#MT ryan
rk-ocs · 7 months
As its Desmonds Birthday, I'm going to upload an old fic with him in it, and also a varient if my OC, Red Jordan-Ryan
This one was an AU set in a universe where Desmond was Mechanic, Red is not a time traveler and never left home or changed her name, her cousin is a twin, and oh yah its set in the xman verse, and Desmond has Charles power, Red is Reven, and Aiden is Magneto, at least powerwise if not personality.
Burn like the sun
Sometimes Desmond likes to play hero. Mostly he uses his talent to avoid, to hide. He knows when someone sees him, and exactly what they think about him. He works at an auto body shop in Chicago. Mostly they internally bitch at him over prices.
He's on vacation. Exploring Quebec , and struggling with the pronunciation even if he can find the words he needs in their minds.
He steps into the connivance store to prevent a robbery, to talk a situation down.
He didn't expect anything to come of it.
Carnelian is like him. Her talent is changing.  She is the shift.
She shifts forms as easily as breathing.
Unshifted, she is pale blue, with eyes like silver and hair like gold.
He finds himself helping her. She's a child, and for all her cousin loves her, she doesn't know how to help her fit in.
Desmond does. They sit at the window and people watch , and he tells her about them. Tells her about trends and fashion and how other people blend in.
Before he goes, she decides her main shift. It consists of vibrantly blonde hair, dark blue eyes, tan skin, and it has a scar on her lip.
He's a bit confused that out of any detail that she would use from him, she chose that, but she is notoriously stubborn.
He gives her his email, and they exchange letters regularly.
Until he disappears.
Carnelians main male alter ego, contains traits from her cousins and from Desmond.
If anyone were to ask, she's not sure whether she would claim to be their cousin or their kid.
She has his coloring, with her features.
She's never told them about this male alter.
She never tells them about a lot of things she gets up to.
For all that she  will practice Javelin with Monique, and critique Derek's buildings, and religiously email Desmond, but she has her own hobbies too.
Probably not ones they would approve of, particularly hacking.
She's learning. She has a talent for computers, and its fascinating stuff.
Her contacts build up, lawful and lawless.  She calls this Alias "Ghost", because none of her contacts ever see the same face or persona.
Maybe it will get her killed someday.
She likes to think she is more careful then that.
She has IDs set up if they need to disappear.  She's worried about Desmond, he's being followed. They've never talked about it, but sometimes Monique will insist on being with him, and Derek will "insist" Desmond stay another night, because tonight would be "terrible for driving" .
She's not stupid.
She doesn't know what "They" want with Desmond,  but she does know she is in the best position to do something when "They" come.
She can be anyone, after all.
She will be anyone, to help Desmond get away. She owes him, after he helped teach her to blend enough to be around people.
He's sort of family at this point, and there isn't a lot she wouldn't do for family.
It's one of Carnelian's contacts in Chicago that tells them Desmond has disappeared.
Derek and Monique are going to have to have a chat with Carnelian, about just what she gets up to in her spare time, because contacts..? When did she get contacts.  What Does she need with all these connections, and fake IDs.
Just because she can shift, doesn't mean she needs to use it for this. What is she planning? 
But first, Desmond. Where did he disappear to?
Carnelian already had people on that.
Aiden Pearce was a fixer, who Carnelian had never met, but heard was talented and willing to work, but also extremely antisocial. He also occasionally fancied himself a hero, and Carnelian was hoping this trait would work in their favor when she agreed to meet him in person to exchange information.  Or maybe Brenks would be useful at least.  He was good when paid
Derek was going to meet these fixers with her. It was going to be expensive, but there was no way they were going to let their friend be kidnaped.  Particularly not a mutant. Not in this kind of environment. Would anyone else even look if they knew?
"I can be intimidating enough, Derek," Carnelian complained again. She shifted into a tall muscled man. "I can be anyone and everyone.  I could probably be Aiden, and get the information myself, provided I do a job. I hear he gets a lot of leeway to be rude, because they are aware he's talented, and hope for him to owe them one."
"You're not doing that, Carnelian."
"For the last time, I'm coming with you. You can be a scary looking man if you want, but I'm still coming."
She went and sat in the driver's seat, and shifted into a man.
"You're not driving. You're too young to drive. "
" I have a license."
"What lunatic gave you a license?!"
"Hey! This one is legit. I went to school for it."
"This one is legit?" How many forged licenses does she have!
"Just get in the car."
Derek got in the car, for lack of any better options. He could spend the ride asking her what other highly illegal activities she has been up to.
Damien had to admit, It was strange to be involved in a missing persons case.  Normally, they went through proper channels for these, but Ghost was known for paying well for quality work. And Aiden had insisted on meeting him.  Which was unusual.
There were several mismatched descriptions of his appearance, and while ghost was known as a decent hacker, his disguise abilities were why he was hired, when he took Jobs anyways.
So what did he want with Desmond Miles?
Desmond's Id was fake. Oh, he had no doubt that the guy's name was real, but a bit of digging revealed a lot of holes in it. For Ghost to reach out to so many people about his disappearance, had to mean something important.
He had asked for a face to face meeting to talk.  Face to face encounters could be very informative. People were easier to read these days, and he wanted to see Ghosts disguise skills in action. He might be someone worth working with in the future if this went well. 
He frowned at his coffee.  It was running low, and Aiden still wasn't here. What the hell was he even doing?
He got up to get more coffee. Aiden could pay for his own damn coffee when he was this late.
When he got back to his table, Aiden was there with two unknown men.
One was a tall skinny blond ,  where the other was short, muscular , and darker than his companion. They both wore jeans and cool gray hoodies.
Aiden was frowning at the taller one. Aiden is fingering a metal memory stick,  and the last thing Damien wants is for a fight to break out between them in a public cafe. So many witnesses.
The shorter male turns around, and fingers an envelope, before tucking it back into his sweater.
"You must be Damien."
"And you are."
"I am Ghost. And this is Interceptor."
'Interceptor' shot him a dark look. Apparently they had failed to talk this over before arriving.
"Now ,what happened to Desmond Miles."
Ghost was unexpectedly blunt. This was not how he was used to information drops going.
Aiden, however, laughed. He waved a memory stick at Ghost. Ghost in turn waved $500 at him.  Interceptor offered a laptop, and Aiden inserted the memory stick, and snagged the bills.
Ghost and Interceptor watched the footage they had gotten of Desmond's kidnapping.
"What do you know of Abstergo?"
Ghost asked.
"Officially they are electronics and entertainment. Gary  once told me that he once was writing a book on the CIA, and mentioned that Abstergo has interests in every large company across the  planet."
"Can I talk to Gary?"
"Gary died in 2004, and all his notes disappeared ."
"That seems suspicious."
"It does, doesn't it."
"So, officially Desmond was kidnaped by the TV company."
"Perhaps they needed a cheap mechanic."
"Haha. Very Funny." Ghost told him Deadpan.
"Why is Desmond so important to you anyways? He's a mechanic, and beyond his fake Id, he doesn't seem to be particularly interesting"
"He's... Talented alright."
"And almost family.  So, where do you think he has been taken?"
Aiden stared hard at Ghost.
"Pay up the rest. "
"Yah, yah."
He handed over the envelope , and Aiden checked it, before handing over half to Daimon.
"Kent, Ohio. I have a map of the route they took on this stick."
Ghost took the memory stick.
"Thank you."
Interceptor packed up the laptop.
Aiden caught Ghost before he left the booth." I assume you are going for a plan with infiltration, first, but would you say no to backup?"
Ghost smiled. "At what price."
"Warren Vidics . I'll get you a password, if you can get his card, and a good disguise."
Ghost gave him a thumbs up. "Hell yeah. You've had us covered, right?"
"Just who do you think you are talking to?" Aiden asked, mock offended.
"Where shall we meet up later?"
"Remember that Coffee shop in Fort Wayne."
"Sounds like a good place to switch cars."
"See you there then."
Ghost and Interceptor left, and Damien stole Aidens hat to get his attention.  While Aiden glared at him, Damien asked his question.
"What the Hell is going on?"
Aiden Pearce had a way with metal.
It wasn't something he went out of his way to show off.  Mutants were not looked on favorably , to say the least.
It had interesting uses in his line of work. His shots were more accurate, he wasn't in the habit of getting hit by bullets, it did some interesting things to cars, and it made locks impossible or open without his say-so.
He didn't use his "Talent" more creatively, unless he was off camera.
That's when he met Carnelian.
He had  frozen his pursuers in place  by dropping their pants by the Zipper, stolen their  guns and shot them with them, when he heard a voice comment on it.
"Hey that was pretty cool? Are you some kind of telekinetic?"
He had turned his gun on the man, and he had been pretty sure he was alone, and was not about to have the secret blown now.
"Woah buddy!  I'm not bulletproof! watch where you point that thing. "
He hadn't been amused."
"I am the last person in the world who would talk about something like that."
The man had insisted.
The man was now a woman.
"I think we can work something out", she insisted, before she became his doppelgänger.
"This ought to be suitably confusing, right." She had insisted, in his voice.
Well, he had no intention of shooting him after that.
Once he was back in the safe house , he turned to the unknown, whose zipper was not real, or so his metal "sense" told him.
"So, let's work something out." He told the man.``
Desmond was working on the Abstergo scenario. He knew Lucy had orders to eventually get him out after he gave them what they wanted, though he was not sure where her loyalties lay. He was also aware Viddic wasn't kidding with his coma threats. He was working with them, hoping to get out of this situation with everyone intact, and disappear again.
He was dubious of his ability to last that long. It was bad enough hearing everyone's thoughts in the present. All the time in the Animus has given him access to the thoughts of people in the past.  What's more , his ancestors " talent" was showing up in the present. Sometimes his eyes would glow gold, and show him secrets. Sometimes he thought he heard the Animus talking to him.
Sometimes in his waking moments, he was Altaïr.
Some days, he thought he heard Carnelian asking him to get Viddic's Wallet for her. She told him she had a plan to get him out of there. She kept asking him to log into a Runescape account she had set up, and go onto a chat with her.
But Carnelian was supposed to be in Quebec.
And her voice in his head kept telling him how to Log into Vidic's computer.
Something had to give.
So, after a particularly long session, when he was supposed to be asleep, he went to the computer, and Logged in
"Des, what the Hell Kept you?" RockinRed4012778 demanded.
No really Dude, I've been calling out to you for days, and you weren't doing anything about it. I've been in the chat for days, you should be able to hear me.
Did whatever they've had you doing ,scramble your brains completely?
"Your in" he types
-"Yes" she thinks. "Send me a face so  I know you comprehend me."
:  (
-"She thinks.
-"Not tomorrow, but the day after,  Viddic and Lucy have a meeting, at seven PM. I'm going to get someone to delay Lucy long enough that I can come in as her, get you, and Go. "
:  )
"Do you think you can get me Viddic's bank cards?
"Why" he typed
"I promised someone a favor for this."
It probably won't be hard to get that with his pick pocketing skills, if Viddic has it on him.
"If he has it." He types
"He will," she assures him.
She keeps expecting something to go wrong. For someone to demand to know what she's doing.
Nothing happens.
She gets Desmond, he holds up the cards, and off they go.
It's bizarre.
Not even her bank Robbery, where she takes the bank card Desmond got her, goes to the bank as Viddic, and withdraws everything with the password Aiden got her, goes off without a hitch.
She gives Aiden most of the money, and they Drive off to meet Monique at Hell, Michigan.
She supposes This is Monique's expressing displeasure at staying behind for this adventure.
"Remember How you wanted to live in New Brunswick, once"
Derek looks over at his little cousin in confusion.
"What does this have to do with anything?"
"I think you guys should go there. You have the money, after all."
"What are you getting at?"
"I'm thinking you should marry Desmond, have him take our last name, and more importantly Canadian citizenship, and have him add our new fortunes to your accounts, under his temporary false name. Because the two of you are afraid aunt Eleanor and Uncle David won't be understanding of your Sexuality, the two of you eloped and went to New Brunswick."
"I'm not Gay, Kiddo."
"I know. You don't have a type.  
"Why did you even suggest this then," Derek asks, looking back at the sleeping Desmond drooling on the window.
"He's family. I want the world to know it. I want him to be a cousin. "
"He already is family."
" I know. It just seemed to be a pretty good idea. No one could question it that way."
"They always will kiddo. Why didn't you suggest Monique. She actually likes Men."
"And have her give up Javelin, to go into hiding?"
"Do you think even that would get in the way of her  Javelin training? Or throwing sports in general."
"Might make it hard for her to be the world champion."
"We will figure something out kiddo."
We spent the rest of the drive talking about plans."
When Monique saw Derek and Desmond walk into screams Ice cream, she gave them each a bear hug .
"I still don't understand Why you didn't take me?"
"It was a stealth mission, Monique"
"I can be stealthy. "
"Sure you can."
"I brought the stuff. "
"We've switched cars a few times. Let's drive this one somewhere else to drop it , and then stick to your car.  How does living in Ontario sound Desmond  Ryan?"
"You're going to be a cousin. We will work out the legalities."
"How does Sudbury sound?"
"I can be a mechanic in Sudbury. Just so long as it doesn't require me to fake an accent. "
"Keep your nose clean."
"Carnelian, we have a lot to talk about, in that department, regarding your hobbies."
"Yes I have some useful hobbies, don't I."
"Kid. Quit while you're ahead."
Desmond Advised.
"You have some explaining to do."
Monique insisted.
"First off , I'd like to ask why you never outright let me be involved in the plans about "the people who follow Desmond."
"Nope, we asked first. Start talking Kiddo."
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Why everyone so awkward.
Slowly but surely pulling myself outta art block with the people from that train show.
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notebookmusical · 9 months
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between yourself and me.
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leave-your-body · 7 months
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ridgehirano · 8 months
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RESTOCK 2/9/2024! My online store is opening with these #infinitytrain stickers! These are revised stickers from the gallery show that we did a long time ago! Hope you train heads grab them while you can!
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woahwanda · 1 year
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Infinity Train has my heart
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hardcore-solangelo-19 · 2 months
i totally forgot to post this but heres my contribution for the Infinity Train Big Bang hosted by @infinitytrainbigbang
A scene was drawn by the amazing @just-blei: art is on their blog!!
Happy to be apart of this event!!
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geniepuppet · 2 years
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[The Terrifying Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, Season 2]
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[The Bloody Life of England's Fastest Surgeon, Season 5]
Just noticed a cute lil detail when rewatching some parts
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thesnakethatmarches · 2 years
Me watching the new Watcher BTS video:
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batboyblog · 1 month
House Election 2024
In the House Republican have a majority of just 4 seats, flip 4 seats and Democrats get a majority and can pass things like national abortion rights, voting rights, bills on student loan debt and medical debt and much more. So here's a list of the key races for control of the House, so look up your district and find a way to get involved.
Find your House District
Shomari Figures (AL-02) Flip
Mary Peltola (AK-AL) Hold
Amish Shah (AZ-01) Flip
Kirsten Engel (AZ-06) Flip
Jessica Morse (CA-03) Flip
Josh Harder (CA-09) Hold
Adam Gray (CA-13) Flip
Rudy Salas (CA-22) Flip
George Whitesides (CA-27) Flip
Joe Kerr (CA-40) Flip
Will Rollins (CA-41) Flip
Derek Tran (CA-45) Flip
Dave Min (CA-47) Hold
Mike Levin (CA-49) Hold
Adam Frisch (CO-03) Flip
Yadira Caraveo (CO-08) Hold
Jahana Hayes (CT-05) Hold
Darren Soto (FL-09) Hold
Whitney Fox (FL-13) Flip
Jared Moskowitz (FL-23) Hold
Nikki Budzinski (IL-13) Hold
Eric Sorensen (IL-17) Hold
Frank Mrvan (IN-01) Hold
Christina Bohannan (IA-01) Flip
Lanon Baccam (IA-03) Flip
Sharice Davids (KS-03) Hold
Jared Golden (ME-02) Hold
April McClain-Delaney (MD-06) Hold
Hillary Scholten (MI-03) Hold
Curtis Hertel (MI-07) Hold
Kristen McDonald Rivet (MI-08) Hold
Carl Marlinga (MI-10) Flip
Angie Craig (MN-02) Hold
Monica Tranel (MT-01) Flip
Tony Vargas (NE-02) Flip
Dina Titus (NV-01) Hold
Susie Lee (NV-03) Hold
Steven Horsford (NV-04) Hold
New Hampshire
Chris Pappas (NH-01) Hold
New Jersey
Sue Altman (NJ-07) Flip
New Mexico
Gabe Vasquez (NM-02) Hold
New York
John Avlon (NY-01) Flip
Tom Suozzi (NY-03) Hold
Laura Gillen (NY-04) Flip
Mondaire Jones (NY-17) Flip
Pat Ryan (NY-18) Hold
Josh Riley (NY-19) Flip
John Mannion (NY-22) Flip
North Carolina
Don Davis (NC-01) Hold
Greg Landsman (OH-01) Hold
Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) Hold
Emilia Sykes (OH-13) Hold
Val Hoyle (OR-04) Hold
Janelle Bynum (OR-05) Flip
Andrea Salinas (OR-06) Hold
Ashley Ehasz (PA-01) Flip
Susan Wild (PA-07) Hold
Matt Cartwright (PA-08) Hold
Janelle Stelson (PA-10) Flip
Chris Deluzio (PA-17) Hold
Michelle Vallejo (TX-15) Flip
Henry Cuellar (TX-28) Hold
Vicente Gonzalez (TX-34) Hold
Missy Cotter Smasal (VA-02) Flip
Eugene Vindman (VA-07) Hold
Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03) Hold
Kim Schrier (WA-08) Hold
Peter Barca (WI-01) Flip
Rebecca Cooke (WI-03) Flip
If you live in any of these congressional districts (or close to them) you absolutely must sign up to volunteer and help! you! yes you! get to decide what America looks like in 2025, is it gonna be Project 2025 and Trump? or Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and the Democrats protecting your right to control your own body, taking action on the climate and making life more affordable? its up to each of us to do all we can to get to the country we want.
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rk-ocs · 8 months
-"How is MT. Its been awhile since I have heard about her"
Her dynamic with her mother is interesting, disagreement is a main communication method they use. But they are talking, unlike earlier.
Reds mother did interact with her daughter in a main way, and that was teaching her forgin language, and music. 
She didn't show up to events, they didn't have dinner together, or make lunch.  
Red did go to extra circular, and was expected ( and did) big cleaning jobs, in her own time. Mom expected independence, and her godparents were good at teaching her to scedual things. 
But while Mom was decent at teaching, she was not very parental, and it was MT's parents and Rae and Alyssa who were raising her really. 
And a part of her wants moms attention and resents it. 
She does act out at times. Might be why she has a bit of a reputation as an annoying chatterbox with a penchant for finding trouble. 
But yah, even if its disagreeing, its more communication and attention then they did when she was young, and she still hasn't talked to dad.
.MT is doing well at her passion for Javelin, and exploring her dads family past. 
They are tentatively reconnecting after she decided to forgive and talk after the "you let me think you were permanently dead for years" which needed some time. Red, from her time in the past, can teach her cousin about her heritage, such as language. Although, her cousin is also going to other sources for this too.And talking with her grandparents
"How are her other cousin's?"
The thing is, moms side of the family has evolved into a clan. Like a wholeblown clan, of people some closer connected then others, but all come to the annual family reuinons. They last at least a week, and change locations each year. Its kind of a world known thing, and has power. Assassin, templar, musician, whatever, don't kill family over disputes like that. 
The family Motto is quality. You do your skill with quality, don't half ass it. 
You don't fail to show up to a reunion unless you are dead. 
The clan is friends with at least two timeless, which helps keep relevance, and power. Being friends with people who can know and shape the future, and give you heads up about wars and stuff is powerful. 
It also means that racial mingling was a thing much earlier accepted, because the timeless taught them to look for quality regardless of race, because quality is no race or gender, and at least one of the timeless is POC. 
The clan is considered kind of essential for it, but connections prevail. 
The kids learn things from each other. 
Shes from the musician branch, and they do have more then annual meetings, and musician kids have all taught each other at least the basics of playing at least 3 other intruments. 
Family games are odd to outsiders. For instance, spot the guns, a game that makes it easier to spot potential trouble amongst the guests at a concert and prep your security.
One cousians is mixed Chinese from Saskatchewan, and goes on the youtube channel to translate songs into sign language. 
They collaborate a lot, and she is though she often gets annoyed by Reds antics, they work well together. 
"Damnit cousin, did you have to get into a verbal fight with that cashier."
"Yes. She was not treating you with the same attitude as me."
"I just wanted to buy paperclips in peace"
"I don't want to let her think that its ok to treat people like that"
Sigh "you always have to make a scene"
Shes facing away, but shes smiling. 
Red, even though you have a gravestone you are still expected to show up, even if you are in the future.
Even if you are in a full blown feud with a your cousin's, you are still expected to show up to the reunion and not come to blows. Other family members might mediate it even
When it comes to official policies, like not being a racist, or peeping for a war, its expected to be acted upon. 
Disloyalty is punished, but overall the benefits of being on the side of the clan, the opportunities, the reputation, outweigh the risks. 
There are expectations for being parents, and Reds mom was not following them, and plans were put into motion, that would have come to fruition, had Red not been the timeless. 
The family also keeps many arts old fashioned and taught and practiced well enough for proficiancy. Like old style archery, or magic.
New stuff is learned too, but there is wisdom in old ways.
The family is a power force because of its unity.
People are adopted into it. And expected to generally abide by the rules if marrying into it. If you marry an assassin or templar for instance, they can't murder any of your relatives, even if the factions are opoisite. 
Not without consequences
Of course, being quality and what that means does bring strain, but there are people good at supporting. There is help, and plenty of observant people to give it. 
A lot goes on at the reunion. Plans are made and enacted. Ideas are shared. Healing happens.
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radioactiveryan · 2 years
i might start writing a full length novel. it might happen. this is an interesting turn of events
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notebookmusical · 1 year
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get to know me meme ♡ favorite musicals → alice by heart
can't stories go where stories will? here,here they do, each afternoon stays rosy late just me and you, our golden room, let the mad queen wait!
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fannyyann · 8 months
Keeping up with the Florida Panthers (aka Sara Civian interviews Matthew)
EP Rinkside: What's something away from the rink that’s making you happy these days?
Matthew Tkachuk: I would say, just, I'm lucky at this time of year. Especially across the whole country, it seems like it's freezing everywhere. It's beautiful down in Florida. And we just moved into our new practice rink recently, so that's been awesome.
EP: There was a quote floating around from (head coach Paul Maurice) from before the nine-game win streak and before you started getting hot on the scoresheet. He said people are going to say “Matthew Tkachuk is back,” and he's going to say you never left. Did you see that?
MT: I did, yes.
EP: How did you feel about it, and what's your relationship with him like?
MT: Well, Paul's been a very important part of my last few years. He’s one of, if not the best, coaches that I've ever played with. He's been very important for my development, and I just think that he trusts my game, and I trust my game. I wouldn't say (the puck) was going in early, but I haven’t changed one thing, I'm still doing the exact same thing, it's just finding a little bit more success right now.
It’s been a great year for our team and as of late, it’s picking it up a little bit for myself. Hopefully, we can just keep trending into the second half of the year here.
EP: How important is that trust between a coach and a player and how is it developed?
MT: I just think that he's always given me the right leeway, but still expects me to play the right way. He knows that there's some parts of my game that (are unique) I need to maybe take a little bit more chances than the average player. He gives me full leeway to do that, but also expects me to work my butt off and to lead by example.
EP: We always talk about “buy-in,” it's kind of cliché at this point, and you guys obviously have that factor. But how does something like that start?
MT: I just think being so close to winning it all last year has made it very, very easy to come back this year and have that immediate buy-in from the guys wanting to win a championship here. So many returning guys who are so close and so upset with not finishing it off. There's a lot of motivation.
EP: Do you have a favourite moment from last season's run?
MT: I would say, probably all of the series-clinching wins, the series-winning goals. The overtime winner in Boston, the overtime winner in Toronto, the last second one at home against Carolina.
All three of those are by far the greatest goals I've ever been a part of.
EP: I feel like we're not as a society talking about Sam Bennett enough. Can you give us a little bit about what he's like off the ice and what it's like to play with him?
MT: He just plays so hard.
He was one of the first guys I met when coming to Calgary, and we've been so close ever since. I'm so happy that we got to play together again down here in Florida. He was the first guy I talked to when I got traded, and we've just been so close for eight-plus years now.
It’s so fun that we're able to play with each other still, we just have such great chemistry on and off the ice. He just plays so hard and he complements my game so well. And off the ice, we're just super close and have a great group of guys that pretty much do everything together away from the rink.
It makes it so much fun to come to the rink every day, work with them, and then when we leave the rink, do stuff together.
EP: If you became the commissioner of the league today, what's the first thing you'd change?
MT: Overtime until somebody scores. No shootouts. And no back-to-backs. I don't know if we need any more back-to-backs right now.
EP: Other than you, who has the best chirps in the league?
MT: I'd say the guy who chirps a lot on our team is Brandon Montour. He has some good ones. Nick Cousins has got some good ones. (Ryan) Lomberg, too. They all have some good ones.
EP: Best advice your dad ever gave you?
MT: Two things: Compete and be a good teammate.
EP: Last year you gained some recognition outside of the hockey world, and it kind of sparked, like, a debate about personality in the NHL. I've always wondered What you actually think about this whole conversation, like, do you like being kind of the personality guy in the NHL?
MT: Well, I’m never going to not be myself. I grew up with great parents that taught me great things and around a great family. I’ll carry that for the rest of my life. I’m not trying to do anything, and some guys are (quieter) and that’s OK. This is just how my personality is.
EP: Can you give me three words to describe the current Panthers?
MT: Oh, I would say very fast. So fast. Close – we’re a super close team.  I've never seen a team like this where, you know, we're going to dinner on the road and we're having, you know, 15 people reservations and everybody hanging out with each other. it's been awesome. Fast, close, and fun. Nobody has more fun than our team.
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Ryan Adamczeski at The Advocate:
Texas officials have quietly implemented a policy preventing transgender people from changing their gender marker on driver's licenses.
The rule, first reported on Wednesday by Austin’s NPR affiliate The Texas Newsroom, applies even if a person has updated their birth certificates, or even potentially if they have a court order. The policy was not announced to the public, and instead revealed to state employees in an email from Sheri Gipson, the chief of Texas’ Driver License Division. “Effective immediately, August 20, 2024, the Department will not accept court orders or amended birth certificates issued that change the sex when it differs from documentation already on file,” the message states. “For current DL/ID holders, the sex established at the time of original application and listed in the driver record will not be changed unless there was a clerical error." Gipson explicitly told workers not to share the message with customers, adding: “This email address is for internal reporting only and should not be shared with customers." The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) previously had a gender change policy listed on its website, explaining that the state allowed residents to update their gender marker with a court order or updated birth certificate. The policy is no longer available on the state’s website, as reported by Huffpost.
Texas has wage a war on its trans people, and this latest move to block gender marker changes on drivers licenses is the latest attempt to erase trans existence.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: Texas removes trans people’s ability to change their ID’s gender marker
Erin In The Morning: Court Ordered Gender Changes Ignored In TX; Drivers License Changes Blocked In MO, MT
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pangeen · 1 year
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“ Blooming around Mt Fuji “ // Ryan Resatka
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