#MUCH shittier than a little headache and nausea
hella1975 · 2 years
i hate reading hangovers in fics bc either not a single fic writer ever has written an accurate hangover OR mine are just weird and you know what i think i can tell which one it is. like where is my representation for the bitches that get incredibly depressed when they're hungover. like it cant just be me alcohol is literally a depressant. i have to actually police myself and my thought process when im hungover bc ive realised it just makes me unreasonable. i have to go 'we'll think about this tomorrow' no matter how pressing the problem seems bc i honest to god cannot respond proportionally when im hungover i convince myself the world is ending and that im an awful awful person and yeah okay i can see why people aren't adding this fun part of hangovers into their cute fluff fics now
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chicgeekgirl89 · 4 years
Begin Again: Chapter 2
Fandom: SEAL Team
Characters: Sonny Quinn, Lisa Davis
Read Chapter 1 Here
By the time they landed they still had nothing and Lisa’s heart had started to really hammer inside her chest. They couldn’t lose Ray. The team would never make it without him. Not to mention how devastating it would be for Naima and the kids. 
They disembarked and went straight into Mandy’s office, still searching for anything useful. “God what are we going to do?” Lisa asked, rubbing her temple.
Mandy continued to click back and forth. “There’s got to be something here. There’s way more footage than we thought. We must have—“
She trailed off and stared at the screen, eyes wide with surprise. “Oh my god.”
“What?” Lisa leaned closer. “What is it?” 
When she finally saw what Mandy had spotted her heart sank. “Is that Vic?”
“He lied,” Mandy said, grabbing the laptop and getting to her feet. “He lied to the whole team.”
“And he was going to let Ray take the fall.” Lisa’s head was spinning. It was a relief, but also gut wrenching; a betrayal of all of them.
“We have to tell Eric,” Mandy said grimly. 
Eric’s face didn’t change when they showed him the footage, but Lisa could feel his anger and sadness. “What do you want to do?” she asked.
“Let’s take it to the team. Decision is their’s,” he said. 
She watched everyone’s faces as they played the footage, seeing on each of them the moment they realized what it meant. It wasn’t a surprise when Sonny nearly jumped across the table to strangle Vic, or that it took three of the guys to hold him back. This was the kind of wound that couldn’t be repaired.
“That was brutal,” Mandy said when they’d left the room to let the team decide Vic’s fate.
“Nothing worse than betraying your brothers,” Blackburn said with a shake of his head. “I’ve got paperwork to take care of. You two make sure to get a good night’s rest. You’ve earned it.”
“You all right?” Mandy asked when he had gone. “You look pale.”
Lisa swallowed, silently begging her stomach to stay in place as it churned in her gut. “Yeah I’m good. Just worried about the guys.”
Mandy nodded. “Well you should get some rest. I’ve got a couple calls I have to make.” She eyed her critically. “You sure you’re good?”
“Yes!” Lisa tried to play it off with a laugh. “Go make your calls. I’m going to stick around and make sure the guys are…as okay as they can be.”
Mandy seemed skeptical but left her alone. Lisa was grateful for some time to go lick her wounds privately. She walked to the armory and took up residence outside of Sonny’s cage, settling on the floor because she really didn’t think she could stay on her feet any longer. Her head went back to rest against the metal links and she closed her eyes, willing the nausea and dizziness to go away, along with the thundering headache. She just needed to relax for a little bit and then everything would be fine.
She must have drifted off for a second because she was startled awake by the guys trudging in. One look at their faces told her all she needed to know; Vic was no longer part of Bravo. And that was going to hurt for a long time. 
“Davis,” Clay said. “What are you still doing here?”
“Wanted to see if you guys needed anything,” she said from the floor, unable to make herself get to her feet. 
Ray’s eyes met hers briefly, jaw tight, steely resolve in his eyes. “We’re good,” he said. “Thank you. For what you found.”
She nodded. “Couldn’t stand to lose you.”
Everyone seemed eager to leave, packing up their gear and heading out without much conversation. She couldn’t blame them. All she wanted was to fall into her bed and forget about this entire mission.
“Time for you to go home killer,” Sonny said, offering her a hand.
He pulled her to her feet and she immediately staggered, breath catching in her throat as the world spun. She grabbed onto Sonny’s arm and felt his hands catch around her waist as she collapsed into him.
The next thing she knew, she was on the floor, Trent directly in her face. “Davis, hey, look at me. Do you know where you are?”
They were in transport right? Or maybe they were still in Caracas? “I—I don’t—“
She couldn’t remember. Oh god. She couldn’t remember. 
Well this had taken an even shittier turn of events. Sonny trudged with the boys back to the armory, his gut clenched so tightly it hurt. They’d never lost a brother like this before. Half of him wanted to tear the kid apart and the other half wanted to curl up in a corner and cry. He’d gotten used to having Vic around. Had even started what felt like a friendship. Seeing Ray rip his trident like that…Sonny shook his head. It royally fucking sucked.
Davis was propped up against his cage looking like death warmed over and it made Sonny feel just a tiny bit better to have her there. It felt normal again after a lot of months of weird.
“Time for you to go home killer,” Sonny said, pulling her up off the floor. Her face immediately drained of color and she grabbed his arm for support. His hands automatically went to her waist, catching her against his chest as she went completely limp. “Jase!”
Bravo One turned and saw the situation and then immediately caught the hallway door, yelling for Trent to come back. Sonny lowered Lisa to the ground, mindful of her head. Clay handed him a pack and he used it to prop her up a bit. “I’ll call for medical,” Ray said, reaching for the room phone as Trent returned and dropped to his knees.
He checked her airway and her pulse then rubbed her sternum fiercely until her eyes fluttered open. “Davis, hey, look at me, do you know where you are?” Trent asked.
“I—I don’t—“ She looked so scared and Sonny felt a wave of terror swamp over him.
“What’s your name?” Trent tried.
“Lisa.” Her face relaxed a little bit in relief.
“And what’s my name?”
“…Trent.” The answer was far too slow in coming for anybody’s liking.
“You know what year it is?”
That got nothing but a panicked stare. “Okay, it’s all right, just breathe. Help’s coming. We’re going to get you taken care of,” Trent said, keeping his voice calm even as his hands continued to move, loosening her clothes and checking her skull for any injuries he might have missed.
“No, I’m fine. I’ll just go home.” She tried to sit up and blanched.
Sonny and Clay each put a hand on her shoulders. “No you need a CT scan,” Trent said. “With these kinds of symptoms you could have a brain bleed.”
Base medical arrived at that moment, listening as Trent explained the incident and her symptoms.
Sonny wanted to follow them as they left, but once again there was still work to be done. Things had to be put away right or it would mess up the whole team. 
He worked as fast as he could and it still took him over an hour to get to the base hospital. The team had spent so much time there over the years that the doctors and nurses knew them all by name. Monica was behind the desk. “What is it Quinn? You get in another dust up?”
“Not me this time,” Sonny told her. “Lisa Davis. She still here?”
She consulted her computer and nodded. “Down that way. Sawyer’s in there with her.”
He wandered down the hall until he found the room. Lisa was asleep, Trent scrolling through his phone by her bed. “Just wanted to check in. How’s she doing?” Sonny asked quietly, his eyes glued to her pale face.
“Better now. They gave her some fluids so she was more lucid before she fell asleep. Said she threw up on the way home but didn’t want to make trouble.”
Sonny felt a shiver go down his spine. She’d been hiding this from them and he didn’t want to think about what could have happened if she’d headed home without further treatment. “She uh, she gonna be all right?”
Trent nodded. “CT just came back. She’s got a pretty severe concussion, but no skull fracture or bleeding. They’re going to release her in a little bit.”
“That’s good. I can wait with her if you want to go. You got life to get back to.”
Trent looked hesitant. “She’s going to need someone to go home with her. She can’t be alone with such a severe concussion.”
“I’ll watch her,” Sonny said. “I don’t mind.”
“You’re sure?”
“Yeah it’s not a problem.”
It was a huge problem. Lisa might kill him for getting in her business. But he wouldn’t sleep tonight anyway without knowing if she was okay. Might as well keep her company while he did it.
If Trent suspected anything he didn’t show it as he stood. “I’ll have my phone on. Call if there’s any issues. Anytime.”
“Yeah, will do.”
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