gi5elle · 6 months
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JIU ENDING FAIRY 231124 ootd @ music bank
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kandidandi · 1 year
Do you know the caelos AU? If so, how would your boys react to the caelos boys in a computer?
how dare you even think i DONT know the caelos au i freakin LOVE that au!!!!!
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the boys would have fun <3
caelos au by @caelos-au
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lil-beanz000 · 6 months
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Thank you @cuddlebugmonster for being a friend I needed most~ <3 Look forward to more gremlin ideas an our silly late night talks 0w0 insomnia buddies 4 lifer ✌
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starrymelosblog · 4 months
Sending you so much love 💕
I’m getting so much love today!! ^_^
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Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 month
i'm in a need of some eddie headcanons please
oh baby i am so happy to provide <3
he's actually a very good writer and excelled in english class and really enjoyed it and worked so very hard on his penmanship but nowadays he does allow his writing to be messy
he absolutely loathes doing laundry and will push it off to the last minute until he and chris have no clothes left and devotes one entire day to washing everything and painstakingly folds everything up for chris who usually messes up eddie's careful folding anyway but whatever
doesn't like strong scents but he does like candles so he always keeps an eye out for very light, clean scented ones. and when he buys them a lot of the time he ends up giving them to hen and buck because he actually doesn't like burning them all that much
he used to watch his sisters paint their nails and would actually sometimes help them with that and whenever he was with shannon when she was pregnant he would paint her toes for her
wears jeans all the time, even when he has nowhere to go, he'll just lounge around the house in jeans and not change into anything until it's bed time
curses like a sailor
loves popcorn bathed in butter
loves movies but doesn't like going to the movie theater
very competitive when it comes to board games
is obsessed with kissing and making out
honesty hour/ask me anything
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telvess · 4 months
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All the Hermes love for youuuuu
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AH MY BOY COME TO ME qwkjsdbkss Luna, you know how to make me giggle! 🌚 By giving me this perfection, you feed my heart and pussy 💙
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regnantlight · 4 months
Happy Valentines Day, from Princess Zelda to you. ❤️
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
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jack kelly is not immune to being smooched by his boyfriend, feat. his cowboy hat
i wanted to draw spot for spot sunday but i was hashtag sad and wanted to cheer myself up. so sorry for not fulfilling my spot duty
[image description:
drawing of jack kelly and david jacobs from the 1992 version of newsies. jack is facing forward, a surprised expression on his face, while david is kissing him on the cheek, his arms wrapped around jack. his eyes are closed and he's smiling.
end id]
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emmejayy · 6 months
now you have to deal w the mortifying ordeal of dating a cli- WAIT . I WAS SO CAUGHT UP IN THE EUPHORIA OF PARTNERS I FORGOT YOU HAD A CLIVE. DOES THIS MEAN I CAN DO SELFCEST NOW love you <3
i mean yeah, not like you dont already do selfcest. but like
now, physical selfcest is a possibility heheheeh
were gonna be touchling and kissling
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So happy to get these colors done by @bokunocolor!! Thank you sm she looks gorgeous 💗💗
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dangerpronebuddie · 7 months
#but i had a thought#do we think eddie really doesn't remember or did he say what buck needed to hear?
Oh, babe, don't get me started on this because I have so many thoughts laskoaksaoks there are a few possibilities there: Eddie really doesn't remember, he remembers something he can't tell Buck for whatever reason, he remembers something that would upset Buck at that moment. But there's also a lot to consider. In my fantasy land I exist in a space where they'll do what was done in castle when Kate gets shot, Castle says he loves her and then she says she doesn't remember because she's not ready to deal with the feelings yet and that will come up again. Because since I'm a "the shooting is Eddie's oh moment" truther and Buck is in a very vulnerable place, he wouldn't admit to it, so to say he only remembers the basics is what he thinks is best for Buck, since Buck is not in a place to receive that confession or maybe Eddie is not ready to say it yet. But it is a possibility that Eddie says that he doesn't remember because what he remembers is Buck and that would just upset Buck. And it's not even that far off, to say if he does remember something, he remembers Buck, because Buck was the one that went to get him, Buck is the one who got him in the truck, Buck is the one applying pressure, so for his focus to be solely on Buck is plausible and kind of expected, but to say "oh, all I remember is you" would not give Buck what Buck needed at that moment, it open a different wound, for both of them really. And there's also the layer that Eddie is uniquely placed to understand how it was for Buck to get him at moment, and Buck is not coping, so he could've also done some projecting and decided "I'm not gonna be the one to trigger him here, not when he came to me for safety" and just, lied to protect him.
So basically, I think he remembers and didn't want to confess, a little "I can't tell you what I remember because what I remember are my feelings about you and I can't tell you that now maybe at all", I accept there's a chance he remembers and said he didn't because he didn't want to trigger Buck further since he's already in a really raw state of mind since he died. There's also always the he's telling the truth and he doesn't remember scenario. That one could stay that way and he never remembers or they could trigger him in some way and extend the conversation further. But, personally, I'm a he's lying believer.
Darling we're on the same wavelength lol!
That man definitely remembers and I too am a believer in the shooting being his "oh" moment. He reaches for Buck twice. Twice! And I absolutely adore that he didn't lose consciousness until he knew Buck was safe.
I absolutely love that they allowed Eddie to be Buck's safe space. Eddie knows exactly what Buck's going through (to an extent, I mean he didn't actually die but still.) He gets it. He had no idea how to process his survival. (Drag and drop Buck into Frank's office already I'm begging at this point.) (Frank's my hero honestly.)
If they play it out and have Eddie remember I might have a coronary. That is my ideal scenario. Something could happen to trigger those memories, for either or both, and it could be an excellent opportunity for them to talk about something they've been avoiding since it happened.
If Eddie really doesn't remember, I wouldn't be surprised, but he's hidden things from Buck before (*cough cough* will) so I'm fairly certain he remembers. But even saying he did would've revealed way too much to Buck. Buck didn't need a confession on top of his death- which he's still refusing to process- so Eddie gave him what he needed at the time.
I wonder how they would bring that up again, if they do at all. They could respond to a shooting, or a bad call where best friends have a similar experience, or even respond to a call on that street. I just think it would be so wonderful if they actually ran with it. 6x12 was the first time Eddie actually talked about it, especially to Buck, and I think now that Eddie's in therapy he could be more open to talking about it.
And honestly the body language is what makes me really think he remembers and is protecting Buck. He doesn't look at Buck while he describes it until he says "this is it- this is the last moment of my life." THAT RIGHT THERE tells me he remembers. He avoids eye contact the rest of the time he's talking about it and subtly shakes his head. Hmmmmm.
I dunno. Anything about the shooting makes me go feral so... yeah.
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starrspice · 1 year
i’m literally frothing at the mouth becuase of you- i just found you and i absorbed the cherub AU at mach 90. when you describe the cherubs, it kinda sounds like it’s a corporation. and a thought popped into my head :))
you said people had to die to become cherubs… sooooo: “Welcome to LoveCorp! Where you become what you love!”
and now im thinking that before they became cherubs, they have to die feeling that emotion (familiar, hatred, self) and now im feeling sad :))
P L E A S E that sounds like some matchmaking company a cherub would make ajdbsjdjfb
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starrymelosblog · 2 months
what’s your fav mario kart?
what speed do you usually race on?
I like mkds or mk7 the most! I like to race on 150 :)
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 5 months
hi angel please tell me about bed hair
hello my love <3
bed hair is a soft prompt fill and it's gonna be eddie and buck waking up the morning after they first get together/have sex
here's a snip!
Buck drops tiny kisses along Eddie’s neck and collarbone, flicking the tip of his tongue over the hollow of his throat before he pops back up and says “Morning,” with a smile that is slow and sweet and unbelievably beautiful.
Eddie reaches up to trace that smile, a little in awe that something so gentle and gorgeous is all for him.
Buck’s smile widens under his fingers and he nips at them with his teeth, laughing when Eddie pulls away with an affronted expression.
“So,” Buck says slowly, sliding a leg in between Eddie’s thigh. “You freaking out at all?”
Eddie runs a hand up one of Buck’s arms, cataloging the feel of hair and muscle, tracing over his tattoos. He opens his legs wider for Buck to slot in between them, his growing hardness nudging against Buck’s.
Eddie's mouth goes dry, making his voice even more scratchy and hoarse as he answers Buck with nothing but the truth. “No. Not at all.”
Blue blue blue eyes light up at him, turning into a molten ocean.
“That’s good,” Buck says absentmindedly, shifting his hips slightly against Eddie and gasping as it drags their cocks together. “So–how about some morning sex?” he asks with a gleam in his eye.
wip ask game
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telvess · 5 months
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THANK YOU SO MUCH LUNA ❤️ How thoughtful of you! :3
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jamiesfootball · 2 months
Some random fic questions for you!
1) in the Leverage AU you definitely aren't writing, which episode(s) are you most excited to (definitely not) adapt?
2) how did you come up with the ideas for the subplots in OGYGGI(YHNBGL), and how did you go about weaving them all together? (also typing that acronym requires. concentration)
3) free space! answer whichever question you wish people would ask about your fics
Aaaaaah, I love random fic questions! Thank you!
1) in the Leverage AU you definitely aren't writing, which episode(s) are you most excited to (definitely not) adapt?
While I have a massive prompt table (that I shared somewhere in my leverage au tag forever ago), I'm fairly sure I won't end up using all of them. That said, there are a few episodes in particular that have been added to the Web Of Character Arcs and are for sure getting used:
The Juror #6 Job (with Roy as the juror)
The First David Job / The Second David Job
The Broken Wing Job
The Grave Danger Job
The Three Card Monte Job
The Rashomon Job
Of the ones I'm most looking forward to adapting, I think The Three Card Monte Job is at the top of my list. It's going to be the Jamie's dad turns up episode.
Now. For job titles I currently have on the chapter list:
The First Second Job
The Little Sister Job
The Equity Trust Job
The Juror #6 Job*
The Just Married Job
The Faberge Dilemma
The Hammer Job
The Broken Wing Job*
The Son's Gambit
Special Note: The Broken Wing Job, while it shares a title, is very much not a fun little one-off romp and is not a 1:1 retelling of the episode it's named after. The Juror #6 Job, on the other hand, is very much like it's namesake, only with Roy in the place of Parker trying to learn how to get along with people without cracking skulls. Growth, baby <3
2) how did you come up with the ideas for the subplots in OGYGGI(YHNBGL), and how did you go about weaving them all together? (also typing that acronym requires. concentration)
(I rely on my phone for the acronym now)
The subplots were very much a listing of 'here's everything I wish they'd handled differently in the finale, now what can I do to fix this?'
Jamie - I think we know this one. His dad. That scene of him visiting his dad in rehab. This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. This is what took it from 'hey I wrote a thing about Roy and Jamie discussing him reaching out to his dad' and turned it into a multi-chaptered behemoth
Roy - very much did not care for the fight in the last episode, and what (to me) felt like a lack of resolution. Did very much like that he decided to go to therapy. Decided to spin it so that the fight was why he ended up in therapy. Now I get to talk about both of those things as much as I want- yaaaaaaaay
Sam - Why. Why would you definitively have Akufo say Sam would never get to play for the Nigerian team. And then have the next thing be a shot of him on the Nigerian team. WHY. So the basic outline of Sam's subplot in this fic is him vs. Akufo, who has built a Nigerian restaurant right around the corner from Sam's restaurant.
Colin - I'm so sorry, buddy, but that kiss definitely outed you. There were cameras, bud. There were so many cameras....... HOWEVER. That is not the totality of Colin's arc! Colin's arc is very much a 'what now?' sort of thing that I shall continue to be vague about.
Keeley - Look, the show may have been lazy in her plot lines, but they left a lot of solid, strong storybeats to play around with. Her subplot really focuses on the rebuilding aspect of everything: rebuilding her relationships with Roy and Jamie, rebuilding her company under the weight of crushing guilt and debt that she now feels to her best friend for bailing her out, rebuilding her image after the leak, the breakup, and Shandy (jesus). She has a lot going on, and due to the messiness of her interpersonal relationships, there's no one area that doesn't affect the others.
Beard - Beard and Jane happy ending my beloathed. You weren't even in the first draft, but boy if I didn't find a way to sow the seeds of your inevitable destruction by lowkey giving Beard a new foundation for his support system
Nate - I just feel like they got him like. 90% of the way there. There's just a little more fine-tuning on his character arc I'd like to spiff up.
Higgins - just kidding nothing to fix here, I love him for who he is. Someone's got to keep a level head around here and keep the boat moving forward
Isaac - oh I'm sorry did you think I forgot about my boy the way my show forgot about my boy? Nuh uh. Subplot for Isaac.
As for how I weaved them all together? I've got no idea. Really, I don't. When I started to outline everything, they all just- slotted in together. I think a part of what made that easy is I have this (usually unmet) want for characters to interact with people outside their immediate plot lines in meaningful ways, which ultimately makes them part of the plot line. For example, if Sam is struggling with Akufo, then it makes sense that Jamie, someone who likes Sam, would already have sought Sam out for his own reasons. It's not like I'm doing backflips to get everybody in the same room. By wanting to be in each other's lives, they naturally become part of each other's plots, whether they realize it or not.
3) free space! answer whichever question you wish people would ask about your fics
Okay, this one stumped me, so instead I've found a question from one of those ask games:
What fic are you most excited about publishing/updating next?
The next chapter of OGYGGIYHNBGL! It is written! It is obscenely long! Longer than the first chapter! 22k words and 66 pages! But it is badly in need of edits and still has the odd [bracket fix this later] and I've just been so burnt out lately that every time I look at it I want to cry.
But that is my goal for this weekend! I want to get a decent chunk of this thing edited. I'm quite excited for it to finally see the light of day.
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