dzthenerd490 · 4 days
Tales: Monsters, Inc. - Scares of the Night Part 1
Emily was sleeping in her bed with SCP-040-1c playing her a lovely tune, soon her closet slowly opened and out came a Monsters, Inc Employee. He was weirded out by how large the girls room was and how it was filled with nothing but a bed, some basic furniture that was really spaced out, and what looked to be a large pink and blue beanie bag. He then shook his head as he had a quota to make and needed to focus on his task. He walked up to the girl ready to scare her but soon the beanie bag started moving making him freeze in fear.
Soon it unfolded into SCP-040-1j which quickly walked up to the monster employee and towered over him. He soon lost all of his colors and backed off back into the closest. Once the monster was gone SCP-040-1j smiled and curled back up and went back to sleep. 
Abby was sleeping in her bed when suddenly a furry monster employee jumped out and roared at her. Her eyes opened as the sudden roar forced her to wake up in confusion. She looked at the monster who stood there with his angry and terrifying face. However, after getting a good look at him she started laughing. She laughed quite a lot leaving the monster deeply confused as he was known as one of the scariest.
“You're silly, do you wanna be my friend? gasp you can meet lizzy! He’s big and scary but really funny like you!” The monster employee was shocked as Abby got up. He knew the dangers of human germs, so he quickly walked back into the closet and deactivated the door. He sighed in relief as he was back in the real world though he noticed that somehow his scare canister was filled up despite the girl not screaming. He was concerned but figured it was best to just take the win and move on to the next door. 
Iris was just lying in her bed. She felt she embarrassed herself in front of Meri today and thus couldn’t sleep with that weighing on her heart. She knew Meri would never bring it up or even make a big deal out of it, but her anxiety wouldn’t let her calm down no matter how many times she told herself that. However, her eyes widened in confusion when a beetle-like monster started hissing at her. She grunted and sat up without screaming, just glaring at the monster leaving them confused.
“... uh… roar?” Iris then narrowed her eyes at the monster as it was now feeling awkward. It then tried opening up its wings and hissing again but once again Iris was not having it and continued to glare at him in judgment.
“... Okay look, whatever the heck this is I’m not in the mood, so whoever or whatever you are just leave!” The monster then recoiled and awkwardly just walked back into the closet and returned to his world. Iris then fell back into her bed, granted that was something she should probably report to Daniel or someone else but right now the Foundation higher ups could die for all she cared. 
Stella was staying up that night playing with her Foundation Computer Screen Pad. She was using a game application that allowed her to make funny noises and music if she wanted too. However, she then noticed that there was a slithering noise behind her. She turned to face it and was quickly confronted by a serpentine-like monster employee. She however couldn’t see so she thought maybe it was a Foundation employee checking up on her.
The monster however, saw her eyes and since the room was dark, she could see the stars in her eyes. The monster had never seen a child with such eyes and screamed in horror as a result. She quickly slithered back into Stella’s closet and into her own world. Stella huffed as she now believed it was a janitor who was being a jerk for screaming at her eyes. She knew her eyes were weird, but she still didn’t like people being scared of her for it. Meanwhile the monster realized his own screams ended up charging up the canister. He vowed to never tell anyone about this and just take the win given to him.
Meri was staying up that night as well, earlier that morning Iris wasn’t looking where she was going while holding a soda and accidentally spilled it all over Meri. Iris apologized profusely, tried to help her clean up, then ran away in embarrassment. Meri knew that Iris was going to agonize over this even if she herself had already forgiven Iris. As such she was making a little arm bracelet of flowers for Iris to show her she forgave her. 
However soon Meri heard a creaking at her closet door, she smiled as she knew who it was. Soon a monster came out, it was a bull like monster with two hind bull legs but human-like arms. His entire body was covered in black fur, and he would normally seem like a hulking monster. However, in Meri’s eyes he was a good friend, and he showed it with his gentle and loving smile. 
“Hello again Meri.”
“Hello uncle Marco.” Meri patted the side of her bed and Marco sat on it as gently as he could knowing he could break it otherwise. The two had actually become good freinds a while back after their first encounter. Marco at first thought she was a monster child kidnapped by the humans, leaving Meri to explain she was in fact a native of this world. Since then Marco only came to Meri's room to talk with her and be a friend and in return Meri would scream to help him keep fill the canister. Right now thought Marco was focused on what was in Meri's hands.
“That’s lovely, what is that?”
“It's supposed to be an arm bracelet for Iris. I’m making it for her so she can calm down. She had a very bad day this morning.”
“Oh? A lovely gift for a lovely little Iris?” Meri blushed while Marco chuckled a little. It didn't take him long to figure out that Meri had a crush on Iris considering she talked about her often and it always made her happy to do so.
“Ha… Listen Meri I came to let you know ahead of time I won’t be able to visit you anymore soon.” Meri was shocked by this and looked up at Marco in confusion.
“You're getting older Meri, and monsters only scare children of a certain age, after that they just… move on while the kids grow up. As the cogs of the machine go.”
“I… I see.” Marco looked down to Meri. She was working on the arm bracelet again, Marco could tell she was upset but trying to hide it. If he ever had to assume there as a flaw to Meri it was that too often, she was more comfortably admitting defeat than achieving victory, especially regarding her feelings. 
“Ha… which is why I wanted to ask you one last time. Do you want to come to my world?” Meri then looked up at Marco in confusion again.
“I know you have friends here, but you said it yourself this Foundation or whatever it is will never let you truly be free. But in my world, you’ll be just another monster, a free bird ready to be whoever and whatever you want to be! No more hiding, no more hurting, just freedom and joy. That’s all I want for you Meri. And I think the lord knows you deserve it.” Marco then lightly poked at Meri’s rosary still on her neck. Marco wasn’t religious but he knew Meri was and saw no reason to not respect her faith. Meri smiled as she held her rosary to her view, it was true in this world she would never be regarded as fully human because of her horn, her legs, or her anomalous abilities. But at the same time, she knew that maybe someone like her could be accepted in the monster world the others wouldn’t and she couldn’t bear to leave them, especially not Iris. Meri then smiled at Marco and gently placed her hand over his.
“Thank you, Uncle Marco, but I have people who need me here, and if I’m being honest… I need them too. So, I can’t leave. I’ll stay here and bear any burden the lord puts my way.” Marco sighed but smiled gently as he couldn’t deny that Meri was one of the bravest girls he knew both among monsters and humans. 
“Very well Meri, I hope that you find happiness no matter what you do. And the courage to confront your feelings… especially regarding Iris.” Meri looked down in embarrassment as she blushed leaving Marco chuckling.
“Ah, well it's about time for me to go for today. Hey, wanna help me keep the lights on?” Meri smiled again and suddenly she screamed as loud as she could while Marco covered his ears. They both laughed and waved each other goodbye, Meri then looked back at the gift she was making for Iris and blushed as she held it close to her chest. She then decided she’ll finish it in the morning as she went to sleep. 
 Cidney had her eyes closed while lying on her bed; though to be honest, Cidney couldn’t really sleep due to her augmentations. She wasn’t really sure how to feel about it as she didn’t really remember what it was like to sleep anyways. However Dr. Wicked did promise her that he was working on a procedure that would not only upgrade her body so she could speak and even eat again. She might even be able to sleep again as well, so she was kinda excited for that thought she was also worried that it might hurt. 
However her train of thought was interrupted as she noticed the noise of something large skittering around her containment room. She quickly sat up and saw nothing, though suddenly a monster jumped out and roared at her while waving its insect-like appendages. Cidney was a little scared but after seeing scarier monsters she didn’t think it was that scary at all. Instead it looked in her eyes more like someone wearing a costume so not only could she not scream she simply didn’t feel scared enough to do so. Instead she just waved at the monster. 
However, in the monster's eyes upon seeing her augmentations he was instantly afraid and started screaming himself. He thought that maybe she was a human infected with a new type of disease and thus even more hazardous than the average child. He quickly ran back into her closet and into his own world. Cidney was left confused but then shrugged as she figured it was one of those Joke anomalies Corvio told her about and just went back to pretending to sleep.
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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sapphirevirtue · 1 year
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Little doodles of 134, 040 and 053
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synn0005 · 2 years
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Theres something wrong with my cat :(
17 notes · View notes
site666 · 8 months
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Makes sense I think
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worldwide-simp · 1 year
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Um, so I’ve decided to start writing drabbles, headcanons, and silly little things like that on Tumblr
So here are characters you can request for
Dr Jack Bright/Elias Shaw
Dr Gerald
Dr Alto Clef
Dr Iceberg
Dr Cimmerian
Scp 001- (Gate Guardian or Scarlet King)
Scp 035
Scp 040-JP
Scp 049
Scp 073
Scp 076-2
Scp 079
Scp 096
Scp 105-(post Omega-7)
Scp 106
Scp 682
Scp 953
(you can still request for more characters, either message me or comment on this post)
Please remember that I won't get to writing your request as soon as you send it, I surprisingly have a life outside of writing.
Anyways have a good day
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Scp 040 JP
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zealthewhatever · 5 months
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Username: Zealthewhatever
Title: SCP-040-JP - There Is a Cat
Category: International SCPs
My second entry for the visual archives contest! And with almost no submission time to spare!
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3san7nana · 7 months
Various paintings (more anthropomorphic)
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Vtuber (バ美肉)Black Lord & Wands(wo)man
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Vtuber ねこ(SCP-040-JP)
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Dubidubidu Ambassador(They're listening to 5075 songs.)
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SCP-5075-3(Not very well drawn.)
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zal-cryptid · 2 years
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Halloween on 17th Street
A Nightmare on 17th Street
396 notes · View notes
xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 5 months
Art i made of forty and other scp stuff
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10 notes · View notes
dzthenerd490 · 1 year
Tales: SCP-105 x SCP-166 Part 1
The date was 6-1-2013 a surprisingly great time for today's event, the wedding of Agent Iris Thompson, currently 30, and Doctor Meri Clef, currently 32. Nobody expected this despite their love being so obvious, but these two women were finally ready to spend the rest of their immortal lives together. Having deep connections like this was rare within the Foundation, especially since the O5 Council was strongly against it. They were especially against this wedding, but the Ethics Committee was able to shut them up. Of course, once the wedding was over all agents, MTF units, doctors, researchers, and other Foundation staff would have to get back to work right away. But no one was focusing on that right now, instead they were focused on the wedding of the century.
After lots of debate between the two they both decided to be wearing wedding dresses. Dr. Wells was surprisingly ok with it and even agreed to be the one to marry them off. Iris wanted Dr. Wicked to do it, but he refused almost immediately, even when she jokingly begged him to reconsider. She mainly just asked because she heard about how angry he was about marrying Agent Pardy with Dr. Pardy and wanted to annoy him even further. Iris chucked as she remembered how angry Dr. Wicked looked when she asked him to marry them off.
"Hey! Hold still!" Agent Wells giggled as she was preparing Iris dress, making sure to make it fit well but not be too tight.
"Sorry I was just remembering something funny. But also, I'm just so happy... Say what was your wedding like?"
"Nuh-uh, its bad luck to talk about someone else's wedding at your own."
"What? That's not a thing!"
"Ha! Yeah, your right, it was... scary... I mean I don't regret it; I do love him even today but... at the time it was a big decision, so I just wasn't sure if I had the strength for it. But I eventually found it and walked down that carpet and that's when I saw him staring at me with that charming smile of his. That's when I knew that all the fear I had before was so silly and would never again stop me from following my heart." Agent Wells then realized that she was slacking off on fixing Iris's dress. She then looked up to see Iris looking down at her with sparkling eyes, she was clearly touched by Agent Wells story.
"Hey! I'm not the girl your supposed to be admiring today remember?!"
"Ha?! As if! I just think your story was so sweet... But seriously thank you, I really needed to hear that, and yeah, I think I feel the same. I am a little scared but frankly I don't think I'll ever regret today." Suddenly Doctor Pardy and Agent Strutemyer entered the room as well.
"Ok I got the bridal bouquet!"
"And I have your veil right... here... wow, you look amazing." Iris looked at them both with a smile. She was wearing an ivory dress with the bust and waist outlined with golden fabric. The sleeves were sea through and detailed with light blue butterflies that were outlined with ivory silk.
"Thank you, girls. especially you kylie but I don't really need a veil." Agent Strutemyer sighed but she nodded in understanding and put the veil away.
"Say did any of you happen to see the dress that belongs to the love of my life?"
"Nu-uh Iris, it's bad luck to see your significant other before the ceremony."
"Oh, come on! I'm just asking for some minor details!" Agent Wells then grab a hair pin from the table and used it to tie up Agent Thompson's hair.
"All you need to focus on is how you look now, so you'll both look perfect." Iris sighed and looked back to the mirror as Agent Strutemyer fit the veil on her head and Doctor Pardy gave her the flowers.
"I do still find it strange two girls marrying like this." Iris and Agent Strutemyer looked at Doctor Pardy, Iris in confusion and Agent Strutemyer in anger as if she was trying to silently tell her to shut up.
"... BUT, I'll get over it. Besides today isn't about me, it's about you!" Doctor Pardy and Agent Strutemyer both hugged Iris. She then hugged them both back, she hadn't known either of them for very long, but she was grateful for how supportive they were. Only a small portion of the entire Foundation was supportive of this wedding, so it was honestly a blessing.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't ruin her dress! You're going to get it all wrinkled." Doctor Pardy and Agent Strutemyer both smiled playfully as they quickly let go of Iris. Agent Wells growled in anger and started waving your hands over Iris's dress.
"Argh! Hey that's hot!"
"Don't be such a baby, it's just to get rid of the wrinkles. I'll be done in a second." Iris just grunted in disappointment as she tried to stay still and ignore the fact that Agent Wells was practically burning her.
Meanwhile in the other room Dr. Clef was in her wedding dress with Dr. Corvio being the one who was getting her dress ready. Meanwhile Dr. Stella and Agent Victoria were watching in anticipation.
"Alright! Done! What do you girls think!" Dr. Corvio stepped out of the way and to allow Agent Victoria to see, her eyes sparkled in excitement. However, Agent Victoria remembered that Dr. Stella couldn't see and quickly went over to her ear and described everything. Meri's dress was a Champagne style dress that was decorated with flowers all over the Sleeves and Silhouette of the dress. Some of which stood out specifically because they were outlined with golden fabric. After Agent Victoria was done describing the dress, Dr. Stella blushed and smiled out of overwhelming joy. She then said in sign language "It couldn't have turned out better, you look beautiful!"
"Thank you!" Meri then twirled around to further show off the dress. Agent Victoria started clapping and Dr. Stella started doing the sign language clap as she could tell what Meri was doing. However, the moment was ruined when an MTF trooper entered the room, which concerned Meri, Dr. Corvio, and Agent Victoria.
"What's wrong?"
"Wha? Oh! Sorry!" The MTF trooper then realized that he didn't have the flower on his vest to show that he was part of the security for the wedding. All three of them groaned in annoyance as they thought he was from outside of the room where the wedding was being held and therefore was going to tell them about an emergency. Dr. Stella was left confused as to why they were so scared one second and angry the next.
"Ahem! Sorry to interrupt but it's almost time to begin."
"Ah! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I waisted too much time! Come along dear let's get you ready now."
"We'll see you out there!" Dr. Stella then signed, "Don't worry, we're all here for you!" the two of them then hurried out and got to the ceremony. Dr. Corvio was about to escort Meri out, but she then noticed how she was looking at the mirror while smiling. However what Dr. Corvio truly noticed was the Meri's eyes were filled with sadness and longing.
"Meri? Are you ok?"
"... I just wish my dad was here." Dr. Corvio didn't know what to say, so she quickly walked over to Meri and hugged her tightly. Meri grabbed Dr. Corvio's arms and smiled, appreciating Corvio's attempt to make her feel better.
"You existed before The Reset, do you know what my dad was like?"
"Oh uh... well he was... Wild..."
"Uh, but! Ahem, if there was one thing to admire it's that, from what I can remember before The Reset, the one thing that was most important to him... was you. He never stopped trying to get back to you." Meri stared at Dr. Corvio with her dice head, Dr. Corvio's head would normally shift to the one-side of the die when she was telling the truth and to the six-side of the die when she was lying. Dr. Clef was able to smile when she saw Dr. Corvio's head shifting to the one-side of the die.
"Thank you, Melissa."
"Anytime my dear, now come on! You can't keep everyone waiting."
Iris exited her room and outside there was Dr. Wicked who was looking bored and that he really didn't want to be here. He was actually wearing a tux which was weird for him since he normally only wore plain clothes with his signature lab coat. Iris smiled as she loved annoying Dr. Wicked, like Agent Victoria she liked to think of him as her older brother. Agent Thompson quickly ran to him and hugged his arm while giggling joyfully to both annoy him and show how happy she truly was. Dr. Wicked groaned thought Iris couldn't see him frowning as he was still wearing his signature medical mask.
"... you ready kid?"
"I think it's a little inappropriate to call me a kid, especially today."
"Whatever. But seriously thought, you ready?"
"Not at all... Let's do it." Iris smiled and linked arms with Dr. Wicked, he grunted again while she giggled. The two of them started walking down the carpet and the two MTF troopers in front of them quickly opened the door. A blinding light showered over them thankfully their eyes quickly adjusted to see everyone there in a wide-open field with cherry blossom trees everywhere. There were long rows of seats on both sides each having a person sitting there, all of which quickly rose up to look at Iris as she was escorted by Dr. Wicked. Some were Foundation staff that have become friends with Iris and Meri. Then there were the fellow anomalies, Childhood friends like Agent Victoria, Dr. Stella, Dr. Stefansdottir, Emily Evolution, and Agent Wells. Then others who were just good friends like Dr. Haselhurst who was holding Abby Johnson, Cain, Agent Belitrov, and Agent Miller. Finally there was The Specter who was currently playing the piano. But of course, the cherry for Iris was to see her future wife right there at the wedding arbour. She smiled at her and couldn't help but sigh in longing as thought about how beautiful Meri looked, which she felt she should have expected since in her eyes Meri is always beautiful.
Agent Victoria was actually standing behind Meri as she was the maid of honor and there was Dr. Stella behind her who was the one holding the rings. Then there was Elrin who was the flower girl; as such, she used her anomalous abilities to throw flowers in the air. Agent Thompson wore a broken smile as did everyone else since she was throwing the flowers too high in the air, but she was so happy, so no one had the heart to stop her. Thought there were those that were too scared to since her sister Kasta was there. She was sitting on one of the chairs with her arms crossed looking just as annoyed as Dr. Wicked was. She naturally loved destruction and chaos, so this wedding was unbearable to her, the only reason she came was because her sister was here.
The flowers started flying in the air and landing in random places, it was to the point that it was starting to get annoying. Ironic given the anomalous properties of the pollen within the flowers was supposed to make people happy. To lift the mood again, Dr. Stefansdottir quickly used her anomalous abilities to turn the flowers into butterflies that resembled flowers. Emily was delighted by the sight of this and decided to play along, every flower she managed to touch she transformed into butterflies with wings that shimmered like crystals. Everyone was amazed by the sight of the butterflies and so was Elrin, however she quickly noticed she reached the end of the rug and quickly got out of the way and sat with her sister.
Meanwhile Dr. Wicked still looked annoyed, wanting his part to be over as soon as possible. He then saw Agent Victoria looking at him, she was pointing at her face and smiling, trying to silently tell him to smile. He just grunted in annoyance and pretended to ignore her. However, he then noticed that Agent Pardy was looking at him and covering his mouth and laughing. Dr. Wicked growled in anger and was about to yell at him but Iris quickly slapped him on the back of the head. Dr. Wicked looked back at her but she was still smiling at Dr. Clef, though he knew that she knew he was staring at her. None-the-less he also knows it was stupid to keep being angry, so he let it go after sighing in annoyance.
However, everyone stopped when the music suddenly stopped out of nowhere. Everyone then looked to the piano to see The Specter crying. He was seemingly weeping out of overwhelming joy so he couldn't even focus on playing the piano. However, after crying for a short while he did notice that everyone was staring at him, some in confusion and others in anger.
"Wha- what?! Even justice cries sometimes! I can’t help it because this is such a beautiful and lovely moment! Love is the ally of justice you know! I'm just overwhelmed at how beautiful it is!"
"Just keep playing the piano you idiot!" Iris elbowed Dr. Wicked as she though he was being too harsh, he just glared at her for a second before the two of them started walking again. Not long after The Specter stopped crying and started playing the piano again and continued the wedding theme.
"Ugh, I hate that guy."
"You know he embodies justice, right?"
"Oh really? I hate him more now." Iris then sighed and rolled her eyes, she really wished that Dr. Wicked would loosen up more often. Thought they finally made it to the wedding arbour, where Dr. Wicked let Iris go and she quickly held hands with Meri. Iris was about to thank Dr. Wicked, but he quickly turned away and went to sit in one of the chairs. Iris sighed in disappointment but still managed to smile as she faced Meri who smiled back and shrugged.
"Heh, nice work Doc." Dr. Wicked then punched Agent Pardy in the stomach.
"Shut up Bill." Agent Pardy grunted in pain as he looked at Dr. Wicked in annoyance, he then looked to Starla, gently grabbed her hand and kissed it as the two of them smiled and turned to watch Iris and Meri. Iris and Meri them turned to see Dr. Wells standing there with his wings spreading out and smiling at him both while holding his bible.
Thought Dr. Wells was wearing a pastor outfit, he wasn't a real pastor at all, though technically this wasn't a real wedding so frankly nothing was off the table. None-the-less, Iris and Meri appreciated him doing this for them. Iris still found it weird that they were all such good friends with him despite him being a Christan, Meri being a Catholic, and her being an Atheist. He then opened his bible and started the wedding script.
"Ahem! Friends, Allies, Family, and Loved ones. We are gathered here today in the good graces of God to witness the divine and loving union between these two beautiful souls. Them being the wonderful Meri and the brave Iris." The speech continued and every so often Dr. Wells included heavier Christian wording which deeply bothered Iris. Meri didn't seem to be bothered but Iris knew that Meri was actually really good at pretending to calm when something was bothering her. Though thankfully it didn't last long and finally Dr. wells reached the final part.
"And now Meri and Iris, are you ready to proclaim your everlasting love for one another to each other. With everyone here and god himself as your witness." But of them looked at him and smiled as they both said "yes" at the same time.
"Very well then, Meri do you take Iris to be your lawfully wedded partner? Will you honor and cherish her; love, trust, and commit to her, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do."
"And do you Iris vow to do the same for Meri? Will you honor and cherish her; love, trust, and commit to her, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"... Hell yeah!" Iris was expecting everyone to gasp but instead they all either snorted or coughed out of shock and how funny they all thought it was. Even Meri and Dr. Wells had to cover their mouths by how shocked they were though even they thought it was a little funny.
"*snorts* Ah! Ahem, well then! May I please see the rings?" Dr. Stella was actually still trying to collect herself since she still thought it was funny. Thankfully she was able to walk up to them, albeit unsteadily, and gave the rings to Meri and Iris. The two of them took a single one from the pillow and she then quickly went back to where she was standing.
"Now then please hold the rings high in front of your partner." Iris and Meri did exactly as Dr. Wells instructed.
"Now first Iris, please recite the vows."
"Meri, I promise to love you and commit to you my whole life. I promise to be there for you when you need me, to be honest with you, to be faithful to you, and to walk through the journey of life together. May there be nothing that comes between us, and should we ever find troubles, may we face them together." Meri blushed with her eyes sparkling in delight and love, she then held out her hand and Iris put the ring on her finger.
"Now Meri, your vows."
"Iris, I promise to love you and commit to you my whole life. I promise to be there for you when you need me, to be honest with you, to be faithful to you, and to walk through the journey of life together... no matter what happens, no matter what comes our way, no matter who or what tries to get in-between us. I'll be there for you and if I'm not there, then please know that I won't ever stop searching until I find you." Iris was speechless as a single tear left her eye, her heart was beating so fast by how beautiful and touching that final part of the vow was. However, the both of them then noticed that Dr. Wells had a tear falling form his eye as well. He quickly noticed them staring at him, so he wiped it away, the two of them giggled in response and most of the guests in the chairs started chuckling as well. Iris quickly cleared her throat and raised her hand; Meri then placed the ring on her finger.
"Ahem! Then by the powers vested to me, by your love, by god, and by the Foundation, I now pronounce you both lawfully wedded! You may kiss!" Iris and Meri did so and kissed, to which everyone sitting stood up and started clapping and cheering. Dr. Wells was smiling proudly at the sight of his two friends being lovingly married. However, while he was still smiling, he started snapping his fingers at The Specter, since he wasn't playing the piano.
"Oh! Right, sorry!" The Specter started playing the piano again while everyone continued clapping and cheering. Meri and Iris then stopped kissing and waved at everyone, thanking them all for being here. The two then walked down the carpet slowly while continuing to thank and wave at everyone. While everyone was focused on Meri and Iris, Dr. Wicked walked away, seemingly walking into the open field they were in. However, he stopped randomly in the middle of the field, reached out, and touched a computer panel.
As Dr. Wicked, started pressing buttons and adjusting the program the world around everyone started glitching. Some people were confused but others started groaning in disappointment. Agent Bill Pardy in particular was annoyed with Dr. Wicked.
"Come on Doc! What's the rush?" Dr. Wicked just glared back at him and continued to reprogram the holographic projection room they were in.
"Alright, you impatient bastard. Sorry! Everyone, guess we're moving on to the afterparty!" Everyone then got out of the chairs and started going to the door of the room while the infrastructure of the room changed. The chairs, the wedding arbour, the piano, and all the other decorations started fading away. Instead, a dance floor was created with a stage in front of it, with a DJ station and lots of other instruments. Then there was a table where food normally was, but it was completely baren. Instead, several AFA-1's dressed in butlers suits walked into the room all of which were holding different plates and bowls of food. Then there were four of them that walked in while carefully holding the wedding cake.
Everyone clapped when they saw the cake, it was a pure white cake with miniature figures of Iris and Meri on the top. The side of the cake where Iris was decorated with edible blue photos, on the Meri's side of the cake was beautifully decorated with leaves, branches, and edible wildflowers.
"Hahaha! Wow!"
"It's amazing!"
"My compliments to the chef!" SCP-5031 then showed up, following the AFA-1 units holding the cake and as soon as he was visible, he bowed to everyone while they were parsing the cake. He was wearing a collar that allowed him to be visible to them all. Iris and Meri realized that this was a good time and quickly walked away from the crowed, Iris then raised her bridal bouquet. Everyone knew what this meant and formed a crowd on the dance floor, Iris then turned around, and threw her bouquet in the air. Everyone joyfully raised their arms to reach for it, but while in the air it was shot with red lighting and quickly fell to the ground in embers. Everyone stood there shocked then some looked to Kasta who was just standing there still looking annoyed.
"Oh, sorry! Maybe if you were better at throwing and weren't such a loser that wouldn't have happened." Kasta then walked away leaving everyone in an awkward silence. An MTF trooper had an idea to fix this and quickly ran up to the DJ station, inserted a disk, and started playing music. Everyone then started cheering as they got on the dance floor. Some were all talking, dancing, or eating the food but they were all having a good time and so was Iris and Meri. Agent Victory ran to them both and hugged them tightly which nearly broke both their backs.
"Ah! So- Sorry I did- did- didn't mean to do tha- that."
"Haha... Its- Its ok Cindy, I guess you're still getting used to being so strong now."
"Say, is your voice, ok? I hear it glitching."
"A- A- Ah, I uh, don't- don't know I guess I'll need to ask big- big- big brother to look at it la- la- later. I'm still get- get- getting used to tal- tal- talking."
"Don't let Daniel hear you say that he still hates being called brother by Tau-5."
"He- He- He also hates being called Da- Da- Daniel, its better to just say Dr. Wicked. Though, I- I- I don't know why, He- He- He doesn't hate the others but- but- but he still doesn't like- like- like to associate- being with the- the- them."
"Hello young ones." The three of them jumped away from the source of that voice as they turned to see it was Dr. Haselhurst.
"Ah... hi, you're not going to try and cure me... again?"
"Of course not, I found that joy is a surprising benefactor against the pestilence, and I see no shortage of it today. Besides, young lady, you should be well aware of the deal I made with the Foundation. I have no reason to harm anyone when I have plenty or rats to pursue my tests on."
"Of course, today is not the time of science but the second-best thing that being celebration. I personally hope you both enjoy yourselves and that you'll like the gift I have you."
"You brought gifts?"
"Indeed, in fact everyone did, including that psychotic specimen did, what was he called, SCP-076-2?"
"Able, Dr. Haselhurst, his name is Able." Meri then noticed Iris getting visibly upset, Iris hated it when they called each other by their SCP numbers, it wasn't hard to see why.
"Of course, forgive me. Anyways I believe this doctor has taken up enough of your time, thought instead it seems another doctor is only second away from taking my place." Iris, Meri, and Agent Cidney Victoria looked at Dr. Haselhurst in confusion. He then pointed to the stage and the three of them saw Dr. Wicked on there and heading straight for the piano. The three of them were left wide eyed and their jaws dropping as it was obvious why he was up there but the idea of him playing music was definingly unheard of.
Suddenly Dr. Wicked pressed a button on a remote that he was holding, and a large blank screen started coming down on the back of the stage like a curtain. Dr. Wicked then pressed another button and a projector started playing a paused video on the projector curtain. He walked up to the MTF trooper playing as a DJ and signaled him to stop playing music and asked for a microphone.
"Ahem, now as you are all now, I really don't want to be here, and I think this whole thing is a waste of time. I mean if you want to express you love for one another just have sex or something." Everyone started groaning or sighing in embarrassment. Iris in particular started scratching the back of her head in embarrassment while her facial expression made it clear how equally mad, she was. Meri was smiling but it was clear in her eyes that she really wanted Dr. Wicked to stop talking. Then Agent Pardy showed up and got both their attention and to try to comfort them.
"It's ok sweetheart he's just trying to make a joke."
"No, I'm not, Bill. I mean everything I say, now shut up!" Agent Pardy then sighed and remained quiet, just like everyone else he was just hoping whatever Dr. Wicked was doing, it would end quickly.
"Well then, since nothing I could do could stop this stupid wedding I figured might as well do something that will show my appreciation, for which I have none." Dr. Wicked then walked over to the piano got himself ready and placed the microphone in stand close to his face so he could keep speaking.
"Though if it’s of any consideration, this one goes out to Iris, you are very lucky to be with someone like Meri, I wish you have lots of love and happiness in your future with her. You really do deserve it." Iris placed her hands over her heart as she thought what Dr. Wicked said was really touching. Also, the fact that he normally doesn't say stuff like that made it even more touching. Meri then grabbed her shoulders and smiled at her while Agent Pardy playfully nugged her with his elbow and smiled in delight.
"And to Meri... you can do better." Then the moment of warmth was killed, Meri was shocked and confused, Iris was visibly annoyed and enraged, and Agent Pardy quickly backed away from Iris as to not get caught up in her wrath. However, before Iris or anyone else could express their annoyance or wrath, Dr. Wicked started playing the piano. He was playing a beautiful and classical song that Iris didn't recognize but still loved the sound of. Everyone remained silent as Dr. Wicked and kept on playing for about a minute, then he finally stopped. Everyone immediately started clapping and cheering once he was done.
"Shut up you idiots! That was just a warmup!" Everyone immediately stopped clapping and shut their mouths. Iris was quickly getting annoyed again, so Meri kissed her on the cheek and hugged her to comfort her. Iris was still annoyed but she still wrapped her arm around her wife to show her appreciation trying. Then Dr. Wicked grabbed the remote he had earlier and the video on the projector. Iris raised an eyebrow at first while Meri was concerned thinking it was going to be another horrible trick or prank. Perhaps that what this whole thing was, just Dr. Wicked's petty revenge for getting involved in this.
However, they were all proven wrong when Dr. Wicked started playing the piano again as the video on the projector started presenting photos. Some photos showed Iris as a little girl when she first came to the Foundation and others when Meri was first taken in as a baby. Meri and Iris looked at each other as these memories weren't exactly something either of them were fond of. Then more photos of Foundation staff with Meri and others of Foundation staff with Iris, smiling into the camera. Then to everyone's shock Dr. Wicked started singing.
When you were born Something changed My heart could not contain The miracle Of this world And all that it creates
Then pictures of young Iris smiling while being held by an annoyed Dr. Wicked who appears the exact same back then as he does now. Now Iris was smiling again as now she was able to see what Dr. Wicked was trying to do. Then there were more pictures, one where Meri, Dr. Wells, and Iris were playing together as kids, one where Iris and Agent Victoria where sloppily putting make up on each other, and finally one where Iris, Meri, Agent Wells, Agent Victoria, Dr. Stefansdottir, and Emily were all together as kids, they were riding Emily's pet SCP-040-1j. Meri started hugging Iris more tightly and let her head rest on the side of Iri's, Iris peaked at her from the corner of her eye and blushed while mentally praising her wife’s beauty. Iris then backed away from her wife and kissed her on the cheek; afterwards she gently rested her head on Meri's head as the two of them continued to watch the presentation and listen to Dr. Wicked playing piano and singing.
With every passing day The winds might grow stronger And carry us away But we will hold on to Joy to light the way To keep the reminder That love does not escape
Now there were photos showing Meri and Iris in their teenage years and together, there was one where Iris was showing her power to Meri to impress her. Iris blushed in embarrassment when a pictured showed where they were both sitting on a ledge watching the sunset together. The next photo showed that it was Dr. Wells and Agent Wells who took the picture and were covering their mouths while chuckling at the sight of Iris and Meri being together. The next photo then showed Dr. Wells using his hand to make one half of a heart and Agent Wells using her hand to make the other half; the camera was angled so that inside the heart was Iris and Meri from a distance. Iris then looked at Meri who was redder than a tomato as she was blushing due to overwhelming embarrassment and joy. Iris chuckled in embarrassment but then saw Dr. Wells and Agent Wells looking at her and waving joyfully at her while playfully laughing. Iris then made a playful angry face at them and quickly laughed in appretiation towards them.
I'm yours forever There is no end in sight for us Nothing could measure The kind of strength inside our hearts It's all connected We're all together in this love Don't you forget it We're all connected in this love We're all connected in this love We're all connected in this love
Now there were pictures of when Iris asking Meri out on a date. Another showing them going on a date in a small town, with Foundation agents guarding them. Then there was a picture of the agents covering their mouths and blushing as they were watching the two of them on their date being loving and kissing. Next there was a picture of Iris and Meri telling their friends that they were dating. The next few photos showed each of their friend's reactions to the news and showing them their joy of the two being together. Iris and Meri loved watching this and held each other more tightly. Meanwhile everyone around them started pointing out times they were there and what they also remembered happening that day.
Beyond the stones and the seas The sun and the breeze The stars and the galaxy Beyond the time that we take The days that we make I'm always gonna to be with you
Then finally it showed a more recent picture when Iris proposed to Meri. Suddenly everyone around them started cheering at the sight of the picture. They next few pictures weren't that far apart from one another. The second was just Meri saying yes, the third was them hugging in excitement, and the last was the two of them kissing. Now everyone was cheering at the sight of the picture. The crowd ended up cheering louder when Iris and Meri decided to kiss again. At the same time Dr. Wicked had reached the final course of the song.
I'm yours forever There is no end in sight for us Nothing could measure The kind of strength inside our hearts It's all connected We're all together in this love Don't you forget it We're all connected in this love We're all connected in this love We're all connected in this love
Now the video was over and Dr. Wicked stopped playing, he simply bowed and walked off the stage. Meanwhile the MTF Trooper got back to the DJ station and started playing music for everyone again. Everyone was clapping and cheering Dr. Wicked while he was trying to ignore them all. However, his efforts were in vain as Iris ran up to him and hugged him tightly while tears were in her eyes.
"Thank you, Daniel! That was so beautiful!" Agent Victoria and Agent Pardy were scared for Iris's safety since they all knew that Dr. Wicked hated being called by his first name and often punched people who did so. However, Dr. Wicked just sighed and gently pat her head.
"No problem, Iris. I owed you after all."
"Owe me? For what?"
"Eh, you'll figure it out... eventually." Dr. Wicked then walked off leaving Iris annoyed that he didn't elaborate. However, after separating from Iris Agent Victoria quickly grabbed him and hugged him tightly, actually breaking his spine. Dr. Wicked's spine quickly regenerated, and he started yelling at Agent Victoria in anger, to which she just giggled at him. Meri then ran to Iris, and both hugged her and kissed her joyfully.
"How are you feeling darling?"
"I... feel everything! This is all so amazing and wonderful... like not in a million years would I have thought this was possible... especially after... after The Reset." Meri was now filled with concern as Iris's expression turned to sadness. They both remember what happened to them before the reset, Meri knew it was especially hard on Iris considered what happened to her. However, Meri then used her hand to gently raise her chin and so that the two of them could look each other in the eyes.
"That's over now, we're not monster's anymore, we're a family surrounded by friends. And they'll protect us just as we will now protect each other. You know I got your back, Mrs. Clef." Iris looked at Meri and laughed in joy.
"Hahaha, of course, my lovely Mrs. Clef." Iris then leaned toward Meri and kissed her nose then her cheek. The two married women then started laughing lovingly with each other.
"Mrs. Clef? Not Mrs. Thompson? I thought you would keep the Thompson last name." Iris and Meri then looked up to see Agent Belitrov towering over them which was surprising since he wasn't wearing his armor anymore. Iris couldn't help but smile at him, the fact that he could take off his armor was proof that the Foundation did care about them even if it was only a little bit.
"Oh, we talked, and I decided to take Meri's last name, don't get me wrong I do love my old last name, but I wanted to help Meri continue her family legacy as a tribute to her father."
"I already told her that I was perfectly fine with taking her last name, but she insisted on going with my name instead."
"Hey! I told you that it was ok. You didn't pull my hand at all, I wanted to go with your last name." Meri then sighed thought she was still smiling joyfully, Iris then looked at her deviously and snuck another kiss on her cheek making Meri giggle with joy. 
"So, then its Agent Clef now? Good, I'll need to remember that." Agent Beltrov then ruffled both their heads and walked away with a smile on his face. Iris however was annoyed.
"I told him I hate it when he does that."
"You know he likes to rub it in that he's taller than everyone else."
"He could learn too not be so obnoxious about it." Meri laughed at that, and Iris kissed her on the cheek in response. Meri then looked at her with a playful angry face and quicky kissed Iris on the forehead once and the cheek twice. The two of them laughed and smiled lovingly at one another and afterwards went to the dance floor to keep greeting their friends and other guests.
After some time had passed Meri stepped out of the simulation room and into the Foundation hallway. She did so to get some fresh air and clear her head, thought that was a little strange to say considering that she was still inside the Site and therefore was getting filtrated air. Then again there's no air fresher in the world than that filtrated by the Foundation ventilations, she thought to herself.
"Having fun, Love?" Meri was shot out of her train of thought to see Dr. Zeek in front of her leaning against wall.
"Oh, hello Harvey. What are you doing out here?"
"Well, I can't stand loud music and being around so many people for a long time, so I stepped out. Just needed to clear my head is all."
"Ah, same here actually, don't get me wrong I love that everyone is here I guess I'm just not used to it."
"Comes with the territory, I guess. Everyone here at the Foundation mostly does their work alone or with few other people, so it's kind of hard to get used to being around so many people at a time."
"I see, didn't even think of that."
"Well better get back in there, it won't be long before the O5 will get on everyone's ass for having this wedding in the first place. You know how those faceless bastards are."
"Of course, I really should get back to Iris but... can I ask you something?"
"... Ask away, Love."
"Right so, I'm not sure when but, when me and Iris have kids-" Dr. Zeek then started coughing as he was seemingly choking on nothing.
"*Cough, cough* ugh, ahem! Whoa there, Love! Slow down yea? You just got married and your already thinking of kids?"
"I said I wasn't sure when! But anyways, that's not my point. I'm just asking for a favor." Dr. Zeek managed to calm down but looked at Meri with skepticism and then gave off a long sigh.
"... Alright, alright. I'm listening."
"Thank you, you're the only one I can trust with this, I know Iris trust's Dr. Wicked but... I don't know why but I can't."
"I honestly don't blame you but from what I heard from Bill he's actually a pretty reliable guy. When he's not being an asshole that is."
"Hm, well anyways I just wanted to ask, when me and Iris have kids, and if they end up being anomalous like us... please don't let the O5 separate them from us." Dr. Zeek stopped relaxing by leaning against the wall, he was now standing straight and looking at Meri in concern.
"I know it sounds selfish; I mean a normal parent would want their kids to be free even if they never got to see them again but... I don't want to be separated from my family, not again." Meri then started crying as she was thinking about her dad and how he had to not only abandon her but sacrifice himself to keep her alive. Dr. Zeek quickly ran up to her and hugged her tightly, she then hugged him back while crying to show her appreciation.
"Don't you worry for a second, Love. If you kids happen to grow horns or jump through pictures, I won't let those faceless bastards one inch close to your babes." Meri smiled, she then let go of Dr. Zeek and faced him as she wiped her tears away.
"Thank you."
"Anytime, Love, thought I gotta ask. What happens if by the off chance they don't become anomalous?"
"Wh- what?"
"Wells there's the working theory that what makes anomalous humans like you, Iris, Agent Miller, the Wells, and Corvio is a lot like a recessive gene. So even if we create an artificial womb and put both your and Iris's DNA into it, there's a high chance that the resulting child will have no anomalous properties. So, what should we do then?"
"... I'll have to ask Iris that."
"Heh, good answer, my mum always said it wasn't wise to hide things form your cook. Especially if that cook is someone like Iris, Love." Meri giggled and smiled warmly at Dr. Zeek, while he gently placed his hand on her cheek.
"Oi, it's going to be alright, Love, ya hear? Both now and in the future. For you, Iris, and whatever Babes come popping out."
"Hahaha, gross!"
"You're the one who brought it up, now stop hanging out with this Old Geezer and go pash ye Sheila, Love!" Meri giggled, kissed Dr. Zeek on the cheek and ran off back into the simulation chamber. Dr. Zeek laughed as he watched her run back in and lovingly hug Iris as soon as she saw her. But then his vision of her was halted when the doors closed, he just stayed out in the hallway while looking at the floor and sighing deeply.
"Your daughter seems to be doing ok." Dr. Zeek then looked back to see Dr. Wicked standing there with his signature bored and emotionless expression and medical mask.
"She ain't my daughter, Bloke."
"Technically your correct, do you ever intend to tell her the truth of her father?"
"... Its better if he stays dead."
"Fair enough. It's not exactly easy to explain given The Reset, now let's stop talking about it before the Red Right Hand comes marching in. What was that she was talking to you about?"
"Sorry, Bloke, made a promise to keep it a secret."
"... So, she asked you to keep help protect her future kids from the O5." Dr. Zeek looked at Dr. Wicked shocked while he himself didn't change his expression at all.
"Wha- How- Wha... HOW?"
"Iris asked me the same thing a minute ago."
"... Ah... ugh, these girls I tell ya. Well, either way I'm going to keep my promise and keep their babes safe."
"Well, I personally don't have a problem since it wouldn't be the first time for me, but it's also because I know I won't die. You on the other hand... are you sure you really want to risk your life like that? We all only got a second chance because of The Reset, and there's no guarantee it will happen again."
"Argh! Piss off with that shit you broody Bloke, you honestly thing I would give up just because it's impossible? We're the foundation, the anomalies don't stop coming so we don't stop fighting remember?"
"... Heh, guess it wouldn't be the first time we had to deal with near impossible odds, and wouldn't be the first time the enemy was the O5 themselves. If it does come to that it's going to be one hell of a battle."
"It's not like it wouldn't be worth it in the end to keep the girls and all the other kids safe."
"Fair enough. Well, I'm out of here, had enough of this sickeningly wholesome party anyways, also need to get Elrin and Kasta back to their rooms before Kasta kills someone." Dr. Wicked waved Dr. Zeek goodbye as he walked off.
"Oi! Nice piano work earlier by the way!"
"Thanks, I used an SCP to steal that song form the future. So, the O5 Council is probably going to kill me later... again." Dr. Zeek was left there speechless as Dr. Wicked walked away, he then smiled again and went back into the simulation room with everyone else as the wedding after-party continued.
Part 2 (Coming... eventually)
SCP: HMF - Tales Hub
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uhh sorry for cringeposting but i rly like scp
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scpaesthetics · 1 year
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SCP Aesthetics: 040 (requested by @julianscaptain, written by Kain Pathos Crow)
Modifications are primarily cosmetic, ranging from simple color and pattern changes to more involved shifts in bodily form and structure. (pastel rainbow, youth, organs)
requests are closed
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skeletization · 1 year
Okay here it is the SCPronpa list that nobody asked for but that I'm still going to put
Copied and pasted directly from discord
This is gonna be a long tag list
Rantaro - 007 "Abdominal Planet" - Safe Maki - 029 "The Daughter of Shadows" - Keter Kokichi - 035 "Possessive Mask" - Keter Kotoko - 040 "Evolution's Child" - Anomalous Human Korekiyo - 049 "The Plague Doctor" - Euclid Jataro - 053 "Small Child" - Euclid Hina - 054 "Water Nymph" - Safe Twogami - 056 "A Beautiful Person" - Euclid Shuichi - 073 "Cain" "Shuichi" - Euclid Peko - 076[-2] "Able" "Peko" - Keter Chihiro - 079 "Old AI" - Euclid Mahiru - 105 "Iris" "Mahiru" - Safe Nagisa - 134 "Star-Eyed Child" - Safe Sonia - 166 "Just Teenage Gaea" - Euclid Masaru - 191 "Cyborg Child" - Safe Himiko - 239 "The Witch Child" - Keter Leon - 457 "Burning Man" - Euclid/Potential Keter Angie - 469 "Many-Winged Hakawai" - Keter Nagito - 507 “The Reluctant Dimension Hopper” - Safe Grand Bois - 529 "Cherí the Half-Cat" - Safe Kirumi - 662 [Mr. Deeds Ms. Tojo] "A Butler's Hand Bell" - Safe Hiro - 682 "Hard to Destroy Reptile" - Keter Toko - 811 "Swamp Woman" - Euclid Sayaka - one of the 939s "With Many Voices" - Keter Tsumugi - 953 "Polymorphic Humanoid" - Keter Ibuki - 999 "The Tickle Monster" - Safe Monaca - 1048 "Builder Bear" - Keter Mikan - 2295 “A Bear with a Heart of Patchwork” - Safe Hiyoko - 2396 "Ms. Sweetie" - Keter Euclid Izuru - 2521 "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - Keter Junko - "Dr. Wondertainment" - Class-V Reality Bender
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cerulean-dreams-18 · 5 months
Hc: A bunch of the kid SCPs form a metal band called "Anomalous" when they grow up. They obviously can't make themselves known to the general public, but they play during special events and parties in the foundation and end up getting pretty popular among both foundation staff and fellow SCPs. The 0-5 eventually permits Anomalous to play once a week, because it's so good for everyone's morale. It gets to the point where thousands will show up to their shows, and they even "tour" to different sites occasionally as word of the band gets around.
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Stella/134: Lead singer and founder
Emma/040: Lead guitarist
Eryn/706: drummer and lyricist. Also a really good screamer.
Other members I haven't gotten around to drawing yet:
Cameron/2241: singer
Bridgette/191: synthesizer/keyboardist
Sigurrós/239: bass guitarist and lyricist
Sarah/2506: rhythm guitarist
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lunarlight-souls · 2 years
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Teenage scp 239, 2214 and 040 designs
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