janearts · 1 year
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Malborn & Delphine's absolute disparagement of the Dragonborn's clothing fits so well with Kelkemmeran and his lack of style. ("You can't go to a party at the Thalmor Embassy dressed like that!")
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Couldn't resist designing some Nordic-Altmeri party clothes, though! uvu
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supervillain-smut · 10 months
How would Erandur, Gelebor, Etienne Rarnis, Malborn, Ancano, Marcurio, and Cicero react to surprise hugs?
Malborn and Ancano scream like little girls before they realize and no one can convince me otherwise.
(They scream for different reasons) Hope you enjoy these!
Ancano: Screams like a little girl because he's rarely been hugged and never by surprise, so his scream is more "BY THE GODS I'M BEING ASSAILED WHO'S LAYING THEIR HANDS ON ME?!" and less fear from the general suddenness. Once he realizes it's you, he's stern about letting you know that is not okay.
Cicero: Cicero may be mostly mad, but he hasn't lost all of his abilities as an assassin. You can't sneak up on him no matter how quiet you are. He just knows. He can feel eyes on him, and the hair on the back of his neck stands up; he has a sense for these things. Isn't surprised at all and greets you in his usual jovial manner.
Erandur: Jumps a little with a small "Oh!" but as soon as he registers the hug he calms, chuckling and grabbing your hands, asking about your day and temperament.
Etienne: Jumps a foot high in the air and immediately begins struggling only to realize he was being hugged. You might catch an elbow to the face if you're not careful, or aware of how he'll react.
Gelebor: Jumps internally. You've never actually seen him have an obvious strong emotion before, and this is no exception.
Malborn: Shrieks and attempts to fend off whoever's grabbing him. Poorly, but he's trying his best. Once he realizes he's not in danger, he calms. Barely. He's shaking like a leaf the entire rest of the day.
Marcurio: Verbally key smashes, then sighs. "Oh, it's you. Did you really have to do that? You could have just approached me properly."
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Ondolemar, trying to escape Elenwen during her party: Do you think Malborn needs help in the kitchen? We haven’t any tidbits or tartlets out here, nary a pig in a blanket.
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Confession: i need malborn
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bforblitz · 23 days
I said that the malborn fandom is so small that I haven’t seen a new fic about him in two years as a joke, but no it’s. it’s actually been two years
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dogwaterpoopyboy · 2 months
im only human cant u see
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motherofcats666 · 3 months
welp, I tried
Go to Windhelm to talk to Malborn and Brelas after Diplomatic Immunity/main quest; Malborn tells me about a suspicious khajiit hanging around the stables. We go to talk to the khajiits, one rats out the other one; Hadvar decapitates him before I can even get a hit on him. Go back to Malborn and Brelas and tell them it's safe to leave. I decide to follow them to try to make sure they get wherever they go safely. They both got killed by the bandits at Traitor's Post; I used console commands to resurrect them, then Brelas gets killed AGAIN by frost trolls just up the road, and Malborn starts walking back to Windhelm. I give up; I guess it just wasn't meant to be. RIP Brelas 🤣
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bretongirlwrites · 2 years
We learnt afterwards, that the Cornerclub had never had such a stir as our precipitated arrival. For all the patrons dreamt of revolt, – for all their conversations were more radical than those of a City coffee-house, – they were all talk, and no action; and our harried haggard faces were almost an affront. Vague questions, – ‘We are being pursued by the Thalmor,’ we said, – ‘What are you putting us in danger for?’ they cried.
At which we cast ourselves around a table; Malborn put his head in his hands; and steadily the chatter, – lines which elsewhere might begin a war, fading into nothing, – rose from the silence, when at last those about us realised that the Thalmor were not close at our heels; and that their drinks would not be overturned by some black-robed figure with no respect for door-hinges. 
A relief to us, too. Marcurio called over for drinks, got a menu of names he did not recognise, and settled for demanding something strong. 
‘Ulfric Stormcloak,’ said I, – shielding the name from the other patrons, – ‘does a lot of things; but he will not let the Thalmor into Windhelm. The place is impenetrable.’ 
    Impenetrable indeed! that rather than be comforted, in stopping at last, we felt only as if we had changed prisons. Eyes which glanced at us only when we were not looking back; empty words sinking into three feet of dense grey stone: the fight was still ours, Windhelm would not help. 
‘I cannot stay here for ever,’ said Malborn: ‘I must get over into Morrowind, or somewhere, anywhere else.’
Had hoped that he might provoke some offer of help. The Grey Quarter eavesdrops to be sure: but dares not do anything, walks already on thinner ice than paves the streets. – Quiet chatter, still; then our drinks. 
‘Bloody well hope this is strong enough,’ said Marcurio yawning; took a sip; and spluttered so comically that in my sheer exhaustion, I almost laughed. The Dunmer take their drinks so seriously, that they forget to put any enjoyment into them; but it was enough; we’d call it sleeping-draught in Bruma, and sleep was almost all that I wanted. 
‘Solstheim,’ said I at last: ‘there’s a boat to Solstheim. Iddra mentioned it. They’d not think of finding you there. Although, –’
Malborn did not raise his head. 
‘Although it is… cold, I believe, very cold; and since Red Mountain, – dead and ashen.’
He considered it; still with the weight of the place, of this stagnant air, upon him. The talk about us yet shifted in whispers from corner to dark unmoving corner; shadows black as Thalmor robes; he could not stop running, not yet. 
‘Anywhere but here,’ said he: and sank into his drink.
 ‘a visit to their least favourite city’ from this prompt list
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Q1- Your OC loses their partner at a party, where do they find their partner and what is said partner doing?
Q2- same as Q1 but now the partner loses your OC
Let's pretend I convince Delphine to let me bring a plus one to the Thalmor party.
Q1: Farkas will grab a drink and stay in a quiet corner.
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Q2: You can always find my dragonborns near foods. Especially Sweetrolls.
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The rest of my OCs are single, but you can still find them near food.
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archangelsunited · 2 years
Anyway, is anyone else convinced Malborn from Skyrim is spiritually the 18 year old who sells weed on their break from pizza hut.
Would sell boss to Satan, (Delphine) for one corn chip. Is letting their friends into the buffet for free.
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star-lit-mist · 1 year
Elf sleepover
Who needs to sleep with one eye open?
Like all the elves in the same room together? Or like just certain ones? I’m confused- O-O, but honestly if all elves were in one room together I’d say Neloth and Malborn would have to- one Malborn is a wanted fugitive now- and as for Neloth- well he’s an asshole
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jauffrejam · 1 year
height hcs for my ocs and some canon characters:
voka: 5'0"
dandril: 5'4"
suuriil: 6'6"
martin: 5'7"
malborn: 5'2"
the jemaine brothers: both 5'11"
maro: 5'7"
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 10 months
Elenwen: Well, you've discovered my big secret. Which you will take to your graves.
Malborn: How can you be so sure? I mean, a lot can happen in the next 60 or 70 years.
Malborn: Oh. Right.
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animezinglife · 5 months
There's something so satisfying about Delphine being her usual motivated, whip-cracking self and making her wait impatiently while your character has a moment with her boyfriend.
Relax, Delphine. The dragons will still be there tomorrow.
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bforblitz · 1 year
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The “Malborn and Ronthil are Related” crackpot headcanon that I have permeates every skin cell of my being
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dragonjadearts · 2 years
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Diplomatic Immunity
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