#Malikai’s gaybies
malikaihii · 2 years
Don’t Cry, Darling
poly!ghostface x Plus Sized!Enby !Reader
Summary: Randy was making a bunch of weight jokes, some cruel some disturbing, only stopping when your boys show up to see your tears.
Warnings: Bullying + sexual harassment , comments on weight, dirty comments, Angst? Hurt/comfort, a few punches, Death threats, fem representing nb (afab), cursing
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You anxiously await the obnoxious school bell ringing. You just can’t wait to go home, and finally change out of your outfit. You knew when you got dressed this morning you were going to hate your outfit. You knew it, yet you didn’t seem to care. Yet now, several hours later, you do. The black denim skirt reached to the very tip of your fingers, but it would continuously ride up and the tight white shirt showcased a few of your rolls, and was quite tight in your chest area. Let’s not even start on the little star and moon tights you’re wearing. Everything Feels tight, and is suddenly making you feel quite dysphoric.
The bell rings, and almost instantly you are out of the door. You hurry to your locker to grab the rest of your things before heading over to Billy’s car.
Just as you are about to reach the parking lot, where you already see the car is on and the boys are inside waiting, Randy grabs your wrist to face him. He’s with a few other friends but you don’t know who they are, nor do you care.
“Where you going, sweet cheeks?” Randy asks, making you nearly gag.
“Home? The bell just rang?” You respond.
“Awh? Wanna come to my house first? Dying to know how those fat thighs feel wrapped around my cock.” He winks.
You pull your wrist away, “You disgust me.”
“So does your ugly rolls, popping out of the shirt you’re wearing. You should be lucky he even offers for you. You know the only thing you have going for you is your tits and ass.” Laughs one of Randy’s friends.
You try to shove past them, starting to get upset. You’re used to Randy’s harassment but it still hurts hearing those words. They stop you before You can even get a step past, suddenly forming a sort of barricade to trap you.
“You know, I’m sure all that fat is at least good for a quick thigh or tit job, though, don’t even thing of face riding. You’d be dead in an instant.” The same guy from earlier says, starting to poke at your things.
“Just let me go, please” You try to plead.
“Awh, look at them. It’s pathetic, really” Randy laughs.
He grabs your arm, pulling you against him, and whispers in your ear, “Stop your crying fatass, you know this is all you’re good for. Except it, you’re nothing but a quick fuck. Only good if you’re covered though, seriously, babe, the rolls are hideous.”
You sob as you continue trying to push past them, “Please! I just want to go home.”
“Please, the whore is probably going to her two boyfriends house like the whore she is, can’t even pick one man.” Another one of the guys say, enticing laughs from the rest.
——————Stu & Billy—————————-
The boys are getting frustrated. The bell rang fifteen minutes ago, where the hell are you?
“God, they need to hurry the fuck up.” Billy complains, lighting a cigarette, which he hands to Stu before lighting one for himself.
“I know, they said they’d come straight to us.” Stu whines, pausing slightly before adding in a much more serious voice, “You don’t think something happened to them, do you?”
“Give it five minutes, if they aren’t here by then, then we worry. Okay, Stu?” Billy decides, earning a nod from the blonde boy.
You are starting to hyperventilate, you’ve been trapped between these guys for ten minutes and the show no sign of losing interest in making fun of you. Your mind gets filled with worried thoughts, and your ears start ringing slightly as the continue to pick fun at you. You aren’t catching all of the words they’re saying, but you are picking up a few, “Slut”, “whore”, “fatass”, “fatty”, “loser”, “ugly”, “disgusting”, and many other unkind words. You’re scared. You’ve never been this scared, why won’t they let me go?
You’re full on sobbing now, you can’t control it. You’re embarrassed about it, but the tears keep falling.
—————-Stu and billy——————
“Okay, let’s go. Something’s up.” Billy says when the five minutes pass, both him and Stu hurrying out of the car.
The second the get out they see it, a large group of guys standing oddly.
“What the fuck are those guys doing? What are they blocking?” Stu questions.
“I don’t know. That’s not important though, let’s just find y/n” Billy answers.
The start walking towards the building, freezing when they hear the quietest, “please” coming form behind the random guys.
“Randy?” Stu mutters, recognizing one of the males.
They are behind confused, slowly walking towards there. Who was behind messed with and why did it sound like-
“Y/n, c’mon, just let me take you home. You know you want it, I’ll pretend like you’re not just a fat toy.” The boys hear Randy say.
They see red. Why the fuck was a bunch of guys surrounding they’re partner? Quickly, the run over to the guys and push them away, confirming that it is you that was trapped. Billy quickly turns on Randy while Stu immediately comes to you.
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. C’mon. Let’s get you to the car. Shhhh, don’t cry, darling.” Stu says, taking the keys from Billy quickly removing you from the scene before Billy nearly kills the guys.
“You do not fucking mess with them again, or I will murder you. Do you understand me?” Billy sneers.
Randy laughs, “I’d like to see you try.”
He shouldn’t have said that. Billy pounces instantly. He’s straddling the boy as he throws punch after punch at the boy. The whole concrete is covered in red and the other guys quickly run. Billy would probably have killed him right there if he didn’t already have plans forming in his head on ways to torture Randy and his friends.
Getting off of him, Billy grabs his collar and drags him upwards before spitting in his face and throwing him back, “Don’t ever even think about them again. Y’hear me? Or I won’t be as nice.”
He quickly walks to the car and spends the rest of the night comforting you and reading you that they think you are the most attractive person they ever met, both physically and mentally. Only waiting until you’re asleep to sneak off and start planning their revenge for you.
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malikaihii · 2 years
Accidents| Five x GN!reader
Warnings: violence, swearing, mentions of blood and possible gore?
Summary: Your brother Diego is your closest friend; you sensed that he had been paranoid every since escaping the mental hospital and you decided to check on him. When he accidentally stabs your shoulder and Five finds out a whole bunch of comfort and yelling arrives.
(You were the Eighth Hargreeve sibling. Your abilities include immortality and pyrokenesis.)
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You quietly hummed along to the music playing through your headphones as you quickly walked down the street. You had just stopped at a small coffee shop to grab a black coffee and a frosted cream donut; Diego’s favorites.
You’re brother Diego had been extra paranoid lately, You had ignored at first, figuring he may have just been a bit shook since he had been a mental hospital for God knows how long, but a week has passed and it just seems to be getting worse. So, you decide you’ll pay him a visit.
Arriving at the room Diego was staying in, you open the door. Looking back at it, you probably shouldn’t have just barged into the room of a paranoid man who slept with knives and was blessed with perfect aim, but it’s too late now. You’re immediately met with a sharp pain in your shoulder and a less painful sting in your cheek. You let out a quite scream at not only the shock of being met with knives but also the pain surging through your body.
“Y/N? Shit!” Diego comes rushing over to you. Hs didn’t know it was you who entered the room or he wouldn’t have thrown the knives, he feels so guilty for hurting you as he examines the knife in your should and the cut on your cheek; he assumes it was from the second knife resting calmly in the wall.
“This is what I get for deciding to check in on you.” You sigh, slightly groaning in pain as Diego moves you towards his bed.
Since you are immortal, wounds usually close up pretty quick depending on the size. They used to close up much faster when you were little since your father would also force Diego to throw knives at you and see how long you could close them. That was how you too became so close, Diego’s guilt leading to him feeling a constant need to be around you to ensure you don’t hate him. It’s quite fucked up to be honest. Anyway, the pain for the injuries will stay until the regular time the injury would have resided but the injury itself would close up in less than a day only leaving a few wrinkles from the scar (unless it’s like a tiny cut like the one on your cheek).
Diego removes the knife, wincing slightly at your half scream half sob.
After calming down and getting used to the pain, you turn to Diego already sensing his guilt.
“First off, I got you a coffee and donut. Eat up while it’s still somewhat warm. Secondly, I’m alright. It’s not your fault, I came by because I sensed you have been extra paranoid lately and wanted to check in on you. I should have knocked, especially since you’ve been paranoid. Don’t blame yourself, I’m fine. I’m immortal.”
Diego nods slightly, “Still, I’m sorry. I know you’re still going to be in pain for a while.”
“Nothing I haven’t felt before.” You give him a reassuring smile. You change the subject and the two of you spend an hour talking about why Diego has been so paranoid lately and how you can help him.
The hour passes and you decide you should go over to yours and Five’s room. It’s a bit father away from everyone else’s rooms. Well, as separate as it can be. Our room is a hidden one downstairs. You lightly knock on the door to let Five know you’re there before entering.
“Y/N, my love! Where have you been?” He hadn’t known that you had been upstairs since he has been locked away in the room trying to figure out an escape back to 2019.
“I was upstairs talking to Diego. He’s been extra paranoid lately.” You reply.
Five walks over two you and hugs you, wanting to relax for the first time all day. All thoughts of his relaxation disappear though, when he sees your small wince of pain at his arms touching your shoulder. He also feels the way the shirt has the feel of half dry half fresh blood lingering on it’s fabric. Quickly he turns you around and moves your shirt to see the stab wound; it had barely healed since it had only been an hour, unlike the wound on your cheek which was fully healed.
“Fuck, love. What the hell happ-“ he cuts himself off after he realizes what had to have happened. You said you visited Diego and that he’s been extra paranoid. “Diego did this?”
Noticing Five’s hardened expression you quickly try to calm him, “Five, love, he didn’t mean to. I entered his room without knocking, I was being stupid. Please sit down.”
He ignored you as he exits the room in a blue flash, leading to you running out of the room and up the stairs towards Diego’s room, wincing in pain every few seconds.
“DON’T YOU EVER HURT THEM !” You hear Five shout. Luther, Viktor, Elliot, and Lila all come rushing into the space before Diego’s room.
The boys burst out of his room, Five is full on fighting Diego physically now, shouting every so often. Everyone is trying to stop them but Five is too lost in his anger.
Finally having had enough, you conjure up a ball of fire the size of a golfball into your hand and throw it at the wall behind Five.
“ENOUGH! Five, I’m fine. Please, calm down.”
“Y/N! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??” He softens slightly when he sees you flinch slightly at his yelling, “My love, you should be resting.”
“I can’t let you kill my best friend!” You say, walking over to Diego. His face is blooding and he looks like he got much more injured than Five, who only has a bloody nose and a cut lip. “Five, it was an accident, let it go. Please?”
He can’t say know to you, “Fine. If this happens again, I’m not lying when I saw you will never see the light of day again.”
You both walk off as you go back to your room, five helps to reckless your wound and you help with his cut lip and bloodied nose.
Sorry it’s a bit bad.
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malikaihii · 2 years
Master list:
Scream 1996:
Don’t cry, Darling
Stranger Things:
Harry Potter:
Umbrella academy:
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malikaihii · 2 years
Prompt lists
“ Would it be alright if I borrowed your sweater? It smells like you.”
“Don’t get up- I’ll do it.”
“I’ll always be here for you.”
“I will always protect you, love”
“You look magical in the moonlight, my dear”
“It’s okay, I’m here. I’m not leaving, you’re safe.”
“C-can I just listen to your heartbeat?”
“I don’t care what they think, you’re perfect.”
“You don’t have to be alone.”
“It wasn’t meant to go this far! I swear!”
“You we’re reading to leave me for them…”
“Shhh. I know”
“It reminded me of you.”
“Get in the car. Let me drive you home.”
“The thought of losing you, scares me.”
“Just shut up and kiss me already”
“Can you just hold me?”
“You didn’t have to come, it’s late”
“How long…?” “Since the beginning”
“I hurt people, it’s all I’m good at.”
“Why me? You deserve more.”
“How much have you drank, love?”
“I’ll never hurt you. Ever.”
“You’re so annoying”
“I hate you.” “No you don’t.” “No I don’t”
“I’m glad you came.”
“I’m all yours, I’m not going anywhere”
“Please, talk to me next time.”
“C’mere. what’s wrong, baby?”
“Don’t cry, please. I hate seeing you cry”
“Of course it meant something!”
“Please, just stop yelling.”
“You promised me. YOU FUCKING PROMISED!”
“I don’t want to talk about it”
“I’m- I’m sorry, okay.”
“I had a nightmare.”
“Why do you sacrifice so much, just for me?”
“Do you know how much that meant to me?”
“Go. Get out. NOW!”
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malikaihii · 2 years
Asks are always open!!
You can request anything you’d like except smut, someone not listed, r@pe/or explicit s@ and do not get mad if I don’t do your request. I most likely had no idea for it or was uncomfortable writing it.
Master lists: https://malikairose.tumblr.com/post/690074991743713280/dont-cry-darling
Prompts: https://malikairose.tumblr.com/post/690078932913045504/prompt-lists
People I wrote about:
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley (only with female/NB readers unless you want a platonic portrayal)
Eddie Munson
OOC Billy Hargrove (Basically his character isn’t racist if I write him)
Jonathan Byers
Poly!Ronance (only with female/NB readers unless it’s platonic)
Harry Potter
Young!James Potter
Young!Sirius Black
Young!Peter Pettigrew
Young!Remus Lupin
Scream (1996)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Heather C
Heather D
Heather M
Keep in mind I will use gender Neutral terms unless asked other wise since I am non-binary!
Also not the biggest scream fan I just like billy and Stu so if it’s ever innacurate i apologize!!!
I also haven’t seen Heathers in a while so if anything is wrong that is why!!
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