#MUSES. [ nara shikaku. ]
cooliogirl101 · 2 months
(Because I want Reina throwing the canon!verse into chaos)
"Absolutely not. I won't allow it!" Hiashi raged, slamming both hands onto the table.
"Unfortunately, we may have no choice. Konoha cannot afford another war at this moment." The Sandaime sighed, looking every single one of his years at that moment. "Not when we are still recovering from the Kyuubi attack."
"Still, what kind of precedence does this set? That we allow foreign nin to kidnap our children and steal our bloodlines, and yet we are the ones to pay retribution?" Inoichi asked sharply. "You say we cannot afford another war, but surely we also cannot afford to look this weak in front of our enemies."
"What Inoichi said. After what those bloodline-stealing, clouds-for-brains ninja tried to pull? If anything, they should be worried about us declaring war on them," Inuzuka Tsume snarled.
"This move buys us time while we build up strength," Utatane Koharu argued. She shot Hiashi a sharp look. "This wouldn't have been necessary had you the foresight to show a little restraint. I don't know what you were thinking, killing off a high-ranking Kumo nin with diplomatic immunity--"
"He took my daughter--"
"He was evidence--"
"Enough," Hizashi spoke up quietly. "If this will save lives and ensure the safety of the Byakugan, then I am willing. I can think of no more honorable way to serve my village and my clan."
"Try living," a new voice called from outside the doors, a split second before they opened and a vaguely familiar woman walked in. She was startlingly pretty, Hizashi couldn't help but notice-- delicate, almost elvish features, bluish-black hair tied up in a casual twist, deep blue eyes with a hint of mischief within.
Amidst all the ninja stiffening in alarm, Hizashi noticed Uchiha Fugaku letting out a low groan, pinching the bridge of his nose in an uncharacteristic display of emotion.
"Kobayashi-san," the Hokage said, eyeing her with...wariness? What was going on? "This is a classified meeting."
"Yes, you really do need to work on your security seals, Sandaime-sama, they're terribly outdated," she mused. "I do apologize for the intrusion but I admit to feeling rather worried after I overheard this esteemed council seriously consider handing one of Konoha's most valuable dojutsu over to Kumo on a silver platter." She clasped her hands behind her back, offering him a falsely bright smile. "As a tax-paying citizen of Konoha, you'll take my concerns into consideration, I hope."
Across the table, Nara Shikaku snorted at the blatant sarcasm in those words.
"Reina-san--" Fugaku growled. The woman--Reina-- waved at him cheerfully.
"Hi Fugaku-san! Mikoto-chan would like you to pick up some tomatoes on your way back. Sasuke-kun got into the pantry again, so we're out." She shook her head fondly. "That boy, honestly. I don't know what to do with him."
Next to him, Hiashi choked on his spit while most of the room stared at her in disbelief (with the exception of Tsume, who was currently stiffing her laughter behind a fist). With an abrupt start, Hizashi remembered where he'd seen this woman before. It had been a popular topic of gossip the past few days, when the Uchiha Matriarch had, seemingly out of nowhere, struck up a close friendship with a civilian woman who made a living decorating cakes and cookies.
Hizashi glanced at the woman standing calmly in front of them, having effortlessly broken into one of Konoha's most secure buildings, completely unconcerned by being in a room full of Konoha's most powerful and influential ninja.
If she was a civilian, he'd eat his shoes.
"We wouldn't be 'handing the Byakugan over on a silver platter,' girl," Danzo scoffed, narrowing his eyes. "Don't speak of things you don't understand."
"Oh? Because by my understanding, you were planning on sacrificing Hizashi-san's life for his brother's and just hoping the Caged Bird Seal does its job and prevents Kumo from utilizing the Byakuyan," she said sweetly. "The problem with that plan, of course, is that the Caged Bird Seal is an absolute atrocity and an embarrassment to fuuinjutsu, designed by someone who cared more about enslaving his family members than actually protecting his bloodline."
"The Caged Bird Seal is infallible," Hizashi interjected before he could stop himself, voice hoarse. It was infallible because it had to be-- because if it could fail, then his and his son's suffering meant nothing.
An unreadable expression crossed her face.
"Is it?" She asked softly. "Why don't you ask your son that?"
She turned towards the door.
"Neji-kun, come inside for a moment, will you?"
His son walked inside, forehead bare as the day he was born, and Hizashi's world shattered.
"How? How did you remove the Caged Bird Seal?!"
"What, like it's hard?"
"So you've proven that the Caged Bird Seal can be removed," Danzo glared at her. "That does not solve our problem; in fact, it worsens it."
"Danzo is right," the Sandaime agreed. "Kumo will still demand payment in blood and--"
"No, they won't." Reina tilted her head to the side. "Oh, I probably should have started with that. Yeah, they retracted their demand for Hyuuga-san's life, and send along their most sincere apologies for what happened, and their most sincere assurances that they had no idea their head ninja was planning such a thing, blah, blah, blah. You're welcome."
There was a long silence. It was the first time Hizashi had ever seen Sarutobi Hiruzen speechless. He probably would have enjoyed it more had he not been so focused on keeping his own mouth from dropping open.
"Um, excuse me. What?" Inoichi asked, sounding as gobsmacked as Hizashi felt.
"How the hell did you manage that?" Tsume exploded.
"Passed along a message?" Reina shrugged. "Although to be honest, it wasn't so much the content of the message as much as the method of delivery."
"Reina-san," Fugaku said, voice low and laced with dread. "What did you do?"
She grinned, twirling around a very familiar looking kunai-- one that Konoha hadn't seen in a very long time. Next to him, Hiashi drew in a sharp breath.
"Did you know A has one of these just lying around in his office? Probably in an attempt to deconstruct it. But oh man, you should have seen his face when I popped in!" She laughed. "Or should I say, flashed in. Never seen a man turn white so quickly! That was totally worth the motion sickness."
Kumo, after Reina breaks into their Kage’s office with an S-Class jutsu that was thought extinct but still gives like half the ninja world PTSD: I’m sorry Konoha, I wasn’t familiar with your game
(In Reina's world, there's like half a dozen people who know the Hiraishin, although obviously Minato's the best at it. Reina learned because after what happened with Obito and Rin, she wanted a way to teleport instantly to her precious people in order to provide emergency medical care (she also was on standby while Minato was developing it, just in case of any teleporting mishaps/he ended up needing any limbs reattached). She doesn't use it for combat though and dislikes using the jutsu as it gives her motion sickness. Kushina also technically knows it but doesn't have the chakra control to use it effectively. Kakashi and Orochimaru also know how to use it, and Minato plans on teaching Naruto one day as well. Which is a sharp contrast to the canon world, where the number is like zero).
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thetoaddaddy · 2 months
[ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out [your choice of muse]
Pissing off Tsunade off meant doing newbie work. So here he is. Soaked to the bone, having had used his cloak to protect the file he just had to urgently deliver to the Nara for something for the damn deer. It’s storming out. Raining hard and threatening thunder was rolling in.
The invitation surprised him.
“Oh… I don’t want to put you out, Shikaku.” He said. When he turns around there’s now a heavy shower of hail along with the pitch black skies and thunder. “… Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to stay for a tea.. or something stronger.”
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ofdraiocht · 1 year
@shikaku-the-nara “Iruka. It has come to my attention that you have been overworking yourself. Do you have an explanation for it?” // confront my muse (accepting)
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"I wasn't aware that my work ethic was being scrutinized, Shikaku-san. I enjoy working. It gives me something to do and I also like money--" He huffed out a laugh. "I've got to make sure I have enough to cover Naruto's ramen order, you know?"
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fallenqueen2 · 2 years
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@shikanaruevent​ SFW Bingo Square: Mythical
-Based off of the fact that in the show and in the movie ‘The Will of Fire’, Shikamaru could see Asuma’s ghost.
“You know when I saw Asuma the first time? I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, trying to give me some sort of closure.” Shikamaru mused aloud, staring at the other side of the Shogi board.
“I could explain that away, but this? You?” Shikamaru rubbed the side of his head while sighing.
“I had hoped after so many generations that this particular bloodline trait had gone dormant,” Shikaku said apologetically, transparent finger touching a piece for Shikamaru to move for him.
“I can see why you didn’t tell me, after all. Who would want to hear that they are descended from one of the original Reapers? What child would want to know that at some point they will be able to see the ghost of someone they loved.” Shikamaru moved the piece for his dead father and wasn’t that the weirdest thing Shikamaru had ever done?
“I’m afraid that now that you are older and stronger, you won’t just be able to see the spirits of those you love, but others as well. I would avoid the Uchiha district.” Shikaku advised as Shikamaru made his move, arms crossing over his bloodstained fur vest. Shikamaru shuddered at the idea of seeing a district full of slaughtered Uchihas.
“What could you do?” Shikamaru asked, his father was one of the strongest Nara’s before he died.
“I could see and interact with every ghost in Konoha. I could even help ease the recently deceased into the light like our ancestors before. I was strong, but you have the potential to be even stronger,” Shikaku leaned forward, arms slipping through the Shogi board as he stared his son down intently.
“What if I don’t want to?” Shikamaru asked quietly, he was so sick of death after the war. He was grateful he could still see and interact with his dead father and sensei, but a whole village full of dead people?
“I’m afraid you won’t have a choice son, you have started giving off vibrations that will draw spirits towards you. I will do my best to teach you, but you will have to be strong and learn the ways of our ancestors.” Shikaku said apologetically.
“Fantastic,” Shikamaru dropped his head down onto the Shogi board with a huge sigh that made his father laugh and a cool sensation shot through Shikamaru’s head as his father patted his head with his transparent hand.
Shikamaru trudged through the village, hands shoved in his pockets as he kept his head down. He could see a lot more transparent figures along the streets than he had a month ago, his father was a strict drill master when it came to training this new bloodline power that Shikamaru had unlocked.
“Shikamaru!” A familiar, bubbly voice rang out and Shikamaru couldn’t help but smile as he turned on his heel, hand raising to greet Naruto. Shikamaru faltered when he noticed 3 ghosts following close behind Naruto. Shikamaru swallowed and did his best not to make eye contact with the ghosts of Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.
“Hey Naruto, you just get back from a mission?” Shikamaru asked casually, noting the black under-suit that came from the ANBU uniform with his old dark orange and black jacket zipped up over the top half.
Kakashi had told Shikamaru that Naruto had joined ANBU, the blond had wanted to understand every aspect of the village before he became Hokage and that included ANBU. Kakashi had promised Shikamaru that the blond would be partnered with Ro and Soku, which made Shikamaru relax knowing the two ANBU he had worked with before would make sure Naruto would survive ANBU.
“Yup! I was looking for you everywhere!” Naruto beamed as he bounced on his feet next to Shikamaru.
“Oh yeah?” Shikamaru raised an eyebrow, determinedly ignoring the way Kushina was fussing over Naruto as she tried to tame the blond’s growing spiky hair in a way that reminded him of his mother.
“It’s been ages since we hung out! Are you busy? We can get ramen or we can train or just hang out?” Naruto trailed off quietly, fiddling with the hem of his jacket as his blue eyes darted around, suddenly seeming embarrassed. Shikamaru felt his love and fondness for the blond bubble up in his chest.
“Ramen sounds good,” Shikamaru selected Naruto’s favourite thing and was rewarded with a smile that could outshine the sun. Shikamaru laughed softly when Naruto grabbed his hand and began to drag him toward Ichiraku.
Shikamaru could almost forget about the three hovering ghostly parents that surrounded them as the two dug into their ramen bowls at the bar of Ichiraku. Naruto cheerfully slurped down his ramen and Shikamaru watched amused and fond, he didn’t think he could ever get tired watching the way Naruto could inhale ramen the way he did.
“Aww Minato, this reminds me of our first date! The little Nara even has the same smitten look you did!” Kushina grinned making Shikamaru choke on his next bite.
“Shikamaru!” Naruto cried out, rubbing the other man’s back with a worried look on his face.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Just went down wrong is all, thanks Naruto.” Shikamaru rasped out, smiling when Naruto thrust a glass of water into his hands.
“Speaking of smitten, our son has the same in-love look you have when I choked on my ramen during our first date. ” Minato shot back smugly and Shikamaru did his best not to choke on the water at those words, his eyes darting to Naruto. The blond did have a soft, adoring if not worried look on his face as he watched Shikamaru making sure he was okay.
“Something is up with this kid,” Jiraiya rumbled as he shifted through the bar to stand directly in front of Shikamaru. Shikamaru did his best not to stare back as he reassured Naruto he was fine.
“Hmmm,” Jiraiya hummed loudly before he swiped his hand through Shikamaru’s face. Shikamaru startled, almost falling off of his stool as goosebumps erupted over his body at the cool touch that he came from a ghost interacting with him.
“Whoa! Shikamaru! Are you sure you’re okay?” Naruto leapt from his stool, arm sliding behind Shikamaru’s back with worry bright in his blue eyes.
“I’m okay, really Naruto. I’m okay,” Shikamaru promised while Jiraiya’s mouth dropped open and he pointed dramatically at him.
“Of course! You’re a Nara! Your bloodline! Holy shit! Minato, Kushina, the little Nara can see us!!” Jiraiya shouted, startling the other two who instantly crowded closer to their son and Shikamaru.  
“For fucks sake,” Shikamaru muttered under his breath before gripping Naruto’s hand.
“I need to tell you something, can we go back to your place after?” Shikamaru asked Naruto. The blond blinked in confusion before nodding seriously, he recognized the look Shikamaru was sporting.
“Of course, let me just pay okay?” Naruto squeezed Shikamaru’s shoulder before slowly releasing the Nara.
“You startled the little Nara!” Kushina patted Shikamaru’s head, sending a shiver down his spine.
“I’m sorry about my sensei Shikamaru,” Minato rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled at Shikamaru who inclined his head in silent understanding.
Minato’s eyes widened before he grinned, the smile was just as bright as his son’s and Shikamaru wasn’t sure how he was supposed to handle all this sunlight. He was a shadow and his bloodline made him even darker than any of his Shadow Jutsu could, but the shadows that had crept ever closer since Shikamaru started training his Reaper side, were being forced back by the Uzumaki-Namikaze’s.
“You’re worrying me Shikamaru, you keep spacing out.” Naruto nudged Shikamaru when he finished paying, but the Nara simply just kept staring off into space.
“Let’s go and I’ll explain everything.” Shikamaru sighed, his father had told him that this was his secret to keep or share. Naruto was one of the most important people in his life and was his Hokage, so it was only logical that Shikamaru shares his Reaper bloodline with him. Besides, he deserved to know that his parents and sensei were still watching out for him. Shikamaru decided against letting Sasuke know how many Uchiha’s were stalking his every step, now of which included his older brother.
Chouji and Ino of course knew, their clans were intertwined and the first person outside of his father and sensei Shikamaru could see was Ino’s father. How could he not tell them and relay messages between father and daughter?
Shikamaru had spaced out again, he was brought back to the present by Naruto tugging his hand, their fingers interlaced which brought a blush to Shikamaru’s pale cheeks.
“My place sound okay?” Naruto asked softly, concern shining bright in his eyes and Shikamaru could just feel his blush increasing.
“Sounds good, thanks,” Shikamaru murmured and let Naruto lead him down the streets, blocking out the chatter from both the living and the dead. His father had said he would need a grounding point and the warm, calloused hand of Naruto was what Shikamaru could focus on now.
The walk to Naruto’s apartment was quiet, but comfortable Kushina berated Jiraiya for startling Shikamaru while Minato followed them with worry in his eyes, mirroring the worry in Naruto’s matching blue eyes.
They settled inside Naruto’s apartment and Shikamaru let out a soft breath, feeling much more relaxed with Naruto at his side and only 3 ghosts nearby. Being able to see both the living and dead was overwhelming at times and it was even more exhausting than doing work as the Hokage’s aid at times.
“I don’t know how to tell you this without you thinking I’m crazy,” Shikamaru said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“We fought the Goddess of Chakra and I have a Buji sealed inside of me, not to mention we fought next to re-animated dead Hokages. I highly doubt anything you have to tell me will make me think you’re crazy.” Naruto pointed out, lips tilting up in amusement when Shikamaru sent him a deadpanned look.
“Just be blunt!” Kushina advised from where she was sitting next to her son.
“I can see ghosts.” Shikamaru blurted out.
“Maybe not that blunt.” Minato winced slightly as Naruto’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped.
“That’s so COOL!” Naruto cheered, bouncing in place before slapping his hands on the table to lean forward. Shikamaru blinked in surprise at the outright cheer Naruto was displaying.
“Is it a Nara thing? Is that why you guys work with Shadows?” Naruto asked rapidly before falling silent when Shikamaru held his hand up, unable to stop himself from smiling.
“That’s part of it, apparently the first Nara was one of the Shinigami’s first Reapers. That power grew diluted as time went on, but my dad says it's strong in me.” Shikamaru admitted and Naruto nodded in understanding, as if talking about Shikamaru’s dead father was normal.
“Why are you telling me? This sounds like a clan secret…” Naruto sat back, biting his bottom lip.
“I trust you,” Shikamaru said simply, ignoring the way Kushina cooed at the way both young men blushed at the words Shikamaru just spoke.
“When… When did you discover you could see ghosts?” Naruto asked softly.
“I saw Asuma when I was taking out Hidan. I thought it was my mind playing tricks on me, but I saw him again during that mission to save Kakashi…Then after the war, my dad popped across from me in his usual spot to play Shogi with me. That was about a month ago, he’s been training me ever since.” Shikamaru explained quietly, Naruto absorbed the information.
“I’m sorry, as cool as being part Reaper sounds… It must be horrible to see both living and dead.” Naruto said reverently and Shikamaru felt his cheeks burn, Naruto just so simply understood the issue Shikamaru was currently dealing with.
“Exactly and I don’t want this getting out or I’ll have to deal with both the living and the dead a lot more.” Shikamaru shuddered at the idea of people hunting him down both living and dead to help settle some sort of debt or just asking him to find someone for them.
“There is another reason I wanted to tell you… I thought it was only fair for you to know that both your parents and Jiraiya are still with you.” Shikamaru took Naruto’s hand when the blond’s head snapped up, mouth dropping again.
“ Ero-Sennin and my parents?” Naruto whispered in awe.
“They are always by your side,” Shikamaru confirmed while Kushina wrapped her arms around Naruto as Minato nodded his thanks to Shikamaru while Jiraiya messed up Naruto’s hair. Naruto shivered and then jerked in realization.
“The cold spots and when I randomly get cold, is that them?” Naruto asked, eyes getting glassy as tears started to well up.
“That’s them, you were never alone Naruto.” Shikamaru took Naruto’s trembling hands and wasn’t surprised when Naruto burst into silent tears, looking at their interlaced hands like Shikamaru was his salvation.
“Thank you Shikamaru, thank you.” Naruto sniffed before he gave Shikamaru a genuine, soft smile.
“Oh,” Shikamaru realized as he returned the soft smile with one of his own.
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narasnooze · 2 years
@shikaku-the-nara asked:
[knock]  your  muse  shows  up  to  my  muse’s  house  unexpected.
   It took a few minutes, and a thud or two coming from inside, before the door opened. “You know, you don’t have to––  ... Dad. Hi.” Shikamaru stepped to the side to gesture for Shikaku to enter as he ran a hand through his newly washed hair.
   “Everything alright?”
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murasakiirohana · 1 year
Send 📼 to see an early childhood memory of my muse’s
She would be the last one to admit she's scared. She especially doesn't like to show it either for fear of appearing weak or getting teased if it is something that shouldn't be all that scary-- but there is no one around right now so she can at least admit to herself that she is terrified as tears start to well up in her eyes. This current situation was all her doing, her overconfidence in her ability to keep track of where she'd ran off being her own undoing.
The Nara forest was vast, she should have known better than to go out of bounds from where Shikamaru had designated the hiding zone in their little came but the Yamanaka was far too competitive for her own good and did not heed his advice. Now, she was lost and it seemed no amount of back-tracking was getting her anywhere familiar despite her frantic attempts. At this point, the blonde had settled herself next to a tree in the forest as she accepted her demise with tears streaming down her face She had been overconfident and now she was going to meet her untimely death with no one to find her. At least there were pretty flowers nearby.
"Ah, I suppose you've learned your lesson so I won't be needing to lecture you," she hears someone say as her head darts up to find Shikaku standing over her.
"Uncle!" the blonde is almost too quick to stand up as she nearly stumbles back to the floor before running over to hug Shikaku though her hands go only reach to his legs. She's clinging onto him as an nearly indecipherable series of sentence spill out of her mouth ranging from explanations to apologies for being so careless.
The blonde ends her tangent with a question, "-b-but how did you find me?"
"Ha-- I know this forest like the back of my hand, Ino. You were never really lost. Besides, Shikamaru made quick work of realizing you had went beyond the designated area and went to find me. I think you're one of the only people that can make that boy run." he finishes with a chuckle.
The young Yamanaka finally releases the Nara's legs as she guiltily looks down at the grass. "I didn't mean to cause such a fuss, really. I just... wanted to find the best hiding spot."
"I know, Ino, but you need to work with what you have because Shikamaru might not be able to find me next time. Besides, it is actually more impressive to find a good spot to hide within a small area--- and I'm sure you're clever enough to do just that."
Ino can't help but beam at Shikaku telling her he thinks she's clever and she resolves herself to prove him right next time as they finally start making their way back. Despite the dread of having to concede to Shikamaru that she had went and got herself lost because she didn't listen to him, she still wanted to thank him as soon as they returned. She just hopes he can't see any residual tear stains on her cheeks.
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Her main verses are set in canon, although I haven't seen or read anything about Boruto. Nor do I intend to at the moment. But that doesn't mean I won't RP with muses from that verse. I can cross that bridge when it comes up though.
Most of these verses are still getting worked out, so bear with me on that part please. Mini explanations will happen about each verse. There will take time though.
Personal verses
Naruto | Childhood v
Ami grows up in Konoha but visits Suna regularly. Something that helps when her Genin teammates and teacher are killed by bandits on a C-Rank mission to the Sand Village.
Gap between Naruto & Shippuden v
She doesn't hold any hate for the Hidden Sand, despite losing both her Clan and her home to the Chuunin Exams attack. But pain and wariness is never far from her mind.
Naruto Shippuden | -
- To be sorted
Childhood v | Raised in Suna Not trusting the man that her husband was turning into, Jo gained permission (with help from Nara Shikaku) to register her newborn daughter as a resident of the Hidden Sand Village. This meant that Ami is raised by her maternal grandfather to have a more normalised childhood  She grows up with the Sand Siblings and makes a habit of drifting in Gaara's direction, seemingly unconcerned that he could easily kill her. Not that Tatsuya, the dragon she hosts, would let that happen of course.
Gap between Naruto & Shippuden
V: Wandering Medic Despite becoming the only other Chunnin alongside Shikamaru, the Elders of Konoha gave the now lone Firesword two choices: Either join one of the fourbig Clans or hand in her forehead protector and live as a civilian. But with her family now dead and all the Clans being firmly in her corner, Ami swaps her Konoha headband for one with Firesword written in Kanji on it. She leaves the village not as a missing-nin but as a wandering medic with family ties that link her only to Sunagakure.
AU | different to canon
V: Uchiha Clan Massacre never happened
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1️⃣ The One Where Shikaku Invites Trouble
Really. Whatever Inoichi says, this is not Shikaku's fault. Shikaku is a good shinobi. The Hokage clearly instructed them to build goodwill within the Daimyo's court. It's just a bonus that one of the highest ranking nobles approached him and introduced him to his latest conundrum.
That's Shikaku's story and he's sticking to it. Stop laughing Inoichi!
Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the two of his most promising shinobi. Namikaze Minato stood impassively before him and Nara Shikaku is on a slouch that was seemingly perfected by his clan.
"The second eldest son of the Daimyo was found dead yesterday at one of the Daimyo's residences. The period of mourning will start tomorrow for the family." The Hokage let his two ninjas digest the information. The family's period of mourning will last 5 days and then the public mourning will happen for another 5 days. The last day will include the funeral where the second son will be entombed on the family catacomb.
"That would mean that you would be expected to attend the 5-day mourning period in the capital."
"Yes Shikaku-kun. I want you and Minato-kun to be part of my contingent."
Minato nodded. "Was there a suspicion of foul play?"
"There's always a suspicion of foul play in these cases Minato." Shikaku is the one who answered. "Nobles may not have the same tutelage as us but they're sometimes more creative at making murder to look like a suicide or an accident."
The Hokage did not dispute the Nara heir. The Daimyo sometimes asks the Hokage to look at suspicious deaths in his court. But this time it is not the Daimyo but his heir, Hirohito-sama, who sent a second missive.
He relayed the information to Minato and Shikaku. Judging by their eyes  they got his underlying message. Building amity between the next generation ninjas and nobles is the main reason for asking the two of them instead of one of the older ninjas.
It is never too late to foster bonds that will help their village. Aiding the heir of the Daimyo is a definite way to do it. It may seem crass to capitalize on their grief but Sarutobi Hiruzen is the Hokage of their village and a ninja. As ninjas, they always need to know how to turn the tides in their favor, exploit every opportunity, and aid their village in whatever way necessary
Shikaku went to apprise his father of the situation.
His father only gave him one piece of advice. "Try to figure out who would stand as the General for the heir when he ascends. I know that the current general hailed from a known samurai lineage."
Shikaku hates it whenever his father starts his advice with 'try to' because it actually means he better do it. He could also bet his napping hours that his father knows more than what he said about the samurai general. By his father's grin, whatever Shikaku will find out will be a huge headache for him and entertaining for his father.
Shikaku thought of the likelihood of the Hokage agreeing to just switch him out with Inoichi, since the Yamanaka would definitely get a kick out of the mind games of the court. Or maybe one of the Hyuuga twins or Fugaku since their clans are crazy with politics.
"Oh! That's the scheming face!" Inoichi's gleeful voice greeted him when he arrived at Chouza's. He spent the whole way there designing scenarios and then immediately shutting them down because he knows the Hokage will never go for them.
"Now that's the resigned face. What are you thinking about Shikaku?" It's really good Chouza is there to balance out Inoichi's exuberance.
Shikaku ignored Inoichi and turned to Chouza towards the low table in the living room. "Just a new mission. It's politically inclined and you know how I feel about that."
At their looks, he elaborated. "The second son of the Daimyo died. It was suspicious. The kicker was that the heir is the one who sent the missive."
"Meaning, there is a divide within the court, more pronounced than usual. The Daimyo may be appeasing both sides and ordered his son to intercede on his behalf or the heir is going rogue and acting on his own suspicions." Inoichi immediately supplied.
"What did Shikatsu-oji say?"
Chouza took one look at Shikaku and snorted, "Oji-san gave one of his try to do this or that advice, huh?"
Shikaku didn't even bother to answer. He just plopped his head on the table and proceeded to ignore his two snickering best friends.
The palace at the Capitol is as opulent as Minato imagined. Uniformed guards lined up along the wall that sequesters the palace in the middle of the Fire Capitol.
Rumors that the circular base of the palace is due to a fuuinjutsu-added security by one of the successful Uzushio refugees may not be so baseless. Kushina hounded Minato, before he met with the other contingents, about that rumor.
Twelve years after—what the Shinobi nations refer to as the Collapse of the Whirlpool—Konoha's staunchest regret and there is still no concrete evidence about any Uzumaki other than Kushina. If this trip to the Capitol can give Kushina some resolution about what happened to her nation and meet a fellow then all the more reason for him and Shikaku to create a more permanent rapport with the ruling family. Even if the formal garb is itching on Minato and he can clearly see Shikaku and other members of the contingent to be fidgeting as subtly as they can.
With the Hokage up front and his two guards, greeting the Daimyo and his family, Minato and Shikaku are left to their unspoken side-mission.
"I don't see the heir," Minato observed. All of them familiarized themselves with the whole family of the Daimyo. It is a breach of protocol to not be present at the arrival of the Hokage.
Shikaku muttered a low, "Troublesome." Shikaku catalogued everybody and found out that the current General is indeed a samurai. He is standing at the Daimyo's right, two steps behind the ruler. His stance is impeccable, the alertness is clear, and it is fairly obvious that the General is someone to be reckoned with. Shikaku can undeniably see the usefulness of such person.
Shikaku felt a pointed stare from his left and saw the missing heir clearly motioning for him to follow.
Shikaku signalled Minato and it didn't take him long to trail after the heir. He found Hirohito-dono at the end of the corridor clearly waiting for him.
The smile he got, when the heir spotted him, is pained and obviously forced. Shikaku guessed that only the long-ingrained social etiquette allowed the heir to graciously greet him.
"Nara-sama, I hope your journey was well."
"It was, Hirohito-dono. The Hokage and the whole of Konoha express their condolences."
The smile got even more pained, "Thank you. Please send my acknowledgement to the Hokage and to your village. Konohagakure has always been good to the family and supportive of the current regime."
Oh. Shikaku finally got it. The reason he's so restless about the mission. And the constant thought of, what's so different about this suspicious death?
My acknowledgment. Not my family's acknowledgement.
Good to the family. Not my family. Distancing himself from the current regime.
Oh. This is. Oh, so troublesome.
Although slim, Shikaku knows there may be a slight chance he might be reading too much into the heir's words. But the heir's words and actions point to a planned usurpation.
His Hokage needed to be informed right away. Shikaku and Minato are given a great leeway but it does not take a lot of thinking to know that a takeover by the heir against the Daimyo during this time with, what looked like, help with Konohagakure elite ninja is not on either of their purview.
They were walking for about 5 minutes—the heir was prattling about the structure of the palace and the famous arts that surround the hallways—when Shikaku noticed the circuitous way the heir is taking. At Shikaku's askance, Hirohito just gave a shrug and a wink. The move appeared more natural.
Shikaku is even more baffled by the shrug and wink than the plan of usurpation. Was the pained smile and grimace the sham or was it the easygoing attitude?
The layers and level of deception Shikaku is being privy to makes him think that the heir is quite confident the Hokage will back the play that the royal have for the Daimyo's place.
The Nara heir briefly thought that he was being herded towards the office of the royal. The polished hallways giving into cobbled stone made him think otherwise.
They stopped at the archways that lead towards the palace armory. The heir stepping sideways and urging Shikaku to enter first with a telling grin does not inspire any sort of positive feeling to the jounin. Given the current circumstance though, Shikaku is confident that no permanent harm will happen to him.
Five steps in and Shikaku is ready to just blab to the Daimyo and let the heir get executed.
One second he saw a black-haired person, wearing a funeral garb, tending to a very sharp-looking sword,then in a blink he had the said sword right at his throat.
The woman—because with that face, it is clearly a woman—moved alarmingly fast from being cross-legged on the table in the middle of the armory towards him. It is all that Shikaku can do to snag the woman's shadow to stop her movement. She still managed to poise her sword on his neck.
Everybody is frozen, with Shikaku's hands in the air and the Heir looking thoroughly amused.
"Hirohito-sama, how many times do I have to tell you? The armory is off-limits to visitors and you should not startle me."
The heir stepped forward and gestured her sword down, "He's suitably cowed, my lady."
The said lady gave Shikaku a considering look. She gave a challenging smile. "Desist your shadows, Nara-sama."
Shikaku nudged his chin towards the sword. "At the same time, hime-sama?" At her nod, the shadow receded while Juko lowered her sword.
If Shikaku is only a split second slower to connect their shadow his throat would have had a gash. As it stands, Shikaku's throat would no doubt have an angry red line. Her sword felt so cold it burned even if it barely touched him. That is no ordinary sword and he'll label her a ninja if not for her obvious samurai stance.
The blue of her eyes really lent well in throwing icy glares to the two of them. And while Hirohito looked to be somewhat immune, Shikaku is not lowering his guard.
"Minamoto Juko," the heir presented grandly, "Meet Nara Shikaku-sama, the heir of the Nara clan and Konoha jounin."
"Shikaku-sama, meet Juko-chan. She's my carer, sentinel, and the brains and brawn of the operation."
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onemultimuse · 3 years
Did I ever mention that my Shikamaru (and Shikaku // potential new muse 👀👀) both have sadistic streaks.
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musedbyalli · 4 years
@deisbookofdemons reblogged for a Shikaku starter.
For Maverick
“Hey kid, ya should be careful.  Those insects do bite.”  
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Shikaku watched as the young boy had been seemingly observing the interesting insects and figured it was best to warn the boy, even if he weren’t in charge of the kid.  For having some uses for medical-ninja, they had a painful bite, especially if one weren’t expecting it.  
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vinodiriso · 6 years
Misconception I would like people to drop when approaching my muses, Naruto edition.
Since I am sick and tired of people assuming stuff, especially since I have a huge fucking detailed muse page for both Yoshino and Shikaku where you can find: a) backstory ; b) family ; c) a lot of headcanons; and more, I will just list here the things that make me the most mad when people approach my muses:
Shikaku is emotionally barren and/or emotionally blocked. No, he is not. Shikaku is a man that can deal pretty well with his emotions, a man that has no problem showing his affection and his care. This DOES NOT mean Shikaku is a fluffy, happy-go-lucky man, 'cause he is pretty rough around the edge and he will give you a pretty consistent telling off if you happen to fuck up. Shikaku is not a soft man to most, but sure as hell he is not going to watch his son or any people he loves suffer and isolate themselves and not trying to do something about it.
Yoshino is a nagging, loud, Chichi-kind of mother. NO. NOPE. NIET. IE. NO AGAIN. I have spent four goddamn years developing this muse and I won't let anyone disrespect her by forcing onto her the standards of a canon which did nothing but disrespect women. There is a reason why Yoshino is listed in my rules and in my muse page as CANON DIVERGENT. Yoshino is for sure the stricter parent, when the choice is between her and Shikaku, but in my canon she would not (never!!) be a mother like: "Shikamaru, do this!", "Shikamaru, do that!". Yoshino is ABSOLUTELY a terrifying mother, but for other reasons, cue: the light in her eyes when she is disappointed, the grimace she takes on when Shikamaru rolls his eyes at her, the fact that once Shikamaru saw her and dad sparring and dad got his ass handed at him with so much finesse and elegance it was scary.
Shikaku was a bad father to Shikamaru. This shit leaves me perplexed as fuck because even in canon Shikaku shows to be a pretty decent parent, but even so. In your personal canon, dude, you can do the shit you most like; heck, in your canon, Shikamaru could be a fucking orphan. But if you come to me to interact with a Shikaku and demand from me to make him a disinterested, neglecting father, completely ignoring my own canon, then please, fuck off. There are other Shikaku's out there. My Shikaku loves his son more dearly than his fucking life. Sure, he has made mistakes. Sure, it has happened that father and son won't click together (that's why Shikamaru has such a deep relationship with Asuma, and why Shikaku feels inferior to him). But if you think that Shikaku didn't want to go out himself to find Kakuzu and Hidan to settle the score after the pain they had inflicted to his son--- you are fucking wrong. And if you think that Shikaku wasn't the proudest father when Shikamaru came home.... well, again, I am not the Shikaku you need.
Yoshino has nothing in common with Shikamaru. HA! Fool. Who do you think he took from the passion he has in his chest? Who do you think he got from his need to even the wrongdoings? Who do you think he got from the passion for revenge? Who do you think he took from his attachment to the people he loves? Sure, as I said before, Shikaku can love (and very much so), but Yoshino would never accept to fail or disappoint the people she cares for. Hell, the converging points of Shikamaru and Yoshino's characters are so many that it's no surprise mother and son have a hard time communicating. Both of them are emotional people but both of them try their hardest to deny and defy any struggle, any pain. Because they both are prideful fuckers.
I think this covers it. For now. This has been Mirin for "please, read about my characters before approaching them". Will keep in touch.
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ncji · 2 years
Neji knew true happiness. It was lying in the grass on a warm afternoon, watching the clouds drift by as soft snoring filled the silence. It was pondering his next move on the shogi board as the shadows beneath it came alive to distract him. It was lazily hooded eyes sharpening whenever he told the Nara he loved him. Happiness was love.
He also knew true sadness. It was watching the boy he loved walk through the busy streets of Konoha hand-in-hand with a familiar Suna girl. It was hearing the girl confirm to their friends that they were a couple. It was burying his pain because no one knew about their year-long relationship, save for Shikamaru's parents. Sadness was betrayal and heartbreak.
Neji approached the Nara residence at dusk, when the setting sun painted the sky red. He was calm, at least outwardly, when he was met by Shikamaru at the entrance. "I left a few things here," he explained.
"Yeah..." was Shikamaru's short answer. He didn't dare look the Hyuuga in the eyes.
The two were silent as Neji searched Shikamaru's bedroom for all of the things he had brought over to make his frequent stays more comfortable: a hairbrush, several hair ties, a toothbrush, a clean change of underwear, and other items. When it was all safe in his pack, he turned to his ex-boyfriend, desperate to know the answer to one simple question. "Why?" Briefly, he was startled by how hurt he had sounded when he had meant to demand an answer.
The Nara flinched, then focused his attention on the quilt folded atop his dresser, anything but the pained expression on Neji's face. "We can't be together in the long run. You said it yourself...Your clan would never allow it..."
A lump formed in Neji's throat. "All of that tactical genius, and you never even tried to find a way around my clan's laws? Just tell me the truth, Shikamaru. You didn't want me in the long run..."
His silence was his concession.
With a nod, Neji brushed past Shikamaru's shoulder. "I just wish you hadn't been unfaithful. Then, I might have been able to work with you. Choose Hinata if you need a Hyuuga."
Despite his harsh words, Neji found himself at Shikamaru's door by the week's end. News had reached Team Gai of Temari's return home, and Neji had seen it as a sign from the heavens to sacrifice his pride on the altar of Shikamaru's futon. The real sign was Shikamaru's absence, though. Sighing, he sat on the edge of the old porch, the boards creaking under his weight, and questioned his own actions. When had he become so desperate?
"My kid can be such an idiot..." the unmistakable lazy drawl of Nara Shikaku mused.
Neji watched as the clan head rounded the corner of the property and sat himself beside him with a grunt that indicated aging joints and an aching back. Comfortable in the older man's presence, Neji pulled a knee up to rest his chin on, preparing for a dose of blunt wisdom. "I know..."
"A little too well, huh? I met his new girlfriend. Sorry..."
Neji swallowed the lump forming in his throat. "He should be the sorry one..."
"Is that why you're here? To make him sorry?"
Shamefully, he shook his head, layered strands swaying with the motion. "I don't know why I'm here..."
"I do."
Feeling exposed, Neji turned his head in an attempt to hide the color on his cheeks.
"You were going to let him have his cake and eat it too."
The wording had him flustered. Pulling his other leg onto the porch, the Hyuuga clan's genius turned bodily away from Shikaku and hid his face in his arms, which he had folded over his knees.
"If you do that for him, all you'll be doing is keeping her side of the bed warm for her until she comes back."
That had been unnecessarily harsh. Refusing to break in front of Shikaku, Neji got up to leave, but he was caught in place before he could reach the steps.
"You deserve someone who respects you, someone who will be honest with you."
His words touched a part of him few had ever reached, but, still, he kept the dam before his tears firmly in place. "I thought he did respect me. I thought he was honest..."
"Yeah, well, you don't know an honest man until you have to compromise for him."
A familiar sensation crept up his rigid frame and manipulated his body until he was finally facing Shikaku, who was leaning comfortably against the outside of the building. Neji's brow furrowed. "Had he been honest with me, I might have considered it..." he admitted.
Smirking, Shikaku shook his head. "Tch. You were here to compromise."
Trapped in the grip of his shadows, all the Hyuuga could do was stare elsewhere, where he wouldn't have to see the judgment on Shikaku's face. It was undeniable. He had been willing to be Shikamaru's booty call while his girlfriend was away. He caught movement in his peripheral vision, though, that pulled his gaze back. The shadow master stood before him, too amused for Neji's comfort. Was he enjoying his suffering? Did he find his weakness funny?
No, it was something Neji would have never guessed, not even in his wildest dreams.
"If you want to compromise for someone, I have this arrangement with Yoshino. I allow her to continue seeing her girlfriend, which she's had since she was in the academy, and she allows me to see any man I want."
Speechless, Neji could only blink as the Nara leaned closer until the tips of their noses bumped gently together.
"And I actually do eat the cake."
The quietest gasp was sucked in through his awe-parted lips, then promptly turned into shared breath between them as Shikaku recognized his consent and claimed a kiss. It was wrong, so wrong, but Neji had never been so aroused in his life. Why had he spent the last year dating a boy when a man could have been treating him like this?
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pxnk-velvet · 4 years
heyyy do u think you can do shikamaru x reader where she comforts him while he cries. like he won't let her comfort him for the longest time bc he's being stubborn and then he just criesss into their shoulders or chest or whatever and it's just fluffy at the end lol
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Shikamaru Nara x Fem!Reader
Summary: After the loss of his sensai, Shikamaru is stubborn and refuses to let anyone see him in such pain, especially his girlfriend. Until he finally opens up to her and she comforts him.
Warnings: sad Shikamaru 😔, breakdown, mentions of character death
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When Shikamaru didn’t come to see Y/n after his return from his mission, she knew something was wrong. 
Her worrisome and caring nature contrasting Shikamaru’s nonchalant, laid back way about life. It was a miracle that those two were dating. But like the saying goes, opposites attract. 
The sound of gravel grinding under the soles of her shoes echoed through the empty streets as she rushed to the Nara residence. The front gates ricocheted as she flew through them. Stopping abruptly to remind herself that this wasn’t her house. Taking a minute to get herself together and breathe, knocking on the front door to see if anyone would answer. 
The silence rang in her ears as she waited, approaching the door until it finally opened. There stood Shikaku, a grave look on his scarred face. It left a feeling or worry she didn’t like. Like this time there was actually a reason to be worried.
“He’s in his room.” The older man, stepped aside, allowing Y/n passage inside the familiar home.
She quickly rushed to her boyfriend’s bedroom, trying not to be too abrasive or disruptive. Her footsteps were quiet as she approached the door she had walked through countless times before.
“Shika? Are you there?” Y/n called, knocking on the door gently, “It’s me.”
There was another string on silence following her words.
Finally, after a few moments of silence, he spoke up.
“Yeah,” He muttered only loud enough for her to hear.
There was something about the tone of his voice that made her heart ache. A shakiness like he had been crying or was about to cry. Something she had never heard before.
Not once during there relationship had Y/n seen Shikamaru in tears. It simply wasn’t his thing and didn’t happen often. He typically wasn’t one to be emotional in front of his friends or family, let alone his girlfriend. That was the one person he didn’t want to see him in shambles. But he figured it would eventually happen at some point. Where she would bare the scene of his tears for whatever reason.
“Can I come in?” She mused, leaning up against the door, ear pressed to the surface to hear what was happening on the other side.
Shikamaru gave a shaky sigh, contemplating his next move as he sat, slouched on the edge of his bed. His cheeks tear stained and rosy. Mind still replaying the events of the mission.
This had happened once before. A mission like this. It resulted in the loss of a life. More specifically the loss of someone dearest to him. His sensai, his mentor, his friend, and more. Watching the life slowly seeping out of someone’s eyes was something Shikamaru didn’t ever want to experience again.
With a deep sigh, he slowly stood from his spot, taking heavy steps towards the door. He paused, a surge of tears coming to the surface as he gripped the door knob.
“I don’t want you to see me like this, Y/n.” Shikamaru confessed, leaning his forehead against the door, tears cascading down his face.
The pain detected in his voice left Y/n heartbroken. Her chest aches as her own eyes began to water.
“Shika....” She sobbed, placing a gente hand against the doors front. Caressing the texture underneath her fingertips.
“Y/n....please go...” He insisted, sobbing a little more. Trying as hard as he could to suppress his own cries of grief.
Her heart wrenched in her chest as she pleaded with her lover, “Shikamaru, please don’t do this. Just let me in, ok?” Her voice and hands shaking like leaves in the wind.
The vice grip Shikamaru had on the knob finally let up, loosening and twisting it hesitantly. Y/n stood back when she heard the knob moving, allowing him time to open up. Stepping back, careful not to put any sort of pressure on him by seeming too eager.
The door slowly pulled back, revealing Shikamaru’s figure little by little until he stood completely visible in front of her. Their red crying eyes looking in a strong gaze. Reading each other’s pained expressions. The tear painted cheeks, red puffy eyes. A million thoughts running through their heads.
Shikamaru opened his mouth, expecting words to fall from his lips. Only for the lump in his throat to release itself as a sob. Y/n was quick to rush into his arms. Allowing gravity to take them as they held each other in their arms. Shikamaru gripping tightly onto Y/n, afraid that if he’d let go he’d lose her too. Both of them sinking to the floor, kneeling into each other.
Shikamaru sobbed into her chest as she placed a kiss to his forehead and help him close to her heart. Taking her fingers through his hair, crying with him.
“Asuma....” Shikamaru stuttered through tears, “He’s gone.”
“Shhh...” Y/n hushed, “You don’t have to speak.”
And he didn’t. The pair of lovers sat on the floor in the dead of night. The only light illuminated the room was the moon light peaking in through the window. Washing over them in a sea of beauty as they cried in each other’s arms.
They spent the night bathing in emotion. Relishing in everything that had been held in for so long, Shikamaru relieving himself of the pressure built in his heart. Relieving the guilt, grief, sadness, pain.
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starlitdumbass · 2 years
sorry to bother you again, please do let me know if you'd like me to shut up lol
but they've done it
my muses have figured out the Calamity
A man by the name of Hidan, once of flesh and blood and devout priest to the dark deity Jashin, had long ago lost his physical form, but his spirit continued to wander and cause chaos and death in his wake. He was eventually trapped within a statue and locked away deep within the Mountain. After unknown millennia, somehow his tomb shattered and Hidan roamed free again. Possessing Shikaku (and possibly Yoshino) he slaughtered the Nara clan and severely wounded the Shadow they followed.
Shikamaru sealed away his own parents, knowing they were being used by Hidan, and waited for many, many years for anyone to help him eradicate the immortal Jashinism priest, but be able to leave his parents alive.
just adding more musings to the pile lol -- Hope you're having a great day! <3
Your not bothering me! It's actually the contrary, I am really enjoy more and more info on this. It's like little gifts in my inbox I enjoy it so much 🤍🖤
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I love the building of this a lot it's just!!! So good!!!
Also I was thinking what if it was like hidan and Kakuzu who had possession of Shikamaru's parents? I'm not 100% sure on Kakuzu's to role tho. Maybe like a power hungry ot something. I gonna think in it and maybe come up with something for your consideration!
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narasnooze · 4 years
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 • indie & private/select. role play blog for Nara Shikamaru. •                        - 4 to 5> years post-war by default -                        / other timelines tagged as such /
                * sparse activity as of late *
 If you are curious, you can read some general information I have provided for you down below. Such as Muse-info, blog content, writing/shipping & ooc info.
                                                            – 🦌 (¬、¬)
  you may also find me @sarutobi-mirai​  &  @kamizuki-hagane​
• College/University verse. • Hospitalised verse. • Single Father verse. • Police officer verse.
**important note before we start… and possibly my only “rule”.
If you are under the age of 18… PLEASE do NOT interact with this blog since there are occasions of 18+ CONTENT.
also; Disclaimer: I ship post-war/canon div Asuma/Shikamaru, it is my otp. I also enjoy other ships with a slight age difference. I know some people are iffy about those kinds of relationships, even though you do love Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively and/or Michael Fassbender & Alicia Vikander together––   ( but i want to make it damn clear that: I do NOT ship underage/adult. Both characters MUST be above the age of 18. My Shikamaru is 24 ) I just wanted to have this written down to "warn" those who have issues with ‘Age Gap relationships’. 
Full Name: Nara Shikamaru 
Age: 24. ( depending on thread/verse, ofc. )
Birth Date: 22 september
Affiliation: Konohagakure / Hidden Leaf
Ninja Rank: Jōnin ( depending on thread/verse/timeline. )
Nara Shikaku, Nara Yoshino, Nara Clan
Considers Ino & Chōji his family as well. Yamanaka & Akimichi Clan.
would also consider Konohamaru & Mirai his family at this point..
B L O G   C O N T E N T;
I’m an Angst-loving goose with often dark or thriller themes in mind… However, I’ll write everything. Love myself some AU’s. Sexual themes… For most part, I just tend to ‘fading things to black’, in other words… writing things leading up to the more explicit sexy stuff and then cut it there, and continue the thread after the… activity. But I can go into juicy detail if we’re comfortable with that.
* ! • There is a fair amount of DEPRESSION surrounding this Shikamaru that will more than occasionally pop up in drabbles I write or in replies in threads. As well as posts I reblog, such as art/photos or quotes with those themes. Shikamaru is a high functioning depressed dude... If this is something you want to avoid for your own well-being, then I suggest you don’t follow this blog. Remember that Your own health is much, much more important. Please, take care of yourself & reach out for help when you need it. <3
I’m OC-friendly, just have an information page about your character that I can read! c: ( unfortunately a little iffy about ‘oc-sisters/brothers/kids’ to my own muse. ) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
S H I P P I N G;     x.extra info.x
I don’t give a flying fuck about Age Gaps…   I even find them quite lovely; as long as they’re legal.
 [ shika’s sexual preferences can be found here ]
Chemistry is a must. I’ll ignore any pre-established romantic relationships. I want to write with you first, see where our characters go… It all depends on how our muses bond, and how we as writing partners ‘vibe’ as the kids say these days, too. I think it works best when people have a similar humour and such... so that things don’t become forced and awkward in our threads. Does that make sense?
– I want to point out that I WILL NEVER PUSH ANY OF MY SHIPS ONTO YOU. if you don’t ship what I ship, then that’s totally fine, obviously. We can still write threads. Everything doesn’t have to be shippy love love. There is also a thing called ‘One Sided Love’… which I’m all for. I’m ok with my muse having feelings for yours, but yours not for mine and vice versa.      thaT’S SAD AND ANGSTY AND WE ALL KNOW I LOVE THAT…
I’m a sucker for rare ships.  (That includes non-healthy/dark/enemies-to-___ ones.     my ship; Gengo/Shika for example.) Like, really rare.    so, don’t be afraid to be curious and wanting to explore. come at me with'em. i’ll listen, i’ll hear ya’ out.
This is all just FICTION, after all... 
Ships can be a Coping Mechanism for some people. It’s not up to you to tell people what to ship or how to cope.
W R I T I N G;
English is not my first language, so there will be errors at times. I hope I’m easy enough to understand, though. I can do short threads, but when I really get into it; I can get a little bit out of control and write… a lot. You don’t ever have to feel the need to match it. Just give me something to go on.
and by all means; OVERPOWER SHIKA.
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––   G E N E R A L ‘ ooc ‘  I N F O;     **updated 5/05-24
I’m located in northern Europe. 29, she/her...  I go by Kettu.
I’ve provided some overall info for you to either read or not read. It’s totally up to you. These are not to be considered rules, but more a simple little ‘Good To Know’ type of thing. If you forget; No harm done. We’re only humans, forgetting is to be expected.
• I will write replies when I have time, when I feel like writing is easy, basically when I’m in the mood and have muse. And depending on what mood, it also means I will only reply to those threads that are in the same vibe~. If I’m all sunshine and the weather is nice, then I obviously can’t write dreadful angst and death...   And vice-versa.
• muse ≠ mun. Whatever I write my muse say, do or think does not automatically mean I mean, do or think so myself. It also doesn’t mean my muse is correct. I always allow my muses to make mistakes, because everyone does. 
• Roleplaying is just a hobby to me. I live a life outside of this hellish site, and I have family + other hobbies I enjoy. I live on a small farm which means I have a lot of work to do at home as well. • BORUTO: Next Gen is highly ignored here. Personally, I think the entire Boruto thing is a very poorly written fan fiction that I would’ve written myself as a twelve year old, and frankly; I hate it. Yes, even more so than The Last movie.  We all have our different opinions, however. I will obviously not hold it against you if any of you enjoy it. Some love mustard, some hate mustard. We can still be friends. And, at last... 
  – I do not believe in or approve of Cancel–, Call Out– or Attacking Culture
this is getting awfully long and boring so I think I’m done for now,
Have a good one!
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kahenn · 4 years
( Send “Flirt” to my inbox for my muse to say something accidentally and unintentionally flirtatious to your muse. )
@vinodiriso​​ said:
Shikaku's simp urges compel me to say "Flirt"
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The Nara have been good to the conservatory, bringing unique specimens from the forest they care for. Shikaku frequently made deliveries of all sorts of things, always useful to their studies.
She grins, at him, coveting the basket of rare herbs he’s just brought. “You know, I think out of all the specimens you bring, you’re my favourite~!”
Meaning he’s the favourite because he is so generous with what he shares but it sounds wrong. It just sort of flowed out her mouth. 
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“Ah, wait-”
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