#Macau best brat
angsty-violet · 5 months
Hospital Reflections
I wrote this for the KPTS Secret Santa for @suzteel who is a fantastic author and you should definitely check out.
Macau hadn’t needed to take care of anything in his entire life.
Vegas had always been there, looking after him, fixing things, and making sure his life was the best it could be while being trapped with their father.
But now, he had to be the grown-up. He had to take care of his big brother, and he had to take care of his big brother’s…Pete. He wasn’t sure what Pete was to his brother or what Vegas was to Pete. All he knew was that Pete had been the first one there with Vegas at the hospital, and he had hardly left since. Only when Macau could push him to get something to eat or find somewhere real to sleep.
Macau watched as Pete brushed strands of hair from Vegas’ face gently. Vegas stirred a little at the touch. The movement was a recent development that had been delighting them both. A good sign that he might come out of it without too much brain damage.
Macau turned his mind to the care Pete always seemed to take with his brother. It fascinated him, this relationship. Where and how had it started? Pete was cagey on the details, so it was likely that Vegas had done something awful to him. Macau hadn’t been there to see it, so likely it would’ve happened at the safehouse Vegas had been banished to. Which in Macau’s mind was a good thing. If Pete had already seen the worst Vegas had to offer, he wouldn’t be scared off and leave him later.
So, they were obviously something and that something was stirring up all sorts of feelings in Pete. Because Pete loved his brother, no one who didn’t love Vegas would take care of him like this, and Macau felt responsible for him.
There wasn’t a lot he could do the way things were. Macau wasn’t comfortable leaving Vegas for long periods yet, and without access to his resources, there wasn’t a lot. He couldn’t get him nice things or send him to expensive restaurants like he usually would with his friends. He could make sure that Pete was eating and sleeping. He could ensure the idiotic main family bodyguards that upset him so much stayed away. Little things, but Macau hoped that it was something because he really was trying. He hoped that he could step into Vegas’ shoes, if only temporarily.
Especially since Pete was doing such a good job taking care of Vegas in the meantime. He stayed on the doctors about Vegas’ treatment when Macau just couldn’t keep up with all of the complex words flying around. He ensured the nurses kept him clean and gave him the right amount of medication at the right time. He had been Vegas’ saving grace because Macau doubted he could handle it alone.
Now, all Vegas needed to do was wake up and see that his boyfriend was looking after him, and everything would be better.
Pete had had plenty of time to observe the youngest member of the Theerapanyakun family. What he had seen had surprised him. Khun and Kinn had always acted like he was nothing but a spoiled brat who thought he could get away with everything. Vegas had acted like he was the most perfect teenager ever to breathe.
What he got was something in between. Macau was a good kid, no doubt. He had stepped up to help care for Vegas and even seemed to be doing his best to take care of Pete. Which was beyond adorable because he didn’t have much authority, but he did know how to run people off. But he definitely wasn’t perfect. He had a mischievous streak and the same mean undercurrent that ran through Vegas.
Which, of course, meant that Pete was soft for him. He was so soft for this small, angry teenager trying to manage a world trying to take everything from him. The boy with little idea of how to survive in the mafia world he had grown up on the edges of.
Pete had to admit that he had started to think of Macau as his.
It wasn’t his fault! He had spent so much time cooped up with him in that cramped hospital room. He had seen firsthand what Vegas had been protecting Macau from, and he understood it completely. How was he not supposed to think of Macau as his little brother?
Especially when he was being adorable and running off the main family.
Pete hadn’t really thought he could just up and leave with no consequences, but he had hoped. Since then, his old friends and even Kinn had come by to attempt to talk him out of being with Vegas. After the third time, Pete was just tired of dealing with them. He had made his choice, and no one would talk him out of it.
Pete had been so invisible for so long that being focused on by a single person was enough to make him light up. It also kind of made him feel like he’d been set on fire, but you couldn’t have the attention without the heat. At least Pete would never be cold again.
But the main family was an entirely separate issue from his relationship with Vegas. He had played their perfect bodyguard. He had been Khun’s babysitter. For many years, he had been satisfied with being a piece of furniture. Then Vegas came along and changed everything. Now, he was ready for a different life. He was ready to be Vegas’ lover and Macau’s big brother, not just another disposable bodyguard who had just managed to last a long time.
And nothing they could say was going to change his decision.
There was also the anger toward the main family for everything they had done and didn’t do. A lot of anger, and Pete didn’t know that even if he did go back, he could get rid of it.
Macau was growing to like Pete despite himself. He had been determined to approach the matter with the logic of responsibility. He was just a new part of their family, and Macau would take care of him. But as they spent time together, Macau started to enjoy Pete’s company.
He was smart and cool. He knew martial arts and how to shoot properly. Macau started thinking of Pete as P’Pete in the privacy of his own head. Not that he would say it aloud. He wasn’t at that point yet. But as Pete started looking after him and Vegas, he had really started to feel a connection. It was nice.
However, all of that was temporarily relegated to unimportant. The doctors were hopeful that Vegas would wake up in the next few days. It didn’t matter what Pete felt for Vegas if Vegas didn’t return the feelings.
Macau hoped that whatever transpired between them was real on both sides. That this wasn’t another case of Vegas seducing his way through Thailand to get what he wanted.
Currently, Macau was closing his eyes, just wanting to relax a little. He heard Pete open the curtains and then another sound. His brother’s soft, raspy voice calling out for Pete.
It took all his self-control not to leap to his feet and throw his arms around Vegas. There was something more important to do now. Macau shamelessly eavesdropped on the conversation. The urge to jump up and down returned when he heard Pete proclaim his love. And real love, too, not whatever insanity was going on with Tawan.
“You’re not my pet anymore.”
What the fuck? Macau shuddered a little when he realized they were talking about whatever kinky shit they had going on in the bedroom. He didn’t want to know that! But, maybe it served him right for eavesdropping on their moment. Still, what else was he supposed to do? He needed to know that his protection of Pete hadn’t gone to waste.
“I’m following my heart. I don’t want to go back to the main family. You’re everything to me. Do you think I’d watch anybody sleep for a week and a half? You think I’d look after just anybody’s little brother?”
Hey, that was him! He was Vegas’ little brother.
“Macau is a joy,” Vegas’ voice was soft.
“Yeah, sure, when he’s on your side. But this wasn’t out of some misplaced sense of right and wrong. I didn’t look after him because it was the right thing to do. I looked after him because he’s your little brother. Because he loves you as much as I do. And a little because he was willing to run off the major family, but that’s beside the point. I looked after him because I love you. I am with you for as long as you’ll have me.”
Macau’s heart swelled, and he couldn’t help the sly grin he sent them from his position.
“Then you’ll be with me until I stop breathing because I will never send you away.”
Pete smiled and ducked his head when he realized that there were tears in his eyes. He believed that Vegas loved him. But there was always the worry in the back of his mind that maybe he was just another of the marks that Vegas liked to work his magic on. That he was another Tawan or Ken. A tool to use and discard. Hearing confirmation that he wasn’t was all he needed.
Pete pressed forward for a kiss that Vegas took part in.
“You are my everything now. So, you need to get better quickly and start feeding me again.”
Vegas smiled, and Pete’s heart sped up. He couldn’t believe he had tried to leave this behind. He couldn’t believe he had almost had to bury Vegas.
“What’s this about the main family?”
Pete’s smile dropped. How was he supposed to tell Vegas that after losing his father and almost losing his life, he had also lost his birthright? On top of that, they had tried to take away Pete, too.
“It’s nothing. I’ll tell you when you’re better.”
Vegas frowned at the poor deflection. “Well, we’ll talk about it later then, I guess. Macau, come here, please.”
Pete startled and glanced at where Macau should’ve been napping. Instead, he was smirking at them and looking like the cat who got the cream. Macau jumped up and joined them, sitting on the edge of the bed with Pete.
“Hia,” Macau said softly.
“You shouldn’t eavesdrop on us, Macau,” Vegas scolded him. But there was no heat behind his words. No real rebuke. Just a gentle reminder. God, Pete loved this man.
“I didn’t want to interrupt your moment by leaving, and I didn’t want you to stop talking until after you’d said what you’re supposed to.”
Vegas looked at his little brother, and Pete felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest.
“Come here, kiddo.” Vegas reached out, and Macau went readily. Pete got a flash, and suddenly, he understood exactly what Vegas had meant when he said that Macau was the most perfect teenager in existence. He hugged Vegas carefully, burying his face in Vegas’ shoulder and curling around him. They stayed that way for a moment and then broke apart.
Macau slid off the bed and grinned at them.
“I’m going to go find someplace that makes a decent cup of tea and leave you two alone.” He waggled his eyebrows, and Pete found himself amending his original thought. The kid was a menace. Pete wasn’t sure if he was ready to be left alone, especially since he still needed to tell Vegas about what Korn had done with the leadership of the Minor Family.
Macau stepped out of the room, and they were alone. Vegas smiled at him, and Pete found himself choked up and blinded by it. He had wanted to wait, but how could he?
Pete sighed softly. “There’s something I have to tell you.”
“Korn made Porsche head of the minor family.” Pete looked physically pained to have to say those words.
Vegas felt a slight pang of his heart, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as he would’ve thought. He had spent his life fighting for that, and now it just felt like it didn’t compare to having Pete. “It doesn’t matter.”
Pete looked shocked. “What? That’s everything you’ve spent your life doing. You should be angry. I’m angry on your behalf!” Vegas had to hold in a smile. Of course, it mattered so much to Pete. Of course, he was so utterly perfect as to be annoyed on Vegas’ behalf.
“As long as I have you and Macau, it doesn’t matter. That’s all, nothing compared to the two of you. You’re everything.” Vegas wasn’t even lying. This wasn’t a seductive line. He truly meant it. He would give up everything from his old life, every silk shirt, club night, car, and everything else to keep them safe.
“It’s the principal! That’s your birthright!” Pete looked so annoyed and adorable. Vegas just wanted to squish his cheeks and nuzzle him.
“Pete, come here.” Vegas reached out a hand and took Pete’s. “It really doesn’t matter. Do I wish I could step into what I’ve trained for? Yes. But I worry about what I’d have to give up to do that. I don’t want to risk losing you, Macau, because I wanted to hold onto the business. I won’t let anything take you from me, and if I have to give up everything I’ve known, I will. I will do it happily if it means spending my life with you.”
 Vegas watched Pete’s face for any signs he’d be upset.
“Do you really mean that?”
“Of course, I do.”
Vegas was alarmed to see Pete’s eyes were filling with tears. Panic rose in him. Was that the wrong thing to say? Had he said the wrong thing once again?
“Oh baby, I was so worried I was just another mark. Just another boy toy to use and discard. A rung on your ladder.”
Vegas’ heart seized. Of course, Pete thought that way. He had treated Pete like he was just another one of his idiotic lovers. He had spurned him, hurt him and made him feel worthless. That was all on him and nobody else.
“Oh, Pete, I am so sorry. I never should’ve treated you that way. You are so much more than that.”
Pete swiped at the tears running down his face and wrapped his arms around Vegas. Vegas let him hug him tightly and cursed himself. He wasn’t sure he could forgive himself for his actions. All he knew was that if he wanted to keep Pete, he needed to start treating him like what he was, everything.
“It’s alright. As long as I actually mean something to you, as long as what we have is real, then it doesn’t matter what you do. You’re mine, and I’m yours. As long as you remember that you’re mine as much as I am yours, we won’t have a problem.”
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veliseraptor · 2 years
I'm intrigued if you have any thoughts about Macau and/or his relationship with Vegas. Looking forward to more Kinnporsche works from you!
I've been looking forward to getting around to this one for (checks date) more than a month! wow wish Tumblr didn't give me date stamps for when asks were sent
anyway though, I feel like I watched through most of Kinnporsche not having a whole surfeit of Macau related feelings and then I thought about it and started writing fic and developed a not insubstantial amount of them, particularly around the shape of his and Vegas's relationship.
because it seems like they're pretty close! and not just that, but pretty comfortable with each other and at ease around each other. there's a post floating around that points out a moment where Vegas greets Macau and you can see Macau just...light up? and also I'm thinking about the scene where Macau and Vegas are ganging up on Pete outside the temple and they are so clearly both having a great time (at poor Pete's expense).
just thinking about...I don't know exactly how old Macau is supposed to be, but I get the impression maybe around Porschay's age? definitely he seems like he's the youngest of the Theerapanyakul kids, and one thing I do notice about him is that he seems much less guarded than the others. (Tankhun aside, but Tankhun's (seeming) lack-of-guardedness is its own kind of wall.) Considering what we know about the minor family, that's potentially surprising. I think of him as kind of a brat, but a fairly normal rich teenager kind of brat; so, sort of insufferable but not a horrible person with a lot of murder under his belt.
I think that Vegas has done his best to shield Macau from a lot of things, and while I'm sure that hasn't been 100% effective I do think that he's managed a fair amount of mitigation, in particular at keeping Macau's hands clean of direct violence for as long as he can get away with.
I think that they do have a close relationship with each other, and one of relative honesty, and care about each other a lot. they are, I think, each others' closest family; certainly for Vegas I think Macau is on the very, very short list of people who have any kind of genuine window on who he is as a person.
but on the other hand I think for Vegas, Macau is his to guard, and that limits the extent to which he lets Macau fully in on what's going on with him (though I think Macau knows/understands more than Vegas thinks he does). I think Macau has his own protective streak when it comes to Vegas but he is more likely to either be overridden or just not to be able to help. I feel like that's got to be frustrating. they're equals and co-conspirators up until Vegas remembers that Macau needs to be protected and then Macau's cut out of the loop again.
Macau, I'm sure, would at least some of the time like to be treated like more of an adult, with all that means in their world. Vegas disagrees and he does tend to win that one.
so if there's that then why does Vegas seem to write Macau off when he's talking about feeling lonely/abandoned/having nothing? for one that's just kinda what it's like when you're spiraling - the things that might normally make you happy stop mattering. but the other thing is I think a product of that protectiveness that means there are a lot of things Vegas doesn't feel like he can share, that Macau can't understand (and Vegas doesn't really want him to). at least to some extent there are probably parts of himself he doesn't want Macau to know about (whether or not he does, or in how much detail, I headcanon variably). I also think Vegas wants to put distance between Macau and the uglier parts of their work (and probably also Macau and his father) and is already thinking ahead to that future.
and I think Macau knows that, too, and I bet that hurts.
also I firmly believe that they give each other so much shit. and that Macau knows Vegas better than anybody else alive.
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bitacrytic · 2 years
Thoughts on Macau?
Spoiled brat, demon-in-training, professional last born.
I wish we'd seen him with his father more. Because, on the show, before Kun started showing up in scenes ONLY to smack Vegas around, we got the impression that he was a regular, stern father. To Vegas.
Based on his comment about lobbing Macau in with Vegas, we all assume that Kun might be treating Macau the same way he does Vegas. After all, in the books, he hit Macau too.
But we haven't seen it for ourselves. So there's no proof. The one time we saw them interact, Kun was pissed that Porsche hit his son. We don't know if it was genuine concern, or arrogance that a mere guard hit his son, or pretense for the people watching.
We do know that Macau is just a kid. He's in high school, like Chay and he's trying to find his way. So far, the biggest influence in his life has been Vegas. If Vegas was able to convince Macau to mend things with Porsche, who Macau had started a fued with, then it's safe to say that Vegas holds serious sway over his brother.
Also, the fact that Macau entered that vegaspete cuddle, means that he's used to Vegas' affection. And when Vegas gave him a peck, neither of them flinched.
So we know this demon has access to positive love. Someone's treating him right in that household. He might not be properly protected, but there's a shield there. Which is good. Because Macau hasn't made up his mind about what he wants to be yet.
He has the potential to be cute and respectful, but when he wants to be evil, he'll have no problem lying to get someone killed. Because there was no doubt in anyone's mind that Porsche was going to be killed. Macau knew his lie would cost a life, but he didn't care.
Now that his father is gone and he's only got Vegas and Pete. We know Vegas is not the best role model to his brother. But Pete?
Pete isn't much better. Pete shot his colleague for Vegas without blinking. Not to mention the number of other people he killed that night. Pete has not renounced violence. Pete has not renounced his thinking of them all just existing without good and evil. Pete is still just Pete.
Which is funny. Because Macau has accumulated two adults that are both violent murderers who dote on him. Yeah, Pete might have softer edges, but there's no way Pete is going to give better life advise than Vegas.
Vegas: if they hurt you, kill them.
Pete: if they hurt you, let me know... so I can kill them.
These are who will mold Macau's future.
And I love it. Our little murder family, creating their own overgrown, little devil. And because Macau knows what love looks like, because he's receiving it from Vegas and Pete, Macau would make the very beautiful mix of an awesome friend and a very terrible enemy.
I can't wait to see him manifest.
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VegasPeteTae - who steals the covers in bed, who gets too hot and has to stick a leg out the side, who tosses and turns until the other poke him in the side, who’s the biggest cuddler, and who sulks the most if they have to be the biggest spoon?
Gnome! I have been thinking about this all day. Best ask 10/10. Are you ready for some VPT brainworms??
Pete obviously is the biggest cuddler - dare we forget the drunken spooning with Porsche and the cuddlepile at Yok's bar? The way the Thankhun Squad ecstatically jumped all over him? He's a cuddler. A casual toucher. He has no problem tucking Tay's hair behind his ear or reaching out to lace his fingers between Vegas's own, palm against palm. A hug can solve anything, that's what his grandmother taught him. Tay is also a cuddler, but more hestiant about it after Time. He's very versatile. He soaks up every tactile affection like he's afraid it will end too soon, and once he's comfortable, he has no qualms draping himself over Pete and Vegas, either in or out of bed, and planting sweet, featherlight kisses on them that melts Vegas's messy, bleeding heart and softens Pete's armoured smile. Tay is, unfortunately, the one who gets too hot too easily, so even if he happily falls asleep tucked into one of their chests or under the deadweight of one of their arms, his back pressed into reassuring warmth, he'll wake up blearily a few hours later to toss part of the quilt off of him. Much better to drape himself over their backs or cling like a koala to whoever's closest and be the blanket himself.
Vegas is the sulker. Of course he is. Oh, they can all sulk. They're all brat extrodinaries in their own ways. One of Vegas's? When he's the big spoon. He never spooned Tawan. They'd fall asleep face-to-face, Vegas whispering sweet (false) nothings against his lips. but he'd always slip his arm out from under Tawan and turn away. Such a lonely, curved back. Then Pete bridges that gap across the mattress, and tips Vegas backwards into his chest, and well - Vegas has been the small spoon ever since.
All of that said, it's no suprise that Vegas and Tay are the ones who struggle to get comfy and fall asleep. For Tay, it's the stuffy duvet, the unfamiliar mattress, the lingering grief and low self-esteem over his messy relationship with Time still clogging his mind. For Vegas, it's the new responsibilities, the unresolved trauma, the constant concern for Macau. The strangeness of a new man between him and Pete. The panic of how right it feels, and the worry over if he's enough for not just one, but two people. The phantom pain from the bullets once lodged in his gut.
So with all the wriggling, the three bodies in one bed, the expensive feather pillows and comforter, no one technically steals the covers. The covers just get tangled between them all and kicked down to the end of the bed (on all but the coldest nights, if they're staying at the villa that was once just a safehouse). But Pete has been known to take the duvet and walk around the house with it over his shoulders, or bundle himself and his cuddle victim up in it on the sofa.
It can also be found in a sorry little pile by the tv, after a night of joining Porsche, Arm and Pol online to kick ass in the latest FPS game. Pete himself can be found laid out on the floor nearby, tanktopped and bare-bottomed, drolling into the plush carpet. Vegas and Macau have long grown used to the sight, although Vegas will often cover Pete's crotch with a couch cushion to spare his little brother's eyes. Tay has yet to stumble upon this post-game-night spectacle.
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ryuutchi · 2 years
VegasPete Chapter-by-Chapter: Chapter Two
Chapter 2
Vegas gets home at midnight, smelling like alcohol. He has many soft and fluffy feelings about Pete. Boy does Vegas love Pete. Also, he’s confused as to where the bruises on Pete’s sides came from. Pete’s just clumsy. Weird how he managed to be the deputy head bodyguard of the main family when he keeps injuring himself. >.>
Pete cuddles Venice and curses Vegas out for going out drinking without him. He comments that Porsche has been getting home late too, and Vegas is relieved Pete doesn’t press the issue. Instead Pete optimistically tells Vegas he loves “everyone who loves me, who wishes me the best.” Vegas muses that Pete is always stubbornly positive. They kiss, Pete tells Vegas it’s 1am and if Vegas really loved him, he’d go the hell to sleep.
The next morning, we learn Pete doesn’t trust most people with Venice. Pete also, unfortunately, has to go see Thankhun for reasons unspecified. He pushes Vegas to take Venice to work with him instead. Vegas understands because he too does not want to spend time with Thankhun. Vegas tries to weaponize incompetence. Pete is having none of it. “If you don’t know how to change his diaper, open youtube!” 
Porsche calls Vegas for help, and Pete sends Venice off with him. 
Vegas drops Macau off at university. Venice cries upon finding himself alone with Vegas and without Pete or Macau. Vegas makes Nop (currently driver) stop and switch places with him because we're too early in the book for them to get along. At the main family compound, Vegas gives Venice a bottle to shut him up. Porsche is a Sad Boi, turning to Vegas in his time of weakness. Porsche rests his forehead on Vegas’ shoulder, and they hold each other for comfort. Then Nop shows up with Venice and Porsche jumps like they're in a romcom and Pete’s about to misunderstand.
Venice needs his diaper changed and we get a few more comedic paragraphs of Vegas learning how to love his baby brother. Then it’s time for a work meeting! Thankfully, the work meeting doesn’t mind a baby crawling around. This being the book it is, our meeting is an arms sale so of course Venice picks up a gun. And licks a bullet. Denied these delicious treats, Venice starts sobbing again. Enjoy a cute scene of Vegas trying to get Venice to stop crying by bribing him with a car– of course, the moment Venice stops being a sobbing brat he… disappears. Vegas, as new parents do, panics and starts opening every cabinet– fuck his reputation as a scary, cool guy. Pete calls, Vegas pretends everything’s fine while secretly freaking out. 
“Who’s kid is this?” asks Kinn, picking Venice out of a trash can. Kinn found Venice just before Pete showed up (whew), so Vegas pretends nothing went wrong, and hands Venice over to Pete for a shower and nap.
Vegas heads to the study for a meeting with Korn. Korn, as always, acts warm and kind, and Vegas trusts exactly none of that. Beside Korn is Kim, who mocks Vegas for running around looking for the baby. Korn shrugs it off, and suggests that Venice be transferred to the main family’s care. “No one can raise their nephews as well as me,” this bastard says.
Speaking of family, how’s Porsche doing? Since Vegas has been trained since childhood to run the minor family business, he’s been tasked with getting Porsche up to speed. Kinn accuses Vegas of working Porsche too hard– he’s angry, probably jealous and Vegas enjoys it. He respects Kinn and he sees Korn in Kinn. but the real evil is Kim. “Kimhan is a gamechanger for Korn.”
Thankhun interrupts the pissing contest. Vegas came to tell them how Porsche is doing, Porsche is doing great! Vegas allows himself appreciation of Thankhun filling in the cracks in the relationships. Korn comments that brothers should forgive each other. “Use love as I taught.” Vegas, seeing the emotional manipulation for what it is, decides it’s time to gtfo. He looks himself in the mirror and knows he’ll have to play the part of the devil to face the devil in this game.
[Translation credits: @500od4 at Twitter and vegus__luv on Wattpad. Editing: @tzigane and @fleet-off]
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adanima · 1 year
i know you said that you wanted to take a step back from kp but do you have anything to share from your bodyguard fic or the vampire fic series? 👀
oooh yes, absolutely! thanks for asking!! (also yea, still not as engaged in the fandom but definitely still in love with these characters)
A Good Bodyguard
So right now the fic is tagged with "POV Pete" because I initially intended for the whole fic to only be in Pete's pov and end at episode 10 for obvious reasons. But pretty shortly after publishing ch1 I decided to go multi-POV and cover the entire series. The majority will still be Pete centric but I have planned for every named bodyguard to have at least one chapter from their POV! (except Ken, rip)
Next chapter will be from Arm's POV and it's gonna talk about how I headcanon each bodyguard joined the family. I don't have anything concrete written yet but here's some bullet points
The order in which the guards have joined the family (from oldest to newest): Big, Pol, Pete, Arm, Ken
There's 2 ways the main family recruits their guards - taking in youths/teens to train and make full bodyguards once they become adults or hiring skilled professionals/specialists. Big, Pol, Pete became bodyguards the first way and Arm, Ken became bodyguards the second way
Big, Pol, Pete are the last surviving members of their "class" of youths from the family's bodyguard training program
Arm feels insecure about being the only one of Khun's primary guards who hasn't been with the family since adolescence. Sometimes Pete or Pol will crack an inside joke he doesn't know and internally he's hello darkness my old friend
Pol was the last one to join Khun's primary guard, even after Arm. He feels insecure about it because he thinks it means he's not as good of a bodyguard as Arm or Pete
Big and Pol were suuuper close growing up. Pol was the first person Big admitted to about his crush on Kinn. But after the Tawan incident and Kinn withdrawing, Big grew jaded and distance started to grow between them. It didn't help that around the same time, Pol started taking on more duties with Khun
Vampire AU
Oh god the vampire au! I still love this series so much. I wish I had time to juggle this and the 5000 other fics I wanna write
Ok, so! I couldn't find a way to mention it in Oh, I'm gonna be your wound, but the way a human becomes a vampire is if they die and the last thing they've consumed is a vampire's blood. Which is why when Pete is given (human) food in the hospital, he fixates so much on the memory of Vegas pushing his own blood into Pete's mouth when they kissed in the garage. It was a way for Vegas to protect Pete and make sure if he was killed, he wouldn't permanently die. This will come up in future parts of the series ;)
Fun fact - One of the docs I have for this series is just titled "vampire macau" and it currently holds snippets for three separate Macau-centric fics, vampire verse included
Fun fact 2 - Did you know I posted Oh, I'm gonna be your wound about a month before I ever completed a full episode of KinnPorsche? I think the closest I got before that was like half of episode 7 lol. I'm pleasantly surprised at most of the character choices I made back then but I'd probably change some things if I ever rewrote it
Finally, here's an excerpt from Vegas's POV
"Pete." "No, Macau." His little brother shoots him a grin only younger siblings give to their older counterparts. “I know P’Pete is the only person you think about these days but other people do exist, you know.” Vegas rolls his eyes. “I was asking what you think of him. Brat.” Macau shrugs. “He makes you happy.” “But what do you think of him?” He insists. The thought of Macau and Pete not getting along makes his chest feel tight. He already knows Pete wants to try his best with Macau. But Macau is Vegas’s little brother and as much as Vegas tried to shield him growing up, there are certain characteristics they share that Vegas sometimes wishes they didn’t. “Hia, you want to bond him.” Macau looks at him, all his teasing gone. “You’ve never wanted to bond someone before.”
Thank you for the ask!! 😊 always happy to talk about my fics
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zerozeroluckybang · 2 years
Tumblr media
Best shot in the whole series. I love Macau!! Nosy little brat!! ❤️❤️❤️
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hurlumerlu · 1 year
I'm cheating but I actually do want to hear you ramble so for the ship ask: whichever kinnporsche side ship you hate most (I actually can't tell who's who from your gifsets alone so I can't even suggest one)
aljkhjghjghfsdfhjgh okay I'm going for a twofer because you did ask for my rambling (thank you <3). I will also provide links to pictures of them boys, because I can, and hope no one in the kinnporsche fandom shoots me dead for my bad takes
Macau/Porchay :
The scene you started to dislike them in :
They have literally no scene together. None. That wouldn't stop me from liking a pairing and I actually think they could have a really fun relationship, but I just don't get the appeal of a romantic one.
The worst scene of them :
Well I guess you can't have a bad scene if you don't have any scene together, so they win this one.
Something about them that just makes you annoyed :
Porchay's canonical romance is with the youngest son of a ridiculous mafia family, who also moonlights as a heartthrob musician and offers to give Porchay guitar lessons because he's actually investigating Porchay's brother, who is fucking his brother. Porchay being a genuinely adorable dude, heartthrob musician-mafioso (actually a loser) catches feelings, panics, sets fire to the relationship and then cries about it in a public apology song because Porchay blocked his number. Now, I personnally think the whole thing is hilarious, but I get why some people think Porchay deserves better. What I don't get is why "better" is supposedly the other youngest son of the ridiculous mafia family, whith whom he has absolutely nothing in comon apart from going to the same school and having protective older brothers. And I don't think anyone else knows either, because the few Macau/Porchay fics I read always transformed Macau into an unrecognizable soft trauma child to prove he's the better mafia younger sibling. At this point just make your OC, and let Macau be a vengeful brat : he deserves it.
Which one is the worse in the relationship :
Porchay is a frighteningly well adjusted kid with a budding sense for boundaries. Macau throws hissy-fits if you assume he's the son of a maid. One is ready for adult life and romantic relationships. The other ? is not.
If you can see any appeal to why others ship them :
They have the same age ? No, I'm joking. Porchay is a sweet, fun-loving dude who can put his foot down if needed, and I see how people could think that is a good match for the mischievous but troubled and temperamental Macau. Also they could both get so fed up with the mafia bullshit that they burn everything down, which would be nice.
If there is any scene of them that you actually think is ok :
The scene that doesn't exist where they both get so fed up with the mafia bullshit that they burn everything down.
2. Tay/any pair who isn't Time & that guy Tem who everyone likes to think has threesomes with them or at least fucked Time once :
The scene you started to dislike them in :
Well since it's more a concept of pairing than a real pairing, I can't point to a specific scene but let's go with all the scenes where Tay provides gentle love advice to one of our two romantic leads Porsche & Kinn. They're the reason Tay is constantly characterized as the gay best friend in a cast full of gays and also they're boring.
The worst scene of them :
The scene where Tay implies Time is cheating on him/he and Time are on hot waters because now everyone in this fandom wants poor sweet baby Tay to be with someone who will treat him right and therefore ship him with any possible combinations of their favorite characters and I don't know why this is such a problem for me but it is.
Something about them that just makes you annoyed :
This is the most uncharitable read and I'm being an ass but is Tay even a character or just a blank screen for you to project your issues around infidelity on
Which one is the worse in the relationship :
No one because they're all taking such good care of each other and it's the best relationship for poor broken Tay to rebuild his self-esteem and why am I so acrimonious about this
If you can see any appeal to why others ship them :
Tay's not my type but I still have eyes : he's cute. Also I think writing fics to project things onto a character is good and fun, actually. (i am nonetheless irritated)
If there is any scene of them that you actually think is ok :
The moment I read the tags of a fic and see that it's a Tay/someone/someone and I can just go "guess I'll skip that one !" and continue browsing.
Thank you for letting me indulge in this progressively unhinged rant ! it was extremely fun to write.
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Macau: Is stabbing someone immoral?
Pete: Depends on how hard and why.
Macau: Please date my brother.
Pete: What?
Vegas: What?
Macau: What.
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blackbat05 · 3 years
You’re the best to me
Dad Shangqi x Mom Reader
A/N: Well! This idea came out pretty quickly! I guess some of these experiences are what I experienced with my dad and I thought hey, why not spread some joy into these fics? It may be a bit different from what I originally planned but I really hope that you guys like it!🙇🏽‍♀️ <University Blues> is kinda like a prequel to this?
Genre: PG 13
Warnings: Rude parents, subtle racism in between the lines (please everyone, in this difficult time, we could treat one another nicely) and if you consider Shangqi absolutely adoring his little Princess a warning and just being a supportive Sports Dad in general than suree haha👍🏽
The arena was filled with noise as the Xu family stepped in. Little Xu Xiayi was clearly nervous as she gripped her father’s hand tightly. It was natural of course, because she would be competing in her first competition.
Shangqi bends down, adjusting his daughter’s taekwondo uniform. ‘How we feeling?’ Placing his hand against her heart he gasps dramatically for god measure, ‘Wow there’s a train in there!’ It did work for a few seconds as he manages to elicit a tiny smile.
‘You nervous?’
‘A little,’ Xiayi fiddles with her belt. How he wished he could take away the nerves for his baby girl. But if there was one thing he learnt from his own father, once you’re on the stage, you have to learn how to handle the nerves. Still he was aware that his girl was only 7 years old and was just starting out in competitive martial arts.
‘Baobei, look at me.’ He sees her brown eyes that she had inherited from him. ‘Whatever the result may be, as long as you gave it your all, me and your mama will be very proud of you.’
You bend down, huddling together with your two favorite people. ‘Baba is right, whatever the outcome, we know you tried your very best!’ In an effort to make Xiayi less nervous, you squeeze your baby in a big bear hug. Just then her number is called with another girl who was at least half a head taller.
‘Go Xiayi!’ You cheered, giving her a good luck kiss while Shangqi fist bumps her small hands. As she walks away, you notice Shangqi smiling to himself.
‘What’s in there mister?’ You teased. ‘Sad to see your little treasure finally being free?’
Your husband rolls his eyes as he slings his arm across your shoulder, trying to find seats among the other parents in the stands. ‘You wish. As long as I’m alive, Xiayi will never be free from me. I’m just happy to see Xiayi being such a strong girl. I was able to do something for her that I couldn’t do for my sister.’
You knew about the siblings’ rough childhood. ‘I’m sure Xialing would be proud of her niece. She told me she really wanted to come but something held her up back in Macau. She sends her best.’
The two of you manage to find pretty decent seats near where Xiayi was competing. And it looks like both the girl’s parents came too. Let’s just say you didn’t like the haughty looks on their faces. Still, you and Shangqi remained civil.
The match was more intense than you expected. And you felt yourself glowing with pride seeing how Xiayi matched up against the girl. As the two of you settled into your seats, more curious parents came by to see who was this unknown wonder kid. A mom with two other kids in tow tells you that Xiayi’s opponent is the number two seed in the draw.
But you knew Shangqi and you couldn’t agree with him more - matches were meant to have upsets. Seeding was just another thing of the past.
Throughout the match, both girls couldn’t break away. Until now. Xiayi manages to get a well-aimed kick at her head, helping her to break away from the tied score.
Time-out. The two went to the benches below the stands, taking much needed sips of water. Shangqi motions for me to stay put as the other girl’s parents rush to her. Xiayi needs to stay focused.
Just then, the girl’s father makes a comment to his daughter that causes your blood to rise in temperature. ‘Hurt her if you have to. Make sure that Chinese girl doesn’t stand a chance.’
Your head whips to Shangqi. He’s heard it too and boy, you have never seen him that pissed off before. But he won’t blow up now. For Xiayi, he must stay cool. He still tells her one thing before she gets back on the map.
‘Stay cool. Do what you’ve been doing.’
You could not bear the intensity that was unfolding in front of your eyes. For god sake this was just a children’s match! Shutting your eyes, you lean into your husband, praying for the best. You prayed that your little baby would show those arrogant assholes that they were wrong. That they should not have messed with the daughter of a martial arts master.
‘Babe, you don’t want to miss this.’ Shangqi nudges you, giving you the confidence you needed to see it through.
And Xiayi’s done it. She’s managed to do a roundhouse kick to the girl’s chest plate, taking home the win.
‘XU XIAYI!!!’ You grabbed Shangqi, jumping up and down in joy. Your girl had just caused a major upset in her very first tournament.
If you were ecstatic, Shangqi was over the freaking moon. He flew down the steps of the stands, letting Xiayi run into his arms before lifting her up and attacking her in kisses.
‘Hey! Hahaha! Baba stop! It tickles!’ You smile fondly at the wonderful sight in front of you. Suddenly, all these fears that Shangqi had of not being a good father, becoming like his dad who was filled with nothing but hatred just went out of the window at this very moment.
A loud crash is heard behind the father-daughter duo. Xiayi’s opponent throws her bag down in anger, storming ahead of her mother who is left to pick up her forgotten bag as the father walks beside to appease his own daughter. He sees the three of you celebrating and decides to continue to make the parade of uncalled comments. Shangqi tells you to take Xiayi away first.
‘She got lucky you know? No small sized Asian brat can beat our champ.’ Shangqi wonders, he wouldn’t exactly seek his father for advice but what would he do? He decides to walk forward, extending a hand. The other man is puzzled that Shangqi didn’t flip out completely but eventually takes his hand.
Shangqi sees the two of you from the corner of his eyes. No one insults his family and gets away with it. No one will undermine his daughter’s efforts because she’s different from others. With that in mind, he attacks every pressure point that he was taught, refusing to let the other hand go. Obviously the man couldn’t do anything as his daughter was watching this standoff, ‘Daddy what are you doing! Let’s go!’
‘Hold on a second hon-’ He leans forward, possibly to beg Shangqi to release his hand before it gets severed due to blood loss. But Shangqi beats him to it, ‘If I ever hear you say anything like that three feet within my daughter and wife you son of a bitch, your hands won’t be the one in pain.’
The man nods meekly, on the verge of crying out loud. Once Shangqi lets him go, the obnoxious family got out of the arena faster than you could say ‘Cheese’.
‘Baba! That was so cool! You’ve got to teach me that so that I can teach the boys in my school a lesson not to pick on me and Jenny!’ Xiayi runs into him, wrapping her small arms around his waist. He turns to you for answers only for you to mouth, she knew.
Although Xiayi was just a kid, but she was very perceptive. For now, Shangqi doesn’t want that incident interrupting his kid’s moment of glory. So he settles with a, ‘Sure baobei, baba will teach you one day.’ He bobs her crinkled nose.
You decide to interrupt. ‘Now I usually don’t allow this, but who wants boba?’
At this moment, you wondering if you were raising one or two children. ‘Last one out of here is a dumpling!’ Shangqi pretends to sprint ahead with Xiayi running after her father, leaving you behind.
How blessed were you, when this man popped into your life. All because you ran into him on a basketball court years ago?
With Xiayi now, there will definitely be ups and downs, but you felt that as long Shangqi was there with you, nothing felt too much.
A/N: Omg I have no idea how this turned out from the idea in my head HAHA😬 I hope it’s alright! Not an expert in taekwondo or martial arts in general so I tried to rack some basic information that is buried deep in my brain. As always, like and comment if you wish and thank you for reading!❤️
Special shout-out to @wint3r-h3art @crazycookiecrumbles @ntlmundy for encouraging me to write this piece that I had in my brain within such a short span of time! I thought that maybe you would like to read it the moment it comes out🙆🏽‍♀️
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lavendersails · 2 years
(This page is a work in progress. These are general guidelines and his attitude towards your muse may change as they interact.)
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Complicated is the best way to put it. Having been a constant in each other’s life ever since he can remember, they’ve been enemies and allies more times than he can count, which means he has plenty of embarrassing stories about the other. He’s always been weary of his neighbour, yet can’t deny that he’s inexplicably drawn to him and probably will be forever, with his most intense feelings (good and bad) being reserved for him.
The thought that he isn’t as important to Spain as the other is to him stings his pride, and it influences his teasing of the younger man.
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That most faithful of friends… sort of. With the oldest active alliance in the world, the Englishman has a special place in his life, and Portugal tends to acquiesce to most of his requests. Having said that, he also isn’t above flattering Arthur just enough to get something out of him, and is always happy to accept his help. There’s a bit of resentment left from what he perceives as England stabbing him in the back (rather hypocritical of João), but the course of true friendship never did run smooth.
He still teases Arthur, of course, but is subtler about it, which might be perceived as favouritism by some.
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The kid who grew too tall… They used to have a pretty profitable trading partnership, and he used to think it was cute how Ned would follow him around, until the brat turned on him. He was pretty bitter about it, especially because it was partly his own fault for underestimating the younger man.
Nowadays the Dutchman is another one of his targets for teasing, mostly relating to football games.
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He might have had a bit of a crush on France when he was younger (for all of 5 seconds until he realised he wasn’t actually a pretty girl). João has always been cautious of him, knowing he’s not someone you can trust blindly, and tends to overthink anything the blond says. He appreciates how unabashedly himself the older man is though, and finds him to be good company when they keep things light and pleasant.
João also feels a bit self-conscious around him, feeling like they’re night and day with France being so high class and himself so… not.
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The actual most loyal of friends. They’ve known each other for a long time, and tend to work well together, having made a lot of profit in trade in the past. Macau is also a much needed grounding presence when Portugal is about to do something stupid. While he puts on a bit of a façade with everyone else, he feels comfortable enough with Macau to speak honestly about what’s on his mind.
The fact that Macau stayed by his side until 1999 is a miracle, and João is beyond grateful for it.
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Oh, did you say something? Sorry, he was too busy smiling at her across the room. He actually didn’t have much interaction with her until the 1990s when diplomatic relations officially started and there was a surge of immigration from her place to his.
What he found was someone who’s sweet and hard-working, with a presence commanding of respect and he has a huge soft spot for her. Probably the most wholesome crush he’s ever had on anyone.
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He heard about her quite early on, when Flemish knights helped him regain his capital and when he needed people to help settle his land. Flanders was also an important trading centre for him, and he always found her to be pleasant when he visited, with an excellent business sense.
He thinks she’s stronger than she lets on, and that she must have the patience of a saint to put up with all her neighbours.
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2004 stings less since 2016, but sting it still does.
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Portugal was the first European nation to ever set foot in Japan, and as such the interest was mutual. He fondly remembers the good old days when he’d deep fry everything he could get his hands on and give it to the Asian man along with sweets, treats and overly loud commentary. 
To this day he still sees Japan as being very nice, intelligent and a pleasure to talk to, and finds him to be almost like an opposite of himself he never thought he’d like so much.
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Norway has a very important role in Portugal’s life, which is to supply him with codfish. He doesn’t know much about Norway, and doesn’t pay much attention either since he’s usually busy visualizing the process of turning a normal fish into salty cardboard while he’s talking, but nonetheless it’s always a pleasure making business with him. 
about / headcanons / ooc
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ofhouses · 4 years
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Dear friends, for the next three weeks OfHouses will be guest curated by Thomas Daniell. Thomas is Professor of Architectural Theory and Criticism at Kyoto University, Japan. He holds a B.Arch from Victoria University of Wellington, M.Eng from Kyoto University, and Ph.D from RMIT University. From 2011 until 2017, he was Head of the Department of Architecture at the University of Saint Joseph, Macau. In 2017 he was the M+/Design Trust Research Fellow, and in 2019 he was a Research Fellow at the Canadian Center for Architecture. A two-time recipient of publication grants from the Graham Foundation, his books include FOBA: Buildings (Princeton Architectural Press, 2005), After the Crash: Architecture in Post-Bubble Japan (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), Houses and Gardens of Kyoto (Tuttle, 2010; second edition 2018), Kiyoshi Sey Takeyama + Amorphe (Equal Books, 2011), Kansai 6 (Equal Books, 2011), An Anatomy of Influence (AA Publications, 2018), and The Cosmos of Sei’ichi Shirai (The MIT Press, forthcoming). Thomas Daniell had made a very consistent selection of houses by Toyokazu Watanabe and Monta Mozuna, for which he wrote this short introduction:
Two Kansai Eccentrics
In the early 1970s, three young Japanese architects based in Kansai (encompassing Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe) started to produce experimental house designs in implicit and explicit dialogue with each other, and soon became known as the Three Kansai Eccentrics. One was Tadao Ando, now an international star who needs no introduction, but the other two have remained relatively obscure: Toyokazu Watanabe and Kiko (Monta) Mozuna. Though only Ando was born in Kansai (Watanabe is from Akita, and Mozuna from Hokkaido), their work shared an exuberant, aberrant quality that was welcomed in Kansai, a region known for its vulgar humor and colorful iconoclasm. Rejecting the mainstream emphasis on efficient, utilitarian mass housing, these architects produced freestanding private houses that were aggressively opposed to “easy living.” Mozuna’s most famous work is the Anti-Dwelling Box, a composition of three nested cubes that was designed, almost unbelievably, as a home for his own mother. Watanabe is best known for an extension to his own house that provided sleeping and playing spaces for his children, a forbidding double tower made of bare concrete. He called it the Gaki-no-ya, which means something like “Shed for Little Brats,” though the word gaki can also be translated as “hungry ghost,” a Buddhist term for greedy, dangerous spirits. Indeed, both Watanabe and Mozuna drew upon esoteric Buddhist motifs, mandalas, and “cosmological” principles in their buildings and writings, but the exaggerated mysticism was less than serious, or at least tempered by a surrealist sense of humor. Watanabe was obsessed with dome geometries that he related to female breasts, most infamously in his Oppai House. Mozuna liked to suggest his career was supernaturally guided, which was also his reason for having changed his name more than once. Born Kazuhiro Mozuna, at the age of 18 he was climbing Osorezan (“Fear Mountain,” an active volcano in northern Japan with a pilgrimage temple set in its caldera, considered to be a gate to the afterlife) where – as he tells it – he encountered the ghost of Marilyn Monroe. She introduced herself as MM and told Mozuna he should have the same initials, so he thereupon invented the name Monta, partly in homage to French-Italian singer Yves Montand, and partly because in Japanese it gives the impression of a cheerful, ingenuous child. As a young critic and architect, he was known as Monta Mozuna, but at the age of 35, he awoke one morning to find a white-haired male ghost standing beside his bed, who told him that the name Monta had become an emblem of bad luck inscribed on his forehead. It had to be removed. Deciding that “k” sounds were the most auspicious, Mozuna settled on Kiko for its mysterious, macho nuances (active listening, spiritual cultivation, systematic organization, testicles), but chose to render it in kanji characters so obscure that his request for an official name change was initially rejected, and required a legal appeal before it was approved. He then established an office in Tokyo as Kiko Mozuna, but for a while afterward signed his work Monta Mozuna Kiko. In 1986, he wrote his own death poem (an obscene, anacreontic haiku that was nonetheless deeply Buddhist in sensibility) and predicted that in 2029 there would be a third and final name change to Uchuan Kodaimoso Koji, a posthumous name that translates as something like “Cosmic Hermitage Megalomaniac.” A man who liked to drink too much until liver damage prevented him from drinking at all, he didn’t make it to 2029. Mozuna died in 2001, and Watanabe is now suffering from Alzheimer’s Disease, but both of them produced sons who have become architects themselves. To be continued.
(Cover: Monta Mozuna /// Mandala 1 /// 1991. Source: AA Folio XIV - Kojiki of Architecture, London: AA Publications, 1991; Monta Mozuna Archive.)
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lgcxking · 4 years
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had it not been for his deep focus on his solo performance, king would be distracted tonight. he's been in a bittersweet mood ever since they landed in macau, partly because of how weird it is to be so close to his childhood hometown. he misses some of it but he realizes more and more that he doesn't hold many cherished memories of that place at all. he always prefered traveling with his family as a child for this particular reason: anywhere else felt safer than home. whether it was for a holiday or a business trip, king was able to get out there and meet people without the burden of his last name hovering above his head. and without living in the shadow of his older brothers, too. saint in particular despised him. king has never understood what he ever did to warrant such hatred. as ironic as it sounds, he believes that saint was born evil and cruel like their father. ace has always acted as saint's sidekick, but also capable of the worst backstabbing. ace is a professional liar and manipulator, treating everyone like puppets on strings. hero is exactly who king would have been if his parents had ever wanted a fourth child. while king is just the extra burden no one truly wanted, hero is treated like the real baby of the family. spoiled, arrogant, but extremely clever. the pride of their mother.
king was never ruthless enough, cunning enough, smart enough. he used to be a happy child longing for love and affection, turned into a cold-hearted brat with a god complex by his own family. it was the only way to survive in this world. and he's barely exaggerating when he claims that legacy saved his life. not literally per say, but without making the move to korea and figuring himself out, who knows how king would have ended up. he would probably still be the same person who first joined the company. maybe even worse off.
his burning desire to prove his worth to not just himself but everyone around him comes from that. he feels like he owes legacy and the only way he can express it is through becoming an even greater performer. an even more popular idol. he wants to be their next generation it boy and the obsession keeps him up at night. so of course, a solo performance comes as a blessing for king who seizes the opportunity with open arms. he's not worried about doing well. he's always based his worth on his performance skills and they've never let him down so far. though it still enrages him to lose to others and knowing the competition is strong, he's not falling short. not right now, not any time soon.
the 7th sense is a song option that comes almost naturally. the choreography is challenging and there's enough balance between rap and vocals to show his improvement. he used to cast singing aside because it was the only area he didn't feel confident in. he would rather ignore it than face his weakness until a trainer confronted him about it. if he truly wanted to call himself the best performer among trainees he couldn't just rely on his strengths. compared to a year ago, the change is astounding. but king doubts he will ever be satisfied and it served him well until now. it might lead to a breakdown sometime soon but he doesn't think about these things. he'll push himself past the limit because he thinks being an idol is all he's good at. it's all he's worth. if he doesn't get the love and admiration of his fans there's nowhere else to get it.
he smiles to himself when the lights dim and he walks up the stage. he can't wait to see how the audience will react once they hear the first notes. the vibe is so different from everything else he's performed so far, but it's exactly the style he likes. his moves are sharp and fluid, his confidence as high as ever. he's never faltered before but he's never looked as grounded and right in his element as he does today. hyuncheol was right after all. once he put his mind to it, there's nothing he hasn't been able to accomplish. with just a little bit more patience he'll soon be right where he deserves to be. at the very top, among the best of the best.
when it's over and king hears the roar of applause fill the venue, he's filled with pride. in that moment he forgets about everything else. he forgets his family not being there. forgets the competition with the other boys to the point he just wants to run backstage and share this rush of adrenaline and happiness with them. and that's exactly what he does as soon as he gets the cue to leave, throwing himself in the first pair of arms he sees and nearly tackling its owner. "it felt so fucking great, hyung! so fucking great..."  he doesn't apologize to dohyun, not even conscious that he barely avoided crushing him with his body weight when he ran into his arms as if he weren't a six foot tall grown man. king's head is still lost in the clouds and he already misses that incredible feeling. he wants more of it. he needs more of it.
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velhovinho · 5 years
(a series of unfinished letters left forgotten in an old drawer, dated 1822, 1823, 1870, 1895)
My dear son,
This little tantrum, "independence" you call it, ends now. You think you're ready to be your own country? You aren't even ready to be a soldier, let alone a nation. I didn't raise you to act so childish. It's time you start thinking what's good for the empire, not just what's good for you in the moment. This may seem harsh, but it's what's best--
Believe me when I say I understand the longing for independence. I wanted nothing more than to be my own country as a child. This isn't the way to go about it. When you've come to your senses, we can have a talk about this in the future. The far off future, after you've learned --
Dear Brasil,
It's been a few decades since we've really talked. I just want to let you know I'm proud of you. It was hard for me to see you leave and declare your independence. But I may have been too harsh on you. You're still learning, and I hope I taught you well. You may be a childish little brat, but you're still my childish little--
You haven't visited in forever. If you're still angry with me, fine, but at least come to see the rest of the family. Macau misses you. We can talk things out over dinner if you want, or you can keep being a brat--
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k-p-p-d · 6 years
Pop Off (M)
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Summary: Champagne bottles aren’t the only thing popping off tonight...
Warnings: brief mention of suspected past drug abuse, brief mention of parental death
Length: 3.4k
“Holy shit!”
A sharp elbow into Jongin’s side had his champagne splashing out of its flute, the fizzy liquid spilling onto his fingers much to his great annoyance. Angrily, he outstretched his arm to keep from ruining his suit as he growled, “What in the fuck—“
“It’s him. It’s fucking him!” BamBam excitedly whispered, arm cocked and ready to shove his elbow into his brother’s rib cage once more.
Jongin shifted to the side just enough to avoid the misaimed jab before leaning forward to set the glass down. “Who the hell are you talking about?”
“Oh my God,” the younger exasperatedly huffed. He reached over and grabbed his brother’s face between his hands before snapping the tall idiot’s head toward the one and only person he would ever be this excited to see at a club (except maybe for Wiz or Migos or a Kardashian). Jongin gasped as BamBam stressed in a rushed whisper, “Him!”
“Would you like another one?” Jiwoo politely asked with a small gesture toward the half-emptied champagne bottle.
“Do you want another, hyung?” came a lazy drawl from the impossibly full, pouty lips of the taller of the two.  One of his seemingly endless legs was crossed over top the other while his equally lengthy arms were stretched across the back of the leather sofa he was so elegantly reclined upon. His sleepy eyes slowly slid across the crowded main floor of the bustling floor with marked disinterest.
“He’s so much more beautiful up close...” Somin whistled in quiet appreciation. Jiwoo wholeheartedly agreed, but considering she was face-to-face with the living, breathing masterpiece that was Chae Hyungwon, she couldn’t exactly voice her sentiments. Instead, she turned expectantly toward his equally stunning companion. “Should I get another bottle for you?”
“The company’s paying for it and I need to take my edge off so let’s make it two,” Minhyuk lilted with his pouty lips stretched into a wolfish grin and mischievous glint dancing in his piercing almond eyes, the strobing lights of the club refracting wildly off his impossibly high cheekbones.  Jiwoo dipped forward slightly in acknowledgment of his order before she exited their booth.
Reaching up to brush a loose strand behind her ear, she pressed her thumb gently against one of the platinum bands curved around the upper shell of her ear.  Almost immediately, the voices of the two men she’d just left filtered into her ears.  “Stop pouting and play with me,” Minhyuk, she presumed, whined.
“You’re insufferable,” Hyungwon sighed. “Can’t you pester someone else for a change?”
“You’re so mean to me.” Jiwoo could just hear the pout in Minhyuk’s raspy voice as he huffed indignantly, “Beauty wouldn’t treat me this way.”
“She wou—
Hyungwon was interrupted by a new voice purring something smoothly in Japanese, accent barely noticeable in the deep rumble of the man’s voice.  Shit. Jiwoo didn’t catch that all.
“He asked if Hyungwon cared to dance,” Seulgi supplied as if on cue, her voice barely above a whisper in Jiwoo’s right ear.  Mentally reprimanding herself for not brushing up on her Japanese beforehand, Jiwoo glanced across the club to the bar and flashed a small, appreciative smile once she caught the other woman’s eye.  Seulgi lifted a martini glass and muttered a soft, “No problem. Do you need me to translate?” Jiwoo shook her head as she made her way to her next booth. “Alright. That was Kai speaking, by the way.”  Jiwoo nodded once; she’d figured it was him based off what she could recall of Woojin’s interrogation of the two brothers.
“Would you care for more champagne?” she asked the next guests at the same time she heard BamBam’s flirty remark, “You’re almost out of champagne. Let me order a couple more bottles for you, my treat.”
“We have a few on the way,” Minhyuk rasped, “but I’ll certainly never turn down more.”
“Good, because I wouldn’t have taken ‘no’ for an answer.  I’m BamBam,” the younger stretched out a hand as he introduced himself before nodding his head toward his brother, “and this is—“
“I’m Kai,” Jongin interjected easily in Japanese, his smoldering eyes dancing seductively in the flashing lights as he held Hyungwon’s gaze evenly.
Hyungwon would be lying to himself if he didn’t admit he was a little flattered the pair clearly knew who he was (and how remarkably good Kai’s Japanese was).  Even after all this time, his reputation still preceded him.  How lovely.  But that wasn’t something the pair needed to know.  Eyes still holding the other man’s gaze, Hyungwon made a show of reaching forward to pick up his flute of champagne, curling his long, slender fingers one by one around the narrow stem before lifting the glass to his mouth.  He paused just as the chilled glass pressed into his plush bottom lip and casually declared in Japanese, “You’re both already aware of who we are so any introductions on our end are pointless.”  He took a long sip of his drink then questioned, “Does your brother speak Japanese?”
“Only the most basic of phrases,” Jongin supplied as he boldly reached forward to pour himself a glass from their last remaining bottle. “Does your friend?”
“Only the most basic of phrases,” Hyungwon parroted.  It was a complete lie considering he’d personally tutored Minhyuk in the language, but there was no fun to be had in admitting the truth. He wanted to see just how far Kai thought he could get with him.  It’d been quite a long time since he’d had some fun.  “We do very little speaking when we see each other,” he added vaguely.  He could see Minhyuk’s lips twitch with mirth at the half-truth.
Jongin gracefully lowered himself onto the couch across from the other man.  “Then let’s only speak in Japanese.  I like having private conversations and moments like this in public.”
“Oh, an exhibitionist, are we?” Hyungwon teased.
“I am many, many things.  What are you?”
Taking a cue from his brother, BamBam sat down right next to Minhyuk and handed him a filled champagne flute.  Honestly, he’d normally be more tactful (or “sleazy,” as Jongin would incorrectly put it) than this, but he just had to know: “Is it true that you were alone in the woods for like a year?”
Minhyuk quirked a brow at the sudden question. So the rumors about him were still circulating.  He didn’t even try to keep the smirk off his face as he accepted the glass and answered, “It was about two and a half weeks, but close enough.”
“That’s so amazing. You must have been, like, really scared.” The best way to flirt is to show genuine interest, BamBam reasoned considering he failed to keep the awe out of his voice. 
Minhyuk shrugged, “Don’t really know, honestly. I was too focused on not freezing my ass off to think about it or my parents.”
BamBam faltered for a split second before he scooted closer to lean into Minhyuk’s space as he reached out to gently grip the elder’s thigh, “My parents died when I was little too.”
“You were adopted when you were barely one,” Jongin scoffed with a roll of his eyes and dismissive wave of his hand.
“Okay, and? I wouldn’t have been adopted if my parents were alive, asshole,” BamBam snapped in return. “Go back to boring Hyungwon at your pathetic attempts at flirting.”
“They’re not pathetic,” Hyungwon hummed lowly in Korean, immediately drawing both of the brothers’ attention to him, both wearing identical expressions of shock.  Minhyuk’s wolfish smirk made yet another appearance on his face as he watched the other man slowly sip his champagne before delivering the expected final nail in Jongin’s coffin, “They were nonexistent.”
Jiwoo had never struggled to keep her reactions in check during a mission as hard as she did in that moment.  But somehow, she managed to remain professional (though she couldn’t say the same for the rest of her team) as she delivered the requested bottles to them. “Is there anything else I can get you?”
Defeated in this conquest, Jongin turned his full attention to her and raked a smoldering gaze slowly up her figure until he locked eyes with her, Jiwoo returning his intense stare in spades with ease.  “I presume you’re off the menu tonight?” he tested.
“I am,” she confirmed but leaned forward anyway until she was barely a breath’s space away from his lips, eyes still boring into his and voice now dropped down to a whisper, “especially for spoiled brats with nothing but daddy’s name and money to hide behind like you.”  Jongin’s eyes hardened and his smirk flattened into a taut line. Straightening back up, she pivoted on her heel to pointedly face the three other men.  “If there’s anything else I can get for you all, just let me know.”
“Oh my God,” Somin wheezed into her ear as she struggled to keep from doubling over in a fit of laughter.
“Can we please be best friends?” a new voice questioned, Sooyoung’s if she had to hazard a guess. “Because that was amazing and I need you to teach me your ways so I can use it against the creeps back in Macau.”
“You do just fine fending them off, Sooyoung,” Joohyun quietly murmured.
“Not to interrupt your fangirling,” Yerim interjected coolly, “but I think Woojin might have a situation on hand.”
Woojin didn’t know which of them had said it, but he knew it was the only word that had come to his mind when he saw the trio make their way down to the dance floor.  He moved immediately to block the two detectives’ view, but it was already too late.  He could see it in the way their eyes had glazed over as if life had left them only to spark a raging fire of a million repressed emotions less than a split second later.  Woojin knew he needed to act fast before o— “Shit.”
Wang was already off the couch and headed to the steps that would lead him to the floor.  Woojin grabbed his wrist reflexively and attempted to pull him back down to his seat.  Wang didn’t stop moving, his eyes narrowed into thin slits on his targets.  Exasperated, Woojin grabbed the back of Wang’s shirt with his other hand and yanked hard until the shorter man stopped moving.  “Wang,” Woojin hissed, “whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t.”
Wang turned his head slowly and growled roughly, “Let go of me.”
Woojin’s grip only tightened. “I can’t do that. You know I can’t. So please, sit your ass back down before I have to enact One Punch.”
Wang’s nostrils flared dangerously as he fully turned to face Woojin.  “I said,” he began slowly, each word lined with razorblades, “let go of me, Kim.”
“And if I do, what are you gonna do, huh?” Woojin challenged as he stood up to step closer to him, careful not to crowd into Wang’s space but enough to really remind him that he could easily overpower him if push came to shove. “Are you gonna go down and arrest him? Drag him out of here, screaming bloody murder? That’s a shit plan, Wang, and you know it. He’s protected, for fuck’s sake.”
“I’ll figure something out.”
“Like what, Jackson?” Tuan challenged too, voice quiet but the icy edge to his tone rigid enough to draw his partner’s attention to him.
“I’ll lie and say I scored some Nightshade. That’s how he got in this fucking mess—“
“You know as well as I do he was never addicted. And even if he were, his sugar daddy—“ it wasn’t lost on Woojin how venomously Tuan had spat those words “—or whatever the fuck that bastard is would have forced him to get clean.  So your brilliant plan still wouldn’t work.”
“I don’t fucking care, Yi En!” Wang snapped viciously in Cantonese. “That’s our fucking brother!”
Tuan’s eyes narrowed into the thinnest slits possible, jaw clenched so hard that Woojin could practically see his veins pulse with every heartbeat. “Watch your fucking voice, Ka Yee,” he hissed back in Cantonese before switching back to English, “we’re in public.”
“Listen to your partner, Wang, please,” Woojin warned quietly in Korean, now stepping even closer to actually crowd into the other’s space. “You’re putting us all in danger here.”
"Get the fuck out of my way, Kim!" Wang growled at the brick wall of muscle keeping him from the man who was like a younger brother.
Woojin dropped his voice even lower, "And let you fuck this up for everybody and cost us our lives, possibly the kid’s too?" Woojin scoffed, "That’s a shit ton of paperwork that I know for a fact the Captain would rather not do. You’re being irrational and you know it.”  Woojin looked over the fuming smaller man’s head over to his partner.  Switching back to English to keep up pretenses, he instructed, "Why don't you take your boyfriend outside, Tuna? He needs to cool off.  I'll keep an eye on your boy while you’re away."
Wang stepped impossibly closer to the taller, bulkier body until their chests were somewhat flush.  "I'll remember this, Kim."  
Woojin struggled to keep from rolling his eyes. "I sincerely hope you do. Commit it to memory as the night I saved your ass.  Now go." With that, he spun the other by his wrist to push him in Tuan’s tensed form.  “Go,” he repeated, his tone harder than a brick wall so the two men knew there was no room left to argue.
Woojin waited with bated breath as he watched the agitated pair slink out of their booth and skirt around the edges of the dance floor, where the kid—Yugyeom, he thinks that’s his name—was sandwiched between two slightly shorter but equally striking guys.  He blinked twice in rapid succession to trigger the zoom feature of his lenses before blinking thrice more to capture each of their faces.  “You getting all this?” he asked to no one in particular.
“Yep!” Somin chirped brightly at the same time Choi breathed out, “Shit, it’s really him...”
Woojin chuckled dryly, “You sound like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“He might as well have, for all intents and purposes,” Im countered quietly.
“How long has it been since...” Woojin mumbled softly.
“A little over a year,” Park stated evenly, his voice completely catching Woojin off-guard. “And before you ask, yes, I’m alone. Wheein just went to the bathroom.  But it’s been a little over a year since everything went down.  As you just saw, the situation isn’t resolved in the slightest for any of us but especially those two. They felt— feel they are responsible for what happened to him.”
“What exactly happened to him?”
“It wasn’t in the files?” 
“No, everything but it was in there.”
“Not surprising,” Im sighed heavily. “Now’s not the time to get into this, especially if they’re still listening, but suffice to say he was like a brother to us all yet we couldn’t protect him so we lost him.”
“You could say that again,” Choi mumbled humorlessly.
“Damn, it’s so hot!” Yugyeom whined pathetically. Reaching down, he grabbed his boyfriend’s wrist and started to lead them off the crowded dance floor, “Come on, let’s go back up and cool off.”
“You mean, make out,” Taeyong chuckled but followed anyway.
“Same difference,” Yugyeom shot back as he looked at him with a bright grin.  Taeyong returned his smile before leaning up to pressing a quick peck to his cheek.  Behind them, Baekhyun made retching noises.  “Oh shut up, hyung, we know you like watching us.”
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, “I’m a voyeur. I like watching anyone. But you guys just get too sappy for me to actually enjoy it. Like just then.”
“You say that like you aren’t all heart eyes over Chanyeol-hyung,” Taeyong quipped before making obnoxiously loud kissy noises that both men could hear over the heavy bass reverberating in the club.
“I absolutely do not!”
“You do.”
“I don’t!”
“Hyung, you literally threatened to cut off Jongdae-hyung’s dick for bro-hugging him.”
“I was drunk, so what? It’s not like I actually did it,” Baekhyun pouted.
Taeyong began, “Yeah, but you wanted to—“
“—meaning our point still stands,” Yugyeom finished with a final nod. “You want his heart as much as you do his dick and everybody but you two idiots know it.”
“I do not get paid enough for this abuse,” Baehyun grumbled bitterly with a huff as he shoved a couple of drunken clubgoers away from the trio.
“Yeah, but you love it, you cute little masochist,” Yugyeom cooed in a singsong voice.
“Who you calling ‘little,’ you abnormally tall baby?” Baekhyun fired back, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips and threatening to explode into a full-blown boxy grin.
Yugyeom opened his mouth to tease his tiny hyung even more, but movement caught his eyes as he turned his head.  His smile faltered a little.  His heart stopped for the briefest of moments before slamming hard into his ribcage as he took in the two faces he’d forced himself not to think of every dark night for the past year.  But here they were, their hardened eyes staring coldly into his widened ones with nothing but contempt and hurt written plainly on their faces while all he could do was offer them a small smile.  A squeeze to his hand brought his attention back from his former brothers and he plastered a large smile on his face for the two men beside him.
“You okay, babe?” Taeyong questioned gently, squeezing the younger’s hand again for comfort.
“I’m fine!” Yugyeom chirped. “I thought I saw some old friends of mine, but it wasn’t them.”
Taeyong stared at him for a long moment but decided not to press him further on it. Whatever he was hiding, it was clearly a sensitive subject for him and the club was certainly not the place to force it out of him.  There were much more private, fun places for that. He smiled and released the younger’s hand, instead now tugging on his sleeve as moved to step ahead of him. “Let’s hurry up then, it’s been like an hour since Minki’s kissed us and you know how impatient he gets.”
“He’s so needy,” Yugyeom nodding, speeding up a little.
“The neediest,” Taeyong confirmed as they made their way up the stairs. “But it’ll make for an excellent show for Baekhyun-hyung, won’t it?” he teased with a wink.
“Hey! I heard that!” the elder squawked as he shoved yet another wasted couple out of their way.
“And you’re about to see it too, hyung,” Yugyeom warned lowly as he crowded into Taeyong once they reached the top of the stairs. Wrapping his long arms around his boyfriend’s neck, he drew him into a deep, passionate long kiss all the while his eyes never once left Baekhyun’s rapidly darkening ones.
Baekhyun groaned, “I do not get paid nearly enough for this shit.”
“Wait here,” she instructed softly as she slinked out of their secluded VIP suite with only a bottle champagne in her well-manicured hand. 
Jaeyoon dutifully remained seated on his plush chaise, his own hand now gripping the handle of his well-concealed pistol.  As he awaited her return, he couldn’t help but wonder what business she had to conduct that wouldn’t allow him to be present for considering he was her assigned security of the evening.  “It’s above my paygrade,” he reasoned when he could think of no suitable answer.
“It is,” she affirmed sweetly as she smoothly slipped back into the suite, the bottle no longer in her hand.  “Let’s go, I have a plane to catch in a few hours and I still need to finish packing.”  
“Yes, ma’am,” Jaeyoon nodded once and stood, offering her the crook of his elbow which she easily took.
“Such a gentleman,” she teased.
“Only in public,” he smirked.
“Oh, I am well aware.”
Jungkook felt uneasy as he stared at the fresh bottle of champagne sitting squarely in the middle of the table.  Attached to the neck was a black ribbon whose end looped around a tiny black card. Nervously, he looked around the suite to double check no one else was present before he hesitantly reached for the card.  He already knew what it would say but it didn’t lessen his nerves at all.  Jungkook took a deep breath and flipped it open. The increasingly familiar and unnerving Chinese characters elegantly scrawled in silver ink proudly pronounced, “If you don’t pay, I play.”
—Admin Lily
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kwcnyvri-blog · 5 years
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            ❝ and one day, she discovered that she was fierce, and strong, and full of                              fire, and that not even she could hold herself back because her                                           passion burned brighter than her fears. ❞
introduction: hello friends! i’m marls, 26, libra, she/her and i hail from the est timezone! a fun fact: i bOUGHT photoshop for this group bc all my downloads were crapping out on me. please be kind to me. how you found the rp: my darling loml, lova, recommended it to me actually! :) it looked awesome so i jumped right in!
why they are in macau: yuri grew up in seoul with her family. her father is the ceo of some major company and her mother spent her days in luxury. she’s never had the best relationship with her father considering how absent he was always from her life and how little he thought she was capable of. she has an older brother who she absolutely adores and when he branched off to launch a new office of the company in macau, she jumped ship and moved to macau to follow him. she found work as a model easily enough and was close to one of the only people that really matters to her. what made them turn to the group they’re in: her older brother was twenty-three at the time became a part of elysium shortly after establishing himself in macau. she decided to join the group when she turned nineteen after seeing just how far the group’s reach was.  what their ambitions in the group are: yuri grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth. she has never wanted for anything and she enjoys living life at the top of the food chain. she also wants to be completely independent from her father and his money. elysium’s connections have allowed her to build a life for herself and she’d be damned if she let anyone take that away from her or her brother. how their group members would describe them: yuri is an absolutely spoiled princess, but she knows how to focus and get shit done when she needs to. she tries really hard not to embarrass herself or her brother. that being said, she’s twenty-two years old right now so she ranks about middle of the pack. she’s a brat without a doubt, but a rather loyal one to those who prove themselves worthy of her. 
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