#MY FAVORITE TYPE and my favorite vocaloid i'm so happy
typenull · 1 month
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Project VOLTAGE new supporting illustration "Many Signs" and character reference sheets
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qfzeeph · 3 months
Suprise! You get Zeeph Writings today because I am very sick and thinking about him to keep me sane :3
♡Kaito (Vocaloid) x Reader/Master HCs [3]♡
♡Reader is Sick♡ ♡Kaito is taking care of them!!♡
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☆Since he's a weird android-type thing, Kaito doesn't really get sick in the way we do. Which makes him all the more available to take care of you when you fall ill.
☆it doesn't matter what you've got. This man will be by your side until the day you recover, wether that be if you're stuck at home or in the hospital recieving care. (For the sake of this post, reader is mainly going to be ill at home.) ☆He'll happily sleep on the floor when you're too sick to share a bed. He tries to stay close by to you incase you need anything ☆if you DO need anything, he'll do his best to have it right away. Tissues, ginger ale, you name it. ☆Keeping high spirits while you're sick is important. Kaito is really good at making you feel happy even when you're feeling your worst. He'll sing lullabies to you to help you sleep, watch TV with you to make you feel less alone, and even sits on the side of your bed when he can so you can hold his hand. He won't let you feel like you're suffering alone even for a second. ☆Sometimes being sick isn't pretty. Even when you're a disgusting hot mess, he's going to be right by your side to help you clean up. Hell, he'd help you clean yourself up, send you back to bed, and then take on the rest of the cleaning on his own so you can rest. He doesn't care how gross the mess ends up being, because if it's for you it's worth it. ☆Likewise, you have a washing machine. If something gets on the scarf, it gets on the scarf. He understands human illness isn't always just the sniffles and icky things do happen. He isn't going to get mad at you if he gets a little dirty trying to care for you. ☆Kaito tries not to be too clingy while you're sick. He understands that cuddling and hugging and being attached to you at all times is more stressful than comforting when you're not feeling well. He can't wait for you to be back on your feet so he can shower you with affection again. Though, sometimes he can't help himself and leaves little kisses on the top of your hand or forehead. If he's sitting next to your bed, a little hair ruffle means the world to him. ☆The first thing he'll want to do together after you recover completely is either take you to go get ice cream or alternatively your favorite sweet dessert. He'll even pay for it since you deserve a nice treat after all you've gone through. ...so basically, I have the norovirus ;A; it is NOT fun! But thinking about my blue guy makes me feel a little better. I'm cooped up on the couch (I have a loft bed and was having a hard time getting in/out of it) with one of my Kaito plushies to keep me company. As usual, thanks for givin' a read and hope everyone is healthy! ...at least healthier than I am right now :(((
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gothicxreylover · 4 months
FUFFUFU aaaaaaaaaa you’re so good at writing like every time i see your sunny writings, i smile like it's so good!! and you work really fast, i love it! sjdjkaxk, how about the main 6 with a s/o who’s an idol? kinda like mmj (if you play pjsk)
Hello there sorry for seeing this late and I would like to make this request! Yet again I'm sorry for not seeing this earlier!
Warnings- Mention of beating (Aubrey's part)
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Sunny- As much as Sunny doesn't listen to music (I think he likes classical music as a Headcanon) He's very impressed by your singing and your songs. He likes to listen to them when he misses your voice maybe he even listens to them when he's going to bed. He's very supportive even if he's not good at showing his supportive face he likes to buy your merchandise. Even if it's a lot of money he likes to support you the best way he can.
Mari- She loves your music especially if you like to sing Vocaloid music. Mari is very in love with Vocaloid music so it's not a surprise you hear it now and then in her room. She's probably one of those people who knows the name of the music after hearing a few seconds into the song. Like Sunny, she would waste her money on your merchandise no matter what. She does have a bit of trouble saving money but is truly grateful if you send her some merchandise that she wanted.
Hero- He's supportive even if he doesn't understand that type of music. He would hear it once in a while but not all the time. He doesn't fully understand the genre of the music but likes to listen to it because of your voice. He never knew you could sing like a beautiful dignity. Of course, he does spend his money on your merchandise once in a while probably like small stuff like pins or a T-shirt. He likes to save his money on other things like taking you out on small dates.
Kel- He's so hyped up for your music. Like Hero, he doesn't understand the genre of the music but he doesn't care if it's you singing it he'll love it no matter what. A bit too broke to buy your merchandise but does improvise. He would make homemade stickers or maybe try to make a paper figure of you/your persona. I feel like if someone sees you in public he'll say "Yeah they're my significant other. Did you know they could sing and have their own songs too?" You probably have to drag him away from the person because he would spend hours talking about you.
Aubrey- Loves your music. She probably shows her support by wearing a T-shirt with album covers on it. Sometimes her friends tease her for it but she'll probably beat them up if they keep pushing it. Like Kel, she doesn't have money so she'll improvise by making homemade pins and stickers. She'll be very happy if you send her some of your merchandise but try to keep cool.
Basil- He loves Vocaloid a lot and that's probably his favorite genre of music. He has some of your merchandise like T-shirts, posters, pins, stickers, and maybe one figure of you/ your persona. He's very embarrassed to say that he likes your music but it's pretty obvious that he loves it by how many things he has of your merchandise.
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my-past-disgusts-me · 5 months
Your Turn to Die characters but they're my favorite Vocaloid producers and not all of them are there GO
Kikuo - Shin. Something about him just has such a Kikuo vibe. Is it perhaps his unbearable melancholy? Perhaps the autism energy? Maybe it's just because I'm a Shinnie. Who knows.
PinocchioP - Anzu. Pop and fun, sure, but also. W. What. What is Psychedelic Smile. What is Schevengingen. Why is Whatever Yama-sama Says Goes so sad. Why does Aimaina hit me directly in the soul. Why must love be pain. I think she'd enjoy Pino-san's work.
Maretu - Reko. I don't think I need to elaborate much, just go listen to Aishiteitanoni and White Happy, maybe a little Taste of Cockroach I trust you to get where I'm coming from.
Utsu-p - Alice. He definitely wishes he could pull off drum lines for Utsu-p's music, poor thing. He's got that screaming against the world, looking for connection and being unable to find it energy.
Sasakure.uk - Nao. There's a lot. Just, a lot. You think you know an artist and then they turn around and pull out Åmara (The Great Intelligence) and you're hooked. Vague in such a compelling way. The more recent the discography the more fascinating it is. Like Nao!
Monaca.factory - Kanna. It's childlike and soft vibes, I think it fits her perfectly.
23.exe - Jou. Just, positive vibes with more below the surface than you'd think. That's him baybee
Ferry - Sara. The fucked up teenager energyyyyy, the fucked up traumatized teenager energyyyyy plEASE. You cannot tell me that 100 Epitaphs isn't Sara-coded. You cannot tell me that Sara and Sanya aren't so very similar. Plus The World is Smiling on Me UGH it has Sara written all over it, anyways.
Siinamota - Safalin. Something about the "Saa" in Q makes me think of her.
Nashimoto-ui - Kai. There's such a soft melancholy to Nashimoto-ui's music and I think it fits Kai quite well. He suffers, but he does not scream.
Hachi - Keiji. He's fucked up in such a way.
Azari - Mishima. Not a lot of screen time and under-appreciated by wider fandom NEXT
Beau Jordan - Qtaro. The mix of existential contemplative music and just, fun pop is very him, I think. Also Beau Jordan started off as Ctrl Ult Delete which is the shiteyanyo "joke" cover channel and that reminds me of Qtaro being a burger. Why. Anyways.
Neru - Ranmaru. Fucked up teenager energy. Wanna kms energy. Why am I still here energy. Get this Pomeranian therapy, dear Lord.
Kurage-P - Ranger. TRASH and TRASH! has such him vibes tbh. Also the fast paced and the sometimes fucked up topics (Check 1 2 hello????? Huh????? Girl chilllll) And dear lord Diary of Underage Observation is like. Ranger good ending.
cosMo@Bousou-p - Miley. Fucked up and upbeat and so much fun but also VORE SONG????? THAT SONG IS ABOUT VORE????????? HELLO????????????? A terror to behold, gamers quake upon seeing cosMo-san's name, just as Sue Miley is a harbinger of chaos and suffering. And yet, we love her dearly. Such is the way of things.
Chinozo - Mai. She seems the type to mask too much. This music is for people who mask too much.
Pepoyo - Hinako. I don't think this needs much explanation.
Mafumafu - Gin. It's the cat motifs.
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superstar-ethereal · 4 months
finally doing an intro post woo!!
i go by ethereal, aether, cassidy, or star(mainly star on here but i'm fine with whatever!)
i use any pronouns with a pref for they/it/fizz
my main fandoms atm are fnaf, danganronpa, genshin, vocaloid/project sekai, mcr, and bsd
↑current biggest ones are danganronpa and mcr, but i'm not really the type to leave a fandom for good, so i'm still happy to talk about/engage with the others!
i'm Incredibly Sane And Normal about kokichi oma
↑i don't talk about him much but he occupies half of my brain capacity at all times
i'm a reality shifter. anti-shifters are allowed to interact, but fighting me about it is a swift way to get blocked
↑also adding onto that i started my shifting journey around M2/D19/Y23
i have really bad adhd, please be patient with me ^^
my other accounts are @windblume-star(my fanfic account/my account for rambing about characters when i'm too embarrassed to do it here), and @just-a-spam-sideblog(my account for spam-reblogging things so it doesn't cloud up my main one)
xenogenders and aromantics/asexuals(yes, icluding cishet and allo/amato(respectively) folks)belong in the lgbtq+ community. if you disagree, the door's that way ←↑
my main hobbies are reading(fanfiction), writing, and playing video games
i make typos and the likes a bunch, so please tell me if you need something corrected!
↑also i use caps lock a lot
↑↑alsoalso i swear sometimes
i'm in CT but my sleep schedule is ass so there's zero guarantee when i'll be awake
tags under the cut! <3
#☆||starry reblogs -- for reblogs
#☆||starry talks -- for original posts by me
#☆||starry answers -- for responding to my asks
#☆||starry gets tagged -- for posts other people tagged me in
#☆||fanfiction -- old tag for fanfic i reblog. don't really use it anymore, though, since i have a whole seperate blog for that (tagged somewhere above)
(all these tags are pretty self-explanatory, but my main fandom tags are #danganronpa, #genshin impact, #vocaloid, #project sekai, #mcr, and #bungo stray dogs)
#general humor -- for non-fandom things i find funny
#positivity -- for nice little messages :3
#important -- self-explanatory, for important posts
#serious talk -- for posts that are less fun and silly
#lgbtq+ -- for all posts regarding the queer community
#conversation -- for back-and-forth reblog chains between me and other people
#personal collection -- a curated little trinket box of all my favorite stuff on here
#adhd -- for all posts regarding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
#routine reblogs -- for tumblr holiday posts i keep up with (mainly just out of touch thursday)
#shiftblr -- for all posts regarding reality shifting and the community around it
#reblog bait -- for anything from 'reblog if you support acting cringe on the internet' to 'not reblogging is a moral failure'
#unofficial pinned posts -- for things i'd pin if it was possible to pin more than one post at a time
i may or may not add more to this later but for now that's all i can think of so bye!! have a good day <3
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enamation · 2 years
if it’s okay can i request nightcord with a reader who’s peppy yet serious and caring and they want to join the group because they’re friends with kanade and what is their reactions?
Hello hallo hello !! Im literally gonna cry I had written this the second i saw the ask and right before i was going to post it i left the app since my parents had texted me and now its ALL GONE :(((, so this has been rewritten, i hope you enjoy !!
Type: Multiple Headcannons
Warnings: None
❥ NIGHTCORD at 25 + Reader: New Member?
headcannons start utc !!
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You had known Kanade for a while now, actually
You two had met at the music store, when Kanade was looking for a new CD to get inspiration from, she picked one that was made by your favorite group, and you started a conversation from there!!
You learned about what had been going on with her, and how she can get so immersed in music she forgets to take care of herself sometimes
This causes you to always text Kanade and remind her to do certain things for herself
Once you find out about 25-ji, it takes you a few days, but you decide to ask her if you could possibly join
She hesitates and stiffens up slightly once she reads the message
She compared the sekai, the vocaloids, and Mafuyu, to lively, sometimes serious, caring, well.. you
She first thought it might be a recipe for disaster, but she decides to ask the others first that very night before she makes her own decision
Lets find out how they react to you 🤔
❝ Ah- well, it might be a bit difficult, but I'll make sure to mention you to the others. ❞
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I mean, she didn't think that much of you, just kinda saw you as someone Kanade mentioned
When she first met you, she found you a bit annoying..
But as time went on, she suprisingly didnt mind your presence, you were just sort of something brighter than everyone else, and admired (she obviously doesnt know that) the way you can easily switch and become serious when needed
Mafuyu appreciates how you do your best to take care of Kanade and make sure she takes showers, eats, etc.
She doesnt trust you too much yet, so until Kanade decides to show you the Empty Sekai, you'll have to bear with her and her good girl persona
She doesnt mind you becoming a member at all.
❝ Welcome to 25-ji, Y/N. Its great to have you here. ❞
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When Kanade tells the group about you, she doesnt see a reason for you being there
Whats your role 🤨❓ Kanade already is the songwriter, Mafuyu lyricist, She illustrator, Mizuki the video editor, so..... 🤔
As she hangs out with you more and understands your character, she finds comfort in you
Youre lively, youre serious, youre caring, and most importantly, you willingly act as her reference
Drawing around you calms her down alot more, and she loves talking with you even though sometimes you can get a little too happy for her liking
She would love for you to be in the group !!
❝ Thats amazing to hear !! Welcome to 25-ji Y/N !! Dont let Mafuyu scare you away, okay? ❞
You have no idea what she means by that.
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Mizuki is the only one that thought it wouldn't hurt to have another member! That doesnt mean they don't need to meet you first, though.
Once you two finally met, they almost immediately took a liking to you!
You didnt eye them weird when they teased you, you two could goof off together, and you could take them and other things seriously immediately. Mizuki sees you as (from what they call) a 'focus point'
When they need a break from the group or the world in general, you're one of the first people they go to.
Similar to Ena, they also find comfort in you
Youre such a great person to be around, it was a yes from them before you even spoke.
❝ Yaha! I'm glad to hear you're one of us now! We're gonna have a good time together, Y/N. ❞
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archivalofsins · 7 months
For the ask game— 1, 2 and 18 for Yuno. 2, 11, and 14 for Muu. 2, 5 and 20 for Amane. I’m not sure if the 2s are repetitive, but I’m especially interested in your thoughts on that question in general. Also I’m sorry if I gave you too much since I’m never sure what the proper amount is for these types of things. Feel free to cut a character or a few questions out.
milgram character ask game ! send the character + the questions
Thanks for the ask! It's not too much, I'm happy to see that you're interested in my thoughts on this!
Kashiki, Yuno/ Yuno Kashiki
1. favorite song lyrics? 2. favorite mv moment/frame? 18. which non-deco vocaloid songs do you think suit them?
Favorite song lyric from each mv and cover song in order-
"Why are you here? You annoy me a little."
The tone used here along with the visuals paint a really nice picture. Also, Yuno just sounds so pouty when annoyed.
"Is it a day off tomorrow? But anyway, let’s be together till the morning."
I really like how she goes from,
"Wait do I have time off tomorrow to well that doesn't matter for now we're together and we'll stay together until morning."
It really shows off that understated feeling of infatuation throughout the song.
"Am I a bad girl? Please don’t answer."
I like this line because it's not only addressing the audience but the people she knew before Milgram. Illustrating that she doesn't want someone to view her as bad for the things she chose to do. Yet also highlighting how she doesn't want an answer from the audience or this other person at all. She just wants her actions and feelings recognized but she doesn't want a good or bad label attached to them and I think that's neat.
"I messed up. I found out."
This line is done really well in the mv and the light airy laughter as it's sung is reminiscent to the scenes where we see Yuno blowing up the balloons.
Sticky Bug
"Say that you love me, say that you love me since there's nothing else I need."
"Say that you love me, so it won't ever be forgotten."
"From now on keep thinking of me fondly, ok?"
"Hey, I love you! I really love you! I super-duper love you! I love you so much I don't even know anymore! Ah, that's just the tip of the iceberg. So, please let me keep filling you with this love."
"Say that you love me. Saying that I don't need anything else isn't being honest. Say that you love me for if I'm lucky, then at any rate, I really want every single part of you."
I really just love the tone used when all of these lines are sung. This cover really shows off how full of love Yuno is for those she likes even if she gets cold sometimes. I really love the contrast between it and Umbilical.
Tear Drop
"Happy or sad? Why decide?"
I really love this line. It's so blase but speaks volumes about Yuno's mindset. Putting her dislike of labels on full display. As she questions again why is it so important for others to tell her how they feel about her actions, the choices she made.
Instead this time she's not telling the audience not to answer like she did in Umbilical she's reprimanding people for deciding things about her life and circumstances without even knowing her opinion on it. Following up on her statements about the audience creating a sob story for her within her voice drama. The audience deciding that her life must have been sad that she must not know what love really is yet, etc.
It's a really good line.
"If you want “me”, come marco, I’ll polo."
I like this line because it highlights how Yuno doesn't like people chasing an idea of her. How people create this idealized version of her in their heads and project it on her expecting her to take responsibility for the misconceptions they formed. But- Yuno has no intention of taking responsibility for what other people assumed about her or giving into their assumptions.
She only smiles when she wants to smile and frowns when she wants to frown. It doesn't matter how people perceive that or want her to respond to their kindness. To me this was her blatantly saying keep chasing this idea of me and I'll keep moving further away. Just like in a game of marco polo. The audience is shouting out all these ideas of who they believe her to be who they want her to be and she's moving further and further away regardless of which way it goes.
"Let’s just do it, please smile?"
I like this one because it can be taken as Yuno talking to herself. It also follows up on her first line in her second interrogation when she asks to hurry up and have the song extracted or whatever. In a way i interpreted this as Yuno going like she does in the portal timeline interaction with Amane,
Let's just shut up and be happy because things are going welll aren't they I still have more freedom than the others and I'm not being mentally degraded they're being nice trying to be empathetic. So I should be able to smile about this but it still feels bad just like before. I should just smile and get this over with just pretend to be grateful but I'm not- I'm annoyed and over this.
"Going back and forth between the best and the worst the fruit of anxiety becoming sweet."
Really highlights Yuno's disdain for swinging between extremes of any kind. Displayed by her complaints regarding how the news sensationalizes things in her first voice drama.
"Even if I act tough, I can't go against my feelings."
Highlights that despite Yuno's cold and cool exterior that she's still a person who acts impulsively at times and can wind up subject to her own desires. Even if she recognizes there's no point in it.
"If we can connect and check maybe I can die."
Really enjoy how Sticky Bug highlights the pleasure of infatuation and Vampire highlights the disatisfaction of finding out the person you were infatuated with can't fulfill your needs. Like maybe if we just meet I can finally die or maybe if we just discuss it I can finally let this go. The depression one feels when you want to go further but the other person either can't or doesn't want to.
"It's fine. It's sad. It's painful. Until I eat all of you- It's okay. It's fun. It feels amazing. It's so addicting that I'll drown, screaming."
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Shows off Yuno's habit of getting quiet and reserved when things aren't going well. Because she can't or won't be bothered to fix other's misconceptions about her even if the assertions being made are hurting her more. She'll just do the bare minimum and hope they can read the room. Sadly, most people can't and eventually that turns out badly.
There's something so deeply animalistic about a girl being nice to those around them not because they're having a good time but because they just want the interaction to end and people not taking that hint. Like I can feel that sort of animosity in everything Yuno does. That sort of I'm definitely not enjoying myself but you're going to keep talking anyway because that's how you all are you really don't care if I'm enjoying this or not. If I say what you think is true or not. None of it matters to any of you, you all just want to hear yourselves talk.
And all her songs capture that feeling in subtle and interesting ways.
My favorite mv moment/frame for both her trial mvs are-
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I like that all the background characters in Yuno's first mv have faces showing off her habbit of people watching brought up in her first trial interrogation if I'm remembering correctly and her more personable nature.
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I really like this because
Fu fu is a phrase used to indicate laughter.
It literally looks like she's saying F U to the audience.
Three it displays that she was blowing up this balloon herself or actively making the situation bigger than what it was. Until it burst.
What non-deco vocaloid song do I think would suit Yuno-
At Least
Love Philosophia
A Realistic Logical Ideologist
Sincerity Nature: Drastic Measures of Ignorance (For both her and Kazui)
Kusunoki, Muu/ Mu Kusunoki
2. favorite mv moment/frame? 5. favorite voice drama line/moment? 20. what do you think their social life was like before milgram?
After Pain
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I like how Mu's pupils get larger during this segment when she sees Rei. Like a cat seeing something they like very reminscent of this frame in Otome Dissection-
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And this scene-
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The panicked, shocked, downright anxiety ridden expression on Mu's face at this moment always gets to me it has such an impact.
It's Not My Fault
Or as I like to call it look at her trying to be cool with it. Look at her trying to convince herself what she did was actually okay and valid for two straight minutes to the point that she managed to convince everyone it was not.
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She really believes it's not her fault guys this is the face of someone who fully fucking believes that.
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She's super happy not in hysterics at all. Defintely not reckoning with the very tangible consequences of her actions in the middle of nowhere with barely any people around. Then immediately going this can't be happening and going actually wait what if I am the bad one here directly after this display just to go wait a second you said I'm right so I'm not right- I'm not the bad one here right? You said so all of you said so.
By that i mean anxiety presents in many ways and she and Futa both have it. If she was really confident in her choices she would not have had to hype herself up that much and self-depricate calling herself a drama queen and pitiful on the track. Like girl you don't need Milgram you need communications counseling and self-esteem therapy.
We cannot help you. God did in fact not give you everything you have the moral backbone of an eclair and the social understanding of someone who's befriended manipulators and users that never tell you you're wrong because they don't get anything out of you being right. Girl day one was bad and it's not getting any better. Someone free this girl she's in a state of perpetual torment that she's convinced herself is pleassure. Get better friends and parents.
Nobody that loves you would actually support you acting in a way so self-destructive and the fact that so many people saw you imploding and did nothing is legitimately sad. Then the one person who actually reprimanded you for your behavior you killed because you couldn't take that from them. Everything is wrong here. I'd say pack it up but spaceship shuttle hangers couldn't hold all this. Hell her song barely could.
Favorite voice drama line or moment-
Crying Bee
I like the fact that she canonically spends the first several minutes of her voice drama in tears at the idea of someone several years younger than her and much shorter bullying her. It really shows that she's a bit of an overreactor. Because honestly I think Mu could fold Es too. Like they're frail and short. If it wasn't for the barrier these prisoners would be playing catch with their body.
I also like how she responds to the idea of manual labor. It showcases just how prissy and sheltered she is. It's also really cute how quickly she stops being concerned after she sees Es talking to a rabbit. Like she just thought internally oh they're like that well I guess I don't have to worry too much.
Queen B
I really liked that she highlighted we do in fact have the choice to vote everyone innocent and we just aren't taking it. It speaks volumes because it's Yamanaka throwing the Milgram experiement in our face basically going you're doing exactly what the people in it before did whatever it took to continue the experiement with very little prompting. All he had to say is something bad will happen if we did that and the audience went oh no he's the writer a figure of authority we can't vote everyone innocent guys. Then he really went and wrote that it's such a funny thing to do.
I think Mu's social life before Milgram was rather bad. I don't think it's emotiionally healthy to be around people who only want something out of you or are afraid to disagree with you. Because it doesn't emotionally prepare people for rejection and can cause them to have very visceral reactions to it. She also has a hard time telling her friends iff their behavior is wrong because of it being too indulging even.
It's really not a healthy way to be but it does stop one from sticking out too much and can lead to them being well liked. I think during elementary school Mu may have been bullied a lot for not looking traditionally Japanese and those features became mor ecoveted as she grew up. It's common for overtly foreign looking kids to be treated differently and harrassed in Japan.
So, it was my belief that her reaction to bullying and her being a bully in general was in response to the harassment she faced prior and a way to make sure it didn't happen again. Her social interactions seem to have been incredibly warped.
Momose, Amane/ Amane Momose
I forgot 2 and 5 I'm so sorry-
2. favorite mv moment/frame? 5. favorite voice drama line/moment?
Favorite mv moment/frames-
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I like these frames because she looks so genuinely happy.
Purge March
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I like these shots because the source of her pain is now pasttense. Also the last one makes it look as though Amane is going mind your business.
There's also cryptid Amane-
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My favorite voice drama/voiceline moments are when she points out that what's going on here is technically a crime but she won't judge us, when she says emotions and logic are two different things, and when she tells Es to get up in her second voice drama and calls them out for using we as well.
20. what do you think their social life was like before milgram?
I already answered this one~ So, I'll link it here and I'll add it here as well.
I think Amane was a rather unsocialized child. She seems to have been more used to communicating with adults than peers her own age. It's also stated that she was not allowed to amusement parks where she would have the opportunity to interact with children her own age. In Purge March we see her off on her own with a cat at an underpass used for dumping stuff.
Chances are she didn't have many friends her own age and that cat was the closest thing she had to one. We don't see much of her school life even though she's implied to be going to it. Just her walking to and back home from school. Considering she went to school bruised up like that and home with no issue it doesn't seem like most people were paying attention to her.
She also seems used to being ignored and sitting in silence reading on her own and perfectly fine with keeping it that way if in a particularly bad mood. She also only actively reaches out to other prisoners when she has a pretense to. Most of her timeline interactions with others being prompted by her need for help with studying.
Or even in the minigrams interacting with Mahiru and Yuno when she had bad bedhead. Beyond that she only discusses certain topics in depth. Such as her father who she talks about with great enthusiasm on multiple occassions. She seems to be a father's girl and used to keeping to herself. So, I imagine she only really opens up or shows her more childish side around people she trusts and have shown that it's okay to act that way around.
She's a very emotionally guarded person so she probably doesn't really let herself relax until she has reason to believe it's safe to. At least that's the impression she's given me. Once she does though she can be rather social and opinionated. She's definitely not one to back down just because someone older than her tells her she's wrong.
Like with Futa bringing up she hadn't ate her meat that one time or the birthday interaction she had with Yuno. She can be a very helpful and hopeful person for others to communicate with in Milgram because she reminds the other prisoners that they don't need to back down or bend to the circumstances they're in and I think a lot of the prisoners in Milgram appreciate that about her.
Something best illustrated through these timeline interactions,
22/04/19 (Futa’s Birthday)Futa: Ahh…… I’m not wrong…… I wasn’t doing anything wrong…… Shut up, why are you going on an on about something so minor…… It has nothing to do with you…… Aaahhh……
Amane: Oh, were you talking to yourself, Futa-san? Or maybe there’s something there you’re able to see?
Futa: ……! O-oh, it’s just you. It’s nothing. ……but well, on that note. Hey. Don’t you have anything happening too? Since being in here, just suddenly getting anxious. Feeling as though loads of people are all there condemning you, telling you you were wrong.
Amane:……I’m fine. I don’t know what you’ve done or what it is you’re worried about, but I think if there’s something you believe in, you should stay true to it. It’s not something that should waver just because other people said something. I personally don’t plan on changing my own beliefs even if I’m told I’m wrong either…… ……today is your birthday, correct? I’ll pray for God to keep you under his care
23/06/27 (Amane’s Birthday)
Amane:What is it…… Kashiki Yuno. Don’t sit so close to me. Go away.
Yuno:Sorry for barging in when you’re getting into your worldview thing. But Mahiru-san’s finally managed to get to sleep. Humour me with some small talk while I take a break. By the way, Amane. Have you ever wished you were never born? I’ve thankfully lived a pretty fun life so far, so haven’t really. But you seem to be struggling with something. So, I kinda wondered if you thought like that.
Amane:……I don’t think that. Being born into this world is the first miracle any person experiences, and is something to celebrate. Even if after birth I was put through trial after trial, the value of that will never disappear.
Yuno:Hmm. Ok. ……happy birthday, then. It’s good that you were brought into the world, I guess.
Amane constantly reminds the people she knows that they are not their circumstances. That they are in fact still themselves regardless of what anyone says about them or the choices they make and that if they still believe in and have faith in those choices, they should stick to them. So even though I don't think she communicates often when she does, I'm pretty sure it helps a lot of the people she communicates with.
So, before in within Milgram i think her social life was limited but very fulfilling regardless.
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panvani · 9 months
The project voltage dark type Miku is so youcore
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I'm actually quite happy with this apparent conceptualization of my aesthetic as "geometric goth." I like this design a lot; I think of all the Project Voltage Mikus we've seen so far this one is by far the most plausible as a design for a real Vocaloid MV.
Apparently the artist, Koda Kazuma, did a ton of artwork for NieR:Automata, which has some of my favorite character design. You can definitely see its influence here!
I love her big stupid hat.
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would u perhaps like to talk abt ur fav voice banks and/or producers
i WOULD love to, thank you for picking up the ask bait,
my favorite crypton vocaloids are actually Rin and Len (do not separate them.jpeg) but other than that I also really like Gumi and Ia, and if I feel particularly like dropping a more niche one, Yuzuki Yukari. (and if we're counting SynthV, Solaria, but that seems like a cheat answer almost because her voice is so good)
That said I could list more that I like (and I did already list quite a few there that's beyond "favorite" but ya know) but beyond those it's more like a divide between "I really like the design but don't have enough songs I like to qualify them as favorites" to "I have a lot of specific songs I like but I wouldn't necessarily think of myself as a fan of the particular vocaloids that are featured in them"
As for favorite producers, one of my Favorites is GHOST, and I particularly like the songs Reckless Battery Burns, Aura, Honey I'm Home, Chattering Lack of Common Sense, The Distortionist, Happy Days, and Appetite of a People-Pleaser I'm not very good at picking just a few, haha
I'm also a fan of Kagerou Project, so a bunch of those songs by Jin
And for a producer who does make a lot of songs featuring Miku, I like PinocchioP and some specific songs like God-ish (fucking banger honestly), Apple dot com, I'm Glad You're Evil Too, and eight hundred (though the audio on eight hundred isn't The Best in my opinion, I really like the lyrics)
I'm also generally a fan of a lot of DECO*27 songs, but my favorite there is definitely Ghost Rule
And since I'm still here I'll shoutout a couple other songs I haven't mentioned yet; People Become Ghosts by ive, Undead Enemy by Giga, You Adventure Log Has Vanished! by Jesus-P, Lost One's Weeping by Neru (a classic. to me. and Neru has some other good ones too), A Tale of Six Trillion Years and a Night by kemu (another classic), Copycat by VocaCircus, Mahou by kyaami (it's a cover, but a link to the original is in the description, and it's a really good cover) and Again by Crusher
I'll stop myself from rambling further here, cause I've spent quite a while answering this ask lol (even after I typed that I went back and added a couple)
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red-dyed-sarumane · 4 months
tagged by @itstimetodrew for 15 questions!! thank u!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
i'm not really named after her but i do share a name with an older cousin
2. When was the last time you cried?
last month when i finished pmd eos again. the music and the friendship and the self sacrifice always gets me.
3. Do you have kids?
no & i dont want to for lots and lots and lots of reasons
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i used to play soccer & do swimming when i was young but now the only sports i do are mental gymnastics
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
how they act like are they quiet or loud or grumpy or fun loving or serious etc
7. What's your eye color?
legally blue
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies. i have a very particular taste in horror so i dont always like them but i much prefer them over like "and then everything worked out & they were happy" endings.
9. Any talents?
qc calls me mad talented whenever she sees my doodles so in honor of her im showing off my art here
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10. Where were you born?
in the us. im a pennsylvania resident for those who didnt know
11. What are your hobbies?
digital painting mostly but i havent done that in a month unfortunately. secondly i LOVE LOVE LOVE messing with vocal synths i may not be good but its like my favorite thing. related i like fucking around in my daw but i dont know shit about music so im just having fun being bad. last year i picked up making character plushies too & this year i want to expand that to trying to make rime's hoodie for myself but i doubt it'll go well lmao. i write if feel like it but its mostly to get scenes out of my head & i dont really try to be good. media wise i like to keep up with the niconico daily ranking for vocaloid songs & sometimes i play video games. i dont like to watch things id rather read books but it doesnt happen often. everyone who follows this account also knows i love to over analyze vocaloid songs too.
12. Do you have any pets?
i live with 4 dogs but theyre more my parents pets than mine.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" or like 162cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school it was english & german in college it was ethics
15. Dream job?
none. i like what i have now where i go in, do my tasks, and get to come home free of stress and paperwork to do whatever the fuck i want. i dont deal with customers or anything. worst thing that happens to me is an egg explodes. peak type of job. but i dont want to do this all my life either.
taggingggg @andromedako @estradasphere @kukiyuuri & whoever wants to do it!
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spark-lapis · 5 months
Hi! Ritsu's propaganda submitter here. What would you say is the best way to get into kagepro? Your propaganda made me curious^_^
OH WOW THANK YOU !!! and for the kind tags on your reblog too!!
to be entirely honest kagepro is a bit of a Mess and I'm a pretty casual (and old) fan of it, I haven't even caught up at all since like 2017-- this post (embedded below) has a really good comprehensive explanation of the situation!
basically it started as a series of plot-linked vocaloid songs, which is what I'm most familiar with! then there's also a manga (Kagerou Daze) and anime (Mekakucity Actors) and apparently novels too???
the anime (in my opinion) is basically only supplementary to the rest of it; the real heart of the series is the songs, but I read the manga online on one of those free translation websites back in the day and I definitely enjoyed that at the time as well!!
I don't usually post with links on the tumblr app so I have no idea if tumblr is embedding everything correctly, but this is Kano's character song that i mentioned in the propaganda!! It's an absolute classic and I highly recommend it! (And, due to being a classic, there's tons and tons of interesting vocal covers and such as well!)
most fanmade guides I've seen tend to consistently recommend starting with the songs and, if you do watch the anime, to do it dead last (otherwise it's deeply confusing because they don't really. like. explain anything that's happening. in the anime. basically it doesn't work very well as a standalone), but past that it's kind of a free for all.
as for what songs to start with, searching "kagepro" on YouTube turns up plenty of playlists to take your pick from!! after looking over a few of them I think this is probably the closest to my original experience (embedded below again since apparently Tumblr mobile is weird about in-text links) but ultimately kagepro is a bit more like a Jumble of Characters and Ideas than an actual chronological Plotline, especially since a lot of these songs are actually new and I don't even recognize them! (from what I've heard there is a chronological plot but there's lots of canon time-fuckery and rewinds and loops and routes and it's a whole mess.)
the really Classic songs that I personally recommend the most and consider the heart of the series, in my recommended order (sorted so songs with related characters are grouped together, with my personal favorite songs in bold), are:
Kagerou Days (Hibiya), Konoha's State of The World (Konoha), Children Record (basically the whole main cast), Ayano's Happiness Theory (Ayano, Kido&Kano&Seto), Toumei Answer (Shintaro&Ayano), Lost Time Memory (Shintaro), Kisaragi Attention (Momo), Otsukimi Recital (Momo&Hibiya), Imagination Forest (Mary), Shounen Brave (Seto, Mary), Yobanashi Deceive (Kano), Mekakushi Code (Kido), Yuukei Yesterday (Takane, Haruka), Headphone Actor (Takane), Outer Science (Saeru&Mary), Summertime Record (also the whole main cast; this is the good end I think)
after spending so much time thinking about this and typing it up I actually just went and put together a playlist in this order! especially because the titles differ slightly by translation and there's SO MANY covers that it's really hard to figure out what's the original version if you aren't already familiar with it. this is the playlist I picked the videos from if you are interested in more than just the classics, too!
SPEAKING OF COVERS !! this is a playlist of english covers for most of the really classic songs, and this is a half hour long english cover for a guitar medley of a lot of those same songs!! and this is by far my favorite cover ever for Outer Science, which i just. love how it sounds so much.
SORRY IF THIS IS ALREADY OVERWHELMING i just like to be really thorough if possible!!!! thank you for your interest and best of luck to your blorbo in the competition as well !!!!!! and absolutely feel free to reach out if there's any more questions or curiosities!!
TLDR is basically that I recommend checking out playlists of the songs and fanmade pvs, and/or the manga (under the name Kagerou Daze)! unlike the anime, the manga DOES seem somewhat understandable on its own, but I found it much more fun to read after already knowing about the characters from the songs!!
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etoilerrante · 10 months
munday - toa anniversary edition!
repost, don't reblog. tagging the rest of toa <3 ty neffi for the template!
Name: Red!
Pronouns: She/Her
Birthday (no year): October 13th
Where are you from? What is your time zone? I’m from the Midwest of the US, but I’m moving to New York in- less than a week! 
Roleplay experience: God... overall maybe 8 years? I’ve been playing D+D for about the same time :) 
Got any pets? Parents have 5 Adam Driver cats (which I post frequently) and two dogs. I’d like to have my own betta fish again after I’m settled in. 
Favorite time of year: Fall! I'm a halloween girl.
Some interests and things you like: D+D, Vocaloid, birdwatching
Some funfacts & trivia about you: I’ve been singing almost my entire life. I picked it up after my parents tried to get me to play piano but my hands would not cooperate. Also, I read tarot cards. 
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Pikmin, Project Diva/Sekai, Honkai Star Rail, Taiko no Tatsujin
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Flying type and Umbreon. 
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was playing 3 Houses and told me he loved it. I had gotten some money for Easter and decided to use it on 3h. I didn’t really get into Fire Emblem until I pulled Reyson in FEH and instantly fell in love with his design. 
What Fire Emblem games have you played? I’ve only ever finished Engage and it’s my biggest shame. 
First Fire Emblem game: 3 Houses
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Tellius 
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 you know this already
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening: I have plans to S-support Stahl because he took a crit for my Robin. Fairytale romance imo- Three Houses: Claude - Engage: Kagetsu!!! Silly guy... 
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Dancer
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class? Dancer again
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer 
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with? SIGURD!!!!! :DDD 
How did you find TOA? I wanted to RP Reyson, so I went looking for somewhere with openings. 
Current TOA muses: Just Phina for now. 
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again? Reyson. I would like to drabble with him again, but I feel his muse is pretty dead and it makes me happy to see other people writing him with such care. 
Have you had any other TOA muses? Yeah... I’ve had an embarrassing amount of muses here. Reyson, Janaff, Plumeria, Sanaki, Midir, Kagetsu. Most of their blogs are still up and their URLs are on my about page on Phina’s blog. 
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards? People in love and The Horrors. Recently I’ve really wanted to write about the horrors. 
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most? It changes all the time! I find my favorite writing happens when I'm in sync with where the muse is at, for better or worse.
Favorite TOA-related memory: I'll never forget the friendship between Barely's Ophelia and my Janaff.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔tee-oh-ay. Like the letters. But I do call everyone the Toasters. Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉 I thought about writing Nephenee for a while? Weird. I also have an Embla blog lying around...
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linalilia · 1 year
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 010: himura reina
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my last prisoner oc LET'S GO. tbh it was really hard for me to come up with a design for her but now her design is definitely one of my favorites! idk i just really like how she looks :)
as i said this is my last prisoner oc and that means i'm gonna post my guard ocs after her! very excited, hehe..
General info:
Name: Himura Reina (緋村伶永) (Her last name means "scarlet" and "town" and her first name means "actor, performer" and "eternity")
Age: 20 y/o
Gender: Female
Birthday: February 7 (Aquarius)
Blood type: AB
Height: 163 cm
Image color: #9AB2C8
Occupation: Unemployed
Personality: Reina is.. a very strange young woman. Unpredictable and chaotic, it's hard to say what her true intentions and motives are. It feels like she's plotting something, but at the same time it feels like she's only pretending and she's just messing around. She proudly claims to be the most dangerous prisoner here, she even confessed that she's actually a serial killer.. But for some reason, guards refuse to believe her. It's just so weird, almost all prisoners think that they did nothing wrong and they want to be voted innocent, meanwhile Reina is so desperate, she's basically begging Eiji and Miki to vote her guilty. Why would anyone do something like that? And they doubt that Reina is the type of person to hate herself for her crimes. What's even more interesting is that Reina actually wants to see if the whole "prisoners can't lie" thing is true and she wants to intentionally mislead Eiji and Miki with her MV. Why? Oh, she just wants them to know how "evil" she really is, like, she would really go that far to hide her crimes!.. But then why did she even say that she's a serial killer? Or maybe her crime is actually different and she just doesn't want the guards to see it? Maybe it's easier for her to say that she's a dangerous serial killer than confess to her real crime?
MV info.
Which canon Milgram song she would cover: MeMe. Honestly, this is one of my favorite covers to imagine because I just know that it would sound amazing and also it just.. man, I think it would fit her character so well, but not because she's similar to Mikoto in any way, it's because Reina wants people to believe that she's more dangerous than she really is. It's like she actually wants to do the same thing Mikoto did with his song and go "haha you guys thought i was the most normal one here but y'all were so wrong :D", so of course, she would sing MeMe to make people believe there's more to her crime! Also as a bonus, I like to imagine her singing the "Why am I here, it must be a mistake" parts in, like, this "mocking" way, like she doesn't actually believe her own words and she knows well that all of this is just an act.. but hey, maybe people will actually find her scary now.
Which DECO*27 song she would cover: To be honest, it was a bit hard to find a song for her. Maybe I should've picked Liar Dance for her and not Naomi, but even though it definitely has her vibes, I don't think the voice that I imagine her to have would be good for that song. So I decided to go with Seigi no Turret! I think it's very Reinacore, especially when you read the lyrics ("Good lies and bad lies are all jumbled up", "Come on, be happy—it’s what you wished for", "I find myself wanting to hide my sadness", "Darkness was better") Though I have to admit that some lyrics sound a lot like Asahi, for example, "You want to throw away your things, but strangely start wanting other people's things" or "That's selfish, where's your mama? Inconvenience leaves you bawling like a baby" or "The stuff everyone else has is exactly what I don't have" 👀
If she could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: Again, I had to think a lot about this and I think I'll go with Shirokuro Reversi by shitoo. It's so fun to imagine her changing her voice a bit to sound like two different people and also yeah, Reina's moral complex is.. something and it really does feel like there are two different people fighting inside of her. Reina claims that she doesn't feel any guilt and that she's even proud of her crimes, but also.. sometimes it feels like she's this close to snapping because of how much she actually hates herself.
Her MV description:
Her MV would mostly have only black, gray and white colors, but it would become brighter closer to the end. Reina's image color also appears in some scenes.
The video starts with Reina and her friends going somewhere together. They're laughing, smiling and simply having a great time and enjoying each other's company. Suddenly, one of Reina's friends points at a girl standing there looking lost and confused. Reina's friends start whispering about something and she nods and agrees with them. The girl turns around and sees all of them standing right in front of her. She looks relieved and she starts explaining her situation, they agree to help her. The girl goes with them, but she starts noticing that the colors are becoming even darker and that there's something wrong about the way Reina and her friends smile. Right when she's about to leave, Reina's friends stop her and look at their leader, waiting for her orders. Reina simply nods again. All of them run away with the girl's bag and they leave her lying on the ground. It doesn't look like they killed her, but they definitely beat her up.
We can see that Reina and her friends did the same thing to many other people and they enjoyed it every time, especially Reina. The lyrics mention that Reina doesn't have a motive for doing all of this, she just likes spending time with her friends and they see her as their leader, so.. she can't really say no to them. We can also see them buying things with those people's money, like jewelry or clothes. And again, the lyrics say that Reina is actually doing great, it's not like she has problems with money or anything like that, she just thinks it's fun. Maybe she just likes making people suffer, haha..
Later we can see Reina getting a call from her friend. She gets really excited and right when she's about to leave the house, someone stops her. She just rolls her eyes and tries to come up with an excuse, but eventually this turns into a heated argument and Reina ends up running away in tears. But while she's running, she suddenly notices something. She sees footprints that are the exact same color as her image color. She slowly becomes more and more nervous and she decides to follow the footprints. The video also starts "getting its colors back" and it's not so monochrome anymore. Black, white and gray are completely gone when Reina finds her friends and sees that they beat someone up again, but this time it actually looks like that person is almost dead and you can see blood under them and it's also Reina's image color.
Before we can see how Reina feels about this, everything goes black and a second later the colors are back again and we can see Reina laughing with her friends and pointing at their victim. But then, her friends realize something and they look at Reina and they look at the victim again. Their face expressions change completely and they look so shocked, it even looks like they regret what they've done. They try to calm Reina down, but she only starts laughing louder and then she falls on the ground. Now she's crying and laughing at the same time. We can't actually see the victim, but we can see that person's sneakers covered in something that is most likely supposed to be blood, but again, it's not red and it's Reina's image color. The lyrics just keep repeating "I did it, I did it, I did it, I did it.." until the MV ends, but we can hear Reina saying "And I had fun" even though it's obvious that it's painful for her to say it and she's not being honest with herself.
Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Hi, hi! Himura Reina here! I'm 20 years old and my occupation is.. um, being the cutest serial killer, hehe~ Just kidding.. or maybe what I'm saying is true. Who knows? You two will have to find that out, that's, like, your job here. But hey, you know what to do if I turn out to be the most dangerous criminal here, right? So do your best~"
"Come on, dad, it's not that serious! Those people deserved it anyway! And it's not like I'm a murderer or anything, I just.. you know, punch them one or two times, but that's it!"
You want to know more about her crimes? Well, she literally said that you'll have to find that out yourself, so.. but yes, she will tell you that she had more than 50 victims. Do you believe her though?
Of course, someone like her deserves a guilty verdict, right? That's what she thinks, at least.
She's very close with Yurika and she likes her a lot and thinks they're actually really similar. She also gets along with Aimi, but I wouldn't say that they're very close. She doesn't like Eiko that much though.. And just like Yurika, she's not that close with the male prisoners, but she likes to tease Akio and Asahi. She also thinks that the way Shun forgets everything so easily and says whatever comes to his mind is funny.
Riku and Reina's theme is "Guilt" or "Blame-shifting". Riku likes to say that what he did was for everyone's good and also, people actually encouraged him to do it. They wanted him to commit that crime, so he had no other choice. However, Riku's friends don't do anything like that in his MV, actually, the worst thing they've done in his MV is calling someone talented and accidentally making Riku have a breakdown because of that. Meanwhile Reina's friends do so many horrible things in her MV.. but she never actually mentions them. It's all about her being dangerous, it's all about her being this insane murderer, her friends don't have anything to do with it. So.. who is actually the guilty one here?
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11 and 22 for the vocaloid asks^^
11. Favorite Meiko song?
22. Favorite duet?
So turns out I don't really have any solo Meiko songs saved!! My favorite is probably the V3 version of PianoxFortexScandal (the one used in the games) but there's not an official upload of it and god I cannot stand the tuning in the original ^_^'
I'm happy to add some to my gargantuan Watch Later if anyone wants to shoot me some recs lol. I tend to like Meiko best in jazzy OSTER or Yamashizuku type stuff, I think.
And I am TOO TIRED to go through my entire playlist and figure out what my absolute favorite duet is (god I know there's a ton of kagamine duets that I adore) so instead I'll just give you two Kaito/Meiko duets because their voices pair so well and I love it
on the rocks by OSTER project (of course)
Association Actress ~ Hunter & Beast by Hitoshizuku × Yama△ (teamOS my beloved)
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Day 26: Kagerou Project
Type: Anime/Manga/Light Novel/Music
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Let's Daze!
It's a collection of Vocaloid songs that tell an overarching story.
Afterwards, they made manga, light novels and an anime to flesh that story out. (I only watched the anime)
The story is very complex. There's a two hour video trying to explain it. That kind of story.
The songs are very good. Some of my favorites include Shounen Brave, Ayano's Happiness Theory, and Gunjou Rain.
The anime, made by studio Shaft, is disliked overall and I get why. I still like it though.
Should've posted this August 15th but I'm already running out of posts, so...
If you wanna sink your time into something, highly recommend.
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thrill-seeker-if · 2 years
Oof I have a few.👀👀👀
1. Do you have any celebrity crushes atm?
2. Whats your process behind character creation?
3. Are you a pantser or outliner?
4. Do you have a favourite kpop band/soloist?
5. What are you and the ROs music taste like?
6? How would you describe your fashion sense and the ROs?
7. What's a story you would love to see turned into an if?
8. What would be your biggest piece of advice for a beginner writer and what did you wish you knew before you started?
9. If I remember correctly you're working in another story that's a fantasy. Could you perhaps spill some of the tea regarding the characters and premise? I'm super excited 👀
10. How has it been working on these completely different projects?
I try my best not to have any celebrity crushes but I've been so bitchless recently that when I got into Ateez I was immediately floored by San 😭😭 so uh yeah that's the only one rn LMIUSFDHDFI
I usually tend to start the story with plot. Through that, my characters blossom; I usually look for a personality I want to embody, and also a character I haven't seen too often. For example, I haven't really seen any Nepali characters in IF, so I'm making a nepalese RO in Witness in Plain Sight. The ethnicities of my characters are often from the ethnicities of my friends who find they don't have any characters they can relate to in media, so the appearance of my character is the third/second thing I think about.
I outline first, but I pants through it!
Oh boy... my favorite boy groups are seventeen, ateez & BTOB, and my favorite girl groups are twice, stayc and ive!! I'm also getting into CNBLUE right now. My fav soloist is Sunmi.
My music taste is a little bit of anything and everything. I love music in different languages (korean, spanish, french, chinese, japanese, urdu, and hindi, lots of bollywood music in general). I think N would like a lot of vocaloid & hyperpop music, while Oli is more interested in alt music, just a lot of music with guitar. Hannie likes classical music, lofi, just anything they can listen to in the background without too many lyrics. When learning a new language, they like to listen to music in that language, too.
I'm kind of experimenting with mine!! If I had a lil more money, I would love to dress fancy and old-timey. (Like the pic, and a bunch of art on pinterest which I can't find the cred for!) I mostly dress in academia, graphic tees and overalls. You can see the ROs outfit types through their posts here: N OLI HANNIE
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7. HMMM... okay something that I REALLY want to see is the great historian 'they were just friends'. I want two ladies to fall in love in medieval times. I would also LOVE something like melvina's therapy, a bunch of short stories that tie into eachother! 8. Definitely do your research!! Reach out to other authors, and create a network of people you can rely on! Not only will it be great for when you decide to go through with your project, but you'll have a community that can help you, inspire you, and that you can talk to when you have difficulty!! For any writers and developers, you can always come to me!! Whether it's an ask, a private message, a discord dm or an email, you can always count on me if you need some help :-) 9. I don't wanna give away too much, but I'll give away a little! Yk how much I love killing off parents in IFs... this IF is an adaptation of the first novel I ever wrote!! It's about magic weilding pirates, set in the Victorian Times! I know it sounds goofy so I'm gonna leave it right there IUDHFSIUDSF 10. A nightmare. I love all of them, don't get me wrong, but I'm a colossal dumbass. I'm really happy I get to do what I love, tho, and I love being able to write!!! I get to do whatever I imagine, and tbh it's the best feeling ever!!
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