Final Chapter Plus New Story
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Epilogue- Jefferson feels like everything has come to an ending but his friends and ally’s refuse to let this be the end of the story.
Meant To Be
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us, Cursed, & The New Normal
Jefferson is stuck in Storybrooke trying to keep his mind from falling to pieces long enough to find a way back to the Enchanted Forest where Phillip, George, & Cora have kidnapped Aurora and his unborn child too. Will the so-called good guys be able to find a way back home to save Aurora & the Enchanted Forest? And who will they run into along the way?
Prologue- Grace trying to gather her thoughts about everything that had just happened to her father and Aurora, while trying to be hopeful about the faith of their family’s future.
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rapunzelie · 10 years
What's that cat's name?
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Chapter Update: Ch 63
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 63- Hook tries to warn Jefferson about Cora’s upcoming plans, but she is keeping him too in the dark to provide any useful details, not that his son would believe them if he had. Regina is still finding herself dreading the count down to the Winter Solstice and her mother’s plans of revenge and homecoming back to the Enchanted Forest. Victor is starting to enjoy his life in Storybrooke between Ruby and Belle starting to remember her old life including Rumple, things are looking up for him. The worry of his father and Cora’s plan won’t stop Jefferson from enjoying the approaching Christmas Holiday with Grace and Aurora.
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Story Update: Chapter 2
Meant To Be
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us, Cursed, & The New Normal
Jefferson is stuck in Storybrooke trying to keep his mind from falling to pieces long enough to find a way back to the Enchanted Forest where Phillip, George, & Cora have kidnapped Aurora and his unborn child too. Will the so-called good guys be able to find a way back home to save Aurora & the Enchanted Forest? And who will they run into along the way?
Chapter 2 – In the Enchanted Forest Cora holds nothing back letting Aurora know her place. While back in Storybrooke Jefferson is trying to hold himself together while he feels his whole world has crashed and burn.
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Chapter Update: Ch 65
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 65 -  King George and Phillip finally think they are going to get their revenge on Jefferson when an old enemy from Aurora’s past decides to make an appearance and get revenge of her own. 
As always comments, reviews, likes, reblogs, or all of the above are appreciated! 
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Chapter Update: Chapter 62
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 62- Jefferson and Aurora start to enjoy a comfortable life together as Cora plots to destory everyone’s chance at a happy ending.
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Chapter Update: Chapter 66
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 66 – As part of Cora’s plan Regina released the twist monster that was left of Maleficent and she has come to finally kill Aurora and Jefferson and anyone who get in their way. Thanks to Phillip and King George’s doing Aurora is without magic once again to face her. Can she, Phillip, or Jefferson’s mansion survive long enough for Aurora to figure out a way to destroy the evil witch once and for all.
Likes, Shares, Comments, feedback, reviews, all welcome. 
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Chapter Update: Chapter 59
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 59- Rumple leaves his potion and ingredient list with Victor hoping it will help him solve Belle’s memory problem. As he leaves the hospital, he notices Aurora’s magic and something about has changed making him decided to give Jefferson and her one last test to see if they should continue their future together or not.
Four chapter updates in like a week, working on the next chapter now. Comment, like, share, review, or do all of the above. ;) Thanks to those reading it. 
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Chapter Update: Chapter 58
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season 2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 58- Jefferson and Aurora are quickly following into the comfortable life they could share with Grace as a family. At the hospital Victor decides to move ahead with his ideas on treating Belle’s memory loss. Rumple is excited about the progress just one day has shown but will be let Science do it’s slow work or insist on a Magical solution?
Look at this three whole updates this week and the next chapter coming along so well. If you are enjoying the story please like, share, or leave a comment or review on any of the chapters. 
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Chapter Update: Chapter 57
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 57- Jefferson and Aurora enjoy their double date with Victor and Ruby. While Cora and George’s alliance is seal, with Phillip eager to help. Hook and Regina on the hand are starting to questions if the alliances outcome is really going to give them what they want.
Two chapter updates in less than a week, and already working on the next. As always any feedback or reviews are welcome. 
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Chapter Update: Chapter 54
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue –
Chapter 54 – As Jefferson and Aurora, and Victor and Ruby decided to move their relationships forward, Cora and Regina discuss who can they trust to help them destroy the people who stand in their way.
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Chapter Update: Ch 52
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 52- A poisoned Rumple is back in Storybrooke, dying in his Pawn Shop. Can he find the words to explain his past actions to his son, Jefferson, and Aurora? Will Victor be able to find a way to cure the Dreamshade in time?
I will take any feedback as an early Christmas gift. Four days until Winter break and my students are driving me crazy! I wish I just showing videos in my classes instead of trying to finish three different library projects. So if you need a break as much as me, take it and read this chapter. ;)  Hopefully, the next one will be finished and posted this week as well. 
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Chapter Update: Ch 49
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue –
Chapter 49 – Victor and Aurora thought finding the evidence to clear Jefferson’s name was going to be the hardest thing they had to face today. But after Ruby falls ill after the second treatment of the werewolf cure Victor was working on, things grow even more complicated.  When Van Helsing explains Ruby’s blood had the same elements as when the Fairies had taken ill, David has no choice but to lock him up. Snow fearing Aurora and her magic makes sure she out of the way as well until they can figure out who is really behind everything. But being locked isn’t going to stop Aurora and Victor from helping their friend.
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Chapter Update: Chapter 55
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – 
Chapter 55- With Cora weakened, Jefferson and Aurora enjoy a day where they can just focus on themselves, Grace, and their future as a family. All of Storybrooke seems peaceful for a change but what our heroes don’t know is though weaken Cora isn’t stopping her plans. She is working in the shadows to make sure when she strikes no one will be able to stop her.
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Merry Christmas, Chapter Update: Chapter 53
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – J
Chapter 53- Will Neal, Jefferson, Aurora, Emma, and David be enough to stop Cora from becoming the new Dark One? Will Victor be able to prove Science is stronger than magic and save Rumple or will Aurora have to darken her own heart more to destroy Cora?
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Story Update: Chapter 51
The New Normal
Sequel to Breaking The Hatter, The Ties That Bind Us & Cursed stories.
AU set right after the curse is broken during season2. Will Jefferson find out Aurora is alive? Can they have their happily ever after in Storybrooke/Enchanted Forest? Will King George's powerplay succeed or will Cora and Hook's plans interfere? Is Science stronger than Magic?
OTP to come at some point in the story- MadSleeping, Frankenwolf, Rumbelle, MadQueen(flashbacks) OutlawQueen MadWhale Brotp.
Prologue – J
Chapter 51 - King George enjoys telling Jefferson of Aurora’s run-in with McNair but it is Jefferson who has the final laugh after David is done questioning him. At the Hospital both Ruby and Aurora make full recoveries. On the spur of the moment Jefferson talks Victor into spending a little time with the women they love down by the docks, where they are all in for a magical surprise.
Two chapter updates in less than a week I am on a roll! Here is a story update in case anyone out there in the USA needs a break from their families on Thanksgiving 
If you are enjoying the story drop me a review, comment, like, or message. 
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