor Who)
Tagging @i-ve-been-to-hell, @elle-rosewater, @blurbsandscrapsofpaper and @milii-moi!
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guiltburdened · 1 year
"Now what am I going to do with you, milii moi?" (James)
"I'm sure you can think of something." He smiled as he lifted her head, as she had straddled him in their bed, slowly inching the zipper of her synthetic bodysuit down, his metallic fingertips exploring the texture of the material through artificial nerves. "I adore the view from underneath to be sure." He lifted his head up as he met Natasha's lips to capture them in a kiss, humming as he stroked through her hair.
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10 characters for 10 fandoms
Tagged by @milii-moi this took too long 😭
But it was also super fun
Vi (Arcane)
Klaus Hargreeves (Umbrella Academy)
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
Kate Bishop (Marvel)
Ally Maine (A Star Is Born) (Yes I’m still on about this I just love it okay-)
Randall Pearson (This Is Us)
Thing (Wednesday)
Mabel Mora (Only Murders In The Building)
The Knight (Hollow Knight) (I was so excited to get Silksong news in 2022)
David Rose (Schitts Creek)
Thanks for tagging me!
I’ll tag @robin-buck1ey (if you want to do it, of course)
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winterserafu · 5 years
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pearl-bastard · 4 years
yeah theo swearing in russian is nice, but consider this: theo using russian endearments on boris!
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no one will ever do it like buckynat can I just. you think she belongs to anyone? then you’re as foolish as the others. I think I love you, james buchanan barnes. I saved you for a change that’s all. leaving has never been a problem for me. what on earth are we going to do with you, milii moi? stay warm is all, be careful. we were both weapons once. I remember everything natalia and you were the one good thing in it all. hey now loverboy, we don’t have all day. whatever else we are please let me be your friend. fine but no pancake houses.
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sharcncarter · 7 years
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el-rigby · 3 years
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                      What on Earth are we going to do with you, milii moi?
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scinglives · 11 months
@lamentingwclf​​​​   natasha starter call !!
Natasha gasped as soon as she felt the hand around her throat, and instantly she knew who it was. Her wishing that she was in a nightmare, opening her eyes to find Bucky sitting over her, but Bucky himself wasn’t there. He was dreaming. “James --” She said and choked as she tried to hold on to any breath as she had, she wasn’t going to fight him, not in this mindset. a) because she didn’t want to hurt him and b) who knows what he would do if he was dreaming about the Winter Soldier. “James! Milii moi!” She yelled with what little breath she had left, hoping it would snap him out of the dreamlike state he was in. 
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chernayavidua · 2 years
ENCRYPTED MESSAGE FROM : @liiteratim​​                                                                   ATTACHED MESSAGE :  ❰❰ HURT ❱❱ sender is hurt protecting receiver / always accepting !
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                  THE  LUMP  IN  HER  THROAT  THREATENS  TO  CHOKE  HER    and  if  she  were  a  religious  person,  she’d  be  praying  right  about  now,  begging  god  to  keep  him  here,  with  her.  (  she’s  always  been  selfish  when  it  comes  to  love  and  despite  the  decades  apart,  he’ll  never  be  an  exception.  )  but  she  isn't  religious,  instead  parched  lips  press  into  a  thin  line  as  she  heaves  his  semi-lax  form  onto  the  closed  toilet  seat.  meticulous  and  sure  movements  pull  the  kit  from  under  the  bathroom  sink  and  needed  supplies  are  pulled  out,  all  the  while  sparing  glances  his  way.  
                  ❛  what  am  i  going  to  do  with  you,  miliy moy?  ❜    affection  laces  her  words  even  as  she  assesses  the  damage.  the  suit’s  bottom  half  is  peeled  away  and  lifted  off  blood  soaked  skin.  the  lump  in  her  throat  grows  but  she  swallows  hard  and  let’s  knees  give  ‘way  and  perhaps  this  is  the  closest  she’d  get  to  an  altar,  to  paying  homage,  to  genuflecting  in  front  of  a  symbol  bigger  than  herself.
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                  (  for  one  always  so  in  control  of  herself,  natasha  feels  herself  teetering  on  the  edge,  like  a  newborn  fawn  finding  its  legs.  though  hands  and  breath  are  steady,  her  heart  is  not  and  feelings  that  come  with  seeing  him  like  this:  bleeding,  pale,  hanging  on  by  a  thread  sting  like  antiseptic.  then,  she’d  been  helpless,  unable  to  do  anything  but  scream  for  help----  do  something!  he’s  dying!  now,  she  can  stitch  the  pieces  of  him  together  and  hope  it  keeps  him  whole.  )  
                  WORKING  WITH  THE  SKILLED  EFFICIENCY    of  a  field  medic,  the  wound  is  cleaned  and  gauze  is  pressed  to  it,  momentarily  replacing  her  hand  with  his.    ❛  don’t  go  quiet  on  me  now,  james.  ❜    brows  draw  together  as  another  glance  is  sent  his  way,  the  staccato  like  way  his  chest  rises  and  falls  taunts  her.  the  pale  shade  his  skin  starts  taking  on  hastens  her  movements.  (  stay  with  me.  stay.  stay.  stay.  )  with  a  flourish  all  her  own,  the  thread  and  needle  in  hand  make  quick  work  of  the  wound  along  his  side.  there’s  a  sense  of  calm  that  settles  between  her  ribs  as  the  final  stitch  is  made  and  the  thread  is  cut.  he’s  whole,  at  least  for  now,  at  least  for  the  time  being  and  as  long  as  she’s  able  to  help.
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little-regina-blue · 3 years
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Milii moi.
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wntrwidow · 4 years
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What on earth are we going to do with you, milii moi?
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