#Arthur is a wet cat I love him <3
toyybox · 5 months
What’s the first whump trope you remember enjoying?
That would probably be the "tied to a chair" trope. The earliest example I can think of is Jon (from The Magnus Archives) being kidnapped by Nikola. Now that I think about it, TMA had a lot of whump even for a horror podcast
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket three
For Deadpool:
He fights with katanas because he was originally a joke on DC's Deathstroke. He's horribly traumatized. He has to joke about everything. He has boxes that talk to him and one of them might be a real person that got trapped in his head. He's obsessed with Wolverine. He's pansexual. He's a mess.
The Merc with the Mouth who wields two katana Bea and Arthur
Pansexual merc with a mouth, twin katanas and an orange blue sense of morality. Immortal, immoral, unstoppable.
For Gideon:
she's incredibly good w/ her two hander and less good with her rapier but she's still pretty good!! she is a horny lesbian who's taste in women seems to exclusively be "girls who have tried or are going to try to kill her". she's a redhead. i love her
Gideon’s a HUGE Butch lesbian and literally always wanted to use a broad sword. Specifically a broad sword. She said fuck rapiers. Uhhh literally dies to save the girl she cares for and the sword she uses then becomes like an altar for said girl. Gideon Nav Supremacy <3
oh she is the most badass swordswoman lesbian in media. she’s her gf’s cavalier, defends her in battle, she’s incredibly butch and buff
C'mon shes THE sword lesbian like... canonically 
Loves her broadsword more than anything on her home planet and practices whenever she can. Spoiler it’s possessed by her mom. Gave everything so her best enemy could eat her soul and become the new saint. The character of all time child of two separate threesomes, child of the god emperor, she’s dead, she’s butch, she’s a dork, she’s doomed by the narrative. She’s my favorite.
girlie is literally the swordswoman supreme. she’s the cavalier primary to her necromancer. she has a fuckoff huge longsword. she gets absorbed into another person SPECIFICALLY to swordfight for them. in a gay way too.
While everyone else was developing common sense, she studied the blade. This dyke's main weapon and true love is the long sword, but she's also passable with a rapier. The sword is, in her own estimation, pretty much all she's good for. That and her smoking hot bod and terribly charming sense of humor. 
"While we were developing common sense, she studied the blade." (Direct quote from the book). She's the most useless lesbian to ever exist, and she's obsessed with an absolute wet cat of a woman. Learned longsword mostly on her own and is such a genius with the sword she learned rapier in a few months (by personal experience, it's really really hard)
Most badass broadsword wielding lesbian easily slaying bone monsters and evil space wasps
The cavalier to her necromancer. very gay. in a complicated codependant lovehate relationship with the only other person her age she knew growing up.
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symbiotic-slime · 6 months
comparing malevolent and venom (or: why private eyes and symbrock are the same ship in different fonts)
spoilers ahead for the venom movies, various venom comics, and s1 of malevolent!!
Arthur is a PI, Eddie is an investigative journalist. Both of them ran into their body mates through their investigations (specifically movies!Eddie, comics!Eddie does not share this origin)
The Entity takes the name John through experiences with Arthur. When Arthur is in a coma for a month, the nurses don’t know his name and refer to him as John Doe. The Entity notices this and finds solace in it. When Arthur wakes, the Entity tells Arthur to refer to him as John. In the Venom comics, their collective name “Venom” came from Eddie being deranged about losing his job as a reporter. He tells Peter to call them Venom, because that’s what he’s paid to write at the shitty tabloids he’s employed at.
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(from Amazing Spider-Man #300 [1963])
Though the Venom Symbiote has a name from its home world, many characters throughout the comics refer to it as Venom, implying they kept the name Eddie gave them.
In episode 9, John and Arthur argue until they give each other the silent treatment, leading to them getting caught by the police because John did not warn him there were officers. After realizing they need to work together, John and Arthur escape from the officers (and the supernatural lake monster). Towards the end of that episode, John tells Arthur that “you and I are one, and I need to begin to see us as one.” In Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Venom and Eddie have a rather dramatic break up that ends with them separating from each other. Eddie then gets arrested and brought in as a suspect in Cletus Kassidy’s escape. Venom, in Anne’s body, comes back and breaks Eddie out of police custody. After some apologies from Eddie (though if you ask me Venom also should’ve been apologizing but alas) they bond with each other again. Later through the power of love symbiosis, Venom and Eddie acting as one are able to defeat Carnage.
In episode 12, it’s revealed that John is a fragment of The King In Yellow. The cult gives the King the ability to fully realize itself and take over Arthur’s body, but the King is unable to. The part of itself, John, has become so entangled with Arthur that it cannot fully erase Arthur from itself. In the Venom 2018-2021 run (I know, I’m drawing on Cates. i cannot believe I’m using him to prove a point), the King in Black, Knull, is trying to take over Earth. It corrupts symbiotes, makes them nothing more than servants for it. Knull was unable to corrupt the Venom symbiote specifically because it could not burn the light (Eddie) out of it.
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(from Venom 2018 issue 3; 5)
Other smaller similarities between Malevolent and Venom (some of which I only noticed because I’m insane):
guy named Eddie
Arthur chokes someone out while not in control of his left hand (episode 2); Venom chokes Dan after taking control of Eddie’s left hand (Venom 2018).
both John and Arthur and Eddie and Venom bicker like old married couples
Arthur and movies!Eddie are just,,,, such pathetic wet cats of men
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Would I (early 20s nb) be the asshole for "rushing"/taking over the responsibility my partner(early to mid 20s f) took to rehome a cat we adopted together?
🐉🐱 <- so I notice myself
Tw for cat death
I know this sounds terrible just from the title but please read the whole thing. I'm just so emotionally done at this point and it's getting dangerous for us. This is also long lmao and please don't post this to YouTube or TikTok, I don't wanna deal with it, even if I changed names and a few ages.
So I've been living with my partner and her family for almost 3 years. I moved 10 hrs away from my home state to live with her because my parents were abusive. We dated for about 2 years prior to me moving. My partners family are equally abusive just in different ways. My family had some verbal and emotional/mental abuse while her family has constantly threatened physical abuse and lots of mental and verbal abuse.
Either way, I was screwed but I'd rather at least be able to come home to the love of my life instead of only being able to text her. I should mention here that my partner works full time while I'm working to get on disability for mobility issues so I am with our cats every day. I bring a little income with commissions on my crafts but it's not enough to soully sustain us.
When I moved in, my partner had 2 cats, let's call them Salem and Vector. Salem was a 10 yr old male cat and Vector was 2 yr old male cat. About a year after I moved in, in the beginning of 2022, Salem died suddenly from kidney failure and we were devastated. Salem wasn't originally my partner's cat (she'd gotten him from a friend only a year prior to me moving in) but we still loved him deeply. He was the first pet I ever put down and I'll never forget my partner's sobbing. About 2 and ½ months later, we got a kitten, lets call him Arthur, a 3 month old male. We shouldn't have but my partner wanted one, I thought I was ready and Vector was very very lonely and depressed.
I named Arthur and Arthur was feisty from the very beginning but he was sweetish. I told my partner, in a panic late at night a week after getting him; that I wasn't ready for a new kitten, i regretted getting him, we werent bonding, etc etc and she told me to just relax and breathe and give it time so i did. I gave it a full year and a half and... I'm ashamed to say I still don't feel that love connection with him. It started out small; chewing and destroying wires, food aggression (not like he'd bite us if we went near his food, more just got very excited and would painfully climb us to get to our food or any food) and because he was so jumpy, he'd freak out over every sound and rip us up trying to jump off of us.
We got Arthur from a cat colony being watched over by my partner's coworkers however he was born indoors, spent the necessary time with Mom and was handled from day one so he wasn't feral. He'd wouldn't beat us up but anytime he got excited to play or get pet or get wet food or anything we got scarred. His destruction has just gotten worse the older he's gotten, hes very very loud all the time (we like vocal cats but he screams) and he's not affectionate at all. He's not mean but he's just not interested in any cuddling or pets or anything. I don't want a rug I have to feed and clean up shit after.
About 4 months later, we ended up with, let's call her Coral. Coral was another kitten, female this time, when she crawled up in my car. She was feral from the start but she quickly became very loving and cuddly and sweet. She still very much so is. I wanna say, although I never grew a particular fondness for Arthur like my partner has, I've never mistreated, abused or neglected Arthur in any way. I've never yelled at him or treated him differently from our other cats. He got the same cuddles and attention Coral and Vector get, the only difference is that Arthur is crated at night so he doesn't make us lose an eye from some hard zoomies or get into food or dangerous things when we can't watch him. He's out all day and is only crated from 12 pm to 7 am when my partner gets up and let's him out. He's got a bed, food and water, a few toys and a small litter box in his crate so he's covered and he can see us and his siblings the entire night so hes not have separation anxiety.
Now onto the hard part. I'm done with Arthur. Emotional and physically, I don't want Arthur anymore. I'm exhausted from being constantly ripped up and screamed at and having important things destroyed by Arthur the spider cat. No amount of clicker training or treats or sprays of water or redirections can stop him from ripping the room apart(said room is a small apartment, not a normal small room). He gets played with by us all the time and he's got 2 energetic siblings who play with him, we don't know why he acts this way. I could handle Arthur's antics for a bit longer if needed but 2 new issues have made me finally put my foot down about Arthur's further residence with us.
1. Arthur is constantly trying to dominate Coral to the point of hurting her and fur flying fights and scratches. It should be noted that all three cats were neutered/spayed the moment they were of age to do so so it's not a male cat thing. Arthur wants to be higher in the hierarchy but Coral won't take it and thus, some nasty screaming hissy cat fights. Almost very other time they are fine it's just when he gets humpy. There is also a near weekly occurrence of him not reading her " I don't want to play anymore" signals and fights ensue. I'm not gonna stand my cats hurting each other and Arthur is the constant instigator. He tries to fight with Vector too but gets put down immediately, he picks on Coral and not in a playful way. I'm not playing favorites because I love Coral and I'm not connected with Arthur, if Coral was aggressive, we'd take the issue just as seriously but Arthur is the aggressor and Coral is smaller and younger than him so she can't stand up for herself.
2. We need to get out of this house. Her family's abuse is worsening and they constantly joke about hurting our pets and their own pets (the pets have never seen each other, different floors of the house so Arthur's aggression has nothing to do with them). We could barely afford an apartment in the current housing crisis and can barely find ones that allow 1 cat, let alone 2. We have never and probably will never find one that allows 3. All this ignoring the fact we'd lose our deposit instantly from Arthur's destruction.
All in all, Arthur needs to go. I'm noticing myself getting more and more stressed and frustrated and short with a Arthur and he doesn't deserve to live with someone who doesn't love him. Even if he's treated no differently, I'm sure Arthur can tell and even if I feel justified in my lack of love for him, I know he's not trying to hurt us or destroy things maliciously. I'm not nor will ever hurt him but I'm just done with constantly flinching cause he jumped on the bed or dreading letting him out of the cage in the morning because it was so peaceful before then.
I told my partner about 8 months ago (June of 2023) that I was fully done with Arthur and if we ever wanted to leave here, he'd have to go. I told my partner I wanted to start this process in Sept and hopefully have him either rehome or in a no-kill shelter by the end of Oct. I know my partner gets very attached to her animals so that's why I gave her 3 months to process things and a month to rehome him. I was very gentle but stern about this because it would be what's best for him and best for us. My partner agreed but asked if she could do the rehoming and to not talk about it until Sept. I obliged.
Sept, as you can see, has long come and went and now it's Jan of 2024. I've been asking my partner about once a month about the rehoming process and how it's going with mixed results. She made a pet profile on a rehoming site but when I read the description, she didn't really "sell" him well aka mentioned every possible bad thing about him and didn't mention any positives. It felt like she was sabotaging it but I let it be. She showed me a list of 40 no-kill shelters in Dec but she had only checked off 4 of them. She promised me he'd be rehomed by the end of 2023 and he's still here and we are no closer to doing it.
I don't want to wait till the week we move out to rehome him, the stress of the move and changing of the household will be too much stress on us and on Coral and Vector. I don't wanna wait for kitten season to swing back around and we'll never find a place for him. I know it's hard for her but she's breaking a promise for a cat she's admitted herself she's starting to hate. I know rehoming is a process but it's not moving and I feel like my say on his continued residency is being disregarded. I'm not trying to rush my partner but she's broken a promise, it's been 8 months since she could start preparing for this and 5 since she's "started the process" she's dragging her feet intentionally.
So, my idea is that I'll take over the process. I'll offer to help and find the places and get things in order so we can get one less stressor in our lives and Arthur can live in a home with the attention and patience he deserves. I wanna ask her if she wants my help but I don't want her to feel rushed to do it and get upset with me for doing what she promised she would.
I feel like she's waiting for me to just give up and give in and let him stay but she's not the one who has to deal with him all day every day and we don't make enough to find a bougie apartment to take in 3 cats. He'd need to be rehomed even if we got attached because we can't take them all. So, would I be the asshole for taking over the rehoming process for a cat me and my partner no longer like because my partner is intentionally dragging her feet on it or am I justified?
(to note, my partner brought up the possibility that Arthur has a mental illness/possibly be inbred due to the cat colony situation or that we could get him professional training. The issue is we live in a very rural area without a lot of money, 1. We would not be able to afford any mental illness controlling medicine for the long term when we can barely afford our own meds and 2. Classes to train animals are very expensive and the places that could train Arthur are at least a 3 hour drive away. Its not feasible for us, especially when I don't have a license/might not be able to drive on my own due to my disability. If he was properly sheltered, they could get him that help/training or his new owners could afford to but we can't. We can't put him in a kill shelter for moralistic reasons either.)
What are these acronyms?
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ughgoaway · 8 months
thinking of annie meeting her baby sibling for the first time and im crying! -🪤
ohmygoddd she would come into the hospital room SO NERVOUS. like you've never seen her before, Annie is usually a little ball of energy but she very carefully opens the door and peeks her head around anxiously.
auntie charli and Uncle George have been looking after her whilst you and matty have been in hospital. it turned out to be much longer than you expected because baby boy was NOT coming out without a fight, so it was a fucking rough labour.
(charli later tells you that looking after Annie for over a day made her realise her and George aren't quite at the baby stage yet, "but maybe we'll get a fish or something")
I think you're holding baby boy, and matty is sitting on the end of the bed, ready to greet Annie. she runs up to him and immediately jumps onto his lap and anxiously burrows her head in his neck, peaking out every once in a while to look at you and baby boy.
"Do you wanna meet your brother peanut?" matty asks, stroking her curls and smiling over to you. if heart eyes could be personified, it would be matty in that moment. all his family in one room, his daughter about to meet his brother and the mother of his children looking the most beautiful he's ever seen her. (You deny this considering you haven't showered for 3 days and also haven't slept in 48 hours, but matty insits)
Annie nods tentatively and crawls up the bed to you. at first, she just stares, flicking her eyes from the baby to you and back to matty with a nervous smile the whole time. she builds up the confidence to touch him, and she very softly strokes his head. she giggles at the feeling and gets slightly more brave, grabbing his hand and ginning. baby boy wraps his hand around her thumb, and annie gasps. looking at you and matty saying, "Look, he's holding my hand!!" and matty just nods with wet eyes and a Cheshire-cat-like grin.
"Can I hold him?" she asks after 20 minutes of him holding her finger. She refused to move her hand until he let go, and the little contact obviously had built up her confidence massively.
"Of course, sweetheart, come lean against my chest, and we can hold him together, yeah?" You say softly. She nods, and you pass baby boy off to matty whilst she wiggles in.
she's giggling the whole time you're getting ready, but as soon as the baby is in her ams, she's silent. just staring down at him completely awestruck.
matty is, of course, having a photoshoot at the end of the bed and tearing up at the sight of his babies and the love of his life. until George shoos him off and takes photos of all of you, and that's the pic you send to everyone to announce the birth of your son :))))
(do you like that I still haven't mentioned his name bc I can't decide lol... im like 90% on arthur tho <3)
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olliewritesometimes · 26 days
An immortal companion.
The Suckening Fanfic :3!!
- Arthur & Void’s meeting
- The Suckening SPOILERS!!
- blood
- mention of dead people
- deceased family
- biting
- british people……….😰😰
Britain. London to be specific. The city was quietly heading to sleep. Tourists back in their hostals for the night. Locals out wondering with their lover in arm. Walking a dog. Or going for a midnight run. Headed twards the homes in town. Arthur’s stomach screamed at him for food. Knowing he would need too feast eventually. A beautiful home on the other side of the bridge perks Arthur’s interests. He stops himself from heading inside. Instead going to the home we’re focusing on. A group of crows fly past Big Ben and down the bridge towards the country side. Large mansions scatter the fields. Deep thick forests as their privacy. And or for their secrets. A large country style home. Far off, away from the city. The furthest from London. Abandoned and wasted away by age. A home filled with happiness converted into chaos. Free from the pain the vampires gave to them, Vanya created that chaos. Arthur guided it. Opening the door to chaos. Falling in love with a murderer. Becoming the murderer. And soon enough ending his own killer.
The doors and windows all shattered the home spray painted ruined by the locals. A for sale sign in the grown out grass outside. A large sticker covering up most of the sign saying ‘Sold’.
Arthur walks twards the home. Down the abandoned street. Watching the other full homes erupt with happiness and joy. Dreading it. Dreading seeing the home his father had built. The family he had. And the home he destroyed. Saying goodbye to them would be the last thing he did tonight. The beatiful home crushed and crumbled as he walks by into the distant forest. The screams that echoed through that home loudly bang in his skull as he steps in the same path as he did once before. Following his old foot steps. Flashes of his hands covered in blood rather than ink. His clothes damp with his mothers blood. Her face looking horrified after being brutally mauled from her oldest son. Soon needing to head back to the home to drag the twins to their new home. Arthur’s eyes slowly watered up. Rememeber the twins. The horror of their faces. He wiped them away and pushes his glasses closer to his eyes. Pulling his jacket closer to himself. Hiding him in more shadow.
Eventually, getting to a empty slot of the forest. With small round rocks identifying the graves.
His brother, Mikey.
His sister, Emily.
His Mother, Danielle.
His Father, Micheal.
and one for himself. Arthur Bennett. The murderer.
He stands infront of the graves. Watching them. His young, rushed handwriting showing the initials. Some of the blood had dripped off his clothes marking the rocks. His permit handprint. Showing off what he had done.
Arthur takes his glasses off, slowly. His tears were retreating back into his eyes comes back. As he opened his mouth to begin talking. A rustle in the bushes startles him. He slowly raises his hands above his head. The bush continues to shake. Arthur annoyed replies to no one specifying. “I can hear you.” the rustling stops than hearing a “mreoww?” before seeing a fluffy creature jump out and begin rubbing on his ankle. His fancy black shoes covered in wet, damp mud. Seeing a black cat with glowing white eyes looking back up to him. The beast within grows.. bending down. Looking very calmly at the cat. Arthur sighs. “get away, cat.” he uses his mud covered shoe to push the cat. Making her fall over to her side. Still just staring at him. Rolling over to her stomach. “I don’t want to get you killed too.” he states. More angered than before. Pointing his finger towards the home. “Meowww!!” This time while she meows. Rubbing his eyes. “What a pain.” He utters to himself before watching her mouth open and shut. Her sharp teeth. Not like teeth matching his own. Regular cat teeth. He pulls back from the cat but continues to stare at her before breaking eye contact. Continuing to stare at grass that had grown over the dug up dirt from that night. Squatting down, resting his elbows on his knees. Further from the cat than before.
“Hello Mother..Emily..Mikey.. father.” He whispers saying ‘Father’ as if scared to talk to him. While looking at each individual grave. Pressing his hand on the blood stain. Minus his fathers. He respected his father. But.. cutting off his own thought he turned to his mother’s grave. “I will find her mother. I will fix this.” Placing his hand back onto the rock with his bloody hand below.
“mreow?” The cat stood up and began rubbing its head on Arthur’s knee. His eyes water again. His jacket still closed in on himself. The cat jumps on his leg. Using her claws to go up on his shoulders. Arthur screams “can’t you see I’m doing something!?” His voice shaky but tryin to keep his composure. Tears begin to fall despite that. The cat stops on his right shoulder. Sitting down and looking at him. The cats head bangs into Arthur’s ear. He can hear the cat is purring now. Practically vibrating with comfort. Arthur hasn’t felt this comfortable since he was young.
His mother’s warm embrace. His younger siblings soft and innocent hands holding his to cross the street to walk them to school. His father patting him on the shoulder.
This cat giving him the same comfort tears begin to fall. His body begins to shake. Being loved by a creature that doesn’t want to end him. A creature that comforts him. Unknowing of what he has done. The dirt beneath his feet begins to wet. His glasses falling off into the mud. Making a splat before coloring his striped pants brown. His hands go through his hair. Tears flowing out of his eyes. Just like what happened before. He bawled in the wet mud like a child. She rubs against him as he pets her more. His stomach growls louder the closer she gets to him. His hands move on their own. Grabbing the cat. Making her arms dangle. Her head tilts. And meows. Revealing her neck even more. The beast growls and grows. His mind screaming at him to feast. To finally fill the beasts needs. To free this cat from the world. Give her a reason to get far away from him.
“I need you, cat.” She begins to squirm and fight back. Revealing her teeth once more and biting his hand.
He bites her back. Digging his teeth into the cat. She stops wiggling. The comfort of the bite from both parties hypnotized them. Vampirizing the cat to cure both of their loneliness.
2 immortal companions. He released himself from the cats neck and stares at her. The cat looks loopy. Like she’s getting off of anesthesia. “Void.” He growls, his hands become more and more inky as the cat jumps off of him and sits in the mud. Still staring at him. He kneels down to apologize. But before he can speak the cat licks the bite from his hand before crawling on his neck once more. Arthur slowly stands up not to disturb her as she began purring once more. Accepting his new companion. He sighs and scratches her chin. “Apologies, cat.” His feet sinking into the mud more. Grabbing his glasses from the floor. Looking back to Void seeing she had fallen asleep in his shoulder. His mouth slowly moves upward before falling back down into his brooding glare. 
Placing his hands back into his pockets. He pulls his jacket’s collar upwards to hide Void within the shadows. He shakes his glasses to get the mud off. Before placing them on his nose. Turning his back to the graves. Placing his hand on a tree near the bush Void came out from. Glaring as he looks down at his father. “Goodnight, father.”
walking the same way, to go retrieve the twins.
⭐️sighhh I love my depressed vampires,,,,
⭐️I’m probably going to write more about him cause I love Arthur :3!!
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agere-fandom · 8 months
regressor!kieran duffy!!
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fictional agere challenge
day 8: an obscure character that you hc as a regressor
note; OMGOMGGGGG- it's been a lil while!! But on the meanwhile, little Kieran!! I wish he had more time in the game and DIDN'T die, but were gonna ignore that for now :) I love Kieran so and I wish he wasn't so underrated :((( like he needs some love guys so yeah!! baby Kieran my beloved :3 (also wished i got a better photo but this was the best i could find because the rest were TERRIBLE D:)
headcanons; (cw; nursing!! SFW!!)
Kieran is a baby/infant regressor and his age range is 5 months - 3
He is probably the most shyest out of the gang of regressors and would rather like to do his own thing than be with anyone else, mostly because he's scared. And also very sensitive. Like anytime someone gives him a bit of attitude or raises their voice, he is in tears
⬇️ He also gets REALLY scared if something about the O'Driscoll's, since I imagine him having a REAL hard time while being with them. And I imagine someone like Sean or Micah giving him a jump scare with one of those paper masks with Colm O'Driscoll's and it leaves poor Kieran in SHAMBLES (and also if you've seen the fanart, you'll know what I mean)
Even with his quite self, he's found himself loving nature. Like he's such a nature boy and he loves any place that's like a creek or any muddy area. And he doesn't know better, to be honest. Like he could be gone for hours, and he's been behind the camp just playing in the mud or trying to eat what grubs or worms are in his hand reach and EVERYONE is looking for him LAMO
He's very nervous around most people, and especially little's. This mostly comes from Sean and Micah absolutely being the worst influences for him when doing things, but he does have a bond with John. Like both of them are little and they stare at each other like "who are you??" and touch each other's faces
⬇️ He also has a great relationship with Karen! Like if she isn't looking after Sean, she's mostly seen with Kieran. And he loves her and thinks of her as a sort of mother figure. And since he can regress really young, he's also been seen being fully nursed by Karen (NOT IN AN NSFW WAY WEIRDOS!!!!)
If he's not out in the great outdoors, he'll be with whatever stray comes near him, dogs, cats, even wild animals. Arthur only worries for him because he could get rabies or something and he doesn't want some damn disease from an "O'Driscoll". And plus with how he is out in the mud and such, it just adds to the concern (but he's actually got a great immune system :) )
Arthur had gotten enough of his antics of leaving without a word and being found only hours later, so he got a baby leash for Kieran to keep him still. Everyone thought it was the worst idea ever, and then they all realized just how much Kieran would crawl away, so they just all ended up agreeing LAMO
Another thing, is that Kieran is always been too scared to say what he needs, like if he's hungry or he's wet. Like he'll stay STARVING for days and yet not say something because he's scared he'll be laughed at for asking for simple things (which is what happened while he was with the O'Driscoll's)
He won't say much about it, but he loves more feminine things while being little. And when he's extra, extra tiny, he'll wear a little bit of pink or maybe have a ribbon or two in his hair, but he's still shy about it. So that's why he stays mostly with Sadie, Tilly or Karen, because they understand that he just wants a little bit more to do with "girly things" and that's okay!! (I say those for those boy regressors that sometimes love girly things too!! Shout out to my boy feminine regressors!!! :D)
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astral-nautical · 10 months
suckening liveblog bc i dont wanna spam my friends lol
spoilers ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! going to put all of episode 1 in one post :O
i didnt expect emizel to be pronounced tht way tbh!! em-ee-zel...i expected emi-zel if tht makes Any sense
oh emizel got daddy issues? sad. wait he runs a GANG?
the arts fucking insane dude im so happy they worked w so many people for this
oh hello soda :O bro has some transgender energy already like. who dresses themselves in stuff w their name on it if not someone who picked their own name?
GANG WAR,? i love emizel i dont know if this is the rightr vibe or not but hes giving me 'punk kid whose pretending to be in a gang' and i love him for it
smash bros commentary is so funny omg
oohhh vampire time soon???? fangs gonna BITE
'sometimes i just say shit and idk what it means' SAME SODA.
ohhhhh nooo this is not gooooood. oh em ur getting fucked uppp
FIRST COMBAT WOOOOO omg the music is fucing phenomenal i love u nathan hanover
oh my god this is fuckjign insane NO SODAAAAAAAAAAA
ayo ? kiss time ig. NAHHHHH BITE TIME
wat the fuuuuuuck What the fuuuuuck LMAO FUCK DOUBLE BITE??????? CHOMP CHOMP MOTHERFUCKER
FRENZY CHECK??????? oh here we go dude vampire timeee
so emizels fucked. ANYWAYS ROMANIA
bizlys character art looks like hes abt to cry lmao. sad little twink
im so fond of this guy and hehasnt even talked? hes so funny. why are you so well dressed AYO EYESHADOW?
SHILO IS SO FUNNY I LOVE HIM? oh no his accent is so cute. cute as in like a stuffed animal is cute not like attraction. im aroace
is shilo like? rapunzel? is he not allowed to leave his room ?
hes so funny im so fucking endeared omg
oh he IS rapunzel he's never met a mortal!! why is his mother never letting him out :O
oh....he wants a book on birds :,) he wants to read abt pheasants....
shilo is a manipulative little BASTARD i love him he can do no wrong in my eyes forever and always. my wet and pathetic cat that i hold so dearly
ohh curious boy curious boy...doing this he should Not b
oh fuck shilo's mom so much i have a bad feeling abt her alreadyyyyy
my bbg...run away flee this place get OUT god i fucking hate his mother she caused him so much shame he's frenzying :((((
'both of you will take me to the darkened door, or i Will Scream." shilo you are my favourite forever and ever
kitty kitty cat :O give me their name rnv ITS A GIRL oh the little kityt noises im going to pass away
void...is she smarter than arthur lmao?
arthurs so cool hes like if rumi had a goth phase
fucking What is arthurs deal whts he looking for here. hello
"i believe in you. you are my special boy<3" shilo is such an asshole i adore him
emizel is here :O the trio are meeting up lets gooo
how did i COMPLETELY miss arthur can control shadows what the FUCK. what the HELL. ARMS OF THE ABYSS?
"i ask of you to calm down" "...i flick my other shoe at him."
"uh. Pretend i am dead." (collapses)
this is beyond fucking funny. emi and arthur sorting themselves out while shilo has a panic attack and fakes being dead like a fucking possum
in conclusion shilo is my newest bbg and my discord server profile is already fanart of him. god bless
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amalthea9 · 8 months
So @professorlehnsherr-almashy did our family time call today and played a version of the game Heartthrob that he put together using some fandoms! Characters from Doctor Who, The Terror, Hornblower, Psychoville, Six Idiots productions, a few favorites from Jane Austin, The League of Gentlemen, What We Do in Shadows, and some rogue favorite characters!
Basically the game is that you draw 3 characters and then draw 2 red flags for each character to have.
You then have to guess who the other person will date/marry and choose one yourself.
Here are the results of the game!
Lee had to marry Pat(BBC Ghosts) for the tax break
Both Lee and Hannah married Lt. Bush(Hornblower)
Both married Ainley!Master
Both married the 13th Doctor
Hannah married Phillip 2nd of Spain(Bill) and because Hannah the 1st of Spain
Lee will date Nandor(WWDS) and be Leto the first of Nandor's country(that ibcant spell I'm so sorry)
Both married Jamie McCrimmon because he does wax sealed love letters
Both married Jeremy (Psychoville) who is wanted in every state except Florida because Florida doesn't want him and he also dives for sunken treasure @fandomsmeantheworldtome (these were Jeremy's red flags and I died🤣)
Both dating/married Eric!Master(Doctor Who)
Married Stella(TLOG) but she refuses to wash her hands and is a serial killer(but the serial killer part isn't the bad part)
Both married Negatus who speaks only in foreign language accent and has a secret stash of frog porn(which could mean anything in Yonderland honestly)
Both dating/marry Harry Goodsir(The Terror)
Both married Mr. Blanky for both of us even though he melts if he gets wet and dabbles in torture.
Lee married Lancelot(King Arthur 2004) who eats pineapple on pizza and is jealous of Lee's cats.
Hannah marries Geoff(TLOG) who is super clingy and is a vampire(and not the sexy kind)🤣🤣🤣 @almost-born-in-1893
I marry all four Georges(Horrible Histories)
Leto marries FitzJames:
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Both married Aelestan (Vikings)
Both marriedbDhawan!Master and Hannah finally succumbs to Satan's temptations.
Leto marries Lee(8th Doctor Companion) who owns the British Maritime Museum
Hannah married Styles(Hornblower) who writes erotic fanfiction and loves olives(there's no lie here🤣🤣🤣)
Prince Phillipe(Versailes) Collects humans skulls. Lee: I'm going to marry him faster!
The Google spinning wheel decided High Denis(Taskmaster) but Hannah decided Clara(Doctor Who) for Lee to marry because those two on the Tardis with a bunch of kids is too cute.
Both married George IV(Horrible Histories) who is a serial killer and has an unlimited amount of cheese.
Both married Lazlo(WWDS) because Guillermo was secretly Lee's clone.
Both married Nadjia(WWDS) who can't remember your name and spends more time in horny jail than with you.
*Highlight: Lee managed to pull Horatio, Cotard, and Pellew for one round*(Hornblower) and Hannah is dating Cotard and Lee married Horatio.
For the final round we had four candidates:
Elder Vex(Yonderland), Jenny (RRR), Marianne(Sense and Sensibility), and Romana II(Doctor Who)
Elder Vex eats crayons and ends every conversation with "you're dismissed."(which sounds right) Jenny has a dozen kids from a dozen partners and has a pet boa constrictor
Final Round: Lee married Jenny & Marianne
Hannah married Jenny & Vex
Random funny photos I took:
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This was so fun and thank you everyone who reads all of these and I hope you enjoy it!!🥰🥰🥰
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xxsycamore · 2 years
𝐏𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐭 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 🎃🎃
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The residents show off their Jack-o'-lanterns, and the competition is tough.
Meanwhile, someone is missing from the scene.
▍characters: MC, comte, leonardo, mozart, arthur, theo, isaac, vincent, dazai, jean, sebastian, napoleon
▍rating: G 
▍tags: Humor; Crack; Mentions of Blood
▍wordcount: 2,238
▍a/n: Happy Halloween, everyone! I hope you enjoy this. Have a spooky day <3
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It's almost Halloween in Saint Germain's mansion, and as per tradition, MC takes it upon herself to properly introduce the residents to the fairly new holiday for their current time period - hoping that it would bring nothing but fun times for anyone. This year she steps up her game by adding an element of competition to the pumpkin carving.
The dining room is transformed to accommodate the display of the spooky creations - chairs put aside and pumpkins lined up to be rated by the trustworthy judges, namely MC and Comte. Why them? Because they've been scouted as the most unbiased ones, in theory, because they're practically biased in everyone's favor. A loving father figure and a loving…babysitter and caretaker of the mansion. It would make do.
"Alright everyone, let's get started! We're going to be harsh. Remember, this is all just a silly little competition, don't take anything personally!" MC announces, eyes moving from one end of the long table to the other, meeting some excited and some conflicted faces.
She puts her attention to the first in the line, Arthur, and begins examining his creation alongside Comte.
They're both puzzled by what they see.
Arthur's pumpkin is… well, first of all, it's not horny. MC is not sure how Arthur would've been able to convey his unrestricted slutty nature into the shell of a pumpkin, but she figured he had his ways. The thing in front of them, however, gives off a different kind of emotion…something to do with deep emotional dread. The face of his pumpkin looks as if it's been tortured. More interestingly, there appears to be something written on the sides…? MC and Comte lean in and squint in order to read the tiny text, but Arthur hides it before they can make anything of it.
"It's notes. For my book. I had to write them down before I can forget."
The tone is nothing like his usual one. Looking up from the pumpkin, MC's blood freezes as the sight is more frightening than the pumpkin itself. Arthur looks sleep deprived, his hair a mess, his foot tapping aggressively against the floor at a fast pace. Right, he did mention something about going through writer's block…
"Oh. By Jove, I really need to go."
A word or two about taking care of himself is well in order, yet MC feels a little betrayed by his lack of interest in this mansion bonding experience.
"Jeez Arthur, your book is not going to go away!"
"No, I mean… I really need to go… to the toilet. I think I drank one too many coffees, Luv..."
Next up is Theo, who is finally finished laughing behind his, err, friend's back, and as soon as the two judges are in front of him, his expression undergoes a fast metamorphosis from smug to frightened. He has his pumpkin facing him, preparing it for a dramatic spin which would reveal the carved face on the other side.
"I'd be careful on your place. Especially you, Hondje. Try not to wet your pants."
"Just show it already…"
"Ahem." Theo coughs and tries to build up the tension again, "I made the face of one of the most dreadful creatures known to humankind."
You in the morning waiting for pancakes?, MC thinks, deadpan, while Comte is smiling emptily - he's seen everything. He is not easily amused at this point.
Finally, Theo spins the pumping, revealing…
A cat's…face?
"A cat's face?" MC and Comte's voices overlap - it's one part an honest guess, because it's not the most prominent cat's face they've seen - and one part surprise. And then it clicks. Theo is scared by cats, so naturally…
"HOW are you not scared. These creatures are just vile. I barely managed to carve this."
Uh-oh. The situation is laughable, and Theo is angry. He expects his efforts to be appreciated. As if by telepathy, MC and Comte both nod and smile, passing the notepad to each other to put in their impressions, just like how they did for Arthur's creation. Theo looks smug again. They move on.
Napoleon's pumpkin is…
"Well, that sure is a pumpkin."
Comte nods, hand on his chin. "It is, yes. It has a strong Halloween motive to it."
Napoleon blinks, his smile growing a tad more awkward, waiting to hear more.
"A classic Jack-o-Lantern. I almost see the stock photo watermarks over it."
"The what?"
"MC is trying to say that,"
"If all the pumpkins here were the characters of a mobile game, this one would be the poster boy!"
Napoleon is even more confused. But if anything, he prides himself in having good intuition. And the thing it is telling him now is…
"Are you saying that my pumpkin is boring?"
The stakes are high for Vincent. Not that every artist is necessarily good at all art mediums there are, much less when it comes to the complex art of pumpkin carving, but the excitement is huge nonetheless. Vincent chuckles shyly at their bubbling curiosity, and like Theo, spins his pumpkin to reveal its face.
It's not a face, however. It's a whole landscape - fields upon fields, threes in the distance, scorching sun above with its rays portrayed for effect. The most eye-catching of it all is that Vincent found a way to stay true to his unique style - the elements of the landscape are consisting of many dashed lines carved into the surface, achieving that familiar feeling of movement present in all his canvases. It's a masterpiece on a pumpkin.
After a round of applause beginning with the judges and following through all of the room, Comte and MC are ready to fill in their remarks on the notepad, but…
"That…wasn't very scary now, was it?"
Vincent rubs the back of his neck, understanding his mistake. "I couldn't bring myself to put any scary elements into this. I'm sorry. The competition's spirit filled me with one too many bright emotions!"
They don't deserve Vincent.
Leonardo's pumpkin is outright steampunk incarnate. It's a very intriguing thing to look at, with various types of screws forming the smile and two nuts for eyes; most likely scrap parts from his various intentions and the things he is fixing back in his room. It's the embodiment of the phrase "work smarter, not harder" since the judges notice that there is barely any carving done here. They take back a point for that, impressed or not.
"I don't understand this."
"I do." Comte says, eyes scanning over the few lines of sheet music carved into the pumpkin instead of a face, by Mozart. His knowledge of playing the violin comes in handy in understanding the creation of the music genius in front of him, and he analyses it to his best extent.
"It's threatening music notation.", he states, visibly feeling threatened by whatever is going on on this staff. MC doesn't get much of it, but she can tell that it is something absurd-looking, just on the verge of not making sense yet passing for actual music, ruining the lives of the ones convicted to play it.
"Thank you."
"On first look, it's a normal Jack-o'-lantern," Isaac explains, a slight smile on his face, gloves on, eyes protected behind goggles. Naturally, the other contestants move a few steps away from Isaac out of concern, but their eyes stay close to what is happening in front of him. The attention is a little too much on him, so he wastes no time processing the demonstration. "But when I add the hydrochloric acid…"
Isaac pours a small amount of the contents of a vial to what appears to be a hidden container inside the pumpkin - the result comes quickly as the lid of the pumpkin is put into place and tons of white fog-like smoke pours out of the Jack-o'-lantern's mouth. Isaac's smile grows just a tad wider while everyone is busy looking at his creation and wowing, and the following round of applause is welcomed by him, too. Maybe that competition wasn't much of a bad idea, after all.
"I was inspired by Ai-kun's invention."
Comte and MC raise a brow, mirroring each other almost perfectly, albeit Comte still manages to do it in his own refined way. Isaac is voicing out his frustration in advance and everyone is waiting to know.
"Let me demonstrate." Dazai brings his own pumpkin into view, which, by the way, has a very comical expression. Maybe it's that the eyes are too tiny, or the mouth too crocked, but there is something goofy about it for sure. What is more interesting, though, is that Dazai appears to be spinning a handle at the pumpkin's backside.
Soon its "guts" start to spill through the opening of its mouth, seed and pulp and all that, wave after wave. It's spooky for sure. A bit like a parody of Isaac's creation, but spooky nonetheless. A point for that.
"So what's the mechanism behind it?" Comte asks, notepad propped up against his chest reminiscent of a curious student in front of his professor. Dazai is amused to catch his interest like so, and probably everyone else's at that matter and hurries to explain.
"I burrowed the meat grinder from the kitchen and put it inside."
By the time they reach Jean, the last contestant, their hopes are high again. After Dazai nothing can manage to be as much of a headache or to potentially require a conversation on how kitchen appliances are not borrowable for Halloween decoration.
"Jean, what is this?"
A haphazardly cut-out triangle for one eye, eyepatch over the other. A vertical cut in the place of a mouth.
"It's me."
Alright, that's all! Comte and I will discuss the results in private and decide on a winner… though I can already tell it's gonna be a hard job."
The dining room gets rowdy with conversation.
"It's a shame that Sebas didn't get to compete as well."
"Yeah, I was thinking the same."
"Man, he would've LOVED to see everyone's demonstrations. I can imagine him, diary in hand and everything."
"He has a diary?"
"It's fine Vincent, we don't have to pretend we don't know when he's not around."
"Anyway, why isn't Sebastian here, anyway?"
"Huh? No really, why is he not here?"
"Where is Sebastian?"
"Good day, Messieurs."
The dining room's doors open with a bang, pushed by the force of a familiar figure. It's Sebastian, but his state is unrecognizable. His usually neat and clean butler's uniform is now all dirtied up with… bits of pumpkin pulp? Is this what it is?
"Forgive my rude demand, but," he puts the object he was holding, namely a pumpkin, on the center of the table. "I would like to participate as well. I hope you're accepting late entries."
It's a…
A whole pumpkin, untouched in the means of carving, not even gutted out yet.
But what it does have, is a butcher's knife stuck in it.
And an ominous red stickiness all around.
"Sebastian, calm down." Comte is the bravest to speak first, keeping his composure. "I know good lawyers. You know I'd never let you-"
"Oh but what's the need, Monsieur Le Comte? This is merely some rouge I spilled."
It's Comte who sighs in relief, but it feels like it's also everyone else in the room.
"I spilled it because I was busy making ten pumpkin pies. You generous messieurs have left me with…quite the material to work with. Copious amounts of it."
Eyes are meeting eyes across the room, some glued to the tips of their owner's shoes instead. No one dares to say anything.
"Some were left in separate bowls, which is fine. But some were left in the sink."
Sebastian grabs the handle of the butcher's knife and effortlessly retracts it from the pumpkin. He takes a cleaning cloth from his back pocket and begins to wipe it clean while talking, still keeping his eyes up. Out of respect.
"Some were in questionable kitchen utensils and other places. A large amount - on the floor."
Napoleon is brave, too.
"Sebastian, we are going to help-"
"What? What was that, Monsieur Napoleon? We're going to hold a competition for doing Sebastian's chores for the rest of the day? Oh how I'd love to be a judge in that! Do count me in."
Before Sebastian gets too scary to be around, the residents head towards the kitchen, carefully going out of forehead flicking range. Arthur is there as well, fortunately having finished his business in the toilet for the time being.
"Ah. Another thing. Since you told me to think of a way to add to this year's Halloween spirit, and I had plenty of time in my hands back in the kitchen all day to think, I've come up with an idea. I hope it will be to your liking."
"Do tell, Sebas. Your ideas never disappoint." Leonardo tries to lighten the atmosphere, almost giving Sebastian a pat on the back but deciding to refrain from doing so at the last moment. He is the head of the small group on their way to the kitchen, everyone already knowing their fate. "I thought we could cut off on fake blood expenses for decoration purposes. We will be decorating with your blood, Messieurs. It's not like it would be lethal to you if I were to borrow some. As far as I'm concerned."
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"Threatening music notation" is a reference to a twitter account with the same name for which I joked about being run by Mozart.
"But what was the first place prize in the competition?" I . dont. know. Maybe you have a suggestion? Either way, I doubt they'd get to that part anytime soon. Maybe Sebas can have it?
I wanted to draw what the pumpkins look like but I doubt i'd ever have the time for that :D If anyone happens to want to do that instead, i'd LOVE to see them!
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran @thehappycat123 @theuwuisunreal @kiyokirigiri-22 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch @coornn @cilokgoang @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @atelieredux Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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g1ngerbeer · 11 months
got tagged by @oceans-bluem and @celshii! 10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tags
fma (mangahood): roy mustang. yeah. the cringefail loser guy. love that weird codependent mutual satellite character death pact team rocket thing he and hawkeye have going on it's very worrying and also very sexy
orv: han suyeong. han suyeong. han suyeong. han suyeong. i can't think about her too long or i'll scream.
malevolent: arthur lester the saddest most pathetic-wet-cat guy ever. he has 5 tragic backstories i want to study him in a lab
tma: jon he makes me sad
aurora: erin ruunaser. [shakes him like a can of skittles until the dragon falls out of his brain] TELL ME YOUR LORE YOU CAGEY LITTLE NERD
star wars: ahsoka tano :) i haven't thought about her in a while but i love her. fun to draw. also the you-can't-go-back-home of it all. what do you mean she left her home and her family always intending to go back to them and then she turned around and they were gone. what do you mean. the live-action show is dead to me though hope this helps
osp: odysseus. yes i do mean specifically the osp version of him. he looks like solid snake
nevermore: lenore... she is so very gender and so very cool and i hope she enjoys her villain arc B)
doctor who: martha jones! she is cool and she deserved so much better and everyone who hates her is wrong. btw.
dracula: mina harker, THE train fiend!! the nerd ever. also the way she talks about herself in her post-oct-3 entries is so fucked up and sad
tagging @inkedmyths @fairyprince7 and anyone else who wants to do this!
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glasyasbutch · 4 months
playlist: calart
the het rights gripped me and morgan and bekah so hard and wouldn't let go until we did this
link to playlist on spotify
explanations below the cut
1. Storybook Love by Mark Knopfler (The Princess Bride OST)
She said "Don't you know storybook loves always have a happy ending?" / Then he swooped her up just like in the books and on his stallion they rode away / My love is like a storybook story but it's as real as the feelings I feel
Fairytale: Both
2. I've Just Seen A Face by Jim Sturgees
l have never known the like of this / I've been alone and I have missed things and kept out of sight / For other girls were never quite like this / I am fallin', yes I am fallin' / And she keeps callin' me back again
At First Sight: Arthur
idk what to tell you man. morgan's writing the calart first meeting as i type this. he calls her "my angel" like 3 paragraphs in.
3. Enchanted by Taylor Swift
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go / I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home / I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew/ This night is flawless, don't you let it go / I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew / I was enchanted to meet you
At First Sight: Callie
We spent. a lot of time. talking about the welcome home ball when the party gets Callie back to Iagora Edlynne and how she spent the WHOLE night dancing with Arthur and NO one else, asking him to bring TWO drinks from the drinks table for the both of them, taking her glove OFF to touch him while they chatted. Basically everything she could do to tell him she was madly in love with him, but trapped within the confines of polite society and courtship mandates.
And of course, it flew entirely over small town country boy Arthur's head. This song is for Callie begging Arthur to realize how much she loves him in a language he can't possibly speak.
4. Blue Eyed Girl by The Arcadian Wild
There’s wisdom in the way you speak and I see “I love you” in your eyes / Oh, I wouldn’t mind staying up, talking to you all night / ‘Cause you’re telling me everything about the books you read / Blue eyed girl let your hair hang down / Let the colors of your soul spill out for everyone to see
Realizing They Fell: Arthur
There's something so special about seeing Callie get to step out of her tower, out of her kingdom, for the first time, and that she chose to do it with her hand in his.
5. First Day of My Life by Honor Hunter
And so I thought I'd let you know that these things take forever, I especially am slow / But I realize that I need you and I wondered if I could come home / Mhm, mhm / Remember the time you drove all night just to meet me in the morning? / And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed / You felt as if you'd just woke up
Realizing They Fell: Callie
We established that, shortly after the Welcome Home ball, the OG party set out again. Without Callie. And after a few weeks Arthur was still wet cat moping SO bad the rest of them said. Good god we gotta take this man to elf country for closure. And at the same time. Callie had been pining SO endlessly she told her parents "actually I need to leave with him. sorry. you aren't going to stop me."
So Callie put out a Sending to Arthur along the lines of "Hello, I've decided I would like to join you all, if you'll have me. Meet me at [location]" and Arthur, who was literally walking into the palace to talk to her and happened to be below her bedroom window, screamed up "GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then they ran to meet each other on the stairs and they kissed and it was perfect and.
Anyways all that to say the selected lyrics ARE that sending moment.
6. Wildflowers by Tom Petty
Run away, go find a lover, run away, let your heart be your guide / You deserve the deepest of cover, you belong in that home by and by / You belong among the wildflowers, you belong somewhere close to me / Far away from your trouble and worry, you belong somewhere you feel free
Adventuring: Arthur
We've shot a lot of shit about how the OG party meant "freedom" to every person in it, in a different way. For Callie, it was freedom from expectation, and the freedom to have something that was hers and not the Kingdom's for the first time in her life. So you know. "You belong somewhere you feel free". wahhh.
7. Like Ships Need the Sea by Emily Hearn
Finally, you gave me the hope I'd awaited /Finally, you gave me your heart /Gladly I gave you the love you'd awaited / Gladly I gave you my heart
Adventuring: Callie
from Callie's perspective, loving Arthur was also learning what she truly did and didn't care about re: nobility and duty. Whether her family approves or not this is what she wants and she's going to have him.
8. Andante Cantabile by Brian Crain
Contentment: Both
bekah thought it was pretty. i agreed. morgan doesn't get to weigh in on the instrumentals.
9. Bella (Reprise) by Native Culture
Oh Bella, you waited for me / Oh Bella, I am yours the way I always longed to be / No more dreaming at a distance that is far too much to bear / I'm abandoning my whole life just to breathe in your same air / Cause you've been standing on the shoreline, now I'll finally meet you there
(Re)Union: Both
A late addition to the playlist courtesy of Bekah. The original Bella is on the calart secondary playlist, but this one gets a spot HERE because it's so much more cinematic.
You remember the "Callie and Arthur part ways after her welcome home ball and spend weeks pining for each other and then when they both can't bear it anymore, Callie sends to Arthur to ask him to please come back for her and he's Already standing outside her bedroom window waiting to tell her he couldn't go one step further without her at his side and they run to meet each other on the stairway and it's the world's best kiss?" scene I mentioned earlier? This plays over that and then it plays AGAIN over their wedding day montage and ends with their first kiss as husband and wife as they get to start their lives together all over again, and. Yeah. Yeah.
10. Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer
Kiss me out of the bearded barley / Nightly, beside the green, green grass /Swing, swing, swing the spinning step / You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress, oh
We'll Be In Love...: Callie
They fell in love adventuring!!! It's just sweet outdoors imagery idk idk idk!!!!!!! And also . this song and the next one opening on fields of barley imagery. idk idk idk!!!!!!!!!!!
11. Fields of Gold by Sting
Will you stay with me? Will you be my love? / Among the fields of barley / We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky / As we lie in fields of gold
We'll Be In Love...: Arthur
The outdoorsy imagery again!!! the barley!!!! Also the way this song tips into kids and growing old at the end, really bridging into the next part of the playlist about the "ever after" that follows "happily".
12. Band of Gold by Grey Havens
I'm never getting over you, no, I never will be over you / Yes, I threw away the key that bound my heart to yours / To the bottom of the sea, I don't need it anymore /There's no turning back for us, there's only moving forward
...For As Long As We Have: Callie
Callie got a whole lecture from her parents before she ever set out with the OG party about what it would Mean to give herself to Arthur. To a Human Man. When she's an Elf. She knows. She doesn't care. She'd rather lose him in love than out of it.
13. If We Were Vampires by Chester See
Maybe time running out is a gift, I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift / And give you every second I can find and hope it isn't me who's left behind / It's knowing that this can't go on forever / Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone / Maybe we'll get forty years together / But one day I'll be gone or one day you'll be gone
...For As Long As We Have: Arthur
from bekah: "can i put if we were vampires on it makes me want to die. IMAGINE ARTHUR SINGING THIS"
14. Ezra by Becca Vanderbeck
And honey, how I wonder what this life for you will be / Will it take you to the mountains? Will it take you to the sea? / Whether high upon the tallest peak or way down in the deep / Forever my baby, my baby you will be
To Theo: Callie
15. Fight the Dragons by Norbert Leo Butz (Big Fish OST)
'Cause there's one more adventure waiting 'round another bend/ Where I fight the dragons and I storm the castles and I win a battle or two / But then a feeling comes like fifty thousand drums / All banging, "Bring my stories home to you"
To Theo: Arthur
I sent this to Bekah possibly before theo even had a name. It's soooooo. Theo looked up to Arthur and his heroics SO much as a kid. Walked around with a nerf sword replica of Arthur's broadsword constantly. Wore the Bannett Armor t-shirt threadbare. Played with the Arthur action figure until all the paint rubbed off.
And this is just ... Arthur loved that Theo loved it. Nothing could make him prouder. His boy! Following in his footsteps! That's all he's ever wanted really! Bonus points for fighting a dragon being how he and callie met.
16. The Tree by The Family Crest
And I'll be yours for all time / In time, you wrapped your roots around me, and how I found you in the weeds / You were the sea, and I was the soil, here in the earth, our roots they did coil / Entwined, now our hearts form a life, form a legacy
Legacy: Both (Callie?)
sent on discord at 6:14 am: "it's not a lot of Coherent thoughts but just like . the tree imagery as something that lives for hundreds or thousands of years if it's kept safe, and Callie with all the lifespan shit, and Arthur as the soil and the weeds and the things that are important but get grown away from in time and ALSO!!!! all the focus on memory and legacy and history for them both as Heroes TM but also as . literally royal lineage. and ALSO ALSO memory and history and legacy bc WITHIN CALLIES LIFESPAN they (Arthur and Theo) are Going to become memorials to her"
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lesbian-in-leather · 8 months
For the fandom ships ask; Merlin, and Once upon a time?
Oooh thank you!!
OTP: This is not going to be the popular choice but honestly,,, Merlin/Morgana. I think they had such a facinating dynamic and I would have loved to see the writers follow through with it, especially in the later series. Doomed from the start and intrinsically linked, everyone telling him it's a bad idea for different reasons, everyone telling her she couldn't possibly be with him........ yeah, that's the good shit
Favourite canon pairing: Arthur and Gwen were SO cute and I'm happy for them (and their third, Merlin)
Worst pairing ever: Gwen/Lancelot, specifically when he got back because obviously. He wasn't him, she was spelled, and worst of all, there was never any resolution. Still haunted by the fact that everyone expect Merlin (including Gwen herself) really thinks she just. Cheated on Arthur. Heartbreaking
Guilty pleasure pairing: Morgana and Gwen <3 They're so cute and also the HEARTBREAK,,, when Morgana comes back and Gwen pretends to still be her friend and,,,,,,,,, THEM. The guilty part comes from the fact that I know a lot of this ship comes form the "get the women out of the way for mlm ship" mentality, but that's obviously not why I like it soooooo
A pairing you want to see more: Honestly both Morgana/Gwen and Merlin/Morgana. I know everyone loves Arthur/Merlin and they ARE fuckin valid and cute, but I really feel more people should multi-ship because Merlin has SUCH good dynamics with other people, and despite people *saying* they ship Morgana/Gwen there is a suspicious lack of content for them
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Honestly I feel like I haven't spent enough time in the fandom for this?? I can't think of any, but that might just be because, again, I am a shameless multi-shipper and polyam enjoyer
Favourite non-romantic pair: Gwen and Merlin! I know they had a lil fling early on, but they became such a solid platonic duo and also I think it'd be really funny when they just casually mention that one time they kissed. Everyone would be scandalous (Arthur especially. "What do you mean you kissed Merlin before me??")
Once Upon a Time
OTP: Swanqueen!!!!! Obviously. They were in LOVE and I will DIE on this hill
Favourite canon pairing: Okay okay okay I know this is controversial BUT. For the reasons of "I enjoy fucked up people and their fucked up dynamics" ........Rumple/Evil Queen
Worst pairing ever: Robin/Regina. I liked that she was happy and that's about the only good thing I have to say about it like,,, come on. I just. Why
Guilty pleasure pairing: Okay okay hear me out. Captain Hook/Evil Queen. I just feel like, in the enchanted forest,,,,,,,, some shit happened. And I also think it makes their dynamic funnier when they meet again in Storybrook (see the non-romantic pair)
A pairing you want to see more: Ruby/Belle! Ruby was obviously fruity af and I always thought they'd be a cute couple but there is. not much support there lmao
That pairing everyone likes but you’re like “lol no”: Honestly? Belle/Rumple. She deserved better! Girlie was NOT down with the atrocities and they were wayyyy too much a part of him. Every time he tried to twist himself in knots to be a Good Person (especially when he was the Dark One?? Like, we saw with Emma, it was such a strong compulsion warping their minds, he very much tried to resist it but he also. Literally couldn't. The fuckin saviour couldn't like why are you blaming him) and failed, she'd get so mad and leave and then,,,, the writers would throw them back together again. Like lads. Let them go. Please
Favourite non-romantic pair: Regina/Killian. I think their interactions were SO fucking funny and she hated him so much. The bullying. The nicknames. Him sitting there like a wet cat. His best scenes were when he was alone with her and wish we'd lent into that instead of pushing his ~relationship~ with Emma
Send me a fandom and I'll answer these questions!
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So I've been seeing that OC asks thing that's been floating around by @yvesdot and decided to take a crack at it with Miriam, so fair warning, this will be a long post.
1: Doesn't really sleep with stuffed animals but absolutely would if given one. Miriam is incredibly fond of soft fluffy objects so I imagine she'd love to have one.
2: She should be able to take care of one, she's half dryad after all. Which is ironic considering she's half vampire. Has been known to be very fond of cats and pigeons, still very miffed that pigeons are considered dirty. Also could take care of a child, though she'd be a strict mother.
3: Miriam doesn't have a currently have a love interest aside from a joke ship, however she was with Carmilla (different from gonzo my version is more based on the book that predates Dracula) and she'd probably say "She's beautiful with the way her eyes can appear to be the colour of soil to the brightest of rubies. She is a soul like no other, sweeter than the sweetest strawberry and yet can be more vicious than the sharpest thorn. I gladly fight in her stead, wetting my blade with blood in her name."
4: Yes, yes she does. The only reason I don't put her in red more often is because otherwise she can look a bit too much like Alucard. Thankfully she's not as allergic to colour as he is lmao
5: If the situation demands it or she gets frustrated enough, the genes to be dramatic has been passed down. She will mostly give ones meant to kick men into gear due her history as a general, or she'll make a speech about the uselessness of fighting for nothing, a hollow thing in her eyes.
6: Person she always takes advice no matter what? Hmm, does it count if it was a dead man? Alive it would probably be Irons whom she trusts despite being older than him, dead the man who mentored her. As for person she never takes advice from no matter what would probably be Arthur or the pope, my gal hates the church with a passion.
7: In three words? Morally grey, wrathful, determined. For her, she'd describe herself as Godless, unnatural, and a bastard.
8: She likes puzzles, they're entertaining to her, loves the ones that you have to put together to make different shapes. A fan of mysteries as well.
9: empathizes with books, specifically the burned ones because it reminds her of herself and how humans try to get rid of her as well.
10: Probably when she was 212 because she'd have been with Carmilla at the time, who made her feel like a person and not an abomination of God.
11: Save, this woman only really uses money for bribes or when she needs to legally buy something like property.
12: Enjoys romance because she can dream for a little bit that she's normal and doesn't have to be careful with whom she interacts with
13: From her mother? How to make tea from Garlic flowers; from her father? To learn to be more okay with feeding and learn how to use her more vampiric abilities more effectively and efficiently.
14: Yes, this woman's guilty pleasure is garlic, she is also allergic to garlic. Fortunately it's the flowers she really has to worry about, and the garlic just gives her mild food poisoning.
15: Probably social functions that are just there to flaunt wealth and nothing more. Also thinks hunting for the sport of it is also a waste of time (and wasteful in general).
16: Honestly? She'd probably indulge a little in a fine dress, because she does like pretty dresses, but mostly would wear pants and more soft fabrics yet pretty fabrics with a lot of beading.
17: Yes, she is fond of them
18: tongue, all the way, might even playfully nip or get a fang "accidentally" caught on a lip.
19: Will study before tests, will wing it with interviews.
20: hurdy-gurdy, loves it to bits.
21: honestly? Betraying her, or otherwise being dishonest over a long period of time. Might just straight up eat her partner if they're abusive.
22: loves pet names, will default to ones from other Ukrainian or Romanian, usually the latter. Most used would be iubițel or iubi. Has been known to give nicknames to specific people, like Integra she might call Ursuleț or little bear.
23: Novelty, though she thinks she wishes for Stability, what she actually wants is to not have to worry about fighting or bloodshed for at least a century.
24: Honesty
25: Possibility, this woman might have grown tired of bloodshed, but she's not opposed to taking beneficial opportunities when she sees them.
26: A mix of both, admires talent, but admires effort more, for effort will turn into talent with enough time.
27: Vengeance all the way, this woman killed a man's entire family one by one before killing because he killed her lover, and before that was a killer of those who killed werewolves when she found them, sometimes going so far to kill members of the church. Definitely has a blood price sort of mentality.
28: She is the fixer upper, or she'd make them worse, no in between
29: Has a tendency to dream of the church or to dream of finding Carmilla's dead body or her mentor and his pack dead.
30: Probably raise Carmilla back from the dead just for a night, but knows better than to subject her beloved to that.
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mikonez · 4 months
i dont know what malevolent is. but pls tell me about priest boy, im begging,,,
HAPPILY I'm so glad you asked I never want to shut up about him <3
[I'm guessing you don't mind spoilers? if you do, don't read under the cut and shoot me another ask djdjd]
So,,, priest boy is called Oscar Nolastname and he is the love of my life, likely severely depressed, likely an alcoholic (not selling this very well ummmm), sopping wet cat, Scottish but lives in 1930 nyc, runs a soup kitchen, gets his arm chopped off by the man he's know for one (1) day whom he has called his purpose within a few hours of knowing him (arm chopping was necessary, Arthur didn't just, like, go crazy). He's literally the sweetest guy ever and deserves the world and I want to give him a lil kiss ❗️❗️❗️
unfortunately he's only in season 4 (ep 32 to 38) but! I'm currently daydreaming about blackmailing harlan (the podcast creator) into giving us more oscar like a normal and perfectly sane person would
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stardxxstbae · 1 year
Hey! Sorry for the wait I was a little busy but here's chapter three. Let me know what you think about this one! I will try to bring the next chapters before I go back to college (the spanish version is updated until chapter eight on wattpad so there's plenty of content) Anyways if you want more content of this story you should follow me on ig (@star.dxxst) I post a lot about this. Hope you guys are doing great!
Previous: chapter 2
Her gaze darted from side to side. She knew she shouldn't be so nervous, but she couldn't help it. She had already mistaken two guys, thinking they were Charles. They had spent an hour in the park, and yet Amélie couldn't calm down.
"So, we'll pretend that Esteban is Eliane's dad?" Arthur asked while swinging the baby in his arms.
"Only if it's necessary, and by necessary, I mean if we run into Charles," she said firmly.
Both boys nodded gently, believing that it wouldn't work, but Arthur knew his brother was quite absent-minded when it came to those things, so it would probably be easy to make him believe the Esteban story.
"Why didn't you choose someone more handsome?" Arthur asked, earning a laugh from Matteo.
"Esteban isn't ugly," Amélie defended her friend, and they both looked at her with a questioning gaze. She immediately rolled her eyes. "Before you say anything, no, I'm not dating Esteban."
Arthur let out a sigh of relief, and the blonde frowned at him, to which he simply shrugged. The younger brother still hoped that his brother and Amélie could rekindle their relationship.He knew better than anyone how much Charles had suffered, and of course, he also knew how much Amélie had suffered. He had heard them both cry at night, and he had comforted them through their nightmares.
"Ticky hands," Eliane said, reaching out her hands towards Arthur as he moved back. "ThurThur look."
"I see them," he said, laughing.
But Eliane didn't seem amused. She loved eating sweets but disliked having sticky hands. The sensation was unpleasant, and when she was younger, she used to cry when that happened.
"Let me find the wet wipes," she said, opening her bag.
When she found them, the girl climbed down from her uncle's lap and ran to her mother, stretching out her hands, which her mother cleaned meticulously.
"tenk," she said.
"You're welcome," her mother replied.
Then Eliane decided it was a good idea to play with her uncle Matteo, and they started chasing each other, giving Arthur the opportunity to approach Amélie.
"Do you plan on telling Charles someday?" he asked seriously. Amélie pressed her lips together in a thin line and let out a heavy sigh. "Do you miss him? Have you considered going back to him?"
"Of course I miss him, every day of my life," she responded with a sad smile. "But everything is even more difficult now than it was before. He must already have plans that don't include me, let alone a baby."
"He has always dreamed of your return, Ames," he replied. "Believe me, I don't think he would mind much if you have a daughter, if you're married... He will always find a way to include you in his plans."
A smile filled with nostalgia appeared on Amélie's lips. She liked to imagine that one day she would magically reunite with Charles and everything would be as it once was. But she knew there was a possibility that Charles would hate her for hiding such a secret from him.
"Eliane, no!" Matteo ran after the girl, trying not to lose sight of her. "She's going after the cat!"
Amélie rolled her eyes. Eliane loved animals, especially cats, so it was difficult for her to give up chasing after it. The blonde woman began running after them. However, the park was as tangled as a maze, and within seconds, Eliane had disappeared from her sight among the bushes.
She called out to her calmly the first three times, but by the fourth, her heart was pounding heavily in her chest, and by the tenth, she felt her head spinning and heard a ringing in her ears. She hoped she wouldn't faint before finding her daughter.
When she felt she couldn't bear the desperation any longer, she spotted Eliane's brown overalls. Eliane was with a man whom Amélie didn't even look at because finding her daughter was more important in that moment.
"Eliane!" she shouted as she ran to snatch her from his arms.
He began speaking, but Amélie couldn't hear the first few words clearly.
"Don't worry, she's fine. I stopped her in time..."
"You have no idea how grateful I am..."
Finally, she lifted her gaze, and everything blurred around her. Her heart, which had been starting to slow down, began racing again. Her body trembled, and it felt as if she had jumped off the tallest building in the world.
It was him, it was Charles. Her Charles.
She whispered his name because she didn't know what else to say. He wasn't supposed to be there, so close to Eliane, so close to her.
"Mon petit lune..."
Matteo, who was running behind his sister and niece, came to an abrupt halt upon witnessing the scene. Nervousness coursed through his body because Arthur was there, and there was no way they could explain to Charles why they were out with him.
So, for the youngest Dupont sibling, the simplest solution was to literally tackle Arthur to prevent him from approaching them. He also made sure to cover Arthur's mouth.
"Hey, you idiot!" he complained as he struggled in Matteo's grasp.
"Look, look!" Matteo whispered, pointing towards where their siblings were.
"Oh no..."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Her heart had shattered into a thousand pieces when Matteo came to take the child away, and Amélie had been too worried that he would take her. She had given Matteo a thousand and one instructions to make sure he wouldn't let her escape again, and she had leaned down to plant a kiss on the child's forehead, when the girl called her "mom."
«So this is what Max and Pierre didn't want me to see,» he thought for a moment, then silently thanked them because Charles probably wouldn't have been able to handle seeing something like that on the news. The outcome would have been catastrophic, and although the current situation wasn't much better, at least he had Amélie in front of him to clarify all his doubts.
And Charles truly had doubts. Thousands of questions swirled in his mind, preventing him from thinking clearly. He wanted to know every detail, he wanted her to say something. And despite his desire to resolve his doubts, what he wanted most was to embrace her, to have her in his arms again. But he couldn't, because he didn't know how she would react, and the rejection would break his heart even more.
"So, is she yours? " he asked after they had exchanged the most trivial of greetings.
Amélie swallowed heavily, her breathing grew labored, and she forced herself to remain calm, recalling the script she had rehearsed in her mind. She nodded gently, and Charles sighed.
Anxiety grew within his chest, and the questions piled up impressively. Charles didn't know much about children's ages or how they were supposed to look, but that child was probably around two years old... Or a little older, or a little younger. That amount of time lingered in his mind for a while.
"She's beautiful," he murmured, smiling, and Amélie looked at him sadly before nodding once again. "How old is she?"
"She'll be turning two in July," she whispered.
For a moment, Charles thought that maybe...
It was a foolish thought, but no one could judge him. It was the love of his life. Everyone takes their thoughts to the extreme when it comes to the love of their life, and Charles was no exception.
That option was discarded as quickly as it had appeared.
"And the father?" he couldn't contain himself. He wanted it to be certain. If he had to have his hopes shattered, he wanted her to do it.
"Charles, what's with all the questions?" she asked, fixing her hair, suddenly feeling trapped.
Amélie never truly believed she would have to face this. She never knew how it would be because in her mind, it was impossible and would never happen. So, in reality, she wasn't prepared, despite having a story.
She wasn't prepared to say everything she knew she had to say under Charles' watchful gaze, under those attentive green eyes that were probably welling up with tears. Amélie wasn't prepared for the pain she felt in her chest because she hated seeing Charles with that look of suffering, because she wanted to throw away her stupid lie and tell him the whole truth. But then she remembered how happy she had seen him winning those races, the excitement it brought to everyone when the Ferrari was among the leaders...
"To be a world champion with Ferrari," Charles had replied to Amélie during their early dates when she asked about his greatest dream.
And he was about to achieve it. He had to achieve it.
"Well... I'm very curious. I want to know who the lucky guy is," he said, his voice breaking a little as he spoke.
Amélie furrowed her brow. The rumors were all over the tabloids. Hadn't he seen anything? Maybe he already knew, maybe he just wanted to hear her say it because the press was never reliable, and he wanted to know if it was true.
"Esteban," she said as quickly as she could, fearing her own cowardice.
Charles' heart stopped for a second. He didn't want it to be true. He didn't want it to be that Esteban. How could it be him? They were supposed to be friends.
"Esteban Ocon? That Esteban?" The soft nod from Amélie shattered his heart even more.
She realized the situation and suddenly remembered the terms she had agreed upon with her friend, so she hurried to speak.
"But we're not together," she clarified, and the way Charles' eyes lit up again made her smile softly. "It's a long story."
"Is he taking responsibility?" he asked with a tone that Amélie couldn't interpret.
"Yes... We're just not together," she repeated. "But we're okay with each other. There are no hard feelings. Things just didn't work out."
Charles nodded, understanding the situation. He would be lying again if he said he didn't feel a sense of relief that they weren't together. If someone could hear his thoughts, they would probably call him a selfish bastard because, of course, the child had the right to have her father present. But Charles was truly glad that wasn't the case.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, trying to sound sincere.
They remained silent for a moment, neither of them knowing exactly what to say or do. As the seconds passed, Charles realized the reality of the situation. The love of his life was standing in front of him, and he had just found out that she had a child with someone who wasn't him. It was a fact then that she had moved on with her life, and while things may not have worked out with Esteban, they must have been in love at some point, and the mere thought twisted his stomach.
Amélie could sense that he was deep in thought. She knew every one of his gestures, and the atmosphere was tense, suffocating her.
"Charles, I know this is difficult to process, considering everything we went through," she whispered. "Maybe at some point, if you're willing, we can sit down and talk about all of this..."
"Yeah... we could do that," he replied.
She had noticed his distant gaze, the rapid rise and fall of his chest, and the trembling of his hands.
Amélie recognized an anxiety attack when she saw one, but she had never seen Charles have one before, and she didn't know how to help him.
"I mean... Yes, we can talk, but... Is it hot?" he said as he paced back and forth. "I... I don't know..."
"Come, sit down," she tried to reach for his arm, but Charles pulled away abruptly.
"No! I don't want... you to touch me," he muttered, and Amélie felt her heart break a little, but she nodded gently. The driver slumped onto a bench and covered his face with both hands.
His entire body trembled, and his thoughts were incoherent. He felt overwhelmed, on the verge of exploding, and he didn't want her to see him like this. Because he felt betrayed and wanted answers. He wanted her to tell him why she hadn't come back. She had promised to return, and she hadn't, and now that she did, she came with a child and a life already built. Had she been happy all that time while he had to suffer? It didn't seem fair to him.
"Charles, tell me what to do, please," she whispered with a broken voice. "It hurts to see you like this. Tell me how to help you."
"Just call Max," he said, taking his phone out of his pocket and handing it to her.
"Max? Isn't it better if I call Arthur?"
"Amélie, please, just call Max."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
He slowly opened his eyes, expecting the glaring light to hit them, but it didn't. He sat up on the bed and realized he wasn't in his room. A moment of panic gripped his body, but it faded when the door opened, and he saw Max entering.
"About time, Sleeping Beauty," Max said, entering with a glass of water and a couple of pills.
"What am I doing here?"
"Same question I'm asking myself," Max shrugged. "They called me to come pick you up from the park."
Then Charles remembered everything that had happened, and his head spun. He thought he had overcome the uncontrollable anxiety, but apparently, he hadn't fully. He recalled Amélie's face, and his heart throbbed painfully. He shook his head, not wanting to think about it at that moment.
"I'm sorry," Charles apologized to Max. "I didn't mean to bother you."
"No problem, but why me?" Max asked.
"I didn't want to see pitying faces," he shrugged, and Max chuckled. "I know you won't do that."
"No, but give me a moment," Max handed him what he was holding. "Take these pills and rest a bit before getting up."
Charles looked at the pills with distrust. He had been medicated once before after a crisis, and he didn't want to experience what he had felt back then. Max knew this, so he rolled his eyes and shook his head.
"It's just Ibuprofen and a valerian pill," Max said simply. Charles frowned at him. "Yes, Charles, I take some herbal shit for anxiety. Take it and shut up."
The Monegasque chuckled as he took both pills and reclined back on the bed. Max sat on the bed as well, not uttering a word, and they stayed like that for a while until Charles broke the silence.
"I messed up, didn't I?" he asked, with one arm covering his eyes.
"Yes and no," Charles looked at him confused. "Could you have handled it better? Definitely. But it was a lot of emotions in an absurdly short amount of time. It's normal that you exploded."
"Now she's going to think I'm an unstable idiot," he complained, burying his face in a pillow.
"Charles, that's what you are," the pillow landed on Verstappen's face, and he burst into laughter. "Okay, seriously, how did it feel to find her?"
Charles immediately sat up, crossing his legs and holding a pillow in his arms, giving Max the impression of being at a sleepover.
"I can't put into words what I felt when I saw her, Max," he said, and a huge smile appeared on his face. "She's as beautiful as the first time I saw her, even more so. I thought that if I saw her again, I would realize that I love her less than before, but that didn't happen."
"No, I wanted to hug her, kiss her... Ask her every detail of the past three years. I wanted to know everything about her, if she was okay, and tell her how much I've missed her."
"You're disgustingly cheesy," the Dutchman joked. "But that's good, it means we know you still have some feelings for her."
"I love her."
"That..." he smiled. "And... what about the other thing? You know, about her daughter."
"That was a tough blow," he murmured, nodding. "She told me who the father is..."
"No way!" Max exclaimed, paying close attention and sitting up on the bed. "Who is it?"
"Esteban," Charles said with regret, and Max looked at him in disbelief. "Esteban Ocon."
"How? How did she end up with that idiot?" he asked incredulously. "And besides, weren't you guys friends? What the hell happened? How?"
"I didn't ask for the details, Max," Charles shrugged, shaking his head. "They were always quite close, anyway. Esteban and I... We became acquaintances more than friends over time. I guess it was the opposite with her."
"You're my friend, and that doesn't mean we're going to have a baby together."
"I'm just saying! Why would she do that?" he defended himself, shaking his head. "How did she keep it a secret for so long? And their relationship? I never thought they had that kind of connection."
Charles looked at him confused. "She said things didn't work out between them, so they're not together anymore."
"No... Amélie used to post photos and videos with Esteban, but they never gave off that vibe."
"Well... She said the child will turn two in July," Max made a face that Charles couldn't interpret. "Amélie must have been pregnant around October... or something like that, assuming the baby was born after nine months."
"Look at you, you're quite the mathematician," he said, laughing. "So, her relationship with Esteban started a couple of months before then."
Something just didn't add up in all of this. Max felt that there was something that simply didn't make sense. With that thought in mind, he got up from the bed and rummaged through the drawers, grabbing a small pink notebook adorned with adorable drawings, including a unicorn and a purple dog that Charles recognized.
The Ferrari driver raised an eyebrow and chuckled as Max picked up a rabbit-shaped pen and started writing.
"What are you doing?"
"Something doesn't feel right," he muttered while continuing to write. "Maybe it's just my paranoia, but just in case, I'll start an investigation."
"An investigation?" Charles shook his head. "She already said the child is Esteban's. Why would you doubt it?"
"Because the child is beautiful, and Esteban is not."
"But Amélie is beautiful! And I'm sure the child has more of her features than Esteban's."
"Well, then I won't include you in my investigation," he shrugged and closed the notebook, locking it with the small heart-shaped padlock. "I'll do it on my own."
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
She made a grimace and tilted her head, watching her daughter eat. Eliane was sitting next to her uncle as he helped her with her salad.
"I don't know, Marta," she murmured on the phone. "A few days ago, I ran into Charles, and it was chaotic."
"Charles won't come. Joris has removed him from every group in Monaco, so I don't think he has any idea we're going out," she heard her friend laugh. "We miss you here, beautiful."
"I also have to put Eliane to sleep," she said thoughtfully.
"Why don't you think about it and let me know? Although we would really love for you to come. There are so many things I need to tell you."
"Alright, I'll call you in a while."
It had been a long time since Amélie went out to a party. Motherhood, along with her career, consumed most of her time, so she had forgotten about late-night outings, except for her fashion events, where she also didn't stay longer than necessary.
Moreover, the encounter with Charles had left a bitter taste in her mouth because everything had gone wrong. If his presence was going to affect him that badly every time, it would be best for her to distance herself from his environment.
"I think you should go," her mom commented when Amélie hung up the phone. "They're your friends, and it's been a long time since you've seen them. You should take advantage of being here to catch up with everyone."
"But Eliane..."
"I would be delighted to spend time with her," her mother interrupted. "And your brother can help me."
"What? I'm also invited to the party," the mentioned brother complained, but he retracted his statement under their mom's threatening gaze. "Anyway, I didn't want to go."
"I don't want to inconvenience you, Mom," she smiled softly. "I'll go another time."
"It's not up for discussion, young lady. You need to break out of your mother shell," her mom said with tenderness. "You need time for yourself, and I'm sure you're dying to see the girls."
There was some truth in her mother's words. She didn't know how long she would stay in Monaco, so she was excited to see her friends. Besides, the plan didn't involve taking Eliane out, so she could keep her safe from curious looks and inappropriate questions.
She thought about it for a moment and sighed. Perhaps a bit of distraction was what she needed.
"You're right," she murmured, and her mother smiled widely. "I promise not to take so long."
"Don't worry."
Excitement flooded her body. She felt like a teenager again as she picked up her phone and immediately called Marta, who answered with shouts of joy upon hearing that she had decided to go.
She just hoped things wouldn't be too chaotic.
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