#Madame Megido
flumelea · 30 days
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please enjoy a bunch of assorted wips and sketches! 🙏 work has not left me with a lot of energy to draw this year. there is quite the gap between these.
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damarassanctuary · 10 months
Madam Megido
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<3 <3 <3 Speedpaint: youtu.be/PhYSKN0Vwnk
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villainstuck-verse · 3 years
Hello there, ladies and gentleman, and welcome to the official Villainstuck roleplay and ask blog!
For those locked out of the loop, Villainstuck is where I take my favorite Homestuck characters and transform them into the next big bad of Homestuck. Head to my main @autisticsupervillain and scroll under the villainstuck tag for more details. Credit to @rabble-dabble for the header and @rogueofrageedits for the profile picture.
This blog currently has five muses, but I'll add more as I go along. Each is the villain of their own story and while I'll do interactions between them, those are to be considered non-canon and tagged as such. I'll list each of them below, along with a brief summary of their backstories and personalities for your convenience. I'll reblog the much longer, complete summaries for them from my main with the tag "origins" for you to check out later at your convenience.
Lord Egbert
After the events of the game, John Egbert falls into a depressive slump that seems endless. He's unsatisfied with his life on Earth C and decides to travel back in time with his Retcon Powers to fix it. Unfortunately, he finds he can't fix his life without screwing over someone else. So, he decides to become powerful enough to influence the plot so that he can give everyone a happy ending. To this end, he manipulates Lord English's remaining followers, gathers versions of his friends from doomed timelines to join him, and sets about stealing powers from people so he can rewrite reality. Despite his benevolent goals, he's utterly ruthless in his efforts to create a perfect world for everyone and he hides his guilt over such behind a facade of cartoon villainy.
The Cancer King
After being kidnapped and mentally abused by The Condescension during her invasion of Earth C, Karkat is left doubting his own self worth. This sends him into a self destructive spiral as he wallows in all of his past mistakes until he decides to travel back and erase them. This results in a horrific distopia, which only feeds his guilt complex. He decides that it's his job to fix every problem everywhere, for everyone, and sets about trying to gain control of the plot the same way Lord Egbert did. To this end, he recruits doomed versions of his friends to help him drain the life force from people all across Paradox Space, convinced that he can undo whatever damage he causes once he controls the narrative. Depressed and unfettered, Karkat becomes a far bigger threat than the Condesce ever could be in his quest to undo his mistakes and save the multiverse.
Madame Megido
While adventuring out with Sollux one day, Aradia discovers a prophesy explaning that Paradox Space exists in a loop. A big bad villain will rise up, cause mass destruction, threaten the multiverse, and eventually be stopped. The next villain in this loop? Aradia Megido. So, she enlists help from Sollux, Feferi, and John to try and break the loop, but, as her efforts continue to prove fruitless, she gets more desperate. She starts crossing some lines, even draining the life force from people. Her friends try to stop her, but Aradia is determined. She'll break the loop, she'll destroy fate itself, even if she has to betray everyone to get there.
The Makara Sisters
It all started out so well. Calliope had brought her God-Tier counterpart and Gamzee Makara to the main timeline in hopes of giving them the happy ending that they deserve, but when Tavros doesn't forgive him, Gamzee falls into a depressive slump. The Calliopes attempts to snap him out of it either don't work or actively make things worse, making them more desperate to help him. To this end, they search for the Debug Tool, an artifact that will allow them to remove Gamzee's problems from his very code. The problem is, they end up spreading an epidemic of deadly glitches across Paradox Space in their efforts to retrieve it. Inadvertently corrupting and destroying entire timelines. They continue their quest regardless, convinced the Debug Tool is the only thing that can save their father and Paradox Space. Completely oblivious to the fact that they are the biggest threat to both.
Queen of the House
After being manipulated by Mindfang into almost destroying the planet, Vriska is forced to resort to extreme measures to rebuild Earth C. Becoming protective of the new world she's created, Vriska becomes a dictator out to preemptively conquer the multiverse in order to protect her new world from it.
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The Macabre Madame Megido
Here it is. My take on an Evil Aradia. Get cozy, it's a long one.
Oh, Aradia. Everyone's favorite chaos loving time goddess.
I'm going to have to take a different approach to Aradia then I did with John and Karkat. Out the three big bads I've created so far, Aradia has probably coped best with everything that has happened to her. She still has a lot of the same light in her eyes and she's able to accept her tragic past as a part of her. It certainly helps that the loved ones she's lost along the way came back to life, which is more than can be said about John and Karkat.
Simply digging open old wounds and then hammering in the nails in won't cut it this time. So, here's a different method...
After the creation of Earth C, Aradia distances herself from the rest of the cast somewhat. Not for any angsty reasons, mind you. It's just that, aside from Sollux, she isn't especially close to any of the people who made it to Earth C. Instead, she dedicates herself towards serving as a grim reaper of sorts. She seeks out the recently deceased in the dreambubbles and works to guide them through the afterlife, helping them come to grips with their death and work through their grief.
When she isn't doing that, she's hanging out with Sollux. Playing video games, talking shit, and making sure Sollux gets out of the house and doesn't waste away into his couch. It all settles into a nice little routine.
...Which she eventually gets bored of.
Aradia is an adventurer at heart. Yes, this happily ever after is nice. It's nice to finally live somewhere peaceful. It's nice to finally kick back and relax. It's so damn nice to not get yanked around by fate anymore. But, it's not in her nature to sit around and do nothing.
So, she grabs Sollux and drags him with her to the dreambubbles, intent on discovering her next adventure.
In time, she discovers it. Whispers echoing across Paradox Space of a mysterious artifact that reveals to its holder one absolute truth. That reveals one small part of how Paradox Space operates and puts its user one-step closer to absolute understanding of the nature of Paradox Space before vanishing to be found again by some other adventurer. They call it The Scroll of Secrets.
Aradia can't resist that challenge and Sollux knows damn well that he couldn't talk her down even if he wanted too.
Aradia and Sollux spend the next few years searching for this artifact. Investigating rumors, running into dead ends, and chasing desperate leads. In the end, it takes a bit of reasoning to figure out the truth. Aradia reasons that something that freely reveals cosmic secrets of that caliber would most likely belong to a Lord of Light, so they'd just have to find one and steal it from them. Sollux points out that stealing from someone who is both nigh-omniscient and nigh-omnipotent is likely to go horribly, but Aradia has an idea.
A Muse of Void would be the Masterclass that passively hides things. As such, even the barest influence of a Muse of Void should be enough to hide them from the Lord's sight, so long as he isn't actively looking for them. Just learning the name of a Muse should be influence enough to keep a Lord from seeing them and the only people who would know such a thing are the Horrorterrors. Lickily, Feferi is on good terms with the Horrorterrors and Sollux is on good terms with Feferi.
Aradia and Sollux track down Feferi in the dreambubbles and the three of them catch up. Aradia puts the whole quest thing on hold for awhile so they can catch up and spend some time together. Feferi admits to being weirdly nostalgic for questing with Sollux during their time in SGRUB and is quiet happy to help with their quest. Sollux and Aradia would also be happy to find a way to revive her afterwards, but Feferi asks them to hold on that idea. She's more useful to them dead then alive right now.
A few trolls against impossible odds, just like the good old days!
So, Feferi asks one of the Horrorterrors for the name of a Muse of Void and the three set of to steal from a Lord of Light. Sneak into the Lord's castle, steal the scroll, sneak out. Aradia had to stop herself from nabbing every ancient relic that wasn't nailed down.
The Scroll of Secrets shows the three a horrible truth.
Simply put, history is destined to repeat itself. There must always be a big bad. Some grand villain who will spread chaos across Paradox Space. A villain will rise, causes death and destruction, and will then be defeated by some underdog heroes.
As the scroll vanishes, Sollux grumbles about losing their hard earned happy ending. Feferi optimistically points out that they don't know when the next villain will rise. It could be long after they're all dead. Aradia suggests that they just look for some way to see into the future. That way they could see who the next villain was gonna be and plan accordingly.
While the Lord of Light would likely have something that would let them view the future, trying to steal from him again would be stupid. So, they instead decide to try their luck with his opposite. A Muse of Light would be able to grant them this level of precognition, the only issue was finding one. Luckily, Feferi had them covered. She just asked Horrorterrors to point them in the direction of the nearest Muse of Light.
The Muse is actually quite impressed that they managed to steal from a Lord of Light and finds Aradia to be quite the interesting conversational partner. She’s able to keep up with all the meta-narrative mumbo jumbo and her rebellious attitude provides a breath of fresh air for the Muse. So, the Muse agrees to give Aradia the future sight she needs.
Aradia looks into the future to find that she’s destined to be the next main villain.
She sees herself reclining in a large throne draped in shadow.
She sees herself floating in the sky as Earth C burns.
She sees herself staring down at the golden blood on her hands.
Aradia is taken aback briefly… but she quickly brushes it off. Aradia is used to being toyed with by fate by now and, more importantly, she has an out here.
Remember, John has Retcon Powers. He exists outside the typical rules of Paradox Space. If anyone could feasibly help them deny fate here, it’s him.
So, Aradia thanks the Muse for her time and she and Sollux head to visit John (Feferi can’t really join them, as she’s still dead and, thus, confined to the dreambubbles). They explain their situation and Aradia reveals her plan. Have John teleport her over to the Retcon Juju before John himself picked it up so she can collect it. The Retcon Powers would then allow Aradia to exist outside the laws of Paradox Space and keep her from turning evil per what fate had intended.
While that does sidestep the issue, Sollux cynically points out that now someone else would become the next villain. Aradia hadn’t so much solved the issue as she had handed off the “become the next villain” problem to someone else. They’re still likely to lose their happy ending.
So, Aradia, Sollux, and John meet back up with Feferi to discuss their next move. John brings up how Lord English seemed to be able to influence fate and the plot somewhat at the peak of his power, which he noticed while fighting him. Sollux cynically remarks that imitating Lord English is the very thing they were trying to avoid and Aradia kinda agrees. Aradia feels that she doesn’t really want to control the narrative. She wants to destroy it.
Think about it. Nothing suggests that they need a narrative to exist. Even if they were to operate under the assumption that they are fictional characters, they still wouldn’t need a narrative. Minecraft is a game with no narrative. No story. No plot. But characters still go about their lives within it. Villagers still live their daily lives, mobs still exist, and players still build things. All destroying the narrative would do is give them control over their lives.
John agrees with the idea, he felt he got dicked around by the plot a lot too before he got the Retcon Powers. Even Sollux admits that the idea would be pretty nice while Feferi just kinda goes along with it. She hasn’t really had the same experiences as the other three, but she trusts their judgement.
But, the same question remains. How are they gonna do it?
The four of them bat some ideas back and forth and this is the plan they come up with:
The Retcon Powers are the only known way to defy the plot and break the rules of the story. So, it makes sense that if they find a way to empower the Retcon Powers, they could be used as a means of destroying the narrative. They’d just need to find a way to do that. Aradia suggests asking a First Guardian, but John laments that Earth C doesn’t have one or, if it does, they haven’t found it yet. While they can time travel, none of them would be able to understand Becquerel and there’s no way they can trust Doc Scratch. Then, Feferi pipes up.
She’d been in the dreambubbles long enough to hear about Beforus and, logically speaking, Beforus would have a First Guardian. While they may not know where that First Guardian is, it’s likely Feferi's Beforus counterpart would. As the Empress, she’d have an interest in keeping tabs on an asset like that. So, the group teleports in to a Doomed Timeline Beforus and explain their situation. Her Everlasting Compassion specifically asks Feferi for proof. Aradia and John promptly demonstrate their God-Tier abilities, proving to the Compassionate that they are in fact Gods from another world.
In the ensuing conversation, HEC continues to only refer to and address Feferi, even occasionally speaking over the rest of the group. The group is quick to get annoyed and Feferi asks her to stop. HEC takes her younger self aside for a private chat, leaving her guards to “watch the lowbloods". Aradia is amused that she thinks the guards can do anything against two Gods and the strongest psionic on Alternia.
The Compassionate asks Feferi why she allows “her lowbloods" to be so mouthy. Feferi is very… put off by how the HEC sees it that way. She asserts that her companions deserve more respect. HEC dismisses this as a case of “agree to disagree" and changes the subject. The HEC promises that she’ll speak with her First Guardian and find a way to empower their Retcon Powers.
Her true intentions are a little more sinister however.
The next night, she has John and Aradia strap themselves into a machine she swears will enhance their powers and even makes a point of apologizing to them for last night. All Sollux has to do is start it up. All seems to be going well… until Sollux hears Aradia’s voice.
He hears Aradia’s voice in his head.
Sollux’s warning gives the two just enough time to escape the machine before it blows, although all three are highly injured.
Sollux doesn’t notice his injuries at first.
That's twice now he’s heard Aradia’s last words in his head. Twice that he knew that she was about to die. And this time he saved her life. He defied fate. He’d never felt so… free.
HEC orders the three be put into medical care faculties and consuls a distraught Feferi.
In truth, John and Aradia are being taken away to gave their powers studied and potentially extracted, while Sollux is chipped with a psionic dampener and taken to a daycare to be “re-educated so his needs can be met".
There, Sollux sees firsthand how lowbloods and mutants are treated on Beforus. They’re coddled. Handheld. They’re treated like children, well into adulthood, and have all their freedoms stripped away. Any showing of disobedience has them treated with shock therapy and, at worst, lobotomy .
HEC tries to guilt Feferi for this failure, implying that if she had taken “better care of her lowbloods” that this wouldn’t have happened. She’s trying to bring her counterpart around to her way of thinking.
In the HEC's mind, the highbloods protect and coddle the lowbloods from an uncaring world that they aren’t ready for. Lowbloods aren’t people her. They’re pets. Feferi, by contrast, has spent enough time with Aradia and Sollux to respect them and she finds the HEC's implications to be disturbing.
Luckily, Aradia and John prove to be difficult to contain. They easily escape their restraints, even with their injuries, and they team up to rescue Sollux.
The HEC sees this as another opportunity to try and make her point.
She has Feferi sent away to a separate location, knowing the three will first look for her at her palace. The HEC meets them there and, after feigning a fight, lies about Feferi’s location when defeated.
In truth, she sends them towards one of her daycares. The ensuing struggle with security inadvertently gets several bystanders killed.
While everyone is reeling from what they just did, the HEC spins the incident as “two lowbloods and a mutant" rejecting her “compassionate guidance”, resulting in massive casualties. She uses this to justify her policies to the public and tries to use this to convince Feferi that “her lowbloods" need her guidance and will only hurt themselves without her. Feferi almost believes her, but then questions what she could’ve done to stop them from screwing up like that.
John, Aradia, and Sollux regroup and teleport over to The Compassionate, overthrowing and killing her. Sollux finds and rescues Feferi, but he comes back to see Aradia staring blankly at the HEC's throne.
It’s the same throne Aradia saw in her vision.
It used to belong to HEC. From a certain point of view, Aradia inherited it.
Aradia notes this out loud and the three move to comfort her. Sollux brings up how, for the very first time, he was able to save someone who he heard die in his head. For the very first time, he defied fate, defied the inevitable, and saved her life. They clearly aren’t bound by inevitability anymore. Feferi, meanwhile, relates to where she’s coming from. HEC was… uncomfortably close to what she would probably be like if she hadn’t met any lowbloods growing up. If she hadn’t gotten to know Sollux and Aradia as people. Highbloods aren’t exactly raised to think of the needs of lowbloods very often, even in a comparatively peaceful setting.
Even still, Aradia is disturbed by the coincidence. Fate is an insidious thing. You tend to end up doing what it says, even when you think you’re ahead. So, Feferi comes up with an idea to ease Aradia’s conscience a bit.
Logically speaking, Beforus Feferi ending up the way that she die would be predestined to happen. She’d need to rule the way she did so that the Alpha Trolls would fail their session, allowing the Beta trolls to exist and so on. So, if they’re able to prevent Beforus Feferi from turning evil, that would prove that they’re still operating outside of the plot. John points out that that this is a Doomed Timeline, meaning they’re already outside of fate's boundaries anyways. Preventing Beforus Feferi from ending up like the HEC wouldn’t do anything. Feferi sheepishly admits to still not fully understanding how timelines work, as she has the least experience with all this meta narrative nonsense.
Regardless, Aradia agrees to go back with Feferi to prevent Beforus Feferi from becoming the tyrannical despot they had to deal with. Both Aradia and Sollux can kinda tell that this is affecting Feferi more than she lets on, even if they don’t say anything about it. Plus, it’ll help take Aradia’s mind off things, while Sollux and John stay in the present to find the First Guardian and get their advice.
Feferi and Aradia visit Beforus Feferi at various points in her life, giving her life advice and giving her the perspective Her Everlasting Compassion didn’t have. Meanwhile, John and Sollux are able to find where the First Guardian lives via the Beforus archives. The First Guardian tells them that, while this is slightly outside the realm of their omniscience, they do believe it could be possible to enhance the Retcon Powers with energy from the Green Sun.
The two teams meet up again in the dreambubbles afterwards and catch each other up on their little side adventures. Feferi wants to see how Beforus has changed now that they’ve fiddled the Beforus Feferi’s past.
When the group arrives on New Beforus, they find Her Imperious Benevolence waiting for them. They make polite conversation, getting HIB caught up on who John and Sollux are. HIB thanks Aradia, specifically, for all the advice she’d given over the sweeps and says she wants to thank her. So, as a gift, HIB gives her the throne of Beforus.
The same throne that Aradia saw in her vision.
All that existential dread that she’d been burying and avoiding all this time stabs through her all at once. No matter where she goes, no matter what she does, fate is still there. Mocking her. Taunting her. Controlling her. Just when she thinks she’s escaped it, something reminds her of that vision. Reminds her that she isn’t free.
As long as the narrative exists, she’s doomed to become the bad guy. That’s the only way she can interpret this. The only conclusion she can offer to the throne in her vision being outright handed to her.
Aradia maintains her composure and politely refuses. After Feferi talks HIB down and the group teleports back over to the First Guardian again. The First Guardian offers up a bit of their energy over to Aradia, explaining that she should be capable of absorbing it thanks to the Retcon Juju. Aradia takes the amount of energy offered, but then a thought occurs to her.
She’d get more energy if she absorbs more. And, with all the hints fate has been giving her, it’s entirely possible she’ll need it. She might still be on track to become the next villain, so she’ll need to destroy the narrative quickly. It should be fine, First Guardian’s are tough. She’ll just absorb a little bit more….
Next thing she knows, the First Guardian has dropped dead on the floor in front of her.
Everyone freaks out. Aradia quickly explains that it was an accident. She admits that she was likely still distracted by the throne earlier. She was still worried. Afraid that fate was hanging over her.
So, the group buries the First Guardian, show their respects, and leave.
As soon as she’s able, Feferi takes John and Sollux off to the side and expresses her concerns.
Between the throne cropping up twice now, and Aradia killing the First Guardian, maybe she’s still going to become the villain after all? Maybe they haven’t actually escaped fate at all. John and Sollux are still unconvinced. John maintains that he knows how the Retcon Powers work and Sollux knows he’s never been able to defy his precognition before. Feferi concedes but remains skeptical.
The team puts together a new plan. Now that they know Aradia can drain First Guardians until they’re just lifeless husks, they could farm them. More specifically, they could farm Doc Scratch. Scratch is a complete monster, so there’s no moral reservation to be had in doing so. So they farm versions of Scratch from Doomed Timelines and each time, Aradia meets an alternate version of the Handmaiden.
Each time, Aradia’ conversation with Handmaiden gets her thinking.
What makes you think you’ve escaped fate? Why aren’t you doing more to get more powerful, to destroy the narrative faster? Surely doing so would be in everyone’s best interest, right?
After a few stops, Aradia notes that she hasn’t really gotten all that stronger. Absorbing the Green Sun outright isn’t an option, absorbing that much power at once would likely kill her. But, maybe there are other power sources she could drain from? Aradia notes how Jade and Calliope are both stronger than Scratch, which gets John immediately protective. He makes it clear that Jade is off the list and Aradia backpedals. She didn’t mean anything by it. She was just thinking out loud. Still, she can’t help but notice the looks both John and Feferi are giving her now. Apparently Feferi’s concerns influenced John more than he realized.
The versions of the Handmaiden Aradia meets now note the distrust most of the team holds towards her. If they can’t trust you, how can you trust yourself?
One Handmaiden claims she has a way to get the power Aradia craves faster. Aradia says she’ll think about it.
The cycle continues for a few days. Eventually, Aradia comes to Sollux in the middle of the night, asking him to come with her. She wants to have his opinion on hand, to keep her from doing something stupid. The two approach the Handmaiden and Aradia asks about her offer.
The Handmaiden takes them to a timeline where the Condescension won. The heroes were destroyed, the Earth belongs to Condy forevermore… and a Grimbark Jade will be forced to serve the Condescension for eternity.
Surely, it would be more merciful to put her out of her misery.
Sollux immediately tries to veto this idea.
Killing a version of John’s sister behind his back like this, even one that’s nothing but a mindless drone now, is unbelievably cruel.
Aradia looks at Sollux and then she looks down at her hands. She remembers the golden blood dripping from them. Sollux’s blood.
She decides she can’t take that risk.
So, Aradia sucks the life out of the Grimbark Jade.
Sollux tells the others what happened when they get back and the three confront her about it.
Aradia begs for them to understand it from her perspective. She just did what she had to do. It was a mercy kill. She wouldn’t have stooped that low if she had a choice.
The group wants to pull out of this plan. Get Aradia locked up until the narrative can be destroyed. For everyone’s safety.
Aradia teleports away. Since her Retcon Powers are now far stronger than John’s, he can’t keep up with her.
Aradia hides in a dark corner of Paradox Space, trying to keep herself together.
She’s gone to far now. She has to destroy the narrative and fast. It’s the only way she can fix this. It’s the only way she can keep everyone alive.
Part of her even believes it’s the only way she can get her friends back.
So, as John, Sollux, and Feferi teleport back to Earth C to get everyone caught up and prepared for war, Aradia does some preparations of her own.
She creates a horde of her time duplicates and sends the all across Paradox Space. They bring First Guardians and God-Tiered Space Players to her for her to suck the life out of, fueling up the “main" version of herself to be as strong as possible. Her end goal is to become strong enough to absorb the Green Sun. And if that didn’t make her strong enough, she’d invade Earth C as a Plan B. Overpower everyone and absorb Calliope's life force. Then, she'll be powerful enough to destroy the narrative.
She'll free herself. She'll free everyone. Even if she has to fight her closest friends.
As her body count rises, her reputation spreads. Every Space Player knows now to run when a horde of Aradias appear outside your door.
They know none survive getting dragged before Madame Megido.
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rabble-dabble · 4 years
Welp, I've started that Evil Aradia fic. I shall soon unveil the mystery of the macabre Madame Megido. Before I do any of that though... are you sure you're fine with me doing this? Just, submitting mountains of fanfic directly to your blog? I don't want to hijack your blog from your or your followers. I can easily start my own blog and post my stuff there if our current set up is too much of an issue.
Oh, thank you for asking, actually!!! Idk what you mean by "mountains of fanfiction" but i would probably prefer if you did something like a blog post or an AO3 fic and just gave the link to my inbox, just so that it won't clog my followers dash? (I get how some of your submissions mightve annoyed anyone just a bit lmao) I'd honestly TOTALLY enjoy and follow any blog you'd make for this au, and i'd reblog from it!!!! Tbh this is the same reason i contemplated on making a crocker au blog just so those long story/art posts wouldn't be TOO disruptive in other peoples dash and because i'd be easier to manage...
I really appreciate you asking!! At the end of the day I can always do like, a "read more" post or something by editing whatever you submit but I also think you having control over how your stort get's presented is a smart idea :2
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mspa-multiverse · 5 years
Every available role!
As of right now these are the roles that have not been claimed and are open to be auditioned for, if you are curious in joining a link will be provided. We hope to see you there!  Server link ==> https://discord.gg/NRKkpsj THE FELT > Doze [02] > Trace [03] > Clover [04] > Fin [05] > Die [06] > Crowbar [07] > Sn0wman [08] > Sawbuck [10] > Matchsticks [11] > Eggs [12] > Biscuits [13] > Quarters [14] > Cans [15] AGENTS OF DERSE > Jack Noir > Draconian Dignitary > Courtyard Droll > Hegemonic Brute MIDNIGHT CREW > Spades Slick > Clubs Deuce MONARCHS > White Queen > White King > Black Queen > Black King EXILES > Aimless Renegade > Windswept Questant > Writ Keeper TEAM SLEUTH > Problem Sleuth > Pickle Inspector > Ace Dick > Nervous Broad > Hysterical Dame > Mobster Kingpin > Madame Murel CHERUBS > Calliope > Caliborn BETA KIDS > John Egbert ALPHA KIDS > Jane Crocker GUARDIANS > Dad Egbert > Mom Lalonde > Bro Strider > Alpha Rose > Alpha Dave > Poppop crocker > Grandpa Harley > Nanna Egbert > Becquerel  > God Cat > Grandma English BETA TROLLS > Aradia Megido  > Tavros Nitram > Sollux Captor > Terezi Pyrope > Gamzee Makara > Eridan Ampora > Feferi Peixes  DANCESTORS > Damara Megido > Rufioh Nitram > Meulin Leijon > Porrim Maryam > Aranea Serket > Latula Pyrope > Horuss Zahhak > Kurloz Makara > Meenah Peixes ANCESTORS > The Handmaid > The Signless > The Summoner > The Psiioniic > The Disciple > The Dolorosa > Neophyte Redlgare > Mindfang > Darkleer > The Grand Highblood > Dualscar SPRITES > Nannasprite > Davesprite > Jadesprite > Jaspersprite > Tavrisprite > Nepetasprite > Aradiasprite > ARquiusprite > Rosesprite > Becsprite > Tavrosprite > Fefetasprite > Jasperosesprite^2 > Davepetasprite^2 > Erisolsprite ROBOTS > AR Hal > Jadebot > Aradiabot > Squarewave > Sawtooth > Lil’ Seb > Brobot HIVESWAP > EVERYONE 
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luckyspike · 5 years
Adventures in America, Ch. 11 - The Ribs are Probably Symbolic, or Maybe Just Delicious
In which Adam and Lucky have a serious Discussion about The Past
it’s a lot of emotions and talking, and also a low key ode to barbecue ribs
Start with chapter 1 here
Refresh on chapter 10 here
or check out my fic tag for all kinds of stuff
Adam waited for the waiter to drop off two sodas and leave with their food orders before he dropped the opener. “I’m the Antichrist.”
It didn’t get the reaction he’d been afraid of. In fact, it hardly garnered any reaction at all. Lucky watched him for a long minute, then slowly reached across the table, picked up his soda, and sipped through the straw. He looked pensive. After a while, he swallowed, and said, “Go on.”
“Any questions about that?”
“Yes, but I want to hear you out first. I think …” He looked around. Leaned forward, wove his fingers through his hair, and stared fixedly at the table. “I think this is going to answer a lot of weird questions I’ve had about my life.”
Adam frowned. “So you don’t think I’m crazy?” It wasn’t a question of validation, for Adam, but for confirmation. Lucky nodded. “You don’t want me to like … prove it, or anything?”
“The haunted doll was plenty, but I mean, if you want to get us a free meal and no one has to die or anything …”
Adam shook his head firmly and said, “No, no messing around. I don’t do that. I try not to do any of it, anymore. Not unless I really have to. And … and you know, the longer I go without using the powers …”
Lucky nodded. “You don’t use it, you lose it. Heard that all my life.” He nodded to Adam. “So … explain stuff. Please.”
Adam sighed, folded his hands. “I didn’t know ‘til I was eleven. An’ then it kind of just … happened overnight. My Dog showed up - he’s a hellhound, or he used to be, I dunno if he still is - an’ I thought he was just a regular stray dog. But then I started hearing these voices, tellin’ me to change things an’ take over the world an’ I kind of … lost it? For a little while, anyway.” He stopped to gauge Lucky’s expression, but the other boy just nodded again, encouragingly, urging him on. “An’ then, uh, this is gonna sound crazy, but I guess, um. Well, me an’ my friends met the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse an’ like, defeated them or something, an’ my godfathers were there, plus some other people, Anathema and Madam Tracy and Newt and Mister Shadwell, and I thought I did it? Like told ‘em to stuff the whole Armageddon thing.”
“Uh-huh.” Lucky was wide-eyed, and he took a long sip of soda as Adam continued to talk. 
“But I didn’t.” He swallowed. “‘Cause then this angel and this demon showed up - not Aziraphale and Crowley, two other ones - to try to convince me to re-start it, but I didn’t. I told ‘em off, and they left and said they’d tell … um. You know.”
“Lucifer? And, wait … Francis and Nanny are an angel and a demon?”
“I guess,” Adam said wretchedly. He groaned. “Anyway, then he got angry and was gonna come and tell me off for not starting Armageddon, but Crowley stopped time for a minute -”
Lucky held up a hand. “Which one is Crowley? Demon or angel?”
“Your Nanny. I’m pretty sure. But definitely a demon.”
Lucky grinned. “Oh, kick ass.”
“Yeah, it was. Anyway, that gave me time to think about what to do, ‘cause at that moment I had literally all the power in the world, ‘an so we came back to the present and I told the devil to piss off because he wasn’t my dad. An’ then my dad showed up,” he finished, a little lamely. Lucky’s mouth was open.
“You told Satan to fuck off? Piss off,” he amended. “Actually those words? And you were eleven?”
“Not exactly those words.” Adam sighed. “I actually yelled ‘you’re not my dad’ at him like ten times and then he like dissolved into a cloud.” 
“Dude that’s still awesome.” Lucky sat back. “Holy shit. Fuck. I … I dunno what to say. Then what?”
“What? What do you mean, then what?” He shrugged. “I dunno? The world didn’t end?”
“I mean clearly. But like, you gave up that evil stuff and whatever, and then you just … went home? Went back to school?”
Adam considered it. He’d never really focused much on the afterwards part. “I got grounded. For being on a restricted military air base and uh, being out when I was supposed to be in bed.”
“You rebel,” said Lucky, faintly. “But you still know - Crowley? Nanny? Shit, I still call her - him, ugh, what …” He rested his forehead on his hand. “She’s still Nanny.”
“I always knew him as Crowley.” Adam shrugged. Cautiously, he took a drink, taking a minute to glance around the restaurant. Nobody seemed to be paying them any attention, and he didn’t see anyone he recognized. “Yeah, after the whole thing I found a paper with his number on it in my jacket pocket. For if I had questions, it said. So I called him up one day and I guess he had handed in his retirement papers to Hell or whatever, I never really found out, but after that we just … we started meeting like once every month to talk about stuff, and I think he wanted to keep an eye on me, but then like, him an’ Aziraphale - I’m 99% sure that’s Brother Francis - just sort of kept hanging around even when I didn’t have that many questions left an’, you know how it is.” He shrugged again. “I dunno. They’re cool. An’ I learned at church that back in the day your godparents were supposed to be the ones to teach you about religion so I figured godfathers worked as well as any name for them.”
“I’d say so, yeah.” Lucky blinked. “Wow. Okay. That explains … like in some ways that explains nothing, but then in other ways that explains literally everything, so I don’t know how to take it.”
Adam sipped his own soda. “Well, you haven’t called the cops to have me committed to a mental hospital yet, so I’d say you’re doing better than I expected.” That got a laugh. “Right, so that’s me. Tell me your side. Because uh, I think that’s gonna answer a lot of questions for me, too.”
Lucky shrugged. “It’s not as dramatic. But basically, growing up until I was seven I always had Brother Francis and Nanny. And they were always like ‘do good unconditionally’ - that was Francis - or ‘crush your enemies to bloody pulp beneath your shoes when you assume your throne’.”
“Nanny.” Adam nodded knowingly. “Which is really funny, actually, if you get to know Crowley, ‘cause - sorry, never mind. Go on.”
“Well no, you’re right, because she was mostly all talk. She was actually a super good Nanny. And, like, she was always encouraging me to get into mischief but like I think the worst thing we ever did was vandalize museum plaques and cut down literally all the hedges on the property because she said they were pathetic excuses for plants. The rest of the stuff was like, just kind of goofy pranks.”
“Oh, yeah, that’s definitely Crowley.”
“But she left! Her and Francis.” He looked sad then, and as a basket of dinner rolls arrived he seized one and started ripping it in half, scowling at it the whole time. “When I was seven. Said I was too old to have a Nanny anymore and I’d have tutors or whatever. But I thought I might still see her since she and Francis were always together, but he handed in his resignation the same day.” He sighed and jammed half of the roll into his mouth. “Pfufthed.”
“Uh …”
Lucky swallowed. “It sucked,” he clarified. “Sorry. But she did leave me her email address. So I started writing her then and I’ve pretty much written her twice a week ever since.” His eyes widened. “Wait a minute, I have her phone number! She just told me never to just call, because she doesn’t have good reception, but I can text her and if we want to talk we set up a time. She always calls on my birthday.” He held out a hand. “Lemme see your phone.” 
Adam had already seen where this was headed, and he had his phone on the table in a blink. He pulled up Crowley’s contact information, and Lucky pulled up Nanny’s. They checked the numbers once, twice, and three more times, and then Lucky swore. “It really is her!”
“And I’m sure Francis is really Aziraphale.” He crossed his arms and considered the phones. “Wonder if I can convince ‘em to video chat later. I want to ask them about the doll, anyway.”
“Oh, good idea.” He consumed the second half of the dinner roll, and went on. “Anyway, so I never actually saw them after that, just talked and wrote and stuff, but then when I was eleven, the other weird thing that happened was the whole trip to Israel.” He shook his head. “So my dad gets this memo from the White House, right, that we’re expected right away in Tel Megido, Israel, for some kind of diplomatic meeting with a field researcher. Or something. Anyway, we all three go - me and my parents, plus all the bodyguards - and we meet this professor guy there that looked super weird. And he stank. Like, literally, smelled like a dirty public toilet. But he kept asking me about the voices in my head, and the dog, and all this stuff I didn’t understand but he freaked me out so I was trying to play along. But then when I didn’t like, know the answers because I wasn’t you, I guess, he straight up bit his finger off and ran into the avocado grove and then it exploded.” He shrugged. “Honestly I thought he died.”
“He was probably a demon or something.” Adam swallowed. “Did he have a name?”
Lucky thought about it, brow furrowed and then, unexpectedly, he laughed. “Yeah, actually! He said is name was Dr. Hastur La Vista.”
“Oh God.” Adam winced. “Hastur.”
“You know him?” 
“Never met him, thank you very much, no. But Crowley’s told me about him. He’s a Duke of Hell. I think … I think you got really lucky, Lucky.”
The other boy, under his mop of dark hair and his increasingly-shaggy beard, paled. “Duke … of Hell.”
“So what confuses me -” he stopped short, because the waiter arrived with two plates of ribs, which were each deposited in front of the boys. They said their thank yous, smiled politely, and then Lucky lunged forward, stuffing a french fry into his mouth, deadly serious. “How did they think I was you?”
Adam looked down at his food, and started pulling the ribs apart. “All I know,” he said slowly, “was there was a mistake. The only person supposed to be giving birth that night was your mum, but my mum went into labor early. So they both must have given birth at the same hospital, with the Satanic Nuns.” He leaned in, lowered his voice. “Crowley delivered me in a basket, and they were supposed to switch me with whichever baby your mom had. But with three babies I guess things got mixed up, and I ended up with my parents.”
Lucky blinked and, slowly, set down the french fry he had been holding. “Are you … are you saying my parents aren’t really my parents?” He looked lost, suddenly, eyes wide and shiny. “But … but I look so much like my mom …”
“I don’t know,” Adam replied hurriedly. “I’m sorry. Sorry. I don’t know. Everything got so mixed-up, I guess, and Crowley assumed they’d got it right and put me with your parents so when they took you home they thought …” he trailed off. Lucky wasn’t talking, wasn’t even looking at him. He was staring at his food, hands limply resting on either side of the plate. “Your parents might be -”
“They’re not,” he snapped, before Adam had a chance to finish. “They might have fucked up but they wouldn’t have fucked up that bad. They would have swapped me and the baby my mom actually had.” His eyes watered. “Shit. Oh, shit.” And then he was crying, all at once, tears and snot and all. “Fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” Adam said softly, because he was. “I wish it hadn’t happened.” He let the other boy cry, for as long as he needed. No one noticed, Adam made sure, because he felt like he owed it to the other guy to keep him from becoming a barbecue restaurant spectacle in the middle of a total breakdown. He picked at his food - suddenly, he was not very hungry at all - and waited, while around them the diners came and went, their own food got cold, and Lucky kept crying. 
He petered out eventually. “I bet your parents are my actual parents,” he said, voice shaking and hitching as he spoke. “That’s what happened. Bet you anything.”
Adam shifted uncomfortably. “Probably.”
“What happened to my mom’s baby?”
“I don’t know. He’s … he’s okay,” Adam finished, because he knew that was true, somehow. He’d felt it in his soul back at the airfield, although he hadn’t known what it was at the time, and he felt it now, too. In a way, it was a relief to finally be able to label that feeling of ‘okay’. “I just know. I don’t know how, but I know.”
Lucky took a shaky breath. “My parents … the people that raised me … fuck, even that’s not right, that was always Nanny and Brother Francis.” He sobbed again. “God damn it. My dad - Thaddeus - always thought I was weird, my mom - Harriet - never wanted anything to do with me if I wasn’t interested in exactly what she wanted to do.” He sniffled. “This whole trip … they don’t give a shit. Oh, they acted like they were worried or whatever, but they haven’t called. Haven’t texted. I think when I’m not home they forget I exist.” He sobbed. “And you talked to your parents. They’re good parents.”
Adam didn’t deny it. He was surprised to find that he too had tears running down his cheeks. “Yeah. I’m so sorry, Lucky, I’m really sorry, but I … I don’t know what to say.” He sagged, swiped his sleeve across his face. “I can’t fix it anymore.”
Lucky bit back another sob, and took a deep breath. Swallowed. “Can I meet them?”
“Absolutely,” he replied without hesitation. “Whenever you want, any time you want. Any time.”
“Thanks.” He didn’t cry again, at least not audibly. Tears ran down his face for a little while longer. He prodded at his fries. “God, and it was Nanny’s fault … I thought she loved me.”
“I bet she does.” Adam was surprised with the conviction with which he said it. “You know if Crowley likes you. If Crowley likes you, he … like, okay, he has literally run into a burning building at least twice to save someone he likes.”
Lucky laughed wetly at that. “Doesn’t sound like she’s a very good demon.”
“No, terrible demon. That’s why he retired. Aziraphale’s kind of a shit angel too, to be honest. I think if he had his way he’d be a hermit and live in a hollowed-out mountain full of books. He retired too,” he added. And then, because he felt he had to defend Crowley a little bit, “I don’t think there was much of a choice. I don’t think any of us - definitely not you or me or our parents, or Aziraphale, and I don’t think even Crowley - had much choice.”
“He could have not dropped you off at all,” Lucky challenged. “Just taken you somewhere else and …” he swallowed.
Adam didn’t need to hear him finish the sentence. “He doesn’t kill kids,” he replied. “It’s kind of one of his things.”
“Wow, he really is a shitty demon.”
“Totally.” He sighed. “I’m so sorry, man. Maybe … I probably should have kept all that to myself, huh?”
The answer didn’t come right away. It didn’t come after a minute, after Lucky sipped his soda full of melted ice and thought it over. “No,” he said finally. “No, I’m … I’m gonna be glad you did, eventually. I kind of hate you right now, but you were a baby when everything went down initially, and you didn’t know, and then when you did know you told the actual devil to fuck off and stopped the Apocalypse, so I guess that counts for a lot.”
“All sounds pretty fair,” Adam agreed.
“I think we should find the other guy. The third baby.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I do too. But he is okay.”
Lucky looked at Adam warily. “Yeah. Yeah, I … believe you. And maybe we don’t tell him. But I just want to make sure.”
“I’m in. It’s a deal.” He drummed his fingers on the table. “Bet he’s in England.”
“We can find him.”
“We have to.” He took a deep breath, and then, as if realizing his mostly-untouched food was still there, blinked down at it. “Ugh … I was really looking forward to those.”
“I can warm them up.”
Lucky glanced at him slightly askance. “You’re not gonna like … start breathing fire or something, are you?”
“No, I can just …” he waved a hand and made a vague noise he’d probably picked up from Crowley at some point. “I can just make them warm again. It’s just a little thing, I can still do those.”
“... Alright. But only ‘cause I’m curious.”
Adam shrugged. “Okay. There you go. Warm and fresh.” And indeed, when Lucky held his hand cautiously over the ribs, they were as warm as they’d been when they first came out of the kitchen, the red ochre-colored sauce glistening and sweet-smelling. 
“No I’m like … the exact opposite of him.” 
Lucky stared at him and then laughed again. “Yeah. Yeah, you are, dude.” He tore a rib from the rack and bit into it. “Ugh, these are good. You didn’t do that too, did you?”
“Literally just reheated them. Like an infernal microwave oven.” That did it. Oftentimes, when someone has received terrible news, and they’ve cried over it, or begun to mourn, or even just compartmentalized the whole thing away for the time being, the first even vaguely-funny thing that is said afterwards is like a piece of flotsam big enough to grab during a shipwreck. And like a sailor stranded in a sea of confusing history and misunderstandings, Lucky clutched onto Adam’s bad joke and started to giggle. And then to laugh, hard, leaning forward with his forehead resting on the back of his hand, his hair dropping into his barbecue-sauce-coated fingers. Adam laughed too, mostly at how hard Lucky was laughing, and before they realized it the two of them were cackling like hyenas over a plate of ribs and a newly-discovered bond that had tied them together their whole lives, whether they’d known it or not.
“God, that wasn’t even that funny.” Lucky wiped his eyes. “Oh, man. Oh … God.” He looked up, no longer laughing, but definitely curious. “You don’t think … do you think it was a coincidence, us meeting up like this?”
“It’s ineffable.”
“Definitely un-fuckable, you have that right.”
Adam laughed again, and shook his head. “No, no, ineffable. Aziraphale’s always saying that. “Oh, it’s ineffable, God’s plan. Means it can’t be discerned, known, or understood.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” 
“Don’t think about it too much,” Adam advised, with all the experience of someone who had been thinking about it off-and-on for the past seven years. “You think about it too much and you get a headache and a panic attack. My conclusion is always: I dunno, but here I am and so what am I gonna do about it?”
Lucky gnawed at another rib. “Yeah,” he said, around the bone. “Yeah, you’re right. Man, I’m sorry for falling apart like that, but it was kind of a lot.”
“Do not apologize for that.” Adam shook his head vehemently. “Absolutely not. And if you want to be cross with me or upset or whatever, do it. You deserve to. It sucks, what happened.”
“Well, yeah, but I mean look at you.” His face softened a little. “Do you know who -”
“Nope.” Another firm head shake. “Here I am and so what am I gonna do about it,” he repeated like a mantra. 
“Yeah.” He stared at the rubs. “What are we gonna do about it?”
Adam sucked on one of the ribs, savored the sauce, and then shrugged. “I think step one: figure out what the doll was about.”
“Cool, yeah, agreed.” He wiped his nose with the back of his hand, and streaked sauce across his cheek. Adam elected not to say anything. 
“Step two: uh … chase more tornadoes? I mean, it’s what we came here for, right?”
Lucky looked a little less certain about that. “Yeah. Yeah, it was but now I … I dunno. It feels weird to keep doing whatever I was doing. Like. My whole life …” He frowned. “Should my life be different?”
Adam finished the rib he was working on, partially because it was really good, but also partially because he wanted to be sure that he said the thing he wanted to say next right. “Okay.” He set the bone down, and looked at the other boy very seriously. “Don’t take this the wrong way. Because I’m not tryin’ to minimize anything we talked about here. But … this whole new information, right. Is it gonna change your day-to-day?”
Lucky bristled. “Maybe. I mean, it’s sure as fuck gonna affect my relationship with my parents.”
“Not what I meant.” Adam shook his head. “You’re right, it absolutely will. An’ that’s gonna take a lot of time, believe me. I’m still …” he sighed. “It’s still weird, even though I’ve known for a long time. It gets less weird, though.” He squared up his shoulders. “But no, what I’m talking about is, does it change the stuff you like to do? Are you gonna like the weather less, is what I’m saying,” he finished lamely, while Lucky stared at him. “‘Cause if the answer is yes, then I think your step two is gonna be different from mine. I’m gonna keep chasing tornadoes for the next three weeks.”
“I … argh.” Lucky took a bite of his rib with a little more feral energy than was strictly necessary. “This is heavy shit, man. I dunno.” He swallowed the meat. “How are you so chill about all this? Just had a ton of time to deal with it?”
“Partially.” He shrugged. “Also I’ve had like an on-call angel and demon for the past seven years who’ve always been available to talk to me during a personal crisis.” He sighed. “They’re actually super helpful to talk to when you don’t know what to do, because at this point I’m pretty sure they’ve literally seen it all.”
“You’re gonna call them tonight, right?” Lucky looked worried again, a little pale. “About the doll, at least?”
“Yeah. And, uh.” Adam thought it over. “I think you should talk to them too. If you want to. I think it’d be good.”
The answer came fast, and Adam suspected Lucky had just been waiting for the offer. “I want to. I really want to.”
“Alright. So amended plan.” He pushed one of the rib bones off to the side of the others as he spoke. “One: call Aziraphale and Crowley and figure out what the doll was about. Two: figure out what we want to do for step two.” He raised his eyebrows. “Sound better?”
“Can I add something before step one?”
“Step pre-one: finish these ribs because holy shit, man.” He had another, and then said, “Life’s fucked up right now, but at least these are really good.”
Now with chapter 12!
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elysianblessing-old · 6 years
Homestuck Voice Headcanons
Dave Strider: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle)
John Egbert: John Mulaney
Rose Lalonde: Cayleigh Elise
Jade Harley: Kristen Schaal
Karkat Vantas: Mark Fischbach (Yes, Markiplier)
Aradia Megido: Reign Dilacova (ReignBot)
Tavros Nitram: Jon Cozart (Paint)
Sollux Captor: Jordan Frye [Specifically, the character Spencer] (VenturianTale)
Nepeta Leijon: Mandy Moore
Kanaya Maryam: Madame Macabre
Terezi Pyrope: The Gabbi Show (Gabbi Hanna)
Vriska Serket: Whitney Avalon
Equius Zahhak:  Peter Hollens
Gamzee Makara: Seán McLoughlin (JackSepticEye)
Eridan Ampora: Thomas Sanders
Feferi Peixes:
Jodi Benson
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terezident-evil · 2 years
i rate troll horns
megido - 9/10 cool ram horns
nitram - 8/10 pretty nifty very large could be used as handles of some sort
captor - 7/10 they're cute i like that they're double
vantas - 10/10 love candy corn nubbies
leijon - 6/10 they're fine it's not super obvious that they're supposed to be ears so they're not like great or anything
maryam - 9/10 oof love the little side swipey bitch with the nice tasteful pointer
pyrope - 7/10 carrots
serket - 7/10 have to admit i don't like madam crescent up there but side swoopy bitch is still a real winner
zahhak - 6/10 i like the arrow pointer but just not my fave (f to pay respect to the broken one though)
makara - 4/10 perfectly forgettable did not even remember them for this would have benefitted from being something ridiculous like squiggly or something then maybe i wouldve remembered them
ampora - 5000/10 backward curvy swoop is far superior to any other horn i will die on this hill
peixes - 1/10 not interested at all in outward curving pegs
0 notes
Villainstuck Theme Songs
Lord Egbert
Drift Away from Steven Universe
Cancer King Karkat
Monster by Imagine Dragons
Madame Megido
My Demons by Starset
The Makara Sisters
Fallen Angel by Three Days Grace
Queen of the House
The House Always Wins by The Stupendium
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I just saw your beta troll villainstuck theme songs and DAMN we got the same music taste
*looks at aradia and karkat*
Heh. It's funny that you mention those two in particular because their villainstuck stories are already written. Here, I'll tag them for you.
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Welp, now that Madame Megido is off my checklist, who would you guys like to see next? Which character should I turn evil for my next Villainstuck?
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