kingslionheart · 2 years
today my mother met my favourite regular at the bar I used to work at and, after asking her thousands of questions about me, he told her "this place is sadder since she left".
he made my whole day without even knowing it.
I abruptly decided to quit that job over a month ago because it was ruining my mental health in ways that were actually scaring me and one of the things that terrified me the most about leaving is that my bosses could have started to spread lies about me to our regulars to make me look like the bad guy in the situation and therefore save their own faces from bad reputation for mistreating employees.
hearing something like that from the one person that literally gave me the strength to go to yet another day at work immediately silenced so many of those worries.
that 95 years old man is a treasure.
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bepp-ers · 2 years
Hello I have a question about your profile. How did you do the link in you bio?(Masterlist) I don't see an option for me to do that
hi! thanks for the question, feel free to shoot anymore my way, I'll do my best to answer. okay, so this is a little complex, and im pretty sure you need to be on pc/laptop version for it to work using html editor.
so there's no set option for it, you have to do a little line of code for it to work. annoying, i know. so, where you want the linked work/phrase to go, you'll paste this:
as you can see, you'll put the link in the place of URL IN HERE and your linked word or phrase in WORD/PHRASE HERE. for me, the link was my masterlist, and my word was simply "masterlist".
save your bio, write everything else normally and with luck everything will work. it took me a while to figure out, i hope this helps you. :)
and if my explanation sucked, here's tumblr's official guide on how to do it! found: HERE <3
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tkwrites · 10 months
Better - Quinn Hughes x Sarah (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Better
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah (OFC) 
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Sequel to First Fight, Sarah meets Brady and Emma and is thrown into the world of hockey outside the rink. Jack and Luke hear about their relationship in a less than favorable way. 
Word Count: 3,000
Comments: I had so much fun writing the last little bit of this. It just flowed out like water. I hope you enjoy it. Also, I have a pretty basic understanding of cephalopods, and I have no idea if people do research like this with octopus, so please take it with a grain of salt. 
Let me know what you think and if there’s anything you’d like to see in their little universe! 
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
They set up the dinner. Brady and Emma would come to Quinn’s for drinks before they went down the street to De Beppe, Quinn’s favorite Italian place in the city, which happened to be within walking distance of his apartment. 
Sarah was in one of the living room club chairs, looking so lovely. When he’d picked her up twenty minutes before, he’d lost his breath for a moment. She was in a dark green dress that sang against her skin, and pulled her eyes to a kind of teal blue. It accentuated her figure, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her.
He was setting things out at the bar, when she stood suddenly. Her low heels clicked on the hardwood floor as she walked to him. He didn’t try to hide his stare. 
“Pour me a shot." 
He laughed. 
“I’m serious, Quinn. Pour me a shot.” 
“I thought you don't like shots.” 
She’d been adamant about that at the movie theater when they’d been discussing which drinks to get. She liked something mixed, preferably fruity. 
“I don't,” she turned around and began to pace, “I’m just nervous and it’ll take the edge off.” 
Quinn walked around the bar and wrapped his arms around her. 
“You don’t need to be nervous,” he said, “Brady and Emma are great.” 
“They’re your first friends I’m meeting for real, like not just in passing. You’ve already met my roommates.” Her roommates weren’t really on the same par as Quinn’s childhood best friend, but they were the closest she had in the city. 
He hummed in agreement. “It’s going to be fine.” 
After fighting and making up, many of Quinn’s fears had been put to bed. He still wanted their opinion, but he felt more comfortable in his own decision now. She had pointed out something he did wrong without name calling, or tearing him down, and had taken responsibility - though she hadn't done much wrong - for her part in the argument. It was something June had never done. 
He ran his hand up and down her back trying to soothe her. The soft feel of her dress had him thinking about taking it off again. 
“You look really beautiful tonight,” he said, “did I tell you that?” 
“You did,” she said, smiling. 
He smelled especially good. It was possible that he smelled exactly the same as usual and her nerves were just heightening her senses.
Before he could follow through with kissing her, his phone trilled in his pocket. 
She started and then laughed at herself. 
He let them up and Sarah tugged at her dress before smoothing it over her hips. Internally, his knees buckled. 
The elevator dinged and Quinn opened the door. 
A very tall man walked in with a big smile and a big voice, “Quinner!” 
They hugged fiercely. She could tell they were best friends even if she hadn't known. It was sweet to watch their reunion.
A very pretty blonde stepped around them and walked to Sarah with a kind smile. “Hi, I'm Emma.” 
“Sarah,” she said, not sure if they should hug, or shake hands. She wished there was something between the two. 
“You must be Sarah,” Brady said, practically bounding over to her. 
She wondered how such a loud, happy, golden retriever of a man could be best friends with Quinn, who was happy, but quiet about it. 
“Can I hug you?” he asked, “we're huggers.” 
Laughing, she nodded and hugged him before embracing Emma. 
Leaving the girls to talk in the living room, Brady followed Quinn to the bar. “Dude,” he said quietly. 
Quinn felt himself smile. 
“Where did you even find her?” He knew the answer, of course. They'd talked for more than an hour the day before and Quinn had given him the lowdown on what had happened in their relationship thus far. 
“I know,” Quinn said. 
“Y’know,” Brady said, glancing over at her, “she looks a little like Jameson Grady.”
Jameson was the it girl Quinn had pined for in high school. Brady had seen all of those years and liked to bring them up frequently. 
“Yeah, I guess she does, a bit,” he agreed. He hadn’t noticed before, but they both had dark hair, light eyes and full hips. Sarah, however, was much kinder than Jameson had ever been. He couldn’t imagine a world where Sarah would laugh in someone's face if they asked her out. 
“Brady told me you work at the aquarium?” Emma asked as they looked over the harbor skyline.
“Yeah, I do research with one of the octopus there for my masters program.” Sarah said, “what do you do?” 
“Charity work, mostly,” she said with a big smile. “It’s difficult to have a consistent job with Brady’s schedule.” 
Sarah nodded, worry edging into her mind. Was she expected to give up her work for Quinn? Was that the good WAG thing to do? 
The boys came over then, Quinn with a rum cranberry for her. She couldn’t remember telling him it was her favorite drink. Maybe she’d rambled it at the bar on their first date. She was touched, he remembered. 
They talked for a while before their dinner reservation. The conversation soon devolved into Brady telling embarrassing stories about a fifteen year old Quinn living on his own for the first time while Quinn blushed and looked chagrined. 
“And then, before we knew it, there was butter all over the kitchen,” Brady said, making a huge exploding gesture with his arms. 
“In my defense,” Quinn said, holding up his hands, “I didn’t know I was supposed to unwrap it before.” 
Sarah giggled, but wondered how she would have survived moving away from home at fifteen. She barely handled the three hour move to college when she was eighteen. 
Walking to the restaurant in the cool spring mist, Quinn held Sarah’s hand and tried not to think about who might be watching them on the street. Being so obviously on a double date, he didn’t want to set the fangirls ablaze trying to figure out who Sarah was. June had such an online presence before they were together that fans had instantly glommed onto her. June had welcomed the new followers.
Sarah was far more private - he’d had to request to follow her on Instagram - and he didn’t want to throw her into something she didn’t want. 
They were seated at a table in the back corner of the restaurant. A few people watched them sit down, but true to Brady’s prediction, no one stopped them on their walk in.  
They ordered a bottle of wine and appetizers and settled in for a long evening meal. 
“Is it just me, or are those people staring at us?” Sarah asked Emma over her wine glass. 
Emma glanced over. “They are,” she said, matter of factly. 
“They’re probably trying to figure out if Quinn is actually Quinn,” she said. 
“It’s so weird,” Sarah said, “I never would have guessed he would be considered famous.” 
Emma leveled a look at her that instantly made Sarah giggle, “He plays for a Canadian hockey team. It’s like religion up here.” 
“Do you think they’ll come over?” she asked. 
“Probably not. Most fans are pretty respectful. Every once in a while, someone will stop us on the street, but hardly ever in a restaurant. The hardest thing to get used to is the staring while people are trying to figure out if it's actually them.” 
“So, Sarah,” Brady cut in once Emma was done speaking, “tell us about your research.” 
“Oh,” she paused to take a sip of wine. “I’m studying cephalopod social dynamics, specifically in octopus. Even though Octopus don’t live in clusters, they’re the smartest of their genus, so they’re a little easier to study as they’re not so baseline limbic.” 
Brady stared at her. He’d always known Quinn was attracted to someone’s mind as well as their looks, but this was wild. She got this bright twinkle in her eyes as she spoke, and even though he had no idea what she was saying, he wanted to know more.  
“Can you say again in layman's terms?” he asked. 
“Oh, sorry,” she said, flushing a pretty shade of pink, “I get into research mode sometimes, and talk like I’m presenting at a conference. Basically, I study how octopus relate to things in their environment, including other octopus, fish and even me. Walter and I have formed a kind of friendship and I study how he reacts when I change something like my hair, or wear different perfume, or come into the research lab sad.” 
“He can tell all those things?” 
“Yeah. Octopus are extremely smart and aware of their surroundings. There are a few really interesting documentaries about people who live with or visit octopus for years and the bonds they form. Other cephalopods aren’t so aware, so they’re not as exciting to study.”  
The way Quinn looked at her while she talked spoke volumes to Brady. It was too soon for them to throw the word around, but love was on the horizon. 
“How does he tell you’re sad?” Emma asked. 
“Well, there are visual cues of course, but that’s one of the things I’m researching now. Octopus experience most of their world through their suction cups. They have nerves and taste buds in every one that are much more advanced than our own, so I’m forming a hypothesis asking if he can sense my mood via hormones on my skin. I’m also recording how he reacts generally. He tends to be more subdued when I am, and I’m not sure if he’s mirroring me, or trying to comfort me in some way.” 
“How do you even study that?” Brady asked. 
“Observation, mostly,” she said. “I’ve noticed that if I come into the lab happy, especially if I’m singing or if I say hello to him in an excited way, he races in his tank to greet me.” 
“That is so cool,” Emma said, “I had no idea they were so intelligent.” 
“I want to go through the aquarium with you so you can tell us about everything in there,” Brady said.
Sarah laughed, “ I don’t know about that. I know a lot of useless information about the ocean.” 
Brady glanced at Emma and they shared a private little conversation with their eyes. He was beaming when he looked at Quinn. 
“So, what do you do outside of hockey?”
“Can we go for gelato?” Emma asked when they left the restaurant. “I saw a place on the way here.” 
They agreed and started down the street. Brady hung back to walk with Sarah. Quinn took the hint and caught up with Emma. 
Sarah took a deep breath. She’d yet to have a one on one conversation with Brady. It was clear Quinn loved him a lot, and she wanted to make a good impression. Sated with good wine, an amazing meal and good conversation, she felt more comfortable than she had at the beginning of the night. She was instantly glad Brady waited until now to talk to her. 
“So, what do you think?” she asked. 
Brady appreciated that she didn’t beat around the bush. 
“I mean, I can tell you're better for him than any of his past girlfriends,” Brady said as they walked. 
“Really?” she asked. She hadn’t expected him to be so forthcoming right off the bat.
“Oh yeah. You're way more steady than June.”
“Who's June?”
Brady gulped. He probably shouldn't be the one revealing Quinn's dating history, but he liked Sarah, and he liked who Quinn was with Sarah. 
“His most recent girlfriend. They were on and off for like a year and a half. He called it off for good at the beginning of the season. She was a pretty standard NHL girlfriend: model, blonde,” he said.
"Standard?" her eyes flew wide as Sarah tried to talk herself down from the self doubt pouring into her system by the gallon. She couldn't be farther from a blonde model. 
Brady picked up on her distress right away, “oh I didn't mean…” he trailed off. “Shit, Sarah, I didn't mean anything by that. Just that she was kind of a blank slate. I hated her.”
“You did? Why?”
“I always felt like she was just dating Quinn for clout, to get her name out there, but he couldn’t ever see it. It turned into this whole thing. Emma and I both hated her. She was just so obsessed with herself and how she looked. And Quinn’s not like that, you know? He’d wear the same outfit every day if he could.” 
She snorted. Every time she saw Quinn, he was in a variation of three outfits: jeans and a jacket, athletic wear, or a game day suit. 
“It was just a bad match, but it took him a while to see that,” Brady said.
Sarah nodded. 
“Anyway,” Brady gestured widely. “All I’m saying is that I can tell you’re better for him than June, or any of the girls he dated in high school or college. You get him. And you compliment each other. And you're just nice and easy to talk to. I can tell you make him really happy." 
“That's so nice Brady, thank you. He makes me really happy." 
The wide grin Brady gave her in response made her feel all warm and mushy inside. It felt like reaching the top of a summit to gain Quinn's friends' trust. 
"Have you slept together?" Emma asked. 
Quinn shot a look at her, wide eyed and scandalized. 
She shoved his shoulder gently, "oh, come on. You know Brady wants to know. He won't ask you, so I said I would."
A laugh lit up his face. 
"So have you?" 
Cheeks flushing pink, Quinn nodded. 
"Was it good?" 
He'd wanted to tell someone about it, but sex wasn't really something he ever discussed with his friends. 
"So good," he admitted, "like, almost spiritual."
Her eyes widened, "on the first try?" 
"Technically the second," he corrected. "The first try was two strokes and done." 
She giggled, "don't tell him I told you but Brady was that same way our first time too." 
A few days later, Quinn was on the phone with Sarah when Jack called. He ignored it in favor of calling him back when they were done, but he called again right after. “Hey. I have to go,” he said, feeling panic edge into his consciousness, “Jack is calling me a bunch.” 
“Okay, I miss you,” she said. 
“I miss you, too.” 
Quinn answered the facetime call, “what’s wrong? Did something happen?” The last time Jack had called like this, Luke had been hurt. 
Jack was glaring into the phone, a perfectly healthy looking Luke sitting next to him on what looked like a hotel room couch. “Fuck yes, something happened.”
“I found out from Brady fucking Tkachuk that you have a girlfriend?” 
They got together to call him at the same time? He was in some deep shit. 
“What the hell, Quinn?” Luke asked. 
“When did Brady tell you?” It was the wrong question, but he needed to know. 
“We play the Sens tomorrow, and he comes up to me in the practice facility today all, ‘what do you think of Sarah?’ and I was like, ‘who’s Sarah?’ and then he told me that she’s your fucking girlfriend!” Jack yelled. 
Luke leaned away from the noise with a wince.
Quinn grimaced. “Technically, she’s not my girlfriend,” he said. 
“Bullshit! You didn’t even tell us you were dating someone! I thought we were close, Quinn!” 
A heavy sigh moved Quinn's chest, “I just… I wanted to make sure before I told anyone else.” 
“Mom knows,” Luke cut in. 
“I asked her and she said she knew you were dating someone, but didn’t know it was that serious.” 
He’d called her for advice when he found out Sarah’s mom had died. Both his parents had experience with grief he didn’t. It just so happened his mom had picked up first. 
“I…” What could he say? 
They glared at him through the phone some more. 
“I didn’t want to keep it from you,” he said. 
“Well, you didn’t tell us!” Luke said. 
“I just… since June I wanted Brady to meet her before I told anyone else.” 
“Because he was the only one who told me he didn’t like June!” 
An awkward blanket of silence settled over all three of them. 
“I didn’t want to tell anyone I was seeing someone if it was going to turn into another June.” As he said it, Quinn knew it was an excuse that didn’t really hold up. Sarah was so different from June that he shouldn’t have been comparing them at all. Brady even said so when they talked after their double date. He’d just been scared.
“And is it?” Jack asked. 
“No,” he admitted, “she’s really great and I think we could go all the way.” It was the first time he’d dared to say it out loud. 
“How long have you been dating?” Luke asked, incredulous.
“Two months.” 
“Two fucking months?” Jack repeated, raking a hand into his hair, “Quinn, why didn’t you tell us?” 
“I’m sorry, okay? I fucked up. I won’t keep it from you anymore.” 
“You better not,” Jack said, glaring in a slightly softer way. “I want to see a picture of her.” 
Quinn pulled one up from their walk three days previous and sent it to Luke. The sun had been setting, and the golden light had been so lovely, she asked to stop and take a selfie. 
Luke held up his phone and Jack’s eyes widened. The way Quinn was smiling in that picture told him everything he needed to know. 
“She’s pretty,” Luke said. 
“Yeah,” Quinn agreed. 
Jack was blinking silently in a way that Quinn found unnerving. 
Finally he managed to say something, “what does she do?” 
“She’s getting her masters in marine zoology at UBC and she does research at the aquarium.” 
Jack felt like he’d been struck over the head. Not because Quinn had kept something this important from him, or because Sarah was unlike anyone he would have picked for his brother. He felt dumbfounded by the fact that he knew, in a way he could feel in his bones, everything was about to change.
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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demiboydemon · 9 months
Weird Animal Crossing Headcanons!
Tom Nook used to be married to Redd, now is dating KK Slider. He used to just have a crush on him, but after KK came to the island they got drunk on vacation juice and hooked up in the closed Able Sisters’ changing room, and other places after Sable caught them and kicked them out. The next morning, they talked about it and decided to take things slow. After meeting up every Saturday for a few months, they put labels on things. Timmy and Tommy who were so glad to see their Dad/Uncle happy, even though Tom Nook had to make up a sfw story about how they got together.
Redd is single, but still likes Tom Nook. He’s scornful and jealous that Tom has moved on. He always hopes that he will see him in his boat and want him back. It hasn’t worked yet, but he’s hoping if he keeps selling fake art, Tom will get mad enough to talk to him. Recently he came to tell Redd that he was welcome to sell his art on the regular part of the island as long as he didn’t claim the forgeries were real, but Redd told him to go fuck himself.
Blathers is married to Brewster. It was hard being long distance so Brewster decided to move to the island, too. Sometimes Blathers is self-conscious about how much he talks, but Brewster finds it adorable. Sometimes a family is a bird who talks too much and a bird who doesn’t talk enough.
Harvey, Harriet, Leif, and Pascal are in a polyamorous relationship with each other. Harvey and Harriet got together first, then they met Pascal and Leif. Harriet isn’t dating Pascal, but they are good friends. They’re currently a closed polycule.
Flick and CJ are dating. They were childhood best friends, then got together as teens. Now they live together in a 2 bedroom apartment. One of the bedrooms belongs to the bugs and fish. Flick doesn’t talk to his dad much, and people assume it’s because he’s homophobic. Really it’s because Nat loves eating bugs. Another example of politics destroying families 😔
Pelly moved on from Pete after she caught him pirating content from Phyllis’s Onlyfans. She’s now with a pelican named Pierre, who is a Boondoxian. Pierre is scared of Phyllis, as everyone should be.
Gracie is friends with benefits with Pavé and Resetti. She’s a dom and they’re into that.
Dr Shrunk’s wife wanted to open up their marriage and he agreed, but now regrets it. He talked to Dr Shrunk (his wife) about his regrets and she told him she wanted a divorce. He is having a midlife crisis, and now the only reactions he can teach are ‘heartbreak,’ ‘hefty child support,’ and ‘look at my exotic tattoo.’ This is why he is absent in New Horizons, as Nintendo didn’t think these reactions would be profitable. (Geez, show the man some compassion.)
Ankha is taking a break from dating after someone leaked her nudes. She went on a coffee date with Wisp once, but he was too much of a scaredy-cat for her.
Don Resetti has a crush on Beppe at OK Motors. They don’t see each other much, but every time they do is magical. A scrapped part of New Horizons was the player setting them up on a date in exchange for bells, but Nintendo decided against it.
Reese and Cyrus are happy as ever, and are that couple you mute on social media because they make you feel bad about your own love life.
Franklin used to have a Tinder, but deleted it after he only got messages from vore roleplayers. Speed dating hasn’t worked out well for him, either.
Gillivarr has an unrequited crush on Celeste. Celeste is the unrequited crush of many, many people.
Wardell and Niko are in a committed relationship after working together for years. Digby and Lottie had to make amendments to the HHA rule book because they were sick of the PDA.
Lloid is well-endowed, but he still has a difficult time with dating because it’s made of clay, and no size in the world can make up for that.
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janiedean · 4 months
Heyyo! Hope you're doing great, I'm sorta coming back to Tumblr after a while so this feels like randomly calling on a person's home without warning 😂 but I was speaking to a friend about something and it made me wonder - do you know of some really cool books in Italian (or if you read other languages too) that have never been translated to English? (Friend and I speak different non English languages and realised this is true although both of us read only in English sadly)
hey anon!!! welcome back too and haha please i’ve been terrible at keeping up so it’s two of us 😭 and thanks for the well wishes, i’m… well let’s say I’m in the middle of mental health bullshit so i could be doing better but really thanks for asking in the first place TVT ❤️❤️
aaand concerning your question….. I mean I’m somewhat positive that 90% of current good italian narrative doesn’t get translated much but tbf I read more italian classics than contemporaries and i think most of those got translated but one i really liked recentlyish is named (translating the title) the boar who shot liberty valance and you already guessed WHY i went and picked it up given the reference to my favorite western movie ever in the title 😂 it’s a very good one though! and uuh lemme check no okay both maurizio de giovanni and giancarlo de cataldo aka two mystery writers i generally enjoy got translated, camilleri of course did as well so nope, BUUT i checked smth else and apparently not all of cesare pavese’s work was translated into english and I am extremely disappointed in hearing it because he’s one of the best italian writers in existence nor to mention one of the few people whose poetry i immediately enjoyed from the get go which is not a given for me, they only translated moon and bonfires but like all the others are amazing as well, also Iemme check beppe fenoglio other great post wwii writer only got two of his books translated and post 90s and i doubt his wuthering heights theater adaptation was which truly saddens me, i’m not 100% sure of how much of verga was translated but while answering you i found out lawrence translated one of his novels which i had no idea of and now i kinda want to check it.. anyway ngl probably 90% of what won our most prestigious literary award here did not get translated but I also have stopped paying attention to it since a book I considered an utter piece of trash won so i’m out of the loop 😭 but if i can think of anything else or if any italians want to chime in go off!
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circusislife · 1 year
I need name for a male character
Might do better with context and might pop in later with more ideas and more details for the meaning and origin of names to add value, but in the meantime have some random blips!
Dave, Giulius(giulio), Lucas, Mat (Mattia), Andrew (Andrea), Frank(Francesco), Josef (Giuseppe/Beppe/Peppe), Leonard(Leonardo)...
The best ones from the top of my head. (Mh, not much fantasy this morning...¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
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bepsera · 1 year
Hihi!!! ♡ My names Bepps!! I'm 21 and I love to draw !! I hope you enjoy your stay and thank you for stopping by!! :3
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f1 · 2 years
Sprint races still havent proved their worth Gasly | RaceFans Round-up
In the round-up: Alpine driver Pierre Gasly does not believe that Formula 1’s sprint race format has yet proven itself as a spectacle. In brief Sprint races ‘haven’t proved their worth to me as a spectacle’ – Gasly Alpine driver Pierre Gasly does not believe that Formula 1’s sprint race format has yet proven itself as a spectacle. The format has featured at three rounds for both of the last two year and will be expanded to six rounds this season. Gasly says he prefers the traditional race weekend format of qualifying on Saturday followed by a single race on Sunday. “Personally I really like the normal format with the qualifying on Saturday and then one grand prix on Sunday,” Gasly said. “Sprint races – I see the positives financially for the organisation. In terms of spectacle, it still hasn’t proved to me that it’s worth having more and more races. So in my opinion, the normal format is better. F2, F3 to ship race fuel to Melbourne three months in advance Formula 2 and FIA Formula 3 will send their race fuels to Melbourne three months in advance of the series’ first races at the Albert Park circuit. Asked about the logistics of travelling to Australia, series CEO Bruno Michel said that some resources had to be sent out well in advance of the event in early April. “It’s complicated, but we really enjoy to do that,” said Michel. “Especially because it’s at the beginning of the season, it’s going to be right after Bahrain. So there are a lot of things that needs to be organised in advance. “We need to, for instance, send the fuel very, very early in advance because we knew it takes three months to get there and we’re not going to fly it. So yes, it makes things a little bit more complicated. In terms of cost, it’s not going to change anything for the teams because we will pay for the freight because the promoter is giving us the money to pay for that. So that’s absolutely fine.” Quotes: Hazel Southwell Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Links Motor racing links of interest: Watch: Logan's 2023 F1 seat fit (Williams) "As our preparations for the 2023 Formula 1 season continue, our new driver Logan Sargeant recently completed his all-important seat fit at Grove." Welcome, Fernando Alonso (Aston Martin) "The most experienced grand prix driver of all time, Fernando joins the team off the back of two impressive seasons in Formula 1 following a two-year sabbatical from the sport. More than 20 years after making his Grand Prix debut, he retains the same restless hunger for success and raw speed that have seen him win 32 Grands Prix and two Formula One drivers' titles. He now looks to use all his skill, speed and experience to drive AMF1 to the front of the grid." Coulthard backs Ferrari title bid and puts 2022 woes down to being 'not match fit' (Mirror) "There might be an element of just not being match fit, having not operated at that level (for a while). Ferrari are the most famous name in Formula 1, and have been the longest running members so there might be an element of mass fatigue as well." The Formula 4 title battles you might have missed in 2022 (Formula Scout) "Most of the plaudits in Formula 4 this year went to the dominators of the three most high-profile series. Mercedes-AMG Formula 1 junior Andrea Kimi Antonelli crushed the opposition in ADAC and Italian F4, Alex Dunne took British F4 honours despite missing the final round and Fernando Alonso protege Nikola Tsolov, a car racing debutant, dominated Spanish F4." We always endeavour to credit original sources. If you have a tip for a link relating to single-seater motorsport to feature in the next RaceFans round-up please send it to us via the contact form. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free Happy birthday! Happy birthday to Regis and T3X! On this day in motorsport Born on this day in 1957: Beppe Gabbiani, who entered 17 F1 races and failed to qualify for all but three of them. via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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There are as many forms of love as there are moments in time 🪷- Character pairing, tell me somethings about yourself and pick a fandom and gender preference and I’ll ship you with someone <3
hello. (i've returned from my writing blog) i'm espie, i'm a sag, i like riding horses, rodeo stuff, Ned LeDoux, and i'm 4'10 (at the ripe age of 20 years old i'm not even 5'0 😭) and I have a duck named Boe and four horses named Bepp, Bonk, Bash and Judith.
stranger things men please!
Auwll right...I don't know....I'm trying to think what one would be the most open to like being a cowboy for you....
I think Eddie, honestly, he'd be all about it. I don't know how he'd feel about the music but he'd do it for you. I know a lot of people think like he must have gotten loads of girls but never had a girlfriend because they were ashamed of him I'm sorry, No. He's a freak for a reason and it has nothing to do with the sheets. He's a little weirdo and I love him. So he does not know how to boyfriend but he does know This is my person, I love them, I do everything for them. So you never have to worry about being too short to reach because he's slowly and sneakily been moving all the things you use most often in the trailer to places you can reach (which does lead to a very confused Wayne waking Eddie up at 5 to find the coffee for him) there are a few things still up top but he gets those for you so it's ok.
(I don't know how you get on your horses and I've only really ever ridden english so I don't know if western is different but we're gonna roll with it, I also don't know what the rodeo scene is like in indiana so just bear with me) So you introduce him to your horses and he loved the names already and now he's met them and he's a lil afraid but he gets over it when you push his hand out to give them treats and he won't look until he sees that his hand did not, in fact, get bitten off. So he loves them and you show him how to ride and he is not into it. But he did try "Sweetheart, I love you, I love you but I can never do that again." He didn't even have a bad experience or anything, (speaking as someone who's fallen off of multiple horses, multiple times) It's just not for him. But he loves it for you, he also loves helping you on, like doing the jumpy-lift thing and he just hoists you up.
He doesn't know if the rodeo people are going to be like Get this freak out of here, but then you tell him he'll be fine so you go together and he loves it. He thinks they're the coolest thing and the whole time he's saying he'd do better, he'd stay on longer, this looks easy. But then you make him do the mechanical one(because you're not trying to kill him) and he actually stays on pretty long but then you pull him away to the barrel racing before he gets too cocky and decides he's ready for the real thing.
He absolutely learns the songs you like on guitar for you, he has an acoustic guitar somewhere under his bed and he pulls it out, restrings it, the whole bit, and makes Corroded Coffin learn 2, he wanted more but they wouldn't budge and this is the closest they could come to a compromise.
I hope you like it<3<3<3
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bu1410 · 5 months
Good afternoon TUMBLR - April 21th - 2024
''Mr. Plant has owed me a shoe since July 5, 1971."
Algeria Tiaret – 2003 – 2004
Part 2
MECHANICAL SUB CONTRACTOR The SAIPEM Head Office Management had decided to entrust the mechanical assembly to a Syrian subcontractor called LEAD. Luckily I wasn't directly involved in the mechanical activities, but LEAD will prove to be a very tough nut to crack for the good Angelotti. Quite good on a technical-organizational level, the Syrians created a lot of problems from a contractual point of view. Arguments over what was included in the contract and what was considered extra-work were common place. The biggest problem, however, was represented by the fact that LEAD boasted a direct line with the San Donato headquarters, so the site management was almost always bypassed. In the end, the dispute with the Syrians far exceeded the contractual amount.
ALGERIA AND OVERLAND Overland is an Italian Travel Agency specialist in organizing travel adventures all over the world. During my stay in Algeria, the Overland caravan happened to pass through those area. In the evening I followed the episodes and misfortunes of that old scoundrel Beppe Tenti, who had found a way to travel the world at the expense of sponsors. In one of the episodes, however, I noticed several inconsistencies, such as route jumps, errors in naming places and so on. I then decided to write an email directly to Overland Customer service, explaining that I was in the places that were described in the travel episodes and exposing their mistakes. No response from Mr. Tenti, and then I forgot the matter. During one my days off in Italy, I got a phone call: it was him in person, Beppe Tenti, he owner of Overland! He told me that he had read my email with interest, and that he recognized the errors made but that these were due to ''editing'' needs of the videos (Mmmm…). In any case, he inquired about the reason why I was in Algeria, complimented me, and asked me for my home address to send me, he said, a series of VHS cassettes with all the Overland adventures. Furthermore, he promised that on one of the next trips he would invite me to participate in the adventure. After 21 years, and I'm still waiting for video cassettes and invitation.
FINAL DEPARTURE FROM ALGERIA. It was November 2003, the project was coming to an end, the station was almost completed when I received an email from my former director, Giorgio Borchia. He asked me if I would be available to return to Kazakhstan, to Atyrau, a city near the Caspian Sea. The prospect was tempting: working on the development of the Kashagan project, the second largest oil field in the world, discovered by AGIP off the Caspian Sea. My contract with SAIPEM would expire at the end of the year, so I sent notice to the Company that I did not intend to renew it. I then took the SP6 – Ghardaia – Hassi Messaoud route for the last time and then the charter to Paris Charles De Gaulles T3.
The next morning the first flight Paris - Milan took me home in less than 1 and half hour.
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bucketkicked · 1 year
@butnobodyhome liked for a beppe starter !
Giuseppe rolls himself from underneath the car he was working on, laying on his back for a brief moment to relax when he noticed the customer—or he supposed they were a customer—standing nearby. He turns sheepish, sitting up with urgency. “You haven’t been waiting long, have you?” He inquires, wiping his greasy, sweaty hands on a towel.
“I swear I didn’t hear you come in, nobody yelled for me!” He tuts, shaking his head. “You, uh, got a car or motorcycle that needs help? Need directions? A lot of people stop for directions, believe it or not. With aything else, I can try my best to help. And oh!” He taps his name tag, showing off his nickname.
“Call me Beppe.”
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the-a-j-universe · 2 years
Today I found out that some biblical names in English and Spanish are the same root name like: Jesus and Joshua; Santiago, James, and Jacob.
I know that pronouncition localization and influnce from other cultures play a large role. Joseph in Italian is Guiseppe and with nick names like Beppe, Peppe. It never made sense why the Spanish nickname for Jose is Pepe. Looking at the Italian version makes sense.
Jose, Joseph, Guiseppe coming from the same name makes sense, they are not awefully dissimilar. Jaime (Spanish) and James being the same name makes sense in writing (Jaime is pronounced differently in Spanish and English). Jacobo (Spaniah) and Jacob you know are the same name.
Santiago and James coming from Jacob dont make much sense, they were really transformed over time. Santiago is basically a combination of Santo (Saint)+Iago. Looking at names from other languages I can see how Iago/Yago came from the root of Jacob.
James and Jacob looks like two different animals, they just come from two different latinized names, James fron Iacomus and Jacob from Iacobus versions. The only name I could find similar to Iacomus is Italian Giacomo.
And apperently in Middle ages England Jacob was a Jewish name and James was a Christian name. Which is big yikes antisemitism.
Most other European language versions of Jacob seem to stem from Iacobus. That is except for UK names like Jaime and James (English), Seamus + varients (Irish) and names from Spain launguages like Jaime (Spanish), Jaumet (Catalan), and Xaime (Galacian), and of course Giacomo (Italian) which stem from Iacomus.
Thank you for reading my rant.
You're welcome. It was a good rant.
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bisluthq · 2 years
According to my very thorough Google search beppe is the nickname for a baby boy whose name is Giuseppe. Ok that'll be all for me ✌️
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0zzysaurus · 2 years
Cancelling you for being named Giuseppe even though you're not Italian and for swallowing your gum instead of spitting it out
How did you know about the gum thing…. 👀
Also listen, the rest of my names are super out there so I couldn’t just go with Joseph. I HAD to pick something over the top 😤 plus it’s got people calling me Beppe now as well which is cute as fuck
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Series 5 amiibo thoughts
(Copied from my twitter)
My thoughts on who might have amiibos in series 5, a thread
I’m assuming this series has 100 cards like series 1-4, there should be 16-17 special characters and 83-84 villagers
Special characters that are extremely likely to get amiibo cards (they’re in acnh, but don’t have amiibos yet):
C.J., Daisy Mae, Flick, Orville, Wilbur, Harvey, Wisp
Gullivarrr may get an amiibo since he’s... kind of... a new character
Any other past characters could return too and get and an amiibo
This could include: Cornimer, Farley, Frillard, Kaitlin, Serena
Or spin-off characters: Beppe, Carlo, Giovanni
Or others like: Lloid, snowmen
And of course, there could be new characters!
Now onto villagers!
I assume that we will get amiibos for: Audie, Cyd, Dom, Judy, Megan, Raymond, Reneigh, Sherb
There are also villagers from previous games that have the potential to come back
These 53 are the most likely to appear: Ace, Aisle, Aziz, Belle, Bessie, Betty, Cece, Champ, Chico, Chuck, Dozer, Elina, Emerald, Epona, Faith, Felyne, Filly, Flash, Flossie, Ganon, Hambo, Hank, Hector, Holden, Huggy, Iggy, Inkwell, Jane, Leigh, Liz, Lulu (hippo), Marcy, Medli, Nosegay, Otis, Oxford, Penny, Petunia (cow), Pigleg, Quetzal, Rhoda, Rio, Rollo, Sue E, Sven, Tiara, Twirp, Valise, Viché, W. Link Woolio, Yodel, Zoe
There are some other villagers from old games that I did not include because they were either a Japan exclusive character or have a name that someone in acnh already has. I figured those were less likely to be brought back.
And there could definitely be new characters!
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raybyanothername · 4 years
This AU idea is entirely the fault of @mega-ringsandthings-world for putting the concept of 'past lives' into my head.
Not Immortal, Just Regularly Reincarnated - An AU
Andy can't remember her first life anymore. There's been too many by this point. She's certain that memory is finite and that forgetting is actually a blessing. You cannot miss those you cannot remember.
It is the small dagger she remembers. A small blade pressed into her palm. Andy remembers the dummy made of straw she practiced on. It was the first time she learned to fight, a small child who would grow to fight in every life after. Andy isn't certain which life the memory is from. Somedays she hopes it was her first, so she can say she still has a piece of it with her. Other days... other days she hopes that first brb life, at least, she had known peace.
She can't remember who gave her the blade.
Her first axe, that one Andy remembers well. She'd been born in the North that time. Spent a lot of time ahivering by a fire. The rest she spent with a shield on her arm and an axe in her hand. Every life after, she seeks out axes and maces, top heavy weapons that she twirls in her hands with ease. After hundreds of lives, it's as easy as breathing.
Quynh ignores her past lives, for the most part. Each life is different. Each one unique. She tries to focus on the one she is living, not the ones in which she is already died.
It works better when she is born farther away from where she dies, farther away from those who are still grieving and who, in her youth, she may be naive enough to seek out.
Once she finds Andromache - on life number 5? Or was it 7? - it becomes more bearable. They seek each other out, naming locations to meet at before they die. The memories are always clearer when they are together, the smiles merge, and it almost feels like a long, singular life rather than so many short ones.
When they are separated. When she is thrown into the sea and sunk in that- When they are separated, Quynh let's herself forget the memories for a few lives. The next time she sees Andromache, she's going by Andy and her eyes no longer dance with the light of her many lives.
Still, Quynh found her in the place they'd chosen. Even so many lives later.
"For you, I let myself remember," Quynh tells Andy when the other woman asks why she came this time. Andy blushes, and a little bit of light seeps into her eyes.
Lykon skipped a whole millenia, possibly two. Life after life he'd found himself again by finding Andromache and Quynh. And then one life ends and he... he waits, in an eternal ether. He can see them, watch them.
It feels like minutes, but he watches them grow from child to adult dozens of times. And then one day he feels a tug.
"He's beautiful, James, isn't he?"
There's a hesitant smile, almost nervous, on the face of the man hoverimg above him. "Hi there, Lykon. We've been waiting a long time for you.
Joe remembers being Yusuf and Giuseppe and Beppe and Jose. They'd been good lives, happy lives. Well, most of them. He tried not to remember the ones filled with too much death, though those memories were always the strongest.
Nicky was only every Nicky - whether his parents named him Nicolo or Nicholas or Niklaus or just plain Nick - and he'd grown accustomed to hearing it in a laugh. Whether it was Yusuf's deep chuckle, or Jose's youthful giggle. Joe always had a smile on his face the first time they met in their new lives. Always.
That's not necessarily a good thing, given that they've met on so many battlefields. Not always on the same times. Especially those first few lives.
"We are destined, it seems, to kill one another once more." Nicky raised a blade for the third life in a row.
Yusuf dropped his and chuckled, "No, Nicky. I don't believe our God so cruel." He raises his hands in the air. Nicky blinks.
In the next moment, they're both dead anyway. But it's the last time they raise weapons *against* each other. Side by side they fight, and they love, in every life. Fate continues to throw them together.
"Eh, Nicky!" Joe cheers as he claps Nicky on the shoulder as they meet on a street corner.
They're still young - Joe hasn't manage to grow his preferred beard yet - and this life has yet to throw them into battle. They can walk along a street, holding hands, and Nicky can stare up into Joe's brown eyes as much as his heart desires. Which right now is constantly as Joe happily looks back him with reverence in his eyes
"You're going to make me blush," Nicky teases as Joe kisses Nicky's cheek and nuzzles his nose into the soft bristly hair that Nicky is attempting to grow out. "You look at me as if you are staring into the sun, my love."
"You are my sun," Nicky grins at Joe's word, "I am powerless under your pull." Nicky pulls Joe closer and their lips meet in a soft kiss.
Booker hates this cycle. He wishes and prays for each life to be his last. It is in his third life that he meets another. Andy has lived hundreds of lives.
"Will it ever stop?" Booker asks in desperation. He can not face living like this, to live constantly, over and over again with memories piling on and on until he will inevitably forget those things he once loved.
"I don't know," Andy shrugs and pats his shoulder. Booker ends his own life for the first time the next day. It doesn't take. In the next moment he is swaddled in a blanket and crying against the chest of a woman he will fear to love as his mother.
Nile grows up with her brother and the memories of another woman in her head. She thinks they're a story, a character, and she spends hours in the library researching in an attempt to write her story accurately.
It disturbs her to find that the story is already accurate. The history of the time slots in around the story with ease and Nile shivers at the realization that she knows another's story so intimately, so instinctively.
"Well, maybe you were her in a past life!" Her brother Layne jokes. It's not so funny when they realize it might be true.
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