ferrethyun · 2 years
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bambikisss · 2 months
When at Coachella :: Song Mingi
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Lead Guitarist! Mingi x Singer! Reader (ft Manager!Yeosang)
🎶: Rude boy - Rihanna, Slow Down - Chase Atlantic, Mamacita - Chase Atlantic
📙: You and your band are on a sold out tour when you decide to make a pit stop at Coachella to perform, the performance being as hot as possible, leading to a night between you and your guitarist boyfriend, Song Mingi.
⚠: Unprotected sex (always wrap it up), accepting alcohol from a fan, public sex, Voyeurism (ft Yeosang), 69, talk about becoming an adult entertainer
Bambi's notes: I'm back! I recently watched Coachella and loved how Mingi looked and acted, so I used it as inspiration. I also realized that I haven't done anything with our Yeosang yet, so I thought this is how I introduce him to my writings lol. There also may be a part two for this 👀
"Showtime in 10 minutes, everyone make sure you are ready!"
You could hear the roar of the crowd from your dressing room backstage, smirking as you heard the chants for you as you put on your lip gloss in the mirror.
Due to popular demand, you were to headline Coachella for the first time, being the reason for the surge in ticket sales. You were a very popular singer, you and your band are currently on a sold-out tour, making a pit stop at the festival for the night.
"You always look so good when you're like that."
Your smirk only grew as the door closed behind your guitarist, the click from locking the door echoing in the room as he approached you. You didn't move, allowing his hands to rest on your hips before slowly moving down to your skirt, his thumbs grazing the bottom of your ass. You were bent over the vanity, your hands moving to support you against the mirror as the man behind you licked his lips, pressing his body against yours as he played with the fabric of your skirt. You knew by the look in his eyes that he wanted to do a lot more than touch it, his eyes moving up your back slowly to meet your eyes in the mirror with a smirk of his own.
"Don't you know that you're not allowed in here, Mingi? Yeosang is going to get upset that you're in here after he banned you from being alone with me before performances."
"Who gives a fuck what stick up his ass Yeosang has to say about me seeing my sexy girlfriend?" Mingi scoffed, his hands slowly pushing up your skirt more to see the globe of your ass, chuckling when you began to move your hips side to side, giving your ass some movement against him. "Hey, be nice, he's our manager. He's just trying to look out for us and make sure that I get on stage on time, unlike the last time you came back here before a show."
At your words, a proud smile moves over Mingi's lip, remembering how he had you pinned against the wall at one of your concerts, making you late to get on stage after he drilled into you. He wouldn't stop until you came hard around him at least 3 times. He wouldn't take any excuse, even when Yeosang came banging on the door, following after you with a shit-eating grin on his face when you both emerged from the room.
"You excited for Chella, babygirl? The crowd is chanting your name." Mingi hummed, fixing his platinum hair in the mirror above you before pulling back to let you stand up straight, his hand resting on the small of your back as you both made your way to the stage. You nodded, picking up your microphone and in ears while Mingi did the same. Your set was around 22 songs, including 2 costume changes and even a special guest. Your show was one everyone was looking forward to and you wanted to make sure that you met their expectations.
You and the rest of your band listened to Yeosang give a rundown of the stage as you all stood up on the lift, Mingi's dark blue guitar resting against his feet as he bit his guitar pic, something he did before every performance. You nodded, smiling as the lift began to move up, the cheers growing louder and louder until you were on the stage, the huge crowd of people screaming their hearts out at your appearance.
"Coachella, make some noise for me!" The crowd was like putty in your hands, screaming even louder before the first song began. The crowd cheered for each band member as you introduced them.
You made a show of walking over to Mingi, the crowd getting even louder when you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. "This is my right-hand man and lead guitarist, Song Mingi" Mingi accompanied your introduction with a guitar rift, your fans barking for him. It was a staple whenever he performed to bark for him, the barking growing louder as many of the Coachella crowd picked up on the trend, barking for him as well.
Your set was full of cheers, the band playing perfectly as usual, interacting with the fans while you sang. You were even able to get close enough to the fans to have them touch you, which Mingi smirked at. While you were on your knees in front of your fans singing, Mingi came over to play his guitar closer, the crowd exploding as he began to drop to his knees, performing the guitar rift right over you as you continued to sing. The moment would go viral on social media, you already knew it, but you were much more concerned with Mingi's dark eyes that met yours while he played before he shot you a secret wink, raising himself back up from being over you before he walked to play at the other side of the stage.
You were having fun singing, flirting more with Mingi as the songs went on, your touches getting hotter for opening his jacket during his solo to show off his fresh 'FIX ON' tattoo that moved over his chest and his abs, singing right behind him while he played, his head moving back to rest on your shoulder while he played. You could tell by the way he stared at you that he would've taken you right there on that stage if he could, his lust for you growing more and more as the songs went on.
Mingi was full of his own tricks, though, grabbing a shot of whiskey from a fan for both of you, holding one for himself before he handed it to you, you both taking the shot before he poured the rest on his head, shaking his head as he played, your eyes falling on the droplets of whiskey that moved down his chest and abs. Mingi then took the opportunity to press his forehead against yours, panting as he tried to keep eye contact with you. He wanted you to focus on him as he played, your vocals never wavering as you and he held eye contact, singing flirtatious lyrics as if you both were alone.
"Thank you Coachella!" You waved goodbye as your set finally ended, walking back to the lift with your band members, the crowd still cheering for you as the lift slowly fell as you all waved, Mingi's free hand landing on your lower back as you all slowly disappeared.
"Good job everyone, you all are trending on every social media site!" Yeosang complimented you all as you all walked from the lift, accepting the water bottles he handed out. You had barely taken a few sips of your water when Mingi began to drag you away from everyone else. Coachella's backstage area was all outside, the trailers being only for the artists to get ready. However, Mingi didn't have the patience to go all the way to the trailer, bringing you to an area that was empty near the stage, hidden behind a pillar. You didn't have to question him at all, his hands landing on your hips as your lips met his in a heated kiss, Mingi's grip on you tightening as he pressed his body against yours.
You ran your hands through his hair as he picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist before he pressed your back against the pillar again, letting you feel just how much he wanted you. At your moan when he rolled his hips into you, he shushed you quickly, his teeth dragging along your bottom lip before he placed a finger against his lips, whispering "shh, baby. keep quiet for me, yeah? Don't want anyone to come over here for us."
"I thought you had always wanted an audience though?" You whispered back against his lips, your nails slowly dragging down his chest as he moaned softly. It was true: Mingi had a thing for pleasuring you with an audience, eating you out underneath tables when you are going live with fans, doing the same thing when you're recording with the producer in the room, Mingi wanted everyone to know just how good he could make you feel.
Mingi smirked, his hands grabbing at your breasts over your top as he responded "Can you handle that, though? Can you handle someone watching us with their hands down their pants as I fuck your pretty pussy? You won't get all embarrassed and try and look away as per usual?''
You nodded, feeling like you were in a haze as Mingi returned his lips to yours, his tongue teasingly moving over yours before he pulled back, his chest moving as he began to roll his hips against you. You were deep down happy that there was no one around the area, everyone backstage either leaving, trying to beat the traffic, or helping to pick up the trash around the festival site.
"Are you two done?" Your kiss with Mingi broke with Mingi's annoyed groan at Yeosang's words, rolling his eyes as he turned to face him. His eyes drilled into the manager before an idea came into his head. "Baby, Yeosang had to sign an NDA before he began working with us, right?"
"Yeah, he signed a bunch of them, why?" You remained in Mingi's arms as he turned to face Yeosang, a devious smirk moving over his lips before he said "No, actually, me and Y/N here aren't done. If you want to talk to her so much, you're going to have to talk to her while I eat her out."
Mingi's words made Yeosang blush, stuttering out a small "what?"
"You heard me: Either you wait to talk to her," Mingi paused, unwrapping your legs from around his waist before he placed you back down on the ground, Mingi's lips meeting yours before he slowly kissed down your body, dropping to his knees in front of you. "Or, you can stand here and talk to her while I eat out her wet pussy, your choice."
Yeosang couldn't help but stutter, trying to figure out if Mingi was serious, but when Mingi began to press kisses to the insides of your thighs, he could tell that he was in fact serious. At Yeosang not moving, Mingi smirked before looking up at you, asking "You're okay with our manager Yeosang watching us, right? I mean, whatever he has to say must be so important that it can't wait for us to finish." You bit your lip as you nodded, a small moan leaving your lips as Mingi bit down on your thigh, saying "No baby, out loud. Look at Yeosang and say it's okay if he watches."
"It's okay if you watch" You whimpered to Yeosang as Mingi kissed over his bite, placing your leg up onto his shoulder before he kissed up your thigh, his focus now only on your pussy as Yeosang cleared his throat. He felt challenged as if Mingi was challenging him to see if he wouldn't be able to handle the sight, but he could. Heck, he had walked past you both constantly fucking all the time, this was nothing different other than that he could see it.
"So, I'm going to go over the analytics of tonight's performance with you along with how payment is going to work." You nodded as Mingi pushed your panties to the side, cursing softly at how wet you seemed to be before he dipped his tongue into you, making you gasp. You tried to keep your facial emotions in check while Mingi ate you out, trying your hardest to pay attention to Yeosang's words and analytics from the show on social media. Mingi looked up at you as you kept talking to Yeosang, sucking hard on your clit to make you moan out loud in the middle of your sentence, your hand moving into his hair to press him against your pussy, making him moan into you. You wanted to keep him busy from trying to play with you, your cheeks already on fire from how Yeosang was watching you both.
Mingi smirked as your leg began to tense on his shoulder, letting him know that you were just about to cum. He slowly kissed up your body, his ringed fingers playing with your pussy lips as he whispered into your ear "you're focusing so hard baby, let me help you relax a bit"
You bit your lip harder as Mingi easily slipped 3 fingers into you, your hands rushing out to grip his forearm as Yeosang continued to talk to you, his eyes glancing down at your hands as they gripped Mingi's moving forearm as he fucked up into you with his fingers, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot, Mingi's lips all over your neck as he shamelessly whispered into your ear all about the things he wanted to do to you. Yeosang felt his cock twitch in his pants at the sight and the sound, his eyes slowly moving back up your body as you tried to hold back all your sounds. He hummed before holding up his tablet, needing your signature for something.
Your hands shook as you accepted the tablet from him, your orgasm right about to wash over you as you signed your name on the tablet. Mingi smirked as you came all over his hands, his gaze now moving to Yeosang as he slowly pulled his hands from you. You cleared your throat as you handed back the tablet, your signature drawn messily onto the page. Mingi shamelessly sucked on his fingers as Yeosang looked down at the tablet, holding back his smirk when he noticed that you had written your signature while you were cumming.
You rested against Mingi as he began walking to the limo, chuckling deeply before he paused, turning around to face Yeosang. "If you'll excuse me and Y/N, we're going back to the hotel. I'm sure everything else you need to say can wait?"
"Of course" Yeosang hummed, his eyes moving over both you and Mingi before he walked past you, his arm grazing yours as he made his way to his ride back to the hotel without even glancing back. "I think he liked it," Mingi chuckled, picking you up before carrying you to the limo, having you sit on his lap before your lips met in a heated kiss. You and Mingi kissed as the limo driver turned up the music, giving both you and Mingi as much privacy as he could as he was used to you both doing this. Mingi's hands moved down to your hips, his hands moving underneath the skirt to knead your ass as you deepened the kiss, your hips moving against Mingi's, his hard cock pressing against his belt hard.
Mingi tossed his head back as you kissed down his neck, your hands moving over his chest as Mingi helped you grind down against him, his eyes closing as you bit down on him. "That's my baby, mark me up. I wanna post a selfie tomorrow showing all your marks off on me." Mingi loved seeing the comments on the post debating whether or not it was real or not, if they came from a woman or from somewhere else- it always got him off.
"Should start recording us," he moaned out as you removed his belt, his hand landing harshly on your ass before he licked his lips. "Have you be my own private little porn star."
You moaned at his words, licking up his neck as Mingi continued to moan out his desires, not caring about the poor driver in the front as he dragged his hands up your ass slowly, his nails digging into you before you shut him up with a kiss, your lips and tongue meeting in a messy kiss that was fit for a porn star.
When the limo finally pulled into the hotel, Mingi and you rushed to exit the car before you both rushed into the hotel through the back that was for celebrities, bypassing the many cameras. Mingi and you both laughed as he pressed you against the wall of the staircase, your lips meeting in a deep kiss as you both stumbled up the stairs to your floor. Mingi then pressed you against your hotel room door, panting against your neck as his hands already began to unzip your skirt, his voice against your ear neck as he panted "You better hurry up before I shove down your skirt and take you in this hallway, maybe we can give the security team a show next."
You bit your lip as you pressed your keycard against the door, knowing that the security of the hotel didn't sign an NDA, unlike Yeosang. You pushed open the door, Mingi's body immediately following yours as you both entered the room, his heavy boots kicked the door closed before his lips met yours again in a messy kiss.
Clothing began to be thrown all around the bedroom as you both made your way to the nearest surface, which so happened to be the floor. Mingi chuckled softly as you both landed on the floor, Mingi's back pressing against the hotel's expensive carpet as he helped you move on top of him, moving you so you faced his cock while he could have you sit on his face. "Put that pretty pussy on my face, baby."
You didn't have to be told twice, moaning as your pussy landed right on his mouth, his tongue moving quickly to taste you. Your eyes closed, your nails digging into his abs before you leaned down to take his cock into your mouth, his own eyes rolling back at the feeling. Mingi swore there was something about how you took him deep in your throat that always made him fucking ravenous. He growled deeply against you, his hands moving to grip the globes of your ass as you took him deeper into your throat, all the way to the hilt.
"That's my fucking girl, taking me like a pro." Mingi praised, his tongue returning to you to match the pace that you set.
You stopped? He stopped.
You rolled your hips back? He rolled his hips up to make you choke on his cock.
Mingi was a man of many talents, and making you cum quickly was number one.
"I'm gonna cum, Mingi, fuck." You pulled back from his cock to pump him in your hand, your words urging your boyfriend to speed up as he curled his tongue, pumping another finger into you as he moaned, the vibrations helping you to cum all over his tongue.
Even though your haze you continued to pump Mingi's hard cock, Mingi tossing his head back against the floor as he praised you. "Faster, baby. Earn that nut from me, baby. I'm almost there with you just don't stop- oh my fucking god, yes"
Mingi couldn't even think straight as you deep-throated him, a small whine leaving his deep voice as he came. He didn't know what to grab onto, choosing to dig his fingers into your ass before he fully fell back against the floor, his body shaking slightly underneath you while you cleaned him up with your tongue. Mingi chuckled at the feeling, his hand landing a firm smack on your ass before he ran a hand over his face.
"You always make me cum so hard when you do that, baby. Always know how to make your man so fucking happy." He chuckled, helping you get up before he got up from the floor, his legs now slightly wobbly before as he laughed. He walked with you over to the bed, his hands resting against the sheets as he asked for a minute, still shaking from the orgasm you had given him, making you giggle. You loved watching Mingi recover from cumming, his hair being a mess, his eyes closed as he tried to catch his breath, the fresh layer of sweat making him glow in the room's light.
You crawled over to his hunched frame, pressing small kisses to his shoulders as he chuckled, his voice now even deeper. His hands then pushed you back on the bed, his tongue moving over your lips as he grabbed your legs, pulling you to the edge of the bed. He slowly pushed into you, his long and thick cock stretching you out as he slowly filled you up, making sure that you felt every single part of his cock.
"Yeah, baby, roll those eyes back at how good just having my cock feels in you" Mingi moaned, his eyes burning into you as your eyes rolled back as he stuffed you full. He loved how your body seemed to react to his cock whenever you both fucked, his eyes now on your breasts as he began to fuck you, watching as they bounced.
"Those perfect tits of yours too, fuck. Saw Yeosang looking at them earlier while I was finger fucking you. I don't blame him though, just look at how juicy your tits look when they're moving from my fucking cock" you moaned as Mingi's hands moved to your breasts, playing with them as he began to roll his hips, leaning down to wrap his lips around the nipple. Your moans got louder, your running through his hair as he switched nipples, his tongue moving over your nipples before he pulled back, pressing them against each other as he moved faster.
"Yeah, sing for me, Y/N. Sing for me while you take my cock" Mingi's pace picked up to drill into you, using your breasts as leverage to move you on his cock, his cock hitting deep into you as you moaned his name, your hands moving from the bed to his hair to his back; you didn't know where to hold on as he fucked you, your back arching as you felt your orgasm building up quickly. At your tightness, Mingi growled "No, not yet. You better hold on until I'm fucking ready, Y/N."
"Mingi" You begged, you cries not making your lover stop, only moving faster, his eyes moving from your face to your tits he still held onto your stomach as his cock plowed into you. He loved how you begged for him, his cock twitching before growled out "cum, cum for me baby"
You both came hard, your vision becoming blurry as Mingi's pace stuttered, his cock plowing into you before he filled you, his eyes closing before he rushed down to suck and lick on your tits, leaving hickies behind as he moaned and panted against you. You held him close as you both panted, Mingi soon landing on the bed right against you as you both tried to calm down. Your eyes were closed as Mingi kissed your shoulder, his hand moving your face to his as he kissed you, his tongue running along your bottom lip before he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips.
You rested against the bed as Mingi got up, blinking still as his vision returned, stumbling to grab both you and him a water bottle before he went back over to you, his phone also in his hand. He opened your bottle, handing it to you before he said "I'll turn the water on for you, baby, just lay there."
You nodded, resting with the cold water bottle while Mingi went into the bathroom, turning on the water for you and him to bathe. He sat down against the side of the tub, taking a sip of his water as he unlocked his phone, his eyes zeroing in on a text from Yeosang.
Yeosang: If you and her ever want an audience or more, I'd be more than happy to do so again.
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haosweater · 5 months
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the mage and the healer.
content: apothecary owner! yeosang x mage! gn! reader, fluff, fantasy au. warnings: mild description of injuries. no use of y/n.
summary: yeosang rolled his eyes every time you came into his store battered, bruised, and bleeding. god forbid the healer find out you purposely got injured just to see him.
word count: 0.7k
note: random concept made into a fantasy troupe :> enjoy!
the chime of the bell caught yeosang’s attention, but the smell of blood made him sigh. his shawl rustled as he turned around, placing vials onto the wooden counter top gently.
golden rays seeped through his store front, the smell of lavender floating in the air as its candles flickered. the soft jazz music playing in the background calmed your soul as you trudged through the front door.
“back so soon, mage?” yeosang taunts, flicking his wrist as his giant book of spells slammed shut behind him.
you force a grin, wincing in pain. “for i missed you so, yeosang,” your staff clatters to the ground as you slump against the wall. “sorry.”
the dark haired mage sighs. “you’re always leaving trails of mud and blood in my shop,” he mumbles, conjuring a soft arm chair over for you. “how do you get yourself into such a mess so often?”
he doesn’t let you answer, pushing you down into the soft cushion. you look up at him in awe, taking in the delicate scent of honey and cinnamon that clung to his cloak. he smelt divine.
his shawl’s navy blue mesh material was littered with golden moons and stars. his lips were pressed into a thin line, cheeks slightly flushed as he chanted spells under his breath.
“what were you doing this time, hm?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. “fighting off orcs at the border? settling a spat between the nymphs and pixies? crossed a nasty witch?”
you inhale a sharp breath, entranced by his beauty. gods, he looked absolutely ethereal in this light. you’re rendered speechless for a moment.
before you can answer, yeosang mutters a spell that has you winching. “fuck,” you hiss as he quickly whispers an apology. “sparring with the crown prince,” you groan, bicep tensing as he rubbed an ointment onto the wound.
“and you lost?”
it takes yeosang singular glance to know you won. the victorious grin on your face, the glint of cockiness in your eyes– he couldn’t help but smile as well.
“if you think i look bad,” you hum, looking towards his myriad of books. “you should’ve seen the prince. the royal mage was shooting daggers at me,” you giggle as yeosang rolls his eyes with a smile.
“yes, yes. hongjoong always having to take care of mingi. no surprise there,” yeosang remarks as you click your tongue, wagging a finger in his face. he shoots you a confused look as you clear your throat, sitting up straight.
“put some respect on princess mingi’s name,” you say firmly. he lets out a snort that has you laughing again. “what on earth was that, yeosang?”
his cheeks flush red. “absolutely nothing,” he grunts, wrapping your bandages quickly.
you continue to laugh, poking fun at the mage who grew increasingly embarrassed. “weren’t you in excruciating pain earlier?”
you grin. “what if i told you that the only reason i keep getting hurt is so that i’d have a reason to come see you?”
the mage blinks comically, staring into your eyes in disbelief. he is speechless, unsure of what to think of what you said.
he scoffs, turning his back to you. “only a fool would believe that.”
you’re undeterred, leaning against the arm of the chair, swinging your legs over the other arm. humming a tune, you grin at the mage. “take it as you will, healer.”
“stop getting hurt so often and take better care of yourself,” he says, still not looking at you.
you feign a pout. “but then i won’t have a reason to keep coming to see you.”
he rolls his eyes, flicking his wrist to dismiss you. “just listen to my advice, mage.”
you chuckle softly, sinking into the velvet cushion. “whatever you say, my love.”
he ignores you, flipping through a spell book. you close your eyes, allowing yourself the drift off to sleep.
even in your dreams, you could hear the soft chime of his shells clinking against each other, music drifting through the air gently. the sweet scent of nectar and dew filled the air as his cauldron bubbled, accompanied by the unintelligible whispers of a mage at work.
as the sun set for the day, yeosang’s heart continued to ponder your words, and your heart remained in the palm of his hands.
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santoteez · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Five
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Genre: Smut, sort of crack-ish?
Idol: Song Mingi of ATEEZ
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Roleplay, Stuck sex, MaintenanceMan!Mingi, CollegeStudent!Reader, Oral (f receiving), unprotected sex
The soft humming of the dryer could be heard throughout the house as Y/N got started on another load. She dumped her darks-the largest load- into the washer. She reached for the detergent and fabric softener from the shelf above. She was preparing to pour the soap into its compartment when she noticed something shiny catching the light from inside the tumbler. She squinted before realizing it was a pair of her earring dangling from the rips on a pair of jeans.
“How did that get there?” She mumbled to herself, reaching for the piece of jewelry. The task was easier said than done, as the hoops were just out of reach. She tiptoed as far as she could go, letting out a noise of triumph as she held onto the earrings. She tried to lift herself out of the machine. Once, twice. Her brows furrowed in confusion. She turned her head, noticing that not only had her bracelet gotten caught in one of the holes in the tumbler, but her shirt was also bunched up in the groove of the machine.
She was stuck with no way out.
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Panicking, she reached out for her phone which was on the counter next to the laundry basket. But due to her shirt being stuck, there was only so much she could lean over. She huffed in annoyance. Her roommate wouldn’t be back until late. Maybe she would come back…if Y/N could just reach that damn phone.
“God, I know we don’t have that great a relationship, but please just get me out of here. I’ll go back to church, I’ll even buy a new bible. Just please get me out of this.” She rambled.
Her impromptu prayer session was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Maintenance.” The deep voice called out.
Y/N’s face lit up. Maybe, just maybe, God had sent her help in the form of a six-foot-tall man with jet-black and blue hair.
“Mingi! There’s a key under the doormat. Can you let yourself in?” She shouted, hoping she was loud enough to be heard.
There was a silence, and just when she contemplated shouting a second time, she heard a key turn in the lock.
“You really got to find a better place to keep that spare, you know? The doormat is the first place someone would look. Especially since you don’t have one of those obviously fake houseplants.” He called out, setting the key on a table near the door. “Where are you, anyway?”
“In the laundry room!”
“...Well, can you come out? We have to talk about the leak in your kitchen.”
“Yeah, about that. Can you come here?”
“Why? Is there a leak there too? I’m starting to believe you poke holes in shit just to see me.”
“Mingi, I’m begging you. Just come here.”
“Okay, okay. I’m coming.” Mingi set his toolbox down near the entrance of the kitchen before making his way down the stairs.
Now, Mingi has seen many things in his time as a handyman. Toilets clogged with the unthinkable, fridge door dangling off the hinges, naked grannies, the works.
But none of that could prepare him for the sight that awaited him in the laundry room. He froze at the doorway as he took it all in: Y/N bent at the waist with her top half inside the washing machine, her ass peeking out of her barely-there lounge shorts, and her feet just barely grazing the tiling below.
Mingi knew he should say something before it became obvious he was gawking. He pleaded for his stupid brain to say something, anything.
“What are you doing?” He settled for that. Not the brightest thing he could’ve said, but it was something.
Y/N turned around, managing to see just enough of Mingi to confirm he was there. “Mingi! Thank God. Quick, help me out of here.” She squirmed, and Mingi took note of how her thighs jiggled from the action.
“Damn. No ‘please’?” He asked, crossing the threshold of this rather dangerous situation.
“Fine. Please help me out of here.”
He tsked. “You don’t really sound like you want my help.”
“Mingi, I’ve been stuck for the past 15 minutes. I just want out of here. My bracelet is stuck and so is my shirt. Please just help me.”
He walked around. Her shirt was indeed stuck and exposing more than he was sure she’d like him to see.
He wrapped his fingers around her bare torso, giving her an experimental tug toward him which changed nothing.
“If that would’ve worked, I would be free already, Mingi.”
“Keep up the sassy comments and I’ll go home.”
“No, no. I’m sorry.”
He sighed, his hand traveling up in an attempt to find where the shirt was bunched up.
He couldn’t quite find the snag, but the pads of his fingers definitely felt warm little nubs that hardened at the sudden touch.
He was ready to apologize. Ready to back off. Ready to just hand her some scissors and pay her back for the shirt. But then he heard it.
The moan that escaped her lips.
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Despite praying to be taken out of the washer a few minutes ago, Y/N was now thanking the heavens she was still there. She couldn’t imagine what she’d do if she had to face Mingi after that. She hadn’t even realized it happened for the first few seconds. It was as if her body was acting on its own.
“Are you okay?” Mingi asked, the only statement running through his head that seemed appropriate at the moment.
“Y-yes. I’m fine.” She mumbled.
“I’m just asking you know, it seems like you’re pretty …sensitive-”
“Okay! Okay. Just didn’t expect such responsiveness from a light graze.”
“Well, it was unexpected. Plus, it’s been a while.” Her voice trailed off, but Mingi caught it.
“Really? How long?”
Y/N shrugged, knowing he couldn’t see her anyway. “Couple months? Almost a year, actually.”
Mingi’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really? I wouldn’t expect that from a college student.”
“What does that mean? And you act like you are so much older than college-age people.” She scoffed. They were only 3 years apart, and she was already a senior in college.
“I never went, though. I guess I just assumed.” He ran a finger up the back of her thigh, watching as she flinched at the contact. “Tell you what. I have a proposition for you.”
Y/N felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. “What are you proposing?”
“You haven’t fucked in a while. I can fuck you right now. Provide some relief to your sensitive body.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding me. I’m flattered, but I’d much rather you get me out of here.”
“Well, if that’s your choice I have to respect it. But I’ll have you know, in order to get that bracelet out of the machine I would probably have to cut into it, wait until you get a replacement tumbler, and put that into the machine. That’s not even considering the damage I’d have to do to get the shirt out.”
“...So how much would all that be?” She asked, gasping when she heard the unspeakable number. “Mingi! I can’t afford that!”
He chuckled. “ I know. You can barely afford to pay me. How much do you owe me so far?”
“I’m working on that balance.” She grumbled.
“You’d have to add today on top of that, too.”
She groaned.
“If you take me up on my offer, I’ll take today off the total.”
“It’ll be as if I was never here. Plus, you get to cum. It’s a win-win.”
Y/N sighed. There wasn’t much she could do in her predicament anyway. “I thought God answered my prayers when you knocked on the door. But there’s no way God sent you anywhere.” She sighed. “You have to promise you’ll get me out of here once you’re done.”
Mingi snorted. “Maintenance Man’s Honor.” He said, pulling her shorts down.
Y/N’s breath hitched as she felt him slide her panties down her legs so gently, she almost didn’t believe that he had taken them off until she saw them fall into the washing machine along with the other clothes inside. Y/N stared dumbfoundedly at the panties she clearly put on this morning. This was really happening.
“Now, we can have some real fun.” Mingi mused, sinking to his knees.
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She gasped when she felt his tongue slip past her wet (wet? When did she find time to get wet?) folds, his swift licks showing her no mercy.
“Ha, fuck.” She sighed, her voice muffled as she dangled from the top of the machine.
“Yeah? Feel good?”
“It feels so good. Your tongue is so long, it’s filling me up.”
Mingi smirked against her skin, sliding his tongue in deeper, tasting the arousal that oozed out and dribbled down his chin. He suckled on her clit, strong hands holding her legs apart when she threatened to slam them closed. He turned around, sitting between her legs, thrusting his tongue into her sweet cunt while his nose gave her clit the attention it deserved.
Y/N panted, her free hand gripping the edge of the machine opening, desperate to ground herself somehow as she fell deeper into delirium.
Mingi flipped back and forth from long, languid licks to her folds and swift, harsh sucks to her clit, finding it impossible to focus on just one task. He groaned as he collected drop after drop of her arousal on his tongue, his cock hardening at the taste. He chuckled at her pitiful attempts to grind against his tongue, chasing her orgasm.
“You wanna cum, baby? Grinding this pretty pussy on my face trying to cum? Go ‘head, cum for me.”
Y/N let out a whine that rang in Mingi’s ears like church bells at noon. Her arousal ran down his face, trailing down his neck.
“Mingi.” She whimpered when he didn’t stop licking her cunt. “Just fuck me already.
“Patience, baby.” Mingi stood up from the floor, wiping his face with his sleeve. “I’ll take good care of you in just a minute.” He shrugged out of the top half of his uniform jumpsuit, pushing it and his boxers down just enough for his thick, veiny cock to spring out of its confinements.
He sighed as the bulbous tip of his cock slipped past her folds. “Hah, this pussy is unbelievable, baby. Pure heaven.” He smirked as his cock nestled inside her drenched walls.
“Mingi, hurry.” She muttered, clenching down on his length. She wasn’t sure if her head was spinning from the position she was stuck in, the need for friction, or both.
Grasping her left leg by the back of her knee, he pistoned his hips into her ass, his other hand gripping her waist.
Y/N squealed as his tip rubbed against her g-spot, his balls smacking against her clit only adding to the stimulation. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, barely aware of the drool pouring out of her agape mouth. 
“Is this what you wanted, baby? For me to fuck you stupid?”
“Yes! Please, Mingi. Don’t stop, keep going.” She babbled, his name falling from her lips as if her life depended on it. Her body slid down the machine slightly, her shirt rising up and her breasts now fully exposed, dangling inside the tumbler.
He angled his hips, his cock now hitting that sweet spot with every thrust. “I’m not gonna last, baby. So you’ve gotta cum, okay?”
She nodded frantically. “I’m close, gonna cum. Cum inside me, please.”
Mingi’s pace slowed, his cum releasing inside her cunt in spurts. Y/N body shook, overwhelmed as her hole wept, both of their cum intertwined.
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He marveled at the sight when he pulled out. “Look at that. That’s so hot.” He said, clearly out of breath.
“Okay, seriously. Get me out of here. I’ve had enough.”
Mingi laughed, reaching into the machine and unhooking her bracelet. He then yanked her shirt out as well, finally freeing her and helping her to her feet.
“How’s that for different?” He asked once she faced him.
She rolled her eyes, reaching up to peck his lips. “It was great, but I always prefer to see this face when I cum.”
Mingi hummed, stroking his chin. “True, I am a work of art after all. Maybe we can put a mirror in the machine before I fuck you next time?” He asked, wincing when she pinched him. “What? I’m serious!”
Y/N started to respond when she was interrupted by the dryer going off. They both turned to the beeping machine, its noises indicating the clothes were now dry and ready to fold.
“Just shut up and help me finish this laundry.” She said instead, handing him the detergent.
“Did you really have to do actual laundry? We were just roleplaying, you know.” He shoved his now flaccid cock back into his pants.
“We get to fuck and have clean clothes. Why wouldn’t I?” She asked.
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“Guys! I’m home!”
“Laundry room!” Mingi called out.
The shorter woman headed down the stairs, smiling at the couple. “Hey! Laundry day?”
“You know how it is. “Y/N sighed.
The roommate nodded. “I think you spilled something on the floor, though. What is that?” She furrowed her brows.
Y/N met her gaze, freezing when she saw what had to be remnants of their lewd actions just a while ago.
Mingi peered down, then nudged Y/N’s arm. “What have I told you about spilling the fabric softener? Let me pour it from now on.” He pulled a tissue out of his uniform pocket, wiping up the mess.
“Oh, yeah. Mingi, how come you’re in uniform? Isn’t today your day off?” 
“I got an emergency call this morning. Then, I came back home and the washer was acting weird, so I tweaked it a little. Somehow, I got stuck helping someone with the laundry.” He turned to Y/N, who stuck her tongue out at him.
The girl laughed, shaking her head. “Be grateful you have a handyman boyfriend, Y/N. He’s always helping out around here. Well, let me know when you’re done! I have to tell you all about that guy from last night.” She wiggled her eyebrows.
“Can’t wait!” Y/N chimed, watching her head back up the stairs before letting out a deep breath. “You have a response for everything, don’t you?” She asked Mingi, who just smiled at her. “Well, thanks. I had no idea what I was gonna tell her.”
“I got your back, baby,” Mingi said, leaning in to kiss her.
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Happy Ateez Anniversary <3
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mrkis · 2 years
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𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: mark lee x reader 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄: college au, smut, angst, fluff
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you don’t like relationships, you just like to have fun and hookup with random people with no feelings like any other student in college… but there’s just something about that kid with the guitar that you can’t get out of your head.
(listen to: music to watch boys to)
Your tongue swirls around the red heart shaped sucker in your mouth, leaning your elbows on the table with your eyes panning over the people that crowd the cafeteria who are either minding their own business or conversing with friends, watching as one boy saunters through the room in his unzipped royal blue engineering overalls and white t-shirt, the sleeves wrapped snugly around his waist to show his incredible physique that you would like to see without all the layers. Popular fuckboy Jeno has always been your favourite type Jeno, although you’ve never gotten the chance to have a taste of him, much to your dismay.
He makes the girls melt, especially when his biceps protrude as his arm lifts up for his hand to push back the dark hair out of his eyes. Growing out his hair was one of his best decisions, you think, preferring the long haired style over anything else he’s had even though the undercut he once had almost convinced you to fuck him at a party. But your thoughts are no longer filled with him as he greets his friends at a packed lunch table as you latch onto someone else.
His dyed hair always makes him stand out in the crowd despite him now having a dark shade of red that you’d think would look pretty between your legs. Eric, you remember his name. His aura reminded you of Jeno: cocky, confident, definite fuckboy material, outgoing, likeable, fuckable. You slept with him maybe once or twice, it could’ve been three times, you don’t remember. He was good in bed, great even, maybe you should call him back.
A familiar silhouette appears in the corner of your eye and you turn your head to see Wooyoung walk through the entrance of the cafeteria, a sucker similar to yours hanging out of his mouth as he talks to Mingi and San despite his eyes lurking around the room to find you. You smirk at him as he raises his eyebrow suggestively before taking the sucker out of his mouth and kissing the candy and resting it back on his tongue as he focuses his attention back on the pair. 
You always remember how Wooyoung’s mouth feels on your skin, how generous and giving he is when it comes to you. He’s your best fuck, someone you definitely go back to whenever the night is good, or bad. He’s always at your beck and call and you know you got a lot of people glaring daggers your way when you know he’s one of the ones that don’t fuck easily, he doesn’t just fuck anyone, he makes them work for it. But you got him wrapped around your fingers and he has you cumming nightly on his.
You peel your eyes from Wooyoung’s figure to continue your watching yet you can’t help but zone in on one boy in particular that sits in a small group at a table on the far end of the room. His body drowns in an oversized dark green hoodie, thin framed glasses resting on the bridge of his perfectly shaped nose. His lips pout out as he speaks to his friend, round deerlike eyes stare attentively at the so-called person while his fingers tap mindlessly against the table in front of him.
You don’t know him, but you know everyone. You haven’t fucked him because you would’ve remembered someone like him. He is the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen and your body buzzes with excitement at the thought of fresh meat. Your eyes droop lower to see the guitar case resting beside his identical dark green vans and your interest in him immediately shoots higher. Music Major. A guitar player, good with his fingers. The imagery of his hands on your body causes you to grin, craving the pretty boy from afar, needy and desperate for him to meet your eyes across the room but it’s no use when he’s not paying attention. 
Your head tilts to the side as you try to figure out a name for the mystery boy, barely able to see the name engraved in his guitar case next to the canadian flag and spider-man stickers that make you inwardly snicker, finding him a little more cuter than you already did. You’re pretty sure you have a slutty spider-man costume laying around in your closet somewhere from the halloween party you went to last year, maybe you’ll have to post a few pictures wearing it tonight for your instagram and snapchat. Surely he has your socials? Who doesn’t?
His mouth opens as he laughs but you can’t hear it, hitting the person beside him excitedly and the friend recoils, rubbing the sore spot despite them laughing too. Your body vibrates in exhilaration, you want him. 
“Hey!” Doyeon’s muffled voice calls for you over the music that blasts in your ears, snapping her fingers in front of your face before her hands come up to yank the chunky headphones off of your head, resting them around your neck as she nudges you with her shoulder. “I’ve been talking to you for the past five minutes… what the hell are you even staring at?”
You smile widely around the sucker and slowly pull it from between your lips to point it in the direction you’re staring at, closing one eyes to focus on the heart shaped sugary treat that covers the friend of mystery boys head, looking at him only as his nose scrunches with the most prettiest smile. “Him”
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atiny-piratequeen · 1 year
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𝑨𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒙𝒊𝒂-a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety, especially as an ongoing condition of soul-fulfilling attainment; unconditional tranquility
Ataraxia Verse, Atx Asks, Asks towards the boys directly are on @atiny-crew-musings
Ataraxia, abbreviated as "Atx" for short, is a new universe, focused around ateez as various 'monsters'. The idea grew from a commission from @jacksons-goddess-gaia and thanks to her and @little-lazuli, along with some interested anons, has grown into a wider, expanded universe, and this post is to help us get to know our players a bit better. This post is in no way finalized and changes may apply, especially as more works are added.
An important note: The characters in this universe are polyamorous and queer. Just because there are some 'x reader insert' works in the series does not negate from the overarching theme of this being Polyteez.
Eye renders below were done by me (7/8) and @doodles-and-teacups (1/8-Mingi's were rendered by them, thank you again, Mickey!)
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Hongjoong-Ocean Vengence
Faka’ita fai ki tahi
Anger bestowed on the sea.-Tongan
Race: (Reborn) Seaborn-Once a Human, Now a Siren
Height: 6’1, 6’5 in Seaborn Form in Water
Age: 23 When human, 85 currently
Appearance: Blue hair, deep brown eyes, appears black from afar. From his forearm down and calves down to his feet in humanoid form, they are black with small, speckled scales along his skin that glitter depending on when it is hit by the light. In Seaborn form, he has the tail of an orca. His dorsal side is sleek and solid black while his ventral side is white.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, Swift Swimming, Thickened Blubber (tail), Cold Resistant, Vocal Manipulation, Hypnosis
Weapons: Aside from his fangs and claws, Hongjoong's signature method of inflicting damage is to slam his tail against the ribcage of his enemies, often trying to break their ribs and puncture their lungs from the force of the hits. On land, he uses neon knives gifted to him by a particular Entity.
Personality: Hongjoong is one of the more cynical of the core eight men of this universe. He is guarded and fairly quick to anger. Despite this, he has become an exemplary leader in the village where he and Seonghwa live. Hongjoong would do anything for his seven and his village and is incredibly perceptive when it comes to reading the movements of potential enemies and planning counterattacks according to his findings.
Home: Talavou, the village steadily growing in the depths of a series of islands in the Eastern Hemisphere of the world. Once very small, holding a population of only one thousand or so Seaborn and Reborns, now it has grown and neighboring areas have developed alongside the central village that are all under the same jurisdiction.
.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.
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Seonghwa- Seafoam Kismet
Papata pē, ka na’e lalanga
It may be coarse in texture but it was woven.-Tongan
Race: Seaborn (Angelfish)
Height: 7’, 8’ in Seaborn Form in Water
Age: 177
Appearance: Soft, silken blonde hair, green eyes (change with emotions). His forearm down to his hands and his calves down to his feet are covered in an ombre platinum to blue. Several patches of scales will appear on his skin depending on his emotions/if he's injured and trying to protect himself from sustaining more injuries. He has a scar on his shoulder and on his abdomen after a Certain Incident. In his Seaborn Form, he has a magnificent tail holding some qualities from some ocean angelfish. His tail now has thick brown stripes starting along the midway point. Between these stripes, orange and yellow dots litter the spaces. The end of his tail is solid black with a single, vibrant electric blue stripe along the flowy fan of his tail. His hands have claws that can tear through skin and crush bone.
Powers: Hydrokinesis, Swift Swimming, Glow-in-the-Dark Scales, Vocal Manipulation, Hypnosis
Weapons: Unlike his Talavoutian Captain, Seonghwa does not use any outside weapons when he fights. He prefers to use his own brute strength and his primary method of ending conflict is to tear the hearts out of his enemies.
Personality: Despite his often snarky banter with Hongjoong, Seonghwa is fiercely loyal and would do anything for the people he loves. He tends to put himself in danger trying to protect weaker entities, and this is why he primarily lives on the shore nearby the village instead of living in it-protecting sea turtles and helping them hatch and make it into the water without any of them being eaten by predators. Despite his handsome, princely appearance, he is one of the easiest to make flustered and unfortunately (for him), his emotions are broadcasted on full display thanks to his scales and his eyes. While incredibly intelligent, he is surprisingly aloof and often loses track of time, leading to him getting scolded by the other members of The Fold for not visiting them as much as he should be.
Scent: Sea salt, Vanilla + coconut undertones
Home: Despite being a native of Talavou, Seonghwa primarily lives on the nearest island to the village. This island has no name, yet.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
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Yunho-Magma Sentinel
Ng ko er a belochel, el mesengei otelochel e suebek
Like a pigeon seeing the danger, yet it flies from cover. (Palauan)
Race: Hellhound
Height: 7’5 in Hellhound Canine Form, 9’ in Humanoid Form
Age: 666 Years Old
Appearance: In his Hellhound form, Yunho stands taller than a horse. His appearance is based off of a Tibetan Mastiff, and as such, he has a coat full of dense, thick black furr. His paws are bigger than that of a bear's. He has two, circular markings above his eyes resembling eye brows that are made from red fur and has a patch of fur along his chest, stomach, the bottoms of his paws, and the underside of his tail where all of the fur is deep crimson. In this form, his fangs are so massive, they can be seen even when his mouth is shut. In his bipedal 'human' form, he stands at 9 feet tall, and his eyes retain their deep, blazing color as they are when he is in his hound form. When he is angered, his eyes blaze, and as a result of it, he has permanent burn marks in the corner of his eyes despite his ears being downcast in his hound form, they are upright in his humanoid form. His tail is the same size as it is in his hound form. He doesn't have an under or overbite in this form, but his canines are just as sharp. His tongue is a vibrant red and orange because of his ability to spit fire and magma, but he can control the temperature so it doesn't harm anyone if he doesn't intend it to. Yunho's wrists, ankles, and his neck are littered in scars, memories of a past imprisonment when he was a few centuries younger.
Powers: Magma and fire manipulation (from his mouth, his hands/paws), Yunho's fire is so hot it can continuously burn one's spirit even after they are dead. He has the strongest ability to track scents of all of the boys in The Fold and can even breathe underwater and track there, too. Because of his ability to manipulate heat, he can technically 'fly' by running on air. His flames get stronger when he goes in a 'berserker' state and when his flames come into contact with Mingi's, they weave together and can eviscerate an entire continent.
Weapons: Yunho doesn't use any items for weapons. In both of his forms, his claws and teeth emit either lava or fire depending on how concentrated it is, or how angry he is. He uses his massive body to knock enemies off of their feet and tends to aim for the jugular when it comes to larger entities.
Personality: Hellhounds are, by nature, quite competitive and combative. While Yunho is not as overtly as aggressive as some of his peers, his hostility comes out in a full show of force when those he cares about are in any form of danger and/or distress. Aside from that, he tends to be a standout compared to other Hounds. He is kind most of the time, often offering his services to struggling couples in order to help incubate their eggs. Because of this, he has been essential in the population boom in Talavou and has helped many of the guppies of Seaborn come into being. Because of a certain incident in his past, he is exceptionally gentle with children and often offers himself up when it comes to looking after them. If any children in his care were to become threatened or frightened by any opposing forces, Yunho would respond with EXTREME prejudice. Despite any preconceived notions about his nature, Yunho goes out of his way to be gentle with those weaker than him and because of that, he is often called upon to be a guardian watchdog for traveling caravans of monsters and spirits alike.
Scent: amber + geranium, smoked wood when enraged
Home: Born from fire and flame, Yunho lives in the Underworld, in a section known as the Crimson Fields. This area is where many Hellhounds reside, and it is, in its own right, a massive open village. It has areas designated for any battles, as Hellhounds tend to be on the more aggressive end, by nature. Yunho has a cabin of his own that he built by hand, and lives on the outskirts. He prefers to live with his seven, though, and will spend most of his time not in the Crimson Fields visiting Velvet Elysium-the Succubus/Incubus colony Jongho was born in, Talavou-the Siren village, The Whetū Faewilds-Yeosang's Home, or in San and Mingi’s Den in Serein Mountain.
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*:.*:..*:...。o○  ○o。..:*..:*..:*Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
Yeosang- Wildwood Lex Talionis
Air tenang menghanyutkan
Don’t think there are no crocodiles because the water runs calm.-Indonesian
Race-Faerie, ???
Height: 6’5
Age: ?????
Appearance: Yeosang is the tallest fae in his village, standing abnormally tall for his race, as most of his other villagers are well over a foot shorter than him. His eyes are usually a dazzling mixture of blue and gold, with flecks of pink and stardust-like twinkles in them. the edges of his eyes are dark purple. His eyes change when he is angered, bleeding into an intense crimson and magenta color. The corner of his left eye has a big, distinct birthmark in the corner of it. Across his nose are freckles that glitter and glow with his magic use, they change depending on what type of magic he uses. His hair is silky, long, and black, and almost always has some form of decorative clip in it. Yeosang wears the most ornate jewelry of all of the boys, and it seems like each of them has some tie to his powers in some way, shape, or form. He wears loose-fitting clothing, but is actually quite muscular underneath.
Powers: Phytokinesis, Fae Magic,....r̨͇̖̪͊e̹͓̜͍̘̝̼̓̌͟m̻͎̾ͮ̅̀a̴̜̯̟͎͔͓̔ͬͮͪi̷̦̦̟͒n̙̻̳̺͇̓͐̄̀͘i̴̮̼͚͍͎̫ͭͧn̡͎̟̙͖̣̣̪͈̿g̨̯̙̻̜̣̩ͥ̓̇ ̨͕͕̭̩ͫd̷̠̰̗̞̭͖̃͊ͪ̈́ä̛̹̹̳͐͛t̛̹̯̰̣͂͐͐͐á̤͎̯ͮ͌͜ ̛̤̣̹͇̿cͯ̃͒ͦ҉͎͚̬̫ͅo̠̳͓̮̣̺͖̹ͣ̀ŗ̻̪̝ͫ̐ͅr͎͈͈͔̙͓̞̘̎̂ͣ́u̘͙ͮ͟p̵̞͙̲̲̦̗̱̫̏ͮͫͨt̴͚̯̦̖͇̻ͯ̎̐e̸̥̗̤̦ͪ̇d̤̬̻͇̩̆ͫ͊͞
Personality: Yeosang is a healer and by nature, he is very kind being, and every being in his forest looks to him for guidance and leadership. Despite his initial soft-spoken mannerisms, Yeosang can be quite hostile when it comes to his loved ones and his forest. There is a mysterious air that follows the man and it seems only Wooyoung truly knows what he's not quite telling the others. Yeosang often protects those around him with anything at his disposal, but he also has been known to curse those who cross him for several generations, inflicting pain and misfortune on their bloodline that will not be lifted until he can be appeased once more. He can be quite sadistic and if angered and set off, tends to kill in slow, agonizing ways before returning to his home.
Home: The Whetū Faewilds
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ*:.*:..*:...。o○  ○o。..:*..:*..:*Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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»» ──ஓ๑♥๑ஓ ── ««
San- Novaturient Eleutheromania
Tēnā ra koe, e whakamaui ake nei
Greetings to you who have come from death’s door-Māori
Race: Manticore
Height: 6'8 in Manticore Form, 6’7 in Humanoid Form
Age: 277 Years Old
Appearance: In both his manticore form and his humanoid form, San has bold, striking magenta eyes with slits down the center. In his manticore form, resembles a lion, both in appearance and height and in size. As far as manticores go, he is actually on the smaller end. His tail is a thick, solid black scorpion tail and he has wings on his back that are covered by Mingi's shredded scales for protection. San wears a choker made from Mingi's scales, as well, that protect his neck from fatal wounds to the jugular. In his humanoid form, his ears, tail, and wings stay visible. San has retractable claws and a barbed tongue, though his tongue is much softer than a traditional feline creature's is.
Powers: Shape Shifting, Sonic Roars, Potent Venomous Stings, Flight, Super Strength
Weapons: San's roars can disorient and even deafen his enemies, and he often uses this as an opening to either escape or rush in for a hit and run style attack with his claws or his tail. His tail holds very potent venom that can down up to thirteen elephants in a single jab. San's jaws are incredibly powerful and can lock once he's got a full bite of whoever he's holding onto, giving him more time to riddle them with more stings from his tail and neutralize them as quickly as possible.
Personality: San is the most guarded of all of the members. He is from a race of monsters that has been hunted to near extinction for sport, and because of that, he does not trust anyone easily. After a chaotic night and a certain incident in the rain, San stumbled onto Mingi's mountain and was saved by the dragon. After then, he stays inside their shared den, creating a labyrinth at first to separate him from the stronger winged man to keep himself safe, but those days have long since passed and he is often attached to the hip with the large monster. If you are one of the small few who win him over and gain his trust, a different side of San is revealed. He is a fun-loving man with those he loves and despite his own fear of being killed, San sometimes finds himself throwing himself in the heat of the battle to guard the others. It is the only time he'd intentionally put himself in danger, as he often thinks of himself and his own self-preservation first before most others. He means no ill-will by his actions, and it is the cause of great unrest in his heart, being afraid of the world around him that so many in the fold find beauty in.
Home: San's previous home was destroyed, so he now lives in Serein Mountain with Mingi.
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Mingi-Nacarat Querencia
Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ke tepian.
Bersakit-sakit dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian.
Rafting to the headwaters, swimming to the riversides. It is painful at first, but victorious in the end.-Indonesian
Race: Dragon
Height: 1024’ (As Tall as the Eiffel Tower w/o Antenna) in Enraged Dragon Form, Size in Form Varies Otherwise, 10’ in Humanoid Form
Age: 500+ Years Old
Appearance: Mingi is a massive gold-type dragon, and to many smaller than him, in either form, he stretches as tall as the heavens. His dragon form is covered in deep, international orange scales along with sharp spines along the length of his spine that can pierce through even stone. His underbelly is an ombre cream-to-gold color, and the end of his thick, tree-trunk-like tail has silken fur. His eyes are deep and mixed with shades of orange and gold, and he has twin, spiraled crimson horns on his head that are similar to a giant eland's. His wings are wide and have a shimmer underneath them that serve to distract and blind when Mingi fights. In his humanoid form, he stands as the tallest of The Fold. His hair is two shades of orange, with the lighter amber shade being at the top and front, while the deeper, international shade is towards the back. Mingi's horns, tail, and wings remain present in this form, as well as thick patches of scales covering his vital points (over his heart, around his throat). from his forearms down to his (clawed) fingers, his arms are an ombre from deep orange to gold. From past fights, in both forms, Mingi is littered with scars, with the most prominent being a deep scar over the center of his wings, where he nearly had them torn off in a conflict many moons ago.
Powers: Shapeshifting, Fire Breathing, Superior Strength, Flight, His flames get stronger when he goes in a 'berserker' state and when his flames come into contact with Yunho's, they weave together and can eviscerate an entire continent.
Weapons: Mingi himself is stronger than most weapons this universe has to offer, as is the power of a dragon. His claws can tear into mountains and have shaped the very den he resides in, his back developed spikes once he reached maturity as a dragon and he can slam his massive body into enemies to do catastrophic amounts of damage, especially if he is going back-first. Mingi's tail is very thick and muscular and he has used it to rupture organs with several tail slams. Despite all of this, his most impressive and terrifying weapon is most likely his fire. Growing whiter the more gold and gems he eats, the heat from his flames can get so hot they cremate a being on the spot.
Personality: Mingi is a kind-hearted dragon despite his intimidating appearance and capabilities. He tends to have a good read on a person's intentions, especially after all the years he'd been present on this planet. He is often hyper-aware of his size and strength and is very concerned with hurting the people he loves by accident. It took him nearly three years to allow San anywhere near him during his rut cycles, for fear he'd harm the feline man. Mingi is very passionate and this is both his greatest strength and weakness, as his passion leads to him being beloved by not only his Fold, but those who are lucky enough to meet him. Unfortunately, he often gets overly angered when those he loves are in danger and this leads to him erupting into anger to protect them.
Home: After many centuries of traveling, Mingi settled on a mountain known for its rainy conditions, which are very unfavorable to would-be travelers. He burrowed into the side, and with the help of Yeosang and Wooyoung's powerful magic, can make the mountain disappear into a different plane of existence for periods of time (often when he and San are absent). This mountain is Serein Mountain.
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
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Wooyoung- Cosmic Verisimilitude
H̵̘̔̓̎e̵̦̓̚͜ ̵̡̛͙̣͌w̷̛͖̫̫͠h̶̢̝̿o̷̢̗͋ ̵̣͚͊p̸̮͆̈́ŗ̴̞͂̍͒o̶̹̿͠v̷͉͆́͗ͅó̷͕͗k̷̳̺̞̔̉é̷̯̍̇s̶͈̊̉ ̴̡͒̐ȧ̷̰͇ ̸̡͉̑͝w̴̡̟̒̅ả̸̘̩ͅr̶̦̭̗̾͝ ̵̘͇̻̿̆m̷̝̺̽͠ü̴̺̟͔̈́̎s̶͚͛̾t̸͉̰̰̆̎ ̶̮͉̟̏̃͝b̷͇͊́̊ḛ̷̂̍̔ ̷͉͚͇̇ś̵̹̎͘ụ̶̰̉̚r̵͎̋͛̕e̶͎̐ ̶͈̘̎̍ţ̶̺̭͗͛h̷̛̰́̿a̸̡̽̔͝t̷̢̻̳̃͂ ̷͇̖̩͛̉̋h̸̬̝̑̊e̶̬̓͐ ̵̘͝ͅk̵̢̼̤̿ń̷̠̤̺͒̕o̸̪̺̪͊w̴̝͊ṣ̸̹̌͆̐ ̴̢͝ḩ̵̨̝̃͌͠ǒ̷̹̣̰w̶̦̤͊̎ ̴͇̒ṱ̸̗̾ò̷̲̖̫ ̴̬͂f̴̼̪̓̋í̴̯̾g̷̞͍̹̔h̷͖̚ṱ̵̓̏̏
Race- Eldritch God 
Height: Larger than the Heavens in ‘True Cosmic Form’, Changes Size at Will, 5’7 Usually
Age: ???????
ᵯēꞩꞩⱥꞡē īꞥⱦēɍɍᵾꝑⱦēđ
Appearance: "Oh, this is fun. Did you all think you'd get all the juicy details here? No. I don't think so. Besides, do you really want to see me in that form? Are you so eager to perish? Here, let me give you the cute version. Ahem. Wooyoung-that's me-has deep purple and blue eyes with cosmic stardust swirling in them. My hair is whatever color I decide looks good, but the long, black look fits me best."
Powers: "My powers are beyond human comprehension. Let's leave it as 'enough to consume this world and not break a sweat. That sounds nice and dramatic, doesn't it? Don't worry. It's not like I go around snapping my fingers crushing planets in an instant...much. Haha."
Personality: "*chuckling* I'm sure you understand by now."
Scent: "Hah. No."
Home: "My home is with my Seven. My Fold is the only thing keeping this pathetic planet from ruin. Be grateful. I think I'm quite done here for today. You can have this back."
ȼꝋꞥꞥēȼⱦīꝋꞥ ɍēⱦᵾɍꞥēđ
༻༻༻⋇⋆☽ ✦⋆⋇༺༺༺
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Jongho-Wanton Yūgen 
He 'ohu ke aloha; 'a'ohe kuahiwi kau 'ole
Love is like mist, there is no mountaintop that it does not settle upon-Hawaiian
Height: 6’7
Age: 24 Years
Appearance: Jongho has brilliant hazel eyes that have small, defined hearts in them that make his eyes shine when he experiences pleasure. His hair is a deep red color, contrasting starkly with his eyes. His tail is a thick, almost leathery material and has a heart-shaped tip at the end. Mid-feed, markings may appear on his body, resembling tattoos.
Powers: Seduction, Hypnotism, Pheromone Manipulation, Strength
Weapon: Jongho came into being with exceptional strenth, and is a standout amongst most of his incubi peers because of it. Despite his ability to use his brute strength to subdue enemies, Jongho prefers to use a trench knife given to him by Hongjoong in fights and he takes grate care to keep the blade sharp. In his non-dominant hand, he defends and attacks with a tonfa he'd been gifted from Seulgi. His tail is also strong enough to choke out most entities.
Personality: Jongho is quite close to the members of The Fold, as is the case with all of them, but he holds them in such high regard, he's gotten a strong fear of them seeing him feed and therefore seeing him as a 'lesser being'. All of them have offered themselves to him but it is a battle he has yet to overcome quite yet. He enjoys their touch-though at times he will not admit it without a fight-and has learned to cook to counter his hunger. Wooyoung gave him a paw-print necklace he keeps around his neck at all times and Jongho often finds himself suckling on the stone when he is exceptionally hungry. Despite going two decades without eating an actual meal, Jongho is still strong enough to fight and stand alongside the other members of The Fold.
Scent: amber, warm vanilla + cashmere notes
Home: Jongho came into being in Velvet Elysium and spends his free time there being cared for by Seulgi or exploring with his close friend, a certain ghost he'd bonded with. When not in The Underworld, Jongho can be found with any given one of his hyungs, enjoying his time in their presence and mentally steeling himself for more.
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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 • ˚《
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
Beauty Leaves- Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
HI LINA HAPPY 5TH ANNI!!!!!!!!!!! i would like to humbly request a mermaid!mingi drabble <3333 ilyyy!!!!!!
HI BLUE!!!!! thank you for the request <3 <3 mermaid mingi is such a concept fr, hope you like this!
5 year anniversary drabble game: send me a Stray Kids/TXT/Golden Child/Ateez/The Boyz member + a prompt (check out the post for ideas) and I’ll write a drabble for you!!
Based on one of these prompts by @auideas!!
Title: Siren Song 
Pairing: Mingi x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: n/a
The call comes late at night when the stars have risen and the moon is high. Before you realize what you’re doing, you’re opening the door to your apartment and heading down the stairs. 
It isn’t until you reach the sandy beach that your mind finally returns to you with the brush of cool wind on your cheek. The song has grown louder, clouding your thoughts, but the spirits of those who were lost to the sea whisper on the ocean breeze push through them, a warning. 
There was a reason you traded your tail for legs all those years ago, after all. 
You blink once, twice. Your mind clears a little. As you take in your surroundings, your heart seizes - while you live nearer to the ocean than most humans, you’ve never ventured this close to the water ever since you stumbled upon the shore for the first time. You used to hear calls of the others searching for you when you disappeared, but you were able to ignore them because it wasn’t binding. No siren’s song is binding to another of their kind. 
Not unless they are soulmates. 
A cold shiver travels down your spine. That means...
Careful to keep your mind clear, you step across the soft sand. Pale moonlight pools on the beach before you, marking your path towards the dark, glittering ocean. The siren song grows louder the closer you come and several times you have to force yourself to stop, to let the voices of the wind empty your thoughts until you are sure you can continue without losing yourself. 
The song takes you to the base of the rocky cliffs that jut out of the water. Waves crash against the stone without abandon, mixing with the melody that has only grown more beautiful the closer you come to it. It takes everything in you not to give in with song of your own, to not reveal that you are here, ready to give yourself up to the siren singing to you now...
The breeze whispers in your ear, guiding your eyes to the dark figure sitting on one of the largest rocky outcrops. From this distance, all you can see is that the siren’s back is turned to you. This knowledge gives you the courage to take several steps forward, still remaining hidden behind layers of the craggy cliffs. 
Suddenly, the moon shines bright, bursting out from behind a cloud. Light glimmers directly on the siren singing as he turns just slightly, giving you a glimpse of his face, glowing in the moonlight.
Your breath catches. He’s incredibly beautiful, dark hair, shining eyes, a tail that ripples gold and orange and red in the moonlight. Like fire, you think dimly, thoughts still clouded from his song. Bright, strong, beautiful...
But sad, too. 
For the first time, you register the words in the siren’s song. Longing, yearning, searching for someone they’ve never met but whom they know, just know, as though the universe itself meant for them to find you no matter what.
Just the same way you know the siren he’s searching for is you. 
Your feet move without the permission of your mind. You step out from behind the cliffs, and almost at the exact same moment, the siren’s head turns. 
Like fire, is all you can think, even when the song abruptly stops. Not just his tail - his eyes burn with a low flame, glowing warm and bright as they widen. 
For a long moment, the two of you remain silent. You’re not certain words would leave your throat, even if you tried.
He speaks first. “Will you come closer?” he asks softly, and you could cry from the gentleness of his raspy voice. “So I can see the face of my soulmate?”
You tilt your head, listen for the voices on the wind. Cautious, they whisper, careful, careful, but they do not say no. 
Slowly, you take several steps forward until you stand in the path of the moonlight. And as the siren’s breath catches, so does yours. 
He’s more beautiful up close than you ever could have imagined. 
“You’re beautiful,” he murmurs, twisting to face you fully. 
As are you.
. . . . .
He tells you his name - Mingi, he says, the word washing over you like an ocean wave - cool, comforting, safe. You allow him yours, and when he repeats it, you swear it sounds like a melody sliding off his tongue. But then he asks you why he could never find you in the sea, why you only appeared to him tonight with legs rather than a tail, and your blood chills. 
“There are sirens of my former pod who would do me harm,” you eventually reply, memories of a chase and a threatening song rushing through your mind. “I left the ocean to escape.”
He seems to understand without more explanation, only nodding silently with a small, sad smile on his lips. “I take it that if I asked you to come with me, then, you wouldn’t agree.”
You swallow hard. “I left the embrace of the waters for my own safety,” you say quietly, still out of reach of his tail, of his hands. You want to trust him - you want to badly, so badly it hurts - but reason and fear keep you from taking the hands you’re almost certain won’t hurt you, not ever, neither accidentally or on purpose. “I will not return until I can be certain I will not come to harm from the sirens of my past.”
His eyes search yours, soft, sharp, soulful. “I understand,” he says, smiling slightly. “Will you trust me to protect you, then?”
For one long moment, you only look into his eyes, searching his expression as he does yours. Your lips press together thinly, not for disgust, but for trying to hold back the answer you want so badly to give him. The voices on the wind warn you to be cautious, to be careful - soulmates, or a lack of them, have brought you to harm once already. Though his song called for you, which means you must be his soulmate and he must be yours, that doesn’t mean joining him now will only spell good things for the future.
In him, though, you can only see trust, hope, and a promise. Nothing certain, nothing set in stone, but for all your words about certainty before, you know that you could never hold anyone, even yourself, to the level of surety you’d like when it comes to your safety. There was always a chance the sirens of your old pod will find you, even when you lived on land. 
And if you return to the ocean this time, at least you won’t be alone. 
The melody of Mingi’s song runs through your mind, soft, yearning, desperate. Your heart clenches. How long had he been searching for you before you appeared to him tonight?
Taking a deep breath, you step forward. Place your hand in the one he holds out, let his fingers tangle with yours. 
“Yes,” you say, smiling into his moonlit eyes. “Yes, I think I will.”
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atinysunbaby · 1 year
Meant to be | Choi San🖤
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Warnings : Cursing, violence
Word counts : 3.1 k
Previous 《 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Is it what it feels like to be dead? It's not like what I expected. I thought it would be a relief, but I just feel like crap. I still can feel pain apparently, and emptiness. There's also noises, voices to be more exact. Ghosts?
As time go by, I slowly gain consciousness. I'm not dead after all. But where the hell am I?? The voices are a bit clearer, now that my mind is all there. I don't recognize any of them. They're men, that's the only thing I can be sure of.
Since I have no idea where I am right now, I gotta find a weapon to protect myself, in case they'd want to hurt me. I mean, what if it's James and some friends. What if he found me after all?
I can't take any risks anymore, and if any son of a bitch makes a wrong move, I'll end them. There's a lamp next to the bed I'm on, that's my protection. It's gonna have to do.
I could also escape through the window, but what if those guys really helped me. I should at least make sure of their true intentions.
On the tip of my toes, I make my way to the door. I listen through it, and when I'm sure it's safe I open it. Right when I do so, the conversation the strangers were having, stops abruptly. I see stairs, I'm a hundred percent certain that the voices were coming from there. It's almost impossible that they heard me. Right?
Footsteps are heard downstairs. My breath hitches. I'm about to hide myself back in the room, when a voice calls my name. "Y/N?"
I don't recognize that one either, but still I'm curious and advance to the staircase. I try to peak without them seeing me, but of course fail. "I can see you. I know you're there, and you don't need to be afraid of me."
"Who are you? And how do you know my name??" I desperately need answers now. I know that there's at least 3 men inside, and maybe there could be more. My only way of defense is a lamp and I'm weak, more then usual since I've had a rough couple of weeks. "You can trust me, I promise. San is a friend of mine."
My eyes enlarge. Maybe it's a trap. Omg!! What if James killed San, and now he's trying to get me to go down to murder me too!?
"I called him, he's gonna arrive soon. You can stay upstairs until he's here if you prefer?" He tries to reassure me. I made up my mind. I'll go down now, and keep the lamp. "Ok. But I have a weapon, don't try anything suspicious!"
Causciously, I walk down the stairs. I can see him now, he's young, but he looks really intimidating. Maybe it's not to late to go back up.
"Hi! My name's Hongjoong. It's nice to meet you." He tells me with enthusiasm. Not as scary as before, but maybe he's acting. I'm staying on my guards until San is here.
Several minutes later
I'm standing in the kitchen, as far as I can from them. They're all sitting at the table, sometimes glancing at me. Turns out, there were more then 3 of them. 7 in total, not counting San.
They told me their names, surprisingly I memorised them.
The blond that looks like a prince, Seonghwa
Then there's Hongjoong, with dark blue hair. He scares me a little, even though he ain't the tallest.
Yunho, he's tall and has brown hair. He also looks like a large puppy.
The cutest one, Yeosang. He has light brown fluffy hair and he's shy.
Mingi, has dark brown hair. Looked intimidating at first, but he smiled at me and I came to the conclusion that he isn't.
And Wooyoung, long hair attached in a mini ponytail. Really handsome, seems the most worried about San's arrival.
Jongho, the youngest. Quite cold, but I don't think it's his real personality.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
My body reacts instantly. I become stiff, squizing the wooden spoon in my hand. Hongjoong gave it to me to replace the lamp. He said if I felt in danger, I could use it.
They all turn to me, they notice how uncomfortable I look. "It's just San sweetheart, you're safe." Seonghwa comforts me. I force a smile, grateful for their help.
Wooyoung gets up and run to the door. We hear it open, right when it does my heart starts to beat faster. That same feeling is back, my body suddenly relax. I'm impatient, wanting to see him desperately.
The same moment my eyes lay on him, my body is hurrying to his. I jump in his arms, crying the hardest I ever did. "Shhhh~ I'm here love, I'll protect you." He holds me tightly, whispering calming things in my ears.
The group of boys sat at the table, looking at each other, understanding without having to talk.
After a matter of minutes, I feel calmer already. My tears stop running out of my eyes. My trembling body is now only slightly shivering.
San runs his hand soothingly on my back. While I was breaking down, he took the opportunity to place himself on the couch.
I lift my head from his shoulder, looking into his eyes. He smiles affectionately, brushing strands of hair out of my face.
"San.. Why am I feeling like this about you? What does it mean I don't understand?" I ask with a lost expression. "It's like I can finaly breathe when you're with me. My heart feels like it's gonna burst, It never happened to me before. It's almost too much."
San's POV
I have to tell her. If not now, then soon. Before, I have to talk to Hongjoong though. He's our alpha, we often have to ask before doing something.
Y/N fell asleep on me. I told her we would talk after she gets some rest. At first she didn't want to, but agreed when I told her we'd cuddle.
Y/N and me are mates. Since she's human though, it's not the same as the others. Our bond is strong, but if she would be a werewolf it would be complete. I can't mark her, can't mate with her nor be close to her the night of a full moon.
It's too dangerous, her body wouldn't be able to take it. It would lead to her death. I won't let that happen, so I'll have to be careful. Sometimes our impulses are really strong, most of the time the tentation's too strong.
I stretch my body after waking from my nap. I quickly realise I didn't have any nightmare. It's also the first time in weeks that I have a bit of energy. It feels great, I'm at ease. San makes me feel safe. I smile like an idiot just thinking about him.
Quickly, I realise his presence. His nose is pressed against my neck. His lips are parted, I can feel his breath hitting my skin. He's cuddling me, holding me tightly in his arms, as if he's scared to let go. My face heats up immediately, my heartbeat quickening. Then, I'm hit with this feeling again. It's overwhelming, almost too much. Butterflies in my stomach, heart fluttering, goosebumps everywhere, my body tingling. I love his warmth and the attention he gives me, the skinship too. Not forgetting he makes me forget about every bad things in my life, he makes me feel safe and complete.
I bring my hand to his face. Cautiously, I trace is features with my fingers trying not to wake him up. I take some time to admire him, wanting to memorize every little details. I smile unconsciously and bring my lips to his nose softly. The feeling makes is nose twitch cutely. The sound of my giggles is what wakes him fully.
At any other time he would of been quite annoyed, but the sound of my voice makes him instantly relax. A smile appears on his beautiful face and he hugs me tighter. "Morning~"
"Good morning~ It's definitely the best way to wake up. I wish it'll be like that all the time!" His words make my face heat up. He notices my flustered state and chuckles. "Baby are you shyy~?"
I hide my face and nod my head, San laughs amused. He takes my hands in his and kisses my nose sweetly. Warmth, envelopes the both a of us. We sigh contentedly. "I need to tel-"
The sound of knocking at the door interrupts San. The expression on his face quickly change to a confused one. "Nobody comes here.. They aren't supposed to know anyone lives in this house.."
The other boys all have the same look of confusion. They don't answer at the door, instead wait for the stranger to leave. We all think they left, only to hear the hits against the door again, but louder and harder. Some of the guys seem scared now and the rest suspicious. Hongjoong puts his finger in front of his lips to signal everyone not to make a noise. He then walks to the front door carefully.
Yeosang clings to Wooyoung, hiding behind him. Seonghwa is worried and holds Jongho's hand reassuringly. Yunho and Mingi stand next to each other, ready to help if needed. San takes my hand and we both stand from the couch. His body his tense and he puts himself between me and the door. I, am still confused as to why they all look so on edge. I am too, but I don't know the reason of their behaviour.
Hongjoong look into the peephole and frown. He turns to us and shakes is head sighing. "It's only a women.."
He opens the door and answer politely. "Hello! How can I help you?"
"I'm searching for my niece! Please if you saw her maybe you could help me- She ran into the woods, she was terrified and-" My eyes enlarge and my breath gets caught in my throat. She stops talking when I peek from behind San. Instantly she recognizes me and I don't waste a second to run into her arms. We both start crying in each other's arms. "I t-though you- d-died!?"
She takes my face in her hands and wipe my tears with her thumbs. Then she hugs me again while rubbing my back. "I know, I know.."
After we both calmed down the boys took us to the kitchen. They're confused and wish to respect us, but refuse to leave me alone with her. Since they don't know her. Especially San, disagreed to leave me without protection. I don't need it though, my aunt would never hurt me.
"I though he killed you? I heard a gunshot and the-" She takes my hand in hers and smile sadly. "I know you were scared and you were right to be. I know what he did to y-you-"
She starts crying and my heart skips a beat. No.. It's not what I think it is.. Is it? My body starts shaking slightly and I swallow the lump in my throat. "W-what do you mean..?"
My eyes meet hers and she frowns. Then she averts her gaze nervously. "James.."
His name makes my body tense, but San softly places his hand on my shoulder. I let myself calm down before motionning to Kath that she can keep talking. "Yesterday, we had an argument about you. He wanted you to leave and when I disagreed, he started to get mad. After a while of us screaming at each other he blurted it out... About what he did to you.. Then I told him I'd call the cops. That's when he took out a gun and said he was going to kill you. I had to stop him so... I shot him.. Whit the gun he was holding- I didn't have a choice.."
I'm shocked, it's hard to process all of this. When I though James killed her, turns out he was the one to die. Is it bad that I feel relieved? I though I was in danger yesterday, but aunt Kath was trying to help me. "I was about to talk to you and reassure you, when you left. Then I tried to find you. I searched all night and finally when I saw this house, I hoped you'd be here. And you are! Those kind gentlemen took you in and helped you. So thank you for saving her and keeping her safe~"
"Not a problem, Y/N's always welcome here. She can stay as long as she wants." Hongjoong says before smiling at me. I return it grateful and happy. I feel San's hand squeeze my shoulder gently and I place mine on top of his. Aunt Kath sees it and smile. "Oh! What am I seeing here? You 2 have already fallen for each other? Was it love at first sight- or maybe you're meant to be- like soulmates!"
She claps her hands and we all laugh. What I don't notice tough is San's expression. If only I knew that it was actually almost right.
Last night, I didn't even wanna leave San. I talked to him a bit before going, he convinced me. He told me we'd see each other at school, in two days. I already miss him, how can I wait for about 48 hours before seeing him. He didn't even have his number. I guess he forgot. Also, Hongjoong and a few of the others looked suspicious, I felt like they were hiding something from me. "Y/N! Y/N~"
"I'm so happy that you're fine. If anything would've happened to you I-" Aunt Kath stops talking abruptly, tearing up.
Hours later
She brought me back to her house the day before. For the whole time from the car ride and since we arrived, she talked nonstop. Of course we went to sleep, but immediately when I woke up she made breakfast and went on about what happened. It's not that she's annoying, I just don't feel like listening. I don't even care about everything, all I want is to forget. Guess it'll be harder to do with my aunt constantly reminding me.
My attention quickly go to my aunt who's looking at me with raised eyebrows. I bite my lips before humming for her to go on. She shakes her head and sigh, seeming disappointed. My expression change to a confused one, wondering why she would be. Before opening her mouth again, she puts down the book she was holding. Which by the way I have no clue of how she was reading and speaking at the same time. "Look.. I know you went through more then what anyone could ever imagine.."
No you think? Pfft- What will she say now? Probably another hour of her telling me how pitiful I am or how bad she feels for not knowing before. Yes she said it all already, even went on about her now dead boyfriend. Insulted him in every way possible and burnt all of his belongings. I was pleased by it of course, but like I said before it's the last person I wanna hear about. I can't be mad at her, maybe it's just her way of coping with it. I mean, probably anyone would. If they would find out their boyfriend raped their dead sister's child and having to shoot him. It isn't a normal life, for sure.
"You should be more respectful" I- what? She has her hands on her hips, standing beside the table. Her eyes are piercing through mine, she's scolding me for not listening to her ramblings. I sigh tiredely. "You're in my house young lady! And not feeling well isn't a reason to ignore me or be a brat!"
Wow, seriously? I try to regain my calm and not make her any more mad then she already is. I smile apologically, of course it's fake but she doesn't need to know that. Ever since she found me at the guys house, I have a weird feeling. She seems so different then when I first arrived here. I don't feel like arguing with her right now, so I'll coax her with some bullshit. "I'm so sorry auntie~ It's just I keep thinking of a school project, it's so complicated and it makes my head hurts. What you were saying was really interesting, but I'm nervous about everything and I can't focus right now~"
She instantly become soft and apologises. She hurries to scoot me in her arms, telling to go lay down for a bit and then do my home works. I smirk triumphantly and when she grabs my shoulder to examine my face it goes back to a pout. "Thank you auntie for understanding, I'll go take a nap now~"
She leads me to the stairs, and watch me walk to my room. Once I close the door behind me, I feel like I can finally breathe. The stress I was feeling a few seconds ago, vanishing completely. The last time I was alone like this was almost two days ago, but it feels like it's been forever. So much happened in such a small period of time. My parents' death, coming to Korea, James... then San, running away, waking up in an unknown place and meeting the others and lastly Kath found me. All of that, yet it feels like it isn't over yet.
I sigh, moving away from the door. The first thing I do, is to take a shower. I scrub every part of my body as hard as I can. When I'm done, my skin is red, but It doesn't hurt. I feel better, like I cleaned all the dirt and pain away. I walk to the mirror in the bathroom, analyzing every details on my face. I need some changes, starting with a new haircut. I watch a few videos to help me, grabbing what I need. If I mess up, I can always go to the hairdresser. Grabbing the scissors, I smile. My hair fall to the floor, I cut them up to my shoulders. When I'm done, I brush them and clap my hands happily at the result. Exactly what I needed. It's pretty, I'm actually good at this.
I exit the bathroom and jump on my bed to lay down, ready for the night. Only a few seconds and the exhaution takes over, heavy eyelids closing giving place to dreamland.
Next chapter 》 5
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naesarangyunho · 2 years
Beans on Toast(4)- YunGi soulmate au
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[I don't own these images credits to the original owners]
SFW [A little suggestive though]
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Synopsis: Taking a little break from main couple (wooyoung x y/n) before I post their last chapter. Mingi and Yunho finally resolve their obviously not platonic 'platonic' soulmates predicament.
Contains: Mingi being a dumbass and breaking Yunho's heart. But don't worry, he fixes it!! Cursing. A lot. I always do that. No other content warnings that I can think of.
Disclaimer: I don't actually ship them romantically, they are just characters in a fanfiction and this is not a reflection of their true irl characters and personalities.
[Word count: 2.8k]
A/N: also, this was kinda inspired by the fact that Yunho literally looks at Mingi like this:
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Yunho's ears perked up at the sound of the front door opening and closing and footsteps making their way down the passage to his room. He paused his game, removed his headset, letting it rest around his neck, and stared expectantly at his closed door, not quite unlike an excited puppy.
His mouth curved into a big smile as the door opened and Mingi entered, throwing his bag down on his bed.
"Hi! How are you? How was work?"
"Hey, Yun. I'm good. Work was fine." Mingi replied but his tone was off.
"Do you have schoolwork to do or do you want to join me in the next match?" Yunho asked, referring to his video game.
Mingi shook his head, "I need to go shower. I'm going out tonight."
"Oh. Where are you going?"
"Nowhere special."
He wouldn't look Yunho in the eye.
Yunho's brows drew together, "Are you okay?"
Mingi nodded but still didn't look Yunho in the eyes, focusing instead on gathering his things and heading to the bathroom. Yunho placed his headset down on the computer desk and turned in his swivel chair to watch him leave the room. What was up with him?
Yunho eventually just gave up trying to game, his focus directed on the feeling of unease in his stomach, and he went and sat on his own bed on the other side of the room.
Mingi was keeping something from him but Mingi never kept anything from him. The thought that Mingi was hiding something from him made him uneasy.
Mingi returned to the room, smelling of cologne and his honey and yoghurt shampoo. Yunho felt his cheeks flush just the slightest as he looked at his soulmate. Mingi looked good. Loose-fitting ripped jeans, a white t-shirt that hugged his body and showed off his broad shoulders and small waist tucked into his pants, and his dark hair styled in a way that showed off his electric blue streaks. He was even wearing casual makeup.
Yunho cleared his throat, "You look nice."
Mingi gave him a half-hearted smile that had Yunho feeling even more uneasy.
"I'm glad I look nice because I'm… I'm going on a date. A girl from class asked me out."
Five words. Five words were all it took for Yunho's heart to break. I'm going on a date.
Yunho had been okay with shoving his feelings for Mingi down for years now, despite how badly it hurt, because even if they weren't romantically involved, Mingi was his. Mingi was his soulmate and Mingi had never dated anyone nor had he spoken of any crushes, which made it a little more bearable because that meant that he didn't have to share his Mingi with anyone. But now that has changed. Mingi had a date. He was getting romantically involved with someone. Yunho supposed it would happen at some point in life but he'd always clung to the hope that it wouldn't. Fuck, this hurt.
Yunho choked back tears and tried to smile and be a supportive best friend, "Wow, that's… I'm happy for you."
Mingi eyed him carefully, "Are you okay?"
Yunho nodded quickly, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
Mingi wasn't completely stupid; he could tell something was off. He swallowed back his growing guilt.
"Well, okay then. I've got a movie and dinner to catch."
Yunho smiled but his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, "Okay. Have fun."
Mingi looked at him for a moment before stepping forward to lean down and hug him. Yunho held him tight, breathing in his comforting scent and letting the brief warmth of the hug wash over him. His Mingi. Mingi was supposed to be his.
He gently pushed Mingi away, "You don't want to be late."
Mingi nodded and Yunho followed him to the front door, giving him one last tight smile and then the minute Mingi was gone Yunho choked out a sob.
He wanted Mingi to be happy, he really did, but if this date went well how were things going to be between them? Was Mingi going to bring this girl home? Was Yunho going to be forced to share a space with Mingi as he cuddled with and loved somebody else? Was Mingi going to spend time with him anymore?
Hot tears fell from his eyes and another sob wracked his frame.
"Yu?" Wooyoung called out from the living room.
Yunho didn't respond, staring at the closed front door and willing Mingi to come back through it. Willing Mingi to come back and into his arms. Willing Mingi to curl up with him like he usually did and watch dumb videos with him on YouTube and laugh till their ribs ached.
He felt so dumb for behaving this way but he was in pain. He'd been terribly in love with Mingi for years and the thought of Mingi with someone else was tearing him apart.
San and Wooyoung appeared next to him seemingly out of nowhere. They must have heard him crying from the living room.
"Yunho, what happened?" San asked, rushing to check Yunho over to see if he was hurt.
Yunho just cried harder and both Wooyoung and San panicked.
Sure, they'd seen Yunho cry before- he cried pretty easily sometimes. He cried watching animal videos, cried when Disney characters died, and cried when he felt nostalgic during holidays. Still, they couldn't even remember the last time they'd heard Yunho cry like this. It sounded like his world was falling apart and to some extent it really was.
"Mingi's seeing someone. He's on a date." Yunho finally croaked out.
"Fuck," both San and Wooyoung cursed and wrapped their arms around the bigger boy, their hearts aching at the way he shook in their arms.
They gently guided him to the couch and sat down on either side of him, holding him close. San stroked his back and Wooyoung kissed his hair.
"It hurts. It hurts so much." Yunho sobbed.
"Shhh. We know, honey, we're here." San murmured and Wooyoung kissed Yunho's hair again.
After what felt like ages, Yunho's tears finally dried up and his frame stopped quivering. San and Wooyoung were both leaning sleepily against him and Yunho felt bad for keeping them up. They'd been practising for their dance competition the entire afternoon and most of the evening and must be exhausted.
"Guys, you can go to bed. I'm okay now." Yunho murmured, slowly extricating himself from their hold.
"Are you sure?" San questioned sluggishly and Yunho nodded, trying his best to give them a convincing smile.
"If you need anything our rooms are just down the passage," Wooyoung said, kissing his cheek.
"Thank you."
The moment they were gone, Yunho let loose a big sigh, trying to relax completely. He felt like crap, to be honest.
He got up and made his way to the kitchen intending to make hot chocolate. Hot chocolate always helped a little when he was down and he hoped it would warm him up even if it was only just a little.
It didn't. Nothing seemed to help relieve the ache in his heart.
He ended up grabbing a beer from the fridge after he finished the hot beverage and leaned against the kitchen counter as he cracked it open and took a long sip.
He checked the kitchen clock as he took another sip of his drink- Mingi had only been gone for around an hour and a half yet it felt like he’d been gone forever already. Yunho wondered what he was doing and he wondered if he was happy. Was he enjoying himself? Did he like her? Did she like him? Was Mingi going to bring her home? He hoped not because that would be the final nail in the coffin for him.
Just as he was polishing off his beer, the front door was all but slammed open and closed. Yunho frowned and checked the time again; there was no way Mingi could be home already since the movie itself couldn't even be finished yet let alone a meal as well. But yet there he was, stepping into the kitchen with a look Yunho wasn't sure how to describe or interpret.
Mingi scanned Yunho's face and saw his puffy eyes and pink nose, evidence in plain sight that Yunho had been crying.
"Shit," Mingi exhaled.
Yunho felt tears bubble up again at the sight of Mingi but he swallowed them back.
"You're home early." He sniffed and Mingi just nodded, not really sure what to say.
The two men just stared at each other, the silence deafening, and Yunho wished Mingi would just say something because the longer he looked at Mingi the more he felt like crying.
"I just…" Mingi started, finally breaking the silence, but his words trailed off until he was as quiet as before.
"You just?" Yunho prompted.
"I just…Couldn't."
Yunho's brows drew together, "What do you mean?"
"I… Fuck, this is so hard," Mingi groaned in frustration, dragging his fingers through his hair, and Yunho noticed that it was already messy. Had she done that? Yunho shoved away the images that filled his mind. He’d rather not know or think about it.
Mingi looked so nervous and conflicted and Yunho wanted nothing more than to know what was going on in his head. It had never been more difficult to read his best friend's expressions.
Mingi stepped closer to Yunho, "She kissed me."
A pang of pain shot through Yunho and he just stared at Mingi silently, willing Mingi to continue speaking because Yunho really didn't trust himself to.
"She kissed me, Yunho, and I just couldn't do it because all I could think of was you."
Of all the words he could have imagined Mingi to say, he'd never expected that.
"What are you saying?"
Mingi looked so horribly vulnerable and nervous and Yunho resisted the urge to just wrap him up in his arms like he usually did when Mingi didn’t feel good.
"I'm saying that I…" He trailed off and gulped as he made eye contact with Yunho.
There was a moment's silence and then, before Yunho had any time to comprehend it, Mingi crossed the space between them in a few long strides, gripped his hip with one hand, the back of his neck with the other and pushed him against the counter as his lips found his.
Yunho gasped against his mouth and his hands shot out to grip Mingi's hips.
Mingi tried to pull away, misinterpreting Yunho's gasp and firm grip, but Yunho grabbed him by the front of his shirt instead and kissed him again- hard and desperate. Mingi held him tight and reciprocated the kiss, tilting his head and deepening it. Yunho's pulse was racing, his body reacting of its own accord while Yunho's brain still tried to comprehend the fact that Mingi was kissing him. Mingi was home early and kissing him.
His heart skipped a good few beats when he felt Mingi's tongue slide into his mouth and brush against his. He grabbed Mingi's hips again and pulled their hips flush together and delighted in the way Mingi gasped into his mouth.
But then Mingi pulled back again, panting against Yunho's mouth.
He didn't step out of Yunho's hold but pressed a hand to his chest, stopping him from moving forward again to chase after Mingi's lips.
"Yunho, let me speak quickly please."
Yunho dragged his eyes away from Mingi's kiss-swollen lips and looked up and into his eyes reluctantly. He wanted to kiss Mingi. He'd wanted to kiss him for so many years and now that he'd been given the opportunity to, he didn't want to stop but he also needed to hear what Mingi had to say.
"I'm sorry."
Yunho gave him a curious look, "For what?"
"For pushing you away all these years. I knew, well, I had a feeling you loved me but I hurt you and pushed you away. I'll never forgive myself for it."
"You knew?" Yunho felt tears prick at his eyes. Did Mingi know he loved him all this time but just ignored him?
"Not entirely. I had a feeling but I was so fucking scared of losing you. You'd never said anything about liking guys-"
"Neither did you and it doesn't matter. Mingi I don't care what gender you are. It's you. I care about you. "
"I know. Yunho, I just- I don't know what to say. I'm so horrible at expressing myself. I've just… I've loved you for so many years and the soulmate bond made it worse and I just was so fucking scared you wouldn't feel the same."
"Mingi, I… Do you have any idea how long I've been in love with you? Do you know how much it hurt? I tried in the beginning. I tried to tell you or throw hints but you just ignored me or brushed off my comments."
Yunho paused. He was just as poor as Mingi at expressing his feelings it seemed.
"The way you pushed me away… Mingi, you made me feel… I don't even know but it hurt. It hurt so fucking badly, Mingi."
Yunho felt himself get choked up again, tears building in the corners of his eyes and the sight broke Mingi's heart. He reached up and cupped Yunho's face, gently swiping his thumbs under his eyes and catching the tears that started to fall.
"I'm so sorry, Yunho. I'll never stop hating myself for it."
Yunho quickly reached out to hold Mingi's face in his hands, "No. Don't you dare hate yourself. You hurt me, Mingi but you had your reasons. You're allowed to feel things and be scared. I've been terrified too."
"Yunho," Mingi groaned in frustration, stroking Yunho's cheek with his thumb.
"Yunho, I don't know what to say. I don't know how to say anything. I suck so badly at this. I love you so much and I fucked things up so badly."
Mingi looked so worked up and it looked like he was going to start crying out of frustration alone.
Yunho pulled Mingi in again and gently kissed him once more, "It's okay, Min. I understand you. You've done a good job and I'm proud of you for confessing."
Mingi looked at him for a second before connecting their lips again, his kiss softer than before. Yunho could feel everything that Mingi wanted to say in that kiss and all he could was hold Mingi tighter and listen to him.
Mingi kissed him a few more times, sweet and tender, before pulling his face back to look at him.
Yunho smiled and ran his hands softly through Mingi's hair, "I know, love."
Mingi finally smiled for the first time since he'd come home and Yunho's heart swelled at the sight. He cupped Mingi's face in his hands, his thumbs stroking over the corners of Mingi's smile,
"There's my boy."
Mingi smiled brighter at his words, his eyes crescent moons, "Your boy?"
Yunho nodded, "Who else's would you be?"
Mingi leaned in to kiss Yunho, "No one. Just yours."
The blond man smiled and kissed Mingi all over his face. Mingi giggled and tried to squirm out of his arms.
Yunho chuckled and held him tighter, "Where do you think you're going, huh?"
"No where apparently." Mingi laughed as Yunho pressed kisses into his jaw and neck too now.
Yunho pressed one last kiss to Mingi's neck and then his mouth, "Let's go to bed, love."
Mingi laughed and pressed a kiss to Yunho's hair, "Sure, I need to get out of these jeans too."
Yunho smirked, "I can help."
Mingi blushed lightly and slapped Yunho's arm, "I am twenty two, I can undress myself."
"But it'll be so much quicker if I help."
"You're insufferable." Mingi untangled himself from his soulmate's arms and promptly left the kitchen.
Yunho caught up with him and grabbed his waist from behind, burying his face in Mingi's neck.
"Yunho," Mingi laughed, "I'm trying to walk here."
Yunho just hummed and smiled against his neck.
Mingi reached a hand around to poke Yunho's side, "I'm not going anywhere, okay?"
"Okay," Yunho let go of Mingi but hooked a finger in one of his belt loops and followed him to their room.
They both squeezed into Mingi's bed that night because Yunho insisted on clinging to Mingi even further. Mingi didn't mind one bit, he just held Yunho tight and kissed him back softly everytime Yunho lifted his head to kiss him again as if he couldn't get enough of him. It felt right. Yunho felt right and he felt right and they felt right together. Mingi wished he'd seen that sooner.
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changbinslovelylegs · 4 months
It gets worse before it gets better - Seonghwa part 4
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Pairing: no specific pairing right now
WC: will always be between 2k-4k words
Warnings: Language, sexual references, Hwa, Joong and Minnie are poly
If you wanna be tagged lemme no!!!!!!!! You can find previous chapters in my masterlist
Preview, description, characters here
The crisp wind sent a chill down Seonghwa's back as he got off the train and made his way into work. Sighing to himself as he wished he'd worn a jacket but knowing it was too late.
The bell made a distinctive ding as he opened the door of "records and more" which was the shop where he worked. Records and more was a music/coffee shop which sold everything from records to cd's to kpop even! also selling band tee's and right down the back was a little coffee place where you could get a hot drink and obsess over what you just bought.
Song mingi was the guy who owned the place, he was 30 years old and the shop was passed down to him when his father died. So far the shop consisted of Mingi, Seonghwa, and Jeongin who was the shop's barista (he only worked in the coffee section while Mingi and Seonghwa tackled the music section)
As Seonghwa walked inside he was greeted by Mingi and Jeongin as usual but also two other people. They were sitting on one of the many armchairs each sipping on what looked like an iced americano.
"Morning guys..." Seonghwa trailed off.
"Ah Seonghwa come in I want you to meet my two new employee's! This is Yunho. He's going to be Jeongin's assistant helping with coffee but if Jeongin doesn't need help Yunho will help us clean" Mingi introduced a tall lanky dark haired male who only nodded in response. He and Jeongin walked off so that Jeongin could show him the ropes.
"And this is Jungkook! he's going to be just another employee like you but i'd like you to train him up first, show him how we run things" Mingi introduced another dark haired male but this one was much more buff and had a smile on his face.
"Hi Seonghwa-ssi It's lovely to meet you" Jungkook stood up and held his hand out for Seonghwa to shake, he did.
"It's lovely to meet you too Jungkook-ssi"
Mingi left to go to his office, which meant that Seonghwa and Jungkook were alone for now until customers started arriving. He spent that time showing Jungkook first how to use the computer and till (as he thought this would have been the most important thing to show first) Then took Jungkook on a tour of the shop showing him where all things were kept.
"It's all organised by genre. Pop's what you first see when you walk in because Mingi believes it's the most popular. Then you move into rnb, rap, soul, jazz, country, reggae, kpop, then all of the rock genres, metal, punk. We have both records and cds available. Over here is just a broom cupboard which has all of the cleaning supplies I believe that will more so be Yunho's job rather than ours but just be prepared to help lets say Yunho was sick one day" Seonghwa tried to be tourer but he also had to be quick as customers would start arriving any minute now.
"Closer to the back we have the t-shirt section, mainly band tee's or kpop related tee's but we have a couple of Taylor Swift and Beyoncé ones. Right here is the bathroom, blue door for boys, pink door for girls. We can use this and so can customers. The last two things are the cafe over there where you see all the lounges and upstairs has the break room plus Mingi's office. Ooh and a locked red door never try to open it Mingi lives on the second floor so that leads to his apartment" Seonghwa finishes with a great sigh, a lot of information to spill out in the small time he had. Spot on he was because he just heard the first ding of the day, signalling the first customer.
The rest of the week went on well for Seonghwa, but nothing fantastic happened either. He was either working or studying, or holding Wooyoung tight when he had an unexpected episode during lunch.
Someone had made a comment in passing about the "crazy one" which just sent Wooyoung into a frenzy. He yelled at them asking what would they do if one of their friends died in their arms? then just broke down sobbing when they left. Sometimes it was tough being the mum friend of the group, but he knew that if he wasn't his entire friend group would turn chaotic.
You see, Wooyoung was a little damaged having witnessed one of his friends being shot then dying in his arms bleeding out, he developed PSTD because of it, but he wasn't gonna let that depress him. He just has episodes sometimes and needs to be comforted. Felix and Hyunjin are a little wild, they love to go out and while Seonghwa usually prefers a night in; he will go with them to make sure they're safe.
Yoongi and Jimin are wild too, they like going out as well. Jimin is a cam boy 3 nights of the week but as long as it isn't one of those nights he's always down to go out. Then there's Taehyung who prefers staying in like Seonghwa but he also has huge FOMO meaning he hates missing out on things, sometimes Seonghwa can convince him to just stay in and watch a film together but most times the FOMO wins. Seonghwa can tell he isn't really enjoying it however and would have rather watched that film.
Lastly there was Seungmin and Jisung who the main group were only casually friends with as they were in a frat. There included in the main group chat and get invited to all the nights out but not necessarily get invited to more intimate things. They're both lovely people but the frat usually keeps them busy with frat things. Seonghwa doesn't know what frat things in-tales as he isn't in a frat but frankly he's thankful for that.
A couple of days later he was having lunch with Felix, Taehyung and Jimin. Felix was discussing the plans for the party on Saturday. Apparently we don't hate Jongsung anymore? they were Felix's words anyway, Seonghwa didn't really mind he hated picking sides unless it was black and white what side he should be on.
"How was work Seongie? hows that new omega you work with?" Taehyung asked, slowing sipping on his iced americano.
"Oh no he's actually an Alpha" Seonghwa corrected taking a bite of his white choc raspberry muffin.
"Alpha? are you sure? when I hugged you just before all I smelt was omega?"
"Ah yeah unfortunately he's always mistaken for an Omega because he has an Omegan smell and can be quite submissive but he swears he's an Alpha and I don't wanna judge so..."
"Right, so like a sub Alpha?" Jimin pipes in.
"They exist?" Taehyung surprisingly asks.
"An Alpha who wants to bottom, that's like saying an Omega who wants to top" Jimin starts to laugh.
"I mean, a persons wolf is different from their sexual preferences" Felix states, wincing from how hot his americano is. Felix was always the odd one out who got a hot drink during lunch.
"Well I've never met one, most Alphas just wanna pound you into next Tuesday not that I'm complaining about that" Jimin says.
"How'd your heat go Taehyung? Yours was last week yeah?" Felix questions.
"Aw you had to spend it alone didn't you, sorry baby" Jimin pouts before kissing him on the cheek.
"Don't be sorry I mean yeah it was fucking painful but Jimin's right I didn't have an Alpha so there was nothing I could do" Taehyung shrugs.
Chan had invited Felix to one of their parties and it was fine for Felix to bring friends so that he wasn't alone or anything. Seungmin and Jisung couldn't come as it was wrong for them to attend other frat parties plus they had their own frat party to host, but the rest of the gang was invited.
As recently expected Felix left to be with Chan and go dance. Seonghwa loved how cute they were, smiling to himself while he watched them be free with one another. They started making out and he was almost thankful someone bumped into him because it pulled his eyes away from the quickly heating scene.
"I'm so sorry, wait your like so hot" the mystery guy was staring straight into Seonghwa's eyes, it was hard for lim to look away.
Not that he wanted to anyway because the man Seonghwa was staring at had to be the most beautiful man to ever exist. His ashy hair was parted in the middle and the wild scent of sea salt mist hit him like a ton of bricks.
"Oh thank you" Seonghwa was blushing, thankful for the dark lighting.
"Hey do you wanna drink? have a beer" the man handed Seonghwa a red cup filled with the gold liquid. As the mom friend he knew better than to except a drink from a stranger but before he could refuse it was like the man saw the scared expression on his face.
"Ah please don't stress Binnie asked me to get him a beer and I re-filled my whine but your way cuter. Hongjoong babe come meet..."
"Seonghwa" he stated, taking the beer and a sip of it. Another man "Hongjoong" came over at the mention of his name.
"Isn't he hot babe!"
"Please excuse Minnie here he can be quite forward after a few wines, but he also isn't wrong you are hot" Hongjoong exclaimed, taking him in.
"Do you think we should ask him?" Minho whisper/yelled into Hongjoong's ear, "He seems like he could be down."
"I'm sorry down for what exactly?" Seonghwa asked, a confused look on his face.
"Well to be frank, were a couple, a polyamorous couple to be exact and we've been looking for someone to connect with, hopefully have sex with, someone who shares the same feelings as us. No pressure though feel free to shut us down if you're not poly" Hongjoong explains and Seonghwa gasps.
The thing is, Seonghwa is poly. He figured out he was poly during his first threesome when he really enjoyed it and could see himself having multiple life partners. It was always hard trying to find love after that encounter because of course not everyone is poly so when Seonghwa would tell people he would be ok with a third that's usually when the relationship ended because the other wasn't poly.
He's just decided to tell people from the beginning now that he's poly so that others know what they're getting into before they get into it. Sadly the last time Seonghwa had sex was a few months ago because of this, but he can't change who he is. He just has so much love in his heart and wants to share it with more than one person.
The fact that someone else is telling him that he's poly! was Seonghwa dreaming?
"I actually am poly, wow is this real? I've been looking for someone to connect with too! and you guys seem so nice I would love to grab a coffee sometime!" Seonghwa was beaming. Hongjoong and Minho, two of the most stunning guys he has ever laid his eyes on were asking him out, HIM!!!!
"You wanna have sex with us too though right?" Minho giggled, it was clear that he had had one too many wines but it was safe to say that Hongjoong would look after him, considering he has his arm wrapped around him.
"I mean I haven't been laid in over 3 months so sex sounds great" Seonghwa winked in their direction, "Here put your number in my phone, I'll text you then you'll have mine" Seonghwa handed over his phone, finishing the last of his beer while he waited.
All of a sudden it was like the mood changed, Jimin came rushing up to him surprisingly sober; "You gotta come outside with me NOW! Wooyoung and Yoongi are fighting"
Hongjoong and Minho looked confused as they handed Seonghwa back his phone, "everything ok?"
"Sorry no I have to go. But I am heavily interested I promise to text you" They were Seonghwa's parting words as he left with Jimin to go outside.
Seonghwa expected maybe some small argument but he never expected this.
Felix was in hysterics as he tried to help Taehyung stay awake which sent alarm bells off in Seonghwa's head!!! Over on the other side he saw Yoongi and Wooyoung in what seemed to be a screaming match!
Jimin was trying to break it up so that things hopefully didn't get physical, "Fuck! Where's Hyunjin!" He yelled out.
Seonghwa knelt down besides Felix and Taehyung, Felix crying uncontrollably while holding Taehyung who was groaning.
"Felix baby what happened?" Seonghwa needed to know, his beta needed to know.
"I don't know, I think he was drugged! one minute he was fine then he left to go get a drink so I continued dancing with Chan but I noticed that he never came back so I went looking for him and found him outside here vomiting" Felix ranted, clearly overwhelmed with the situation.
"Ok here's what were gonna do. Felix, I want you to take a deep breath for me ok? you're scaring me a little with how worked up your getting" Seonghwa started and was cut off when Felix tried to speak but he shushed him; "I will call 911 for Tae, and I want you to call Hyunjin and ask him to come help Jimin break up the fight alright?"
"Ok Hyung" Felix croaked, using his shaking hands to take out his phone.
Fucking hell.
Seonghwa never guessed this.
Who could have drugged Taehyung? why would they want to? what were their intentions?
Seonghwa's head was spinning but he knew he had to look after his friends first.
"911 whats your emergency?" the operator asked.
"Hi my name is Seonghwa and I'm currently at a Jongsung university frat party, my friend Taehyung appears to have been drugged and isn't responding well" he explains, hoping he said everything correctly.
"Ok thank you, I just have a few questions before I send anyone. Do you possibly know how he was drugged?"
"Well were at a party so I think his drink was spiked."
"Ok, and has he vomited at all?"
"My other friend Felix who found him said yes he did."
"You said he isn't responding, how?"
"His pupils are heavily dilated, it's hard to keep him awake, he just keeps groaning!"
"Alright thank you sir an ambulance is on it's way." with that the call ended, so did Felix's call with Hyunjin.
It was going to be a long night.
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ncteez · 11 months
anytime an idol has dark blue hair i lose my mind
jisung (park), jisung (han), hongjoong
just.... yea
- 🧋
the fact that u left out dark blue mark and dark blue mingi is a crime on this blog so ur in time out.
dark blue hongjoong tho? u get a lighter sentence
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here4theheartbreak · 11 months
I think I've loved every single hairstyle on Mingi. He has such a great face, it seems to work with everything — I like his shorter hair, his longer hair, his mullet, and everything in between!
You know, I never even considered that those little polaroid albums could be photocard holders! It's such a good idea.
Omg! That's soooo many albums!! An actual MOUNTAIN of albums. I bet you were excited when they all arrived! I would've been losing my shit. Ohhhh, I have the limited All to Action, too! You did well to get that as a surprise! 🍀
Your K-pop centre looks amazing! Full, yes, but amazing~! I think it'd be SO easy to have an entire room bursting with merch! Collecting kpop stuff is so dangerous... for your finances AND your sanity. I would spiral so fast. 😭🌀💸
I got the tarot deck from a Kickstarter, they're by an artist called Bana! They're very pretty! Although, they're a bit big. I think the normal/glossy decks are smaller/the usual size. But I saw the word 'holographic' and I couldn't resist. It was like I was having a flashback to collecting shiny trading cards as a kid. So, now I have to shuffle them with the widest hand stretch known to man. But it's worth it~!
That deck you have is super cool! I love dark and mysterious things! Why not add a little drama, and a little spooky mystique, to a reading? Waittttt, there's a Star Trek deck?? Thinking about it, I suppose there's probably a few at this point. TOS is one of my comfort shows! And I also adore the alternate original/kelvin films! ✨
If you haven't already, I hope you watch Lucky Oppa! Woosanhwa are so comfortable and relaxed on that show. The vibe is great. It's wholesome. They're eating well. They're surrounded by a soft pink aesthetic. I loved everything about it. There's also an episode with Wonho... which somehow has the opposite vibe?? He seems so nervous/shy!
Exactly! NO ONE is asking for the queer community to get any special treatment. All anyone wants is to be treated the same, to be treated equally, without any conditions. Queer hosts/fans/friends should be communicated with in the exact same manner that cishet hosts/fans/friends are. It's not a big ask.
One Day at a Time is such an amazing song!!! (I think they're all amazing, obviously, but you get it! It's important to me AND it's amazing!) I played it in my mom's car the other day... and she turned it down to talk, I was so OFFENDED. 😂 Good lil Boy!! That's a great one. I'm gonna be SO interested in what you choose in the end. There really is SO MUCH choice. 😂
I've recently discovered a similar shop to the one you mention! It's a few hours from here. But they're a queer, inclusive, body positive tattooist and the energy seems great!
Oh, you're so right! I've never really thought about it but Joong ALWAYS looks amazing with unnatural hair colours! And I think San does too?? Pink, red, blue. They all looked stunning on him! Though, I have to admit, the pink still has me in a chokehold. 😭😂
OMG. Wooyoung looks so TINY in that picture? And adorable?? I love him so much. 🥺
Talking of men looking tiny... have you seen this picture of Hongjoong and Mingi that's doing the rounds? It reminds me of that one stage where Joong appeared behind Seonghwa, with that backpack, looking like the smallest man in the world. 🥺💖
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Did you see the kcon check in mission where Yunho had to hug everyone??Jongho was NOT getting hugged that day. 🐻 Him and Joong really said no thank you. be gone. 😂 Meanwhile, there's nothing that would improve my mood faster than a Yunho hug! 🤷‍♀️😂
I absolutely love the polaroid flip books. These ones hold 96 pcs each. The only thing is that if you have baseball card or Japanese sleeves they won’t fit - just a hair too big. But I found American Standard sleeves (56x87mm) work perfectly — Ryker and Ultra Pro both make good, sturdy ones in that size (I prefer DragonShield but couldn’t find the right size V_V).
Kpop is such a money drain, you’re entirely right. And I just learned OnlyOneOf is finally putting out a nightstick. Super excited but please I need to save money (I also need to get Ateez’s summer phonebook but I might wait until my friend gets hers in - she bought two and is selling one so I might snag that instead since I don’t need the pobs.) I finally got the blue and yellow Movements in, so my Ateez albums are complete — now just need to hunt for pcs for each of the albums.
I love holographic cards lbvs - they are so pretty - I may look and see if there’s a way to get them in the US now that the kickstarter has ended 🤔 And yes! They have a TNG one - which is the one I want, TNG and DS9 are my two favorite series; and they also apparently have a TOS one.
The TOS Deck
TNG Deck
I don’t personally care for the Kelvin films >.< - I’m a sucker for the og; I like TOS and as I said above, TNG and DS9 are my two favorites (Quark brings me so much joy, the little troll, I l love him) and I really am enjoying SNW …. Definitely have a crush on Pike and Spock, as well as Ortega.
I will definitely watch it! I have been watching some non-kpop stuff lately that I needed to catch up on lol - so I will have to watch it here soon! I adore Wonho 😭 I miss him - will have to watch that too.
Yesss, I like pink Joong but I have a particular soft spot for his Cruella de Ville hair from Guerrilla ngl, esp with the ponytail.
Omg he looks so TINY. I know it’s an optical illusion but it’s hilarious; they have bookend rappers - the tall big one and the tiny lil one lol.
I have seen that video of Yunho, I howled. Jongho and Joong both were ready to throw hands when he came for them 😂 Poor Hwa just looked confused and then resigned like, well, this is my life now.
Oh my god WATERBOMB. I hung out with my friends yesterday and we spent a solid like 3 hours talking about it, did you see them?! Idk what gave them the frickin’ right to act out like that but they need to be stopped. Mingi and San especially!?!?!? Like guys please, I am not your strongest soldier here. I simply cannot. (And then with Taemin performing today - It’s been a… Tense weekend lmao
But these finally came in, I am delighted. Displaying them on my desk is not enough, I need them with me at all times, they are so cute 😭
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acciocriativity · 1 year
Hi beautiful 🥰
Congratulations on 100 followers
Your work is really amazing thank you for writing ❤❤️❤️❤️❤️
I would like to request matchmaking with ateez if it's stills op
my height is 160CM I'm in the chubby side i'm line 94
I have very dark brown eyes they are almost black i have 5 beauty marks in my face and one dimple that appears with the smallest expression may hair is short black hair and it's curly
i wear glasses i can't see without them at all
I'm an INFP-T / hufflepuff and i have ADHD
My zodiac
Sun Aries /Moon Virgo /Rising Libra /Mercury Pisces /Venus Aries /Mars Pisces /Jupiter Scorpio
I'm an only girl between 4 boys and i think i have mix between musclen and feminine energy
I have a happy go personality most the time and Sometimes I act like a mature person out of the blue i can also be a responsible and dependent person my friends call me the mom of the group because you can find almost anything in my bag if we go out together
I like to cook and bake for my family and friends
I have two moods i go out a lot or i stay home a lot
I'm normally shy if i don't know the people arund me well but the moment i feel comfortable with someone i will be loud talkative
I can speak 3 languages for know and I'm learning the 4 one
I get scared easily but i don't show it except for the very close people to me because of that some people think I'm brave they are so wrong .
Some of my habits if i feel pain i will start to laugh and if i ask someone to help me with something and they say no or wait i don't need that help anymore i will do it myself .
I really love hugs and show affection but it's just for my close circle .
Thank you so much for reading all of this
I hope you will have a great day/ night
Love you
Hey there, anon 👋👋 Thank youuu, this just made my day, you're so sweet 💕
The rules for my 100 followers' event is here, it's up until 11th of this month!
It seems like I always say everyone's match is hard to choose, but yours was one of the hardest. I was so torn between Seonghwa and Hongjoong, and let me tell you why. You seem very similar to Seonghwa, almost twins, but that's the exact reason why I chose Hongjoong for you, I mean, they're literally soulmates, right? So we know it's going to work perfectly.
It's really interesting how you said you are a happy easy going person, but you're also know how to be responsible, because this man has waay too many children already and only God knows how much headache he has already, so another person being responsible and dependable is everything he can ask for sometimes, although he has his playful and sassy moments too.
I'm not even going to mention how horrible he is cooking, but maybe he can try to be better with a little help of yours, who knows? Miracles can happen. (Pause for delulu moment: he'd be exactly like he was with Mingi in that Wanteez episode, just being a cheerleader without helping one. single. time. If you want help, I'm so sorry, but you will have a good time so...)
*clearing throat*
It's so cool that you know a lot of languages, again another thing that would inspire Hongjoong to work harder on his skills to get better to talk to atiny, but he would love to be able to talk to you in other languages too. (Another delulu moment, I can't stop me today, BUT imagine if he just randomly says something to you or he responds to you in the language you speak without you knowing he was taking some classes).
You said you're shy but get loud when you're comfortable and he's exactly like that, although he doesn't have any problem being the one to start the conversation.
That was it! I hope you enjoyed it, anon 💕 Thank you so much for your support!
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jooheonspinky · 1 year
Kpop Dream Log 11: with Jimin of BTS and Mingi of ATEEZ
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February 23, 2019, Saturday
I was taking a trip with my co-work and cousin @millie-ionaire05. We were meeting up with my cousin later so at first, it was just me and my co-worker. I can’t remember much, just these two parts.
My co-worker and I stopped to get food, and I was looking around while in line. The line was next to a wall that was made of glass so we could see outside. I see Jimin! He’s dressed in a navy blue sweater that’s only just a little bit big on him, black ripped jeans, a black baseball cap, bill to the front. He has big black sunglasses, and he has a face mask, but for some reason, it’s on his chin and not covering his mouth at all (maybe because he was just finished eating? I'm not sure) He had earbuds on, but the wired kind and he had a black backpack. He starts walking our way. He’s still outside and is just about to walk past the window portion where we were standing.
My eyes nearly jump outta my head! I grab my co-worker's arm, and I’m like, “Girl, check out that fine specimen of a man!” 
She looks out just as Jimin lifts his shirt a bit, his other hand resting on his abdomen. He looks serious, not mad, just like someone with RBF. I can see his pale abs beneath his tanned fingers. 
The guy behind me had heard and was rolling his eyes at what I said, while my co-worker was saying, “Ooh, girl!”
My dream jumps to us in one hotel room, then another. By then, my cousin is in both. Each time a new hotel pops up, I only remember when we are going to bed and how my co-worker is embarrassed to come out of the bathroom in her night clothes, lol.
Then I remember @millie-ionaire05 and me stopping at another gas station. ATEEZ’s Say my Name is playing outside at the pumps and inside when we go in to buy lottery tickets. 
While we are in line, I looked over to their cafe area, and Mingi is there getting coffee and some food. When he turned to walk out I don’t remember seeing what food exactly he had in his hands. 
He had the hair that was dark with the blue and green tips; it was combed and styled back rather than parted in the middle. He had on a long-sleeved shirt that had thin stripes of black and a dark greenish blue with black jeans. Over the long-sleeved shirt, he had a denim jacket.
I couldn’t even speak. Thank God my cousin turned around because I was just there staring.
She said, “Oh hey, it’s Mingi.”
At hearing his name he looks our way and we both say, “안녕하세요,” and give him a small bow.
He smiles and bows, but he doesn’t stop walking. He heads outside, and she and I continue to move forward and buy lottery tickets.
Then I sadly woke up!
Dream Log Masterlist
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Promise (Part 19)
We had left the reserve island with a plan to sail back to Marh. Hongjoong has suggested we found somewhere we could lay low to be better equipped if we had to fight Yoongi or take on the Royal Navy or the Royal Mermaid Army, as Mingi was now referring to it.
I had brought up the idea of heading back to Marh after staring at Wooyoung’s painting while rubbing over his scars as he slept for a few hours. I’d been reluctant to wake him, because he’d seemed so peaceful, laying face down with his cheek smushed on the pillow, a little drool leaking out, but I knew every minute counted, so I roused him and we took the idea to Hongjoong. 
Regardless of if I’d been there in a while or not, the Inn was mostly likely still there and if not there were other places to stay. So we’d packed up and headed out and  the Promis couldn’t have been more than another day away from Marh when Yunho had yelled from the foremast and my blood ran cold.
Hongjoong had immediately tried to steer us in a different direction, hoping that maybe we weren’t seen, but I knew that wasn’t the case when the waves started to get choppier, making it almost impossible for him to turn us any other direction but towards the oncoming ship. The ship I had spent two miserable weeks on.
This had led us to our current predicament.
The ship rocked as another cannon hit the side, too high to do much damage to the hull but enough that a chunk of the side of the ship now looked like a bite was taken from it. The waves rocked us a little more as well. 
“We can’t let them board us again.” Seonghwa said, a dagger in one hand already as he, San, Seongwha, Hongjoong and I stood on the quarter deck together. They had run up there when Yoongi’s ship had gotten close enough to start shooting off cannonballs.
���I don’t know if we’re going to have a choice. The current is moving in their direction.” Hongjoong said, sweat forming on his brow as he turned the black wheel again. 
“Shit.” I said, something suddenly dawning on me. “You can stop, Captain. It doesn’t matter. She’s doing this.”
“What do you mean?”
I stepped over to the side to see what looked like dark hair with glitter streaks of blue disappear below the ship.
“Seonghwa, you got all your knives right now?” I asked, continuing to eye the water. 
“Got them.”
“Good, throw to the left on three. One…two…three.” 
I heard the knife whizz through the air before there was a thunk as it hit into the side of the ship. When I turned, Keln was there like I knew she would be, wiping the side of her arm, blood smearing across it.
“Hello Sister, still see you have your little mortal to protect you.” Keln said, wild eyes fixed on me.
Seonghwa started to throw another but I held up my hand, taking the dagger that he and Yeosang and Wooyoung had given me from its sheath. 
Keln grinned and held up her own, “This again. You don’t fight.”
“I think I can make an exception this time.” I said, before launching myself at her. We both tumbled across the deck, her kicking at me to get away before we stood up, regaining our balance. She grinned before slashing at me, but I blocked and nicked her other arm and her grin turned to a glare.
“I’ve been practicing.” I said, flashing my own grin. We continued on, dodging each other and others. As she went to deliver what would probably have been a nasty cut we were both thrown to the deck as the other ship made contact with us. I swore when I saw Yoongi’s Navy men coming over. 
A sharp pain in my cheek brought me back. 
“Distractions, Sister. What’s the first thing we learned?”
“Stay focused. Distractions mean mistakes.” I quoted, the years of training still ingrained in me after all these years.
“So Distractions mean death.” She answered back, “Now come at me.”
I let out a yell before attacking this time, backing her into one of the masts of the ship. She used this, turning to run up it and backflip from it, pushing into my back so I fell into it, her body pressing mine into the wood, her own jeweled dagger by my eye. 
“Namjoon wants me to bring you back, but I don’t want that. I should just kill you.” She hissed. 
“Then do it.”
“No, because I listen to my King. Even if I think he’s making a mistake. Even if he should just give up on her and look at what he has.” Her grip loosened for a moment and I used it to my advantage. Pushing her back and swiping her legs out from under her, pushing down her shoulders with my own dagger to her neck. 
“I don’t want him, Keln.”
“You don’t want any of us!”
“That’s not true! But I couldn’t stay there and do what he wanted. I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to leave you, but I had to.”
“You choose mortals over me.” She screamed, “Are they really worth it?”
“These ones are.” I said, moving the dagger away from her, “And I didn’t choose them over you. I chose me.”
I stood as she continued to lay on the deck. Looking around I noticed that most of the Navy men had been run back to their ship or were calling for retreat. Jongho and Mingi standing near the gang planks in case anyone dared to come back through. Yoongi was standing on the deck near the edge, looking at Keln and I. 
“I’m not going back.” I said, looking down at her. 
“Because you let them make you weak. Namjoon knows about them.”
“It’s not about being weak or strong. And I don’t care. I will fight the whole Royal family if I have to. I’m sorry, Keln. I’m sorry that you thought I abandoned you and I’m sorry for how I know he has treated you. Manipulated you. And I would go back, for you, if I thought that I could make a change.”
I looked around again, Wooyoung was waving at me to get my attention, and I gave him a thumbs up letting him know I was alright and he smiled back, ready to move on to his next task as I turned back around to Keln.
“He thought you were here because of them. He thought he could make you come back by taking them away. But I see now that we were wrong. I was wrong and I’m sorry.”
“What..what do you mean by that?” 
There was a fast spinning sound and then a wet thunk behind me. Looking back, I saw Wooyoung on the ground and Yoongi across the ship, his arm still raised and his eyes ice blue eyes on me. 
“Distractions mean death.” Keln said, knocking my legs out from under me and launching herself over the side of the Promise.
“Wooyung!” I yelled, scrambling up and to his side. The small dagger was sticking out of his leg. Looking at it, it didn’t seem like it would be particularly fatal, but he was clutching it to his chest from the pain regardless. 
“I’m okay, Sunlight. It just hurts like a bitch. That stupid royal merman.”
“I know. Let me get Yeosang. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Yeah, I thought I would take a light swim actually.”
“Shut up.” I kissed him quickly before running off. 
Eventually, we got him to the med bay and Yeosang peeled back the fabric around his wound, where blueish lines were forming. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Yeosang said nothing, just started to clean the wound, making sure it was safe to remove the blade before bandaging him up. 
“Alright. Let’s get you some food and rest. You might feel a little off for a bit from the blood loss and adrenaline. We’ll leave Jongho here with you and go get you some food.” Yeosang said, before taking my arm and pulling me out and down to the kitchen. 
“Why didn’t you tell him?”
“There’s no need to yet. I added a universal antidote to the bandage. It can heal most poisons we have in our area. Don’t ask me how I developed it.” He said, grabbing a few things from the shelves. 
“If it’s not better by tomorrow then we’ll start looking for something else. I’m dropping these off and then going to tell Captain to continue heading for Marh so we can get some supplies.”
“This is my fault.” I said, voice wavering. 
He grabbed my hand, “No, it’s not.”
“Distractions mean mistakes. Mistakes mean death. Therefore, Distractions mean Death. I got distracted.”
“Aleah, my love, this has nothing to do with some messed up royal warrior training. This has to do with bad people wanting to do bad things because they think they’re the right thing. It happens all the time, it’s a human thing. Your kind think they are so above mortals. I’d hate for this Namjoon to find out just how mortal he is.”
I nodded and he kissed my forehead, “He’ll be fine. We just need…”
“Yeosang, Aleah!” Yunho yelled, tripping down the last few steps into the canteen. “It’s Wooyoung.”
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baekhvuns · 2 years
AAAAAAA THAT TRAILER IS LIKE A KDRAMA HOLY SHITTTTT KQ CAME IN WITH THE BUDGET!!!! I hope the MV will have a similar vibe PLS PLS PLS can't believe we started with some pirate boys at a desert and now we're here?!??! Also KQ hire us to be your extras 🤗🤗🤗 and THAT'S SEONGHWA IN THAT PHOTO RIGHT? WHAT'S GOING OOOOON. And remember when he??? God damn how can I join this rebellion I'll do whatever he wants!
I'll keep you updated on my quest of becoming the ruler of insects, perhaps I'll cast a spell or two
True me and Seonghwa cowards unite <333 I'm not usually scared by things easily, but thunder makes me really uncomfortable so yeah your scenario seems very likely djhshsnshahsja
Please that San fic now I'm sad I never got to read it 🤧
Yeah actually we made sure to have our little cards ahahhaha, much easier than writing shit by hand I only do that while selling/trading. I wish normal people could snatch the calls, but I have a feeling some Korean fans have their spots guaranteed it's my conspiracy theory 👁👄👁
I do have to warn you though my joints are in bad condition, so you'll experience some pain and cracking 🥴 currently my knees are killing me . Oh noooo I wanted to ask if you got the c-word ://// a parent wants to take you down???
No Baek calm down I'm still faithful to Seonghwa's fics, but Mingi has been serving so many looks like seriously silver mullet, dark blue hair, now the streaks I'm not immune to good hair.
I think it makes sense they fit the theme so Sunmi can be comfortable I couldn't imagine her imitating Jessi, lmaooo. Knowing how open she's been about her mental health and other struggles maybe they'll discuss those sort of things, it's important of course though I would rather live laugh love than be emo 💔 But if I get a Seonghwa x Sunmi duo or at least Seonghwa embarrassing himself in front of her I'm in!
Seonghwa as the main lead in 10 Things I Hate About You woah woah you planted a seed in my brain....... I love Maid Sama and I was rewatching it a few months ago, because she's one of my fave anime protagonists I love a lady who can kick ass and Takumi was a brat and a simp at the same time LOVE TO SEE THAT
Let me spread swimmer Hwa agenda now, I can't swim well so hehe maybe he could teach me 😌 or maybeeee it's cause he's a 🧜‍♂️ Free! AU with Ateez?! I- I'm gonna forgive him cause he's pretty and cute BUT 😬
The clips from San's birthday live wtf Jongho wore the shoes Hwa bought for San??? Also why are people shocked at Hwa eating raw 🍅 (though he said he disliked them before hmmm), but never bat an eye at all the nasty meat they consume 😭 I'm not even a big raw tomato lover myself but I love a man who can eat his veggies like a normal person ❤
Also for you habibi enthusiast
I'm free from my period and about to read tenelkadjo's Blue Hawaii and fuckboy Hwa fic when it drops though I'm scared 🙈 - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
AAAAAAA THAT TRAILER IS LIKE A KDRAMA HOLY SHITTTTT KQ CAME IN WITH THE BUDGET!!!! I hope the MV will have a similar vibe PLS PLS PLS can't believe we started with some pirate boys at a desert and now we're here?!??! Also KQ hire us to be your extras 🤗🤗🤗 and THAT'S SEONGHWA IN THAT PHOTO RIGHT? WHAT'S GOING OOOOON. And remember when he??? God damn how can I join this rebellion I'll do whatever he wants!
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I'll keep you updated on my quest of becoming the ruler of insects, perhaps I'll cast a spell or two
absolutely, pls purchase a crown to feel the whole vibe <3 send pics w/ ur army
True me and Seonghwa cowards unite <333 I'm not usually scared by things easily, but thunder makes me really uncomfortable so yeah your scenario seems very likely djhshsnshahsjs
Please that San fic now I'm sad I never got to read it 🤧 Yeah actually we made sure to have our little cards ahahhaha, much easier than writing shit by hand I only do that while selling/trading. I wish normal people could snatch the calls, but I have a feeling some Korean fans have their spots guaranteed it's my conspiracy theory 👁👄👁
i wish that author fr comes back tbh 😭😭 so good 😭😭 OOOOOOOO the selling trading seems so fun excluding the shipping $$$ BESTIE I BET ITS THE SAME PPL TOO AGAIN 😭😭🤚🏼 unpopular opinion but those big accs get chosen for fansigns again and again until they aren’t chosen ONCE 😭😭
I do have to warn you though my joints are in bad condition, so you'll experience some pain and cracking 🥴 currently my knees are killing me . Oh noooo I wanted to ask if you got the c-word ://// a parent wants to take you down???
LMFAOOOO 😭😭 its okay bff me too when u stand up too soon and the knee cracks 📉📈📉📈📉📈 aND THE BACK PROBLEMS???? 😭😭😭 fhskdh i did get the c word,, it was flu @ first and then this (tho mostly just flu symptoms) ,, i don’t get sick easily but when i do itS FOR A WHILE 😭😭 nose running and itchy 😭😭🤚🏼 my dad went out to his friends (one of them’s daughter had rona but told no one and came either way) and then he cane back and boom everyone has it <3 😭😭😭😭 and i have to skip school 😭😭
No Baek calm down I'm still faithful to Seonghwa's fics, but Mingi has been serving so many looks like seriously silver mullet, dark blue hair, now the streaks I'm not immune to good hair.
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I think it makes sense they fit the theme so Sunmi can be comfortable I couldn't imagine her imitating Jessi, lmaooo. Knowing how open she's been about her mental health and other struggles maybe they'll discuss those sort of things, it's important of course though I would rather live laugh love than be emo 💔 But if I get a Seonghwa x Sunmi duo or at least Seonghwa embarrassing himself in front of her I'm in!
no yeha pls not imitating jessi 😭😭 that would also be problematic dbdbdb fOR THOSE TOPICS it def seems like a good show! more deeper and touching topic’s hopefully it’s comforting and not just straight awkward 😭😭 BDWNBDKW LIVE LAUGH 😭😭 YES ABSOLUTELY HE BETTER EMBARRASS HIMSELF WE ALL ARE IN !!!!
Seonghwa as the main lead in 10 Things I Hate About You woah woah you planted a seed in my brain....... I love Maid Sama and I was rewatching it a few months ago, because she's one of my fave anime protagonists I love a lady who can kick ass and Takumi was a brat and a simp at the same time LOVE TO SEE THAT
woah woah now let me plant another seed, mingi as heath in 10 things i hate abt u <33 hehe FBWMBDWKDHWK OKAY BC USUI IS SO MF FINEEEE 😭😭😭😭 ABSOLUTELY ABSOLUTELY LOVE MISAS CHARACTER,,, a brat and a simp huh sounds very familiar to a man named park seonghwa bdandbns ☺️☺️
Let me spread swimmer Hwa agenda now, I can't swim well so hehe maybe he could teach me 😌 or maybeeee it's cause he's a 🧜‍♂️ Free! AU with Ateez?! I- I'm gonna forgive him cause he's pretty and cute BUT 😬
seonghwa swimmer au 👁👄👁 HEY GET IN LINE IM IN IT FIRST 🔫🔫 A SIRENFHWJDJEK WHY IS HE LIKE THIS 😭😭 u know before i see to cringe at idols doing ageyo,,, but when he does it suddenly im 🥰☺️✨😚<3
The clips from San's birthday live wtf Jongho wore the shoes Hwa bought for San??? Also why are people shocked at Hwa eating raw 🍅 (though he said he disliked them before hmmm), but never bat an eye at all the nasty meat they consume 😭 I'm not even a big raw tomato lover myself but I love a man who can eat his veggies like a normal person ❤
JONGHO PEAK SIBLING ENERGY 😭😭 seonghwa ate a what???? a rAW WHAT???? HE RAW DAWGED IT?????? IM SO??? nasti nasty nasti,,, seeing ateez’s hate for veggies it’s nice hwa eats his 😭😭😭
Also for you habibi enthusiast
I'm free from my period and about to read tenelkadjo's Blue Hawaii and fuckboy Hwa fic when it drops though I'm scared 🙈 - DV 💖
👁👁 did u read it how’d that go,,, 👁👄👁 UHUH PLS DO SAY UR THOUGHTS
2/2 Forgot to drop my dream, here it is in a nutshell 1 and 2 it sounds rather underwhelming, I wish I could remember more because it was something ELSE truly lmaooo - DV 💖
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