waitmyturtles · 5 months
I'm gonna need to buy extra pairs of flip-flops to hurl at GMMTV after today. WTF.
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mikanrulz · 7 years
Hi there! Since ur a fan of azazel i just wanted to ask. Remember in S1 when he used a power like a beam blast? I'm just confused, Why do u think he wasnt able to use it in S2 during his fights since it can blast off an entire army. Maybe its bcause he wasnt an upper demon like he used to be? Hope u can answer my question :D
I did check again bcs I couldn’t remember him using a beam blast like thing except in ep12, and I don’t think it’s so much a beam blast a force field? He’s using this energy to create a magic field to contain bahamut, so it’s technically not an attack and more of a defense.
For a demon with plenty of magic power, Azazel’s surprisingly very physical, and rarely uses magic to attack.
1. at the end of ep5 sees him approaching Amira physically, reaching out to her by his hand, instead of using magic to contain her.
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2. ep7 he uses his snakes creation to pierce people physically, and his snakes are confirmed to have the ability to harden like a sword. Here he uses illusion to *play* with Kaisar, but no beam or any other magic.
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3. ep 8 he tries to attack Beelzebub using his sword, after he throws away the staff he used to help him stay upright. (unclear whether the staff is an actual physical weapon or yet another form of the snake)
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4. ep11 he attacks Beelzebub using both the snakes and a sword (considering the sword actually originated from the snake does this mean it counts as two weapons or just one weapon???)
EDIT: anon pointed out that he did let out a beam like kind of thing in ep11. Somehow i missed that, so I stand corrected.
I still think he seems to prefer physical attack over magic attack, for whatever reason. Esp since the only time he uses magic attack, it’s only as preface for his snakes/sword attack.
5. ep12 he stabs Beelzebub in the mouth using sword-snake. Afterward together with other characters he forms some force field light beam from his hands to help contain bahamut.
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tl;dr - Of course it’s possible losing Cocytus means he’s losing the source of powers for the demons and demons become weaker as a result (him included) , but he never actually uses magic to attack (unless you count his snakes as some form of magic, which I don’t bcs they seem very physical…to say the least, like if you reach out you might actually be able to touch the snakes; Kaisar certainly manages to stop them with his sword in vs ep8).
Even physically, it seems he’s weaker now than in genesis. But this could be explained with him having never fully healed from his wounds since he’s out every ight parading as the rag demon.
Why did he never use his magic power then? (esp considering his snb puchi chara has less HP than Chari’s but more MP; lmao this is like saying he’s technically more physically vulnerable than Chari)
I have no idea :D
tho i kinda suspect it’s possible his magic is the kind of magic that has no effect on humans bcs his magic is the kind that is made to fight gods. This is purely my headcanon based on basically nothing, so pls take it with a grain of salt :D
if you want to know the stats of Azazel (lv50) and Chari (lv51)’s puchi charas in SNB:HP : MP : Attack : Magic : ElementAzazel 2091 : 118 : 1437 : 791 : FireChari 2598 : 88 : 1153 : 663 : Dark
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