#MSP 2015
jarojagr · 4 months
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my msp avatar is serving massive amounts of cunt rn
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ilurvyer · 11 months
Discovered melanie martinez in 2015 on msp youtube to a msp lyric video of dollhouse
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Has it always been a thing that gmmtv artists have to "sing" as well as act or was there a person/show that started that trend I feel like every artist at that company whether they can or not has to sing and while it makes sense for some shows like "MSP" for example so their concerts make sense the others not so much I just wondered if this has always been a thing.
Don't quote me on this but as far as I know Gmmtv used to be a music company under GMM Grammy before they started making their own shows. So a lot of gmmtv artists used to join the company as singers and then went into acting later on - and even when they started going into television they started by making music shows and music videos etc., which is something Mek Jirakit talked a bit about on twitter after he left gmmtv. He said he joined the company as a singer back in 2013-2014 and later went into acting as the company shifted its focus around ~2015. This is just one example though.
But either way the GMM Grammy Entertainment corporation has always been heavily associated with music; they now have GMMTV records as their own record company as a subsidiary as well as multiple connections with other record labels. All of this doesn't justify the fact that they're dragging their actors into the music industry regardless of their musical talent but it makes a little more sense when you know the background I guess.
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vxmitbxymsp · 11 months
MovieStarPlanet Nerd Introduction
Welcome to my blog! I don't know if any MSP players are on Tumblr, but I've been wanting to make a blog dedicated to MSP for a while, so I decided why not.
Here I will post outfits, general info/trivia, opinion posts, and more. If you want to know more about me, see below!
Moth + 21 + he/they
I've been on MSP since 2012 on multiple different accounts. I've been active on the forums as well since 2015. MSP is one of my long-term hyperfixations/SPINs and I can't help but return to it. I only play on the USA server, primarily under the username vxmit bxy
I tend to dress my avatar in more alternative styles, typically black with notes of neon colors. I LOVE neon pink and black, which is what a lot of my outfits consist of. I love incorporating the unnatural skin tones as well.
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b2bcybersecurity · 8 months
Die gefährlichste Malware im November: Formbook Platz 1
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Die häufigste Malware im November 2023 ist der Infostealer Formbook und die am häufigsten angegriffene Branche ist ISP/MSP. Command Injection Over HTTP war die am häufigsten ausgenutzte Schwachstelle. Check Point Software Technologies hat seinen globalen Bedrohungsindex für November 2023 veröffentlicht: Top-Malware in Deutschland Der erste Platz in Deutschland wurde von Formbook erreicht. Formbook ist ein Infostealer, der auf das Betriebssystem Windows abzielt und erstmals 2016 entdeckt wurde. Er wird in Hacker-Underground-Foren als Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) vermarktet, da er über leistungsfähige Umgehungstechniken verfügt und relativ preiswert ist. Neu hinzu kommt Fakeupdates. Auf Platz 3 steht Nanocore. *Die Pfeile beziehen sich auf die Veränderung der Rangfolge im Vergleich zum Vormonat. 1. ↑ Formbook - Formbook ist ein Infostealer, der auf das Windows-Betriebssystem abzielt und erstmals im Jahr 2016 entdeckt wurde. Er wird in Underground-Hacking-Foren als Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) vermarktet, da er starke Umgehungstechniken und einen relativ niedrigen Preis hat. Formbook sammelt Anmeldeinformationen von verschiedenen Webbrowsern, sammelt Screenshots, überwacht und protokolliert Tastatureingaben und kann Dateien auf Anweisung von seinem C&C herunterladen und ausführen. 2. ↑ Fakeupdates – Fakeupdates (auch bekannt als SocGholish) ist ein in JavaScript geschriebener Downloader, der die Nutzdaten auf die Festplatte speichert, bevor er sie ausführt. Durch Fakeupdates kam es zu weiteren Infektionen durch zahlreiche zusätzliche Malware wie GootLoader, Dridex, NetSupport, DoppelPaymer und AZORult. 3. ↓ Nanocore – Nanocore ist ein Fernzugriffs-Trojaner (RAT), der auf Benutzer von Windows-Betriebssystemen zielt und erstmals 2013 beobachtet wurde. Alle Versionen des RAT enthalten grundlegende Plugins und Funktionen, wie Bildschirmaufnahmen, Krypto-Währungs-Mining, Fernsteuerung des Desktops und Diebstahl von Webcam-Sitzungen. Top 3 Schwachstellen Im vergangenen Monat war Command Injection Over HTTP die am häufigsten ausgenutzte Schwachstelle, von der 45 Prozent der Unternehmen weltweit betroffen waren, gefolgt von Web Servers Malicious URL Directory Traversal mit 42 Prozent der Unternehmen weltweit. An dritter Stelle lag Zyxel ZyWALL Command Injection (CVE-2023-28771) mit einer weltweiten Auswirkung von 41 Prozent. 1. ↑ Command Injection Over HTTP (CVE-2021-43936, CVE-2022-24086) - Eine Command Injection over HTTP-Schwachstelle wurde gemeldet. Ein entfernter Angreifer kann dieses Problem ausnutzen, indem er eine speziell gestaltete Anfrage an das Opfer sendet. Bei erfolgreicher Ausnutzung könnte ein Angreifer beliebigen Code auf dem Zielrechner ausführen. 2. ↑ Web Server Malicious URL Directory Traversal (CVE-2010-4598,CVE-2011-2474,CVE-2014-0130,CVE-2014-0780,CVE-2015-0666,CVE-2015-4068,CVE-2015-7254,CVE-2016-4523,CVE-2016-8530,CVE-2017-11512,CVE-2018-3948,CVE-2018-3949,CVE-2019-18952,CVE-2020-5410,CVE-2020-8260) - Es existiert eine Directory Traversal-Schwachstelle auf verschiedenen Webservern. Die Sicherheitsanfälligkeit ist auf einen Eingabevalidierungsfehler in einem Webserver zurückzuführen, der die URL für die Verzeichnisüberquerungsmuster nicht ordnungsgemäß bereinigt. Eine erfolgreiche Ausnutzung erlaubt es nicht authentifizierten Angreifern, beliebige Dateien auf dem verwundbaren Server offenzulegen oder darauf zuzugreifen. 3. ↓ Zyxel ZyWALL Command Injection (CVE-2023-28771) - In Zyxel ZyWALL besteht eine Schwachstelle für Command Injection. Wenn diese Schwachstelle erfolgreich ausgenutzt wird, können entfernte Angreifer beliebige Betriebssystembefehle auf dem betroffenen System ausführen. Top 3 Mobile Malware Anubis war auch im vergangenen Monat die am häufigsten verbreitete mobile Malware, gefolgt von AhMyth und diesmal SpinOk. 1. ↔ Anubis – Anubis ist eine Banking-Trojaner-Malware, die für Android-Mobiltelefone entwickelt wurde. Seit seiner ersten Entdeckung hat er zusätzliche Funktionen erhalten, darunter Remote-Access-Trojaner (RAT), Keylogger, Audio-Aufnahmefunktionen und verschiedene Ransomware-Funktionen. Er wurde in Hunderten von verschiedenen Anwendungen im Google Store entdeckt. 2. ↔ AhMyth - A AhMyth ist ein Remote-Access-Trojaner (RAT), der im Jahr 2017 entdeckt wurde. Er wird über Android-Apps verbreitet, die in App-Stores und auf verschiedenen Websites zu finden sind. Wenn ein Nutzer eine dieser infizierten Apps installiert, kann die Malware sensible Informationen vom Gerät sammeln und Aktionen wie Keylogging, das Erstellen von Screenshots, das Versenden von SMS-Nachrichten und das Aktivieren der Kamera durchführen, was in der Regel zum Diebstahl sensibler Informationen genutzt wird. 3. ↑ SpinOk - SpinOk ist ein Android-Softwaremodul, das wie ein Spionageprogramm funktioniert. Es sammelt Informationen über auf Geräten gespeicherte Dateien und kann diese an böswillige Bedrohungsakteure weiterleiten. Das Schadmodul wurde in mehr als 100 Android-Apps gefunden und bis Mai 2023 mehr als 421.000.000 Mal heruntergeladen. Top 3 der angegriffenen Branchen und Bereiche in Deutschland 1. ↑ ISP/MSP 2. ↔ Gesundheitswesen 3. ↑Einzelhandel/Großhandel Der Global Threat Impact Index und die ThreatCloud Map von Check Point basieren auf der ThreatCloud Intelligence von Check Point. ThreatCloud bietet Echtzeit-Bedrohungsdaten, die von Hunderten von Millionen Sensoren weltweit über Netzwerke, Endpunkte und Mobiltelefone abgeleitet werden. Angereichert wird diese Intelligenz mit KI-basierten Engines und exklusiven Forschungsdaten von Check Point Research, der Forschungs- und Entwicklungsabteilung von Check Point Software Technologies.     Passende Artikel zum Thema Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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trojerucica-blr · 1 year
Simona Markovic ஃ
Democratic Party (United States)http://barackobama.com/about-ofa/ On June 28, 2015, the “Trump Train” was born via tweet retweet from then candidate
American abroadwhitehouse.gov/people/donald-…Joined August 2010
Simona Markovic is feeling professional.
26m  · 
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My beloved grandmother daughter of Irga Jelena, Holder of the MilitaryValor medal;officer and nurse at second World War and activist of Red Cross and member Anti-fascism Organization for Womens Protect (she secretly was leraned to me Croatian language in my early childhood). And today IDIOT Vučić - Tiranin make a Fool of me and my family and my tradition!Such a SHAME!!! #hrvatsponosom
— feeling proud.
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Centre hikes wheat MSP by Rs 110, mustard by Rs 400 - Times of India
Centre hikes wheat MSP by Rs 110, mustard by Rs 400 – Times of India
NEW DELHI: In a cheer for farmers, the Union Cabinet on Tuesday approved minimum support price (MSP) of Rabi crops for the 2023-24 marketing season, increasing the support price of wheat by Rs 110 per quintal (from Rs 2015 in 2022-23 to Rs 2125 in 2023-24). The decision to increase the MSPs (minimum support prices) was taken at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired…
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znewstech · 2 years
Centre hikes wheat MSP by Rs 110, mustard by Rs 400 - Times of India
Centre hikes wheat MSP by Rs 110, mustard by Rs 400 – Times of India
NEW DELHI: In a cheer for farmers, the Union Cabinet on Tuesday approved minimum support price (MSP) of Rabi crops for the 2023-24 marketing season, increasing the support price of wheat by Rs 110 per quintal (from Rs 2015 in 2022-23 to Rs 2125 in 2023-24). The decision to increase the MSPs (minimum support prices) was taken at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) chaired…
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lady-caden · 4 years
Omg I was going through old photos and I found so many from my time on MovieStarPlanet lmaooo
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scotianostra · 2 years
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April 19th 1943 saw the birth of Margo Symington MacDonald.
It brings a tear to my my eye posting about Margo MacDonald, a women many looked up to and a sad loss to Scottish politics…….
Born and educated in Hamilton and politically active all her life, Margo was only 29 when she was elected SNP Vice Chairman in 1972. She went on to be Deputy Leader (1974-1979), and then a member of the party’s National Executive. She first came to national prominence after sensationally winning what had been one of Labour’s safest seats in the 1973 Glasgow Govan by-election. Although she lost the seat only four months later at the General Election, she had still managed in her short time at Westminster to raise the standard for an independent Scotland.
A leading member of the 79 Group, Margo often came into conflict with the more moderate wing of the SNP, whom she branded Tartan Tories, the name my late granny called the SNP too. She resigned her membership twice – in protest at the expulsion of some members of the 79 Group in 1982 and again in 2003 after being pushed off the top of the Lothians’ regional list for Holyrood, giving her no chance of re-election. Undaunted she stood as an Independent and waltzed home with 27,000 votes! She was the only Independent to survive the 2007 election and be re-elected in 2011.
There were no half measures – never afraid to tackle controversial issues, Margo consistently defended the underdog, wanting not only Scotland, but the world, to be a fairer and more just place. As well as playing a major role in the independence movement for over 40 years, she was Director of Shelter Scotland, spoke up for sex workers, condemned overspending on the Holyrood Parliament building, campaigned for the Right to Die and much more.
Her bill to legalise prostitution tolerance zones never made it onto the statute books but her lifelong fight for Scottish independence fared better, with MSPs agreeing to a Referendum after the 2011 election. Though she would undoubtedly have been disappointed with the result, she would have been hugely proud of the aftermath, not least the surge in nationalist support.
Despite the failure of her first attempt in 2010 to give terminally ill people the right to assisted suicide, she had continued the fight and was still actively working on a revised version when she died. Green MSP Patrick Harvie vowed to continue in her name, and it was a measure of her standing in Holyrood that MSPs took a rare decision to allow this. In the end, however, a majority of MSPs remained unconvinced that sufficient safeguards were in place and on 27th May 2015 the Assisted Suicide (Scotland) Bill was voted out. There was another attempt to push the bill through last May but once again it failed.
At her memorial service, which I attended, her husband, Jim Sillars, said The brightest light in the Scottish political firmament has gone out.
But perhaps the last word should go to Margo herself:
“If you put your head above the parapet you get shot at, that goes with the territory, and try as I might’ve never been able to keep it below the parapet.”
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niaoniao-archive · 2 years
NIAONiao Voicebank: Judice
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Chinese Name: 茱蒂丝 ( Zhū dì sī )
Nickname:  蒂 ( Dì )
Gender: Female
Age: Fifteen ( 15 )
Language(s): Mandarin Chinese
Height: 163
Weight:  weight of white skull [???]
Voice Provider:   MSP VOICE
Illustrator:  川久由也 and  吸吸  [Cannot find any art accounts linked to either name]
Official Demos:  
Google Drive Backup 
Google Drive Backup
《女皇 sweet》
Google Drive Backup
Google Drive Backup
Google Drive Backup
Unofficial Demo by NIAONiao Archive:
Judice CHN Sweet: COPYCAT (Chinese Ver.) by VocaCircus 
Judice CHN Standard: A Chinese cover of Higanbana Milk Tea by Vane
Judice JP Sweet: Sekai no Yakusoku from Howl’s Moving Castle
Judice JP Standard: Mind Brand /マインドブランド by MARETU
Released:  2015-01-01
Last Update:  2015-08-01
Vocal Range:  N/A [It really depends on her voicebank. I’d say probably around the C3-C4 range is good for her most of the time. Sweet CHN seems to get raspy on high notes]
Best suited for: Nursery rhymes and slower songs [This is true. She struggles with quick rhythms at times. Her sweet voice would be nice for nursery rhymes.]
Birthday:  January 8
Personality:  Withdrawn and calm, taciturn, but always amazing
Hobbies:  Drawing, singing, and gothic lolita
Likes:  N/A [Presumably... gothic lolita... lol]
Dislikes: Blabber
Representative: White skull
Representative Color: Bone Ash [??? bruh what color is that??? Black? Grey?]
Mantra: ... [Girl me too]
Available for other engines?: No. As far as I can tell, she is exclusive to NIAONiao
Get her voicebank: [All 4 of them are in the same .zip file so you only need the one link.]
DSound Website ( Must have Baidu Account )
Google Drive Backup (Please only use if original ling gets deleted or if you cannot get a Baidu account)
[Mod Thoughts]:
I think Judice is very cute! I actually kinda love her Sweet voicebanks, even if the high notes get a bit raspy. Her Standard voicebanks are lower quality and have fewer phonemes, some of which sound very glitchy. That aside, I really enjoy Judice. I think her character design is really unique and her voice is nice.
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infantisimo · 3 years
On 26 May, the farmers at the Delhi borders will complete six months of their protest against the three contentious farm bills. The farmers have decided to observe it as a ‘black day’, and have demanded that the central government resume talks with them. The last round of talks between the two parties was held on 22 January which ended in a stalemate. In their eleven rounds of talks, the farmers have remained adamant about the repeal of the three laws and a legal guarantee for Minimum Support Price (MSP).
The government had offered to stay the implementation of the three laws for one or one-and-a-half years — a demand subsequently rejected by the farmers’ groups. On MSP, the prime minister, finance ministers and the agriculture minister have said, multiple times, that the MSP procurement system will remain as it is.
Modi Govt’s Push for Cash Transfer for Food Subsidy — And Its Implications
While there is little evidence to suggest that the Bharatiya Janata Party-led central government will give in to the farmer’s demands and withdraw the three laws and make MSP a legal right, if by some stroke of luck it were to happen, farmers might still face the same threats that arose from the three farm laws in the first place.
The Modi government’s push for cash transfer for food subsidy instead of giving subsidised food grains – something the discourse around farm bills has missed — endangers the MSP-supported food procurement system, apart from also threatening food security (which is beyond the scope of this piece) in the country.
Procurement under the MSP system is inextricably linked to the allotment of subsidised food grains through the Public Distribution System (PDS). The Modi-led central government, however, is out to quietly dismantle this PDS system. On 7 February 2020, the Minister of State, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Danve Raosaheb Dadarao, told the Rajya Sabha that states are now free to implement the scheme for the cash transfer of food subsidies (subject to the fulfilment of certain conditions regarding the preparedness for its implementation — which mostly concerns the seeding of bank accounts of recipients with their Aadhar).
The central government had first proposed replacing food subsidy with cash in a letter to states dated 10 February 2015, based on a recommendation made by a committee on the Food Corporation of India (FCI), which was chaired by former Food Minister Shanta Kumar.
While the states did not show much interest in the proposal at the time, the BJP government went ahead with notifying the Cash Transfer of Food Subsidy Rules on 21 August 2015 without due accountability.
The scheme, which can also be viewed as Direct Benefits Transfer for food grains, was then implemented in Chandigarh, Puducherry and urban areas of Dadra and Nagar Haveli after a quiet rollout by the central government in 2015. In 2017, the government had also launched a cash transfer scheme for food subsidies in Nagari block of Jharkhand on a pilot basis for ten months.
How the DBT Food Programme Works
Under the Aadhar-enabled DBT food programme, beneficiary households who are entitled to get subsidised food grains as part of the PDS, usually priced between Rs 1-3 per kg, from ration shops, instead get the subsidy amount in their bank accounts with which they can buy the grains at non-subsidised rates from the market. If implemented at a larger scale, these changes in the PDS are bound to erode the MSP procurement system slowly, and hence merits a closer look.
The subsidised food grains, such as rice and wheat, that are otherwise distributed by ration shops in most states and union territories under the PDS, is the produce that is bought by the government from farmers at Minimum Support Price.
If the government slowly stops distributing food grains in all ration shops, following the Chandigarh-Puducherry model, and gives cash to beneficiaries instead, the government will also invariably stop buying food grains from farmers at MSP — which is the most important instrument for the protection of farmers’ incomes so far. Buying grains from farmers at MSP will become unfeasible for the government if these grains cannot be offloaded and distributed to targeted households under PDS.
Issue of Govt Buying Food Grains at MSP to Export
If the government does not distribute food grains under PDS, but wants to keep procuring grains from farmers at MSP, the only options it will have is to either export the grains or store them infinitely — both solutions considered impractical by experts. “It will simply be immoral for the government to store food grains in a country such as India where thousands of people sleep empty-stomach every day,” said Dipa Sinha, Assistant Professor (Economics), Ambedkar University, Delhi, who is also associated with the Right to Food campaign.
The government buying food grains at MSP to export is seen as a ‘trade distorting’ exercise and is not allowed as per the regulations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Complaints have been raised on multiple occasions against India in WTO by other countries, for crossing the subsidy ceiling in procurement of grains at MSP.
“DBT in food subsidy and procurement of grains at MSP cannot go hand in hand. If the government pushes for cash transfers for food subsidy, it will not be able to procure grains at MSP and even if it does, what will it do with it? On the other hand, WTO rules only allow India to buy food grains for distribution under PDS for food security under its green box measure. Procuring food grains otherwise is seen as an exercise to tamper with international prices,” Reetika Khera, Professor of Economics, IIT Delhi, had told this writer in an interview in 2018.
If the DBT food programme makes its way to more states, which is a real possibility given the BJP’s penchant for cash transfers, the MSP regime will not be safe with or without the repeal of the new farm laws.
If MSP were to become a legal right, the guarantee it will offer will have no value if the government stops procuring grains altogether. It is, hence, imperative that, along with the repeal of the farm laws and making MSP a legal right, farmers also demand that the central government roll back the cash transfers scheme for food subsidies completely.
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Son feci bisiklet dinlerken aklıma gelenler tam liste:
2015, şort, yaz, festival hee birde bizim evin bir alt sokağında bahçe içinde iki katlı bir ev var. O bahçede ki masada msp oynarken arkada çalıyor. hayali aşırı tuhaf hissettiriyor beni bsdhxjkebdj
Geçmişin köpeği olmuşum arkadaşlar, saygılar.
Şekil a.
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veerang04 · 4 years
In 1960's, when Lal bahadur Shastri gave the slogan, 'JAI JAWAN JAI KISSAN', no one knew that this slogan would become the symbol of Farmers protest 2020-21. Indian farmers have a long history of suffering, depression and suicide. After India got independence, farmers were yet deprived of freedom and independence. They were still working for landowners and were deprived of basic needs. They couldn't even afford 2 times a meal. Imagine that a farmer can't even afford to buy crops, our farmers had experienced this but still never backed down. This became a major issue in the newly Independent India, henceforth the green revolution was started by the government which provided MSP to the farmers and also provided the farmers with high quality yield and also aimed at increasing the agricultural productivity of crops. But it was not so easy to introduce such a big agriculture reform in India. Farmers were mislead by the landowners that green revolution would destroy their lands and government would take away their lands. But fortunately, their was no social media and thus, the protest couldn't become popular. The fears got washed away and farmers started getting benefited by the green revolution. They could now sell their crops to the mandi, the essential commodity act was introduced which restricted the businessman from storing unlimited amount of crops and commodities. Farmers of Punjab and Haryana got benefited the most by green revolution. Green revolution also helped India in becoming a nation with surplus amount of rice and wheat. India now has almost surplus amount of all the major crops. After globalisation was introduced in India, the only sector which was barred from privitisation was agriculture. The governments kept on changing but no one noticed how problematic our agriculture sector was becoming. And finally a report in 2016 shook our nation. According to that report, more than 4 lakhs farmers suicide were reported between 1995 and 2015. The main reasons behind these suicides were the loan and not getting good prices in mandi for the crops. In 1992, Farmer leader Mahindra singh tikait came to Delhi with lakhs of farmers to protest against the middleman and mandi system, they wanted privatisation of agriculture sector. Finally in 2020, three bills were brought with unleashed the farmers from the middleman and have them freedom to sell their crops to anyone they want to. But the government didnt expect that they would have to face wrath.
It has been 4 months since the protest began, a lot has happened in these 4 months, be it the violence in new delhi or the Bharat bandh. When I see and read newspaper, I get shocked that why would farmers oppose their freedom. The fears that have been installed in their mind by the farmer leaders are the main reason. More than 250 farmers have died since the protest began which makes all of us worry about the farmers protesting. The government took a right stand by bring up this law but failed miserably in communicating with the farmers. Farmers are scared that they might no even get MSP in spite of the fact that only 6% of the farmers get MSP. Also to add that, more than 1.2 lakhs crore of wheat was bought by the government at MSP.
At last ,I just want to conclude by writing that, despite of our personal views on who which party we support, our major concern should be the farmers, just like Atal Vihari Vajpayee said, ' Sarkare aayenge, jayenge, partien banengi, bikhrengi, magar ye desh rehna chahie, iss desh ka loktantra rehna chahie.'
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truongphatlogistics · 4 years
Thủ tục nhập khẩu mực in
1. Mã HS của mực in và thuế nhập khẩu mực in Đối với mã HS của sản phẩm mực in, xem nhóm 3215. Cụ thể, mã HS đối với mực đen nằm ở phân nhóm 321511. Mã HS của các loại mực màu khác là 32151900.
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xem chi tiết: https://truongphatlogistics.com/huong-dan-thu-tuc-nhap-khau-muc-in-chi-tiet-nhat-2020/ Ví dụ về khai báo hải quan đối với mực in:
32151900 | Apollo Mesh Silver Màu MSP: S13239. (5 kg / hộp). NSX - Máy in màu
2. Hồ sơ hải quan và thủ tục nhập khẩu mực in Mặt hàng mực in không có trong Danh mục tài sản quản lý chuyên ngành hoặc đề nghị cấp phép nên công ty làm thủ tục bình thường.
Hồ sơ hải quan nhập khẩu mực in thực hiện theo quy định tại Khoản 5 Điều 1 Thông tư 39/2018 / TT-BTC (Sửa đổi Điều 16 Thông tư 38/2015 / TT-BTC).
Bộ hồ sơ cơ bản bao gồm:
Khai báo hải quan nhập khẩu Hóa đơn thương mại (hóa đơn thương mại) Vận đơn C / O nếu có Các tài liệu khác (nếu có)
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myinnovationmukblog · 4 years
InnovationMUK is the best software app development derby and development agency brighton UK
Ever wondered, where you can find the quality app developers in oxford? Where you can have the complete satisfaction for app development in derby? We proudly present InnovationM UK, a web app agency in brighton, app development agency in bristol and app development in cambridge. Offering renowed app developers in cambridge, we guarantee full satisfaction. offering our services as software development agency in manchester, app development in oxford and app development agency in brighton. Thinking to upgrade and update your Website & App? Well you deserve what you want, when you pay for it! Therefore InnovationM UK is at your service. Opening doors for advancement to get your milestone easily. InnovationM UK is an app development company in birmingham, which is no.1 in the matter of trust and authenticity among app design companies in london. Whether it's website development in luton, mobile application agency in manchester or application design company in london, we have everything to offer. Looking forward for iphone app development in birmingham, we got your back! InnovationM UK covers you with app design agency in uk as best website design company in luton, mobile application development services in birmingham, mobile app development company in birmingham, mobile development agency in london. As the dgital era is approaching, mobile app development services in birmingham will grow much denser also development of iphone app in derby. There we stay to full-fill, as your trusted mobile agency in uk. So whenever you wish to get your dream application design agency in london, web design company in derby, app design agency in london, or app developers sheffield InnovationM UK is right by your side with the best application developers in birmingham. Cheers to your success! We know, finding and trusting a software company in brighton  is not an easy task. That is why InnovationM UK brings one of a kind software development in derby. We prove to be worthy in the field of application design agency in birmingham, mobile app development in derby, application design companies in England, app development company in birmingham. All our Mobile apps and Websites follow the best SDLC process of the industry. We carefully design the mobile apps and websites on illustrator and photoshop before sending them to the coding phase. The coding is done by experienced London based mobile app developers and website developers. We constantly improve our process and carefully monitor our progress by taking the feedback from our clients and end customers. Data security and privacy of our clients and their customers are of utmost priority to us. We follow the best practices of the industry to make sure that there is no breach in data security and privacy. We follow the laws of the lands and the laws made by International organizations for data safety. Few examples like latest antivirus, firewall security, captcha methodology, encryption techniques, use of certified third party libraries are some of the methods we use to ensure that your website and mobile apps data is secured from bots , hackers and malware/virus attempts Being the top web design and development company in London, InnovationM believes in web development experience that would delight your end-users. Our web designers and web developers will deliver responsive websites with a smooth transition. InnovationM is a professional services firm that helps customers of all sizes to build, design, architect or migrate applications on AWS. We as a consulting partner provides services including System Integrators (SIs), Strategic Consultancies, Agencies, Managed Service Providers (MSPs), and Value-Added Resellers (VARs). By working with us, our customers leverage the new ground-breaking AWS services and solutions to support their growing unique business needs. InnovationM, one of the leading Digital Transformation Companies in India, has received ISO 9001:2015 Certification for the design, development, delivery and support of its software and application related services. InnovationM builds software products and end to end technology solutions for its clients on mobile, web, middle-ware, server back-end & cloud. Get your ideas as real technological models, cherish the knowledge into reality. Let’s bring up the mutual idea and work upon a great technological revolution. We encourage freshly baked ideas capable of building tomorrow's technological structure, bringing revolution and power. Waiting for the next chance to raise your business, we are here to uplift the structure. We believe in mutual growth and responsibility. In case you got an update for us, what are you waiting for let’s get on business. That us, simply InnovationM
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