herrshepard · 1 year
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a little mshiara snack :-)
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not-a-newt · 2 years
Oo maybe Shiara for the ship game? My personal favorite lol
I exclusively ship fshep/Liara not mshep/Liara, and that's what I'm going to be answering for in this ask since you didn't clarify and I don't really have strong feelings about mshep/liara other than that it's just not my cup of tea. That said, if you were really wanting me to get into mshiara, hit me with another ask and I'll answer that separately 👍
What made me ship fshiara and what are my favorite things about the ship?
A lot of people portray Liara as a sweet little uwu nerd girl, which she very much is especially in the first game, but I feel like a lot of people ignore the lowkey unhinged megalomaniac side of her personality and honestly that's one of my favorite parts of her character. I love the contrast! Very much sweet but also with almost evil mad scientist vibes happening on the side too? like princess bubblegum in adventure time, you know??
And honestly, that's a pretty good comparison point for how I feel about her relationship with fshep: I think they have a princess bubblegum/marceline dynamic, at least with my characterization of shep. It's the sweet uwu scientist on the surface, but secretly unhinged and a little bit evil / chaotic goth powerhouse, who uses her renegade personality as a mask for her gooder nature. Again, the contrast, the FOIL, crazy fucked up lesbians committing crimes together !!
Is there an unpopular opinion that I have on the ship?
Liara high-key has an unhealthy infatuation with Shepard in the first game that makes me go *YIKES* and i feel like it's problematic if you just gloss over this because you're almost, ,,, , taking advantage of her?? Ik she's technically older than Shepard, but in terms of Asari biology/culture and her characterization, her crush on shep screams teenager who wants to bone their adult role model
I'm not saying it's an adult/minor ship because it's NOT (they're very much both adults), but there is an inherent power imbalance that the game kind of pushes on it
No hate for shiara shippers who write it out of their headcanons and fics to represent more positive themes OR who intentionally lean into the toxicity of it, BUT I really haven't run across any discussion of this I feel like also and I'd like to see if other people have felt this way?
Also this is total word vomit and I'm not really 100% here right now, so if this is incoherent or I just said something straight whack, then I apologize 😷
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sparatus · 2 years
ughhh they've been doing the same thing to Liara, everyone is like uwu lesbian. they may dislike mShep all they want, but that doesn't erase the fact that she's attracted to men too so calling her a lesbian is also biphobia and bi erasure. Kaidan's been a victim of this too I'm pulling my hair out I'm so frustrated
YUP im in a discord server that just a couple days ago had someone come in talking about their gay kaidan hc and when called out for it dug their heels in and tried to say the mods didn't allow headcanons or aus or canon divergence at all. buddy that's not what you're doing and you fucking know it!!
and god yeah i used to hang with a shiara stan who insisted fshiara was the only ~correct~ way and mshiara is "predatory" even tho they're written the exact same and liara ONLY likes girls. my guy the asari don't even have their own cultural concept of gender, headcanons about the asari experimenting with gender after meeting aliens aside liara's pretty damn sheltered in me1 so i promise you human dimorphism isn't even a note in her checklist.
it's just!! AUGH we've been having this discussion for YEARS, very publicly, if i were on desktop i could go get my links to previous times this has happened ("saying garrus is gay erases his canon attraction to women and is biphobic" comes to mind), but non-bi (or -pan, or -poly!) people just keep refusing to get it im chewing my arm off man
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nonuel · 1 year
hey! do you know if I can find liara dialogues from me1 like the proyects you have made? i don´t have enough saves to test them myself :(
hi anon,
the only thing i am aware of is this post by thirteenthchime on LJ that (incompletely) covers the en route to ilos scene for all the ME1 LIs. @omegastation's mass effect resource hub has transcripts, but none of the listed ones are liara-centric and the ME1 transcript only covers the prologue, unfortunately. there is a transcript that covers the elevator banters though.
otherwise, fluffninjallama on youtube has both an mshiara and fshiara playlist of her entire romance that you can use instead. these types of playlists tend to be very paragon heavy, so if you're wanting renegade lines you're going to be out of luck.
i could theoretically knock out the bulk of a ME1 liara transcript very easily - she doesn't have a lot of dialogue and the amount of variances in her dialogue is minimal compared to the VSes as well. the most annoying bits would be the more niche things like recruiting her after benezia's death or as the last step before endgame. not sure how helpful anyone would find it since a lot of engagement with liara's character seems to be more in ME2/ME3, but i'll put it on my to-do list.
if you're just needing to refresh your memory over a specific scene, let me know and i may be able to help sooner. otherwise i'm putting this in her tag and throwing it to her fandom to see if they know of any resources i don't
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jordichiin · 3 years
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↳Everything I know, everything I hold tight
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scottharper · 6 years
number 15 for any pairing!
Pairing: M!Shepard/Liara T'soniPrompt: #15 - Trembling Hands
Thank you! Went back to the original Mass Effect OTP for this one~ 
It hurts to see Liara like this, sitting on the edge of her bed with tears streaming down her cheeks, and so full of anger and heartbreak that she can’t even put her whirlwind of thoughts into words. There’s a comfort, a small and terrible comfort, in the fact that Shepard knows exactly what she’s going through right now, and empathy could be a necessity to some, but it still only went so far when it came to easing the pain of others.
He stands in front of her silently, letting her collect her thoughts and catch her breath after her harsh sobs had stolen them from her, but his guilt grows along with the heavy silence between them. They’ve gone through so much already, and he thought they were prepared to face the familiar horror of the Reapers once they arrived on Thessia, but they weren’t prepared for the truths that the beacon told them, the truths and information that were ripped from their hands by Cerberus only minutes later.
They weren’t prepared to be stuck standing there, feeling so utterly powerless and defeated, as they watched another wave of Reapers come down and tear into Thessia, destroying citizens and cities that had stood proud for centuries.
Shepard wasn’t so arrogant to pretend that he’d never felt such defeat, especially after witnessing the Reaper’s first assault on his home planet, but perhaps he, like Liara, had just assumed that her people would be ready for them.
Now, back on the Normandy and with his unheard apologies to the Asari Councilor still burning on the tip of his tongue, Shepard can think of few things that would bring Liara any real comfort, and maybe that was because sometimes words just weren’t strong enough to ease such a severe pain.
So, Shepard says nothing for the moment, and instead just sits down onto the bed beside Liara, reaching over and taking one of her trembling hands into his own. He brushes his thumb along her knuckles, feels the familiar texture of her scaled skin, and hopes that his touch can bring some comfort to the Asari that he loves.
For a long while Liara says nothing but doesn’t pull her hand away from his, and eventually she lets out a slow, shuddering breath before she turns toward him, burying her face into the crook of his neck. He can feel her sorrow in the hot tears against his skin, hears it in the pained hitches of her breath, and Shepard reaches out to pull her closer to him, and presses a gentle kiss to her temple as he listens to her muffled cries.
“We’ll get through this, Liara.” Shepard finally says, and he wants to tell her that everything will be okay, that they’ll save Thessia and avenge those who were lost, but those could easily be lies and he doesn’t want to risk lying to her right now, even if she might want to hear it.
So, he goes for the closest truth that they have; this war will throw more pain and death at them before it’s over but he knows that they’ll get through it, somehow, and he can only hope that when this war is done that he’ll still be standing by her side. If not, well.. at least he can be here for her in this moment.—–
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shiarasaturday · 6 years
Nice work guys!!! Next time this happens is May 26th, 2018.
The theme will be:
Finding the Shepard.
Some ideas!:
Finding Shepard after the Citadel crashes to Earth (the Destruction ending)
Shepard gets lost on a mission, and no one seems to know what’s happened.
Shepard getting kidnapped by pirates out in the Terminus Systems, and needs saving!
Now, these aren’t necessary nor is the theme, it’s just to stimulate creative thought! I look forward to what you all create :)
Rules, Information here: https://shiarasmutsaturday.tumblr.com/rules
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 3 years
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illusivesoul · 3 years
6 and 20 for the Salty Ask Meme?
Thanks for asking :)
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated ?
For DA: I wasn't a big fan of the C*llen romance. I didn't hate it, and I think his character was alright (didnt thought much about C*lln tbh) but when I saw his romance i saw it as just the typical straight "prince and princess" romance.
After following some art accounts, I've become a little more fond of the romance.
Its not my favorite by any means, but im not so biased against it anymore.
For ME: Maleshep and Liara. I had always seen the ship as a weird thing, cause I was and still am a hardcore fShiara shipper, to the point where I didn't even consider Liara an option for maleshep.
But I've softened a lot to it over the years, and while I still prefer fShiara, I have taken a liking to mShiara too.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom ?
For DA: I'd say Merribella. Isabela and Merrill are just so caring and protective of each other, and them together is just the most angst and drama free ship I've seen
For ME: Avoiding ships involving Shepard, cause they all have their share of drama and pain, I'd say Kaidan and Steve. Its not canon, but its one of my fav rarepairs, and them together would be just so wholesome and pure. Im soft for them lol
Another ship I think is super pure is Samantha x Edi.
Salty Asks
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herrshepard · 2 years
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'I am yours'
Mass Effect gifs 4/*
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sparatus · 7 years
i’ve heard the sh//iara fans can be just as weird and aggressive as sh-nko and sh-k-rian fans but those other two overshadow them pretty hard so i haven’t seen any...... anybody got any eyewitness accts 👀 👀 👀
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omegastation · 7 years
There are different categories of content with a list of potential tags the Mass Effect trilogy and Mass Effect Andromeda fandom already uses. The goal of this post is to find the most popular tag used by the fandom to facilitate posting for content creators. 
If there is already a common popular tag in place like (CharacterA x CharacterB) we don't need to come up with a pairing name such as "beautiful lilac from the clouds", right? But if there is such a pairing name being used as a tag, we need to know...  Sometimes it’s the opposite. We have a pairing name but it's not the one used for the ship's content tag... In that case, we need to know the tag, that’s our priority.
I'm counting on all your help: you can reply, reblog and correct/confirm/suggest.
Once I get all the suggestions, confirmations and corrections, I'm going to make an official post and link it to the Mass Effect Resource Hub.
In case some of you wonder: I'm not going to impose any tags here, I'm on a collecting mission.
Hope nobody will get an headache from this!
Shepard (general): shepard, commander shepard
Shepard (custom face): custom shepard? customshep? (see mshep custom face to see issue)
M!Shepard (general): mshep, mshepard? don't know which one is most looked for
M!Shepard (default face): sheploo
M!Shepard (custom face): customshep? I can see that tag also being used for general custom shepard so who knows
F!Shepard (general): fshep, fshepard, femshep? don't know which one is most looked for
F!Shepard (default face): freckleshep
F!shepard (custom face): customfshep?
Trans Shepard, N-B, ... Shepard: nbshep, transhep
Other characters:
Most of them have the first and last name as tag, ex: "kasumi goto." For Jack: options are "subject zero", "jacqueline nought", "jack nought" 
Shepard pairings:
Shepard/Garrus: shakarian, mshakarian, fshakarian
Shepard/Kaidan: shenko, mshenko, fshenko
Shepard/Liara: shiara, mshiara, fshiara : need confirmation?
Shepard/Thane: shrios, mshrios, fshrios
Shepard/Ashley: shepley, mshepley, fshepley
Shepard/Tali: shali, mshali, fshali
Shepard/Joker: shoker, mshoker, fshoker
FShepard/Samantha: shaynor
MShepard/Steve: shortez
Shepard/Jack: shack, mshack, fshack?
Shepard/Jacob: shaylor, mshaylor, fshaylor
Shepard/Miranda: shepard x miranda, shiranda
Shepard/James: shega, mshega, fshega
Shepard/Javik: shavik, mshavik, fshavik
Shepard/Nihlus: shilus, shrytik
Shepard/Kasumi: ???
Shepard/Shiala: ???
Shepard/Legion: ???
Shepard/Zaeed: ???
Shepard/Chakwas: ???
Non-Shepard pairings:
Garrus/Tali: talibrations
Liara/Javik: t’sovik
EDI/Joker: edi x joker?
Samantha/EDI: ?
Saren/Nihlus: kryterius
Jack/Miranda: jackanda
Ashley/Kaidan: willenko
Emily/Khalisa: emily x khalisa?
Aria/Nyreen: nyria
Note: The list is small because I can't type every non-Shepard pairing there is especially if it is to say "i don't know the tag used" but don't hesitate to send suggestions.
Ryder (general): ryder
BroRyder (general): broryder
BroRyder (custom): custom broryder ????
BroRyder (default): scott ryder
SisRyder (general): sisryder, femryder
SisRyder (custom): custom sisryder???
SisRyder (default): sara ryder
Other characters:
Always first and last name as tag, except with the krogan where we use their clan name first (ex: nakmor drack).
Ryder pairings:
Ryder/Cora: coryder
Ryder/Liam: ryder x liam, rydam?
Ryder/Vetra: vetryder
SisRyder/Suvi: sisryder x suvi???
BroRyder/Gil: ryder x gil, gilder
Ryder/Reyes: reyder, mreyder, freyder
Ryder/Jaal: rydaal, mrydaal, frydaal
Ryder/Peebee: ryder x peebee, rybee
Ryder/Lexi: ?
Ryder/Kandros: rydros
Ryder/Sloane: ryder x sloane, sloryde
Don't hesitate to add more and complete!
Non-Ryder pairings:
Liam/Peebee: liam x peebee
Sloane/Kaetus: sloane x kaetus
Sloane/Kandros: sloane x kandros
Lexi/Drack: ???
Avitus/Macen: avitus x macen?
Note: The list is small because I can't type every non-Ryder pairing there is especially if it is to say "i don't know the tag used" but don't hesitate to send suggestions.
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jordichiin · 3 years
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↳I'd do it all again, like I did then
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masseffectfanwork · 7 years
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Masterpost for the August theme: Family.  Thank you all to who participated!
I am proud of you, honey by @rock-paperback-scissors
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Hannah Shepard 
Ririka Shepard. Colonist. Ruthless. The Butcher of Torfan.  by @untaintedtea
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, blood cw
The Gift of Family by @ellebeedarling
Commander Shepard, Kaidan, m!shepard, mshenko
Family Series by @estalfaed
Commander Shepard, Kaidan, m!shepard, mshenko
Day 1: Reds
Day 2: Together
Day 3: Lost
Day 4: Apart
Day 5: Dinner
Ambush by @mareel 
Commander Shepard, m!shepard, Hannah Shepard, Character Death
Blood Ties, Rebound by @the-hound-of-new-vegas
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Aria, Miranda
Family Matters by @kyla-writes
Commander Shepard, f!shepard, Garrus Vakarian, shakarian
coffee and rain;  by @commandcrshepard
Commander Shepard, m!shepard, Ryder, m!ryder, shepard x ryder
Family by @a-man-adrift
Commander Shepard, m!shepard, Liara, mshiara
It’s Hard to be Brave by @thecouncilwasright
Desolas Arterius, Saren Arterius
Family by @emrisemrisemris
Commansher Shepard, f!shepard, Miranda, shepard x miranda
Rain on Distance Shores by @continuousspec
Garrus Vakarian, Laesia Vakarin, Solana Vakarian
If your post is missing, please send me an ask/Im and I will add it to the post!
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shiarasaturday · 6 years
Tomorrow is party time ;) don't forget to join in or boost some friends' Shiara Smut Saturday posts!
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scottharper · 7 years
A, P and W for the fandom meme :)
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)o For Andromeda my current and obvious OTP is Coryder. Jaal/Sara is really starting to starting to grow on me, and though the game denied me my original ship I still love Scott/Liam. No OT3s for Andromeda yet but for the Trilogy my OT3 love is Willshenko (Ashley/John/Kaidan). Trilogy OTPs also include MShenko, Shepley, MShiara, Ken/Gabby, and Talibrations. Kinda like Shakarian but never really connected with femShep enough to get into any of her ships.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)o Pirate AU, with a mix between the Andromeda and Trilogy crews since they all technically lived at the same time before the jump. Space pirates or ship pirates work but I'm leaning towards legit ship pirates, mostly because I started watching Black Sails recently. I might even try to tackle it myself but I'd kill to read this. John strutting around as a renegade captain? Son-of-a-noble Scott dragged into the pirate’s life because he stole and memorized part of a map? Aria running the equivalent of Shipwreck Cove? Liara controlling the biggest trading port and brokering information on the biggest plunders? Sign me tf up.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said shipso Between things I've read from others or have already written/may still write myself: 1. Coryder - Dry Humping (wrote this already). 2. Shepley - Semi-Public Sex. 3. John/Jack - Pegging (this is one I really wanna write). 4. Coryder - Car/Nomad Sex. 5. Willshenko - Praise Kink, with John and Ashley tag-teaming Kaidan.
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