#MIPIRFFESlaveControllerIP RFFESlaveControllerIP ControllerIP MIPIRFFEMasterControllerIP MIPI RFFrontEndInterfaces RFFE
t2mip · 2 years
MIPI RFFE 主从控制器 IP 核
全球独立的半导体 IP 核供应商和技术专业公司 T2MIP 很高兴地宣布,合作伙伴开发的 MIPI RFFE v3.0 主从控制器 IP 核已经成熟,经过验证后已投入量产,具备高性能、低能耗等突出优点。
用于控制射频 (RF) 前端 (FE) 子系统的标准接口MIPI RFFE v3.0 控制器 IP 核,可对复杂的射频子系统环境进行迅速、敏捷、自我调节式的完整控制。MIPI RFFE 主/从控制器 IP 核是一种功能齐全、便于使用、可同步设计且可轻松集成至任何 SoC 或 FPGA 开发中的产品。可支持各类主机总线接口, 包括AXI、AHB、APB、OCP、VCI、Avalon、PLB、Wishbone 或自定义总线。便于各种设计架构的集成应用,MIPI RFFE v3.0 具备后向兼容能力,支持所有前几代产品规格。
RFFE,采用非端接的单端 CMOS I/O两线形式的接口,可低功耗运行。广泛适用于总线工频,可支持命令帧、数据/地址帧、无响应帧、总线控制权转移、中断轮询、主站读写、多主站配置、支持载波聚合和使用多个收发器、双 SIM 设计和预留寄存器,从而提高软硬件开发效率。
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MIPI RFFE v3.0 IP 核旨在跟随 5G 技术进步,提高计时精度,降低延迟。MIPI RFFE IP 核实现对 RFFE 子系统的简化、快速和更为全面的控制,并提供传统 6GHz 以下的蜂窝网络频段所要求的业务功能。MIPI RFFE v3.0 IP 核具有增强的触发特性和功能,用于同步和调度跨多个设备的寄存器设置调整,使其与 5G、LTE、GNSS、Nb-IoT、SDR 或任何其他射频组件一起形成更良好的生态系统。
该MIPI RFFE 主从控制器 IP 核与各类射频前端 IP 已在半导体行业的蜂窝电子、物联网、汽车、工业、广播等领域得到广泛应用。
除 MIPI RFFE IP 核外,T2M 广泛的硅接口 IP 核系列产品还包括USB、HDMI、DisplayPort、MIPI(CSI、DSI、UniPro、UFS、I3C)、PCIe、DDR、10/100/1000Ethernet 、V by One、串行 ATA、可编程 SerDes 等,在主要的晶圆厂中,工艺几何尺寸小至 7 纳米。这些产品还可以根据要求被移植到其他晶圆代工厂和前沿制程节点。
可用性:这些半导体接口 IP 核可立即获得许可,既可独立使用,也可与预集成的控制器和 PHY 一起使用。如需了解更多关于许可选件和价格的信息,请发送请求/邮件至
关于 T2M:T2MIP是一家全球性独立半导体技术专业公司,可提供复杂的半导体 IP 核、软件、KGD 和颠覆性技术,帮助您加速开发可穿戴设备、物联网、通信、存储、服务器、网络、电视、机顶盒和卫星 SoC。如需更多信息,请访问:www.t-2-m.com
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t2mip · 2 years
MIPI RFFE Master Slave Controller IP Cores control RF Front End Interfaces
T2MIP, the global independent semiconductor IP Cores provider & Technology experts, is pleased to announce the immediate availability of its partner’s MIPI RFFE v3.0 Master and Slave Controller IP Cores which are mature, proven and in production chips with High performance and low power consumption support.
MIPI RFFE v3.0 Controller IP Cores, is the standard interface for control of radio frequency (RF) front-end (FE) subsystems. It delivers swift, agile, self-regulating, and complete control of the complex RF subsystem environment. The MIPI RFFE Master/ Slave Controller IP Cores is a full-featured, easy-to-use, synthesizable design that is easily integrated into any SoC or FPGA development. It can also support a variety of host bus interfaces for easy adoption into any design architecture – AXI, AHB, APB, OCP, VCI, Avalon, PLB, Wishbone or custom buses. MIPI RFFE v3.0 is also backward compatible with all prior generations
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RFFE is a two-wire interface that uses non-terminated, single-ended CMOS I/Os for lower power. It can be used with a broad range of bus operating frequencies and Supports Command Frame, Data/Address Frame, No Response Frame, Bus ownership transfer, Interrupt polling, Master write and read, multi-master configuration, support for carrier aggregation and the use of multiple transceivers, dual-SIM designs and reserved registers that improve the efficiency of hardware and software development.
MIPI RFFE v3.0 IP cores, is designed to provide more accurate timing precision and reduced latencies needed for the technical advancement of 5G. The MIPI RFFE IP cores provides a simplified, fast, and more comprehensive control over the RFFE subsystems and deliver the specific capabilities necessary for traditional sub-6 GHz cellular bands. MIPI RFFE v3.0 IP cores delivers enhanced triggering features and functionality for synchronizing and scheduling changes in register settings across multiple devices enabling a better ecosystem along with 5G, LTE, GNSS, Nb-IoT, SDR or any other RF components.
MIPI RFFE Master/Slave Controller IP cores along with RF Front-End IPs have been used in semiconductor industry’s Cellular Electronics, IoT, Automotive, Industrial, Broadcast etc…
In addition to MIPI RFFE IP Cores, T2M ‘s broad silicon Interface IP Core Portfolio includes USB, HDMI, Display Port, MIPI(CSI, DSI, UniPro, UFS, I3C), PCIe, DDR, 10/100/1000 Ethernet, V by One, Serial ATA, programmable SerDes, and many more, available in major Fabs in process geometries as small as 7nm. They can also be ported to other foundries and leading-edge processes nodes on request.
Availability: These Semiconductor Interface IP Cores are available for immediate licensing either stand alone or with pre-integrated Controllers. For more information on licensing options and pricing please drop a request / MailTo
About T2M:
 T2MIP is the global independent semiconductor technology experts, supplying complex semiconductor IP Cores, Software, KGD and disruptive technologies enabling accelerated development of your Wearables, IOT, Communications, Storage, Servers, Networking, TV, STB and Satellite SoCs. For more information, please visit: 
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