#Malevolent also has a lot of kidnapping and general suffering
toyybox · 5 months
What’s the first whump trope you remember enjoying?
That would probably be the "tied to a chair" trope. The earliest example I can think of is Jon (from The Magnus Archives) being kidnapped by Nikola. Now that I think about it, TMA had a lot of whump even for a horror podcast
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sunmaylight · 3 years
TGCF Book 3 Reaction pt.3 - Wind Master’s Self-Designated Quest & The Events that Happen After
I am back again with reactions & comments for when I read book 3. 
This is honestly fun for me because I can look back at what I read and remember my first reaction to everything. I can also see how things connect to make up each arc by going back and reading them. 
I really want to start book 4, but completing this first so I compose myself and not be a mess of emotions reading it. Cause, any book that is mainly about Xie Lian’s past is bound to be filled with angst and possible tears for the guy.
Ch 102: The Love for All Seasons Stew, the stew Xie Lian made and Shi Qingxuan is enthusiastically wanting to try some, shares with Ming Yi. Hua Cheng eats it like nothing and gives Xie Lian feedback
- Me: Ah, RIP Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi. It was nice knowing you two.
Start of the Venerable of Empty Words
Ch 103: The stew knocks out Ming Yi and sends Shi Qingxuan to tears. Then Shi Qingxuan hallucinates
- Me: You know, by this point Xie Lian should have his own warning label to prevent this from happening in the future. What if he made something for Jun Wu and kills him with his cooking? Actually, that sounds pretty funny. This just in: Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu defeated by a plate of questionable food made by his favorite Heavenly Official, Xie Lian.
103: Shi Qingxuan tells a horror story. Xie Lian feels a cold breeze and discovers it’s made by SQX.
- Ah, I think I’m understanding more that Heavenly Officials are really eccentric. Especially the upper court.
Xie Lian casually mentioning he has encountered a Venerable of Empty Words in the past and how that ghost left him after staying with the fallen god for almost a year.
- Me: *sobs* Xie Lian. 
Wind Master talking about his past before ascension and then post ascension
- Me: Okay, but did you actually ascend?
Learns about Heavenly Calamities
- Me: Well, that will surely be relevant in the future.
105: Investigating for the Ghost. Learns that from a tampered list that Hua Cheng killed vengeful, malevolent tyrants
- Me: Hua Cheng, who else have you killed? How the fu-dge is it that you are more productive than Heavenly Officials in making sure nothing bad happens?
As the group was going to leave, Xie Lian remembers the kids (& Qi Rong). 
Hua Cheng: I have already called a babysitter. Don’t worry about a thing Gege.
106: The group was teleported to the wrong place.
- Me: Well, aren’t things starting out just lovely.
Hua Cheng changed clothes and Xie Lian Noticed. 
Hua Cheng & Xie Lian exchange verbal communication passwords. Hua Cheng’s password has Xie Lian blushing.
Xie Lian’s password: “Just recite the Ethics Sutra a thousand times.”
- Me: ...Is that a joke? Xie Lian, if they actually had to recite that, it’s like saying you don’t want people to talk to you.
Xie Lian’s password is revealed to be just that phrase. He set it up as a joke
- Me: goddamnit. I have been bamboozled. 
Learning about the legend of the Potential Scholar He, who was mad smart but got a lot of people wanting to crush him out of jealousy. He died after getting his revenge against those who were gatekeeping him.
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng now have to play Mafia in a four man group.
Ch 108: A game to sniff out the Word Ghost. The game reminds me of the Japanese Game, King’s Game.
- Me: Is there a Chinese equivalent to the King’s Game?
SQX -’king’- Xie Lian and Hua Cheng have to strip each other. Just one layer
- Me: If this was me to my crush, I would be weirded out to do this in front of my friends. Unless if I was drunk
SQX to Hua Cheng (from the book): “What’s the worse suffering in the world?”
Hua Cheng: “To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed, yet unable to do anything. That’s the worse suffering in the world.”
- Me: (ToT) Hua Cheng. I got to mark this down. Hua Cheng’s beloved and him need their happy ending.
Ming Yi to Xie Lian: “What’s the biggest regret of your life?”
Xie Lian: “My Second Ascension.”
- Me: !!! Xie Lian, what the F*CK happened during the shortest ascension recorded in Heaven?
Ch 109: Hua Cheng lends Xie Lian a ‘bit’ of spiritual power. Xie Lian does a palm thrust and blows off the roof of the temple.
- Xie Lian & Me: ...Hua Cheng, that’s a little bit?
Hua Cheng: Was that not enough? I can lend you more.
Ch 110: Hua Cheng puts on a mini fashion show to Xie Lian in the middle of something important. 
Xie Lian: *focus is pulled away to stare at Hua Cheng*
- Me: Okay. Cute, but please focus. There is a time and place for everything. Now is not the time!
Water Master is suppose to prepare for the third Heavenly Calamity. SQX is kidnapped
- Me: What if this is the third calamity? Having to save SQX from the Venerable of Empty Words?
Xie Lian wants to do a soul-shifting spell, but Hua Cheng is stopping him.
- Me: Hm, does Hua Cheng know something? That is suspicious.
Ch 111: Venerable of Empty Words says: “Don’t worry, with your eyes wide open, you will watch the person coming to seek you die before you!”
- Me: *Thinks of Hua Cheng for Xie Lian* Shit, it got to Xie Lian. I really hope this doesn’t happen in the future. Cause, it’s not like Hua Cheng can die by conventional means since his ashes are ***** - Safe
Wind Master is revealed to be wearing a lot of treasures and gems on their person
- Me: Why is Wind Master wearing all of that?
Soul-Shifting spell ends, Xie Lian hears Hua Cheng’s voice
- Oh shit. I think Hua Cheng is mad.
SQX: “This is the Terrace of Cascading Wine. It’s where I ascended”
- Me: Wait, SQX is one of the Four Famous Tales? The odd one that is like Qi Rong that is about a guy who ascended for just pouring wine?
Learns that Xie Lian was actually sleeping when he ascended.
- Which ascension did that happen at?
SQX is in hysteria after Shi Wudu grabs him. SQX was acting suspicious before then SWD arrived.
- Me: Wow, what happened to SQX? D-did he actually fail his Heavenly Calamity and this is part of the punishment? Do Heavenly Officials get an advance notice that they have a Heavenly Calamity they have to face? Or is he behaving like this because of the removal of all of those artifacts and jewels?
Ch 113: Hua Cheng sent a step-litter, a step-litter that is very extravagant, to Xie Lian. Hua Cheng is giving Xie Lian a fancy carriage ride towards somewhere.
- Me: Wow. What an obvious sign that Hua Cheng has deep feelings for Xie Lian 
The whole Step-Litter Scene of Ghost calling Xie Lian Hua Cheng’s ‘lady’ while he was in the Step-Litter and everything after until they drop Xie Lian off at Puqi Shrine
Xie Lian’s new banner: “Return Babes through Miraculous Hands”
- No words
Hua Cheng helping Xie Lian do a task of working in the field. There is an indescribable tension that has been created through Xie Lian’s dense brain
- Me: Man, you can slice the tension with a sword and they still wouldn’t realize anything.
Xie Lian has a mysterious donor who filled his donation box with gold bars. He decides to return them
- Me: Yes, good for you Xie Lian. You do you.
The Drama between the Wind and Water Masters
- Me: You know, there is someone on YouTube who animated this part. I can now only visualize that while reading through my notes.
Earth Master forged his shovel to be his spiritual device. Ming Yi, Shi Qingxuan and Xie Lian travel through the tunnels dug by the Earth Master’s Shovel under Heaven
- Me: Wait, does this mean technically anything can be made into a spiritual device?
SQX can’t access his spiritual powers
- Me: shit. Did he actually fail a Heavenly Trial against Reverend of Empty Words?
The three are forced to dig and end up at Quan Yizhen’s palace with Pei Ming behind them
Pei Ming: QYZ, help me out and capture them
QYZ: *sees Xie Lian and remembers what he did for him during the Lantern Festival* - Grabs bed and throws it at Pei Ming- YEET!
Xie Lian tosses dice and the three end up at Puqi Shrine again. Xie Lian is greeted to the sight of a shirtless Hua Cheng finishing up some labour work with using E-Ming.
- Me: Is this going to be Xie Lian’s gay awakening? Will he finally acknowledge he has feelings for Hua Cheng?
Xie Lian immediately calms down and gets back into action
- Me: dang it!
The group, now with Hua Cheng, teleports to the Rain Master’s land. They exchange what they know and Xie Lian is drawing a very terrifying conclusion.
- Me: So, if there was a chart of the four famous tales compared to the four great calamities based on comparing their authenticity of tales
- Xie Lian    Hua Cheng       (They have to match somewhat)
- Princess who slit her throat         White No-Face      (Both have very little knowledge and seem very much bamf)
- General who broke his sword       Black Water       (Just vibes based on their names)
- Shi Qingxuan         Qi Rong     (Don’t really match the others, but are famous enough to get on the list)
Xie Lian connects the dots on Scholar He's name
- is that even possible?
Pei Ming arrives and then the group moves to Shi Wudu’s Heavenly Trial ground cause mortals are in danger. Their mission is to help the mortals and not get in the way of Water Master. 
Hua Cheng changes into a fisherman outfit
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng share a tender moment with a steam bun. General Pei watches them
- Me: Oh? Pei Ming, what did you notice? Did you notice the potential ship between the two of them?
118: The ship somehow wandered into the Ship-Sinking Black Water’s territory.
- Me: Oh no. The drama.
Alright, here seems good. The next part will be the Wind & Water Master Arc pt 2 (?). At least I think so since the Wind part was discovered and now it’s the Water part that’s next. 
You know, I really wanted to comment on a bunch of other stuff. Especially the Hualian moments, but decided against it cause there are some things that should be read
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Star Wars   Episode 4;
    Destroy malevolence
Didn’t we just do that?
I’m assuming this is going to be focusing on the     aftermath of the        destruction       of  the        malevolence
And the preceding unraveling of       general grievous’s      net work
 [And several        acquaintances         probably          trying           to    break    him  out,]
On with          It!
  “A Plan is only as good         as those          who see it out,”
   Odd                 I’ve      Stopped      giving much stock        into the    quotes
 Consider ing     the last one     had a relatively good      one
 And     Is on the    lower     end    of     my     expectations
 My criticism       of this       Is a       Short    Plans can be good         But   People flawed
  The   narrator   sounds     a    bit    more   enthusiastic
 Weirdly      drawn     out      pause
But      it   does     get     the      point   across
 Allows   enough     time
“ Grievous          in       retreat,”              Honestly           Is        this       where       we’re      going        to       start
    Like       no      disrespect-         (I have the       patience)    But are we honestly going to spend the whole entire time watching Obi-Wan fuck up catching Grievous?
 That would work       with the theme         of       Jedi Masters
They make it seem a lot less   stupid
 Also        I really like the movement on the     ship
Much     more     real istic 
       Continuing to          Hold on it       not so much
  This is like         someone     continuously          kicking        someone         when they’re         already         down
Or like a fire
 After a while      it just gets sort of    boring
 Or worrying
 And you realize they could  just     take them   into custody
 Or that the fire is starting to     envelope   nearby    forest     With       everyone      having         a bucket of     water
Obi wan, why
 Do     you   torment    so?
He can’t even   die
If so;      He’d     be dead
 I love how       Plo Koon       and       him       are          just    watching      the      shit     show      like            “Bitch”
   You know they could both take         him
  But are just that dedicated to being   sandry old man
“Commander, how much damage to the      enemy ship?”
 Have they suffered    enough?
  Also, geez dude’s been demoted it to       commander
    I mean I know he’s just       Comms Guy              But geez.         (He probably       deserved it)
Oh no,        Random     dude          On          The       ground
 “ She’s lost primary       shields and stabilizers,”
   So shooting at it is doing      minimal damage
             “ It can take all the fire               our cannons                  can manage,”
           Okay,                    time to get you two                down there
           “ we must     summon            reinforcements,”
     Plo is slowly becoming that we          “need reinforcements”            guy
      Like          he can’t do anything           by himself
       (Except           for last           episode)
     “ That’s why          I’m here        Master Plo,”
  That’s not the right       tone
   And.....          I was kind of hoping we’d get a        Master Plo and        Obi-Wan episode
   This time       around
   Never mind the fact that         Anakin can’t take on grievous
   “ what are you able to contact              Master               (Liam Niara)                   (That’s how voice text spells it)                (I have no idea)
        “ Yes, master,”
       That’s better
    “She’s busy with a bunch of separatist         reinforcement’s nearby,”
   Bit too much     eye movement       but otherwise      good
  “ she won’t       be able to give us support till she’s turn        ing them away,”
Meanwhile         you’ve already pretty much      kill ed         him
    Guess            just         play        poker?
   Then        we’ll  have to do with what we have
   Oh now with the teenager around you’re so brave
  How’s        that going to help?
On fire
Really, no   mercy
Poor     droid     jerking   around
Ex     ploding
Perfect balance of kar       mic   pay       back
“We’ve      lost      our    primary       weapon,”
  Shit     just     continues    to                get       worse      and      worse
General     grievous      is        just              there        with his hands       in his head
Not        looking       too    great
“ The hyper drive is dis   -abled,”
It’s been disabled since last episode but good     repeating
Good      to         re-iterate
“ General       general,”
   The     forward   engines        are     shutting     down
“ im   poss     ible,”
Dude,     look         around
That’s   pretty        -         heavy         denial
You     should     just     sur       -render
More Sho              -oting
 This        is       going         to         be        a         sl   -ow       ep      i      sode
Ahsoka       Managing       systems
   A not    bad role       for her
“ Admiral            Status-        Re        port,”
    Shit’s         fucked        once        again
    They’re           hyperdrive         must        be       damaged
    What          you         didn’t         figure          out           the           first          time          will        Obi          won         must’ve         checked
   Compulsively             For the         170th time           in the last           hour
     “This            our          chance”
It wasn’t a few seconds ago?
     “all         ships        target       the      bridge     maximum         fire        power,”
   Dude,        what       do       you      think      that’ll        do
 Grievous         is      made          out        of      pure        titanium
   It’s       like..          a      slightly         long       fall           for      him..
 Generals..     really     don’t    wanna     deal     with   Grievous’s      shit     today
Episode is     22:40      Long       Left
 All     they’re     doing       is     shooting    at     him
Grievous     Called      Dooku
“Dad      I       crashed       the     car,”
Sustained     advanced   damage
 “ I know,”
Just     dead   panned
“ I have     arranged         a       trap,”
Oohh!     Interesting
  But     Also        completely        bullshit
   Guess       this            is           his       punishment
  Being       used        as        bait
  “To     give     you      an     advantage    over       the   Jedi,”
 “ I   assure   you,”
 Please       no
You’re not compound     your failure     this day,”
 Ah, there’s       the chewing out     I was looking for
 “ war       ship        to       fall,”
 Oh so it wasn’t going to be a - get them sent to prison- thing
 So     how are you planning to       unfuck                 the situation
Cause      this looks pretty bad
  They will never catch me or this ship
             Bless him               he’s trying
              The expression just says                 ‘I have no idea               how’
           Like              He            knows           what’s          expected            of          him          but         has         no          idea
   Heading       towards          you         is          a        very      important      galactic        senat        or,”
   In the middle of a       war zone
Seriously       not        a     good       time      for         a   photo     op
 “ With      her         as        a      hostage,”
  “call       off       the      attack,”
  Ok no one is calling off an      attack this important      for        a   senator
  Nor     should      be    letting      her        get    captured         ....
 *Bowing    down*
*Assumed authority*
 It   looks   remarkably    better     this     episode             👍     Also        of        course        it’s      Padme        Amidala     Couldn’t        be        any      of      the    4000     other    senators       we     know     nothing      about              
   Really           getting       into         the      love     triangle      stuff      right        away,           aren’t         we?
  Like       why   couldn’t      we     slow     burn        it
 (I   know    she    was       in    the   movie)     But
  I     wouldn’t         mind    “Are   you       sure   the     infor   mation      from     the     chan cellor     Palpatine       is   reliable?”
Fore     shadowing!
Good    job     authors       you       get      a   cookie
“ it was secretly given to him         by the leader of the     Bank-he Clan,        himself!”
 Okay        Amidala’s          tone      kinda      works
 Could      use       a       little       more   monotone     but      it   works
   I gave Anakin like      three   tries       so       I’m     not   gonna       be    too     harsh
There        is       still       time      for      the     minimal     improve      ment        it      needs
“ if they       leave     the   separatist     alliance     it     will    go     along      way       to   shortening   this   war,”
Er-     Okay      it   makes   sense   for     her   character
 She’s sup   posed      to be   around      the same       age      as   Anakin
“Beep,       Beep,”
 “ We’re     approaching       the     system       now,”
  “Oh     shit,”
 “ my   goodness,”
  Best      Droid
 “This        isn’t        right,”
   Then        Move!
   That’s          a       droid     warship
    “We’re          in         the       middle          of          a       battle!”
   Hey,        that’s          a        smart      character
   Hyper drive out of there
  “ we’re scanning         a small ship off         our bow,”
     Get out of        there   “ Good,”
 Yeah, how are you going to get     her?
 Seeing as how  like a million warships are belting     your bow?
  I know those must be like       raindrops to him
But     come on
Don’t      go    into    the    burn     -ing      wreckage
   And       towards      enemy        fire
 Then   again     she     was     probably    heading     towards      the     Jedi        ship
   So     (as       a   civilian)       that       makes          sense
   “Master          I’m        picking           up            a         signal          near           the         enemy        vessel,”
    Enemy     reinforcements
   That’s-            A         Good          Call
 “ it looks like-”
 “A Naboo ship”
  “Gunners        stand         day,”
     Hey      everyone’s     competent         today!
      (Not          that         there’s           anything         wrong          with          enablers           being           stupid)
       This          just           requires          more          brain       power
   “ what          in      Blazers        are       they      doing      out     here?”
   A valid     response
  But      weren’t       they         the       ones        that        pledged        transport        ships?
  Like      oh      yeah      stupid going out into a war zone
   But     not      completely      out of the question
 “ Ahsoka      contact         that ship,”
  Bit      too      much      energy
    But       still         resp        ect           able
     Literally          coming        from        fiery        hell
     Identify        yourself
  “Padme       what        are       you       doing      out     here,”
   That line sounds like boomer.        What boomers think high school      jocks sound like
   And we’re like  no
  “ I       was       sent      on         a    special    mission,”
  Good      job     Writers
  The        ‘Bang he         Klan        Wanted        to negotiate        a treaty
   Good      reason
   “Get       out        of      there,”
  Too        Force        ful
   Better        Idea;        Have     Obi-Wan         try         to         calmly      explain         the         situation            to           her
      Possibly       distracting          her for        general       grievous           to       kidnap
   “ Activate              the         tractor         beam,”
     Damn        we’re       going        back         to  old old sci        Fi- with tractor beams and       shit
     I was expecting like a hook and chain,     a harpoon
   Was not expecting   that
     That        made        me         laugh
   Tell      them        some     nonsense        is        going         on!
   “i’m     afraid       it’s        much     worse      than      that,”    Gunners          Do        Something?!
   it’s a beam; it can be broken
  “ Padme what’s happening?”
  A go- decent response
   “ i’m         being         pulled         inside        the      droid      cruiser        by        a      tractor      beam,”
   Good     Commun        ication
  Whelp,        Done
   So       at      22: 40           Rest       of        the     episode         is   hostage     situ      ation?
Inter      es    ting
 Much      Better      Than         Just      Shooting        at        it       for        an      hour
    “I will not be made a separatist bargaining      chip,”
    Though           Less          Emo        -tion
    Should           be       recited        like       something       she       had        to      read        off        a   paper
Guessing I’m not Padme I’m Padme’s    handmaiden  thing only works     once
Continue       your    attack
 You     must   continue-
I hope     she get some   actual action
Nothing too intense       because she’s still a kid
But like a surprise attack on     General grievous
Destroy     this   monstrous   ship
That’s kind     of      like-
I saw the next frame
Tumblr media
    You are not Romeo and Juliet   movie
    You are two kids reinacting Romeo and Juliet              clumsy
   Get it right
  “Admiral,     order      our   ships     to   stop     firing,”
 No   one’s   gonna    stop     this
 No   one‘s   gonna   comment...
Obi-Wan      And        Plo   Koon          are        just     gone
  Left      when      Anakin      started       acting    unchild like
   Never     mind      still       there
 Nothing   suspicious      *Rubs    beard*
   It     does      not     look       safe       out     there      my     lady
  Screw      with      the     tractor      beam      and       leave
  No      one    can     stop   you
Droid     Related
 “I      see     now   this   whole   thing   was     a   trap,”
The     Bang’he       Clan     Works      With           The-
    I       can’t     even     make     that         joke   because       the   bang’he      clan      are   working      with       the     separatists
  Good    writers       you       out     joked      me
“ we   walked    right    into     it,”
 Pressing     buttons       isn’t   going       to   help   lady
Sir  the     republic   cruisers     have     halted    their   attack
Bit   too   much   emotion      for     a     droid     but    it   works
“Jedi     are     so   predictable,”
  Hit       him       with          a      gun
   Get        the      repair       team      up     here
  “ i’m     going     down      to       the   main   hanger,”
The arm motion was a little weird...     for ‘I’m going down to the main     hanger’
 Street    Railways?
Are we   getting *tour    the inside of the    ship??
This     ship   must     be   returned      to   Count     Dooku     intact
Nice   little   interaction
Rail      ways
There’s     no   room     for   failure
Hard       Moral
One      on   fast   speed    ing   train
Moves       over       to   another   pad
   Don’t     think     that’s   gonna   help
“Come        on     I’ve   over       loaded     the   power     system,”
 THAT’S        actually      really      clever
   Good          job     whoever        gave         that        order
    General      grievous        goes          boom
    Fighter        door       opens
    Find            a       Fighter
    And        fly        out
   * Anakin        walks          away*
       You know this would be a good idea if Obi-Wan had ordered him to do so when feeling the emotion of ‘love’, miscommunicating the concept of love, and didn’t realize that’s what he was doing -  what clues him      in
“ where do you think you’re going,”
 “ someone’s got to save     her,”
    Still too much emotion
   “I thought you might say     that,”
     Did you give him that, did you give him an        order relevant to that?
     There he goes   again
     Yeah           Someone        should         really        check         up        on       that
     Or       get    Obi-Wan         to        lay off           the       suicidal      orders
  “Craving     adventures        and     excitement,”
     No,      orders
   “ You        get         used           to         it”
Could      be     just       a     response
  But     too     much    reaction        And      Person         ality
   Oh,          Shit’s        On          Fire
   “Come on 3PO hurry,”
     Flaming wreck lady
    “not sure this is such a good       idea,”
   Neither     is       being       held      captive
   You’re made of like solid gold
  [also the announce in the background        like a train station - just cracks me up]
  Time to get blown up
   “ Mind the gap”
   “Mind the gap”
     You        two       come       with       me
That droid’s-
 No, wait-         It’s Amidala
   And C3PO
  He’s trying to      help
   Looks       Inside
   Look     like        the   engine-         Are           Set           To -
   “Destroy          themselves,”
     He        really        needed        them         to        say           that
   Get      out       of      my     way
 “Ow,”          You        don’t      want          to       die
   That’s         just           rude
    So         is     death
   You    should       get       out        of        there
    He’s        going               to       come         back        around
   Fire squad         is a train         wreck
    They’re          Trying
      Crud      if this gets back to      Skywalker          and        he      thinks       she’s      dead
  After        That     Speech
  Who knows what toxic morals of love         Obi-Wan taught him         could activate
  This could       become     a train      wreck
 It got      worse
Seriously       who made the droids that have to        with      stand       high    water pressure          Light weights
  Even high water pressure        cannot kill him
  Even running away      cannot save him
 Wonder     what that attack       would’ve done
 Sound the alarm
 “We have stowaways,”
   She was never on that   ship
   Seriously      no one besides the republic      saw her 
I’d go with “she isn’t on board,”
Back     to the        republic ships
   Who are doing       nothing         while grievous rebuilds
    Like,         The medical station is   right there
    You might want to get back       on moving     them
Just Saying
  “ i’ve trusted you already formulated a brilliant   plan to     rescue     the      Senator,”
 “ as a matter of fact     I have,”
Weird        How to     Code     that
“ what do you have a Plan B               Every     good plan has a back up,”
  Stop        forcing his    dependence on you
 “ I don’t   have a back up   yet,”
  Too     much    emotion
Not really   helping his   self-esteem
Really “ we’ll sneak behind them and dock at the emergency air     lock,”
   So I’m guessing this is going to set up     Padme     going       there
“ That’s       your        plan?”         Discouraging
“Fly     land,”
That’s literally what all maneuvers     rely on
Also     it       sounds       like   something     out      of       a     fairy     book
  Which        might        explain      Anakin      toxic      behavior
  “ Walk        in         the        door,”
    Too      much       emotion
  “Oh     Brilliant,”
 Firey       Wreck
 “ Might I suggest we keep     moving?”
   Bit       Loud         There            It
   “ I think        I hear      battle droids   approaching,”
  Talking         is      not     helping
 “But      we also need to contact         the fleet,”
     Getting out is the prerogative
      They don’t know where you are
       And you can’t stay in a constant       location
       If I can just keep this        com panel working
Well     just      disappeared
 “The Damage to the hyper drive       was not as bad as        we first        thought,”
  It’s been     damaged     for about    two episodes
 Also, Good for    Her
“ We’ll be able to get underway again shortly,”
  With this   mess of a ship
   Hyperdrive would send half of it flying
   It’s barely holding together by a      string
   You’re     screwed
 I must inform count     Dooku
 Seems     oddly    suspic.
Continue the search
��Find the     stowaway 
  How does    that change anything      in Amidala’s eyes
 Getting     to know the boss     isn’t worth it
Just be more careful
  Roger, roger
  Oh        She       Was          In          A        Cabinet
   Thought         she       made           it        in
  C3PO        Looks      creepy       in      one     frame
   Shit’s        Constantly          on         fire
    “If they spot us        we’ll be pulverized,”
     With what guns??
     You’ve been doing all the hitting           this entire time
     They’ve been sitting         Geese
     “They’re            too           busy repairing the ship,”
       Thank you
       [also Obi-Wan              complainers rules]
       “ They             don’t                   have              time                to             notice              us,”
        Subtlety               has            never            been             one              of             your            strong             points             Anakin
Neither        Yours            Person           who           orders            him!
“ Everything       I     know       I      learned     from        you     master,”
  Point       Yes      Attitude?     No
   Oh       if      only      that      was      true
  Should            Be
   Might         be          a              side           jab              at           how           he          took          orders           from            the        Chancellor
     There          we          go
     Only      Obi-Wan        was          worried
  “Didn’t         You         Hear       It,”
    Your        circuits          are       loose
    Or       maybe       you’ve       lost       your   hearing
From        the   impact
 “ No      one’s        crazy      enough           to        do         that,”
 “You’re        Crazy,”
   You   groomed      him      this      way
“ spinning           is          not       flying”
    “But          it’s          a      good      trick,”
   Too     much   emotion
   Do      not     want       to       be        spotted
   Good       job
   You’re      standing        more        in              the       doorway         than         he          is
    “I knew it it’s them,”
     That droid       is just having a day
      Aww              But his        friend came down           to check           with him
    That’s adorable
    Oh no
   They’re backing off       peacefully
Obi-wan     specifically
   You stay here           R2
  Again     why did you bring him
  Another        bold strategy by -
     Say Skywalker
     “I presume,”
    No, Obi-Wan’s 
 When it’s not Palpatine’s
    “That’s my master”
           Children               don’t                show          preference                  for            handlers
      “ once they rescue the Senator we will need to reinforcement to finish off the enemy
    Sounds nonsense           but OK
          Dude             really              Likes         enforcement’s                 “ i’m on my way,”
       “Master Plo”
  “ We’re receiving a transmission,”
Weird distance to start a conversation at
Running for some reason
 “ Master          we found the     senator,”
“ We’re patching       Her through,”
  What       is       it       with    Skywalker      and   becoming         a     Barking        over-   animated     Puppet      Every      time     senator       Amidala      gets     involved            ?
“Anakin       where       are       you,”
   Better;        where        are      your    coordinates
    “ On       lower      levels,”
   Better       but      where
   “I don’t          know,”
    Give a better location
     For how long
     Problem with this whole plan
      Give Landmarks
      Get to the     rendezvous point
     “Obi won and I are on board too,”
     Better; get to the ship on level ____ on your ___ side                 Optional; Closest landmark ____
             We’ll meet you   there
           What what are you doing?
           Not the best point to      argue
       Ahsoka, how can we get to the senator
     Better how can we both get to the escape pad?
    In case   we both get separated
    Taking longer to coordinate       that complicated-
    How long till they get separated?
    Center of the ship
Half way between the two of you
 Neither      Ahsoka gave neither
   Bad instructions
“ we’re on our way
    To a very unspecified point on not   specified level at a not specified   time
Let     the hijinks   commence
 “ Did                    you hear that                                    Padme?”
You’re on the same com
 “ i’ll be there,”
The question    to my answer was       22:40
  When do the Hijinks begin?
   Let’s             See
Marching      Intimidated 
  “we just detected        An unauthorized communication          Coming from within the        ship,”
    Shouldn’t he be making a phone      call?
  “ what did it           say?”
Well      we don’t know
 That’s how encoding works
 We didn’t catch it in   time
 Droid     winces
Monitor     all internal     communications
Like they’ll do it again
I want   that senator    on this bridge
Good   luck with that
You haven’t   even   saw her
Should be a cakewalk
Is Not a cakewalk
All the way up there
“I do not see her,”
 Yeah, that’s the problem-
 She’s here master
I sent it
Or you got the wrong port
(So you heard her voice     so she’s clearly somewhere on this ship)
 He’s probably late again
But we do have company of another sort
Oh        She has a gun
  And somehow none of that hits     her
   And of course that gets the attention
    I’m honestly glad they didn’t go with miscommunication          Causes        fake stand up         scenario
      Even if this is         faux       Romeo and Juliet
     Good job
    Lots of       jumping
    Look     Jedi
    Good job         nice guy
    No wait         That one       guy had     common sense
   “I knew that was a bad idea,”
    That you didn’t show on the other      guys
    Who       were far more hesitant
     And you took out that    one guy
    Who didn’t do   anything
     Just wasn’t as  vocal
    Jump The peashooter      isn’t doing the job?
 He tried
  Power      Thrust
  Ana       kin
“ There.      they          are!”
    Bull         shit
  No way     
he saw those guys
 On all those     Packages
 Also       ‘the i knew     It was      a bad     Idea     Guy       Got     New     Friends
The   bridge     is     out
“Jump     to me,”
 Try       it   with     a     little    bit     more         disinterest
“ I’ll use the force”
Even she realizes it’s not that     intense
  “ You have to trust me,”
    Good Luck
 It looks like     she just      falls
Also Obi-wan’s in the back   like     it’s none of my business
Like dude came on a rescue mission      And     has become completely useless     never helped   once     Complained  the whole way   there
“Got you,”
“ NICE    CATCH,”     Obi  -Wan from the sidelines
    10/10        Hilarious
“ I’ll fetch the droid,”
This          isn’t                   cute
“Oh the things you do to get me alone,”
   KIDS don’t-
Please      no     more     smoopy-
I’m     putting   it in     the    “bad”    corner      Till       it   stops   trying     to     ship   children
  Bad    Movie
 That’s          Not     Cute
Obi-wan             Sucks
   Can’t      even      levitate        A       Droid
  “Stop         me       please”
    Poor        Droid
    Blast          You’re            Weak
     “ That’s           not           good”
         Yeah             you’re               weak
          “Anakin               I got            separated                from                your                  droid,”                  Thank                   God
                 I’ll                   take                  care                    of                      it
             Better                             “ We’ll                   meet                      you                      back                        at                     the                    Twilight”?
                 “ I                overheard                 grievous,”
     “ They’re hyper-drive             is nearly fixed,”
       Soooo, He better get you back to the      ship so we can start blasting it with Cannon balls again?
“ i’m already headed in that direction,”
  Soooooo, don’t do it, Obi-wan?
  Or have Anakin and take the extremely important senator       And come back for you later?
  “ i’ll make sure the   hyperdrive stays off line,”
  By shooting it with more cannon-balls?
Ha ha Ha ha ha
  We’ll see about that
 What?!        Person who can do nothing!
 Like seriously if they just go back to the ship-
  That Jedi
“I’m getting you out of here,”
  Good decisions
 “I need you to help me find 3PO,”
“ I know I know     he does,”
 Padme’s        expression
“And       i’ll be there     soon,”
  That’s        almost       adorable
       Oh          like          that
‘Someone stop this contraption,”
Careful        Words
There        We          Go
  Into      those      boxes
“ I       suppose             I did ask for that,”
   That got a small giggle   out of me
Murderous        Intent
 Get        Fucked        Obi   Wan
Really    rolling out all the stops
 “ Hello there,”
 [Took a pause.   a long break]
  General Kenobi
“ kill him,”
Straight.       To.     The.       Point.
More in line with the characterization we’ve seen up so far, not that much for conversation
Dude’s       just rolling
 There        went the others
 Bowling    pins            they          are
Oh     grievous   has     a     gun
And   hiding behind the enemy
Thought     he sent     both those     guys flying
Apparently     I was wrong
Must’ve        Been        a       Third
Didn’t     Work
That    poor      Droid...
  That        was        impressive
    Nah      he        ran      around      things
It really set up your forces for a     brawl among       them selves
Dude,   how   insecure
“ Guard         the         hyperdrive,”
Oh     yeah       he      did      shit        to         it
  Also   sending     basic       level      mooks        to     deal     with        it
Shooting         Things
 Again       how      did   Anakin         and   Padme     end      up     in      the    situation?
 They      were      at      the     train    station      last
  Now         they’re         at??
 And       have      agroed         every       enemy
  Who      should       be     focusing       on    Obi-Wan   because 
  That        was        their     last        order
   Grievous      has      just         completely       ignored       Anakin
 You          aggroed              Them!
  Why      are        you      calling       Obi -Wan
“Come in     Obi-wan,” 
 Get     her     to       the shuttle
“ i’m afraid     grievous     is onto     us,”
“We      noticed,”
 Hey   you guys Aggroed those guys completely on your own     don’t blame Grievous   for this
Those      are      Tanks
 You’re  peashooter     isn’t going       to       do       much
 Also,          Anakin      shouldn’t     be     able       to      take     them   either
This           should       be        a     properly     terrifying     moment
“ We’ll           meet      you     back        on       the     twilight,”
Good     plan
“Obi-   Wan!”
Writers      don’t     screw       this        up
 “Come     In,”
 His   communicuff     clearly    got   damaged
What’s      wrong?!
 They’re       jamming      all     communication
No again   it’s far more likely that his       communicuff        Got     Damaged     (Especially   with      Grievous      listening        in,”
Not everything is     jammed communi         cations               Yeet, yeet         Yeet
That     should    not     work Those        are     tanks
Anakin   is        a     lightweight
His skill set is     unspecified
But     he shouldn’t  be able to cut more than     butter with that knife
Light wieght     clankers     should   pose    a   challenge
Due   to   the   amount   of   energy
  “That    might      buy         us      some         time
   I       suppose         you        have          a        plan      Yeah,          Get           to            the         escape         pad
     Follow            Me
    ...To          the          escape           pod
      C3PO             I do believe           I’m lost
       Seriously            you           haven’t           found              this             guy
       Enemy          Territory
       And           all            alone
       You’re         a           service            droid
         Probably             wouldn’t              notice              anything
             Dude, they’d probably just adopt       you into the clan
            “ I surrender,”
               Again I really want to see the C3PO and battle droids     conversation
               (When not aware of the other side)
 It’s      a projector...          R2 D2
    “ you are a sight for    old eyes,”
      A nice   interaction
“ Master     Anakin         sent       you          to       find        me,”
  “ what        kept           you        then?”
     He      does         have         a       point
    Dude     got   thrown      off      the     train    about      an     hour     ago
R2′s      just been messing with him
“ follow me,”
“ The general        is demanding     a        status report,”
Oh some driod on droid    interactions    (without   the    general)
Is    the    hyperdrive   re-paired         Yet
  From     there?
“ i’ll     give     him     the   good   news,”
This   isn’t   the       escape     pad
Did   you   take   a   wrong    detour?
Also    no   one   guarding   the   super   important    one   panel   repair
Just       Light weight    clankers
   Also that’s not   good news
  (Especially considering       it’s one panel)
   Surprised     this goes      so well
Also;      now     there’s      tanks
  Surprised you think that peashooter can do anything   ma’am
   Like seriously   should’ve grabbed a bigger gun
  The   droids     have     some
  And      you can’t tell me       there       hasn’t been artillery     laying around    this     entire       time
  That almost-      Turned into murder                 This is why not going to the escape pods      immediately    was       a      bad      idea
  Again          this       should        be         a      stressful        fight
But turning your child soldier       Into an all powerful      can never lose       child soldier
 Is bullshit       movie
 Opened   Door
  “Ever since I’ve known you       you’ve been playing       with droids,”
 “I used to put them together,”
 Now I only take them   apart      Child soldiering...
  It sucks
So,    where do we start
Obi-Wan      supposed to be here                               any minute!
With whole lot of     bullshit!
First we need to get one of these     droids so they don’t know we were here
No destroy the thing and     go
They’ll figure it out in like   five seconds
When they go to start the thing     up!
Running is a good   option
“I’m gonna     hot wire   this ship,”
How does       this make       anything            better?
 He’s already down   and       in kicking position
  Everyone’s waiting for Amidala
 You’re not helping, good sir!
  (In fact I’m pretty sure   you’d have to fix something       To make     it go,”
Secondly,      This is a     HUGE    -ass ship
As a reason it has an   electrical team
Squeezing two little   wires
Isn’t going to do       much
It requires continuous effort   to different parts of the ship       To make a dent
And I truly doubt     such   a large ship is going to have such a     non-complicated        Start-up     compared   to hotwiring     a car
Point being;     this shouldn’t work
Give      Grievous      a little surprise
Again    if it’s anything less     Then a      bomb
 Dude isn’t   gonna have   much             trouble
And    this      is       a         waste       of      time
I’ll guess     I’ll clean up the droids   then
LITERally im   possible
That’s     a      tank!
 You   carry   light     weaponry!
Back     to    the   fleet
Plo           Koon         Is       doing     nothing
Having     tea   and   cookies   with     Ahsoka
Our     ships   are       in     attack     position
So...    nothings   changed
“Master     Skywalker,”
  No      one        else      either
 “ The      droids        are     jamming      our     transmissions,”
(More   likely   reason     for     that      on       a       -damaged     ship)
But      Ergh-
“We need to give him more     time,”
“ i’m sure we can,”
I’ve been sitting on my ass-         
  [Plo’s            Head        Moves     -Railway]
   We’re         back         here      again?
   Obi-Wan         should         be         at        the     station        by         now
    Everything         is       behind        him
Make it to the   Coms   center
Break      Some      Shit
Oof     Those       Poor     Droids            Good      Pa     rell       els
 Obi won    looking   back-and-forth
 Obi-Wan       you       are        a      Jedi     master       this      shouldn’t       be     hard
Tum   ble
I was fully planning on   him   stacking it
Also, Obiwan
  Stop fecking         Around
  Get to the   place
Did you   end up   falling over?
Ironically Obi-Wan    shows    less    emotion    than     Anakin
* Slashing      the       train*
 Okay...     what     did     I   do
Snarky        little     shit
 Could        be     snarkier
 “That         oughta    do it,”
Ana     -kin      Doing      Obi-wan’s          Job
 Also   Oh     shit      is he       plugging           in       the            location         of         that       supposed          fight           with           master-
How’s the house cleaning going-
 That dude made out of     -metal
  He is     FIVE    times     your   bodyweight!
 You     MOVED         a     Tank??
What       ever
 * Guys       coming            in*
    Oh   yeah       that’s         a       door
       I         guess       repairs         are       finished
Or       they went       on      lunch       break
   Prepared        to charge        up the hyperdrive
     Right on it
“Roger, Roger,”           -famous last words
  Are we      seriously      waiting     on   these   two
“Are      you   quite   sure   the   ship       is       in   that   direction?
He’s   basically   a   GPS
That     way    looks   potentially   dangerous
All   of    them   do
 “Haz       ardous,”
 Better   Example     beeping   irritatedly
“I know       the whole     place      is    dangerous,”
  Thank you   R2-     D2
“ I   suggest   we       stay   here   and    let   master   Anakin   find   us,”
Bad     idea
A better idea than anyone in the ‘let’s meet up in an undisclosed location’ came up with
Good idea
Fecking   Irony
“Don’t    just   stand   there,”
“Let’s      get    back     to    the   ship,”
Power          up   the   engines     R2
You know   Obi-Wan’s     likely going to screw up your shit   right
*obi-Wan     comes     around     the   corner,*
Dude you have shit to     screw up    
Did you forget?
There shouldn’t be an     escape pod   for you
Hold the   ship
No, you didn’t do     anything...
Then again he could just     cannonball   it
How’s that- 
Okay     Very light   bullshit
“ i’ll   contact    the     fleet,”
It’s   the   most   you’ve     done   this   entire   time
Focus      On         The     chair
Do        cking      Clamp
There     We       Go
 Off        We     Go
 It’s       still   Burning
Grievous        Off
He doesn’t know   
Obi-Wan’s off   the ship
Last   saw   him   on   the     train...
(Not     followed    up     on   directly)
Flighters,   Where        I thought they all got     destroyed?!
All batteries   open fire
Again     Plo Koon does not give a shit       who dies
(Until sitting on his ass gets        too   boring)
Also    this isn’t his fleet
They shouldn’t listen to   him
(Especially after he got his last one   killed)
More       Shooting at the   burning     wreck
Turb      ulence
And     Obi-Wan   still    didn’t   do        his     job
You can       shoot back   at any time
“ I wa-”
Obi-wan      being   completely       useless
Anakin       having       too     much     emotion
“I   got      it,”
Shoo   ting     stuff
Somehow       doesn’t    go   down   immediately
“ She     seems     to know   her way   around,”
Hit     Something
The      Hyper       Drive
Also   Obi-Wan   didn’t   fuck   up   shit 
Dis     appointed
Also   it   certainly    as   frick   isn’t   now
After   they’ve   been   shooting
Should we retreat     to   friendly    space?
If You can make there it with it in     one piece      (Which    was    the   qualifications)
Engage     the   hyperdrive
With   me   not   on  it
“Secret base      sector four,”
Enthus iastic
“Yes,      Sir,”
Fighters      still   chasing
“Nice   Shoot,”
“Beginners     luck,”
“Hyperdrive   is   activating,”
“ Oh-shit     Caught in a   lie.”
-They’re getting hit with cannonballs     Anakin what did you do   ?!
(What Did      I    order you    to do?)
Coordinates    are   locked
“Hyperdrives     engaging,”
  Shit’s     about       to    go-
Sp-       arking
Glitzy     display         Base
“ I think   there’s     a   problem,”
“General     I think     there’s a problem with the   hyperdrive,”
Yeah       The ship got refired     upon     it’s probably       re broken
“ I thought     the hyperdrive     was fixed,”
And then it got shot again...
The navigate computer is heading a straight into the   moon
What        ??
Fools       reset the           Navi         computer
Tech    Support
Worst         time      to     call
(Don’t       think     it     could’ve       gone       more       sideways)
Also good job         Anakin         You crash landed them       on a planet         with significantly larger surface area       and resources     that they       can             use      to         re-build
 Aka              you made things harder      than they needed to      be
  Obi-Wan,        what are you     ordering       this kid
Narrowed eyes
-No     reset       it
But I’m interested         in where this is going
Since        Grievous           has          had           a lot of       shit thrown at him
Doesn’t matter     which side of      enablers         he still enabling
 But          I suppose        over involved         positivity            Would be            kind of a nice      change          for         him
 Over         over involved           negativity
 Speeds         off
“Trans         -mission         Has          been          cut,”
* also      smart        droid
“ We’re     Gonna         die
Whelp       Obi-Wan has to have a sit down talk with Anakin.    about the ‘ Drive the         ship into the moon,’ order
Also I realized      (thanks to Obi-Wan)     they know nothing about what just     happened         Grievous           either             decided         to        just       end          it 
or they’re all dead
 Dick move
“ I imagine        you had           something       to do       with that,”
WTF- orders
“ all part of       the plan,”
Obi-Wan schooled       Anakin in      extraterrestrial terrorism
Cheering     at least the ion cannon     isn’t coming back
Nice shot
           ...So Destroy Malevolence
               I have to say      I really like this episode
 Despite the plot      stretched thin
        There was a noticeable increase in the quality of       animation
        The child characters were     good 
The other characters were a lot more consistent  And a lot       smarter                               
0 notes
mamabearcat · 5 years
INUKAG Fanfic Rec List - M
NSFW ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Over the last few years, I’ve suffered from on again/ off again insomnia, where some nights I go to bed, don’t sleep at all, and then get up again – rinse and repeat. Rather than spending all night looking at the ceiling and pondering my place in the universe, I pass the time by reading fanfiction. A LOT of fanfiction. And now you, dear reader, get to reap the benefits.
All M Rated by the writer – some for smexiness, some for violence and language (I mean, they all contain Inuyasha, so…) some for all of the above. Also, I’ve only included COMPLETED fics, so there will be some missing from this list that I would absolutely recommend. I have a huge ass list of uncompleted favourites also, but I understand that not everyone likes losing their heart to a fic only to find out that it was last updated in 2005. Log onto fanfiction.net and go through the fics I’m ‘following’ if you want to see those.
I don’t claim this to be an exhaustive list, or the best of the best. This is just a list of fics that I have really enjoyed and would happily read again, and thought others might enjoy too. There’s probably some that I’ve forgotten, in fact I’m sure there are, so please don’t be upset if you’ve written an Inuyasha fic and I haven’t put it on here!
I’ve also made a SFW list, rated T and under. M rated list under the cut!
SHORT FICS (Less than 20,000 words)
To Tame a Wild Heart By Merith - What would really happen if Inuyasha transformed into his youkai self and no one stopped him? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Words: 10,966 - Reviews: 184 - Favs: 628 - Follows: 85 - Published: Feb 17, 2003 - Status: Complete 
Health Homework By: Chione - A funny little tale of embarrassment and intrigue. Love and lust. Homework and something not appropriate in school. Kagome and Inuyasha. Tetsusaiga and possessiveness. Rated for language and mature themes. Light and fluffy. Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Romance - Kagome H., Inuyasha - Words: 2,712 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 175 - Follows: 13 - Published: Aug 6, 2004 - Status: Complete
Strange Bedfellows By: FrameofMind - Oneshot. Inuyasha's never been much for village festivals, but this "night-crawling" celebration turns out to have a few strange surprises in store... Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 8,716 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 228 - Follows: 24 - Published: Jul 9, 2012 - Status: Complete 
Wallflower By: Fenikkusuken - Ater three years, Inuyasha has to admit his feelings for Kagome...or lose her to Hojo. Rated M for citrus. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 4,671 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 390 - Follows: 38 - Published: Jun 11, 2006 - Status: Complete
Body Language By: Fenikkusuken - Kagome still needs some convincing that Inuyasha doesn't see her as a replacement for Kikyo...Rated M for citrus content Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 8,862 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 593 - Follows: 66 - Published: Jul 8, 2006 - Status: Complete
TwoTimer By: Fenikkusuken - A willing hanyou, a girl and a convenient cave. Why's Kagome hesitating? Rated for Mature content. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Kagome H., Inuyasha - Words: 7,018 - Reviews: 102 - Favs: 604 - Follows: 61 - Published: Oct 6, 2007 - Status: Complete 
The Score By: Fenikkusuken - OneShot. When the InuCru fall victim to mischievous kitsune magic, hard truths are revealed. Contains spoilers for manga volumes 505 and 506. Rated M for citrus content. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 13,829 - Reviews: 47 - Favs: 290 - Follows: 17 - Published: Oct 29, 2007 - Status: Complete
Take It Slow By: Patchcat - Having recently taken her as his lover, Inuyasha is eager to get Kagome alone again; and he knows just where he should take her. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 6,176 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 156 - Follows: 16 - Published: Mar 15, 2008 - Status: Complete
Revelation By: Fenikkusuken - OneShot. Inuyasha has some relationship repairs to make after he takes advantage of Kagome's generous heart. Rated for citrus and mature themes; contains spoilers for the manga. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 11,309 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 284 - Follows: 23 - Published: Oct 9, 2008 - Status: Complete
Erectile Dysinformation By: King Baka - Inuyasha has a run-in with a little blue pill. Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor - Inuyasha, Kagome H., Sōta H. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 10,537 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 85 - Follows: 11 - Published: Dec 13, 2010 - Status: Complete 
The Teahouse By: Jessibelle811 - Inuyasha and company spend the night at a strange teahouse. Inu Yasha and Kagome face startling realizations while under the influence of a demon's spell. Inu/Kag one-shot Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Fantasy - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 7,534 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 196 - Follows: 21 - Published: Jul 9, 2011 - Status: Complete
Dancing Slowly in an Empty Room By: WitchyGirl99 - When Kagome's life shatters before her, she's sure that she'll always be alone. What she doesn't expect is the ghost of a silver-haired, golden-eyed man standing in her library with a smirk, InuKag. Oneshot. Rated: Fiction M - English - Tragedy/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 8,626 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 118 - Follows: 24 - Published: Feb 5, 2012 - Status: Complete 
I Knew You Before I Met You By: KeiChanz - Kagome has been talking to her online best friend Inu for nearly two years and feels like she's known him for much longer. When her friends convince her to go out with them one night, Kagome ends up in an unfortunate situation and pleads for the help of the one person whom she trusts the most above all others. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Words: 19,758 - Reviews: 79 - Favs: 515 - Follows: 75 - Published: Jun 6, 2013 - Status: Complete 
Lemon Tree By: Angelhart79 - The long awaited Inu/Kag sequel to Claim. Enjoy! (one shot) Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] - Words: 7,242 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 177 - Follows: 30 - Published: Mar 23, 2015 - Status: Complete
Learning Curve By: StoatsandWeasels - Post-canon One-shot: Nighttime activities and internal musings of the newlywed couple. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - [Kagome H., Inuyasha] - Words: 2,679 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 157 - Follows: 29 - Published: May 6, 2016 - Status: Complete
Claiming What is Mine By: StarlingChild4 - A request from Keichanz. Post-canon. When Kagome takes care of a strange man, who'd collapsed ill outside their village, Inuyasha is wrought with jealousy and desire to reclaim what is rightfully his... Thankfully, Kagome couldn't agree more. Rated MA for graphic, shameless smut. [COMPLETE] Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] - Words: 6,112 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 187 - Follows: 42 - Published: Aug 28, 2018 - Status: Complete
Manipulation By: akitokihojo - Kagome is kidnapped by a malevolent and ruthless demon that gets off on terror and drawn out death. He wants to taunt her lifeless body over Inuyasha's head for pure enjoyment and revenge. Will Inuyasha make it in time or will Kagome be fighting for her life alone? Rated: Fiction M - English - Angst/Suspense - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] - Chapters: 3 - Words: 17,968 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 12 - Published: Dec 12, 2018 - Status: Complete
The One With The Fantasy Type Thing  By: shinidamachu - InuYasha reveals one of his sex fantasies to Kagome. What, oh what will happen next? Post-canon. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,339 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 14 - Updated: Jul 8 - Published: May 6 - Status: Complete
The Language He Speaks  By: akitokihojo - Inuyasha thought he knew pain after experiencing so much loss in his life, but it wasn't until he was separated from Kagome that he discovered how sharp pain could really be. Now that he had her back, he wasn't willing to take any risks, but Kagome was so fearless against demons. What was it gonna take to get his point across? When would she finally see how badly he needed her? Rated: Fiction M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] - Words: 7,489 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 19 - Published: May 12 - Status: Complete
Dangerous Admirer By: FireTigerSoul - Kagome seems to have picked up an admirer, one of the dangerous sorts. After battling various youkai in Sengoku Jidai, taking care of a stalker should be a cinch, right? Complete Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 33 - Words: 92,963 - Reviews: 810 - Favs: 476 - Follows: 70 - Updated: Feb 13, 2005 - Published: Sep 6, 2004 - Status: Complete 
This Can't Be Good By: Ithilwen K-Bane - COMPLETE. Hojo becomes trapped in the Sengoku Jidai: Chivalry isn't dead, but it sure seems to be asking for it... Rated for Inuyasha's mouth and Miroku's mind. Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Adventure - Inuyasha, Kagome H., Miroku, Hōjō - Chapters: 51 - Words: 131,852 - Reviews: 2,492 - Favs: 1,585 - Follows: 206 - Updated: Jul 18, 2005 - Published: May 2, 2003 - Status: Complete
Dog Skin By: sublimetrickster - Kagome loves her father, King Naraku. Unfortunately, he starts loving her in the wrong way and disguised, she escapes. A kindhearted hanyou prince rescues her, but can he protect her from the darkness that pursues her? A Grimm Fairytale. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Kagome H., Inuyasha - Chapters: 22 - Words: 111,889 - Reviews: 1,278 - Favs: 1,656 - Follows: 384 - Updated: Jul 28, 2006 - Published: Jan 5, 2005 - Status: Complete
The World Through His Eyes By: The Purple Ghost - When a failed attempt with a minor spell causes Kagome to loose her sight, she gets the unique opportunity to see the world through our favorite hanyou's eyes...literally...Now Complete Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Angst - Kagome H., Inuyasha - Chapters: 20 - Words: 143,812 - Reviews: 1,129 - Favs: 1,468 - Follows: 403 - Updated: Jul 30, 2007 - Published: Jul 30, 2003 - Status: Complete
The Pain By: Captain applesauce - With Naraku's new incarnation comes an obsession to destroy Kagome, who is becoming more and more powerful as she unleashes new powers and her relationship with Inuyasha is strengthened. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 66 - Words: 350,826 - Reviews: 1,211 - Favs: 987 - Follows: 303 - Updated: Nov 19, 2007 - Published: Oct 1, 2004 - Status: Complete 
The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse By: Fenikkusuken - COMPLETE. An AR riff on the anime. Rated for coarse language, violence and citrus. Kagome Higurashi, recent graduate of the Imperial Military Academy, finds all of her skills seriously tested when the Shikon Jewel summons her to the Sengoku Jidai. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 86 - Words: 787,420 - Reviews: 2,175 - Favs: 1,652 - Follows: 532 - Updated: Jun 28, 2008 - Published: Jun 28, 2005 - Status: Complete
Something Real By: Angelica Pierce - While staying over night in a village, Kagome is confronted with the full truth about Inuyasha’s hardship regarding his social status and heritage. Will she be able to find a way to help him see through the pain? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Drama - Kagome H., Inuyasha - Words: 30,044 - Reviews: 136 - Favs: 579 - Follows: 92 - Updated: Jul 28, 2008 - Published: May 10, 2005 - Status: Complete
Metamorphosis By: King Baka - *COMPLETE* "Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction." An unusual youkai attack transforms Kagome's very being. Can she come to terms with her new self, and can Inuyasha accept, perhaps even love, the new Kagome? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 64 - Words: 401,136 - Reviews: 351 - Favs: 575 - Follows: 148 - Updated: Mar 7, 2011 - Published: Dec 9, 2010 - Status: Complete
Playing With Fire By: FrameofMind - AU. When Chicago's finest Teppanyaki chef meets his first female peer, there is some friction. When they're sent to New York to represent the restaurant in a high-profile competition, sparks are inevitable... Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 88,628 - Reviews: 432 - Favs: 457 - Follows: 255 - Updated: Jan 8, 2012 - Published: Jun 5, 2008 - Status: Complete
To Summon a Mate By: Penthesileia - On Halloween night, Kagome is tricked into releasing a possessive, dangerous, hotter then hell demon from his prison of 500 years. She's in danger, but it's not her life she's worried about…yet. Sequel out NOW! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Supernatural - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] - Chapters: 42 - Words: 216,965 - Reviews: 3,311 - Favs: 3,039 - Follows: 1,880 - Updated: Nov 1, 2013 - Published: Nov 1, 2008 - Status: Complete 
Blackout By: King Baka - *COMPLETE* A night of celebration yields life-altering consequences for Inuyasha and Kagome. Can they weather the storm, or will the consequences of their actions prove too much to handle? Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 48 - Words: 343,594 - Reviews: 537 - Favs: 370 - Follows: 309 - Updated: Sep 4, 2015 - Published: Dec 25, 2013 - Status: Complete
Out of Time By: KeiChanz - Inuyasha and Kagome are in a race against time as they rush to save their friends from an uncertain fate. While being pursued through a dark forest and fighting to stay alive, at times it seems hopeless, but together, they can overcome. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Romance - Inuyasha, Kagome H. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 26,268 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 76 - Follows: 33 - Published: Jun 8, 2018 - Status: Complete 
Real By: KeiChanz - Kagome is acting...not like herself, and Inuyasha doesn't quite know what to think. But then after a battle, Kagome unknowingly reveals a wicked secret and suddenly for Inuyasha, everything clicked. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 26,076 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 146 - Follows: 29 - Published: Feb 16 - Status: Complete 
When I Almost Lost You By: Corpses playing poker - After a fight with Kagome Inuyasha storms off. But when he doesn't come back the group begins to worry, and finds evidence that something terrible has happened to him. How far will Kagome go to get him back? InuxKag. Rated for violence and language. Rated: Fiction M - English - Drama/Hurt/Comfort - Inuyasha, Kagome H., Sango, Miroku - Chapters: 24 - Words: 73,467 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 43 - Follows: 50 - Updated: Apr 21 - Published: Jun 15, 2018 
In Between By: akitokihojo - Each step, each breath, each smile and tear was unknowingly documented. Cameras were watching, culprits were laughing, a wild game was ensuing, so who could Kagome trust? Certainly not the well-armed, ex-friend, pigheaded detective, Inuyasha. No thanks. But when questions go unanswered and chaos flares, how will she fend? She's not the only victim in this equation. Rated: Fiction M - English - Mystery/Crime - [Inuyasha, Kagome H.] Naraku - Chapters: 10 - Words: 93,223 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 62 - Updated: Aug 18 - Published: Apr 8 - Status: Complete
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gavillain · 5 years
I guess I kinda like this one? ;)
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Lol, jk, Maleficent (from Sleeping Beauty/Kingdom Hearts) is my favorite fictional character of all time. I love literally everything about her. All of this is on my villains’ list entry on my profile, but I’ll copy and paste it here so I can get my praise for her out there.
So oftentimes when I set out to explain why Maleficent is my favorite villain, I struggle a bit. Usually in villain list entries I just go over the elements to them that I like with a bit of analysis and personal narrative mixed in for good measure, and I'm certainly going to do a bit of that here. However, that's not really the big picture. Maleficent is more than the sum of her parts, more than whatever interesting analysis I could pin on her, more than some childhood story I can relate back to you. She's literally a villain I could go on for a paragraph gushing about how excited I get by the back of her head, I love her so much. She just transcends explanation; she is villainous perfection incarnate. She is the perfect model who all my other favorite villains are in some form or fashion a reaction to. She is fundamental.
Though really, when you get down to it, there's not really some big huge secret to why Maleficent is simply the best. She's just the perfect blending of elements to create a whole that never could have been achieved if anything was handled slightly differently. No other villain is quite that same perfect balance of threatening, regal, powerful, charismatic, entertaining, visually stunning, and intriguing all put into a single package. And because all of these facets to her are there, they create a solid entirety that can only truly be described as a masterpiece. 
So let's actually get into some of those parts that make Maleficent the greatest Disney villain of all time and my personal favorite villain period. First there's her name. The word "maleficent" is a Latin derived adjective meaning "doing evil or harm." Her very name describes the evil that she inflicts upon others. Yet, though "maleficent" is an English adjective, it's not one with widespread popular use. However, even to a casual viewer who might not know that "maleficent" is anything other than the character's name, the meaning behind her name still gives the same impression because it phonetically sounds like a blending of the more commonly used words "malevolent" and "magnificent." Her evil and regality both are phonetically ingrained within her very name, yet unlike the ridiculously derivative names that you may see crop up in bad fanfictions or pretentious fantasy novels, it still very much sounds like a name. It rolls off the tongue beautifully, yet it's not complex, and from the moment you hear it spoken, you know she's not someone to be trifled with.
The next big element to Maleficent that warrants discussion is, of course, her magnificent character design. And Disney is of course known for their incredible artistic vision, but, from where I'm standing, Maleficent is one of those figures where that vision is most apparent. Sleeping Beauty on the whole is designed to emulate the style of medieval tapestry, so for Maleficent to blend, she had to become essentially a meeting ground between the demonic religious symbolism apparent in pre-renaissance art as well as a believable human female form. She couldn't be too monstrous or the climax with the dragon wouldn't have the same emotional resonance, and she couldn't be too human or they'd risk her just looking like the Evil Queen again and clashing with the stylized and intentionally different look of the rest of the film. And if you look at the concept art for her, you'll see that it took a while to get to just the right design.
So why is this one of the great Disney villain designs to the point where it's pretty much the gold standard that all of the villains in the 90s were in some way looking to duplicate? Well, first of all, there's those medieval demonic elements that crept in. The horned headdress (yes, it's a hat) is the most obvious detail, clearly meant to invoke the idea of the Devil, later complimented by her vocally invoking all the powers of Hell. From these horns we know she's an inhuman force of evil and sin before she even speaks a line. Her dress has a motif of flames in the sleeves and train, again, invoking the notion of Hell fire, and the collar of the dress is based on bat wings. And not only does all of this character design shorthand her evil, it harmonizes together beautifully thanks to the purple, black, and green color scheme that is applied in just the right way. Not to mention, of course, that the entire design foreshadows her dragon transformation in the climax (put a pin in the dragon for now).
This design is one that honestly never fails to make me gush in awe. It's such an artistic masterpiece that flows so elegantly and powerfully that I by and large credit it's incredible design for getting me to love villains in the first place. When I said earlier that I could gush about the back of her head, I genuinely meant that. A lot of people scoff at character design being used as a metric for liking a character, but in the realm of animated film, character design and animation is job number one. And here's the truth of the matter: Maleficent would still be on a pedestal among Disney villains even if she was just this magnificent character design. But she's not. She's more than just this magnificent, unparalleled design.
When a design as beautiful as Maleficent's, finding a voice that can breathe life into it in a way that harmonizes and accentuates the quality of the design is not an easy task. A poor voice casting could have killed Maleficent right where she stood. Thankfully, Walt personally suggested that they bring back Eleanor Audley, who had previously worked with them on Lady Tremaine. Audley of course blended so well with the animation because she was such a talented actress and because Maleficent's facial expressions were modeled on Audley's own. But Audley in general turned in the greatest performance as a villain that I have ever seen. Her delivery is just melodic, and she brings a great degree of power, control, and arrogance to the role simply through voice. It's absolutely stunning.
Of course, Audley's not working alone on that front. The actual dialogue writing on Maleficent is top tier stuff as well. These two elements working in perfect harmony helps gives Maleficent one of the most subtle yet charismatic personalities in all of Disney. She's stern, powerful, and she inspires fear in all who encounter, yet she's not just some domineering bully. She also has a delicious little playful quality to her, such as when she pretends like she's embarrassed about showing up unwanted and pretending to leave without causing a scene directly before cursing Aurora. She's coy, and she uses that to play with her enemies' emotions. But if you test her, she'll explode in violent storming rage. She's this beautiful blend of powerful regality, playful coyness, and loud wrathfulness – a perfect evil personality.
Her role in the story isn't especially complex. She's a fairytale villain, and she fulfills that role nicely. She's not complex or deep with a tragic backstory; she doesn't need to be. She's a fantasy evil incarnate, and she does it marvelously. Every bit of misfortunate that befalls the characters in Sleeping Beauty is directly attributable to her. She allows her minions to do some of the dirty work, but most of the time she's right there taking action for herself. She curses Aurora, causing King Stefan and Queen Leah to miss out on raising their daughter, and she later kidnaps Prince Phillip and plans to keep him locked away until he's an old man so that when he awakens Aurora, he'll be old and she'll be young. She uses time as a weapon to inflict suffering and misery. For all that she hurls lightning, her modus operandi is almost always to cause internal pain and strife, and I love that quality to her.
A lot of people tend to oversimplify and misrepresent her motivation as her just being upset that she wasn't invited to a birthday party, and, honestly, that's such a blatant oversimplification that it barely deserves to be dignified. Maleficent is a villain entirely motivated by her arrogance and desire for respect. Any act of disrespect to her is an act of war, no matter how insignificant it might seem. She lets no affront to her go unpunished, and that's why she's so terrifying. Though also, what's nice about how her motivations aren't spoon-fed to the audience is that it leaves a lot of room for interpretation. We're left with a lot of questions about why Maleficent cares so much about disrespect, and every possible answer makes her more interesting. She's a perfect example of how effective "less is more" can be in storytelling.
And of course, it all culminates in the best finale ever put into a Disney film: the final battle against the dragon. Actually, there's no dragon anywhere in the original Sleeping Beauty fairytale, but because Sleeping Beauty was striving to be a grand medieval fairytale fantasy epic unlike anything the studio had ever produced, and because having Prince Phillip throw a sword into a human looking Maleficent would be unseemly for a family film, they decided to put the cherry on top with the most recognizable medieval fantasy creature to face against the brave knight in shining armor. And it really is the perfect climax to the story. Prince Phillip, who is wielding the Sword of Truth and Shield of Virtue and fighting on behalf of true love, clashes against Maleficent, who invokes all the powers of Hell to become a Satanic creature motivated by hate and pain. It is the ultimate symbolic battle of good triumphing over evil, and the fact that Maleficent so perfectly incarnates that evil makes it all come together.
So, naturally, it is already very apparent that I greatly admire and enjoy Maleficent and think she's an incredible villain. Yet, the question still remains: why is she the number one spot? Why was she the villain who clicked with me on such a profound level that I can write an over four thousand word essay on how much I like her purely recreationally? The answer is honestly pretty simple: consistency. Maleficent is the one villain who, no matter where I am in my life, she's always to some extent at play. 
She was my favorite villain when I was a kid whose movie's tape I wore out rewatching. She was my favorite villain to drag my parents to the Disney store and start my collection of villain merchandise I have to this day. She was my favorite villain at the Disney parks when I'd visit and watch her in the shows. She was my favorite video game villain when I got into Kingdom Hearts as I got older. She was my roleplay character who I played on the side while playing Hades. She was my favorite villain to edit with when doing the villain tournaments. She’s my favorite villain who I write for on a consistent basis with my fanfic. And she's my favorite villain now with all of that looking back and still having the same enthusiasm for her as the first time I watched the movie.
In a kind of bizarre way, Maleficent has been one of the biggest constants in my life. No matter how things have changed, no matter where I've gone or what I've become, she's always been right there, holding my hand through all of it. Other villains and characters, love them though I do, come and go in phases. Maleficent never does. She's always there, and in some way, every single villain who I love has some element that links them back to her. She's that inescapable bedrock to everything fictional that I love and hold dear.
She's the Mistress of All Evil, one of the greatest villains of all time, the single most important fictional character in my life, and my absolute personal favorite. Long may she reign!
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writmedium · 8 years
Cat Reads Comics - Week of 15 Feb. 2017
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