thawabuponthawab · 22 hours
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said, “Whoever increases his prayers for forgiveness, Allah will grant him relief from every worry, a way out from every hardship, and provide for him in ways he does not expect.”
Musnad Aḥmad 2234
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atiredmuslimah · 6 months
اللْهُمَّ إِنَّكَ عَفُوٌّ تُحِبُّ الْعَفْوَ فَاعْفُ عَنِّي
allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa'fu anni
"O Allah, Indeed You are Forgiving and love forgiveness, so forgive me”
the best dua to recite in the last 10 days of ramadan. may allah accept our repentance.
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themuslimaharchive · 4 days
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belkileri-sevmem · 9 days
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everyday-quote · 2 months
 My God how gentle you are with me in spite of my great ignorance and how merciful You are with me in spite of my ugly deeds.
Ibn Ataallah (rahimullah)
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stonelovesbeer · 7 months
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9amartt · 9 days
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Once Aisha -may Allah be pleased with her- asked the prophet ﷺ to make du’a for her, so he said: ‘Oh Allah forgive all of Aisha’s past sins, and upcoming ones, and the secret ones, and those made public’ so Aisha laughed and rejoiced, and looked down in happiness and contentment, so the prophet ﷺ asked her: ‘does this Du’a please you?’ She answered in the affirmative, so he -may all of our souls ransom him - said: ‘this is the Du’a I make for my Ummah in each of my prayers’
May our worthless and precious belongings, our dear ones, and our souls be sacrificed for Him.
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fluffy-appa · 6 months
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Inshaa Allah one day you will say:
"Ya Allah, this is what I prayed for, Alhamdulliah”.
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letsswaytogether · 1 year
"She Believed In Me When People Rejected Me."
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Speaking About His Wife Khadeeja.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Who is googled more?
by atlasmapper
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thawabuponthawab · 3 months
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atiredmuslimah · 6 months
Yahya ibn Mu’ādh, may Allāh have mercy upon him, said:
“According to how much you fear Allāh the people will respect you, and according to how much you love Allāh the people will love you, and according to how much you busy yourself with Allāh [with worship] the people will become busy in your affairs [i.e. in your service].
[Sifatu As-Safwa: 3/343]
- gems from the salaf on telegram.
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nanamins-overtime · 6 months
قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم أَطْعِمُوا الْجَائِعَ، وَعُودُوا الْمَرِيضَ، وَفُكُّوا الْعَانِيَ
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and set free the captives."
- Sahih al-Bukhari
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jewelleria · 4 months
So are you saying that Islamophobia is a problematic term?
Because using it to mean "anti-arab racism" is SUPER problematic but
Idk if we should just get rid of the term with nothing to replace it with
Same as maybe we should drop antisemitism entirely and go back to Judenhass because why are we still using a term coined by a eugenicitst
that’s exactly what i’m saying. it’s not just problematic—it doesn’t exist. you cannot be racist against a religion. you can be racist against arabs, and you can be racist against black folks, and you can be racist against jews. but you can’t be racist against muslims or christians because they are religions that are not exclusive to race or heredity.
islamophobia is not a thing, and it’s a weapon used to shut down anyone who tries to point out that, hey, maybe it is super weird that the founding prophet of islam married a six-year-old girl but no no no he wasn’t a pedophile!!! he waited until she got her period at age nine to fuck her so he was actually so amazing and kid!!!!!
now, anti-muslim prejudice, white supremacy, and xenophobia most definitely all exist and are terrible. labeling a woman with a hijab walking down the streets of new york as a terrorist or a threat to america simply because she’s muslim is anti-muslim prejudice. discrimination against people from another country, often poorer immigrants who don’t speak english and don’t look white, is xenophobic and racist. and white supremacy is self explanatory lol.
i don’t think we should go back to judenhass. it seems rather odd to refer to jew-hatred in german. i don’t know, call me weird, but i think we should just stick with antisemitism. that wilhelm dude will rot in hell anyway so who cares if he invented the word or not lmao
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everyday-quote · 4 months
You must convince your heart that whatever Allah has decreed is most appropriate and most beneficial for you.
Imam al-Ghazali (rahimullah)
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isfjt · 10 months
Being Obediant to my Merciful Allah is the only Priorty in my life right now.
But i fear myself so much how damaging we could be to ourselves and how we are able to destroy ourself.
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Its the rahmah of our lord who keeps us on the right path,otherwise we would have gone astray long ago.
Whatever Good we do is from our Lord and Whatever Bad we do is our Own Self and Nafs.
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