stormyoceans · 10 months
we are expecting gmmtv 2024 in october. what's your list of manifestations? share with us, dear!
i also don’t know how to feel about the line up being announced before last twilight and 23.5 even got the chance to air (unless we’re getting last twilight replacing hidden agenda which means it would start on october 1st, but i do not dare to hope), however i thought about it a little and here’s a very rough list of my hopes and dreams that im gonna actualize with the power of manifestation and delusion:
JIMMYSEA NEW SERIES DIRECTED BY P’JOJO. LISTEN I DON’T CARE IF IT’S UNLIKELY FOR THEM TO GET A SHOW 3 YEARS IN A ROW MY CLOWN WIG IS ON MY SHOES ARE SQUEAKING MY MAKE UP IS IN PLACE. the amount of p’jojo+jimmysea online interactions we’ve got since p’jojo visited them on the last twilight set is just TOO SUSPICIOUS to be meaning nothing I WANT TO BELIEVE. that being said, i feel like it will probably be an ensamble cast kind of series, so im praying for the medical drama QL of my dreams with jimmysea + earthmix OR the heist QL of my dreams with jimmysea + forcebook. im not picky though I REALLY JUST WANT A NEW PROJECT FOR JIMMYSEA AS A PAIRING but also..
SOME SOLO PROJECT FOR BOTH JIMMY AND SEA. they’re both great actors and sea in particular is able to portray an insane range of emotions so it’s time for GMMTV to start giving him more roles.
regardless of whatever happens with jimmysea, i do want earthmix and forcebook to have a new series next year.
PAPANG AS THE MAIN LEAD IN A BL. do i believe this is gonna happen? sadly, no. will i still be manifesting this every single day from here to october? DAMN RIGHT I WILL MY MAN DESERVES IT. actually i said this before but i think GMMTV should just give me papang+guy+pond+pepper in a BL. MY MEN DESERVE IT.
AT LEAST 2 GLs BUT PREFERABLY MORE. freenbecky got me gagged with their upcoming sci-fi movie and period drama series, so i think GMMTV should step up their game and give us ALL THE GIRLS. im frankly starving for more GLs so i don’t really have any specific plot i want to see, i just want the genre to thrive and be allowed to explore different stuff like BL has started to do. if i really had to pick tho, i would love to have a sizzy series (maybe with janaye and ciizejane) and to have prigkhing and piploy in a GL. and namtan. and jamie.
QL exploring other sexualities and gender identities. just give me ace main characters, trans main characters, non-binary main characters, ALL THE DIFFERENT QUEER MAIN CHARACTERS!!!!!!!
i want to say enigma season 2 because it was actually a great show but with bright leaving GMMTV i don’t think i should get my hopes up ;;;;;;; unless they recast his character since he appeared for 5 seconds at the end of the series.
these are the main things that come to my mind for now, but im sure that by the time october comes im gonna have some more!!!!
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altschmerzes · 11 months
hey saw ur comment on the man city fix it fic ab Jamie’s fathers death & was wondering what u disliked ab the Jamie’s mum and Simon part? not judging or anything im just curious!!
yeaaaaaaah so! from what ive seen at least this is a not particularly common opinion which is fine, im aware i have some particular biases and priorities and whatnot in this area, but it just… i didnt like that stuff at all. it really put me off actually, for a couple reasons. i'll get into why, but i know a lot of people like Really Loved that stuff and especially his mom - and it also gets a little down on season 3 and the writing team as a whole at some points lmao - so i'll put it under a cut.
(this got. very long. im so sorry.)
it basically boils down to a couple things: 1. what they presented us with doesn't hold water if poked literally at all in any direction, 2. it made me feel a little uncomfortable given the way everything else in jamie's arc played out, and 3. if they were going to do something like this, they needed WAY more time and narrative space to execute it well in general and specifically for ME to execute it in a way that didn't leave a bad taste in my mouth.
there are a few things that i generally dread when you have a character who's presented to have some serious trauma related to their family and specifically to an abusive parent, and one of those things is the sudden inclusion of another parent in there who is just. everything is totally fine and normal and happy and not at all complicated with them! it always makes me feel weird and bad when that happens, especially when there is no explanation provided for how that like. fits in with the abuse we know they experienced as well. that is a matter of personal preference, and i can own that. i just don't like it, and it makes me feel weird and uneasy. and that's part of it here, but what's also part of it is that i think that - my personal feelings about this type of character choice overall aside - they did not execute it well given the story they'd already presented us with, the way they used these new characters, and how much time they spent on it.
the image they presented of jamie's mom and stepdad is like… very simple and positive and shiny and uncomplicated. it's just good. they just love and support him and are a positive and affectionate active presence. and that might seem like an unfair characterization of it because we saw very little and we know very little of what their relationship is actually like - we don't know what might be complicated, what might be messy, how often they talk, etc - but that’s honestly part of my issue here. we were given a sliver of a glimpse into jamie's mom and his relationship with her and his stepdad when jamie as a character is someone who is hugely defined by his family history and the baggage and trauma and danger associated with it. if they were going to do this, they needed to spend way more time on it. they needed to introduce her earlier, do something to make it jive with what we were already presented about her: some vague mentions, half of which were in past tense, and all of which seemed to imply very strongly that if she were alive (which there was a lot of confusion about!) then they were likely to some degree estranged, because it seemed pretty clear with the 'i don't know if she would be [proud] lately' bit that he literally did not know what she thought of him in recent years. and like. it seems like i'm nitpicking, but again, this is a character who has been so strongly based in and defined by his family and the like. past and current danger and trauma associated with it.
especially given how little time or attention was given to everything else with his family, it was just way too late in the game to introduce these characters and be able to do them and their relationship with the existing characters justice. like you’ve already got a complicated story you’re skipping most of and not giving its due do you really need to add more really complicated stuff in there. and then just go actually it's not complicated don't worry about it :) like. that just doesn't work for me.
so that's where i'm at like, not only do i inherently dislike this sort of element introduced with this type of character, which is a me problem, i also think the story they presented in that episode with his mom and simon just flat out didn't make sense and they did not have the time to make it make sense even if they'd tried, which they didn't. like... if things are just fine and normal and easy with them and she’s just great and loving and supportive it’s like i. So What Happened, Then.
it makes his entire arc make less sense. if she's just Been Here what happened? why did he need to be reminded that not EVERYONE in his life was out to get him? why did keeley have to tell him to stop battling everyone that was just trying to help him? why is he so isolated and adrift at the beginning of season two? why did she never attend a single match? why did we never see him text or call or mention her in a contemporary way? like there COULD be answers to those things that make sense with what they presented, but we didn't get any of those answers and those are big questions to me given they comprise like... all of jamie's character arc lmao. at the end of the day, throwing in the stuff with his mom feels... really disrespectful to the story they wrote with him (that they already fell down on the job with) to just throw that in there with no consideration or attention paid to how it fits with or impacts anything already established.
i truly don't think that every question needs to be answered in a story. i am not saying that. i'm not saying someone needed to turn to the audience and go here's the logistic details of exactly how and when everything that happened with jamie and his parents happened. but there are some serious issues with like, telling a coherent story, and utilizing the extremely limited narrative space that a secondary character in an ensemble show can be afforded. (especially when in season three it really felt like they were already racing through characters and plot lines and backstory stuff like the goal was to just drop info just to Have It and then never address or do anything with it at all.) why did they do that, is what i keep going back to. you're telling a story with very limited space and a lot of characters. so what was the reason for that stuff to be there? so that someone could lay the 'yea he was a dick but he made you into this person! you're so strong now!' foundation for ted telling jamie to forgive his dad and 'disappointed teacher face' him into saying 'thank you' after the 'fuck you'? or was it just fanservice that you didn't think needed to fit with the rest of the story narratively or thematically? because that's where i keep going back to as well.
it just... and this is the bitchier, more spiteful part of me saying this, the part that was PROFOUNDLY let down by the way they handled the aspects of jamie's arc to do with his family and with the abuse he suffered, but it feels like an attempt to use happy sparkly fanservice-y funny and feel-good scenes with his adorable mom and sweet stepdad to like. pull way back on the rest of his whole situation with his family like see no he’s fine! isn’t it great how funny and adorable his mom is! isnt his stepdad fun! everything is fine actually things with his dad are just ~complicated because james drinks :) (and then all he needs to do about that is grow up and forgive, he's just a melodramatic mama's boy, the pain is his fault and he'll be fine once he Forgives, and rehab fixes everything). i don't have some kind of conspiracy that this was their actual reasoning but that's how it hit to me - whoops we don't actually want to deal with the abuse so we're gonna sweep it way under the couch and look! see! here's his cute fun mom isn't she great! (He's Fine Don't Worry About It, His Family Is Actually Sooooo Supportive!)
but yeah that's the bitchy and unfair part of me so. that's not really my main point.
(i also gotta say everything about that sequence with jamie and company at his mom's house feels like... tissue paper thin and very fucking weird from both a narrative and a logistical point of view. the stuff with the actual people of his mom and stepdad aside, what the hell was up with his room? what was that poster of keeley doing there. when did that go up. how old was he when he put it there. yeah she's older than him by a fair bit but not THAT much older. and if he was putting it up as like, a teenager or something, why is the rest of that room decorated for a seven year old. parents preserve their kids rooms like shrines this is true but the idea of a like, jamie in his mid/late teens or whatever putting that poster of keeley up but also sleeping in a little kid's bed still is like... did you think about this at all. it really does not seem like you did. At All. it just goes to my spiteful fringe theory about that whole sequence which is “oh this is pure 100% gratuitous backpatting fanservice that nobody actually thought about in any real way whatsoever”)
sorry this got so long but i have a lot of thoughts on this and they get kicked up every time i see posts gushing about how much people loved georgie or those scenes or whatnot like everyone is of course entitled to their opinion and i don't hold it against anyone! but that stuff hit way different for me and just added insult to injury in an episode that generally seemed to handle jamie and his situation in a way i found cringeworthy and weird at best and offensive and victim blaming at worst.
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hephaestuscrew · 1 year
Hi! im relistening to Wolf359 again and upon listening to Pan-Pan(ep29) ive come to notice a bit of a parallel (?) to Need to Know (ep35). Minkowshi not telling the crew about the cracks on the fixtures and how in less than 100 DAYS that the whole station could go down no matter how many repairs they make due to not wanting to add more weight and hopelessness to an already high stressed situation vs Kepler not telling anyone shit bc he doesn't see that as none of their business (I may be overlooking something tho, i have to relisten to that ep once i get off work)
I'm trying to see if there's an actual connection there or am i on my tin foil hat biases again.
Thanks for the ask! I ended up writing far more than I expected about this, so I'll put my response below a cut.
TLDR: Minkowski and Kepler make a similar choice to withhold information, but for very different reasons. Minkowski is motivated by her responsibility to protect her crew. Kepler is motivated by his desire to maintain his own power. This relates to their different ideas about leadership.
I think there's an interesting comparison to the extent that these are both cases in which people in authority positions have to make decisions about who to share critical information with. Minkowski and Kepler both withhold information from their respective crews that is very relevant to their future survival. They both use the phrase "need to know" in their justification for doing this. When Hilbert asks why Minkowski hasn't told them about the cracks, Minkowski's first response is "Because… you didn't need to know." Kepler talks about the idea of 'need to know' quite a bit, but perhaps the most notable instance for this comparison is when he tells Jacobi "That mission parameter [about the potential for alien duplicates] was marked for black archive clearance. Need to know. And you didn't need to know."
But I think the similarities between Minkowski and Kepler's approaches to withholding information pretty much end there. I believe that Minkowski is telling the truth when she says she didn't tell Hilbert and Lovelace about the cracks because they'd "suffered enough". She doesn't tell them because she doesn't want them to lose hope. She doesn't tell them even though, as Hera says, doing so might make wrangling them easier.
For Minkowski, knowing something that she doesn't tell the rest of the crew is something that weighs on her. I think you can hear it in her voice when she tells Hera that she won't tell Hilbert and Lovelace about the cracks "not today". I think you can hear it when she breaks down towards the end of Pan-pan ("Just like the cracks, and the station just keeps falling apart. And there's nothing I can do, and I am sorry.")
In contrast, I don't think we are given any reason to believe that Kepler feels a sense of regret or conflict about the knowledge he doesn't share with the rest of the crew. Of course, he regrets the consequences of losing Jacobi's loyalty and his control of the station. But Kepler's reaction to Jacobi challenging him on his secrecy is focused on standing by his decision and justifying it. Unlike Minkowski, Kepler refers to Goddard rules when defending his decision not to share information. He didn't tell his crew that Lovelace was probably an alien duplicate because he believed that doing so wouldn't have supported his objectives. That's sufficient reason for him.
I think this is actually a good illustration of a key difference between Minkowski and Kepler's attitudes towards leadership. For Minkowski, leadership is first and foremost about responsibility - the responsibility to be a good Commander and keep her crew safe. (Other leadership priorities are more prominent for her early on, but by season 2 I believe that's her primary motivation and I think it's always been a key part of her concept of leadership.) In contrast, for Kepler, leadership is first and foremost about power - the power to push mission progress forward, the power to order and manipulate and threaten in service of the bigger picture. And information is power, so why would he share it if he doesn't have to?
Those contrasting ideas of leadership underlie their choices when they withhold information from their crews. Minkowski doesn't tell her crew everything because she wants to protect them from losing hope. Kepler doesn't tell his crew everything because he wants to be the one holding all the cards - he'll only reveal information to others when doing so supports his aims.
To come back to your original question, I think there's a connection here, but it's less that the writers are deliberately encouraging these comparisons, and more that Minkowski and Kepler are both people in leadership positions in a life-threatening environment, and that inevitably necessitates decisions about who to share information with. And very different leadership priorities can motivate similar choices in not telling people things they would want to know.
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aceofspades-sml · 1 year
That's awesome! My mom loved her and before her untimely.. absence I'd never really looked much into her beyond getting my mom books at used book sales and thinking she must be good since my mom loved her so much. It was on my eventual to do list but not priority cuz you know there's always tomorrow and all that. Anyway I finally got an opportunity to see murder on the orient express for the first time. It was near my mom's hometown at a community theater (sorry for all my rambling) and it was amazing. It was well worth the wait. I wanna crack open those books and read some of her stuff now.
Side note I'll have you know I grinned like Cheshire cat when I saw you posted Cuz you're one of my favorite people.
Ahhhh okay! So I finally got the opportunity to talk to @justgotword and @queenofbrooklyn and some of the other super cool people! Apparently I've now been dubbed 'the anon' and people want me to come into their inbox which is just like cool but wild to me. I've never been wanted before. Tbh I didn't really have friends when I was young. I'm quiet and have social anxiety when I like something I know lots of facts and talk about it alot so I've been considered weird. I digress im super honored people seem to like my company.
Murder on the orient express is a really good one I'm glad you like it !!! Also yeah I'm very biased here since I love her but I would def recommend to give other books a try they are well worth it (btw tell me if you want recommandations or anything I love talking about those books )
Oh that's so cool !!! I'm super happy for you, I know what it's like to be considered weird so I'm really glad you found people to talk to, you deserve it < 33
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nightferns · 3 years
The Third Variant to the SootCraft Fundy and Wilbur family drama that Maybe Accidentally Started it
So yesterday me and @bigbraveboop came to the conclusion that C!fundy had an arc in early early L'manburg that we were kinda unaware of. And it cracks the case of... how the family drama started. And also is why is this exists
C!Tommy was the catalyst of the c!Fundy | c!Wilbur family drama in S1 and i promise i have proof
all /rp
So what does Fundy repeatedly say is his biggest gripe with Wilbur currently and multiple times after his death? Well:
“You were there for me for a very very long time and then when i needed you the most, you skedaddled fuck the out of my life and died. Because of what? L’manberg’s causes, huh? You thought that was- You thought that was justice? You thought that was good for me? You left me, man.’
“The dad that- my dad that exploded himself for the sake of a country, just for that country to be demolished in future hands?-"
“He put me to priority number 2, man. He put me in the second place.”
So its about L’manburg being more important than him to Wilbur.
Now lets dig deep, where did that insecurity start? Why did Fundy arrive at this conclusion? Why did he feel like this in the first place about his position in L’manburg and his Father?
We kinda assume it was always there or was because of Wilbur actually prioritizing L’manburg over his son/being negectfull. But no! Fundy was very confident in his realtionship with Wilbur and his position in L’manburg at the Start and we see tha change so!
I want to argue that this insecurity... didn't come from Wilbur or any of his actions or lack thereof. Not directly.
“Wilbur? I dunno, Wilbur’s a man of chaos, alright- due to the lore of the server, Wilbur may or may not have been the father of our nation, but- that doesn’t mean he’s for everything I do. That doesn’t mean he stands behind me, alright? Not necessarily...not necessarily.”
This is the first instance of Fundy doubting his connection to Wilbur helping things, i'd argue it still was a part of a lighhearted bit that isn’t to be taken too seriously in the context of the larger story but i realized something that made me change my mind, i mean it is still a lighthearted bit but it connects to a certain quote from uncle Innit:
“What would father think?”
And then that got me thinking and:
Part 1 aka Early L'manburg Fundy had different feelings towards Wilbur than Civil War Fundy
So how did Fundy act towars Wilbur early on?
Fundy: "Don't speak to me ma- hey that's fucked up don't talk about that. That's-"
Tommy: "Listen Th- you gotta kn- you gotta know you don't speak to the boss's son like that. Nevermind about- about the boss's wife to the boss's son in front of the boss's right hand man! You really gotta- You really gotta read the room Thunder."
Fundy: "Yea you don't. You don't."
JM: "fine ok let him do what he wants to do, i just don't wanna hear about it [..]"
Tommy: "Listen to me Fundy- Listen to me Fundy- he didn't mean that- he's just a bold man- he had- he had a little-"
Fundy [turning to JM]: "I will tell on you."
Tommy: " NO no no no Fundy- Fundy He had a little flirt with Dream- he had a little flirt with dream, he's- he's a- he's really new, he's learing his boundaries, he's over stepped them, alright, listen, but you don't have to tell Will, you don't have to tell no-one. "
[To JM] "Thunder you need to to calm your fucking- holy shit."
"-Please, please give him a rest."
JM: "no i- im sorry, im sorry, i'm sorry Fundy"
Fundy: 'I don't want this behavior again, alright."
JM: "no i wont- i wont-"
Fundy: 'Don't talk to my Dad OR my salmon Mother like that ever again, i will tell on you, keep it in mind. I have privilege to speak up against-"
JM: "i understand."
I will come back to the i have a privilege line later but first, from this we see Fundy being confident that Wilbur would take his side because he is his son. He is the “i will tell my parents about this” kid, alongside that he doesn’t feel like he has no imput in decisions, he doesnt feel insecure here he is in the position of power. 
So again when did it appear?
Fundy: “I may or may not have scammed a bunch of people, including all of L’manburg people, um…”
Tommy: “You scammed L’manburg members?!”
Fundy: “But here’s the thing – I’m willing to pay you a part of the profit if you help me out here!”
Tommy: “Fundy…okay, can I tell you what’s happened from my point of view? The son of the President has gone around scamming the other presidential members, and as the Vice President whilst the President’s not on, this is my duty to make sure that this doesn’t pull apart L’manburg. And what you’re saying – what you’ve essentially just said is, ‘hey, can I bribe you?’“
Fundy: “…Can I?”
Tommy: “Jesus Christ…No, okay, we need to settle this now, ‘cause I mean if this happens on my turf, I’m gonna fucking take the blame from this from Wilbur, alright…so listen, Fundy, under no circumstances can you bribe anyone!”
Fundy: “I got two Netherite scraps?”
Tommy: “Okay, okay – explain to me what’s happened, please.”
[Fundy explains the conflict]
Tommy: “What would father think?”
Fundy: “Well, he always – he always sides…by me…obviously.”
Tommy: “Would he though? I mean, you’ve gone against the other members of the nation he fought to build.”
Fundy: “Well only because my loot has been stolen! Alright?”
Tommy: “This sounds petty, Fundy.”
Fundy: “Okay, okay, I can word this differently in my favor.”
Tommy: “No, okay, no – you’re not meant to say that out loud! Okay, I’m gonna ask Tubbo what’s happened, and then from there on we’ll – but please do not do any – we can’t have L’manburg falling out over this, alright?” 
So here we see Fundy the president’s son being put in comparison to L’manburg the nation the president built for what Wilbur would prioritize for the first time, and Tommy sows the seeds that maybe L’manburg matters more to Wilbur than him, that Wilbur would choose the nation. this is also first time Fundy has been sort of excluded from the Whole of L’manburg.
and we see Tommy’s words affect Fundy,
Fundy: “We gotta list everyone who’s against me:”
“I killed Tubbo twice, I stole his bow. Tubbo’s probably against me.”
“Tommy has always been against me from the start.”
“Sapnap is against me because I killed his animals and stole them.”
“Punz is against me ‘cause I stole his bees.”
“Eret is against me ‘cause I went after Karl.”
“Karl’s against me ‘cause -- I just realized I’ve made a lot of enemies...I just realized I don’t have many -- I don’t have many allies on the server. There’s not many allies.”
“Who’s neutral? Niki! Niki is with me! Niki is friendly.”
“Wilbur? I dunno, Wilbur’s a man of chaos, alright...due to the lore of the server, Wilbur may or may not have been the father of our nation, but...that doesn’t mean he’s for everything I do. That doesn’t mean he stands behind me, alright? Not necessarily...not necessarily.”
“Quackity? Quackity’s definitely not -- no, listen, Quackity’s definitely not for me, okay. I called him a whore. There’s definitely -- there’s definitely many things Quackity has against me.”
so here is my argument... Fundy’s insecurity started with Tommy.
Part 2 Development Of Those Feelings (Uncle Tommy you’re not Helping)
Fundy, growing disillusioned with Wilbur and L’manburg, lead to this one coversation between Fundy and Wilbur,
Wilbur: Well the uh- the ballot entries have closed now.
Fundy: Who's in it?
Wilbur: Well it originally was just gonna be me and Tommy, me and Tommy tired to do it so- tried to do it so we will be the only ones running, then suddenly out of nowhere Quackity joins and enters himself on the ballot-
Fundy: Ok.
Wilbur: -so it's me and Tommy against Quackity and someone else.
Fundy: Who's someone else?
Wilbur: We don't know yet, he hasn't announced,
Fundy: Wait then- oh, so it's just a random… sneaky person who put himself in the ballot not announced who he is.
Wilbur: yeah, yeah. I mean if you wanna try and convince Quackity that you wanna run against your father.
Fundy: Yeah ok.
Wilbur: Wait, you- you wouldn't though. 
Fundy: What if i win? What are- what are you gonna do?
Wilbur: Well then you'd be Vice President.
Fundy: but-What if i win?
Wilbur: Why do you want power in L'manburg so much?
Fundy: Why do you want power?
Wilbur: Because- i led the revolution, i'm your…  i'm your president.
Fundy: That's history.
Wilbur: Wh- d- Do you not think i-  i'm suitable to run for president?
Fundy: I think you are, but i think I am as well.
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
Fundy: Wait so you're a biased person going for presidency.
Wilbur: Biased to my son? Yes. But, if you're gonna run against me then i'm changing, i'll- i'll go guns blazing.
Fundy: I'll have a word with Quackity.
Wilbur: Fundy i…  i've got- i've got- i've got a bad feeling about this. I think you're just gonna… you're just gonna get hurt.
Fundy: That will happen-
Wilbur: Fundy yeah- Yeah someone in my chat just pointed out, Fundy you started the civil war.
Niki: I mean technically Sapnap started the civil war.
Fundy: I mean- i mean technically- Yeah y' know, technically- and i'm gonna win it! It's fine! I mean what does he have on me, really?
Wilbur: I thought it was you fighting Tubbo?
Fundy: what?
Wilbur: I thought civil war was you and Tubbo?
Fundy: No, Tubbo's just a prick.
Wilbur: Sapnap's not even- not even part of L’manburg how is it a civil war?
Fundy: I don't know you brought it up!
Wilbur: Tommy told me- Tommy told me it was Tubbo and Fundy.
Fundy: Yeah no Tommy is a little bit delusional.
Wilbur: I think i've spoiled you.
Fundy: How?
Wilbur: I think you need to learn some manners.
Fundy: I dunno- power seems nice.
Wilbur: Fine, you can run against me, it won't end well for you but you can give it a go.
Fundy: Like i said i'll- i'll have a word with Quackity i'll think of my actions, see what will happen, i'm not saying necessarily that i'll go against you, then again i'm not standing beside you because you may or may not be the father of L'manburg 
Wilbur: And you! The father of you!
Fundy: That's irrelevant. To-
Wilbur: No it's not irrelevant! It's very relevant to this!
Fundy: I don't-  i don't think that's relevant to presidency
I’ll talk over Wilburs pov here in a little bit but focusing on Fundy, 
He wants to run, other than everything we established before here Fundy wants to run to prove himself to himself, and we see the other part of this conflict more internally is,  
(“[..] may or may not be the father of L'manburg- “ , “ That's irrelevant.” )
 Well, here is the insecurity about Wilbur choosing L’manburg (here his position as president) over Fundy, the being second place to L’manburg part matters here becasue i think this is where Wilbur and Fundy fundamentally clash, so Fundy doesn’t want for it to matter to Wilbur, he doesn’t want for his position as son to have any influence over Wilbur here beacuse of this fear that that’s why he may be in the second place.
now let’s move on to,
Uncle Tommy ‘helps’
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
Tommy: “I just, I – yeah. You’re stinky, you’re shitty, the fur that’s sewn onto your skin, I look at it and I go (retching sounds) And whilst you’re a lovely guy, you’re actually not, you’re really…and all the viewers are like ‘oh no!’ But they can’t smell you. I can! Holy shit, you know? I mean you know, Sapnap…”
Fundy: “I showered two hours before the stream…”
Tommy: “I know, and that’s what makes it so remarkable, how you smell that terrible.”
Fundy: “I used coconut oil…it smells good…”
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “Being neutral is – is asshole?”
Tommy: “Yes. Come with me, Sapnap. Yeah, I’ve denounced you – well no no no, you were challenging him. You were challenging him.”
Fundy: “Denounced to what?”
Tommy: “I just – it’s just a formal way of saying you suck.”
(Tommy and Sapnap leave)
Fundy: “…They are mean…They are mean! Why are they so mean? That is so mean…”
Fundy: “Listen, it is one thing making fun of a person’s appearance…it is one thing making fun of a person’s blindness, but hey – don’t fucking make fun of my coconut oil! Listen dude…that shit smells tasty! That smells good! Man…that’s…god…coconut oil, man…dude.“
Fundy: “TNT their houses? That will just prove their point, chat. That will just prove their point. That will just prove their point…they’re just mean. They’re so mean. But it is okay, chat. It is okay. The reason why it’s okay…that’s actually true. Why is he talking to the enemy? Wait…wait a minute. Wait a minute! So let me get the story straight real quick.”
 “Chat…just hold up a second here! Hold on a second! So Tommy is demoting me, right? And he’s saying you’re only in L’manburg because of Wil. So Tommy says…in theory, he would kick me out if he had the chance. But considering that, while he’s together with Sapnap…it leads me to believe…Tommy wants to destroy L’manburg!”
“Why would he do that? Why would he team up with Sapnap? He had no correlation with this conversation at all. What was the reason for that?”
“…Do we have another traitor in our midst?”
Fundy: “Listen, Tommy, here’s a really interesting theory, alright…here’s an interesting theory, Tommy. I got a little theory on my mind! Listen, boy, we’re part of L’manburg, you and me. Wil as well, Tubbo, all of us, alright? And we’re supposed to be a union! Now here’s the thing! Here’s the thing. If you said, due to Wilbur I’m still basically part of L’manburg – in other terms saying that if it was on your hands you would get me out of there, right, why would you excessively bring Sapnap, out of all people, for that conversation alone?”
Tommy: “Shall I explain to you? It’s because, Fundy, we fucking need votes, Fundy. We need votes! This Quack City guy, son of BadBoyHalo? He’s just – he’s just, like, oh my god. We needed votes. And listen, Fundy–”
Fundy: “You basically just lost my vote, and I feel like that’s your purpose!”
Tommy: “You’re in L’manburg! You vote for us already – you vote for your own father, don’t be an idiot!”
Fundy: “I feel like you’re trying to bring us apart, Tommy. I feel like your goals are not supportive towards L’manburg at the moment…”
Tommy: “From my perspective, Sapnap hates you, Fundy. Sapnap hates you. And if I go listen, if I had to tier list all of the members of L’manburg, Fundy would be in D tier. He needs to hear that.”
Fundy: “…Tommy, are you Eret?”
Post the court debate Fundy was more decided on running on his own,
“Honestly, I feel like everything just needs to change. Honestly, I feel like neither of the parties have done enough right to deserve leadership, to deserve presidency in the first place. I feel like a lot of shit needs to change.”
Fundy didnt want to endorse any of the parties, SWAG2020 was endorsed by Dream, and he belived POG2020 to be corrupt because of the bribing Karl situation, so he was more keen on running on his own, and then came the public denouncing situaion.
Obviously Fundy was hurt by this, especially considering Sapnap was his enemy, and Tommy’s words didnt do Fundy’s and Wilburs already shaky relationship many favours, but his behaviour both pushed Fundy futher away from the POG party, and started Fundy’s ‘traitor Tommy’ theory that he shared with Niki after which the Coconut2020 party was formed.
Part 3 Wilbur is a oblivious dumbass but it makes sense now.
now lets look at Wilburs pov of things, which means we are coming back to the privilege line,
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
JM: "no i- im sorry, im sorry, i'm sorry Fundy"
Fundy: 'I don't want this behavior again, alright."
JM: "no i wont- i wont-"
Fundy: 'Don't talk to my Dad OR my salmon Mother like that ever again, i will tell on you, keep it in mind. I have privilege to speak up against-"
JM: "i understand."
So coming back to this quote, i belive Wilbur didnt realize Fundy had these doubts about thier relationship, because he was used to Fundy sharing his problems with him, and he was left kinda drifting in an ‘why is my son suddenly against me now??’
Wilbur didnt realize Fundy’s feelings about him had changed, as in Fundy no longer WOULD come to him if he had any probems, because Fundy used to come to him with problems, ("I will tell on you.") But Tommy’s first comment knocked him down and the debate and the Sapnap-Tommy situation had as well and the denouncement, (which Wilbur also knew shit about) because he was already insecure about his place in L’manburg and Wilbur. AND he wouldn't come to Wilbur like he used to because Wilbur was the point of his insecurity even if he wasnt the couse of it.
So we see Wilbur kinda be sad and confused and misstepping becasue of that,
Wilbur: I don't know man. I don't- i think- i think you- i think you'd be s- i think you'd be getting into a fight you wouldn't want to start with me. You've only been on the positive side of me, you've only seen my nice side, because y'know? being my son you get- you get special- y'know? You won't ever see me going against you.
Fundy: Wait so you're a biased person going for presidency.
Wilbur: Biased to my son? Yes. But, if you're gonna run against me then i'm changing, i'll- i'll go guns blazing.
Fundy: I'll have a word with Quackity.
Wilbur: Fundy i…  i've got- i've got- i've got a bad feeling about this. I think you're just gonna… you're just gonna get hurt.
Wilbur: Tommy told me- Tommy told me it was Tubbo and Fundy.
Fundy: Yeah no Tommy is a little bit delusional.
Wilbur: I think i've spoiled you.
Fundy: How?
Wilbur: I think you need to learn some manners.
Fundy: I dunno- power seems nice.
Wilbur: Fine, you can run against me, it won't end well for you but you can give it a go.
Wilbur: Wait, look who’s coming, look who’s coming.
Tommy: Uh oh!
Wilbur: My son. My boy.
Tommy: Your ex-son.
Wilbur: Yeah. Well, I mean, he’s still my son in blood, but, he’s just…
Tommy: You should put him up.
Wilbur: What d’you mean, put him up? What, for adoption?
Tubbo: For adoption.
Tommy: Yeah. You should see if Big Q will adopt him.
[They discuss Fundy’s Twitch Prime cape. He runs up on stage, to the microphone, and starts punching the air. He’s not in the same vc as them.]
Wilbur: What’s he doing, what’s he doing- what is this? What is this bit? What is he doing?
Tommy: What the fuck are you- no.
Wilbur: He’s just not- he’s not- he’s really upsetting me.
Tommy: Just- just- he’s not President is he? He’s got no manners, he has no manners. No etiquette.
Wilbur: Look, he’s supposed to be my son.
[Wilbur types in chat: “fundy talk to me” and Fundy immediately leaves the game.]
Tubbo: He is trying.
Tommy: Tubbo, you’re gonna get murdered, my friend.
Wilbutr: He said, he said, “I am here for the Presidencialcy-” He just left.
Tommy: And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.
W: I don’t- I- It’s really sad, like I… Honestly, I- when he turned around to me and he said he wasn’t gonna vote for me, and then he decided he was gonna vote for the opposition, and then he decided he was gonna run against me, that was- one of those was the straw that broke my back. I’m not sure which one- I’m still contemplating which one was the- are you listening?
[Tommy has jumped off the podium to join Tubbo in the audience.]
Tpmmy: Yeah, I’m going down to Tubbo, I just- I’m just letting you vent, Wilbur, I want you to have time to vent.
Wilbur: Yeah I just- I miss me son! I miss me son! I miss when he was my boy! Do you remember when he was my boy?
Tommy: Yeah, I’m not really good at handling… People who are emotional.
Wilbur also didn’t know anything about the denouncement situation,
Sapnap: “Will you continue to have your son banished from L’Manberg if I vote for you?” 
Wilbur: “My son. My- My son. Look, we’re talking about politics here, I don’t want to talk about my family, if that’s alright. … I would like to say, thank you, Sapnap, for the question, I very much appreciate it, but I’m not gonna be fielding responses about my family situation, thank you.” (Alivebur)
*Wilbur proceeds to step off the podium and cry*
Wilbur: “Fundy...!” 
Besides that  fundamenatally Fundys and Wilburs views about the presidency oppose eachother,
“Tommy, I’m- I’m- I’m- I don’t know what to do, Tommy, I’ve never not been President.”
Fundy sees Wilbur and L'manburg as two separate things that he has to unfiairly contest with and for 
1. for Wilbur because of his fears, for a place among L’manburg members
2. Because He wants to prove himself to himself. he needs to know what Tommy said, isn’t true/he can thrive regardless without his fathers support he can still be a  great member of L’manburg and even a president
Wilbur sees himself as inherently connected trough L’manburg with everyone to the point that he thinks that without his position he cant do anything for his loved ones/ he wont be usefull. he thinks of l’manburg as something he does FOR all of them including Fundy.
“My son… My son is tearing down the walls, in front of me! My son is tearing down the walls in front of me! The walls I built to keep him safe! I promised him this world, Tommy, I promised him this world.”
 “Fundy was the closest thing I had to something I cared about in L’Manberg, when it all began. You know, when it started, the closest thing to anything I cared about was Fundy. Fundy was my, he was my, he was my boy! My rock!”
Ranboo: "I don't know if they actually needed me, but I was there.(about his work in the NLM cabinet)" 
Wilbur:"I know that feel." 
This why Fundy and Wilbur clash fundamentally here,
Fundy: Like i said i'll- i'll have a word with Quackity i'll think of my actions, see what will happen, i'm not saying necessarily that i'll go against you, then again i'm not standing beside you because you may or may not be the father of L'manburg 
Wilbur: And you! The father of you!
Fundy: That's irrelevant. To-
Wilbur: No it's not irrelevant! It's very relevant to this!
Fundy: I don't-  i don't think that's relevant to presidency
Part 4 Tommy WHY? (he is propably protective and and a tiny bit jealous )
Tommy: “Hey, you know about Fundy’s little rebellious stage he’s going through?”
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Tommy: “Shall I explain to you? It’s because, Fundy, we fucking need votes, Fundy. We need votes! This Quack City guy, son of BadBoyHalo? He’s just – he’s just, like, oh my god. We needed votes. And listen, Fundy–”
Fundy: “You basically just lost my vote, and I feel like that’s your purpose!”
Tommy: “You’re in L’manburg! You vote for us already – you vote for your own father, don’t be an idiot!”
Fundy: “I feel like you’re trying to bring us apart, Tommy. I feel like your goals are not supportive towards L’manburg at the moment…”
Tommy: “From my perspective, Sapnap hates you, Fundy. Sapnap hates you. And if I go listen, if I had to tier list all of the members of L’manburg, Fundy would be in D tier. He needs to hear that.”
Wilbur: Wait, look who’s coming, look who’s coming.
Tommy: Uh oh!
Wilbur: My son. My boy.
Tommy: Your ex-son.
Wilbur: Yeah. Well, I mean, he’s still my son in blood, but, he’s just…
Tommy: You should put him up.
Wilbur: What d’you mean, put him up? What, for adoption?
Tubbo: For adoption
Wilbur: He said, he said, “I am here for the Presidencialcy-” He just left.
Tommy: And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.
W: I don’t- I- It’s really sad, like I… Honestly, I- when he turned around to me and he said he wasn’t gonna vote for me, and then he decided he was gonna vote for the opposition, and then he decided he was gonna run against me, that was- one of those was the straw that broke my back. I’m not sure which one- I’m still contemplating which one was the- are you listening?
[Tommy has jumped off the podium to join Tubbo in the audience.]
Tommy: Yeah, I’m going down to Tubbo, I just- I’m just letting you vent, Wilbur, I want you to have time to vent.
Wilbur: Yeah I just- I miss me son! I miss me son! I miss when he was my boy! Do you remember when he was my boy?
Tommy: Yeah, I’m not really good at handling… People who are emotional.
Besides Tommy genuinely wanting to get more votes during the dennoucemnt situation, his seconddary motive was well, he was protective over Wilbur, he noticed that what Fundy did during the debate hurt Wilbur, and kept acting bitter towards him from then on. ( “ I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night.” / And then he- [sighs] I’m so sorry you have to deal with him.”  )
the he a was tiny bit jealous point IS more up in the air but we can compare this to how Tommy acted towards Ranboo just after leaving prison, when he learned of the c!beeduo marriage.
Quotes from @/kateis-cakeis, @/findingjoynweirdstuff, @/ace-enderchest and my own transcripts, thank you guys!
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neo-shitty · 3 years
no dearest, dont worry, ive been super busy with exams and auditions so i couldnt reply to this, super sorry ;n; but im here now so here we go!
mmm same, tasteful smut is preferable, tho rare. oh no! pls dont feel pressured to follow me on anything, i post very sporadically on that acc so you probably wont see much yet haha
hehe sometimes it just be like that. mmm real life isnt happy, so it makes sense that angst is more realistic, plus people are shitty /hj so its easier to have smth to base the characters and action off. but if angst is what you feel comfortable with, im glad you found it and you can write it so well!
yes i totally agree! they just suck you in, there is no escape. mmm indeed. i guess i just (and im sure you feel the same way) wish that they would be able to stick to what they are good at, and what they enjoy, rather than what will make them the most money and recognition
hehe i dont mind! im here if you wanna rant abt the amazingness that is he, i know the feeling of almost bursting from having to talk abt smth and not being able to :) yesss hes just so comfortable and familar even tho obviously we dont and can never truly know him. hes just like a good good friend. (albeit one whos abs we rave abt). :( ohh im sorry you were in a bad place, but its good that you were able to find something to help, im sure channie would be very happy to know he helped someone :) hehe i find myself listening for him in all their tracks, its a bit like felix in that its quite distinctive and very satisfying haha. YES seonghwa is just *wordless mouthing of amazement* mmm, its going to be super hard for them to top that, fever and drunk dazed were *chefs kiss* but hopefully theyll be better soon, ive been so worried abt all of them, with the whole covid thingo, especially nikki, hes only 15 and hes rlly sick away from his parents and his home :(( poor thing. man sunoo's immune system of absolute titanium, hopefully the rest of the boys are feeling better :(
yes i KNOW right. :((( huh i guess its strange cos i cant wait to get out of high school and ur wishing you could go back :') ahh that must be strange
oooh cool! ahuh yes, im sensing a type lol. ooh fellow jake, hyuka and lisa bias! for me, nikki and jennie are bias wreckers and im not super into txt but yES i agree, he always looks impeccable. i see what you mean with jake! hes got this kinda awkward charm from what little ive seen of him. mmm well... as a chan, seonghwa and namjoon bias, i can sympathise with having a definite postion type
no darling! they wouldnt be wasted at ALL. yes, you must tell me if you are ever going to leave here :((
but on brighter topics, i finished all my midterms and had my first therapy session this week so thats good! how are you feeling today? anything else you want to discuss? hope you're doing well :)
<3 w.a. 🐺
yoooo i was starting to worry about where you were but i remembered that you talked about exams. it's alright! take your time. also auditions o.O good luck with that!!
oh don't half joke people are shitty. they really are. funny how we talk about how we're talking about how angst is my element but i just finished writing a fluffy chan fic.
yeah :( i also hope that the money making thing wouldn't be their top priority but it's still a business industry so i get why the marketing is done that way.
i rambled to an irl about chan today so idt my head would explode from keeping chan chitchat in. chan is as safe space as an idol can get for me. i want to thank him for quite literally saving me in 2020 someday. it's the first thing i'll mention if i get to have a fancall with him.
i'm currently waiting for ateez comeback! i'm hoping deja vu won't disappoint bc the song isn't bad at all o.O it takes me back to my 2nd gen roots even. abt enhypen i heard 2 are back and posting? idt they got the worst of the symptoms + they're young and i'm sure their immune systems aren't too weak.
LMAO. it's because high school was a lot easier than uni so if i were to choose from the two evils, i'd choose the lesser one.
abt my biases? really? o.O bc i've always been told that i don't have a clear bias HAJHA. i'm glad we have a few similar biases <33 the definite position type HAJH you and my friends have the same thing going on. she's all for rappers tho.
i'll tell you if i ever choose to leave. i doubt it would be any time soon xd
congratulations on finishing all your midterms and i'm glad you got to go to your therapy session. how was it? i hope you're doing well. go and take care of yourself! reward yourself a little for finishing the exams :>
my feet and legs are sore as fuck. i've been dancing the whole day and i haven't been exercising a lot so a day full of just moving around kinda shocked me. i'll be sleeping in a few though so i hope i feel better in the morning.
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rezdogsyonder · 4 years
Need (3)
Pairing: Professor!Rogers x Reader
Summary: The professor realizes just how mich he wants you.
Warnings: stalking, mention of blood.
A/N: This part will mostly be in Steve’s point of view. Kinda. I’ve decided reader wears glasses and idk why I wrote this, this way.
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‘Why am I doing this? I shouldn’t be doing this.’ Steve thought as he kept following her from a safe distance.
He wasn’t following you at first; he stayed back in his office for probably an hour...or three. He didn’t keep track. He needed to turn in a book, a history book for revision, and comparison. He is writing his own book, telling what actually happened while in the Howling Commandos.
By the time Steve got to the library the sun was setting, and it was a complete ghost town inside. Only spotting two people on his way to his destination. One of them being a janitor. The top floor of the library is where he needed to go, it’s where the special collection is kept. Normally these kinds of books aren’t allowed out of the library, but being older than most of the books in their library has its perks.
Putting the book back in its respective place, and about to return the checkout card, that is when I sees you once more. Hiding out in the back corner, at a table that is covered in notebooks and colorful pens and highlighters. Looking so deep in focus, biting your lip, and flipping through papers only to turn back to your notebook.
Hair tossed up in a messy bun. Glasses hanging at the end of your nose. You look at little bit more disheveled than what he remembered from a couple hours ago. White V-neck t-shirt under a navy blue cardigan. You looked beautiful.
Deciding to stay, Steve began to look through more history books, encyclopedias, and records that would help with his little project. If he was going to stay he might as well get some work done too.
He sat at a table across a very long isle from you. A seat that made sure he could still watch you, without you seeing. If he had, to he could just scoot his chair forward and he would be out of sight.
Steve is there for another 40 minutes or so before he sees her putting all of her notes away. He quickly stacked everything and put it all in his bag, then walking out before she sees him. Waiting by the entrance for you.
‘Why is she out this late? Doesn’t she know this is a dangerous city?’
Then he realized. He shouldn’t be here, he could get fired.
‘Why am I doing this? I shouldn’t be doing this.’ Steve thought as he kept following her from a safe distance.
He was going to turn back, he really was, but she just seemed so vulnerable. How far does she live? ‘I’ll just make sure she gets home safe.’ He decides, but he truly know that now he’s hooked, and he’s not going to stop.
And he didn’t. He not only followed her home but he found out what apartment she lives in. First floor, not very safe, at least the windows to her home are high. Less of a chance of robbery. He also saw her roommate, he recognized her from the coffee shop. Watching her clean up her room Steve realized something.
He’s got it bad.
He held himself back from following her again. Not really by choice. He didn’t see her at the library again. He also avoided the cafe she works at. Not wanting himself to get too close, too fixated. It has been three weeks though, and he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep himself from you. Of all of his classes, yours was his favorite.
You have his class twice a week, every Tuesday and Thursday. Both scheduled at 4:30. He has kept his distance and she has been nothing but a model student.
Steve needs a teachers assistant, and he thinks he’s already found her.
The essays Steve had assigned are finally almost done being graded. Deciding to leave yours last. When he was done going through, your essay was nearly perfect. Maybe he was biased, but he really thought that you’re paper deserved an A.
A grade he rewarded to only six other people. He was going to write an A when an idea struck him.
He grabbed his red marker and marked the paper with a C, writing “see me after class”.
He smiled at his plan and quickly filed it into the bottom of the stack of essays to hand back as students began filing into his classroom.
It’s Thursday.
You got to Mr.Lee’s class 15 minutes early as per usual. You like being a little bit more than punctual. This was one of your favorite classes to be in but to be honest you’d be glad when it’s over. Math made sense to you but it took work. A lot of work.
Last class, there was a test and you were dying to see how you did. Mostly because he said that this test will be just like the mid-term and a good chunk of the final. You tried really hard, going to the library more often than usual. Well, it isn’t a big accomplishment, you only go the the library once a week. For like 4 hours, but still.
You’re practically bouncing in your seat all class period, since the average score on the test for this class was 82% Mr.Lee thought that we can have a reward. It’s his top priority that his students are understanding his material, and that’s why you like this class.
We are currently watching a movie and those who wanted to leave could, but they would have to wait longer to view their score. You stayed because you worked too hard to wait any longer.
But finally the end of this class was drawing near, and Mr.Lee just checked his watch and was pulling out a big stack of papers. Trying to stay calm just in case your score was bad, and why did this class have to be so big?
He was finally get to you, and he set your packet face down on your desk. Did he put the other students tests face down? You weren’t even paying attention. Now that you have your test, you can leave the class.
Pulling out your phone you call a familiar number, “Wade?” You met him on you way to a book store last year, he actually saved you from being mugged when you thought it was a good idea to take a shortcut through a back alley.
“My common sense it tingling,” you hear him the material of his mask being moved around, “What did you do this time Y/N? Something that shows you’re intelligent I bet. That’s the main trope of your story’s character.”
“You know you don’t sense sometimes, but maybe! I took a test the other day and I’m scared to look. I was hoping a call to you would help calm my nerves.”
“Would an in person meet and greet help?”
“What do y—” you couldn’t finish your sentence before a body landed in front of you on the sidewalk. You let out a loud shriek, then you heard a voice.
“Holy fuck knuckles! That shit hurted.” And you realized who it was.
“Fuck I hate you sometimes.” You sighed.
“I’m hilarious so don’t hate. And that was about as much fun as a sandpaper dildo,” he sits up at looks at you, “wanna kiss it better?” He says gesturing to his backwards foot.
You bend over and turn it back around, despite his cry of pain. Then you offer a hand so he may stand.
You looked down, “ah shit you got some blood on me.” It was only a drop, probably the size of a quarter on your white boyfriend cardigan. Wade pokes his arm and draws a smiley, using the dot on your sweater as an eye.
“Gross.” You smiled.
“Hydrogen peroxide will get that out.” You nodded and began unbuttoning it to take it off. Leaving you in your baby pink cami that was tucked into your high waisted back jeans.
“So... Wanna see my score?” You held out the packet.
“Ah... mhmm... yes.” He mumbled through his mask as he flipped through the pages. “Y/N I’m sorry to have to tell you this but it looks as thought you’ll have to drop out.”
You hit him, “Shut up, let me see.” You snatch it out of his hand before you finished your sentence. By it before you look at your score you smiled at him, “I guess your ‘inperson meet and greet’ did help.”
93%. You were struggling in that class and this will surely boost your grade back up. Squealing you jump at Wade, hugging him. He twirled you around.
“Celebratory chimichangas?” He put you back down and began walking, knowing you’d follow.
“Yeah actually I have roughly an hour and a half before my next class.” You said you you looked down at your phone. “Where should we go?”
“There’s this beautiful woman that has a restaurant somewhere that way.” Wade said point in a general direction.
You didn’t really believe him but two blocks in the direction he pointed was a small restaurant. You wouldn’t have noticed it if Wade hadn’t pointed it out. The lady that ran it was a sweet little old woman.
The food was great, and Wade was able to keep you occupied the entire time. You didn’t even realize how much time had passed before there was only 5 minutes before your next class started.
“Oh SHIT! Fuck IM LATE!” You scrambled pull out your wallet, but end up spilling everything. Wade starts to help you pick up everything that fell out, he stood up with five of your notebooks.
“I paid ahead of time. Sorry read ahead in the script. But let’s go!” He waved at the little lady behind the counter. “Goodbye, my princess.” And blows her a kiss.
“Come on we have to run, slow ass.” he starts pulling you to go faster.
“Jesus, I’ve never been late before. Oh my god.” Starting to get out of breath. About a block and a half closer.
“Really? Never would have guess that.” He says sarcastically. You two are back on campus, and you need to pass two more buildings.
“There! It’s right there,” you say running faster, you get to the front of the building. Wade hands you back your notebooks. You lean over trying to catch your breath.
“4:28. Why was it so important to be on time to this class?”
“Well turns out Mr.America is also Mr.Punctuality.”
“Cap is your teacher? I better skedaddle before he try’s to cut off another arm. Goodbye sunshine.” He taps your nose. “Boop.”
“Bye!” You waved and headed inside, going to the second to last classroom on the left.
You check the time again 4:29, you weren’t late. But it looks like the teacher is going to be. All that worrying for nothing. Not knowing that you were the reason for his tardiness.
Mr.Rogers did show up for class but was about five minutes late. Other than that class went on like normal, you took your notes and worked. Used to the feeling of somebody staring at you, you didn’t want to know who thinking that acknowledging them will encourage them.
‘Wow she looks so adorable, pink suits her well.’ He thought as he watched her, but he began to grow angry as he realized that these boys were looking at his girl.
It was nearing the end of class, so he began passing out the essays. Saving yours for last. Today’s class was small, most students skipped his class once they realized that he wasn’t going to talk about Captain America or the avengers.
Once he got to you he placed your essay on your desk face down gently. He felt a little bad, turning around quickly so he didn’t have to see the disappointment on your face.
You forgotten about the essay, but you thought you had done well when you turned it in. You were having a good day, but this just ruined it. A big C on the corner of your paper. You felt tears beginning to well in your eyes but you blinked them away before they could fall.
You look at the clock and there is 2 minutes left, but the professor dismissed everyone already. You begin packing your stuff up, when you feel a little chilly. Sighing you pull out your cardigan and look at the smiley. Maybe you’ll call Wade again after this. You put it on hoping people will think it’s just a cute little design.
The class was now empty and you walk to the office connected to this classroom. It was more plain than you’d expect, and a lot cleaner too. Almost every other professor’s office you’d been to had been a complete mess. He was sitting behind his desk.
“You said to see you after class?” You say timidly. He gestured to the seat in front of his desk, and you take a seat.
“Yeah let me see that,” he holds out his hand and you lean forward to give him your paper, “I just needed to talk to you.” He crossed out the C and wrote an A right next to it, and stood up.
“What did you need to talk about?” You felt a little better with an improved grade, but a nervous pit in your stomach began to form. We’re you in trouble? He walked around and leaned against his desk in front of you, handing your paper back.
“I have been needing to choose a TA for the semester, and I was wondering if you would like to fill that position?”
“Oh my gosh really? I would love to! What would I need to do?”
He smiled, “Well, regular TA responsibilities like grading, tutoring or mentoring students if and when they need help, stuff like that.”
“Wow, thank you for this opportunity.” At this point you wouldn’t be able to stop smiling.
“It’s no problem. This job will suit you, I can tell.” He sighs and rubs the stubble on his face. “But, you will have to sign a few papers.” He slid walked back behind his desk and pulled a small packet out of his desk drawer. “This isn’t what you would sign with other teachers, but I’m sure you’re aware of my previous profession.” You nodded. “This is just protecting my privacy and it’s basically saying that you won’t do anything that would take away that privacy.” He slid the papers over to you, then putting a pen on top.
“Yeah, okay.” You didn’t read through it before signing, as Mr.Rogers just explained it to you. You put the pen down. “What now?”
Yes, what now? Steve thought.
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drboxleitner · 5 years
xWordgirl ships analysis
I love analyzing ships especially of my favorite heroic alien daughter, so i made a mini masterpost of my thoughts on each popular ship for becky, within reason of course. these are all speculation on them maturing into adulthood looking for love. this is all personal opinion!
long post because i don’t know how to write succinctly im sorry :’)
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the ship that needs no introduction:
 both characters need to mature before any kind of healthy romance can develop. there is friction both externally (with their villain hero conflict) and internally (both of them suffer from being prideful, condescending, and emotionally constipated), of which them being together as they are now, they both bring out the worst of those parts in one another. whether tobey goes on the straight and narrow or becky decides to fall to the darkside, or perhaps an interesting mix of the two, they both need more common ground to build a foundation on before a healthy relationship can grow. however, this doesn;t mean a seed romance cant grow where it’s planted (to say nothing of the emotional health of the two) as both lust and yearning of young dumb lovers can temporarily close any gap. however, unless they work out their moral and emotional and identity differences and, it will be a hot flash in the pan with disastrous consequences, considering the amount of firepower both parties possess.
Pros: popular ship, cute heroXvillain plots, possible redemption/descent arcs available, kissmesis, cutesy competitiveness, juicy juicy drama, relatively balanced in terms of power (becky as wordgirl, tobey and his army of robots), can weild insane amounts of gusto as a powercouple if they actually worked together
cons: unstable relationship, breakup would be very rough and destructive if gone awry, toxic competitiveness, PR problems for either one
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The sweetest sapphic couple:
you want handholding?? love poetry?? maximum fluff potential???? yo i got the ship for you. a lot about these two is conveniently already handed to us because theyre already best friends and we get to see how they function together under a variety of circumstances. for the most part, the two of them would be very openly loving. they have an opposites attract kind of relationship, the classic feeling/thinking, art/science vibes, which is cute for the most part, but can run into trouble when it comes to communication. as we’ve seen before a couple times, most notably in the series finale, the two struggle with confronting one another and reaching an understanding when things aren’t all sunshine and rainbows. both seem to be more likely to lie to keep the peace than bring up a problem, which means things can go very crooked down the line after the honeymoon phase. we have seen that violet has a great memory and while not openly, does hold grudges. we have seen becky struggle to shuffle her priorities and keep her word (hah) and have a hard time bringing up the hard truth. (theres not really a good place to bring it up but i find it very interesting that the hero is the more emotional one than the artist and the artist is colder than the hero) they need to work together to make a completely mode of communication to get through the hard times as well as the good, and if they can, they can together make the most unabashedly happiest couple on earth
pros: fluff, opposites attract, consent communication and cuddles, forgiving, with their powers combined can make the greatest art known to humankind, happy to see the other succeed, gift giving galore
cons: problems can build up fast under the surface, misunderstandings, grudges and lies, major power imbalance
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call me biased but this one is my personal favorite...:
...not because its good for them, per se, but because the dynamics are so darn interesting. while tobecky is full of classic tropes and vibecky is sweet and simple, scoobecky is a very particular kind of relationship we 1) rarely see explored as a formal, official relationship 2) have a tooon of canon interaction material to work off of, actually. this is one of those weird ones where you have to make assumptions about the current situation, eg. assume scoops and violet broke up, assume this is post-Invasion of the Bunny Lovers (IOTBL) episode, etc etc. we’ve seen them as close friends and how even like that they can kinda struggle to meet the mark and make understanding compromises (which unlike like vibecky, who does effortlessly). from what we’ve seen in post-IOTBL, they dont really have a groundwork of respect for one another they once had in wordgirl’s anonymity, but it seems to work out regardless because most of the time they get along best in times of trial and high stress (eg, zombie apocalypse, curiosity machine, rose invading on the order of things, etc). if they ended up as a couple, my best guess it was a couple out of emotional damage or desperation, a kind of functionality couple that would have a hard time handling fluff but could work together and find love during the apocalypse. they would be together for temporary comfort and security in a dangerous world, exchanging clever quips and several moments of emotional highs that will drag both of their butts through the mess they both got themselves into by agreeing to date. the highs are addictive, but functioning well as a team or friends doesn’t exactly translate to being a healthy relationship. theyre both quite petty people, and even the smallest disagreement will cast wrinkles in the cloth because both of them are on completely different life trajectories. however, i believe given good circumstances, they could in theory make it work but man is it going to take a hell of a lot of work and help. or maybe a second zombie apocalypse.
pros: exclusive interviews, mutual pining turning into a relationship trope, 
cons: major power imbalance, petty, hard to function in fair weather, not supportive
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it works because all three of them are simultaneously the third wheel. they play off one another very well
pros: you can have your cake and eat it too, have all the juicy fluff and angst of all the relationships outlined above
cons: i dunno, agreeing on the same restaurant for dinner
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I don’t know! I know a lot of other people have thought a lot harder about the other ships available, i just thought it fun to lay out my thoughts on the most obvious ships. if you have a (non-creepy) ship you feel strongly about and thought a ton about feel free to lmk i love reading about really deeply thought out character interactions
these are just my very subjective thoughts on it and considering the only canonically dating relationship among the eligible kids we’ve seen is violet and tobey, and even then thats not too explored in depth, its all speculation and analysis. id love to hear ur thoughts if you saw something different in these characters. of course, im writing all this with the assumption they are maturing into adulthood and some time has passed, the dynamic may be totally different if they were little kids in puppy love in fifth grade, i dont know! its just fun to think about all the ways u can spin these characters
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kafkasgods · 3 years
“We'll buy back our own harm with what is most dear to us.” ― Euripides, Iphigenia in Aulis
tw mentions of puke, suicide
Space. Faaya was buying herself space. That’s all it was suppose to be. Just time to sort out her feelings and reevaluate her priorities. Bentley’s confession had made her afraid. Being frozen under the drakon’s gaze had made her afraid. Dayn’s hospitalization made her afraid. Fear was power and Faaya was spiraling, powerless.
The text messages with Luke wasn’t suppose to go that route initially. She had already bought their gifts and she didn’t want the obligations of giving them to weigh on her while she figured things out. She’d give Luke his gift, let Luke give her gift for Bentley as his, and she could step away from the holidays easily. Then somewhere along the way, Faaya thought Luke was going to feel the way she pulled back eventually and she didn’t want to have another talk about it, so she’d let him down on her own terms. While he took it as well as she could expect, the guilt still lingered. Thumb on her screen, Faaya scrolled through the texts again as she sipped her hibiscus tea. Then, she swiped back to mull over Bentley’s texts.
“Faaya?” Glancing up from her phone, Adam got her attention from his seat at the bar. “Not working?”
He was Dayn’s friend, though Adam was a quiet person. She didn’t know him that well, but she had nothing against him either. “Not really. I had to come in to fix something. I’m just getting a drink since I’m here. You don’t visit these parts often.”
Adam lifted his shoulders and spoke only after a moment, changing the subject. “I heard you were with Rune. During the snow in,” he clarified. [6:01 PM] It took a moment for Faaya to remember. Right. Son of Ares. “Yeah, he saved my life and was blessed by your dad.”
“He saved you?” The slight surprise on Adam’s face didn’t really make sense for what Faaya knew of Rune, but she guessed she didn’t know him that well either. She was biased too, anyway. “What happened?”
“You can ask him if you’re so curious.”
“Probably not,” Adam answered, oddly honest. “He did okay though? He was alright?”
“As far as I can tell.” Ice clinked against her glass as she stirred it.
“Alright, thanks.”
A simple guy, Adam paid and left, leaving her with half a glass of her drink left—A light shone from the ground—And his phone, apparently. Faaya was not a nosy person, she didn’t think, but seeing Dayn’s name across the screen along with hers in the message made her curious. He was typing something, but she scrolled up to get some context. [6:03 PM] Dayn Thompson: yea faaya came by once
Dayn Thompson: she was my emergency contact
Dayn Thompson: im changing that to you btw
Adam Hudson: so my phone’s never gonna stop ringing huh
Adam Hudon: how’d that go
Dayn Thompson:
Dayn Thompson: it was weird though
Dayn Thompson: i told her about siding with athena and that was fine but then she started crying and idk it made me super uncomfortable
Dayn Thompson: like were not dating and even if we were we just never did that stuff really
Dayn Thompson: i wouldnt want to start now
Adam Hudson: you guys dated for awhile. wouldn’t that come up
Dayn Thompson: yea but she kept that shit to herself and that was better
Adam Hudson: you sound like a dick
Dayn Thompson: hey if actually loved her then maybe i might feel different but not the case man
Dayn Thompson: yea id definitely handle it better if i like really really cared about them
Dayn Thompson: and faayas just not soft like normal girls it just doesnt look good on her
Adam Hudson: if you didn’t like her why do you keep getting back together
Dayn Thompson: because she lets me ig
Dayn Thompson: its just super easy to get back with faaya if i feel like it [6:03 PM] At some point reading the messages, her heart had dropped. Every fear she’d ever had about Dayn was true and Faaya felt sick. Deep down, she’d always known she was just some play thing for him to pass the time with. There was too much going on around her now. The music, the laughing, the dancing, the lights. She had to get out, it all felt too small. After dropping Adam’s phone off in the lost and found, she drove back home, feeling a numbing in her arms and legs.
Stumbling out of her car, she wanted to hurry up to her apartment so she could  throw up the rock in her stomach . The drive had only made her feel sicker. But of course, it wasn’t over. Because there was Bentley standing by her building with his jaw locked and an unfamiliar anger set in his brow bone. It didn’t get better when he saw her approaching.
“Bentley, I told you I didn’t want to talk.” The strength in her voice wasn’t there. Maybe he’d try again later.
“You weren’t going to reply again.” It was true. “Check your phone, Faaya.”
There was no room to argue, so she did so gritting her teeth. A message from Luke with his Christmas gift to her. Why did everything have to be so hard and hurt so much? It was like there was bright and happy future that was out of reach, but beckoning her towards it. The problem was, it just wasn’t possible—Bentley was fragile. Luke was sensitive. And Faaya was afraid. Always afraid. She just didn’t realize how much until now. [6:04 PM] “What do you want me to do? Say sorry and go on the trip with you guys?” Faaya asked exasperated.
“I want to know why you thought it was a good idea to get Luke involved in this. Your problem is with me.”
“Luke’s in the middle of our problems whether we like it or not. I told you I needed space from you. I don’t know how long that is. Luke was bound to read the room eventually and I’d rather have it now than later.”
“Well that’s nice of you, Faaya. It’s super mature and thoughtful.” The sarcasm didn’t go unnoticed. “You know, you’re a real arsehole. I’ve bitten my tongue about it for years because yeah, sometimes the pros outweighed the cons and I used to think, you know what, ‘yeah Phobos made her like this.’ But we’ve reached the point where it’s all just you and it’s inexcusable.”
The onslaught from Bentley was harsh and only filled with truths. It left Faaya speechless.
He continued. “I can’t believe I told you I wanted to kill myself and instead of giving a shit about me, you’re just worried about how it makes you feel. You’re scared about living in a world without me? About caring too much? About you not being enough for me? Well it’s all true and it’s all your own fault.” Bentley was breathing hard, getting it all off his chest. A fist was clenched at his side and his scolding glower was burning holes into her. “You’re a bad friend, Faaya. You’re a worse person. I wish we’d never met. You’re not someone meant to have friends. You don’t have the heart for it.” [6:04 PM] “No, I don’t, Bentley.” Faaya’s eyes narrowed on him as she crossed her arms. As true as it was, attacks were the only thing she knew how to handle. Efficiently and devastatingly. “So don’t bother me again and I won’t bother you.”
Brushing past him, Faaya didn’t feel so sick anymore. She didn’t feel anything, and she wouldn’t. Bentley was right. Certain and solid, Faaya just wasn’t meant to care about anyone else, but herself. It was what she defaulted on anytime the choice had to be made. Siding with Ares had been for her own control. Stealing her biological mother’s abilities had been her own rage. Everything Faaya did was with herself in mind. Being vulnerable had only lead to suffering to her and those around her. There was no reason to fight it now that was clear. [6:04 PM] [ SCENE CHANGE ]
“My kid’s not that much of a bad influence.”
“Bad or not, he was still too much of an influence.” Phobos rolled his shoulder. It’d been a very productive afternoon. “Faaya doesn’t really do well being held back by shit like that.”
Deimos raised a brow. “She can’t be a ‘real natural’ if you have to get involved with her life so much.”
Phobos scoffed, shaking his head. “That’s what parents do, don’t they? Make sure their kids doing the best they can? Faaya wasn’t gonna get anywhere if I left her to her own devices. Besides, I let her have her fun. She’s gotta grow up now. Childhood friends have gotta go. Fuck sentimentality. And I’m bored of the Dayn phase. He’s with Athena now anyway. We just don’t need any of the useless shit.”
Kids always liked making their own mistakes and Phobos let Faaya make those for awhile, but she was better than that and she needed a little push. She’d already been fearing everything he’d showed her, he was just hammering the nail on the head.
“And have you considered the stars of your horror show making a real appearance and countering the events of all your hard work, Phobos?” Deimos asked feigning disinterest, but the slight curl to his lip said otherwise.
“Maybe if you spent more time with your children, you would know them better. Faaya really is a daddy’s girl.”
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Omg I was so (not) ready to ask for a scenario, but after finishing reading those notes from the admins, I just need to say thank you! You have made this entire blog and earned yourselves 2k followers with your amazing writings! You're all so lovely and it's clear you're so passionate about svt, which makes this blog so much better as it goes into your work and replies. We followers love you guys loads and I know your biases (svt or not) do too ♡ sending virtual hugs and much happiness ♡ 1/5
“ Admin Jess: I’m so grateful for everything you’ve put into this blog alongside your own work. Remember to look after yourself first though, your own health is a priority and we’d all understand if ever you needed to take a break with all that you have going on. I hope to see you getting some rest soon :) And Josh absolutely adores you, I can tell you that. How could he not? I hope you get to meet him soon   2/5 “
Admin Jess: I’m actually crying T^T honestly I’m so emotional and just jdvnuf you’re so sweet bb, we didn’t expect people to really read our thank you’s. You’re always welcome to request a scenario and really all we wanted was to thank you, all of you, for helping us make it this far
“ Admin Seri: thank you for everything you’ve put into this blog. You deserve each and every one of these followers with your incredible writing ability. And I know that Soonyoung loves you so much, he’d be insane not to. I hope you can meet him sometime soon   3/5 “
Admin Seri: first, i’d like to thank you for reading our essay and writing one back, my heart is fluttering :’) your so sweet i don’t even know what to say >.
“ Admin Meagan: you may have just joined recently but you should be showered in love too. Us followers are so glad you applied - your writing is gorgeous and I adore reading it. Almost as much as Soonyoung adores you. I hope you see him again soon   4/5 “
Admin Meagan: It’s so sweet of you to send us all individual appreciation ask I’m emOTIONAL AHHHHHH. Thank you so much anon from the bottom of my heart
“ Admin Soph: another new admin who should be receiving lots of love! All 2k of us are so happy you applied to be admin - your insanely talented and it shows in your writing. Jun definitely cherishes you, there’s no doubt about it. I hope you meet him soon   5/5 “
Admin Soph:  Okay seriously, thank you for reading our emotional thanks HAHA. And taking your time writing us individual messages
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hansolmates · 7 years
170827 DIAMOND EDGE NYC: VVIP/HI-TOUCH & vernon moment!
disc. THIS IS A LONG AND COMPREHENSIVE post about my experience and mostly this is for me so i can look back at it in an hour and cry and i’ll probably add onto this later. im really really thankful that i had an amazing experience and i will love svt forever nd ever
During the day:
I woke up around 4am and arrived around 7.30 and they lined us up. My group of three vvip friends were around the 50s so we had a good line spot. The one thing I must say was that it was extra frustrating that the people who camped out (which is not allowed!) Were given PRIORITY tickets and cut the line! I can't even begin to explain how frustrated I was that they got special treatment for something they weren't supposed to do. We sorta just chilled around until 11 o’clock, we danced a little nd watched the carat ice cream truck go by!
But anyway there was nothing we could do and they sent vvip into the venue around 12 by then there were so many people and we stayed upstairs of the venue because having 3k people around one street was way too crowded. At first I didn't know what was going on but they were apparently preparing us for hi touch. We all lined up on the balcony and it was kinda sorta balls sweat hot. WE WERE BLASTIN MUSIC AND DANCING I WAS SCREAMING SO HARD lemme tell u less than 200 people on the rooftop that’s a party and then the staffer (who i will affectionately call J because she was amazing) was like “lol svt is doing soundcheck they can hear u downstairs and they think y’all are funny” and it was only 200 of us singing and stuff so they recorded us cheering for them and sent it back to svt. At the time she was filming i just came out of the bathroom and she filmed me and kris looking like absolute idiots dancing for svt by the bathroom LOL Afterwards mmt and svt sent us more water and snacks and soda because we couldn’t leave the venue to get food THEY'RE SO SWEET THE STAFF TREATED US SO NICELY!! J and mmt handled our fangifts with care and put them in sturdy boxes and made sure that we were hydrated and energized before we went back inside
OK THE HI TOUCH WAS A LITERAL BLUR they sent us to some stairs and was telling us the rules then all of a sudden we rounded the corner!! No warning!!! AND SEVENTEEN WAS THERE GIVING THE HI TOUCH!! The order thanks to haru peeps are as follows: minghao, vern, hosh, jun, jeonghan, woozi, seungkwan, dino, wonwoo, dk, scoups, josh mingyu. I wasn’t prepared for vern to go first nd I have an audio of me freaking out and going “oh shiiiii” when Vern was right next to me oh mah gah. I tried to pull it off and say “bro” and I did but Vernon kept staring at me until he got to kristine lol im so sorry vern!! But he’s even more gorgeous in person, his eyes are beautiful and his jawline can cut a bitch and he was wearing his cute red flannel that he always has on!! His head is big and his smile takes up his entire face and he’s just one big puppy you want to cuddle and im infinitely thankful for the eye contact!! Minghao is so hot oh my god he looks so confident and chill and he was givin those “yeaah babe” vibes. Their hands feel like lily petals. Boonseoksoon and cheol were very heartwarming, i squeezed all their hands until i was rushed off but i stopped to tell josh that he had pretty eyes and ended it off with mingyu and we jogged to our spot at vvip.
Concert Experience
I must say that i’m wholly impressed and happy that vvip did not push (it totally would’ve been fckin embarassing bc svt is really close to the stage so yes if they pushed it would’ve been awful) and i’m really sorry to hear that the rest of vip/p1/p2 had a really hard time trying to see BUT IT’S OKAY SVT IS NEVER COMING TO T5 EVER AGAIN. So im infinitely thankful that i was really really close to the stage and got to see the boys. BUT OKAY THE ONE THING THAT PISSED ME OFF? ??? CAMERAS. CAMERAS EVERYWHERE! I wouldn’t have cared if you were upstairs or in the back, but WE WERE LITERALLY FIVE FEET FROM THEM AND THESE PEOPLE ARE 6 FEET TALL and cameras were blocking my view because they were filming the whole damn concert. LIKE IT’S RUDE? GO TO THE BACK? DID YOU LITERALLY PAY TO SEE THRU A COMPUTER I DO THAT EVERY DAY!!! I ended up seeing the concert to its fullest so it’s fine BUT STILL SVT DOESN’T WANNA SING TO  BUNCH OF CAMERAS ESP TO THE PEOPLE IN THE FRONT? PEOPLE ARE PAID TO FILM THEM, THERE ARE FANSITES EVERYWHERE!! Enjoy the fleeting time you have with them!
But in the end it was more opportunity for me to soak up all the fanservice because *twiddles fingers* mwhahaahahahha there was enough room for me to dance for hoshi and going svt and i made eye contact with him, wonwoo during the dancing as well, mingyu, jeong *dies* it was too much 
Vernon (extended fanservice + rapping together!)
VERNON GETS A WHOLE DANG SECTION OKAY!!!! BECAUSE HE!! WAS NOT OKAY!!11! Kristine and i have been strategically preparing for MONTHS watching countless performances to stay in the corner where vern/jun would be performing on the most, turns out to be the right side so im two people away from the stage so i had a really good view of vernon’s beauty. I thought it was just me being biased but out of all the members Vernon’s stage presence is IMPECCABLE!! He doesn’t quote-unquote try to captivate you, he just naturally attracts people because his aura is so so so palpable. He was made to be on that stage!!!
Fanservice w/vern!
*sweats* after the whole hi touch fiasco i was convinced vern wouldn’t want to look at me but i held up my “vernon u lit” poster (dw i didn’t raise it high to block ppl) AND IT WORKED!!! My main highlight with him together was during check in (skip to 5:00) and since there was a lot of room I WAS GOING OFF dancing with him and rapping mingyu’s part along with him and shit i thought we had such a “feelin it” moment it was so surreal we were both in the song getting super super hype and the music was just immersed around us and i felt like the whole room melted apart and it was just the two of us sdlfjds;fjk;dsf im so gross my heart is warm my eyes are watery as i type this!! i miss him so much
anyway every performance after that, especially rock/if i and the ending ment i felt his stare and y’know that feeling when you pass someone attractive in the mall and you have that five-minute crush on them… i hope vern had that five minute crush on me because man i almost felt a way that boo or someone might feel when vern has that stare on you. He’s infinitely sweet and thankful at the ending ment when he thanked us for giving him new memories for his hometown i almost cried but he was lookin in my direction so i swallowed my feels
Final Details
Dino is the best. Performer. Like hosh performs really well when he dances! But shiii boy dino is on ALL THE DAMN TIME. i was told to be forewarned when u see dino AND Y’ALL WERE RIGHT
Lots of dk/minghao stans!!!! DK’S EYES ARE SO TWINKLY I UNDERSTAND WHY U LOVE HIM SO MUCH! A vvip had their gift as sunflowers with dk’s face on it IT’S SO FITTING
Performance unit IS WILD i used to think performance unit was just bc they did a lot of the choreo BUT NO. THEIR PERFORMANCE IS ALL THE WAY UP THERE you could feel every inch of their body carefully calculated and perfected even with OMG and highlight ND I WAS NEVER PREPARED FOR “MY I” WHY WASN’T THERE ARE TRANSITION FROM CRAZY LOVE TO THEN HOW DARE U
I used to go to concerts and from far away watch them spray water in the pit and u wish u were those people during healing cheol sprayed water and i felt CHRISTENED but all of a sudden ALL OF SEVENTEEN SPRAYED US IT WAS WET AND I FELT REBORN
At the ending ment hoshi screamed “I LOVE NEW JERSS----I LOVE NEW YORKKKK” lol my jersey self giggled
wonwoo/jun/scoups/jeonghan were definitely the most tired. Jun and Wonwoo were spacing out like crazy and coups literally ate his mic. Jeonghan was in another world most of the time, especially during the ballads he looked out to the crowd making exhausted eye contact. It looked like he was trying really hard to sing. Jeonghan and seungkwan had very visible cystic/stress acne, even through their makeup
*sigh* i guess i can’t avoid talking about the jeonghan situation amirite. From where i was everyone was v confused, sevnteen included. It lasted probably total of 10 seconds and we moved on. It was bad. We know it was very bad. Although Jeonghan seemed lowkey amused afterward THAT ISN’T THE POINT the concert was 99.9% perfect and i hope everyone remembers that and doesnt antagonize american carats (as american fans usually are for all the baddies)
All and all i feel honored that i was able to spend a comfortable night with svt, i know a lot of people aren’t able to say the same esp the people in the back. Its still replaying in my head and im infinitely thankful to stan such a wonderful group of boys and im glad to be a part of their tour
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hivemined · 4 years
mobile rules !!
𝒎𝒖𝒏 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.
-   name :   eli -   age :   24 -   timezone :   gmt-5  /  est -   pronouns :   she  /  her
this is an  independent  roleplay blog portraying several  canon characters  of  yu-gi-oh!,  kingdom hearts,  sailor moon,  and  pokemon.   i am in  no way  affiliated with the official work or releases,  i am simply a fan creating  fan work  of characters from these series.  i  do not  claim ownership of any of these characters,  or anything having to do with them or the franchises they come from.
while i have considerable knowledge   &   understanding of the source material from which these characters come,  all of my muses are primarily headcanon based,  and some are canon divergent.  this is due to my own writing preferences   &   personal perceptions of these characters.
i plan on being active,  obviously!!  but i have other blogs to run,  as well as a life outside of rp,  so i won’t be able to be here every waking moment,  and it may take me a while to reply sometimes.  but i do my best,  always!!  it’s never anything personal,  or me not caring about being here.
i hold all of my writing partners to the same basic writing etiquette as pretty much everyone else :  no godmodding  /  metagaming,  no ooc drama,  and approach me  beforehand  about specific plots you’d like to do.
i reserve the right to turn down anything i don’t believe suits or fits my muse,  but if that comes to be the case, i will of course  always  be friendly   &   polite about it!  and i expect the same in return.  let’s be kind and have fun pls.
i am  semi-selective,  but very loosely so.  i am more than open to interacting with characters from series other than those portrayed on this blog.  that  includes  ocs   (  so long as they have some information for me to reference  ) !!   
that being said,  if i’m unfamiliar with the series your muse comes from,  it may take me a while to get used to interacting with them,  but i am open to looking into info about them and learning more about the character!!  
𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈   &   𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈.
i tend to write a lot.  please  don’t be intimidated or discouraged by that!!   i  never  expect anyone to match the amount of words in my starters or replies.  i only ask that equal effort is put in,  and paragraphs aren’t responded to with one-liners,  lest i simply won’t reply. 
this is obviously for fun,  but i put a  lot  of effort into my portrayal   &   into my writing!!  if i write you a starter upon your request,  please  dignify it with an adequate response.  i’m here to write after all    . . . . .   i can’t imagine what else i would be here for fjhvjhgfg
there’s  never  any rush to reply.  i’ll take my time   &   you should take yours,  too!! this is meant to be a fun   &   relaxing hobby,  so let’s not stress over anything.
if you feel the need to drop a thread with me,  please let me know!!  i keep track of my threads as i like to stay organized, so it would help me a lot to know which ones to not expect a response to.  i’ll do my best to return the favour,  of course.
i write exclusively in  para  /  novella  style,  meaning literate sentences with quotations to indicate when a character is speaking.  that’s just how i’m most comfortable writing, i don’t tend to stray away from that. 
i do occasionally do text message threads,  but those are not necessarily ideal for me. 
i am open to plotting with  all mutuals!!  even if our characters come from the same series   &   have something of a relationship already in canon,  i’m willing to expand upon it   &   explore different types of relationships!!  
i do ask,  however,  that if you approach me to plot,  you come with something of an idea or ready to contribute to a brainstorming session.  i’m not finna do all the work lmao
i have  terrible  anxiety,  so unless it’s been like an ungodly amount of time   (  i.e.,  over a month or something  ),   please  do not  approach me about the status of your reply.  i’m working on it,  i promise!!  i try my best to do them in order but some threads naturally get a quicker response than others due to various factors;  length, inspiration,  relationships,  et cetera.  it’s never anything personal if i’m taking a bit of a while,  i promise.  i’ll do my best!!  ♡
also,  i usually post ooc updates if i’m going through something   &   need more time than usual to reply to things, so look out for those, please!!    
𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈   &   𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔.
i have shipping biases.  there are some ships that i am quite fond of   &   that i am more likely to want to write.  even still,  the main factor when it comes to shipping is,  you guessed it,  chemistry.  even if i have a bias for the ship,  i prefer some amount of buildup to the actual romance.  
that aside,  i’m willing to ship just about anything  so long as it is unproblematic.  y’all know what that means,  i’m not even gonna get into it.  don’t be gross.  
i don’t ship with duplicates;  i don't ship my muses with duplicates of themselves,  nor of other muses i am already shipping that particular character with.  i’m also  highly selective  with shipping.  though this is technically a multishipping blog,  i don’t like having a lot of ships.  i just like to have a few that i can focus on   &   develop.  
despite that,  i am  more than willing  to interact with duplicates of both my muses   &   muses of others i interact with!!  more on that further down.
you might be able to tell by now,  but shipping is  not  my main priority.  i’m interested in exploring ALL types of relationships!!  
i  do not  formally claim mains or exclusives.  the  only  instances of  ‘  mains  ’  will be in shipping verses,  but beyond that,  i don’t want anyone to feel excluded or like less of a priority while writing with me! 
obviously these things happen naturally sometimes,  even for me,  and that’s  okay!!   but if we’re mutuals,  that means we should write together regardless of if i write with someone else’s version of your muse!!
i lightly format my posts,  but i tend to keep things pretty plain.  nothing wild   &   crazy or illegible from me because i’m just a basic ass bitch lmao
i do use icons,  though i don’t  need  to use them per se.  that mostly means if i notice my partner does not use icons than i won’t use them,  either,  just to keep things looking cohesive. 
speaking of my icons,  i know they’re nothing special but please  do not take them  or any other graphics you see on this blog.  i make them all on my own.  the artwork i use is almost entirely sourced from pixiv,  and all credit goes to the respective artists who worked hard to create them. 
if you are an artist   &   you notice your work used on my page   &   you would like me to take it down   &   cease using it,  please contact me immediately!!  i would be more than happy to comply with your request.
you are more than welcome to ask for my  discord  /  twitter  if you’d like to contact me ooc outside of tumblr!  tumblr im is always an option,  too,  but i’m notoriously forgetful so if i don’t respond after a bit,  just  gently  poke me   &   i’ll do my best to get back to you!!  
this is actually kind of important,  but i am over the age of 21,  so mature content may be present from time to time.  it will  always  be tagged.  i will not write mature themes with minors.  period.   
concerning  smut,  some of my muses are actual children,  so obviously there will be no smut with them.  at all.  if it is so much as even  suggested,  it’s a hardblock.  don’t be gross. 
other muses i am open to smutting in ship verses,  but those threads will be exclusively on discord,  as tumblr no longer allows mature content on the site.  we not getting my whole ass blog deleted over some smut,  sorry.
there won’t be a lot of triggers around here, but on the occasion i post or write something triggering,  it will  always  be tagged.  if i miss something that triggers you, please contact me   (  politely  )   immediately!!  i don’t want to hurt anyone.
that being said,  i expect triggers to be tagged by my mutuals for my own safety,  as well.  if you post something triggering to me without tagging,  i’ll probably shoot you a   (  polite  )   message asking that you tag it so i can avoid it. 
my personal triggers are,  but are not  limited  to :  p*dophilia,  r*pe,  self harm,  suicide   &   suicidal ideation,  eating disorders,  and vomiting.
lastly,  i  do not  use or send  ‘  rule passwords  ’.  if i’m interacting with you,  you can trust that i’ve read your rules.  this is me telling you that 100%  for sure  in writing.  so don’t worry!  ♡
0 notes
anonymoustalks · 4 years
idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
(6-20-20) You both like politics.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: ideology?
You: moderate left
You: you?
Stranger: far left
Stranger: uk
You: ahh kay
You: why do you like omegle?
Stranger: er dunno just fun to chat without consequences i guess
You: mhm that's fair
You: I like to hear about what other ppl think
Stranger: yh and argueing
You: haha I don't really argue that much
Stranger: some people arnt worth ur time
You: mhm maybe
You: where are you from?
Stranger: uk^^
You: I'm from the us
Stranger: noice
You: and I'm totally ignorant of british politics lol
Stranger: i know a little bit about america
You: how does your government work?
Stranger: cos its the centre of the world
You: sorry if this is a really dull question
Stranger: its fine ill asnwer w my limited understanding
You: I just ran into someone who was praising the monarchy
Stranger: pfft
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so basically above everyone we have a queen who approves certain stuff and has the ability to interjec tin products but msotly doesn then you have the unlected house of lords which is aristocrats recommended by other rich ppl and below that the ppl elected
Stranger: we have a prime minister so he doesnt have the same powers as president
Stranger: but hes more powerful than other pm's
You: mhm
You: the house of lords...
Stranger: yep
You: is the aristocracy still a big thing in the uk?
Stranger: its just like the senate in the usa except not elected and idk probaably
You: how does someone get recommended to the house of lords?
Stranger: be rich adn good at something or know someone whos rich
You: ahh I think it's weird that it's so closely tied to wealth
Stranger: not really the uk ruling class make it prtty obvious to us peasnts that its a ruling class fake democracy
Stranger: unlike the usa where everybody is supposed classless
You: right
You: I guess that's a fair statement
Stranger: but yeah fuck the queen
Stranger: how was the guy defedning monarchy?
You: oh he sounded kind of weird
You: like how god and the monarchy is essential for uk's stability and being
Stranger: pfft
You: he didn't really explain much
Stranger: both are irelevant nowadays
You: just pointed out that france and us are chaotic, according to him because there is no monarchy
Stranger: oh yeah thats totally
Stranger: why
You: yeah lol
Stranger: if only they had a monarchy then there owuld be no class and racial conflict
You: so how far left are you?
Stranger: very far
You: anarchist?
Stranger: nope left communist
Stranger: basically anti stalinist communist
You: what does your ideal government look like?
Stranger: well until you have a relatively stateless socialism you have a dictatorship of the proleterait
Stranger: and that has an armed population as the army and has direct democracy and a representive democracy who are payed wages simualr to that of a workmans
Stranger: in brief
You: mhm and membership has a criteria that you must be working class?
Stranger: membership of the democratic process yep
Stranger: a worker
You: mhm
Stranger: not necearily poor
You: what is the exact definition of working class btw?
Stranger: sombody who doesnt own and live off capitlist property
Stranger: or is a cpatilsit in other respects
Stranger: like an investor
Stranger: businessmen landlords and bankers
You: hmm I feel like it's hard for me to draw parallels
You: I know a pharmacist friend
You: who rents his place
You: for extra cash
Stranger: well when we have the revolution i doubt he'll be locked up or anything but youknow
Stranger: hes just a small landlord i guess
Stranger: supplemetning work income
You: so would people just discouraged from doing that kind of stuff?
Stranger: well hosuing will be nationalised as an early step
Stranger: so you wont have to
You: mhm
Stranger: making rent equal to bills
You: my parents also have investments
You: for like retirement
You: and just in general
Stranger: sure
You: was curious what would happen to those
Stranger: well i mean by investor sombody who is rich and does it for a job
You: ah kay
Stranger: the socialsit pension ting will be good anyhow
You: mhm
You: do you think that's it necessary for the world to follow this model? Or do you think that it can still work with just a communist state on it's own?
Stranger: nah for a lot of reasons you cant have it in one or a few states surrounded by cpaitlsit ones
Stranger: for one a DOTP surrounded by cpatilist states is forced to act like one to compete
Stranger: and therefore exploit other countries and its own labourers to the max
You: right, I was curious about that actually
Stranger: that was trotsky's argument
You: mhm
Stranger: he said u cant have 'socialsism in one country' because you have to first have international DOTP
You: dotp stands for?
Stranger: or you just become a state cpaitlist state like stalin
You: dictatorship of the prol.?
Stranger: dictatorship of the proletariat
Stranger: yep
You: mhm, that makes a lot of sense
Stranger: yep
Stranger: DOTP being when workers hold the state but not the economy
Stranger: the economy is still in private hands
You: right
You: I think I mix up all the varieties of socialism and communism
Stranger: yh DOTP isnt so much a variety but a transition
Stranger: from cpaitlism to socialism/com
You: mhm
You: I feel like I think about human nature cynically
Stranger: oh go on
You: as in, I'm skeptical of being satisfied with equality
You: *ppl being
Stranger: well tehy certainly arnt satified by inequality so how bad can it really get?
You: mhm true
Stranger: we dont mean absolute equality
Stranger: just equality of opporutunity to realise ur best self
You: idk if this is school bias or anything, but when we learn about communism, it's often framed that the party just ends up with all the wealth
You: or power
Stranger: theres a reason that idea of so called communism is taught rlly
Stranger: mainly cos of porpaganda but theres some truth
Stranger: under lenin the state was definitely a semi deictatorship of a few workers parties
Stranger: but with a democratic mechanism and worker councils to elect them
You: hm
You: *mhm
Stranger: with the intention of educating a largely illitarate peasant russia into a democratic socialsit society
Stranger: but after the vicotry of stalin after lenins death, whatever redistribution of power was dropped and centrlasing power in the party and in stalin was the priority
You: right
Stranger: so there is a history to it
You: I feel like I was thought that there was a component of ideological purity -- like, if you expressed greater loyalty to the party, you could get more stuff
You: like better food tickets or cars or stuff
You: *taught
Stranger: sure teh soviet union during and after stalin was definitely a class society
You: mhm, how do you avoid class from rearising?
Stranger: you dont centralise power in bureacracy
Stranger: and make it mroe acoutnable
Stranger: you arm the popualtion
Stranger: make durable directly democratic mechanisms
Stranger: accountability at all level
You: so you're saying like enshrining freedom of speech / freedom of arms in the system?
Stranger: im not a freedom of speech absolutist but sure
Stranger: its very important
You: wasn't China kinda of freedom of speech until tianmensquare, were they?
Stranger: ha no
Stranger: you got tortured if you spoke out
You: ah kay
Stranger: same as soviet union really
Stranger: mao wasnt masively different
You: I'm just thinking of the blm protests in the US
Stranger: yh
You: when ppl feel like change isn't happening
You: then they can get violent
Stranger: yep
You: was just curious how your government would handle that
Stranger: well the governmetn and the people are intrinsically merged
Stranger: but it depends like waht the situation would be
You: mhm I mean technically there's universal suffrage in the US but not everyone votes
Stranger: yep
Stranger: electoral college too
You: and I think minority parties can sometimes be the loudest and most opinionated
Stranger: yh
You: so even with a proletariat government I think there might still be disagreement
Stranger: yh
Stranger: for sure
Stranger: and debate
Stranger: whats ur point
You: mhm idk
Stranger: aight sitl idk the answers
You: yeah it's interesting
Stranger: what are u taught abotu socialism in schools
You: mhm, I guess just the things I said?
You: I think we studied east germany and the ussr
Stranger: ah k
Stranger: yep
You: what life was like
You: to live there
Stranger: sure and if you trying and feed everyone this is waht happens type shite
Stranger: you cant be nice with the economy
You: mhm I don't think my teachers tried to make extremely biased conclusions or anything
You: but the curriculum itself could be biased I think
Stranger: k yeah same
Stranger: yeah fr
Stranger: we dont learn at all about the british empire
You: yup
Stranger: like not once
Stranger: or really any british history beyond knights and castles
You: actually in world history class my teacher commented that I was beginning to sound "anti-american" lol
Stranger: haha good
Stranger: anti american what a word
Stranger: being anti imperialist and anti racist is being anti british too
You: lol
Stranger: tells u what they think about britishness
Stranger: its not culture but power
Stranger: which is a load of bs
You: mhm
Stranger: what did you say to teacher
You: idk I'm not very nationalist
You: I didn't say anything, I'm not really the kind of person to argue
Stranger: neither but i like uk just not enough to block refugees to preserve it
Stranger: like some wacko patriots are
You: mhm
Stranger: they act like the uks not been 15% non white since like 1940
You: mhm
You: what do you think of their opinion that a country should have a right to control their own culture/ethnicities?
Stranger: erm
Stranger: well thats tough
Stranger: i think the ideal of direct dmeocracy and a reactioanry population is contradictory
Stranger: and therefore maybe u need more centralised leadership there
You: I think I heard a scenario of belgium or something wanting to block the construction of mosques in like a historical district or something
You: to preserve their national culture/history
Stranger: yep idk
You: yeah idk either
Stranger: but like how would direct democrayc work in somalia
Stranger: or saudi arabia
Stranger: thats a tough question
Stranger: would men use it to repress women
You: mhm yup
You: or well, there are several states that have a democracy
Stranger: its like india was basically a dicatroship for its first 20 years
You: and they voted to impose state religion
You: state religious laws
You: that kind of thing
Stranger: basically cos it would be a bloodbath
Stranger: of relgion and caste
Stranger: so the governmetn had to go against the people to do whats the long term good
You: I think it's sometimes hard to have foresight about what the "long term good" is though
You: like everybody things they are doing things for long term good
You: *thinks
Stranger: well in indias caste removing caste racism and relgious bigotry was a big thing
Stranger: and many people died due to it
You: mhm
You: I think it's really hard for me to know what is "right"
Stranger: and i think general equality is a good thing impose against a population
Stranger: if they dont want it
Stranger: thats the only way change has ever come
You: mhm although I think indoctrination is always possible
Stranger: eh
You: I mean, this is kind of a hot take, but Western values are indoctrinated
Stranger: yeahthey are
You: similarly speaking you could indoctrinate capitalistic values or communist values
Stranger: some are right some are wrong
Stranger: not succesfully
You: and I think the ppl who grow up with whatever they are indoctrinated with are generally happy
You: and support the views they grow up with
Stranger: yeah true
You: although I think it's sad for whoever gets left out of the system
Stranger: like anti deisicimination laws are passed despite a population
Stranger: for a long term good
You: mhm
You: yeah idk governments are hard haha
Stranger: haha yes
Stranger: thats why were still talking about it
You: mhm
You: I don't really know what to think about ppl who support religious states
You: like indonesia has that problem
Stranger: theyre idiots
You: like they want their state to become religious
Stranger: ik snd prolly will
You: but if I imagine myself in their shoes
You: I think they just want to be closer to their religion
You: which is like a personal value
You: like I'm secular, so things like freedom and equality mean a lot to me
Stranger: truw
You: but I can also imagine a different world were idk god and faith matter a lot to me
You: we have pretty significant freedom of religion battles in the us
Stranger: same]
Stranger: if i didnt grow up in suhc an athiest school and get bullied for it id be hardcore jesus
You: oh your family is religious?
Stranger: yep
You: mhm I was reading about the us lgbt anti-discrimination ruling earlier
Stranger: yeah
You: the religious schools here are worried about being affected
You: like they don't want to hire gay teachers
Stranger: good
You: bc they're a religious school
Stranger: get w the program schools
Stranger: idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
You: mhm I think anti-discrimination is good, but I feel like I can understand their resistance of feeling like they can't teach their religion the way they want
Stranger: sure yeah
You: idk most things I don't know what to think lol
Stranger: but think about if they dont get agy teachers
Stranger: anti discimination laws dont work
You: hm?
Stranger: cos u can jsut say u didnt disciminate and taht it
You: ohh no it still matters
You: like imagine you are a religious school
You: and a pastor applies and says they are a gay priest
You: and you don't want to hire them
You: they can sue bc discrimination
Stranger: maybe but its a relgious school why u even applying
You: mhm some ppl kind of want to change christianity I think
You: like there are pastors who are much more sympathetic to lgbt
Stranger: eh still
Stranger: lictus and that
Stranger: levictus
You: yeah idk
You: most of the churches in my area are pro-lgbt
Stranger: pretty sure my preist is closeted
You: aww
Stranger: hes very camp
You: camp ?
Stranger: and went to cambridge
Stranger: femenine
You: ahh
Stranger: yep
You: yeah religion is an odd place in politics for me
You: like it's often at the root of weird stuff
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: are u relgious
You: that runs counter to like modern science common sense
You: no
You: well, I'm like 20% spiritual I guess
You: but I'm not religious
Stranger: yep
Stranger: never got the difference
You: between spiritual and religious?
Stranger: yep
You: oh, for me, religious is like adhering to a religion, or denomination, or religious practice
You: spiritual is like vaguely believe in something
You: *belieiving
You: without doing anything about it
You have disconnected.
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 7 years
det. au part 5
Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, upstairs with the Upstairs Crew..* Arsé-kun: Impey: -- And dude, your shoe can't have the gun from CLUE! Arsé-kun: Van: Why not? Sheepy: Fran: There's no shooting in monopoly...
Arsé-kun: Germain: *he's got the instruction manual* ... There is no rule against it. Sheepy: Fran: But... there's no rule that you can do it. Arsé-kun: Germain: I suppose you'd be correct. Rule 0 takes priority. Sheepy: Fran: Rule zero? Arsé-kun: Germain: Game master's ruling takes priority. As the one who started the game, I'll say no to it. Sheepy: Fran: Oh. Sheepy: Fran: That makes sense! Arsé-kun: Van: *he puts the gun in the monopoly box. #rebel* Sheepy: Fran: Um... I guess if you really want to play as a gun, you can. Arsé-kun: Van: Bit late for that. Who's turn was it?? Sheepy: Fran: I think it was Impey's... Arsé-kun: Impey: I'm still in Jail! Sheepy: Fran: Oh, I forgot. Arsé-kun: Germain: Last I checked, it was Diego's. Sheepy: Diego: You're right! Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes, I am. Please take your turn. Sheepy: Diego: *he rolls the dice* Arsé-kun: *he gets a 7. Free Parking!* Sheepy: Diego: *nice!* Arsé-kun: Impey: Aw, c'mon! Sheepy: Diego: Oops! Sheepy: Fran: Oh well.. maybe you'll get it next time, Impey! Sheepy: Fran: I'm sure you can make back your lead! Arsé-kun: Impey: All right, I got a rule idea! Sheepy: Diego: What's that? Arsé-kun: Impey: If, if someone rolls a double six, they should haveta do the chicken dance! Sheepy: Diego: That doesn't sound too bad. But, what if we don't? Arsé-kun: Impey: Then they can only go 6 spaces! Sheepy: Diego: Okay. That's fair. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'll only allow it because it would be unlikely. Sheepy: Diego: It's fun to act silly once in a while. Arsé-kun: Germain: Should we instate a rule for double-1s as well? Sheepy: Fran: Like what? Arsé-kun: Germain: Maybe some sort of teleportation rule? Sheepy: Fran: That sounds like cheating... Sheepy: Fran: What if you're sent to jail the third time it happens? Arsé-kun: Germain: Then you're still jailed. Sheepy: Fran: No, no. Sheepy: Fran: I mean, if you roll double ones three times, the third time, you're sent to the closest jail rather tham teleporting? Sheepy: Fran: So it's not completely a good thing, just like with double sixes. Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh. Yes. That would work nicely. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I come upstairs for one minute. *he's leaning into the doorway* What in the world are you all doing? Sheepy: Fran: Monopoly. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That is two different boards. Sheepy: Fran: I'm banker because everyone said I was incredibly biased towards Impey. Arsé-kun: Impey: And I'm gonna win! Sheepy: Fran: Both of them looked nice so we're using both. Arsé-kun: Germain: A little less competition over spaces, as well. Sheepy: Fran: Do you want to join? Arsé-kun: Arséne: And avoid Harley? Absolutely. Sheepy: Fran: There's a rule against giving your character guns. Sorry. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Do I want to ask why that's a rule? Sheepy: Fran: Van Helsing found clue. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We should play that, too, eventually. It's very boring with two people. Sheepy: Tom: im the victim in clue Sheepy: Tom: i died from Sheepy: Tom: gun? Sheepy: Tom: *reloading gun noise* not today byrd Arsé-kun: Arséne: Excuse me. Three people. Sheepy: Tom: *pewpewpewpew* Sheepy: Tom: *siren noise* its the cops i gotta scramble Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't ever do that again Sheepy: Tom: why not Arsé-kun: Arséne: You about gave me cardiac arrest Sheepy: Tom: you know what gave me cardiac arrest Sheepy: Tom: being shot Arsé-kun: Van: That tends to happen. Sheepy: Tom: why do you like guns Arsé-kun: Van: Why do you like bees? Sheepy: Tom: because honey tastes good and they polinate stuff Sheepy: Tom: you can live without guns but not without bees Sheepy: Tom: when i was a little lamb i wanted to be a beekeeper Sheepy: Tom: a baaaaaaakeeper Sheepy: Tom: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Tom: when im a sleepy sheep i count sheep Sheepy: Tom: one sheep Sheepy: Tom:....................​... Arsé-kun: Arséne: So, anyway, do we have enough monopoly pieces? Sheepy: Fran: We have the clue pieces. Sheepy: Tom: we have me Arsé-kun: Van: Oh, but HE can use them! Sheepy: Fran: I never said you couldn't use them by themselves.... Sheepy: Fran: You just can't use the shoe and the gun, and you can't shoot people with your gun. Arsé-kun: Van: I. Left those downstairs. Sheepy: Fran: I meant the piece you're currently using... Sheepy: Fran: I'm sorry. I'm not very good at communicating what I mean. Arsé-kun: Van: *he trades shoe for gun. what a fucking loser* Sheepy: Tom: do bullets taste like forks Sheepy: Tom: do bullets taste like blood Sheepy: Tom: the results are in Sheepy: Tom: bullets taste like blood Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Tom: im blleeding makeitstop makeitstop aaaaaaaaaaaa Arsé-kun: *it's awkward now* Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Tom: what did the horse say when he disagrees with the sheep Sheepy: Tom: neigh, youre wrong Arsé-kun: Germain: adorable. Sheepy: Tom: vote on quicksilver Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Tom: gambling is bad for you your mom will yell at you and youll die Sheepy: Diego: Oohh, Quicksilver?? Good choice! Sheepy: Diego: *he lists off many obscure facts about quicksilver.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I have never heard so much about a horse in one sitting. Sheepy: Diego: Quicksilver is nice, but... Tornado is the best! Sheepy: Harley: Lupin. I can't find my hairband. Give it back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: What makes you think I have it?! Sheepy: Harley: I immediately thought of you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: why are you like this Sheepy: Harley: So, give it back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I didn't do it this time, you oaf! Sheepy: Harley: Then who did? Sheepy: Harley: I feel gross like this and I'd like to pull my hair back as soon as possible. Sheepy: Harley: So, give me a hairband. Sheepy: Harley: Before I get Sherlock to get it from you. Arsé-kun: *Impey shoots a rubber band at Harley instead* Sheepy: Harley: Rubber bands don't work! Sheepy: Harley: And, I'd prefer it if you didn't shoot me with that, thank you! Arsé-kun: Impey: It works fine for me! *he holds up the end of his braid. its held with an actual rubber band. impey no* Sheepy: Harley: Don't do that! Sheepy: Harley: It's making me cringe just looking at it! Get an actual hairband rather than a rubber band! Sheepy: Harley: How long have you had long hair for??? You should know not to do that! Arsé-kun: Impey: I've got nothing else to use!! Sheepy: Harley: I'll find something for you to use for now but I'll even go with you to get some. Arsé-kun: Impey: Thanks! Sheepy: Fran: I can help. Arsé-kun: Impey: You should! Sheepy: Fran: I'll come too, then! Sheepy: Fran: If that's okay anyway. Sheepy: Harley: I don't care. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That means yes. Sheepy: Fran: It does...? I'm glad... Sheepy: Harley: Are you playing a boardgame? I'll tell Watson. He may be interested. Sheepy: Harley:... Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Watson!! ºvº) Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Harley, I'm three feet behind you. Sheepy: Harley:...I didn't notice you there... Arsé-kun: Watson: And yes, I'd like to play. Sheepy: Harley: Alright. Sheepy: Harley: I guess I should go ask Sherlock too. Arsé-kun: Watson: Like a normal human being? Sheepy: Harley: What do you mean? Sheepy: Harley: I act like a normal human being! Arsé-kun: Watson: Not by texting. Sheepy: Harley: Do I have to? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. Sheepy: Harley: Why? Give me at least one good reason. Arsé-kun: Watson: Because I'll.. I'll think of a decent threat and then act on it, without telling you. Sheepy: Harley: I'd like to see you try. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he just. takes harley's phone, and hands it to Arséne. Arséne pockets it* Sheepy: Harley: Great, thanks, now I'll never get it back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Handling fee. Sheepy: Harley: Not paying you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: What a damn shame. Sheepy: Harley: Sherlock won't be invited. Too bad. Sheepy: Harley: And, gee, it's too bad. I guess if anything bad happens, I won't be able to tell you. Sheepy: Harley: So, *he sits down in a chair* you get him yourself if you want him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he exits stage right for a minute, and returns with Sherlock. game time kids* Sheepy: Harley: See? That wasn't too hard... now, give my phone back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't have it. Sheepy: Harley: Give it back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Okay. Diego, give it to him. Sheepy: Diego: Aww.. but it's got such a cute background... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Did he change it? I wanna look, too. Sheepy: Diego: Look, it's a dog. Sheepy: Harley: Stop showing that off right now! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Adorable. It's Wilson. Sheepy: Diego: The dog has a name? Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson doesn't care that much about me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I think he only cares about his owner. Sheepy: Sherlock: It makes me feel insignificant. Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, you can't be insignificant in Monopoly! Come on and join us! Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay. Sheepy: Harley: Of course he's highly opinionated. He's named after Watson. Arsé-kun: Watson: Hey. Sheepy: Harley: What? Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm not THAT opinionated. Sheepy: Harley: That's an opinion. Arsé-kun: Watson: Enough. Sheepy: Harley: You're no fun. Arsé-kun: *OKAY, GAME TIME* Sheepy: Fran: I'll stay as the banker. I don't like competing against people... Arsé-kun: Germain: That's fine. Shall we keep our already instated rules? Sheepy: Fran: That sounds fine... Sheepy: Sherlock: What rules? Sheepy: Tom: im playing Arsé-kun: *the rules are explained, and the game is started. about 20 minutes in, a bottle of wine mysteriously appears in the room* Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Tom: alcohol Sheepy: Tom: can sheep get drunk Arsé-kun: Van: How long was that there..? Sheepy: Tom: i dont know Sheepy: Tom: it's a ghosssttttt Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Tom: boo Arsé-kun: Germain: *he decides to check it out* Sheepy: Tom: what type is itt Sheepy: Fran: If no one knows how it got here, we shouldn't use it. Alcohol is bad for you anyway! Sheepy: Tom: dont whine about it Sheepy: Tom: wine Sheepy: Tom: get it Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes, we get it. Sheepy: Tom: hahahahahaha Sheepy: Tom: where did it come frooom Arsé-kun: Germain: It's red wine. It tastes fine. sheep: Tom: woah sheep: Fran: Please don't get drunk. sheep: Fran: Twilight may attack and we won't be able to defend if most of us do. Arsé-kun: Germain: That is fair enough. Sheepy: Fran: Thank you for understanding. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he waits for Fran to look away, and takes a drink out of it anyway. his home was ransacked- he needs the drink* Sheepy: Harley: *he is watching curiously. maybe he's waiting for sanchan to drop over dead* Arsé-kun: *He does not drop dead* Sheepy: Harley: I want to try some. Maybe it'll be poisoned. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he passes it to Harley* Sheepy: Harley: Wait. I'll go get glasses. Sheepy: *Harley puts it down, leaves, and returns with glasses* Sheepy: Harley: *he looks to Watson* Do you want any? Arsé-kun: Watson: Please. Sheepy: Harley: *he pours some for watson and gives it to him* Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you. Sheepy: Harley: Does anyone else want some? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'd like some. Sheepy: Harley: *he pours some for Arséne * Arsé-kun: Arséne: Merci! Sheepy: Harley: *he pours some for himself* Arsé-kun: *THEY GET FUCKING SMASHED ANYWAY* Sheepy: *thanks guys!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he rolls the dice by throwing them at Harley* Sheepy: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Je me fais chier. *he makes a face at Harley* Sheepy: *Harley pouts* Sheepy: *before throwing them back* Arsé-kun: Arséne: 9! *and he moves his piece* Sheepy: Fran: *he is uncomfortable * Arsé-kun: *what a DAMN shame* Sheepy: Diego: *he checks his watch* Nice job, Lupin! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Merci~ *he also checks Diego's watch. by grabbing his arm and looking* Oh. 'Suppose I should do that thing I said I would, eh, Diego? Sheepy: Diego: *he nods Arsé-kun: Arséne: Allons-y!~ Sheepy: *they go* Sheepy: Diego: *he changes into his outfit quickly once they're out of there* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *as does he* I have not had to act drunk for quite a while. Sheepy: Diego: Sorry, it was my only idea. Sheepy: Diego: Thank you for going along with it. Sheepy: Diego: Do you know where he lives? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes. He wasn't very quiet, if you'd noticed, and he didn't seem to have a mental filter. Sheepy: Diego: He was annoying. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I agree. Sheepy: Diego: He'll get to have leftover gifts from my visit... on his wall. Sheepy: Diego: More than usual Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's on your head, then. Sheepy: Diego: You don't want me to? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Property damage. Sheepy: Diego: I always do it. Sheepy: Diego: At least his tree if he has one. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Tree is fine. Sheepy: Diego: *he looks thrilled... diego...* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Lets just hurry, before they realize we're gone. Sheepy: Diego: Right! Sheepy: Diego: I'll try to follow your plan. Arsé-kun: *arsene and diego exit stage window and hurry to the destination* Arsé-kun: Arséne: All right. Plan is, we split. You find something good to take. I'll find something good. Meet here, scatter. Sheepy: Diego: Are you sure I can't leave any Zs in the house? That's my calling card... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Just one. Sheepy: Diego: Alright.. Sheepy: Diego: Did you mention you'd be here? Arsé-kun: Arséne: No mention, but I did slip a warning into his bag before we left. Sheepy: Diego: Oh, good! Sheepy: Diego: This'll be fun... see you soon! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You as well. Don't do anything dumb. *he leaves. What will you do, Diego, aka Zorro?* Sheepy: *go in the other way!* Arsé-kun: *Diego goes in! Right in the open, is a nice, valuable looking stone bust. it's a lil statue. looks fancy* Sheepy: *he inspects it* Arsé-kun: *it looks. normal.* Sheepy: *he takes it* Arsé-kun: *the trap is sprung. net comes out from the pillar it sat on. get rekt, diego* Sheepy: Diego: Oh... this is getting interesting! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Is it? I set that especially for tonight, just for you and him. Sheepy: Diego: Him? Sheepy: Diego: He's probably long gone. Sheepy: Diego: So, I'm the only guest you get to entertain. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: The Lupin fellow. What, did you think I wouldn't realize you two slipped that into my bag? *he gives Diego a crooked grin* Tell me- What would happen if I accidentally leaked your identities? Sheepy: Diego: Nothing. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh? I was certain all kinds of police were after you both. Sheepy: Diego: Police aren't scary. Sheepy: Diego: All you'll do is reveal you had contact with me. Sheepy: Diego:...And there's an organisation who wants my head most likely. They'll probably extend it to you as well if they find out Sheepy: Diego: You've got no hospitality skills anyway. This isn't how you treat a guest. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Well, start talking. I'm now interested. And guests don't try to take my property. Sheepy: Diego: I'm the one who stole all of those eggs. Sheepy: Diego: They told me they'd kill me if I didn't. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How utterly droll. You're afraid of idle threats? Sheepy: Diego: They killed my landlady and left her in my room. Sheepy: Diego: So.. what would they do to you? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Then let the authorities do it, you idiot. That's what they're here for- Me? Nothing. I'm not fazed by anything that anyone threatens me with. Sheepy: Diego: The authorities can't do anything about it. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: They'll do something about you and your friend if you take anything from my home. Breaking and entering. Sheepy: Diego: I noticed, anyway. Your ego is so large that anyone who gets near you will suffocate before they can kill you. Sheepy: Diego: No wonder you're living alone. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yes, yes, very funny. I'm so very hurt. Why not speak like an adult instead of a disrespectful child? Sheepy: Diego: Your ego takes up this entire house so no one else can fit. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Go on. Sheepy: Diego: And you probably are only known due to your last name, rather than anything about you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Of course. I was known far before those bumbling idiots. Sheepy: Diego: Were you? Sheepy: Diego: I'd never heard of you up until today. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Of course! Sheepy: Diego: Of course what? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Do you think I got such a job by being a nobody? Sheepy: Diego: I thought you got it through nepotism Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Absolutely not! They had to work to get to the lowly position they have! I, as well, had to work, but I did far better Sheepy: Diego: *he's grinning* Sheepy: Diego: Uh-huh~ but you're all alone. Sheepy: Diego: Is that really better? Sheepy: Diego: Money can't buy you a friend. Sheepy: Diego: And money is all you have. Nothing more. Sheepy: Diego: But, don't worry! I'm here to to talk. Sure, if I grow bored, I may leave, but I'm a polite guest. I'll leave you a present Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, will you? Is it property damage? Sheepy: Diego: You're property damage. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: And you're five years old. Sheepy: Diego: Wherever you go is unlivable. Sheepy: Diego: At least I'll grow up into a strong young man with an excellent personality. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How did such an immature welp get into my house? I'll need to replace the security. Sheepy: Diego: Maybe your security is sick of you and left. Sheepy: Diego: They're lucky. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I've grown bored of your childish insults. Sheepy: Diego: Your parents must've ignored you because they gave everything to your brothers. Good looks, great personalities, intelligence, modesty.... Sheepy: Diego: Maybe you were too prideful to accept any of them. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Good try, we didn't have living parents. Sheepy: Diego: If I were your parents, I wouldn't want to be alive Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he doesn't seem fazed* Get out of my house. Sheepy: Diego: I'd love to. Sheepy: Diego: But, look~ Arsé-kun: Mycroft: If you're truly so stupid as to not be able to escape a net, I've lost faith in humanity. Sheepy: Diego: You're the oh-so skilled one and I'm the immature five year old. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm not freeing you. You got into this mess yourself. Sheepy: Diego: You really are as merciless as I've heard. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Thank you. Sheepy: Diego: A little birdie told me that all you care about is yourself and money. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Why care otherwise? There is nothing of value otherwise. Sheepy: Diego: *he has taken out a knife from his shoe and has started to cut through the net* So you have no value other than your money? Sheepy: Diego: Sheesh... I actually just insult people until they're mad enough to attack me... but... Sheepy: Diego:...Now I feel a little bad. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How immature of you. Sheepy: Diego: I've said a lot of heartless things to someone who feels like they are nothing. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. .... .... I see what you did. *he looked bored.* Hurry up and leave. Sheepy: Diego: I'm working on it... Sheepy: Diego: By the way~ Sheepy: Diego: Here. Take it back *he holds out the statue* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he snatches it back and leaves* Sheepy: Diego: I already stole your pleasant evening away from y... oh, he's gone. Sheepy: Diego: What a low quality net. I've seen fishermen with better nets. *he throws it off of himself* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I've seen better nets drawn by children. *he steps into view from the hallway* Sheepy: Diego: Sorry for being so brutal! I got really into it. Sheepy: Diego: I thought of horrible things like taxes! Which made me angry! Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's fine. I was quite amused by it, but I do not think he was. Sheepy: Diego: He wasn't supposed to be. Sheepy: Diego: *Z marks the spot!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I think I've learned some valuable information, and I got loot. Lets hurry out. Sheepy: Diego: Good idea! Arsé-kun: *they hurry out and go home. yay* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Hi. Welcome back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Thank you, Sheepy. What is happening upstairs...? Sheepy: Sheepy: Most of them are drunk. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Excellent. Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to sleep but Tom is upstairs. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then I'll ask Tom to come down. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you! Sheepy: Sheepy: I have nightmares when I don't have him. Arsé-kun: *so arsene strolls back upstairs* Arsé-kun: Van: And! And third off, fuck your opinion, old man! Let th'bank share the wealth! *he's. very smashed* Sheepy: Fran: *he gives Arséne a look like "save me"* Sheepy: Fran: Maybe we shouldn't get into fights. Sheepy: Tom: you're baaaaaaaaaaaack Sheepy: Tom: hehe Arsé-kun: Arséne: You look like you've died a little inside. Sheepy: Fran: I'm worried for my safety. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then go downstairs? Speaking of which, Tom- Sheepy wants you. Sheepy: Tom: i didnt do it Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not that kind. Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Tom: i cant do stairs Sheepy: Tom: sorry Arsé-kun: Arséne: That is a load of trash. Sheepy: Tom: i dont want to go down the stairs Sheepy: Tom: look awayyyy Arsé-kun: *lets look at how smashed harley is* Arsé-kun: *all right thats boring* Sheepy: Tom: *he's screaming. it sounds like he's falling down the stairs* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *bye.* Sheepy: Tom: you killed me Arsé-kun: Sisi: *he picks up tom* Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Tom: dont eat me Sheepy: Sheepy: Here, Sisi. Arsé-kun: *sis deposits tom into sheepys hand. he has Learned* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he pets Sisi* Good dog. Arsé-kun: Sisi: :D Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay, I'll stay up a little longer for you. Arsé-kun: Sisi: *yAAAY* Sheepy: Sheepy: Sisi's so cute... Sheepy: Sheepy: *he looks in the general direction of the stairs* Tell me about what you did. I want to know. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he's sitting on the stairs* We went out for a small 'venture, that's all. Sheepy: Sheepy: What did you do? Arsé-kun: Arséne: We went to raid someone's home. Sheepy: Sheepy: How did it go? I assume well, considering it's you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It did. Do you want your allowance now, or later? Sheepy: Sheepy: Sisi's more important. If I move him off my lap, he'll get sad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fine, later. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sisi brought me Tom. Arsé-kun: Arséne: What a good dog. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Sheepy: Sheepy: If I go to sleep, he might be sad. Sheepy: Sheepy: So help me stay awake until he gets sleepy Arsé-kun: Arséne: No. Sheepy: Sheepy: Why not? Arsé-kun: Arséne: because it's late. Sheepy: Sheepy: But how do I tell Sisi that? Arsé-kun: Arséne: By going to sleep, which I intend to do. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay... good night. Arsé-kun: *arsene goes upstairs and goes to bed. fuck the drunken party. its bed time* Sheepy: *Sheepy also sleeps* Arsé-kun: *and it's finally quiet upstairs a bit after, party is over* Sheepy: *and I guess the next day comes?* Arsé-kun: *hooray* Sheepy: *Fran is already downstairs and is trying to cook. Sheepy is... helping... um...* Sheepy: Iris: Franny, is Uncle Barby up yet- Sheepy!! Who let you into the kitchen?! Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, wow, gee, it's somehow turning out well. Sheepy: Iris: You don't cook fish for breakfast! Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Sheepy: Sheepy: Bread and dairy are the keys to getting sick! Sheepy: Iris: Bread and dairy are what people usually have in the morning. You're just never awake for it. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're mistaking me for Sherlock. Sheepy: Iris: Why. What is Franny cooking... Franny, no! You can't combine those! Sheepy: Fran: I can't? Sheepy: Iris: No, here, let me help. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I feel like I've entered the Twilight Zone. Sheepy: Sheepy: I feel that way every time you're around. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's not a good sign. Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to live in the Twilight Zone anyway! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Doesn't everyone suffer and die? Sheepy: Sheepy: Nope! Sheepy: Sheepy: There's one episode where this guy's transported to the future and is given medicine to heal his dying son. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ah. Sheepy: Sheepy: And they all live happily ever after! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Lovely. Sheepy: Sheepy: You live with a ghost anyway, so don't you basically live in the Twilight Zone? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fair enough. Sheepy: Sheepy: Can you help us? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I suppose. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thanks! Arsé-kun: *arsene helps. the morning is saved* Sheepy: Sheepy: You think anyone is actually going to eat this? Sheepy: Sheepy: Nobody else is downstairs yet. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Probably. Sheepy: Sheepy: What do we do while we wait? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You can have your allowance. Sheepy: Sheepy: *gasp* Really? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes, really. Buy yourself something nice. *money is shoved quickly into Sheepy's pocket* Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't save it up? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You never do. Sheepy: Sheepy: Not true! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Mostly true. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah, only mostly. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Use as much as possible, in many different places. It makes it far harder to track. Sheepy: Sheepy: Uh. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay... Arsé-kun: Arséne: This is the part where you ask what I was doing last night, and where I give a very subtle answer. Sheepy: Sheepy: What were you doing last night? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Work. Sheepy: Sheepy: Vague. Arsé-kun: Arséne: See? Sheepy: Sheepy: You're right. Sheepy: Sherlock: Good morning!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good morning. Sheepy: Sherlock: Where is everyone? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Still sleeping, I presume. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he sits by Arséne* They're sleeping in late. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes, I see this. Sheepy: Sherlock: I wonder why... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Most likely due to getting drunk, or just being tired in Diego's case. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. I didn't drink anything last night. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nor did I. Sheepy: Sherlock: It makes me sick to. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And I was too busy to. Sheepy: Sherlock: I wonder if I can take this off yet. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non. Sheepy: Sherlock: Why not? Arsé-kun: Watson: It hasn't healed yet, that's why! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks startled* Arsé-kun: Watson: I told you. Over a month. It has barely even been days.. Sheepy: Iris: Good morning! Sheepy: Sherlock: But.... Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't wait a month. Sheepy: Sherlock: What about my job?? Arsé-kun: Watson: It isn't stopping you at all. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't do many things without the use of my right arm... Arsé-kun: Watson: Then use your left. Sheepy: Sherlock: My left hand isn't my dominant one. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm not special. Arsé-kun: Watson: So? Sheepy: Sherlock: You can't write with your left hand, can you? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not well, but an attempt can be made. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's uncomfortable. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's better than being stabbed in the eye with a sharp stick. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Well, that's not wrong. Sheepy: Sheepy: If you really want to take off your cast, do it and deal with the permanent damage you'll cause without complaint. Sheepy: Sherlock: When you put it that way... Sheepy: Sherlock:...Can you cause permanent damage by doing that? Arsé-kun: Watson: Absolutely. Sheepy: Sherlock: Really?! Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. *the coffee pot finally goes on* Sheepy: Sherlock: Now I'm feeling useless and scared... is fhis really an improvement...? Arsé-kun: Watson: It's only an arm. It isn't as if you were stabbed in the stomach, and supposed to rest for at least a week. Sheepy. Sheepy: Sheepy: Pssshhh. I'm young. I can handle anything. Arsé-kun: Watson: Except dying. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're already doing that this morning. Sheepy: Sheepy: So I'll leave that to you Sheepy: Iris: We made breakfast! Arsé-kun: Watson: Not as much as Van Helsing, I'll tell you that.. Oh? Sheepy: Iris: But I didn't get up before Sheepy so it's mostly fish. Sheepy: Sheepy: You say that with such a disgusted tone... Sheepy: Iris: Because I doubt anyone wants to smell or taste fish first thing in the morning. sheep: Sheepy: Many people have to deal with things they don't want to deal with first thing in the morning. Like, I have to deal with you. Sheepy: Iris: What happened to Abby? Arsé-kun: Watson: The consequences of drinking too much. Sheepy: Iris: Oh... Sheepy: Iris: That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he arrives, and gets ready to say something before just stopping.* why Sheepy: Fran: Sorry... Sheepy was the only one up and he offered to help. And then, um, I became the helper. And then it became fish. Arsé-kun: Impey: *he reaches up and gets the cereal down* But.. Why? Sheepy: Fran: I knew you'd be sick this morning so I didn't want you to be stuck with the responsibility... and he said he doesn't know how to make breakfast food. I don't know how to cook at all so I just did whatever he said. Arsé-kun: Impey: Wag looks like he's enjoying it. Sheepy: Fran: Oh... I didn't even notice he got to it! Sheepy: Fran: Now no one can eat it anyway... Sheepy: Sheepy: Hey, shoo, get off of that. Sheepy: Wagahai: *meow* Sheepy: Sheepy: No, bad cat. I didn't make that for you. Stop looking at me like that. Arsé-kun: Sisi: *HELLO!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Sisi!! Hello!! *he bends down and starts petting Sisi* Arsé-kun: Sisi: *BARK.* Sheepy: Sheepy: I totally agree! Sheepy: Sheepy: You're cuter than Wilson by far. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *he heard his name. he is here now* Sheepy: Sheepy: Did Wilson actually come when his name was mentioned by someone other than Harley? Arsé-kun: Wilson: *he sits down and whines. feed the dog* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, shoot. Harley hasn't fed you yet. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *whiiine* Sheepy: Sheepy: Here, follow me, I'll give you food. *he goes to get food for wilson* Arsé-kun: Wilson: !! *foooood* Sheepy: Sheepy: Here you go. Sheepy: Sheepy: Have fun, I guess. Sheepy: Sheepy: Harley is still upstairs. He's probably sick so you may not want to bark at him. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *he quietly yips.* Sheepy: Sheepy: That's a better volume. Sheepy: *Sheepy feeds Wilson and then decides that it's shopping timeee!!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Arséne, do you want to go with me? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not yet. Sheepy: Sheepy: Should I wait? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non, I'll catch up. Sheepy: Sheepy: OK. Where should we meet? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Coffeeshop. I'll wait for you right inside the doors. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay! Sheepy: Sheepy: See you later!! *he grabs Tom and leaves* Arsé-kun: *It is time for Shep Sheps Obscure Trek into the stores* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he is staring in the window at some clothes. he's holding Tom up so he can see as well* Sheepy: Sheepy: Tom, what do you think of these? That jacket looks nice... Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sheepy: Sheepy: *he looks over* I think I've met those people before... sshh, Tom, they can't find out about you! Arsé-kun: Minako: *in the distance* Oooh! Is that Sheepy?? Sheepy: Goro: I think so. Arsé-kun: Minako: Heyyyy! Sheepy! Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, hi. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hello! *she notices Tom* Oh, he's cute! Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you. I've had him almost all my life. Arsé-kun: Minako: No problem! So what're you up to? Sheepy: Sheepy: I was looking at clothes. Sheepy: Sheepy: And then I was going to meet someone at the coffeeshop. Sheepy: Goro: We happened to be heading there ourselves. Do you mind if we tag along with you? Sheepy: Goro: I'm assuming you're okay with that, right, Minako? Arsé-kun: Minako: Of course I am! Sheepy: Goro: Great. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm okay with it. Arsé-kun: Minato: ... why are we standing here yapping? I'm hungry.. Sheepy: Goro: Oh! Sorry Minato. Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess I should head over to the coffee shop anyway. I don't want to buy anything until I meet up with them. Arsé-kun: *time to go to the coffee shop, with friends!* Sheepy: Yu: Phantom has been quiet recently. I hope no one has arrested him yet or something... I want to be the one! ... Does Sherlock Holmes have any plans of trying to catch him? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he was waiting where he said he would* He has not been arrested, and no. Sheepy: Sheepy: Hi, Arséne. Sheepy: Yu: Really?? Why not? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bonjour. As for why, because he's busy with other cases. Sheepy: Yu: They seem like perfect rivals. Sheepy: Yu: You're so lucky to live with him!! Sheepy: Sheepy: No we aren't. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks around, and gives Yu a small grin. oh no* Not at all. .. Don't tell anyone I told you this, but they've actually worked together on cases. Sheepy: Yu: Really?? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Truly. Sheepy: Yu: Have you met the Phantom too? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes. He's very.. Egotistical. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's obnoxious. They both are. Sheepy: Sheepy: One because of his personality and the other because he doesn't have an indoor voice. Sheepy: Yu: You two have a way of making it sound less exciting... Arsé-kun: Minako: You've met the Phantom, too?? Sheepy: Sheepy: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Minako: Wow! Sheepy: Sheepy: He's okay. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can feel him getting offended from here. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good. Sheepy: Sheepy: Watson's more interesting... he chooses to put up with us every day... Sheepy: Goro: Which do you want, Minato? Arsé-kun: Minato: I can't decide. What do you want? Sheepy: Goro: Something spicy... Arsé-kun: Minato: No, you don't. Sheepy: Goro: Spicy things taste good but they punish me... Sheepy: Goro: Chocolate things are nice too, but I can't eat many sweets... Arsé-kun: Minato: I thought you were avoiding that? Sheepy: Goro: I am. Arsé-kun: Minato: Then who cares? Sweets for days. Sheepy: Goro: But if I eat a lot of sweets, I'll get sick or I won't perform as well. Arsé-kun: Minato: Hello, I'm Mephisto. You know you want sweets. Sheepy: Goro: I do but I can't have them... Arsé-kun: Minato: You can have half of one. Sheepy: Goro: Do you think I can get away with it? Arsé-kun: Minato: Yeah. Sheepy: Goro: Well... alright... but I really shouldn't. Arsé-kun: Minato: Too late. The contract is sealed. *he turns and orders chocolate donuts.* Sheepy: Goro: I'm going to regret this. I just know it... Sheepy: Goro: Let's give some to everyone else. Arsé-kun: Minato: What? Sheepy: Goro: The donuts. Let's at least give one to Minako. Arsé-kun: Minato: Fine. One. Sheepy: Goro: Thank you. Sheepy: Goro: She can have mine if you want. Arsé-kun: Minato: You stop that Sheepy: Goro: I'm taking that as a no. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he gets and pays for the donuts, and drags Goro to the seats* Sheepy: Goro: *he sits down* Sheepy: Goro: They look good. Arsé-kun: Minato: *he nods, and breaks one, before shoving it in Goro's direction* Sheepy: Goro: *He takes the piece* Thank you. Arsé-kun: Minato: No problemo. *and he tears into the rest of the donuts* Sheepy: Goro: *he removes his neckerchief from his face and eats his half of a donut at a slow pace* Sheepy: Sheepy: Arséne, there's a jacket that I was considering getting but I haven't decided yet. Can you help me decide whether or not I should get it?? Sheepy: Tom: woah Sheepy: Tom: what if tom is byrd and byrd is tom Sheepy: Tom: i want a pastry Sheepy: Tom: aaaaa i haven't had food in at least twenty years Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't see why I wouldn't. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're welcome. Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess, um, I'll wait to do that until later. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ? Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm not sure how to leave. Arsé-kun: Arséne: oh Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you know? Arsé-kun: *arsene drags sheepy out when nobody is looking. bye* Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you... Sheepy: Sheepy: It's over at this store. Sheepy: Sheepy: It looks really nice and warm! Tom wouldn't say what he thought of it. Sheepy: Tom: aaaaaaaa Arsé-kun: Arséne: I like it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Should I get it? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Can you afford it, and is it a good idea? Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know how much money I have. Sheepy: Sheepy: I never checked... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he checks the price tag* You have enough Sheepy: Sheepy: Great! Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to get it, then. Maybe it'll help with Winter. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It should. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's fashionable, too! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he goes and buys it!* Sheepy: Sheepy: I was going to go on a full shopping trip but I've got no clue where else to go... where should we go?? Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's not my choice, now is it? Sheepy: Sheepy: I guess not. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't think I'm low on any supplies.. ummm.. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hmmm.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I can't think of anywhere else to go. Sheepy: Tom: bunbunbunbun Sheepy: Tom: i want a bunny Sheepy: Tom: they make good friends Arsé-kun: Arséne: !! That would be.... Interesting, yes, but we don't have the space.. Sheepy: Tom: ok Sheepy: Tom: stuffed one Sheepy: Tom: bunbunbunbunbun Sheepy: Tom: maybe one day we'll have the space for the real deal Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe I'll-- ! *he seems to see something in the distance* -- I'm done considering, lets go look *and he more or less pushes Sheepy into the pet shop* Sheepy: Sheepy: Hey, hey! What're you doing? Sheepy: Sheepy: What did you see that interested you so? Sheepy: Tom: bunbunbunbunbun Sheepy: Sheepy: We can't get a pet. Watson already has three. Sheepy: Tom: bunbun Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he points out the bunny cages. looks like there is only one left..* Sheepy: Sheepy: It's all alone.. Sheepy: Sheepy:.... Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Sheepy: Sheepy: Now I feel bad for it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: As do I. Sheepy: Sheepy: What can we do? Sheepy: Tom: bunbunbunbun Arsé-kun: Arséne: You have money. Sheepy: Sheepy: We don't have space! Arsé-kun: Arséne: We really don't... Sheepy: *timeskip!! they return home!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Um, Watson. You have helped take care of three animals... Sheepy: Sheepy: How do you raise a rabbit?? Arsé-kun: Watson: I wouldn't know. Why...? Sheepy: Sheepy: I bought Arséne an early birthday present. Sheepy: Sheepy: His name is Pepper and he was all alone in the display at the pet store. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *LOOK AT MY BUNNY.* Sheepy: Sherlock: He's cute!! Sheepy: Tom: hes my friend Arsé-kun: Arséne: *looks a bit more excited than he should. arsene please* Sheepy: Sheepy: We've never raised an animal before. Yours like me but that's all I can say for myself. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... ..... Did we need another animal? Sheepy: Sheepy: It looked lonely... it reminded me of how I felt before I met Arséne. Sheepy: Sheepy: So I couldn't let it stay lonely! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I can't complain. It's your choice, not mine. Sheepy: Sheepy: How do you take care of animals? Arsé-kun: Watson: Very carefully, and with good research. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh right... research... Sheepy: Harley: Idiots. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, shush. You have Wilson. Sheepy: *harley us sitting on the sofa and he looks miserable* Sheepy: Harley: I studied how to take care of dogs before getting him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I've had a rabbit before, thank you. You just never asked. sheep: Harley: I don't care. sheep: Harley: I don't have the emotional energy to care. sheep: Harley: The only things keeping me vertical are caffiene, pain medication, and dimming all the lights. sheep: Harley: Do you think that with all that, I'd care? Sheepy: Harley: If you think, with only things keeping me vertical being caffiene, pain medication, and dimming all the lights, that I care, you clearly don't know me if you- Arsé-kun: Arséne: I was not aware. If you are doing that badly, go back to where you came from! Sheepy: Harley: I need to get up sometime today. Sheepy: Harley: And so I did. Sheepy: Diego: Oh! Lupin! Sheepy: Diego: Today's been really uneventful, huh? Hahaha.... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Until now, yes. Meet my bunny. Sheepy: Harley:...By the way, Lupin. Sheepy: Diego: He's cute! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes? Sheepy: Harley: Who did you visit last night? Sheepy: Harley:...Don't tell me you didn't visit anyone. Your kid is not a giving soul when it comed to his own money. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It was his allowance, and I have owed him for a few weeks now. Sheepy: Harley: It has been "uneventful", as he said. What kind of news did he expect? Sheepy: Harley: Clearly, news about someone being stolen from. Sheepy: Harley: Whoever you stole from did not want this to be advertised to others, meaning it was someone powerful. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That word has other uses. From the time I left, and came back, nothing of note seems to have happened at all. Sheepy: Harley: You mysteriously disappeared last night. As did he. Sheepy: Harley: I'm not as unaware as you may think Sheepy: Harley: But.. if you've decided I can't know... Sheepy: Harley: I don't care. Sheepy: Harley: Don't expect information from me in the future, if that's how you're going to act. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I doubt you want to know, let us put it that way. I think you can figure it out from there. You're a smart man. Sheepy: Harley: "I think you can figure it out from there"... Sheepy: Harley:....... Sheepy: Harley: *an expression of anger and horror appears on his face. hes got it. he bolts up and approaches Arsene.... ...he slugs Arsene pretty hard!* Sheepy: Harley: You ​idiot!​ What don't you get about don't get involved?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he turns his face with the punch* I didn't mention you or Sherlock, like you asked! And anyway, I paid him quite well beforehand for his services! Sheepy: Diego:...Ummm... Sheepy: Diego: Oh dear... Arsé-kun: Arséne: If what you're about to say incriminates us in any way, save it. Sheepy: Harley: No, no, tell me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We will. Just, one thing at a time. Acknowledge I did not break your rules first! Sheepy: Harley: I still asked you not to get involved! I trusted you! And look at what you did! You think I'll put any trust in what you say after this?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: If he was so bad to you and he, then he deserved it. I'm not going to argue with you further. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And anyway, even if I hadn't known, I'd have required his services anyway. I'd have done it anyway for his behavior. Sheepy: Harley: "Bad"? He let us starve because he felt like his wallet was oh so more important than ​our lives! Sheepy: Harley: You think that "bad" sums up his actions?! He's a monster! Arsé-kun: Arséne: See! Exactly my point! *he puts the bunny on his desk, and he puts his hands over its ears* That was my exact reasoning as to why he deserved it! Sheepy: Diego: Um. Sheepy: Diego: I spoke to him. Arséne didn't... Sheepy: Diego: So you're beating up on the wrong guy. Sheepy: Harley: Excuse me? Arsé-kun: Arséne: And I missed most of your discussion, contrary to what I implied. Go on. Sheepy: Diego: I don't get what's going on but I got caught by him. I uh... Sheepy: Diego: Used my usual strategy...? Sheepy: Harley: And that is? Sheepy: Diego: I insulted him. I pointed out that he didn't get where he was from his skills but you two did, and he was just riding on your popularity due to his last name. I also told him his only worth was his money and he called himself worthless. I called him egotistical a whole bunch... what else... Sheepy: Diego: I told him he was probably ignored by his parents and inherited nothing good from them, unlike you two, and that they probably died because they were sick of him. Sheepy: Diego: I got a little nasty and I feel bad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You said WHAT Sheepy: Diego: I-it was just because of the heat of the moment! Sheepy: Diego: I didn't actually MEAN it!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Backtrack a minute. What'd he say? Sheepy: Diego: "Get out of my house"... Sheepy: Diego: Unless you mean the ways he tried to insult me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, non, the other thing! Sheepy: Diego: Oh, the worthless thing. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oui. Can we get a bit of detail on that? Sheepy: Diego: I said, "I was told that all you care about is youself and money," basically. Sheepy: Diego: He said, "Why care otherwise? There is nothing of value otherwise"... Sheepy: Diego: So I told him I felt bad for him because he saw no value in himself other than his money. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That sounds like he was trying to imply he had value, but he'd have worded it differently in that case... Sheepy: Harley: I hope he ​rots​ due to his money. Sheepy: Harley: I hope it's the only thing he has! No happiness, no friends, just money. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Probably not. Sheepy: Harley: It's what he deserves. Sheepy: Harley: You think someone like him has friends? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Anyway, are you going to stop yelling? You're scaring Poivre. Sheepy: Harley: Shut up. I've had this anger bottled in me for years. You broke it, you bought it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can afford it. Sheepy: Harley: Don't you dare bring this up with Sherlock. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who has no friends? Sheepy: Sherlock: You, Harley? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ouch. Sheepy: Sherlock: I didn't mean it to be mean. I heard my name. Sheepy: Sherlock: And everyone was leaving me out... the conversation looked like such fun... Sheepy: Sherlock: So I eavesdropped just a little. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know who it's about, but... Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe they aren't as bad as you think. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's possible. Doubtful, but always possible. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's impossible to fully understand people... so... Sheepy: Sherlock: Rather than leaving them alone without anyone to be there for them, maybe you can be the one to make them a better person. Arsé-kun: Impey: That's the greatest thing I've ever heard without context. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Hello! Arsé-kun: Impey: Hullo! Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know most of the context myself. Harley just hates someone and wishes that they were friendless. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oooh, savageee! Sheepy: Harley: You're embarrassing me. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oops? Sheepy: Sherlock: At least the kindergarteners will make up with each other Arsé-kun: Tom: Who is to say we are all not kindergartners in the eyes of sheep and the beings that defy life and death itself? Also bees Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe there's some lessons you can learn from kindergarteners. Arsé-kun: Impey: When naptime is? Sheepy: Sherlock: I like naptime... Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah, me too.. Sheepy: Harley: I don't know either of you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I like wrapping up in a blanket and sleeping with Sisi... he's so fluffy and warm. Arsé-kun: Impey: And! Harley, I know you can do a flawless Macarena, AND you live with us! So, nyeh! *he makes a face at Harley. he's 5* Sheepy: Harley: I needed it for a case, shut up! Sheepy: Harley: You don't need to know! Sheepy: Sherlock: Why do you know that? Sheepy: Harley: Shut up! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he's stifling a laugh with the inside of his arm. Poivre/Pepper/the bunny is investigating the desk* Sheepy: Sherlock: That's a great reason! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he is watching pepper* Arsé-kun: Pepper: *sniff. nose twitch. sniff, sniff. hop, hop* Sheepy: Sheepy: *woaaaaah so cool* Arsé-kun: Pepper: *he looks at Sheepy* Sheepy: Sheepy: You're so cute.. Arsé-kun: Pepper: *he nose twitches. flops onto his side. my bed now* Sheepy: Sheepy: *!!!!!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: :o Sheepy: Sheepy: He likes your desk... Arsé-kun: Arséne: I wonder why.. Sheepy: Sheepy: He can stay there if he wants. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then he'll most likely use it for litter, possibly.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Ew. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yeah.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Um. Sheepy: Sheepy: Can you train a rabbit not to poop wherever? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes, actually! Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Yes. They can be littertrained, just like cats. Sheepy: Sheepy: Wow. Arsé-kun: Arséne: M-hm.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know how to raise him... Sheepy: Sheepy: But I can try to help. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Like I said, I do. I'll teach you. *his attention has been turned fully to Pepper and Sheepy. good* Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you! Sheepy: Tom: does he like me Arsé-kun: Arséne: Find out. Sheepy: Tom: dont look Sheepy: Tom: nononono stop looking stopstopstop youre watching Sheepy: Tom: .......... Sheepy: Tom: you can look now Arsé-kun: *time to look* Sheepy: *hes on the desk* Arsé-kun: *Pepper notices and investigates him* Sheepy: Tom: he likes me Sheepy: Tom: yaaaay Arsé-kun: Pepper: ? Sheepy: Tom: cuuuute Sheepy: Sherlock: Arsene, can I use duct tape to fix my arm? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non? Sheepy: *the phone rings! it's pierce!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: .. Oh! *he picks up* Bonjour! Sheepy: ?: Bonjour! Arsé-kun: Arséne: :I Sheepy: ?: Is my dear there~? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nope. Sheepy: ?: Take a message for me... Sheepy: ?: I'd be overjoyed to see him again. I can't let Phil be unhealthy before I fix his memory. Sheepy: ?: And.... I need to know from Saint Germain what he knows to fix it fully... Arsé-kun: Arséne: uh. ok? Sheepy: ?: ... Sheepy: ?: You don't seem at all concerned... Sheepy: ?: ... Sheepy: ?: I've got "Pierce", Kazuya, and their sister. Sheepy: ?: I can and will kill them in excruciatingly paimful ways if you don't help me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ..! *he does his best to sound unconcerned* Oh? Sheepy: ?: I would really rather not, because Phil cares about them. Sheepy: ?: I sure hope you won't disappoint them... are you up to the task? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he starts writing a lot of things down..* Talk. Sheepy: ?: Saint Germain has a room full of butterflies. I need them for him... and I need Saint Germain to help. Sheepy: ?: I can't afford for any to go wrong. I need Watson to help to make sure nothing does. Sheepy: ?: And.... Sheepy: ?: I need you to stay out of my way once you deliver them. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he slides the paper to Sheepy, and it says what he was just told. he makes a "be quiet" gesture, and shoos him away* It'll be considered. It will definitely need time, though. Sheepy: ?: ...Alright. I will give you... Sheepy: ?: One month Sheepy: ?: No more than that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Certainly long enough. Sheepy: ?: Until you arrive, I will take care of them as well as I can. Sheepy: ?: But,if you fail to arrive at this time exactly in one month... Arsé-kun: Arséne: I get it. Sheepy: ?: You will not enjoy the results. Sheepy: ?: Tick tock. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course not. At least, you hope I don't. Sheepy: ?: ...I will. Sheepy: ?: See you. Sheepy: ?: *he hangs up...* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he hangs up, and buries his face in Pepper's fur. Pepper doesn't seem to mind. Fearless bun* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he gives the paper to Watson* Um. It wasn't Pierce. Sheepy: Sheepy: It was the masked man... Sheepy: Sheepy:...*he looks at Arsene. he looks conflicted before giving Arsene an Incredibly Rare Gift - a hug* Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Merci.. Sheepy: Sheepy: If Watson and Saint-Germain are worth so much to him, he's probably not going to hurt them. Sheepy: Sheepy: ...But, a month is a lot longer than 24 hours like he gave you last time, right? I wonder what he's up to. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't know. That's what worries me. Sheepy: Sheepy: If it took him so long to get Phil, he'd want to execute action immediately. Sheepy: Sheepy: So........ Sheepy: Sheepy: He may not have everything he needs yet. He might need other people that he doesn't expect you to have access to. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Alternatively, he expects me to not act, and then he'll drop the time limit. Sheepy: Sheepy: I kind of doubt that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe I've been watching too much of your shows. Sheepy: Sheepy: He isn't actually the one fully in power, if you think about it. Sheepy: Sheepy: He needs those two. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he nods* Sheepy: Sheepy: The only thing he has of worth to you are his three hostages. Sheepy: Sheepy: Although, maybe over time, he'll kidnap more to speed you up............ Sheepy: Sheepy: We can't worry about it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That made me more worried. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sorry. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he's been listening on the stairs, and he is not happy* Sheepy: Sheepy: What's up with him and butterflies, Saint-Germain? Sheepy: Sheepy: You seem to know more than you show. Sheepy: Sheepy: The more information, the better.... Arsé-kun: Germain: *he sighs* He seems to believe butterflies have some sort of connection to memory. Sheepy: Sheepy: Why would he think something like that? Sheepy: Sheepy: Did he have some connection to them before he lost his memory? Sheepy: Sheepy: Or did Phil? Arsé-kun: Germain: Many of the ones I have were Phil's, so I'd presume the latter. Sheepy: Sheepy: Did Phil take care of butterflies? Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes. Sheepy: Sheepy: So maybe he's hoping Phil will remember that. That seems like it's not that important of a memory. Arsé-kun: Germain: I doubt it. This seems too urgent to just be something small. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know, then. Sheepy: Sheepy: It'd be nice if we could ask more, but... he's also willing to kill people, so maybe not. Arsé-kun: Germain: We may get the opportunity.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Sheepy: Sheepy: When? Arsé-kun: Germain: I didn't get that far Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Arsé-kun: Germain: I suppose he'd answer if Watson or I asked... Sheepy: Sheepy: Is it safe? Arsé-kun: Germain: I've got no clue. Sheepy: Sheepy: How do you feel about this, Watson? Arsé-kun: Watson: Gross. Sheepy: Harley: There's one thing we know for certain. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That people are in danger? Sheepy: Harley: Watson. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes? Sheepy: Harley: You're not going. There's no way I'm going to allow him to take you away. He could kill you after he's done using you. Arsé-kun: Watson: Uh. Thank you? Sheepy: Harley: You're making me feel embarrassed about caring for you. Arsé-kun: Watson: That implies to me that you have feelings. Sheepy: Harley: What! Is it a crime for me to be concerned about you now? Sheepy: Harley: I never knew! Arsé-kun: Watson: I always thought it was, with how rarely you show it. *watson smirks* Sheepy: Harley: It's a chore to tell people things they already know. Arsé-kun: Watson: It's a chore to show concern, Harley? Sheepy: Harley: Yes. Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't quit your day job, then. Sheepy: Harley: What's that supposed to mean? Sheepy: Harley: "Don't quit your day job"? Sheepy: Harley: To what? Arsé-kun: Watson: Well, if caring is a chore, then almost any other job would be impossible for you. Sheepy: Harley: I meant for other people! Sheepy: Harley: I chose the detective job because I can hate as many people as I want and get away with it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: What a surprise. Sheepy: Harley: It's convenient because you're the only one I care about. Sheepy: Harley: Everyone else on this planet could die and I wouldn't bat an eye at it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't talk about your brother and dog like that. Sheepy: Harley: Wilson is not human. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And the other? Sheepy: Harley: Just because we're siblings doesn't mean we need to care about each other any differently than we do for others. Sheepy: Harley: He cares about everyone. I care about no one but Watson. Neither of us are treating the other like they're special just because we were born in the same family. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks annoyed* Sheepy: Harley: You and I have different viewpoints. Sheepy: Harley: I only trust Watson. The ones most likely to backstab you are family. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *the sass is dripping off his tongue.* Oh, yes, absolutely. My son only watches horror movies so he can learn the best way to stab me in the back. Poivre is going to smother me in the middle of the night. Oh, no. Sheepy: Harley: They aren't your family. Sheepy: Harley: You can't choose your family. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Get the hell out of my office. Sheepy: Harley: I'm not in it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, you're right. Hold on. *he sits down at his desk* Get the french hell out of my office. Sheepy: Harley: I trust Mycroft more than Sherlock in that I can at least predict what he'll do. Sheepy: Harley: He's already shown his true, disgusting self. Sherlock hasn't yet. He's very patient. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And you're absolutely nuts. Don't take more pain medication, because it's messing up your brain. Sheepy: Harley: I'm not nuts! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Paranoid schizophrenic, then. Sheepy: Harley: I'm neither of those! Stop acting like you're a doctor or you know better than me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then do this outside my office. Sheepy: *Harley takes the minimal amount of steps needed to Leave* Sheepy: Harley: What do you know, anyway? Arsé-kun: Arséne: What do I know? That I don't want to hear this from you right now. Sheepy: Harley: You're the one who brought it up. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're the one who said you didn't care if nearly everyone else died. I really appreciate it. Sheepy: Harley: And I don't. Sheepy: Harley: I threw those kind of emotions away long ago. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Glad to know I have one less option for a godfather for Sheepy if anything happens to me. *and he promptly turns to his piles of papers and folders, before starting a log for today* Sheepy: Harley: Why would you even consider me? Sheepy: Harley: I can't stand him. Sheepy: Harley: Being his godfather sounds like a punishment more than anything. Arsé-kun: *Arséne doesn't dignify that with a response. He appears to be done with this conversation* Sheepy: *Harley seems pretty ticked. thanks for riling yourself up Harley* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *BARK* Sheepy: Harley: *he pets Wilson* Sheepy: Sheepy: Am I really that annoying, Arséne?? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non, he's just a branleur. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't know what that means but okay. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't worry about it, Mouton. Sheepy: Sheepy: Stand up. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Too busy. Sheepy: Sheepy: It'll be awkward if I do it when you're sitting down. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fine. *he puts his pen down, and gets up* What is it? Sheepy: *Sheepy hugs Arséne. again. it's a christmas miracle he never hugs people* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he returns it! yaaay* Merci beaucoup. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he parrots what Arséne just said. he sounds a little confused* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Thank you very much. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh! I understand now! Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to learn more because I still don't understand a lot of what you say as the Phantom. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'll gladly teach you more French once we catch up on your work. Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: De rien. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he parrots that, as well* Sheepy: Sheepy: What does that mean? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're welcome! Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he smiles at Sheepy, then goes back to work. Work is to be DONE* Sheepy: *sheepy interacts with pepper* Arsé-kun: *it's adorable!* Sheepy: Diego: Um, I think I'm going to go apologize. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Eh? *he looks up* Sheepy: Diego: I feel really bad about what I said. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I doubt it's a good plan... Sheepy: Harley: You wouldn't dare. You've already ruined enough. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I change my mind. Sheepy: Diego: So, um, I can go? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Ouais. Bonne chance. Sheepy: Diego: *he goes and gets into his Zorro outfit and leaves for mycroft's place!* Arsé-kun: *nothing happens on the way there! Arséne and Harley are probably trying not to strangle each other.* Sheepy: *Zorro contemplates whether he should knock on the door or break in.* Arsé-kun: *Lights are on inside! Decide carefully.* Sheepy: *he decides to use his Mad Skills and break in silently!* Arsé-kun: *he can hear a conversation being held in a different room... Go listen in?* Sheepy: *yes* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: --- And no, Cardia. You're not a guard. You're a growing child. I've told you both this before. I can guard you both just fine. Sheepy: Cardia: If they came for last night, they may come for you again! If they do, I'll knock them out with one punch! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Absolutely not. Last nights' were just thieves. I'll only allow it if it's... *he seems to pause* Them, again. Sheepy: Cardia: Thieves are dangerous too, aren't they? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Of course, but many back off when a fight is started. Sheepy: Cardia: I can make them back off! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Cardia, dear. No. Sheepy: Cardia: Do you think it's a bad idea, Finis? Arsé-kun: Finis: Of course I do. We'll need to clean the acid off the floors. Sheepy: Cardia: That'd only happen if I bleed! Which I'm not going to. Arsé-kun: Finis: That is what you said the last seven times. Sheepy: Cardia: It's their fault for not being able to avoid my fists. Arsé-kun: Finis: That isn't how it works. Sheepy: Cardia: It's not? Arsé-kun: Finis: No Sheepy: Cardia: *she turns to Mycroft* Is that the only reason why you don't want me to? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I don't want you, or Finis, in more danger than you need to be! Sheepy: Cardia: Okay... *she sounds disappointed. cardia Why* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... And I don't want anyone else knowing I have you both. It'd put everyone in danger. Sheepy: Cardia: Do you think they'll ever get caught so we won't be in danger anymore? Arsé-kun: Finis: Logically, they'll have to eventually be caught. Sheepy: Cardia: Yeah, but...... how long? Arsé-kun: Finis: I don't know, Cardia. I don't know. Sheepy: Cardia: I feel bad because I'm endangering Mimi by living here. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You're not. Sheepy: Cardia: They might come for you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Why would they? They think I'm only interested in my own wealth. Those thieves, too. Sheepy: Cardia: Because we live with you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: They don't know that. Sheepy: Cardia: But if they find out, you will be. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Then we run. Sheepy: Cardia: I just hope it doesn't come to that. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I hope it doesn't. If it does... Oh, well. It won't be the first time. Sheepy: Cardia: It won't? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Unfortunately- Arsé-kun: Finis: You haven't told us about this. Sheepy: Cardia: Why did you have to run away? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... I'll explain later. Now isn't the time. Sheepy: Cardia: It's not? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It's not. Sheepy: *Cardia gives him a curious look* Arsé-kun: *as does Finis* Sheepy: Cardia: Okay... but why not? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Because I don't really want to. Sheepy: Cardia: That's fine. Arsé-kun: Finis: Not really... It makes me want to know more. Sheepy: Cardia: Why? Arsé-kun: Finis: Because it means it was important. Sheepy: Cardia: ...Oh! Sheepy: Cardia: Now I'm curious, too. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You like to make my life hard, don't you? *he laughs* Oh, fine. Sheepy: Cardia: Sorry. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... *he looks Uncomfortable* ... I was very sick, that's why. Sheepy: Cardia: Did people refuse to help you? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Well, no... It's just that I had a family at the time. Two brothers. ... I didn't want to get them ill. It was hard enough as it was. Sheepy: Cardia: What happened to them? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: They're fine now. At least, that I know of. They don't speak to me. I don't blame them. *he laughs again, but it's not a humorous laugh. it's more empty and hallow* Sheepy: Cardia: Maybe they don't know you're okay. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, they know. Sheepy: Cardia: Why haven't they tried to reconnect with you? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: They probably hate me. I don't blame them for that. Sheepy: Cardia: I would miss you if you disappeared. I'd be overjoyed to find out that you're okay if you disappeared and then reappeared... Sheepy: Cardia: They don't hate you! No one can hate you. There's nothing about you that can be hated on. Arsé-kun: Finis: ... I don't know about that, but I agree with the previous sentiment. Sheepy: Cardia: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Finis: It would be relieving to know that one who disappeared was merely ill, and turned out fine. Sheepy: Cardia: Why would they hate him? Arsé-kun: Finis: Well, it's possible that they did not know this fact. Alternatively, it was done in a manner they disliked. Sheepy: Cardia: I'll fight them! They should be more accepting. Arsé-kun: Finis: Cardia, no. Sheepy: Cardia: They'll need to back it up with their fists! Arsé-kun: Finis: Sister, sit down. Sheepy: Cardia: But they deserve it if they're going to shun him like that. Arsé-kun: Finis: They do not. Sheepy: Cardia: It'll knock some sense into them! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: No, Cardia. They might think I asked you to. No need to make them hate me more. Sheepy: Cardia: Okay... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he shakes his head* Enough of this conversation. Sheepy: Cardia: Sorry. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It's all right. Sheepy: Cardia: I just don't know a lot about you so I get curious! Sheepy: Cardia: I read on wikihow that asking people about themselves promotes bonding! Arsé-kun: Finis: That's not a credible source. Sheepy: Cardia: What does that mean? Arsé-kun: Finis: It may not be accurate or correct. Sheepy: Cardia: Really? Sheepy: Cardia: Mimi, did we bond? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'd say so. Sheepy: Cardia: See? Wikihow was right! Arsé-kun: Finis: If you say so. Arsé-kun: Finis: If you say so. Sheepy: Cardia: He said so. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Enough, you two. It's getting late. Sheepy: Cardia: I'm not tired. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: What a shame. Sheepy: Cardia: Why do people need to sleep? Arsé-kun: Finis: To recover energy. Sheepy: Cardia: That's weird. Arsé-kun: Finis: No, that's you, sis. Sheepy: Cardia: No! Sheepy: Cardia: It's hard to sleep because I may roll over and melt my pillow. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Fine. Sheepy: Cardia: Are you mad? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: No. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: How could I be mad at you and him? Sheepy: Cardia: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I can't. Not for long, if at all. Sheepy: Cardia: Oh! Arsé-kun: *Diego has heard- and recorded- enough, and proceeds to hi-tail it out of there. He is not caught* Sheepy: *he returns home!* Arsé-kun: *hooray!* Sheepy: Diego: Hi... I'm back. Is he really that bad...? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Eh?? *he was dozing off at his desk, but he's awake now* Sheepy: Diego: I ended up eavesdropping instead. Sheepy: Diego: I actually recorded some of it. Sheepy: Harley: That's illegal. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm curious! Sheepy: Diego: Here, have a listen. It may change your opinion of him. Arsé-kun: *the recording is played back, louuud n' clear. mostly for you, harley* Sheepy: Harley: What a liar. Sheepy: Sherlock: His brothers shouldn't hate him. Sheepy: Harley: He's lying. They've got all sorts of reasons to hate him. Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh? You care to share with the class? *he's. here now?* Sheepy: Harley:....Fine. Sheepy: Harley: He ditched them, forcing the older of his two brothers to carry the entire burden of supporting himself and his younger brother. Arsé-kun: Germain: Was an alibi not given? Sheepy: Harley: No reason was given. He never returned. Sheepy: Harley: The older one was forced to drop out of school and would often go without food so his younger brother wouldn't starve. Sheepy: Harley: But that narcissist acts like he's better than everyone else because his brothers grew up in poverty, unlike him! Arsé-kun: Germain: No, no. I was referring to the audio. Sheepy: Harley: Does it matter that he was sick? He could have returned eventually. Arsé-kun: Arséne: If you have this much of a problem with him, why not address it to his face and get it over with? :I Sheepy: Harley: Is it going to help? No, it's not. Sheepy: Harley: I wouldn't be able to control myself around him. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can talk to him! Sheepy: Harley: Absolutely not! Sheepy: Harley: There's no way I'm letting you contact him- Sheepy: Sherlock: Sword man, where does he live? Sheepy: Diego: *he looks to Arsene like lookjng for permission* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm backing out of this one. Go for it? Sheepy: Diego: *he gives Sherlock Mycroft's address. Sherlock writes it down on his arm* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he frowns* That didn't work as planned. Can you show me tomorrow? Sheepy: Sherlock: I won't remember it. I'll need help finding it. Sheepy: Sherlock: If you don't want to, can you, Arséne? Sheepy: Harley: Don't. Sheepy: Harley: He is not worth it. He's worth nothing. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'll consider. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thanks! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm excited. Sheepy: Harley: I'm going for a walk. I'm not listening to this anymore. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Okay, bye. Sheepy: *he goes out* Sheepy: Sherlock:...... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he picks up his hand. his fingers were crossed* I'm absolutely in. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he waits until he's sure Harley has left* Ugh... I'm sick of him. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm glad you are! Sheepy: Sherlock:....I hope he moves out. I keep thinking... Sheepy: Sherlock: ..."Maybe he'll improve!"... Sheepy: Sherlock: But he hasn't Arsé-kun: Arséne: I was going to say that I believed he had, but you would know better. Sheepy: Sherlock: Has he? Sheepy: Sherlock: He still doesn't seem to think I can make my own decisions. I feel like I'm walking on thin ice around him. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe I should actively rebel and see what happens. Sheepy: Sherlock: Now that I think about it, I can't remember a single time where we actually got along. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's just been us tolerating each other from the very beginning. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe we should have these discussions when he doesn't have a hangover. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh well. Sheepy: *the next day!!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's go! Watson, do you want to come? Arsé-kun: Watson: I think I'll stay behind. Someone has to. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's fine! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he takes his hat off the rack, and puts his coat on* I'm ready whenever you are, Sherlock. Sheepy: Sherlock: Does anyone else want to come? Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't want to move. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then don't? Sheepy: Sheepy: Have fun going by yourself. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We won't. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's go! *he's Excited* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Allons-y! Sheepy: *they go to Mycroft's house!!* Arsé-kun: *who is knocking* Sheepy: *sherlock is knocking!!* Arsé-kun: *arsene stuck a HELLO IM sticker on sherlock at some point. and it just says 'HELLO, IM working on recovering my memory, sorry! :')'* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he waits for the door to be answered* Do you think he'll just slam the door in my face? I'm a total stranger... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Maybe I should have added a little "Hi, I'm Sherlock!" on there, too.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can say that when he opens the door... "Hi, I'm Sherlock!".... Sheepy: Sherlock: ... But why did you put my name as "working on recovering my memory, sorry sad face"? Sheepy: Sherlock: Is his name sad face? Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, silly. It doesn't have a "my name is" on it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can write on my hand, "Hullo, I'm Sherlock!"... Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Oh, but I can't write with my left hand. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he opens the door* Or you can say it to my face. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Hullo! I'm Sherlock! Sheepy: Sherlock: ... *gasp* How'd he know I was talking about that?? Is he a mind reader? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I could hear you on the other side, you know. Sheepy: Sherlock: Really? Am I that loud? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: A bit, yes. *he looks Sherlock over* ... You've certainly grown up. Sheepy: Sherlock: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he sees the HELLO tag. pauses for a minute, and nods* Ah. That explains a lot. *he moves out of the doorway* Do come in. I'll explain to you. .. You can come too, thief. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, thank you. Arsé-kun: *they go iiin* Sheepy: Sherlock: An acquaintance of mine told me about you!! Mr. Swordman! I've come to be your friend! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. Oh, him. *he rolls his eyes, and takes his hat off. he's fidgeting with the brim of it* Friend, huh..? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes! He implied you had none, and that's no way to live. So! I've come to change that. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... Thank you, Sherlock. Sheepy: Sherlock: No problem! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... I did say I would explain... Sheepy: Sherlock: Explain your comment, right? That I've grown up? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You most certainly have from when I saw you last. Sheepy: Sherlock: I've met you before? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: When? I don't remember meeting you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, years ago. Sheepy: Sherlock: Were we friends? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I suppose so. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sorry. I don't remember. Sheepy: Sherlock: But! Don't take it personally! I remember absolutely nothing of my childhood and I have a very hard time retaining new information! Sheepy: Sherlock: But I'm doing my best to not forget your name! Michael. I've successfully remembered it for this long. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Mycroft. Almost had it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Arsé-kun: *arsene has started Paying Attention to Other Things. this is a Nice Painting* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Might my full name help? Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Mycroft Holmes. *he's smiling just a little. :0* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks confused* Oh! We share the same last name. Sheepy: Sherlock: Although... something about the name seems a little familiar... Sheepy: Sherlock: I've got no clue what. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Now, why would we share it, Sherlock? Sheepy: Sherlock: We're related? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's always the first guess that's wrong... Sheepy: Sherlock: But I can't think of an alternate solution Sheepy: Sherlock: Was it wrong? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You were right. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was? How were we related? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Has Harley never told you? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't agree with him. Sheepy: Sherlock: And... Sheepy: Sherlock: He hates me, too. Sheepy: Sherlock: So we aren't really any different in that respect. Arsé-kun: *arsene shakes his head in the background* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... I'm your older brother. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks confused* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: And Harley's. too. Sheepy: Sherlock: We have a second brother? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he nods and looks away* Yes. I'm.. Sorry I was never there for you both. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's okay! I don't remember anything about it so it doesn't bother me. Sheepy: Sherlock: You don't seem like a bad person so I'm sure you had a good reason. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I fell ill. ... I didn't want either of you to get it, so I left. ...... I only meant to be gone for a short time. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's a good reason. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: If Harley doesn't believe this for any reason, I can fetch my hospital records for him. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's stubborn. Sheepy: Sherlock: He hates change, too. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I guess some things never do change, then. *he grins a little at his own pun. funnyyyyyyy joke* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he copies Mycroft. he doesn't understand why they're both smiling* Sheepy: Sherlock: I would have brought him with me but... he's negative about you and he already says nasty things towards me. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, well. Lets be friends behind his back. Sheepy: Sherlock: I like the sound of that! Sheepy: Sherlock: You're much nicer than him! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You'll probably take that back eventually. Sheepy: Sherlock:... Sheepy: Sherlock: You haven't called me names or treated me like I can't make decisions for myself. Sheepy: *Despite what he's saying, he's still smiling, although it looks strained...* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Why would I? I've only just met you again. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know. But, you haven't, so you're automatically nicer than him. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... *he offers Sherlock a handshake. broooos* Sheepy: *Sherlock looks at Mycroft and then his hand. and. doesn't shake his hand. instead he gives Mycroft a hug* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: !! Sheepy: Sherlock: Shaking hands seems too formal! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. I guess you're right.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I hug all of my friends if that makes you less uncomfortable. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It does help, yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! I could not do it if you want. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's just awkward shaking someone's hand with my left hand... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: By the by, what happened to your arm..? Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! The perpetrator in a case of mine managed to get the better of me! They decided to see how far they could move my shoulder before it broke. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. ah. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm okay though! It's just a scratch! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Your arm is broken! Sheepy: Sherlock: I've had worse. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm very clumsy. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Why not? Sheepy: Sherlock: Hospitals scare me. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Fair enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: They make me feel isolated. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. Well, I suppose you aren't wrong.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Someone finally agrees with me! Sheepy: Sherlock: The last time I went to the hospital was when............. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he thinks for a moment, looking like he's trying very hard to remember how long it's been* Sheepy: Sherlock: It's been a few years! I went there because I was thrown off a waterfall. Everyone thought I died so I was all alone. That's why I've never gone back since! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he thinks about this for a minute* Sheepy: Sherlock: *despite the topic, he's still smiling. okay sherlock.* Arsé-kun: *it's because he's not alone, and connecting with people! yaaaaay* Sheepy: Sherlock: I apologize if this topic is uncomfortable for you. I don't know how i ended up on it! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: No, no. I was just thinking. I quite like being in them. I might not know anyone there, but it's still somewhere to be in a pinch. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you know of one that isn't scary? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I might. Sheepy: Sherlock: I want to see it eventually. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Maybe I'll bring you next time I'm off from work. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay! Oh!! Sheepy: Sherlock: I can show you my dog! And cat! Sheepy: Sherlock: I have pictures of them!! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'd like to see. Sheepy: *Sherlock takes out his phone and brings up a picture of Sisi and Wag* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: :) ! Sheepy: Sherlock: Sisi's the dog! He was a stray that we adopted. Wagahai's the cat - he was my friend's, but he left his cat with me before going off on his travels! Sheepy: Sherlock: Wagahai's totally forgotten about him it seems... I used to think that was pretty heartless, but I totally forgot about you. Does that make me heartless? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: They're quite cute. Arsé-kun: Finis: *in the distance* Cardia! Get back here this instant! You know we're not supposed to go out there! Sheepy: Cardia: I wanted to see the dog too!! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ..... drat. Sheepy: Sherlock: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You didn't hear that? Sheepy: Sherlock: I did. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he sighs* .. Yes, Cardia, you can come in! Finis, you, too. Sheepy: Cardia: *she comes in* Arsé-kun: *Finis follows her* Sheepy: Cardia: Did you say you had a dog picture??? Arsé-kun: Finis: why are you like this Sheepy: Cardia: Because Mimi doesn't have a dog so dogs are exciting things to see. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he shows her Sisi* Sheepy: Cardia: He's so fluffy and cute!! Arsé-kun: Finis: *he'll just. wait. awkwardly* Sheepy: Cardia: Finis! Look at this dog! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks curious about why Mycroft has two kids* Arsé-kun: Finis: I see it. It's a dog. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Oh!! You took them in after finding them parentless. That's my guess. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: That's fairly accurate. Sheepy: Sherlock: I was right? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wow! Sheepy: Sherlock: I have a habit of getting really off track in my thinking on cases so I need Watson to keep me from going too far off! I sometimes forget I've solved a case a day later and them solve it wll over again! Haha! Arsé-kun: Finis: Who are you? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm Sherlock Holmes! It's nice to meet you. Sheepy: Cardia: Holmes? So you're Mimi's brother? I'm going to fight you!! Arsé-kun: Finis: Cardia, no Arsé-kun: Finis: You know what happens, sis. We'll have to clean up again. Sheepy: Sherlock: OK! *he stands Take your best shot!! Arsé-kun: Finis: this is a terrible idea Sheepy: Cardia: *she puts her gloves on and nails him right in the stomach. he stumbles and lands on his butt. he's gritting his teeth as if he's trying not to yell ftom hoe much that hurt* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Thank you for putting your gloves on. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're really strong!! Sheepy: Sherlock: But! It's better to throw your punches like this! *he stands up and demonstrates, punching the air with his left fist* It'll keep you from possibly damaging yourself in the process! Sheepy: Cardia: *she copies him* Arsé-kun: Finis: *he doesn't move, but he was paying attention* Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't demonstrate too much right now, but when my arm recovers I'll teach you some of what I know about fistfighting!! Sheepy: Cardia: *she looks excited* Sheepy: Cardia: Who's the shady guy? Sheepy: Sherlock: What shady guy? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he (finally) looks away from the painting* Eh? Sheepy: Cardia: You're shady. Sheepy: Cardia: Who are you? Arsé-kun: Arséne: My name is Arséne Lupin. I work with Sherlock. Sheepy: Cardia: You do? Why do you like that painting so much? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't. I was just not listening to their conversation. It wasn't my business at all. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's not shady. Sheepy: Cardia: He looks like he wants to steal the painting! Sheepy: Cardia: You can't steal that! Sheepy: Cardia: I'll punch you out if you try! Arsé-kun: Arséne: In plain sight? That would be absolutely absurd. Sheepy: Cardia: You'd do that in not plain sight? Arsé-kun: Arséne: That isn't what I meant. Sheepy: Cardia: It sounded like it! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Well, I'm not going to, either way. Sheepy: Cardia: Good! I'll punch you if you try! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Why would I even..? Sheepy: Cardia: Because you're shady! Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, I'm Arséne Sheepy: Cardia: Shady! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ok fine Sheepy: Cardia: And thieves are shady! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Can you not yell about that? And anyway, only after dark. Sheepy: Cardia: It's after dark! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Is it? *he checks the time* Oh, you're right. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Watson might get worried. Sheepy: Sherlock: Sorry for keeping you so long. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you mind if I visit you again sometime? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Oh, you definitely can. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! Thanks! Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I introduce you to Watson eventually??? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Sure. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thanks! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Of course. Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess we'll go so we don't inconvenience you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I do have work tomorrow.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, sorry! Sheepy: Sherlock: Have a good night!! I'd give you my phone number but I don't remember it! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I do. *he trades numbers with Mycroft!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: No problem. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well! Um! Good night! Thank you for letting me stay! *he gets up and looks over at Arsene* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he nods and waits for Sherlock* Sheepy: *Sherlock follows Arsene!!* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *once they're outside, he picks a picture frame off the side of the building, and tucks it under his arm* Okay, lets go. Sheepy: Sherlock: Where did that come from? Sheepy: Sherlock: Going home sounds like a good idea! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You didn't notice? I stole it, of course. Sheepy: Sherlock: I didn't notice. I was too focused on him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fair enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's really nice! Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you think I was too casual? Or that I talked too much? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm rather surprised. I didn't know he was able to be so polite.. But you were fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: How did he act towards you? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Incredibly rude. To be fair, I don't know if he was in a bad mood, or if it was because he was working, or if he's just usually a prick. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe he was nice to me because I'm related to him? Sheepy: Sherlock: Now that I've seen him, he does seem a little familiar... Just a little. Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's possible. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember thinking of him as self-centered... so maybe Harley is judging him too hard. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can't blame him, considering how rude he was the first time. Sheepy: Sherlock:.......Oh. I guess we'll be seeing Harley when we get home. Arsé-kun: Arséne: M-hmmm. Sheepy: Sherlock: Scary... Arsé-kun: Arséne: He can't complain. I stole from Mycroft. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley always complains. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... I can't find an argument with that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Have you noticed how weird his hair is? Sheepy: Sherlock: Can people have purple hair?? Sheepy: Sherlock: And it's so long! Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's dyed. Sheepy: Sherlock: Huuuuh?? Sheepy: Sherlock: Why? Arsé-kun: Arséne: No idea. Don't care. Sheepy: Sherlock: How did he grow his hair so long? Maybe... Sheepy: Sherlock: What seems more wrong? Him being a lady or him being cursed with constantly growing hair? Arsé-kun: Arséne: The former, by far. Impey has longer hair, and he has neither. Sheepy: Sherlock: Impey's an imp though. Imps grow long hair Sheepy: Sherlock: If he wasn't an imp,he wouldn't be named Impey. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Something seems inherently wrong with this argument. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley is short for Hairley! Sheepy: Sherlock: My name comes from "Sheared locks".. Sheepy: Sherlock: So maybe his name is hair related too. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he starts laughing* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks confused * Sheepy: Sherlock: Is it something I said? Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's the most ridiculous thing you've said today, I'm sorry Sheepy: Sherlock: I thought that that must be it!! Sheepy: Sherlock: But... he doesn't look like either of us. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Genetics. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe he's only a half brother! Sheepy: Sherlock: Or. Recessive genes... Sheepy: Sherlock: That's not as exciting of an answer. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hm. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! It looks like we're nearly home! Sheepy: Sherlock: I hope Watson isn't worried... Sheepy: Sherlock: I never said when we'd um... get back. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Neither did I... Lets hurry back. Sheepy: Sherlock: Right! Arsé-kun: *they finally return home!* Sheepy: Sherlock: We're back! Arsé-kun: Watson: You were out late. Welcome back! Sheepy: Sherlock: I hope I didn't worry you! Arsé-kun: Watson: A little. Sheepy: Sherlock: Sorry! I had so much fun that I lost track of time! Arsé-kun: Watson: Did you..? *he looks up from his laptop* Sheepy: Sherlock: We're friends now! I feel a little bad because... it turns out that he's my brother and I just totally forgot about him... Arsé-kun: Watson: And it went well..? *he looks surprised* Sheepy: Sherlock: Very well! Sheepy: Sherlock: We traded numbers and promised we'd see each other again soon! Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess we have to hide this from Harley though. Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose.. Sheepy: Sherlock: He might get mad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he hangs the picture up on the wall. arsene no* Sheepy: Sheepy: Nice picture. Where'd you get it, the trash? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Close enough. Sheepy: Sheepy: I was lonely. Sheepy: Sheepy: I wanted to go out and do things but instead I stayed here. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You should have come with us. Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't know I could. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson! You should come with us next time!! Arsé-kun: Watson: Perhaps I will. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's really nice! Arsé-kun: Arséne: And I'm still surprised about it. Sheepy: Sherlock: How have you been today?? Arsé-kun: Watson: I've been fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: You've been okay, right?? Your leg hasn't been bugging you at all? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not today it hasn't. Sheepy: Sheepy: I bet that's because Harley hasn't come downstairs once today so you haven't had to deal with him. Arsé-kun: Watson: Actually, that just worries me more. I've seen Iris more than him. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe he's sleeping. Arsé-kun: Watson: Maybe. Sheepy: Sheepy: How did Sherlock not end up being a jerk? Mycroft is egotistical from what I've heard and Harley is constantly angry and has a grudge on everyone he meets. Sherlock is the only nice one ftom his family... Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson's nice! And, you haven't met Mycroft. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Like Sherlock said, Mycroft was actually rather pleasant this time around. Sheepy: Sheepy: Weird. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I may need a third encounter to get a better grasp of his personality. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah. Sheepy: Sheepy: Not it on checking on him. Arsé-kun: Watson: I wouldn't make you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Should we just not check on him? Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] are you alive up there Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Bug off. ( ・`⌓´・) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] What's wrong? Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I'm fine. I just don't want to talk. ( Ò ‸ Ó) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to harley] whatever you say. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I'm tired. All I'm going to hear when I get downstairs is how wrong I am. (눈_눈) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] So you're going to stay there until you don't get a disagreement of any sort? Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Yes. (’へ’) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] So never? Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Yes. ( ̄へ ̄) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] Not even for the bathroom? Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I may sneak into it if I think I won't be caught. (´꒳`) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] :< Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] All I'm going to hear when I come out is how horrible I am for hating him, so why bother? (∗´꒳`) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] I specified ANY disagreement. Not just that. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] That's what's on everyone's minds right now, and knowing Sherlock, he likes Mycroft. I don't want to deal with Sherlock trying to convince me he's a nice guy. I'm staying up here. (′°︿°) Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I haven't gotten out of bed yet today. I'm not getting out now. It's already night. (꒪⍘꒪) Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I learned that from you. (´꒳`) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] If you don't eat food today, I'll lock your door from the outside. You'll have to pee in a bucket. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I'll get out through the window. ( ᐛ )و Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to harley] Thanks for the reminder. I'll ask someone to lock it. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I'm not coming downstairs. (*^▽^*) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] I'm teasing you. :P I'm not going to force you to. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Good. Because if you did that, I wouldn't be able to go and get food. I'll go when no one's downstairs except for you. (。•́︿•̀。) Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] That should be another few hours. (|||❛︵❛.) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] Or, you can come when nobody is in either kitchen and get something before you starve. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] They might catch me. (′︿‵。) Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] It should be another 4 hours... I'll be fine... (´•ω•̥`) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] it's been all day, you idiot. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Sherlock does it all the time. Why am I different? ┐( ˘_˘)┌ Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] Sherlock isn't allowed to do it, either. Speaking of which... Arsé-kun: Watson: Sherlock, have you eaten today? Sheepy: Sherlock: I forgot. Arsé-kun: Watson: Go eat! Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, I will. Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] And now he is. No more excuses. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I'm going to wait until they're gone... pancakes... ╮(^▽^)╭ Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I want pancakes with maple syrup... (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] I'm going to take a nap while waiting... (ノ_ _)ノ Arsé-kun: Watson: *he rolls his eyes and puts his phone away* Sheepy: Sheepy: Did he say he wasn't coming down? Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. He's being the Holmes brand of stubborn. Sheepy: Sheepy: Punch him. Sheepy: Sheepy: If you won't, I will!! Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't do that. Sheepy: Sheepy: He deserves it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Absolutely not. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll threaten him until he comes down. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm intimidating. Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you want me to? Arsé-kun: Watson: No. Sheepy: Sheepy: Fiiine. You're no fun. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he has Returned* I had a bagel so I'm okay now! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Fine, I guess. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm glad you're okay with that. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] pancakes................​........... Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] people are still down here. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] im hungry Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] cant slepe Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] im so hungry... when will they leave Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] do we have pancakes... (º¬º) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] I've got no idea. Ask the cook. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] ;; Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Imdying Arsé-kun: Watson: ... *he groans, checks the kitchen, and then goes upstairs to Harley's room* Yes, we have them. Yes, I got tired of texting you. Sheepy: Harley: great... thanks. Sheepy: Harley: I'll get some eventually. Sheepy: Harley: I don't feel like talking... too much work. Arsé-kun: Watson: May I come in? Sheepy: Harley: go ahead. Sheepy: Harley: It's not locked. Sheepy: Harley: Didn't feel like locking it. Arsé-kun: *Watson comes in, and closes the door behind him* Sheepy: Harley: Thanks. Arsé-kun: Watson: Are you feeling well? Sheepy: Harley: I feel... complicated. Sheepy: Harley: I don't understand it. I don't like it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Do you want to talk about it? Sheepy: Harley: I've got nothing better to do. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he sits down at the end of the bed* Sheepy: Harley: There's part of me that's afraid. He's going to leave. He deserves a better life than being near me. I'm not a good person - I've accepted this about myself. But... Do you think everyone will feel that way about me? That I'm not good enough and I'll end up getting replaced? Arsé-kun: Watson: I doubt he will leave. There are too many people he cares about here. ... As for the other, I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Harley: I never feel this way. People come. People leave. It's how life is. But... what do you do when everyone leaves? Sheepy: Harley: I've accepted that no one likes me. They've got no reason to. But... if he's better than me in every way... I'll just be ignored. Shunned. I can never be him and I hate him for it. Sheepy: Harley: I'd rather be hated than ignored. Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Is that why you're making such a large deal out of it? So they don't ignore you? Sheepy: Harley: People will forget about me if he comes back into my life. Arsé-kun: Watson: Harley, I've helped you for years now. I'm not going to forget, and neither will anyone else. Sheepy: Harley: You're the only one who has cared about me. You will forget about me, won't you? Arsé-kun: Watson: Absolutely not. Sheepy: Harley: Our parents quickly forgot about me when Sherlock was born. It was always... "Look at what Mycroft did!"... "Look, Sherlock did this!"... Sheepy: Harley: I thought they cared about me. They didn't. So the thought you may change like that.. terrifies me. Arsé-kun: Watson: I've known you for. Years. I'm not going to forget about my partner just because an older man arrived. Sheepy: Harley: You won't just ditch me because he's better? Arsé-kun: Watson: I can't. I'm your doctor, partner, and, most importantly, I'm still your friend. Sheepy: Harley: ...Thank you. Sheepy: Harley: I said some pretty mean things the other day... Sheepy: Harley: ...The truth is. Sheepy: Harley: When I was taking care of Sherlock after Mycroft disappeared... every night he'd ask me: "Where's Mycroft?" At first.. I was worried, hoping he'd return... but I came to despise him. I felt like I was worth nothing compared to him. Sheepy: Harley: Not once did Sherlock ask how I was. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's how children are, but I understand. Iris used to ask me "Where's Mommy?", but did she ever ask about me? *he shakes his head* It's not that she didn't care. It was just wanting an answer. Sheepy: Harley: I didn't understand that at the time. Arsé-kun: Watson: So it upset you, I'd presume? Sheepy: Harley: I lost trust in him. Sheepy: Harley: I thought... Sheepy: Harley: "He would hurt me if he thought that he could see Mycroft again if he did. I am nothing to him. I am just a tool." Sheepy: Harley: And fear makes me feel weak and angry.. so I lash out. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I see. Sheepy: Harley: I sound like an idiot. Sheepy: Harley: You don't want to hear this. Arsé-kun: Watson: No, you sound like you had an experience that is still affecting you today. Sheepy: Harley: I shouldn't let it get to me. Arsé-kun: Watson: It tends to anyway. That's the unfortunate side of the human mind. It rarely lets go of such bad things. Sheepy: Harley: I'm weak. I lash out at other people to hide that weakness. Of course they hate me. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he shakes his head* If you can admit to it, then you're not weak. Sheepy: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Watson: Because it means you're both aware of, and willing to admit your own flaws. Sheepy: Harley:...I guess. Sheepy: Harley: I'm wasting your precious time by complaining. Arsé-kun: Watson: Maybe I want to hear it. Sheepy: Harley: Why? Arsé-kun: Watson: Because it's good for you to talk about these sorts of things. Sheepy: Harley: Thank you for listening... I'm sorry for being nasty towards you... it's the only way I know to cope. Arsé-kun: Watson: Apology accepted. Sheepy: Harley: I'll trust you to not abandon me... just because he's better than me. Arsé-kun: Watson: I won't. Sheepy: Harley: I'd be lost without you. I may act annoyed when you worry if I've done what I need to do to stay healthy, but.. I appreciate it. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he nods, and leans over to pat Harley's shoulder* Sheepy: Harley: Thank you for listening, and... thank you for everything you do. Arsé-kun: Watson: You're very welcome. Sheepy: Harley: *he slowly sits up and faces Watson* Um... Sherlock does this when thanking people, so.. *he awkwardly hugs Watson* Um... this shows thankfulness, right? Arsé-kun: Watson: ! Yes, it does. *he returns it* Sheepy: Harley: I've always wanted to be better than him. I kept trying and trying but was never happy with the results. I want to try to be more like you. Arsé-kun: Watson: So you want to be snappy in the morning because you haven't had caffeine? *he's smiling.* Sheepy: Harley: It's better than being snappy all the time. Arsé-kun: Watson: Fair enough. Sheepy: Harley: I want to improve, so... Sheepy: Harley:...Please call me out when I start acting badly. Arsé-kun: Watson: I will. Sheepy: Harley: Thank you... Sheepy: Harley: I'm really hungry... I might go get something. Arsé-kun: Watson: Then lets go get something. Sheepy: Harley:...Okay. Sheepy: Harley: I'm worried. Sheepy: Harley: I... Sheepy: Harley:....Are you going to go to Twilight? Because that man... asked for you, ajd threatened to kill hostages if you didn't? Sheepy: Harley: We can figure something out! I'm sure of it. So... please don't go... Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't intend to go. Sheepy: Harley: Thank you. I'm sorry. I talked a lot. I'm feeling a lot better now. Arsé-kun: Watson: I was going to try not to say it, but.... I told you so. *he smiles. jokkkesss* Sheepy: Harley: No, nevermind. I feel horrible. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Harley: I probably look horrible too. I haven't gotten up at all today. My hair's a mess and I'm still in my pajamas. Sheepy: Harley: I don't care. Anyone who sees it has to deal with it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, they do. Sheepy: Harley: I'm going to get pancakes... Arsé-kun: Watson: All right. Sheepy: Harley: Do you want any? Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't see why not. Sheepy: Harley: Okay. Sheepy: Harley: *he gets up and heads downstairs* Arsé-kun: *Watson follows him. everyone else is, as somewhat expected, still downstairs* Sheepy: *Harley does his best to ignore him and goes to get Pancake* Sheepy: Harley: *he seems happy about Pancake* Arsé-kun: *and harley is left alone* Sheepy: *Harley seems to notice. He doesn't say anything, though.* Arsé-kun: *LET HIM EAT IN PEACE* Sheepy: *Harley's starting to get a little uncomfortable* Sheepy: Harley: ..... Sheepy: Harley: I guess.. it didn't go well, considering no one's saying anything about it? Arsé-kun: Impey: *he leans in* Well, do you want us botherin' you? Sheepy: Harley: Better that than you eavesdropping. Arsé-kun: Impey: I didn't! *he snags a chair and sits down. He brings Wilson with him. Wilson is here!* Sheepy: Harley: *WILSON!!!!!* Arsé-kun: Wilson: :D Sheepy: Harley: I wasn't accusing you specifically. Sheepy: Harley: Everyone eavesdrops in this house. Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, yeah..! Forgot about that for a sec! Sheepy: Harley: Thank you for bringing Wilson with you. Arsé-kun: Impey: You're welcome! He's been down here all day, or outside your door. Sheepy: Harley: Now I feel bad. Sheepy: Harley: I should've let him into my room... Sheepy: Harley: Sorry, Wilson. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *woof..* Sheepy: *Harley pets Wilson. productive* Arsé-kun: Wilson: *woof woof!* Sheepy: Harley: How much did they hear? Arsé-kun: Impey: No idea! I came down here when they went up! Sheepy: Harley: I'll spend a lot more time with you to make up for it. How about that? Arsé-kun: Wilson: *woof woof!!* Sheepy: Harley: It's great. Sheepy: Sheepy: Fight me! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sheepy, get back here! Sheepy: Sheepy: Fight me!! Sheepy: Harley: No. Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to fight! I've challenged you! You're obligated to fight me 'cause I challenged you! That's how it always works on TV! Sheepy: Sheepy: Impey!! Fight me!! Arsé-kun: Impey: Huh?! Sheepy: Sheepy: Fight me! Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm bored! I want to fight someone and he won't fight me! Sheepy: Sheepy: So! Sheepy: Sheepy: Fight me!!! Arsé-kun: Impey: Now...?? Sheepy: Sheepy: C'mon!! Arsé-kun: Impey: ... Well, don't say I'm not warning you..! *he gets up from his seat, and puts Wilson on it* Lets bring it outside, kiddo! Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay! Arsé-kun: *lets step out back!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Come at me!! Sheepy: Sheepy: Once Arséne comes he's probably gonna stop us so we can't dilly-dally. Arsé-kun: Impey: Gotcha! You can start it off. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he goes to punch Impey!!* Arsé-kun: Impey: *he takes it, and goes to trip Sheepy* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he is tripped!!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he gets up and creates distance* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he looks Impey over* Arsé-kun: Impey: What, you gonna let that stop you? Sheepy: Sheepy: No! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he uh. goes for impey again. I guess. but is more strategic about it this time* Arsé-kun: *it's a bit more successful* Sheepy: *Sheepy continues trying to fight the brainy way instead of the brawny way.* Arsé-kun: *this works, until Impey catches on* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he switches to a less strategic, more just punch until you do something style* Sheepy: *so they fight. it's fun.* Arsé-kun: *nobody dies* Sheepy: Sheepy: This was more fun than I've had for a while! Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Impey: You're welcome! I had fun, too! Sheepy: Sheepy: Let's do it again sometime! Arsé-kun: Impey: m-hm! Sheepy: Sheepy: Let's go back in before Arséne gets mad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That sounds like a good plan. *he has the door open* Sheepy: Sheepy: Ah!! When did you get here?! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I've been here? Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't notice! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he goes back despite not wanting to* Arsé-kun: *and impey follows him in* Sheepy: Fran: I heard you two were fighting... neither of you are hurt, right? Arsé-kun: Impey: Nope! We're fine! Sheepy: Fran: Are you positive? Arsé-kun: Impey: Yeah! Sheepy: Fran: Okay... Sheepy: Fran:...But, if you start to feel weird, tell me, okay? Sheepy: Fran: I hope I don't annoy you by worrying so much about you. Arsé-kun: Impey: Of course! You never bother me. Sheepy: Fran: That's good... but, if I do, can you tell me? Arsé-kun: Impey: Well, yeah! Sheepy: Fran: Thanks. Sheepy: Sheepy: Where's Sisi? Arsé-kun: Sisi: *BARK* Sheepy: Sheepy: There he is!! Sheepy: Tom: he likes me but i dont like him Arsé-kun: Sisi: *PET ME SHEEPY* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he pets Sisi* Sheepy: Sheepy: Who's the cutest doggy in the whole wide world!! Sheepy: Sheepy: It's you!! Sheepy: Sheepy: It's you, Sisi!! Sheepy: Harley: Excuse you. Wilson is far cuter. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *woof?* Sheepy: Harley: Don't listen. He's spreading lies about you. Arsé-kun: Wilson: *woof..* Sheepy: Harley: You're much better than Sisi. Arsé-kun: Sisi: *bark?* Sheepy: Sheepy: It's getting late. I'm gonna go to bed. There's nothing interesting to do at night right now anyway. Sheepy: Sheepy: I hope Twilight goes away so Joker can return and kick rich people's butts!! By stealing from them! Arsé-kun: Germain: Have fun? Sheepy: Sheepy: The way you say that makes me feel bad. Sheepy: Sheepy: I thought you were a jerk, okay?? Sheepy: Sheepy: So I tried to steal from you. Sheepy: Sheepy: But it turns out you're not. Arsé-kun: Germain: So who knows how many others you thought were nasty, and possibly aren't? Sheepy: Sheepy: I factchecked the others. Arsé-kun: Germain: Did you? Sheepy: Sheepy: I found no information on you to speak of. Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh?? That's interesting.. Sheepy: Sheepy: So I assumed you got rid of it all because it was bad. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's why I tried to rob you. Arsé-kun: Germain: That would be absurd, but point made. Sheepy: Sheepy: Not really. Sheepy: Tom: sometimes there are secrets you can't share Arsé-kun: Germain: That, too! Sheepy: Sheepy: And your life is a secret. Arsé-kun: Germain: Quite. Sheepy: Sheepy: The truth is out there... Arsé-kun: Germain: This isn't an aliens documentary.. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're an alien abduction survivor! Arsé-kun: Germain: I wouldn't be surprised, honestly. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's why you've got old man hair but a young face. Arsé-kun: Germain: I've.. always had it...?? Sheepy: Sheepy: What? Sheepy: Sheepy:..... Arsé-kun: Germain: Hm? Sheepy: Sheepy: You're not human!! Arsé-kun: Germain: I am. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're a mythical beast like an elf. Arsé-kun: Germain: No. I am human. You can keep trying, though. Sheepy: Sheepy: Elves all have white hair. I watched a movie about it. Arsé-kun: Germain: I always thought mine was closer to gray.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Your hair is pure power!! Sheepy: Sheepy: It gives you immortality! Arsé-kun: Germain: No, my power comes from my hat, of course. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's why I couldn't find anything on you. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm sorry? Backtrack. What's why you couldn't? Sheepy: Sheepy: You're immortal... so you weren't born his century!! Sheepy: Sheepy: That's my theory. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he huffs and looks away* A rather silly one, wouldn't you think? Sheepy: Sheepy: No! Sheepy: Sheepy: I watched a movie about it! Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you think someone would just spend millions of dollars to lie? Arsé-kun: Arséne: And I watched a movie containing a vampire rabbit. Does this mean Poivre is, as well, just because it was in a movie? Sheepy: Sheepy: Bunnicula absorbed the juices of vegetables you ignoramus. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Wait, no, not a vampire. Just a killer. Point stands. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's the culprit all along!! I bet Saint-Germain is actually the masked man. He's in two places at once because... Sheepy: Sheepy: He's actually a clone!! Sheepy: Sheepy: Ooooo spooky! Arsé-kun: Germain: Absolutely not. *he looks back* And no. Sheepy: Sheepy: Now that I think about it... Sheepy: Sheepy: I'd never want to be immortal. Sheepy: Sheepy: All of my loved ones would die, leaving me behind. Making new relationships would just mean I'd lose more people I care about. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'd just be alone in the end. Sheepy: Sheepy: People romanticize it, but... Arsé-kun: Germain: You just made this really depressing, very quickly. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's not really as good as they make it out to be... Sheepy: Sheepy: That's my skill! Arsé-kun: Germain: I see.. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'd want to be invincible! Sheepy: Sheepy: Like people shooting me and the bullets deflecting off! Sheepy: Sheepy: That'd be super cool!! Arsé-kun: Germain: Wouldn't people trying to hug you also fail, by that logic..? Sheepy: Sheepy: Like anyone hugs me now Sheepy: Sheepy: Except Sherlock, but I'm pretty sure he's trying to break all of my bones and kill me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm offended. Sheepy: Sheepy: Name the last time you hugged me when I didn't hug you first. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Whenever it was that you let me. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll let you right now. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Excellent. *he gets up, and hugs sheepy. :D!* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he returns it* I just don't like it from other people. You're okay. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm always up for attention from you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sherlock's hugs make me fear for my life. Arsé-kun: *lets timeskip to the next afternoon!* Sheepy: Harley: Has anyone come up with a plan to rescue those hostages? Sheepy: Harley: If you keep dillydallying, I'm rescuing them myself. Sheepy: Sheepy: They gave us a month! Sheepy: Harley: He gave us 24 hours and started experimenting on Sherlock immediately after saying that. Sheepy: Harley: There's a very high chance he's going to increase the amount of hostages. Sheepy: Harley: My guess is... Sheepy: Harley: His next target is Mycroft. Sheepy: Harley: He was mentioned in the newspapers afew days ago, and he has already cased Mycroft's house most likely. The fact that Sherlock went to visit him helps give him a motive. He is a friend of someone here, unfortunately. Sheepy: Harley: He probably also knows that Mycroft didn't report certain... visitors at his home. Sheepy: Harley: Considering a certain someone here uses property damage as his calling card. Like a bear. Sheepy: Diego: Like a fox! Sheepy: Diego: It means "fox"! Sheepy: Harley: Whatever we do, we can't let him steal away Watson. I couldn't care less when it comes to Saint-Germain. Sheepy: Sheepy: If you're so smart... solve it yourself! Sheepy: Harley: Who is the one who claims to be the one who will inherit the Phantom's name? If you truly think that you will, you'd be able to come up with something. Sheepy: Sheepy: You can't judge whether I'll be able to do it off of my ability to solve hostage problems! You wanna judge me?! Put 'em up! We'll fight it out! Sheepy: Harley: Phantom thieves do not resort to violence when they've run out of ideas. Idiots and criminals do. You are both of those. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he waits for Harley to Shut Up* I'm slightly offended. Arsé-kun: *and arsene is not getting involved in this* Sheepy: Harley: Good. Arsé-kun: Germain: Do you want to take my collection if I die, then? Sheepy: Harley: No! Arsé-kun: Germain: Then I'd like to survive this. Sheepy: Harley: Why do you like them so much? I'm disgusted. Don't touch me. Arsé-kun: Germain: What? Nobody is touching you. Sheepy: Harley: Don't even think about touching me, then. Arsé-kun: Germain: Or what? Sheepy: Harley: There are a little over 20,000 species of butterflies and most of them are poisonous. Sheepy: Harley: I'll lock you out. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he can't help but join Taunt Harley hour* What's wrong, mon amie? Is it the poison, or the butterflies? Sheepy: Harley: Shut up. Arsé-kun: Arséne: So it's both? Sheepy: Harley: How about you shut up? Sheepy: Harley: I'm not scared of insects. Stop acting like that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I was teasing you. Sheepy: Harley: Pah. Sheepy: Sherlock: But you hid behind me when you saw a spider the other day. Sheepy: Harley: It was to make you feel better about yourself. I have heard that reducing yourself to the level of a damsel in distress makes others feel braver. Sheepy: Sheepy: Spiders are weird. Sheepy: Sheepy: You're kinda like a spider. Sheepy: Harley: In what way am I like a spider?! Sheepy: Sheepy: Spiders would eat their own in order to survive, you've got string that you catch people with, you climb to get to the higher pantries like a spider, and you're gross. Am I missing anything? Does anyond want to add anything? Arsé-kun: Germain: That first one implies cannibalism. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's a cannibal. Sheepy: Harley: I'm not a cannibal! Sheepy: Sheepy: But the phrase eat your own actually me and sacrificing others to help yourself. Sheepy: Sheepy: So now that I think about it. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really, the only thing that the creepy guy wants is to help his friend, right? Sheepy: Sheepy: If he wants to help his friend, why hurt people in the process? Sheepy: Sheepy: It makes no sense. Sheepy: Sheepy: Id he just wants to help his friend, what's the risk in helping? Sheepy: Sheepy: Based on what Saint-Germain said, his friend isn't bad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: getting murdered is the risk. Sheepy: Sheepy: Eh? Sheepy: Sheepy: Why would he kill someone who's helping him? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't trust him. Many will dispose of "help" once done with them. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh... Sheepy: Sheepy: That's complicated... Sheepy: Tom: sacrifice me Sheepy: Sheepy: What do we do... Sheepy: Harley: Go save them yourself if you think you're actually as great as you act like you are. Arsé-kun: Watson: Heel, Harley. Sheepy: Harley: *he mutters* ...It's a win/win situation, though. We either rescue the hostages or rescue ourselves from a huge nuisance... Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he stands up, abruptly* Je t'emmerde! *he has been Angered.* Sheepy: Fran: *he hadn't been really listening until that. he quickly looks over* Th-there are children here! Arsé-kun: Watson: *he more or less pulls Harley down into the seat next to him* That's enough, Harley. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Implying they understood that..? Désolé, though. Sorry. *he sits back down, but he still looks particularly Annoyed* Sheepy: Sheepy: It doesn't bug me any what he said. Sheepy: Sheepy: If he thinks I'm annoying, great. If he doesn't, great. I'm not gonna change just because someone has a negative opinion about everyone including me. Sheepy: Sheepy: And if he thinks I'm so worthless that I can be sacrificed just 'cause it'd inconvenience us a little less in his mind, I'll haunt him! Ooo! You better watch out! You'll never find your left shoes ever again! Arsé-kun: Germain: And will Tom steal the right shoe? Sheepy: Sheepy: Yes! Sheepy: Sheepy: Arséne can steal his socks. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm not touching those without gloves. Sheepy: Sheepy: Ew... how gross do you think they are? Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't think about that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't know. Would you touch spiderman's socks? Sheepy: Sheepy: They're full of spiders. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Gross. Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe Harley eats spiders. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm both disgusted and doubtful. Sheepy: Sheepy: Relly? Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes, relly. Sheepy: Sheepy: Why?? Do you know something about him that I don't? Sheepy: Sheepy: I always gof the impression that he was like Renfield... Sheepy: Harley: ...Who? Sheepy: Sheepy: Whaaat?? You don't know who Renfield is? Do you EVER watch television?! Sheepy: Harley: No. What is he, an actor? Do I truly act like a freeloader? Sheepy: Sheepy: He's in the original Dracula! "Blood, blood, blood is the source of life! Flies are tasty, but big, juicy spiders are my favorite!" Sheepy: Sheepy:...Something like that. Sheepy: Harley: You're disgusting. Go watch cleaner things meant for children like you Sheepy: Sheepy: Ooo I'm so much less than you because I'm a kid~ Harley Holmes was born an old man and ages backwards... like Dorian Grey!! Sheepy: Sheepy: Wait, no! Sheepy: Sheepy: He had the portrait that aged for him.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Benjamin Button! Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, there was an old vampire fanatic in Dracula named Abraham Van Helsing! Were you named after him, Van? Arsé-kun: Van: *he looks over from his seat on the stairs* What? Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm going to say yes for him, probably. Except, instead of being a vampire fanatic, he's just a gun fanatic... Close enough? Arsé-kun: Van: Vampires don't exist. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sure they do. Sheepy: Sheepy: They're called "lawyers". Arsé-kun: Van: That's not... No.. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's true Sheepy: Sheepy: I read it online Sheepy: Sheepy: Three out of four lawyers are actually vampire! Sheepy: Sheepy:...So says modern-occult.com Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he puts his head on the desk. ech.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Whaaat?? Sheepy: Sheepy: I use it to follow the Cthulhu mythos. It's Khlûl-hloo, not Ka-thoo-loo. Arsé-kun: Germain: .. That is correct, yes. Sheepy: Sheepy: None of the names in it are as they seem.. Arsé-kun: Germain: Of course. They wouldn't want the proper names being used constantly, would they? Sheepy: Sheepy: The pronounciations are weird, too. Sheepy: Sheepy: There's, like, 500 different pronunciations of Nyarlathotep, and I doubt "Cxaxukluth" can even be prounounced! Arsé-kun: Germain: cux-a-zook-luth, actually. Sheepy: Sheepy: What!! Really? Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you read the stories? Arsé-kun: Germain: I'll admit I have Sheepy: Sheepy: Nice!! Who's your favorite? Arsé-kun: Germain: Nodens. Sheepy: Sheepy: My favorite is Nyarlathotep! Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh? Sheepy: Sheepy: The author apparently had hallucinations of him, which inspired him to create the stories, along with his night terrors! Sheepy: Sheepy: Although... what if Nyarlathotep was real and wasn't just a hallucination?! Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, things wouldn't be very different, I'd think. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'd want to meet him and be his friend! He seems pretty cool! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he makes this FACE. like he's trying not to laugh* Sheepy: Sheepy: What?? Arsé-kun: Germain: That's a one-way ticket to insanity. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Arsé-kun: Germain: *he nods* Perhaps you haven't read enough of them. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh well... Sheepy: Sherlock: I haven't come up with a plan yet. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nor have I. Sheepy: Sherlock: This is hard... Arsé-kun: Arséne: m-hm.. Sheepy: Sherlock: We can't just rescue the hostages... they're probably heavily guarded. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Right. That's the main problem. Sheepy: Sherlock: Why can't I think of anything? Sheepy: Sherlock:.........Oh! It's easy to manipulate the guards... Sheepy: Sherlock: I wouldn't be able to copy anyone with a broken arm. Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, it's apparently not that broken. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ugh... I don't even have any knowledge of yhe place that could help. My memory of that time is foggy... so foggy. Sheepy: Harley: The guards are equipped with gas masks due to us using sleeping gas on them before. Sheepy: Harley: They most likely wield weapons as well. Sheepy: Harley: If there was some way wecould incapacitate them, we'd be better off. Sheepy: Fran: Um... Sheepy: Fran:.......N-no, nevermind. I doubt it'd help... Arsé-kun: Impey: No, you gotta say it! Sheepy: Fran: I made something a while back that when you break it, it shines very brightly... But I doubt it'd help. It'd only stun them. Arsé-kun: Impey: That'd be so useful! What're you talkin' about?? Sheepy: Fran: Would it? Sheepy: Fran: I've made other things too but... Sheepy: Fran: Those can hurt people! Sheepy: Fran: What if you drop one and it explodes? Sheepy: Harley: You're a little less useless than I thought. Sheepy: Fran: I...think that's a compliment? Thanks, I think...? Arsé-kun: Impey: Maybe we could use multiple of those, Fran! Sheepy: Fran: But... Sheepy: Fran: You might get hurt using them...! Arsé-kun: Impey: Oh, well! Arsé-kun: Impey: Maybe a few flashbangs, too? Sheepy: Fran: Okay... just be careful! Please! Sheepy: Fran: Make sure not to look into them! Sheepy: Fran: And... what else.. Arsé-kun: Impey: LED flashlights? Sheepy: Fran: Don't look into those either! Sheepy: Fran: Please be careful... Arsé-kun: Impey: Of course! Sheepy: Fran: I can make more if you want... Arsé-kun: Impey: We'll do it together. Make more, and better quality! Sheepy: Fran: Okay...! I'll do my best! Sheepy: Fran: What will we use it for? Arsé-kun: Impey: Distracting guards! Sheepy: Fran: Okay.. we won't hurt them. That's good. Arsé-kun: Impey: Or try not to. Make peace, not war, and all that! Sheepy: Fran: Yeah! Sheepy: Harley: Let's avoid possibly damaging ourselves by not just dealing with all of them. Arsé-kun: Impey: Of course. Sheepy: Harley: Now we just need a spy and an actual plan Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hi. sheep: Harley: Do you have a plan or are you here to say you're ready to die? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I was volunteering for the spying.. Sheepy: Harley: Is that really any different than being ready to die? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Don't be absurd. I wouldn't let myself die somewhere like that. Sheepy: Harley: I doubt that. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Glad to see we both understand the concept of mortality. Sheepy: Harley: I know what death is. Idiot. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Salaud. Sheepy: Harley: Salad? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Well, no, but you have the insulting ability of a salad. Can we proceed? Sheepy: Harley: Salads aren't insulting! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You have the insulting ability of an inanimate object. Shush, and lets actually plan, please. Lives are on the line. Sheepy: Harley: What do you think I've been doing? Sheepy: Harley: Trying to do just that! Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... ... Pushing the inevitability of death aside for a few minutes, is anyone else more willing to spy? Sheepy: Diego: I could... Arsé-kun: Arséne: Denied. He already knows your face too well. Sheepy: Diego: Oh, yeah. Sheepy: Diego: It's dangerous... Sheepy: Diego: But... it's safer for you than me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's right. Does anyone else want to do it before I take the role myself? Sheepy: Sheepy: You won't let me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course I won't. Arsé-kun: Germain: As much as I'd love to, I'm one of the targets. That wouldn't end well. Sheepy: Sheepy: So... I guess it's up to you, Arsene. Arsé-kun: Watson: Ignoring Germain's point, I wouldn't mind--! Sheepy: Harley: No! Sheepy: Harley: Absolutely ​not! Sheepy: Harley: What if your leg gives out?! What if you're caught?! Arsé-kun: Watson: If I'm caught, and he wants help from me, then he'll at least spare me something to use as a cane. I can't help if I can't move, hm? Sheepy: Harley: He'll probably kill you afterwards! Arsé-kun: Watson: Lets think about this. Kill the doctor, who is most likely important to you somehow. Anger everyone they are acquainted with, and no longer have the help they needed. Mmmm-hm. Sheepy: Harley: Once again, no! I refuse! Arsé-kun: Watson: Can I get a third? Sheepy: Harley: A third what? Arsé-kun: Watson: Give me a third no so I can stop considering it. Sheepy: Harley: Is this a game to you?? Arsé-kun: Watson: No, of course not! I'm just still thinking of why I could, and I know you're just going to say no anyway. So lets just condense the debate. Sheepy: *Harley stills looks irritated, but he doesn't say anything* Sheepy: Sherlock: I think that means no. Arsé-kun: Watson: So do I. Sheepy: Harley: You ​think? Arsé-kun: Watson: I hope we do. Sheepy: Harley: That is not what I meant and you know it! Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I did understand you just fine. Sheepy: Harley: You like to drive me nuts sometimes, don't you? Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite. I already told you I wasn't going to do. Sheepy: Harley: Whatever. I don't care. Just don't be stupid. Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't plan on it. Sheepy: Harley: Good. Sheepy: Sherlock: Stay safe, Arséne!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Of course! I'll come back alive. Sheepy: Harley: If anyone has a problem with Arséne going, I can instead. I'm the one who mentioned it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Too late, I've already decided I'm doing it. You're not the Phantom, able to disguise himself as anyone! Are you? Sheepy: Harley: I'm no cutpurse. Arsé-kun: Arséne: No, but with your face shape... You'd make a really convincing woman. Sheepy: Harley: ... I'm aware. I've dressed as them before for cases. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .. I actually completely forgot about that. Sheepy: Harley: How could you forget? Sheepy: Harley: I'm disappointed in you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: How could I? You ran in those heels the entire time! It was rather impressive..! Sheepy: Sheepy: Excuse me Sheepy: Harley: I could teach you the art of wearing heels, but I doubt you'd pull it off. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, I've done it plenty of times. Just not running for that long in them. Sheepy: Sheepy: Will high heels help us? Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Fair point. Sheepy: Harley: I don't know. The masked man may feel intimidated by high heels. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he makes a noise- very specifically, the kind of snort you make when you're trying not to laugh* Sheepy: Sherlock: He should be! Sheepy: Sherlock: They hurt!! Arsé-kun: Germain: Wearing them, or being kicked by someone wearing them..? Sheepy: Sherlock: The latter. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't dance and we had to pose as a couple at a dance for a case once... Arsé-kun: Germain: Ouch. Sheepy: Sherlock: They hurt... Sheepy: Harley: It was my way of teaching you. Arsé-kun: Watson: That left bruises for over a week. Sheepy: Harley: It got the job done. Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose it did.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I cried afterwards. Arsé-kun: Watson: I believe I cried from how hard I was laughing. Sheepy: Sherlock: What did you laugh about?? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not you, that's for sure! Sheepy: Harley: *he leans over and whipers the thing into Watson's ear. Harley.....* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he busts out laughing. harley why.* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks puzzled* Sheepy: Harley: When should we start? Dealing with Twilight, I mean Arsé-kun: Arséne: As soon as we can... Sheepy: Harley: Great. Sheepy: Harley: I'm looking forward to getting it over with. Arsé-kun: Arséne: As am I.. Sheepy: Harley: It tires me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Finally, something I can agree with. Sheepy: Harley: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... All right, I think I've got a plan in mind. Sheepy: Harley: Good. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... But it's going to take a while. Sheepy: Sheepy: You'll be gone so I'll have to deal with Harley myself!! Horrible! Arsé-kun: Arséne: You'll also have to deal with answering the door. Oh, and your work. Sheepy: Sheepy: Ugh!! Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll miss you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, relax. I'm not leaving yet. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll still miss you... Arsé-kun: Arséne: As will I. Sheepy: Sheepy: I like that feeling, that I'd be missed.... Sheepy: Sheepy: I would go with you if I could. Arsé-kun: Arséne: But you can't. Sheepy: Sheepy: You won't let me! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I absolutely won't let you. Sheepy: Sheepy: One day!! You'll trust me to be able to do that sort of stuff!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I trust you going out on your own. Sheepy: Sheepy: You do. Arsé-kun: Arséne: This is a whole different matter. Sheepy: Sheepy: I know. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Anyway, it isn't that I don't trust you. It's that I don't want you doing this Sheepy: Sheepy: But... *he mimics Sherlock's voice* All of you are having such fun while I, alone, have been shunned! Sheepy: Sheepy: ...End quote. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, very funny. It's not fun at all. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sure it is. Sheepy: Sheepy: Spying sounds exciting! Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to try! Sheepy: Sheepy: But... not now. Sheepy: Sheepy: For something less important. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Definitely. Sheepy: Sheepy: Is that a yes? Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm excited!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: It would do you well to learn properly. Sheepy: Harley: Your parenting skills horrify me. Sheepy: Harley: You are knowingly allowing your child to become a criminal and treat it as though it's some game. Sheepy: Harley: Don't you realize how stupid this is, or do you not care because he's not of your own blood? Arsé-kun: Arséne: You know how to spy as well, do you not? If you are quite done spewing insanity, meeting adjourned. Sheepy: Harley: I do it for my job. He's already a criminal.. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And the other half of the time, he is the son of a detective, and thus, would have need for it. Sheepy: Harley: Whatever. I don't care Arsé-kun: Arséne: Adjourned. I'm going upstairs. *and he does so* Sheepy: Sheepy: If you actually cared about people and wanted to be their friends, you wouldn't constantly harass them. Sheepy: Sheepy: All you're doing is making people hate you. Sheepy: Harley: Good. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he wordlessly gets up and heads upstairs. he is worried.* Arséne... I'm sorry about he things he's saying... Sheepy: Sherlock: Please don't take them personally. He goes after me like this all the time. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, I'm not offended. Just annoyed and preparing to leave. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. You're leaving tonight? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I did say tomorrow. .. Midnight is tomorrow. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you sure it's a good idea? Arsé-kun: Arséne: M-hm. Sheepy: Sherlock: I would help in some way if I could! I feel like I'd just get in the way. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'd love the help, but I need to do this alone. Sheepy: Sherlock: Alright.... Stay safe! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'll do my best. You stay safe, too. Sheepy: Sherlock: That'll be easy! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Will it? I hope so.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll guard the house and punch out any Twilight member who enters! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he punches at the air some* They'd be too scared to come back!!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he disappears into his room to change his clothes* I like your enthusiasm! Sheepy: Sherlock: You do?? Harley calls it annoying! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Harley thinks everything is annoying.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Except for Watson and Wilson... Sheepy: Sherlock: I like your opinion more. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I also like my own opinion more. Sheepy: Sherlock: Here...you need it more than me! This is my good luck charm! It keeps me safe! *he takes a locket necklace out from his pocket!* It's my treasure! I bet it'll keep you safe, too. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... I feel bad taking this from you! Sheepy: Sherlock: I treasure you much more! Sheepy: Sherlock: Besides, I'm sure you'll give it back afterwards! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I will if I'm able to! Sheepy: Sherlock: Good luck! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Thank you. May I ask for something else for luck? Sheepy: Sherlock: What is it? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he points to his face. :3c* Sheepy: *Sherlock gives him a peck on the cheek* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *and he returns it* Thank you, ma chérie Sheepy: Sherlock: *He gives Arsene a hug* Stay safe...! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I will. I'll see you later. Sheepy: *Sherlock nods and finally goes back downstairs so arsene can get ready* Arsé-kun: *arsene gets ready, and leaves via window. bye* Sheepy: *See you space cowboy* Arsé-kun: Germain: --- And anyway, Sheepy, Werewolves don't exist. Sheepy: Sheepy: They totally do! Sheepy: Sheepy: They're called furries! Sheepy: Sheepy: They put on a suit on full moon! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he starts laughing* Sheepy: Sheepy: Don't believe me? Look it up on the internet! It says so Sheepy: Sherlock: Will he be alright? Arsé-kun: Germain: It'd be a shame otherwise. Sheepy: Sherlock: More than a shame. Arsé-kun: Germain: I suppose so. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's incredibly important to me. Arsé-kun: Van: Wasn't he the one who said people shouldn't go out alone? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah, but... Sheepy: Sherlock: I just wish there was some way I could help... Arsé-kun: Germain: You will soon. That's what I think. Sheepy: Sherlock: I... can't see how I could help. Arsé-kun: Germain: Your arm will heal eventually, right? You'll be able to do fieldwork. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: But, until then... Arsé-kun: Germain: Won't that be soon? Sheepy: *Sherlock looks to Watson* Arsé-kun: Watson: Not likely. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he groans* Sheepy: *Sherlock sinks into his chair some and crosses his arms* Sheepy: Sherlock: I can't help but to worry.. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He'd continue to worry but instead it's nap time! because he never sleeps. he just power naps.* Arsé-kun: Germain: He's got the right idea. It's getting late.. Sheepy: Harley: Just because you said that I want to stay up a little longer. Arsé-kun: Watson: You've been in bed all day. Of course you want to stay up. Sheepy: Harley: I slept most of the day. It was nice... Sheepy: Sheepy: Tom, should I go to bed? Sheepy: Tom: Sheepy: Sheepy: No? Great! Sheepy: Sheepy: Since Arséne isn't here, Tom can fill in for him. Arsé-kun: Van: Wouldn't it be a better idea if someone stayed up to guard? *he stifles a yawn* Sheepy: Harley: I slept all day. I will. Sheepy: Harley: Unless there are any other volunteers. Arsé-kun: Germain: I suppose I wouldn't mind staying up an extra hour or so. Sheepy: Harley:...Alright. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he heads into the kitchen to make himself tea* Sheepy: Harley: I'll groom Wilson meanwhile. Arsé-kun: Van: Aren't you hardcore. *he goes back upstairs from where he came* Sheepy: Harley: If you don't mind, I'll be in my room. Looking at Sherlock is making me a little... uncomfortable. His neck... ...You better not do anything funny while they're sleeping. Sheepy: Harley: I don't fully trust you yet. Arsé-kun: Germain: Of course not. You have my word that I will not inflict harm. Sheepy: Harley: Good. Arsé-kun: Germain: Since you seem to be the de-facto leader for now, I will ask you- May I move him? That looks.. Painful. Sheepy: Harley: Please do. Sheepy: Harley: I'm not strong enough to move him off the chair. Arsé-kun: Germain: So I will. .. After my tea is ready. Sheepy: Harley: Doesn't matter how gentle you are with him. You could stab him and the most he might do is roll over. Arsé-kun: Germain: Don't give me ideas. :) Sheepy: Harley:..Don't actually. Arsé-kun: Germain: Of course not! I gave my word. Sheepy: Harley: It was an example. An example that has happened, but an example all the same. Arsé-kun: Germain: Dare I ask? Sheepy: Harley: He rolled over and woke me up. The attacker was stupid and had used a butter knife. Arsé-kun: Germain: A butter knife. Sheepy: Harley: Yes. A butter knife. Arsé-kun: Germain: That's wonderful. I presume it didn't work. Sheepy: Harley: Sherlock had no recollection of it. Sheepy: Harley: The attacker's reasons were equally stupid. Arsé-kun: Germain: Incredible. Sheepy: Harley: I always sleep in the same room as him when we're on cases because he's not aware of his surroundings when he sleeps. Arsé-kun: Germain: And you are? Sheepy: Harley: Yes. Sheepy: Harley: Anything will wake me up. Arsé-kun: Germain: I wonder.. Sheepy: Harley: You wonder? Arsé-kun: Germain: If dropping a feather on you would wake you. Sheepy: Harley: It will. Arsé-kun: Germain: I see. Sheepy: Harley: Why do you ask? Arsé-kun: Germain: Merely curious! Sheepy: Harley: Alright. Arsé-kun: *Watson has decided to exit and head upstairs himself* Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Good night! Sleep well! (´v`) Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] (^-^) You, too! Sheepy: Harley: Once your tea is ready, I'm going upstairs. Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, that'll be about... *the kettle whistles* Sheepy: Harley: Have fun. Sheepy: Harley: Wilson! Sheepy: Harley: Here, Wilson! Arsé-kun: Wilson: *BARK* *he goes to Harley* Sheepy: Harley: *he slowly heads up the stairs, making sure that Wilson is following* Arsé-kun: *Wilson follows, tail wagging* Sheepy: *he lets Wilson into the magical place that is his room* Arsé-kun: *and now germain is alone* Sheepy: *he has Sherlock!* Arsé-kun: *who is moved IMMEDIATELY to the sofa. that looks plain bad for you, sherlock. dont do that on chairs* Sheepy: *you cant tell sherlock what to do! either way, as harley said, there's absolutely no response from shrerlock* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he takes a sip of his tea, then decides to check on Sherlock's arm for himself* Sheepy: *it's in a cast. the shoulder is broken, yup* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he decides to leave it alone. time to do. something. idk what hes doing in the dark but its certainly something* Sheepy: *GERMAIN THAT IS DANGEROUS* Arsé-kun: *GERMAIN LIVES IN THE DARK BC HIS EYES SEEM TO NEVER BE OPEN. HE MAY AS WELL BE BLIND* Sheepy: *he sees through his eyelids like a potoo bird* Arsé-kun: *I GUESS?* Sheepy: *a twilight grunt appears!* Sheepy: Grunt: *he seems to have noticed Germain!* ...follow, follow... come, come, come Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh, perfect. I'll be riiiight there. *he turns off any remaining lights* Sheepy: Grunt: need help...help him, help, help, help Sheepy: Grunt: he'll be okay, right, right, right? Arsé-kun: Germain: Aren't you a talkative one? *there's a faint glow for a moment. it's gone just as fast* But yes, I am following. Sheepy: Grunt: *he stumbles off in a direction. he doesn't seem quite steady on his feet* too dark, too dark, scared of the dark Arsé-kun: Germain: *he decides to follow them, tilting his head a little and observing them carefully* Sheepy: *The grunt trips! They just lie there. There's footsteps approaching... more grunts are here!* Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah. Welcome. *he closes the front door, and bows to them* If you are here to take me, you'll need to by force. Sheepy: *They start to close the distance* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he grins a cheshire grin, and withdraws blades from his sleeves. his eyes dimly glow in the night* And I do mean by force! Sheepy: Grunt B: Our life holds no meaning. We are tools. Sheepy: Grunt B: Our mission is to take you back by force Arsé-kun: Germain: A tool cannot do it's job if it is broken! Sheepy: Grunt B: There are other tools. Arsé-kun: Germain: And they're all free to try! Arsé-kun: Germain: ... You. *he drops his voice some* Stand elsewhere. It's going to become dangerous. Sheepy: Grunt: *he creates some distance between them and himself. he's still talking to himself. whatever he's saying, it's not in english* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he nods, and faces the grunts again.* Come get me! Sheepy: *They quickly close the distance!* Arsé-kun: *And Germain immediately defends himself!* Sheepy: *The grunts easily go down one by one!* Arsé-kun: *also, this is not a quiet fight* Sheepy: Harley: *he quickly looks out the window* Arsé-kun: *to germain fighting off the last grunts. the muttering one is completely left alone* Sheepy: Harley: I'll go get help! Arsé-kun: Germain: It's fine! Sheepy: Harley: At least let me get Watson! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he doesn't respond, occupying himself with the last grunt* Sheepy: *Harley goes to get Watson!* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he went to bed, so.. good luck?* Sheepy: Harley: *he is knocking on his door pretty hard* Watson!! Arsé-kun: Watson: whhhhhhhhhaaatttt Sheepy: Harley: Twilight! Sheepy: Harley: Twilight grunts outdoors! Saint-Germain was fighting them and he looks hurt! Arsé-kun: Watson: Huh?! What?! I'm up! Sheepy: Harley: Good! *he heads downstairs quickly* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he's panting, and keeping his guard up. He expects more to come.* Sheepy: *Some more come! They grab the dead grunts and drag them off, paying no mind to Germain or the original Grunt* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he watches them carefully, and his guard is not dropped* Sheepy: *there don't appear to be any more...* Sheepy: Grunt: *he is peering in the window at Wagahai, who's sitting on the windowsill* Arsé-kun: *Irregardless, his guard does not drop. Watson joins Harley downstairs with the first aid kit. Wag stares back* Sheepy: Harley: *he rushes outside* Germain, are you alr- you missed one! Arsé-kun: Germain: I didn't. This one is not behaving the same as the others. Sheepy: Harley: They're different? Sheepy: Harley: Come inside and sit down. Arsé-kun: Germain: This one is much newer. There is a very high chance he can recover... No. I said I would guard. I expect more. Sheepy: Harley: You need help. Arsé-kun: Germain: So will they when I'm done with them. Sheepy: Harley: You're hurt. Arsé-kun: Germain: It's nothing to me. Sheepy: Harley: If you feel like you're hitting your limit, let me cover for you. Don't be stupid. Arsé-kun: Germain: .... ... I am beginning to feel rather dizzy. Perhaps I will. *he finally turns to look at Harley. (with his special eyes)* Sheepy: Harley: Let me support you. Sheepy: Harley:..You. Stop staring at our cat and come inside. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he drops his knives and stumbles over to Harley.* Sheepy: Harley: *he wraps an arm around Germain and brings him inside* Sheepy: Grunt: *he collects the knives and follows* Arsé-kun: Watson: !!! Sheepy: Grunt: *he gives the knives to Germain!* Arsé-kun: Germain: .... Thank you. Sheepy: Grunt: thank you... thank you, thank you, thank you... Arsé-kun: Germain: This is why I said he was not like the others. Sheepy: Grunt: they.... hurt me, it hurts, it hurts, they're after me, after me Arsé-kun: Watson: *he drops his voice a pitch or two* Go sit down! Sheepy: Grunt: *he seems frightened! he does go sit down* Sheepy: Grunt: SIR! i... escaped because.... *his head is darting around. he catches sight of Wagahai* i... Sheepy: Grunt: *he starts talking in another language once again. he sounds terrified. he's talking very quickly and stumbling over his words a lot* Arsé-kun: Germain: Slow down, child. Sheepy: Grunt: Where's Asougi-senpai? Arsé-kun: Watson: .. That name seems familiar for some reason. I've definitely heard it before.. Harley? Sheepy: Harley: I've heard it before. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he resumes cleaning up Germain's wounds. Germain keeps a straight face, but he's watching the grunt* Sheepy: Grunt: Where is this? Arsé-kun: Wag: Mew~ *he rubs against the grunts hand* Arsé-kun: Watson: Aha! You're Ryuunosuke, aren't you? Sheepy: Grunt: I... think so... Arsé-kun: Watson: Take your helmet off. sheep: Grunt: *he does so* Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, you're definitely Ryuu. sheep: Ryuu: You look familiar... sheep: Harley: Do you know him? Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm Watson. I work with Holmes. And to you, Harley, yes. He worked with Sherlock for a while. sheep: Ryuu: Watson-san!! I apologize for forgetting you! Arsé-kun: Watson: It's fine. I understand your difficulties right now. sheep: Ryuu: Is Holmes-san here? I need his assistance to find Asougi! Arsé-kun: Watson: *he finishes wrapping Germain's wounds* Yes. Unfortunately and fortunately, he's sleeping for once. Sheepy: Ryuu: I'll wait for morning to come! Arsé-kun: Watson: That is a good plan. Sheepy: Ryuu: We came back after dealing with some problems that had come up at our school. We got separated... Sheepy: Ryuu: And they grabbed me. Sheepy: Ryuu: I don't remember, exactly, what those problems were, or if they were ever fully resolved. Arsé-kun: Watson: You'll remember eventually. Sheepy: Ryuu: I was assisted by a man with a mask. Sheepy: Ryuu: I don't know his name. Arsé-kun: Germain: .. That was probably Lupin. Sheepy: Ryuu: Lupin? Arsé-kun: Watson: Our neighbor. We've been working with him on a case. Sheepy: Ryuu: Is that why there's a hole in your wall? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. Sheepy: Ryuu: I was under the assumption that Holmes-san did that with his gun Arsé-kun: Watson: It involved a chainsaw. But don't mention that- It'll give people ideas. Sheepy: Ryuu: Do people not know about that habit of his...? Arsé-kun: Watson: He hasn't done it in this house yet. Sheepy: Ryuu: ...Yet. Sheepy: Ryuu: Um... let's hope rather than 'yet', it's 'not at all'... Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm inclined to agree. Sheepy: Ryuu: How is Iris-chan? Arsé-kun: Watson: She's doing fine. Sheepy: Ryuu: And... um, *he looks to Germain* I'm sorry for getting you in trouble, Sir! I freaked and I wasn't really sure how to communicate what was going on... I was too stressed and scared to think of how to communicate it in English! Arsé-kun: Germain: Apology accepted. :) *finally he closes his eyes again. we're free* Sheepy: Ryuu: I am Naruhodou Ryuunosuke. I am a second year at Teito Yuumei University - I am an English major, Sir! My friend is Kazuma Asougi. He is a defense attorney who also goes to Teito Yuumei University! Sheepy: Ryuu: We came here for business originally and we are still doing said business! But I got lost. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he gladly introduces himself to Ryuu.. in japanese. Germain...* Sheepy: Ryuu: *he looks surprised in a happy way!* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he decides its too late/early to ask why Germain knows japanese* Sheepy: Ryuu: It is nice to meet you, Germain-san! Arsé-kun: Germain: You as well. :) Sheepy: Ryuu: I am sorry for dropping in so suddenly! Arsé-kun: Germain: I'll accept that apology as well. Sheepy: Ryuu: I hope you don't mind, but... Sheepy: Ryuu: I have no place to stay! I don't want to inconvenience you, but........ Arsé-kun: Watson: You're not. You can use the sofa. Sheepy: Ryuu: Thank you! Sheepy: Harley: You probably have a bug or two on you. Sheepy: Ryuu: No, no! I shower very often! Sheepy: Harley: Not what I mean. Arsé-kun: Watson: Not that kind. Arsé-kun: *it is explained to Ryuu what they mean by Bug* Sheepy: Ryuu: What do they look like?? Arsé-kun: Watson: This. *he plucks one off Ryuu's shirt* It doesn't look like it's on.. Sheepy: Ryuu: That's what that was? Arsé-kun: Watson: M-hm. There are most likely more.. Sheepy: Ryuu: Okay, I'll look for them! Arsé-kun: Watson: All right. Sheepy: Harley: I'll keep guard outside. Arsé-kun: Germain: Please. I've grown tired. Sheepy: Harley: *he walks outside* Arsé-kun: Germain: *and he goes upstairs, yawning* Sheepy: Ryuu: Um, does your bathroom have a mirror? Arsé-kun: Watson: It does. You may use it. Sheepy: Ryuu: Thank you! Sheepy: Ryuu: Where is it? Arsé-kun: *Watson directs Ryuu to the bathroom* Sheepy: *Ryuu uses it to check for any bugs!* Sheepy: *After a while he comes back out again* Sheepy: Ryuu: Thank you for letting me use your bathroom! I have collected all of the bugs! Arsé-kun: Watson: Good job. We'll dispose of them in the morning. Sheepy: Ryuu: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Watson: You're welcome. Sheepy: Ryuu: I apologize for keeping you up! It's very late! I hadn't noticed. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's all right. You may use the sofa here. Sheepy: Ryuu: Thank you! Good night! Arsé-kun: Watson: Good night, Ryuu. *he goes upstairs* Sheepy: *Ryuu goes to sleep on the sofa!* Arsé-kun: *skip to morning!* Sheepy: *you know what's horrible to hear first thing in the morning? violin.* Sheepy: *even if it isn't bad playing do you want to be woken up by violin playing? no* Arsé-kun: *you can hear watson dying inside* Sheepy: *speaking of violin playing, who's playing it?* Arsé-kun: *it's sherlock. it's always sherlock.* Sheepy: *but sherlock's right arm is broken! right! right!* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he realizes this, and comes downstairs* Sherlock! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he stops* Hullo! Arsé-kun: Watson: What are you doing?! Your arm..! Sheepy: Sherlock: It's fine. Arsé-kun: Watson: No, it's not! Put that down! Sheepy: *Sherlock puts the violin down* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he goes over to inspect Sherlock's arm* Oh, and you missed quite a bit last night. Sheepy: Sherlock: I did? Arsé-kun: Watson: You did. Sheepy: Sherlock: What did I miss? I feel left out! Arsé-kun: Watson: Twilight was here, for one. Sheepy: Sherlock: Really?! Was anyone hurt? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, Germain was. Sheepy: Sherlock: Is he okay now? Arsé-kun: Watson: He's recovering just fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's good! Sheepy: Sherlock: What else? Arsé-kun: Watson: Someone else we know was caught by Twilight. Luckily enough, Lupin freed him before any lasting harm was done. Sheepy: Sherlock: Who is it? Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll tell you when I'm done. *he moves Sherlock's arm around* Does any of this hurt? Sheepy: Sherlock: No! Arsé-kun: Watson: That's strange... .. Was it not as bad as I had believed..? Sheepy: Sherlock: It ached last night as it did after they broke it. It's fine now. Arsé-kun: Watson: This makes no sense! Sheepy: Sherlock: I noticed it wasn't hurting so I just assumed it was okay to practice with my violin... Arsé-kun: Watson: .. I'm too tired to yell at you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Did you not sleep last night? Arsé-kun: Watson: I was woken up to help. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh... Arsé-kun: Watson: ... But all right, come on into the other room. Sheepy: *Sherlock does as he's told* Arsé-kun: *Look, Sherlock! It's Ryuu!* Sheepy: *Sherlock hugs him from behind! Ryuu yelps. he's already a little on the edge and this is what you do?* Arsé-kun: Germain: Good morning, Sherlock! :D Sheepy: Sherlock: Hullo! Arsé-kun: Germain: Oh? Where is your sling? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't need it! Arsé-kun: Germain: That's quite odd. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes! Sheepy: Ryuu: I know you're happy to see me, Holmes-san, but please let go... Sheepy: Sherlock: Sorry, Asougi! Sheepy: Ryuu: No, no, my name isn't Asougi. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! It's Susato! Sheepy: Ryuu: My name is Ryuunosuke, Holmes-san! Sheepy: Sherlock: Doesn't ring a bell! Arsé-kun: Watson: Sometimes I wonder if you do this on purpose. Sheepy: Sherlock: No, I'm not! Sheepy: Sherlock: Is Ryuunosuke a fake name? Sheepy: Sherlock: Is it a joke? Arsé-kun: Watson: No. Either way, Ryuu is here, and he needs help finding Asougi. Sheepy: Sherlock: Asougi is the lady wearing pink, right? She's got some of the books you wrote hidden in her sleeves! Arsé-kun: Watson: I've lost IQ. Sheepy: Sherlock: Buh? Arsé-kun: Watson: She's Susato. He's Asougi. And Ryuu is here. Sheepy: Sherlock: Ahah! Okay! Susato Naruhodou, Ryuunosuke Kazuma, and Asougi Mikotoba! I am very good with last names! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I need a drink. Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, I do recall calling someone "Mr. Naruhodou" quite often... Arsé-kun: Watson: That's Ryuu! Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Ryuu is Mr. Naruhodou! Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes! Sheepy: Sherlock: I see! Okay! I think I've got it now! Sheepy: Sherlock: I got it on the second try, haha! Sheepy: Ryuu: Something like that... Arsé-kun: Watson: *he steps out for his coffee fix. save this man* Sheepy: Sherlock: How are you feeling? Sheepy: Sherlock: I heard you fought Twilight last night! Arsé-kun: Germain: I'm fine, and that is correct. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm glad! Sheepy: Ryuu: Holmes-san! Can you help me find Asougi? Sheepy: Sherlock: Who is he again? Sheepy: Ryuu:...I'll wait for Watson-san... Sheepy: Sherlock: Should I know who he is? Sheepy: Sheepy: *he comes downstairs and notices everyone* Arsene, take that silly disguise off. Arsé-kun: Watson: Sit down and be quiet. You missed quite a bit. Sheepy: Sheepy: What did I do wrong? You sound irritated. Arsé-kun: Germain: *he cuts in before Watson can respond* It's not him. Lupin is still out. Sheepy: Sheepy: Really? Who's this? Is he the reason why Watson's so irritable? Arsé-kun: *Germain explains what was missed, and Watson ducks out to retrieve his now-finished coffee.* Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... And that's why there are bloody knives on the table. Sheepy: Sheepy: I didn't notice them... Arsé-kun: Germain: I need to clean them off later... Do we have cola in the house? Sheepy: Sherlock: No clue! Arsé-kun: Germain: Then I'll have to look myself.. Sheepy: Harley: We have cola for his experiments. You can borrow it. I must have forgotten to tell him that we had gotten more. Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah, thank you. Sheepy: Sheepy: I was guessing that this guy was Arséne with how Sherlock is in his personal space, but I guess he's like that with strangers. Arsé-kun: Germain: Except he's not a stranger. Sheepy: Sheepy: I've never met him before... Arsé-kun: Germain: And once Sherlock gets off of him, you will have met him. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he finally gets off* Arsé-kun: *sheepy and ryuu are introduced!* Sheepy: Ryuu: It's nice to meet you, Sheepy-kun! Sheepy: Sherlock: Is Arséne not back yet? Arsé-kun: Germain: He is not. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm worried. Arsé-kun: Germain: Considering he managed to send Ryuu here, I'd presume he's fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: I should trust him, but... I can't help to be concerned... Arsé-kun: Impey: *he slides down the banister. impey no* He'll be fine! Sheepy: Fran: Impey! Arsé-kun: Impey: That's me! Sheepy: Iris: I want to try! Sheepy: Iris: How did you do that?? Arsé-kun: Impey: Sit n' slide! Arsé-kun: Impey: I'll catch you! Sheepy: Fran: Impey, no!! You're being a bad influence!! Arsé-kun: Impey: It can't hurt if I'm gonna catch her! Sheepy: *Iris tries!* Arsé-kun: *and Impey catches her as promised!* Sheepy: Fran: Don't do that, please! It's dangerous and Watson will kill us if he finds out! Arsé-kun: Watson: Watson wouldn't dare commit murder in his own house. Watson just heavily disapproves. Sheepy: Fran: Aaah!! I didn't see you there...! Arsé-kun: Watson: My apologies. Sheepy: Iris: Good morning, Daddy! Arsé-kun: Watson: Good morning, Iris! Sheepy: Iris: I heard the sound of Holmesies' woes and it woke me up. Sheepy: Iris: It was awful!! Like always. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm hurt.. Sheepy: Iris: Then don't play so early in the morning, Holmesies! Especially intentionally badly! I know that wasn't an accident! Sheepy: Iris: Did he wake you up too, Daddy? Arsé-kun: Watson: Unfortunately. Sheepy: Iris: How mean of him~ Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks like a puppy who has just been scolded. rip* Sheepy: Sherlock: Am I really that annoying...? Arsé-kun: Watson: No, just your playing. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he still looks disappointed* Oh... Sheepy: Sherlock: Am I bad at playing it? Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess maybe I haven't been practicing recently and this is my punishment... Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson... Arsé-kun: Watson: What? Sheepy: Sherlock: Is this punishment for taking off my sling too early? That I'm terrible at music now? Arsé-kun: Watson: It's probably because you're out of practice. Sheepy: Sherlock: I knew I shouldn't have slacked off...! Sheepy: Sherlock: What am I without that? Sheepy: Sherlock: Nothing! That's what. Sheepy: Iris: Oh! Narudy is here! But, where is Sussy? Sheepy: Ryuu: Back in Japan still. She will be here soon! (I can't let her know about how Susato-san's father is dying...) Sheepy: Iris: He is? Sheepy: Ryuu: Watson-san! If it's not too much trouble, do you think we could look for Asougi? Sheepy: Ryuu: Holmes-san doesn't even remember who he is... despite accusing him of murder... Arsé-kun: Watson: I think we can, but not quite yet.. Sheepy: Ryuu: Okay! Thank you! Sheepy: Ryuu: I hope it's not too much of an inconvenience! Arsé-kun: Watson: Do you have his number..? Sheepy: Ryuu: I don't have my phone, but I do have his number! Sheepy: Ryuu: They took it. Arsé-kun: Watson: May I have it, if Sherlock's phone doesn't have it? Sheepy: Ryuu: *he tells Watson the number* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he takes his phone out, and puts the number into his contacts* Sheepy: Ryuu: I should call him.. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he hands his phone to Ryuu* Go ahead. Sheepy: *Ryuu calls Asougi!* Arsé-kun: Asougi: Hello..? Sheepy: Ryuu: Asougi!! You're okay! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Oh, Ryuunosuke! Where did you go?? Sheepy: Ryuu: I got lost in that crowd... and then someone grabbed me. Arsé-kun: Asougi: Oh, no! I'm sorry, I should have stayed closer to you! Sheepy: Ryuu: I'm okay! Where are you? I'm with Watson-san now! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Oh! I went to the hotel like we planned on... Can you tell him and Holmes-san I say hello? Sheepy: Ryuu: Asougi says hello! Arsé-kun: Watson: Tell him I say hello. Sheepy: Sherlock: I do? Sheepy: Ryuu: Whoever grabbed me stole... basically everything! I'm sorry! I don't have my phone! Arsé-kun: Asougi: No wonder you never picked up! Sheepy: Ryuu: I'm sorry... I would have answered if I had it! Please be careful in case they decide to target you! Sheepy: Ryuu: I doubt they will, but... Arsé-kun: Asougi: Perhaps I will come by there! Sheepy: Ryuu: *he looks to Watson like, "Is that okay?"* Arsé-kun: Watson: ? Sheepy: Ryuu: Um, Asougi's saying that, rather than me going over to the hotel, that he comes over and presumably picks me up. Is that okay? Arsé-kun: Watson: That's perfectly fine. Sheepy: Ryuu: He says it's okay! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Neat! I'll be there soon! ... Where are you, again? Sheepy: Ryuu: *he states the address* Arsé-kun: Asougi: All right! I'll just find a group of people to tail behind, so I can't get nabbed! I'll be there soon! Sheepy: Ryuu: Okay.. be careful! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Am I ever anything but? Sheepy: Ryuu: No! But.. be extra careful! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Okay! Sayonara! Sheepy: Ryuu: See you soon!! Arsé-kun: *Asougi hangs up* Sheepy: Sherlock: So... who is that, anwyway? Arsé-kun: Watson: You were just talking about him. How did you forget? Sheepy: Sherlock: Just because I remember his name doesn't mean I remember who he is. Sheepy: Sherlock: They're two entirely different things. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... All right, fair enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: For example, I may know that the word "Heliocentric" exists, but I've got no clue what it is! Arsé-kun: Germain: That means the solar system revolves around the Sun- which it does. Sheepy: Sherlock: ... I thought the Earth was the center? Arsé-kun: Germain: No, it's just human nature to think we're in the center of everything. Sheepy: Sherlock: *He looks very confused* Where did you learn that? Arsé-kun: Germain: Scientific journals. Sheepy: Sherlock: I've never heard that. Arsé-kun: Germain: And now you have. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson, have you heard this before?? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes? Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Really? Where? Arsé-kun: Watson: Kindergarden. Sheepy: Sherlock: ... *he appears to be thinking* ... Sheepy: Sherlock: Did I go to kindergarten? Arsé-kun: Watson: Probably. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember it. Arsé-kun: Watson: I see this. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't remember basically anything up until the time I met you! Sheepy: Sherlock: It must've all been very unimportant if I forgot it. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Well, perhaps. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you know something I don't?? Arsé-kun: Watson: Probably, but I meant that the solar system being heliocentric doesn't seem like it'd be important for cases. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! I doubt it. Arsé-kun: *about an hour later, someone knocks at the door!* Sheepy: *Sherlock gets the door* Arsé-kun: Asougi: Hello, Holmes-san! Sheepy: Sherlock: Mop? Arsé-kun: Asougi: Are you just going to call me Mop every time you forget my name? Sheepy: Sherlock: Your hair looks like a mop... Arsé-kun: Asougi: Hai, it does. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you Asougi? Arsé-kun: Asougi: Yes, Holmes-san! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he moves so Asougi can come in* Arsé-kun: Asougi: Ryuu!! Sheepy: Ryuu: Asougi! You're here! Arsé-kun: Asougi: I'm here! *he hugs Ryuu, nearly lifting him off the ground* I'm so glad you're okay! Sheepy: Ryuu: *he returns it* Someone rescued me! They know Holmes-san so I can thank them when they get back! Arsé-kun: Asougi: That's great!! Sheepy: Iris: Moppy!! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Iris! Sheepy: Iris: You're here, too! Wag missed you!! Sheepy: Sherlock: I think he forgot about them... Sheepy: Sherlock: That's how cats usually are. Arsé-kun: Wag: Meooooow! Sheepy: Iris: That doesn't look very forgotten about to me. Arsé-kun: *Asougi lets go of Ryuu to pick up Wag. caaaaaat!* Sheepy: Iris: Wag has been really nice! Sheepy: Sherlock: He likes to look me in the eye as he breaks everything I hold dear. Arsé-kun: *and in that moment, wag decides to bite Asougi's hand. friendssss* Sheepy: Iris: Um. Other than that. Arsé-kun: Asougi: :I Sheepy: Sherlock: He also likes to sit on my face when I sleep... Sheepy: Sherlock: I guess he doesn't want me to sleep... Arsé-kun: Asougi: He likes you! Sheepy: Sherlock: That's friendly behavior? Arsé-kun: Asougi: .. I think so? Sheepy: Sherlock: It doesn't feel that way. Arsé-kun: Asougi: That's sorta true.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I had a case where a baby died and it turned out that the killer was a cat who thought the baby was a source of wamrh. The parents actually ended up turning on each other and both came to me to accuse the other of killing their child... Arsé-kun: Van: I'm going back upstairs, never mind. Sheepy: Iris: Good morning Abby! Arsé-kun: Van: It's morning? Sheepy: Iris: I haven't said "Good morning" to you yet... it was delayed, but the thought's still there! Arsé-kun: Van: You could just say "good afternoon" Sheepy: Iris: Good afternoon, too! Sheepy: Iris: Narudy and Moppy are here! Sheepy: Iris: The one with the headband is Moppy and the easily readable one is Narudy! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Hello! Sheepy: Iris: Moppy, Narudy, this is Abby! Arsé-kun: Van: You're going to use that forever, now, aren't you? *he looks at Ryuu and Asougi* Van Helsing. What are you kids doing here? Sheepy: Iris: It's my nickname for you! I think it's cute! It fits you! Sheepy: Ryuu: I, um, ran away and ended up here originally. Asougi came here to pick me up and bring me back to the hotel, I think. Sheepy: Ryuu: I don't know who grabbed me. Sheepy: Ryuu: But, um, I still have the outfit that I used to run away! And these bug things you mentioned last night, Watson-san. Arsé-kun: Watson: We do. Does anyone else want to explain Twilight to Ryuunosuke and Asougi, or shall I? Sheepy: Sherlock: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: *ryuu and asougi get Info Dumped* sheep: Ryuu: They're that dangerous? sheep: Ryuu: And... they're targeting you? Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm. So both of you, it'd be best to stay where you're supposed to be. It's far safer. sheep: Ryuu: Okay... sheep: Ryuu: Is there no way I can help? sheep: Harley: Don't bother. You'll just be a pest. Arsé-kun: Watson: Harley! ... But he's sort of right. The less people involved, the better. sheep: Ryuu: That's fine. Just... uh, I don't have my phone, so I guess you can't call me if you need anything... sheep: Harley: We won't. We have it covered. Arsé-kun: Watson: If anything is absolutely necessary, I will call Asougi's phone. Otherwise, assume we are fine. Sheepy: Ryuu: Okay! Arsé-kun: Asougi: I wish we could help somehow, but okay. Stay safe, everyone! Sheepy: Ryuu: See you later! Stay safe! Arsé-kun: Asougi: Sayonara! Sheepy: *they leave!* Sheepy: Harley: Finally. Arsé-kun: Watson: You had to be rude? Sheepy: Harley: I wasn't rude. Arsé-kun: Watson: m-hm Sheepy: Harley: I was stating my honest opinion. I consider rude to be lying to someome about how you really feel about them. Arsé-kun: Watson: You had a point, but calling them pests was a bit of a stretch. Sheepy: Harley: If I find someone annoying, I'll say it. It's constructive criticism that allows them to see their faults and change to become a better person. Sheepy: Harley: Is that a problem? Arsé-kun: Watson: I guess not. Sheepy: Harley: The same goes for you. If you see my flaws, you're free to point them out. I don't care. Sheepy: Iris: If you structure your criticisms like this, it'll help! "When you do this, it makes me feel like this." Sheepy: Harley: Alright... Sherlock, when you open your mouth to speak, it makes me feel like I want to bash my head against a wall because I'll have to hear whatever idiocy you've come up with today. Sheepy: Sherlock: How do you speak if not with your mouth? Sheepy: Sheepy: Through a part of his body opposite to his mouth. Arsé-kun: Van: Your ass. Sheepy: Sherlock: So Harley farts out words? Arsé-kun: Van: The opposite. What comes out of his mouth and rear are the same- shit. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Arsé-kun: Van: Him and Lupin both. *he disappears into the kitchen. bye van* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks confused* Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll kick your butt! Arsé-kun: Van: no, you won't. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah I will! Arsé-kun: Van: will not. Sheepy: Sheepy: Fight me!! Arsé-kun: Van: maybe later Sheepy: Sheepy: Don't just immediately assume you'll win! Sheepy: Sheepy: You can't just insult Arséne and get away with it you jerk! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd rather he not, but... Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not exactly like we could do anything about it. Arsé-kun: Germain: That makes it sound like the man is flawless. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's flawless to me. Sheepy: Sherlock: Everyone has flaws! Even Arséne... Arsé-kun: *someone knocks on the door! specifically, arsene's door. multiple times* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he opens it* Arsé-kun: Kazuya: :'D !! *sheepy gets rushed by a very upset kazuya!* Sheepy: Sheepy: Kazuya! You're safe! Sheepy: Iris: Kazzy!! Arsé-kun: Kazuya: *he nods, forcing a smile and attaching himself to Sheepy like a koala* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he doesn't seem to mind, weirdly enough* Arsé-kun: *it helps that sheepy is clearly a source of Comfort, and kazzy is V Upset* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he does his best to comfort Kazuya* Arsé-kun: *this helps greatly* Sheepy: *Sheepy is happy that he can actually help!* Sheepy: Harley: Where are the other two? Arsé-kun: Kazuya: .... *he mimes shaking jail cell bars* Sheepy: Harley: I see. Sheepy: Harley: That's one of three down. Sheepy: Harley: I'll have to tell Lupin the next time I see him that he's very good at busting others out of prison, showing how much of a criminal he is. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: ... It wasn't prison. Sheepy: Harley: It was still a cell. Sheepy: Harley: Wasn't it? Arsé-kun: Kazuya: ... N-not exactly.. *he shudders* Sheepy: Harley: Well, whatever. Either way, you're out. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: ... B-but.. Sheepy: Harley: But? Arsé-kun: Kazuya: Bro and Sis are still in there... Sheepy: Harley: And, what would you like me to do about it? No matter how much you complain about it, until they rescued by Lupin, you won't see them. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sure they'll get here soon! Sheepy: Sheepy: Could you stay with us until we know it's safe? Arsé-kun: Kazuya: I want to.. Sheepy: Sheepy: If Herlock gets on your nerves or upsets you, I'll kick his butt for you! Okay? Sheepy: Harley: It's Harley, not Herlock. Sheepy: Sheepy: Hurley~ Arsé-kun: Kazuya: *snrk* Sheepy: Sheepy: *he gives Kazuya a big grin. he's here for you buddy!!* Arsé-kun: Kazuya: :'D Sheepy: Harley: Why is he helping people who aren't the hostages, though? Does he want to die? Sheepy: Harley: Idiot. Sheepy: Sheepy: Because he's not selfish like you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Maybe you're jealous and that's why you're always attacking him. Arsé-kun: Van: Then are you jealous of everyone else? Sheepy: Sheepy: Who, me? Or him? Arsé-kun: Van: You. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't attack people verbally. Arsé-kun: Van: It's close enough. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't feel like they'll take anything from me. Sheepy: Sheepy: I want to test my strength! Arsé-kun: Van: You have that? Sheepy: Sheepy: I swim! And practice boxing! Aaaaand I ice skate! Ice skating is difficult! You need strength for it. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: :0 Sheepy: Sheepy: People whose muscles are from things like weight lifting and stuff like that are covered in veins. Sheepy: Sheepy: They're gross. Arsé-kun: Watson: not really. Sheepy: Sheepy: I think it's gross appearance wise. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's okay to have different opinions, though. If you think that's attractive, good for you. Arsé-kun: Watson: No. It's just that people who bodybuild for strength and for appearance will look different. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's what I mean. Arsé-kun: Watson: Ah. Sheepy: Sheepy: The muscular guys you see in Hollywood, like Tarazan, are actually swimmers... I don't want to be all gross and beefy like them, though. Sheepy: Sheepy: Its' just a hobby! And it's good for you! Sheepy: Sherlock: Are we discussing things we do to take care of ourselves? What do I do... Sheepy: Sherlock:... Arsé-kun: Watson: As little as possible. Sheepy: Sherlock: I...work? Arsé-kun: Watson: Other than that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Um... Sheepy: Sherlock:....Nope, there's nothing else I do. Arsé-kun: Watson: why are you like this Sheepy: Sherlock: I do do the daily necessities... Arsé-kun: Watson: Eating? Sheepy: Sherlock: Taking a shower and petting Sisi! Arsé-kun: Watson: it should be eating. Sheepy: Sherlock: Huh? Arsé-kun: Watson: eating is something you should do DAILY, holmes. Sheepy: Sherlock: But Watson, you can live for over three weeks without food. Sheepy: Sherlock: Meaning, there's no need to eat every day. Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't do that. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's only an every-so-often inconvenience. Sheepy: Sherlock: You can also go 264 hours without sleep before you die. Sheepy: Sherlock: Meaning, sleep isn't necessary either. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's only a nice to have, not a need to have. Arsé-kun: Watson: You shouldn't be waiting until the last minute! Sheepy: Sherlock: Why not...? Arsé-kun: Watson: It's bad for you! Sheepy: Sherlock: So is oxygen. Sheepy: Sherlock: But we live off of it... Arsé-kun: Watson: I give up. Sheepy: Sherlock: The only thing that's truly necessary is water. But why? We are 60% water... Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you think fish are 60% water? Arsé-kun: Watson: Probably more. Sheepy: Sherlock: Can fish swim in people considering they're 60% water? Sheepy: Sherlock: That's a horrifying thought, actually. Nevermind. Arsé-kun: Watson: Lets not. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, oh! Watson!! A new restaurant opened...when this Twilight mess is over, can we go? Sheepy: Sherlock: I hear they have good chicken! Arsé-kun: Watson: Only if you'll pay this time. Sheepy: Sherlock: Don't I always? Arsé-kun: Watson: N.. No. Sheepy: Sherlock:....I don't? Arsé-kun: Watson: Never. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, remind me before to bring my wallet and after to pay! Sheepy: Sherlock: I won't remember if you don't tell me. Arsé-kun: Watson: Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: Maybe Arséne can come too! Although... that doesn't really seem like a friendly meet at the local restaurant, unlike with you. Arsé-kun: Watson: It doesn't? Aren't you two friends? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's more like a date, isn't it? Arsé-kun: Watson: Only if you call it one. Sheepy: Sherlock: It might be awkward for you... Arsé-kun: Watson: I don't mind. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, really? Great! Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's invite him too! I'll pay for you! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm excited! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... We may as well invite everyone else, while we're at it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay! Sheepy: Harley: What do you mean by everyone else? Arsé-kun: Watson: What do you think it means? Sheepy: Harley: You, me, Sherlock, Lupin, Iris, and Saint-Germain. Sheepy: Iris: Why aren't Abby, Uncle Barby, and Franny on that list? Sheepy: Sheepy: Why isn't Tom on that list? ... Wait a minute, why is everyone forgetting me? Sheepy: Harley: I didn't think of them when I thought of "everyone". And, Tom is a toy. I ​wish​ I could forget you. Sheepy: Sheepy: Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it! Sheepy: Sheepy: It'd be a shame to forget me. Sheepy: Harley: If you were anyone else my life might actually be happy. Arsé-kun: *there is another knock at the door! the door is popular today* Arsé-kun: Kazuya: ?? Sheepy: Sheepy: *he opens it* Sheepy: *it's Pierce!* Arsé-kun: Kazuya: :D !!! *he rushes to greet Pierce* Sheepy: Pierce: Kazuya, you're here just like he said you'd be... thank goodness! Arsé-kun: Kazuya: Naoya, a-are you okay..?? Sheepy: Pierce: I'm fine! Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Kazuya: Uh-huh..! Sheepy: Pierce: Good, good. Arsé-kun: *Kazzy now clings to Pierce.* Sheepy: Pierce: *he doesn't mind* Sheepy: Pierce: Maki is next, I hope. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: m-hm! Arsé-kun: Watson: .. I was under the belief her name was Mary. Sheepy: Pierce: Um. Arsé-kun: Watson: And he just called you, Naoya, as well. Sheepy: Pierce: Well... Arsé-kun: Watson: Well? Sheepy: Pierce: I'd really rather not talk about this.. Sheepy: Pierce: Umm.. how do I put this... Sheepy: Pierce: Naoya is my real name. Naoya Toudou. Er... I have been using Pierce as my name ever since he changed and kidnapped Kazuya... Maki has also been going by Mary for the same reason. Arsé-kun: Watson: A lot has been explained, like why I couldn't find her medical records before a certain point. Sheepy: Naoya: Do you know anything about Nyar and Phil? Do they have medical records? I don't even know their last names... Arsé-kun: Watson: I am going to doubt they have any.. Sheepy: Naoya: Why? Arsé-kun: Watson: Just a feeling. Sheepy: Naoya: Could they really have avoided a doctor for their entire lives? Sheepy: Sheepy: Nyar isn't a name. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he shrugs* Sheepy: Sheepy: It sounds like a nickname. Sheepy: Sheepy: Phil is also a nickname... Arsé-kun: Watson: Phil can stand as a name. Sheepy: Sheepy: That's the thing. Sheepy: Sheepy: We don't know which it is. Sheepy: Sheepy: Nyar could be a shortened version of his last name, but... who makes a nickname based on someone's last name? Sheepy: Iris: What's so weird about it?? Sheepy: Sheepy: Other than with Arséne who... doesn't have a good first name for nicknames, you don't do that. Sheepy: Iris:...Franny's first name is "Victor"! Victor Frankenstein! What did you think his name was?? Arsé-kun: Van: With that kind of argument, what would you think my name is if I'm called "Abby"? Sheepy: Sheepy: Abigail. Arsé-kun: Van: See? Sheepy: Iris: It's obviously Abraham... Sheepy: Sheepy: That's the nerdiest name ever and the one who dons it is the gunslinger... Sheepy: Sheepy: My first name finally sounds a little less horrible... Arsé-kun: Watson: Are you going to finally share that? Sheepy: Sheepy: Nope. Arsé-kun: Watson: The mystery deepens. Sheepy: Sheepy: It's actually the worst thing you could name your child... Sheepy: Sheepy: Imagine, Watson, when you were naming Iris. Sheepy: Sheepy: You had a six pack. Sheepy: Sheepy: You took out your favorite book... Sheepy: Sheepy: And chose the first word your hand landed on to be your newborn's name. Sheepy: Sheepy: Well, soon to be newborn Sheepy: Sheepy: That's how I was named. Arsé-kun: Watson: I hope your name isn't The. Sheepy: Sheepy: That'd be a great name. Sheepy: Sheepy: No, no, he was super into astronomy. And alcohol. And cigarettes. And gambling. But also astronomy. My guess is that he got it from there. Arsé-kun: Impey: *from upstairs* DID SOMEONE SAY ASTRONOMY Sheepy: Sheepy: I said astronomy!! Arsé-kun: Impey: Great, why? Sheepy: Sheepy: I was saying that my father was into astronomy. Arsé-kun: Impey: :0 Sheepy: Sheepy: Arséne and Tom are the only two who know my name... Sheepy: Iris: Tom!! What's Sheepy's name? Sheepy: Tom: bagel Arsé-kun: *impey snorts* Sheepy: Tom: i want bagels Sheepy: Iris: That's definitely not his name! Sheepy: Tom: watson has a worse name sheepy Arsé-kun: Watson: That's subjective. Sheepy: Tom: johns are toilets Arsé-kun: Watson: why Sheepy: Tom: your parents named you toilet Sheepy: Tom: but arsene means virile Arsé-kun: Watson: Considering I deal with about the same amount of shit as one, this seems fitting. Sheepy: Tom: i see Sheepy: Tom: my name is tom Sheepy: Tom: tom means twin Sheepy: Tom: i have no family nor loved ones i am no twin Arsé-kun: Watson: Maybe you did. Sheepy: Tom: do you think they liked me Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes Sheepy: Tom: do you like me Arsé-kun: Watson: Why wouldn't I? Sheepy: Tom: am i your friend Arsé-kun: Impey: Absolutely! Sheepy: Tom: you are my family Sheepy: Tom: i based this toy on myself because i liked the idea that even if i have no one something based on me might bring happiness to someone Sheepy: Tom: it is indirectly me who is bringing them happiness i thought Sheepy: Tom: do you think that is weird Arsé-kun: Arséne: That is the saddest thing I've ever come back to. *he came in the back door. and he has Mary- Maki? on his back. Success!* Sheepy: *Sheepy nearly tackles Arséne with how fast he lunges at him and hugs him. sheepy please* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hold on, Mouton! Let me put the lady down, first! Sheepy: Sheepy: *he lets go temporarily and waits for Arséne to do that Sheepy: Sherlock: Arséne! You're back! Arsé-kun: *Mary is carefully deposited on the couch, and THEN Arséne hugs Sheepy* Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm back, yes. Hello, Sherlock. Sheepy: Sheepy: I was worried about you!! I never worry about things. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And I was worried about all of you. Sheepy: Tom: what is a sheep's favorite breakfast food Sheepy: Tom: a baaaaaagel Arsé-kun: Arséne: Thank you, Tom. Sheepy: Naoya: Thank you so, so much....! Sheepy: Naoya: Without you... we'd still be there! Arsé-kun: Arséne: De rein. Sheepy: Harley: Watson. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes? Sheepy: Harley: Were the bugs disposed of? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. Sheepy: Harley: So, he's got no control of us anymore. Thank you, Lupin. Arsé-kun: Arséne: You're very welcome. How many times did you insult me while I was away? Sheepy: Sheepy: They insulted you a lot but I defended you! Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm not surprised. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll always defend you! Sheepy: Naoya: Maki, are you okay? Arsé-kun: Maki: Y-yes, I'm fine..! Sheepy: Naoya: I'm glad... Arsé-kun: Kazuya: Me, too! Sheepy: Sheepy: ... Mary! Hi! Guess who else is here! Arsé-kun: Maki: A lot of people, it sounds like.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sisi is! Arsé-kun: Sisi: *BARK* Sheepy: Sheepy: Sisi is the dog you told us about! Sheepy: Tom: hi sisi Arsé-kun: *Sisi arrives! Maki 'omg's and bends down to pet sisi. sisi looks happy* Sheepy: Sheepy: Thank you for telling us about him Sheepy: *the phone rings!* Arsé-kun: Watson: I am not getting that. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he gets it* This is Sherlock Holmes speaking, who is it? Arsé-kun: Arséne: *quietly* the devil himself. Sheepy: ?: It's for Watson. Sheepy: Sherlock: He says it's for you. Arsé-kun: Watson: ABSOLUTELY NOT Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson says absolutely not. Sheepy: ?: Oh, gee. That's too bad. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Put it on speaker, Sherlock. Sheepy: *Sherlock puts it on speaker* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... What do you want? Sheepy: ?: Do you know how many bones are in your body? Arsé-kun: Watson: 206. Sheepy: ?: Excellent, I knew you were a doctor. Did you know? You can, in theory, break all 206 bones in your body without dying. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's highly improbable. What do you want. Sheepy: ?: As long as the person breaking them is very careful.... what do I want? Sheepy: ?: You know what I want. Sheepy: ?: Do you know what I have? Arsé-kun: Watson: You can quite literally use the internet to find answers. Why do you need me there? Sheepy: ?: I can't disclose that Sheepy: ?: Do you know what I've got? Arsé-kun: Watson: I would answer, but children are present. Sheepy: ?: Oh, wait. I doubt they're worth that much. Harley sees them as worthless. Maybe I should just have my fun breaking bones. Arsé-kun: Watson: You really need to stop kidnapping people. It's not making me want to help you. Sheepy: ?: It's the only way to get you to help me. Sheepy: ?: I'm very lost without Phil's ability to get people to do things while feeling like they're important for doing them. Sheepy: ?: Is there a term for that? Sheepy: ?: Manipulation seems like a strong word. Arsé-kun: Watson: You could have come up to me, and said "Hello, sir, I would like your assistance with something, as you are a doctor", and we could have had a civil conversation. But no, you kidnapped somebody again. Sheepy: ?: You don't trust me. You don't trust Twilight. Hate both, with all your heart. You'll benefit soon enough from it. Arsé-kun: Watson: I have an idea. Why don't you just tell me, now, what it is you actually need me for? Sheepy: ?: .......... I am correct when I say you're a surgeon, right? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Yes? Sheepy: ?: Great! Arsé-kun: Watson: What. Do you want. Sheepy: ?: There's a ... tracking chip, you see. Not on him. In him. There was one in me too. I removed it. Myself. It was not a pleasant experience. I need you to remove it. Arsé-kun: Watson: In Phil? Sheepy: ?: Yes. Arsé-kun: *arsene is taking notes in the background. kazzy freezes up again at the voice bc fuck that guy* Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I need to know more than that. If you're willing to not injure anyone, I'd like more details from you directly. Sheepy: ?: Sure. Mycroft here can just be a guest. I can be a polite host when I want to be. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he looks over at Harley* Sheepy: ?: Ah... and the one who will be doing the real magic is Saint-Germain. And his butterflies. I need him, too. Sheepy: *Harley seems ticked* Arsé-kun: Germain: .. Ah. I'll take over from here. Sheepy: ?: Oh! I get to speak to him? Arsé-kun: Watson: *he gives the phone to Germain, and hurries over to Harley's side* You idiot, I wasn't going to go alone. Arsé-kun: Germain: .. Hello, Nyar. Your social skills seem to be degenerating again. Sheepy: ?: Without you in my life, of course they would! Sheepy: ?: How have you been? Arsé-kun: Germain: Fine, before your men ravaged my home and attacked my friends. *he sounds. annoyed* Sheepy: ?: I told them to be gentle. I'm sorry. However, that's all that Twilight has in terms of soldiers... It disgusts me, really. Sheepy: ?: But, what can I do? Arsé-kun: Germain: Ask me yourself like a civil human being. Sheepy: ?: Haha. You know I can't do that. Sheepy: ?: As much as I would love to. Sheepy: ?: It is a little... problematic that I have these limitations. It's making me have so much worse of a first impression than I wanted. Arsé-kun: Germain: You ruined that on your own. Sheepy: ?: I know. Sheepy: ?: But, we're still friends, riiiight~? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... You devil. I think I get what you're up to. Sheepy: ?: Do you? Good, good. But, sshhh, it's our little secret. Arsé-kun: Germain: But, I'm serious. You could have just asked. You know this! Sheepy: ?: I wish I could have just asked. I've dirtied my hands much more than I wanted to Arsé-kun: Germain: You idiot. Sheepy: ?: I'm not always bright. Sheepy: ?: And, again, that wasn't an option. Arsé-kun: Germain: Or maybe it was, and you're too bound to making everything more complicated than necessary still. Sheepy: ?: I... Sheepy: ?: ... *his voice turns to its usual, cheery self all of a sudden. Is he being watched...?* am going to kill you if you don't help me! Sheepy: ?: I'm sure you understand, yes? Sheepy: ?: It's business. Nothing personal! Arsé-kun: Germain: Tell your babysitter to get a life. *he leans back in his eat, curling the phoneline around his finger* And get laid while they're at it. That will buy us time. Sheepy: ?: If only it were that easy. How long will it be until you're ready? I'm getting sick of waiting. Arsé-kun: Germain: That depends what you're referring to. If you mean ready for you to break in and smash a barrel over my head, killing me instantly, yes. Sheepy: ?: Haha, no. Sheepy: ?: We're wasting time. Arsé-kun: Germain: Absolutely. Sheepy: ?: We need to get to business soon. Sheepy: ?: If she'd been smart, she wouldn't have given him amnesia. But look at where we are now. And we need him. Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah, you meant that. I'd help you if you'd stop killing everything in sight. Sheepy: ?: ............I'll think about it. Arsé-kun: Germain: Great! Sheepy: ?: I'll keep stalling until you're ready. Arsé-kun: Germain: Neat. Sheepy: ?: Hope to see you soon... toodles! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he hangs it up* How delightful. Sheepy: Harley: Please explain. How do you know him? Arsé-kun: Germain: I was unfortunately acquainted with him when we were younger. Sheepy: Harley: It seems like more than that. Arsé-kun: Germain: We kept speaking until rather recently. At least now I know where he is. Sheepy: Harley: "Babysitter"? "That will buy us time"? Arsé-kun: Germain: There was someone else there. Sheepy: Harley: And he couldn't just say what he wanted? I thought he "pulled the strings behind the scenes"? Arsé-kun: Germain: And so had I.. Sheepy: Harley: But you seem aware that he wasn't. Arsé-kun: Germain: I bluffed. Either way, he apparently isn't. Sheepy: Harley: Great. Sheepy: Harley: So, we've got no option but to help him, huh. Arsé-kun: Germain: It seems so. Sheepy: Harley: That's... Sheepy: Harley: Concerning. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm still not very compelled. Sheepy: Sheepy: Just after Arsene did so much! Arsé-kun: Arséne: They're safe now, though. Sheepy: Sheepy: True... But now Mycroft's captured. Arsé-kun: Arséne: damn it. Sheepy: Naoya: I'm sorry... Arsé-kun: Arséne: What are you apologizing for? You're not in the wrong. None of you are. Sheepy: Naoya: I should have been more careful. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: we. Sheepy: Naoya:...Yes, we... Sheepy: Sheepy: We'll figure it out. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll go with you, Watson! I can protect you! Arsé-kun: Watson: I appreciate the offer. Sheepy: Harley: I will, too. Arsé-kun: Watson: Double appreciate. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Arséne! Did my lucky charm help you?? Sheepy: Sherlock: I hope so! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Perhaps it did! *he returns it!* Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Thank you! Arsé-kun: *the Locket is added to Sherlock's inventory!* Sheepy: Sherlock: When should we go? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not today. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay.. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you sure he won't hurt Mycroft? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Non. Sheepy: Sherlock:....Okay. Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he hugs Sherlock, then blinks* Where is your sling? Sheepy: Sherlock: I took it off. Arsé-kun: Arséne: why Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't need it Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm fine now Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... I'll ask later. Arsé-kun: *and then arsene goes right to bed. hes tired af* Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh! Sleep well! Sheepy: Sherlock:.. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm worried... Sheepy: Harley: Shut up. You're the only reason we're going to help him. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: ...? Sheepy: Harley: His brother got kidnapped by Twilight, it seems. Arsé-kun: Watson: And there's more to this than it seems.. Though I am going to take this chance to ask.. *he looks at Germain* I've now seen your eyes Once. Arsé-kun: Germain: And it'll stay that way. :) Sheepy: Harley: How do you walk around with your eyes closed? Arsé-kun: Germain: Very carefully. Sheepy: Sherlock: Why is he doing this? Arsé-kun: Germain: Like we said, I'd believed he was puppeteering Twilight. Now I'm doubting it.. Sheepy: Sherlock: The puppeteer is being puppeted...puppeteered? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know which one's right... Sheepy: Sherlock: But... we need to be careful... Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll protect you! Sheepy: Sherlock: But... Sheepy: Sherlock: We still need to be careful. Arsé-kun: Watson: Very careful. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll .... um, get prepared. Arsé-kun: Germain: We all should. Sheepy: *Harley wordlessly goes to get ready* Sheepy: Sherlock: Good luck! Arsé-kun: *Van goes upstairs, and returns with his shotguns* Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you coming too? Arsé-kun: Van: I want to shoot the son-of-a-bitch, so Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: Thanks! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he returns downstairs, frowning* I'm coming too. Sheepy: Sherlock: Really? Are you sure...? Sheepy: Sherlock: You haven't slept, have you? Please sleep. Sheepy: Sherlock: You need it. If you died because your reaction time was dulled from how tired you were.... I... Sheepy: Sherlock:... Sheepy: Sherlock:...Please sleep. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And yours isn't? Absolutely not. Sheepy: Sherlock: But... Sheepy: Sherlock: You need it. I go without it so much that I'm used to not having it. Sheepy: Sherlock: And I slept last night.. Sheepy: Fran: Oh! Um, speaking of sleep... Sheepy: Fran: During my experiments, I created a substance that causes drowsiness! Sheepy: Fran: *he mumbles something along the lines of, "It actually knocked me out..."* Sheepy: Fran: Do you want to try it, Lupin? Arsé-kun: Arséne: That's incredibly shady of you. No. Sheepy: Fran: Really? Okay... Sheepy: Fran: I made a few vials of it... Sheepy: Fran: So maybe it'd be of use? Sheepy: Fran: You could throw it at people... Sheepy: Sherlock: They wear masks. Sheepy: Fran: Oh. Um. I guess it knocked me out for four hours because it was right by my face. Sheepy: Fran: Nevermind. Sorry for bothering you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Arsene... if you begin to get tired, please tell me. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll carry you! My arm is recovered already. Arsé-kun: Arséne: How? Was it only bruised? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Watson: Nor do I, and that's what worries me. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's odd, isn't it? Sheepy: Sherlock: But there's no need for xrays or anything. You checked it so it's okay! Arsé-kun: Watson: *he doesn't seem convinced* Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't want to get an xray... Sheepy: Harley: I'm ready. Saint-Germain, how do you plan to bring those bugs of yours with you? Arsé-kun: Germain: By going to get them, of course. Sheepy: Harley: Do you plan to put them in a box? Arsé-kun: Germain: Possibly. Sheepy: Harley: I don't know how you'll transport all of them over.. Arsé-kun: Germain: Not all of them at once. That would be absurd. Sheepy: Harley: Alright. Sheepy: Sherlock: How many do you have? Sheepy: Sherlock: Hundreds? Arsé-kun: Germain: Close enough. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wow! Sheepy: Harley: Is everyone else ready? Arsé-kun: Kazuya: .. Are we coming too? Sheepy: Harley: You'll be useless to us and only endanger us. Sheepy: Harley: No. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: *he gives the Ok gesture and sits on the floor by Maki* Sheepy: Harley: Let's get going soon. Arsé-kun: Van: The sooner, the better. Sheepy: Sherlock: The sooner we do it, the sooner Arsene can sleep! Arsé-kun: Arséne: How utterly motivating. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah! Sheepy: *they go* Arsé-kun: *it's adventure time!!! come grab your friends. i dont know the rest of the words* Sheepy: *they get sanchan's butterflies and arrive at twilight!* Arsé-kun: *nobody else seems around right now?* Sheepy: Sherlock: Hmm.. looks like it's safe! Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's go!! Sheepy: ?: Oh! You've come. Sheepy: ?: I've been patiently waiting for you. Sheepy: *he comes out from the shadows!* Arsé-kun: Germain: You've never been patient, Nyar. Sheepy: Nyar: I know how to be patient. Arsé-kun: Germain: What a joke. Sheepy: Nyar: I wait years to grab the perfect opportunity. Arsé-kun: Germain: Either way, we're here. Are you happy? Sheepy: Nyar: Until you fix him...... Nope. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he's in the back, with Harley. He's not going up front* Sheepy: Nyar: I only invited two of you, when I count........ Sheepy: Nyar: One, two, three, four, five, six of you. Arsé-kun: Germain: Does it matter? We still came. Sheepy: Nyarly: Oh, dear, it looks like I missed three people. I guess you were too short for me to notice. Arsé-kun: Germain: Focus. The two you wanted are here, and I brought some of them. Sheepy: Nyarly: Once again, I don't exactly... Sheepy: Nyarly: ​appreciate it. Arsé-kun: Germain: What a shame. Sheepy: Nyarly: But, it's fine! I understand. Since I am your oh-so-generous host, I'll allow them to stay. Sheepy: Nyarly: As I said, the place I wish for them to stay is the lobby. Sheepy: Nyarly: They probably don't know where that is, and I predicted you'd bring people... Arsé-kun: Germain: What did you plan for us, Nyar? Sheepy: Nyarly: So. Some guides will help them there. Sheepy: *hey! it's guards! they grab everyone except watson and germain.* Arsé-kun: Watson: !! *he grabs onto Harley's arm, and decides he's going with him. fuck u nyar* Sheepy: *the guard lets go of Harley* Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you. Come on, Harley. Arsé-kun: *arsene has already freed himself and causes a Problem meanwhile. Classic Arséne* Sheepy: Harley: *he nods, giving the guard an irritated look* Sheepy: *the guards drag the rest of them away!* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he has put the box on the ground, and he's taken a knife out. he looks wary* Sheepy: Nyarly: I wouldn't harm you and you know it. Arsé-kun: Germain: I don't know it. Not with how you've been acting. Sheepy: Nyarly: Sometimes you must do things that you regret for the greater good. Sheepy: Nyarly: But, it will all be over soon, won't it? Arsé-kun: Germain: ... I do hate it when you're right. Sheepy: Nyarly: Of course, it'll be in that order. Sheepy: Nyarly: So... let me lead you there. Sheepy: Nyarly: Follow me. Do not stray too far. I, surprisingly, am the safest one here as long as my actions are that of my own will. Arsé-kun: Watson: And, if I may- Just how often is that? Sheepy: Nyarly: Not for a while. Not for a long, long while. Sheepy: *he heads into the building* Sheepy: Nyarly: I apologize if it's warm in there. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he frowns, but follows Nyarly (and Germain)* Why is that a bad thing..? Sheepy: Nyarly: It's very warm. Sheepy: Nyarly: He's got.. strange habits as everyone does. Sheepy: Nyarly: He'll barely move or sleep for long periods of time in cold temperatures. It's an annoyance. Sheepy: Nyarly: Since you're a doctor, I'd appreciate if you checked that too. Arsé-kun: Watson: That sounds like a seasonal affective disorder, but being more affected by the actual temperature than the season... Otherwise, I'm stumped. Sheepy: Nyarly: Great. So there's probably no way to fix it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Not as much "fix" as working with.. Sheepy: Nyarly: Thank you, anyway. oh. His room's here. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he opens the door. Phil is busy being basically right on top of one of the heaters* Arsé-kun: Germain: You're going to burn your bottom like that, Phil. Sheepy: Phil: ...Oh. I didn't know it could.... *he gets up and approaches the group* Who is this? Arsé-kun: Watson: My name is John Watson. I was asked to be of assistance. Sheepy: Phil: That's fine. Sheepy: Phil: I apologize for however he wrestled you into this. Arsé-kun: Watson: With great force, fear tactics, and possibly murder. Sheepy: Phil: I am sorry. Sheepy: *Despite his words, he doesn't sound at all sorry - he sounds completely emotionless...* Arsé-kun: Germain: I brought you something. Sheepy: Phil: You did? Arsé-kun: Germain: Consider it a well kept gift. *he hands the box over* Sheepy: Phil: *he looks it over* It's a nice box. Thank you. Arsé-kun: Germain: You moron. It's inside the box. Sheepy: Phil: I thought it was your gift for me because I wanted a hat the last time we spoke. Arsé-kun: Germain: I'll remember to buy you a hat next time. Sheepy: Phil: *he opens the box* Arsé-kun: *BUTTERFLY HECK HAS BEEN UNLEASHED* Sheepy: Phil: *he is now covered in butterflies. rip* Arsé-kun: *and a few have gone to Nyarly. a lot more butterflies come out of that box than should have fit* Sheepy: Nyarly: No, shoo! You are his, not mine! Arsé-kun: Germain: Apparently not. Sheepy: Nyarly: I've remembered everything. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... *he turns to Harley* How do you think the weather will be this weekend? Sheepy: Harley: Boring. Sheepy: Harley: Like this. Arsé-kun: Watson: How delightful. Sheepy: *A lot of the butterflies that landed on Phil seem like they've suddenly lost the brightness of the colors on their wings, leaving dull colors. they start doing normal butterfly things.* Arsé-kun: Germain: *he brushes some of them off Phil* Any better? Sheepy: Phil:...Yes. Thank you Arsé-kun: Germain: *he looks in Nyar's direction* Sheepy: Nyarly: *he looks very happy* Arsé-kun: Germain: Now tell me. Were you the one to actually do the murders as of recent? Sheepy: Nyarly: No. Sheepy: Nyarly: None of the people to die were good people. Sheepy: Nyarly: The most I've done is have Twilight devote their resources to the study of memories. Sheepy: Nyarly: That is all. Sheepy: Phil:.....I don't care if you use anesthetics or not, Mr. Watson. I know what you're here about. I'd rather it be quick and you be able to get to somewhere safe as soon as possible. Sheepy: Phil: Pain doesn't bother me. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's fairly comforting. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Now, where exactly is the chip? Sheepy: Phil: *he places his hand on the back of his neck* Sheepy: Phil: ...Here. Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Ah. That's a bit more risky.. Sheepy: Phil: Do not worry. There's no risk. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... If you say so. Please find somewhere to sit down. Sheepy: *Phil sits down in a chair* Arsé-kun: Watson: .. Harley? Do me a solid and make sure everyone else is okay. Sheepy: Harley: Alright. Sheepy: Harley: *he goes out* Arsé-kun: *its time for watson to do doctor stuff. so does harley find the others?* Sheepy: *yes* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bonjour. *he's sitting on a seat. Upside down. probably wondering how Sherlock does it* Sheepy: Harley: ...You look fine. Sheepy: Harley: Where is Sherlock? Sheepy: Sherlock: *he pokes his head out of something* I'm here! Arsé-kun: Arséne: Right there. Sheepy: Harley: Where's Mycroft? Sheepy: Harley: Have you not gone and rescued him yet? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oh, we did. Sheepy: Harley: I don't care either way. Sheepy: Harley: I just know that we won't be leaving until you get him. Sheepy: Harley: Watson is currently working on Phil. Sheepy: Harley: I'm glad that I don't have to watch... the man specifically requested that Watson not use anesthetics, probably to save time. Arsé-kun: Impey: That sounds awful! D: Sheepy: Harley: That's why I didn't want to watch. The thought of neck surgery is horrible by itself, but... Sheepy: Fran: Please stop talking about it... Arsé-kun: Van: I second this opinion. Sheepy: Fran: Mycroft, er, are you hurt at all? I know Twilight can be rough... Sheepy: Fran: I'm a doctor! Sort of! Um. I'm a dropout, but I could have been a doctor...? Maybe...? I went to medical school anyway!! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm not. Fairly annoyed, but unharmed. Sheepy: Fran: Good, good... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ... And hello, Harley. Sheepy: Harley: Just because you and Sherlock are big buds now doesn't mean the same applies for us. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Excuse me for greeting you. Sheepy: Harley: 'Greeting'... Sheepy: Harley: Whatever. I don't care if your motive behind it was innocent or not - don't expect me to be buddy-buddy with you. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm not. I already know you hate me, and nothing is changing that. Sheepy: Harley: Good. Arsé-kun: *and now its awkward* Sheepy: Sheepy: He's like this to everyone. Sheepy: Sheepy: So you don't have to feel bad. Sheepy: Sheepy: He hates me more than he hates you and I'll flaunt that with pride. Sheepy: Harley: Every day when I wake up I dread the day to come because you will be present in it. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can't believe you appreciate my presence, by comparison. Sheepy: Harley: You are nowhere near as horrible as him. Arsé-kun: Arséne: My ego is blooming. Sheepy: Harley: Shut up. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he hugs Mycroft* I'm happy you're safe, though! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .. Thank you. Sheepy: Sherlock: I know a place with great chicken! I'll treat you!! Arsé-kun: *harley's phone gets a text!* Sheepy: *Harley checks it* Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] I've finished. Have you found the others? Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Yes. Unfortunately Lupin's kid isn't dead. Nor is Mycroft. I'm disappointed.. ·_·) Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] They're all unharmed. Arsé-kun: Watson: [Text: to Harley] That's not funny. Also, please update them on everything we've learned. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] It wasn't a joke. ’v‘ Sheepy: Harley: *he does update them though.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he looks thoughtful* Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] I super hate you sometimes. '^' Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] You and everyone else... (·~·) Sheepy: Sheepy: This is like a tv show! Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] Not like that! Arsé-kun: Van: what kind of tv are you watching? *he looks. so bored* Sheepy: Sheepy: Whatever comes on. Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] '^' Sheepy: Sheepy: Either way, let's get Watson and leave. Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] '^' Sheepy: Harley: [Text: to Watson] Should we go get you?? Arsé-kun: Watson: [text: to Harley] Please. I don't know where you are. Sheepy: Harley: Follow me. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hm? Are we going somewhere? *he finally rights himself* Sheepy: Harley: We need Watson before we leave. Sheepy: Harley: Saint-Germain, too. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Fair enough. Sheepy: Harley: So. Let's go. Sheepy: *Harley heads off* Arsé-kun: *the team follows* Sheepy: Harley: *he arrives!* Watson, I've brought the group. Sheepy: Phil: *he has gone back to crowding the heater. phil please* Arsé-kun: Germain: Hello, everyone! :) Sheepy: Harley: Saint-Germain, hello. Sheepy: Harley: How did the surgery go? Arsé-kun: Watson: Perfectly fine, if not slightly unnerving. Sheepy: Phil: I am sorry. I am not good at emulating a normal human being. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes, I see this. Sheepy: Phil: Thank you for removing it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Quite welcome. Sheepy: Nyarly: When you leave, please bring Phil with you. Sheepy: Nyarly: I can't leave. Sheepy: Nyarly: So, it's your job to keep him safe. Arsé-kun: Germain: We will. Sheepy: Nyarly: Good. You must split up into two groups. Sheepy: Nyarly: A larger group to protect him, and a smaller group to protect your friend. Sheepy: Nyarly: The members of Twilight will most likely pursue him. Sheepy: Nyarly: He's very valuable to their research. Your friend, meanwhile, is a witness. They will want to end his life, most likely. Sheepy: Nyarly: Phil can keep himself safe. However... your friend will be in danger if he's seen with Phil. Phil's their main interest most likely. Mycroft's just an afterthought. They will not pursue the group that Mycroft is in unless they already have Phil. Sheepy: Nyarly: You shouldn't dwaddle. So, good luck....... Sheepy: Nyarly: ....And, to make it look like I didn't let you out... Sheepy: Nyarly: Saint-Germain, stab me. Arsé-kun: Germain: With vigor- Arsé-kun: *Van proceeds to shoot Nyarly in the shoulder. Van Smirks* Sheepy: *Nyarly takes the blow. He doesn't, um, look too bothered. Which is kind of scary considering how much force a shotgun puts out.* Sheepy: Nyarly: Shoot me in the chest if you're going to make it look real. Arsé-kun: Van: That kills people. Sheepy: Nyarly: I'm not a people. Shoot me. Arsé-kun: *Nyarly is shot in the chest, but not by Van* Arsé-kun: Watson: You deserved that for breaking Sherlock's arm, dearie. Sheepy: *Nyarly collapses to the ground, face-down* Sheepy: Nyarly: Great. Now go. I'll stay here. Sheepy: Nyarly: ...And, I didn't break his arm directly! Sheepy: Nyarly: I wouldn't dirty my hands like that. Arsé-kun: Watson: This body is still talking. *he shoots Nyarly again* Sheepy: Nyarly: *he stops talking. And moving. And. Um. Breathing. Um. You did it Watson you saved the world* Arsé-kun: Watson: *Neat!* Sheepy: Harley: Good. Sheepy: Harley: Now, let's set up groups. Sheepy: Harley: Who will go with Phil and who will go with Mycroft? Obviously, I'm going with Phil- Sheepy: Phil: No. I see no need to be in a group with you. Arsé-kun: Impey: Rejected! Sheepy: Phil: He hates my friends. I cannot bond with him. Bonding is caused when you are with someone in a stressful situation. He has another person he should bond with. Sheepy: Phil: ...So says Naoya. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Well, if you won't let him, allow me~ Sheepy: Phil: Okay. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Great. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm going to go with Mycroft! Sheepy: Sherlock: You bond through stressful situations, right? Mycroft! Let's do that! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm not exactly sure if that's a good thing or not. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It involves stressful situations, much like today. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes! Sheepy: Sherlock: So let's bond! Arsé-kun: Van: So our choices for groups are Happy Bond Time, or Dealing with Lupin Hour. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Hey! Sheepy: Sheepy: I wanna deal with Lupin! Sheepy: Sheepy: That's better. Sheepy: Harley: I refuse to be with Mycroft or the brat. Sheepy: Harley: I'm going by myself- Sheepy: Sherlock: *he grabs Harley* Let's bond!! Let's go!! Sheepy: Harley: Don't touch me. You're disgusting. Arsé-kun: Watson: I suppose I'll come with you three. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay! And everyone else goes with Arséne? Arsé-kun: Arséne: It'd be safer that way, I presume. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! Let's go!! Sheepy: *Sherlock drags Mycroft and Harley away. rip* Arsé-kun: *Watson follows them, rolling his eyes* Sheepy: Phil:...We've dwaddled too much. He can't appear to be dead for too much longer. Sheepy: Phil: Let's not waste a minute more. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Then lets hurry. Sheepy: *they Go* Arsé-kun: *it's boring. this group is Boring and most of them go to bed when they get home.* Sheepy: *but what's going on with Sherlock and crew?* Arsé-kun: *they had to go the Long Way through and out the building because the other exit was blocked by guards* Sheepy: Sherlock: We've been at it for a while... Oh! Mycroft, you're in a biker gang, right?? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: What?? Sheepy: Sherlock: You don't....? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: No..? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Oh. I misrememered, then... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Why were you asking? Sheepy: Sherlock: I was curious. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'll tell you about myself! Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm a detective. Sheepy: Sherlock:...That's the only thing I can think of that might be of interest! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: So you told me... Sheepy: Sherlock: I did? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yeah. Sheepy: Sherlock: Harley is also a detective. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: That was my next question. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's got a yappy dog named Wilson. Sheepy: Sherlock: He likes to dress Wilson up and put bows on him. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson is a yorkie. Sheepy: Harley: Stop talking about me. Arsé-kun: Watson: How much more walking do we need to do? Sheepy: Harley: Don't know. Sheepy: Sherlock: I can carry you! Arsé-kun: Watson: Oh, I don't need that yet. I'm just wondering. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay! Tell me when you do. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: ...? Sheepy: Sherlock: Um. Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you want to tell him? Arsé-kun: Watson: You can. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson has problems with one of his legs. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's the only way I can sum it up. Arsé-kun: Watson: I also forgot to bring my cane. Sheepy: Sherlock: That's what I'm here for! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *ah.* Sheepy: Sherlock: I hope that explains things! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: It does. Sheepy: Sherlock: Great! Arsé-kun: Watson: ... ? Sheepy: Sherlock: That it clears everything up. Arsé-kun: Watson: No, not that. Do you three hear anything? Sheepy: Harley: I do. Sheepy: Sherlock: Like what? Arsé-kun: *like the sound of a shotgun being cocked. click.* Sheepy: Sherlock:...Oh! That? Arsé-kun: ??: That. *the shotgun is aimed at Sherlock. Maybe it's a rifle. I DONT DO GUNS OK* Sheepy: Sherlock: Who are you? Sheepy: Harley: Put the gun down! Arsé-kun: ??: I'm not answering that, and perhaps I don't want to. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, um, why do you have a gun? Arsé-kun: ??: Why shouldn't I have one? Sheepy: Sherlock: You could hurt people with it! If you accidentally pull the trigger, you may shoot me with it. Arsé-kun: ??: Great. Sheepy: Sherlock: Um... That's not great, no. Sheepy: Sherlock: It'd hurt a lot. Arsé-kun: ??: Excellent. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks uncomfortable* Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't think of it as excellent either... Arsé-kun: ??: *they shrug their shoulders* Oh, well. Agree to disagree. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you going to shoot me? Arsé-kun: ??: Sure, why not? Sheepy: Sherlock: Did I do something to offend you? Arsé-kun: ??: Well, you're in my yard. Sheepy: Sherlock: Um, we were just about ready to leave... Sheepy: Sherlock: Some masked man here threatened us into coming here. Arsé-kun: ??: And the problem is that everyone else has left, unscathed. I'm changing that. Arsé-kun: *they shoot at Sherlock. Both Harley and Mycroft have the same idea- pushing him out of the way.* Sheepy: *Sherlock lands on his behind. Harley lands face-down. There's blood pooling from his head...* Arsé-kun: *and Mycroft is shot in the shoulder. Watson is unharmed* Sheepy: *Sherlock looks terrified. rip Arsé-kun: ??: Ooh, did I get more than one? Excellent~ Sheepy: Sherlock: Why did you... Arsé-kun: ??: For fun. For glory. Sheepy: Nyarly:...*he has gotten between the gun and the group* Hey. We may need them. Sheepy: Nyarly: Would you help someone knowing a member of your group will die whether you do it or not? No. Arsé-kun: ??: ... I've decided whatever you said is unimportant. Sheepy: Nyarly: Okay. Pull the trigger then. *he gets closer. he is now touching the front of the gun with his body* Arsé-kun: ??: You'll just get up again. That's no fun. *they put the gun down, and walk away. turns back and shoots in Nyar's direction. completely misses* Sheepy: Nyarly: It's less fun to break tools you need! You're an idiot. Arsé-kun: *the other guy leaves..* Sheepy: Nyarly: *he turns to the group* Get out. Now. Sheepy: Nyarly: I will personally escort you, is that what you want? Arsé-kun: Watson: Whatever is fastest! *he's knelt down next to Harley, trying to stop the bleeding* Sheepy: Nyarly: He's most likely a goner. Sheepy: Nyarly: But... follow me. Quickly. Arsé-kun: Watson: Sherlock. Take him. Mycroft, don't use your arm. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: o. k *he looks outright horrified* Sheepy: *Sherlock picks up Harley gently* Sheepy: Nyarly: That's the head of Twilight. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he has started walking away, towards the exit* He's an idiot. Sheepy: Nyarly: I doubt he shot at your group because you shot me. He doesn't care enough about me for that. He did it for fun, as he said. Sheepy: Nyarly: You were almost to the exit, too. Arsé-kun: *Watson's priority is calling the office. Hopefully, someone's still up* Sheepy: Sheepy: This is Mephistopheles, how may I help you? We're having a sale right now. It's half off! So you only need to sell half your soul to us! Arsé-kun: Watson: That's not funny right now. Mycroft and Harley have been shot. Sheepy: Sheepy: ... What? Arsé-kun: Watson: Exactly what I said. Sheepy: Sheepy: Arsene!! Watson's on the line and it's actually important for once!! Arsé-kun: Arséne: *he picks up the other phone. that is definitely upstairs* What is it..? Sheepy: Sheepy: He said that Harley and Mycroft got shot or something. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's right. Sheepy: Sheepy: How'd it happen??? And, what can we do? Sheepy: Sheepy: We were just fine when we left! No one went after us. Arsé-kun: *Watson explains.* Arsé-kun: Arséne: Vie de merde! Sheepy: Sheepy: Where are you going to go? The hospital, or home? Arsé-kun: Watson: The former. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good. That's the smarter idea. Is that creep escorting you there or something? Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay, you're probably safer that way. Arsé-kun: Watson: Unfortunately. Sheepy: Sheepy: We can stay on the phone just in case, too. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I definitely am. Sheepy: Sheepy: I haven't gone to sleep yet. Sheepy: Sheepy: Are you and Sherlock okay, at least? Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm a bit tired, but fine. Sherlock's also fine. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And Sherlock is going with you..? Arsé-kun: Watson: Not much choice there. Sheepy: Sheepy: He's probably gonna throw a fit once he realizes that he's going to the hospital. Sheepy: Sheepy: Not in an insulting, 'he's so immature' way, just the figure of speech. Like, he's gonna freak. Arsé-kun: Watson: I already expect it. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sorry in advance. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good luck with that. Arsé-kun: Watson: There are other things that need the luck.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Like what? Arsé-kun: Watson: Harley. Sheepy: Sheepy: ...Oh, right. Arsé-kun: Watson: It is... Particularly bad. Sheepy: Sheepy: As is any injury to the head. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. Sheepy: Sheepy: Do you think he'll survive? Arsé-kun: Watson: ... I hope so. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm sure he will. He's so hard-headed that I doubt it dented his skull anyway. Arsé-kun: Watson: *he makes a noise. was that.. funny?* Sheepy: *sheepy hopes so* Sheepy: Nyarly: Do you want me to come with you into the hospital? I don't care either way. Sheepy: Nyarly: I've got nowhere to be. Arsé-kun: Watson: Yes. Sheepy: Nyarly: Fine by me. Arsé-kun: Watson: We're all going, whether it is liked or not. Sheepy: Nyarly: I haven't been to a hospital in many, many years. Arsé-kun: Watson: No, but your actions have caused many to go there. Sheepy: Nyarly: ... Sheepy: Nyarly: I have little to do with Twilight. Sheepy: Nyarly: I simply act important. That is all. Arsé-kun: Watson: Speaking of which. Would you know why Van Helsing was tied up? Sheepy: Nyarly: To make sure he couldn't spread the word about Twilight, I'm sure. Sheepy: Nyarly: My 'testing' and the testing Twilight is doing are two completely different things. Arsé-kun: Watson: Fair enough, I suppose... Sheepy: Nyarly: Mine was focused purely around memory. Sheepy: Nyarly: My intent was to waste as much of Twilight's money as I possibly could. Sheepy: Nyarly: However... Sheepy: Nyarly: It was noticed. Arsé-kun: Watson: Gee, really? Sheepy: Nyarly: That, and they used the findings from those tests to further their research with something they call the hidden potential. Sheepy: Nyarly: That's what they were doing to Van Helsing. Sheepy: Nyarly: The hidden potential is... ... You're a doctor, so - tell me this. Arsé-kun: Watson: Tell you what? Sheepy: Nyarly: When someone is hyped up on adrenaline, what happens to their strength? Sheepy: Nyarly: It's a really easy question. Arsé-kun: Watson: That is not proven true. It is only believed strength will increase-- There is no proof. Sheepy: Nyarly: Yes, the accepted answer is that strength will increase. Sheepy: Nyarly: Now. Sheepy: Nyarly: Your body pumps adrenaline into your system when you're angry or scared. Sheepy: Nyarly: Memories are very powerful in that respect. Sheepy: Nyarly: So... Sheepy: Nyarly: What if you're forcibly reminded of a traumatizing incident over and over? Sheepy: Nyarly: Twilight is experimenting to see if they can create the perfect human by taking those who gave horrible memories they'd rather forget and forcing them to relive it over, and over, and over again. Sheepy: Nyarly: It has caused many to go insane and lash out at thse around them. Arsé-kun: Watson: That is the worst thing I have ever heard Arsé-kun: Arséne: I agree. Sheepy: Nyarly: Twilight has done something worse. Sheepy: Nyarly: in an attempt to create the perfect soldier, they have resorted to creating life. Sheepy: Nyarly: Yes. They kidnapped scientists in order to do this. Arsé-kun: Watson: Much has been explained. Sheepy: Nyarly: And because of my mistakes, that artificial life is somewhere - I don't know where, but I need to dispose of it before more people find out. Sheepy: Nyarly:...So, I must request your help with that. In return, I promise you that Twilight will not hurt you nor your family ever again. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... Might I ask why? Sheepy: Nyarly: And... Sheepy: Nyarly: While it is no fault of those who have been created, if they are allowed to live... many people will suffer the consequences. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he looks thoughtful* Tempting. What if they are innocent children, though? Or important to society? Sheepy: Nyarly:... Sheepy: Nyarly: I... Sheepy: Nyarly: Am not the one who makes these choices. Sheepy: Nyarly: Phil is. Arsé-kun: Watson: Then we can have a little talk about how easy putting a chip back is. Sheepy: Nyarly: Look. Sheepy: Nyarly: I'm not the one who ordered them dead. Sheepy: Nyarly: Nor is Phil. Sheepy: Nyarly: We don't want to be doing this either but we don't have much choice. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: You didn't answer my question. Sheepy: Nyarly: What was your question? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: If they were children, or important. Sheepy: Nyarly: She doesn't care. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: But are they? Sheepy: Nyarly: They're children. Sheepy: Nyarly: They're important to Twilight's goals. Sheepy: Nyarly: If Twilight gets a hold of them, they will kill many people. Sheepy: Nyarly: That's all I've been told. Sheepy: Nyarly: And the few opportunities I had.. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Then just stop them. Issue solved. Sheepy: Nyarly: I couldn't bring myself to do it. Sheepy: Nyarly: And, just stop them? Sheepy: Nyarly: What do you think I've been trying to do all of these years? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Have you heard of an illegal thing, it is called a Bomb. Sheepy: Nyarly: I don't have those. Arsé-kun: *watson stops his phone conversation to stare. what* Arsé-kun: Mycroft: The black market is your friend. Sheepy: Nyarly: We were ordered to remove them as quietly as possible. Sheepy: Nyarly: That is the opposite of quiet. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Then make someone else do it? I don't know, I can't think of anything else. Sheepy: Nyarly: You aren't just going to come up with the answer in a span of a few minutes. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I can have a certain pyromaniac light it on fire. Arsé-kun: *watson relays this.* Sheepy: Nyarly: Oh, and bonus! The head of Twilight actually knows I'm not working for them. Arsé-kun: Watson: No shit. Sheepy: Nyarly: I'd love it if that pyromaniac fixed my problems. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Sheepy? Sheepy: Sheepy: If anyone died from it, it'd count as manslaughter. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not the entire building. Just any documents or data you'd come across. Sheepy: Sheepy: Sounds risky... Arsé-kun: Arséne: The Joker refuses arson? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'll return to you every lighter I have confiscated for the job. I do indeed have them. It's a little museum of crime. Sheepy: Sheepy: I don't want to get caught by Twilight. Sheepy: Sheepy: You think I've got a death wish? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Nor would anyone else. Fair enough. Sheepy: Sheepy: You better not choose to do it yourself. Sheepy: Sheepy: I'll kick your butt if you do. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm not, I'm not. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good. Don't say that just to trick me into thinking you won't be doing it either. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I won't, I won't. Sheepy: Sheepy: Good. Sheepy: Sheepy: Besides, once Sherlock gets back, he'll probably need you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Fair enough. Sheepy: Sheepy: See? I provide great points sometimes. Arsé-kun: Arséne: And I shouldn't make decisions at this time of night. Sheepy: Sheepy: Yeah! Sheepy: Sheepy: I'm smart. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Oui. Sheepy: Sheepy: Are you at the hospital yet? Arsé-kun: Watson: We just arrived. Sheepy: Sheepy: Oh, good. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'm going to have to hang up.. Sheepy: Sheepy: Okay, good luck. Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you. *he hangs up* Sheepy: *Sherlock... doesn't seem aware that he's in a hospital. If he is, he isn't reacting...* Arsé-kun: Watson: ... *After having Harley and Mycroft sent off, he looks to Sherlock* ... Holmes, are you all right? Sheepy: Sherlock: .......yeah. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... No, you're not. Sheepy: Sherlock: ........he's not and I am. Arsé-kun: Watson: He'll recover. They both will. Sheepy: Sherlock:....... Arsé-kun: Watson: It'd have killed you. Sheepy: Sherlock: stop lying to me. Arsé-kun: Watson: Alright, would have likely killed you. Sheepy: Sherlock: he's not going to live through it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Don't tell me what he is and isn't going to do. The bullet did not go past his skull. Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't want to talk about it. Arsé-kun: Watson: Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: all I can think about is how I was too oblivious to notice it. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Holmes. Sheepy: Sherlock: what. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... please sit down. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he sits down* Arsé-kun: Watson: *he pulls Sherlock close* I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Sherlock: you didn't do anything. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's the problem. Sheepy: Sherlock:.... Sheepy: Sherlock: stop. you arent the cause of this. Sheepy: Sherlock: I cant focus well on my surroundings. I got distracted and didn't notice him. Arsé-kun: Watson: I can, and I should have noticed earlier. Sheepy: Sherlock: he was going for me. all that would have happened if you had noticed would be that I wouldn't have you either. Arsé-kun: Watson: We would have been able to escape had I noticed. Sheepy: Sherlock: I doubt it. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: This is super depressing. Sheepy: Sherlock: sorry.... Sheepy: Sherlock: ...how's your arm? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Numb right now. They just stitched it up and sent me home. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... That's not... Whatever, I'll check it later. Sheepy: Sherlock:....oh. good. if that's what they're going to do with you, I wonder if they'll 'stitch it up and send harley home'... Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I kind of doubt it. Sheepy: Sherlock:..... Sheepy: Sherlock: Mycroft... when do you want to check on your kids? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: As soon as possible. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are we waiting for Harley...? Arsé-kun: Watson: They'll probably have him for a while. So, no. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Okay. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I live close by, so... Sheepy: Sherlock: Let's go check on your kids. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll come, too. Sheepy: Sherlock: okay. Arsé-kun: *they get the heck moving. They get to mycrofts house in like. ten minutes* Sheepy: Sherlock:...it was close by. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I said I lived close. *he jiggles the knob* They locked it. Good. *he fetches a hidden key, and opens the door* Sheepy: Sherlock:...so they're safe. good. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he whistles* Finis! Cardia! Sheepy: *Cardia rushes to him* Sheepy: Cardia: Where were you?? You left without a word!! Sheepy: Cardia: Is that guy a robber like your brother's other friend? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: One thing at a time, Cardia! This is Dr. Watson. Sheepy: Cardia: He's a doctor? Sheepy: Cardia:..... Sheepy: Cardia: He looks like a graffiti artist. Arsé-kun: Watson: I'll take that as "Watson, please brush and rebraid your hair" Sheepy: Cardia: His brother looks like he spends five hours of his day maintaining his hair and freaks when even one is out of place. Arsé-kun: Watson: That's because he does. Sheepy: Cardia: Did Mimi get stuck helping him with it? Is that where he went? Arsé-kun: Watson: Er, no. Sheepy: Cardia: I thought I had it.... Arsé-kun: Finis: I doubt it, sister. Sheepy: Cardia: There you are. Arsé-kun: Finis: Here I am. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... They don't look like you at all. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Well, uh. Yeah. Sheepy: Cardia: Do we have to be? Sheepy: Cardia: Finis doesn't have the weird-rock-thing but I do. That doesn't mean we aren't siblings!! Arsé-kun: Finis: Cardia! Too much information! Sheepy: Cardia: *she looks surprised* Arsé-kun: Finis: Not everyone needs to know about that. Sheepy: Cardia: But he's a doctor so he can fix it right? Sheepy: Cardia: The times I've tried to remove it it hurt a lot but maybe I couldn't do it because I'm not a professional... Arsé-kun: Watson: *i have no idea what is going on* Sheepy: Cardia: So!! Should I show it to him? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: As long as your shirt stays ON. Sheepy: Cardia: Okay. Maybe I can show him the other weird thing too. Because, when else will I be able to talk to a doctor? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: The rest of this week. Sheepy: Cardia: Really? This one? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yes. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks confused* Watson's your doctor...? Arsé-kun: Watson: Apparently I am, now. I don't mind. Sheepy: Cardia: Then, should I wait to show him? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Yes, please. Sheepy: Cardia: Okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: You should rest. We're keeping you from doing so. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'd like to, but.. Sheepy: Sherlock:...? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm not sure if staying put is exactly safe after that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Stay with us then. Sheepy: Sherlock: I never use my room, and... Sheepy: Sherlock: There's another room free now. Arsé-kun: Watson: .... I wasn't going to do that, but okay. Sheepy: Sherlock: It won't be an inconvenience to us at all. Arsé-kun: Watson: ... Fair enough, I suppose. Sheepy: Sherlock: Wilson might try to get into the room that isn't mine. Sheepy: Sherlock: And... the neighbors are by often. Arsé-kun: Watson: it helps that there's a hole in the wall. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Do I want to ask? Sheepy: Sherlock: Arséne did it. Sheepy: Sherlock: With a chainsaw... Arsé-kun: Mycroft: wh Sheepy: Sherlock: He has a chainsaw. I don't remember why. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'm concerned. Sheepy: Sherlock: It technically means we're safe... Arsé-kun: Watson: How many of us aren't armed in some way? Sheepy: Sherlock:...Impey, Fran, Kazuya, Pierce, and Mary. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are the first two armed? Arsé-kun: Watson: Probably. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, you're probably safest with us. Arsé-kun: *skip to them returning to the office.. the only one awake is Germain* Sheepy: Sherlock: You're awake. Sheepy: Sherlock:... Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm sure you heard what happened, so... Sheepy: *Tom is staring at them...* Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes. I did. Sheepy: Tom: saint germain Arsé-kun: Germain: ...? Sheepy: Tom: do you know where the phrase turning a blind eye comes from Arsé-kun: *Mycroft is given Tom, by Germain* Sheepy: Tom: smells like money and depression Sheepy: Tom: woah Arsé-kun: Mycroft: .... *he just wordlessly hands Tom off to Finis. he isn't doing this shit today* Sheepy: Tom: do you hate me Sheepy: Tom: is that why you're doing this Arsé-kun: Finis: *he looks down at Tom. He's visibly startled* Sheepy: Tom: diego reminds me of someone his presence makes me happy Sheepy: Tom: is he sleeping Sheepy: Cardia: The toy creeps me out. Sheepy: Cardia: Why's it got an x instead of an eye? Arsé-kun: Germain: I've been informed he lost one of them. Sheepy: Cardia: Oh. Sheepy: Cardia: Then, whoever owns him must not treat him with care... Arsé-kun: Finis: *he starts to hand Tom over to Cardia, pauses, and puts him on top of her head* This will do. Sheepy: Cardia: What're you doing? Arsé-kun: Finis: Taking it off my hands. Sheepy: Tom: i dont like it up here put me down Sheepy: Cardia: It talks!! Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I thought I was going mad. Sheepy: Tom: are you byrd Sheepy: Tom: did you kill me Sheepy: Tom: woah Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Uh. No? I'm a Holmes. *he looks at Sherlock* What mess have you gotten into, exactly? Sheepy: Sherlock: It's Arséne's son's toy. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: My question remains unanswered. Sheepy: Sherlock: He's had it since forever so he dragged everyone into it... Arsé-kun: Germain: And as a technical answer, Tom is a ghost that possesses the toy. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he looks tired. rip.* Sheepy: Tom: baa Sheepy: Tom: its like boo but bleating Arsé-kun: Watson: Sherlock, go get some rest. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm okay... Arsé-kun: Watson: I will carry you up those stairs if I have to. Sheepy: Sherlock: You might hurt your leg. Sheepy: Tom: put me downnnn Arsé-kun: Watson: *he puts Tom back on the desk* Sheepy: Tom: i love you in a friend way Arsé-kun: Watson: Thank you, Tom. Sheepy: Tom: i cant move without help Arsé-kun: Watson: Now, Sherlock. One more chance, or I AM carrying you upstairs. Sheepy: Sherlock: But your leg.. Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm stealing this like the great thief that I am. *he picks up Sherlock* And hello to the rest of you. Sheepy: Tom: baarsene Sheepy: Tom: hehehehe Arsé-kun: Arséne: Good morning, Tom. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he doesn't complain* Sheepy: Tom: woof woof Arsé-kun: Arséne: ... Do you have something important to say, or can I leave? Sheepy: Tom: lupin means wolf Sheepy: Tom: virile wolf Arsé-kun: Arséne: Bye, Tom. *Arséne exits stage left* Sheepy: Tom: byebye Sheepy: Tom: sisi took my place tonight what do i do Arsé-kun: Watson: Find somewhere else? Sheepy: Tom: help im being replaced Sheepy: Tom: nononononono i dont want to be alone Arsé-kun: Germain: You're not. Relax. *he turns his head to everyone else* Go settle in someplace. It's late. Sheepy: Cardia: Where do I go? Arsé-kun: Germain: Well, I suppose Sherlock isn't using his room now, so that's open. Sheepy: Cardia: Okay. Where's that? Arsé-kun: *cardia is directed to sherlock's room. finis goes with her* Sheepy: Cardia: Thank you! It's kinda dusty... Arsé-kun: Finis: *he looks disgusted* Horrible. Sheepy: Cardia: How couls he live like that? Arsé-kun: Finis: I don't want to know. A deal with the devil? Sheepy: Cardia: Maybe he has a pact with dust bunnies... Arsé-kun: Finis: Horrible. Sheepy: Cardia: Ir the dust bunnies are taking over! Arsé-kun: Finis: I'll have to destroy them. Tomorrow. Sheepy: Cardia: I'll help! Arsé-kun: Finis: Thank you. Sheepy: Cardia: You're welcome! Let'd sleep first. Arsé-kun: *the next morning!* Sheepy: *Sheepy is up and he's playing with Sisi* Arsé-kun: Sisi: *bark bark* Sheepy: Fran: Do you know where saint Germain is? Arsé-kun: Sisi: woof. Sheepy: Sheepy: Probably sleeping. Sheepy: Sheepy: *he pets Sisi* Sheepy: Fran:...Okay. I'll wait for him, then. Arsé-kun: Germain: Wait for me what? Sheepy: Fran: Oh! Um. To wake up. I had something I wanted to talk to you about but... Sheepy: Fran:...Actually, um, you know what? I-it's not that important... Arsé-kun: Germain: Now I want to know. Sheepy: Fran: Really... it's not at all interesting... Arsé-kun: Germain: My interest has reached its peak. Sheepy: Fran: I'd really rather talk about it in private... Sheepy: Fran: Um.. Sheepy: Fran: It's sort of related to you. Well, uh. Not really. I guess. Maybe indirectly... Arsé-kun: Germain: We can discuss it out front. Sheepy: Fran: Outside? Sheepy: Fran: That... um. Sheepy: Fran: Maybe in my room. Impey probably won't care. Sheepy: Fran: I guess it's not mine... it's Impey's too. Arsé-kun: Germain: Then we shall there. Sheepy: Fran: Thank you. Sheepy: Fran: I'm sorry if it's an inconvenience... Sheepy: *Fran starts to head back to his room* Sheepy: *once fran returns to his room, he turns to speak with Saint Germain* Sheepy: Fran:...Does your friend intend to kill the creator of the artificial beings? Arsé-kun: Germain: He may or may not. Sheepy: Fran: You... you don't know? Sheepy: Fran: If he decides to... please protect me. He won't fight you, right...? Sheepy: Fran: N-no, not me, but... me, too, because he scares me. Arsé-kun: Germain: ... You did? Sheepy: Fran: I'm sure whoever is the creator did it because they were lonely.. Sheepy: Fran: N-nononono! Sheepy: Fran: I didn't!! Sheepy: Fran: I know nothing! Arsé-kun: Germain: *he looks at fran. like, actually looks, with his eyes* Victor. Sheepy: Fran: I-.... Sheepy: Fran:... *he sighs* I'm sorry... Sheepy: Fran: I did. Sheepy: Fran: That's why Twilight wanted me. Sheepy: Fran: But he might be in more danger than I am if your friend is serious about this... Sheepy: Fran: Um. I'm the only creator. I worked alone. Sheepy: Fran: Twilight took them away. Arsé-kun: Germain: .... You are a very poor liar, you know? Sheepy: Fran: Wh-what? Arsé-kun: Germain: It just doesn't make sense for you to do that. Sheepy: Fran: But I... Sheepy: Fran:....I did it... for science...? Sheepy: Fran:....Really! Arsé-kun: Germain: You'll be fine, Victor. You didn't start it. I highly doubt you would. Sheepy: Fran:....Okay. Sheepy: Fran:...I.... Sheepy: Fran:...I just worry about him, but there's no way I can keep him safe. I don't know where he is... Arsé-kun: Germain: Nor would I. Sheepy: Fran: Oh-um- Sheepy: Fran: Er... 'him'.. being the artificial being, of course! Arsé-kun: Germain: Sure Sheepy: Fran: .... Sheepy: Fran: ...Really...! Arsé-kun: Impey: *he's making faces behind Fran* Sheepy: *Fran doesn't notice* Sheepy: Fran: You don't look like you believe me... Arsé-kun: Germain: That's because I don't. Sheepy: Fran: ........ Sheepy: *Fran looks uncomfortable* Arsé-kun: Impey: I've got no idea what's going on! Sheepy: Fran: Oh-! Sheepy: Fran: I forgot you were there... Arsé-kun: Impey: How could you. Sheepy: Fran: You were so quiet! Sheepy: Fran: You're never quiet. Arsé-kun: Impey: I didn't know what to say! Sheepy: Fran: .......N-nononono I didn't mean that as an insult!! It was an observation! It's not a bad thing! I like your chattering! Arsé-kun: Impey: And I'd love to be talking more, but..! What're you talking about...?? Sheepy: Fran: Um. Some..thing from my past. Sheepy: Fran: I had a friend who lost his two children to a fire and- long story short, artificial beings were made and Twilight stole them... Sheepy: Fran: That friend disappeared and I went into hiding... they eventually found me and dragged me in, and that's when I met you. Arsé-kun: Germain: So that's what happened.. Sheepy: Fran: I guess there's no point hiding it... Sheepy: Fran: I'll just feel bad later... Sheepy: Fran: He approached me asking for help. He helped me get my bearings and actually be able to live in this country, in a place where I could be free from the restrictive grip of my family. I said yes, and... Sheepy: Fran: I worked on getting the body to function. He worked on giving it a mind - we failed many, many times. Sheepy: Fran: Six-hundred and sixty-six attempts to create the perfect copy of his deceased daughter. Sheepy: Fran: That last one was the one Twilight stole. Ars��-kun: Impey: She's Satan?? Arsé-kun: Germain: no Sheepy: Fran: Along with her brother. Sheepy: Fran: I... Sheepy: Fran:...It's my fault... but she may as well be a spawn of it Sheepy: Fran: He told me- he told me that her heart should be very special. Arsé-kun: Germain: Hm? Sheepy: Fran: Have you heard of the philosopher's stone? It's in a lot of fictional works. Arsé-kun: Germain: Ah, that. Yes, I know what it is. Arsé-kun: Impey: I don't! Sheepy: Fran: Her heart... it's incomplete, but... Sheepy: Fran: Once contacted by the keystone, it'll become the philosopher's stone. I don't understand why he told me to do this to this day. Sheepy: Fran: In her blood flows a deadly poison. Sheepy: Fran: Her touch will melt through flesh. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: *he leans in* Oh, shush, you. Sheepy: Fran: *he looks surprised* Sheepy: Fran: When did you get here..? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I've been standing outside the door. Sheepy: Fran: So you heard all that? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: All of it. *he crosses his arms* And her toxins are tolerable, thank you. Sheepy: Fran:....She doesn't hate me for making her that way? Arsé-kun: Mycroft: Cardia? Sheepy: Cardia: Oh, it's Fran! Finis, did you notice him? Arsé-kun: Finis: Yes. *he bows to Fran* Hello, Victor. Sheepy: Fran: You two are safe? Thank goodness...! Arsé-kun: Finis: We are, yes, and neither of us hate you. Sheepy: Fran: You don't? Arsé-kun: Finis: You're responsible for our being here. Sheepy: Fran: But I didn't go and rescue you from Twilight, and I could've not listened to Isaac and not put the Horologium in Cardia... Sheepy: Cardia: That's a long name. You could've named it something shorter! Arsé-kun: Finis: We've found ways to deal with it-- Is that your problem with it? Sheepy: Cardia: Uh-huh, that and the fact it hurts when I try to remove it. Sheepy: Fran: Don't try to remove it! That's your heart. Arsé-kun: Finis: You need it to live. Sheepy: Cardia: But it's weird and I want a real one. Arsé-kun: Germain: That'd probably be difficult. Sheepy: Cardia: Why? Arsé-kun: Germain: It seems like it would be. :) *he stops using those eyes of his. thank god* Sheepy: Cardia: Why do you keep your eyes closed? Are you blind? Arsé-kun: Germain: Preference, that's all. Sheepy: Cardia: How do you see? Arsé-kun: Germain: *he opens an eye to look at her* Just fine. Sheepy: Cardia: If I walk around with my eyes closed will I eventually be able to see through my eyelids? Sheepy: Fran: Saint-Germain... your friend is part of an organisation, right? Who else might go after them? Arsé-kun: Germain: Maybe, and I'm not entirely sure. Sheepy: Fran: Is that masked man going to try? Arsé-kun: Germain: Nyar? No. Sheepy: Fran: No, Phil. Arsé-kun: Mycroft: I'll kick him in the nether region if he tries! Sheepy: Fran: I wonder if that'd work... Arsé-kun: Germain: no Sheepy: Fran: No what? Arsé-kun: Germain: It won't work. Sheepy: Fran: Um, this is a little uncomfortable, actually. Can we leave Impey's and my room? Arsé-kun: Germain: This discussion will be more awkward outside of this room, I assure you. Sheepy: Fran: Are both of them... weird? Sheepy: Fran: That guy, Nyar, got shot multiple times.. he died, didn't he? But he was on the phone later... Sheepy: Fran: And Phil... got neck surgery, but there was no evidence of it. Arsé-kun: Germain: Yes. Sheepy: Fran: Thank you for... uh, discussing this with me. Sheepy: Fran: And Impey, I'm sorry if it seemed like I was ignoring you. Sheepy: Fran: I think I'm going to go downstairs... Arsé-kun: Germain: Then be forewarned- It's fairly crowded today. Sheepy: Fran:...crowded? More than normal? Sheepy: Fran: With whom? Sheepy: Fran: *he is obviously curious. he heads downstairs and sees that Nyar and Phil are there! Along with Naoya and crew.* Sheepy: Phil: I was hoping you were Watson so I could thank you, but you are not. Sheepy: Naoya: Thank him anyway...! That's kind of rude! They all helped you... Sheepy: Phil: My apologies. I thank you. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: *he's clinging to Phil's arm. he's probs been there for a while* Sheepy: *Phil doesn't seem bothered by this* Sheepy: Phil: Saint-Germain, I appreciate what you did. Thank you. I heard about what Twilight did to your mansion. I apologize on behalf of Nyarlathotep. Do you want my assistance in "fixing it up" - is that the term for it? Arsé-kun: Germain: You're welcome, and that is correct. ... I am not sure if I am going to, though. Sheepy: Phil: What do you mean? Sheepy: Nyarly: Did you discover the power of friendship? Arsé-kun: Germain: Aren't you funny. Sheepy: Nyarly: That, among other things. A genius, handsome, fun to be around, handsome, intelligent... that's my impersonation of that detective that lives here. Sheepy: Phil: Why are you not returning to your mansion? Arsé-kun: Germain: Because it was quite boring there. Sheepy: Phil: I understand. Sheepy: Phil: I am happy that you've found a place that is entertaining to live at. Arsé-kun: Arséne: Eh?! We don't have enough room..! Sheepy: Phil: Enough room for what? Arsé-kun: Arséne: All the living space we have is filled up! Sheepy: Phil: Is one more person too many? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Kind of.. Sheepy: Phil: Saint-Germain, would you prefer to live to the right of them or left of them? Arsé-kun: Germain: It doesn't matter. What are you doing?! Sheepy: Phil: Kazuya, please let go momentarily. Arsé-kun: Kazuya: *he lets go, and gives Nyarly a wary look* Sheepy: Phil: *he approaches the wall. he looks it over. ... THWACK! Phil kicks the wall in!* Sheepy: Phil: There you go. You can now live by them and have access whenever. Arsé-kun: Arséne: .... Well. Sheepy: *Phil joins Kazuya again* Sheepy: Phil: I hope I've been of assistance. Arsé-kun: Arséne: We don't own the next house over, though... Sheepy: Phil: That's too bad. Sheepy: Phil: I don't understand what that means. Have I committed a crime? Arsé-kun: Germain: He means that legally I shouldn't live there. Sheepy: Phil: Oh. Sheepy: Phil:..... Sheepy: Phil: Does it have owners? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I don't believe so.. Sheepy: Nyarly: *he is looking the damage over* Sheepy: Phil: I see. Sheepy: Phil: Saint-Germain, do you want to live there? Sheepy: Phil: I will purchase it for you. Arsé-kun: Arséne: what Sheepy: Phil: What? Arsé-kun: Arséne: I'm not stopping you, but what Sheepy: Phil: What? Sheepy: Phil: ... Is it not normal to do that? Arsé-kun: Arséne: Not on such short notice. Sheepy: Phil: .... Sheepy: Phil: Why not? Arsé-kun: Arséne: It's just weird. Sheepy: Phil: ...Is it weird, Saint-Germain? Arsé-kun: Germain: Not to me. Sheepy: Phil: I see.
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