#MTF Tau-5
dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Anomalous Employment Division
Description: As new anomalies appear in our world and other worlds, the ones we are already familiar with only get older and older. Thus, there's leaves three options for said anomalies leave them be, decommission and therefore Neutralize them, or utilize them. For those that can and should be utilized rather than neutralized they are debriefed here at the AED.
The AED is the dedicated to showing the more humane side of the Foundation by giving the contained anomalies a chance to benefit humanity rather than putting it in danger. As such the AED only works with sentient, humanoid, and non-hostile anomalies. All other anomalies are not in the jurisdiction of the AED. It should also be noted that SCPs debriefed by the AED are to no longer be referred to as my their SCP number or Code Name, instead they will be referred to by the names they originally had or the ones they chose for themselves. Upon completion of any training, augmentations, and treatment needed they will be referred to as Foundation Staff with Class F status. Class F status implies a Foundation staff member that has been affected by anomalous properties but is to not be contained, instead use their anomalous properties to further benefit the Foundation if at all possible.
SCP's commissioned:
- SCP-040/ Name: Dr. Evolution/ Current Age: 24/ Condition: Given Foundation lotion to prevent harm form UV rays and potential diseases. Trained by Foundation evolutionary biologists to understand her powers better/ Affiliation: Cryptozoology Division.
- SCP-049/ Name: Dr. Haselhurst/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: Begrudgingly agreed to work alongside the Foundation and only focus on the Pestilence as a side project rather than his main goal, is given a single Class-D every week as per agreement/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-053/ Name: Abby Johnson/ Current Age Biologically: 20/ Current Age Correctly: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: Is given a supplement to help her age like a normal human, at least until she reaches the age of 21. Is currently studying with the Fire Suppression Department to one day work with them. Is only allowed to visit SCP-682 once a month or more when testing is involved/ Affiliation: Understudy for Fire Suppression Department - Containment and Security Division.
- SCP-073/ Name: Agent Cain/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: is give regular therapy by Dr. Talic and has been equipped with [data expunged] allowing him to turn off his powers when not on missions/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-076-2/ Name: Agent Able/ Current Age: Unknown (Immortal)/ Condition: [data expunged]. Despite this, he is to only be deployed as a last resort, and never when Agent Thompson or Agent Cain is present/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-105/ Name: Agent Thompson Captain Iris Clef/ Current Age: 41/ Condition: Given a newly furnished room and complete freedom to wander Site-[data expunged] and has been promised to not only be properly trained but also better treated by Foundation staff. New equipment has also been promised as well as freedom to visit her friend Agent Victoria and her girlfriend wife Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: MTF Captain of Alpha-9 Division Dagger.
- SCP-134/ Name: Dr. Stella Starchild/ Current Age: 40/ Condition: Given an augmentation surgery to her ears to allow her to better percive her surroundings. She still can’t see but is able to tell where objects are and how to avoid bumping into people. She doesn’t like to talk so instead, she was taught ASL, JSL, CSL, BSL, and FSL. Had a particular interest with Theology and thus was taught in the subject as well/ Affiliation: Department of Tactical Theology.
- SCP-166/ Dr. Meri Clef/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: given a necklace made by the Foundation that is able to suppress her anomalous abilities without harming her in any way/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Psychology and Therapy Division.
- SCP-191/ Name: Agent Cidney Victoria/ Current Age: 40/ Condition: Given several surgeries with the regenerative cybernetic flesh of Tau-5 units and thus she now has their capabilities, their strength, their speed, their regeneration, their immunity, and can now talk. She still doesn't need to eat but does so out of joy/ Affiliation: MTF Tau-5.
- SCP-239/ Name: Dr. Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir (Agent Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir)/ Current Age: 38/ Condition: Received therapy from Dr. Corvio and Dr. [data expunged]. Later trained to properly control her powers by MTF Hecate-A: Real Magic/ Affiliation: Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare (Mobile Task Force Commander of Hecate-A: Real Magic - Oracles Third Eye.)
- SCP-347/ Name: Agent Claudia Rains/ Current Age: 56/ Condition: Reluctantly trained by MTF Specialists in covert operations, hand to hand, and close quarters combat/ Affiliation: Spy Agent for MTF Delta-5 and MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-507/ Name: Agent John Hopper/ Current Age: Unknown (Assumed to be in 40s or 50s)/ Condition: Was given a Collar made with vibration crystals and created by the DTASMW to keep him in our reality. He can now only jump into other realities when he wants too. Like before he is still immune to the hazards of other realties. Given monthly therapy sessions with Doctor Rover/ Affiliation: Emergency agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Dagger.
- SCP-590/ Name: Dr. Thomas Jack Shaw/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: Has been given a Foundation supplement that restores his health should he ever use his powers. Has been taught by Dr. Haselhurst and Dr. MacQuoid in medical science and how to use advanced Foundation medical tools, equipment, and medicine. Regularly sees Dr. Clef to ensure his mental health doesn't deteriorate/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-734/ Name: Agent David Founder/ Current Age 15/ Condition: Raised by two AFA-3's designed to be immune to his powers. Taught him the values of life, the SCP Foundation, and the great use of his powers. Is given regular psyche evaluations by Dr. Corvio/ Affiliation: Mobile Task Force Alpha-9
- SCP-1360/ Name: Agent Hector/ Current Age: Unknown/ Condition: [Data Expunged]/ Affiliation: MTF Tau-5.
- SCP-1985/ Name: Agent Jacqueline Johnson/ Current Age: 42/ Condition: Given complete control of the anomalous abilities of the device through Dr. Stefansdottir. She can now travel to any reality she likes and temporarily alter her body to become accustomed to that reality or gain abilities that are considered common place within that reality/ Affiliation: Field Agent within the Department of the Impossible.
- SCP-2118/ Name: Researcher Carly Love/ Current Age: 14/ Condition: Given a mask that suppresses her anomalous outbursts; has been given different masks with different styles for fashion purposes. Has been adopted by Dr. Susan Love and sees Dr. Talic on a monthly basis/ Affiliation: Understudy for Department of Universal Affairs.
- SCP-2192/ Name: Researcher Milaya Atomic/ Current Age: 13/ Condition: Has been given bath bombs containing chemicals that sooth her damaged body and with time should give her new skin. If this doesn't work, she is to be given a full body bio suit that will act as her skin. There is also the construction of her armor that should allow her to control the radiation emitted from her body. Regularly receives training from Agent Wells and psyche evaluations from Dr. Talic/ Affiliation: Understudy for the Anomalous Employment Division.
- SCP-2241/ Name: Cameron Crusader/ Current Age: 10/ Condition: Receives training from Dr. Stefansdottir and therapy sessions from Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-2273/ Name: Captain Alexei Belitrov/ Current Age: 55/ Condition: Received proper therapy from Dr. Carvio and the suit was repaired and upgraded by the Department of Technology, Alchemy, Science, Magic and Warfare. He is now able to take suit off and on at will/ Affiliation: Captain of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-2639/ Names: Agent GRRGRL, Agent WTF_STFU, Agent BOOGER/ Condition: Thanks to the Church of Maxwellism the Foundation was able to manifest immortal bodies for each of them that will simply respawn in an area close to where they died. They can now even see the world for what it is and are even able to interact with the world normally and modify their bodies to appear how they want. They can also manifest any SCP-2639-B item they desire at any time they want. SCP-2639-C has also been upgraded to ensure that the three of them won’t have to worry about death by other means. Furthermore, the Church of Maxwellism also made [data expunged] to ensure that if the computer does get destroyed the three of them will simply go to [data expunged] which is a sort of digital afterlife for Maxwellists/ Affiliation: MTF-Omega-9 (Sometimes works with MTF Tau-5)
- SCP-3293/ Name: Cooper Wells/ Current Age: 12/ Condition: Trained by Dr. Stefansdottir to understand and control his anomalous abilities. Has secretly received memetic therapy to regulate his chaotic behavior and desire to create more complex and often destructive devices/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9
- SCP-4051/ Name: Agent Rainer Miller/ Current Age: 30/ Condition: Trained by Foundation medics to understand the contents of medicine so he could manifest them, trained by Foundation engineers to understand phones and other useful devices, and trained by Foundation MTF’s to better understand melee and firearm weapons. like all approved by the AED is allowed to visit his family when not on missions and has his abilities suppressed. is also regularly given therapy by Dr. Clef/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF-Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-4494/ Name: The Specter/ Current Age: Unknown/ Condition: Was given a [data expunged] to allow him to [data expunged] as to prevent another “breakdown of the concept of crime” scenario form happening as well as a [data expunged] so that the Foundation can contact him on missions, especially ones relating to his anomalous state/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-4818/ Name: Leora Lightfoot/ Current Age: 20/ Condition: Was trained by Agent Wells to control her powers/ Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Sword.
- SCP-5239/ Name: Blane Veers/ Current Age: 21/ Condition: Given Therapy sessions by Dr. Clef. Trained in MTF tactics and many types of thaumaturgic spells and rituals/ Affiliation: Captain of MTF Beta-777.
- SCP-5419/ Name: Quincy Koothrapali/ Current Age: 9/ Condition: Given weekly therapy sessions by Dr. Clef. Also trained in MTF tactics and war strategies/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Demeter-4.
- SCP-6101/ Name: Ethan Prosper/ Current Age: 5/ Condition: Non-Anomalous currently, but thanks to SCP-[data expunged] we know he will gain anomalous abilities by the age of 9. Though of course this might not happen as most things given The Reset, but until he becomes of age, the Foundation will continue to monitor him/ Affiliation: Civilian life. Future Candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Spear.
- SCP-AAS/ Name: Agent McGee Commander Charlie Wells/ Current Age: 48/ Condition: trained to control her power and unleash her full potential without hurting others/ Affiliation: MTF Alpha-9. (Sometimes works with MTF Epsilon-9)
- SCP-ABL/ Name: Dr. Mathew Wells/ Current Age: 43/ Condition: Receives therapy on a biweekly basis with Dr. Corvio, given gloves by the DTASMW that allow him to heal anyone regardless of their religious affiliation and won't cause him to change at all/ Affiliation: Fire Suppression Department - Biology and Health Division.
- SCP-ACP/ Name: Dr. Carrie Yalemin/ Current Age: 24/ Condition: Has been cured of her mental trauma and her life is no longer under the influence of the Scarlet King thanks to Project [data expunged] created by Dr. Zeek/ Affiliation: Department of Tactical Theology.
- SCP-ACV/ Name Emily Valant/ Current Age: 39/ Condition: Her twin SCP-ACV-2 has been forced under a medical procedure to make him clinically braindead. She has inherited all his abilities as a result without his psychotic behavior. Still regularly sees Dr. Rover for therapy sessions on a month basis/ Affiliation: Personal trainer and tutor of new recruits for MTF Alpha-9.
- SCP-AGC/ Name: Agent Tree Gelbman/ Current Age: 29/ Condition: Given medical treatment for the recoil of her abilities and therapy from Dr. Rover. Train in basic and some advanced military combat skills and tactics/ Affiliation: Member of MTF Alpha-9 Division "Shield"
- SCP-AGT/ Name: Agent Jodie Jaden Holems/ Current Age: 33/ Condition: Given proper housing for himself and his four friends as well as their newborn child they are raising together. Also was given the ability to transition from female to male thanks to Dr. Zeek/ Affiliation Member of MTF Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" Division "Sorcerer's Staff".
- SCP-ASZ/ Name: Cody Morgan/ Current Age: 16/ Condition: Has been given therapy on a weekly basis by Dr. Corvio. Trained by Dr. Stefansdottir to keep his powers in check and better control them/ Affiliation: Future candidate for MTF Alpha-9 Division Spear.
- SCP-AZJ/ Name: Agent David McGowan/ Current Age: 37/ Condition: Received monthly therapy from Dr. Talic and special training form Agent Wells to keep him sane and his powers strong. Affiliation: Agent of MTF Alpha-9 Division Dagger (Sometimes works with MTF Delta-5)
End Note: By Order of the 05 Council even after being processed by the AED certain anomalies are still required to do cross testing and other experiments. However, there will be more leniency with regards to protocol “Anomalous Lives Matter” as well as the fact that they are Foundation staff now.
SCP: HMF - Departments and Divisions Hub
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silvandar · 1 year
Your first day on the job, there's a call to run an MTF through a newly discovered anomaly. Still in training, you jump at the chance to shadow an experienced controller.
Huddled in a mobile command center near the ruin of a small, midwestern town, you can only cover your ears as the screaming starts. The memetic hazard rips through the MTF, the civillian survivors, and the command center.
A voice pulls you from your shock, demanding an update. Shuddering, you look around for anyone else to take the call, and see nothing but bodies.
"Mobile command, respond!"
Dragging a corpse out of the chair, you grimace as you put on the headset. After your halting acknowledgement and babbled sit rep, there is a long silence.
"Understood. Prepare to take ground control of secondary MTF."
"Me?? No, no, I'm just a rookie..."
"Your location is compromised, we can't send in a replacement unit. If you want to get out of there alive, you're in the hot seat."
"U-understood... but won't the MTF be in danger?"
"The artefact must be contained. We're sending in Tau 5."
That day, you joined the command team for Samsara.
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12-cluh · 5 months
SCP/MTF Collection #7
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Alpha-1 (“Red Right Hand”)
Epsilon-9 (“Fire Eaters”)
Zeta-9 (“Mole Rats”)
Tau-5 (“Samsara”)
Iota-10 (“Damn Feds”)
Upsilon-90 ("Andalusian Dogs")
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eparchclass · 10 months
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Tau5taskic | Samarataskic [left] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Tau-5, aka Samsara
Tau9taskic | Bookwormtaskic [middle] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Tau-9, aka Bookworms
Tau21taskic | Urbrawltaskic [right] // Gender influenced by, best described by, or otherwise connected to MTF Tau-51, aka Urban Brawl
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So recently I had an idea to condense every single SCP Mobile Task Force down to a single word and frankly I think that might be the key to a good Mobile Task Force
MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand"): Escort
MTF Nu-7 ("Hammer Down"): Military
MTF Zeta-9 ("Mole Rats"): Cavers
MTF Tau-5 ("Samsara"): Overpowered
MTF Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox"): Elite
MTF Gamma-5 ("Red Herrings"): Liars
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Planned Coins
Alt Coining - [1] [2]
Gendersafe | Safe
Gendereuclid | Euclid
Genderketer | Keter
Genderthaumiel | Thaumiel
Genderneutralized | Neutralized
Genderapollyon | Apollyon
Genderembla | Embla
Genderunnecessary | Unnecessary
Genderarchon | Archon
Genderuncontained | Uncontained
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Containment Classes
Flor Galana
Disruption Classes
Risk Classes
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Amnestics (General)
Class A | General Retrograde
Class B | Regressive Retrograde
Class C | Targeted Retrograde
Class D | Progressive Retrograde
Class E | Ennui
Class F | Fugue
Class G | Gaslighting
Class H | Anterograde
Class I | Transient
Mnestics (General)
Class W | Reliable
Class X | Restorative
Class Y | Drill
Class Z | Lifetime
Gnostics (General)
Agnostics (General)
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K-Class Scenarios
AK-Class "Madness" Scenario
CK-Class "Restructuring" Scenario / RK
EK-Class "End of Human Consciousness" Scenario / MK
GH-Class "Dead Greenhouse" Scenario
HK-Class "Deific Subjugation" Scenario
IK-Class "End of Global Civilization" Scenario
LK-Class "Species Transmutation" Scenario
NK-Class "Grey Goo" Scenario
SK-Class "Dominance Shift" Scenario
XK-Class "End of the World" Scenario
XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario
ZK-Class "Reality Failure" Scenario"
"Broken Masquerade" Scenario
ΩK-Class "End of Death" Scenario
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MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" | Overseer Council
MTF Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" | O5, Internal Security
MTF Omega-1 "Law's Left Hand" | Ethics Comittee
MTF Rēsh-1 "Seat of Consciousness" | The Administrator
MTF Omega-7 "Pandora's Box" (Disbanded)
MTF Alpha-9 "Last Hope"
MTF Omega-12 "Achilles' Heels"
MTF Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" | Rural, Suburban
MTF Tau-51 "Urban Brawl" | Urban
MTF Pi-1 "City Slickers" | Dense Urban
MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats" | Underground
MTF Theta-90 "Angle Grinders" | Unstable Geometry
MTF Lambda-5 "White Rabbits" | Unstable Reality
MTF Alpha-4 "Pony Express"
MTF Iota-10 "Damn Feds"
MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement"
MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil"
MTF Eta-11 "Savage Beasts"
MTF Upsilon-4 "Sugar Pill"
Anomaly Specialists
MTF Beta-7 "Maz Hatters" | Bio/Chem/Radio Hazards
MTF Gamma-6 "Deep Feeders" | Oceanic
MTF Eta-5 "Jäeger Bombers" | Gigantic
MTF Theta-4 "Gardeners" | Flora
MTF Kappa-10 "Skynet" | Cyberspace
MTF Lamba-4 "Birdwatchers" | Airborne, Avian
MTF Lambda-12 "Pest Control" | Vermin
MTF Mu-4 "Debuggers" | Electronics
MTF Mu-13 "Ghostbusters" | Intangible
MTF Rho-9 "Technical Support" | Cybersecurity
MTF Phi-2 "Clever Girls" | Prehistoric
MTF Psi-8 "The Silencers" | Reanimated
MTF Chi-9 "Page Turners" | Literature
MTF Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" | Information Control
MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down" | Emergency Battalion
MTF Omega-0 "Ará Orún" | Noöspheric Constructs
MTF Epsilon-7 "Forget Me Nots" | Mnestics
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[ACS Guide] - [Esoteric Classes List] - [Amnestics Guide] - [K-Class Scenarios] - [Task Forces List]
Send a request if something you're looking to see isn't here, not everything under each category is included.
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tempest-toss · 2 years
[Mr. Candy
TW: death, mention of limb removal, a person exploding into parts
One of the leading figures of the new batch, Mr. Candy is the replacement for Ms. Sweetie. His body is made entirely of sugary sweets, from his chocolate suit to his peppermint eyes, everything about him can be taken off and eaten. His body will then regenerate after a little while.
He is a lot more serious and aggressive than his kin, which is one of the reasons why he's one of twelve Little Misters to have a body count. His aggression stems from the fact that he feels he will always be in Ms. Sweetie's shadow. Even though she and the rest of the original 20 no longer exist in Tempest, he can't stop believing that he will always be the second fiddle. So while he smiles often, it's usually a fake one
In an odd mirroring of Ms. Sweetie, he too has an aversion to the opposite gender. On one of his first appearances outside of the Wondertainment "home" he was used to supply some candy for a bachelorette party. The guests, seeing that he could supply them with infinite candy began taking larger handfuls out of him. Despite his pleas they eventually tore his limbs off and ate him until nothing was left. This was one of the few times Dr. Wondertainment was sad and angered. He made the party-goers "disappear", and took the remaining pieces of candy, that was so crushed it couldn't regenerate Mr. Candy, and made a single wrapped sweet.
The sweet ended up being taken by Mr. Shadow and deposited in Site 5, where it was left by a receptionist's monitor. She spotted it and ate it, but ended up feeling excruciating pain after five minutes. As the cameras recorded it, she began screaming until she exploded into pieces, and standing in her place was a reformed Mr. Candy. As he turned and left the site he murdered three more staff by stabbing them with his candycane cane; the victims were an assistant, a scientist, and a guard. All three were identified as female.
He would remain uncontained until MTF Unit Tau-2 "The Fraternity" found him right after he killed an "unfun" mother by encasing her in marshmallow. Since the unit was all-male Mr. Candy, to the surprise of the unit, peacefully returned with them to be detained. He was housed in Site 32, where he would be joined by his other 39 siblings. He would remain relatively passive, showing aggression to any female that came in close proximity to him (excluding his sisters). One day a freak accident led to him and the other 39 Little Misters to escape, where they returned to their home to assist with their father's work...]
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outsiderisin · 5 years
Day 23: Machines
Agent Matthew felt his guts dip as he glanced over the text from command as 13 hastily drove to the location coordinates after getting a call from her unit. He quickly got distracted as 13 whipped around a turn like a stuntman for a James Bond movie during a chase scene . He tensed a bit as his team cussed within silent prayers to survive this drive. That's when she Growled, 
"Fuck it. Anyone who says a word of this is either a liar or dead."
Suddenly they were nearly there as she speed the car towards a group of mekhanites who were trying to trap their respective personal. Half stopped and went into a defensive formation to stop the car as 13 floored the pedal again. They crashed into the group. The sound of crushing metal and grinding was heard as the car jolted about. The tires’ rubber being tossed in the air with loose rock, dust and metal pieces as 13 dropped from the car.
 Matthew waiting to be at a full stop before bailing as his team lagged behind for a moment. Him seeing 13 drawing near the remaining half of the half machines as the leader looked furious. He then saw she was bleeding terribly from her left arm as gear was stuck in it with a spring and a rock to boot. It had partially soaked her normal bandages on her arm.
"Halt child, you do not know what you…" started a member as Matthew got to 13’s side when She whistled a sharp, brief tune to her team with a hand signal. Agent Time stared wide eyed at the group of Mekhanites as he snapped his fingers; time seeming to slow down for those within his gaze.. Agent Theory got everyone else away as Agent space worked quickly to Agent Time away as he blinked, breaking his focus.
They floated over to the group drooping down and landing hard as 13 quickly gathered her crew, making sure they were okay with few coded hand signals as they made sense to anyone but them.  The scientists looking unsure at 13’s team as Matthew signalled his group to reassure them that this was normal. The mekhanites looking rather confused, before looking pissed at what just happened.
“You blasmepers. You interrupted a holy ritual that would nearly complete  our broken god. Do you realize all the work you just undone?” The leader hissed out. The echo coming from him made Matthew’s skin literally crawl under his clothing as 13 hissed at him.
“Easy Matthew. Don’t lose your shit, the major danger is over. I think.”
“Trying 13, but with our incoming back up. I might lose it a bit.” He hissed back as his team whispered lowly when 13 catch the word ‘Samsara’. The mekhanites looking unsure as suddenly in a flash of flying dirt, four new figures stood between everyone.
“Alright, looks like Red-Hand got our scientist back. And I got no clue on those useless incidents over there so Nanku keep your eyes on them” said the leader as 13 felt her eyes twitch at the comment as Matthew had the look of decking the guy with some of his crew. “Now I take your the guy in charge of this problem. How about surrendering and we  call it a day.”
“I believe we won’t.” The leader as he said something beyond anyone’s understand yet for Matthew who yelled for an instant retreat. 13 nodded as she shifted the car glass into another location as Matthew ordered everyone through it. The new team staying behind as there the sounds of shifting metal was heard behind 13 as she was the last person through the window.
“What the fuck is with this UIU squad Mr. Hummer?” snarled a scientist at Matthew as they point to 13’s team as she glared. Agent Theory stepping in her way as the scientists sort of hid behind Matthew’s team who simply just rested their fingers near their weapons’ triggers.
“This is the UIU decommissioned task force who refused to be decommissioned. Basically they are the Black Ops of the UIU. They don’t exist and I advise you keep your mouth shut on that. Director Henry has more contacts than you think to make sure of that” Matthew said as 13 couldn’t help a smug smile from coming to her face as Matthew looked at her. Her team also failing not to smile as Matthew’s crew sort of chuckled at the event.
“Trust me. They are friendly people when they haven’t been insulted” Offered Agent Comet as Matthew went into review what had occured as 13 pulled her crew to side to gain their end of event. She then conversed with Matthew and the head scientist who ended up questioning 13 on how her ability worked as she gave short  answers without detail, much to the scientist annoyance. 
Henry soon showing with O5-5 in tow, which flung everyone for a loop and even more when O5-5 hugged 13 hello. Matthew quick to give her hell as the ‘Samsara’ crew appeared soon after. They looked like shit as Agent Theory quickly asked if they could be of help to the crew at the sight of the injuries. They waved them off, as Matthew waved later to 13’s team as his men joined him with the ‘Samsara’ members. 
Ten minutes later, 13 and her team was in Henry’s car as they got lectured about using their abilities in front of so many scientists and MTF members. 13 taking the blame for giving the all clear to do so as Henry chewed her out well for it. As she slumped back in her seat, holding back tears as Agent Time snapped at Henry to shut up and that they got the point. HIm point out that 13 was nearly in tears and was clearly upset with herself now. The team then explain how and why they did it as Henry huffed. The car easing into uncomfortable silence as 13 noped out to the empty road.
The car kept going as she shifted the world to a place where reality had no sense to it. Her staying there as she calmed herself down from her flurry of emotions before returning to henry’s office. Him starting to apologize for his harshness, but 13 stopping him as the damage was done. He was simply upset and vented out on the team. 13 made it clear she knew she had messed up, but she felt no other opinion was there as she wasn’t aware of the foundation’s planned back up. After calmly hashing things out, 13 let the office feeling better as she went to medical to get the machinery out of her arm, nearly forgetting about it in everything that had happened that late afternoon.
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perelka-l · 7 years
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My secret santa gift for A Random Day of Tau-5~
[logo is by @hisclockworkservants]
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mazzy-cat · 4 years
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these immortal power rangers are interesting
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trupowieszcz-moved · 4 years
there are 2 posts about mtf tau-5 samsara on tumblr . well this is tje third one
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dzthenerd490 · 11 months
Action Report: The Cyborg, the Witch, and the Flesh Part 2
There was a squad of Chimera that were reinforced with armor all over their bodies and had drones floating all around them. They were heading to a location where the hivemind told them some other Chimera were lost. However, as they advanced one of the drones started malfunctioning and going haywire. One of the Chimera tried to grab it so they could repair it or at the very least destroy it, but it was getting out of control. The drone ended up firing a plasma bullet at the Chimera's head and another at another Drone making that one goes haywire as well. The Chimera stared to panic and started shooting at the malfunctioning drones, however now their guns were going haywire. One of the guns even exploded instantly killing three Chimera and others started electrocuting their users causing them to fire at random directions and even at the other Chimera. 
The chaos went on only for a minute before they were all down. Only one Chimera was left, it was injured and, on the ground, struggling to get up. However, before it could it noticed human boots in front of it, so it looked up only to see Black Cat smirking at it while holding his scythe.
Black Cat: Bad luck, yes? That tend happens a lot round me. Better luck next time, then.
The Chimera roared angrily at him but was cut off mid-way as its head was cut off the scythe with incredible speed. Its head rolled only for a second before it started withering and drying up due to the effect of Deep Silver Flow in the scythe blade. Black Cat smiled at his flawless victory, afterwards he used an analysis spell to obtain as much information as he could on the dead Chimera and drones.
Black Cat: They use virus to fuel little drones? Interesting. These Chimera also are not infected with SCP-610. hm... Not much else, better go kill other squads them. Perhaps they have more useful information.
White Rabbit used one of her portals and manifested on a hill looking at the map on her visor she should be close to a group of SCP-ARF instances, but she couldn't see them. However, her visor started showing danger was incoming, so she cast a shield spell allowing her to block the blasts in time. However, the magic forcefield started breaking very quickly so she quickly manifested one of the portals that lead to the sky above them. Once she was safe, she looked around her portal to see where the enemy was. There were about eight of them in heavy armor and firing what looked like cybernetic sniper rifles that were shooting super-fast for that model of gun. 
White Rabbit: It looks like it's made of junk. I'm surprised that they can work so well.
However White Rabbit was forced to dodge when a bullet nearly hit her head surprisingly it was able to phase through her helmet and burnt some of her hair. Though the damage was minimal White Rabbit was furious and quickly opened a portal over the group of SCP-ADF instances. It was a portal to the bottom of the ocean, so the water shot down onto them like a giant metal piston, crushing them all instantly. 
White Rabbit quickly got rid of both her portals and walked down to the dead SCP-ADF instances, what was left of them was crushed and in the wet crater from all the pressured water. She instantly regretted what she did as she didn't scan them or collect samples as per protocol. However, her luck might have turned around as bits of the SCP-ADF remains started mutating into SCP-610 flesh. Suddenly it all started joining together into a single monster that greatly resembled an SCP-ADF instance without armor. However, it only remained stable for a short while before it started falling apart. 
White Rabbit however looked at the SCP-610 instance unimpressed regardless due to how weak it looked both before and after it started falling apart. She manifested a forcefield around it and condensed the forcefield until the SCP-610 instance was just a ball of condensed meat. 
"I guess the researchers have to settle with this, onto the next group them."
Card was traveling through the dense forest while riding one of her summoned monsters. She was riding a unicorn to be more precise, one of her favorite summonses. Card grew up in Japan and loved those gacha games and card games. It was because of her way of utilizing magic that she was often called the "nerd witch".
However, Card stopped her unicorn when she heard someone screaming for help, she used a far sight spell to see what was going on. There was a human wearing rags while being at gun point by two SCP-ARF instances. There were five other humans trapped in a cage while there were six SCP-ARF instances were guarding said cage. It seemed like an obvious trap using sympathy for the injured as bate. Only problem is, how did they get their hands on humans in the first place? 
After SCP-610 manifested not only did the Foundation wall off the entire infected area but they evacuated all villages that were close to the area to cities and other areas much farther away. So, there shouldn't be any civilians in the area for the SCP-ARF instances to take hostage. Card knew she needed to save them, but she was in no rush for she remembered one of the codes of the Foundation "Don't see things for what they are, but instead, what they could be." As such she unsummoned her unicorn and pulled out the Ancient Mystical Elf General Card and summoned the beast within quickly. She ordered the Elf General to snipe the SCP-ARF instances while she ran around to ambush them from a different angle.
Before Card started running, she quickly reached into her personal bag and pulled out a vial of SCP-AFD-4.3 and chugged it down right away. Summoning didn't take up that much mana thanks to most of the magic already being stored into her cards, but she refueled the magic within her body anyways. 
Just then the Elf General started firing at the SCP-ARF instances killing off the two holding the human crying for help at gun point. The other SCP-ARF instances started firing on the Elf General forcing him to run and hide to avoid the plasma bullets. However, the plasma bullets quickly started following him thought thankfully by hiding behind the trees he was able keep the bullets form hitting him. Once the SCP-ARF instances stopped shooting and all their bullets dissipated after hitting the trees the Elf General readied his bow again to fire. However, this time he used his magic to enhance the arrow so after he fired, the arrow manifested into six arrows of magical energy that hit all the six remaining SCP-ARF instances instantly. 
Now with all the SCP-ARF instances dead Card walked up to the human who was held up at gun point. Card had her hand behind her back and was getting ready just in case this was a trap which it probably was. 
Card: Are you alright sir?
Civilian: Heeeelp! Help me!
Card: Sir calm down they won't hurt you anymore.
The man then looked at Card as his eyes started bleeding.
Civilian: Heeelp! Please help me!
His voice started getting deeper and sounded distorted making Card back off as her suspicion was confirmed. His limbs started stretching out to the point that his skin was tearing up revealing the mutant muscle tissue underneath. His legs and arms that were once had a single join ended up with two joints making him look like a freakish human spider. Then his jaw elongated and once again his skin tore up exposing the muscles underneath. 
He screeched out at Card loudly, but she just stared at him as she coated her body in all the best and most powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, anomalous, anti-phase, shield, regeneration, and protection spells. The beast then jumped at her and started stomping its fists and feet on her, bashing her to death. 
Or at least that would have happened, but instead the beast was quickly sliced in half by Card's Cybernetic Chainsaw Sword. Not only did it tear up the beast's flesh, but it also fried the flesh as well so if it could regenerate it was no longer able to.  
Card: Hmph, I'm not good for just magic.
The beast kept screeching, so she started dismembering it until it was just little pieces. Once she was done however the other humans started mutating and their bodies started stretching out until they broke out of the cage. The Elf General then started firing on them to stop them, but the resulting injuries form the arrows were minor and the creatures were able to regenerate form it easily. Card just sighed and used a powerful fire spell to incinerate them all. 
She then turned back to the pieces of the beast, but all the body parts started growing fleshy bug like legs and were trying to crawl away. Card then incinerated all the body parts and trapped it inside a force field bubble. She made the bubble float up for her to get a better view, she then cast as many analyses and appraisal spells, she could absorb as much data as fast as possible. 
Card: Hm... woah! It has traces of SCP-ARF and SCP-610 in its DNA but the overall structure is... It's completely different! It's a while new anomalous pathogen! A whole new SCP! Oh man, Craft is going to love this.
The Elf General then showed up next to Card, she made the Elf General get absorbed back into its card. She then looked back to the map on her visor and found more targets.
Card: Hm that's going to take a while to get too, better pick up the pace then.
Card then pulled out another card from her deck, this time it was an Alpha Griffin. She quickly summoned it and rode it to the next group. 
Another of the creatures was running towards Rune but he punched it with his gauntlets. The magic of the runes on his gauntlets and on his body activated causing the beast to be condensed into a small cube. A large and heavily armored SCP-ARF instance tried to scratch his back though that was where he placed all of his defensive and protection runes allowing them to activate, preventing Rune from getting hurt. He punched it back leaving it to start condensing into a small cube as well. This was Runes favorite method of attack. He used a combo of spells that allowed him to store all the data, organic material, and memories into a cube that acts as a magical USB so that the Foundation Researchers can review every scrap of data later. 
Rune then punched another SCP-ARF instance that resembled a giant spider, a blob of SCP-610, and another one of the mutant human creatures that had a laser sword created by SCP-ARF. Once Rune was done, he had approximately 17 cubes though he actually had 43 as this was already the third group he attacked. 
Rune: Heh, the researchers are going to have a fucking field day once this is all over.
Craft: Fascinating, absolutely fascinating!
Craft was floating in a bubble to keep herself safe from the SCP-610 instances and new anomalous creatures that were trying to eat at her. She was currently looking at a holographic computer screen she created that was being filled with all the data she collected thus far including the data she was collection just now.
Craft: So, this new organism isn't really a plague but some kind of sentient supercell quite similar to SCP-AAD only rather than assimilating cells wile replicating itself it instead converts cells into copies of itself. It's nothing like a virus in fact its more efficient while also even more deadly. With the way it works, a host could be affected and converted for years without knowing anything. Because their supercells they can replace any cell with ease tricking the host, the immune system, and even possibly the subconscious of the host! Then whenever the organism wants, it can just start mutating and attacking the host however it wants. It is quite literally an apex predator over all forms of life!"
GOC Craft: Ugh! Am I always this dorky and annoying!"
Craft looked down from her bubble and saw a clone of herself that she created. This particular Clone had the same armor, but it was white and light grey armor instead of black and dark grey armor. Furthermore, the armor had the logo of the Global Occult Coalition and was currently holding two Laser SMGs that she was firing at the SCP-ARF instances. 
This was the result of a spell Craft created known as Multiversal Madness where she creates clones of herself that are based on the various Groups of Interest. She mainly just created this spell and these clones because when she discovered that Groups of Interest existed at a young age, she was filled with curiosity by them and actually kind of admired a few. But instead of betraying the Foundation she simply decided to bring the Groups of Interest to her, so she learned all she could about each one and created the clones. Right now, she had a clone of the GOC, Children of the Scarlet King, Church of the Broken God, and The Serpent's Hand.
GOC Craft: Seriously! I have all this power and yet I just sit in a bubble and let my clones do all the work? You really are like the SCP Foundation! Just a bunch of eggheads that send good soldiers on suicide missions!
Craft just glared at her clone in disappointment; she then created a bag of her favorite chips, opened it, and started eating them. The GOC clone grunted in annoyance but then realized she was about to be ambushed by more SCP-610 instances. She was about to fight back but was instead saved by the Children of the Scarlet King Clone. The CSK clone was wearing a black and scarlet sheath dress with one of those cuts that showed only one of her legs. Her skin was pale with scarlet veins all over her body, her eyes were black with scarlet pupils, and she had black horns growing out of her forehead. She killed the SCP-610 instances by having her hand and having it turn into three monstrous armored worms that devoured the instances. 
CSK Craft: No need to be so infuriated my other self. I like doing the work, it's fun tearing apart helpless weaklings.
GOC Craft: Well, sorry my other self but not everyone is a sadistic psychopath like you.
The CSK Clone just smirked and suddenly her mouth expanded, she then reached into her mouth and pulled out a small ball that contained the remains of the SCP-610 instances she devoured. She then threw it to the original Craft who made it stop midair and float toward her bubble for analysis, thought she was disappointed to find out it was no different to ordinary SCP-610.
Suddenly the two other clones showed up both having condensed orbs of their samples floating around them. the Serpent's Hand Clone was wearing a dark green cloak with the symbol of the Serpent's Hand on the back of the cloak. underneath her cloak was dark armor that was standard for soldiers of the Serpent's Hand. The Church of the Broken God Clone had a futuristic cybernetic body with a tiara and little trinkets like a necklace that were commonplace for older sects of the Chruch. 
The original Craft simply raised her hand and the orbs floated over to her so that she could analyze them. Before that, she absorbed all of her clones allowing her to absorb all of the combat data acquired. Craft smiled at how much data she was getting she was a nerd and was proud of it. As she was continuing to eat the chips, she opened up another holographic computer scene where she saw the status of everyone as well as the squads of SCP-ARF and SCP-610 instances. There used to be a lot more of them on the loose but her and her clones ended up wiping most of them out. 
Craft: Hm... perhaps I went overboard, but then again, it would have taken forever if I didn't.
Victoria's heart was racing as she was getting closer to her target, she was normally not afraid of these kinds of battles but that's normally because she wasn't alone. She had her big brothers and Irantu and Munru and her big sisters Onru and Nanku with her. Ever since she joined MTF Tau-5 she was never alone and now she was she really didn't like it at all. 
Victoria just groaned as she held SCP-ABV-2 in its scabbard close to her. thankfully she was getting close to the target she saw that there was a ledge of land close to it so she could get to a higher ground and observe them from there. Once she made it to the top, she looked over the edge to see what she was dealing with. They were heavily armored SCP-ARF instance that had strange looking rifles. Scans on her helmet showed that they weren't loaded with bullets or energy but instead injection needles filled with an unidentifiable pathogen inside of it. It wasn't SCP-ARF, and it wasn't SCP-610. Apparently, the needles are able to stab through even steel allowing them to bypass US bulletproof armor. 
Victoria was actually impressed with how powerful and advanced their technology was, however, she was annoyed that such technology was going to be used to harm innocent lives. She then got up and looked again at the SCP-ARF instances and was again filled with fear. However, she took a deep breath and remembered what her big brother Irantu told her and finally the fear in her heart was gone. She raised SCP-ABV-2 in the air and from it four orbs of light were constructed and quickly shot at the head of four SCP-ARF instances, killing them instantly. 
The remaining six roared at her in anger and started firing with their needle rifles but with the power of SCP-ABV-2 she seemingly disappeared from their sight but in reality, she just moved so fast that she was now behind them all. The SCP-ARF instances looked around in confusion and even more so when two of them were decapitated in an instant. The remaining four looked at Victoria and roared in anger while raising their rifles Victoria smirked as she was just going to disappear with her speed again. However, to her shock they all suddenly froze and fell to the ground as all of their backs were hit with the needles form their rifles earlier. Thanks to SCP-ABV-2 Victoria was also able to see all the incoming needles and slash them away.
Victoria was surprised, they were seeker class bullets, yet they were also needle injection bullets. Both class of bullets were hard to manufacture even for the Foundation yet right now Victoria was looking at a fusion of the two which meant it should be even harder to manufacture yet SCP-ARF got it done. 
However, before Victoria could ponder anymore the SCP-ARF instance got back up only they were standing all limp and weak like zombies. Their limbs started stretching out and in the weak points of their armor fleshy tendrils grew out and onto the armor. 
Victoria was visibly disturbed by the new mutant monsters, so she used the increased speed of SCP-ABV-2 to slice them up and quickly manifested several lasers and shot them at the remaining pieces to scorch the remaining pieces. Once she was mostly sure they were dead she grabbed some samples of flesh and placed them into her sample capsules hidden in her armor. 
Victoria then realized that she actually did the mission on her own like everyone told her to and she actually did it well. Victoria jumped up and down in excitement but quickly stopped after getting embarrassed. She then regained her composure and looked at her computer visor to see what her next target should be. 
Nanku was currently surrounded by an army of small insectoid SCP-ARF instances that were trying to rip her to pieces. However not only did she have her shield activated but she was using her dual Incineration Laser SMGs to shoot them all. Thanks to her computer visor as well as her cybernetically advanced senses she was able to shoot them all with great precision. She made sure her forcefield was only at 10 feet wide so that she was using minimal power. Eventually they reached a point that the SCP-ARF were dwindling too fast and actually getting scared as a result. They tried to scatter but Nanku activated several Black Hole Grenades and threw them at coordinated places near the SCP-ARF instances. They were all caught and ended up getting wiped out instantly. 
Nanku: Hm... well that was kinda boring, I was really hoping that I would fight off something more exciting. Oh well, guess I better go find another target. 
Munru was holding an Automatic Foundation Shotgun with N rounds in one hand and in the other had another Shotgun with E rounds. He was firing at the new entities weren't either SCP-610 or SCP-ARF but were able to mimic humans. Right now, thought, they were stretching their limbs out to jump in-between and climb up trees in order to avoid Munru's shots. However, they were failing entirely and were either getting caught up in the explosions or hit by bolts coated in necrosis venom. They were jumping around incredible fast and slowly advancing on Munru but he still managed to hit at least one with each shot. 
However, they were still getting closer and spreading out more making it harder for Munru to rely on his shotguns. He quickly put them away and pulled out his Dual Cybernetic Plasma Katanas. Thankfully he acted in time as the entities were right on top of him, he quickly started slicing them up while frying their flesh. They were fast and strong, but Munru proved to be faster and stronger; smarter as well since he was aiming for their weak points and cutting them up with accuracy. 
Speed and Accuracy combined allowed Munru to cut them all up in a matter of minutes. Furthermore, those that got close enough to Munru were fired by the electrical bots pulsing out of Munru's armor. The burns from the electricity and/ or the plasma prevented the remaining pieces from regenerating or even escaping. Once Munru was done he gathered all of the pieces, threw them into a pile. He was going to destroy them but first, he collected some flesh and blood to put into his sample capsules within his armor; afterwards, he threw a Missile Seeker Grenade. Most of the pieces were destroyed and those that weren't got hit with Necrosis Venom Coated Fragments and rotted away.
Munru: Hm. These DNA samples as well as the video data I collected should be enough. Onto the next target.
Onru was on one of the trees in the densest part of the forest, she was waiting out for a group to come to her. According to her Visor there were ten of them in total that were in a ring thought what they were surrounding was an additional six hostiles. But as they got closer Onru noticed they didn't look like hostiles but instead like civilians. Onru's basic orders were to avoid civilian casualties if at all possible, however according to the live feed of information from the hive mind, they were hostiles as well. 
Onru got out her Cybernetic Sniper Rifle and aimed it at the middle. of the group. Onru was slightly confused that the false civilians were being held as what seemed to be hostages but at the same time it was probably part of the trap. As such, she didn't hesitate to fire instantly blowing up the 6 false civilians. The necrosis fragments also went everywhere causing the SCP-ARF instances as well as the false civilians to scream as they were both burning and rotting to death. 
Onru: ... Hm, that's quite an unpleasant sight, I wonder if this is why we are never trusted on rescue missions.
As the anomalies quickly died, Onru fell to the ground and looked around but there was nothing left but the armor and guns.
Onru: Oops, I didn't get the chance to collect bio samples... I suppose I'll just have to stick with the weapons. 
Onru picked up a weapon used by one of the SCP-ARF instances and started carefully tearing it apart while scanning it to see how it worked. 
Onru: Interesting, such technology-built form inherited memory alone. It's a good thing we got this first. 
Irantu, made sure to stay where he was, which was currently on a pile of dead SCP-ARF instances. According to his visor seven different groups were heading right towards him, he was determined to get them all. Thanks to Craft two thirds of the enemies' squads were wiped out almost instantly leaving the rest of the Joint Task Force to take care of the rest. Irantu hoped that once he was done with these seven the job would at least be halfway over, as such he had no problem taking on seven groups at once, not that such a task would be dangerous for him anyways. 
Soon the first one showed up, it was a giant arachnid instance of SCP-ARF glaring at him in anger. It quickly roared at him and upon doing so, hundreds of smaller insectoid SCP-ARF instance started running past it towards Irantu. Continued to stand there as he activated his shoulder miniguns and started firing upon them as well as the larger arachnid SCP-ARF instance. They were quickly blown up and falling apart with their infectious blood and limbs falling everywhere. 
Six groups were left and two of them were now increasing their speed as through the hive mind they knew the first attack failed. They quickly showed themselves as one was a group of armored SCP-ARF instances and the other was the creatures that were neither SCP-ARF and SCP-610. They quickly ran towards Irantu while he activated both his miniguns and his double barrel machine guns on the arms of his armor. However, none of the hostiles actually ran towards Irantu and instead quickly tried running around him to make him waist him ammo. Irantu noticed this and deactivated his miniguns. However, one of the hostiles got on his back and tried to destroy at least one of the miniguns, but Irantu activated his super heating armor, setting the hostile on fire and melting its armor on itself. 
The other hostiles continued running around and tried to avoid Irantu's fire as those that failed to, quickly started rotting form the Necrosis rounds. Though Irantu was hitting a few of them he knew this wasn't being effective as he was wasting more ammo than making progress. As such he stopped firing and unleashed, he hidden blade from his arms and started slashing at every hostile he could. He started slashing, punching, and ripping them apart while they tried fighting back at him only get burned by his armor. 
Thanks to Irantu's superior strength and his programed knowledge of all forms of combat he was able to reduce the hostile numbers form. However, Irantu was then shot in the arm making him freeze up. He looked back to the surrounding forest and saw that the third group had showed up. This one was augmented with cybernetic limbs and was armed with a rifle that looked to be made of garbage but was clearly advanced in nature. Behind him was his other squad members of SCP-ARF instances also holding rifles but also holding chains to a large SCP-ARF beast. 
The group let go of the chains and the SCP-ARF beast ran towards Irantu while the other hostiles backed off to let it attack. Irantu took a deep breath to calm down thought he didn't need to; it was something Little Sister said helped keep the brain calm. Once the SCP-ARF beast was close enough Irantu got ready and punched it hard in the face. The punch was strong enough to rip the SCP-ARF beast apart and smash its insides. The SCP-ARF beast was now a gory mess on the ground in front of Irantu. 
Irantu took advantage of the silence in the air and activated his shoulder miniguns and started gunning down the second and third ground. The fourth ground was shocked but quickly enraged and started firing at him. Irantu retaliated by shooting his double barrel machine guns on his arms at them. They continued to fire at him as his bullets tore them apart, making what remained of them rot. 
Three groups were now left, one of them started retreating while the other two tried advancing faster to by the last one some time. Irantu made estimated calculations on where exactly each member of the other two groups were and started firing his shoulder and arm guns in those direction. Thankfully his calculations were correct as on his visor the number of hostiles were quickly going down. He then activated the rocket thrusters on his legs to charge forward while still aiming and gunning down where the other two groups were at until they were gone. 
Now only one group was left; thankfully, Irantu was heading right towards them before they could escape. Irantu was going so fast that he ended up ramming through them ripping apart at least four of them leaving only six left though each was badly injured. Irantu quickly turned off his rocket thrusters and stood as still as he could while his body dragged along by the force. If he was a human that would have ripped him apart, but he was a member of Tau-5 so he could withstand it and anything he couldn't withstand would regenerate no matter how severe the wound. 
Irantu faced the surviving SCP-ARF instances, as they looked at him in fear. Strange he thought, as so far, the SCP-ARF instances weren't even afraid of death they would willingly keep fighting even if the odds were not in their favor. Four of the survivors brought out their rifles while the other two quickly went back for a crate in the middle of their dead group members. The two front SCP-ARF instances started blasted concentrated beams at Irantu which quickly started overheating his armor. In response he just walked up to them and started smashing their heads and bodies in. He avoided using the mechanics of his weapons while they were hot as to avoid any potentially damaging malfunctions. 
The third one had a gravity gun that was able to levitate Irantu in the air; however, he proved to be too heavy and was able to walk up to that instance and kill it as well. Irantu turned to the fourth and last one only to be shocked as this last one had a sort of pulse cannon, pushing a massive amount of invisible force at him after each shot. Irantu tried aiming his weapons at the SCP-ARF instance only for them to be damaged from the force and his armor was getting weaker with each shot as well. 
The SCP-ARF instance seemingly started laughing as its victory seemed inevitable, Irantu was forced on his knees but not out of the fight. Irantu raised his fists and slammed them onto the ground causing a shockwave in the earth. The shockwave was powerful enough to knock all three SCP-ARF instances off their feet and stun them.
Irantu forced himself up, stomped on the first SCP-ARF instance to death, and ran to the other two to tear their heads off. Irantu sighed as he had never been so close to defeat since the SCP-1730 incident both before and after The Reset. 
Irantu: ... I hope little sister is doing okay.
Irantu then walked over to the crate and scanned it, inside was a strange mechanism filled with tiny insectoids infected with an aggressive strain of SCP-ARF. Irantu now could tell it was a capsule bomb that was meant to be launched to a heavily populated area to infect hundreds of people with the bugs.
Irantu: hm... lucky that shockwave didn't damage it too much, still this would be bad if it ever got out. 
Irantu started grabbing pieces from the SCP-ARF instances armor and started melting it with the superheat of his armor. With the melted metal he started coating it on the crate like clay in order to seal it up. 
Irantu: There, that should do it. Now to get this to Craft and reunite with the others. 
Part 3
Part 1
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
0 notes
lunaralight09 · 3 years
P.S. : I was inspired by Friday Night Funkin'. Well I was playing in it , and I got this idea to make y/n singing some of the song from there . And you can imagine any lyrics you want . Soo ... Let's start!
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SCP 035
Well he was in theater . He escaped from foundation . You were on stage singing with your friend / partner (Partner mean that person who helps you to sing). Then he understands that you're a scientist/guard from The Foundation . But he stayed at theater
Sock/Masky listened to you singing . And he liked it . A lot . You (P.S. : you  were making those dances? Those movement like in the video . There's Skid and Pump you were making your own movements ) were dancing . He liked your movements .
He was impressed with your talent . He after you sang you met Sock/Masky behind the stage . You became friends . Of course he showed his talents . And you knew that's a SCP 035 . But you didn't want to call mtf units .
After 6 month of your friendship . He asked you out . You said yes! (If you're a male/non-binary he doesn't care at all . 'Cause he's a mask and Sock/Masky don't have a gender . But i will use male pronounce . )
As I said he likes your songs . And you were singing like a duet . He asking you to sing some song . With him and without him . He likes to cuddle with you while you humming some rhythms/songs
SCP 049
He found you at breach . You were singing , because it help you to chill . And Ofc you were nervous . He liked your songs . He was ... (How should I call it ... Uhh . Just like GF from FNF .  How much I will say about FNF ? IDK . Oh yeah! ) shooking his head to the rhytm . Even zombies that was with him liked that you're singing  .
He came out then you stopped singing . You panicked . He said that he liked your song . And said that you don't have pestilence in you . Well you were a little bit nervous near SCP 049 .
You two were friend about 2 years . Doc needed to know about his feelings for you . Cause it was centuries then he loved at first . Well zombies who remembered something from past told about his feelings for you , he didn't really understand that . But Lexie (His daughter . I will say about her in headcanon or bf scenarios . She's actually a ghost . He can see her then his eyes become red . Like he's mad or going crazy. I will say about it too ) told him about it and ... He understands it .
He were nervous . But you accept his confess . After 5 month he told you about Lexie . And two of you became friends. And even she calls you mommy/daddy/parent y/n . It's adorable . And she copy you when you sing . So you two singing like duet . Doc likes that you two get along .
Estienne reached you French . And you sometimes sing with them song on French . It's sounds good .
SCP 073
You two already was friends . But then it's was your break . Foundation let Cain walk a little . And he saw you and Dr. Bright singing together (you two were rap battling!) . He was really surprised. . He asked you about it . And you said that your a singer.  He liked it a lot . Sometimes he helped you to write new songs .
Well truly. He doesn't care about your gender/look . He can say that he's a pansexual . Soo after 1,5 year . You two said it at the same day . He said it after you sang your song about confession . And he was happy because s/o is now his girlfriend/boyfriend/couple .
As I said . He helps you to write songs . But now he tries to help you with it every time . You say that it's okay and you can do it yourself . But Cain still helps you . You think it's cute from his side to do this to you . So you actually cuddle with him after that or read with him books that made from other material . (IDK what material don't get destroyed by his powers . So ... imagine Y/n Chan/Kun/uhh( IDK how to call non-binary reader sooo )Dear . Just imagine it .
SCP 076
Well , like 682 he hates people . He heard you singing when he finally woke up and left his box(SCP 076-1) , he was surprised to see scientist/guard who doing his/her/their hobby . He liked your song a little . If you're a scientist : then you were interviewing him , he answered questions faster than with the other interviewers . You had 30 minutes left and he started asking you questions about your hobby . Well you told that you're a singer . If you're a guard : He heard about other guard/scientist about concert where you will be singing . And about 2 month you guys became friends .
Btw Able needed about 3 years to know his feelings . And you confessed to him ('Cause he needed 1 year or 2 to confess to you Y/n) . You tried to ask him to sing . But he didn't do that very much . He likes melodies from your songs . Did he help you too write songs ? Well yes . 50/50 that Able will help you , he don't know what you should sing about .
SCP 079
Well he found you in the internet , you were a singer . He was impressed with your talent/hobby . With some interviews he asked about it . But if you're guard : He talked with you at containment breach . He found you on cams then you we're walking thought corridors , and he said thought speaker that he can help you get out of here safely . Well you get to his containment cell . And he said that he don't lie to you . And he will show you how to get to exit safely . And he asked about your second carrier . You said that you're a singer . (He said if you confirm that info , he will help you , sooo you told him that's true)
1 year later he asked about his feelings , you explained to him that it's called 'love' . And he showed X on his screen and 1 minute later (He was finding 'How to confess to someone') and he asked you out
He helps you to make songs . He is making instumental sound , and you don't know where he found it . (And he make song complete ? How should I call it ? He ... ohh! ) He edits your songs too . You're very thankful for his help .
SCP 096
You somehow befriend 096 (Aka Lanky). He were in his containment cell then he somehow heard you sing . He knew it was your voice . He didn't ask about it . He knew that you singed . But after 4 month you said that you had second carrier . And you are a singer . He was very happy about you .
And you needed to confess to him . Cause he's very shy about it ! He likes to hear you singing . Especially when he sleeps and you hum your song and stroking his cold back . It helps him from nightmares
SCP 105
Well she founded it after month of dating you , you said it to her . After that she asked to teach her singing . Some times you sing like a duet with Iris .Well you like her hobby (She like to take pictures) and she like yours . And she don't judge your gender/look . Oh and basically you needed to teach her how to sing . She sometimes miss some lyrics . It's awkward , but still cute tho .
SCP 106
He heard you singing then you were in the intercom room ? Some scientists forgot to turn off microphone . And you started to sing quietly . Well ... he understands that he heard your song , well someone had ringtone with one of your song . He was a little impressed . And somehow you befriended him
For confession he took 11 month . Yeah
He'd love sitting in the studio and watching you while you work , he'd always brag about how talented you are to all his friends, and whenever a new song of yours would come out, he'd hype you up so much. He'd be so happy
SCP 166
Same as Iris (SCP 105)  if you're a female or non-binary . If you're a male :
Well somehow a male D-class we're near her and ... (You know what he tried to do . If you don't read her files) And she needed to run from him . And she hid behind you .
Y/n as guard : You shoot him  Y/n as scientist : You tried to stop that D-class , and you knocked him out .
And you needed to stop that feeling . So you started mumbling your song lyrics . She was impressed by that . She started friendship with you
She was to shy to ask you out sooo . You asked her out by singing a song . And you two like to sing like duet . This song :
(God rest ye merry gentleman (Slowed)) In my wattpad you can find it .
SCP 173
Containment breach happened . You were wearing earphones and quietly humming one of your songs . He wanted to scare you so he singed with you . You were shocked by SCP 173 saying anything . 'Cause he's a statue! He said that you don't have to worry about that . Well after 3 month you became best friends!
And after 7 month he asked you on a date . Well ... dating statue is really strange . But everyone is strange . Then you sing he likes to hug you from behind .
SCP 682
I think there'd only be one reason why he'd dislike it, at first. And that's because...he hates every one , every living being . The problem would be that he'd hear you singing, and it'd get stuck in his head . Eventually, the whole thing would just prompt his heart to flutter whenever he heard you in the corridors, singing something to yourself
Well he confessed to you after year and half . And when you're both together, I think his favorite way to soothe himself would be falling asleep as you pet his hair at night - you singing quietly  ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶  his favorite song
SCP 939
Same as SCP 173 . And yes he copied your voice when you were singing
He likes laying with you and copying your voice , especially copy you singing . You find it funny . It's revenge for calling him/her a dog .(If you watching SCP SL videos you will understand that . Like SCP 939 looks like a reptile-dog . No seriosly .)
SCP 1678
Well like in files said . You were with MTF Tau-4 and Epsilon-6 have been defense perimeter around the Hyde Park . You were a scientist/MTF .(Well there was other scientist there ). One of SCP 1678-b were near , and their owner (Let's say that every SCP 1678-a have their own SCP 1678-b , Aka eyes in the sky) So he heard you quietly singing . They actually likes it . Somehow he managed to befriend you , without other MTF soldiers trying to attacking him .
After 2 years you started dating . What should I say more . He writes you lyrics for songs
SCP 2521
Well you were singing some of your songs . And in the lyrics were number 2521 . And before that you mumbled word 'SCP' . When he appeared behind you . And listened you singing (Well mumbling) . After you sang your favorite song , you notices that he's behind you . You were surprised . He didn't take you somewhere else . You became friends eventually .
Then you sing he stares at you , and sometimes claps . And he likes to hug you a lot . Well after an year he confessed to you by writing it .
Well nothing really changed when you started dating.
Should I do 2 part?
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12-cluh · 9 months
Operation Name: Hell Blitz
Objective: Operation Hell Blitz is a contingency in place in the event of a Type 4 BI-Class Biological Invasion Scenario.
Procedure: Operation Hell Blitz will be engaged at the first sign of a demonic invasion of Earth or nearby planets. As there have been multiple versions of demon-like entities discovered through our universe’s dimensions, the danger can range from minimal to cataclysmic. 
Key Personnel: 
Sheldon Katz
MTF Mu-0 (“Maxwell's Demons”)
MTF Tau-5 (“Samsara”)
MTF Beta-777 (“Hecate's Spear”)
Demonic Classes: 
Note: This document may be updated if any entities fitting the Foundation’s requirements for demonic classification are discovered. Furthermore, there may be further sub-classes to the demon classes of this document. If you are intrigued, please contact your site's occult professional.
Demon Class 1: The demons of this version of hell are much more intelligent than average, being seen in recovered footage using guns, blades, and other human weaponry. Certain members of this species have already been seen and reported entering our world via a spellbook. When they have entered, as one may guess, nothing good comes from it, often leaving up to dozens dead in their wake.
Entity Class 2: These entities are much more abundant and much more dangerous than those previously mentioned. This is a more obvious alternate dimension that thrives on pain and suffering inflicted on other worlds. Not only is this dimension more dangerous, but it is also more varied in both demon type and environment. Additionally, the risk of being invaded by this hell is increasing as progress is being made by Foundation scientist Samuel Hayden to harness parts of this dimension as an alternate form of energy.
Post-Operation Procedure: If humanity is eradicated, Operation Anti-Death will occur. If the earth is destroyed or left uninhabitable, the protocol for a YM Class Humanity Relocation scenario will be followed.
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To Azure: are you familiar with the SCP foundation? If not then look up operation: "Azure Peregrine" (whenever I read your name I can't stop thinking about MTF Tau-5; Samsara).
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Azure: Maybe because “azure” is Spanish for “blue”? And looking it up…sounds like a lot of work. I’ll just live with not knowing.]
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darksiderssin · 2 years
Do you think the horsemen have a dedicated MTF, and if so what are they called?
I think the only MTF unit that could put up enough of a fight are Tau-5, or Samsara.
From the SCP wiki: Immortal cyborg clones created from the flesh of a dead god, Tau-5 utilizes esoteric and experimental Foundation weaponry to investigate and contain thaumaturgic, magical, and psionic threats.
I think they'd get called in if the Horsemen breach containment, but I don't think they'd last long enough to get them back into a cell or Neutralise them.
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